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<li><a href="#wp1347145858">show running-config map-class <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp1735153589">show running-config partition <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp1218638080">show scp <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp3031960549">show slot <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp4092332831">show slot0: <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp8590719380">show slot1: <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp9122926510">show software authenticity file <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp2948295674">show software authenticity keys <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp1949008701">show software authenticity running <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp3770366085">show software package <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp3278393077">show software installer rollback-timer <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp3229842496">show stacks <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp2888754780">show startup-config <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp3491889393">show subsys <!----></a></li> <li><a href="#wp2963446832">show sup-bootflash <!----></a></li> 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id="ariaid-title1">show protocols through showmon</h1> <section class="body"></section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> <p class="topictitle1" id="d215534e24a1635">show protocols through showmon </p> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2678753730__GUID-3443E449-57BA-473C-B139-4F5FADD4EB09" lang="en-US" id="wp2678753730"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2678753730__GUID-3443E449-57BA-473C-B139-4F5FADD4EB09">show protocols</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2678753730__GUID-3D5C9F3F-BF12-4DC9-A4E2-1E131489EA3C"> <p class="p"> To display the configured protocols, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">protocols</span> </span> command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2678753730__GUID-ADEADE2F-28AE-43DE-BF0C-EBAC091E492F"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">protocols</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>interface-name</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>interface-number</var>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2678753730__GUID-1E2D2CBD-B38B-4F1D-9DAE-D5AB0FDE2DE9"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2678753730__TABLE_F18BCA9D01AD4E45ADB0F97AC4C2C558"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" rowspan="3"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>interface-name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" rowspan="3"> <p class="p"> (Optional) The type of interfaces. It can be one of the following values: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp2678753730__UL_033A3BE73A124F05BA77B190903E48AA"> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_B7D9B7B4100346CDBA311597ACFB061D"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">ATM</span> </span>--ATM interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_E4DAF5AF327F49FE879486881D762060"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Async</span> </span>--Async interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_25DF6ADB98574D3ABA8E08FA74FAA94C"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Auto-Template</span> </span>--Auto-Template interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_6E5C1A2ECD66405483E7F664B7B48336"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">BVI</span> </span>--Bridge-Group Virtual Interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_E339FAED6D6043F28BD1FEA1B71B060B"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">CDMA-Ix</span> </span>--CDMA Ix interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_9EBDA704868E436D93EFB19F042BD489"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Container</span> </span>--Container interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_64EF6954F0C44D96A74FBF3F43D40085"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">CTunnel</span> </span>--CTunnel interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_B493A7A51CF947E9992D0D3EEDCB9FC1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Dialer</span> </span>--Dialer interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_EF370E7E38344C79A43D83ADD2C3040C"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Ethernet</span> </span>--Institute of Electriacl Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_2838AFA0B30E4D25815397A611320991"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">FastEthernet</span> </span>--FastEthernet IEEE 802.3 </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_6D5BCB1A5B6F49E59D7C9F26890779C4"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">EsconPhy</span> </span>--ESCON interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_571C4BD704E442C2883A7E468D0F70CE"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">fcpa</span> </span>--Fiber Channel </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_06EF93620E5D49D4B994C77C4AC48AFF"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Filter</span> </span>--Filter interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_A6DD93D7F0FA4CE7B98AC0BDBAF9D2A2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">multiservice</span> </span>--Multiservice interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_97926559854846648ED82151590D7DD7"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Pos-channel</span> </span>--POS Channel interfaces </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_C8C843442DC3426DB0105B475AC1F8D3"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">SBC</span> </span>--Session Border Controller </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_DA555E17A09148589750CC6CF82F4098"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">SYSCLOCK</span> </span>--Telecom-Bus Clock Controller </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_3972ACD332964CFA892BF6F2E975A717"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Tunnel</span> </span>--Tunnel interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_987F312AA5FE43ED81AA7927B272DA6B"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Vif</span> </span>--PGM Multicast Host interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_F8DD18E7209C4FD7813AF42857776602"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Virtual-Access</span> </span>--Virtual access interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_C0F54AF911C842249A643C07958B89E1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Virtual-PPP</span> </span>--Virtual PPP interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_920EF36F5E5545AC911E15F7FF1973A7"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Virtual-Template</span> </span>--Virtual template interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_30527E08F0CB48678EFF666E9F26C37B"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Virtual-TokenRing</span> </span>--Virtual TokenRing </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_00BEB94E4D824FD6B4ABF40A53312A38"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Vlan</span> </span>--Catalyst VLANs </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_70B31757548743CB9E543BE3EBB1606D"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">vmi</span> </span>--Virtual Multipoint Interface </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> </td> <td class="entry"> <section class="p"> <ul class="ul" id="wp2678753730__UL_44D628695E3740B0B501B93A4D7886A2"> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_8D5C1ABED0B340CEA8D9084807D81CDC"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">voaBypassIn</span> </span>--VOA-Bypass-In interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_55F5BED1831F4E23B10E5521365EDEDC"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">voaBypassOut</span> </span>--VOA-Bypass-Out interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_A3B27428E6DA4D9890A4A347FEF7FD5A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">voaFilterIn</span> </span>--VOA-Filter-In interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_1A08867C4471451EBEC421A687DEEC9F"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">voaFilterOut</span> </span>--VOA-Filter-Out interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_7370994CB116409EA855612D27E313E8"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">voaIn</span> </span>--VOA-In interface </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2678753730__LI_410D2FDCA18C4818930304AC72D60A70"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">voaOut</span> </span>--VOA-Out interface </p> </li> </ul> </section> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>interface-number</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Interface number. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2678753730__GUID-4B6B3B42-6DD0-4223-A8B1-020BF07A5AD5"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2678753730__GUID-7D36B447-7486-4CE4-AF3E-638E8158B273"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 10.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0(3)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The command was integrated in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2678753730__TABLE_579A2CD7164E4D10BAFBB431EE3428BC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp2678753730__GUID-93D3804C-35F9-4495-B682-CFB1DD2A26DF"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">protocols</span> </span> command shows the global and interface-specific status of any configured Level 3 protocol. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2678753730__GUID-513A7AD1-9A98-4BA6-8618-0F9AB5A8456A"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">protocols</span> </span> command. The field names are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show protocols</b></kbd> Global values: Internet Protocol routing is enabled FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up Internet address is vmi1 is down, line protocol is down FastEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up Internet address is ATM2/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down ATM2/0.1 is administratively down, line protocol is down ATM2/0.2 is administratively down, line protocol is down ATM2/0.200 is administratively down, line protocol is down Ethernet3/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down Ethernet3/0.1 is administratively down, line protocol is down Ethernet3/1 is administratively down, line protocol is down Ethernet3/2 is administratively down, line protocol is down Ethernet3/3 is administratively down, line protocol is down ATM6/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down SSLVPN-VIF0 is up, line protocol is up Interface is unnumbered. Using address of SSLVPN-VIF0 ( Virtual-Access1 is down, line protocol is down Virtual-Template1 is down, line protocol is down Virtual-Access2 is up, line protocol is up Port-channel5 is down, line protocol is down Port-channel5.1 is down, line protocol is down Port-channel15 is down, line protocol is down Virtual-Template100 is down, line protocol is down Interface is unnumbered. Using address of vmi1 ( Dialer3 is up, line protocol is up </code></pre> <p class="p"> For more information on the parameters or protocols shown in this sample output, see the <em class="ph i">Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Configuration Guide </em> and the <em class="ph i">Cisco IOS IP Routing Protocols Configuration Guide</em>. </p> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp8741112920__GUID-C6B4A6CB-0E5E-47CA-ABBD-D3EC2706D1D6" lang="en-US" id="wp8741112920"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp8741112920__GUID-C6B4A6CB-0E5E-47CA-ABBD-D3EC2706D1D6">show region</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp8741112920__GUID-1647F2ED-F247-41AB-8CAD-F4572CBCACBB"> <p class="p"> To display valid memory regions (memory mapping) in use on your system, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">region</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp8741112920__GUID-AAB1240C-0869-42EF-8E46-5EE989060F54"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">region</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">address</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>hex-address</var>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp8741112920__GUID-5494B1F2-E99A-48B9-A458-5CA1CF2F9577"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_2CAA3FA9E8A64013A322A134D0368E30"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">address</span> </span> <span> <var>hex-address</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) If a hexadecimal address is specified, this command will search the region list for the specified address. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp8741112920__GUID-A5D7568D-BB7A-435F-83E3-66488737B1FE"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> All memory regions are displayed. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp8741112920__GUID-44ADDEA2-2859-4D9E-BB8F-E90697B09EED"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp8741112920__GUID-7CAB2E02-440B-4132-8F6D-954604947507"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(13) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0(23)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(23)S. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(25)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The command output was updated to display information about free regions. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B26BD576286342278FB1E6CF85A0A1D0__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output was updated to display heap region memory size in chunks of 16 MB. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp8741112920__GUID-B4B02B8D-BED4-4990-81F9-0F4519B21163"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> This command can be useful for troubleshooting system bus errors. The system encounters a bus error when the processor tries to access a memory location that either does not exist (a software error) or does not respond properly (a hardware problem). </p> <p class="p"> To use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">region</span> </span> command to troubleshoot a bus error, note the memory location address from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command, the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">context</span> </span> command, or from the system error message that alerted you to the bus error. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">region</span> </span> command can then be used to determine if that address is a valid memory location. </p> <p class="p"> For example, in the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command after a system restart caused by a bus error, you will see output similar to “System restarted by bus error at PC 0x30EE546, address 0xBB4C4.” In this case, the memory location that the router tried to access is 0xBB4C4. If the address falls within one of the ranges in the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">region</span> </span> output, it means that the router was accessing a valid memory address, but the hardware corresponding to that address is not responding properly. This indicates a hardware problem. </p> <p class="p"> If the address reported by the bus error does not fall within the ranges displayed in the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">region</span> </span> output, this error means that the router was trying to access an address that is not valid, which indicates that it is a Cisco IOS software problem. </p> <p class="p"> More detailed information is available on in Tech Note #7949, "Troubleshooting Bus Error Crashes". </p> <p class="p"> <strong class="ph b"> Transient Memory Allocation </strong> </p> <p class="p"> The Transient Memory Allocation feature is enabled on platforms like the Cisco 7200 series router and the Cisco 10000 series router. This feature allocates all transient memory in a separate memory address space (separate region), so that there is no interleaving of static and transient memory blocks. Hence, the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">region</span> </span> command will have heap region memory size in chunks of 16 MB. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp8741112920__GUID-031A72ED-CD1C-487B-B6DD-0694C7DCB37C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">region</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show region</b></kbd> Region Manager: Start End Size(b) Class Media Name 0x0C000000 0x0FFFFFFF 67108864 Iomem R/W iomem 0x20000000 0x2FFFFFFF 268435456 Local R/W extended_2 0x50000000 0x5FFFFFFF 268435456 Local R/W extended_1 0x60000000 0x7BFFFFFF 469762048 Local R/W main 0x600090F8 0x6200A807 33560336 IText R/O main:text 0x62014C50 0x62F5B1EF 16016800 IData R/W main:data 0x62F5B1F0 0x6333500F 4038176 IBss R/W main:bss 0x63335010 0x6359A0D3 2511044 Local R/W main:saved-data 0x6359A0D4 0x6459A0D3 16777216 Local R/W main:heap 0x7B000000 0x7BFFFFFF 16777216 Local R/W main:heap 0x80000000 0x8BFFFFFF 201326592 Local R/W main:(main_k0) 0xA0000000 0xABFFFFFF 201326592 Local R/W main:(main_k1) Free Region Manager: Start End Size(b) Class Media Name 0x6459A12C 0x7AFFFFA7 380001916 Local R/W heap </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 1. </span><span class="tabletitle">show region Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Start </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Start address of the memory block. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> End </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> End address of the memory block. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Size(b) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Size of the memory block. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Class </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Class of the memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Media </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Type of the region media. Read-only (R/O), read-write (R/W), and so on. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Name of the region. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Iomem </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Input/output (I/O) memory. It is a type of packet memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Local </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Local memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> IText </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Image text memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> IData </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Image data memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> IBss </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Image blind source separation (BSS) memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> R/W </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Read and write memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> R/O </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_B6A204B93B3041B9874630A01DB9305A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Read-only memory. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp8741112920__GUID-A8B1A045-BCC3-4CF7-9853-65BE1DEE0195"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Command</span> </span> </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Description</span> </span> </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">context</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information stored in NVRAM when an unexpected system reload (system exception) occurs. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">memory</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays detailed memory statistics for the system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8741112920__TABLE_89CB4B43B077478EABA32295442EF6A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Shows hardware and software information for the system. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3480036569__GUID-3402E1E4-EF5E-4A12-8332-A76994418047" lang="en-US" id="wp3480036569"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3480036569__GUID-3402E1E4-EF5E-4A12-8332-A76994418047">show registry</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3480036569__GUID-C920DC9C-9BE7-4B4E-98BE-23B4DAABBF04"> <p class="p"> To display the function registry information when Cisco IOS or Cisco IOS Software Modularity images are running, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">registry</span> </span>command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3480036569__GUID-B0F4A020-BC0F-4EDE-9071-06419C388F54"> <h3>Cisco IOS Software</h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">registry</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>registry-name</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [registry-number] </var>]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">brief</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">statistics</span>] </p> <h3>Cisco IOS Software Modularity</h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">registry</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">name</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>registry-name</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [registry-number] </var>]]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">brief</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">name</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>registry-name</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [registry-number] </var>]] | <span class="keyword kwd">preemptions</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">rpcp</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">status</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">statistics</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">brief</span>]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">name</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>registry-name</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [registry-number] </var>]]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">remote</span>]]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">process</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> {<var>process-name</var><var> | process-id</var>}] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3480036569__GUID-910B0166-69BC-4275-B203-90E34FE9948F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1" colspan="1"> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS Software Syntax </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <var>registry-name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Name of the registry to display. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <var>registry-number</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Number of the registry to display. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">brief</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays limited functions and services information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">statistics</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays function registry statistics. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 " colspan="1"> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS Software Modularity Syntax </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">name</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information about a specific registry. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <var>registry-name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Name of the registry to examine. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <var>registry-number</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Number of the registry to examine. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">brief</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays limited functions and services information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">preemptions</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays registry preemptions information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">rpcp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">status</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays status of remote procedure call (RPC) proxy. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">statistics</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays function registry statistics. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">remote</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays name server interactions and call statistics. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">process</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays process-specific information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <var>process-name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Process name. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_A9A52AB3E5E64E0EA2A1FFC31994DA29__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <var>process-id</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Process ID. Number in range from 1 to 4294967295. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp3480036569__GUID-6F9D7558-9A53-46A7-BE02-EC7764AAA476"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> If no options are specified, registry information is displayed for all registries. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3480036569__GUID-CE65B7E0-320A-4A1E-8861-AFCDD223D57C"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3480036569__GUID-FAEC1CFC-5270-40D0-B7DE-435F0A6C0388"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 11.1 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(18)SXF4 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Keywords and arguments were added to support Software Modularity images and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXF4. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_D443FBA64B7046BA9E0E1E2DB1962E48__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3480036569__GUID-53AE435D-A8B2-4B30-B93F-643AFD285E32"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> Example output varies between Cisco IOS software images and Cisco IOS Software Modularity software images. To view the appropriate output, choose one of the following sections: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp3480036569__UL_ED5EE13A32224D528006A0DDB46FD087"> <li class="li" id="wp3480036569__LI_D8611242E6FE45B1ACC61F624DD79EAA"> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS Software </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp3480036569__LI_2773B9116A2341EEB7F7B890D1EE4788"> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS Software Modularity </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="example" id="wp3480036569__GUID-5A8C66A8-D1AD-4D38-9C86-8BFFB7346439"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">registry</span> </span> command using the <span><span class="keyword kwd">brief</span> </span> keyword: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show registry atm 3/0/0 brief</b></kbd> Registry objects: 1799 bytes: 213412 -- Registry 23: ATM Registry Service 23/0: Service 23/1: Service 23/2: Service 23/3: Service 23/4: Service 23/5: Service 23/6: Service 23/7: Service 23/8: Service 23/9: Service 23/10: Service 23/11: Service 23/12: Service 23/13: Service 23/14: . . . Registry 25: ATM routing Registry Service 25/0: </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 2. </span><span class="tabletitle">show registry brief (Cisco IOS) Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Registry objects </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Number of objects in the registry. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> bytes </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Registry size, in bytes. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Registry </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_07C2350E287545DE91B944526451F62B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the specified registry service number and type of registry service. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example" id="wp3480036569__GUID-FB0A1D0C-7BE2-45B6-B047-5F5AA53C3EFD"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is partial sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">registry</span> </span> command when running a software Modularity image: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show registry</b></kbd> Registry information for ios-base:1: ===================================================== ---------------------------- AAA_ACCOUNTING : 11 services / 1 : List list[000] / 2 : List list[000] / 3 : Case size[020] list[000] default=0x7267C5D0 returnd / 4 : Case size[020] list[000] default=0x7267C5D0 returnd 16 0x72779400 / 5 : Case size[020] list[000] default=0x7267C5D0 returnd / 6 : Case size[020] list[000] default=0x7267C5D0 returnd 16 0x7277915C / 7 : Retval size[020] list[000] default=0x7267C5E4 returno / 8 : Retval size[020] list[000] default=0x7267C5E4 returno / 9 : Retval size[020] list[000] default=0x7267C5E4 returno / 10 : Stub 0x7267C5E4 return_zero / 11 : Stub 0x76545BA0 AAA_ACCOUNTING : 11 services, 140 global bytes, 160 heap bytes . . . </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 3. </span><span class="tabletitle">show registry (Software Modularity) Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Registry information </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the registry information by process name. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> services </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Number of services displayed. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> global bytes </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Number of bytes for the service, </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> heap bytes </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3480036569__TABLE_AD34B9B33CE642D79FC6851D29D5B7DA__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Size of the service heap, in bytes, </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3834133818__GUID-3BFBB5B7-2F7F-4729-9043-1B64925AA51B" lang="en-US" id="wp3834133818"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3834133818__GUID-3BFBB5B7-2F7F-4729-9043-1B64925AA51B">show reload</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3834133818__GUID-AF35BFDA-797C-4D78-8682-7144655EF0A0"> <p class="p"> To display the reload status on the router, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">reload</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>command in EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3834133818__GUID-C44849AC-7A78-4654-B021-D156B1A99B1D"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">reload</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3834133818__GUID-60A152FF-7129-4BFF-9283-35576ADDBD65"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no arguments or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3834133818__GUID-15B8641D-CFAE-4445-88A1-DD8BB5EA9562"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3834133818__GUID-40E217C1-1717-4CA7-B2B7-38110D1BE7B3"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3834133818__TABLE_459B9E25843345828E0BB6A56A2B1856"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3834133818__TABLE_459B9E25843345828E0BB6A56A2B1856__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3834133818__TABLE_459B9E25843345828E0BB6A56A2B1856__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3834133818__TABLE_459B9E25843345828E0BB6A56A2B1856__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 11.2 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3834133818__TABLE_459B9E25843345828E0BB6A56A2B1856__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3834133818__TABLE_459B9E25843345828E0BB6A56A2B1856__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3834133818__TABLE_459B9E25843345828E0BB6A56A2B1856__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp3834133818__GUID-00E59ADB-8223-4873-9932-92EEC9D03CB2"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> You can use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">reload</span> </span> command to display a pending software reload. To cancel the reload, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">reload</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cancel</span> </span> privileged EXEC command. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3834133818__GUID-4E3C3D75-3EF9-4556-B175-0DA875EBC957"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">reload</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>command shows that a reload is schedule for 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on Saturday, April 20: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show reload</b></kbd> Reload scheduled for 00:00:00 PDT Sat April 20 (in 12 hours and 12 minutes) Router#</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3834133818__GUID-07CC839D-8A66-43FE-B0B3-3EA48CF1F6E1"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3834133818__TABLE_EA2C817FB5394B0A9121065367D6BD61"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3834133818__TABLE_EA2C817FB5394B0A9121065367D6BD61__entry__1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Command</span> </span> </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3834133818__TABLE_EA2C817FB5394B0A9121065367D6BD61__entry__2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Description</span> </span> </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3834133818__TABLE_EA2C817FB5394B0A9121065367D6BD61__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">reload</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3834133818__TABLE_EA2C817FB5394B0A9121065367D6BD61__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Reloads the operating system. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title6" lang="en-US" id="wp1836415112"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title6">show reload history</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1836415112__d215534e2888"> <p class="p">To display the reason for the device reload and its history, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show reload history</span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </span></p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1836415112__d215534e2898"> <p class="figgroup synblk"> <span class="keyword kwd">show reload history</span> </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1836415112__d215534e2913"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="lines">Privileged EXEC (#)</p> </section> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table command_history"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1836415112__entry__1">Release</th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1836415112__entry__2">Modification</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1836415112__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE 17.13.1a</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1836415112__entry__2 "> <p class="p">This command was introduced (as <span><span class="keyword kwd">show reload-history</span> </span>) on Cisco Catalyst 8200, 8300, and 8500 Series Edge Platforms, Cisco Catalyst 8000V Edge Software, Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers, Cisco 1000 Series Integrated Services Routers, and Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Router . </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1836415112__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE 17.14.1a</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1836415112__entry__2 "> <p class="p">This command was modified from <span><span class="keyword kwd">show reload-history</span> </span> to <span><span class="keyword kwd">show reload history.</span> </span> This command is supported on Cisco Catalyst 8200, 8300, and 8500 Series Edge Platforms, Cisco Catalyst 8000V Edge Software, Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers, Cisco 1000 Series Integrated Services Routers, and Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1836415112__d215534e2984"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p">You can use this command when you want to view the reload history details.</p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p">This command displays the history for a maximum of 10 reloads.</p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1836415112__d215534e2998"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p">The following is sample output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show reload-history</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Device#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show reload-history</b></kbd> Reload History: Reload Index: 1 Reload Code: Reload Reload Description: Reload Command Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Time: 01:33:44 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 2 Reload Code: Critical Process Fault Reload Description: Critical process stack_mgr fault on rp_0_0 (rc=137), system report at bootflash:core/Yang_Test-system-report_20221130-012929-UTC.tar.gz Reload Severity: Abnormal Reboot Reload Time: 01:31:11 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 3 Reload Code: Image Install Reload Description: Image Install Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Time: 01:25:03 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 4 Reload Code: Critical Process Fault Reload Description: Critical process rif_mgr fault on rp_0_0 (rc=137), system report at bootflash:core/Yang_Test-system-report_20221130-011127-UTC.tar.gz Reload Severity: Abnormal Reboot Reload Time: 01:13:08 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 5 Reload Code: Reload Reload Description: Reload Command Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Time: 01:08:26 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 6 Reload Code: Critical Process Fault Reload Description: Critical process wncmgrd fault on rp_0_0 (rc=137), system report at bootflash:core/Yang_Test-system-report_20221130-010338-UTC.tar.gz Reload Severity: Abnormal Reboot Reload Time: 01:05:23 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 7 Reload Code: Reload Reload Description: Reload Command Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Time: 01:01:09 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 8 Reload Code: Reload Reload Description: Reload Command Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Time: 00:57:27 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 9 Reload Code: Reload Reload Description: Reload Command Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Time: 00:22:34 UTC Wed Nov 30 2022 Reload Index: 10 Reload Code: Fast Switchover Reload Description: redundancy force-switchover Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Time: 23:40:01 UTC Tue Nov 29 2022</code></pre> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p">The <span class="keyword cmdname">show reload-history</span> command is applicable to Cisco IOS XE 17.13.1a release. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1836415112__d215534e3028"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p">The following is sample output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show reload history</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Device#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show reload history</b></kbd> Reload History: Unit ID: rp0 Reload Index: 1 Reload Code: Reload Reload Severity: Normal Reboot Reload Description: Reload Command Crash Data: -NA- HA Status: Active Software Version: 17.15.20240201:182652101 Reload Time: 17:54:47 UTC Mon Feb 5 2024 </code></pre> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p">The <span class="keyword cmdname">show reload history</span> command is applicable to Cisco IOS XE 17.14.1a and later releases. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3431576207__GUID-A94E7E02-11D5-4AE3-91B9-B335AB84C6F8" lang="en-US" id="wp3431576207"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3431576207__GUID-A94E7E02-11D5-4AE3-91B9-B335AB84C6F8">show resource-pool queue</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3431576207__GUID-3B84C1AE-D232-4B82-926A-A4A24CD59EB9"> <p class="p"> To display resource pool and queue information about the router, use the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">resource-pool</span> <span class="keyword kwd">queue</span> </span>command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3431576207__GUID-B758E873-1F1F-4314-A849-4E199DAD1142"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">resource-pool</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">queue</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> {<span class="keyword kwd">description</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">statistics</span>} </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3431576207__GUID-6399243C-CA4F-438B-B5EB-5133BF597CAC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">description</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information about the resource-pool queue description. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> statistics </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information about the resource-pool queue statistics. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3431576207__GUID-190A14A9-33DC-4888-A3A2-145DC23FE977"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3431576207__GUID-90362C1F-257E-4E6A-A132-55969E2F6892"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3431576207__GUID-90362C1F-257E-4E6A-A132-55969E2F6892__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3431576207__GUID-90362C1F-257E-4E6A-A132-55969E2F6892__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3431576207__GUID-90362C1F-257E-4E6A-A132-55969E2F6892__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3431576207__GUID-90362C1F-257E-4E6A-A132-55969E2F6892__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp3431576207__GUID-27877E4E-B1A1-4F3B-9CAE-7C90D4582458"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">resource-pool</span> <span class="keyword kwd">queue</span> </span>command to display the resource pool and queue information on the router. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3431576207__GUID-6ABA3F36-3F20-4D0F-9D8D-B110C5B5687C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">resource-pool</span> <span class="keyword kwd">queue</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">description</span> </span>command. The field descriptions are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show resource-pool description</b></kbd> Resource-management call state description State Description --------------------------- ----------- RM_DNIS_AUTHOR : Waiting for DNIS author RM_DNIS_AUTH_SUCCEEDED : Waiting for resource alloc RM_DNIS_RES_ALLOCATED : Call established RM_DNIS_REQ_IDLE : Disc while in RM_DNIS_AUTHOR/RM_DNIS_AUTH_SUCCEEDED /RM_DNIS_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR RM_DNIS_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR : New call while in RM_DNIS_REQ_IDLE RM_RPM_RES_AUTHOR : Waiting for RPM author RM_RPM_RES_ALLOCATING : Waiting for resource alloc RM_RPM_RES_ALLOCATED : RPM call established RM_RPM_AUTH_REQ_IDLE : Disc while in RM_RPM_RES_AUTHOR /RM_RPM_AUTH_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR RM_RPM_RES_REQ_IDLE : Disc while in RM_RPM_RES_ALLOCATING /RM_RPM_RES_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR RM_RPM_AUTH_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR: New call while in RM_RPM_AUTH_REQ_IDLE RM_RPM_RES_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR : New call while in RM_RPM_RES_REQ_IDLE RM_RPM_DISCONNECTING : RPM initiates disconnect and is waiting for ack RM_RPM_DISCONNECTING_AUTHOR: New call while in RM_RPM_DISCONNECTING 5400-XM-1#sh resource-pool queue stat </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">resource-pool</span> <span class="keyword kwd">queue</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">statistics</span> </span>command: </p> <p class="p"> Router# <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">resource-pool</span> <span class="keyword kwd">statistics</span> </span></p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Resource-management event queue information (queue depth 0) Event In queue Total --------------------------- ---------- ---------- DIALER_INCALL : 0 0 DIALER_DISCON : 0 0 GUARDTIMER_EXPIRY_EVENT : 0 0 RM_DNIS_AUTHOR_SUCCESS : 0 0 RM_DNIS_AUTHOR_FAIL : 0 0 RM_DNIS_RES_ALLOC_SUCCESS : 0 0 RM_DNIS_RES_ALLOC_FAIL : 0 0 RM_DNIS_RPM_REQUEST : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_AUTHOR_SUCCESS : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_AUTHOR_FAIL : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_ALLOC_SUCCESS : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_ALLOC_FAIL : 0 0 RM_RPM_DISC_ACK : 0 0 --------------------------- ---------- ---------- SUM : 0 0 Resource-management call information (0 active calls) State Active Total --------------------------- ---------- ---------- RM_DNIS_AUTHOR : 0 0 RM_DNIS_AUTH_SUCCEEDED : 0 0 RM_DNIS_RES_ALLOCATED : 0 0 RM_DNIS_REQ_IDLE : 0 0 RM_DNIS_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_AUTHOR : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_ALLOCATING : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_ALLOCATED : 0 0 RM_RPM_AUTH_REQ_IDLE : 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_REQ_IDLE : 0 0 RM_RPM_AUTH_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR: 0 0 RM_RPM_RES_REQ_IDLE_AUTHOR : 0 0 RM_RPM_DISCONNECTING : 0 0 RM_RPM_DISCONNECTING_AUTHOR: 0 0 --------------------------- ---------- ---------- SUM : 0 0 00:03:34 since last clear command Other resource-management info: Active Processes 4 Throttle limit 4 (0 calls rejected) Event queue depth 0 (peak 0) Pending calls 0 (peak 0) Buffer queue depth 648 (low watermark 648) </code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3530258048__GUID-944D61BA-13B2-456B-BD74-22174A95B695" lang="en-US" id="wp3530258048"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3530258048__GUID-944D61BA-13B2-456B-BD74-22174A95B695">show rhosts</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3530258048__GUID-B5AB77B6-6502-4B54-9179-77D37A9465CF"> <p class="p"> To display information about current remote hosts, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rhosts</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3530258048__GUID-A84D6B4F-B742-494E-B457-88433AD7726C"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">rhosts</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3530258048__GUID-30ED5CBF-9266-44CC-A5D6-2D8501499628"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no arguments or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3530258048__GUID-D0457B93-A4CD-490E-BE3B-A6EBE0558213"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3530258048__GUID-AF6C2C98-DDDA-44DC-9EB2-6A830DBD82C0"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(22)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.4(22)T. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRC </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SXI </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS 2.1 XE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_CDFD7FECC51248D98872543BF7FAEAB6__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3530258048__GUID-80C160E6-A232-48E8-BCBE-2E61C95ADD77"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rhosts</span> </span> command. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show rhosts</b></kbd> Local user Host/Access list Remote user tcp-scale-mcp1 12 tcp-scale-mcp2 tcp-scale-mcp1 12 tcp-scale-3</code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 4. </span><span class="tabletitle">show rhosts Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Local user </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the name of the user on the local router. This name gets communicated to the network administrator or to the user on the remote system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Host/Access list </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the name or the IP address of the remote host from which the local router will accept remotely executed commands. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Remote user </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_524622E95FBD4F1699C68CB05EDBC14C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the name of the user on the remote host from which the router will accept remotely executed commands. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3530258048__GUID-825BAF67-3F3C-4866-96C4-D83D11F675E7"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_8902976E4B814070B08E2C7A417E9967"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_8902976E4B814070B08E2C7A417E9967__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3530258048__TABLE_8902976E4B814070B08E2C7A417E9967__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_8902976E4B814070B08E2C7A417E9967__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rcmd</span> <span class="keyword kwd">remote-host</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3530258048__TABLE_8902976E4B814070B08E2C7A417E9967__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Creates an entry for the remote user in a local authentication database so that remote users can execute commands on the router using RSH or RCP. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2862082078__GUID-3E903534-0E8E-4EBC-B23C-D42C8AA74A38" lang="en-US" id="wp2862082078"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2862082078__GUID-3E903534-0E8E-4EBC-B23C-D42C8AA74A38">show rom-monitor</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2862082078__GUID-B6E4A926-138F-4DBA-A14E-5BA10438C7EB"> <p class="p"> To show both the read-only and the upgrade ROM monitor (ROMMON) image versions and also the ROMMON image running on the Cisco 7200 VXR or Cisco 7301 router, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> </span>command in user EXEC, privileged EXEC, or diagnostic mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2862082078__GUID-98C09675-FC0A-4718-AB98-B30188EDA1D9"> <h3>Supported Platforms Other than the Cisco ASR1000 Series Routers</h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> </p> <h3>Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers</h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>slot</var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2862082078__GUID-51732B13-96C0-4DA0-BEFA-755D6D198640"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>slot</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Specifies the slot that contains the ROMMON. Options include: </p> <ul class="ul"> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>number</var> </span>--The number of the SIP slot that requires the ROMMON upgrade. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">F0</span> </span>--Embedded Service Processor slot 0. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">F1</span> </span>--Embedded Service Processor slot 1. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">FP</span> <span class="keyword kwd">active</span> </span>--Active Embedded Service Processor. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">FP</span> <span class="keyword kwd">standby</span> </span>--Sstandby Embedded Service Processor. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">R0</span> </span>--Route Processor slot 0. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">R1</span> </span>--Route Processor slot 1. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">RP</span> <span class="keyword kwd">active</span> </span>--Active Route Processor. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">RP</span> <span class="keyword kwd">standby</span> </span>--Standby Route Processor. </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2862082078__GUID-2B115871-5EE1-4C77-9B45-E11482CD95D9"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) Diagnostic (diag) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0(28)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced on the Cisco 7200 VXR router. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(9) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9) and implemented on the Cisco 7301 router. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(8)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers and the following enhancements were introduced: </p> <ul class="ul"> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in diagnostic mode. The command can be entered in both privileged EXEC and diagnostic mode on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> The <span><var>slot</var> </span> argument was introduced. </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2862082078__GUID-03A7314A-3B41-4F42-917F-C9A64C8E9FE7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The command was modified on Cisco 1800 series routers. The output of the command was modified to let you know that the upgradable ROMMON version is not visible due to the license activity and reload is required. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp2862082078__GUID-841E6B17-F16E-40CF-B734-6083554D9EF8"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the show rom-monitor command when the router boots a Cisco IOS software iamge. In this case, the device prompt will be something like “Router&gt;”. Use the showmon command when the device boot to Rom Monitor mode instead of booting a Cisco IOS image. In this case, the device prompt will be something like “rommon n &gt;” where "n" is a number. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> On Cisco 1800 series routers, the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> </span> command does not show the version of the upgradable ROMMON. To view the version of the upgradable ROMMON, you may need to reload the router while using the upgradable ROMMON image. If you are using the read-only ROMMON, then the upgradable ROMMON disappears. You need to run the <span><span class="keyword kwd">upgrade</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> <span class="keyword kwd">file</span> </span> command for the upgradable ROMMON. Otherwise, the <span><span class="keyword kwd">upgrade</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> <span class="keyword kwd">preference</span> <span class="keyword kwd">upgrade</span> </span> command is rejected with the message “No Upgrade ROMMON present, cannot select it.” During ROMMON bootup, if you are running upgradable ROMMON, then the ROMMON first displays the read-only ROMMON message, “Running new upgrade for first time.” This message is followed by the upgradable ROMMON message. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2862082078__GUID-3100C3F9-E844-4078-ADEA-34D7688EE65C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following sample output from the show rom-monitor command, applicable to both the Cisco 7200 VXR and Cisco 7301 routers, displays both the ROMMON images and verifies that the upgrade ROMMON image is running: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router&gt; <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show rom-monitor</b></kbd> ReadOnly ROMMON version: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20031011:151758) Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Upgrade ROMMON version: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20031011:151758) Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Currently running ROMMON from Upgrade region ROMMON from Upgrade region is selected for next boot</code></pre> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> The following is sample output from the show rom-monitor command in on Cisco 1800 series routers. To view the version of the upgradable ROMMON, you may need to reload the router while using the upgradable ROMMON image. Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show rom-monitor</b></kbd> ReadOnly ROMMON version: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YH3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc. Upgrade ROMMON version is not visible due to recent license activity, such as license installation, removal, or the use of evaluation license Reload is required to show the upgrade ROMMON version Currently running ROMMON from Upgrade region ROMMON from Upgrade region is selected for next boot</code></pre> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">reload</b></kbd> Proceed with reload? [confirm] *Apr 13 18:44:08.583: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload Reason: Reload Command. System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YH3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc. Running new upgrade for first time System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YH13, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 2008 by cisco Systems, Inc. C1800 platform with 262144 Kbytes of main memory with parity disabled Upgrade ROMMON initialized</code></pre> <p class="p"> In the following example, the ROMMON image in RP 0 of a Cisco ASR 1006 router is verified using the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show rom-monitor r0</b></kbd> System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(33r)XN1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 2007 by cisco Systems, Inc.</code></pre> <p class="p"> The fields in the examples are self-explanatory. </p> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1588523560__GUID-4BB82CD5-95F0-46CD-BC31-13B18AAD2BC4" lang="en-US" id="wp1588523560"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1588523560__GUID-4BB82CD5-95F0-46CD-BC31-13B18AAD2BC4">show rom-monitor slot</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1588523560__GUID-A1D79978-16D3-4DD3-8DA2-BC325AC43740"> <p class="p"> To display the ROM monitor (ROMMON) status, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> </span> command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1588523560__GUID-118D3436-E727-472D-BB46-EC39996534CF"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">slot</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>num</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> {<span class="keyword kwd">sp</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">rp</span>} </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1588523560__GUID-4D79E309-33EC-4AB3-A712-242DBB446751"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1588523560__TABLE_C0DFB74714C940E3ADDD09070746335B"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>num</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays the slot number of the ROMMON for which the status is to be displayed. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">sp</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays the ROMMON status of the switch processor. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">rp</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays the ROMMON status of the route processor. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1588523560__GUID-01EEBE1C-5E13-40E7-A997-2A887BEE6EE5"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1588523560__GUID-82949DEE-383C-4096-9A8D-32F4426A3CD5"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(14)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(17d)SXB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was integrated into Release 12.2(17d)SXB. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_4E214994A4B142ADA2F291E0354E9CDB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1588523560__GUID-0444A04F-1938-4648-94AB-710B86B9717C"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> When you enter the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span> command, the output displays the following: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1588523560__UL_6681C91CE5554293B3B441FDE151C6BE"> <li class="li" id="wp1588523560__LI_67B3D7500A714851853772479192E6F2"> <section class="p"> Region region1 and region2--Displays the status of the ROMMON image and the order of preference from which the region1 or region2 images should be booted. The ROMMON image status values are as follows: <ul class="ul" id="wp1588523560__UL_05072135175443A1B058AC28F7D37E8F"> <li class="li" id="wp1588523560__LI_1F537F354D8D42B997505617D4108EDD"> First run--Indicates that a check of the new image is being run. </li> <li class="li" id="wp1588523560__LI_E9324EED9C7640E7A46CD636C030ECA2"> Invalid--Indicates that the new image has been checked and the upgrade process has started. </li> <li class="li" id="wp1588523560__LI_14C1C84951C64064A71F91B30006622A"> Approved--Indicates that the ROMMON field upgrade process has completed. </li> </ul> </section> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1588523560__LI_BF92F4EA678C4B9DA60D3E7AE7AFBA15"> <p class="p"> Currently running--This field displays the currently running image and the region. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">sp</span> </span> or <span><span class="keyword kwd">rp</span> </span> keyword is required only if a supervisor engine is installed in the specified slot. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1588523560__GUID-8F426785-DECE-4E8C-9F9D-F800AB9D311B"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display ROMMON information: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show rom-monitor slot 1 sp</b></kbd> Region F1:APPROVED Region F2:FIRST_RUN, preferred Currently running ROMMON from F1 region Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput"> </b></kbd> </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1588523560__GUID-32393393-57AA-4711-A987-28E800C60201"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1588523560__TABLE_FA8DF0B720CA49E1B9E06DDE82D635D0"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1588523560__TABLE_FA8DF0B720CA49E1B9E06DDE82D635D0__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1588523560__TABLE_FA8DF0B720CA49E1B9E06DDE82D635D0__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_FA8DF0B720CA49E1B9E06DDE82D635D0__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">upgrade</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rom-monitor</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1588523560__TABLE_FA8DF0B720CA49E1B9E06DDE82D635D0__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Sets the execution preference on a ROMMON. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1877444513__GUID-E4D9CEFD-7534-472C-AFA5-61FFB558FD6B" lang="en-US" id="wp1877444513"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1877444513__GUID-E4D9CEFD-7534-472C-AFA5-61FFB558FD6B">show running identity policy</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1877444513__GUID-E449782F-D244-4D4B-84F1-0E4DF12A9158"> <p class="p"> To display identity policy information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> <span class="keyword kwd">identity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">policy</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1877444513__GUID-D7CAF162-462C-4409-B460-AFBCDBB82B5A"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">running</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">identity</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">policy</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [name] </var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1877444513__GUID-5B8168A2-4301-4C1F-97F4-88B0236C280C"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Name of the identity policy. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1877444513__GUID-9B549032-C048-484A-B26A-CCE68BF19BBC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1877444513__GUID-E8DEE6EF-E3DF-4700-9441-E75EF7107036"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1877444513__GUID-E8DEE6EF-E3DF-4700-9441-E75EF7107036__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1877444513__GUID-E8DEE6EF-E3DF-4700-9441-E75EF7107036__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1877444513__GUID-E8DEE6EF-E3DF-4700-9441-E75EF7107036__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(18)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1877444513__GUID-E8DEE6EF-E3DF-4700-9441-E75EF7107036__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1877444513__GUID-8EFE2D36-F68B-49CA-B97C-4DDCFF8B77EB"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> <span class="keyword kwd">identity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">policy</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running identity policy</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: identity policy p1 access-group some-acl identity policy p2 access-group another-acl redirect url match redirect-acl end </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1877444513__GUID-BF104D52-6E9C-4218-96A6-5BD84E77BD32"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1877444513__GUID-BF104D52-6E9C-4218-96A6-5BD84E77BD32__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1877444513__GUID-BF104D52-6E9C-4218-96A6-5BD84E77BD32__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1877444513__GUID-BF104D52-6E9C-4218-96A6-5BD84E77BD32__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-configuration</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1877444513__GUID-BF104D52-6E9C-4218-96A6-5BD84E77BD32__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the running configuration for a router. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2559160784__GUID-EEEF33BF-3BB1-4C8F-80A3-2A2F00C8A65C" lang="en-US" id="wp2559160784"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2559160784__GUID-EEEF33BF-3BB1-4C8F-80A3-2A2F00C8A65C">show running identity profile</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2559160784__GUID-3149BC85-98A4-494C-B484-26D2DD955C6F"> <p class="p"> To display identity profile information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> <span class="keyword kwd">identity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">profile</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2559160784__GUID-26FE54BC-2DC9-4591-85DB-74118E9D3B6C"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">running</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">identity</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">profile</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">default</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">dot1x</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">eapoudp</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2559160784__GUID-8E9F4A5A-7E50-44A3-AB90-B99AAE8F0C88"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">default</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays default identity profile information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> dot1x </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays 802.1x identity profile information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> eapoudp </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays EAPoUDP identity profile information. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2559160784__GUID-7F8A1A58-EF23-4628-A51A-E865E6A61687"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2559160784__GUID-6501E566-BB22-484A-8E2D-60CF4EB6A109"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2559160784__GUID-6501E566-BB22-484A-8E2D-60CF4EB6A109__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2559160784__GUID-6501E566-BB22-484A-8E2D-60CF4EB6A109__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2559160784__GUID-6501E566-BB22-484A-8E2D-60CF4EB6A109__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(18)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2559160784__GUID-6501E566-BB22-484A-8E2D-60CF4EB6A109__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2559160784__GUID-BDBFC568-921E-48DC-BA11-EC6E2AF36026"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> <span class="keyword kwd">identity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">profile</span> </span>command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running identity profile</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: identity profile default device authorize type cisco ip phone identity profile eapoudp device authorize ip-address policy p1 identity profile dot1x device authorize mac-address 0001.0203.0405 ffff.ffff.ffff policy p2 end </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp2559160784__GUID-9E20F218-A92B-4734-A852-4E4D45FDCD94"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2559160784__GUID-9E20F218-A92B-4734-A852-4E4D45FDCD94__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2559160784__GUID-9E20F218-A92B-4734-A852-4E4D45FDCD94__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2559160784__GUID-9E20F218-A92B-4734-A852-4E4D45FDCD94__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-configuration</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2559160784__GUID-9E20F218-A92B-4734-A852-4E4D45FDCD94__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the running configuration for a router. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2760878733__GUID-9CA2A6DA-46F7-431A-A553-D7C4F375B4A2" lang="en-US" id="wp2760878733"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2760878733__GUID-9CA2A6DA-46F7-431A-A553-D7C4F375B4A2">show running-config</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2760878733__GUID-7B04040B-C175-48E2-AF3C-3F4075743382"> <p class="p"> To display the contents of the current running configuration file or the configuration for a specific module, Layer 2 VLAN, class map, interface, map class, policy map, or virtual circuit (VC) class, use the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2760878733__GUID-4F266B90-4658-48B5-8CFB-5B9217ADB8E9"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [options] </var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2760878733__GUID-05C8927D-C1F6-43AB-A532-9CE28DBBC4AB"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2760878733__TABLE_27F6BE9FD0744227AB2A875AC13B7920"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>options</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Keywords used to customize output. You can enter more than one keyword. </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp2760878733__UL_EC9802A621894B8E8CE71D2DD5DA0EE5"> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_AD1DA769D3CA40DD9CF64293DB9FB9FC"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span>--Expands the output to include the commands that are configured with default parameters. If the <span><span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> keyword is not used, the output does not display commands configured with default parameters. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_4F849838889A4B7A9A7D917BE6ABD76B"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">brief</span> </span>--Displays the configuration without certification data and encrypted filter details. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">brief</span> </span> keyword can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_F96C191468384A8E9250AD832A8F6409"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">class-map</span> </span>[<span><var>name</var> </span>]<span><var></var> </span>[<span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span>]--Displays class map information. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">class-map</span> </span> <span><var>name</var> </span> option. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_B9ED4699BC0E4925A4285AB0B4CB7BF2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">control-plane</span> </span>[<span><span class="keyword kwd">cef-exception</span> </span>|<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">host</span> </span>|<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">transit</span> </span>]--Displays control-plane information. The<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef-exception</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">host</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">transit</span> </span> keywords can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">control-plane</span> </span> option. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_32306C34BB794D329B80E20456AA79A3"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">flow</span> </span>{<span><span class="keyword kwd">exporter</span> </span> | <span><span class="keyword kwd">monitor</span> </span> | <span><span class="keyword kwd">record</span> </span>}--Displays global flow configuration commands. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">exporter</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">monitor</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">record</span> </span>keywords can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">flow</span> </span> option. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_40B2554F9075464EA330D57490DBBD59"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">full</span> </span>--Displays the full configuration. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_8D0642A1D0D64B97B8C046F8ABF7271B"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> <span> <var>type</var> <var>number</var> </span> <em class="ph i">--</em> Displays interface-specific configuration information. If you use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> keyword, you must specify the interface type and the interface number (for example, <span><span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ethernet</span> <span class="keyword kwd">0</span> </span>). Keywords for common interfaces include <span><span class="keyword kwd">async</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ethernet</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">fastEthernet</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">group-async</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">loopback</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">null</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">serial</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">virtual-template</span> </span>. Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">run</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> <span class="keyword kwd">?</span> </span>command to determine the interfaces available on your system. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_85AC841B36E94726A56135E793388D4A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span>--Displays line numbers in the output. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">brief</span> </span> or <span><span class="keyword kwd">full</span> </span> keyword can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword. The<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span>keyword can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">class-map</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">policy-map</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">vc-class</span> </span> keywords. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_E4A2B7828C9B4E09A2BDF771225A8CEC"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> </span> [<span><span class="keyword kwd">atm</span> </span> | <span><span class="keyword kwd">dialer</span> </span> | <span><span class="keyword kwd">frame-relay</span> </span>] [<span><span class="keyword kwd">name</span> </span>] [<span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span>]--Displays map class information. This option is described separately; see the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> </span> command page. </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> </td> <td class="entry"> <section class="p"> <ul class="ul" id="wp2760878733__UL_F675B6098436473294C07DEEDA1D10CF"> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_D3D8D4760D8F42BE890D3C10E18379D2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> <span class="keyword kwd">types</span> </span>-- Displays the configuration corresponding to a partition. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">types</span> </span> keyword can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> </span>option. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_631F95EB422D476092910B211576E41A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">policy-map</span> </span> [<span><var>name</var> </span>]<span><var></var> </span>[<span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span>]--Displays policy map information. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">policy-map</span> </span> <span><var>name</var> </span> option. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_36DD7EA576AD4A8CB6E6E88E79F9B4D6"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">vc-class</span> </span> [<span><var>name</var> </span>] [<span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span>]--Displays VC-class information (the display is available only on certain devices such as the Cisco 7500 series devices). The <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword can be used with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">vc-class</span> </span> <span><var>name</var> </span> option. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> </td> <td class="entry"> <section class="p"> <ul class="ul" id="wp2760878733__UL_506B5053AD1F4C0499EAE535F5149511"> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_10DCB289137544F8BB6CDE95A3B1DA57"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">view</span> <span class="keyword kwd">full</span> </span>--Enables the display of a full running configuration. This is for view-based users who typically can only view the configuration commands that they are entitled to access for that particular view. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_FBD61C51172D400F886597027286934A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> </span> <span> <var>name</var> </span>--Displays the Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)-aware configuration module number . </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_488B88DD93AF48FF9B0F2F7986B0F81A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">vlan</span> </span> [<span><var>vlan-id</var> </span>]--Displays the specific VLAN information ; valid values are from 1 to 4094. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp2760878733__GUID-4CE6B177-2FFF-43DC-8E50-7DED11AFC829"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> The default syntax, <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span>, displays the contents of the running configuration file, except commands configured using the default parameters. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2760878733__GUID-5437B204-55E7-4B41-8071-A21EB9E7D3B1"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2760878733__GUID-D54E67CE-9593-499A-9E40-0425A9E8B141"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 11.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was replaced by the <span><span class="keyword kwd">more</span> <span class="keyword kwd">system:running-config</span> </span> command. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0(1)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(1)T, and the output modifier (<span><span class="keyword kwd">|</span> </span>) was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(4)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(8)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">view</span> <span class="keyword kwd">full</span> </span>option was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(14)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)SX. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">module</span> </span> <span><var>number</var> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">vlan</span> </span> <span><var>vlan-id</var> </span> keywords and arguments were added for the Supervisor Engine 720. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(17d)SXB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Release 12.2(17d)SXB and implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SXH </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span>keyword was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(31)SB2 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2. This command was enhanced to display the configuration information for traffic shaping overhead accounting for ATM and was implemented on the Cisco 10000 series device for the PRE3. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRC </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. Support for the Cisco 7300 series device was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(24)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> </span> keywords were added. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">module</span> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">vlan</span> </span> keywords were removed. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output was modified to include encrypted filter information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SXI </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_4E0DFB1FFF9941D5ADC492F577C5C140__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output was modified to display Access Control List (ACL) information. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp2760878733__GUID-A217EB0A-16B0-4A91-8C62-87DCDFAC105B"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command is technically a command alias (substitute or replacement syntax) of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">more</span> <span class="keyword kwd">system:running-config</span> </span> command. Although the use of more commands is recommended (because of their uniform structure across platforms and their expandable syntax), the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command remains enabled to accommodate its widespread use, and to allow typing shortcuts such as <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">run</span> </span>. </p> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> command is useful when there are multiple interfaces and you want to look at the configuration of a specific interface. </p> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword causes line numbers to be displayed in the output. This option is useful for identifying a particular portion of a very large configuration. </p> <p class="p"> You can enter additional output modifiers in the command syntax by including a pipe character (|) after the optional keyword. For example, <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> <span class="keyword kwd">serial</span> <span class="keyword kwd">2/1</span> <span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">|</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">begin</span> <span class="keyword kwd">3</span> </span>. To display the output modifiers that are available for a keyword, enter <span><span class="keyword kwd">|</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">?</span> </span> after the keyword. Depending on the platform you are using, the keywords and the arguments for the <span><var>options</var> </span> argument may vary. </p> <p class="p"> Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH, the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span>command output omitted configuration commands set with default values. Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH, the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> command displays complete configuration information, including the default settings and values. For example, if the Cisco Discovery Protocol (abbreviated as CDP in the output) hold-time value is set to its default of 180: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp2760878733__UL_1E9DDC96022243FCA82A056E231BDB50"> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_C942878934D545C69D3981AADCB96D3E"> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>command does not display this value. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp2760878733__LI_29542A6A14AE4DA0AA7C489386346D81"> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>displays the following output: cdp holdtime 180. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> If the Cisco Discovery Protocol holdtime is changed to a nondefault value (for example, 100), the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span>commands is the same; that is, the configured parameter is displayed. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH, the <span><span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span>keyword expands the output to include some of the commands that are configured with default values. In subsequent Cisco IOS releases, additional configuration commands that are configured with default values will be added to the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span>command. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI, the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command displays ACL information. To exclude ACL information from the output, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> </span> |<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">section</span> <span class="keyword kwd">exclude</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">access</span> </span> | <span><span class="keyword kwd">access</span> <span class="keyword kwd">list</span> </span>command. </p> <p class="p"> <strong class="ph b"> Cisco 7600 Series Device</strong> </p> <p class="p"> In some cases, you might see a difference in the duplex mode that is displayed between the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> </span> command and the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command. The duplex mode that is displayed in the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> </span> command is the actual duplex mode that the interface is running. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> </span> command displays the operating mode of an interface, and the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command displays the configured mode of the interface. </p> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command output for an interface might display the duplex mode but no configuration for the speed. This output indicates that the interface speed is configured as auto and that the duplex mode that is displayed becomes the operational setting once the speed is configured to something other than auto. With this configuration, it is possible that the operating duplex mode for that interface does not match the duplex mode that is displayed with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2760878733__GUID-83F38476-8984-487E-B391-BB64D3CDD762"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example shows the configuration for serial interface 1. The fields are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Device#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput"> show running-config interface serial 1</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: ! interface Serial1 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache shutdown end </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows the configuration for Ethernet interface 0/0. Line numbers are displayed in the output. The fields are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config interface ethernet 0/0 linenum</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration : 104 bytes 1 : ! 2 : interface Ethernet0/0 3 : ip address 4 : no ip route-cache 5 : no ip mroute-cache 6 : end </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows how to set line numbers in the command output and then use the output modifier to start the display at line 10. The fields are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config linenum | begin 10 </b></kbd> 10 : boot-start-marker 11 : boot-end-marker 12 : ! 13 : no logging buffered 14 : enable password ##### 15 : ! 16 : spe 1/0 1/7 17 : firmware location bootflash:mica-modem-pw. 18 : ! 19 : ! 20 : resource-pool disable 21 : ! 22 : no aaa new-model 23 : ip subnet-zero 24 : ip domain name 25 : ip name-server 26 : ip name-server 27 : ! 28 : ! 29 : isdn switch-type primary-5ess 30 : ! . . . 