Opera Account
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Try again.", "header": "Confirm that codes match"}, "QRCodeScanCode": {"header": "Scan the QR code with Opera for Android on your phone"}, "activeSessions": {"current": "Current session", "header": "Manage your logged Opera account sessions", "sessionDeleted": "Session was deleted successfully", "subheader": "You can manage your logged Opera account sessions, including which Opera service, location, and IP address were used while logged in. Managing logged sessions helps you identify suspicious activity on your account.", "unexpectedError": "An error occurred. Please try again."}, "alreadyMember": {"action": "Sign in", "question": "Already a member?"}, "authenticationForm": {"emailLabel": "Email", "emailPlaceholder": "Enter your email here", "forgotPassword": "Forgot password?", "loginHeader": "Enter your password", "passwordLabel": "Password", "passwordPlaceholder": "Enter your password here", "repeatPasswordLabel": "Retype password", "repeatPasswordLabelV3": "Re-enter Password", "repeatPasswordPlaceholder": "Retype your password here", "sessionExpired": "Session expired. Please try again.", "signupHeader": "Create account", "signupHeaderV3": "Create an Opera account", "startHeader": "Let\u0027s start with an email", "startHeaderV3": "Let\u0027s start with your email"}, "avatar": {"dragAndDropHere": "Drag and drop your picture here", "fileInvalid": "The file you selected isn\u0027t a valid image. Please select a file in .jpeg, .jpg or .png format.", "fileTooBig": "Maximum allowed file size is {filesize}MB - please upload a smaller file", "or": "Or", "photoRequirements": "Maximum file size is {filesize}MB. Allowed file types are .png, .jpeg and .jpg", "selectPhoto": "Select a photo", "serverIssues": "We\u0027re having some temporary server issues. Please try again later.", "setProfilePicture": "Set your profile picture", "tooManyRequests": "Too many requests. Please try again later.", "topBarHeader": "Change your profile picture", "uploadHeader": "Upload your new avatar", "uploading": "Uploading your avatar. Please wait.", "useDifferentPicture": "Use different picture", "validating": "Validating. You\u0027re almost done."}, "banner": {"outOfBackupCodes": "You\u0027ve used {used} of your {max} backup codes. Click here to generate new codes and avoid getting locked out of your account.", "verifyEmail": "Verify your email to activate your Opera account."}, "button": {"activate": "Activate", "back": "Back", "cancel": "Cancel", "change": "Change", "changeEmail": "Change email", "confirm": "Confirm", "connect": "Connect", "continue": "Continue", "copy": "Copy to clipboard", "createAccount": "Create account", "deactivate": "Deactivate", "delete": "Delete", "disconnect": "Disconnect", "download": "Download", "finish": "Finish", "hide": "Hide", "login": "Log in", "loginAgain": "Log in again", "next": "Next", "print": "Print", "reactivateAccount": "Reactivate account", "regenerate": "Generate backup codes", "reloadPage": "Reload this page", "resend": "Resend email", "resetPassword": "Reset password", "save": "Save", "send": "Send", "set": "Set", "show": "Show", "signin": "Sign in", "signinAgain": "Sign in again", "signout": "Sign out", "start": "Start"}, "changePassword": {"description": "Fill in email address and we will send you a link for changing your password.", "emailSent": "Email sent to:", "headers": {"createNewPassword": "Create new password", "invalidLink": "Invalid link", "resetForm": "Reset password"}, "passwordChanged": "Password has been successfully changed.", "passwordStrength": {"1": "Weak", "2": "Fair", "3": "Good", "4": "Strong"}, "resendEmail": "Resend email", "successMsg": "If there is a related account, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password."}, "chooseLoginMethod": {"QRNoteText": "This option can be used if you don\u0027t already have an account. You need to download Opera for Android and scan the QR code shown on the Opera Desktop screen.", "QRNoteTitle": "How to use quick QR sync?", "buttonEmail": "Use email address", "buttonQRCode": "Quick QR sync with phone", "header": "Choose a login method", "or": "Or"}, "commons": {"congratulations": "Congratulations!", "generalError": "An error occurred. Please try again.", "helpMsg": "Questions? Visit Opera\u0027s help page", "syncHeader": "Synchronize your data", "syncHeaderV3": "Log into your Opera Account"}, "completeProfile": {"fillForm": "Please fill out the fields below:", "needMoreInfo": "To continue, we need some more information."