All on six treatment - Smile Makeover Marmaris
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All on six provides a surgical procedure option to replace the entire set of teeth on the lower or upper (or the two) jaw using just six titanium dental implants, strategically placed at precise positions and certain angles. It can serve as a solidbase to create a permanent full-bridge (an chored by six implants bonded to the jaw) that looks natural solid, sturdy, and permanently fixed in place. It provides the functionality and bitesquality you'd like in a natural tooth.</p> <p align="justify">The All On Six implant procedure is an in genious surgical procedure for people who've lost a majority orall of their teeth and suffer from loose dentures. It is a procedure that All on six provides a surgical procedure option to replaceall of the teeth on the lower or upper (o reach) jaw using just six titanium dental implants, placed precisely in strategic locations and at a specific angle. It will serve as a solid foundation that can provide a fixed bridge (anchored by six implants bonded to the jaw) that looks natural solid, sturdy and is permanently in place, providing the function and bite-quality one would think of a natural tooth.</p><br><br> <div class="widget-title">Benefits of All-On-6</div> <p align="justify"><br>-Also appears and be haves like natural teeth.<br> -The All On Four dental implants are customized to enhance your face shape and provide you with the most beautiful, natural smile you've ever seen.<br> -You can eat what ever you like<br> -All 4 oral implants will not restrict your food choices like traditional dentures.<br> -From sweet and sticky nuts to hot soup, you can continue to enjoy all the foods you love.<br> -Easy to wash<br> -The text below for an easy way to intro duce additional information.<br> -It saves you time and money.<br> -You don't want to sit longer at the dentist's chair that is is necessary. <br>-The refore, one of the greatest advantages is that it's only a one-time money and time investment. <br>-Time is money, and All-on-6 can save you both time. </p><br><br> <br> <p align="justify">Please send us email to get further information and get pricing. </p> </div> </div> </section> <hr> </div> </main> <!--/ page content --> <!-- page footer --> <footer class="page-footer"> <div class="grid-row"> <div class="grid-col grid-col-6"> <!-- last news --> <section class="widget-alt last-news"> <div class="widget-title">Smile Makeover in Marmaris</div> <p align="justify">Smile Makeover Marmaris Clinic has advanced technology and a multi-disciplinary team of highly trained professionals to provide the perfect smile. </p> <p align="justify">This team is attentive to the complete approach to the treatment process, which is that it is not just about the aesthetic aspect of the treatment but also the functional aspects of chewing and phonetics. </p> <p align="justify">Don't be worried about your oral health. Smile Makeover Marmaris will perfectly do it for you. Assures you the satisfaction you deserve.</p> </section> <!--/ last news --> </div> <div class="grid-col grid-col-6"> <!-- location --> <section class="widget-alt location"> <div class="widget-title">Location</div> <address>Tepe mh. Kordon cad.57 sk. Kortun Apt. 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