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I am also an Associate Adjunct Professor at <a href="">Columbia Business School</a>.</p> <p>My research focuses on empirical research in Operations Management, with applications in service industries, healthcare and the public sector. I am Department Editor of the <a href="">M&SOM</a> journal from the <a href="">INFORMS</a> research community.</p> <p>This page includes:</p> <ul> <li><a href="#research-publications">Research publications</a>.</li> <li><a href="#working-papers">Working papers</a>.</li> <li>My <a href="">Curriculum Vita</a></li> <li>Teaching material: Check <a href="">hands-on-analytics</a></li> </ul> <p>Other links:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">My substack</a> with posts and reports for the general public.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Page at the University of Chile</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ORCID</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ResearchId</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="research">Research</h2> <h3 id="working-papers">Working Papers</h3> <p>Celhay, P. A., Gertler, P., Olivares, M., & Undurraga, R. “How Managers Can Use Purchaser Performance Information to Improve Procurement Efficiency” <a href="">NBER working paper 32141</a></p> <p>Bucarey, V., Olivares, M., Yung, D. “Labor Planning and Shift Scheduling in Retail Stores Using Customer Traffic Data” <a href="">link to SSRN</a></p> <h3 id="research-publications">Research Publications</h3> <p>Olivares, M., Saban, D., Weintraub, G., Lara, E., Zanocco, P., Moreno, P. “Saving Millions in Government Procurement Through Data Science and Market Design”, forthcoming <em>Informs Journal of Applied Analytics</em> <a href="">link to SSRN</a></p> <p>Basso, L., Goic, M., Olivares, M., Saure, D., Thraves, C., Weintraub, G., et al. “Analytics Saves Lives during the Covid-19 Crisis in Chile.” <em>INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics</em>, 53(1), pp. 1–95, Franz Edelman Special issue.<a href="">doi:10.1287/inte.2022.1149</a></p> <p>Olivares, M., Musalem, A., and Yung, D. “Balancing Agent Retention and Waiting Time in Service Platforms.” <em>Operations Research</em>, 71(3), pp. 791–1020, Special Issue on Behavioral Queuing Science. <a href="">doi:10.1287/opre.2022.2418</a></p> <p>Magga, L., Maturana, S., Olivares, M., Valdevenito, M., Cabezas, J., Chapochnick, J., González, F., Kompatzki, A., Muller, H., Pefaur, J., Ulloa, C., Valjalo, R.“Identifying Factors Predicting Kidney Graft Survival in Chile Using Elastic-Net-Regularized Cox Regression.” <em>Medicina</em>, 58(10), 1348. <a href="">doi:10.3390/medicina58101348</a></p> <p>Foncea, P., Mondschein, S., Olivares, M., “Replacing quarantine of COVID-19 contacts with periodic testing is also effective in mitigating the risk of transmission.” <em>Scientific Reports</em>, 12, 3620. <a href="">doi:10.1038/s41598-022-07447-2</a></p> <p>Carranza, A., Goic, M., Lara, E., Olivares, M., Weintraub, G.Y., Covarrubia, J., Escobedo, C., Jara, N. and Basso, L.J. “The social divide of social distancing: Shelter-in-place behavior in Santiago during the COVID-19 pandemic” <em>Management Science</em>, 68(3), pp.2016–2027. <a href="">doi:10.1287/mnsc.2021.4240</a></p> <p>Mondschein, S., Olivares, M., Ordonez, F., Schwartz, D., Weintraub, A., Torres-Ulloa, I., Aguayo, C. and Canessa, G. “Service design to balance waiting time and infection risk: An application for elections during the COVID-19 pandemic” <em>Service Science</em>, 14(2),90–109. <a href="">doi:10.1287/serv.2021.0290</a></p> <p>Altman, D., Yom-Tov, G.B., Olivares, M., Ashtar, S. and