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wooden buildings (KnoWood)</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#twinning">Twinning project Support to Civil Registration and Document Security</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#Population Register Dev">Modernization of the population register and development of related electronic services</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#VIRSIS">Information System for the Registration of Participants of Public Producers and Spreaders (VIRSIS)</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#04">Development of technology for the preparation, storage and management of three-dimensional (3D) data necessary for the effective implementation of economic development projects</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#05">Implementing the Second Generation Contact Centre Operational Model</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#06">Development of Advanced Electronic Services in Construction and State Supervision of Construction</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#07">Development of Advanced Electronic Spatial Planning Services (EPTP)</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#08">State-of-the-art Information Resource Interoperability Platform (VIISP) Portal User-Friendly Development, Platform Data Exchange Tools, Development of Shared Services</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#09">Lithuanian National E-Health Contact Centre and Cross-border Services</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#10">E. Invoicing Cross Border LT</a><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">◥&nbsp;</span><a href="#11">Implementation of Business Registers Interoperability System in Lithuania (BRIS)</a> </span> <p><br /> <span style="color:#50c9f3;">&nbsp;</span></p> <span style="color:#50c9f3;"> </span> <hr /><span style="color:#50c9f3;"> </span> <div> <div class="rteright"><span style="color:#50c9f3;"><strong><a id="GreenCertificate" name="GreenCertificate"></a><img alt="Funded by the European Union" src="/bylos/dokumentai/banner/EN-Funded%20by%20the%20EU-PANTONE.png" style="width: 274px; height: 57px;" /></strong></span></div> <p>The project is funded by the European Commission</p> <h3><strong>Project No. LC-01714088 "Development of the European Union Digital Green Certificate in the Republic of Lithuania"</strong></h3> <p>The State Enterprise Center of Registers has implemented the project No. LC-01714088 “Development of the European Union Digital Green Certificate in the Republic of Lithuania” (hereinafter - the Project). The project was implemented under the European Commission's measure "Activation of Emergency Support Instrument in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic".<br /> <br /> The aim of the Project was to develop a European Union Digital Green Certificate in the Republic of Lithuania.<br /> <br /> The following functionalities have been developed during the Project implementation:</p> <ul> <li>The possibility to download certificates from the Patient Portal of the Electronic Health Services and Cooperation Infrastructure Information System with the possibility to print and save them on a mobile phone;</li> <li>The possibility for a patient to obtain a printed vaccination certificate by visiting a family doctor or vaccinating at a vaccination center;</li> <li>A Verifier App has been developed, available to all users who need it for their activities, enabling the verification of certificates submitted by individuals. The app validates certificates from all EU and other countries compatible with the EU decision;</li> <li>A solution has been implemented that allows publishing the public keys of the electronic signature of Lithuanian certificates on the EU Electronic Certificate Storage Platform (EU Trust Framework) and able &nbsp;to download public signature keys used for signing digital green certificates in other countries.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Project implementation period:</strong>&nbsp;April 1, 2021 until September 29, 2021.<br /> <strong>The budget of the project:</strong>&nbsp;218 264.04 Eur.</p> <hr /> <div> <div class="rteright"><strong><a id="KnoWood" name="KnoWood"></a><img alt="Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/Erasmus_plus.png" style="width: 300px; height: 73px;" /></strong></div> <h3><strong>Knowledge alliance for sustainable mid-rise and tall wooden buildings&nbsp;(KnoWood)</strong></h3> &nbsp;<br /> KA2: Cooperation For Innovation and The Exchange of Good Practices - Knowledge Alliances<br /> &nbsp;<br /> <strong>Project N°: 600903-EPP-1-2018-1-DK-EPPKA2-KA</strong><br /> &nbsp;<br /> KnoWood project was finished in April 2022.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> KnoWood project aimed to fulfil the future demands in higher education including entrepreneurial approaches to teaching and learning, innovation, sustainability, transnational, trans-disciplinary understanding in sustainable mid-rise and tall wooden buildings, which increases sustainable growing forestry, employment in the wooden construction industry, a large reduction of greenhouse gasses and will create new innovative sustainable knowledge and courses in academia. Project promoted cooperation and innovation among European and Canadian HEIs, researchers, business partners, associations, networks and broader society to foster design and construction of mid-rise and tall wooden buildings.