The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Gayl to Gegax

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Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Guam, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="325.02.53">Gayle, George W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama</a>, 1838-42. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="373.15.58">Gayle, John</a> (1792-1859)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Alabama. Born in Sumter District (now <a href="">Sumter County</a>), S.C., <a href="">September 11, 1792</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">member Alabama territorial council</a>, 1817; member of <a href="">Alabama state house of representatives</a>, 1822-23, 1829; <a href="">Speaker of the Alabama State House of Representatives</a>, 1829; <a href="">associate justice of Alabama state supreme court</a>, 1823-28; <a href="">Governor of Alabama</a>, 1831-35; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Alabama</a> 1st District, 1847-49; <a href="">U.S. District Judge for Louisiana</a>, 1849-59. Slaveowner. Died near Mobile, <a href="">Mobile County</a>, Ala., <a href="">July 21, 1859</a> (age <a href="">66 years, 313 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Magnolia Cemetery</a>, Mobile, Ala. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="739.50.38">Gayle, June Ward</a> (1865-1942)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>June W. Gayle</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Owenton, <a href="">Owen County</a>, Ky. Born in New Liberty, <a href="">Owen County</a>, Ky., <a href="">February 22, 1865</a>. Democrat. <a href="">U.S. Representative from Kentucky</a> 7th District, 1900-01; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky, <a href="">1904</a> (member, <a href="">Committee on Rules and Order of Business</a>), <a href="">1920</a>. Died in Owenton, <a href="">Owen County</a>, Ky., <a href="">August 5, 1942</a> (age <a href="">77 years, 164 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">New Liberty Cemetery</a>, New Liberty, Ky. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="642.70.07">Gayle, Margot</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1956</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1956. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="567.21.61">Gayle, Richard H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Alabama. U.S. Consul in <a href=" ">Montevideo</a>, 1858-61. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="315.19.87">Gayle, Sands</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Gold Hill, <a href="">Buckingham County</a>, Va. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Virginia state senate</a> 18th District, 1910-19; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Virginia, <a href="">1916</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="781.25.12">Gayle, William A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Montgomery, <a href="">Montgomery County</a>, Ala. <a href="">Mayor of Montgomery, Ala.</a>, 1952-59. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYLENE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYLENE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G450</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EYLENBURG</a>, <a href="">FAYLENE</a>, <a href="">GALEN</a>, <a href="">GALIEN</a>, <a href="">GALLEN</a>, <a href="">GALLIEN</a>, <a href="">GALLION</a>, <a href="">GALYEN</a>, <a href="">GAULIN</a>, <a href="#GAYL">GAYL</a>, <a href="#GAYLA">GAYLA</a>, <a href="#GAYLE">GAYLE</a>, <a href="#GAYLES">GAYLES</a>, <a href="#GAYLIN">GAYLIN</a>, <a href="#GAYLON">GAYLON</a>, <a href="#GAYLOR">GAYLOR</a>, <a href="#GAYLORD">GAYLORD</a>, <a href="#GAYLORE">GAYLORE</a>, <a href="#GAYNELLE">GAYNELLE</a>, <a href="">GEHLEN</a>, <a href="">MYLENEK</a>, <a href="">NAEGELY</a>, <a href="">NYLEN</a>, <a href="">RAYLENE</a>, <a href="">VANZYLEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYLENE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gaylene Kanoyton</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylene McDonald</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYLES"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYLES</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G420</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AYLESWORTH</a>, <a href="">BAYLESS</a>, <a href="">FAYLES</a>, <a href="">GALES</a>, <a href="">GALIUS</a>, <a href="">GALLIS</a>, <a href="#GAYL">GAYL</a>, <a href="#GAYLA">GAYLA</a>, <a href="#GAYLE">GAYLE</a>, <a href="#GAYLENE">GAYLENE</a>, <a href="#GAYLIN">GAYLIN</a>, <a href="#GAYLON">GAYLON</a>, <a href="#GAYLOR">GAYLOR</a>, <a href="#GAYLORD">GAYLORD</a>, <a href="#GAYLORE">GAYLORE</a>, <a href="">GLASSEY</a>, <a href="">HAYLES</a>, <a href="">SAYLES</a>, <a href="">WAYLES</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYLES:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gayles R. Pine</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="773.95.45">Gayles, Naima</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Green. Green candidate for Presidential Elector for Louisiana, <a href="">2024</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Jill Stein</a> and <a href="">Ajamu Baraka</a>). Still living as of 2024. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYLIN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYLIN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G450</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AYLING</a>, <a href="">BAYLIN</a>, <a href="">DAYLIN</a>, <a href="">FAYLING</a>, <a href="">GALEN</a>, <a href="">GALIEN</a>, <a href="">GALLEN</a>, <a href="">GALLIEN</a>, <a href="">GALLION</a>, <a href="">GALYEN</a>, <a href="">GAULIN</a>, <a href="#GAYL">GAYL</a>, <a href="#GAYLA">GAYLA</a>, <a href="#GAYLE">GAYLE</a>, <a href="#GAYLENE">GAYLENE</a>, <a href="#GAYLES">GAYLES</a>, <a href="#GAYLON">GAYLON</a>, <a href="#GAYLOR">GAYLOR</a>, <a href="#GAYLORD">GAYLORD</a>, <a href="#GAYLORE">GAYLORE</a>, <a href="">GEHLEN</a>, <a href="">LAYLIN</a>, <a href="">MAYLIN</a>, <a href="">SAYLIN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYLIN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gaylin L. R. Den Ouden</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYLON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYLON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G450</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CEYLON</a>, <a href="">GALLON</a>, <a href="#GAYL">GAYL</a>, <a href="#GAYLA">GAYLA</a>, <a href="#GAYLE">GAYLE</a>, <a href="#GAYLENE">GAYLENE</a>, <a href="#GAYLES">GAYLES</a>, <a href="#GAYLIN">GAYLIN</a>, <a href="#GAYLOR">GAYLOR</a>, <a href="#GAYLORD">GAYLORD</a>, <a href="#GAYLORE">GAYLORE</a>, <a href="">MADYLON</a>, <a href="">MAYLON</a>, <a href="">NAYLON</a>, <a href="">NEYLON</a>, <a href="">WAYLON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYLON:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">George Gaylon Boone</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylon Turnage</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYLOR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYLOR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G460</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAYLOR</a>, <a href="">GAILOR</a>, <a href="#GAYL">GAYL</a>, <a href="#GAYLA">GAYLA</a>, <a href="#GAYLE">GAYLE</a>, <a href="#GAYLENE">GAYLENE</a>, <a href="#GAYLES">GAYLES</a>, <a href="#GAYLIN">GAYLIN</a>, <a href="#GAYLON">GAYLON</a>, <a href="#GAYLORD">GAYLORD</a>, <a href="#GAYLORE">GAYLORE</a>, <a href="">KAYLOR</a>, <a href="">SAYLOR</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="931.57.91">Gaylor, A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Mishawaka, <a href="">St. Joseph County</a>, Ind. Postmaster at <a href="">Mishawaka, Ind.</a>, 1901. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="582.03.76">Gaylor, A. C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; United Christian candidate for Presidential Elector for Illinois, <a href="">1908</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYLORD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYLORD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G463</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">COLLORD</a>, <a href="">EISENLORD</a>, <a href="">GAILLARD</a>, <a href="#GAYL">GAYL</a>, <a href="#GAYLA">GAYLA</a>, <a href="#GAYLE">GAYLE</a>, <a href="#GAYLENE">GAYLENE</a>, <a href="#GAYLES">GAYLES</a>, <a href="#GAYLIN">GAYLIN</a>, <a href="#GAYLON">GAYLON</a>, <a href="#GAYLOR">GAYLOR</a>, <a href="#GAYLORE">GAYLORE</a>, <a href="">GILLARD</a>, <a href="">GILLIARD</a>, <a href="">GILYARD</a>, <a href="">GOULARD</a>, <a href="">GULLARD</a>, <a href="">LORD</a>, <a href="">LORDELL</a>, <a href="">LORDI</a>, <a href="">MALORD</a>, <a href="">PALLORD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYLORD:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Willis Gaylord Clark Bagley</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord N. Baldwin</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Ball</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Robert Gaylord Barnes</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Granville Gaylord Bennett</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord M. Brown</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">John Buckley</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Church</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord B. Clark</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord L. Donnelly</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Engle</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord N. Finch</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Graves</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Griswold</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord T. Heath</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">E. Gaylord Howell</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord B. Hubbell</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Effie Gaylord Huston</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Logan</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Mallett</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">O. Gaylord Marsh</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Anton Nelson</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord A. Newton</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Patrick O'Connor</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Parkinson</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord A. Saetre</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord E. Spanger</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Arthur Sprauve</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">John Gaylord Stoddard</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Thomas Gaylord Vennum</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Thomas Gaylord Vennum</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Welles</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaylord Clarke Whipple</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">H. Gaylord Wilshire</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="721.09.28">Gaylord, Andrew S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Plymouth, <a href="">Litchfield County</a>, Conn. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Plymouth, 1902. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="133.87.61">Gaylord, Arthur T.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chicopee, <a href="">Hampden County</a>, Mass. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Chicopee, Mass.</a>, 1884-85. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="882.22.87">Gaylord, Charles A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of North Tonawanda, <a href="">Niagara County</a>, N.Y. Postmaster at <a href="">North Tonawanda, N.Y.</a>, 1928. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="948.96.80">Gaylord, Clayton R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rockford, <a href="">Winnebago County</a>, Ill. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1968</a>. Still living as of 1968. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="949.68.83">Gaylord, Clifford W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">St. Louis</a>, Mo. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Missouri, <a href="">1948</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="072.10.02">Gaylord, Daniel</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Milford, <a href="">Litchfield County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from New Milford, 1824. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="030.94.87">Gaylord, E. H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Nevada County</a>, Calif. Member of <a href="">California state assembly</a> 16th District, 1855-56. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="296.78.74">Gaylord, Edward A.</a> (born c.1856)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of West Hartland, Hartland, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn. Born in Hartland, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn., about 1856. Democrat. <a href="">Farmer</a>; member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Hartland, 1911-12; defeated, 1928. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="523.09.41">Gaylord, Edward Benton</a> (1861-1942)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Edward B. Gaylord</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Winsted, <a href="">Litchfield County</a>, Conn. Born in Burlington, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn., <a href="">August 27, 1861</a>. Republican. <a href="">Manufacturer</a>; member of <a href="">Connecticut state senate</a> 31st District, 1913-14. Died in Winsted, <a href="">Litchfield County</a>, Conn., <a href="">1942</a> (age <a href="">about 80 years</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Forest View Cemetery</a>, Winsted, Conn. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Ira Gaylord and Cloe Gaylord; married to Belle R. Robinson.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="146.28.43">Gaylord, Emerson</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chicopee, <a href="">Hampden County</a>, Mass. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Massachusetts, <a href="">1888</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" width=70 height=100 border=0 alt="Frank D. Gaylord"></a></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="226.38.40">Gaylord, Frank DeForest</a> (1860-1937)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Frank D. Gaylord</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Sodus, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, N.Y. Born in Atchison, <a href="">Atchison County</a>, Kan., <a href="">September 24, 1860</a>. Republican. <a href="">Merchant</a>; <a href="">fruit packing business</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Wayne County, 1917-19. Died in St. Petersburg, <a href="">Pinellas County</a>, Fla., <a href="">April 14, 1937</a> (age <a href="">76 years, 202 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Sodus Rural Cemetery</a>, Sodus, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Married to Augusta Flint.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> New York Red Book 1917</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="395.77.64">Gaylord, Frederick L.</a> (1850-1930)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ansonia, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Born in Connecticut, <a href="">January 19, 1850</a>. Republican. <a href="">Brass foundry business</a>; postmaster at <a href="">Ansonia, Conn.</a>, 1898-1910; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, <a href="">1900</a>; member of <a href="">Connecticut Republican State Central Committee</a>, 1901. Died <a href="">May 26, 1930</a> (age <a href="">80 years, 127 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Pine Grove Cemetery</a>, Ansonia, Conn. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Miles Gaylord.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="259.31.79">Gaylord, Henry C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Canaan, <a href="">Litchfield County</a>, Conn. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Canaan, 1910. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="888.77.01">Gaylord, Jack O.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Erie County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state senate</a> 57th District, 1962. Still living as of 1962. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="738.15.35">Gaylord, James L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Harrison County</a>, W.Va. Democrat. Member of <a href="">West Virginia state house of delegates</a> from Harrison County; elected 1934. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="324.83.02">Gaylord, James Madison</a> (1811-1874)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ohio. Born in Zanesville, <a href="">Muskingum County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">May 29, 1811</a>. Democrat. <a href="">U.S. Representative from Ohio</a> 13th District, 1851-53. Died in McConnelsville, <a href="">Morgan County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">June 14, 1874</a> (age <a href="">63 years, 16 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">McConnelsville Cemetery</a>, McConnelsville, Ohio. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Presumably named for:</i> <a href="">James Madison</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="654.61.31">Gaylord, John D.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ashford, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Postmaster at <a href="">Ashford, Conn.</a>, 1873-80. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="698.83.57">Gaylord, Kathleen</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Minnesota. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Minnesota, <a href="">2000</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="800.00.03">Gaylord, Melvin S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Geneva, <a href="">Ontario County</a>, N.Y. Republican. <a href="">Mayor of Geneva, N.Y.</a>, 1930-31. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="162.10.86">Gaylord, Nat, Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Hartland, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Hartland, 1836. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="630.77.32">Gaylord, Nelson J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state senate</a> 26th District, 1910. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="747.22.82">Gaylord, Sue</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Mason, <a href="">Ingham County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1976</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1976. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="420.54.40">Gaylord, Timothy A., Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Green. Candidate for <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> 34th District, 2003. Still living as of 2003. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="554.36.60">Gaylord, Titus L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Cheshire, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Cheshire, 1832, 1834-35. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="159.75.00">Gaylord, William M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Northampton, <a href="">Hampshire County</a>, Mass. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, <a href="">1876</a>, <a href="">1888</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="039.00.59">Gaylord, Winfield Romeo</a> (1870-1943)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Winfield R. Gaylord</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Milwaukee, <a href="">Milwaukee County</a>, Wis. Born in Verona, <a href="">Lee County</a>, Miss., <a href="">June 14, 1870</a>. Socialist. <a href="">Pastor</a>; Social Democratic candidate for <a href="">Governor of Wisconsin</a>, 1906; member of <a href="">Wisconsin state senate</a> 6th District, 1909-12; candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Wisconsin</a> 4th District, 1912. Died <a href="">February 23, 1943</a> (age <a href="">72 years, 254 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Palmetto Cemetery</a>, Palmetto, Fla. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYLORE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYLORE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G460</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GAILOR</a>, <a href="#GAYL">GAYL</a>, <a href="#GAYLA">GAYLA</a>, <a href="#GAYLE">GAYLE</a>, <a href="#GAYLENE">GAYLENE</a>, <a href="#GAYLES">GAYLES</a>, <a href="#GAYLIN">GAYLIN</a>, <a href="#GAYLON">GAYLON</a>, <a href="#GAYLOR">GAYLOR</a>, <a href="#GAYLORD">GAYLORD</a>, <a href="">LORE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYLORE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Richard Gaylore Stearns</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYMAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYMAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G550</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GAMMON</a>, <a href="">GAMON</a>, <a href="">GEHMAN</a>, <a href="">GOMON</a>, <a href="">GOWMAN</a>, <a href="">GUMEN</a>, <a href="">GUYMON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="622.96.56">Gayman, Benjamin F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Franklin County</a>, Ohio. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Ohio state house of representatives</a> from Franklin County; elected 1897; candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Ohio</a> 12th District, 1908. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="301.25.29">Gayman, Elesha</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Davenport, <a href="">Scott County</a>, Iowa. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Iowa, <a href="">2004</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYNELLE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYNELLE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G540</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DYNELEY</a>, <a href="">ELLE</a>, <a href="">GANAHL</a>, <a href="#GAYLENE">GAYLENE</a>, <a href="#GAYNER">GAYNER</a>, <a href="#GAYNOR">GAYNOR</a>, <a href="">GENELLE</a>, <a href="">GENIALE</a>, <a href="">GENNELL</a>, <a href="">GONNELL</a>, <a href="">GUNNELL</a>, <a href="">LYNELL</a>, <a href="">MARYNELL</a>, <a href="">MOYNELO</a>, <a href="">NAEGELY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYNELLE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gaynelle M. Dixon</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaynelle Griffin Jones</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gaynelle Wethers</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYNER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYNER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G560</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GAGNER</a>, <a href="">GAINER</a>, <a href="">GAINOR</a>, <a href="">GAYER</a>, <a href="#GAYNELLE">GAYNELLE</a>, <a href="#GAYNOR">GAYNOR</a>, <a href="">GENIER</a>, <a href="">GOEHNER</a>, <a href="">GOENER</a>, <a href="">GRANEY</a>, <a href="">GREANY</a>, <a href="">GUINIER</a>, <a href="">GUNNAR</a>, <a href="">GUNNERE</a>, <a href="">HAYNER</a>, <a href="">RAYNER</a>, <a href="">REYGAN</a>, <a href="">STAYNER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="948.79.96">Gayner, Edward J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Dry candidate for <a href="">delegate to New Jersey convention to ratify 21st amendment</a> at-large, 1933. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="183.02.63">Gayner, Peter P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Michigan. American Independent candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a> 16th District, 1972. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYNOR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYNOR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G560</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GAINER</a>, <a href="">GAINOR</a>, <a href="#GAYNELLE">GAYNELLE</a>, <a href="#GAYNER">GAYNER</a>, <a href="">GENIER</a>, <a href="">GOEHNER</a>, <a href="">GOENER</a>, <a href="">GUINIER</a>, <a href="">GUNNAR</a>, <a href="">GUNNERE</a>, <a href="">HAYNOR</a>, <a href="">KAYNOR</a>, <a href="">MAYNOR</a>, <a href="">POYNOR</a>, <a href="">RAYNOR</a>, <a href="">TRAYNOR</a>, <a href="">TREYNOR</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYNOR:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">E. Gaynor Brennan</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Justin Woodward Harding</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Edward Everett McCall</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="210.78.51">Gaynor, A. F.