Securly Careers - Find the perfect job opening for you

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It means working in a collaborative atmosphere as dynamic and culturally diverse as the United Nations. It means that when you’re asked how your day was, you can honestly answer, “It was awesome!” </p> <div class="securlyhome"> <a href="#job-board" class="btn white-btn blue-btn view-link">See current openings</a> </div> </div> <div class="newGrid_container career-section"> <div class="rows items-center"> <article class="columns-6"> <h2>Our mission</h2> <p>We’re powered by one purpose: to keep students safe, at school, home, and everywhere in-between. By directly serving school districts everywhere, we’re proactively addressing student safety and wellness concerns before they become terrible statistics, as well as fostering safe and focused learning environments. Keeping kids healthy, engaged, and inspired is what drives each and every one of us.</p> </article> <aside class="columns-6"> <img src="" alt="People interacting with each other at a workplace"> </aside> </div> </div> <div class="perks-section"> <div class="newGrid_container career-section"> <div class="rows items-center"> <div class="columns-6"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Professionals participating in various fun activities at workplace"> </div> <aside class="columns-6"> <h2>Perks and benefits</h2> <p>In addition to having a positive impact on millions of kids and working alongside the most talented coworkers you’ll ever know, full-time employees in the US receive:</p> <ul class="perks"> <li>Flexible time-off policy</li> <li>401k</li> <li>Company-sponsored health benefits</li> <li>An environment that shuns red tape and politics</li> <li>Continued learning and other empowering opportunities</li> <li>Breakfasts, lunches, and happy hours</li> <li>Fully stocked kitchen</li> <li>Game room</li> </ul> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="jobs-section"> <div class="newGrid_container openPositions-section"> <div class="rows items-center"> <div class="columns-12"> <h2>Open positions</h2> <p>If you're the owner of an active brain, a good soul, get stimulated by constant challenges, are committed to going the extra mile and want a great place to deliver your best work ever, we would like to hear from you.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Custom job board starts --> <div class="panel-group custom-job-board" id="job-board"> </div> <!-- Custom job board ends --> <div class="center-form"> <div class="form-white-container"> <h2>Join our talent community</h2> <h3>Don’t see your dream job? 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