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Award</a></li><li ><a href="/events-calendar/slas-europe-2025-conference-and-exhibition/present/slas-student-poster-award/" target="_self">Student Poster Award</a></li></ul></li><li ><a href="/events-calendar/slas-europe-2025-conference-and-exhibition/sponsor-and-exhibit/" target="_self">Sponsor and Exhibit</a></li></ul> </nav> </div> <!-- Main Content --> <div class="main-content"> <!-- Details Box --> <div class="details-box-wrap"> <div class="details-box conference"><!-- Details --> <div class="details"> <!-- Date --> <p class="date">20-22 May 2025</p> <!-- Time --> <!-- Venue --> <p class="venue"></p> <!-- Location --> <p class="location">Hamburg, Germany</p> </div> <!-- Button --> </div> </div> <!-- Overview --> <div class="overview"> <p>Registration is now open! SLAS Members: reserve your spot through 24 February to take advantage of exclusive members-only pricing. <p><a class="btn btn-primary" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="" target="_blank">Register Now</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="container"><h2>Present</h2></div> <section class="main-text"> <div class="container"> <h3>Interconnecting Lab Automation Research</h3> <p>Showcase your research to the global lab automation and life sciences community in Hamburg.</p> <p>SLAS invites research scientists, engineers, academics and business leaders to submit abstracts for presentation in the any one of the three educational tracks featured at this year's conference. Contributions from graduate students, post-doctoral associates and junior faculty are encouraged. Abstract submissions from academia, government and industry are also welcome.</p> <p><a href="">Learn more about this year's three educational tracks</a>: Advances in Drug Discovery, Advances in Laboratory Automation and Screening Applications & Diagnostics.</p> <p><a class="btn btn-primary" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="" target="_blank">Submit an Abstract</a></p> </div> </section> <!-- Accordion --> <section class="accordion"> <div class="container"><!--- if div.panel 'id' matches the a toggle links, it will act as accordion, only one allowed open. if mismatch, all can open/close independently ---> <div aria-multiselectable="true" class="panels" id="accordion1_allopen" role="tablist"><!-- Panel --> <div class="panel"><!-- Panel Heading Bar --> <div class="panel-heading" id="accordion1headingOne" role="tab"> <h3 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="Deadlines" aria-expanded="false" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" data-parent="#accordion1" data-toggle="collapse" href="#Deadlines" role="button">Important Deadlines</a></h3> </div> <!-- Panel Content --> <div aria-expanded="true" aria-labelledby="accordion1headingOne" class="collapse panel-collapse" id="Deadlines" role="tabpanel"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Podium Abstract Deadline</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Monday 20 January 2025</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>SLAS Travel Award (Tony B.) Podium Deadline</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Monday 20 January 2025</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>SLAS Travel Award (Tony B.) Poster Deadline</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Monday 17 February 2025</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Student Poster Award Abstract Deadline</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Monday 17 February 2025</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Priority Poster Deadline</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Monday 31 March 2025</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Regular (Non-Award) Poster Submissions Deadline</p> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <p>Monday 28 April 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Panel --> <div class="panel"><!-- Panel Heading Bar --> <div class="panel-heading" id="accordion1headingTwo" role="tab"> <h3 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="Tracks" aria-expanded="false" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" data-parent="#accordion1" data-toggle="collapse" href="#Tracks" role="button">SLAS Europe 2025 Educational Tracks</a></h3> </div> <!-- Panel Content --> <div aria-expanded="true" aria-labelledby="accordion1headingTwo" class="collapse panel-collapse" id="Tracks" role="tabpanel"> <div class="panel-body"> <p>This year, the SLAS Europe 2025 scientific program will feature three important educational tracks:</p> <ul> <li>Advances in Drug Discovery</li> <li>Advances in Laboratory Automation</li> <li>Screening Applications & Diagnostics</li> </ul> <p>Visit the <a href="">Learn section</a> for detailed descriptions of each track and its scientific sessions and panel discussions.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Panel --> <div class="panel"><!-- Panel Heading Bar --> <div class="panel-heading" id="accordion1headingThree" role="tab"> <h3 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="Award" aria-expanded="false" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" data-parent="#accordion1" data-toggle="collapse" href="#Award" role="button">Award Opportunities</a></h3> </div> <!-- Panel Content --> <div aria-labelledby="accordion1headingThree" class="collapse panel-collapse" id="Award" role="tabpanel"> <div class="panel-body"> <h3>SLAS Travel Award (Tony B.) Program</h3> <figure class="align-right medium"><img alt="Innovation AveNEW" src="/SLAS/assets/Image/awards/tonybawardlogo.png" /></figure> <p>The SLAS Travel Award (Tony B.) Program includes airfare or mileage reimbursement, conference registration and shared accommodations. Students, graduate students, postdoctoral associates and junior faculty are encouraged to apply.