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project strategically researched at which level sustainable design, construction and management of sustainable mid-rise and tall wooden buildings is being planned and implemented in the partners’ countries. Practical experience and knowledge on wooden buildings from business enterprises, associations and networks was collected and disseminated at KnoWood platform. KnoWood project developed and implemented the new strategic trans-disciplinary modules/elective elements that meet the needs of the HEIs and market representatives and fulfil the future challenges of sustainable design and construction of mid-rise and tall wooden buildings. Competencies of students and teachers in problem solving and team work, innovative thinking, motivation, awareness of cross-professional project input and project management by using business-oriented project-based learning approach were improved.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <strong>Project innovative aspects&nbsp;</strong><br /> &nbsp; <ul> <li>Innovative&nbsp;teaching/learning approaches:&nbsp; trans-disciplinary, project-based learning, learning by doing, problem solving and critical thinking, use of business-related experiences and real cases in education.</li> <li>Innovative know-how inside the companies&nbsp;carried out and tested in real life conditions.</li> <li>Unique network&nbsp;for promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of sustainable wooden construction.</li> </ul> &nbsp;<br /> <strong>Project was implemented by 5 higher education institutions and 6 companies from 4 EU countries and Canada:</strong>&nbsp;VIA University College (Denmark), University of Westminster (United Kingdom), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania), Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya (Spain), Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (Canada), House Habitat (Spain), Danish Technological Institute (Denmark), Study and Consulting Center (Lithuania), BM TRADA (United Kingdom), State enterprise Center of Registers (Lithuania) and Idea Statika (Lithuania)<br /> <br /> <a href="/p/1558">More about this project.</a><br /> &nbsp;<br /> <strong>Website </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a> <div>&nbsp;</div> <img alt="KnoWood" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/KnoWood.png" style="width:150px;height:86px;float:left;" /> <div>&nbsp;</div> <br /> <br /> &nbsp;</div> <p><br /> &nbsp;</p> <hr /> <h3><a id="twinning" name="twinning"></a>EU Twinning project Support to Civil Registration and Document Security</h3> Implemented by The Netherlands and Lithuania.<br /> Funded by the European Union, represented by the European Union Office in Kosovo.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The Centre of Registers together with the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) has been implementing the EU Twinning project in Kosovo “Support to Civil Registration and Document Security”.<br /> <br /> The overall objective of the Twinning project is to support the Civil Registry Agency (CRA) of Kosovo and Municipal Civil Status offices in reducing the amount of paper documents used, improving the information system for registration of civil status acts and document security in line with European Union standards and good practices. Drawing on the experience of the Netherlands and Lithuania, the project, which will last two and a half years, will reviewed administrative and organizational structures, legislation, information and communication technologies in the public administration sector in the Republic of Kosovo.<br /> <br /> In this project, the Centre of Registers is responsible for implementing two components: Legal Framework and Information and Communication Technology. Our experts analyse and assess the legal acts of Kosovo related to the CRA activities and provide recommendations for reducing the number of paper documents in use, for using ID cards and civil status document for personal identification, advice on compiling voters’ lists, providing e-services for citizens and other issues.<br /> <br /> The ICT experts will evaluate the hardware, software and human resources of the IT systems possessed by the CRA, will analyse data exchange and interoperability of registers, assess the need for new services and provide proposals with regard to changing the IT systems and introducing new e-services. They will analyse the interface of the CRA information systems while exchanging data with other Kosovo institutions.<br /> <br /> Duration of the project is 30 months. The project is financed from the European Union funds.<br /> <br /> <strong><a id="Population Register Dev" name="Population Register Dev"></a>The State Enterprise Centre of Registers implements the project&nbsp;Modernization of Population Register and Development of Related Electronic Services</strong> <h3><strong style="font-size: 11px;">Project no. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0009</strong></h3> <img alt="2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/ESFIVP-I-2-vtex2-768x226.jpg" style="height: 118px; width: 400px;" /><br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The State Enterprise Centre of Registers implements the project&nbsp;<em>Modernization of Population Register and Development of Related Electronic Services</em>&nbsp;financed by the European Union Structural Funds. The project is implemented under the measure 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529&nbsp;<em>Development of Advanced Electronic Services</em>&nbsp;under Priority 2&nbsp;<em>Promotion of Information Society</em>&nbsp;of the European Union Funds Investment Strategy, 2014-2020.