WikiTree: The Free Family Tree

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picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> <div class="larger"><strong>Be a part of something big.</strong></div> <ol class="star large no-indent"> <li>We collaborate on a <a href="/wiki/Help:Collaborative_Family_Tree" title="How does a single family tree work?"><b>single family tree</b></a> for everyone to enjoy, <a href="/wiki/Help:The_Free_Family_Tree" title="WikiTree is 100% free to use and our shared tree will never be locked up behind a pay wall.">for free</a>, <a href="/wiki/Help:Protecting_Our_Shared_Tree" title="Click here for details on the extraordinary steps we take to protect our shared genealogy so that it will never disappear.">forever</a>.</li> <li>WikiTree is the most accurate &amp; trusted global tree because we work together, carefully evaluate <a href="/wiki/Help:Sources" title="How and why we always record the source of genealogical information."><b>sources</b></a>, and incorporate <a href="/wiki/Help:DNA" title="Why DNA + WikiTree = Awesome">DNA</a>.</li> <li>Modern family history is <a href="/wiki/Help:Privacy" title="Click here for details on our extensive privacy controls."><b>private</b></a>.</li> <li><i>It's all <a href="/wiki/Help:The_Free_Family_Tree" title="WikiTree is 100% free to use and our shared tree will never be locked up behind a pay wall."><b>free</b></a>!</i> WikiTreers who sign the <a href="/wiki/Special:Honor_Code" title="The Honor Code makes our collaboration productive and enjoyable. Click here to read its nine simple points."><b>Honor Code</b></a> hardly even see ads, but enjoy <a href="/wiki/Help:Membership#Benefits_of_membership" title="Click here for a summary of the benefits of WikiTree membership.">benefits</a> that cost money on other websites.</li> </ol> <div class="large">WikiTree started growing 16 years ago, from the grassroots up. Our community is now <b>1,185,580 members strong</b>. Most genealogists and serious family historians have accounts. Our shared tree has 41,131,663 profiles. 14,547,744 have DNA test connections.</div> <a class="button" href="" title="Join WikiTree">GET STARTED</a> </div> </div> <div class="container full-width"> <div class="sixteen columns full-width getstarted" style="padding-bottom:0px;"> <div class="pad" style="padding-bottom:0px;"> <form action="/wiki/Special:SearchPerson" method="POST"> <input type=text name="wpFirst" size="35" placeholder="First Name"> <input type=text name="wpLast" size="35" placeholder="Last Name"> <input class="button white" type=submit name="wpSearch" value="Search"> </form> </div> </div> <div class="sixteen columns full-width stripes" style="padding-bottom:0px;"> <div class="pad" style="padding-bottom:0px;"> <div align="center"><ul class="alpha browse no-indent"> <li><a href="">A</a></li> <li><a href="">B</a></li> <li><a href="">C</a></li> <li><a href="">D</a></li> <li><a href="">E</a></li> <li><a href="">F</a></li> <li><a href="">G</a></li> <li><a href="">H</a></li> <li><a href="">I</a></li> <li><a href="">J</a></li> <li><a href="">K</a></li> <li><a href="">L</a></li> <li><a href="">M</a></li> <li><a href="">N</a></li> <li><a href="">O</a></li> <li><a href="">P</a></li> <li><a href="">Q</a></li> <li><a href="">R</a></li> <li><a href="">S</a></li> <li><a href="">T</a></li> <li><a href="">U</a></li> <li><a href="">V</a></li> <li><a href="">W</a></li> <li><a href="">X</a></li> <li><a href="">Y</a></li> <li><a href="">Z</a></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container full-width"> <div class="sixteen columns full-width stripes-1 row"> <div class="eight columns alpha"> <div class="large"><strong>New &amp; Notable</strong></div> <p> <a href="" title="Click here for the Floral Connection Checkers game featuring Daisy, Princess of Pless"><img src="" width="128" height="135" alt="Daisy, Princess of Pless" align="right" border="0" style="padding:5px;"></a> <span class="large">Connection Checkers</span>: This week is a <a href="" title="Click here for the Floral Connection Checkers game featuring Daisy, Princess of Pless"><b>Floral Feature</b></a>, celebrating notables with flower names, such as <a href="" title="Visit the featured profile of Daisy, Princess of Pless">Daisy, Princess of Pless</a>. First check your connections, then attempt to <a href="" title="How do you verify a connection?">verify a relationship path</a> with <a href="" title="What are reliable genealogical sources?">reliable sources</a>. <a href="" title="How to ask for help and how to help others">Ask</a> when you need help. We're a friendly community and we help each other. </p> <p style="clear:both;">Previously featured profiles: <ul class="star"> <li><a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."><img src="" width="75" height="106" alt="Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." align="right" border="0" style="padding:5px;"></a><a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."