</p> <p><a class="btn btn-primary" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="">Learn More</a></p> <h3>SLAS Student Poster Award Competition</h3> <p>The SLAS Student Poster Award recognizes innovative research by students, graduate students, post-doctoral associates and junior faculty (less than four years in first academic appointment) who are chosen to present a poster during SLAS Europe 2025.</p> <p><a class="btn btn-primary" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="">Learn More</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Panel --> <div class="panel"><!-- Panel Heading Bar --> <div class="panel-heading" id="accordion1headingFour" role="tab"> <h3 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="Requirements" aria-expanded="false" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" data-parent="#accordion1" data-toggle="collapse" href="#Requirements" role="button">Abstract Submission Requirements</a></h3> </div> <!-- Panel Content --> <div aria-labelledby="accordion1headingFour" class="collapse panel-collapse" id="Requirements" role="tabpanel"> <div class="panel-body"> <p>To simplify your submission process, please have all of your materials together prior to entering your abstract. You will be able to view screen shots of each step in the abstract process by using the 'Guidelines' section of the submission site.</p> <p>To submit, you will need the following:</p> <ul> <li>Abstract title</li> <li>Abstract text (450 word limit)</li> <li>Presentation preference: podium, poster or both (if applicable)</li> <li>Identify applicable track (preference only)</li> <li>Primary presenter details (one per abstract); Name, Job Title, Organization, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Email, Business Phone, Biography</li> <li>Award nominations (if applicable)</li> <li>Identify co-authors: Name, Job Title, Organization, City, State, Country, Email</li> </ul> <h3>General Instructions:</h3> <ul> <li>Abstracts relevant to any of the SLAS Europe 2025 tracks are requested and will be reviewed by the SLAS Europe 2025 Scientific Program Committee.</li> <li>Authors are invited to submit abstracts describing original research on topics relevant to any of the four program tracks for either poster or podium presentation. Abstracts should describe work not previously the subject of a podium presentation and address why the work is novel. The abstract should clearly present the research itself and results that have been obtained. Abstracts will be assessed according to the novelty of the work, with an emphasis to abstracts that clearly detail results.</li> <br /> <li>Podium presentations are 30 minutes in length including questions and answers.</li> <br /> <li>Each abstract should contain the following content: <ul> <li>An introductory sentence indicating the purposes of the study.</li> <li>A brief description of experimental procedures.</li> <li>A summary of the data to be presented.</li> <li>A statement of the conclusions based on the presented data.</li> <li>A statement of next steps and future experiments.</li> </ul> </li> <br /> <li>Abstracts should be carefully proofread to avoid errors in the published literature. American spelling should be used throughout; for more information regarding American spelling, please refer to Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Eighth Edition (Council of Science Editors, 2014).</li> <br /> <li>Poster presentations are scheduled for a 2-hour time slot as noted on the Poster Presentation Guidelines page. <p><a _blank="" class="btn btn-primary" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="">View Poster Guidelines</a></p> </li> <br /> <li>The primary presenter will serve as the primary contact for SLAS and must have a valid email address.</li> <br /> <li>All abstracts must be submitted electronically via this online abstract submission system.</li> <br /> <li>The body of the abstract may not exceed 450 words.</li> <br /> <li>The title is considered separate from the body of the abstract and is not included in the word limit. Specific formatting requirements are included on the submission form.</li> <br /> <li>It is suggested that you first develop your abstract in a word processing program then copy and paste the information in the appropriate section. There is no spell or grammar check function in the online submission process. <strong>Please do not use all capital letters in your abstract or title.</strong></li> <br /> <li>If accepted, your abstract will be published EXACTLY as it has been entered into the system. This includes company names, presenter names, etc… Submissions will not be edited in any way prior to publishing in conference materials.</li> <br /> <li>Fields denoted with asterisks (*) are required fields.</li> <br /> <li>To learn more about the various SLAS Awards presented at the conference and learn if you are eligible to apply, please visit the following links: <ul> <li><a data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="">SLAS Travel (Tony B.) Awards</a></li> <li><a data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="">SLAS Student Poster Award</a></li> </ul> </li> <br /> <li>At the close of the applicable submission period, all abstracts will be reviewed by the SLAS Europe 2025 Scientific Program Committee to determine which abstracts are accepted into the program. The SLAS Europe 2025 Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to accept abstracts into tracks other than the one selected by the submitter during the submission process.</li> <br /> <li>Those submitted as podium abstracts but not accepted for the podium program will be reviewed for a poster submission <strong>if indicated</strong> as such by the submitter during the submission process.</li> <br /> <li>Podium presentation confirmations will be distributed in mid-February 2025.</li> </ul> <p><a class="btn btn-primary" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" href="">View Sample Abstract</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Panel --> <div class="panel"><!