Terms and Conditions

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The Agreement establishes the terms and conditions under which Cadmium will provide Services to Customer (defined in Section 1) and under which Customer will use and access the Services. The Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between Cadmium and the Customer.<br/><br/>BY SIGNING AN ORDER FORM OR SOW THAT REFERENCES THESE TERMS, BY USING ANY OF THE SERVICES, OR BY CLICKING A BOX INDICATING ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS, CUSTOMER ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE AGREEMENT. IF THE INDIVIDUAL ACCEPTING THESE TERMS IS ACCEPTING ON BEHALF OF A COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, THAT INDIVIDUAL REPRESENTS THAT IT HAS THE AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ENTITY AND ITS AFFILIATES TO THESE TERMS.IF THE INDIVIDUAL ACCEPTING THESE TERMS DOES NOT HAVE THAT BINDING AUTHORITY OR DOES NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, THAT INDIVIDUAL MUST NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND MAY NOT USE THE SERVICES.<br/><br/>These Terms were last updated on, November 11, 2024. The Agreement is effective between Customer and Cadmium as of the date Customer accepts the Agreement in the manner stated above (the “Effective Date”).</p><div class="spacer-small"></div></div><div id="definitions" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">1. Definitions</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div>In the Agreement:   <br/><br/><strong>“Affiliate”</strong> means with respect to a Party, any Person that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with theParty.<br/><br/><strong>“Aggregate Data”</strong> means data ofmultiple Cadmium customers (including Customer Data) that are de-identified andanonymized.<br/><br/>&quot;<strong>API</strong>&quot; means (i) any one or more of Cadmium&#x27;s application programming interfaces, which may include object code, software libraries, software tools, sample source code, published specifications and other documentation and (ii) any modified, updated, or enhanced versions of any items described in the preceding clause(i), in each case, that Cadmium provides to Customer pursuant to the Agreement.<br/><br/>&quot;<strong>API Credentials</strong>&quot; is defined in Section 2.5<br/><br/>&quot;<strong>API Documentation</strong>&quot; means any documentation or specification (as periodically updated or revised by Cadmium) made available by Cadmium in connection with API.<br/><br/>&quot;<strong>Authorized Customer End-User</strong>&quot; means an End-User that meets all of the following qualifications: (i) is Customer&#x27;s Representative or Customer&#x27;s client or customer; (ii) is authorized, in accordance with the Agreement, to use a SaaS Service on Cstomer&#x27;s behalf to perform tasks not otherwise available to End-Users; and (iii) has been supplied a password by Customer or by the Customer&#x27;s identity management system(s).<br/><br/><strong>“Cadmium Account”</strong> means an End-User account consisting of a username, email address, password, and optional phone number, as well as other internal metadata, necessary to authorize and identify an End-User, so that the End-User can use or access some or all of the SaaS Services.  <br/><br/><strong>“Cadmium Identity Management System”</strong> means a multi-tenant database of Cadmium Accounts included in the SaaS Services and used to authenticate a Person’s identity as an authorized End-User.   <br/><br/><strong>“Confidential Information”</strong> means information in any form that a Party or a Party’s Affiliate designates as confidential or that, given the circumstances, would reasonably be understood by a reasonable person to be confidential, and that is disclosed by a Party, its Affiliates, or their respective Representatives (the “Discloser”) to the other Party, its Affiliates, or their respective Representatives (the “Recipient”), regardless of the form of disclosure. Confidential Information includes:(i) with respect to Cadmium and its Affiliates, the non-public aspects of the SaaS Services and non-public Documentation; (ii) with respect to Customer and its Affiliates, all Customer Data; (iii) the API Credentials; and (iv) with respect to each Party, the non-public terms of the Agreement and all non-public information relating to business plans, customers and customer lists, data, designs (whether actual, contemplated, experimental, or planned), financial information, forecasts, inventions, know-how, methods, market analysis, pricing, products (whether actual, contemplated, experimental, or planned),prerelease offerings, research and development, security policies and processes, source and object code, and strategies.“<strong>Customer</strong>” means (i) in the case of an individual accepting these Terms on his or her own behalf, that individual or(ii) in the case of an individual accepting these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, the company or other legal entity for which the individual is accepting these Terms, and Affiliates of that company or entity (while they remain Affiliates) that have entered into any Order Forms or SOWs.  <br/><br/><strong>“CustomerApp</strong>” means one or more plug-in or other software application that is (a) developed by or on behalf of Customer to interface with and interoperate with the API and (b) complies with the requirements of the Agreement.<br/><br/>‍<strong>“Customer Content” </strong>means all data, graphics, text, information, or material that Customer provides to Cadmium in connection with the Customer’s use of Services, including content uploaded through the SaaS Services or provided or made available to Cadmium to upload to or use in connection with the Customer’s use of the SaaS Services and any modifications to that content that Customer or Cadmium makes.<br/><br/>“<strong>CustomerData</strong>” means (i) all information (other than Aggregate Data or ExcludedData) processed or stored through the SaaS Services by Customer or onCustomer’s behalf or (ii) output (such as course completion records) that the SaaS Service generates for the Customer’s or an Authorized Customer End-User’s use. Customer Data does not include payment records, credit cards or other information Customer uses to pay Cadmium, or other information and records related to Customer’s account, including identifying information related to Customer staff involved in payment or other management of Customer’s account.<br/><br/>“<strong>Deliverables</strong>”means any software or other deliverable created through Professional Services.<br/><br/>“<strong>Documentation</strong>”means (i) Cadmium’s user guides, training manuals, instructions, usage information, and other similar documentation (as periodically updated or revised by Cadmium) that Cadmium provides to Customer and (ii) any API Documentation.<br/><br/>&quot;<strong>End-User</strong>&quot; means a natural person (either as an administrative or non-administrative user) who, through and authorized Cadmium Account furnished through the SaaS Services, uses or has access to all or some of the SaaS Services.