Aide : 茅diter synonyme @ omdb

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This possibility exists for movies, series, people, companies, keywords and movie characters.</p> <h2>Alternative titles (movies, series)</h2> <p>Movie titles are usually adapted to the different language areas. As an alternative to the original title, other titles that were given to a movie can also be specified. On movie pages (movies, movie series, series, seasons and episodes) you will find an overview of alternative titles for this movie on the right-hand side at the bottom.</p> <p>Clicking on &#8220;edit&#8221; opens a window where you can now specify the desired local or alternative title. Please select the appropriate language and confirm with &#8220;OK&#8221;.</p> <p>Other titles can easily be removed by pressing the &#8220;Edit&#8221; button in the title overview and then &#8220;Current names&#8221; in the new window. All other titles that have been created are displayed here. With a click on &#8220;delete&#8221; you can remove the unwanted titles.</p> <h2>Also known as&#8230; (Persons)</h2> <p>There are often several names for one and the same person. Some people have adopted a stage name, others have become known by an abbreviation, and still others simply have multiple first names or surnames in reality.</p> <p>On person pages you will find an overview of the different names of a person on the right-hand side. Clicking on &#8220;edit&#8221; opens a new window in which you can now enter the name or names by which a person is also known.</p> <h2>Synonyms (company, plot keywords, characters)</h2> <p>Synonymous names can be created for all companies, keywords and characters. Sometimes it can happen that a genre is known by several names (e.g. the genre &#8220;retro SF&#8221; is synonymous with &#8220;retro futurisms&#8221; or &#8220;retro science fiction&#8221;). The function of synonyms is that no pages have to be created twice, but e.g. categories that mean similar things can be combined under one page.</p> <p>On one of the above-mentioned pages you will find an overview of all synonyms on the right-hand side. Clicking on &#8220;edit&#8221; opens a window where you can now enter the desired synonym. Please select the appropriate language and confirm with &#8220;OK&#8221;.</p> <p>Synonyms can be easily removed by clicking on the &#8220;Edit&#8221; button in the overview and then on &#8220;Current names&#8221; in the new window. All synonyms that have been created are displayed here. With a click on &#8220;delete&#8221; you can remove the unwanted synonym.</p><div id="content-overflow"><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementsByClassName('wiki-content')[0].style.maxHeight='none';document.getElementById('content-overflow').style.display='none'; return false;">plus ...</a></div><script>var cont=document.getElementsByClassName("wiki-content")[0];if (cont.offsetHeight > cont.offsetWidth*1.7+150) {*1.7+"px";"hidden";"relative";document.getElementById("content-overflow").style.display="block";} </script> </div> <div id="wiki-actions"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="small"> <p>Toutes les informations sur cette page sont autoris茅es par licence sous les termes de licence Creative Commons. 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