-- Panel Heading Bar --> <div class="panel-heading" id="accordion1headingFive" role="tab"> <h3 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="Acceptance" aria-expanded="false" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" data-parent="#accordion1" data-toggle="collapse" href="#Acceptance" role="button">Abstract Acceptance and Notification</a></h3> </div> <!-- Panel Content --> <div aria-labelledby="accordion1headingFive" class="collapse panel-collapse" id="Acceptance" role="tabpanel"> <div class="panel-body"> <p>A member of the SLAS Professional Team will contact all selected abstract submitters with information regarding scheduling, speaker agreements, and the Speaker Resource Center. Speakers agree to use the Speaker Resource Center as the primary source for communicating speaker information.</p> <ul> <li>It is expected all speakers will adhere to policies and deadlines established to ensure accurate and timely information to SLAS members.</li> <br /> <li>Primary presenters are responsible for communicating with co-authors regarding acceptance or rejection, deadlines and all other submission details.</li> <br /> <li>Whenever possible SLAS will record presentations and make those recordings available to members and participants. In some cases, webcasting or streaming of sessions may be offered as well. All speakers will be required to provide SLAS with the permission to record, broadcast, edit, transcribe, archive, duplicate, distribute, reproduce and sell any written or visual material submitted in connection with presentations at this SLAS conference in any media now existing or developed in the future.</li> <br /> <li>SLAS presenters are required to electronically agree to the speaker guidelines and releases using the button below.</li> <br /> <li>Accepted poster presentations will be required to physically present the poster during a two-hour time slot as indicated in the acceptance notification.</li> <br /> <li>Presentation confirmations will be distributed according to the approximate timeline below: <ul> <li>Podium Presentation Confirmation: February 2025</li> <li>SLAS Travel Award (Tony B.) Application Confirmations: March 2025</li> <li>Poster Presentation Confirmations: Beginning March 2025</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Panel --> <div class="panel"><!-- Panel Heading Bar --> <div class="panel-heading" id="accordion1headingSix" role="tab"> <h3 class="panel-title"><a aria-controls="Agreement" aria-expanded="false" data-feathr-click-track="true" data-feathr-link-aids="["5e835b38bbf24c15969ff8c8"]" data-parent="#accordion1" data-toggle="collapse" href="#Agreement" role="button">Speaker’s Agreement</a></h3> </div> <!-- Panel Content --> <div aria-labelledby="accordion1headingSix" class="collapse panel-collapse" id="Agreement" role="tabpanel"> <div class="panel-body"> <h3>Speaker’s Agreement</h3> <p>Selected speakers must agree to the following:</p> <div class="small"> <ol> <li><strong>LOGISTICS.</strong> I shall provide my Presentation live and in-person at the Event on the dates, at the times, and at the location specified by SLAS. SLAS is entitled to contemporaneously make my Presentation available in real-time via the internet or other medium to online or remote Presentation attendees.</li> <br /> <li><strong>MATERIALS.</strong> In connection with my Presentation, I shall provide SLAS with my PowerPoint, photograph, biographical information, and Presentation abstract (“Materials”) by the date, in the format, and in the manner specified by SLAS. I hereby grant SLAS a worldwide, sub-licensable, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license (but not the obligation) to reproduce, prepare derivative works based on, distribute, perform publicly, display publicly, and otherwise use and exploit my Materials, for all purposes, including advertising in all media now known or hereafter created, in connection with: (i) promoting the Event and my Presentation; (ii) SLAS’s online learning management system; and (iii) reporting on the Event.</li> <br /> <li><strong>PUBLICITY RELEASE.</strong> I hereby grant SLAS a worldwide, sub-licensable, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license (but not the obligation) to use my name, photograph, image, likeness, and voice, including composite or modified representations, for all purposes, including advertising in all media now known or hereafter created, in connection with: (i) promoting the Event, my Presentation; (ii) SLAS’s online learning management system; and (iii) reporting on the Event.</li> <br /> <li><strong>RECORDINGS.</strong> I hereby grant SLAS a worldwide, sub-licensable, irrevocable, exclusive, royalty-free right and license (but not the obligation) to photograph, record and film, in film, audio-video, audio-only, or any other media now known or hereafter created me and my Presentation at the Event (“Recordings”). SLAS is the exclusive owner of the Recordings and has the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works based on, distribute, perform publicly, display publicly, transfer, license, and otherwise use and exploit the Recordings. SLAS will not retain digital or print copies of any materials beyond SLAS’s Recordings. SLAS shall not include SLAS’s recording of my entire Presentation or my Materials in SLAS’s online learning management system (which allows members of the public to access and view presentation recordings and materials) without my written permission. If I give my written permission to SLAS to include my Presentation and Materials on SLAS’s online learning management system (“OLMS License”), SLAS will list my Presentation in the OLMS and include it as a reference for future SLAS coursework/education.</li> <br /> <li><strong>RETAINED RIGHTS.</strong> I hereby retain all rights in my Presentation, my Materials, and my name, photograph, image, likeness, and voice not licensed to SLAS under this Agreement, including my underlying ownership of my Presentation and my Materials.</li> <br /> <li><strong>INSPECTION AND APPROVAL WAIVER.</strong> I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve any use of my Materials, the Recordings, and my name, photograph, image, likeness, and voice, by SLAS, contemplated by this Agreement.