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is being implemented together with 3 partners: the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, the Identity Documents Personalization Centre under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The aim of the project is to create and develop advanced e-services based on the Population Register data: create composite electronic service&nbsp;<em>Changing place of residence</em>&nbsp;and modernize 7 e-services:&nbsp;<em>Child is born</em>,&nbsp;<em>Child born abroad</em>,&nbsp;<em>Getting married</em>,&nbsp;<em>Getting divorced</em>,&nbsp;<em>I lost my relative</em>,&nbsp;<em>Changing personal data</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>Registration of paternity recognition/establishment</em>.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project aims at making efficient use of the resources of citizens (time, etc.) and extending the range and benefits of e-services based on the data from the Population Register. Currently, instead of creating the e-services based on the events of person's life they are developed according to the functions of institutions and according to the public services provided. E-services are not personalised and most are not provided through automated processing.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The result of the project is the establishment and development of advanced e-services that will be complex (a person will receive the services of several institutions in one place), proactive (the person will be informed about the event and the need to perform certain actions or certain actions will be performed without a person's request), oriented to the user, automatic service user and other necessary data collection and access via different electronic channels and devices.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Duration of the project is 6 March 2018 – 31 August 2020.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the State of Lithuania. The value of the project is 3 827 186.32 EUR. <h3><a id="02" name="02">The Centre of Registers is implementing the project&nbsp;<em>Transfer of Legal Information and Legal Aid Services to the Electronic Space (TEISIS)</em></a><br /> <strong style="font-size: 11px;">Project No 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0014</strong></h3> <img alt="2014-2020 Operational Progrmme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/ESFIVP-I-2-vtex2-768x226.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 118px;" /><br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> State Enterprise Centre of Registers is implementing the project&nbsp;<em>Transfer of Legal Information and Legal Aid Services to the Electronic Space (TEISIS)</em>&nbsp;funded by European Union Structural Funds.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is implemented under the measure 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529&nbsp;<em>Development of Advanced Electronic Services</em>&nbsp;under Priority 2&nbsp;<em>Fostering the Information Society</em>&nbsp;of the European Union Funds Investment Strategy, 2014-2020.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is focused on creation of IT system TEISIS for legal assistance services, which would enable the residents to receive relevant legal information and professional legal assistance in the field of state-guaranteed legal assistance promptly in the electronic environment, to use electronic state-guaranteed legal assistance services and, at the same time, contribute to the development of the legal education of the society.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The main functions to be implemented in the information system TEISIS will include the provision of relevant legal information, the registration of lawyers, advocate assistants and accounts, interactive consultation tools, electronic submission of requests for secondary legal aid, an automated income and asset rate calculator, automated selection of lawyers and centralized legal assistance for the planning, accounting and monitoring of work for specialists, as well as the mediation subsystem. Depending on the needs of users of legal assistance services, relevant, useful information will be provided on various legal topics, frequently asked questions, and the search among them will also be possible.<br /> <br /> Duration of the project is 6 April 2018 – 30 September 2020.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Lithuania. Value of the project is 1 254&nbsp;645.90 EUR.<br /> &nbsp; <h3><a id="VIRSIS" name="VIRSIS"><strong>The Centre of Registers is implementing the project&nbsp;<em>Information System of the Producers and Disseminators of Public Information (VIRSIS)</em></strong></a></h3> <h3 class="rteleft"><strong style="font-size: 11px;">Project No 10.1.2-ESFA-V-916-01-0011</strong><br /> <img alt="2014-2020 Operational Progrmme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/ESFIVP-I-2-vtex2-768x226.jpg" style="font-size: 11px; width: 400px; height: 118px;" /></h3> &nbsp;<br /> The State Enterprise Centre of Registers together with its partner, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, is implementing the project&nbsp;<em>Information system of the producers and disseminators of public information (VIRSIS)</em>, co-funded by the European Union Social Fund and the Republic of Lithuania.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is implemented under the measure 10.1.2-ESFA-V-916&nbsp;<em>Implementation of National Anti-Corruption Measures&nbsp;</em>under Priority 10&nbsp;<em>Socially-responsive and advanced public management</em>&nbsp;of the European Union funds Investment Strategy for the period 2014-2020.