Newsletters On The Heraldscotland
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1.48828C9.24609 1.30859 9.35156 1.14844 9.49219 1.00781C9.77344 0.726561 10.1094 0.585938 10.5 0.585938C10.8906 0.585938 11.2266 0.726561 11.5078 1.00781C11.6484 1.14844 11.75 1.30469 11.8125 1.47656C11.875 1.64844 11.9063 1.82812 11.9063 2.01563L11.9063 9.09375Z" /> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterMinus.html --> <svg class="icon-minus" xmlns="" width="21" height="5" viewBox="0 0 21 5"> <rect y="0.75" width="21" height="3.5" rx="1.75"/> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterLoading.html --> <span class="iconify icon-loading" data-icon="eos-icons:bubble-loading"></span> </div> <div class="subscribed hidden">Subscribed</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- standard - NewsletterCard.html --> <div class="newsletter-card-container"> <div class=""> <img src="/resources/images/19132558/?type=newsletter-promo" alt="Transport promo image" /> </div> <div class="newsletter-card "> <div class="card-info"> <div class="recurrence">Every Monday and Thursday at 6pm</div> <div 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20.2813 9.51563 20.0156C9.375 19.875 9.26953 19.7148 9.19922 19.5352C9.12891 19.3555 9.09375 19.1719 9.09375 18.9844L9.07031 11.9297L2.01563 11.9063C1.82812 11.9063 1.64844 11.875 1.47656 11.8125C1.30469 11.75 1.14844 11.6484 1.00781 11.5078C0.726561 11.2266 0.585938 10.8906 0.585938 10.5C0.585938 10.1094 0.718749 9.78125 0.984375 9.51563C1.125 9.375 1.28516 9.26953 1.46484 9.19922C1.64453 9.12891 1.82812 9.09375 2.01563 9.09375H9.09375V2.01562C9.07813 1.84375 9.10547 1.66797 9.17578 1.48828C9.24609 1.30859 9.35156 1.14844 9.49219 1.00781C9.77344 0.726561 10.1094 0.585938 10.5 0.585938C10.8906 0.585938 11.2266 0.726561 11.5078 1.00781C11.6484 1.14844 11.75 1.30469 11.8125 1.47656C11.875 1.64844 11.9063 1.82812 11.9063 2.01563L11.9063 9.09375Z" /> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterMinus.html --> <svg class="icon-minus" xmlns="" width="21" height="5" viewBox="0 0 21 5"> <rect y="0.75" width="21" height="3.5" rx="1.75"/> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterLoading.html --> <span 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9.10547 1.66797 9.17578 1.48828C9.24609 1.30859 9.35156 1.14844 9.49219 1.00781C9.77344 0.726561 10.1094 0.585938 10.5 0.585938C10.8906 0.585938 11.2266 0.726561 11.5078 1.00781C11.6484 1.14844 11.75 1.30469 11.8125 1.47656C11.875 1.64844 11.9063 1.82812 11.9063 2.01563L11.9063 9.09375Z" /> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterMinus.html --> <svg class="icon-minus" xmlns="" width="21" height="5" viewBox="0 0 21 5"> <rect y="0.75" width="21" height="3.5" rx="1.75"/> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterLoading.html --> <span class="iconify icon-loading" data-icon="eos-icons:bubble-loading"></span> </div> <div class="subscribed hidden">Subscribed</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- standard - NewsletterCard.html --> <div class="newsletter-card-container"> <div class=""> <img src="/resources/images/17520727/?type=newsletter-promo" alt="Herald Voices promo image" /> </div> <div class="newsletter-card "> <div class="card-info"> <div class="recurrence">Daily at 11am</div> <div 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10.8906 20.4141 10.5 20.4141C10.1094 20.4141 9.78125 20.2813 9.51563 20.0156C9.375 19.875 9.26953 19.7148 9.19922 19.5352C9.12891 19.3555 9.09375 19.1719 9.09375 18.9844L9.07031 11.9297L2.01563 11.9063C1.82812 11.9063 1.64844 11.875 1.47656 11.8125C1.30469 11.75 1.14844 11.6484 1.00781 11.5078C0.726561 11.2266 0.585938 10.8906 0.585938 10.5C0.585938 10.1094 0.718749 9.78125 0.984375 