Debian -- List of sections in "sid"

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Do not install them on a normal system!</dd> <dt><a href="debug/">Debug packages</a></dt> <dd>Packages providing debugging information for executables and shared libraries.</dd> <dt><a href="devel/">Development</a></dt> <dd>Development utilities, compilers, development environments, libraries, etc.</dd> <dt><a href="doc/">Documentation</a></dt> <dd>FAQs, HOWTOs and other documents trying to explain everything related to Debian, and software needed to browse documentation (man, info, etc).</dd> <dt><a href="editors/">Editors</a></dt> <dd>Software to edit files. Programming environments.</dd> <dt><a href="education/">Education</a></dt> <dd>Software for learning and teaching.</dd> <dt><a href="electronics/">Electronics</a></dt> <dd>Electronics utilities.</dd> <dt><a href="embedded/">Embedded software</a></dt> <dd>Software suitable for use in embedded applications.</dd> <dt><a href="fonts/">Fonts</a></dt> <dd>Font packages.</dd> <dt><a href="games/">Games</a></dt> <dd>Programs to spend a nice time with after all this setting up.</dd> <dt><a href="gnome/">GNOME</a></dt> <dd>The GNOME desktop environment, a powerful, easy to use set of integrated applications.</dd> <dt><a href="gnu-r/">GNU R</a></dt> <dd>Everything about GNU R, a statistical computation and graphics system.</dd> <dt><a href="gnustep/">GNUstep</a></dt> <dd>The GNUstep environment.</dd> <dt><a href="golang/">Go</a></dt> <dd>Go programming language, libraries, and development tools.</dd> <dt><a href="graphics/">Graphics</a></dt> <dd>Editors, viewers, converters... Everything to become an artist.</dd> <dt><a href="hamradio/">Ham Radio</a></dt> <dd>Software for ham radio.</dd> <dt><a href="haskell/">Haskell</a></dt> <dd>Everything about Haskell.</dd> <dt><a href="httpd/">Web Servers</a></dt> <dd>Web servers and their modules.</dd> <dt><a href="interpreters/">Interpreters</a></dt> <dd>All kind of interpreters for interpreted languages. Macro processors.</dd> <dt><a href="introspection/">Introspection</a></dt> <dd>Machine readable introspection data for use by development tools.</dd> <dt><a href="java/">Java</a></dt> <dd>Everything about Java.</dd> <dt><a href="javascript/">JavaScript</a></dt> <dd>JavaScript programming language, libraries, and development tools.</dd> <dt><a href="kde/">KDE</a></dt> <dd>The K Desktop Environment, a powerful, easy to use set of integrated applications.</dd> <dt><a href="kernel/">Kernels</a></dt> <dd>Operating System Kernels and related modules.</dd> <dt><a href="libdevel/">Library development</a></dt> <dd>Libraries necessary for developers to write programs that use them.</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- end lefthalfcol --> <div id="righthalfcol"> <dl> <dt><a href="libs/">Libraries</a></dt> <dd>Libraries to make other programs work. They provide special features to developers.</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- end lefthalfcol --> <div id="righthalfcol"> <dl> <dt><a href="lisp/">Lisp</a></dt> <dd>Everything about Lisp.</dd> <dt><a href="localization/">Language packs</a></dt> <dd>Localization support for big software packages.</dd> <dt><a href="mail/">Mail</a></dt> <dd>Programs to route, read, and compose E-mail messages.</dd> <dt><a href="math/">Mathematics</a></dt> <dd>Math software.</dd> <dt><a href="metapackages/">Meta packages</a></dt> <dd>Packages that mainly provide dependencies on other packages.</dd> <dt><a href="misc/">Miscellaneous</a></dt> <dd>Miscellaneous utilities that didn't fit well anywhere else.</dd> <dt><a href="net/">Network</a></dt> <dd>Daemons and clients to connect your system to the world.</dd> <dt><a href="news/">Newsgroups</a></dt> <dd>Software to access Usenet, to set up news servers, etc.</dd> <dt><a href="ocaml/">OCaml</a></dt> <dd>Everything about OCaml, an ML language implementation.</dd> <dt><a href="oldlibs/">Old Libraries</a></dt> <dd>Old versions of libraries, kept for backward compatibility with old applications.</dd> <dt><a href="otherosfs/">Other OS's and file systems</a></dt> <dd>Software to run programs compiled for other operating systems, and to use their filesystems.</dd> <dt><a href="perl/">Perl</a></dt> <dd>Everything about Perl, an interpreted scripting language.</dd> <dt><a href="php/">PHP</a></dt> <dd>Everything about PHP.</dd> <dt><a href="python/">Python</a></dt> <dd>Everything about Python, an interpreted, interactive object oriented language.</dd> <dt><a href="ruby/">Ruby</a></dt> <dd>Everything about Ruby, an interpreted object oriented language.