Pro D2 transfers for 2025/2026 - All.Rugby

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/></a> <a href="#clb431" title="Rugby Transfers Valence Romans 2025/2026"><img src="/img/logo/clubs/70/vrdr.png" alt="Valence Romans" /></a> </div> <p><mark>If you use datas from this page, please quote <em></em> in your newspaper or make a link from your website.</mark></p> <p class="notice notice-info"><sup>(*)</sup> the lines in italics are unofficial informations, probable but not confirmed yet.</p> <hr/> <a name="clb1"></a> <div class="mb2" style="background: url(/img/logo/clubs/90/agen-2020.png) no-repeat top right;"> <h2 class="noborderbottom">Agen</h2> <div class="grid-2"> <div class="mutations tagVMove"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players IN</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/cyril-deligny"><b>Cyril DELIGNY</b></a>, Hooker, 33 y/o, Valence Romans (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/denis-marchois"><b>Denis MARCHOIS</b></a>, Lock, 31 y/o, Bayonne (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ton.png" alt="Tonga" /> <a href="/player/taniela-matakaiongo"><b>Taniela MATAKAIONGO</b></a>, Lock, 28 y/o, Chambéry (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/hayam-el-bibouji"><b>Hayam EL BIBOUJI</b></a>, Hooker, 23 y/o, Loan back from Pau (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ton.png" alt="Tonga" /> <a href="/player/fotu-lokotui"><b>Fotu LOKOTUI</b></a>, Back row, 33 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/theo-belan"><b>Théo BELAN</b></a>, Centre, 32 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ang.png" alt="England" /> <a href="/player/henry-purdy"><b>Henry PURDY</b></a>, Winger, 31 y/o </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fid.png" alt="Fiji" /> <a href="/player/inoke-kurukuruvakatini"><b>Inoke NALAGA</b></a>, Winger, 25 y/o, Nice (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/jean-marcellin-buttin"><b>Jean-Marcellin BUTTIN</b></a>, Fullback, 33 y/o </li> </ol> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Academy<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> </ol> <div class="h4-like">Gone during season</div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/lucas-malbert"><b> Lucas MALBERT</b></a>, Hooker, 24 y/o, Loaned to Rouen (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/martin-devergie"><b> Martin DEVERGIE</b></a>, Back row, 30 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/leo-goujard"><b> Léo GOUJARD</b></a>, Scrum-half, 20 y/o </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The SU Agen squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/agen/squad" title="SU Agen squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/agen" title="SU Agen squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? An oversight ? A clarification about Agen ? 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noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/sebastien-taofifenua"><b>Sébastien TAOFIFENUA</b></a>, Prop, 33 y/o, Lyon (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/hugo-ndiaye"><b>Hugo N'DIAYE</b></a>, Prop, 24 y/o, Paris (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/romain-latterrade"><b>Romain LATTERRADE</b></a>, Hooker, 29 y/o, Bordeaux (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/pba.png" alt="Netherlands" /> <a href="/player/renger-van-eerten"><b>Renger VAN EERTEN</b></a>, Lock, 25 y/o, Brive (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/raphael-portat"><b>Raphaël PORTAT</b></a>, Lock, 21 y/o, Loaned from Toulouse (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/nze.png" alt="New Zealand" /> <a href="/player/caleb-muntz"><b>Caleb MUNTZ</b></a>, Fly-half, 25 y/o, Fijian Drua (FIJ) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fid.png" alt="Fiji" /> <a href="/player/setareki-bituniyata"><b>Setareki BITUNIYATA</b></a>, Winger, 29 y/o, Toulouse (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ang.png" alt="England" /> <a href="/player/hayden-thompson-stringer"><b>Hayden THOMPSON-STRINGER</b></a>, Prop, 30 y/o, Nice (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/paul-mallez"><b>Paul MALLEZ</b></a>, Prop, 24 y/o, Loan back from Toulouse (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/ian-boubila"><b>Ian BOUBILA</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Hooker, 23 y/o, Loaned to Colomiers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/sam.png" alt="Samoa" /> <a href="/player/josh-tyrell"><b>Josh TYRELL</b></a>, Lock, 34 y/o, Nice (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/bilel-taieb"><b>Bilel TAIEB</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Back row, 32 y/o, Nice (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/atila-septar"><b>Atila SEPTAR</b></a>, Centre, 29 y/o, Nice (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fid.png" alt="Fiji" /> <a href="/player/eto-bainivalu"><b>Eto BAINIVALU</b></a>, Winger, 24 y/o, Loan back from Toulouse (FRA) </li> </ol> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Academy<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> </ol> <div class="h4-like">Gone during