<br /> <br /> &nbsp;The goal of the project is to reduce the occurrence and spread of corruption in the public sector by informing the public about the managers and participants of local, regional, national newspapers, magazines and broadcasters, re-broadcasters and their contacts with other public information producers and disseminators.<br /> <br /> The created information system will collect, compile, process, monitor, analyse and announce to the public the data on providers and disseminators of public information and their activities. It will also enable publishers and disseminators of public information and other users and users of VIRSIS to provide remotely by electronic means the information about the providers and disseminators of public information and their activities. The data for the information system will be provided from the registers (Register of Legal Entities, Information System of the Participants of Legal Entities, Address Register, Population Register, and Licenses Information System) and other institutions regulating the activities of public information organizers and disseminators.<br /> <br /> Duration of the project is 4 December 2017 – 2 May 2022.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is funded by the European Union Social Fund and the Republic of Lithuania. Value of the project is 419&nbsp;931.55 EUR. <h3><a id="04" name="04">The State Enterprise Centre of Registers implements the project&nbsp;<em>Development of spatial 3D cadastre data preparation, storage and management technology for the efficient implementation of economic development projects</em></a><br /> <strong style="font-size: 11px;">Project No. S-01.2.1-LVPA-V-835-01-0003</strong></h3> <img alt="2014-2020 Operational Progrmme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/ESFIVP-I-2-vtex2-768x226.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 118px;" /><br /> <br /> <br /> <strong>Centre of Registers implements the project <em>Development of spatial 3D cadastre data preparation, storage and management technology for the efficient implementation of economic development projects</em></strong><br /> <strong>Project No. S-01.2.1-LVPA-V-835-01-0003</strong><br /> <br /> The State Enterprise Centre of Registers implements the project <em>Development of spatial 3D cadastre data preparation, storage and management technology for the efficient implementation of economic development</em> project financed by the European Union structural funds. The project is implemented under the measure 01.2.1-LVPA-V-835 <em>Pre-Purchase LT</em> under Priority 1 <em>Promotion of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation</em> of the European Union Funds Investment Strategy for 2014-2020.<br /> <br /> The project seeks to create 3D cadastre data preparation, storage and management technology, necessary for the effective implementation of economic development projects. The Technology will integrate spatial data accumulation and management in the Real Estate Register, integration of the spatial data stored in other geographic information systems and their reproduction into another substantially higher qualitative - 3D level.<br /> <br /> In the course of the project, three-dimensional models integrated into the defined territory would be developed and concrete plans for re-structuring the spatial data of the Real Estate Register of the entire territory of Lithuania into three-dimensional ones will be made. 3D mapping of spatial data will improve the perception of the information transmitted; therefore the realization of the Technology will promote the wider use of spatial information in both professional and non-professional segments of users. Wider use of spatial information will, accordingly, provide opportunities for optimization of business processes, reduce their costs and the probability of errors and conditions for higher-quality decisions of the population, government and business, which will have a positive impact on the development of the country's economy.<br /> <br /> In February 2019 service provision agreements for the first phase of pre-commercial procurement - <em>Preparation of the concept of 3D data acquisition, storage and management technology </em>were signed with three pre-commercial procurement participants. The concepts were prepared and submitted for peer review of the Centre of Registers and the Science, Innovation and Technology Agency experts in May 2019. All three concepts were positively evaluated and service provision agreements for the second phase of pre-commercial procurement - <em>3D prototype and pilot product development</em> - were signed in August.<br /> <br /> The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the Lithuanian State and the Centre of Registers. Project value is 985 422,75 Eur.<br /> &nbsp; <hr /> <h3><a id="05" name="05"><strong>State Enterprise Centre of Registers participates in the implementation of the project&nbsp;<em>Implementation of the Second-Generation Contact Point Activity Model</em></strong></a><br /> <strong style="font-size: 11px;">Project No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0008</strong></h3> <img alt="2014-2020 Operational Progrmme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/ESFIVP-I-2-vtex2-768x226.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 118px;" /><br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The main objective of the project is to expand and modernize the existing centralised solution for providing services to business via, enabling Lithuanian and foreign entities starting and carrying out business in Lithuania on a one-stop basis to conveniently and quickly find all the basic business-related information according to the business life cycle (from start to finish) or business in Lithuanian and English languages, to perform all the basic business-related administrative procedures in a complex electronic way (as a composite e-service&nbsp;<em>Start Business</em>) and to find and use general e-solutions and tools for business.