Download 2025 JAMB CBT Software – UTME Practice Made Easy

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" sizes="(max-width: 1600px) 100vw, 1600px" alt="Get JAMB CBT Software and Pass UTME with Over 30,000 Questions" > </picture> <p>Get ready to ace the 2025 JAMB UTME exam with ease!</p> <p>Exams don’t have to be a struggle when you plan your study time, stay focused, and work smart. Believing in yourself gives you a winning edge, and we’re here to help you succeed.</p> <p> Introducing the MySchoolGist JAMB CBT Software – the ultimate tool to boost your preparation. This isn’t just another practice app; it’s crafted to give you an advantage, helping you improve your scores with targeted practice. </p> <p>With this software, you can assess your readiness, build confidence, and sharpen your skills for the CBT exams.</p> <p>Each licence is for one device only, so grab yours now and start your journey to success today!</p> <section aria-labelledby="toc-heading" class="table-of-contents"> <h2 id="toc-heading">Table of Contents</h2> <ul id="toc-list"> <li><a href="#download">Download Now!</a></li> <li><a href="#works">How it works</a></li> <li> <a href="#stand-out">What Makes This Software Stand Out</a> <ul> <li><a href="#jamb-past-questions">Over 30,000 JAMB Questions with Answers</a></li> <li><a href="#no-internet">No Internet Required</a></li> <li><a href="#practice-modes">Two Powerful Practice Modes</a></li> <li><a href="#jamb-syllabus">Complete JAMB Syllabus</a></li> <li><a href="#exam-interface">Realistic Exam Interface</a></li> <li><a href="#jamb-calculator">Built-In JAMB Calculator</a></li> <li><a href="#score-breakdown">Score Breakdown and Progress Reports</a></li> <li><a href="#one-time-payment">One-Time Payment</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#activation-code">Activation Code</a></li> <li><a href="#activate">How to Activate</a></li> <li><a href="#testimonials">Testimonials!</a></li> <li><a href="#disclaimer">Disclaimer</a></li> </ul> </section> <h2 id="download" class="mead">Download Now!</h2> <div class="up"> <p><span class="b">For Windows</span>: <a href="">Download the software on your computer</a> and start practising right away.</p> <p> <span class="b">For Android</span>: An <a href="">Android version is available for mobile users</a>. Practise anywhere with your phone or tablet.<br > <a href="">Learn more about the JAMB CBT APP</a>.<br > <br > CONTACTS:<br > Email -<br > Phone Number - 09155269270 </p> <p><a class="my-but" href="">CHAT On Whatsapp</a></p> </div> <h2 id="works">How it works</h2> <p>One of the standout features of MySchoolGist JAMB CBT Software is its ability to create randomised questions from past JAMB/UTME exams.</p> <p>This gives you a true-to-life exam experience, helping you practice in a way that’s both effective and realistic.</p> <p>The software automatically sets the exam duration, scores your answers, and provides a detailed report of your performance.</p> <p>This includes grading your responses and showing your results, making it clear where you’re doing well and where there’s room for improvement.</p> <p>To enhance your learning, we’ve included detailed explanations for each answer, ensuring you fully grasp the material.</p> <p>With this tool, you won’t just pass the JAMB UTME exam easily—you’ll also gain knowledge that will benefit you long after the exam.</p> <h2 id="stand-out">What Makes This Software Stand Out</h2> <p>“Get access to features that take your preparation to the next level.”</p> <h3 id="jamb-past-questions">Over 30,000 JAMB Questions with Answers</h3> <p>“Master every subject with a massive collection of <a href="">real past JAMB questions</a>.”</p> <p>Each question includes clear explanations to help you understand and improve. You’ll cover all 25 JAMB subjects without needing separate materials.</p> <h3 id="no-internet">No Internet Required</h3> <p>“Practise anywhere, anytime—no data needed!”</p> <p>Once installed, the software works offline. This makes it perfect for uninterrupted study sessions.</p> <h3 id="practice-modes">Two Powerful Practice Modes</h3> <p>“Choose how you want to practise and learn.”</p> <ul> <li><span class="b">Study Mode</span>: Go at your own pace and review answers for better understanding.</li> <li><span class="b">Exam Mode</span>: Simulate a timed test that feels just like the real UTME.</li> </ul> <h3 id="jamb-syllabus">Complete JAMB Syllabus</h3> <p>“Stop searching for extra materials. Everything you need is built in!”</p> <p>The software includes the full <a href="">JAMB syllabus</a>, ensuring you cover every topic the exam might test.</p> <h3 id="exam-interface">Realistic Exam Interface</h3> <p>“Feel like you’re taking the real UTME before the actual day.”</p> <p>The software mirrors the official JAMB layout and includes the eight exam keys (A, B, C, D, P, N, S, R).</p> <h3 id="jamb-calculator">Built-In JAMB Calculator</h3> <p>“No need for extra tools—this software has everything.”