season</div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/theo-hannoyer"><b> Théo HANNOYER</b></a>, Lock, 29 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/cyril-goze"><b> Cyril GOZE</b></a>, Prop, 20 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/aus.png" alt="Australia" /> <a href="/player/peter-james-su-a"><b> Peter-James SU'A</b></a>, Back row, 19 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/steeven-faupala"><b> Steeven FAUPALA</b></a>, Centre, 21 y/o, Vannes (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The Provence Rugby squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/provence-rugby/squad" title="Provence Rugby squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/provence-rugby" title="Provence Rugby squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? An oversight ? A clarification about Aix ? 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An oversight ? A clarification about Aurillac ? 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An oversight ? A clarification about Béziers ? Help us by sending us your infos, thank you : <u>click here</u> </div> <div class="grid-3 has-gutter mts mbs one-third"> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-twitter" href=" transferts rugby de Béziers pour la saison 2025/2026&via=AllRugbyCom" onclick1=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=400,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-twitter"></span>Twitter</a></div> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-facebook" href=" transferts rugby de Béziers pour la saison 2025/2026" onclick=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-facebook"></span>Partager</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr/> <a name="clb17"></a> <div class="mb2" style="background: url(/img/logo/clubs/90/biarritz.png) no-repeat top right;"> <h2 class="noborderbottom">Biarritz</h2> <div class="grid-2"> <div class="mutations tagVMove"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players IN</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/hugo-pirlet"><b>Hugo PIRLET</b></a>, Prop, 28 y/o, Colomiers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/remi-bourdeau"><b>Rémi BOURDEAU</b></a>, Back row, 33 y/o, Bayonne (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/yann-lesgourgues"><b>Yann LESGOURGUES</b></a>, Scrum-half, 34 y/o, Bordeaux (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/jules-even"><b>Jules EVEN</b></a>, Centre, 26 y/o, Mont-de-Marsan (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/brendan-lebrun"><b>Brendan LEBRUN</b></a>, Hooker, 27 y/o </li> </ol> <div class="h4-like">Gone during season</div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fid.png" alt="Fiji" /> <a href="/player/masivesi-dakuwaqa"><b> Masivesi DAKUWAQA</b></a>, Back row, 31 y/o, Périgueux (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/simon-augry"><b> Simon AUGRY</b></a>, Back row, 27 y/o, Vannes (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/biarritz/squad" title="Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/biarritz" title="Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? An oversight ? A clarification about Biarritz ? Help us by sending us your infos, thank you : <u>click here</u> </div> <div class="grid-3 has-gutter mts mbs one-third"> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-twitter" href=" transferts rugby de Biarritz pour la saison 2025/2026&via=AllRugbyCom" onclick1=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=400,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-twitter"></span>Twitter</a></div> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-facebook" href=" transferts rugby de Biarritz pour la saison 2025/2026" onclick=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-facebook"></span>Partager</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr/> <a name="clb24"></a> <div class="mb2" style="background: url(/img/logo/clubs/90/brive.png) no-repeat top right;"> <h2 class="noborderbottom">Brive</h2> <div class="grid-2"> <div class="mutations tagVMove"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players IN</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/hugo-reilhes"><b>Hugo REILHES</b></a>, Prop, 24 y/o, Toulouse (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/yanis-charcosset"><b>Yanis CHARCOSSET</b></a>, Hooker, 23 y/o, Lyon (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/afs.png" alt="South Africa" /> <a href="/player/irne-herbst"><b>Irné HERBST</b></a>, Lock, 32 y/o, Harlequins (ENG) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/alexandre-ricard"><b>Alexandre RICARD</b></a>, Lock, 28 y/o, Bordeaux (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/afs.png" alt="South Africa" /> <a href="/player/janse-roux"><b>Janse ROUX</b></a>, Lock, 27 y/o, Colomiers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/anthony-coletta"><b>Anthony COLETTA</b></a>, Back row, 36 y/o, Colomiers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/afs.png" alt="South Africa" /> <a href="/player/henco-venter"><b>Henco VENTER</b></a>, Back row, 33 y/o, Glasgow (SCO) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/yann-peysson"><b>Yann PEYSSON</b></a>, Back row, 25 y/o, Castres (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/irl.png" alt="Ireland" /> <a href="/player/john-cooney"><b>John COONEY</b></a>, Scrum-half, 35 y/o, Ulster (IRL) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/mathis-galthie"><b>Mathis GALTHIÉ</b></a>, Scrum-half, 23 y/o, Colomiers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fid.png" alt="Fiji" /> <a href="/player/josaia-raisuqe"><b>Josaia RAISUQE</b></a>, Winger, 30 y/o, Castres (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/geoffrey-cros"><b>Geoffrey CROS</b></a>, Winger, 28 y/o, Grenoble (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/julien-tisseron"><b>Julien TISSERON</b></a>, Fullback, 29 y/o, Montpellier (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ang.png" alt="England" /> <a href="/player/jamie-shillcock"><b>Jamie SHILLCOCK</b></a>, Fullback, 27 y/o, Leicester (ENG) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ton.png" alt="Tonga" /> <a href="/player/wesley-tapueluelu"><b>Wesley TAPUELUELU</b></a>, Prop, 25 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/pba.png" alt="Netherlands" /> <a href="/player/renger-van-eerten"><b>Renger VAN EERTEN</b></a>, Lock, 25 y/o, Aix (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/leo-carbonneau"><b>Léo CARBONNEAU</b></a>, Scrum-half, 20 y/o, Racing 92 (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The CA Brive Corrèze Limousin squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/brive/squad" title="CA Brive Corrèze Limousin squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/brive" title="CA Brive Corrèze Limousin squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? An oversight ? A clarification about Brive ? Help us by sending us your infos, thank you : <u>click here</u> </div> <div class="grid-3 has-gutter mts mbs one-third"> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-twitter" href=" transferts rugby de Brive pour la saison 2025/2026&via=AllRugbyCom" onclick1=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=400,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-twitter"></span>Twitter</a></div> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-facebook" href=" transferts rugby de Brive pour la saison 2025/2026" onclick=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-facebook"></span>Partager</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr/> <a name="clb35"></a> <div class="mb2" style="background: url(/img/logo/clubs/90/colomiers.png) no-repeat top right;"> <h2 class="noborderbottom">Colomiers</h2> <div class="grid-2"> <div class="mutations tagVMove"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players IN</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ton.png" alt="Tonga" /> <a href="/player/phil-kite"><b>Phil KITÉ</b></a>, Prop, 32 y/o, Vannes (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/ulutuipalelei-atonio"><b>Atonio ULUTUIPALELEI</b></a>, Prop, 28 y/o, Bourg-en-Bresse (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/ian-boubila"><b>Ian BOUBILA</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Hooker, 23 y/o, Loaned from Aix (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ang.png" alt="England" /> <a href="/player/myles-edwards"><b>Myles EDWARDS</b></a>, Lock, 28 y/o, Mont-de-Marsan (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/arg.png" alt="Argentina" /> <a href="/player/federico-lavanini"><b>Federico LAVANINI</b></a>, Lock, 27 y/o, Hindu (ARG) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/luka-plataret"><b>Luka PLATARET</b></a>, Back row, 25 y/o, Nevers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/jules-danglot"><b>Jules DANGLOT</b></a>, Scrum-half, 23 y/o, Toulon (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/valentin-delpy"><b>Valentin DELPY</b></a>, Fly-half, 21 y/o, Loaned from Perpignan (FRA) </li> </ol> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Academy<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/thomas-adelaide"><b>Thomas ADÉLAÏDE</b></a>, Lock, 22 y/o, Loaned from Bourgoin (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/hugo-pirlet"><b>Hugo PIRLET</b></a>, Prop, 28 y/o, Biarritz (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/nze.png" alt="New Zealand" /> <a href="/player/jack-whetton"><b>Jack WHETTON</b></a>, Lock, 33 y/o </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/afs.png" alt="South Africa" /> <a href="/player/janse-roux"><b>Janse ROUX</b></a>, Lock, 27 y/o, Brive (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/anthony-coletta"><b>Anthony COLETTA</b></a>, Back row, 36 y/o, Brive (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/mathis-galthie"><b>Mathis GALTHIÉ</b></a>, Scrum-half, 23 y/o, Brive (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ang.png" alt="England" /> <a href="/player/brett-herron"><b>Brett HERRON</b></a>, Fly-half, 29 y/o, Retirement </li> <li class="nocc even nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/esp.png" alt="Spain" /> <a href="/player/martin-alonso"><b>Martin ALONSO</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Winger, 25 y/o, Loan back from Vannes (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/ugo-pacome"><b>Ugo PACOME</b></a>, Fullback, 20 y/o, La Rochelle (FRA) </li> </ol> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Academy<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/esp.png" alt="Spain" /> <a href="/player/alberto-carmona"><b>Alberto CARMONA</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Fullback, 21 y/o, Loan back from Toulon (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The US Colomiers squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/colomiers/squad" title="US Colomiers squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/colomiers" title="US Colomiers squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? An oversight ? A clarification about Colomiers ? 