DCP: (visit #15)

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view east" title="#2: Osten; view east" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="194" height="146"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=3"><img src="/fr/all/n50e002v15/thumb3.jpg" alt="#3: S&uuml;den; view south" title="#3: S&uuml;den; view south" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="194" height="146"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=4"><img src="/fr/all/n50e002v15/thumb4.jpg" alt="#4: Westen; view west" title="#4: Westen; view west" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="194" height="146"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=5"><img src="/fr/all/n50e002v15/thumb5.jpg" alt="#5: GPS 1" title="#5: GPS 1" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="146" height="194"></a> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=6"><img src="/fr/all/n50e002v15/thumb6.jpg" alt="#6: GPS 2" title="#6: GPS 2" align="top" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="146" height="194"></a> </p> </td> <td width=15>&nbsp;<!-- spacer --></td> <td width=535 valign=top> <!-- Main picture and narrative column --> <font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1"><b> { <a href="/index.php">Main</a> | <a href="/search.php">Search</a> | <a href="/country.php">Countries</a> | <a href="/information.php">Information</a> | <a href="/member.php">Member Page</a> | <a href="/random.php">Random</a> }</b></font><br><br> <!-- blue bar with lat/lon --> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td align=left bgcolor="#000070" width=234> <font face="helvetica,arial" size="+1" color="#FFFFFF">&#160; <b>50&deg;N 2&deg;E (visit #15)</b> </font> </td> <td align=right bgcolor="#000070" width=300> <font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF"> <b>(secondary)</b>&#160; </font> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- other visit pics --> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=21941"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v14/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #14: [23-Aug-19]" title="Visit #14: [23-Aug-19]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#14: [23-Aug-19] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=20049"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v13/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #13: [23-Dec-14]" title="Visit #13: [23-Dec-14]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#13: [23-Dec-14] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=19067"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v12/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #12: [03-May-13]" title="Visit #12: [03-May-13]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#12: [03-May-13] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=17193"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v11/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #11: [29-Aug-10]" title="Visit #11: [29-Aug-10]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#11: [29-Aug-10] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=16850"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v10/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #10: [19-Apr-10]" title="Visit #10: [19-Apr-10]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#10: [19-Apr-10] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=16228"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v8/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #8: [17-Jul-09]" title="Visit #8: [17-Jul-09]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#8: [17-Jul-09] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=15733"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v7/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #7: [18-Jan-09]" title="Visit #7: [18-Jan-09]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#7: [18-Jan-09] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=15686"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v6/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #6: [01-Jan-09]" title="Visit #6: [01-Jan-09]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#6: [01-Jan-09] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=14971"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v5/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #5: [26-Apr-08]" title="Visit #5: [26-Apr-08]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#5: [26-Apr-08] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=11973"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v4/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #4: [16-Mar-06]" title="Visit #4: [16-Mar-06]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#4: [16-Mar-06] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=10536"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v3/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #3: [05-May-05]" title="Visit #3: [05-May-05]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#3: [05-May-05] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=5411"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v2/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #2: [04-May-02]" title="Visit #2: [04-May-02]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#2: [04-May-02] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=16495"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002v9/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #9: [10-Sep-01]" title="Visit #9: [10-Sep-01]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#9: [10-Sep-01] </font> </a> </div> </td><td width=130> <div align=center> <a href="/confluence.php?visitid=4063"> <img src="/fr/all/n50e002/preview.jpg" width=120 height=80 alt="Visit #1: [05-Aug-01]" title="Visit #1: [05-Aug-01]" hspace="1" vspace="1" border="0"><br> <font size=-1>#1: [05-Aug-01] </font> </a> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- table for the narrative, picture list, pending list, plans, and notes --> <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td> <br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=1"><img src="/fr/all/n50e002v15/thumb1.jpg" alt="#1: Norden; view north" title="#1: Norden; view north" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" width="525" height="393"></a><br clear=left><br> <p> <font face="arial,helvetica" size="-1"> <em>(visited by <a href="/visitor.php?id=23751">Lord Helmchen</a>)</em> </font> </p> <div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: smaller;"><p><b><a href="#en">English</a></b></p> <p><b>14-May-2024 -- </b> Dieses war der 2. CP (von insgesamt 19) auf unserer knapp 4-w&ouml;chigen Gro&szlig;britannien-/ Irlandtour 2024. Wir kamen von <a href="confluence.php?visitid=23539">49&deg;N 6&deg;E</a> und unser Navi f&uuml;hrte uns direkt aus dem &Ouml;rtchen &ldquo;Le Haut de Conde&rdquo; auf kleiner Stra&szlig;e in den Kreuzungsbereich zur D 70, wovor ich unser WoMo seitlich am Feldrand parkte (siehe Bild Blickrichtung S&uuml;den).</p> <p>Das Feld war bereits &ldquo;mit einer Art gr&uuml;nem Gras&rdquo; bestellt &#8211; der Bauer hatte aber in weiser Voraussicht die S&auml;h- und Traktorspur direkt auf den 2. L&auml;ngengrad &ldquo;gezaubert&rdquo; (siehe Bilder Blickrichtung Nord und S&uuml;d). Man konnte daher den CP erreichen, ohne auch nur den geringsten Schaden an der Anpflanzung anzurichten.</p> <p>Der CP war daher schnell erreicht und lokalisiert. Noch die notwendigen Fotos gemacht, zur&uuml;ck zum WoMo und nach ca. 10 Minuten ging es weiter &uuml;ber Calais nach Dover und anderentags zu <a href="confluence.php?visitid=23541">51&deg;N 1&deg;W</a></p> <p><b><a id="en" name="en">English</a></b></p> <p><b>14-May-2024 -- </b> This was the second CP (of 19) on our 4-week campingcartour to Great Britain and Ireland 2024. We came from <a href="confluence.php?visitid=23539">49&deg;N 6&deg;E</a> and our navi led us on a small road via &ldquo;Le Haut de Conde&rdquo; towards the junction with rue departementale D 70, where I parked our campingcar just beside the road. (pic. direction south)</p> <p>The field was cultivated with &ldquo;something green&rdquo;- the farmer (and his tractor) had made a perfect track on longitude 2, so I could reach the CP without causing any damage to the crops. (see pictures direction north and south) CP localisation and taking the pictures went fast.</p> <p>Then same way back to the campingcar &#8211; and after approx. 10 minutes we continued our journey towards Calais to Dover and next day to <a href="confluence.php?visitid=23541">51&deg;N 1&deg;W</a></p></div><br clear=left> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="#000070" width="535"><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1" color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;<b>All pictures</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td><font face="helvetica,arial" size="-1"><a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=1">#1: Norden; view north</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=2">#2: Osten; view east</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=3">#3: S&uuml;den; view south</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=4">#4: Westen; view west</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=5">#5: GPS 1</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=6">#6: GPS 2</a><br> <a href="/photo.php?visitid=23540&amp;pic=ALL">ALL: All pictures on one page</a></font></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>

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