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> During the project, Contact Point Portal is planned to be expanded by the existing Service and Product contact point information system, the State Information Resources Interoperability Platform (VIISP) and other information systems and registers of project partners. Thus, the project activities will focus on the reuse of solutions, functionality, services and information already developed (i.e., solutions that have already been developed in the state will not be re-developed).<br /> The Project is aimed at making the Contact Point a genuine second generation Contact Point, which fully meets the criteria for second generation of contact points - the quality and availability of information, electronic execution of procedures, availability to foreign users and userability.<br /> <br /> The project is implemented by public body&nbsp;<em>Versli Lietuva</em>&nbsp;in partnership with 5 partners: <ul> <li>Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications;</li> <li>Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (ALAL);</li> <li>State Enterprise Centre of Registers;</li> <li>State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania;</li> <li>State Social Insurance Fund Board under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.</li> </ul> &nbsp;Duration of the project is from 14 December 2017 to 31 December 2020.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Lithuanian State. Project value is 1 954&nbsp;159.24 EUR.<br /> &nbsp; <h3><a id="06" name="06"><strong>The Centre of Registers contributes to the implementation of the project&nbsp;<em>Development of Advanced Electronic Services in the Field of Construction and Public Supervision of Construction</em></strong></a></h3> &nbsp;<br /> <img alt="2014-2020 Operational Progrmme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/ESFIVP-I-2-vtex2-768x226.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 118px;" /><br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate under the Ministry of Environment together with the partner State Enterprise Centre of Registers and other partners is carrying out the project No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0006&nbsp;<em>Development of Advanced Electronic Services in the Field of Construction and Public Supervision of Construction&nbsp;</em>for the modernization of the information system on construction permits and public supervision of construction&nbsp;<em>Infostatyba</em>&nbsp;(hereinafter referred to as&nbsp;<em>Infostatyba)</em>&nbsp;of the Republic of Lithuania.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The aim of the project is to create a component, convenient, interactive, consumer-oriented (resident and economic entity), high quality public service using the most up-to-date technologies and data received from other institutions. The service shall be focused on the provision of construction documents and public supervision of construction.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The objective of the project is to modernize the information system&nbsp;<em>Infostatyba&nbsp;</em>and other related information systems and to create necessary integration links in order to realize a complex electronic service related to construction documents and public supervision of construction in accordance with the&nbsp;life event<em>&nbsp;Statau namą</em>.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The goal of the project is to create 6 and to develop 14 electronic services related to the issuance of construction documents and public supervision of construction and to ensure the convenience, efficiency, integrity, complexity and creation of service provision according to the life event&nbsp;<em>Statau namą</em>.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Direct target groups of the project are natural or legal persons carrying/ planning to carry out an activity or its maintenance in the field of construction: builders, specialists of municipal administrations, owners, managers or users of engineering networks or communications, specialists of the State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate and other natural or legal persons planning to carry or carrying out activities in the field of construction.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Information system&nbsp;<em>Infostatyba</em>&nbsp;electronic services will be provided through electronic gates for Topography, Engineering Infrastructure, Territorial Planning and Construction.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Lithuania.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Project implementation period - 2017 December 20 - 2020 December 31.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Project value is 1&nbsp;801 822 Eur<br /> &nbsp; <h3><a id="07" name="07">The State Enterprise Centre of Registers takes part in implementing the project&nbsp;Development of Advanced E-Services Related to Spatial Planning (EPTP)</a><br /> <strong style="font-size: 11px;">Project No 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0004</strong></h3> The Ministry of Environment, together with the project partners, the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, the State Inspectorate for Spatial Planning and Construction, the Chamber of Architects and the Information Society Development Committee are carrying out the project&nbsp;Development of Advanced Electronic Services for Spatial Planning.