</a> (d. 1965)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of California. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1940</a>. Died in <a href="">1965</a>. Interment at <a href="">Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery</a>, Colma, Calif. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="386.13.50">Gaynor, Dan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Sioux City, <a href="">Woodbury County</a>, Iowa. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="501.16.21">Gaynor, Donald</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">2000</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="051.04.90">Gaynor, Edward M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Illinois. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Illinois</a> 5th District, 1950. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="610.34.20">Gaynor, Francis Robert</a> (1852-1920)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Frank R. Gaynor</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Le Mars, <a href="">Plymouth County</a>, Iowa. Born in <a href="">Canada</a>, <a href="">1852</a>. Republican. District judge in Iowa 4th District, 1891-1912; <a href="">justice of Iowa state supreme court</a>, 1913-20. Died in <a href="">1920</a> (age <a href="">about 68 years</a>). Interment at <a href="">Des Moines Masonic Cemetery</a>, Des Moines, Iowa. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Married <a href="">1878</a> to Annis Judd.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="010.14.83">Gaynor, Frank</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Buffalo, <a href="">Erie County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Erie County 6th District, 1933. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Gaynor, Frank R.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#610.34.20">Francis Robert Gaynor</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="478.80.21">Gaynor, Gene</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lancaster, <a href="">Los Angeles County</a>, Calif. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of Lancaster, Calif.</a>, 2004. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="188.65.39">Gaynor, Grant</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Los Angeles, <a href="">Los Angeles County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1972</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><img src="" width=70 height=94 border=0 alt="Harry J. Gaynor"></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="892.41.91">Gaynor, Harry J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rochester, <a href="">Monroe County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Monroe County 4th District, 1936; defeated, 1936. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> New York Red Book 1936</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="519.38.39">Gaynor, Harry J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Leadership By Example candidate for <a href="">Governor of New Jersey</a>, 1981. Still living as of 1981. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="005.96.15">Gaynor, John F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Delaware, <a href="">Delaware County</a>, Ohio. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1916</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="399.94.59">Gaynor, John J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Illinois. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1892</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="794.90.56">Gaynor, John S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a>, 1912 (Republican, 5th District), 1914 (Progressive, 5th District), 1918 (Republican, 7th District). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="841.01.91">Gaynor, William J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1920</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" width=70 height=104 border=0 alt="William J. Gaynor"></a></td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="407.08.41">Gaynor, William Jay</a> (1849-1913)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>William J. Gaynor</b>; <b>&quot;Brother Adrian Denys&quot;</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Born in Oriskany, <a href="">Oneida County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">February 2, 1849</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">Justice of New York Supreme Court</a> 2nd District, 1894-1909; Justice of the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court 2nd Department, 1908-09; <a href="">mayor of New York City, N.Y.</a>, 1910-13; died in office 1913; <a href="">shot</a> in the throat by James J. Gallagher, a former city employee, on August 9, 1910.; candidate for Democratic nomination for President, <a href="">1912</a>. <a href="">Irish</a> ancestry. Died, from a <a href="">heart attack</a>, on board the <a href="">steamship</a> <i>Baltic</i>, in the <a href="">North Atlantic Ocean</a>, <a href="">September 10, 1913</a> (age <a href="">64 years, 220 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Green-Wood Cemetery</a>, Brooklyn, N.Y.; memorial monument at <a href=" ">Cadman Plaza Park</a>, Brooklyn, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Keiron Gaynor and Elizabeth (Handwright) Gaynor.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Cross-reference:</i> <a href="">Edward M. Grout</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">James P. Kohler</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;">Gaynor <a href="">Plaza</a>, the triangle between Flatbush Avenue, St. John's Place, and Eighth Avenue, <a href="">Brooklyn, New York</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>.</li> </span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href=" Jay Gaynor">Wikipedia article</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">NNDB dossier</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Image source:</i> Library of Congress</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYO"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYO</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G000</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAYO</a>, <a href="">GAA</a>, <a href="">GAUGH</a>, <a href="">GAW</a>, <a href="">GAY</a>, <a href="">GAYE</a>, <a href="#GAYORGIAHNE">GAYORGIAHNE</a>, <a href="#GAYSO">GAYSO</a>, <a href="">YAGO</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYO:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">A. Gayo Gajewski</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYORGIAHNE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYORGIAHNE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G625</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BAYORGEON</a>, <a href="">BERGIAN</a>, <a href="#GAYO">GAYO</a>, <a href="">GEORGIA</a>, <a href="">GEORGIADI</a>, <a href="">GEORGIANA</a>, <a href="">IMBURGIA</a>, <a href="">LAFORGIA</a>, <a href="">MAYOR</a>, <a href="">MAYORAL</a>, <a href="">MAYORGA</a>, <a href="">MAYORKAS</a>, <a href="">MONTEMAYOR</a>, <a href="">SOTOMAYOR</a>, <a href="">YORGEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYORGIAHNE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gayorgiahne Fridman</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYSO"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYSO</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G200</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GAYO">GAYO</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYSO:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Rodney Gayso Whitelaw</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYTAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYTAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G350</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">FREYTAG</a>, <a href="">GAETAN</a>, <a href="">GAHTAN</a>, <a href="#GAYTHER">GAYTHER</a>, <a href="#GAYTON">GAYTON</a>, <a href="">HAYTAIAN</a>, <a href="">HAYTAS</a>, <a href="">MAYTAG</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYTAN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Silvestre Reyes</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYTHER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYTHER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G360</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GAITHER</a>, <a href="">GAUTHIER</a>, <a href="">GAUTIER</a>, <a href="#GAYTAN">GAYTAN</a>, <a href="#GAYTON">GAYTON</a>, <a href="">GUYTHER</a>, <a href="">HAGERTY</a>, <a href="">HAGGERTY</a>, <a href="">HAYTHE</a>, <a href="">HAYTHORNWALTE</a>, <a href="">HEGARTY</a>, <a href="">RYTHER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="021.55.05">Gayther, Ed</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Floyd County</a>, Iowa. <a href="">Delegate to Iowa convention to ratify 21st amendment</a> from Floyd County, 1933. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAYTON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAYTON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G350</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAYTON</a>, <a href="">GATTON</a>, <a href="">GATTONE</a>, <a href="">GAYDON</a>, <a href="#GAYTAN">GAYTAN</a>, <a href="#GAYTHER">GAYTHER</a>, <a href="">GUYTON</a>, <a href="">PAYTON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAYTON:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gayton Pickman Osgood</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Arthur Gayton Postlethwaite</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="890.04.27">Gayton, George L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> 16th District, 1976; candidate for <a href="">Michigan state senate</a> 10th District, 1978. Still living as of 1978. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="841.37.67">Gayton, James Bennett</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Emmons County</a>, N.Dak. <a href="">Delegate to North Dakota state constitutional convention</a> from Emmons County, 1889. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZELKA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZELKA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G242</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">KOZELKA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="989.75.09">Gazelka, Paul</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 12-A, 2005-06; member of <a href="">Minnesota state senate</a>, 2011-16 (12th District 2011-12, 9th District 2013-16); Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for Minnesota, <a href="">2020</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Donald Trump</a> and <a href="">Mike Pence</a>). Still living as of 2020. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZIANO"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZIANO</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G250</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ARGENZIANO</a>, <a href="">DAZIAN</a>, <a href="#GAZITUA">GAZITUA</a>, <a href="#GAZZANO">GAZZANO</a>, <a href="">GRAZIANI</a>, <a href="">GRAZIANO</a>, <a href="">STINZIANO</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="045.59.04">Gaziano, Mary</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rockford, <a href="">Winnebago County</a>, Ill. Republican. <a href="">Chair of Winnebago County Republican Party</a>, 2002. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2002. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZITUA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZITUA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G230</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GAZIANO">GAZIANO</a>, <a href="">GESIOTTO</a>, <a href="">GUZZETTA</a>, <a href="">GUZZETTI</a>, <a href="">MARAZITI</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="625.71.37">Gazitua, Guillermo</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Boston, <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, Mass. <a href="">Honorary Consul for Chile</a> in <a href="">Boston, Mass.</a>, 1926. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZLAY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZLAY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G240</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GAZLEY">GAZLEY</a>, <a href="">GISLAO</a>, <a href="">GOOSLEY</a>, <a href="">GOSLEE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="403.42.04">Gazlay, James William</a> (1784-1874)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>James W. Gazlay</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Cincinnati, <a href="">Hamilton County</a>, Ohio. Born in New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">July 23, 1784</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Ohio</a> 1st District, 1823-25; <a href="">newspaper editor</a>. Died in Cincinnati, <a href="">Hamilton County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">June 8, 1874</a> (age <a href="">89 years, 320 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Spring Grove Cemetery</a>, Cincinnati, Ohio. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZLEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZLEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G240</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BAZLEY</a>, <a href="">BEAZLEY</a>, <a href="">GALEY</a>, <a href="#GAZLAY">GAZLAY</a>, <a href="">GISLAO</a>, <a href="">GOOSLEY</a>, <a href="">GOSLEE</a>, <a href="">HAZLEHURST</a>, <a href="">HAZLETON</a>, <a href="">HAZLETT</a>, <a href="">HAZLEWOOD</a>, <a href="">VEAZLE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="429.95.67">Gazley, Mildred G.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a> from Wayne County 12th District, 1961. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1961. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="776.27.97">Gazley, Thomas Jefferson</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Thomas J. Gazley</b>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Delegate to Texas Convention of 1833</a> from District of Mina, 1833; <a href="">delegate to Texas Republic Republic constitutional convention</a> from District of Mina, 1836; <a href="">signer, Texas Declaration of Independence</a>, 1836. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Presumably named for:</i> <a href="">Thomas Jefferson</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZMEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZMEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G255</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GASSMAN</a>, <a href="">GASSMANN</a>, <a href="">GEISSMAN</a>, <a href="">GENZMER</a>, <a href="">GESSMAN</a>, <a href="">GOOSMAN</a>, <a href="">GOSMAN</a>, <a href="">GUESMAN</a>, <a href="">GUSMAN</a>, <a href="">GUZMAN</a>, <a href="">KAZMER</a>, <a href="">LAZMER</a>, <a href="">PROTZMEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="452.51.42">Gazmen, Edmund</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Constitution candidate for Presidential Elector for Hawaii, <a href="">2020</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Donald L. Blankenship</a> and <a href="">William Mohr</a>). Still living as of 2020. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="769.75.35">Gazmen, Jessica Lyn Elizares</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Constitution candidate for Presidential Elector for Hawaii, <a href="">2020</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Donald L. Blankenship</a> and <a href="">William Mohr</a>). <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2020. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZTAMBIDE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZTAMBIDE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G235</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ARRAMBIDE</a>, <a href="">CHARALAMBIDES</a>, <a href="">DEAZTLAN</a>, <a href="#GAZTANAGA">GAZTANAGA</a>, <a href="">OLSZTA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="490.07.92">Gaztambide, Mario</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rio Piedras, <a href="">San Juan Municipio</a>, Puerto Rico. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Puerto Rico, <a href="">1972</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="936.20.22">Gaztambide, Mario</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of San Francisco, Old San Juan, <a href="">San Juan Municipio</a>, Puerto Rico. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Puerto Rico, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="608.93.99">Gaztambide, Mario F., Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rio Piedras, <a href="">San Juan Municipio</a>, Puerto Rico. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Puerto Rico, <a href="">1972</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="721.08.87">Gaztambide, Ramon</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of San Francisco, Old San Juan, <a href="">San Juan Municipio</a>, Puerto Rico. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Puerto Rico, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="016.94.85">Gaztambide, Ruben</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rio Piedras, <a href="">San Juan Municipio</a>, Puerto Rico. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Puerto Rico, <a href="">1952</a> (member, <a href="">Committee on Rules and Order of Business</a>). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZTANAGA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZTANAGA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G235</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BRANAGAN</a>, <a href="">DEAZTLAN</a>, <a href="">FLANAGAN</a>, <a href="#GAZTAMBIDE">GAZTAMBIDE</a>, <a href="">IMANAGA</a>, <a href="">LANAGAN</a>, <a href="">OLSZTA</a>, <a href="">SANAGAVARAPU</a>, <a href="">STANAGE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="165.48.76">Gaztanaga, Lorenzo</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Baltimore</a>, Md. Libertarian. Candidate for <a href="">Lieutenant Governor of Maryland</a>, 2002; Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Maryland, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Gary E. Johnson</a> and <a href="">James P. Gray</a>); Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Maryland, <a href="">2024</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Chase R. Oliver</a> and <a href="">Michael ter Maat</a>). Still living as of 2024. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="860.30.72">Gaztanaga, Susan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Maryland, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Gary E. Johnson</a> and <a href="">James P. Gray</a>). <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZZAM"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZZAM</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G250</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ARGAZZI</a>, <a href="">FUGAZZI</a>, <a href="#GAZZANO">GAZZANO</a>, <a href="#GAZZARA">GAZZARA</a>, <a href="">GOSSOM</a>, <a href="">GUSSOM</a>, <a href="">MAGAZZU</a>, <a href="">RAGAZZI</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAZZAM:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">George Kenneth Donald</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="826.67.50">Gazzam, Edward D.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Allegheny County</a>, Pa. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1856</a> (<a href="">speaker</a>); member of <a href="">Pennsylvania state senate</a>, 1857-59 (22nd District 1857, 24th District 1858-59). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="385.54.54">Gazzam, Joseph M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Allegheny County</a>, Pa. Republican. Member of <a href="">Pennsylvania state senate</a> 43rd District, 1877-80. Interment <a href="">somewhere</a> in Pittsburgh, Pa. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="648.10.44">Gazzam, W. L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Washington, <a href="">1916</a> (member, <a href="">Committee to Notify Presidential Nominee</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZZANO"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZZANO</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G250</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ARGAZZI</a>, <a href="">BAZZANELLA</a>, <a href="">BOZZANI</a>, <a href="">FUGAZZI</a>, <a href="#GAZIANO">GAZIANO</a>, <a href="#GAZZAM">GAZZAM</a>, <a href="#GAZZARA">GAZZARA</a>, <a href="">MAGAZZU</a>, <a href="">MAZZANOVITCH</a>, <a href="">MAZZANT</a>, <a href="">MEZZANO</a>, <a href="">PREZZANO</a>, <a href="">RAGAZZI</a>, <a href="">SUZZANN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GAZZANO:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Leon E. Giuffreda</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GAZZARA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GAZZARA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G260</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ARGAZZI</a>, <a href="">DAZZARA</a>, <a href="">FUGAZZI</a>, <a href="#GAZZAM">GAZZAM</a>, <a href="#GAZZANO">GAZZANO</a>, <a href="">GUSCIORA</a>, <a href="">LAZZARA</a>, <a href="">MAGAZZU</a>, <a href="">MAZZARA</a>, <a href="">NAZARALI</a>, <a href="">RAGAZZI</a>, <a href="">ZARA</a>, <a href="">ZARAGOZA</a>, <a href="">ZARATE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="500.95.87">Gazzara, Anthony V.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Long Island City, Queens, <a href="">Queens County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> 36th District, 1974-75; member of <a href="">New York state senate</a> 14th District, 1976-83. Still living as of 1983. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GBUR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GBUR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G160</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BURG</a>, <a href="">COGBURN</a>, <a href="">DANSINGBURG</a>, <a href="">EGBURT</a>, <a href="">GABARRA</a>, <a href="">GABER</a>, <a href="">GABOR</a>, <a href="#GEBRE">GEBRE</a>, <a href="">GIEBER</a>, <a href="">GOBER</a>, <a href="">GRUB</a>, <a href="">GRUBB</a>, <a href="">HOGBURG</a>, <a href="">OGBURN</a>, <a href="">PANGBURN</a>, <a href="">ZBUR</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="316.89.85">Gbur, Bernard E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Michigan. Socialist. Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1960</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="894.97.69">Gbur, Edith</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Socialist. Socialist Workers candidate for <a href="">Michigan state auditor general</a>, 1960; Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1960</a>; Socialist Workers candidate for <a href="">University of Michigan board of regents</a>, 1961; Socialist Workers candidate for <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a> from Wayne County 6th District, 1961; Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1964</a>; Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1968</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Fred Halstead</a> and <a href="">Paul Boutelle</a>). <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1968. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GDANIEC"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GDANIEC</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G352</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BOGDAN</a>, <a href="">BOGDANOVICH</a>, <a href="">BOGDANSKI</a>, <a href="#GDANSKI">GDANSKI</a>, <a href="">GODNICK</a>, <a href="">JANIEC</a>, <a href="">JANIECE</a>, <a href="">LANIECE</a>, <a href="">ZNANIECKI</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GDANIEC:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Leo George Karwick</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GDANSKI"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GDANSKI</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G352</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BOGDAN</a>, <a href="">BOGDANOVICH</a>, <a href="">BOGDANSKI</a>, <a href="">DANSKIN</a>, <a href="">DANSKY</a>, <a href="#GDANIEC">GDANIEC</a>, <a href="">WOLDANSKI</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="781.75.91">Gdanski, Sam</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Spring Valley, <a href="">Rockland County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1980</a>. Still living as of 1980. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEAGAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEAGAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G250</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AGAN</a>, <a href="">BEAGAN</a>, <a href="">CREAGAN</a>, <a href="">EAGAN</a>, <a href="">GAGAN</a>, <a href="">GAGIN</a>, <a href="">GAGNE</a>, <a href="">GAGNOW</a>, <a href="">GOGAN</a>, <a href="">GOGGIN</a>, <a href="">GOGUEN</a>, <a href="">GOOGIN</a>, <a href="">GUGINO</a>, <a href="">MACGEAGH</a>, <a href="">REAGAN</a>, <a href="">REAGANS</a>, <a href="">TEAGAN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geagan, Frank</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#232.05.49">P. Frank Geagan</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="232.05.49">Geagan, P. Frank</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Bangor, <a href="">Penobscot County</a>, Maine. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Maine, <a href="">1936</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEAKE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEAKE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G200</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GACH</a>, <a href="">GAUCHE</a>, <a href="">GOEKE</a>, <a href="">GOIKE</a>, <a href="">GOOCH</a>, <a href="">GOYKE</a>, <a href="">GUCK</a>, <a href="">PEAKE</a>, <a href="">SEAKE</a>, <a href="">ZEAKE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="199.81.32">Geake, Michael K.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Madison, <a href="">Rockingham County</a>, N.C. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Carolina, <a href="">1996</a>. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="432.98.17">Geake, R. Robert</a> (b. 1936)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Northville, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Born in Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich., <a href="">October 26, 1936</a>. Republican. <a href="">Educational psychologist</a>; candidate for <a href="">Michigan state board of education</a>, 1970; member of <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> 35th District, 1973-77; defeated in primary, 1964; resigned 1977; member of <a href="">Michigan state senate</a>, 1977-98 (14th District 1977-82, 6th District 1983-94, 9th District 1995-98); candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a> 13th District, 1992. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Member, <a href="">Rotary</a>; <a href="">National Education Association</a>; <a href="">American Psychological Association</a>. Still living as of 1998. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geake, Robert</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#432.98.17">R. Robert Geake</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="725.37.62">Geake, William C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fort Wayne, <a href="">Allen County</a>, Ind. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">mayor of Fort Wayne, Ind.</a>, 1925-29. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AGNE</a>, <a href="">ANGE</a>, <a href="">CEAN</a>, <a href="">EGAN</a>, <a href="">GANE</a>, <a href="#GEANASEE">GEANASEE</a>, <a href="#GEANIE">GEANIE</a>, <a href="#GEANKOPLIS">GEANKOPLIS</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="">GEHAN</a>, <a href="">GENA</a>, <a href="">GENE</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNA</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNE</a>, <a href="">GERAN</a>, <a href="">GHEEN</a>, <a href="">GIAN</a>, <a href="">GIN</a>, <a href="">GINN</a>, <a href="">GLEAN</a>, <a href="">GUAN</a>, <a href="">JEAN</a>, <a href="">KEAN</a>, <a href="">NEGA</a>, <a href="">SARGEANT</a>, <a href="">SERGEANT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEAN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gean Turner</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="429.84.92">Gean, Roy</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Arkansas. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Arkansas</a> 4th District, 1939. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEANASEE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEANASEE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G520</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BONASERA</a>, <a href="">DEANA</a>, <a href="">GANNUSCIO</a>, <a href="#GEAN">GEAN</a>, <a href="#GEANIE">GEANIE</a>, <a href="#GEANKOPLIS">GEANKOPLIS</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNA</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNE</a>, <a href="">ILEANA</a>, <a href="">JEANA</a>, <a href="">LASEE</a>, <a href="">LEANA</a>, <a href="">LILLEANA</a>, <a href="">NASE</a>, <a href="">OTENASEK</a>, <a href="">SARGEANT</a>, <a href="">SERGEANT</a>, <a href="">TANASE</a>, <a href="">ZEANAH</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEANASEE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Geanasee Amber Johnson</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEANIE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEANIE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ANIE</a>, <a href="">DEANIA</a>, <a href="#GEAN">GEAN</a>, <a href="#GEANASEE">GEANASEE</a>, <a href="#GEANKOPLIS">GEANKOPLIS</a>, <a href="">GENEAU</a>, <a href="">GENI</a>, <a href="">GENIA</a>, <a href="">GENIE</a>, <a href="">GENIO</a>, <a href="">GENNY</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNA</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNE</a>, <a href="">GINNIA</a>, <a href="">GREANIAS</a>, <a href="">SARGEANT</a>, <a href="">SERGEANT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEANIE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Geanie W. Morrison</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEANKOPLIS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEANKOPLIS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G521</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAMPLISSON</a>, <a href="">CAPLIS</a>, <a href="">FAHRENKOPF</a>, <a href="">FARRENKOPF</a>, <a href="#GEAN">GEAN</a>, <a href="#GEANASEE">GEANASEE</a>, <a href="#GEANIE">GEANIE</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNA</a>, <a href="">GEORGEANNE</a>, <a href="">KOPLIN</a>, <a href="">KOPLINSKI</a>, <a href="">KOPLOWITZ</a>, <a href="">MESSENKOP</a>, <a href="">MOLLENKOPF</a>, <a href="">PAGENKOPF</a>, <a href="">PLISKIN</a>, <a href="">PLISKOW</a>, <a href="">PLOPLIS</a>, <a href="">SARGEANT</a>, <a href="">SERGEANT</a>, <a href="">TOPLIS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geankoplis, Helen</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Helen Boosalis</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEAR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEAR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G600</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AGER</a>, <a href="">AGGER</a>, <a href="">AGREE</a>, <a href="">GAAR</a>, <a href="">GAREE</a>, <a href="">GARRE</a>, <a href="#GEAN">GEAN</a>, <a href="#GEAREY">GEAREY</a>, <a href="#GEARHART">GEARHART</a>, <a href="#GEARIN">GEARIN</a>, <a href="#GEARING">GEARING</a>, <a href="#GEARITY">GEARITY</a>, <a href="#GEARTY">GEARTY</a>, <a href="#GEARY">GEARY</a>, <a href="#GEER">GEER</a>, <a href="">GEHR</a>, <a href="">GERE</a>, <a href="">GEYER</a>, <a href="">GIERE</a>, <a href="">GIRE</a>, <a href="">GOAR</a>, <a href="">GREAR</a>, <a href="">GUEAR</a>, <a href="">KEAR</a>, <a href="">MAGEAR</a>, <a href="">MEGEAR</a>, <a href="">SEAR</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEAR:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Sara Gear Boyd</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="908.84.05">Gear, Hezekiah H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Jo Daviess County</a>, Ill. Member of <a href="">Illinois state senate</a> 23rd District, 1849-50. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="436.05.80">Gear, James</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Progressive. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from New York County 18th District, 1914. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="776.05.51">Gear, John Henry</a> (1825-1900)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>John H. Gear</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Burlington, <a href="">Des Moines County</a>, Iowa. Born in Ithaca, <a href="">Tompkins County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">April 7, 1825</a>. Republican. <a href="">Mayor of Burlington, Iowa</a>, 1863; member of <a href="">Iowa state house of representatives</a>, 1871-77; <a href="">Speaker of the Iowa State House of Representatives</a>, 1874-77; <a href="">Governor of Iowa</a>, 1878-82; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Iowa</a> 1st District, 1887-91, 1893-95; delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, <a href="">1892</a>, <a href="">1896</a> (member, <a href="">Resolutions Committee</a>); <a href="">U.S. Senator from Iowa</a>, 1895-1900; died in office 1900. Died in <a href="">Washington</a>, D.C., <a href="">July 14, 1900</a> (age <a href="">75 years, 98 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Aspen Grove Cemetery</a>, Burlington, Iowa. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=" H. Gear">Wikipedia article</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="251.84.64">Gear, Kathy</a> (born c.1967)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Mineral Wells, <a href="">Palo Pinto County</a>, Tex. Born about 1967. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, <a href="">2004</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="855.30.60">Gear, W. C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Wyandot County</a>, Ohio. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1892</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEAREY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEAREY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G600</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AREY</a>, <a href="">FEAREY</a>, <a href="">GAREY</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEARY">GEARY</a>, <a href="#GEERY">GEERY</a>, <a href="">GEREAU</a>, <a href="">GERRIE</a>, <a href="">GERRY</a>, <a href="">GERY</a>, <a href="">GYORY</a>, <a href="">MCCREAREY</a>, <a href="">YAEGER</a>, <a href="">YEAGER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="215.54.41">Gearey, A. M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Brown County</a>, S.Dak. Member of <a href="">South Dakota state house of representatives</a> 35th District, 1893-94. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="337.13.40">Gearey, E. C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Wabasha County</a>, Minn. Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 15, 1879-82. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="697.33.12">Gearey, Thomas F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Unionville, Farmington, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn. <a href="">First selectman of Farmington, Connecticut</a>, 1922. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEARHART"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEARHART</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G663</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEARHALTER</a>, <a href="">CARHART</a>, <a href="">EARHART</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEARHEART">GEARHEART</a>, <a href="">GERHART</a>, <a href="">GIERHART</a>, <a href="">HART</a>, <a href="">NEARHOOD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEARHART:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Charles Sims Nelson</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Hans Gearhart Tanzler Jr.</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="234.54.87">Gearhart, Alfred V.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Mayor of Wausau, Wis.</a>, 1928-30. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Gearhart, Beaver</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#582.92.66">J. Beaver Gearhart</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="077.19.33">Gearhart, Bertrand Wesley</a> (1890-1955)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Bertrand W. Gearhart</b>; <b>Bud Gearhart</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fresno, <a href="">Fresno County</a>, Calif. Born in Fresno, <a href="">Fresno County</a>, Calif., <a href="">May 31, 1890</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; served in the U.S. Army during World War I; <a href="">delegate to California convention to ratify 21st amendment</a>, 1933; <a href="">U.S. Representative from California</a> 9th District, 1935-49; defeated, 1948; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from California, <a href="">1948</a>. Member, <a href="">Elks</a>; <a href="">American Legion</a>; <a href="">Native Sons of the Golden West</a>; <a href="">Sons of the American Revolution</a>; <a href="">Zeta Psi</a>; <a href="">Phi Delta Phi</a>. Among the founders of the American Legion. Died in a <a href="">hospital</a> at <a href="">San Francisco</a>, Calif., <a href="">October 11, 1955</a> (age <a href="">65 years, 133 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Mountain View Cemetery</a>, Fresno, Calif. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of John Wesley Gearhart and Mary Elizabeth (Johnson) Gearhart.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="161.78.35">Gearhart, Bonham R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Danville, <a href="">Montour County</a>, Pa. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1888</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Gearhart, Bud</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#077.19.33">Bertrand Wesley Gearhart</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="902.75.92">Gearhart, Cathryn W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Scranton, <a href="">Lackawanna County</a>, Pa. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1936</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="244.03.56">Gearhart, Frederick K.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Philadelphia, <a href="">Philadelphia County</a>, Pa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1924</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="582.92.66">Gearhart, J. Beaver</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Danville, <a href="">Montour County</a>, Pa. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Danville, Pa.</a>, 1928-31. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="218.04.81">Gearhart, J. H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Bolton, <a href="">Hinds County</a>, Miss. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Mississippi, <a href="">1948</a> (alternate), <a href="">1952</a> (<a href="">Honorary Vice-President</a>; member, <a href="">Committee on Rules and Order of Business</a>). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="242.85.28">Gearhart, Nick</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Texas. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Texas</a> 8th District, 1976, 1978. Still living as of 1978. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="112.54.40">Gearhart, Peter</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Clearfield County</a>, Pa. Member of <a href="">Pennsylvania state house of representatives</a> from Clearfield County, 1907-08. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="153.95.08">Gearhart, Scott</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Maryland, <a href="">2024</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Chase R. Oliver</a> and <a href="">Michael ter Maat</a>). Still living as of 2024. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEARHEART"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEARHEART</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G663</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEARHALTER</a>, <a href="">EARHART</a>, <a href="#GEARHART">GEARHART</a>, <a href="">GERHEART</a>, <a href="">NEARHOOD</a>, <a href="">PARHELIA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="413.77.95">Gearheart, G. H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Black and Tan Grand Old Party candidate for Presidential Elector for Mississippi, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="354.08.40">Gearheart, Gary Martin</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Marty Gearheart</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Bluefield, <a href="">Mercer County</a>, W.Va. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from West Virginia, <a href="">2008</a>, <a href="">2012</a>; member of <a href="">West Virginia state house of delegates</a>; elected unopposed 2010; elected 2012. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Gearheart, Marty</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#354.08.40">Gary Martin Gearheart</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="715.64.78">Gearheart, Susan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Othello, <a href="">Adams County</a>, Wash. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Washington, <a href="">1972</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEARIN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEARIN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G650</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AINGER</a>, <a href="">ANGIER</a>, <a href="">ARIN</a>, <a href="">EARING</a>, <a href="">GAINER</a>, <a href="">GARNIE</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEARING">GEARING</a>, <a href="#GEARITY">GEARITY</a>, <a href="">GEREN</a>, <a href="">REAGIN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="481.12.35">Gearin, John McDermeid</a> (1851-1930)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>John M. Gearin</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Portland, <a href="">Multnomah County</a>, Ore. Born near Pendleton, <a href="">Umatilla County</a>, Ore., <a href="">August 15, 1851</a>. Democrat. Member of Oregon state legislature, 1890; <a href="">U.S. Senator from Oregon</a>, 1905-07; defeated, 1906. Died in Portland, <a href="">Multnomah County</a>, Ore., <a href="">November 12, 1930</a> (age <a href="">79 years, 89 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Mt. Calvary Cemetery</a>, Portland, Ore. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEARING"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEARING</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G652</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ARING</a>, <a href="">DEARING</a>, <a href="">EARING</a>, <a href="">FEARING</a>, <a href="">FEARINGTON</a>, <a href="">GAGNIER</a>, <a href="">GAHRING</a>, <a href="">GARING</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEARIN">GEARIN</a>, <a href="#GEARITY">GEARITY</a>, <a href="">GEHRING</a>, <a href="">GEHRUNG</a>, <a href="">GIERING</a>, <a href="">GOEHRING</a>, <a href="">GOERING</a>, <a href="">GORING</a>, <a href="">GRANGE</a>, <a href="">GRINAGE</a>, <a href="">NEARING</a>, <a href="">RING</a>, <a href="">SEARING</a>, <a href="">SPEARING</a>, <a href="">SWEARINGEN</a>, <a href="">SWEARINGER</a>, <a href="">SWEARINGHAM</a>, <a href="">SWEARINGIN</a>, <a href="">VANSWEARINGEN</a>, <a href="">ZEARING</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="639.72.45">Gearing, F. K.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Allegheny County</a>, Pa. Member of <a href="">Pennsylvania state house of representatives</a> from Allegheny County, 1879-80. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="443.56.30">Gearing, John</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1888</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEARITY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEARITY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G630</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHARITY</a>, <a href="">DARITY</a>, <a href="">FLARITY</a>, <a href="">GARRATY</a>, <a href="">GARRETY</a>, <a href="">GARRITY</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEARIN">GEARIN</a>, <a href="#GEARING">GEARING</a>, <a href="#GEARTY">GEARTY</a>, <a href="">GERAGHTY</a>, <a href="">GERATY</a>, <a href="">GERETY</a>, <a href="">GERRITY</a>, <a href="">GHERRITY</a>, <a href="">GORITY</a>, <a href="">INNERARITY</a>, <a href="">LEVARITY</a>, <a href="">MCGARITY</a>, <a href="">MORARITY</a>, <a href="">MORIARITY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="563.03.29">Gearity, Jack Britt</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rochester, <a href="">Monroe County</a>, N.Y. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 38th District, 1934; candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Monroe County 2nd District, 1935. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEARTY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEARTY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G630</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ARTY</a>, <a href="">GARRETY</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEARITY">GEARITY</a>, <a href="#GEARY">GEARY</a>, <a href="">GERATY</a>, <a href="">GERTA</a>, <a href="">GERTIE</a>, <a href="">HAGEARTY</a>, <a href="">MCBREARTY</a>, <a href="">MCGEHEARTY</a>, <a href="">TREGAY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Gearty, Ed</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#328.73.19">Edward J. Gearty</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="328.73.19">Gearty, Edward J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Ed Gearty</b>&nbsp;&mdash; Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 39, 1963-70; member of <a href="">Minnesota state senate</a>, 1971-80 (39th District 1971-72, 54th District 1973-80). Still living as of 1980. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Minnesota Legislator record</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="255.35.91">Gearty, William Patrick</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of McHenry, <a href="">McHenry County</a>, Ill. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1960</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEARY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEARY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G600</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AGGREY</a>, <a href="">GAREY</a>, <a href="">GARREY</a>, <a href="">GARY</a>, <a href="">GAYER</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEAREY">GEAREY</a>, <a href="#GEARTY">GEARTY</a>, <a href="#GEERY">GEERY</a>, <a href="">GEREAU</a>, <a href="">GERRIE</a>, <a href="">GERRY</a>, <a href="">GERY</a>, <a href="">GRAYE</a>, <a href="">GYORY</a>, <a href="">JEARY</a>, <a href="">KEARY</a>, <a href="">PEARY</a>, <a href="">SEARY</a>, <a href="">YAGER</a>, <a href="">YEARY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEARY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Willard Geary Bullion</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Robert Frank List</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="422.75.56">Geary, A. A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Clarion, <a href="">Clarion County</a>, Pa. <a href="">Burgess of Clarion, Pennsylvania</a>, 1923. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="333.66.91">Geary, Alexander B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Delaware County</a>, Pa. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Pennsylvania state senate</a> 9th District, 1912. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="325.21.94">Geary, Dennis</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of California. Member of <a href="">California state assembly</a> 11th District, 1881-83. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="607.75.30">Geary, E. Rodney</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Burnsville, <a href="">Dakota County</a>, Minn. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="583.15.68">Geary, Hamilton W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fargo, <a href="">Cass County</a>, N.Dak. <a href="">Mayor of Fargo, N.Dak.</a>, 1921-25. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="156.94.40">Geary, Irving</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Buffalo, <a href="">Erie County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Erie County 6th District, 1930. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="611.27.44">Geary, James Paul</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Petersburg, <a href="">Grant County</a>, W.Va. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">West Virginia state house of delegates</a> 32nd District, 1974; candidate for <a href="">West Virginia state senate</a> 15th District, 1984. Still living as of 1984. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="361.44.45">Geary, Joe</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Dallas, <a href="">Dallas County</a>, Tex. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of Dallas, Tex.</a>, 1961. Still living as of 1961. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="067.45.73">Geary, John</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of South Plainfield, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of South Plainfield, N.J.</a>, 1930. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="437.76.12">Geary, John B.</a> (b. 1907)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Born in Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill., <a href="">September 28, 1907</a>. Democrat. Vice-president, Jackson Refrigeration Company; member of <a href="">Illinois state senate</a> 5th District; elected 1938. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Married to Mary Cullerton.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="450.17.46">Geary, John C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Waterford, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Waterford; elected 1918. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="335.82.64">Geary, John White</a> (1819-1873)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>John W. Geary</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">San Francisco</a>, Calif. Born near Mt. Pleasant, <a href="">Westmoreland County</a>, Pa., <a href="">December 30, 1819</a>. Republican. <a href="">Civil engineer</a>; colonel in the U.S. Army during the Mexican War; <a href="">went to California for the 1849 Gold Rush</a>; postmaster at <a href="">San Francisco, Calif.</a>, 1849; candidate for <a href="">Governor of California</a>, 1849; <a href="">mayor of San Francisco, Calif.</a>, 1850-51; <a href="">Governor of Kansas Territory</a>, 1856-57; general in the Union Army during the Civil War; <a href="">Governor of Pennsylvania</a>, 1867-73. <a href="">Methodist</a>. Died after suffering a <a href="">heart attack</a>, in Harrisburg, <a href="">Dauphin County</a>, Pa., <a href="">February 8, 1873</a> (age <a href="">53 years, 40 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Harrisburg Cemetery</a>, Harrisburg, Pa. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><a href="">Geary County, Kan.</a> is named for him.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">NNDB dossier</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="106.35.83">Geary, Joseph P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Chicago, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1940</a>, <a href="">1944</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="562.97.41">Geary, Matthew J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Jewett City, Griswold, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. <a href="">Warden (borough president) of Jewett City, Connecticut</a>, 1926-28. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="514.34.58">Geary, Maurice</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich.; Ferndale, <a href="">Oakland County</a>, Mich. Human Rights candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a>, 1974 (18th District), 1976 (14th District); Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1984</a>; Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, <a href="">1988</a>. Still living as of 1988. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geary, Rodney</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#607.75.30">E. Rodney Geary</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="308.45.07">Geary, Thomas J.</a> (1854-1929)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Petaluma, <a href="">Sonoma County</a>, Calif.; Santa Rosa, <a href="">Sonoma County</a>, Calif.; Nome, <a href="">Nome census area</a>, Alaska; <a href="">San Francisco</a>, Calif. Born in Boston, <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, Mass., <a href="">January 18, 1854</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">Sonoma County District Attorney</a>, 1883-84; <a href="">U.S. Representative from California</a> 1st District, 1890-95. Died in Santa Rosa, <a href="">Sonoma County</a>, Calif., <a href="">July 6, 1929</a> (age <a href="">75 years, 169 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Rural Cemetery</a>, Santa Rosa, Calif. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="082.29.95">Geary, Thomas R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; U.S. Vice Consul in <a href=" ">Malaga</a>, as of 1897-1916. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="965.73.43">Geary, William B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Unionville, Farmington, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn. <a href="">Warden (borough president) of Unionville, Connecticut</a>, 1927. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="708.54.13">Geary, William C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lowell, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Mass. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, <a href="">1944</a>, <a href="">1952</a>, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="978.57.47">Geary, William J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Hamburg, <a href="">Berks County</a>, Pa. Republican. Acting postmaster at <a href="">Hamburg, Pa.</a>, 1932-33. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEASON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEASON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G250</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ANDREASON</a>, <a href="">BEASON</a>, <a href="">CREASON</a>, <a href="">DEASON</a>, <a href="">EASON</a>, <a href="">EASONAUR</a>, <a href="">GARTEIZGOGEASCOA</a>, <a href="">GESEN</a>, <a href="">GEZON</a>, <a href="">GIESEN</a>, <a href="">GLEASON</a>, <a href="">GOSEN</a>, <a href="">GOSSEN</a>, <a href="">GOSSIN</a>, <a href="">GOZEN</a>, <a href="">GREASON</a>, <a href="">GUSSIN</a>, <a href="">GUZZONE</a>, <a href="">LEASON</a>, <a href="">MEASON</a>, <a href="">OSENGA</a>, <a href="">REASON</a>, <a href="">REASONER</a>, <a href="">SEASONGOOD</a>, <a href="">WEASON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="460.71.23">Geason, H. P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Oakland, <a href="">Alameda County</a>, Calif. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from California, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="711.18.57">Geason, Robert</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Burlington, <a href="">Racine County</a>, Wis. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Wisconsin, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEATHERS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEATHERS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G362</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAREATHERS</a>, <a href="">FEATHERS</a>, <a href="">FEATHERSTON</a>, <a href="">FEATHERSTONE</a>, <a href="#GEATONS">GEATONS</a>, <a href="">GUTHERZ</a>, <a href="">GUTIERREZ</a>, <a href="">LEATHERS</a>, <a href="">MEGEATH</a>, <a href="">WEATHERS</a>, <a href="">WEATHERSBEE</a>, <a href="">WEATHERSBY</a>, <a href="">WEATHERSPOON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="135.86.35">Geathers, Juanita</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Winter Haven, <a href="">Polk County</a>, Fla. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, <a href="">1996</a>, <a href="">2000</a>; Democratic Presidential Elector for Florida, <a href="">1996</a>; member of <a href="">Florida Democratic State Committee</a>, 2000. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEATONS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEATONS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G352</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEATON</a>, <a href="">CLEATON</a>, <a href="">CREATON</a>, <a href="">DEATON</a>, <a href="">EATON</a>, <a href="">GATENS</a>, <a href="#GEATHERS">GEATHERS</a>, <a href="">GITHENS</a>, <a href="">GITTENS</a>, <a href="">GITTINS</a>, <a href="">GLEATON</a>, <a href="">GUETENS</a>, <a href="">HEATON</a>, <a href="">KEATON</a>, <a href="">LEATON</a>, <a href="">MEGEATH</a>, <a href="">NEATON</a>, <a href="">SEATON</a>, <a href="">VANEATON</a>, <a href="">WHEATON</a>, <a href="">YEATON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="022.79.14">Geatons, Joseph T.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Independence League candidate for <a href="">New York state senate</a> 10th District, 1908; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Kings County 22nd District, 1911. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEB"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEB</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G100</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEGG</a>, <a href="">GEIB</a>, <a href="">GIBB</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEB:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Geb Sommer</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="067.71.37">Geb, Daniel M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Allen Park, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEBELEIN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEBELEIN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G145</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EBELER</a>, <a href="#GEBERLEIN">GEBERLEIN</a>, <a href="#GEBERT">GEBERT</a>, <a href="">GIBLIN</a>, <a href="">HIMELEIN</a>, <a href="">INGEBERT</a>, <a href="">LEIN</a>, <a href="">RATHGEBER</a>, <a href="">SCHNEBELEN</a>, <a href="">STAGEBERG</a>, <a href="">STEGEBERG</a>, <a href="">ZWINGEBERG</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEBELEIN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Frank H. Dickmann Jr.</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="037.36.83">Gebelein, Charles F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Socialist. Social Democratic candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Missouri</a> 11th District, 1898. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="313.72.32">Gebelein, Richard S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Delaware. Republican. <a href="">Delaware state attorney general</a>, 1979-83; defeated, 1982. Still living as of 1983. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="005.99.03">Gebelein, Walter C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Candidate for <a href="">New Jersey state senate</a> 4th District, 1977. Still living as of 1977. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEBERLEIN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEBERLEIN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G164</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEIERLEIN</a>, <a href="">BIEBERLE</a>, <a href="">BRUDERLEIN</a>, <a href="">BURLEIN</a>, <a href="">DOEDERLEIN</a>, <a href="">EBERLE</a>, <a href="">EBERLEIN</a>, <a href="">EBERLEY</a>, <a href="">EILENBERG</a>, <a href="">GABRELIAN</a>, <a href="#GEBELEIN">GEBELEIN</a>, <a href="#GEBERT">GEBERT</a>, <a href="">HADERLEIN</a>, <a href="">HAEBERLE</a>, <a href="">HEBERLE</a>, <a href="">INGEBERT</a>, <a href="">LIEBERGEN</a>, <a href="">NIEDERLEIN</a>, <a href="">RATHGEBER</a>, <a href="">SCHAEBERLE</a>, <a href="">STAGEBERG</a>, <a href="">STEGEBERG</a>, <a href="">VETTERLEIN</a>, <a href="">WERLEIN</a>, <a href="">ZWINGEBERG</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="793.69.86">Geberlein, George, Sr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Baltimore</a>, Md. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Maryland, <a href="">1912</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEBERT"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEBERT</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G163</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BERT</a>, <a href="">EBERT</a>, <a href="">EGBERT</a>, <a href="">GABBERT</a>, <a href="">GABERT</a>, <a href="#GEBELEIN">GEBELEIN</a>, <a href="#GEBERLEIN">GEBERLEIN</a>, <a href="#GEBHART">GEBHART</a>, <a href="">GREBERT</a>, <a href="">INGEBERT</a>, <a href="">RATHGEBER</a>, <a href="">SEBERT</a>, <a href="">STAGEBERG</a>, <a href="">STEGEBERG</a>, <a href="">ZWINGEBERG</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEBERT:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Reinhold J. Sailer</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="153.38.28">Gebert, George</a> (1896-1980)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Everett, <a href="">Snohomish County</a>, Wash. Born in Minneapolis, <a href="">Hennepin County</a>, Minn., <a href="">May 4, 1896</a>. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; <a href="">mayor of Everett, Wash.