}, "confirmIdentity": {"active": "Active", "forget": "Forget", "header": "Continue as", "loggedOut": "Logged out", "useAnotherAccount": "Use another account"}, "confirmPasswordForm": {"confirmHeader": "Confirm your identity", "confirmMessage": "For security reasons, to enable synchronization we need to confirm your identity. Please provide your Opera Account password below.", "createHeader": "Create a password", "createMessage": "To enable synchronization, you need to secure your Opera Account with a password that will be used to better encrypt your data.", "hello": "Hello", "next": "Next", "setUp": "Set up"}, "countryInput": {"errors": {"missing": "Please fill in this field"}, "label": "Country/Region", "label2": "Country"}, "countrySection": {"header": "Country/Region", "hint": "We are an international community. We would love to know where you hail from!"}, "deleteAccount": {"description": "If you later change your mind, and no longer want to use Opera\u0027s services, you can {link_start}delete your account{link_end}.", "header": "Delete your Opera account"}, "deleteProfile": {"action": "Delete my account", "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your Opera account? Please type your password to confirm.", "header": "Delete your Opera account", "listHeader": "If you delete your account:", "listItem1": "You will no longer be able to sign in to any of Opera\u0027s services. This includes forums, blog discussions, synchronization, add-ons, etc.", "listItem2": "Your profile information will be permanently erased. Anything you\u0027ve saved - Opera Link and synchronization data, content and comments published to forums, extensions or themes added to, anything associated with this account - will be removed or no longer associated with your account.", "listItem3": "If you have published to Opera services as part of a group, Opera will transfer ownership of your contributions to the group.", "listItem4": "You will not be able to create a new account with the same username.", "subHeader": "Deleting your Opera account is a permanent action. It can not be undone."}, "deleteProfileComplete": {"deletedIn": "Your account will be deleted in 7 days.", "markedForDeletion": "Your account has been marked for deletion. You can no longer use this account\u0027s sign-in details to participate in Opera services.", "missYou": "We will miss you!", "noAction": "If no action is taken within seven days, any content, comments, or data associated with the account will be permanently removed.", "reviewEmail": "Please review the email we sent to {email}.", "thankYou": "Thank you for using Opera and we hope you will rejoin us soon."}, "emailInput": {"errors": {"account_exists": "Account already exists.", "account_missing": "Account doesn\u2019t exist.", "invalidFormat": "Email address invalid", "missing": "Please fill in this field", "tooLong": "Email address is too long"}, "label": "Email"}, "emailSection": {"activationLink": "Haven\u0027t you got the activation link?", "emailInvalid": "We were unable to send a verification link to you possibly due to address being invalid. Plese provide a valid one.", "emailSent": "Email sent", "header": "Email", "success": "Your email address was successfully changed!", "verificationPending": "An activation link was sent to {email}. To complete the activation please check your inbox and activate your profile."}, "emailVerificationRequired": {"checkMailboxButtonText": "Check your mailbox", "emailSent": "Email sent", "emailSentMsg": "We\u0027ve sent a verification email to:", "header": "Confirm your email", "resendEmailMsg": "Not in inbox or spam folder? Resend"}, "emailVerificationResult": {"addons1": "Opera add-ons", "addons2": "add functionality to Opera, or give it a new look", "forums1": "Opera forums", "forums2": "get help and discuss our products with other Opera users", "header": "Email verification", "successMsg1": "Email address successfully verified.", "successMsg2": "You can now start using some of our services:", "sync1": "Synchronize", "sync2": "access your bookmarks and other data from all your devices"}, "errorPages": {"400": "Request not supported.", "403": "Request forbidden.", "404": "The page you are looking for could not be found.", "429": "Too many requests. Please try again later.", "500": "We