<a href="#"><br/><br/>‍</a>“<strong>Excluded Data</strong>” means (i) Social Security numbers, other tax identification numbers, military identification numbers, student identification numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, other government identification numbers, financial account data, payment card numbers, biometric information, health or medical information, insurance information, educational information, (ii)personal health information under HIPAA, or (iii) any information that if compromised could permit a person to assume the identity of the data subject.<br/><br/>“<strong>Feedback</strong>” means any suggestion or idea for improving or otherwise modifying any of Cadmium’s products or services, including the Services.<br/><br/>“<strong>Force Majeure Event</strong>” means any event or circumstance, whether foreseen or unforeseen, that meets all of the following conditions: (i) prevents a Party, in whole or in part, from performing any of its obligations under the Agreement; (ii) is beyond the reasonable control of the affected Party; and (iii) is not the fault of the affected Party. To further, but not limit, the definition of Force Majeure Event, each of the following events or circumstances is considered a Force Majeure Event: (A) war, flood, lightning, drought, earthquake, fire, volcanic eruption, landslide, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, tornado, explosion, civil disturbance, act of God or the public enemy, terrorist act, military action, epidemic, pandemic, virus, famine, plague, actions of a court of public authority third party Internet service interruptions or slowdowns, vandalism or “hacker” attacks or cyberattacks as well as (B) strike, work-to-rule action, go-slow or similar labor difficulty, in each case on an industry-wide, region-wide, or nation-wide basis. But the definition of Force Majeure Event does not include changes in market conditions or insufficiency of funds.<br/><br/>‍<em>“</em><strong>Loss</strong>” means any liability, loss, settlement payment, interest, award, judgment, damages, fines, fees, penalties, filing fees, and court costs, witness fees, reasonable attorneys’ and other professionals’ fees, other reasonable investigation and defense costs, and any other fees, costs, expenses, and charges.<br/><br/>‍“<strong>MaliciousCode</strong>” means any computer code, file, script, agent, or program designed to do harm, including viruses, worms, time bombs, and Trojan horses.<br/><br/>“<strong>OrderForm</strong>” means Cadmium’s sales order form or other document (as well as each exhibit, schedule, and annex attached to each such order form or other document) in each case, signed by an authorized signatory of Cadmium and Customer or electronically accepted by Customer that references the Terms and that details any one or more SaaS Services that Cadmium is to provide, the fees and expenses associated with the SaaS Services, and any other transaction-specific terms and conditions. <br/><br/>“<strong>Party</strong>” means each of Cadmium and Customer.<br/><br/>“<strong>Person</strong>” means any natural person or any business or government entity.<br/><br/>“<strong>Privacy/SecurityLaw</strong>” means privacy and security laws governing Cadmium’s handling ofCustomer Data (if any). For the avoidance of doubt, Privacy/Security Laws do not include laws applicable to Customer or its data to the extent not describedin the preceding sentence.<br/><br/>“<strong>Professional Services</strong>” means consulting services that Cadmium provides to Customer under a SOW.<br/><br/>“<strong>Representative</strong>”means a Party’s director, officer, employee, consultant, advisor, representative,or agent.<br/><br/>‍“<strong>SaaSService</strong>” means any one or more of Cadmium’s hosted software-as–a-service solutions and APIs, in each case, that consist of technology hosted onCadmium’s (or its third party providers’) computers and accessed remotely, via the Internet. “Services” means the SaaS Services, Support Services, and ProfessionalServices, in each case, specified in one or more Order Forms and SOW(s), as applicable.<br/><br/>‍<strong>“Statementof Work” or “SOW” </strong>means Cadmium’s statement of work form or other similar document (as well as each exhibit, schedule, and annex attached to each such statement of work or other similar document), in each case, signed by an authorized signatory of Cadmium and Customer or electronically accepted by Customer that references the Terms and that details the Professional Services that Cadmium is to provide, the fees and expenses associated with the Professional Services, and any other transaction-specific terms and conditions.<br/><br/>“<strong>SubscriptionTerm</strong>” means the subscription period specified in an Order Form, during which Customer and its Authorized Customer End-Users may use the SaaS Service specified in that Order Form, subject to the terms of the Agreement.<br/><br/>‍<strong>“Support Services” </strong>means the maintenance and support services that Cadmium provides to Customer during the Subscription Term for a specified SaaS Service, if and to the extent set forth in the Order Form pertaining to that SaaS Service.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="provisions" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">2. Provisions and Use of the Services</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>2.1. Access to SaaS Service</strong>. During the applicableSubscription Term for a SaaS Service, subject to Section 2.4, Cadmium grants to Customer and to each Authorized Customer End-User the right to access and use the subscribed-for SaaS Service in accordance with these Terms and the Order Form applicable to that SaaS Service.  <br/><br/><strong>2.2. Professional Services</strong>. Customer may request, and Cadmium may agree to provide, Professional Services to Customer under anyone or more SOWs or Statements of Work.  <br/><br/><strong>2.3. Changes to SaaS Service</strong>. Customer acknowledges that each SaaS Service is an on-line, subscription-based service and that, to provide improved customer experience, Cadmium may make changes to the SaaS Services, and Cadmium will update the applicable Documentation accordingly.<br/><strong><br/>2.4. </strong><strong>API License Grant</strong>. (A)          Subject to the Agreement, during the applicable Subscription Term for an API, Cadmium grants to Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, license to: <br/>(i) internally use the API Credentials to access the API in connection with Cadmium licensed technology or Services or third party products authorized by Cadmium in writing; <br/>(ii) internally use, perform, display, reproduce the API solely as necessary to develop, maintain, and support the Customer App, in accordance with the Documentation; and <br/>(iii) process information obtained through the API, on condition that Customer complies with all requirements in the Agreement relating to the API and does not further distribute the information unless in accordance with a binding written agreement that contains terms no less restrictive than the Agreement. <br/>(B) Cadmium, in its sole discretion, has the right to set and enforce limits on Customer&#x27;s use of the API, including API calls.<br/><br/><strong>2.5.</strong> <strong>API Credentials</strong>. As a condition to granting Customer access to any API, Cadmium requiresCustomer to register for a unique security key or other security mechanism. Any information provided by Customer in connection with such registration must be accurate, current, and complete. Upon Customer’s completing such registration in accordance with this Section, Cadmium may then issue Customer one or more unique security keys, tokens, passwords, or other credentials for accessing the API (collectively, the “API Credentials”). The API Credentials are in addition to any other credentials that Cadmium may require in order to grant Customer or an Authorized Customer End-User access to any other SaaS Services.