><b>Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.</b></a>, born 15 Jan 1929</li> <li><a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Arthur Guinness"><b>Arthur Guinness</b></a>, born in 1725</li> <li><!-- <a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Jimmy Carter"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="Jimmy Carter" align="right" border="0" style="padding:5px;"></a> -->US President <a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Jimmy Carter"><b>Jimmy Carter</b></a> (1924-2024)</li> <li><i>Christmas Carol</i> author <a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Charles Dickens"><b>Charles Dickens</b></a></li> <li>"Papa Elf" <a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Bob Newhart"><b>Bob Newhart</b></a></li> <li>Christmas album artist <a href="" title="Click here for the profile of Donny Osmond"><b>Donny Osmond</b></a></li> <li>Game show host <a href="" title="Here is the featured profile of Chuck Woolery"><b>Chuck Woolery</b></a></li> <li>Thanksgiving leaders <a href="" title="Here is the featured profile of William Bradford"><b>William Bradford</b></a> and <a href="" title="Here is the featured profile of Chief Massasoit"><b>Chief Massasoit</b></a></li> <li><!-- <a href="/wiki/Jones-28041" title="Quincy Jones"><img src="" alt="Quincy Jones" width="75" height="75" align="right" border="0" style="padding:5px;"></a> -->Music impresario <a href="/wiki/Jones-28041" title="Quincy Jones"><b>Quincy Jones</b></a></li> <li>Iconic Italian-American singer <a href="/wiki/Sinatra-1" title="Frank Sinatra"><b>Frank Sinatra</b></a></li> <li><i>Harry Potter</i>-star <a href="/wiki/Smith-70085" title="Dame Maggie Smith"><b>Dame Maggie Smith</b></a></li> <li>Princess <a href="/wiki/Middleton-358" title="Here is the profile of Princess Catherine"><b>Kate Middleton</b></a></li> <li>Revolutionary firebrand <a href="/wiki/Adams-42" title="Here is the profile of Sam Adams"><b>Samuel Adams</b></a></li> <li>Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony award-winner <a href="/wiki/Jones-39327" title="James Earl Jones"><b>James Earl Jones</b></a></li> </ul> </p> <p><span class="small">[<a href="/wiki/Help:Examples" title="Click here for more examples of WikiTree profiles">more examples of profiles</a>]</span></p> <div class="clear row">&nbsp;</div> <div class="orange box rounded"> <img src="" alt="Magazine Cover" width="198" height="183" class="left"> <span class="large"> "WikiTree is a great, collaborative, global family tree site for genealogists of every level from every part of the world."</span> &mdash;Family Tree Magazine UK, November 2023 </div> <p> "Before WikiTree, I was skeptical and discouraged about big one-single-trees because there were (are) so many errors, but WikiTree is different because it's collaborative, genial and there are people available to help resolve any issues." <span style="float:right;">&mdash; Roberta Estes, <span class="small">blogger</span> </p> <p> "It's been wonderful to experience how collaborative genealogy in WikiTree makes all of us better genealogists. Collaboration on our shared ancestors encourages us to share information and to hold each other to high standards." <span style="float:right;">&mdash;Ellen Smith, <span class="small">member&nbsp;since&nbsp;2014</span></span> </p> </div><div class="eight columns omega"> <div class="clear row">&nbsp;</div> <p><a href="" title="Visit the featured profile of MaryAnn Blakeman"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="Member Photo" class="right"></a> <span class="large">Member of the Week</span>: <a href="" title="Here is more about the project">Louisiana Project</a> member <a href="" title="Meet MaryAnn Blakeman in our Member of the Week interview in G2G"><b>MaryAnn Blakeman</b> [interview]</a>. <blockquote> "It was the quality of the <a href="" title="Here is more about the Louisiana Project">Louisiana</a> and <a href="" title="Here is more about the Acadia Project">Acadian</a> project profiles that made me want to be a dedicated WikiTreer." </blockquote> </p> <p><a href="" title="Visit the featured profile of Elizabeth Steen"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="Member Photo" class="right"></a> Last week: <a href="" title="Here is more about the project">Nordic Project</a> member <a href="" title="Meet Elizabeth Steen in our Member of the Week interview in G2G"><b>Elizabeth Steen</b> [interview]</a>. <blockquote> "Working with a <a href="" title="Here is more about projects on WikiTree">project</a> is a good way to be involved. I don't officially belong to the <a href="" title="Here is the project home page">US Black Heritage Project</a>, but every February that's my focus." </blockquote> </p> <p><span class="small">[<a href="/wiki/Help:Members" title="Click here to meet more genealogists in our community">more of our wonderful wikitreers</a>]</span></p> <div class="green box rounded"> GenealogyTV did a video tour: "<a href="" title="Click here for GenealogyTV's introduction to WikiTree on YouTube" target="_blank"><b>How to Use WikiTree</b></a>." <br><br> For another member's perspective, see the "<a href="" title="Click here to view the Welcome to WikiTree series on YouTube" target="_blank"><b>Welcome to WikiTree</b></a>" video series. <br><br> Here's a member's introduction in verse: "<a href="" title="Click here to see the poem by Keith Hathaway"><b>One tree, two tree</b> ...