</dd> <dt><a href="rust/">Rust</a></dt> <dd>Rust programming language, library crates, and development tools</dd> <dt><a href="science/">Science</a></dt> <dd>Basic tools for scientific work</dd> <dt><a href="shells/">Shells</a></dt> <dd>Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners.</dd> <dt><a href="sound/">Sound</a></dt> <dd>Utilities to deal with sound: mixers, players, recorders, CD players, etc.</dd> <dt><a href="tasks/">Tasks</a></dt> <dd>Packages that are used by 'tasksel', a simple interface for users who want to configure their system to perform a specific task.</dd> <dt><a href="tex/">TeX</a></dt> <dd>The famous typesetting software and related programs.</dd> <dt><a href="text/">Text Processing</a></dt> <dd>Utilities to format and print text documents.</dd> <dt><a href="utils/">Utilities</a></dt> <dd>Utilities for file/disk manipulation, backup and archive tools, system monitoring, input systems, etc.</dd> <dt><a href="vcs/">Version Control Systems</a></dt> <dd>Version control systems and related utilities.</dd> <dt><a href="video/">Video</a></dt> <dd>Video viewers, editors, recording, streaming.</dd> <dt><a href="virtual/">Virtual packages</a></dt> <dd>Virtual packages.</dd> <dt><a href="web/">Web Software</a></dt> <dd>Web servers, browsers, proxies, download tools etc.</dd> <dt><a href="x11/">X Window System software</a></dt> <dd>X servers, libraries, window managers, terminal emulators and many related applications.</dd> <dt><a href="xfce/">Xfce</a></dt> <dd>Xfce, a fast and lightweight Desktop Environment.</dd> <dt><a href="zope/">Zope/Plone Framework</a></dt> <dd>Zope Application Server and Plone Content Managment System.</dd> </dl></div> <p class="psmallcenter"> <a href="allpackages" title="List of all packages">All packages</a><br> (<a href="allpackages?format=txt.gz">compact compressed textlist</a>) </p> </div> <!-- end inner --> <div id="footer"> <hr class="hidecss"> <!--UdmComment--> <div id="pageLang"> <div id="langSelector"> <p>This page is also available in the following languages (How to set <a href="">the default document language</a>):</p> <div id="langContainer"> <a href="/bg/sid/" title="Bulgarian" hreflang="bg" lang="bg" rel="alternate">&#1041;&#1098;&#1083;&#1075;&#1072;&#1088;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080; (B&#601;lgarski)</a> <a href="/de/sid/" title="German" hreflang="de" lang="de" rel="alternate">Deutsch</a> <a href="/fi/sid/" title="Finnish" hreflang="fi" lang="fi" rel="alternate">suomi</a> <a href="/fr/sid/" title="French" hreflang="fr" lang="fr" rel="alternate">fran&ccedil;ais</a> <a href="/hu/sid/" title="Hungarian" hreflang="hu" lang="hu" rel="alternate">magyar</a> <a href="/ja/sid/" title="Japanese" hreflang="ja" lang="ja" rel="alternate">&#26085;&#26412;&#35486; (Nihongo)</a> <a href="/nl/sid/" title="Dutch" hreflang="nl" lang="nl" rel="alternate">Nederlands</a> <a href="/pl/sid/" title="Polish" hreflang="pl" lang="pl" rel="alternate">polski</a> <a href="/ru/sid/" title="Russian" hreflang="ru" lang="ru" rel="alternate">&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081; (Russkij)</a> <a href="/sk/sid/" title="Slovak" hreflang="sk" lang="sk" rel="alternate">slovensky</a> <a href="/sv/sid/" title="Swedish" hreflang="sv" lang="sv" rel="alternate">svenska</a> <a href="/tr/sid/" title="Turkish" hreflang="tr" lang="tr" rel="alternate">T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e</a> <a href="/uk/sid/" title="Ukrainian" hreflang="uk" lang="uk" rel="alternate">&#1091;&#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1111;&#1085;&#1089;&#1100;&#1082;&#1072; (ukrajins'ka)</a> <a href="/zh-cn/sid/" title="Chinese (China)" hreflang="zh-cn" lang="zh-cn" rel="alternate">&#20013;&#25991; (Zhongwen,&#31616;)</a> <a href="/zh-tw/sid/" title="Chinese (Taiwan)" hreflang="zh-tw" lang="zh-tw" rel="alternate">&#20013;&#25991; (Zhongwen,&#32321;)</a> </div> </div> </div> <!--/UdmComment--> <hr class="hidecss"> <div id="fineprint" class="bordertop"> <div id="impressum"> <p>See our <a href="">contact page</a> to get in touch.</p> <p> Content Copyright &copy; 1997 - 2025 <a href="">SPI Inc.</a>; See <a href="">license terms</a>. Debian is a <a href="">trademark</a> of SPI Inc. <a href="/about/">Learn more about this site</a>.</p> </div> <!-- end impressum --> <div id="sponsorfooter"><p> This service is sponsored by <a href="">University of Helsinki - Department of Computer Science</a>.</p></div> </div> <!-- end fineprint --> </div> <!-- end footer --> </body> </html>

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