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="fees" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">3. Fees and Payment</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>3.1. Fees and Expenses</strong>. Customer shall pay all fees and applicable expenses specified in each Order Form and SOW. Except as otherwise specified in the Terms, in an Order Form, or in a SOW, (i) fees for a SaaS Service are based on the subscription purchased and not actual usage, (ii) payment obligations are non-cancelable, and (iii) fees and expenses paid are non-refundable. <br/><br/><strong>3.2. Invoicing and Payment</strong>. Except as the applicable Order Form or SOW expressly provides otherwise, Customer shall pay all invoiced fees no later than 30 days from the invoice date. Customer is responsible for providing complete and accurate billing and contact information to Cadmium and notifying Cadmium of any changes to that information.For late payment, Customer shall pay interest charges from the time the payment was due at the rate that is the lower of 1.5% per month or the highest rate permissible under applicable law.<br/><br/><strong>3.3. Taxes</strong>. Except as the applicable Order Form or SOW expressly provides otherwise, Cadmium’s fees do not include any taxes. Customer is responsible for paying all taxes associated with its purchases under the Agreement. If Cadmium has to pay or collect any taxes that are Customer’s responsibility under the Agreement, Cadmium will invoice Customer and Customer will promptly pay that amount. Cadmium is responsible only for taxes assessable against it based on its income, property, and employees.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="termination" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">4. Term &amp; Termination</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>4.1. Term of Agreement</strong>. The term of the Agreement begins on the Effective Date and continues until all Subscription Terms, Order Forms, and SOWs under the Agreement have expired or have been terminated.<br/><br/><strong>4.2. Subscription Term</strong>. The initial Subscription Term for a SaaS Service will be specified in the Order Form applicable to that SaaS Service. Except as the Order Form for a given SaaS Service expressly provides otherwise, each Subscription Term for that SaaS Service will automatically renew for additional one year terms. But a Party may opt not to renew a Subscription Term by giving the other Party a non-renewal notice in accordance with Section 12.1 at least 90 days before the relevant Subscription Term expires. Any expiration or termination of a Subscription Term for a SaaS Service automatically ends all of Customer’s and its Authorized Customer End-User’s rights to use and access any SaaS Service to which that expired or terminated Subscription Term relates. <br/><br/><strong>4.3. Termination</strong>. Either Party may terminate the Agreement (or any affected Service) upon the other Party’s material breach that remains uncured for 30 days following written notice of the breach, or effective immediately if the breach is not subject to cure. Without limiting Cadmium’s other rights and remedies, Cadmium may suspend or terminate a Customer or Authorized Customer End-User’s access to the SaaS Services at any time, without advanced notice, if Cadmium reasonably concludes that Customer or an Authorized Customer End-User has conducted (or is conducting) itself in a way that is not consistent with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 or in a way that subjects Cadmium to potential liability.  <br/><br/><strong>4.4. Service Suspension</strong>. If any charge thatCustomer owes under the Agreement is more than 30 days overdue, withoutlimiting its other rights and remedies, Cadmium may suspend Services untilthose overdue amounts are fully paid. Customer remains responsible for all feesand charges for suspended Services and for other Services to which Customer continuesto have access.<br/><br/><strong>4.5. Effects of Any Termination</strong>. <br/><strong><br/>(A) General Effects.</strong> Upon any termination of the Agreement:<br/><br/>(i) Except as set forth in Section 4.5(C)(Survival), all of Customer’s and its Authorized CustomerEnd-User’s rights under the Agreement (including the right to use and access any SaaS Service) immediately terminate;<br/><br/>(ii) Customer remains liable for all fees, charges, expenses, and any other obligations Customer has incurred during the term of the Agreement; and<br/><br/>(iii) Cadmium may destroy or overwrite Customer Data, Customer Content, and Customer’s Confidential Information as provided in Section 4.5(B) (Deletion of Data).<br/><strong><br/>(B) Deletion of Data.</strong> <br/><br/>(i) <strong>At Customer’s Request</strong>. Upon Customer’s written request (email acceptable) at any time during the term of the Agreement or during the 60 days after termination of the Agreement, Cadmium shall promptly destroy or overwrite all Customer Data, Customer Content, and Customer ConfidentialInformation using the best erasure methods commercially feasible. If Customer requests Cadmium permanently destroy or overwrite any Customer Data, Customer Content, or Customer Confidential Information, Customer irrevocably releases Cadmium from all claims or liability relating to any such destroyed or overwritten data or information.<br/><br/>(ii) <strong>Upon Termination.</strong> If Customer does not request deletion of its Customer Data, Customer Content, or ConfidentialInformation, then after termination or expiration of the Agreement, Cadmium will destroy or overwrite that data and information using the best erasure methods commercially feasible after the data or information is no longer reasonably necessary to fulfill obligations under the Agreement or for regulatory, legal, or audit compliance.<br/><br/>(C) <strong>Survival.</strong> Section 1 (Definitions), Section 3 (Fees and Payment), Section 4 (Term &amp; Termination), Section 5 (Customer Responsibilities &amp; Restrictions), Section 6 (Intellectual Property), Section 7 (Confidentiality), Section 8 (Customer Data), Section 9 (Warranties), Section 10 (Liability Limitations), Section 11 (Indemnification), and Section 12 (Miscellaneous) survive any expiration or termination of the Agreement.