126 : end </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows how to display the module and status configuration for all modules on a Cisco 7600 series device. The fields are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 12.0 service timestamps debug datetime localtime service timestamps log datetime localtime no service password-encryption ! hostname device ! boot buffersize 126968 boot system flash slot0:7600r boot bootldr bootflash:c6msfc-boot-mz.120-6.5T.XE1.0.83.bin enable password lab ! clock timezone Pacific -8 clock summer-time Daylight recurring redundancy main-cpu auto-sync standard ! ip subnet-zero ! ip multicast-routing ip dvmrp route-limit 20000 ip cef mls flow ip destination mls flow ipx destination cns event-service server ! spanning-tree portfast bpdu-guard spanning-tree uplinkfast spanning-tree vlan 200 forward-time 21 port-channel load-balance sdip ! ! ! shutdown ! ! . . . </code></pre> <p class="p"> In the following sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command, the <span><span class="keyword kwd">shape</span> <span class="keyword kwd">average</span> </span>command indicates that the traffic shaping overhead accounting for ATM is enabled. The BRAS-DSLAM encapsulation type is qinq and the subscriber line encapsulation type is snap-rbe based on the ATM adaptation layer 5 (AAL5) service. The fields are self-explanatory </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config</b></kbd> . . . subscriber policy recording rules limit 64 no mpls traffic-eng auto-bw timers frequency 0 call rsvp-sync ! controller T1 2/0 framing sf linecode ami ! controller T1 2/1 framing sf linecode ami ! ! policy-map unit-test class class-default shape average percent 10 account qinq aal5 snap-rbe ! </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">class-map</span> </span> command. The fields in the display are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config class-map</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration : 2910 bytes ! class-map type stack match-all ip_tcp_stack match field IP protocol eq 0x6 next TCP class-map type access-control match-all my match field UDP dest-port eq 1111 match encrypted filter-version 0.1, Dummy Filter 2 filter-id 123 filter-hash DE0EB7D3C4AFDD990038174A472E4789 algorithm aes256cbc cipherkey realm-cisco.sym ciphervalue # oeahb4L6JK+XuC0q8k9AqXvBeQWzVfdg8WV67WEXbiWdXGQs6BEXqQeb4Pfow570zM4eDw0gxlp/Er8w /lXsmolSgYpYuxFMYb1KX/H2iCXvA76VX7w5TElb/+6ekgbfP/d5ms6DEzKa8DlOpl+Q95lP194PsIlU wCyfVCwLS+T8p3RDLi8dKBgQMcDW4Dha1ObBJTpV4zpwhEdMvJDu5PATtEQhFjhN/UYeyQiPRthjbkJn LzT8hQFxwYwVW8PCjkyqEwYrr+R+mFG/C7tFRiooaW9MU9PCpFd95FARvlU=# exit class-map type stack match-all ip_udp_stack match field IP protocol eq 0x11 next UDP class-map type access-control match-all psirt1 match encrypted filter-version 0.0_DummyVersion_20090101_1830 filter-id cisco-sa-20090101-dummy_ddts_001 filter-hash FC50BED10521002B8A170F29AF059C53 algorithm aes256cbc cipherkey realm-cisco.sym ciphervalue # DkGbVq0FPAsVJKguU15lQPDfZyTcHUXWsj8+tD+dCSYW9cjkRU9jyST4vO4u69/L62QlbyQuKdyQmb10 6sAeY5vDsDfDV05k4o5eD+j8cMt78iZT0Qg7uGiBSYBbak3kKn/5w2gDd1vnivyQ7g4Ltd9+XM+GP6XL 27RrXeP5A5iGbzC7KI9t6riZXk0gmR/vFw1a5wck0D/iQHIlFa/yRPoKMSFlqfIlLTe5NM7JArSTKET2 pu7wZammTz4FF6rY# exit match start TCP payload-start offset 0 size 10 regex "abc.*def" match field TCP source-port eq 1234 class-map type access-control match-all psirt2 match encrypted filter-version 0.0_DummyVersion_20090711_1830 filter-id cisco-sa-20090711-dummy_ddts_002 filter-hash DE0EB7D3C4AFDD990038174A472E4789 algorithm aes256cbc cipherkey realm-cisco.sym </code></pre> <p class="p">The following example shows that the teletype (tty) line 2 is reserved for communicating with the 2nd core: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 12.0 service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname device ! enable password lab ! no ip subnet-zero ! ! ! interface Ethernet0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast no logging event link-status ! interface Serial0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip mroute-cache shutdown no fair-queue ! interface Serial1 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast shutdown ! ip default-gateway ip classless ip route ! ! line con 0 transport input none line 1 6 no exec transport input all line 7 no exec exec-timeout 300 0 transport input all line 8 9 no exec transport input all line 10 no exec transport input all stopbits 1 line 11 12 no exec transport input all line 13 no exec transport input all speed 115200 line 14 16 no exec transport input all line aux 0 line vty 0 4 password cisco login ! end</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp2760878733__GUID-69F6E817-1735-4E5A-B9A2-2B160C9E19B6"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Command</span> </span> </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Description</span> </span> </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">bandwidth</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Specifies or modifies the bandwidth allocated for a class belonging to a policy map, and enables ATM overhead accounting. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">boot</span> <span class="keyword kwd">config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Specifies the device and filename of the configuration file from which the device configures itself during initialization (startup). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">configure</span> <span class="keyword kwd">terminal</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Enters global configuration mode. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">copy</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">startup-config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. (Command alias for the <span><span class="keyword kwd">copy</span> <span class="keyword kwd">system:running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">nvram:startup-config</span> </span> command.) </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">shape</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Shapes traffic to the indicated bit rate according to the algorithm specified, and enables ATM overhead accounting. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays statistics for all interfaces configured on the device or access server. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">policy-map</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps, and displays ATM overhead accounting information, if configured. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">startup-config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2760878733__TABLE_584A51E5FD064208875766AE5F4639D8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the contents of NVRAM (if present and valid) or displays the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable. (Command alias for the <span><span class="keyword kwd">more:nvram</span> <span class="keyword kwd">startup-config</span> </span> command.) </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2630860884__GUID-718DD888-EF67-4735-B537-E75EDBA59C56" lang="en-US" id="wp2630860884"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2630860884__GUID-718DD888-EF67-4735-B537-E75EDBA59C56">show running-config control-plane</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2630860884__GUID-A60C614E-93CD-4431-8865-C23E1A0FC7AE"> <p class="p"> To display the control plane information for the running configuration, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">control-plane</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2630860884__GUID-FCB0C904-0497-4565-9CCE-B2DDE5088B77"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">control-plane</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">cef-exception</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">host</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">transit</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2630860884__GUID-13134386-AD70-4551-894F-A6CE9B3F55CE"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef-exception</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information about control plane Cisco Express Forwarding exceptions. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">host</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information about the control plane host. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">transit</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information about control plane transit. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp2630860884__GUID-BCF8EF6F-834F-4E4F-8D1D-437E2F617207"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> If no keyword is specified, all information about the control plane is displayed. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2630860884__GUID-DB34F09E-92BE-41C2-A8EE-FE7203C36D65"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2630860884__GUID-947CF1C1-7625-4C58-A293-6165731C36BD"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2630860884__GUID-947CF1C1-7625-4C58-A293-6165731C36BD__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2630860884__GUID-947CF1C1-7625-4C58-A293-6165731C36BD__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2630860884__GUID-947CF1C1-7625-4C58-A293-6165731C36BD__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(24)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2630860884__GUID-947CF1C1-7625-4C58-A293-6165731C36BD__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2630860884__GUID-4879792E-97B0-4BA6-B61A-001853F16D26"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">control-plane</span> </span> command. The field descriptions are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config control-plane</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration : 14 bytes ! control-plane ! end </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp2630860884__GUID-6421465B-1E9A-4331-AD7A-8284D7AF1A1B"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2630860884__GUID-6421465B-1E9A-4331-AD7A-8284D7AF1A1B__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2630860884__GUID-6421465B-1E9A-4331-AD7A-8284D7AF1A1B__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2630860884__GUID-6421465B-1E9A-4331-AD7A-8284D7AF1A1B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2630860884__GUID-6421465B-1E9A-4331-AD7A-8284D7AF1A1B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the contents of the current running configuration file or the configuration for a specific module. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1347145858__GUID-96DE5C87-7543-4B57-9E28-69365D3DEA15" lang="en-US" id="wp1347145858"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1347145858__GUID-96DE5C87-7543-4B57-9E28-69365D3DEA15">show running-config map-class</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1347145858__GUID-545A55F8-21CA-44C3-B8B7-B13BE08A80EF"> <p class="p"> To display only map-class configuration information from the running configuration file, use the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1347145858__GUID-01825020-E31B-4EDD-9B20-1E7EF8752E0E"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">atm</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [map-class-name] </var> | <span class="keyword kwd">dialer</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [map-class-name] </var> | <span class="keyword kwd">frame-relay</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [map-class-name] </var>]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">linenum</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1347145858__GUID-D40C577B-0975-41FA-A052-FD5E3195EE4F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">atm</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays only ATM map-class configuration lines. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dialer</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays only dialer map-class configuration lines. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">frame-relay</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays only Frame Relay map-class configuration lines. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <em class="ph i">map-class-name</em> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays only configuration lines for the specified map-class. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays line numbers in the output. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1347145858__GUID-9AFFA935-04B6-44C0-B8E5-8285BF8BAEF0"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> Displays all map-class configuration in the running configuration file. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1347145858__GUID-25519B22-E153-4E9A-88B8-3D0A4C47FE32"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.1 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> </span> extension to the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command was introduced to show only lines pertaining to dialer or Frame Relay map classes. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.1(2)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">atm</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">dialer</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">frame-relay</span> </span> keywords and <span><var>map-class-name</var> </span> argument were introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(4)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-60208A09-4792-41D6-942A-EF4A1218765B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1347145858__GUID-727D59F0-4832-4B4D-A64C-221DF73520AD"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> </span> command to display the following information from the running configuration file: </p> <ul class="ul"> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> All map classes configured on the router. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> Map classes configured specifically for ATM, Frame Relay, or dialer. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> A specific ATM, Frame Relay, or dialer map class. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">linenum</span> </span> keyword to display line numbers in the output. This option is useful for identifying a particular portion of a very large configuration. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1347145858__GUID-E203CA33-D67D-45E4-A843-723B3E4CDBAB"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1347145858__GUID-9DE68A60-8199-48DD-88E2-759C1B0AF8C5"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example displays all map classes configured on the router: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config map-class</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: ! map-class frame-relay cir60 frame-relay bc 16000 frame-relay adaptive-shaping becn ! map-class frame-relay cir70 no frame-relay adaptive-shaping frame-relay priority-group 2 ! map-class atm vc100 atm aal5mux ! map-class dialer dialer1 dialer idle-timeout 10 end </code></pre> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1347145858__GUID-87CAEC7D-7246-45B8-9E19-24679103F417"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example displays all Frame Relay map classes on the router: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput"> show running-config map-class frame-relay</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: ! map-class frame-relay cir60 frame-relay bc 16000 frame-relay adaptive-shaping becn ! map-class frame-relay cir70 no frame-relay adaptive-shaping frame-relay priority-group 2 end </code></pre> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1347145858__GUID-748FFC1C-8D5B-4256-B60D-8B3D6E21C8D1"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example displays a specific map class called class1. Line numbers are displayed in the output. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config map-class frame-relay class1 linenum</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration: 1 : ! 2 : map-class frame-relay boy 3 : no frame-relay adaptive-shaping 4 : frame-relay cir 1000 5 : end</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Command</span> </span> </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Description</span> </span> </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> <span class="keyword kwd">atm</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Specifies the ATM map class for an SVC. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> <span class="keyword kwd">dialer</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Defines a class of shared configuration parameters associated with the dialer map command for outgoing calls from an ISDN interface and for PPP callback. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">map-class</span> <span class="keyword kwd">frame-relay</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Specifies a map class to define QoS values for a Frame Relay VC. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">more</span> <span class="keyword kwd">system:running-config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1347145858__GUID-34DC96F5-0B9C-48EF-9091-A44512A47165__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays contents of the currently running configuration file (equivalent to the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command.) </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1735153589__GUID-0FD9DCD0-C929-478E-86D2-9A7A36EA76F3" lang="en-US" id="wp1735153589"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1735153589__GUID-0FD9DCD0-C929-478E-86D2-9A7A36EA76F3">show running-config partition</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1735153589__GUID-2DFD4366-DFFD-4E77-83F4-F45C27943438"> <p class="p"> To display the list of commands that make up the current running configuration for a specific part of the system’s global running configuration, use the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1735153589__GUID-2F2A2FFB-4C38-4764-8903-266FAD03E223"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">partition</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>part</var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1735153589__GUID-571CA0DA-644A-4C2A-835F-9812BF0FB829"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>part</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> The <span><var>part</var> </span>argument will consist of one or more keyword options. These keywords represent a partition of the system’s running configuration state, as a major-descriptor and, in some cases, one or more minor-descriptors. </p> <p class="p"> For example, in the command <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> <span class="keyword kwd">router</span> <span class="keyword kwd">eigrp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">1</span> </span>, the major-descriptor for the <span><var>part</var> </span> argument is the <span><span class="keyword kwd">router</span> </span> keyword, and the minor-descriptors for the <span><var>part</var> </span> argument are the <span><span class="keyword kwd">eigrp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">1</span> </span> keywords. </p> <p class="p"> The actual list of <span><var>part</var> </span> keyword options will depend on your system hardware, what feature set you are running, and what features are currently configured on your system. </p> <p class="p"> Some examples of command <span><var>part</var> </span>keyword options are provided here for reference. Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> <span class="keyword kwd">?</span> </span> command on your system to view the list of command options available on your system. </p> <ul class="ul"> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">access-list</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the access-list configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">boot</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the boot configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">class-map</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the class-map configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">global-cdp</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the global CDP configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> [<span><span class="keyword kwd">type</span> </span> <span><var>slot</var> </span>/<span><var>port</var> </span>/<span><var>number</var> </span>]--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the interfaces configuration partition or the configuration commands that are applied to the specified interface. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">line</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the line command configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">policy-map</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the policy-map configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">route-map</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the route-map configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">router</span> </span> [<span><var>protocol</var> </span>]--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the router configuration partition, or the configuration commands for the specified routing protocol. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">service</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the services (small server) configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">snmp</span> </span>--Displays all running configuration commands that make up the SNMP configuration partition. </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">|</span> <span class="keyword kwd">-</span> </span> Allows for the addition of output modifiers. </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1735153589__GUID-D736DF22-ECAA-455D-B5BD-000A6F7F847A"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> None </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1735153589__GUID-754E19AB-88E2-4974-9286-0B66DD4196A1"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced for Cisco 7600 series images in Cisco IOS Release 12.2SR as part of the “Configuration Partitioning” feature. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SXI </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-C11471A0-7B42-4966-A294-BCB42FE604B5__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1735153589__GUID-E465E6DE-9F60-4383-AC20-A77E0F846C60"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> When the Configuration Partitioning feature is enabled, the system groups the configuration state of the device into parts (called “partitions”) for the purpose of generating the virtual running configuration file (the list of configuration commands). The selective processing of the system’s configuration state for the purpose of generating a partial running configuration is called “configuration partitioning.” </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> This command is not related to hard drive or flash drive partitioning. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> This granular access to configuration information offers important performance benefits for high-end routing platforms with very large configuration files, as the system wide generation of a complete virtual configuration file from all components on systems with large and complex configurations can become overly resource intensive and be unacceptably slow. </p> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> </span> command allows you to display only the part of the running configuration that you want to examine, while also allowing the system to process only the collection of system components (such as specific interfaces) that you need to display. This is in contrast to other existing extensions to the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> command, which only filter the generated list after all system components have been processed. </p> <p class="p"> The Configuration Partitioning feature is enabled by default in Cisco IOS software images that support the feature. To disable the feature, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">no</span> <span class="keyword kwd">parser</span> <span class="keyword kwd">config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">partition</span> </span> command. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1735153589__GUID-2F363D14-AD30-4EA7-BD84-DA4EA53D0B66"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> In the following example, the system generates a view of the running configuration by polling only the components associated with the access-list parts of the running configuration state, and then displays only those access-list-related configuration commands. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config partition access-list</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration : 127 bytes ! Configuration of Partition access-list ! access-list 90 permit access-list 100 permit 10 any any ! end </code></pre> <p class="p"> In the following example, only the main configuration partition associated with the interface configuration is queried, and only the configuration commands associated with Fast Ethernet interface 0/1 are displayed. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show running-config partition interface fastethernet0/1</b></kbd> Building configuration... Current configuration : 213 bytes ! Configuration of Partition interface FastEthernet0/1 ! ! interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address no ip route-cache cef no ip route-cache duplex half ipv6 enable no cdp enable ! ! end</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Command</span> </span> </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Description</span> </span> </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">copy</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> <span class="keyword kwd">startup-config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Copies the running configuration to the default startup configuration file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Generates and displays a virtual configuration file that lists all configuration commands that are in effect on the system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">startup-config</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1735153589__GUID-8405C12F-C668-4FA3-91FD-38375B27A9AC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the contents of NVRAM (if present and valid) or displays the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable. (Command alias for the <span><span class="keyword kwd">more:nvram</span> <span class="keyword kwd">startup-config</span> </span> command.) </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1218638080__GUID-7FD726FC-8DB3-4AA1-803D-AFACF39FC3F8" lang="en-US" id="wp1218638080"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1218638080__GUID-7FD726FC-8DB3-4AA1-803D-AFACF39FC3F8">show scp</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1218638080__GUID-0FDB7857-CF95-435F-BABE-0760D953A568"> <p class="p"> To display Switch-Module Configuration Protocol (SCP) information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">scp</span> </span> in privileged EXEC mode on the Switch Processor. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1218638080__GUID-2B18A6D3-EF8D-4195-9471-F8020C92B8E3"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">scp</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> {<span class="keyword kwd">accounting</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">counters</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">linecards</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">details</span>] | <span class="keyword kwd">mcast</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> {<span class="keyword kwd">group</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>group-id</var> | <span class="keyword kwd">inst</span>} | <span class="keyword kwd">process</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>id</var> | <span class="keyword kwd">status</span>} </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1218638080__GUID-A927173B-9ECB-4155-AB9C-D81956AEEBE9"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1218638080__TABLE_409C0870A15F4F5EA9CDA440E671DB9A"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">accounting</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information about the SCP accounting. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">counters</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information about the SCP counter. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">linecards</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information about the Optical Services Module (OSM) wide area network (WAN) modules in the chassis. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">details</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays detailed information about the OSM WAN module. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">mcast</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information about the SCP multicast. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">group</span> </span> <span> <var>group-id</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information for a specific group and group ID; valid values are from 1 to 127. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">inst</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information for an instance. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">process</span> </span> <span> <var>id</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays all the processes that have registered an SAP with SCP. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">status</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information about the local SCP server status. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1218638080__GUID-D96E2D2B-3A51-4C3D-B4B6-DD5D3D0932EB"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no default settings. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1218638080__GUID-0A1599FF-AA5B-4602-8E30-6D902CB7A243"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC on the Switch Processor </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1218638080__GUID-3C6C70DC-0D3D-4C0B-A4A6-60125490ADCF"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(14)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(17d)SXB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(18)SXE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">scp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">process</span> </span> command was changed to display all the processes that have registered an SAP with SCP on the Supervisor Engine 720 only. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1218638080__TABLE_4DBFA11BC38E4681982000811600D1DC__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">scp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">status</span> </span> command was changed to additionally display the Flow Control State (FC-State) and the Flow Control Count (FC-Count) </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1218638080__GUID-74F3DFB4-1606-47E5-B9F1-538CD1096444"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> This example displays the SCP flow control status: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show scp status</b></kbd> Rx 185, Tx 181, scp_my_addr 0x14 Id Sap Channel name current/peak/retry/dropped/totaltime(queue/process/ack) FC-state FC-count -------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---- ------- 0 18 SCP Unsolicited:18 801/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 0/ 0/ 0 off 0 1 80 SCP Unsolicited:80 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 0/ 0/ 0 off 0 2 23 SCP async: LCP#5 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 0/ 0/ 0 off 0 3 0 SCP Unsolicited:0 0/ 1/ 0/ 0/ 5 0/ 0/ 0 off 0</code></pre> <p class="p"> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p> <p class="p"> FC-state indicates the flow control state and FC-count indicates the number of times flow control has been turned on. </p> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display all the processes that have registered an SAP with SCP: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show module</b></kbd> Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No. --- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------- 1 48 48-port 10/100 mb RJ45 WS-X6148-RJ-45 SAL091800RY 2 0 2 port adapter Enhanced FlexWAN WS-X6582-2PA JAE0940MH7Z 3 8 8 port 1000mb GBIC Enhanced QoS WS-X6408A-GBIC SAL09391KZH 5 2 Supervisor Engine 720 (Active) WS-SUP720-3BXL SAL09337UE6 6 2 Supervisor Engine 720 (Hot) WS-SUP720-3BXL SAL09148P59 Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw Sw Status --- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ ------- 1 0013.c3f8.d2c4 to 0013.c3f8.d2f3 5.0 8.3(1) 8.6(0.366)TA Ok 2 0015.2bc3.5b40 to 0015.2bc3.5b7f 2.1 12.2(nightly 12.2(nightly Ok 3 0015.6324.ed48 to 0015.6324.ed4f 3.1 5.4(2) 8.6(0.366)TA Ok 5 0014.a97d.b0ac to 0014.a97d.b0af 4.3 8.4(2) 12.2(nightly Ok 6 0013.7f0d.0660 to 0013.7f0d.0663 4.3 8.4(2) 12.2(nightly Ok Mod Sub-Module Model Serial Hw Status ---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- ------- 5 Policy Feature Card 3 WS-F6K-PFC3BXL SAL09337NVE 1.6 Ok 5 MSFC3 Daughterboard WS-SUP720 SAL09327AU6 2.3 Ok 6 Policy Feature Card 3 WS-F6K-PFC3BXL SAL1033Y0YK 1.8 Ok 6 MSFC3 Daughterboard WS-SUP720 SAL09158XB3 2.3 Ok Mod Online Diag Status ---- ------------------- 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 5 Pass 6 Pass Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">attach 5</b></kbd> Trying Switch ... Entering CONSOLE for Switch Type "^C^C^C" to end this session Switch-sp# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show scp process</b></kbd> Sap Pid Name === === ==== 0 180 CWAN-RP SCP Input Process 18 42 itasca 20 3 Exec 21 3 Exec 22 180 CWAN-RP SCP Input Process Total number of SAP registered = 5 Router# </code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3031960549__GUID-8B5F33CB-6A43-4FC5-95E9-AC8BFDF1B556" lang="en-US" id="wp3031960549"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3031960549__GUID-8B5F33CB-6A43-4FC5-95E9-AC8BFDF1B556">show slot</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3031960549__GUID-DED8405E-FF6D-41B2-A2DF-28D501782D0A"> <p class="p"> To display information about the PCMCIA flash memory cards file system, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span>command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3031960549__GUID-48FF67F5-FD14-49B0-A4C6-80C7EB1EAD9F"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">slot</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">all</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">detailed</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">err</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3031960549__GUID-952B5CF5-D4CF-40AB-9F7D-FA6AE692C69F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays all possible flash system information for all PCMCIA flash cards in the system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays flash chip information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">detailed</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash detailed directory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">err</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash chip erase and write retries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash partition summary. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3031960549__GUID-1AB511D1-7171-41AA-8D38-EBB627FDFC5E"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3031960549__GUID-393930D7-C1E3-4FDF-8B9A-2D304410E04C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3031960549__GUID-393930D7-C1E3-4FDF-8B9A-2D304410E04C__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3031960549__GUID-393930D7-C1E3-4FDF-8B9A-2D304410E04C__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-393930D7-C1E3-4FDF-8B9A-2D304410E04C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-393930D7-C1E3-4FDF-8B9A-2D304410E04C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp3031960549__GUID-0DC85D16-85FA-4987-A642-5F06195C7E13"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span> command to display details about the files in a particular linear PCMCIA flash memory card of less than 20 MB and some 32 MB linear PCMCIA cards. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk</span> </span> command for ATA PCMCIA cards. Other forms of this commands are <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk0:</span> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk1:</span> </span>. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> For more information regarding file systems and flash cards, access the <span><var>PCMCIA</var> <var>Filesystem</var> <var>Compatibility</var> <var>Matrix</var> <var>and</var> <var>Filesystem</var> <var>Information</var> </span> document at the following URL: </p> <p class="p"> </p> <p class="p"> To see which flash cards are used in your router, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command and look at the bottom portion of the output. </p> <p class="p"> The following display indicates an ATA PCMCIA flash disk. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> . . 46976K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following display indicates a linear PCMCIA flash card with 20480K bytes of flash memory in card at slot 1 with a sector size of 128K. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> . . 20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K).</code></pre> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> In some cases the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span> command will not display the file systems, use <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> or <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span>. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3031960549__GUID-F116C88B-0858-441B-AD4A-1A7673E04579"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example displays information about slot 0. The output is self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows all possible flash system information for all PCMCIA flash cards in the system. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot all</b></kbd> Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode 1 20223K 10821K 9402K 4096K Read/Write Direct PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status addr fcksum ccksum 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b 0x40 0x5EA3 0x5EA3 [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA The following example shows flash chip information Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot chips</b></kbd> 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example show the flash detailed directory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot detailed</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status addr fcksum ccksum 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b 0x40 0x5EA3 0x5EA3 [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows the flash chip erase and write retries. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot err</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name erase write 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows the flash partition summary. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">Router# show</b></kbd> <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">slot summary</b></kbd> Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode 1 20223K 10821K 9402K 4096K Read/Write Direct 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dir</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot0. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dir</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot1. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system located in slot 0. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3031960549__GUID-B0B07FD8-7522-4BC3-B5BF-7A24BCBC1D38__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system located in slot 1. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> </code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp4092332831__GUID-EA177D31-66AC-4AE5-B14F-DB1C5284C33E" lang="en-US" id="wp4092332831"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp4092332831__GUID-EA177D31-66AC-4AE5-B14F-DB1C5284C33E">show slot0:</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp4092332831__GUID-4CDBF860-F30B-47B2-9401-36E3C3BF7345"> <p class="p"> To display information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system located in slot 0, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span>command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp4092332831__GUID-53DE90FB-7696-4173-901A-E9309D09EFAC"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> [<span class="keyword kwd">all</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">detailed</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">err</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp4092332831__GUID-E10EEAC6-BC3A-4568-B221-C595D7219AC4"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp4092332831__TABLE_6530F28CB48A4140A0A5AFE27DBEFD77"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays all possible flash system information for all PCMCIA flash cards in the system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays flash chip information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">detailed</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash detailed directory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">err</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash chip erase and write retries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash partition summary. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp4092332831__GUID-2ED89FD9-391E-4D81-AF79-C265996FE1BD"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp4092332831__GUID-C76B084F-5D4F-43E4-8D38-93415848ACB0"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp4092332831__TABLE_972AEC4F956C46D08EF5C5E3A0D5A599"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp4092332831__TABLE_972AEC4F956C46D08EF5C5E3A0D5A599__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp4092332831__TABLE_972AEC4F956C46D08EF5C5E3A0D5A599__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_972AEC4F956C46D08EF5C5E3A0D5A599__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_972AEC4F956C46D08EF5C5E3A0D5A599__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_972AEC4F956C46D08EF5C5E3A0D5A599__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_972AEC4F956C46D08EF5C5E3A0D5A599__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp4092332831__GUID-A3E7AD2E-E326-47D5-B092-58B51510E1C5"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> command to display details about the files in a particular linear PCMCIA flash memory card of less than 20 MB and some 32 MB linear PCMCIA cards. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk</span> </span> command for ATA PCMCIA cards. Other forms of this commands are <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk0:</span> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk1:</span> </span>. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> For more information regarding file systems and flash cards, access the <span><var>PCMCIA</var> <var>Filesystem</var> <var>Compatibility</var> <var>Matrix</var> <var>and</var> <var>Filesystem</var> <var>Information</var> </span> document at the following URL: </p> <p class="p"> </p> <p class="p"> To see which flash cards are used in your router, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command and look at the bottom portion of the output. </p> <p class="p"> The following display indicates an ATA PCMCIA flash disk. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> . . 46976K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following display indicates a linear PCMCIA flash card with 20480K bytes of flash memory in card at slot 1 with a sector size of 128K. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> . . 20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K).</code></pre> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> In some cases the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span> command will not display the file systems, use <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> or <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span>. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp4092332831__GUID-974DBC0B-EB2F-462F-92AA-C7828B263B7C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example displays information about slot 0. The output is self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot0:</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot0: all</b></kbd> Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode 1 20223K 10821K 9402K 4096K Read/Write Direct PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status addr fcksum ccksum 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b 0x40 0x5EA3 0x5EA3 [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA The following example shows flash chip information. Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot0: chips</b></kbd> 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example show the flash detailed directory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput"> show slot0: detailed</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status addr fcksum ccksum 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b 0x40 0x5EA3 0x5EA3 [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows the flash chip erase and write retries. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot0: err</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name erase write 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows the flash partition summary. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">Router# show</b></kbd> <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">slot0: summary</b></kbd> Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode 1 20223K 10821K 9402K 4096K Read/Write Direct 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp4092332831__GUID-6077BDA8-D17C-4717-B73B-A48DD4AADA07"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dir</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot0. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dir</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot1. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system located in slot 1. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp4092332831__TABLE_12A57E629C474DBFA50A706053BD5D1A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory cards. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> </code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp8590719380__GUID-1CAEB375-812E-4F64-BE3A-0ACBDD96B684" lang="en-US" id="wp8590719380"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp8590719380__GUID-1CAEB375-812E-4F64-BE3A-0ACBDD96B684">show slot1:</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp8590719380__GUID-FDA625B4-C3C6-446B-A184-BBE32C7AEA44"> <p class="p"> To display information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system located in slot 1, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span>command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp8590719380__GUID-82D3131F-2AE6-4C9E-AF2F-C781CC81C62F"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> [<span class="keyword kwd">all</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">detailed</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">err</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp8590719380__GUID-26E39923-3D62-47A5-AABF-7864AF176D7F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp8590719380__TABLE_330B0BC955774BBFB745246CCFBE8938"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays all possible flash system information for all PCMCIA flash cards in the system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays flash chip information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">detailed</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash detailed directory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">err</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash chip erase and write retries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the flash partition summary. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp8590719380__GUID-329764DE-8723-4EAD-AB87-2E089C1623FF"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp8590719380__GUID-97661F63-8695-49CD-BB9A-E790A11CD4C3"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp8590719380__TABLE_6E99841C0C9E4320904BF833F323F432"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8590719380__TABLE_6E99841C0C9E4320904BF833F323F432__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8590719380__TABLE_6E99841C0C9E4320904BF833F323F432__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_6E99841C0C9E4320904BF833F323F432__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_6E99841C0C9E4320904BF833F323F432__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp8590719380__GUID-F4FABF5B-82EB-4BA9-91CA-DCE4EE046A67"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span> command to display details about the files in a particular linear PCMCIA flash memory card of less than 20 MB and some 32 MB linear PCMCIA cards located in slot 1. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk</span> </span> command for ATA PCMCIA cards. Other forms of this commands are <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk0:</span> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk1:</span> </span>. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> For more information regarding file systems and flash cards, access the <span><var>PCMCIA</var> <var>Filesystem</var> <var>Compatibility</var> <var>Matrix</var> <var>and</var> <var>Filesystem</var> <var>Information</var> </span> document at the following URL: </p> <p class="p"> </p> <p class="p"> To see which flash cards are used in your router, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command and look at the bottom portion of the output. </p> <p class="p"> The following display indicates an ATA PCMCIA flash disk. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> . . 46976K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following display indicates a linear PCMCIA flash card with 20480K bytes of flash memory in card at slot 1 with a sector size of 128K. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> . . 20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K).</code></pre> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> In some cases the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span> command will not display the file systems. Use <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> or <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span>. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp8590719380__GUID-903BE441-0EA3-4FDC-BC7F-7FBC7085A6E9"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> The following example displays information about slot 0 using the <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">slot0:</b></kbd> command form. The output is self-explanatory. Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot1</b></kbd> : PCMCIA Slot1 flash directory: File Length Name/status 1 10907068 c3660-bin-mz.123-7.9.PI4 [10907132 bytes used, 5739008 available, 16646140 total] 16384K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot1 flash (Read/Write) Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot1: all</b></kbd> Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode 1 20223K 10821K 9402K 4096K Read/Write Direct PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status addr fcksum ccksum 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b 0x40 0x5EA3 0x5EA3 [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA The following example shows flash chip information. Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot1: chips</b></kbd> 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example show the flash detailed directory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput"> show slot1: detailed</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status addr fcksum ccksum 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b 0x40 0x5EA3 0x5EA3 [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows the flash chip erase and write retries. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show slot1: err</b></kbd> PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory: File Length Name/status 1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b [11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total] 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Chip Bank Code Size Name erase write 1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0 </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following example shows the flash partition summary. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">Router# show</b></kbd> <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">slot1: summary</b></kbd> Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode 1 20223K 10821K 9402K 4096K Read/Write Direct 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp8590719380__GUID-3B898C8F-75DD-404F-9079-4A3DBE232890"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dir</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot0. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dir</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot1:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot1. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot0:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system located in slot 0. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">slot</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp8590719380__TABLE_08CD3B8840A64FB4A047AA15F148B4A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory cards. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> </code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp9122926510__GUID-2C56F959-7D3B-44A1-BBF6-E88C597E15F8" lang="en-US" id="wp9122926510"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp9122926510__GUID-2C56F959-7D3B-44A1-BBF6-E88C597E15F8">show software authenticity file</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp9122926510__GUID-72DF4307-AD0A-4EDC-93BD-982B66C75DE1"> <p class="p"> To display information related to software authentication for a specific image file, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">file</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp9122926510__GUID-052558EC-CE1A-4235-BD85-2E0FE01764D4"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">software</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">file</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> {<span class="keyword kwd">flash0:</span><span class="keyword kwd">filename</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">flash1:</span><span class="keyword kwd">filename</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">flash:</span><span class="keyword kwd">filename</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">nvram:</span><span class="keyword kwd">filename</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">usbflash0:</span><span class="keyword kwd">filename</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">usbflash1:</span><span class="keyword kwd">filename</span>} </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp9122926510__GUID-E63BC79D-D0C5-46B1-9EEA-2C07F9DE9BB7"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_7C8A5EDD5C414C9F990987080FD817DB"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>flash0:</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for flash 0 resources. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> filename </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Name of the filename in memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>flash1:</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for flash 1 resources. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> flash: </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for flash resources. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> nvram: </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for NVRAM resources. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">usbflash0:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash 0 resources. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">usbflash1:</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for USB flash 1 resources. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp9122926510__GUID-BEAFE8FE-C349-4EFD-AAFC-88571279A666"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp9122926510__GUID-8FF8513F-7603-4BF8-A94A-8F2FF3FE0F08"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_B9E8E60FC9DD4A7598BA8430005F011C"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_B9E8E60FC9DD4A7598BA8430005F011C__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_B9E8E60FC9DD4A7598BA8430005F011C__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_B9E8E60FC9DD4A7598BA8430005F011C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_B9E8E60FC9DD4A7598BA8430005F011C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced for the Cisco 1941, 2900, and 3900 routers. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp9122926510__GUID-8B43F05D-168C-4BF0-984F-A950AD29DD27"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> The show software authenticity file command allows you to display software authentication related information that includes image credential information, key type used for verification, signing information, and other attributes in the signature envelope, for a specific image file. The command handler will extract the signature envelope and its fields from the image file and dump the required information. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp9122926510__GUID-EFD93BC6-4EFB-47B4-9555-D308389AEB2D"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example displays software authentication related information for an image file named c3900-universalk9-mz.SSA: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# show software authenticity file flash0:c3900-universalk9-mz.SSA File Name : flash0:c3900-universalk9-mz.SSA Image type : Development Signer Information Common Name : xxx Organization Unit : xxx Organization Name : xxx Certificate Serial Number : xxx Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A </code></pre> <p class="p">The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 5. </span><span class="tabletitle">show software authenticity file Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> File Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Name of the filename in the memory. For example, flash0:c3900-universalk9-mz.SSA refers to filename c3900-universalk9-mz.SSA in flash memory (flash0:). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Image type </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the type of image. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Signer Information </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Signature information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Common Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the name of the software manufacturer. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Organization Unit </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the hardware the software image is deployed on. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Organization Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the owner of the software image. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Certificate Serial Number </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the certificate serial number for the digital signature. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Hash Algorithm </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the type of hash algorithm used in digital signature verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Signature Algorithm </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the type of signature algorithm used in digital signature verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Key Version </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_4209CB8A0DDB471685E0CA2380374D84__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the key version used for verification. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp9122926510__GUID-FD153029-3D6F-4325-81C6-89860A066E68"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_E010D531A291414E9D4B1FED6A153845"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_E010D531A291414E9D4B1FED6A153845__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp9122926510__TABLE_E010D531A291414E9D4B1FED6A153845__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_E010D531A291414E9D4B1FED6A153845__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">keys</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_E010D531A291414E9D4B1FED6A153845__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the software public keys that are in the storage with the key types. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_E010D531A291414E9D4B1FED6A153845__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp9122926510__TABLE_E010D531A291414E9D4B1FED6A153845__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for the current ROMMON, monitor library (monlib), and Cisco IOS image used for booting. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2948295674__GUID-5584B5D6-C6CF-482B-90D2-B920ED567C99" lang="en-US" id="wp2948295674"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2948295674__GUID-5584B5D6-C6CF-482B-90D2-B920ED567C99">show software authenticity keys</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2948295674__GUID-3361D63C-4E08-4CFE-B283-D26C77FCCFEE"> <p class="p"> To display the software public keys that are in the storage with the key types, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">keys</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2948295674__GUID-45C85258-3511-41D2-ACF5-5809CE1E35A7"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">software</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">keys</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2948295674__GUID-4E4F6E73-A0FD-4F00-866B-D6679D48F867"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no argument or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2948295674__GUID-FDE874DC-3C7A-4097-8CC1-ED67443E1EEA"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2948295674__GUID-C33AEACB-AF6F-414C-809B-E6316BE2AD01"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_BA15A270E6314CE49B6AA5B271C17C0A"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_BA15A270E6314CE49B6AA5B271C17C0A__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_BA15A270E6314CE49B6AA5B271C17C0A__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_BA15A270E6314CE49B6AA5B271C17C0A__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_BA15A270E6314CE49B6AA5B271C17C0A__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced for the Cisco 1941, 2900, and 3900 routers. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp2948295674__GUID-061484AF-5B7E-48B0-90A0-57540A2AC786"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> The display from this command includes the public keys that are in the storage with the key types. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2948295674__GUID-68BE191C-43D1-410B-9EE4-4A1F3D0EDC65"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the show software authenticity keys command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show software authenticity keys</b></kbd> Public Key #1 Information ------------------------- Key Type : Release (Primary) Public Key Algorithm : RSA Modulus : CC:CA:40:55:8C:71:E2:4A:3A:B6:9D:5C:94:1D:02:BA: ..... 26:04:6B:33:EB:70:2B:18:24:C7:D9:31:3E:77:24:85 Exponent : xxx Key Version : A Public Key #2 Information ------------------------- Key Type : Development (Primary) Public Key Algorithm : RSA Modulus : CC:CA:40:55:8C:71:E2:4A:3A:B6:9D:5C:94:1D:02:BA: ..... 26:04:6B:33:EB:70:2B:18:24:C7:D9:31:3E:77:24:85 Exponent : xxx Key Version : A </code></pre> <p class="p">The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 6. </span><span class="tabletitle">show software authenticity running Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Public Key # </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Public key number. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Key Type </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the key type used for image verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Public Key Algorithm </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the name of the algorithm used for public key cryptography. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Modulus </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Modulus of the public key algorithm. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Exponent </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Exponent of the public key algorithm </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Key Version </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_4488D91E33424A5DA0EDC50FB33D2C9B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the key version used for verification. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp2948295674__GUID-5F378867-EA38-4D21-BF7E-3F341312D840"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_F3D9FD7EE16E4E6FB979CC62D17BB33C"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_F3D9FD7EE16E4E6FB979CC62D17BB33C__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2948295674__TABLE_F3D9FD7EE16E4E6FB979CC62D17BB33C__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_F3D9FD7EE16E4E6FB979CC62D17BB33C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">file</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_F3D9FD7EE16E4E6FB979CC62D17BB33C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for the loaded image file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_F3D9FD7EE16E4E6FB979CC62D17BB33C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2948295674__TABLE_F3D9FD7EE16E4E6FB979CC62D17BB33C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information related to software authentication for the current ROM monitor (ROMMON), monitor library (monlib), and Cisco IOS image used for booting. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1949008701__GUID-5D2CDB9D-D641-4D69-A1DB-5B6DEACD0371" lang="en-US" id="wp1949008701"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1949008701__GUID-5D2CDB9D-D641-4D69-A1DB-5B6DEACD0371">show software authenticity running</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1949008701__GUID-0B0F7E83-4E1A-49AF-9B11-1DAAF1DF9254"> <p class="p"> To display information related to software authentication for the current ROM monitor (ROMMON), monitor library (monlib), and Cisco IOS image used for booting, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1949008701__GUID-D606A14D-36BC-4AE2-8BC6-6D1077F27B67"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">software</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">running</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1949008701__GUID-68380F23-3D1C-42C0-8799-0E800AFD6086"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no arguments or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1949008701__GUID-9520BE4C-C1E8-41A2-B836-3A43FBDD3BDA"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1949008701__GUID-7DBE0E60-9B36-4DAD-A9A9-F1540811C745"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_1B94E44C06FF46ABB1F5398AAED491B1"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_1B94E44C06FF46ABB1F5398AAED491B1__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_1B94E44C06FF46ABB1F5398AAED491B1__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_1B94E44C06FF46ABB1F5398AAED491B1__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_1B94E44C06FF46ABB1F5398AAED491B1__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced for the Cisco 1941, 2900, and 3900 routers. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1949008701__GUID-12F4C4CB-CFD2-4B90-8512-15D24A802B63"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> The information displayed by the show software authenticity running command about the current ROMMON, monlib and Cisco IOS image used for booting includes: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1949008701__UL_6D71E4836643444D82A07F0A28756756"> <li class="li" id="wp1949008701__LI_C651E6C9CE3B4B8CB54DFE801AB607D3"> <p class="p"> Image credential information </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1949008701__LI_C690B9B3B9304A9B8DDFAACE85178332"> <p class="p"> Key type used for verification </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1949008701__LI_C6FF97EEAB894ED290E1FC9787DDDE47"> <p class="p"> Signing information </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1949008701__LI_57A9ABAE7D5143FD91D4CE483CFD250C"> <p class="p"> Any other attributes in the signature envelope </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1949008701__GUID-C6FF918D-34BF-41EC-B6D8-2F0030AF1DFB"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example displays software authentication related information for the current ROM monitor (ROMMON), monitor library (monlib), and Cisco IOS image used for booting: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router(<em class="ph i">mode-prompt</em> )# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show software authenticity running</b></kbd> SYSTEM IMAGE ------------------- Image type : Development Signer Information Common Name : xxx Organization Unit : xxx Organization Name : xxx Certificate Serial Number : xxx Hash Algorithm : xxx Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : xxx Verifier Information Verifier Name : ROMMON 2 Verifier Version : System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(20090409:084310) ROMMON 2 --------------- Image type : Development Signer Information Common Name : xxx Organization Unit : xxx Organization Name : xxx Certificate Serial Number : xxx Hash Algorithm : xxx Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : xxx Verifier Information Verifier Name : ROMMON 2 Verifier Version : System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(20090409:084310) </code></pre> <p class="p">The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 7. </span><span class="tabletitle">show software authenticity running Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> SYSTEM IMAGE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Section of the output displaying the system image information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Image type </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the type of image. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Common Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the name of the software manufacturer. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Organization Unit </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the hardware the software image is deployed on. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Organization Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the owner of the software image. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Certificate Serial Number </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the certificate serial number for the digital signature. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Hash Algorithm </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the type of hash algorithm used in digital signature verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Signature Algorithm </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the type of signature algorithm used in digital signature verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Key Version </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the key version used for verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Verifier Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Name of the program responsible for performing the digital signature verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Verifier Version </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Version of the program responsible for performing the digital signature verification. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> ROMMON 2 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_3C0835ED10AB4C808A62EF2437507FA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Section of the output displaying the current ROM monitor (ROMMON) information. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1949008701__GUID-43708CA3-82B1-4E14-84E0-99B8F665C259"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_D740A7EE13784421A6B05D4FDFEA1AB3"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_D740A7EE13784421A6B05D4FDFEA1AB3__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1949008701__TABLE_D740A7EE13784421A6B05D4FDFEA1AB3__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_D740A7EE13784421A6B05D4FDFEA1AB3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">file</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_D740A7EE13784421A6B05D4FDFEA1AB3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the software authenticity related information for the loaded image file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_D740A7EE13784421A6B05D4FDFEA1AB3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">software</span> <span class="keyword kwd">authenticity</span> <span class="keyword kwd">keys</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1949008701__TABLE_D740A7EE13784421A6B05D4FDFEA1AB3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the software public keys that are in the storage with the key types. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3770366085__GUID-ED6F0324-FBC7-48A1-977C-E817FACD10B9" lang="en-US" id="wp3770366085"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3770366085__GUID-ED6F0324-FBC7-48A1-977C-E817FACD10B9">show software package </h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3770366085__GUID-8ADFB5D4-621B-4CB4-85F8-E05C8ABA7B6E"> <p class="p"> To display information about a specific bundle or package file, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show software package</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3770366085__GUID-0CD2D9F1-A7F0-4A50-BF26-D837412030DA"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show software package</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> bundle or package url </var> [<span class="keyword kwd">detail</span>] [<span class="keyword kwd">verbose</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3770366085__GUID-F3EA05CE-2369-4CBC-9CE7-46A374D05859"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3770366085__GUID-9243972E-7756-45AF-BEA2-A163FD6E3B73"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var> bundle or package url </var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Specify the name of the bundle or package file whose information should be displayed. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">detail</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (optional) This command option is intended to provide additional details about the specified package or bundle file. Currently, no additional information is displayed. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span> <span class="keyword kwd">verbose</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (optional) provides some additional info in the log files </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp3770366085__GUID-D156E251-DA91-48A3-B86B-3044C71A3E7F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> No default behavior or values. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3770366085__GUID-64910A6A-BB8B-44CF-B001-4E6C37CAE807"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3770366085__GUID-54A7B1EF-3BD2-42D2-8C97-1E55F815FA6C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3770366085__GUID-2A769232-3EEF-4895-8C02-20DCF4E1E2FB"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3770366085__GUID-2A769232-3EEF-4895-8C02-20DCF4E1E2FB__entry__1"> <p class="p">Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3770366085__GUID-2A769232-3EEF-4895-8C02-20DCF4E1E2FB__entry__2"> <p class="p">Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-2A769232-3EEF-4895-8C02-20DCF4E1E2FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> IOS XE 3.2.0 SE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-2A769232-3EEF-4895-8C02-20DCF4E1E2FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Command introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-2A769232-3EEF-4895-8C02-20DCF4E1E2FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3 SE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-2A769232-3EEF-4895-8C02-20DCF4E1E2FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p">This command was integrated. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp3770366085__GUID-30213EAA-6415-475F-A202-873E2F219C29"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> The 'show software package' command displays information about the specified bundle or package file. </p> <p class="p"> If a package file is specified, this command displays information from its package metadata. </p> <p class="p"> If a bundle file is specified, this command displays information from its bundle metadata, and also information from the package metadata of each package included in the bundle. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3770366085__GUID-A334653C-80CE-47EF-BCE0-485480FD22D8"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example shows the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show software package</span> </span> output for a bundle file. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>infra-p2-3#show software package flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SSA.03.09.19. EMP.150-9.19.EMP.bin Package: cat3k_caa-universalk9.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.150-9.19.EMP.bin Size: 220766688 Timestamp: 2012-11-15 11:53:50 UTC Canonical path: /flash/cat3k_caa-universalk9.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.150-9.19.EMP.bin Header size: 2928 bytes Internal package information: Name: rp_super BuildTime: Thu Nov 15 01:55:09 PST 2012 ReleaseDate: Thu Nov 15 01:55:09 PST 2012 RouteProcessor: mips Platform: ng3k User: udonthi PackageName: cat3k_caa-universalk9 Build: 03.09.19.EMP Dependencies: PROVIDES:cat3k_caa-base,03.09.19.EMP,mips;cat3k_caa-infra,03.09.19.EMP, mips;cat3k_caa-platform,03.09.19.EMP,mips;cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9,150-9.19.EMP, mips;cat3k_caa-wcm,03.09.19.EMP,mips;cat3k_caa-drivers,03.09.19.EMP,mips; BuildType: Production Package is bootable from media and tftp. Package contents: Package: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg Size: 74390336 Timestamp: 2012-11-15 11:55:30 UTC Header size: 412 bytes Internal package information: Name: rp_base BuildTime: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012 ReleaseDate: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012 RouteProcessor: mips Platform: ng3k User: udonthi PackageName: cat3k_caa-base Build: 03.09.19.EMP Dependencies: PROVIDES: nova-gold,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-goldlib,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-base,03.09.19.EMP,mips#REQUIRES:#WORKSWITH:#CONFLICTS:# BuildType: Production Package is not bootable. Package: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg Size: 2734772 Timestamp: 2012-11-15 11:55:37 UTC Header size: 252 bytes Internal package information: Name: drivers BuildTime: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012 ReleaseDate: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012 RouteProcessor: mips Platform: ng3k User: udonthi PackageName: cat3k_caa-drivers Build: 03.09.19.EMP Dependencies: PROVIDES: ng3k-drivers,03.09.19.EMP,mips#REQUIRES:#WORKSWITH: #CONFLICTS:# BuildType: Production Package is not bootable. Package: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg Size: 32465772 Timestamp: 2012-11-15 11:55:32 UTC Header size: 436 bytes Internal package information: Name: rp_infra BuildTime: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012 ReleaseDate: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012 RouteProcessor: mips Platform: ng3k User: udonthi PackageName: cat3k_caa-infra Build: 03.09.19.EMP Dependencies: PROVIDES: nova-infra,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-infralibs,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-web,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-shell,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-console-relay,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-mgmte,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-ng3k-flash,03.09.19.EMP,mips# EQUIRES:#WORKSWITH:#CONFLICTS:# BuildType: Production Package is not bootable. Package: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg Size: 30384940 Timestamp: 2012-11-15 11:55:34 UTC Header size: 372 bytes Internal package information: Name: rp_iosd BuildTime: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012 ReleaseDate: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012 RouteProcessor: mips Platform: ng3k User: udonthi PackageName: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9 Build: 150-9.19.EMP Dependencies: PROVIDES: iosd-stuff,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-ioslibs-required, 03.09.19.EMP,mips; ioucon,150-9.19.EMP,mips; ng3k-iosd-universalk9,150-9.19.EMP,mips#REQUIRES:#WORKSWITH:#CONFLICTS:# BuildType: Production Package is not bootable. Package: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg Size: 18148064 Timestamp: 2012-11-15 11:55:33 UTC Header size: 296 bytes Internal package information: Name: rp_platform BuildTime: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012 ReleaseDate: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012 RouteProcessor: mips Platform: ng3k User: udonthi PackageName: cat3k_caa-platform Build: 03.09.19.EMP Dependencies: PROVIDES: nova-platformlibs-required,03.09.19.EMP,mips; ng3k-platform,03.09.19.EMP,mips#REQUIRES:#WORKSWITH:#CONFLICTS:# BuildType: Production Package is not bootable. Package: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg Size: 62638800 Timestamp: 2012-11-15 11:55:37 UTC Header size: 280 bytes Internal package information: Name: rp_wcm BuildTime: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012 ReleaseDate: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012 RouteProcessor: mips Platform: ng3k User: udonthi PackageName: cat3k_caa-wcm Build: 03.09.19.EMP Dependencies: PROVIDES: wcm-ng3k,03.09.19.EMP,mips; nova-wcmlibs-required, 03.09.19.EMP,mips#REQUIRES:#WORKSWITH:#CONFLICTS:# BuildType: Production Package is not bootable. infra-p2-3#</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3770366085__GUID-E9751DEE-C75E-45FF-8833-C77B820184FB"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col style="width:66.66666666666666%"> <col style="width:33.33333333333333%"> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__1"> <p class="p">Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__2"> <p class="p">Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software clean</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to remove any and all packages and provisioning files that are no longer in use. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">software install file</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Install Cisco IOS XE files. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software commit</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to commit a package set that was installed using the <span><span class="keyword kwd">auto-rollback</span> </span> command option of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">software install</span> </span> command. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software install source switch</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to install the running IOS XE software packages from one stack member to one or more other stack members. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software rollback</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to roll back the committed Cisco IOS XE Software to a previous installation point. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3770366085__GUID-1EDFF483-42CF-4659-A579-63AE50804944__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> To display information about the currently loaded software along with hardware and device information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3278393077__GUID-CDD4A543-2CB8-4E1D-B7AA-73E903BB5350" lang="en-US" id="wp3278393077"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3278393077__GUID-CDD4A543-2CB8-4E1D-B7AA-73E903BB5350">show software installer rollback-timer </h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3278393077__GUID-8611F27C-2351-49E8-8426-A291BE83E0B1"> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show software installer rollback-timer</span> </span> command displays the current auto-rollback timer status for a standalone platform or all switches in a stacked system. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3278393077__GUID-14968B7D-EA69-4496-8AB0-49C23AB96078"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show software installer rollback-timer</span> </p> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp3278393077__GUID-32704288-AA19-46F6-B045-057C8D7C8236"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> There are no command options. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3278393077__GUID-6DE5599E-A817-46A5-B868-577813B834B5"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3278393077__GUID-65AC3CA9-FB07-40C7-82D6-F159446F3DA1"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3278393077__GUID-E415B91D-336B-4037-BE98-421DD6E94408"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3278393077__GUID-E415B91D-336B-4037-BE98-421DD6E94408__entry__1"> <p class="p">Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3278393077__GUID-E415B91D-336B-4037-BE98-421DD6E94408__entry__2"> <p class="p">Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-E415B91D-336B-4037-BE98-421DD6E94408__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> IOS XE 3.2.0 SE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-E415B91D-336B-4037-BE98-421DD6E94408__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Command introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-E415B91D-336B-4037-BE98-421DD6E94408__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3 SE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-E415B91D-336B-4037-BE98-421DD6E94408__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp3278393077__GUID-DF7D5263-1344-473A-8167-666A6D1E8BA3"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> There are no command options. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3278393077__GUID-8F4BFE0E-9946-4FE5-AA6C-733EAD338274"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> To show the auto-rollback timer status for the current switch, perform the following. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>infra-p2-3#show software installer rollback-timer Switch# Status Duration ---------------------------------- 1 active 00:31:28 2 active 00:31:43 infra-p2-3# infra-p2-3#show software installer rollback-timer Switch# Status Duration ---------------------------------- 1 inactive - 2 inactive - infra-p2-3#</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3278393077__GUID-F4EC06A2-CA4D-492F-8CF0-984DDD122EFE"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col style="width:66.66666666666666%"> <col style="width:33.33333333333333%"> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__1"> <p class="p">Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__2"> <p class="p">Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software clean</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to remove any and all packages and provisioning files that are no longer in use. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">software install file</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Install Cisco IOS XE files. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software commit</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to commit a package set that was installed using the <span><span class="keyword kwd">auto-rollback</span> </span> command option of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">software install</span> </span> command. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software install source switch</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to install the running IOS XE software packages from one stack member to one or more other stack members. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">software rollback</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Use this command to roll back the committed Cisco IOS XE Software to a previous installation point. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3278393077__GUID-57D01FC1-0BE6-43AE-B3DE-753D2AD9173F__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> To display information about the currently loaded software along with hardware and device information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3229842496__GUID-5CEA5D75-704F-415F-98ED-771E803F8035" lang="en-US" id="wp3229842496"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3229842496__GUID-5CEA5D75-704F-415F-98ED-771E803F8035">show stacks</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3229842496__GUID-DC6367B9-CC82-402F-A724-167D1A123E02"> <p class="p"> To monitor the stack usage of processes and interrupt routines, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">stacks</span> </span> command in EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3229842496__GUID-075940D1-30ED-45A8-BDD7-961188899DFE"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">stacks</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>PID</var> </p> </section> <section class="section" id="wp3229842496__section_CE7DE1A2B71E4E16B02E081810A1DBD1"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table syntax" id="wp3229842496__table_DC6121639C1C4D6C91FEFC039D5B03FB"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><var class="keyword varname">PID</var> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Process identifier of the process that allocated the stack. The value ranges from 1 to 8192. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3229842496__GUID-D1CEE91A-70E2-46B5-B359-6A04769C2552"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p">Privilege EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3229842496__GUID-F91CCFD4-7E97-44BC-93BB-C6BCCC8BE361"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3229842496__table_2E3A6494D398486F95394F957B27F00B"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3229842496__table_2E3A6494D398486F95394F957B27F00B__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3229842496__table_2E3A6494D398486F95394F957B27F00B__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3229842496__table_2E3A6494D398486F95394F957B27F00B__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS 10.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3229842496__table_2E3A6494D398486F95394F957B27F00B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3229842496__table_2E3A6494D398486F95394F957B27F00B__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3229842496__table_2E3A6494D398486F95394F957B27F00B__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp3229842496__GUID-A403B8AA-7E11-460D-B910-6FC96996C1AF"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> The display from this command includes the reason for the last system reboot. If the system was reloaded because of a system failure, a saved system stack trace is displayed. This information is of use only to your technical support representative in analyzing crashes in the field. It is included here in case you need to read the displayed statistics to an engineer over the phone. </p> <section class="p">Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">stacks</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>PID</var> </span> command to print the call stack of the process with ID ranging from 1 to 8192. This command displays the following information: <ul class="ul"> <li class="li" id="wp3229842496__li_7D1D969C6A2D49E5B82F61F2937FFF1B"> <p class="p">Stack segment: Where the process stack lies in the memory. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp3229842496__li_3BE4658BF70D4DDAB7E0B3004254B09D"> <p class="p"> List of FP: &lt;address&gt;: The Frame Pointer (FP) for each frame in the call stack. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp3229842496__li_550314B868F045828D1659492486E914"> <p class="p"> List of RA: &lt;address&gt;: The Return Address (RA) of each frame in the call stack. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3229842496__GUID-98F1D08C-9C25-457F-80C5-1D54C3637672"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is a sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">stacks</span> </span> command following a system failure: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show stacks</b></kbd> Minimum process stacks: Free/Size Name 652/1000 Router Init 726/1000 Init 744/1000 BGP Open 686/1200 Virtual Exec Interrupt level stacks: Level Called Free/Size Name 1 0 1000/1000 env-flash 3 738 900/1000 Multiport Communications Interfaces 5 178 970/1000 Console UART System was restarted by bus error at PC 0xAD1F4, address 0xD0D0D1A GS Software (GS3), Version 9.1(0.16), BETA TEST SOFTWARE Compiled Tue 11-Aug-92 13:27 by jthomas Stack trace from system failure: FP: 0x29C158, RA: 0xACFD4 FP: 0x29C184, RA: 0xAD20C FP: 0x29C1B0, RA: 0xACFD4 FP: 0x29C1DC, RA: 0xAD304 FP: 0x29C1F8, RA: 0xAF774 FP: 0x29C214, RA: 0xAF83E FP: 0x29C228, RA: 0x3E0CA FP: 0x29C244, RA: 0x3BD3C</code></pre> </section> <section class="example" id="wp3229842496__example_13E18BB0B17A43198B7ACB27B50509CC"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is a sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">stacks</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>PID</var> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show stack 10</b></kbd> Process 10: WATCH_AFS Stack segment 0x21668518 - 0x216690D0 FP: 0x21669068, RA: 0x31A3D79C Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show stack 100</b></kbd> Process 100: dev_device_inserted Stack segment 0x418D1CC8 - 0x418D2880 FP: 0x418D2830, RA: 0x30488210 Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show stack 200</b></kbd> Process 200: WAAS Process Stack segment 0x41B76DB8 - 0x41B79C98 FP: 0x41B79BE8, RA: 0x335ABEB4 Device# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">sh stack 311</b></kbd> Process 311: Virtual Exec Stack segment 0x24625DFC - 0x2462BBBC FP: 0x2462AEC0, RA: 0x3333372C FP: 0x2462AF60, RA: 0x36AF9250 </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3229842496__GUID-46D39737-FE21-4F43-8F70-DCB2FD358C68"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3229842496__table_2FFB708E55EF49CF8406395717CE09AF"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3229842496__table_2FFB708E55EF49CF8406395717CE09AF__entry__1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Command</span> </span> </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3229842496__table_2FFB708E55EF49CF8406395717CE09AF__entry__2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Description</span> </span> </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3229842496__table_2FFB708E55EF49CF8406395717CE09AF__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">processes</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3229842496__table_2FFB708E55EF49CF8406395717CE09AF__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the active processes. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2888754780__GUID-F9D24485-1A97-4EA8-8C4F-4BAC5CCB30E3" lang="en-US" id="wp2888754780"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2888754780__GUID-F9D24485-1A97-4EA8-8C4F-4BAC5CCB30E3">show startup-config</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2888754780__GUID-F65CE2F4-05ED-4C8B-8228-29E42A6AA145"> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">more</span> <span class="keyword kwd">nvram:startup-config</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>command has been replaced by the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">startup-config</span> </span> command. See the description of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">more</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>command in the “Cisco IOS File System Commands” chapter for more information.<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span></p> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3491889393__GUID-E0F9B543-2955-449E-BA84-CE958346395C" lang="en-US" id="wp3491889393"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3491889393__GUID-E0F9B543-2955-449E-BA84-CE958346395C">show subsys</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3491889393__GUID-5209921F-15DF-4C68-BB18-534465ED4F2C"> <p class="p"> To display the subsystem information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">subsys</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3491889393__GUID-AE2E1900-3DB7-410E-88FF-95348CBBF9FF"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">subsys</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">class</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>class</var> | <span class="keyword kwd">name</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>name</var>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3491889393__GUID-1E112AE1-141F-4408-B623-D39F1AAB0145"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3491889393__TABLE_20A406CB8C714E358D5E373553AF97C0"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">class</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> <span> <var>class</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the subsystems of the specified class. Valid classes are <span><span class="keyword kwd">driver</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ehsa</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">ifs</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">kernel</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">library</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">license</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">management</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">microcode</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">pre-ehsa</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">pre-driver</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">protocol</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">registry</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>and <span><span class="keyword kwd">sysinit</span> </span>. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">name</span> </span> <span> <var>name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the specified subsystem. Use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard at the end of the name to list all subsystems, starting with the specified characters. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3491889393__GUID-43F1946A-8E6F-4017-87F0-330EFBABD930"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3491889393__GUID-94BC382A-D4AF-40CD-8DF7-33C272B01BF6"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 11.1 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">ehsa</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">ifs</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">microcode</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">pre-driver</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">sysinit</span> </span> classes were added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified The <span><span class="keyword kwd">pre-ehsa</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>class was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">driver</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ehsa</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">kernel</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">library</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">management</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">pre-driver</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">pre-ehsa</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">protocol</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">registry</span> </span> classes were added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(35)SE2 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_B3C00F98AFCF4294A35DA2BB18F137FE__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">driver</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ehsa</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">kernel</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">library</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">license</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">management</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">pre-driver</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">pre-ehsa</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">protocol</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">registry</span> </span> classes were added. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp3491889393__GUID-29530D26-6670-4864-9038-8404F5E10496"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">subsys</span> </span> command to confirm that all required features are in the running image. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3491889393__GUID-9B6DB1BC-B383-4C05-A78B-D7883290B5FD"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">subsys</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show subsys</b></kbd> Name Class Version static_map Kernel 1.000.001 arp Kernel 1.000.001 ether Kernel 1.000.001 compress Kernel 1.000.001 alignment Kernel 1.000.002 monvar Kernel 1.000.001 slot Kernel 1.000.001 oir Kernel 1.000.001 atm Kernel 1.000.001 ip_addrpool_sys Library 1.000.001 chat Library 1.000.001 dialer Library 1.000.001 flash_services Library 1.000.001 ip_localpool_sys Library 1.000.001 nvram_common Driver 1.000.001 ASP Driver 1.000.001 sonict Driver 1.000.001 oc3suni Driver 1.000.001 oc12suni Driver 1.000.001 ds3suni Driver 1.000.001</code></pre> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">subsys</span> </span> command that includes the <span><span class="keyword kwd">license</span> </span> class: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show subsys name license</b></kbd> Name Class Version license_mgmt_local Management 1.000.001 license_admin_local Management 1.000.001 license_debug_core Management 1.000.001 license_test_ui Management 1.000.001 test_license_parser Management 1.000.001 license_ui Management 1.000.001 license_parser Management 1.000.001 license_registry Registry 1.000.001 license_client License 1.000.001 </code></pre> <p class="p"> The table below describes the fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 8. </span><span class="tabletitle">show subsys Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Name of the subsystem. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Class </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Class of the subsystem. Possible classes include Driver, Ehsa, Ifs, Kernel, Library, License, Management, Microcode, Pre-Ehsa, Pre-driver, Protocol, Registry, and Sysinit. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Version </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3491889393__TABLE_3A9AD29215AB4DE293087ADD3C8A80A1__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Version of the subsystem. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2963446832__GUID-89C49413-8B49-429B-86AD-E9C4030D4083" lang="en-US" id="wp2963446832"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2963446832__GUID-89C49413-8B49-429B-86AD-E9C4030D4083">show sup-bootflash</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2963446832__GUID-888DD092-AD7B-4869-BBDC-D82DE1E3F079"> <p class="p"> To display information about the sup-bootflash file system, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">sup-bootflash</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2963446832__GUID-8424BE85-B019-4F95-A7E4-714ED45A9D08"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">sup-bootflash</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">all</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">filesys</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2963446832__GUID-34AFE84B-B884-4BB7-A018-7FC840992160"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2963446832__TABLE_DC772B7556F940639658122B74A68BDC"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays all possible Flash information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">chips</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information about the Flash chip. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">filesys</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information about the file system. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp2963446832__GUID-47027A88-D1C6-41FE-A668-B957B98E0BA4"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no default settings. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2963446832__GUID-599A206D-B576-4524-A8E0-64B62713FFF3"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2963446832__GUID-1E80C9D2-EC75-4D4C-B8FB-9B5E5699FFAD"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__1 "> <p class="p">12.2(14)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.217d)SXB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2963446832__TABLE_A93A6A4C7E934B4EA8C5B8C08D88C964__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2963446832__GUID-4523B4BB-4540-4F83-BF61-4E6EEBC5A27C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display a summary of bootflash information: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show sup-bootflash</b></kbd> -#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name 1 .. image EBC8FC4D A7487C 6 10700796 Nov 19 1999 07:07:37 halley 2 .. unknown C7EB077D EE2620 25 4644130 Nov 19 1999 07:50:44 cat6000-sup_ 5-3-3-CSX.bin 645600 bytes available (15345184 bytes used) Router# </code></pre> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display all bootflash information: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show sup-bootflash all</b></kbd> -#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name 1 .. image EBC8FC4D A7487C 6 10700796 Nov 19 1999 07:07:37 halley 2 .. unknown C7EB077D EE2620 25 4644130 Nov 19 1999 07:50:44 cat6000-sup_ 5-3-3-CSX.bin 645600 bytes available (15345184 bytes used) -------- F I L E S Y S T E M S T A T U S -------- Device Number = 2 DEVICE INFO BLOCK: bootflash Magic Number = 6887635 File System Vers = 10000 (1.0) Length = 1000000 Sector Size = 40000 Programming Algorithm = 19 Erased State = FFFFFFFF File System Offset = 40000 Length = F40000 MONLIB Offset = 100 Length = F568 Bad Sector Map Offset = 3FFF8 Length = 8 Squeeze Log Offset = F80000 Length = 40000 Squeeze Buffer Offset = FC0000 Length = 40000 Num Spare Sectors = 0 Spares: STATUS INFO: Writable NO File Open for Write Complete Stats No Unrecovered Errors No Squeeze in progress USAGE INFO: Bytes Used = EA2620 Bytes Available = 9D9E0 Bad Sectors = 0 Spared Sectors = 0 OK Files = 2 Bytes = EA2520 Deleted Files = 0 Bytes = 0 Files w/Errors = 0 Bytes = 0 ******** Intel SCS Status/Register Dump ******** COMMON MEMORY REGISTERS: Bank 0 Intelligent ID Code : 890089 Compatible Status Reg: 800080 DEVICE TYPE: Layout : Paired x16 Mode Write Queue Size : 64 Queued Erase Supported : No Router# </code></pre> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display information about the Flash chip: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show sup-bootflash chips</b></kbd> ******** Intel SCS Status/Register Dump ******** COMMON MEMORY REGISTERS: Bank 0 Intelligent ID Code : 890089 Compatible Status Reg: 800080 DEVICE TYPE: Layout : Paired x16 Mode Write Queue Size : 64 Queued Erase Supported : No Router# </code></pre> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display information about the file system: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show sup-bootflash filesys</b></kbd> -------- F I L E S Y S T E M S T A T U S -------- Device Number = 2 DEVICE INFO BLOCK: bootflash Magic Number = 6887635 File System Vers = 10000 (1.0) Length = 1000000 Sector Size = 40000 Programming Algorithm = 19 Erased State = FFFFFFFF File System Offset = 40000 Length = F40000 MONLIB Offset = 100 Length = F568 Bad Sector Map Offset = 3FFF8 Length = 8 Squeeze Log Offset = F80000 Length = 40000 Squeeze Buffer Offset = FC0000 Length = 40000 Num Spare Sectors = 0 Spares: STATUS INFO: Writable NO File Open for Write Complete Stats No Unrecovered Errors No Squeeze in progress USAGE INFO: Bytes Used = EA2620 Bytes Available = 9D9E0 Bad Sectors = 0 Spared Sectors = 0 OK Files = 2 Bytes = EA2520 Deleted Files = 0 Bytes = 0 Files w/Errors = 0 Bytes = 0 Router# </code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3876515516__GUID-7310116D-8609-4E74-AB03-359B5DC8F173" lang="en-US" id="wp3876515516"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3876515516__GUID-7310116D-8609-4E74-AB03-359B5DC8F173">show system jumbomtu</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3876515516__GUID-0CC8FAAD-BDC5-4E74-9110-14CA3705791E"> <p class="p"> To display the g lobal maximum transmission unit (MTU) setting, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">system</span> <span class="keyword kwd">jumbomtu</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3876515516__GUID-833DF868-9826-4DBF-9337-3DF692C75095"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">system</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">jumbomtu</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3876515516__GUID-090C3D67-0319-4357-80D0-276385480B69"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no arguments or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp3876515516__GUID-D3924D35-0029-4811-8E2E-6829041636FD"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no default settings. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3876515516__GUID-7CC4EF87-08D0-45D8-B030-D6114E78061F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3876515516__GUID-B6E80203-5E5F-4B9D-8513-C29D238AF01A"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3876515516__TABLE_8AA46334EEF8494FB8997D67FBE46609"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3876515516__TABLE_8AA46334EEF8494FB8997D67FBE46609__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3876515516__TABLE_8AA46334EEF8494FB8997D67FBE46609__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3876515516__TABLE_8AA46334EEF8494FB8997D67FBE46609__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(17d)SXB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3876515516__TABLE_8AA46334EEF8494FB8997D67FBE46609__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3876515516__TABLE_8AA46334EEF8494FB8997D67FBE46609__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3876515516__TABLE_8AA46334EEF8494FB8997D67FBE46609__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3876515516__GUID-150E48D0-5600-43FC-ABE3-20C0B0FD6EBE"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display the global MTU setting: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show system jumbomtu</b></kbd> Global Ethernet MTU is 1550 bytes. Router# </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3876515516__GUID-64861EA2-9B73-49EB-8E1B-ACEE835F53CB"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp3876515516__TABLE_1236C121A36B447896E8EDAD4937AF76"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3876515516__TABLE_1236C121A36B447896E8EDAD4937AF76__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3876515516__TABLE_1236C121A36B447896E8EDAD4937AF76__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3876515516__TABLE_1236C121A36B447896E8EDAD4937AF76__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">system</span> <span class="keyword kwd">jumbomtu</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3876515516__TABLE_1236C121A36B447896E8EDAD4937AF76__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Sets the maximum size of the Layer 2 and Layer 3 packets. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1715212784__GUID-2582FA2C-BAF5-48D5-8FE1-D8CA9342E96B" lang="en-US" id="wp1715212784"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1715212784__GUID-2582FA2C-BAF5-48D5-8FE1-D8CA9342E96B">show tech-support</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1715212784__GUID-04C29C11-3ECB-4D0E-BC6F-006C39FF57EF"> <p class="p"> To display general information about the router when it reports a problem, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1715212784__GUID-1C79C44C-0785-4AEC-9F72-E4D8A29E392C"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">page</span>]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">password</span>]<kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">ipc</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>vrf-name</var>] | <span class="keyword kwd">isis</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">mpls</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">ipsec</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">peer</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>ipv4 address</var><kbd class="ph sep"> | </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>vrf-name</var>] | <span class="keyword kwd">ospf</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>process-id</var> | <span class="keyword kwd">detail</span>] | <span class="keyword kwd">rsvp</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">voice</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span>] </p> <h3>Cisco 7600 Series </h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>vrf-name</var>] | <span class="keyword kwd">isis</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">password</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">page</span>] | <span class="keyword kwd">platform</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">page</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">rsvp</span>] </p> <h3>Cisco ASR 900 Series, Cisco ASR 920 Series, Cisco NCS 4200 Series</h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> <span class="keyword kwd">platform</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <var>ipv4 address</var> <kbd class="ph sep"> [ </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <var>vrf-name</var> <kbd class="ph sep">] </kbd> <kbd class="ph sep">| </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">bfd</span> <kbd class="ph sep">{ </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">gal</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <var>GAL-BFD-tunnel-number</var> <kbd class="ph sep">| </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">ipv4</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <var>ip-address</var> <kbd class="ph sep">{ </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">GigabitEthernet</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">TenGigabitEthernet</span> <kbd class="ph sep">} </kbd> <kbd class="ph sep">| </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">multihop</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <var>ip-address</var> <kbd class="ph sep">| </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">poch-ipv4</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <var>ip-address</var> <kbd class="ph sep">{ </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">GigabitEthernet</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">TenGigabitEthernet</span> <kbd class="ph sep">} </kbd> <kbd class="ph sep">} </kbd> <kbd class="ph sep">| </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">multicast</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">ipv4</span> <kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> <var>ip-address</var> <kbd class="ph sep"> | </kbd> <span class="keyword kwd">qos</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1715212784__GUID-AF5AF2F2-C2CF-4DDD-AB5B-0061FC88F47D"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1715212784__TABLE_CCC99358B53A4253A3D3C46680423DE9"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">page</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Causes the output to display a page of information at a time.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">password</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Leaves passwords and other security information in the output.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to Cisco Express Forwarding. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipc</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to Inter-Process Communication (IPC). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output that is related to the IP Multicast configuration, including Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) information, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) information, and Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> <var>vrf-name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Specifies a multicast Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding instance (VRF).</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipsec</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output related to the IPSec configuration. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">peer</span> <var>ipv4 address</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Specifies the IPv4 address of a peer.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">isis</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) and Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Protocol (IS-IS). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">mpls</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) forwarding and applications. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">ospf</span> [<var>process-id</var> | <span class="keyword kwd">detail</span>] </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) networking. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">rsvp</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) networking. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">voice</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to voice networking. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output specific to Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">platform</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays platform-specific <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">bfd</span> </span></p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Displays debug information for BFD sessions.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">gal</span> </span></p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Displays debug information for Generic Associated Channel Label (GAL) (Label 13) BFD sessions. Tunnel range is from 1—2147483647.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">ipv4</span> </span></p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Displays debug information for an IPv4 BFD session.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">multihop</span> </span></p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Displays debug information for multihop BFD sessions.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">poch-ipv4</span> </span></p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Displays debug information for a micro BFD session.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">multicast</span> </span></p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Displays debug information for multicast IPv4 sessions.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">qos</span> </span></p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">Displays debug information for qos sessions</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1715212784__GUID-25CD27CB-FC1E-4F5C-A6DB-0ED5348E413C"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> The output scrolls without page breaks. Passwords and other security information are removed from the output. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1715212784__GUID-AFD5C32F-64CF-4C76-9891-195244ED578E"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1715212784__GUID-5813AA44-76F7-4AE7-8EA4-4DEE58C2EAAB"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 11.2 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 11.3(7), 11.2(16) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output for this command was expanded to show additional information for <span><span class="keyword kwd">boot</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">bootflash</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">context</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> for all enabled protocols. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output for this command was expanded to show additional information for <span><span class="keyword kwd">boot</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">bootflash</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">context</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> for all enabled protocols. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">isis</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">mlps</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">ospf</span> </span> keywords were added to this command. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(13)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. Support for AppleTalk EIGRP, Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, Novell Link-State Protocol, and XNS was removed from Cisco IOS software. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(14)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command was added for the Supervisor Engine 720. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(4)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output of this command was expanded to include the output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">inventory</span> </span> command. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(17d)SXB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(30)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span> command was changed as follows: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_F97DEA27CA8D4CA389F5F426D9334790"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_5EC90B6895D24B5FA638D65CAF9B25BE"> <p class="p"> Support for bidirectional PIM and Multicast VPN (MVPN) was added. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_7BFD8E8C840F470A8D1253645B245A51"> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> </span> <span><var>vrf-name</var> </span> keyword and argument were added. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span> command (without the <span><span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> </span> <span><var>vrf-name</var> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>keyword and argument) was changed to include the output from these commands: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_367308BE016D4939B5ECF8258EF4E785"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_9304C3C504D94C87BE7EE8A72210FA66"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">int</span> <span class="keyword kwd">df</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_5A08A95BBB50474683784A830AC79BEB"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mdt</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_E176750888204693BF679913BBBFA613"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mdt</span> <span class="keyword kwd">bgp</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_0296AEEEAE31468FA8F27F2750617BF0"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">metric</span> </span> </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(16) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(16). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p">12.2(18)SXF </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span> command was changed as follows: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_13FEA670D7164CD89EB7EB4A95296C8E"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_7F5F95B094754603809C7E9F46B3A54A"> <p class="p"> Support for bidirectional PIM and MVPN was added. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_DD8BBE40699347EE88438AC73278086A"> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> </span> <span><var>vrf-name</var> </span> keyword and argument were added. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> </span> command was changed to include the output from these commands: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_A24A7458BDD24D31BA5D783EE27DA963"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_F4A77A0C81804FE387BD00EA98D0A12E"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mls</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">multicast</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rp-mapping</span> <span class="keyword kwd">gm-cache</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_1CC714E829C243BD947A349B12F30992"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mmls</span> <span class="keyword kwd">gc</span> <span class="keyword kwd">process</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_70634A08B59B42DB816C2381F5D3670A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mmls</span> <span class="keyword kwd">msc</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rpdf-cache</span> </span> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span> command (without the <span><span class="keyword kwd">vrf</span> </span> <span><var>vrf-name</var> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> </span>keyword and argument) was changed to include the output from these commands: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_313F5C97886A4A8BB64D2246EA4BD4CE"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_A173F69C50C540F482E27929BF3E1E30"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">int</span> <span class="keyword kwd">df</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_04E712BAAFAF48D7B6DDFF1FADF5D5B5"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mdt</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_58BA56762803470EB7B450DF7B2E093E"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mdt</span> <span class="keyword kwd">bgp</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_4AA0F448123B41A9AD92E695B7E80077"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">metric</span> </span> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> Support to interrupt and terminate the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> </span> output was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(7) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(7). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(9)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output of this command was expanded to include partial <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">dmvpn</span> <span class="keyword kwd">details</span> </span> command output. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> </span> and<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">voice</span> </span> keywords were added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> </span> keyword was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> </span> keyword was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p">15.3(2)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output was extended to include select output for the Group Domain of Interpretation (GDOI) configuration on key servers and group members. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output was extended to include select output for the GDOI configuration on key servers and group members. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p">15.4(1)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified. The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipsec</span> </span> keyword was modified. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.9.1</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p">The command <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support plafom cef </span> </span>is enhanced to display IP address information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Dublin 17.10.1</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p">The command <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support plafom bfd </span> </span> and <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support plafom multicast </span> </span>is introduced to display information on BFD and multicast sessions respectively. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Dublin 17.10.1</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p">The <span>show tech support </span> and <span>show tech-support platform </span> are enhanced with additional commands on the Cisco ASR 920 router. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Dublin 17.12.1</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_A283D5C7D6AB4C11B41031A39B9D3557__entry__2 "> <p class="p">The command show tech-support plafom bfd qos command is introduced to display information on Qos sessions. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1715212784__GUID-06BA1161-CB47-48D5-9BBD-FB205D0AEE5B"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> To interrupt and terminate the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> </span> output, simultaneously press and release the <span><span class="keyword kwd">CTRL</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ALT</span> </span>, and <span><span class="keyword kwd">6</span> </span> keys. </p> <p class="p"> Press the <span><span class="keyword kwd">Return</span> </span> key to display the next line of output, or press the <span><span class="keyword kwd">Spacebar</span> </span> to display the next page of information. If you do not enter the <span><span class="keyword kwd">page</span> </span> keyword, the output scrolls (that is, it does not stop for page breaks). </p> <p class="p"> If you do not enter the <span><span class="keyword kwd">password</span> </span> keyword, passwords and other security-sensitive information in the output are replaced with the label “&lt;removed&gt;.” </p> <p class="p"> The show tech-support command is useful for collecting a large amount of information about your routing device for troubleshooting purposes. The output of this command can be provided to technical support representatives when reporting a problem. </p> <p class="p">Effective with CSCsg71173, password authentication protocol (PAP) and challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP) passwords are not displayed in the output of this command. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> This command can generate a very large amount of output. You may want to redirect the output to a file using the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">inventory</span> <span class="keyword kwd">|</span> <span class="keyword kwd">redirect</span> </span> <span><var>url</var> </span> command syntax extension. Redirecting the output to a file also makes sending this output to your technical support representative easier. For more information about this option, see the command documentation for <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">&lt;command&gt;</span> <span class="keyword kwd">|</span> <span class="keyword kwd">redirect</span> </span>. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support</span> </span> command displays the output of a number of <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> commands at once. The output from this command varies depending on your platform and configuration. For example, access servers display voice-related <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command output. Additionally, the show protocol traffic commands are displayed for only the protocols enabled on your device. For a sample display of the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> </span> command, see the individual <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command listed. </p> <p class="p"> If you enter the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> </span> command without arguments, the output displays, but is not limited to, the equivalent of these <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> commands: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_408CAAE1901D4975969B90A997EEB7C3"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_B1B2F18800994A658E12FB604644750F"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">appletalk</span> <span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_F1EB8A18681F49BB9257555EF285DD47"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">bootflash</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_C18C7CAEE0E94AB6BD68B48D326A7FDB"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">bootvar</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_B8BD61916F064DFDACC8B8DB4639B484"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">buffers</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_9BFAAE6597BF4FBD8F26CCDBBF9FAEA3"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cdp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">neighbors</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_30AB8644777A478EBB39C982AECC8896"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_D90DCA4CAB3B40FD86D530D60552E117"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">clns</span> <span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_05BDF5DA31494BEBAE5E80031A42618E"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">context</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_30266A83504349208C96BB0E4EB7E0A9"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">controllers</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_931F3A340309479FABF62A5C5AFF56DB"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_82CA59210CD8435EA4CF70C47407321A"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi gm</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_C8D790A292B34F2EA0D5EB4B8ED6390C"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi gm acl</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_6EAF22D27ADB4E0BB31BBF5D739E3D70"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi gm pubkey</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_3B6DD2D54AE74BECABD45A2542086B97"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi gm rekey detail</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_BB57163CE6544055A8095A0296393B23"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi gm replay</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_1C8EF64E16204294AF9C99F23C0657E3"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ipsec sa</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_F16ACA72729648D9BF6605BD602D9626"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_3AA596531FC74B5C84672741B1F6A7EC"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks acl</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_05A47C3EB06444D2B80499EB097723AB"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks coop</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_0EE14F408A8743FCB1881F971C9842F7"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks coop version</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_69452011E4AE4CDABECE4CCFBAE9AEC1"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks identifier detail</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_AB998B75878F4578B912D003DA1BF1F2"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks member</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_61CEBAF5A2F2456DAF1B5CC58051C77A"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks policy</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_C83F40A2CE564637B19C67A634789456"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks rekey</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__li_4048E2206A9E4E6898CC33B2F5ABEE74"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi ks replay</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_B91C95A15E2541ABB27F352BBCB60410"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">decnet</span> <span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_4911A429ED0845E087DA27442FC3B4EC"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk0:</span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_F29D6FEF11034E71922AC6FD4AAED031"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">dmvpn</span> <span class="keyword kwd">details</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_1A9998CF20A24CC6838B84D037EC4F99"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">environment</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_D6529B7AFA1A48898327ECA4907186DD"> <p class="p"><span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">fabric</span> <span class="keyword kwd">channel-counters</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_CE974FCCF407445AB994A86F3A158321"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">file</span> <span class="keyword kwd">systems</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_E11F363A444B41218CA0894C4F245D1D"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_0682FEC64EC34212B76BA675951FAD60"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> <span class="keyword kwd">switchport</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_8A9FBD83483048C4BE9F6206FDFBDE80"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> <span class="keyword kwd">trunk</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_5B3FA7CBAC9F4D24AA98C446068BCFD5"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_8AF6DC7AA896456CA0D87D6D69D07D7B"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_A4AB9612DCBA405D96D78834922AF3C1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">logging</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_B5C2CBE80D574C08AFBE4CA53A97348E"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mac-address-table</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_0D69F022C289489284E936E89D798107"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">module</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_95C0DA05E80D42B08FAA74BBC6CCE0AA"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">power</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_447F3D0194DF4405AEB320AA71BEDD99"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">processes</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cpu</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_A887A41142464EF3A24DE14BAE8873F9"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">processes</span> <span class="keyword kwd">memory</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_350B3D714335493680ECD9EF4982531E"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_5F7454A225AD4CB4861CF8DE61A6D4B6"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">spanning-tree</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_1CBC8F36DB62459ABA973A736A46EB02"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">stacks</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_79442F9212114C6888C6B970BF36B988"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_27E173807F234554918FDE400E8B3599"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">vlan</span> </span> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p">The following additional commands for <span>show tech-support command </span> are added on the Cisco ASR 920 router: </p> <ul class="ul"> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show cdp neighbors </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show ethernet cfm errors </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"> <span>show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show ethernet ring g8032 summary </span> </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show flow monitor </span> </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show mac address-table detail | include REMOTE </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show mac address-table dynamic </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show platform hardware pp active efp </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show lldp neighbors </span> </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show platform hardware pp active interface all </span> </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show platform software infrastructure punt statistics </span> </p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show platform software infrastructure lsmpi punt </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span> show rep topology </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show rep topology detail </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>request platform software sdcli "nile stats channel 0? </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>request platform software sdcli "nile stats channel 0 </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show xconnect all </span> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p">The following additional commands are added to <span>show tech-support platform </span> command on the Cisco ASR 920 router: </p> <ul class="ul"> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show tech-support platform layer2 interface efp </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show tech-support platform layer2 bridge-domain id </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show tech-support platform pvppd dump vlan interface </span></p> </li> <li class="li"> <p class="p"><span>show tech platform snmp-dyinggasp packets count </span></p> </li> </ul> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p"> Crypto information is not duplicated by the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">dmvpn</span> <span class="keyword kwd">details</span> </span> command output. </p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> When the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> </span> command is entered on a virtual switch (VS), the output displays the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">module</span> </span> command and the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">power</span> </span> command for both the active and standby switches. </p> <p class="p"> Use of the optional <span><span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipc</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">isis</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">mpls</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">ospf</span> </span>, or <span><span class="keyword kwd">rsvp</span> </span> keywords provides a way to display a number of <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> commands specific to a particular protocol or process in addition to the show commands listed previously. </p> <p class="p"> For example, if your Technical Assistance Center (TAC) support representative suspects that you have a problem in your Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) configuration, you may be asked to provide the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support cef command</span> </span>. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support</span> [<span class="keyword kwd">page</span>] [<span class="keyword kwd">password</span>] <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> </span> command will display the output from the following commands in addition to the output for the standard <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support</span> </span> command: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_A10D0F8CEBDB4864965822BA8E701E68"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_3F0C36A12C6C4B80AA82F51BEEDE3359"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">adjacency</span> <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_D0BC9BEB416442ACBFF5B3058F9D7769"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">drop</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_4B8892EFF8D94BED90B8256FA6BA4190"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">events</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_856FF4CD48E44A75BD342CFCB1F48822"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_132574D473C440509E49B672D648A8ED"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">not-cef-switched</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_388183AAE03244FC825DFFE0A3E863CB"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">timers</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_245FC59C15334487992FDD3AFA324087"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> <span class="keyword kwd">stats</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_4D83E3B46AE445D1977FDF5B656A433B"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">events</span> <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_53C07D94EB8D47AF92084F2000FC97C5"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">inconsistency</span> <span class="keyword kwd">records</span> <span class="keyword kwd">detail</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_B11F0ADBD6554BEE8CF346C5FE6B3A1C"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> <span class="keyword kwd">summary</span> </span> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> If you enter the <span><span class="keyword kwd">ipmulticast</span> </span> keyword, the output displays, but is not limited to, these <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> commands: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_BA18A2033ED049AEAF51FB14BAFA4972"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_73F6FB03200F40A38AF5A063A5D21A5C"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">dvmrp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">route</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_BEF9DC2D0198452BA8442B2EA31F5786"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">igmp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">groups</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_034874974738401F835BE385F625A5C6"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">igmp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_8D9D944A8C9B4158A69895AC4CF7215D"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mcache</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_25AD382B691C4B6F992D758670D7FD9A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mroute</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_02797190CCDA4C63BC906EA660D545F8"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mroute</span> <span class="keyword kwd">count</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_0292F2C937F047DAA57C2F6F79570971"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_0F914A54B8DB4F588F2334C19DAEF2D0"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> <span class="keyword kwd">count</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_909AD68A328946C388290A0A772E1BB7"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> <span class="keyword kwd">df</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_57A4AE7B68044058BCE315BEF730B579"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mdt</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_9F2A274D0F404DB7B0B8E56B7521691A"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mdt</span> <span class="keyword kwd">bgp</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_274557E77B4D4013ACC2EA65D4531BA0"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">neighbor</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_0690A569AAC3493BBC21B83633BC940C"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rp</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_6FF15CA7F5B34CF4A91537727E08389F"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">pim</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">metric</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_AE9E39F03E4249DDB59F85B98401E421"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mls</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">multicast</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rp-mapping</span> <span class="keyword kwd">gm-cache</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_4C357B69DBF647F0A75F191AAF417B24"> <p class="p"><span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mmls</span> <span class="keyword kwd">gc</span> <span class="keyword kwd">process</span> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_5DD7E473A59A43E080A8B9945CD0A66E"> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mmls</span> <span class="keyword kwd">msc</span> <span class="keyword kwd">rpdf-cache</span> </span> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> If you enter the <span><span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> </span> keyword, the output displays, but is not limited to, these <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> commands: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1715212784__UL_0DE9802CDB944AD0A0CD032F42462436"> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_5B689AF49AD1461DBFB4318D46265E76"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> </span> <span> <var> </var> <var>service-number</var> </span> </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1715212784__LI_2CFC9DE976A34BBF808CC80E24749489"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> </span> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1715212784__d215534e20941"> <h3 class="title sectiontitle">ASR 900, ASR 920, NCS 4200 Series</h3> <p class="p">Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support platform cef </span> </span> command to view the IPv4 address information. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"><img src=""><br><p><b>Note</b></p> </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <hr> <p class="p">IPv6 address information is not supported.</p> <hr> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p">Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support platform bfd </span> </span> command to view BFD debug session information. </p> <p class="p">Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show tech-support platform multicast </span> </span> command to view IPv4 session information. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1715212784__GUID-1CDDF6FE-B03E-4C27-A47D-7B96A733C823"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show tech-support platform cef</b></kbd> ipv4 . . % Warning! Execution of the platform flow scripts can cause temporary glitch to VTY sessions. It is advised to execute this command under the supervision of Cisco TAC Are you sure you want to proceed? [yes/no]: yes ###### Log file at bootflash:/l3flow_log_22_44_29_562.txt ########### Executing ASIC DUMP command Platform CEF is programmed KINDLY SHARE THE FILE ***l3flow_log_22_44_29_562.txt*** FROM BOOTFLASH Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show tech-support platform cef</b></kbd> ipv4 vrf vrf1 . . % Warning! Execution of the platform flow scripts can cause temporary glitch to VTY sessions. It is advised to execute this command under the supervision of Cisco TAC Are you sure you want to proceed? [yes/no]: yes ###### Log file at bootflash:/l3flow_log_22_44_29_562.txt ########### Executing ASIC DUMP command Platform CEF is programmed KINDLY SHARE THE FILE ***l3flow_log_22_44_29_562.txt*** FROM BOOTFLASH </code></pre> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show tech-support platform bfd ?</b></kbd> gal Dump GAL BFD ipv4 debug an ipv4 bfd session multihop Dump multihop BFD poch-ipv4 debug a micro-bfd session Router#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show tech-support platform bfd ipv4 gi0/0/1 ?</b></kbd> | Output modifiers &lt;cr&gt; &lt;cr&gt; Router#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show tech-support platform bfd multihop ?</b></kbd> | Output modifiers &lt;cr&gt; &lt;cr&gt; Router#sh tech-support platform bfd gal ? &lt;1-2147483647&gt; GAL BFD tunnel number Router#show tech-support platform bfd gal 1 ? | Output modifiers &lt;cr&gt; &lt;cr&gt; </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1715212784__GUID-237024D7-5ECC-465C-80EB-D0F3DAB67E99"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Command</span> </span> </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">Description</span> </span> </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">dir</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays a list of files on a file system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">appletalk</span> <span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays statistics about AppleTalk traffic, including MAC IP traffic. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">bootflash</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the contents of boot flash memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">bootvar</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the contents of the BOOT environment variable, the name of the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE environment variable, the contents of the BOOTLDR environment variable, and the configuration register setting. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">buffers</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays statistics for the buffer pools on the network server. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cdp</span> <span class="keyword kwd">neighbors</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays detailed information about neighboring devices discovered using Cisco Discovery Protocol. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cef</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about packets forwarded by Cisco Express Forwarding. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">clns</span> <span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays a list of the CLNS packets this router has seen. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">&lt;</span> </span> <span> <var>command</var> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">&gt;</span> <span class="keyword kwd">|</span> <span class="keyword kwd">redirect</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Redirects the output of any <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> command to a file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">context</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays context data. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">controllers</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information that is specific to the hardware. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">controllers</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tech-support</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays general information about a VIP card for problem reporting. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span><span class="keyword kwd">show crypto gdoi</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Displays information about a GDOI configuration. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">disk:0</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays flash or file system information for a disk located in slot 0: </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">dmvpn</span> <span class="keyword kwd">details</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays detail DMVPN information for each session, including Next Hop Server (NHS) and NHS status, crypto session information, and socket details. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">environment</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays temperature, voltage, and blower information on the Cisco 7000 series routers, Cisco 7200 series routers, Cisco 7500 series routers, Cisco 7600 series routers, Cisco AS5300 series access servers, and the Gigabit Switch Router. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">fabric</span> <span class="keyword kwd">channel</span> <span class="keyword kwd">counters</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the fabric channel counters for a module. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">file</span> <span class="keyword kwd">system</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Lists available file systems. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> <span class="keyword kwd">switchport</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interfaces</span> <span class="keyword kwd">trunk</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the interface-trunk information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">inventory</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the product inventory listing and UDI of all Cisco products installed in the networking device. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">interface</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the usability status of interfaces configured for IP. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">traffic</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays statistics about IP traffic. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"><span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">ip</span> <span class="keyword kwd">wccp</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays global statistics related to WCCP. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">logging</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the state of syslog and the contents of the standard system logging buffer. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">mac-address</span> <span class="keyword kwd">table</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the MAC address table. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">module</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays module status and information. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">power</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the current power status of system components. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">processes</span> <span class="keyword kwd">cpu</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the active processes. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">processes</span> <span class="keyword kwd">memory</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the amount of memory used. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">running-config</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the current configuration of your routing device. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">spanning-tree</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays information about the spanning tree state. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">stacks</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the stack usage of processes and interrupt routines. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> <span> <span class="keyword kwd"> </span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">vlan</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1715212784__TABLE_702AB44D09AD4794A99A5003FFEB88FB__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays VLAN information. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp3140382910__GUID-451EA706-8954-4E95-9ED2-E955395A691C" lang="en-US" id="wp3140382910"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp3140382910__GUID-451EA706-8954-4E95-9ED2-E955395A691C">show template</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp3140382910__GUID-E0CD860B-F8C5-48B7-BCB3-FD50E389F564"> <p class="p"> To display template information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">template</span> </span> command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp3140382910__GUID-0D7E12A7-2420-479A-9E56-32750691CD34"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">template</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [template-name] </var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp3140382910__GUID-FE9CC1A9-B0FE-4F30-B328-C30720FCE62E"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>template-name</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) The template name. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp3140382910__GUID-E79FF160-8F77-4450-BC55-A652D1682D90"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SXI </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(24)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS 2.1 XE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-B905C829-A339-4472-8B89-B82008261DB3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Router. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp3140382910__GUID-9A4E807E-06FB-4685-8B57-98B1F0E6CB32"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">template</span> </span>command displaying template information. The fields are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show template</b></kbd> Template class/type Component(s) template1 owner ppp peer dialer </code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp3140382910__GUID-D5C8A547-57D8-436A-97A5-4EDA89687B00"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3140382910__GUID-D5C8A547-57D8-436A-97A5-4EDA89687B00__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp3140382910__GUID-D5C8A547-57D8-436A-97A5-4EDA89687B00__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-D5C8A547-57D8-436A-97A5-4EDA89687B00__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">template</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp3140382910__GUID-D5C8A547-57D8-436A-97A5-4EDA89687B00__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Configures a particular customer profile template. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2395994921__GUID-86217E55-EA75-4CCC-BC47-964D28D933BC" lang="en-US" id="wp2395994921"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2395994921__GUID-86217E55-EA75-4CCC-BC47-964D28D933BC">show usb controllers</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2395994921__GUID-360B663D-78FD-42A6-B852-4720ADEB3F8D"> <p class="p"> To display USB host controller information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">controllers</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2395994921__GUID-BB286321-C606-4D8F-BB58-C26BF484DEC9"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">usb</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">controllers</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [controller-number] </var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2395994921__GUID-73C817BF-1F2B-4A76-AFD1-0D002B6DAE3F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>controller-number</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information only for the specified controller. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp2395994921__GUID-F5185639-71B8-433A-BB44-529D593834E1"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> Information about all controllers on the system are displayed. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2395994921__GUID-75593B93-605A-4436-AAF6-D8565CDD5814"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2395994921__GUID-1A6ABB01-6C0D-4A62-A6A5-481806059D7E"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2395994921__GUID-1A6ABB01-6C0D-4A62-A6A5-481806059D7E__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2395994921__GUID-1A6ABB01-6C0D-4A62-A6A5-481806059D7E__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2395994921__GUID-1A6ABB01-6C0D-4A62-A6A5-481806059D7E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(14)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2395994921__GUID-1A6ABB01-6C0D-4A62-A6A5-481806059D7E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2395994921__GUID-1A6ABB01-6C0D-4A62-A6A5-481806059D7E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(11)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2395994921__GUID-1A6ABB01-6C0D-4A62-A6A5-481806059D7E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into the Cisco 7200VXR NPE-G2 platform. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp2395994921__GUID-356B741D-362A-426C-822E-FF6CA2F97DFC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">controllers</span> </span>command to display content such as controller register specific information, current asynchronous buffer addresses, and period scheduling information. You can also use this command to verify that copy operations are occurring successfully onto a USB flash module. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2395994921__GUID-9C675FDE-6888-4CD8-8334-A49ACADD230C"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">controllers</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show usb controllers</b></kbd> Name:1362HCD Controller ID:1 Controller Specific Information: Revision:0x11 Control:0x80 Command Status:0x0 Hardware Interrupt Status:0x24 Hardware Interrupt Enable:0x80000040 Hardware Interrupt Disable:0x80000040 Frame Interval:0x27782EDF Frame Remaining:0x13C1 Frame Number:0xDA4C LSThreshold:0x628 RhDescriptorA:0x19000202 RhDescriptorB:0x0 RhStatus:0x0 RhPort1Status:0x100103 RhPort2Status:0x100303 Hardware Configuration:0x3029 DMA Configuration:0x0 Transfer Counter:0x1 Interrupt:0x9 Interrupt Enable:0x196 Chip ID:0x3630 Buffer Status:0x0 Direct Address Length:0x80A00 ATL Buffer Size:0x600 ATL Buffer Port:0x0 ATL Block Size:0x100 ATL PTD Skip Map:0xFFFFFFFF ATL PTD Last:0x20 ATL Current Active PTD:0x0 ATL Threshold Count:0x1 ATL Threshold Timeout:0xFF Int Level:1 Transfer Completion Codes: Success :920 CRC :0 Bit Stuff :0 Stall :0 No Response :0 Overrun :0 Underrun :0 Other :0 Buffer Overrun :0 Buffer Underrun :0 Transfer Errors: Canceled Transfers :2 Control Timeout :0 Transfer Failures: Interrupt Transfer :0 Bulk Transfer :0 Isochronous Transfer :0 Control Transfer:0 Transfer Successes: Interrupt Transfer :0 Bulk Transfer :26 Isochronous Transfer :0 Control Transfer:894 USBD Failures: Enumeration Failures :0 No Class Driver Found:0 Power Budget Exceeded:0 USB MSCD SCSI Class Driver Counters: Good Status Failures :3 Command Fail :0 Good Status Timed out:0 Device not Found:0 Device Never Opened :0 Drive Init Fail :0 Illegal App Handle :0 Bad API Command :0 Invalid Unit Number :0 Invalid Argument:0 Application Overflow :0 Device in use :0 Control Pipe Stall :0 Malloc Error :0 Device Stalled :0 Bad Command Code:0 Device Detached :0 Unknown Error :0 Invalid Logic Unit Num:0 USB Aladdin Token Driver Counters: Token Inserted :1 Token Removed :0 Send Insert Msg Fail :0 Response Txns :434 Dev Entry Add Fail :0 Request Txns :434 Dev Entry Remove Fail:0 Request Txn Fail:0 Response Txn Fail :0 Command Txn Fail:0 Txn Invalid Dev Handle:0 USB Flash File System Counters: Flash Disconnected :0 Flash Connected :1 Flash Device Fail :0 Flash Ok :1 Flash startstop Fail :0 Flash FS Fail :0 USB Secure Token File System Counters: Token Inserted :1 Token Detached :0 Token FS success :1 Token FS Fail :0 Token Max Inserted :0 Create Talker Failures:0 Token Event :0 Destroy Talker Failures:0 Watched Boolean Create Failures:0 </code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1069726873__GUID-D07240C3-EB20-475A-826F-2D04EF9C76DA" lang="en-US" id="wp1069726873"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1069726873__GUID-D07240C3-EB20-475A-826F-2D04EF9C76DA">show usb device</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1069726873__GUID-E2FA4384-2704-4072-8CEE-00156C77E646"> <p class="p"> To display USB device information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">device</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1069726873__GUID-13A8D0F7-64F0-4713-B09F-7BB75FDD9336"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">usb</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">device</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>controller-ID</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [device-address] </var>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1069726873__GUID-91CF9E6B-AB8B-4E4A-B2CC-AC96CA6C399C"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1069726873__TABLE_BD0DF5998B3A4FCB83EF50B0F78F81BE"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>controller-ID</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information only for the devices under the specified controller. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>device-address</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information only for the device with the specified address. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1069726873__GUID-8DB1FDCE-BAD2-451A-920C-737A453994DC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> Information for all devices attached to the system are displayed. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1069726873__GUID-C64F98FA-C891-49E0-A0A2-F14CA8D2FE24"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1069726873__GUID-3F984468-2E8C-41ED-A2BC-FBD6DD87FFA1"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1069726873__TABLE_8CE1726AA7C547E7920E1D8D838C62F8"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1069726873__TABLE_8CE1726AA7C547E7920E1D8D838C62F8__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1069726873__TABLE_8CE1726AA7C547E7920E1D8D838C62F8__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_8CE1726AA7C547E7920E1D8D838C62F8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(14)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_8CE1726AA7C547E7920E1D8D838C62F8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_8CE1726AA7C547E7920E1D8D838C62F8__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(11)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_8CE1726AA7C547E7920E1D8D838C62F8__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into the Cisco 7200VXR NPE-G2 platform. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1069726873__GUID-C8E43F19-8B8C-4860-803F-C411D91D2DDD"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">device</span> </span> command to display information for either a USB flash drive or a USB eToken, as appropriate. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1069726873__GUID-377BB1D7-1852-4F89-BB7D-1A04B4156F21"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">device</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show usb device</b></kbd> Host Controller:1 Address:0x1 Device Configured:YES Device Supported:YES Description:DiskOnKey Manufacturer:M-Sys Version:2.0 Serial Number:0750D84030316868 Device Handle:0x1000000 USB Version Compliance:2.0 Class Code:0x0 Subclass Code:0x0 Protocol:0x0 Vendor ID:0x8EC Product ID:0x15 Max. Packet Size of Endpoint Zero:64 Number of Configurations:1 Speed:Full Selected Configuration:1 Selected Interface:0 Configuration: Number:1 Number of Interfaces:1 Description: Attributes:None Max Power:140 mA Interface: Number:0 Description: Class Code:8 Subclass:6 Protocol:80 Number of Endpoints:2 Endpoint: Number:1 Transfer Type:BULK Transfer Direction:Device to Host Max Packet:64 Interval:0 Endpoint: Number:2 Transfer Type:BULK Transfer Direction:Host to Device Max Packet:64 Interval:0 Host Controller:1 Address:0x11 Device Configured:YES Device Supported:YES Description:eToken Pro 4254 Manufacturer:AKS Version:1.0 Serial Number: Device Handle:0x1010000 USB Version Compliance:1.0 Class Code:0xFF Subclass Code:0x0 Protocol:0x0 Vendor ID:0x529 Product ID:0x514 Max. Packet Size of Endpoint Zero:8 Number of Configurations:1 Speed:Low Selected Configuration:1 Selected Interface:0 Configuration: Number:1 Number of Interfaces:1 Description: Attributes:None Max Power:60 mA Interface: Number:0 Description: Class Code:255 Subclass:0 Protocol:0 Number of Endpoints:0</code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 9. </span><span class="tabletitle">show usb device Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Device handle </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Internal memory handle allocated to the device. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Device Class code </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The class code supported by the device. </p> <p class="p"> This number is allocated by the USB-IF. If this field is reset to 0, each interface within a configuration specifies its own class information, and the various interfaces operate independently. If this field is set to a value between 1 and FEH, the device supports different class specifications on different interfaces, and the interfaces may not operate independently. This value identifies the class definition used for the aggregate interfaces. If this field is set to FFH, the device class is vendor-specific. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Device Subclass code </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The subclass code supported by the device. This number is allocated by the USB-IF. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Device Protocol </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The protocol supported by the device. If this field is set to 0, the device does not use class-specific protocols on a device basis. If this field is set to 0xFF, the device uses a vendor-specific protocol on a device basis. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Interface Class code </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The class code supported by the interface. If the value is set to 0xFF, the interface class is vendor specific. All other values are allocated by the USB-IF. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Interface Subclass code </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The subclass code supported by the interface. All values are allocated by the USB-IF. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Interface Protocol </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The protocol code supported by the interface. If this field is set to 0, the device does not use a class-specific protocol on this interface. If this field is set to 0xFF, the device uses a vendor-specific protocol for this interface. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Max Packet </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1069726873__TABLE_267F190511084C34995E7579E3E44E19__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Maximum data packet size, in bytes. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2414766117__GUID-E278FE94-3CCD-4438-928E-D3FEE9022265" lang="en-US" id="wp2414766117"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2414766117__GUID-E278FE94-3CCD-4438-928E-D3FEE9022265">show usb driver</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2414766117__GUID-231DD292-673D-414E-9EC2-4A965BC0F7E6"> <p class="p"> To display information about registered USB class drivers and vendor-specific drivers, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">driver</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2414766117__GUID-87FC5F5B-1A51-4EEB-97D1-61E8FF8F920B"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">usb</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">driver</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [index] </var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2414766117__GUID-E31F61F9-D666-404B-AFC0-D2894A3F0FAC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2414766117__TABLE_28174617C49045C98928090A2E36BA76"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>index</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information only for drivers on the specified index. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp2414766117__GUID-B28A6986-A1A8-45F4-865B-699113A002C7"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> Information about all drivers is displayed. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2414766117__GUID-88BFD9AE-4F5E-4A5A-9DCB-1C9437DCC113"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2414766117__GUID-2053DFF1-4E7A-4195-A8B4-301E6C853CEA"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(14)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(11)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into the Cisco 7200VXR NPE-G2 platform. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_6EFA7EBCC1A9473BB237CA20078E9D30__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2414766117__GUID-BED2EDFE-608E-4521-83E8-1495FEEE18E5"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example is sample output for the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">driver</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show usb driver</b></kbd> Index:0 Owner Mask:0x6 Class Code:0x0 Subclass Code:0x0 Protocol:0x0 Interface Class Code:0x8 Interface Subclass Code:0x6 Interface Protocol Code:0x50 Product ID:0x655BD598 Vendor ID:0x64E90000 Attached Devices: Controller ID:1, Device Address:1 Index:1 Owner Mask:0x1 Class Code:0x0 Subclass Code:0x0 Protocol:0x0 Interface Class Code:0x0 Interface Subclass Code:0x0 Interface Protocol Code:0x0 Product ID:0x514 Vendor ID:0x529 Attached Devices: Controller ID:1, Device Address:17 Index:2 Owner Mask:0x5 Class Code:0x9 Subclass Code:0x6249BD58 Protocol:0x2 Interface Class Code:0x5DC0 Interface Subclass Code:0x5 Interface Protocol Code:0xFFFFFFFF Product ID:0x2 Vendor ID:0x1 Attached Devices: None Index:3 Owner Mask:0x10 Class Code:0x0 Subclass Code:0x0 Protocol:0x0 Interface Class Code:0x0 Interface Subclass Code:0x0 Interface Protocol Code:0x0 Product ID:0x0 Vendor ID:0x0 Attached Devices: None </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant field shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2414766117__TABLE_E276180807514A29A6F07241DCEDE99D"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 10. </span><span class="tabletitle">show usb driver Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2414766117__TABLE_E276180807514A29A6F07241DCEDE99D__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2414766117__TABLE_E276180807514A29A6F07241DCEDE99D__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_E276180807514A29A6F07241DCEDE99D__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Owner Mask </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2414766117__TABLE_E276180807514A29A6F07241DCEDE99D__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Indicates the fields that are used in enumeration comparison. The driver can own different devices on the basis of their product or vendor IDs and device or interface class, subclass, and protocol codes. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2349271886__GUID-F560AB6B-CCF7-4CFB-80E2-1F2C2208BD94" lang="en-US" id="wp2349271886"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2349271886__GUID-F560AB6B-CCF7-4CFB-80E2-1F2C2208BD94">show usb port</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2349271886__GUID-8C7AD229-84B5-4E04-A26C-2022AEB0761B"> <p class="p"> To sisplay USB root hub port information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">port</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2349271886__GUID-92024970-DEEE-4714-B24E-B0A133DEC4ED"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">usb</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">port</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [port-number] </var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2349271886__GUID-42129D5A-0B37-4043-91E6-91574DCA81DC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>port-number</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays information only for a specified. If the <span><var>port-number</var> </span> is not issued, information for all root ports will be displayed. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2349271886__GUID-74DB9D01-03D5-419B-B57F-5E1AE2F53A77"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2349271886__GUID-5A9E87B5-B44B-459E-913F-D5F65A7C232E"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2349271886__GUID-5A9E87B5-B44B-459E-913F-D5F65A7C232E__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2349271886__GUID-5A9E87B5-B44B-459E-913F-D5F65A7C232E__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2349271886__GUID-5A9E87B5-B44B-459E-913F-D5F65A7C232E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(14)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2349271886__GUID-5A9E87B5-B44B-459E-913F-D5F65A7C232E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2349271886__GUID-6FB39322-E8A1-43E4-A7FA-7659EC9FC28F"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following sample from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">port</span> </span> command shows the status of the port 1 on the router: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show usb port</b></kbd> Port Number:0 Status:Enabled Connection State:Connected Speed:Full Power State:ON Port Number:1 Status:Enabled Connection State:Connected Speed:Low Power State:ON</code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1762495110__GUID-8CBD825F-8D11-4AC8-AF91-2B0C81860607" lang="en-US" id="wp1762495110"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1762495110__GUID-8CBD825F-8D11-4AC8-AF91-2B0C81860607">show usb tree</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1762495110__GUID-BB2B0F6A-49A1-485B-A06F-93DC5B52F4E3"> <p class="p"> To display information about the port state and all attached devices, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tree</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1762495110__GUID-169FF63C-F2CD-4095-A75B-DFF385DB852A"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">usb</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">tree</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1762495110__GUID-5F6EDC59-CC89-468A-9B4E-D4437C8E4655"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no arguments or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1762495110__GUID-3CACFCBA-517F-4133-8B63-83CDCE1F0E2D"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1762495110__GUID-7985B6F3-AAC4-4DC9-BEDB-F911907D8904"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1762495110__GUID-7985B6F3-AAC4-4DC9-BEDB-F911907D8904__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1762495110__GUID-7985B6F3-AAC4-4DC9-BEDB-F911907D8904__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1762495110__GUID-7985B6F3-AAC4-4DC9-BEDB-F911907D8904__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(14)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1762495110__GUID-7985B6F3-AAC4-4DC9-BEDB-F911907D8904__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1762495110__GUID-53BDC8CB-FD54-4D26-8422-29F570AA7199"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example is sample output from the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usb</span> <span class="keyword kwd">tree</span> </span> command. This output shows that both a USB flash module and a USB eToken are currently enabled. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show usb tree</b></kbd> [Host Id:1, Host Type:1362HCD, Number of RH-Port:2] &lt;Root Port0:Power=ON Current State=Enabled&gt; Port0:(DiskOnKey) Addr:0x1 VID:0x08EC PID:0x0015 Configured (0x1000000) &lt;Root Port1:Power=ON Current State=Enabled&gt; Port1:(eToken Pro 4254) Addr:0x11 VID:0x0529 PID:0x0514 Configured (0x1010000)</code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp2875618650__GUID-68DE4C94-AAF7-4163-A8BB-2A31C8882F8F" lang="en-US" id="wp2875618650"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp2875618650__GUID-68DE4C94-AAF7-4163-A8BB-2A31C8882F8F">show usbtoken</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp2875618650__GUID-757ACD3F-C633-4A8A-9699-8392DBABD2F7"> <p class="p"> To display information about the USB eToken (such as the eToken ID), use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usbtoken</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp2875618650__GUID-D0FD762A-0A57-43E1-A120-C87915341C01"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">usbtoken</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">0-9</span>]<span class="keyword kwd">:</span> {<span class="keyword kwd">all</span><var> | filesystem</var>} </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp2875618650__GUID-1E728E34-6D2C-4357-9FD9-D36E488CC871"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2875618650__TABLE_A173F76EEE5445C399C4237A3441E516"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">0-9</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) One of the ten available flash drives you can choose from; valid values: 0-9. If you do not specify a number, 0 is used by default </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">all</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) All configuration files stored on the eToken. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>filesystem</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Name of a configuration file. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp2875618650__GUID-752ACB12-2F88-44E9-AB4E-6C2C91EA28D4"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp2875618650__GUID-F63355EC-E855-440D-B4E4-2F70E2D5C323"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(14)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.4(11)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into the Cisco 7200VXR NPE-G2 platform. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_5EB8D2A5EAF143CE995803BC6EAB0CA2__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp2875618650__GUID-C80472E6-B0FE-4913-BEC9-7CE34D28543F"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usbtoken</span> </span> command to verify whether a USB eToken is inserted in the router. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp2875618650__GUID-F8C52941-14BD-4E93-B8A8-020D62D9A357"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">usbtoken</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show usbtoken0 </b></kbd> Token ID :43353334 Token device name : token0 Vendor name : Vendor34 Product Name :Etoken Pro Serial number : 22273a334353 Firmware version : Total memory size : 32 KB Free memory size : 16 KB FIPS version : Yes/No Token state : “Active” | “User locked” | “Admin locked” | “System Error” | “Uknown” ATR (Answer To Reset) :"3B F2 98 0 FF C1 10 31 FE 55 C8 3"</code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 11. </span><span class="tabletitle">show usbtoken Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Token ID </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Token identifier. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Token device name </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> A unique name derived by the token driver. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> ATR (Answer to Reset) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp2875618650__TABLE_D0B582C76D8447308B444FCB297D1331__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Information replied by Smart cards when a reset command is issued. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1162017788__GUID-0DAD5990-CB83-4E9C-B627-CF77EE09A0E6" lang="en-US" id="wp1162017788"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1162017788__GUID-0DAD5990-CB83-4E9C-B627-CF77EE09A0E6">show version</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1162017788__SECTION_D97E25CA570349E9B8E02C54466781EB"> <p class="p"> To display information about the currently loaded software along with hardware and device information, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command in user EXEC, privileged EXEC, or diagnostic mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1162017788__REFSYN_CC3D4945E9A44D24A4B3F5EC7B752F84"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </p> <h3>Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches and Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controllers </h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">version</span> [<span class="keyword kwd">switch</span><var>node</var>] [<span class="keyword kwd">running</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">committed</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">provisioned</span>] </p> <h3>Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers </h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">version</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [rp-slot] </var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">installed</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd importance--optional">user-interface</span>] | <span class="keyword kwd">provisioned</span> | <span class="keyword kwd">running</span>] </p> <h3>Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switches running IOS XE software </h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">version</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [rp-slot] </var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">running</span>] </p> <h3>Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Routers </h3> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">version</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<span class="keyword kwd">epld</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var>slot</var>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1162017788__SECTION_BE24388A1A6F41F5BDFF6FA1152BC2ED"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_DDCF877159734A5C87FC3406628A2F10"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span><span class="keyword kwd">switch</span><var>node</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">(optional) Only a single switch may be specified. Default is all switches in a stacked system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p">(optional) Specifies information on the files currently running. </p> <p class="p"> cat3850 and ct5760: (optional) Displays information about the active package set currently running on the switch. When booted in installed mode, this is typically the set of packages listed in the booted provisioning file. When booted in bundle mode, this is typically the set of packages contained in the booted bundle. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"><span> <span class="keyword kwd">committed</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <section class="p"> (optional) Displays information about the committed package set. If no installation operations have been performed since bootup, this output will be the same as <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version running</span> </span>. If any installation operations have been performed since bootup, this output will display the set of packages that will be activated/running on the next reload. <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"> <p><b>Note</b></p>&nbsp; </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <p class="p">This command option is only applicable when running in installed mode. </p> </section> </td> </tr> </table> </section> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">provisioned</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (optional)Specifies information on the software files that are provisioned. </p> <p class="p"> cat3850 and ct5760: (optional) Displays information about the provisioned package set. In most cases, the provisioned package set is the same as the committed package set. These package sets will differ if an installation was performed with the ‘auto-rollback’ option and the installed packages have not yet been committed using the 'software commit' command. This command option is only applicable when running in installed mode. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>rp-slot</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Specifies the software of the RP in a specific RP slot of a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router. Options include: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_D1531647A3B04097AAFFE70C50F5F4BB"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_0930FB4AF6D04703812B5E18AAFEAD06"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">r0</span> </span>--the RP in RP slot 0. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_FC239B180DB54962B4BB72424EACCA2B"> <p class="p"> r1 --the RP in RP slot 1. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_CDEECBC429054836A8607E33E78DD95A"> <p class="p"> rp active --the active RP. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_4347B4A360B949FFADF81854BA56C91D"> <p class="p"> rp standby --the standby RP. </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">installed</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Specifies information on the software installed on the RP </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">user-interface</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> Specifies information on the files related to the user-interface. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">epld</span> </span> <em class="ph i">slot</em> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Specifies the software of the EPLD slot of a Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Router. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1162017788__SECTION_C4DA1095A7634F348B16BB2A01846917"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> No default behavior or values. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1162017788__SECTION_3E07AF6D85244C68B01D5590B3F6A343"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> User EXEC (&gt;) Privileged EXEC (#) Diagnostic (diag)--Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers only </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1162017788__SECTION_4B9AF1BFB3C64D828401CD289EAAE50A"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 9.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.1EC </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1EC. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.1(1a)T1 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was modified to include information about the clock card on CMTS routers. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3BC </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(4)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The output format of this command was updated. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p">12.2(14)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p">12.2(17d)SXB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to 12.2(17d)SXB. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(25)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The output format of this command was updated. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SCA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, and the following enhancements were introduced: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_69F0A0F26F134FDDB1D8B39C6C76276B"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_5C1CF4C46C584BDBACFD615EC9D132A1"> <p class="p"> the command became available in diagnostic mode. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_91AF4BBC1BC14F30820EE27311373B64"> <p class="p"> the <span><var>rp-slot</var> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">installed</span> </span>,<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">user-interface</span> </span>, <span><span class="keyword kwd">provisioned</span> </span>, and<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">running</span> </span> options all became available for the first time. </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(18)SX </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Added ELPD keyword and output for the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Router. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The output format of this command was updated. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1.0.SG </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p">This command was introduced on the Cisco Catalyst 4500e Serfies Switches with support for the rp-slot parameter and running command option. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p">IOS XE 3.2.0 SE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Command introduced on the Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches and Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controllers with support for the switch keyword and running, provisioned and committed command options. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3 SE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_EB07F9D19E68470AA9FFFE7FEF6EF3A7__entry__2 "> <p class="p">This command was integrated. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1162017788__SECTION_D0A9F6AEEDD24A17A9F52BD47E4A28FC"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> This command displays information about the Cisco IOS software version currently running on a routing device, the ROM Monitor and Bootflash software versions, and information about the hardware configuration, including the amount of system memory. Because this command displays both software and hardware information, the output of this command is the same as the output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">hardware</span> </span> command. (The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">hardware</span> </span> command is a command alias for the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command.) </p> <p class="p"> Specifically, the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command provides the following information: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_5AC6F6FFDEF34CD7B739BF9A778EC9B9"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_C9044BC4813445B9AE16E7D107093FFC"> <section class="p"> Software information <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_8F335DA4A78A4039B6E9ABD60C1B1FEB"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_53D31106BA394F5584BE66BE076FCADC"> Main Cisco IOS image version </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_8C37B691453A44CFB15D25A5180C6C89"> Main Cisco IOS image capabilities (feature set) </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_F10AB38317D149F4B35D0C80BF501EA5"> Location and name of bootfile in ROM </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_2EED807C21394D68A3F7E46551CFD35C"> Bootflash image version (depending on platform) </li> </ul> </section> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_840708F34BDF4C7F89CD7B26283FE9E6"> <section class="p"> Device-specific information <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_1111CB6ED58C4923990EF17FA7E3072F"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_8642D17EBF4E439EB7308FAEDF1CCE09"> Device name </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_2530EF3DA27E4F9CA85EA0B7C386AC4B"> System uptime </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_EAA1F65352054F2FB07505B0D2154CE1"> System reload reason </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_7497A9F0305948B883E4FB2EFEB266D5"> Config-register setting </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_7E766E85A68843328D53A6D5BD4D7C07"> Config-register settings for after the next reload (depending on platform) </li> </ul> </section> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_9670A2865D7E42E1851114671B582EA3"> <section class="p"> Hardware information <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_A31D207441B449F5B7B1FCB53DDE4882"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_A8BEF17C2D0646F6B05AECC06E6294A9"> Platform type </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_BEEEDF4CCE4D455E979A623A56992ABD"> Processor type </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_922B0BFB45DA44938F6A66B4965D831C"> Processor hardware revision </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_B800B75DDB1C42DBB9692F6229934E9E"> Amount of main (processor) memory installed </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_15118CB903784FEDB3F087CC719F23DA"> Amount I/O memory installed </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_F98F89DEC6A24156A474E496B54F8C33"> Amount of Flash memory installed on different types (depending on platform) </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_7EECCD4BB8BE4962A8C9C94BE679EF01"> Processor board ID </li> </ul> </section> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> The output of this command uses the following format: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Cisco IOS Software, &lt;platform&gt; Software (&lt;image-id&gt;), Version &lt;software-version&gt;, &lt;software-type Technical Support: Copyright (c) &lt;date-range&gt; by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled &lt;day&gt; &lt;date&gt; &lt;time&gt; by &lt;compiler-id&gt; ROM: System Bootstrap, Version &lt;software-version&gt;, &lt;software-type&gt; BOOTLDR: &lt;platform&gt; Software (image-id), Version &lt;software-version&gt;, &lt;software-type&gt; &lt;router-name&gt; uptime is &lt;<em class="ph i">w</em>&gt; weeks, &lt;<em class="ph i">d</em>&gt; days, &lt;<em class="ph i">h</em>&gt; hours, &lt;<em class="ph i">m</em>&gt; minutes System returned to ROM by reload at &lt;<em class="ph i">time</em>&gt; &lt;<em class="ph i">day</em>&gt; &lt;date&gt; System image file is "&lt;<em class="ph i">filesystem-location</em>&gt;/&lt;<em class="ph i">software-image-name</em>&gt;" Last reload reason: &lt;<em class="ph i">reload-reason</em>&gt;Cisco &lt;<em class="ph i">platform-processor-type</em>&gt; processor (revision &lt;<em class="ph i">processor-revision-id</em>&gt;) with &lt;<em class="ph i">free-DRAM-memory</em>&gt; K/&lt;<em class="ph i">packet-memory</em>&gt;K bytes of memory. Processor board ID &lt;<em class="ph i">ID-number</em> &lt;CPU-type&gt; CPU at &lt;clock-speed&gt;Mhz, Implementation &lt;number&gt;, Rev &lt; Revision-number&gt;, &lt;kilobytes-Processor-Cache-Memory&gt;KB &lt;cache-Level&gt; Cache </code></pre> <p class="p"> See the Examples section for descriptions of the fields in this output. </p> <p class="p"> <strong class="ph b"> Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers</strong> </p> <p class="p"> Entering <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span>without any of the options on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router will generate output similar to <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> on other Cisco routers. </p> <p class="p"> In order to understand the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span>output on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, it is important to understand that the individual sub-packages run the processes on the router. Among other things, the output of this command provides information on where various individual sub-packages are stored on the router, and which processes these individual sub-packages are and are not currently running. </p> <p class="p"> More specifically, the command displays each individual sub-package file on the router, the hardware where the sub-package could be running, and whether the sub-package is currently being run on that hardware. </p> <p class="p"> The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version provisioned</span> </span> command displays only the individual sub-packages that can be provisioned, which are the RP-specific sub-packages (RP Access, RP Base, RP Control, and RP IOS) and the provisioning file. The output includes the individual sub-package file, the hardware where the sub-package could be running, and whether the sub-package is currently being run on that hardware. </p> <p class="p"> The command displays only the individual sub-packages that are currently active. The output includes the individual sub-package file and the hardware where the sub-package is running. </p> <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switches</strong> </p> <p class="p">Entering show version without any of the options on a Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switch running IOS XE software will generate output similar to <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version </span> </span>on other Cisco platforms. One notable difference is that the output displays the IOS XE software version instead of the IOS image version. </p> <p class="p">The IOS XE software bundle includes a set of individual packages that comprise the complete set of software that runs on the switch. The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version running</span> </span> command displays the list individual packages that are currently active, that is, the set of packages included in the IOS XE software bundle currently running on the Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switch. </p> <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches and Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controllers</strong> </p> <p class="p">Entering <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version </span> </span> without any of the options on a Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch or Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controller will generate output similar to <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version </span> </span> on other Cisco platforms. One notable difference is that the output displays the IOS XE software version instead of the IOS image version. </p> <p class="p">The IOS XE software bundle includes a set of individual packages that comprise the complete set of software that runs on the switch or wireless controller. </p> <p class="p">The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version running</span> </span> command displays the list of individual packages that are currently running on the switch. When booted in installed mode, this is typically the set of packages listed in the booted provisioning file. When booted in bundle mode, this is typically the set of packages contained in the bundle. </p> <p class="p">The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version committed</span> </span> command displays information about the switch's or wireless controller's committed package set. If no installation operations have been performed since bootup, this output will be the same as <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version running</span> </span>. If any installation operations have been performed since bootup, this output will display the set of packages that will be activated/running on the next reload. This command is not applicable when running in bundle mode. </p> <p class="p">The <span><span class="keyword kwd">show version provisioned</span> </span> command displays information about the provisioned package set. In most cases, the provisioned package set is the same as the committed package set. These package sets will differ if an installation was performed with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">auto-rollback</span> </span> option and the installed packages have not yet been committed by use of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">software commit</span> </span> command. This command is not applicable when running in bundle mode. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_1A7B3CBEFF77478E9A54395B7F37F8BD"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_1E8046AE983344F097570A1A2B2951BF"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command issued on a Cisco 3660 running Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> Cisco IOS Software, 3600 Software (C3660-I-M), Version 12.3(4)T TAC Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 18-Sep-03 15:37 by ccai ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) ROM: C3660-1 uptime is 1 week, 3 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes System returned to ROM by power-on System image file is "slot0:tftpboot/c3660-i-mz.123-4.T" Cisco 3660 (R527x) processor (revision 1.0) with 57344K/8192K bytes of memory. Processor board ID JAB055180FF R527x CPU at 225Mhz, Implementation 40, Rev 10.0, 2048KB L2 Cache 3660 Chassis type: ENTERPRISE 2 FastEthernet interfaces 4 Serial interfaces DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled. 125K bytes of NVRAM. 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) Flash card inserted. Reading filesystem...done. 20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Configuration register is 0x2102</code></pre> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_E5933D4C01164D7C8EBDD9B36D8A9F8B"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command issued on a Cisco 7200 router running Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T. This output shows the total bandwidth capacity and the bandwith capacity that is configured on the Cisco 7200. Displaying bandwidth capacity is available in Cisco IOS Release 12.2 and later releases. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# show version Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-JS-M), Version 12.4(4)T, RELEASE SOFTW) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 27-Oct-05 05:58 by ccai ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(20000710:044039) [nlaw-121E_npeb 117], DEVEE BOOTLDR: 7200 Software (C7200-KBOOT-M), Version 12.3(16), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4) router uptime is 5 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes System returned to ROM by reload at 02:45:12 UTC Tue Feb 14 2006 System image file is "disk0:c7200-js-mz.124-4.T" Last reload reason: Reload Command Cisco 7206VXR (NPE400) processor (revision A) with 491520K/32768K bytes of memo. Processor board ID 26793934 R7000 CPU at 350MHz, Implementation 39, Rev 3.2, 256KB L2 Cache 6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.6 Last reset from power-on PCI bus mb0_mb1 (Slots 0, 1, 3 and 5) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points. Current configuration on bus mb0_mb1 has a total of 440 bandwidth points. This configuration is within the PCI bus capacity and is supported. PCI bus mb2 (Slots 2, 4, 6) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points. Current configuration on bus mb2 has a total of 390 bandwidth points This configuration is within the PCI bus capacity and is supported. Please refer to the following document "Cisco 7200 Series Port Adaptor Hardware Configuration Guidelines" on &lt;; for c7200 bandwidth points oversubscription and usage guidelines. 4 Ethernet interfaces 2 FastEthernet interfaces 2 ATM interfaces 125K bytes of NVRAM. 62976K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). 125952K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 512 bytes). 8192K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K). Configuration register is 0x2002 Router# </code></pre> <p class="p"> For information about PCI buses and bandwidth calculation, go to the "Cisco 7200 Series Port Adapter Installation Requirements" chapter, of the <em class="ph i">Cisco 7200 Series Port Adapter Hardware Configuration Guidelines</em> guide. </p> <p class="p"> The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 12. </span><span class="tabletitle">show version Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS Software, <span><var>platform</var> </span> Software (<span><var>image-id</var> </span>), Version <span><var>software-version</var> </span>, <span><var>release-type</var> </span> </p> <p class="p"> For example: </p> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-G4JS-M), Version 12.3(4)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> <span> <var>platform</var> </span>--Cisco hardware device name. </p> <p class="p"> <span> <var>image-id</var> </span>--The coded software image identifier, in the format <span><var>platform-features-format</var> </span> (for example, “c7200-g4js-mz”. </p> <p class="p"> <span> <var>software-version</var> </span>--The Cisco IOS software release number, in the format <span><var>x</var> </span>.<span><var>y</var> </span>(<span><var>z</var> </span>)<span><var>A</var> </span>, where <span><var>x.y</var> </span> is the main release identifier, <span><var>z</var> </span> is the maintenance release number, and <span><var>A</var> </span>, where applicable, is the special release train identifier. For example, 12.3(4)T indicates the fourth maintenance release of the 12.3T special technology release train. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"> <p><b>Note</b></p>&nbsp; </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <p class="p"> In the full software image filename, 12.3(4)T appears as 123-4.T. In the IOS Upgrade Planner, 12.3(4)T appears as 12.3.4T (ED). </p> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> <span> <var>release-type</var> </span>--The description of the release type. Possible values include MAINTENANCE [for example, 12.3(3)] or INTERIM [for example, 12.3(3.2)]. </p> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"> <p><b>Tip</b></p>&nbsp; </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <p class="p"> Refer to “The ABC’s of Cisco IOS Networking” (available on for more information on Cisco IOS software release numbering and software versions. </p> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS is a registered trademark (R) of Cisco Systems, Inc. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Technical Support: </p> <p class="p"> Copyright (c) <span><var>date-range</var> </span> by Cisco Systems, Inc. </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The Cisco Technical Support &amp; Documentation website contains thousands of pages of searchable technical content, including links to products, technologies, solutions, technical tips, and tools. Registered users can log in from this page to access even more content. </p> <p class="p"> Cisco IOS software, including the source code, user-help, and documentation, is copyrighted by Cisco Systems, Inc. It is Cisco’s policy to enforce its copyrights against any third party who infringes on its copyright. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The system “bootstrap” software, stored in ROM memory. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> BOOTFLASH: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The system “bootflash” software, stored in Flash memory (if applicable). </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <em class="ph i">device</em> uptime is ... </p> <p class="p"> For example: </p> <p class="p"> C3660-1 uptime is 1 week, 3 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The amount of time the system has been up and running. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> System returned to ROM by <em class="ph i">reload-reason</em> at <em class="ph i">time</em><em class="ph i">day</em><em class="ph i">date</em> </p> <p class="p"> For example: </p> <p class="p"> System returned to ROM by reload at 20:56:53 UTC Tue Nov 4 2003 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Shows the last recorded reason for a system reload, and time of last reload. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Last reload reason: <em class="ph i">reload-reason</em> </p> <p class="p"> For example: </p> <p class="p"> Last reload reason: Reload command </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Shows the last recorded reason for a system reload. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Last reset from <em class="ph i">reset-reason</em> </p> <p class="p"> For example: </p> <p class="p"> Last reset from power-on </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Shows the last recorded reason for a system reset. Possible <span><var>reset-reason</var> </span> values include: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_F2ADA19822B14B738BCEBC54AAED52BE"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_D442E8BFBCDB4A528984EBF8A701C0F9"> <p class="p"> power-on--System was reset with the initial power on or a power cycling of the device. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_8B7B871C8A2744FA93D8508164DEB1C1"> <p class="p"> s/w peripheral--System was reset due to a software peripheral. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_DD57E511ACF04A7DBB18898F6D7B6FA7"> <p class="p"> s/w nmi--System was reset by a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) originating in the system software. For example, on some systems, you can configure the device to reset automatically if two or more fans fail. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_E5C82D01DCF74060850C0C60D1E04554"> <p class="p"> push-button--System was reset by manual activation of a RESET push-button (also called a hardware NMI). </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_795C6A6DC77A41BBBBB64E975CD81DCB"> <p class="p"> watchdog--System was reset due to a watchdog process. </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_7D7F954D52A543E3B06D242D30645B26"> <p class="p"> unexpected value--May indicate a bus error, such as for an attempt to access a nonexistent address (for example, “System restarted by bus error at PC 0xC4CA, address 0x210C0C0”). </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> (This field was formerly labeled as the “System restarted by” field.”) </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> System image file is “<em class="ph i">file-location/</em> f<em class="ph i">ile-name</em> ” </p> <p class="p"> For example: </p> <p class="p"> System image file is "slot0:tftpboot/c3660-i-mz.123-3.9.T2" </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the file location (local or remote filesystem) and the system image name. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Cisco <em class="ph i">platform</em> (<em class="ph i">processor-type</em> ) processor (revision <em class="ph i">processor-revision-id</em> ) with <em class="ph i">free</em> -<em class="ph i">DRAM-memory</em> K/ <em class="ph i">packet-memory </em> K bytes of memory. </p> <p class="p"> Example--Separate DRAM and Packet Memory: </p> <p class="p"> Cisco RSP4 (R5000) processor with 65536K/2072K bytes of memory </p> <p class="p"> Example--Combined DRAM and Packet Memory: </p> <p class="p"> Cisco 3660 (R527x) processor (revision 1.0) with 57344K/8192K bytes of memory. </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This line can be used to determine how much Dynamic RAM (DRAM) is installed on your system, in order to determine if you meet the “Min. Memory” requirement for a software image. DRAM (including SDRAM) is used for system processing memory and for packet memory. </p> <p class="p"> Two values, separated by a slash, are given for DRAM: The first value tells you how DRAM is available for system processing, and the second value tells you how much DRAM is being used for Packet memory. </p> <p class="p"> The first value, Main Processor memory, is either: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_4B8180D885AF41DAB6B5001C5CC28FB0"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_06559809D5D44C4DA7973627A3BF31D9"> <p class="p"> The amount of DRAM available for the processor, or </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_C32DB76FDD4A4841810822B98AB04021"> <p class="p"> The total amount of DRAM installed on the system. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="p"> The second value, Packet memory, is either: </p> <ul class="ul" id="wp1162017788__UL_AB4093C2BA8D46F1B06018A6096A97AE"> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_8BE2F653CE4F4D3FB5B1124536313E45"> <p class="p"> The total physical input/output (I/O) memory (or “Fast memory”) installed on the router (Cisco 4000, 4500, 4700, and 7500 series), or </p> </li> <li class="li" id="wp1162017788__LI_55C576AD880A4861A4D7C378553B246C"> <p class="p"> The amount of “shared memory” used for packet buffering. In the shared memory scheme (Cisco 2500, 2600, 3600, and 7200 Series), a percentage of DRAM is used for packet buffering by the router's network interfaces. </p> </li> </ul> <table class="olh_note" border="0" role="note"> <tr> <td width="1%" class="olh_note" role="heading" border="0"> <p><b>Note</b></p>&nbsp; </td> <td border="0" class="olh_note"> <section class="note__content"> <p class="p"> The terms “I/O memory” or “iomem”; “shared memory”; “Fast memory” and “PCI memory” all refer to “Packet Memory”. Packet memory is either separate physical RAM or shared DRAM. </p> </section> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="p">Separate DRAM and Packet Memory </p> <p class="p"> The 4000, 4500, 4700, and 7500 series routers have separate DRAM and Packet memory, so you only need to look at the first number to determine total DRAM. In the example to the left for the Cisco RSP4, the first value shows that the router has 65536K (65,536 kilobytes, or 64 megabytes) of DRAM. The second value, 8192K, is the Packet memory. </p> <p class="p">Combined DRAM and Packet Memory </p> <p class="p"> The 2500, 2600, 3600, and 7200 series routers require a minimum amount of I/O memory to support certain interface processors. </p> <p class="p"> The 1600, 2500, 2600, 3600, and 7200 series routers use a fraction of DRAM as Packet memory, so you need to add both numbers to find out the real amount of DRAM. In the example to the left for the Cisco 3660, the router has 57,344 kilobytes (KB) of free DRAM and 8,192 KB dedicated to Packet memory. Adding the two numbers together gives you 57,344K + 8,192K = 65,536K, or 64 megabytes (MB) of DRAM. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> For more details on memeory requirements, see the document "How to Choose a Cisco IOS® Software Release" on </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Configuration register is <em class="ph i">value</em> </p> <p class="p"> For example: </p> <p class="p"> Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_9D0674C1084345DAB6E3557F2AA05F18__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Shows the current configured hex value of the software configuration register. If the value has been changed with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">config-register</span> </span> command, the register value that will be used at the next reload is displayed in parenthesis. </p> <p class="p"> The boot field (final digit) of the software configuration register dictates what the system will do after a reset. </p> <p class="p"> For example, when the boot field of the software configuration register is set to 00 (for example, 0x0), and you press the NMI button on a Performance Route Processor (PRP), the user-interface remains at the ROM monitor prompt (rommon&gt;) and waits for a user command to boot the system manually. But if the boot field is set to 01 (for example, 0x1), the system automatically boots the first Cisco IOS image found in the onboard Flash memory SIMM on the PRP. </p> <p class="p"> The factory-default setting for the configuration register is 0x2102. This value indicates that the router will attempt to load a Cisco IOS software image from Flash memory and load the startup configuration file. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_90CF34938BAE4A12A4EC03D2430D51F8"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router#<kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput"> show version</b></kbd> Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) c6sup2_rp Software (c6sup2_rp-JSV-M), Version 12.1 (nightly.E020626) NIG HTLY BUILD Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 26-Jun-02 06:20 by Image text-base: 0x40008BF0, data-base: 0x419BA000 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(11r)E1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Router uptime is 2 weeks, 8 hours, 48 minutes Time since Router switched to active is 1 minute System returned to ROM by power-on (SP by power-on) System image file is "sup-bootflash:c6sup22-jsv-mz" cisco Catalyst 6000 (R7000) processor with 112640K/18432K bytes of memory. Processor board ID SAD06210067 R7000 CPU at 300Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 3.3, 256KB L2, 1024KB L3 Cache Last reset from power-on Bridging software. X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp). TN3270 Emulation software. 3 Virtual Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 48 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 381K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 16384K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K). Configuration register is 0x2102 Router# </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes the fields that are shown in the example. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 13. </span><span class="tabletitle">show version Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> IOS (tm) c6sup2_rp Software (c6sup2_rp-JSV-M), Version 12.1(nightly.E020626) NIGHTLY BUILD </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Version number. Always specify the complete version number when reporting a possible software problem. In the example output, the version number is 12.1. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(11r)E1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Bootstrap version string. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> BOOTFLASH: 7200 Software (C7200-BOOT-M), Version 11.1(472), RELEASE SOFTWARE </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Boot version string. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Router uptime is </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Amount of time that the system has been up and running. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Time since Router switched to active </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Amount of time since switchover occurred. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> System restarted by </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Log of how the system was last booted, both as a result of normal system startup and of system error. For example, information can be displayed to indicate a bus error that is typically the result of an attempt to access a nonexistent address, as follows: </p> <p class="p"> System restarted by bus error at PC 0xC4CA, address 0x210C0C0 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> System image file is </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> If the software was booted over the network, the Internet address of the boot host is shown. If the software was loaded from onboard ROM, this line reads “running default software.” </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> cisco Catalyst 6000 (R7000) processor with 112640K/18432K bytes of memory. </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Remaining output in each display that shows the hardware configuration and any nonstandard software options. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Configuration register is </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_AB3CBD5B98A9444B83A20772FBA1A1F3__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Configuration register contents that are displayed in hexadecimal notation. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="p"> The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> EXEC command can provide certain messages, such as bus error messages. If such error messages appear, report the complete text of this message to your technical support specialist. </p> <p class="p"> This example shows how to display the ELPD version information of a slot: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version epld 4</b></kbd> Module 4 EPLD's: Number of EPLD's: 6 EPLD A : 0x5 EPLD B : 0x2 EPLD C : 0x1 EPLD D : 0x1 EPLD E : 0x1 Router# </code></pre> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_AB3AEEE988F046EEB2794C872E3906F2"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command for a Cisco uBR7246 VXR with the cable clock card installed: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 7200 Software (UBR7200-P-M), Version 12.1(10)EC, RELEASE SOFTWARE TAC Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 02-Feb-00 16:49 by ccai Image text-base:0x60008900, data-base:0x61192000 ROM:System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(15)SC, RELEASE SOFTWARE VXR1 uptime is 2 days, 1 hour, 24 minutes System returned to ROM by power-on at 10:54:38 PST Sat Feb 5 2000 System restarted at 11:01:08 PST Sat Feb 5 2000 System image file is "slot1:ubr7200-p-mz.121-0.8.T" cisco uBR7246VXR (NPE300) processor (revision B) with 122880K/40960K bytes of memory. Processor board ID SAB0329005N R7000 CPU at 262Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 1.0, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache 6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.0 Last reset from power-on X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. National clock card with T1 controller 1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 2 Cable Modem network interface(s) 125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 16384K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K). 20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K). 4096K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K). Configuration register is 0x0 Router# </code></pre> <p class="p"> The following table describes significant fields shown in these displays. </p> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 14. </span><span class="tabletitle">show version Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> IOS (tm) 7200 Software (UBR7200-P-M), Version xx.x </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Always specify the complete version number when reporting a possible software problem. In the example, the version number is Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EC. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> ROM: System Bootstrap </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Bootstrap version string. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Router uptime is </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The amount of time the system has been up and running. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> System restarted at </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Also displayed is a log of how the system was last booted, as a result of normal system startup or system error. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> System image file is </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> If the software was booted over the network, the Internet address of the boot host is shown. If the software was loaded from onboard ROM, this line reads “running default software.” </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> cisco uBR7246VXR (NPE300) processor </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The remaining output in each display shows the hardware configuration and any nonstandard software options. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Configuration register is </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_F344FB1F6C1F4FF7A86382E2F138C927__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The configuration register contents, displayed in hexadecimal notation. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="p"> The output of the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">version</span> </span> command can also provide certain messages, such as bus error messages. If such error messages appear, report the complete text of this message to your technical support specialist. </p> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_859388E555DC4C1395B9C47DE9CE8A19"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example shows sample output from the show version command on a Cisco uBR10012 universal broadband router running Cisco IOS Release 12.3(17b)BC4: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router&gt; <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show version</b></kbd> Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 10000 Software (UBR10K2-K9P6U2-M), Version 12.3(17b)BC4, RELEASE SOFTWA RE (fc1) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 22-Nov-06 11:41 by tinhuang Image text-base: 0x60010F0C, data-base: 0x62480000 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(20020314:211744) [REL-pulsar_sx.ios-rommon 1 12], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE ubr10k uptime is 2 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes System returned to ROM by reload at 01:34:58 UTC Sun Jun 8 2008 System image file is "disk0:ubr10k2-k9p6u2-mz.123-17b.BC4" Last reload reason: Reload command This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to cisco uBR10000 (PRE2-RP) processor with 946175K/98304K bytes of memory. Processor board ID TBA05380380 R7000 CPU at 500MHz, Implementation 39, Rev 4.1, 256KB L2, 8192KB L3 Cache Backplane version 1.1, 8 slot Last reset from register reset PXF processor tmc0 is running. PXF processor tmc1 is running. PXF processor tmc2 is running. PXF processor tmc3 is running. 1 TCCplus card(s) 1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 3 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 24 Cable Modem network interface(s) 2045K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 125440K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). 125440K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 512 bytes). 65536K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512KB). Secondary is up. Secondary has 1044480K bytes of memory. Configuration register is 0x2102</code></pre> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_0A065CF927E543E686DA36D8B6E313C0"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4 </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> In the following example, the show version command is responsible for displaying the packages installed, provisioned and running on the current RP. </code></pre> <p class="p"> In the following example, the command is entered on a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router in diagnostic mode. Note that the output shows what every file that can be found in the consolidated package is or is not currently running (provisioning file, RP Access, RP Base, RP Control, RP IOS, ESP Base, SIP Base, SIP SPA). </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> PE23_ASR-1006# Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active File: consolidated:packages.conf, on: RP0 Built: n/a, by: n/a File SHA1 checksum: b6cb06b1ed02e041d48644340aa077833cff2076 Package: rpbase, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpbase., on: RP0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 093f2c935b9dc4ed136623bc43488c6517b9a4ae Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP0/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44 Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP0/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d Package: rpaccess, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP0/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3 Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP0/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44 Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP0/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d Package: rpaccess, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP0/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3 Package: rpbase, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpbase., on: RP1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 093f2c935b9dc4ed136623bc43488c6517b9a4ae Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP1/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44 Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP1/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d Package: rpaccess, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP1/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3 Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP1/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44 Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP1/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d Package: rpaccess, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP1/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3 Package: espbase, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-espbase., on: ESP0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 3ae9255c7272a30f5dae319dec109acd29d9ae87 Package: espbase, version:, status: inactive File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-espbase., on: ESP1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 3ae9255c7272a30f5dae319dec109acd29d9ae87 Package: sipbase, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254 Package: sipspa, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/2 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/3 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipbase, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254 Package: sipspa, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: active File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/2 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/3 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipbase, version:, status: inactive File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP2 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/2 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/3 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipbase, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP3 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/2 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/3 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipbase, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP4 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/2 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/3 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipbase, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP5 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP5/0 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP5/1 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP5/2 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 Package: Sipspa, Version:, Status: N/a File: Consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., On: Sip5/3 Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, By: Mcpre File Sha1 Checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836 </code></pre> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 15. </span><span class="tabletitle">show version installed, provisioned, and running Field Descriptions </span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Package: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The individual sub-package name. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> version: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The consolidated package version of the individual sub-package. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> status: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Reveals if the sub-package is active or inactive for the specific hardware component only. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> File: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The location and filename of the individual sub-package file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> on: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The hardware component. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Built: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The date the individual sub-package was built. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> File SHA1 checksum: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_5AA8404A82484750B02D004E1BF8CA6E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The SHA1 sum for the file. This sum can be compared against a SHA1 sum generated by any SHA1 sum-generating tool. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_522ECF84B2BC468EA580E7EAA26862CF"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p">The following is sample output from the show version command on a Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch that is the active switch in a 2-member stack: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>infra-p2-3#show version Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 03.09.19.EMP EARLY DEPLOYMENT ENGINEERING NOVA_WEEKLY BUILD, synced to DSGS_PI2_POSTPC_FLO_DSBU7_NG3K_1105 Copyright (c) 1986-2012 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 15-Nov-12 01:45 by udonthi ROM: IOS-XE ROMMON BOOTLDR: C3850 Boot Loader (C3850-HBOOT-M) Version 1.2, engineering software (D) infra-p2-3 uptime is 5 minutes Uptime for this control processor is 7 minutes System returned to ROM by reload System image file is "flash:packages.conf" Last reload reason: Reload command This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to License Level: Ipservices License Type: Permanent Next reload license Level: Ipservices cisco WS-C3850X-24P-PROTO2 (MIPS) processor with 2097152K bytes of physical memory. Processor board ID FHH1515P03Y 1 Virtual Ethernet interface 56 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 8 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 2048K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 2097152K bytes of physical memory. 160618K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:. 160618K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo-1:. 706860K bytes of Flash at flash:. 698827K bytes of Flash at flash-1:. 3915670K bytes of USB Flash at usbflash0:. 0K bytes of Dummy USB Flash at usbflash0-1:. 0K bytes of at webui:. Base Ethernet MAC Address : 64:00:f1:25:11:00 Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-12240-03 Motherboard Serial Number : FHH15130010 Model Revision Number : 01 Motherboard Revision Number : 02 Model Number : WS-C3850X-24P-PROTO2 System Serial Number : FHH1515P03Y Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image Mode ------ ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ---- 1 32 WS-C3850X-24P-PROT 03.09.19.EMP cat3k_caa-universalk9 INSTALL 2 32 WS-C3850X-24P-PROT 03.09.19.EMP cat3k_caa-universalk9 INSTALL Switch 01 --------- Switch uptime : 7 minutes Base Ethernet MAC Address : 64:00:f1:25:1a:00 Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-12240-03 Motherboard Serial Number : FHH1513000T Model Revision Number : 01 Motherboard Revision Number : 02 Model Number : WS-C3850X-24P-PROTO2 System Serial Number : FHH1515P047 Configuration register is 0x2 (will be 0x102 at next reload) infra-p2-3#</code></pre> <p class="p">In the following example, the show version running command is entered on a Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch to view information about the packages currently running on both switches in a 2-member stack: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>infra-p2-3#show version running Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi</code></pre> <p class="p">In the following example, the show version provisioned and show version committed commands are entered on a Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch that is the active switch in a 2-member stack. The show version committed commands displays information about the packages in the committed package set that will be running on the next reload. The show version provisioned command displays information about the packages in the provisioned package set. </p> <p class="p">In most cases, the show version provisioned and show version committed output will display the same information, since the provisioned and committed packages sets include the same packages. The provisioned package set may differ from the committed package set in cases where a <span><span class="keyword kwd">software install</span> </span> operation was performed with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">auto-rollback</span> </span> command option, and the <span><span class="keyword kwd">software commit</span> </span> command has not yet been entered. This is the case in the sample output below, where the packages from the 03.09.19.EMP were installed with the <span><span class="keyword kwd">auto-rollback</span> </span> command option, but the 'software commit' command has not yet been entered. </p> <p class="p">The show version provisioned and show version committed commands are not applicable when the switch is booted in bundle mode. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>infra-p2-3#show version provisioned Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active File: packages.conf, on: Switch1 Built: n/a, by: n/a Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active File: packages.conf, on: Switch2 Built: n/a, by: n/a Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi infra-p2-3#show version committed Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active File: packages.conf, on: Switch1 Built: n/a, by: n/a Package: Base, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:27:51 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Infra, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:28:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Platform, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:33 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: IOS, version: 150-9.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:58 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: WCM, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:30:29 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:31:01 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active File: packages.conf, on: Switch2 Built: n/a, by: n/a Package: Base, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:27:51 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Infra, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:28:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Platform, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:33 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: IOS, version: 150-9.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:58 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: WCM, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:30:29 PST 2012, by: udonthi Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2 Built: Mon Nov 12 20:31:01 PST 2012, by: udonthi infra-p2-3#</code></pre> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 16. </span><span class="tabletitle">Table 5,Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches and Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controllers show version running Field Descriptions</span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Package: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The individual sub-package name. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> version: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The individual sub-package version. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> status: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Reveals if the package is active or inactive for the specific Supervisor module. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> File: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The filename of the individual package file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> on: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The slot number of the Active or Standby Supervisor that this package is running on. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Built: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_236A6F9D6D4B4B7381CED28DBEAF7E34__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The date the individual package was built. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="example" id="wp1162017788__EXAMPLE_9CDEBB4BC2E24802BF15B605E8B697DA"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <section class="p">The following is sample output from the show version command on a Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switch running IOS XE software: <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Switch#show version Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Catalyst 4500 L3 Switch Software (cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M), Experimental Version 3.1.0.SG [/nobackup/xxxx/cwab/build/arch_ppc/buildtree-ios/vob/ios/sys 100] Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 19-Apr-10 09:19 by xxxx Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2010 by cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software, or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE software. Image text-base: 0x100D9954, data-base: 0x14B379D8 ROM: 12.2(54r)XO(0.246) Jawa Revision 7, Snowtrooper Revision 0x0.0x14 gsgsw-g9-35 uptime is 4 minutes Uptime for this control processor is 5 minutes System returned to ROM by reload System image file is "tftp://" This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to License Information for 'iosd' License Level: entservices Type: Evaluation Next reboot license Level: entservices cisco WS-C4510R-E (MPC8572) processor (revision 2) with 786516K/16384K bytes of memory. Processor board ID SPE1046002Q MPC8572 CPU at 1.5GHz, Supervisor 7 Last reset from Reload 1 Virtual Ethernet interface 84 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 14 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces Configuration register is 0x920 Switch#</code></pre> </section> <p class="p">In the following example, the show version running command is entered on a Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switch to view the list of packages contained in the IOS XE software bundle currently loaded on the system. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>Switch# show version running Package: Base, version: 3.0.0, status: active 30 File: cat4500e-base.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot5 From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG Built: Mon Apr 19 10:08:38 PDT 2010, by: xxxx Package: Infra, version: 3.0.0, status: active File: cat4500e-infra.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot5 From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG Built: Mon Apr 19 10:09:30 PDT 2010, by: xxxx Package: IOS, version: 150-1.XO, status: active File: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.150-1.XO.pkg, on: Slot5 From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG Built: Mon Apr 19 10:10:02 PDT 2010, by: xxxx Package: Base, version: 3.0.0, status: active File: cat4500e-base.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot6 From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG Built: Mon Apr 19 10:08:38 PDT 2010, by: xxxx Package: Infra, version: 3.0.0, status: active File: cat4500e-infra.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot6 From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG Built: Mon Apr 19 10:09:30 PDT 2010, by: xxxx Package: IOS, version: 150-1.XO, status: active File: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.150-1.XO.pkg, on: Slot6 From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG Built: Mon Apr 19 10:10:02 PDT 2010, by: xxxx Switch#</code></pre> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C"> <caption><span class="table--title-label tabletitle">Table 17. </span><span class="tabletitle">Table 6,Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switches show version running Field Descriptions</span></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Field </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Package: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The individual sub-package name. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> version: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The individual sub-package version. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> status: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Reveals if the package is active or inactive for the specific Supervisor module. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> File: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The filename of the individual package file. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> on: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The slot number of the Active or Standby Supervisor that this package is running on. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1 "> <p class="p">From Bundle: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The name of the IOS XE software bundle that includes this package. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> Built: </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_24EC62242A6644D1B0B8B7A1C888E57C__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> The date the individual package was built. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1162017788__SECTION_9CE0F7502BDE4924A4F18767116695B6"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_BEA3561B9C43448FB574567D388133EF"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_BEA3561B9C43448FB574567D388133EF__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1162017788__TABLE_BEA3561B9C43448FB574567D388133EF__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_BEA3561B9C43448FB574567D388133EF__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">diag</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_BEA3561B9C43448FB574567D388133EF__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays hardware and diagnostic information for a networking device, a line card, a processor, a jacket card, a chassis, or a network module. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_BEA3561B9C43448FB574567D388133EF__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">inventory</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1162017788__TABLE_BEA3561B9C43448FB574567D388133EF__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Displays the Cisco Unique Device Identifier information, including the Product ID, the Version ID, and the Serial Number, for the hardware device and hardware components. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp6778966320__GUID-911C9A62-B21A-4E8A-9E44-5821E490EC66" lang="en-US" id="wp6778966320"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp6778966320__GUID-911C9A62-B21A-4E8A-9E44-5821E490EC66">show warm-reboot</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp6778966320__GUID-5A85084E-CB20-4268-A891-1A1BB677222E"> <p class="p"> To display the statistics for attempted warm reboots, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">warm-reboot</span> </span>command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp6778966320__GUID-FC314DD8-6DF7-4C68-AECB-660CF13F91D8"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">warm-reboot</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp6778966320__GUID-602DFD8B-D2D5-42CC-AD57-05CDD2AE7488"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no arguments or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp6778966320__GUID-F0BECCF6-F735-4A91-BCE5-31B22C41CD47"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(2)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(18)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Relase 12.2(18)S. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(28)SB </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-6C57A6C6-477C-4047-8F69-82F0D5710039__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Relase 12.2(28)SB. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp6778966320__GUID-34C08718-5E3C-4246-8904-2D1B00B20E2A"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">warm-reboot</span> </span> command to see if warm rebooting is enabled, and, if so, how many warm reloads have occurred and how much space in kilobytes (KB) is consumed by warm-reboot storage, which is the RAM area used to store the data segment that enables warm reloading to function. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp6778966320__GUID-9AE7EDD4-C0C1-43D4-904E-8C37423C2C92"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example is sample output from the<span><span class="keyword kwd"></span> <span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">warm-reboot</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show warm-reboot</b></kbd> Warm Reboot is enabled Statistics: 10 warm reboots have taken place since the last cold reboot XXX KB taken up by warm reboot storage</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp6778966320__GUID-C4E52BCF-2BFB-4FE6-BD84-CAC7D497A62E"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp6778966320__GUID-C4E52BCF-2BFB-4FE6-BD84-CAC7D497A62E__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp6778966320__GUID-C4E52BCF-2BFB-4FE6-BD84-CAC7D497A62E__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-C4E52BCF-2BFB-4FE6-BD84-CAC7D497A62E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">warm-reboot</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp6778966320__GUID-C4E52BCF-2BFB-4FE6-BD84-CAC7D497A62E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Enables a router to warm-reboot. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1807221317__GUID-E5059EA8-2079-46BE-AFFB-27B6B782B22C" lang="en-US" id="wp1807221317"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1807221317__GUID-E5059EA8-2079-46BE-AFFB-27B6B782B22C">show wiretap</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1807221317__GUID-38A0049A-EEEE-4C69-895E-C742DE4CE8CE"> <p class="p"> To display the intercept status, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">wiretap</span> </span> command in privileged EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1807221317__GUID-6DEF2F6F-E5A7-465C-90FA-E8E2D7F7EF6F"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">wiretap</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd> [<var>id</var><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [stream-id] </var> | <span class="keyword kwd">idbs</span>] </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1807221317__GUID-82BA62E0-FFF2-43A8-B13C-0BEA14AA1168"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>id</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) CCC ID number. The CCC ID value range is from 1 to 2147483647. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>stream-id</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) The ID value range is from 1to 2147483647. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">idbs</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Displays the Interface Descriptive Block (IDB) to which the Access Control List (ACL) is applied. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1807221317__GUID-FA3008A9-1434-4C4A-8849-E174E8CAB66C"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> If the id is not specified , information for all wiretap configurations and IDBs is displayed. </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1807221317__GUID-109CB2F7-A59A-4EC7-A701-74AC5A622DD7"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> Privileged EXEC (#) </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1807221317__GUID-3FF5A7B5-8992-42E4-9688-90D0650FDACD"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1807221317__GUID-3FF5A7B5-8992-42E4-9688-90D0650FDACD__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1807221317__GUID-3FF5A7B5-8992-42E4-9688-90D0650FDACD__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1807221317__GUID-3FF5A7B5-8992-42E4-9688-90D0650FDACD__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 15.0(1)M </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1807221317__GUID-3FF5A7B5-8992-42E4-9688-90D0650FDACD__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS </p> <p class="p"> Release 15.0(1)M. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1807221317__GUID-3FF5A7B5-8992-42E4-9688-90D0650FDACD__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2 (33)SXI </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1807221317__GUID-3FF5A7B5-8992-42E4-9688-90D0650FDACD__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS </p> <p class="p"> Release 12.2(33)SXI. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1807221317__GUID-1E551190-0E07-404D-8F5A-9585B749D9E1"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> </span> <span><span class="keyword kwd">wiretap</span> </span>command to display the intercept status. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1807221317__GUID-48BA4C00-0EE5-4C3D-A7DF-F5BDBAD05D0F"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">wiretap</span> </span> command. The field descriptions are self-explanatory. </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router# <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show wiretap</b></kbd> Mediation Device 0x00000001 TTl = 3130 Time left = 3127 minutes MD IP Address = MD SNMP IF index = 0 MD HW IF index = 0 MD Source IP address = MD UDP port = 7777 DSCP value = af41 Platform data = 0x00000000 Stream count = 1 Streams associated with MD Generic stream 0x00000002 Status = 1 Packets intercepted = 0 Packets dropped = 0 Type = Session Index 0x00000002 Acnt ID 0x00000001 SNMP provisioned intercept Status 0</code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1154824888__GUID-29D1A1DC-EE3C-4007-8D8F-64CF488D3819" lang="en-US" id="wp1154824888"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1154824888__GUID-29D1A1DC-EE3C-4007-8D8F-64CF488D3819">show whoami</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1154824888__GUID-1FC26276-1E89-4883-9BD4-30CD60E8F683"> <p class="p"> To display information about the terminal line of the current user, including host name, line number, line speed, and location, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">whoami</span> </span> command in EXEC mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1154824888__GUID-0A7C8CA7-16A4-495A-A43C-592A5A539A41"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">show</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><span class="keyword kwd">whoami</span><kbd class="ph sep"> </kbd><var> [text] </var> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1154824888__GUID-D2085059-406A-4C61-9DD8-7E75FE551212"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> <span> <var>text</var> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry"> <p class="p"> (Optional) Additional data to print to the screen. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1154824888__GUID-572634A9-74C0-46F6-ABC1-430BA0393169"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> EXEC </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1154824888__GUID-5D4FFAAE-2B9E-482E-A640-FA774880507E"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1154824888__GUID-5D4FFAAE-2B9E-482E-A640-FA774880507E__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1154824888__GUID-5D4FFAAE-2B9E-482E-A640-FA774880507E__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1154824888__GUID-5D4FFAAE-2B9E-482E-A640-FA774880507E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 10.0 </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1154824888__GUID-5D4FFAAE-2B9E-482E-A640-FA774880507E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1154824888__GUID-5D4FFAAE-2B9E-482E-A640-FA774880507E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.2(33)SRA </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1154824888__GUID-5D4FFAAE-2B9E-482E-A640-FA774880507E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1154824888__GUID-B6E8AF63-0618-43EF-9349-CEFAF2976959"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> If text is included as an argument in the command, that text is displayed as part of the additional data about the line. </p> <p class="p"> To prevent the information from being lost if the menu display clears the screen, this command always displays a --More-- prompt before returning. Press the space bar to return to the prompt. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1154824888__GUID-BA8CEBBB-9149-4D42-A81D-61342DB89C18"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example is sample output from the <span><span class="keyword kwd">show</span> <span class="keyword kwd">whoami</span> </span> command: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> Router&gt; <kbd class="userinput"><b class="ph userinput">show whoami</b></kbd> Comm Server "Router", Line 0 at 0bps. Location "Second floor, West" --More-- Router&gt;</code></pre> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> <article class="topic reference nested1" aria-labelledby="wp1348585790__GUID-6D57905D-55DD-44BA-AA06-341CD2B179C4" lang="en-US" id="wp1348585790"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="wp1348585790__GUID-6D57905D-55DD-44BA-AA06-341CD2B179C4">showmon</h2> <section class="body refbody"> <section class="section" id="wp1348585790__GUID-6E146F19-7846-49BC-BDEA-B601B6E08141"> <p class="p"> To show both the ReadOnly and the Upgrade ROMmon image versions when you are in ROMmon mode, as well as which ROMmon image is running on the Cisco 7200 VXR or Cisco 7301 router, use the <span><span class="keyword kwd">showmon</span> </span>command in ROM monitor mode. </p> </section> <section class="section refsyn" id="wp1348585790__GUID-FB699402-064A-41D5-9C9E-2B9C2DB71AA7"> <p class="figgroup synblk"><span class="keyword kwd">showmon</span> </p> </section> <section class="section syntax" id="wp1348585790__GUID-3250A198-FA2A-46CE-90E1-4C21F9DB1CF4"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Syntax Description</h3> <p class="p"> This command has no arguments or keywords. </p> </section> <section class="section command_default" id="wp1348585790__GUID-A65016C8-301F-453B-BAC3-1ABAB6434A43"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Default</h3> <p class="p"> No default behavior or values </p> </section> <section class="section command_modes" id="wp1348585790__GUID-015050CC-34AE-485B-B7DD-6BD14C0A3CCA"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Command Modes</h3> <p class="p"> ROM monitor mode </p> </section> <section class="section command_history" id="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Command History</h2> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Release </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Modification </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.0(28)S </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was introduced on the Cisco 7200 VXR router. It was introduced in ROMmon version 12.3(4r)T1 for the Cisco 7200 VXR router. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(8)T </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T and supported on the Cisco 7200 VXR router and Cisco 7301 router. It was introduced in ROMmon version 12.3(4r)T2 for the Cisco 7301 router. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> 12.3(9) </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-E9FFD097-893D-40AE-B8BC-87034EB5AB7E__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9) and supported on the Cisco 7200 VXR router and Cisco 7301 router. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="section usage_guidelines" id="wp1348585790__GUID-0F81F71C-E0A3-41B8-8ED1-5DB0F7CBDC2B"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Usage Guidelines</h3> <p class="p"> Use the showmon command when you are in ROM monitor mode. Use the show rom-monitor command when you are in Cisco IOS. </p> </section> <section class="example command_examples" id="wp1348585790__GUID-02D648A6-3FA1-4A5B-B4C2-A1BE627DF318"> <h2 class="sectiontitle">Examples</h2> <p class="p"> The following example, applicable to both the Cisco 7200 VXR and Cisco 7301 routers, uses the showmon command in ROMmon to display both ROMmon images and to verify that the Upgrade ROMmon image is running: </p> <pre class="pre codeblock"><code> rommon 1 &gt; showmon ReadOnly ROMMON version is: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20031011:151758) [biff] Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Upgrade ROMMON version is: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20031011:151758) [biff] Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Upgrade ROMMON currently running Upgrade ROMMON is selected for next boot rommon 2 &gt;</code></pre> </section> <section class="section related_commands" id="wp1348585790__GUID-3A6D8D64-4D94-4A59-8029-7DFD3CBA0ECA"> <h3 class="sectiontitle">Related Commands</h3> <table width="100%" border="1" class="table"> <caption></caption> <colgroup> <col> <col> </colgroup> <thead class="thead"> <tr> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1348585790__GUID-3A6D8D64-4D94-4A59-8029-7DFD3CBA0ECA__entry__1"> <p class="p"> Command </p> </th> <th font-weight="bold" class="entry" id="wp1348585790__GUID-3A6D8D64-4D94-4A59-8029-7DFD3CBA0ECA__entry__2"> <p class="p"> Description </p> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="tbody"> <tr> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-3A6D8D64-4D94-4A59-8029-7DFD3CBA0ECA__entry__1 "> <p class="p"> <span> <span class="keyword kwd">rommon-pref</span> </span> </p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="wp1348585790__GUID-3A6D8D64-4D94-4A59-8029-7DFD3CBA0ECA__entry__2 "> <p class="p"> Selects a ReadOnly or Upgrade ROMmon image to be booted on the next reload of a Cisco 7200 VXR or Cisco 7301 when you are in ROMmon. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <!-- minitoc start --> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"></nav> <!-- minitoc end --> </article> </article> </article> </main> </div> </div> <div class="col narrow-v2"> <div class="rightRailComponent noprint base-blowout"> <div class="eotPersonalization"> <section id="eotTDCampaign"></section> </div> <div class="eot-feedback-container"> <div class="eot-feedback"> <h3>Was this Document Helpful?</h3> <span class="eot-feedback-btnwrap"> <button class="eot-feedback-btn eot-feedback-btn-yes" aria-label="Was this Document Helpful?? 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