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An oversight ? A clarification about Dax ? 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An oversight ? A clarification about Grenoble ? 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An oversight ? A clarification about Mont-de-Marsan ? Help us by sending us your infos, thank you : <u>click here</u> </div> <div class="grid-3 has-gutter mts mbs one-third"> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-twitter" href=" transferts rugby de Mont-de-Marsan pour la saison 2025/2026&via=AllRugbyCom" onclick1=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=400,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-twitter"></span>Twitter</a></div> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-facebook" href=" transferts rugby de Mont-de-Marsan pour la saison 2025/2026" onclick=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-facebook"></span>Partager</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr/> <a name="clb65"></a> <div class="mb2" style="background: url(/img/logo/clubs/90/montauban.png) no-repeat top right;"> <h2 class="noborderbottom">Montauban</h2> <div class="grid-2"> <div class="mutations tagVMove"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players IN</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/geo.png" alt="Georgia" /> <a href="/player/nugzar-somkhishvili"><b>Nugzar SOMKHISHVILI</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Prop, 23 y/o, Chambéry (FRA) </li> </ol> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Academy<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/simeon-soenen"><b>Siméon SOENEN</b></a>, Fullback, 22 y/o, Loan back from Albi (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/geo.png" alt="Georgia" /> <a href="/player/mirian-burduli"><b>Mirian BURDULI</b></a>, Prop, 34 y/o </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/sam.png" alt="Samoa" /> <a href="/player/tietie-tuimauga"><b>Tietie TUIMAUGA</b></a>, Prop, 31 y/o, Saracens (ENG) </li> </ol> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Academy<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> </ol> <div class="h4-like">Gone during season</div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/geo.png" alt="Georgia" /> <a href="/player/badri-alkhazashvili"><b> Badri ALKHAZASHVILI</b></a>, Hooker, 29 y/o </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/yoan-cottin"><b> Yoan COTTIN</b></a>, Scrum-half, 27 y/o, Bourgoin (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/simeon-soenen"><b> Siméon SOENEN</b></a>, Fullback, 22 y/o, Loaned to Albi (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The Union Sportive Montauban squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/montauban/squad" title="Union Sportive Montauban squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/montauban" title="Union Sportive Montauban squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? An oversight ? A clarification about Montauban ? Help us by sending us your infos, thank you : <u>click here</u> </div> <div class="grid-3 has-gutter mts mbs one-third"> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-twitter" href=" transferts rugby de Montauban pour la saison 2025/2026&via=AllRugbyCom" onclick1=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=400,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-twitter"></span>Twitter</a></div> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-facebook" href=" transferts rugby de Montauban pour la saison 2025/2026" onclick=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-facebook"></span>Partager</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr/> <a name="clb160"></a> <div class="mb2" style="background: url(/img/logo/clubs/90/nevers.png) no-repeat top right;"> <h2 class="noborderbottom">Nevers</h2> <div class="grid-2"> <div class="mutations tagVMove"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players IN</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/tanguy-menoret"><b>Tanguy MÉNORET</b></a>, Fly-half, 24 y/o, Loan back from Nice (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/zim.png" alt="Zimbabwe" /> <a href="/player/cleopas-kundiona"><b>Cleopas KUNDIONA</b></a>, Prop, 26 y/o, Northampton (ENG) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/jonathan-maiau"><b>Jonathan MAÏAU</b></a>, Hooker, 23 y/o, Béziers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/stefan-buruiana"><b>Stefan BURUIANA</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Hooker, 22 y/o, Loan back from