</li> <br /> <li><strong>NO FINANCIAL COMPENSATION.</strong> Except as otherwise stated in the speaker resource center, I am not entitled to receive any financial compensation as consideration for this Agreement or the rights granted to SLAS hereunder. I have no right to share in any proceeds enjoyed by SLAS, derived from SLAS’s exploitation of the rights granted to SLAS under this Agreement.</li> <br /> <li><strong>REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.</strong> In addition to any other representations and warranties made by me in this Agreement, I represent and warrant that: (i) I am over the age of 18; (ii) I have all of the legal rights necessary to enter into, perform my obligations under, and grant SLAS the rights stated in this Agreement; (iii) my entering into, performing my obligations under, and granting SLAS the rights stated in this Agreement does not violate applicable law or the rights of any third-party; (iv) my Presentation and Materials will not promote specific goods, services, commercial interests, or my personal business or financial interests; (v) my Presentation and Materials will not contain profanity or content that is defamatory, abusive, harassing, violent, or hateful; (vi) my Presentation and Materials will not denigrate or promote discrimination against any individual or groups of individuals based on their race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, sex, gender (including gender nonconformity and status as a transgender or transsexual individual), age, physical or mental disability, citizenship, military status, or political affiliation; and (vii) I shall comply with all Event venue’s and SLAS’s policies, procedures, rules, guidelines, and directions applicable to my Event participation, Presentation, and Materials. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless SLAS and its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, representatives, contractors, and affiliates from and against all claims by third parties relating to my breach or alleged breach of this Agreement, including or any of the foregoing representations and warranties.</li> <br /> <li><strong>CANCELLATION.</strong> SLAS is entitled to cancel my Presentation and Event participation at any time by notifying me of its decision to do so. If I am unable to provide my Presentation at the Event for any reason, I shall notify SLAS as soon as possible.</li> <br /> <li><strong>WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.</strong> To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, I hereby irrevocably waive all legal and equitable rights relating to all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, and expenses of any kind, including claims for copyright or trademark infringement, defamation, invasion of any rights of privacy, violation of rights of publicity, physical or emotional injury or distress, or any similar claims or causes of action in tort, contract, equity, or any other legal theory, now known or hereafter known in any jurisdiction throughout the world (“Claims”), I may have directly or indirectly against SLAS and any of its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, representatives, contractors, and affiliates (collectively, “Released Persons”) related to: (i) my Event participation, Presentation, Materials, name, photograph, image, likeness, and voice; (ii) the Recordings; and/or (iii) SLAS’s use and exploitation of the rights granted to SLAS under this Agreement. I covenant not to make or bring any Claims against SLAS and the other Released Persons and forever release and Discharge SLAS and the other Released Person from liability under all Claims.</li> <br /> <li><strong>RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES.</strong> This Agreement creates an independent contractor relationship between me and SLAS. This Agreement does not create any other kind of legal relationship between me and SLAS. I am not entitled to contract for or bind SLAS.</li> <br /> <li><strong>GOVERNING LAW, CHOICE OF FORUM, JURY TRIAL WAIVER.</strong> The laws of the State of Illinois, excluding its choice of law rules, govern this Agreement and the federal laws of the United States. A party shall institute any action related to this Agreement in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, or the Illinois state courts located in DuPage County, Illinois. The parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of these courts. Each party hereby waives, to the extent permitted by applicable Law, any right to a trial by jury, in any action between the parties related to this Agreement.</li> <br /> <li><strong>MISCELLANEOUS.</strong> This Agreement inures to the benefit of, and is binding on, the parties and their heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. If there is a conflict between the headings or section numbers and the text of this Agreement, the text controls. No inference, presumption, or conclusion is to be drawn against a party because that party, or its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, representatives, contractors, or affiliates drafted all or any part of this Agreement. If a court having jurisdiction over a dispute between the parties, determines any portion of this Agreement is unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement remains in effect to the extent permitted by applicable law. Upon a determination that any portion of this Agreement is unenforceable, it is the desire of the parties that the court modify this Agreement to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in order that the transaction contemplated by this Agreement may be consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible under applicable law. Provisions in this Agreement, which, by their nature, should apply beyond the termination or conclusion of this Agreement, remain in force after this Agreement’s termination or conclusion. 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