are experiencing some problems. Please try again later.", "operaAccount": "Opera Account"}, "forgotPasswordForm": {"checkMailboxButtonText": "Check your mailbox", "emailSent": "Email sent", "postSendHeader": "Reset password", "postSendMsg": "A password reset link has been sent to:", "preSendButtonText": "Send me the link", "preSendHeader": "Reset password", "preSendMsg": "Have a password reset link sent to:", "resendEmailMsg": "Not in inbox or spam folder? Resend"}, "fullnameInput": {"errors": {"missing": "Fullname missing", "tooLong": "Name is limited to 128 characters"}, "label": "Name"}, "fullnameSection": {"header": "Name", "hint": "Provide a display name to be used when we address you."}, "future": {"deleteAccount": "Delete account", "noAccountYet": "Don\u0027t have an account yet?", "other": "Other", "scaleImage": "Scale image to crop"}, "gdprExport": {"emailSent": "Email sent", "forumsHeader": "Opera Forums", "forumsNote": "You can download your Opera Forums data right away. Just follow {link_start}this link{link_end}.", "header": "Export your data from Opera services", "servicesHeader": "Opera Auth, Opera Addons and Opera Sync", "servicesNote1": "Click on the button below to start exporting your data.", "servicesNote2": "A confirmation email will be sent to your current email address with a link to start the export.", "success": "All good. We\u0027ll send you a link when it\u0027s ready."}, "gdprExportDownload": {"info": "Please wait for the download to start. If nothing happens, please click on {link_start}this link{link_end}."}, "headline": {"auth": {"additional": "Don\u2019t have an account yet? Creating one is fast, easy and free.", "text": "Sign into your Opera account to use the full range of Opera\u2019s services and access your data from anywhere. Manage logged sessions, connect to social networks, update personal information, and customize Opera the way you like.", "title": "Access all of Opera\u2019s services"}, "cashback-dify": {"text": "Browse your favorite shops and get cashback on your purchases seamlessly", "title": "Get money back for shopping"}}, "initialRouter": {"errorMsg": "An error occurred. Please try again."}, "links": {"addons": {"text": "Choose from thousands of Opera extras", "title": "Upload wallpapers and add-ons"}, "forums": {"cta": "Join in", "text": "Participate in the Opera community", "title": "Visit the Opera forums"}, "subscriptions": {"cta": "Manage", "text": "Subscribe, upgrade or cancel services", "title": "Manage your subscriptions"}, "sync": {"cta": "Show me", "text": "Bookmarks, history, tabs and more", "title": "View your synchronized data"}}, "login": {"continueWith": "Continue with", "forgotPassword": "Forgot password?", "header": "Sign in", "or": "Or", "orContinueWith": "or continue with", "orSignInWith": "Or, sign in with", "savePassword": "Save password", "signInWithProvider": "Sign in with {provider}", "subheader": "Sign in with your Opera account."}, "loginOptions": {"header": "Login options"}, "marketingConsent": {"awaitingConfirmation": "Awaiting confirmation", "confirmationLink": "Some marketing consent changes need a confirmation. The confirmation link was sent to your email. Haven\u0027t you got the confirmation link?", "header": "Manage your marketing permissions", "subheader": "Get exclusive offers and news from Opera by email. You can unsubscribe anytime."}, "needAccount": {"question": "Need an account? It\u0027s fast, easy (and free) to {link_start}create an account{link_end}.", "question2": "Don\u2019t have an account yet? {link_start}Join for free!{link_end}"}, "notificationPreferences": {"description": {"email_notify_signin": "Notify me whenever a new sign-in to my account occurs"}, "header": "Notification preferences"}, "otpInput": {"errors": {"invalidFormat": "Invalid format", "missing": "Please fill in this field"}, "recoveryCodeLabel": "{n}-character code", "totpCodeLabel": "{n}-digit code"}, "pageFooter": {"cookiePolicy": "Cookie policy", "copyright": "All rights reserved.", "eula": "EULA", "help": "Help", "legal": "Legal", "privacy": "Privacy", "security": "Security", "terms": "Terms of Service"}, "pageHeader": {"logout": "Sign out"}, "passphraseRequired": {"goToSettings": "Go to advanced settings", "header": "Passphrase required"}, "passwordInput": {"errors": {"differentFromOther": "Passwords do not match", "invalidFormat": "Password must be between 8 and 255 