Castres (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/luka-plataret"><b>Luka PLATARET</b></a>, Back row, 25 y/o, Colomiers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/arthur-mathiron"><b>Arthur MATHIRON</b></a>, Centre, 22 y/o, Loan back from Lyon (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The USON Nevers squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/nevers/squad" title="USON Nevers squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/nevers" title="USON Nevers squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? An oversight ? A clarification about Nevers ? Help us by sending us your infos, thank you : <u>click here</u> </div> <div class="grid-3 has-gutter mts mbs one-third"> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-twitter" href=" transferts rugby de Nevers pour la saison 2025/2026&via=AllRugbyCom" onclick1=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=400,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-twitter"></span>Twitter</a></div> <div> <a class="btn btn-social btn-block btn-facebook" href=" transferts rugby de Nevers pour la saison 2025/2026" onclick=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700');return false;"><span class="fa fa-facebook"></span>Partager</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr/> <a name="clb74"></a> <div class="mb2" style="background: url(/img/logo/clubs/90/nice.png) no-repeat top right;"> <h2 class="noborderbottom">Nice</h2> <div class="grid-2"> <div class="mutations tagVMove"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players IN</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/ang.png" alt="England" /> <a href="/player/hayden-thompson-stringer"><b>Hayden THOMPSON-STRINGER</b></a>, Prop, 30 y/o, Aix (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/geo.png" alt="Georgia" /> <a href="/player/vazha-kapanadze"><b>Vazha KAPANADZE</b></a>, Prop, 30 y/o, Bourg-en-Bresse (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/sam.png" alt="Samoa" /> <a href="/player/josh-tyrell"><b>Josh TYRELL</b></a>, Lock, 34 y/o, Aix (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/afs.png" alt="South Africa" /> <a href="/player/uzair-cassiem"><b>Uzair CASSIEM</b></a>, Back row, 35 y/o, Bayonne (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/bilel-taieb"><b>Bilel TAIEB</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Back row, 32 y/o, Aix (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/guillaume-rouet"><b>Guillaume ROUET</b></a>, Scrum-half, 36 y/o, Bayonne (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/pdg.png" alt="Wales" /> <a href="/player/owen-williams"><b>Owen WILLIAMS</b></a>, Fly-half, 33 y/o, Ospreys (WAL) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fid.png" alt="Fiji" /> <a href="/player/waisea-nayacalevu"><b>Waisea NAYACALEVU</b></a>, Centre, 35 y/o, Ospreys (WAL) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/atila-septar"><b>Atila SEPTAR</b></a>, Centre, 29 y/o, Aix (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/arthur-duhau"><b>Arthur DUHAU</b></a>, Winger, 27 y/o, free agent (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fid.png" alt="Fiji" /> <a href="/player/inoke-kurukuruvakatini"><b>Inoke NALAGA</b></a>, Winger, 25 y/o, Agen (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/clement-egiziano"><b>Clément EGIZIANO</b></a>, Winger, 23 y/o, Carcassonne (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/brice-dulin"><b>Brice DULIN</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Fullback, 35 y/o, La Rochelle (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> <div class="mutations"> <div class="h3-like noborderbottom">Players OUT</div> <div class="h4-like noborderbottom">Pro<img src="/img/design/pixel.png" alt=" made by " /></div> <ol> <li class="nocc "> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/sacha-idoumi"><b>Sacha IDOUMI</b></a>, Hooker, 22 y/o, Loan back from La Rochelle (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/nze.png" alt="New Zealand" /> <a href="/player/ramiha-smiler"><b>Ramiha SMILER</b></a>, Back row, 32 y/o, Chambéry (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even nonOfficiel"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/jules-gimbert"><b>Jules GIMBERT</b></a><sup> (*)</sup>, Scrum-half, 27 y/o, Loan back from Paris (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/tanguy-menoret"><b>Tanguy MÉNORET</b></a>, Fly-half, 24 y/o, Loan back from Nevers (FRA) </li> <li class="nocc even"> <img src="/img/logo/drapeaux/petit/fra.png" alt="France" /> <a href="/player/paul-auradou"><b>Paul AURADOU</b></a>, Fullback, 23 y/o, Oyonnax (FRA) </li> </ol> </div> </div> <span class="h3-like noborderbottom">The Stade Niçois squad for 2025/2026</span> <ul> <li><a href="/club/nice/squad" title="Stade Niçois squad" class="">Current squad</a></li> <li><a href="/transfers/nice" title="Stade Niçois squad for season 2025/2026" class="">Squad for 2025/2026</a> with contract extensions...</li> </ul> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="pas formulaire mbs" style="background: #f1f1f1;font-weight: bold; color:red;" data-form="m"> A mistake ? 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