EU consultation confirms demand: long-term funding for Free Software is needed - FSFE
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There are files entering or leaving the building on the left side, the building looks modern and full of plants and you can see lines of code on its fachade. There are people walking around it"> </figure> <p> <a href="/news/2024/">In response to the European Commission's €27 million budget cut for Free Software projects</a> this summer, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) has been demanding sustainable, long-term funding for Software Freedom. Last September, <a href="/news/2024/">the FSFE participated in the European Commission’s public consultation</a> on the Digital Europe Programme’s interim evaluation. FSFE stressed that reliable long-term funding for Free Software is essential to drive Europe’s digitization efforts towards sovereignty and control over technology. </p> <p> The results of the interim evaluation <a href="">were presented</a> today, and they show that <a href="/news/2024/">the FSFE’s call to action, based on our answers, was heard</a>. Nearly 800 answers were received, —an unusually high number for such consultations. In the open-ended responses, participants highlighted Free Software as a vital component of Europe’s digital future. Additionally, many respondents highlighted Free Software’s role in enhancing cross-border collaboration and argued that stable, dedicated funding for Software Freedom would maximize the impact and value of Europe’s digital agenda. This feedback not only emphasizes the importance of Free Software and its sustainable funding for European digital policy, but also demonstrates the value of public input and the need to provide citizens with meaningful tools to share their opinions. </p> <p></p> <blockquote> “The strong response from the public underscores what the FSFE has been pointing out for years: Free Software is an essential tool for a sovereign, transparent, collaborative, and innovative digital Europe. Therefore Software Freedom must be supported with long-term funding",<cite> says Alexander Sander, FSFE Senior Policy Consultant.</cite> </blockquote> <p></p> <p> The FSFE would like to thank everyone who contributed to the consultation. Let’s keep working together for a sustainable funding model for Free Software in Europe! More details on this important issue will be covered in our next episode of the <a href="/news/">Software Freedom Podcast</a> and on <a href=".html"></a>. Stay tuned! </p> <p><em>Support our work for Software Freedom! 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