characters", "missing": "Password missing"}, "label": "Password", "newPasswordLabel": "New password", "repeatedPasswordLabel": "Retype new password"}, "passwordResetForm": {"createNewPassword": "Create new password", "invalidLink": "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. Please request a new password reset.", "loginToMyAccount": "Log into my account", "newPasswordLabel": "New password", "newPasswordPlaceholder": "Enter your new password here", "passwordChanged": "Password has been successfully changed.", "repeatPasswordLabel": "Retype new password", "repeatPasswordPlaceholder": "Retype your new password here"}, "passwordSection": {"header": "Password", "hint": "You do not have a password for your Opera account. Set one up now.", "subheader": "Set a unique password to protect your Opera account.", "success": "Password has been successfully changed."}, "privacyInquiry": {"formDescription": "Opera is devoted to protecting users\u2019 data. In case you would like to contact us about privacy issues, please use the following request form.", "labelForDescription": "Your inquiry", "labelForEmail": "Email we\u0027ll respond to", "msgError": "We\u0027re having some temporary server issues. Please try again later.", "msgSuccess": "Thank you! We\u0027ll contact you soon.", "pageTitle": "Privacy inquiry"}, "reactivateAccount": {"description": "If you deleted your Opera account and want to reactivate it, type your Opera username, or the email associated with your account, in the box below. Click the \"Reactivate account\" button and we\u0027ll send you instructions on how to do so.", "emailSent": "Email sent", "header": "Reactivate your Opera account", "note": "We can only send you a reactivation email if you supplied your email address in your Opera profile. If you deleted your account more than 7 days ago, we\u0027ve already permanently removed your account and retired your username. But, you can always {link_start}create a new account{link_end}.", "successMsg": "If there is an account marked as deleted related to {user_label}, you will receive an email with a link that will reactivate it."}, "reactivateAccountResult": {"awesomeZombie": "You\u0027re like an awesome zombie, only not all gross and undead and stuff.", "headerFailed": "Account reactivation", "headerSuccess": "You came back!", "welcomeBack": "Welcome back. We were worried there for a second, but we\u0027re glad to see you\u0027re still with us.", "youCanLogin": "We\u0027ve reactivated your account, and all of your data is still here. You can now {link_start}sign in{link_end} to our services again."}, "redirect": {"header": "Redirecting you back to {link_start}{service_name}{link_end}."}, "resetPassword": {"checkMailboxButtonText": "Check your mailbox", "description": "Fill in your username or email address and we will send you a link for changing your password.", "emailSent": "Email sent", "header": "Reset password", "readyToGoText": "Ready to go?", "signIn": "Sign in", "successMsg": "If there is an account related to {user_label}, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password."}, "resetPasswordSet": {"header": "Enter new password", "headerInvalid": "Invalid reset link", "headerSuccess": "Password has been successfully changed.", "invalidLink": "The password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used. Please request a new password reset.", "socialDisconnectWarning": "Warning! For your security, the following social accounts will be disconnected after changing your password. You will need to reconnect them afterwards.", "successMsg": "You can change your account details, including password, on your {link_start}Opera account page{link_end}"}, "secondFactorForm": {"havingTrouble": "Having trouble?", "recoveryCodeHeader": "Sign in with a backup code", "totpHeader": "Enter the code generated by your authenticator app", "totpHeaderV3": "Enter 6-digit code from the app", "useBackupCode": "Use a backup code", "useRecoveryCode": "Having trouble? Use a backup code", "useTotp": "Use authenticator app"}, "secondFactorVerification": {"generalError": "An error occurred. Please try again.", "otpHavingTroubleUseASecurityKey": "Having trouble? Use a{split} security key", "otpHavingTroubleUseTheAuthenticatorApp": "Having trouble? Use the{split} authenticator app", "otpOrUseABackupCode": "or use a{split} backup code", "otpOrUseTheAuthenticatorApp": "or use the{split} authenticator