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Regional, municipal, and northern library system boards are major contributors to SILS. The Government of Saskatchewan also provides support to the consortium, including the service which moves hundreds of bins of library materials around the province every week.</p> <p><strong>ONE PROVINCE, ONE LIBRARY CARD</strong></p> <p>One library card provides residents of Saskatchewan with easy access to materials held at over 300 public library branches across the province.</p> <p>Every year, thousands of library patrons located in both central and remote communities take advantage of the easy-to-use province-wide catalogue and the cooperation between public library systems to seamlessly request, borrow, and return items from anywhere in Saskatchewan.</p> <p>As a result of this wide-spread access and cooperative approach, public library boards across the province have seen an increased demand for library services.</p> <p><strong>WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR ME?</strong></p> <p>As a resident of Saskatchewan, you have fast, convenient, and equitable access to public library services and materials.</p> <ul> <li>Public library holdings for the entire province are accessible anywhere through a single online catalogue.</li> <li>You can request to have materials from anywhere in the province delivered to your preferred library location, such as the branch closest to home or work, and return them to whichever library is most convenient when you’re finished with them.</li> <li>With your library card, you have 24/7 access to a province-wide collection of digital library materials from any computer or mobile device with internet access.</li> <li>You have the option of managing your library account and renewing materials online and can receive email, telephone, or text notifications regarding the status of your materials.</li> <li>If you can’t get to the library personally, you have the option of either linking your account permanently to a friend or family member to allow them to pick up your holds at any time, or of temporarily transferring your card so they can sign out materials for you.</li> <li>SILS provides access to leading edge technology through constant updates and the development of new services that improve patrons’ online library experience and access to electronic materials.</li> </ul> </section> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer__content"> <nav class="footer__menu_wrapper"> <ul class="footer__menu"> <li class="footer__link"><a href="/privacy-policy" class="link-footer">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li class="footer__link"><a href="/app" class="link-footer">Mobile App</a></li> <li class="footer__link"><a href="/contact-us" class="link-footer">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </nav> <div class="footer__legal">Saskatchewan Information and Library Services Consortium Inc. &copy;2024</div> </div> </footer> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var rellax = new Rellax('.parallax', { center: true, }); </script> </html>

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