</a>". </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container full-width"> <div class="sixteen columns full-width stripes"> <div class="wtad wtad-ancestry-banner" style="text-align: center; margin:10px;"> <a class="ad-ancestryDNA" href=""><IMG border="0" alt="Ancestry DNA" src="" width="728" height="90"></a> </div> <div class="eight columns alpha"> <p><span class="large">Top 25 family names yesterday:</span> <ol class="no-indent top25"><li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/MURRAY">MURRAY</a> (77)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/ANDERSON">ANDERSON</a> (60)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/SMITH">SMITH</a> (54)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/FERNLEY">FERNLEY</a> (52)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/COCKER">COCKER</a> (46)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/BUTLER">BUTLER</a> (45)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/JONES">JONES</a> (44)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/JOHNSON">JOHNSON</a> (43)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/MILLER">MILLER</a> (35)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/BROWN">BROWN</a> (32)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/HALL">HALL</a> (32)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/WILSON">WILSON</a> (31)</li> <li class="column1"><a href="/genealogy/JAMES">JAMES</a> (31)</li> <li class="column2 reset"><a href="/genealogy/YOUNG">YOUNG</a> (30)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/LEWIS">LEWIS</a> (30)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/STONEMAN">STONEMAN</a> (28)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/WOODS">WOODS</a> (28)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/COLLINS">COLLINS</a> (28)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/ROBINSON">ROBINSON</a> (28)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/HUGHES">HUGHES</a> (27)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/CORBETT">CORBETT</a> (25)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/ALEXANDER">ALEXANDER</a> (25)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/WILLIAMS">WILLIAMS</a> (25)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/KING">KING</a> (24)</li> <li class="column2"><a href="/genealogy/MCILVAIN">MCILVAIN</a> (24)</li> </ol> <br/> Browse all the <a href="/wiki/Special:SurnameContributions" title="Click here for our Surname Contributions feature"><b>top surnames</b> with their top contributors</a>.</p> </div> <div class="eight columns omega"> <p><a href="" title="Question of the Week: Click to read answers and participate"><img src="" alt="Question of the Week" class="right" width="150" height="150"></a> <span class="large">Question of the Week:</span> What is an interesting <a href="" title="Question of the Week: Click to read answers and participate"><b>nickname</b></a> in your family?</p> <p>Last week: If your ancestors had <a href="" title="Question of the Week: Click to read answers and participate"><b>social media</b></a> what do you think they would post?</p> <p><span class="large">Today's latest posts:</span> <ul class="no-indent star"> <li><a href="/g2g/1859759/researching-geraldine-rosemary-amborski-christianson-1904-1962">Help researching Geraldine Rosemary (Amborski) Christianson (abt.1904-1962)</a></li> <li><a href="/g2g/1859757/please-gresham-public-cemetery-gresham-shawano-wisconsin">Please add Gresham Public Cemetery, Gresham, Shawano, Wisconsin</a></li> <li><a href="/g2g/1859756/how-can-i-enter-a-pre-1500-profile">How can I enter a pre 1500 profile</a></li> <li><a href="/g2g/1859755/would-you-please-add-the-shumway-cemetery-to-categories-">Would you please add the Shumway Cemetery to categories?</a></li> <li><a href="/g2g/1859750/searching-for-english-origin-of-thomas-dimock-the-immigrant">Searching for English origin of Thomas Dimock the immigrant</a></li> <li><a href="/g2g/1859736/question-on-sarah-langdon-1857--">Question on Sarah Langdon (1857-)</a></li> </ul> See our <a href="/g2g/" title="Click here for our genealogist-to-genealogist discussion forum">G2G forum</a> for more.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="container"> <div class="sixteen columns full-width footer"> <p><a href="/wiki/Help:About_WikiTree" title="About WikiTree, the Community, and our Mission">ABOUT WIKITREE</a> &nbsp; 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