app", "pleaseUpgradeBrowser": "You must update Opera to the latest version to continue.", "recoveryHeader": "Sign in with a backup code", "recoveryLabel": "Backup code", "recoverySubheader": "If you\u0027re locked out of your account, you can sign in by entering one of your emergency backup codes.", "recoverySubheaderAlt": "Enter your backup code generated in Opera Account Profile page", "totpHeader": "Enter your verification code", "totpLabel": "Verification code", "totpSubheader": "Enter the code generated by your authenticator app.", "useAuthenticatorApp": "Use authenticator app", "useRecoveryMethod": "Having trouble? Use a backup code", "webAuthnHeader": "Sign in with a security key", "webAuthnLabel": "Use security key", "webAuthnSubheaderAlt": "Authenticate using the button below"}, "selectDataTypes": {"bookmarks": "Bookmarks", "header": "Choose what to synchronize", "headerV3": "Choose what to sync", "history": "History", "passwords": "Passwords", "passwordsWillBeEncrypted": "Will be encrypted", "settings": "Settings", "tabs": "Open tabs"}, "settings": {"header": "Welcome {username}!", "linksHeader": "Here is what you can do with your Opera account"}, "signup": {"continueWith": "Continue with", "header": "Create an Opera account", "marketingConsent": "Get exclusive offers and news from Opera by email. You can unsubscribe anytime.", "mobileSubheader": "Access your data on all your devices", "orContinueWith": "Or continue with", "savePassword": "Save password", "signupHeader": "Create account", "subheader": "It\u0027s fast, easy and free!"}, "social": {"connect": "Connect to {provider}", "emailVerificationNeeded": "Please verify your email to enable social sign in.", "header": "Sign in with your social networks", "hint": "Connect your Opera and {provider} accounts", "passwordNeeded": "You need to set an Opera Account password before disconnecting any social accounts"}, "socialConfirmation": {"header": "Get an Opera account", "mobileHeader": "Create account", "mobileSubheader": "Access your data on all your devices"}, "subscriptions": {"active": "Active", "availableSoon": "Available soon", "back": "Back", "comingSoon": "Coming soon", "expired": "Expired", "expiresOn": "Expires on", "getIt": "Get it!", "inactive": "Inactive", "manage": "Manage", "manageSubscriptions": "Manage your subscriptions", "nextPayment": "Next payment", "redeemCode": {"EnterCta": "Enter", "enterYourCode": "Enter coupon code", "errors": {"missing": "Enter coupon code", "tooLong": "Code is too long"}, "header": "Redeem coupon"}, "stayTuned": "Stay tuned for more premium services"}, "subscriptionsPaymentRedirect": {"back": "Back", "header": "Just a sec, we\u0027re redirecting you to the relevant page.", "maintenanceHeader": "Sorry for the delay", "maintenanceText1": "We\u0027re currently performing some short maintenance.", "maintenanceText2": "Subscription purchases will be available again after {time}.", "restrictedCountry": "This service is not available in your country.", "unexpectedError": "An error occurred. Please try again."}, "successScreen": {"addAnotherDevice": "Add other Opera apps", "manageSubscriptions": "Manage your subscriptions", "operaForAndroid": "Opera for Android", "operaMini": "Opera Mini", "successMsg": "You made it! You\u0027re now logged in", "syncBrowserData": "Synchronize your data", "whatWouldYouLikeToDo": "What would you like to do?", "youreLoggedIn": "You\u0027re now logged in"}, "sudoModal": {"nopassDescription": "Because you do not have a password set for your account, you need to log in with a social media account that is connected with your Opera account.", "nopassHeader": "Please log in to continue", "passwordHeader": "Please confirm your password to continue"}, "terms": {"tos": "By proceeding, you accept our {tos_link_start}Terms of Service{tos_link_end} and {privacy_link_start}Privacy Statement{privacy_link_end}", "tosV3": "By clicking \"Create account\" you accept our {tos_link_start}Terms of Service{tos_link_end} and {privacy_link_start}Privacy Statement{privacy_link_end}"}, "twoFactorAuthSection": {"activateTOTP": "Activate TOTP", "addSecurityKey": "Add security key", "created": "Created:", "deactivateTOTP": "Deactivate TOTP", "emailVerificationNeeded": "Please verify your email to enable two-factor authentication.", "enableHeader": "Enable two-factor authentication", "enterCodeManually": "Or manually enter this code on the app", "generalError": "An error