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is implemented under the measure 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529&nbsp;Development of Advanced Electronic Services&nbsp;of the Priority 2&nbsp;Promotion of the Information Society&nbsp;of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 201-2020.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The aim of the project is to create preconditions for quality spatial planning process and its monitoring, to ensure smooth and convenient provision of e-services.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Currently, the process of territorial planning (hereinafter - TP) is computerized, there are 3 information systems (IS) and registers created and are operating, namely the Territorial Planning Document Register (hereinafter - TPDR) for registration of approved TP documents, the Information System for Preparation of Territorial Planning Documents and State Supervision of Territorial Planning Process (TPDRIS) for document preparation, coordination and other necessary procedures, and the Spatial Planning and Monitoring IS (TPSIS) for TP monitoring. With such an infrastructure, the whole process of TP and its monitoring steps and actions are performed in different ISs, part of the processes or its steps are not computerized, decentralized in different municipalities, and e-services provided are not user-friendly enough for the users.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project aims to create a centralized access portal called "Topography, Engineering Infrastructure, Spatial Planning and Construction E-Gateway” through which the e-services of TPDRIS, TPDR, TPSIS, Topography and Engineering Infrastructure IS and Infostatyba IS will be provided.<br /> As a result, the comprehensive spatial information available at a single point will enable to take more accurate spatial planning decisions, will enhance collaboration between the planners and issuers of planning conditions, the system will improve dissemination and publicity of spatial planning information, and collaborative content management and administration IT solution will reduce TPSIS, TPDRIS, TPDR system maintenance and development costs.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Project implementation period from 6 October 2017 to 30 November 2022.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Value of the project 2 388&nbsp;448.91 EUR <h3><a id="08" name="08"><strong>The State Enterprise Centre of Registers participates in the implementation of the project&nbsp;<em>User convenience for the State Information Resources Interoperability Platform (VIISP) portal, development of platform data exchange tools, creation of shared use services</em>.</strong></a><br /> <strong style="font-size: 11px;">Project no. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0016</strong></h3> <strong><img alt="Kuriame Lietuvos ateitį" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/kuriame_LT_ateiti.png" style="width: 351px; height: 176px;" /></strong><br /> The Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications implements project No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0016&nbsp;<em>User convenience for the State Information Resources Interoperability Platform (VIISP) portal, development of platform data exchange tools, creation of shared use services</em>.<br /> <br /> The State Enterprise Centre of Registers, together with other institutions, is a partner of the project being implemented.<br /> <br /> The aim of the project is to improve the service for residents, businesses and institutions in VIISP environment by introducing technologically innovative electronic solutions and providing advanced public and administrative services to residents and businesses, and by increasing the availability of electronic services.<br /> <br /> The Centre of Registers will contribute to the creation and provision of a complex service called "Child is born".<br /> <br /> The objective of the project contributes to the objective of the measure&nbsp;<em>Development of advanced electronic services</em>&nbsp;under Priority 2&nbsp;<em>Promotion of Information Society</em>&nbsp;of the European Union Funds Investment Strategy, 2014-2020.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Efficient use of the existing information and organizational resources is essential for developing electronic services. To ensure that VIISP portal functions as a one-stop portal for eGovernment, it is appropriate to develop tools and centralized information technology solutions for residents, businesses and public authorities.<br /> Project objectives are as follows: to develop/upgrade VIISP functionality to deliver advanced electronic public and administrative services to enhance data exchange efficiency; and to create new complex electronic services for residents / businesses and general-use services for institutions on VIISP portal.<br /> <br /> <br /> The target groups of the project are institutions providing electronic services and recipients of electronic services using electronic services and consultations.