9.51563C1.125 9.375 1.28516 9.26953 1.46484 9.19922C1.64453 9.12891 1.82812 9.09375 2.01563 9.09375H9.09375V2.01562C9.07813 1.84375 9.10547 1.66797 9.17578 1.48828C9.24609 1.30859 9.35156 1.14844 9.49219 1.00781C9.77344 0.726561 10.1094 0.585938 10.5 0.585938C10.8906 0.585938 11.2266 0.726561 11.5078 1.00781C11.6484 1.14844 11.75 1.30469 11.8125 1.47656C11.875 1.64844 11.9063 1.82812 11.9063 2.01563L11.9063 9.09375Z" /> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterMinus.html --> <svg class="icon-minus" xmlns="" width="21" height="5" viewBox="0 0 21 5"> <rect y="0.75" width="21" height="3.5" rx="1.75"/> </svg> <!-- 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9.09375H9.09375V2.01562C9.07813 1.84375 9.10547 1.66797 9.17578 1.48828C9.24609 1.30859 9.35156 1.14844 9.49219 1.00781C9.77344 0.726561 10.1094 0.585938 10.5 0.585938C10.8906 0.585938 11.2266 0.726561 11.5078 1.00781C11.6484 1.14844 11.75 1.30469 11.8125 1.47656C11.875 1.64844 11.9063 1.82812 11.9063 2.01563L11.9063 9.09375Z" /> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterMinus.html --> <svg class="icon-minus" xmlns="" width="21" height="5" viewBox="0 0 21 5"> <rect y="0.75" width="21" height="3.5" rx="1.75"/> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterLoading.html --> <span class="iconify icon-loading" data-icon="eos-icons:bubble-loading"></span> </div> <div class="subscribed hidden">Subscribed</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- standard - NewsletterCard.html --> <div class="newsletter-card-container"> <div class=""> <img src="/resources/images/17692825/?type=newsletter-promo" alt="The Herald Diary promo image" /> </div> <div class="newsletter-card "> <div class="card-info"> <div class="recurrence">Weekdays at 9am</div> <div class="title">The Herald Diary</div> <div class="description">Going strong for half a century, The Diary finds the sublime and the ridiculous in Scottish life.</div> <a href="/newsletters/bulletin/2255/" target="_blank"> <span class="preview-link">Preview</span> </a> <div class="action-button " data-bulletin-id="2255" data-bulletin-subscription-id="" data-uses-js="newsletter-subscribe" > <!-- standard - IconNewsletterPlus.html --> <svg class="icon-plus" xmlns="" width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9063 9.09375L18.9844 9.09375C19.1719 9.09375 19.3555 9.12891 19.5352 9.19922C19.7148 9.26953 19.875 9.375 20.0156 9.51563C20.2813 9.78125 20.4141 10.1094 20.4141 10.5C20.4141 10.8906 20.2734 11.2266 19.9922 11.5078C19.8516 11.6484 19.6914 11.7539 19.5117 11.8242C19.332 11.8945 19.1563 11.9219 18.9844 11.9063L11.9063 11.9063L11.9063 18.9844C11.9063 19.1719 11.8711 19.3555 11.8008 19.5352C11.7305 19.7148 11.625 19.875 11.4844 20.0156C11.2188 20.2813 10.8906 20.4141 10.5 20.4141C10.1094 20.4141 9.78125 20.2813 9.51563 20.0156C9.375 19.875 9.26953 19.7148 9.19922 19.5352C9.12891 19.3555 9.09375 19.1719 9.09375 18.9844L9.07031 11.9297L2.01563 11.9063C1.82812 11.9063 1.64844 11.875 1.47656 11.8125C1.30469 11.75 1.14844 11.6484 1.00781 11.5078C0.726561 11.2266 0.585938 10.8906 0.585938 10.5C0.585938 10.1094 0.718749 9.78125 0.984375 9.51563C1.125 9.375 1.28516 9.26953 1.46484 9.19922C1.64453 9.12891 1.82812 9.09375 2.01563 9.09375H9.09375V2.01562C9.07813 1.84375 9.10547 1.66797 9.17578 1.48828C9.24609 1.30859 9.35156 1.14844 9.49219 1.00781C9.77344 0.726561 10.1094 0.585938 10.5 0.585938C10.8906 0.585938 11.2266 0.726561 11.5078 1.00781C11.6484 1.14844 11.75 1.30469 11.8125 1.47656C11.875 1.64844 11.9063 1.82812 11.9063 2.01563L11.9063 9.09375Z" /> </svg> <!-- standard - IconNewsletterMinus.html --> <svg class="icon-minus" xmlns="" width="21" height="5" viewBox="0 0 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