The Biomarker Factory: A High-Performance Analytical Platform for Fluid Biomarker Development, Validation, and Measurement

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In 2015 the lab was awarded a Wellcome Trust equipment grant which ensured the purchase of a Simoa HD-1 platform from Quanterix, which enables super sensitive immunoassay research.</p> <p>Other milestones include joining the Dementia Research Institute in 2018. However, the most exciting development which came in 2021 — and the subject of Heslegrave’s presentation, was the laboratory’s acquisition of funds to start the ‘Biomarker Factory’ research group.</p> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 id="h-the-biomarker-factory-a-brief-history">The Biomarker Factory – A Brief History</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The Biomarker Factory at the UK Dementia Research Centre at UCL has developed expertise in biomarker immunoassay measurement and development. They have banked various fluid biomarker samples in collaboration with colleagues at The Institute of Neurology and have grown their suite of immunoassay platforms via multiple grants.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:quote {"className":"is-style-large"} --> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote is-style-large"><p><em>The Biomarker Factory harnesses plate reader technology for transitional ELISA assays and more specialised equipment that lends itself to multiplexing assays.</em></p></blockquote> <!-- /wp:quote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Furthermore, the research group boast many collaborations both in the UK and internationally. In particular, the Biomarker Factory has a close working relationship with the UCL Hospital cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lab and the neurochemistry lab in Gothenburg – helping secure the lab’s position at the forefront of the technology.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 id="h-available-technology">Available Technology</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The Biomarker Factory harnesses plate reader technology for transitional enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) assays and more specialised equipment that lends itself to multiplexing assays. In particular, the Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) platform and the bio-Plex are two machines that are heavily relied upon due to their amenability to multiplexing.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Super sensitive assay technology includes the use of three HDX machines to perform automated super sensitive immunoassays allowing the quantification of the very low concentrations of brain specific proteins in blood. Additionally, the SMC X Pro platform offers quantification analysis to detect low levels of established disease biomarkers from limited concentrations.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 id="h-how-the-biomarker-factory-collaborates">How the Biomarker Factory Collaborates</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Establishing and implementing academic partnerships is crucial to biomarker research and development success. The Biomarker Factory conduct pre-grant application conversations to determine and compare details such as proposed cohort size, disease selection, and hypothesis. Other questions to address are whether the sample type is appropriate and whether sufficient information can be derived.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Whilst blood biomarkers are becoming increasingly popular; it is important to bear in mind the possibilities of other sample types which may lend themselves to assays investigation. In particular, the Biomarker Factory lab is currently investigating blood spots which show exceptional promise for later-stage sample processing opportunities such as screening.&nbsp;</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:list --> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">GOAL: A Collaborative Approach to Next Generation Sequencing in&nbsp;Oncology and Beyond</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Enabling Precision Oncology with Tumour Profiling Solutions</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Unlocking the Potential of Spatial Multi-Omics and Cytometry</a></li></ul> <!-- /wp:list --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Appropriate assay selection is likewise important. Often industry clients propose a certain assay without knowing the full implications this will have on their study — the Biomarker Factory can help in the decision-making. The lab then sends the post assay data to the client to initiate a discussion on the results found and conduct manuscript reviews.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 id="h-it-s-not-always-about-antibodies-and-humans">It’s Not Always About Antibodies and Humans…</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Within their research into Dementia, the Biomarker Factory successfully collaborated with the Biological Mass Spectrometry unit at the Institute of Child Health to investigate targeted reaction monitoring of the TREM2 disease-relevant variant. The partnership produced an impressive data set showing evidence of increased cerebrospinal fluid soluble TREM2 concentration in Alzheimer’s disease. The joint venture also resulted in the identification of novel CSF biomarkers for neurodegeneration, which was validated using a high throughput multiplexed targeted proteomic assay.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:quote {"className":"is-style-large"} --> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote is-style-large"><p><em>The Biomarker Factory believe that one of the most useful non-human biomarkers is one that is conserved across multiple species and can be found in much higher concentrations.</em></p></blockquote> <!