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the State of Lithuania. The total value of the project is 959 784.83 EUR. <h3><a id="09" name="09"><strong>The State Enterprise Centre of Register implements the project&nbsp;<em>Lithuania National eHealth NCP and Cross Border Services</em></strong></a></h3> <img alt="Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union" src="/bylos/dokumentai/en/Finansuota_ES.png" style="width: 170px; height: 132px;" /><br /> The main goal of the project is to develop, test, deploy and manage a cross-border ePrescription / eDispension information service following best European practices. This information service should be provided via the National Contact Point for eHealth, linking it to the existing regional and national e-health infrastructure. The solutions developed in this project will enable Lithuania to become part of a secure international communication network allowing for the exchange of ePrescription / eDispension data across Europe, thus contributing to the improvement of patients’ health protection services and provision of most important patient medical data to medical personnel.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> After implementing the project, a citizen of the European Union, traveling to countries other than the country of his/her origin will be able to obtain medicines prescribed in his country of origin. NCPeH would simplify provision of ePrescription / eDispension services governed by the eHealth Network and managed by eHealth Operational Management Board. This solution would also improve the level of healthcare provided to citizens of the European Union in Lithuania, which would be in line with the 2011/24 / EU directive, and would better ensure information needs of Lithuanian citizens traveling to other European countries.<br /> <br /> The project would be beneficial for Lithuania as s state, as it would ensure the development of the Lithuanian national e-health infrastructure and its interoperability on European Union scale.<br /> <br /> The project is implemented in close co-operation with the Lithuanian Ministry of Health Protection, which is the manager of the Lithuanian Electronic Health Services and Cooperation Infrastructure Information System.<br /> <br /> Project duration is from 7 July 2018 until 7 July 2022.<br /> <br /> The budget of the project&nbsp;<em>Lithuania National eHealth NCP and Cross Border Services&nbsp;</em>is 699&nbsp;910.00 EUR, of which the European Commission CEF funds amount to 524&nbsp;932.50 EUR, the contribution of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers is 174&nbsp;977.50 EUR. <div>&nbsp;</div> <h3><strong><em><a id="10" name="10"></a>Creation of Electronic Service</em>&nbsp;<em>e-Invoice</em></strong><br /> <strong>New Electronic Service “e-Invoice” already implemented</strong></h3> <h3><img alt="Kuriame Lietuvos ateitį" src="/bylos/dokumentai/apie/jarep.jpg" style="text-align: left; width: 200px; height: 80px;" /></h3> <p>The Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Economy and Innovations, and the Centre of Registers have created an electronic service&nbsp;<em>e-Invoice</em>&nbsp;funded by the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania. The providers of services and other goods can use electronic invoices related to execution of public procurement contracts instead of paper invoices.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The electronic service&nbsp;<em>e-Invoice</em>&nbsp;enables natural persons and legal entities to electronically send and receive VAT invoices, invoices, credit and debit documents and proforma invoices for the procured goods, services and works performed, which are related to the public procurement contracts, and receive information about the payment on the basis of submitted invoices. The Public Procurement Office, the National Audit Office and other institutions can monitor execution of public procurement contracts in real time.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> More information on the created electronic service&nbsp;<em>e-Invoice</em>&nbsp;is publicly available on the website:&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;where businesses and entities, public bodies, institutions can find a user manual describing the use of electronic service, the rules on using the information system&nbsp;<em>e-Invoice</em>, ways of connecting to the system, regulations of the information system&nbsp;<em>e-Invoice</em>&nbsp;and other information necessary to the service users.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> It is estimated that, when implemented, the project will double the savings of money spent on paper used for issue, delivery and storage of invoices; it will improve the management of public procurement process; transparency and efficiency of public procurement will increase, resulting in favourable conditions for the improvement of business environment and promotion of the country’s economic development.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The project&nbsp;<em>Creation of Electronic Service e-Invoice</em>&nbsp;was implemented by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania together with the partners - the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuanian and the State Enterprise Centre of Registers. The project is funded by the European Union Structural Funds (the European Regional Development Fund) and the Republic of Lithuania. Value of the project is 1,727,880 EUR.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <h3><a id="11" name="11">The State Enterprise Centre of Registers successfully implemented the project&nbsp;<em>Implementation of the Business Registry Interconnection System in Lithuania (BRIS)</em></a></h3> <h3><img alt="Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union" src="/bylos/dokumentai/en/Finansuota_ES.png" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 170px; height: 132px;" /><br /> &nbsp;</h3> <p>The Business Registry Interconnection System (BRIS) is a joint project of the European Commission and the Member States with the objective of implementing the provisions of January 8 European Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/884, linking the business registers of all European Union (EU) countries, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.