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Yahoo! has no responsibility for content on other websites that you may find or access when using Yahoo!’s products or services. Material available on or through other websites may be protected by copyright and the intellectual property laws of the United States and/or other countries. The terms of use of those websites, and not the Yahoo! Terms of Service, govern your use of that material.</p> <p>It is Yahoo!’s policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who may infringe or repeatedly infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Yahoo! and/or others.</p> <p><strong><span>Notice for Claims of Intellectual Property Violations and Agent for Notice</span></strong></p><p>For copyright or trademark concerns about search results (including Sponsored Search results), please click on the relevant sections under Related Resources.</p><p>THIS PROCESS IS FOR COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MATTERS ONLY. Correspondence regarding other matters will not be answered. For reports of abuse and related concerns, please see the links in the left navigation.</p> <p>If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or that your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please provide Yahoo!'s Agent for Notice with the following information in English (your "Notice"):</p><p><em>Note: If you are asserting infringement of an intellectual property right <u>other</u> than copyright, please specify the intellectual property right at issue (for example, ‘trademark’). </em></p> <ol class="bb-list" style="list-style-type: decimal;"> <li>an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest; </li> <li>a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed; </li> <li>a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Yahoo! site, with enough detail that we may find it on the website (in most circumstances, we will need a URL);</li> <li>your address, telephone number, and email address;</li> <li>a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law;</li> <li>a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.</li> </ol> In some circumstances, in order to notify the subscriber, account holder or host who provided the allegedly infringing content to which Yahoo! has disabled access, Yahoo! may forward a copy of a valid Notice including name and email address to the subscriber or account holder, or may forward a copy of a valid Notice (with personally identifiable information removed) to Chilling Effects (<a target="_blank" href=""></a>) for publication.<br /> <ol class="bb-list" style="list-style-type: decimal;"> </ol> <p>Yahoo!'s Agent for Notice of claims of copyright or other intellectual property infringement can be reached as follows:</p> <strong><span>By mail</span></strong><br /> Copyright Agent<br /> c/o Yahoo! Inc. <br /> 701 First Avenue<br /> Sunnyvale, CA 94089 <br /><br /> <strong><span>By phone</span></strong><br /> (408) 349-5080<br /><br /> <strong><span>By fax</span></strong><br /> (408) 349-7821<br /><br /> <strong><span>By email</span></strong><br /> <a href="" class="bb-url"></a><br /><br /><br /><strong>Please note that, due to security concerns, attachments cannot be accepted. Accordingly, any notification of infringement submitted electronically with an attachment will not be received or processed.</strong><!--end answer--> </div> <!--yinfcctn--> </div> <!--yinfcbxi--><span class="cb"><span class="cl"></span></span> </div> <!--yinfcbx--> </div> <!--rb--><!--end right side--><!--end main answer content--> </div> <!--yhlp-wrap--><!-- begin footer --><div id="yhlp-foot"> <!--begin static footer html--><center><div style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px; text-align:center; "> Copyright © <!-- -->2013<!-- --> Yahoo! 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