-- /wp:quote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Although the Biomarker Factory has had proven success in identifying and developing human-derived biomarkers, they also focus on helping clients to improve model availability and variety. The Biomarker Factory believe that one of the most useful non-human biomarkers is one that is conserved across multiple species and can be found in much higher concentrations. However, measuring biomarker concentration in other species can be challenging due to volume size. This issue is prevalent, for example, in mouse blood models.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 id="h-what-s-next-for-the-biomarker-factory">What’s Next for the Biomarker Factory?</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Providing the earliest possible form of intervention for neurodegenerative disease is paramount to the research group’s mission. They firmly endorse the use of biomarkers to detect and identify those most at risk of developing these life-altering conditions. Through detection and monitoring, biomarker research can help unlock new dementia treatments.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The high-performance analytical platform created by the Biomarker Factory facilitates this next step in biomarker development, validation, and measurement. As the current most experienced academic lab in the UK to harness the latest Simoa technology, the research group provides flexible and cutting-edge support for new assay validations. The Biomarker Factory has the equipment and expertise to provide services both within the UK DRI and beyond.&nbsp;</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><em>Want to stay up to date with the latest Biomarker news? Register now for&nbsp;</em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><em>Oxford Global</em></a><em>’s flagship event,&nbsp;</em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><em>Biomarkers US: In-Person</em></a><em>. This is a must-attend forum covering the latest trends transforming biomarker and translational research</em></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <div class="content-body-footer"> <div class="author-info text-no-gap"> <div class="author-about"> <h3> Speaker Biographies </h3> <p><strong>Amanda Heslegrave, Senior Research Fellow at the <em>UK Dementia Research Centre, UCL</em> -</strong> Dr Amanda Heslegrave works in the UK DRI hub at UCL. Heslegrave started her scientific career at the Institute of Neurology and has expertise in fluid biomarkers and technologies. She received her Doctor of Philosophy University College London in 2000 and has a Bachelor of Science from the University College London also.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-sidebar"> <div class="related-articles"> <h3 class="center">Related Resources</h3> <div class="article"> <a href="/precision-medicine/resources/immunoassay-solutions-for-biomarker-analysis"> <div class="cover-graphic"> <img src="" class="cover-graphic-image"> </div> </a><div class="content"><a href="/precision-medicine/resources/immunoassay-solutions-for-biomarker-analysis"> <h4> Immunoassay Solutions for Biomarker Analysis </h4> <div class="abstract"> </div> <div class="read-more"> <a href="/precision-medicine/resources/immunoassay-solutions-for-biomarker-analysis" class="read-more-link">Read More</a> </div></a> </div> </div> <div class="article"> <a href="/precision-medicine/resources/diagnexia-analytix-pathology-services"> <div class="cover-graphic"> <img src="" class="cover-graphic-image"> </div> </a><div class="content"><a href="/precision-medicine/resources/diagnexia-analytix-pathology-services"> <h4> Diagnexia Analytix Pathology Services </h4> <div class="abstract"> </div> <div class="read-more"> <a href="/precision-medicine/resources/diagnexia-analytix-pathology-services" class="read-more-link">Read More</a> </div></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="newsletter-cta"> <h2 class="heading">Subscribe to our newsletter</h2> <div class="message"> Sign up for our monthly Newsletter to keep up with all things Precision Medicine </div> <div class="button-wrapper"> <a href="#" class="button hs-cta-trigger-button hs-cta-trigger-button-177053686110">Newsletter Sign-Up</a> </div> </div> </main> <div data-global-resource-path="git/og-stage/templates/partials/footer.html"><footer class="website-footer flex flex-column g-20"> <div class="footer-columns"> <div class="footer-column"> <a href="" class="site-logo-link"> <img src="" class="site-logo"> </a> </div> <div class="footer-column"> <h3>Brands</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/precision-medicine/">Precision Medicine</a> </li> <li> <a href="/discovery-development/">Discovery &amp; Development</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nextgen-biomed/">NextGen Biomed</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-column"> <h3>Services</h3> <ul> <li> <a href=""> In-Person Services </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Digital Marketing Services </a> </li> </ul> <h3>Upcoming Events</h3> <ul> <li> <a href=""> Event Calendar </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-column"> <h3>Company</h3> <ul> <li class="elementor-icon-list-item"> <a href=""> About </a> </li> <li class="elementor-icon-list-item"> <a href=""> Vacancies </a> </li> <li class="elementor-icon-list-item"> <a href=""> CSR Policy </a> </li> <li class="elementor-icon-list-item"> <a href="javascript:postMessage({type:'HS_DISPLAY_CALL_TO_ACTION',id:130207947529});"> Contact </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer-column"> <p> <a href="tel:+441865248455">+44 1865 248 455</a><br> <a href=""></a> </p> <p> <strong>Our UK Address:</strong><br> Godstow Court<br> Minns Business Park<br> Botley<br> Oxford, OX2 0JB </p> <p> <strong>Our US Address:</strong><br> 100 Cambridge Street<br> 14th Floor<br> Boston<br> MA 02114 </p> </div> </div> <div class="footer-bottom grid g-20"> <div class="span8 span12-sm span12-md flex flex-column g-10"> <div class="copyright"> © Oxford Global Marketing Ltd. 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