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="customer-responsibilities" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">5. Customer Restrictions &amp; Responsibilities</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>5.1. Use Restrictions</strong>. <br/><br/><strong>(A) Saas ServicesGenerally</strong>. Customer shall not(and shall not permit or assist any third party to): (a) use any of the SaaS Services for service bureau or time-sharing purposes or in any other way allow third parties to exploit any of the SaaS Services, except Authorized Customer End-Users as specifically authorized by thisAgreement or except to the extent Customer is authorized in a writing signed byCadmium, to resell any of the SaaS Services; (b) provide SaaS Service passwords or other log-in information to any third party, exceptCustomer’s Authorized Customer End-Users as specifically authorized by thisAgreement; (c) share non-public SaaS Services features or content with any third party; (d) access any of the SaaS Services to build a competitive product or service, to build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of any of the SaaS Services, or to copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of any of the SaaS Services or, except to the extent Customer is authorized in a writing signed by Cadmium, to resell any of the SaaS Services; (e) frame or mirror any part of any SaaS Service, other than framing on Customer&#x27;s own intranets or otherwise for its own internal business purposes; (f)engage in web scraping or data scraping on or related to any of the SaaS Services, including collection of information through any software that simulates human activity or any bot or web crawler; (g) access or use any SaaS Services to send or store infringing, obscene, threatening, or otherwise unlawful material (including material that violates any third-party privacy rights or any applicable laws); (h) access or use any SaaS Services to send or store Malicious Code; or (i) violate or attempt to violate the security of the SaaS Services, including accessing data or materials that Customer is not authorized to access, logging into a server or account that Customer is not authorized to access, attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of a system or network through which the SaaS Services are provided or to breach security or authentication measures that Cadmium maintains in connection with the SaaS Services.<br/><br/>(B) <strong>API Specific. </strong>Customer shall use the API only to the extent of its capabilities set forth in the API Documentation and only in accordance with the Agreement. Customer shall use its API Credentials as Customer’s sole means of accessing the API. Customer shall not: (a) sell, transfer, sublicense or otherwise disclose its API Credentials to any third party or use its API Credentials with any third-party product or service except to accomplish an integration otherwise allowed by the Agreement; (b) use or attempt to use the API other than as expressly set forth in the Agreement and the API Documentation;(c) reproduce, distribute, or otherwise provide or make the API available to any third party; (d) attempt to derive the source code or object code for the API or any component thereof, including by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or similar means; (e) use the Customer App to interfere with or attempt to interfere with or disrupt the integrity, security, functionality, or proper working of any of the API. The use restrictions in Section 5.1(B) are in addition to those in Section 5.1(A). <br/><br/><strong>5.2. Security Obligations</strong>. Customer shall install and maintain commercially reasonable measures designed to prevent the introduction of Malicious Code into Customer’s information technology systems. Customer shall take commercially reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized access to any of the SaaS Services, including by protecting its passwords and other login information as well as its API Credentials. Customer shall notify Cadmium promptly of any known or suspected unauthorized use of any SaaS Services or breach of its security and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to stop any such breach. Customer is responsible for and liable for all access and use of each SaaS Service by Customer and each Authorized Customer End-User. Customer is responsible for maintaining the security of all its issued user credentials and otherwise taking reasonable action to secure and protect Customer accounts and Customer Data. Customer shall promptly notify Cadmium if Customer becomes aware of any unauthorized use of the Customer’s account or of an Authorized Customer End-User’s account. Cadmium has no liability for any Loss arising from Customer’s failure to comply with this Section. Customer is solely responsible for all activity associated with its API Credentials, regardless of whether it has knowledge of such activity.<br/>‍<br/><strong>5.3. Compliance with Laws. </strong>In its use of any of the SaaS Services, Customer shall comply with all applicable laws.<br/><br/><strong>5.4. Cadmium Accounts</strong>. <br/><br/>(A) Customer understands and acknowledges that an Authorized Customer End-User may be an End-User with a Cadmium Account authorizing the End-User to access and use some or all of the SaaS Services other than through the Services that Cadmium provides the Customer under the Agreement. As a result, Cadmium may have and maintain a relationship with an End-User independent of Cadmium’s relationship with the Customer and may, subject to compliance with applicable privacy laws, communicate directly with End-Users for purposes unrelated to Customer’s business with Cadmium.<br/>‍<br/>(B) Customer understands and acknowledges that when an End-User creates a Cadmium Account, the End-User may use a personal email address or other email address, including an email address with a Customer-owned domain. Customer understands and acknowledges that Cadmium does not control what email address may be associated with an End-User’s Cadmium Account. The Customer’s ownership or other rights in an email domain associated with an End-User’s Cadmium Account does not grant Customer any interests in and to an End-User’s Cadmium Account. Accordingly, as between the Customer and an End-User, each End-User retains all its interests in that End-User’s Cadmium Account. <br/><br/>(C) Customer is not entitled to change any aspect of an End-User’s Cadmium Account in the Cadmium Identity Management System. Customer is not entitled to view, access, download, modify, or delete any data arising from or relating to an End-User’s use of or access to the Services, other than an End-User’s use of and access to the Services that Cadmium provides the Customer under the Agreement.Despite anything contained in this Section to the contrary, Customer, through the Customer system it uses to authenticate its Authorized Customer End-Users (but not through any of the SaaS Services) is entitled to terminate an End-User’s status as an Authorized Customer End-User or otherwise modify an End-User’s access and use of the Services that Cadmium provides the Customer under the Agreement. </div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="intellectual-property" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">6. Intellectual Property</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>6.1. IP Rights in the SaaS Services.</strong> Cadmium (and, where applicable, Cadmium’s licensors) retains and owns all right, title, and interest in and to (i) the SaaS Services and all technology and intellectual property that Cadmium uses to provide the SaaS Services, including computer software programs, websites, networks, and equipment, (ii) all Documentation, and (ii) all enhancements or improvements to, or derivative works of, any item described in the preceding clauses (i) and (ii). Nothing in the Agreement transfers or conveys to Customer any intellectual property license or rights in anything described in the preceding sentence.   <br/><br/><strong>6.2. IP Rights in Deliverables. </strong>Cadmium will retain and own all right, title, and interest in and to any Deliverables. To the extent that ownership of any Deliverables does not automatically vest in Cadmium, Customer hereby irrevocably assigns and will assign to Cadmium all right, title, and interest in and to the Deliverables that Customer may have now or in the future. Upon full payment of all fees and expenses owing to Cadmium under the applicable SOW, Cadmium hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, worldwide, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free license to access and use the Deliverables provided to Customer for the purposes specified in the SOW pertaining to those Deliverables or in connection with Customer’s use of the SaaS Services to which the Deliverables relate. <br/><br/><strong>6.3. Feedback. </strong>Cadmium has not agreed to and does not agree to treat as confidential any Feedback that Customer, any End-User, or any other Person provides to Cadmium. Nothing in this Agreement or in the Parties’ dealings arising out of or related to this Agreement will restrict Cadmium’s right to use, profit from, disclose, publish, keep secret, or otherwise exploit Feedback, without compensating or crediting Customer, any End User, or other person. Customer hereby grants Cadmium a perpetual, irrevocable right and license to exploit Feedback in any and every way. Feedback will not constitute Customer’s trade secret or Confidential Information. <br/>‍<br/><strong>6.4. Ownership of Customer Data, </strong><strong>Customer Content, and Customer App</strong>.  As between Customer and Cadmium, Customer owns all right, title and interests in and to the Customer Data, the Customer Content, and any Customer App. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement operates to confer on Cadmium any right, title or interest in or to any Customer Data, Customer Content, or Customer App.  Any rights, title or interests (including any intellectual property rights) in any Customer Data, Customer Content, or Customer App created after the Effective Date will be the property of and vest in Customer absolutely from the time of their creation.<strong><br/><br/>6.5. License Grant in Customer Data, Customer Content, and Customer App. </strong>Subject to the other terms of this Agreement, Customer hereby grants to Cadmium a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, store, transmit, modify, create derivative works of, and display the Customer Data, Customer Content, and Customer App solely to the extent necessary to provide the Services to Customer and its Authorized Customer End-Users during the term of the Agreement and to otherwise perform Cadmium’s obligations under the Agreement.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="confidentiality" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">7. Confidentiality</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>7.1. Obligations</strong>. Except as expressly authorized under the Agreement, the Recipient shall hold in confidence and not disclose any of the Discloser’s Confidential Information to third parties and shall not use Confidential Information for any purpose other than fulfilling its obligations and exercising its rights under the Agreement. The Recipient shall take precautions to prevent disclosure or use of the Discloser’s Confidential Information other than as authorized by the Agreement. Those precautions must equal those taken by the Recipient to protect its own Confidential Information of like kind or equal those that a reasonable person in the Recipient’s position would take, whichever is greater. Each Party retains all ownership rights in and to its Confidential Information. This Section does not apply to any information that the Recipient can establish: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public without the Recipient’s breach of any obligation owed to the Discloser; (ii) the Recipient has rightfully received from a third party without confidentiality restrictions; (iii) is known to the Recipient without any restriction as to use or disclosure before first receipt by the Recipient from the Discloser; or (iv) has been independently developed by the Recipient without use of or reference to the Discloser’s Confidential Information.   <br/><br/><strong>7.2. Permitted Disclosures</strong>. The Recipient may disclose the Discloser’s Confidential Information to the Recipient’s Representatives having a legitimate need to know, on condition that such Representatives are bound to confidentiality obligations no less protective of the Discloser than those in this Section and that the Recipient remains responsible for compliance by any such Representatives with the terms of this Section. The Recipient may also disclose the Discloser’s Confidential Information to the extent legally compelled to do so, on condition that, to the extent legally permissible, the Recipient gives the Discloser prior notice of the compelled disclosure and reasonable assistance, at the Discloser&#x27;s cost, if the Discloser wishes to contest the disclosure. If the Recipient is legally compelled to disclose the Discloser’s Confidential Information as part of a civil proceeding to which the Discloser is a party, and the Discloser is not contesting the disclosure, the Discloser shall reimburse the Recipient for its reasonable cost of compiling and providing secure access to that Confidential Information.  <br/><br/><strong>7.3. Right to Enjoin Disclosures</strong>. A Recipient’s or its Representatives’ unauthorized use or disclosure of the Discloser’s Confidential Information will result in irreparable harm to the Discloser. The Discloser may therefore seek a temporary restraining order or other injunctive relief to protect its Confidential Information and, in doing so, need not post bond or other security or prove actual damages. The Recipient shall not raise the defense of an adequate remedy at law. This provision does not alter any other remedies available to any Party. </div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="customer-data" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">8. Customer Data</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>8.1. Use of Customer Data</strong>. Cadmium shall not access, process, or otherwise use Customer Data other than as necessary to facilitate the Services or give Customer Data access to any third party, except Cadmium’s subcontractors that have a need for such access to facilitate the Services and are subject to a reasonable written agreement governing the use and security of Customer Data. Further, Cadmium shall exercise reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized disclosure or exposure of Customer Data and shall comply in all material respects with all Privacy/Security Laws that are applicable both specifically to Cadmium and generally to data processors in the jurisdictions in which Cadmium does business and operates physical facilities.  <br/><br/><strong>8.2. Aggregate Data</strong>. Despite anything contained in the Agreement to the contrary, Cadmium may use, reproduce, sell, publicize, or otherwise exploit Aggregate Data in any way, in its sole discretion.  <br/><br/><strong>8.3. Required Disclosure</strong>. Despite anything contained in the Agreement to the contrary, Cadmium may disclose Customer Data as required by applicable law or by proper legal or governmental authority. Cadmium shall give Customer prompt notice of any such legal or governmental demand and reasonably cooperate with Customer in any effort to seek a protective order or otherwise to contest such required disclosure, at Customer’s expense. <br/><br/><strong>8.4. Data Incidents</strong>. If Cadmium becomes aware that any Customer Data stored in the SaaS Services has been disclosed or revealed to, or accessed by, any unauthorized person, whether inadvertently or intentionally, then no later than 72 hours thereafter, Cadmium shall provide Customer with notice of any such incident, and for any Customer Data in Cadmium’s possession or control, Cadmium shall work with Customer to investigate and take all commercially reasonable steps to identify, prevent, and mitigate the effects of any such data incident. Further, Cadmium shall promptly work with the Customer to create a reasonably detailed description of the incident, the data accessed, the identity of affected individuals, and such other information as Customer may reasonably request concerning the incident. Despite anything to the contrary contained in the Agreement, Cadmium will have no liability under the Agreement or otherwise for (i) any unauthorized disclosure of or access to Customer Data or (ii) any security breach, in each case, arising from or related to any act or omission of Customer (including any breach of this Agreement), any End-User, or any Customer Representative. <br/><br/><strong>8.5. Risk of Exposure</strong>. Customer recognizes and agrees that hosting data online involves risks of unauthorized disclosure or exposure. Accordingly, in accessing and using the SaaS Services, Customer assumes such risks. Cadmium offers no representation, warranty, or guarantee that Customer Data will not be exposed or disclosed through errors or the actions of third parties. <br/><br/><strong>8.6. Data Collection and Accuracy</strong>. Customer has exclusive control and responsibility for determining what Customer Data is submitted to the SaaS Service and for obtaining all necessary consents and permissions for submission of Customer Data and processing instructions to Cadmium. Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy, content, and legality of all Customer Data. Cadmium has no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of data uploaded to the SaaS Services by Customer or any End-User, including Customer Data and any other data uploaded by any End-User. <br/><br/><strong>8.7. Excluded Data</strong>. Customer warrants that (a) it has not and will not transmit Excluded Data, or permit transmission of Excluded Data, to Cadmium or its computers or other media and, (b) to the best of its knowledge, Customer Data does not and will not include Excluded Data. Customer shall inform Cadmium of any Excluded Data within Customer Data promptly after discovery (without limiting Cadmium’s rights or remedies). Customer recognizes and agrees that: (i) the provisions of this Agreement related to Customer Data do not apply to Excluded Data; (ii) Cadmium has no liability for any failure to protect Excluded Data; and (iii) Cadmium’s systems are not intended for management or protection of Excluded Data and may not provide adequate or legally required security for Excluded Data. Cadmium is not responsible or liable for any data exposure or disclosure or related Loss to the extent that it involves Excluded Data.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="warranties" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">9. Warranties</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>9.1. Mutual Representations and Warranties. </strong>Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that: (i) it has the authority to enter into and perform its obligations under the Agreement; (ii) the Agreement is legally binding and enforceable against it; (iii) the Agreement does not conflict with any other agreement entered into by it; (iv) it does not conduct business for any unlawful purpose; and (v) in entering into the Agreement, it has not seen, heard, or relied upon any promise, statement, representation, warranty, or agreement (whether written or oral, express or implied) of the other Party or any other Person, except for the representations, warranties, statements, and agreements expressly contained in the Agreement.<br/><br/><strong>9.2. Warranty Disclaimers</strong>. EXCEPT AS AN SOW FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAY EXPRESSLY PROVIDE OTHERWISE, CUSTOMER ACCEPTS THE SERVICES  “AS IS,” WITH NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING FROM STATUTE, COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, OR USAGE OF TRADE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE PRECEDING SENTENCE: (A) EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.1, CADMIUM HAS NO OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY OR DEFEND CUSTOMER OR ANY END-USERS AGAINST CLAIMS RELATED TO INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY; (B) CADMIUM DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE SAAS SERVICES WILL PERFORM WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR ERROR; AND (C) CADMIUM DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE SAAS SERVICES ARE SECURE FROM HACKING OR OTHER UNAUTHORIZED INTRUSION OR THAT CUSTOMER DATA WILL REMAIN PRIVATE OR SECURE.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="liability-limitation" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">10. Liability Limitations</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>10.1. Damages Exclusions</strong>. EACH PARTY AND ITS AFFILIATES WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE AGREEMENT FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, REVENUES, GOODWILL, OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, COVER, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, WHETHER AN ACTION IS IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE AND REGARDLESS OF THE LIABILITY THEORY, EVEN IF A PARTY OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES, EVEN IF SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND EVEN IF A PARTY’S OR ITS AFFILIATES’ REMEDIES OTHERWISE FAILS OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.<br/><br/><strong>10.2. Liability Cap</strong>. Subject to Section 10.3 (Liability Cap Exclusions): <br/><br/>(A) THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF EACH PARTY, TOGETHER WITH THE PARTY’S AFFILIATES, ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO A SAAS SERVICE MUST NOT EXCEED THE LESSER OF ONE-YEAR’S WORTH OF SUBSCRIPTION FEES UNDER THE ORDER FORM PERTAINING TO THE SAAS SERVICE IN QUESTION OR THE TOTAL AMOUNTS CUSTOMER PAID CADMIUM FOR THE AFFECTED SAAS SERVICE DURING THE SIX MONTHS PRECEDING THE FIRST INCIDENT OUT OF WHICH THE CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION AROSE, WHICHEVER IS LESS. <br/><br/>(B) THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF EACH PARTY, TOGETHER WITH THE PARTY’S AFFILIATES, ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MUST NOT EXCEED THE TOTAL AMOUNTS CUSTOMER PAID CADMIUM FOR THE AFFECTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DURING THE SIX MONTHS PRECEDING THE FIRST INCIDENT OUT OF WHICH THE CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION AROSE.<br/><br/><strong>10.3. Liability Cap Exclusions.