TY - JFULL AU - Chia Lin Chan and Yi Ju Yang and Chih Chin Yang PY - 2011/10/ TI - Influence of Flood Detention Capability in Flood Prevention for Flood Disaster of Depression Area T2 - International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering SP - 508 EP - 516 VL - 5 SN - 1307-6892 UR - PU - World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology NX - Open Science Index 57, 2011 N2 - Rainfall records of rainfall station including the rainfall potential per hour and rainfall mass of five heavy storms are explored, respectively from 2001 to 2010. The rationalization formula is to investigate the capability of flood peak duration of flood detention pond in different rainfall conditions. The stable flood detention model is also proposed by using system dynamic control theory to get the message of flood detention pond in this research. When rainfall frequency of one hour rainfall duration is more than 100-year frequency which exceeds the flood detention standard of 20-year frequency for the flood detention pond, the flood peak duration of flood detention pond is 1.7 hours at most even though the flood detention pond with maximum drainage potential about 15.0 m3/s of pumping system is constructed. If the rainfall peak current is more than maximum drainage potential, the flood peak duration of flood detention pond is about 1.9 hours at most. The flood detention pond is the key factor of stable drainage control and flood prevention. The critical factors of flood disaster is not only rainfall mass, but also rainfall frequency of heavy storm in different rainfall duration and flood detention frequency of flood detention system. ER -