</p> <p>The software includes a calculator that matches the one in the JAMB UTME. Practise solving questions just like in the real exam.</p> <h3 id="score-breakdown">Score Breakdown and Progress Reports</h3> <p>“See where you stand and what to improve on.”</p> <p>After each session, you’ll get a detailed report showing your scores and weak areas. This helps you focus on topics that need more work.</p> <h3 id="one-time-payment">One-Time Payment</h3> <p>“Pay once and use it —no subscriptions!”</p> <p>The software is yours after a one-time payment. There are no hidden fees or additional costs.</p> <h2 id="activation-code">Activation Code</h2> <p> Although the MySchoolGist JAMB practice software can be downloaded for FREE via the link provided at the end of the post, it&#8217;s important to note that it&#8217;s a licensed application and to enjoy its full functionality, a license fee must be paid. </p> <p>However, it&#8217;s worth mentioning that a demo of the product is available for use before making any payments.</p> <p>For just <span class="b">₦3,000</span>, we are offering the activation code/license for our software.</p> <p>It&#8217;s important to note that purchasing JAMB past questions for four subjects can cost between ₦10,000 to ₦16,000.</p> <p>However, with our software, you have access to 24 different subjects, which means you&#8217;re not limited to just four subjects.</p> <p>Additionally, multiple individuals can use the application, even if they&#8217;re taking different courses.</p> <h2 id="activate">How to Activate</h2> <p>You can activate the CBT Software using your <span class="b">Bank Card</span> (Automated Response). You will be able to do that after installing the software.</p> <p>Alternatively, activation can also be donw via <span class="b">Bank Transfer/Deposit</span>:</p> <ul class="oneli"> <li> Make a payment of ₦3,000 (three thousand naira only) to the account number below<br > BANK NAME: <span class="b"> Access Bank<br > ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1547352193<br > ACCOUNT NAME : MYSCHOOLGIST WEB SERVICES </span> </li> <li>After payment, text/whatsapp the following: Depositor&#8217;s Name, Product Key (click on activate to see your product key) to <span class="b">09155269270</span></li> <li>An activation code (13 alphanumeric characters) will be sent to you</li> <li>Click on activate and select I have an activation code</li> <li>Enter the 13 alphanumeric characters activation code and click activate</li> </ul> <h2 id="testimonials">Testimonials!</h2> <p>Below are some of the testimonials we received:</p> <blockquote aria-labelledby="quote-source-1"> I&#8217;m Joel, a cybercafe owner in Lagos. I use this practice software on over 50 computers in my facility. So far, it has been excellent! <cite id="quote-source-1">– Joel, Lagos</cite> </blockquote> <blockquote aria-labelledby="quote-source-2"> &#8220;MySchoolGist CBT Practice Software is versatile, I think I have finally found a CBT practice companion that can teach me things on the level I am looking for! I find it so incredible.&#8221; <cite id="quote-source-2">– Abayomi, Abeokuta</cite> </blockquote> <blockquote aria-labelledby="quote-source-3"> &#8220;Just a note to express my appreciation for the outstanding service that I receive from this CBT practice Software. Few companies today offer this ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction.&#8221; <cite id="quote-source-3">– Becky, Lagos</cite> </blockquote> <blockquote aria-labelledby="quote-source-4"> &#8220;Doing business with your company has been a true pleasure for me. I have been impressed with the quick response and professional approach your company has offered me. Keep up the good work.&#8221; <cite id="quote-source-4">– Kikelomo, Osun</cite> </blockquote> <p>We have received a series of awesome testimonies from many users of our product. You can also be the next happy user. You won&#8217;t regret getting one.</p> <h2 id="disclaimer">Disclaimer</h2> <p>The questions contained in this software are not in any way inferred as the original questions you will write in your 2025 JAMB UTME.</p> <p>We do not provide students with any material that promotes examination malpractice.</p> <p>The contents on this website are purely educational and suited for students preparing for the said exams.</p> <hr > </article> </main> <footer id="site-footer" class="copyrights"> <div id="copyright-note" style="text-align: center;"> <p class="c">Copyright &copy; 2012 - 2025 MySchoolGist</p> <p class="c"> MySchoolGist Web Services is a registered publisher and marketing solutions provider in Nigeria. It publishes, a leading digital publication that covers the latest educational trends, career opportunities, and current news. </p> </div> <script> function noEmptySubmissions(e) { if ("" === e.querySelector('input[type="text"][name="s"]').value.trim()) { alert("⚠️ The search field cannot be empty. Please submit a query."); return !1; } return !0; } </script> </footer> </body> </html>

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