National Security and Energy Independence | Topics | EESI
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categories[i] = new Option("Fossil Fuels", "40"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Hydrogen and Fuel Cells", "8"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Industry and Manufacturing", "59"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("National Security and Energy Independence", "48"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Nuclear Energy", "60"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Public Health", "42"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Renewable Energy", "3"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Rural Development", "46"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Transportation", "1"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Waste Management and Recycling", "61"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Workforce", "36"); i++; } // END if channels if (channels == "9") { categories[i] = new Option("-------", ""); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Change News (CCN) - ARCHIVED", "32"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Change Solutions", "50"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("COP Dispatch: What Congress Needs to Know from 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Climate Talks", "55"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("EESI Impact", "53"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("EESI Update - ARCHIVED", "31"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Sustainable Bioenergy, Farms, and Forests (SBFF) - ARCHIVED", "33"); i++; } // END if channels if (channels == "2") { categories[i] = new Option("-------", ""); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Adaptation and Resilience", "11"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Agriculture and Forestry", "43"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Bioenergy", "10"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Buildings and Infrastructure", "18"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Change", "22"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Diplomacy", "56"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Finance ", "57"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Conservation", "58"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Electrification", "49"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Efficiency", "34"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Transmission and Storage", "13"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Environmental Justice", "44"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Fossil Fuels", "40"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Hydrogen and Fuel Cells", "8"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Industry and Manufacturing", "59"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("National Security and Energy Independence", "48"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Nuclear Energy", "60"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Public Health", "42"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Renewable Energy", "3"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Rural Development", "46"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Transportation", "1"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Waste Management and Recycling", "61"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Workforce", "36"); i++; } // END if channels if (channels == "7") { categories[i] = new Option("-------", ""); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Adaptation and Resilience", "11"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Agriculture and Forestry", "43"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Bioenergy", "10"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Buildings and Infrastructure", "18"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Change", "22"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Diplomacy", "56"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Finance ", "57"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Conservation", "58"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Electrification", "49"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Efficiency", "34"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Transmission and Storage", "13"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Environmental Justice", "44"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Fossil Fuels", "40"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Hydrogen and Fuel Cells", "8"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Industry and Manufacturing", "59"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("National Security and Energy Independence", "48"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Nuclear Energy", "60"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Public Health", "42"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Renewable Energy", "3"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Rural Development", "46"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Transportation", "1"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Waste Management and Recycling", "61"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Workforce", "36"); i++; } // END if channels if (channels == "5") { categories[i] = new Option("-------", ""); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Adaptation and Resilience", "11"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Agriculture and Forestry", "43"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Bioenergy", "10"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Buildings and Infrastructure", "18"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Change", "22"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Diplomacy", "56"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Finance ", "57"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Conservation", "58"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Electrification", "49"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Efficiency", "34"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Transmission and Storage", "13"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Environmental Justice", "44"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Fossil Fuels", "40"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Hydrogen and Fuel Cells", "8"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Industry and Manufacturing", "59"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("National Security and Energy Independence", "48"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Nuclear Energy", "60"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Public Health", "42"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Renewable Energy", "3"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Rural Development", "46"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Transportation", "1"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Waste Management and Recycling", "61"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Workforce", "36"); i++; } // END if channels if (channels == "1") { } // END if channels if (channels == "6") { categories[i] = new Option("-------", ""); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Adaptation and Resilience", "11"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Agriculture and Forestry", "43"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Bioenergy", "10"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Buildings and Infrastructure", "18"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Change", "22"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Diplomacy", "56"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Climate Finance ", "57"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Conservation", "58"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Electrification", "49"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Efficiency", "34"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Energy Transmission and Storage", "13"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Environmental Justice", "44"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Fossil Fuels", "40"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Hydrogen and Fuel Cells", "8"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Industry and Manufacturing", "59"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("National Security and Energy Independence", "48"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Nuclear Energy", "60"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Public Health", "42"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Renewable Energy", "3"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Rural Development", "46"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Transportation", "1"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Waste Management and Recycling", "61"); i++; categories[i] = new Option("Workforce", "36"); i++; } // END if channels if (reset > 1) { categories = new Array(); } spaceString = eval("/!-!/g"); with (theSearchForm.elements['cat_id[]']) { for (i = length-1; i >= firstcategory; i--) options[i] = null; for (i = firstcategory; i < categories.length; i++) { options[i] = categories[i]; options[i].text = options[i].text.replace(spaceString, String.fromCharCode(160)); } options[0].selected = true; } } } //]]> </script> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" name="keywords" class="form-control" placeholder="Search National Security and Energy Independence..."> <input type="hidden" name="cat_id[]" value="48"> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button> </span> </div> </form> <nav class="subnav"> <br><a href="/climate-change-FAQ"><img style="max-width: 100%; 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