</strong> Section 10.2 (Liability Cap) does not apply to: (a) any payment obligations that Customer or its Affiliates owe Cadmium or its Affiliates under Section 3 (Fees and Payments); or (b) a Party’s infringement or misappropriation of the other Party’s intellectual property rights. <br/><br/><strong>10.4. Essential Purpose. </strong>Customer acknowledges and agrees that Cadmium has based its pricing on and entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the limitations of liability and damages in this Section 10 and disclaimers of warranties in Section 9 and that those terms form an essential basis of the bargain between the Parties. If applicable law limits the application of the provisions of Section 10, Cadmium’s liability will be limited to the maximum extent permissible. For the avoidance of doubt, Cadmium’s liability limits and other rights set forth in Section 10 apply likewise to Cadmium’s Affiliates, licensors, suppliers, advertisers, agents, sponsors, and other Representatives.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="indemnification" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">11. Indemnification</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>11.1. By Cadmium</strong>. <br/><br/>(A) Cadmium shall indemnify and defend Customer, its Affiliates, and their respective employees, officers, directors (or similar governing authority), and owners from and against any Losses incurred because of a third-party claim or action that alleges the use of a SaaS Service in accordance with the Agreement infringes a copyright, registered trademark, issued patent, or other intellectual property right of such third party (an “Infringement”). If a SaaS Service is subject to a claim of Infringement and as a result, Customer’s use of the affected SaaS Service is enjoined, then Cadmium shall, at no cost to Customer, procure for Customer the right to continue using the affected SaaS Service or replace it with a non-infringing or modified SaaS Service of materially equivalent functionality. But if, in Cadmium’s reasonable opinion, none of the options in the preceding sentence are available on terms that are commercially reasonable for Cadmium, then Cadmium may terminate Customer’s right to access and use the affected SaaS Service, in which case Cadmium shall refund Customer the pro rata amount of any prepaid subscription fees applicable to the unused part of the Subscription Term for the terminated SaaS Service (excluding any activation or other one-time fees). If Customer was unable to use the terminated SaaS Service because of the Infringement, the unused part of the Subscription Term will be measured from the last date on which Customer was able to use the SaaS Service.<br/><br/>(B) Cadmium has no obligation and assumes no liability under this Section or otherwise to the extent the Infringement is caused or alleged to be caused by: (i) the SaaS Service’s being modified by any Person other than Cadmium; (ii) the SaaS Service’s being combined, operated, or used with any Customer Data or any Customer or third party products, services, hardware, data, content, or business processes not provided by or on behalf of Cadmium where there would be no Infringement but for that combination; (iii) any action arising because of Customer Data or any third-party deliverables or components contained within the SaaS Service; or (iv) any use of the SaaS Service provided on a no-charge or evaluation basis.<br/><br/><strong>11.2. By Customer</strong>. Customer shall indemnify and defend Cadmium, its Affiliates, and their respective employees, officers, directors (or similar governing authority), and owners from and against any Losses incurred because of a third-party claim or action that alleges Customer’s use of a SaaS Service in breach of the Agreement infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party. <br/><br/><strong>11.3. Indemnity Process. </strong>Each Party&#x27;s indemnification obligations under this Section are conditioned on the Party seeking indemnity: (i) promptly giving to the indemnifying Party written notice of the claim, including a reasonably detailed description of the claim, the claim’s nature and basis, the damages (if known) claimed by the third party, and all legal pleadings for the claim; (ii) granting the indemnifying Party sole control of the defense of the claim; and (iii) providing to the indemnifying Party all available information and reasonable assistance in connection with the claim, at the indemnifying Party’s request and expense. The indemnified Party, at the indemnified Party’s sole expense, may participate in the defense of the claim. But no indemnifying Party may admit liability for or consent to any judgment or concede or settle or compromise any claim without the indemnified Party’s prior written consent, which the indemnified Party shall not unreasonably withhold, delay, or condition.<br/>‍<br/><strong>11.4. Exclusive Remedy.</strong> Section 11 (Indemnification) states each Party’s sole liability and exclusive remedy with respect to Infringement and any other type of third-party claim or action described in this Section, but does not apply to any direct claims between the Parties.</div><div class="spacer-large"></div></div><div id="miscellaneous" class="terms-section"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">12. Miscellaneous</h2><div class="spacer-small"></div><div><strong>12.1.  Notices. </strong>The mailing address and email address to which Customer shall direct notices to Cadmium under the Agreement are: and Cadmium LLC Attention: Legal 19 Newport Dr. Suite #101 Forest Hill, MD 21050.. The mailing and email address to which Cadmium shall direct notices to Customer under the Agreement are those that Customer periodically designates in writing (email acceptable) in accordance with this Section 12.1, except that Customer’s initial mailing and email address will be those specified in Customer’s initial Order Form or SOW. All notices to a Party shall be in writing, with a copy sent by email and sent to the Party’s addresses specified above and shall be deemed to have been duly given after both (1) having been sent by email and (2) when received, if personally delivered; the day after it is sent, if sent for next day delivery by recognized overnight delivery service; and upon receipt, if sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Either Party may periodically change its mail or email address for notices under this Section 12.1 by giving the other Party at least 30 days’ prior written notice of the change.<br/><br/><strong>12.2. Publicity.</strong> Cadmium may refer to Customer as a Cadmium customer and use Customer’s logo as part of that reference, on condition that Cadmium complies with any Customer trademark usage requirements that Customer provides. Upon Cadmium’s reasonable request, Customer shall serve as a reference account for Cadmium, on condition that Cadmium shall provide Customer with reasonable notice and obtain Customer’s consent before scheduling any reference activity. Cadmium may either (i) issue a press release announcing the relationship between Cadmium and Customer or (ii) submit a joint press release to Customer for its approval. <br/><strong><br/>12.3. Governing Law.</strong> Maryland law (without regard to any jurisdiction’s conflict-of-laws principles) exclusively governs all matters arising from or relating in any way to the Agreement.<br/><br/><strong>12.4. Forum.