Hairlust Enhances Customer Experience with AI | ChatBot Success Story

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They consistently listen to and grow from their customers' feedback, creating a brand that truly understands and meets the needs of their community.</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt="Rasmus Serup, CEO &amp;amp; Co-founder of Hairlust" width="2158" height="1540" loading="lazy"> <figcaption>Rasmus Serup, CEO &amp; Co-founder of Hairlust</figcaption> </figure> <p>At one point, Hairlust decided to enhance customer interactions by introducing <a href="">chatbot automation</a> while maintaining a personal touch.</p> <p>Did they achieve this goal? Absolutely!</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt=" website" width="2944" height="1638" loading="lazy"> </figure> <p>Hairlust embodies Scandinavian principles of <a href="">simplicity, quality, and sustainability</a>. Their products are crafted with certified organic ingredients and proudly hold top industry certifications. Committed to being vegan and cruelty-free, Hairlust promises that their hair care solutions are kind to both customers and the planet.</p> <blockquote class="block-quote u-Py-md u-Px-sm sm:u-Px-lg"> <p class="u-text-p5-bold u-mb-0">At our core, we aim to revolutionize hair care by leading in <span class="highlight">sustainability, innovation, and transparency.</span> We’re dedicated to providing not only top-notch products but also unparalleled personal customer service and access to educational and inspirational content.</p> <cite class="u-text-p8 u-Mt-xs u-inline-block"><br>Rasmus Serup, CEO &amp; Co-founder of Hairlust</cite> </blockquote> <p>The brand has expanded into 13 local markets, developed 60 innovative products, and attracted over 500,000 customers. Today, Hairlust sells more than 60,000 hair care products each month, handles <strong>15,000 monthly orders</strong>, and welcomes <strong>over 800,000 unique visitors</strong> across their <strong>13 localized country domains</strong>—all in the highly competitive and extremely demanding premium beauty products sector.</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt="Hairlust in numbers: 15,000 monthly orders, 800,000 monthly unique visitors, 13 localized country domains" width="2944" height="1324" loading="lazy"> </figure> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Building a premium shopping experience with AI chatbot automation</h2> <p>The Hairlust team keeps things smooth and personalized for their customers by using advanced strategies, including <a href="">automated chatbots</a>—super-efficient helpers that provide real-time support and tailored recommendations, making the shopping experience much more convenient.</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt="Example of ChatBot conversation from website" width="2944" height="1638" loading="lazy"> </figure> <blockquote class="block-quote u-Py-md u-Px-sm sm:u-Px-lg"> <p class="u-text-p5-bold u-mb-0">By integrating ChatBot, we hoped to work more efficiently in our customer service and offer our customers <span class="highlight">a better experience</span> with fewer back-and-forth emails.</p> <cite class="u-text-p8 u-Mt-xs u-inline-block">Rasmus Serup, Hairlust</cite> </blockquote> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >One chatbot for 13 localized domains and multiple languages</h2> <p>Hairlust keeps things simple and streamlined by using one chatbot flow for all of their localized D2C stores. The chatbot flow also uses <a href="">filters</a> to tailor responses based on the visitor's country.</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt="Examples of localized chatbot widgets from websites:, and" width="2944" height="1720" loading="lazy"> </figure> <blockquote class="block-quote u-Py-md u-Px-sm sm:u-Px-lg"> <p class="u-text-p5-bold u-mb-0">ChatBot is really great with customization and scalability. We use it on all of our <span class="highlight">13 domains</span> with <span class="highlight">800K+ unique monthly visitors,</span> and personalize the experience depending on the language.</p> <cite class="u-text-p8 u-Mt-xs u-inline-block">Rasmus Serup, Hairlust</cite> </blockquote> <p>Managing everything in one place helps Hairlust save time, cut down on errors, and ensure a consistent customer experience across different regions. Plus, it makes updates and maintenance a breeze, keeping their operations smooth and reliable.</p> <blockquote class="block-quote u-Py-md u-Px-sm sm:u-Px-lg"> <p class="u-text-p5-bold u-mb-0">Thanks to <span class="highlight">filters</span>, we can instantly show the correct language and local country topics. We really do care about offering a local experience in native languages, and ChatBot offers a great consolidated solution.</p> <cite class="u-text-p8 u-Mt-xs u-inline-block">Rasmus Serup, Hairlust</cite> </blockquote> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Premium and personalized, yet still self-service</h2> <p>Hairlust aggregates customer service inquiries on the <a href="">Contact us</a> page. Their social media channels also redirect users there with auto-replies, streamlining all customer queries into one optimized landing page.</p> <p>Such a setup lets the Hairlust team focus on more creative and less repetitive tasks. Consolidating customer inquiries helps Hairlust manage and respond to inquiries quickly and more accurately, creating a consistent support experience.</p> <p>Isn't it great when tracking and analyzing customer issues become more straightforward, leading to better solutions and higher customer satisfaction? As a result, the team has more time to work on innovative projects and strategies.</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt="ChatBot Widget on Hairlust website" width="2944" height="1639" loading="lazy"> </figure> <p>Also, ChatBot isn't just a one-trick pony. It supports multiple languages, making content localization a breeze. Need to adjust the chatbot flow? No problem! ChatBot is super customizable for different business purposes. Whether you want to upgrade customer service, raise user engagement, or customize interactions for different markets, the flexibility and adaptability of the chatbot's created scenarios will keep you covered.</p> <p>The Hairlust team uses ChatBot to make their customer service run smoother. It helps them handle fewer emails and easily gather the extra info needed for customer questions. This way, everything is hassle-free for both the team and their customers.