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Please take the time to read the entire privacy policy, as well as our \u003Ca href=\"/terms-of-use/\">terms of use\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>What data we collect and why we collect it\u003C/h2>\n\u003Ch3>Cookies\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>Cookies are small files that are created on your hard drive through your browser to enable us to recognize your browser and remember certain information. 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These third-party providers may store cookies on your device.\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>Most web browsers give you options to refuse to accept cookies, as well as delete cookies that have already been created on your browser.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch3>Analytics\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>One of the third-party tools we use to understand our site visitors better is Plausible Analytics, which is used to measure traffic and usage trends for the site. Plausible Analytics does not use cookies to gather data and does not gather any personal data or store personally identifiable information (PII). Read more about \u003Ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Plausible's data policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch3>Advertisements\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>Stock Analysis serves advertisements from third parties. These advertisers may collect data about your use of this website and use it to serve ads targeted based on your interests.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch3>Contact form\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>When you submit a message via the contact form, some data related to your message will be transmitted and stored on our servers. This includes the name you entered into the field, your email, and message.\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>Our email service provider may also store other data related to your message, such as your IP address or browser details.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch3>Email newsletter\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>If you sign up for our newsletter, your email information will be stored with a third-party email provider called ConvertKit. This third-party provider will store data related to your email subscription, including your email, IP address, user-agent, and information about whether you opened different newsletters. Here is the full ConvertKit privacy policy: \u003Ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">ConvertKit Privacy Policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>You may unsubscribe from these emails at any time by clicking the &ldquo;Unsubscribe&rdquo; button at the bottom of the email. We periodically delete all data and information stored about unsubscribed users.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch3>Embedded content\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>Articles on our site may include content that is embedded from other websites. This includes images, videos, stock charts, widgets, etc. This content behaves in the same way as if you had visited the site that hosts the embedded content.\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>The sites that host the embedded content may collect data about you, use cookies, add third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with the content that was embedded.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>How long your data is retained\u003C/h2>\n\u003Cp>If you create an account on the site, the information you entered will be stored until deleted. However, you can contact us and ask for all your information to be deleted right away.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>What rights you have over this data\u003C/h2>\n\u003Cp>If you have created an account on this site, you can request to receive an exported file with all of your data. You can also request that we delete any and all personal data that is held about you.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch3>Residents of the European Economic Area (EEA)\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>If you reside in a country in the European Economic Area (EEA), you have the following rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):\u003C/p>\n\u003Col>\n\u003Cli>To have any personal data deleted.\u003C/li>\n\u003Cli>To access your personal data.\u003C/li>\n\u003Cli>To ensure that your personal data is accurate.\u003C/li>\n\u003Cli>To restrict any additional processing of your personal data.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ol>\n\u003Cp>If you think that we infringe any data protection laws, then you have the legal right to complain to a supervisory authority.\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>You can exercise the rights you have over your personal data via written notice addressed to:\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>Name: Vefir ehf. Address: Austurkor 102, 203 Kopavogur, Iceland\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>You can also contact us directly via email at \u003Ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch3>Residents of California, USA\u003C/h3>\n\u003Cp>If you reside in California, USA, then you have certain rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We do not share data with anyone and we would never sell data, but you can still contact us to request that we do not share or sell your data in order to exercise your rights under the CCPA.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>Sale of business\u003C/h2>\n\u003Cp>If the site or its assets are sold or disposed of in any way, then the information that has been collected about users may be among the assets sold related to that transaction.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>Terms and conditions\u003C/h2>\n\u003Cp>Please also read the \u003Ca href=\"/terms-of-use/\">terms of use\u003C/a> that establish the use, conditions, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of this website.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>Your consent\u003C/h2>\n\u003Cp>By using this site, you consent to our privacy policy and terms of use.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>Changes to the privacy policy\u003C/h2>\n\u003Cp>If the privacy policy is changed in the future, then the changes will be shown on this page. By using this site, you consent to our privacy policy.\u003C/p>\n\u003Ch2>Contact us\u003C/h2>\n\u003Cp>If you have any questions about our privacy policy or data practices, please use the \u003Ca href=\"/contact/\">contact form\u003C/a> to contact our site administrator or send an email directly to \u003Ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>You can also contact us by mail via this mailing address:\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>Vefir ehf., Austurkor 102, 203 Kopavogur, Iceland\u003C/p>\n\u003Cp>\u003Cem>This page was last updated on October 11, 2023.\u003C/em>\u003C/p>"},"uses":{}}]; Promise.all([ import("../_app/immutable/entry/start.BZoNqm18.js"), import("../_app/immutable/entry/app.wUcaDySU.js") ]).then(([kit, app]) => { kit.start(app, element, { node_ids: [0, 89], data, form: null, error: null }); }); } </script> </div> </body> </html>

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