Rafaeli, A. “Do customer emotions affect agent speed? An empirical study of emotional load in online customer contact centers.” <em>Manufacturing & Service Operations Management</em>, 23(4), 854–875. <a href="">doi:10.1287/msom.2020.0897</a></p> <p>Musalem, A., Olivares, M. and Schilkrut, A. “Retail in High Definition: Monitoring customer assistance through video analytics.” <em>Manufacturing & Service Operations Management</em>, 23(5), 1025–1042. <a href="">doi:10.1287/msom.2020.0865</a></p> <p>Rudi, N., Olivares, M. and Shetty, A. “Ordering sequential competitions to reduce order relevance: Soccer penalty shootouts.” <em>PloS one</em> 15(12), e0243786. <a href="">doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0243786</a></p> <p>Fisher, M., Olivares, M. and Staats, B.R. “Why empirical research is good for Operations Management, and what is good empirical Operations Management?” <em>Manufacturing & Service Operations Management</em>, 22(1), 170–178. <a href="">doi:10.1287/msom.2019.0812</a></p> <p>Terwiesch, C., Olivares, M., Staats, B. R., and Gaur, V. “Empirical Operations Management in MS and M&SOM: A Review of the Last Two Decades.” <em>Manufacturing & Service Operations Management</em>,22(4), 645–867. <a href="">doi:10.1287/msom.2018.0755</a></p> <p>Cachon, G., Gallino, S., Olivares, M. “Does Adding Inventory Increase Sales? Evidence of a Scarcity Effect in U.S. Automobile Dealerships” <em>Management Science</em>, 65(4), 1455–1947. <a href="">doi:10.1287/mnsc.2017.3014</a></p> <p>Kim, S.H., Chan, C., Olivares, M. and Escobar, G. “Association among Intensive Care Unit Congestion, Intensive Care Unit Admission Decision, and Patient Outcomes” <em>Critical Care Medicine</em>, 44(10) 1814–1821. <a href="">doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000001850</a></p> <p>Kim, S.H., Chan, C., Olivares, M. and Escobar, G.“ICU Admission Control: An Empirical Study of Capacity Allocation and Its Implication for Patient Outcomes” <em>Management Science</em>, 61(1): 19-38. <a href="">doi:10.1287/mnsc.2014.2057</a>.</p> <p>Kim, S.W., Olivares, M., Weintraub, G. “Measuring the Performance of Large-Scale Combinatorial Auctions: A Structural Estimation Approach” <em>Management Science</em> 60(5), 1180–1201. <a href="">doi:10.1287/mnsc.2013.1814</a></p> <p>Lu, Y., Musalem, A., Olivares, M. and Schilkrut, A. “Measuring the Effect of Queues on Customer Purchases” <em>Management Science</em> 59(8), 1743-1763.</p> <p>Olivares, M., Weintraub, G., Yung, D. and Epstein, R. “Combinatorial Auctions for Procurement: An Empirical Study of the Chilean School Meals Auction” <em>Management Science</em>, 58(8), 1458–1481. <a href="">doi:10.1287/mnsc.1110.1496</a></p> <p>Cachon, G. and Olivares, M. “Drivers of finished-goods inventory in the U.S. automotive industry” <em>Management Science</em>, 56(1), 202–216.</p> <p>Musalem, A., Olivares, M., Bradlow, E., Terwiesch, C. and Corsten D. “Structural estimation of the effect of stock-outs” <em>Management Science</em> 56(7), 1127–1145.</p> <p>Olivares, M. and Cachon, G. “Competing retailers and inventory: An empirical investigation of General Motors’ dealerships in isolated markets” <em>Management Science</em> 55(9), 1586–1604</p> <p>Olivares, M., Terwiesch, C. and Cassorla, L. “Structural estimation of the Newsvendor model: An Application to Reserving Operating Room Time” <em>Management Science</em> 54(1), 41–55.</p> </section> <footer> <p><small>Hosted on <a href="">GitHub Pages</a> using the Dinky theme</small></p> </footer> </div> <!--[if !IE]><script>fixScale(document);</script><![endif]--> </body> </html>