</p> <blockquote class="block-quote u-Py-md u-Px-sm sm:u-Px-lg"> <p class="u-text-p5-bold u-mb-0">ChatBot directs customers to their exact challenge in no time. When human interaction is needed, <span class="highlight">we can get all the data</span> needed to offer a proper response beforehand.</p> <cite class="u-text-p8 u-Mt-xs u-inline-block">Rasmus Serup, Hairlust</cite> </blockquote> <div class="block-infobox u-p-xl u-bg-gray-900 u-rounded-sm"> <p><strong>Hairlust workflows automated with ChatBot:</strong></p> <ul> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><b>Order tracking </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">via the </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Show order</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;"> flow set within the </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Shopify and ChatBot integration</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><b>Return and refund claims </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">guidance.</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><b>Product offerings</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> with AI-powered product suggestions, </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">product cards</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, and the brand-designed </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Hair Test</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><b>Comprehensive information</b> on product subscriptions, brand collaborations, and more.</li> </ul> </div> <p><br>Managing customer support was a real challenge, but integrating with the advanced ChatBot solution made a world of difference. The AI chatbot quickly directs customers to their specific issues, cutting down on resolution time. Moreover, it seamlessly <a href="">integrates with Shopify</a> and other customizations, keeping everything running smoothly.</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt="ChatBot widget presenting Hairlust&#39;s Hair Test" width="2560" height="1424" loading="lazy"> </figure> <p>When a human touch is needed, the support team has all the info they need to respond appropriately. Plus, they have tools to measure the time spent on queries and track tickets. The result? <strong>20% less time spent on handling customer queries</strong> and ticket resolution.</p> <blockquote class="block-quote u-Py-md u-Px-sm sm:u-Px-lg"> <p class="u-text-p5-bold u-mb-0">We measure the amount of time we spend on customer queries and the number of customer tickets, and they both <span class="highlight">have reduced by about 20%.</span></p> <cite class="u-text-p8 u-Mt-xs u-inline-block">Rasmus Serup, Hairlust</cite> </blockquote> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Instant insights on customers' needs</h2> <p>The Hairlust team uses Reports and Archives to better understand their customers. With AI-powered chats, they can get both stats and detailed feedback.</p> <figure class="block-image"><img src=",q_auto,w_736/" srcset=",q_auto,w_1472/ 2x" alt="ChatBot platforms&#39; Archives and Reports" width="2560" height="1137" loading="lazy"> </figure> <p><a href="">Reports</a> help them see the most common interactions, giving a clear picture of what customers want when they start chatting.</p> <p><a href="">Archives</a>, on the other hand, let them look at individual chats to see how users interact with their chatbot.</p> <blockquote class="block-quote u-Py-md u-Px-sm sm:u-Px-lg"> <p class="u-text-p5-bold u-mb-0">We get a much better understanding of our website visitors’ most popular concerns. The <span class="highlight">reporting tool</span> shows us what topics are the most popular. This data helps us prioritize where to focus and where to improve our communication.</p> <cite class="u-text-p8 u-Mt-xs u-inline-block">Rasmus Serup, Hairlust</cite> </blockquote> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Lightweight tools for scalable results</h2> <p>Hairlust bets on simple and no-code solutions for their business growth. Keeping it lean and agile allows them to focus on creating unique and effective products—a key component to delivering real value for their customers.</p> <p>They chose <a href="">Shopify</a> for their ecommerce setup and integrated the platform with <a href="">ChatBot</a> to gain superpowers like automated order tracking and product recommendations directly in chats. They also use tools like WorkForms for creating visually appealing forms for their customers.</p> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Want to start customer service automation on your ecommerce site?</h2> <p>Hairlust nails it in the hair care world with top-notch products and a super smart, personalized customer service thanks to AI.</p> <p>Want to see what it's all about? <a href="">Sign up for free</a> and kick off a 14-day ChatBot trial.</p> </p> </article> <div class="post-grid u-Mb-xl"><section> <h2 class="u-text-p3 u-Mt-lg u-text-center">Share it with the world</h2> <ul class="post-share"> <li> <a href=";via=Success__Team&amp;url=" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="post-share__button chatbot-blog-hover" style="color: #4AA0EC;" data-controller="track" data-track-category="ChatBot Blog" data-track-action="Share" data-track-label="Twitter" data-action="track#send" > <svg width="19" height="15" viewBox="0 0 19 15" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19 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class="u-inline-block u-rounded-sm u-bg-gray-900 u-px-2xs u-pt-3xs u-text-p9 u-text-black u-mr-sm">Success Stories</span></div> <p class="u-text-p9 u-mb-sm"> <span class="u-mr-2xs">6 min read</span> | <span class="u-mx-2xs">Jun 16</span> | <span class="u-ml-2xs">Daria Zabój</span> </p> <h4 class="u-text-p6-bold u-mb-lg"><a href="/blog/valley-driving-school-customer-story/" class="chatbot-blog-link-overlay__a u-text-black v--no-underline">Valley Driving School Reaches 94% Customer Satisfaction with ChatBot</a></h4> <p class="u-text-p8 u-mb-lg">Valley Driving School is a driver training school with six locations based in Fraser... <span class="u-text-p8-bold u-text-primary u-inline-block">read more</span></p> </div> </article> <article class="u-rounded u-bg-white chatbot-blog-related__post v--only-2-mobile chatbot-blog-hover chatbot-blog-link-overlay"><div class="chatbot-blog-featured-image-holder u-mx-auto"><img src=",f_auto,h_190,q_auto,w_352/" srcset=",f_auto,h_380,q_auto,w_704/ 2x" 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