occurred. Please try again.", "header": "Two-factor authentication", "introDescription": "With two-factor authentication (2FA), you will be signing into your account in two steps, using your browser as well as the authenticator app on your phone.", "introHeader": "Double the security!", "introWarningPart1": "Please note that after setting up 2FA you will need to log back into Opera on each of your devices. Some older versions will not support 2FA, so make sure your apps are up to date.", "introWarningPart2": "You will only be able to log back in with these versions or newer:", "lastUsed": "Last used:", "manageWebAuthnDevices": "Manage WebAuthn devices", "recoverySubHeader": "Single-use backup codes", "regenerateIntroDescription": "These are one-off codes for logging in if you lose access to your phone or security key. Write them down and store them safely so that no one can access them.", "regenerateIntroHeader": "Generate backup codes", "regenerateIntroWarning": "Once new codes are generated, your old backup codes will no longer work.", "saveRecoveryCodesHeader": "Save these backup codes", "saveRecoveryCodesSubheader": "Make sure you save these single-use backup codes, so in case you lose a device you will still be able to use your Opera account.", "scanQRCodeDescription": "Please use your authentication app to scan this QR code. Don\u0027t have an app yet? Get {link_start}Google Authenticator{link_end} or a similar app supporting TOTP codes.", "scanQRCodeHeader": "Start with using the app", "setSecurityKey": "Set security key", "setupActive": "In addition to your password, a security code is now required to log in.", "stepsIndicator": "Step {cur_step} of {all_steps}", "subheader": "Add an extra layer of security to your account by entering one-time security codes along with your password when logging in.", "successfullyCopiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard", "successfullyDisabled": "Two-factor authentication was successfully disabled", "successfullyEnabled": "You\u0027ve successfully enabled two-factor authentication", "successfullyRegenerated": "New backup codes have been generated", "totpSubHeader": "TOTP (Time-based One-time Password)", "typeQRCodeHeader": "Enter {n}-digit code from the app", "typeQRCodeSubheader": "So far so good! Now you should see a 6-digit code on your phone\u0027s screen. Enter it here and continue.", "webAuthnSubHeader": "Security key (WebAuthn)"}, "upgrade": {"emailSent": "Email sent", "finishSetup": "Finish set-up", "generalError": "An error occurred. Please try again.", "header": "Finish account set-up", "mailSentMsg": "An activation link was sent to {email}. To complete the activation please check your inbox and activate your profile.", "subheader": "Add an email to be able to recover your synced data."}, "userInfo": {"header": "About you"}, "usernameInput": {"errors": {"invalidFormat": "The username must be between 3 and 30 characters long. It can contain letters, digits and the - sign. It must not be a number, and it must not start or end with a - sign.", "missing": "Username missing"}, "label": "Username"}, "usernameOrEmailInput": {"errors": {"missing": "Please fill in this field"}, "label": "Username or email"}, "usernameSection": {"header": "Username", "hint": "Create your unique username. Your username is how you will be recognized in Opera\u2019s services."}, "verificationNeeded": {"activateToContinue": "Activate to continue", "activationLink": "Haven\u0027t you got the activation link?", "alreadyVerified": "Already verified?", "checkInbox": "To complete the activation please check your inbox and click the link we\u0027ve sent you. Thanks!", "emailSent": "Email sent", "mailSentTo": "An activation e-mail has been sent to {email}.", "resendEmail": "Resend activation email"}, "webAuthnDeviceNameInput": {"errors": {"missing": "Device name missing", "tooLong": "Device name is limited to 64 characters"}, "label": "Name"}}}; window.config = {"csrfCookieName": "__Host-csrftoken", "language": "en", "sentry": {"dsn": "", "environment": "production", "release": "auth-0194e367"}}; </script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script nonce="7z52NI+95aFRRzfg25Igwg==" src="" async defer></script> <script>function gtElInit() {var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService();lib.translatePage('pl', 'it', function () {});}</script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>