</strong> The exclusive jurisdiction and venue with respect to any claim or cause of action arising under or relating to the Agreement will be any state or federal court located in Baltimore, Maryland. Each Party knowingly, voluntarily, and irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of each such court. Each Party waives any defense that those courts lack jurisdiction over the Party, waives any claim of an inconvenient or improper forum, and waives any bond, security, or surety requirements of those courts.<br/><strong><br/>12.5. Jury Trial Waiver.</strong> Each Party knowingly, voluntarily, and irrevocably waives all jury trial rights with respect to any proceeding arising from or relating to the Agreement.<br/>‍<br/><strong>12.6. Entire Agreement. </strong>The Agreement embodies the Parties’ completely integrated Agreement and supersedes all other agreements or understandings among them pertaining to the Agreement’s subject matter. The Terms incorporate by this reference each Order Form, each SOW, and all related annexes, schedules, and exhibits. If there is a conflict among the Terms and any Order Form, SOW, or other document incorporated into the Terms, the Terms will prevail, except to the extent that the conflicting document specifically references the conflicting section of the Terms, clearly states that the conflicting document will prevail, and is signed by an authorized signatory of Cadmium.<br/><br/><strong>12.7. Amendments. </strong><br/>(A) <em>Amendments by Cadmium<br/>‍</em>(i) <em>Modification Notice</em>. Subject to the restrictions in this Section 12.7(A), in its discretion, Cadmium may modify these Terms. If Cadmium modifies these Terms, it shall provide prior written notice (“Modification Notice”) to Customer of such modifications at least 30 days before the effectiveness of the modifications. Cadmium need not give prior notice if modifications are necessary to comply with applicable laws, but in that case, Cadmium shall use commercially reasonable efforts to give prior notice when practicable<br/>(ii) <em>Renewal Modification Notice</em>. If the Modification Notice states that the modifications will become effective upon commencement of a renewal Subscription Term, then the modifications will become effective for each Service affected by the changes upon renewal of such Service. Customer may avoid the modifications taking effect only by cancelling the renewal of Customer’s subscription before the renewal Subscription Term begins.<br/>(iii) <em>Mid-Term Modification Notice</em>. If the Modification Notice states that the modifications will become effective during the then-current Subscription Term, and the modifications materially and adversely affect Customer, then Customer may terminate Customer’s subscription to the affected Service by providing written notice to Cadmium at any time within the 30-day period following the date of the Modification Notice. Customer’s termination will become effective on the later to occur of (a) the date on which Customer delivers a timely termination notice or (b) the date on which the applicable modifications become effective, on condition that, upon written request by Customer, Cadmium shall continue to provide such Service to Customer as needed to manage a reasonable transition to another vendor, not to exceed 60 days, and at Cadmium’s then-current rates for the affected Service. If Customer terminates a Service subscription pursuant to this sub-clause (iii) (<em>Mid-Term Modification Notice</em>), then Cadmium shall refund Customer the pro rata amount of any prepaid Service subscription fees applicable to the unused portion of the Subscription Term for the terminated Service (<em>excluding any activation or other one-time fees</em>).<br/>(iv) <em>General</em>. If Customer does not terminate the affected Service subscription as specified in this Section 12.7(A) (<em>Modifications</em>), then Customer will be bound by the modified terms beginning upon the effective date set forth in the Modification Notice.<br/><br/>(B) <em>All other Amendments</em>. Except as otherwise provided in Section 12.7(A), the Terms, any Order Form, or any SOW may be amended only by a separate written instrument identified as an amendment to the Agreement and duly signed and delivered by an authorized signatory of each Party. The Agreement cannot be modified by any course of dealing, course of performance, or usage of trade. No modification or amendment of the Agreement may be accomplished by the exchange of purchase orders, sales acknowledgments, shipping invoices, or the like having terms inconsistent with or additional to those in the Agreement. All pre-printed or standard terms of Customer’s purchase order or other equivalent document have no effect.<br/>‍<br/><strong>12.8. Waivers.</strong> A Party may waive the other Party’s breach of or compliance with the Agreement, but any waiver must be in a writing that the waiving Party has signed and is effective only to the extent specified in the writing. A Party’s waiver does not waive any other earlier, concurrent, or later breach or compliance.<br/><strong><br/>12.9. Severability.</strong> If a court determines any provision of the Agreement to be unenforceable, then, in lieu of severing that unenforceable provision from the Agreement, the court is authorized to modify any such provision, so that it is enforceable and carries out the Parties&#x27; intentions under the Agreement. But if the court declines to so modify any such unenforceable provision, the rest of the Agreement remains in full force.<br/><br/><strong>12.10. Interpretation and Construction.</strong> When the Terms refer to a Section, that reference is to a Section of the Terms, unless otherwise indicated. The verb to include (and its variants) introduces examples, not an exhaustive list. Any reference to a day refers to a calendar day, unless otherwise specified. The Agreement’s descriptive headings are for reference only and must not affect the interpretation of the Agreement. <br/><br/><strong>12.11. Force Majeure.</strong> Except as the Order Form for a given SaaS Service or an SOW for a given Professional Service expressly provides otherwise, if a Force Majeure Event occurs, the Party that is prevented by that Force Majeure Event from performing any one or more of its obligations under the Agreement will be excused from performing those obligations for as long as the Force Majeure Event continues.<br/><strong><br/>12.12. Assignment.</strong> Without all the Parties’ prior written consent (which must not be unreasonably withheld), no Party may, in any way, transfer any of its rights under the Agreement or delegate any performance under the Agreement. This Section prohibits all transfers of any rights under the Agreement and all delegations of any performance under the Agreement, however accomplished, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, whether by assignment, merger, consolidation, dissolution, operation of law, change of control, or any other means. But without the other Party’s consent, a Party may assign its rights under the Agreement or delegate any performance under the Agreement to its successor in interest or assignee because of a merger, change of control, acquisition, or sale of all or substantially all of its business. Any purported transfer of rights or delegation of performance violating this Section is void.<br/><br/><strong>12.13. Successors and Assigns.</strong> The Agreement binds the Parties as well as their successors and, subject to Section 12.12, permitted assigns.<br/><br/><strong>12.14. Independent Contractors.</strong> The Parties are independent contractors. 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