<br /> <br /> The benefits of the project are a European-wide opportunity and technical means of seeking information on companies registered in any EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Business registers can also share information about foreign affiliates and cross-border mergers.<br /> <br /> The State Enterprise Centre of Registers, as the manager of the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania, carried out a comprehensive analysis of the technical and functional requirements of BRIS for business registries, implemented the national BRIS Domibus portal (EC e-delivery component), developed the database of the Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities in order to implement and maintain the technical and functional requirements of BRIS and also successfully switched to BRIS production mode.<br /> <br /> The information in the business registers of EU Member States is now publicly available, not just for business registries, but also for unregistered users. Using the access of E-Justice&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Portal BRIS</a>, one can get free information about legal entities of EU Member States, as well as order legal entities’ documents of business registers that provide them free of charge.<br /> <br /> Now around 160 000 legal entities registered in Lithuania can be found in BRIS. From 2017 June 9 upon joining BRIS, the Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities received 1&nbsp;490 detailed requests for of legal entities' data, 18 requests for the status of foreign legal entities, 7 065 requests for information on changes in the status of a legal entity, and 30 requests for subscription of data of foreign legal entities.<br /> <br /> The budget for the implementation of the project Business Registers Interconnection System in Lithuania (BRIS) was 298&nbsp;531.00 EUR, of which 253&nbsp;899.00 EUR were financed from the European Commission's CEF program, and 74&nbsp;632.00 EUR from the own funds of the Centre of Registers</p> <span style="color:#50c9f3;"> </span></div> <span style="color:#50c9f3;"> </span></div> </div><br><br> <!-- ************ Sty_Menu_Back ************ --> <div id="Sty_Menu_Back" class="no_print"> <table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0" align="right"> <tr> <td style="text-align:right"> &nbsp;<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)"><img src="/img/v220/z_back.gif" border="0" alt="Back"></a> &nbsp;<a href="#top"><img src="/img/v220/z_top.gif" border="0" alt="Page top"></a> &nbsp; </td></tr> </table> </div> <!-- ************ /Sty_Menu_Back ************ --> </Td></Tr></Table> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </div> <div align="center" class="blocks" style="background: #f8f8f8; padding: 26px 0 30px 0;"> <div class="no_print"> <!-- ************ cms_footer_1_text ************ --><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl800px"> <tbody> <tr class="footer"> <td style="width: 252px; vertical-align: top"> <h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">About Centre of Registers</span></h4> <a href="/p/1812">About Us</a><br /> <a href="/p/542">International Cooperation</a><br /> <a href="/p/546">EU Projects</a><br /> <a href="/apie/kontaktai/index_en.php">Contacts</a><br /> <a href="/p/1616">Personal data protection</a></td> <td style="width: 252px; vertical-align: top"> <h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Services</span></h4> <a href="">Property and Encumbrances</a><br /> <a href="">Legal Entities</a><br /> <a href="">Addresses</a><br /> <a href="">Population</a></td> <td style="width: 252px; vertical-align: top"> <h4><span style="font-weight: 400;">Help Desk</span></h4> <p>Online: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> Tel.: +370 5 268 8262<br /> Working hours: I-IV 8:00-17:00, V 8:00-16:00</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- ************ / cms_footer_1_text ************ --> </div> <!-- ************ Sty_Footer ************ --> <div id="Sty_Footer"> <div align="center"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tbl800px" > <tr valign="middle"> <td colspan="8"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td style="border-top:1px solid #E5E6E7;" height="20" valign="middle"><div class="COPYRIGHT"><!-- ************ cms_footer_2_text ************ -->© State Enterprise Centre of Registers | Address: Studentų st. 39, LT-08106 Vilnius, Lithuania.<br /> Tel. +37052688262, email | Legal entity's code 124110246, VAT No LT241102419.<!-- ************ /cms_footer_2_text ************ --></div></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ************ /Sty_Footer ************ --> <script src=""></script> <div id="cookie-message" data-cookie-expiry="60"> <div id="u1" class="ax_default" data-label="zztop"> <div id="u3" class="ax_default box_1"> <div id="u3_div" class=""></div> <div id="u3_text" class="text " style="display:none; visibility: hidden"> <p></p> </div> </div> <div id="u4" class="ax_default label"> <div id="u4_div" class=""></div> <div id="u4_text" class="text1"> <p style="font-size:12px;"><b>This website uses cookies.</b><br><br> Our website uses strictly necessary cookies and non-necessary cookies. 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