</a>, 1960-64. Died in Everett, <a href="">Snohomish County</a>, Wash., <a href="">March 23, 1980</a> (age <a href="">83 years, 324 days</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="216.78.02">Gebert, Henry J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Danbury, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, <a href="">1952</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEBHARD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEBHARD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G163</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BHARARA</a>, <a href="">BHARATI</a>, <a href="">EYGABROAD</a>, <a href="">GABBARD</a>, <a href="#GEBHARDT">GEBHARDT</a>, <a href="#GEBHART">GEBHART</a>, <a href="">GEHARD</a>, <a href="">GUBBRUD</a>, <a href="">GUEBARD</a>, <a href="">GUIBORD</a>, <a href="">HARD</a>, <a href="">LABHART</a>, <a href="">LIBHART</a>, <a href="">LIEBHAUSER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEBHARD:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Henry DuPont</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gebhard Willrich</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="209.88.68">Gebhard, A. J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lamberton, <a href="">Redwood County</a>, Minn. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, <a href="">1916</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="508.01.66">Gebhard, Jacob</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York. Member of <a href="">New York state senate</a> Western District, 1806-10. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="899.48.18">Gebhard, John</a> (1782-1854)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York. Born in Claverack, <a href="">Columbia County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">February 22, 1782</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">Schoharie County Surrogate</a>, 1811-13, 1815-22; <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 13th District, 1821-23. Died in Schoharie, <a href="">Schoharie County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">January 3, 1854</a> (age <a href="">71 years, 315 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery</a>, Schoharie, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEBHARDT"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEBHARDT</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G163</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BHARARA</a>, <a href="">BHARATI</a>, <a href="">EYGABROAD</a>, <a href="">GABBARD</a>, <a href="#GEBHARD">GEBHARD</a>, <a href="#GEBHART">GEBHART</a>, <a href="">GEPHARDT</a>, <a href="">GUBBRUD</a>, <a href="">GUEBARD</a>, <a href="">GUIBORD</a>, <a href="">HARDT</a>, <a href="">LABHART</a>, <a href="">LIBHART</a>, <a href="">LIEBHAUSER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEBHARDT:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Paige Gebhardt Cognetti</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="694.04.74">Gebhardt, Donald F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Forest Park, <a href="">Hamilton County</a>, Ohio. <a href="">Mayor of Forest Park, Ohio</a>, 1961. Still living as of 1961. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="629.31.15">Gebhardt, Eve E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for New Jersey, <a href="">1928</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="661.89.09">Gebhardt, Joan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Livonia, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">2004</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="963.25.32">Gebhardt, Joseph</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Maryland. Democrat. Member, <a href=" /committees.html">Rules Committee</a>, Democratic National Convention, 1988. Still living as of 1988. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Gebhardt, Reading</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#171.51.19">W. Reading Gebhardt</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="558.76.28">Gebhardt, Rich</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Boulder, <a href="">Boulder County</a>, Colo. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Colorado, <a href="">1968</a>. Still living as of 1968. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="379.47.12">Gebhardt, Sandra</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Haven, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, <a href="">2004</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="621.85.16">Gebhardt, Suzanne</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Colorado. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Colorado, <a href="">2000</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="171.51.19">Gebhardt, W. Reading</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Hunterdon County</a>, N.J. Dry candidate for <a href="">delegate to New Jersey convention to ratify 21st amendment</a> from Hunterdon County, 1933. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="811.95.74">Gebhardt, William C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Clinton, <a href="">Hunterdon County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state senate</a> from Hunterdon County, 1901-03, 1907-12; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1912</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEBHART"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEBHART</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G163</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BHARARA</a>, <a href="">BHARATI</a>, <a href="">GABBERT</a>, <a href="">GABERT</a>, <a href="#GEBERT">GEBERT</a>, <a href="#GEBHARD">GEBHARD</a>, <a href="#GEBHARDT">GEBHARDT</a>, <a href="">GEPHART</a>, <a href="">HART</a>, <a href="">LABHART</a>, <a href="">LIBHART</a>, <a href="">LIEBHAUSER</a>, <a href="">RATHGEB</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="945.85.65">Gebhart, Dave</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Texas, <a href="">2020</a> (voted for <a href="">Donald Trump</a> and <a href="">Mike Pence</a>). Still living as of 2020. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEBRE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEBRE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G160</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEEGER</a>, <a href="">BEGER</a>, <a href="">BERGE</a>, <a href="">EGGEBRETEN</a>, <a href="">ENGEBRET</a>, <a href="">ENGEBRETH</a>, <a href="">ENGEBRETSEN</a>, <a href="">ENGEBRETSON</a>, <a href="">GABARRA</a>, <a href="">GABER</a>, <a href="">GABOR</a>, <a href="#GBUR">GBUR</a>, <a href="">GERE</a>, <a href="">GIEBER</a>, <a href="">GOBER</a>, <a href="">GREBE</a>, <a href="">INGEBRETSEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="042.42.08">Gebre, Teffere</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Sacramento, <a href="">Sacramento County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1996</a>. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDDA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDDA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G300</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GADE</a>, <a href="#GEDDES">GEDDES</a>, <a href="#GEDDIE">GEDDIE</a>, <a href="#GEDDINGS">GEDDINGS</a>, <a href="#GEDDIS">GEDDIS</a>, <a href="">GIDDAY</a>, <a href="">HEDDA</a>, <a href="">MEDDAUGH</a>, <a href="">SHEDDAN</a>, <a href="">WEDDA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="375.63.24">Gedda, Michael A.</a> (1893-1972)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Gogebic County</a>, Mich. Born in <a href="">1893</a>. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Gogebic County, 1935-36; defeated, 1932. Died in <a href="">1972</a> (age <a href="">about 79 years</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDDES"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDDES</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G320</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ADDES</a>, <a href="">FIDDES</a>, <a href="">GADDIS</a>, <a href="">GAYDOS</a>, <a href="#GEDDA">GEDDA</a>, <a href="#GEDDIE">GEDDIE</a>, <a href="#GEDDINGS">GEDDINGS</a>, <a href="#GEDDIS">GEDDIS</a>, <a href="">GODES</a>, <a href="">GODSEY</a>, <a href="">GODSOE</a>, <a href="">GUDIS</a>, <a href="">GUIDICE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEDDES:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Frank Porter Glazier</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Lewis Wardlaw Haskell</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">James Latimer</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Henry Latimer</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Cecil Morgan</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">George Arthur Rathbun</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="897.84.95">Geddes, Al</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone (now <a href="">Panama</a>). Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Canal Zone, <a href="">1940</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="622.39.06">Geddes, Charles R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Union County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Union County, 1936, 1946-47. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="836.67.66">Geddes, George</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fairmount, <a href="">Onondaga County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state senate</a> 22nd District, 1848-51. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="580.22.86">Geddes, George Washington</a> (1824-1892)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>George W. Geddes</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Mansfield, <a href="">Richland County</a>, Ohio. Born in Mt. Vernon, <a href="">Knox County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">July 16, 1824</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; common pleas court judge in Ohio 5th District, 1856-73; candidate for <a href="">justice of Ohio state supreme court</a>, 1872; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Ohio</a>, 1879-87 (15th District 1879-81, 14th District 1881-85, 16th District 1885-87). Died in Mansfield, <a href="">Richland County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">November 9, 1892</a> (age <a href="">68 years, 116 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Mansfield Cemetery</a>, Mansfield, Ohio. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Presumably named for:</i> <a href="">George Washington</a></span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="683.27.59">Geddes, James</a> (1763-1838)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Onondaga County</a>, N.Y. Born near Carlisle, <a href="">Cumberland County</a>, Pa., <a href="">July 22, 1763</a>. <a href="">Salt manufacturer</a>; justice of the peace; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Onondaga County, 1803-04, 1821-22; common pleas court judge in New York, 1809; <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 19th District, 1813-15; <a href="">canal</a> <a href="">engineer</a>. Died in Geddes (now part of Syracuse), <a href="">Onondaga County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">August 19, 1838</a> (age <a href="">75 years, 28 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Oakwood Cemetery</a>, Syracuse, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="287.23.08">Geddes, James</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Onondaga County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Onondaga County 1st District, 1883-84. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="237.38.52">Geddes, James</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; U.S. Vice Consul in <a href=" ">Sonsonate</a>, as of 1884. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="960.62.93">Geddes, John</a> (1777-1828)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of South Carolina. Born in Charleston, <a href="">Charleston County</a>, S.C., <a href="">December 25, 1777</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">South Carolina state house of representatives</a>, 1808-16; member of <a href="">South Carolina state senate</a>, 1816-18; <a href="">intendant of Charleston, South Carolina</a>, 1817-19, 1823-24; <a href="">Governor of South Carolina</a>, 1818-20. <a href="">Scottish</a> ancestry. Died in Charleston, <a href="">Charleston County</a>, S.C., <a href="">March 4, 1828</a> (age <a href="">50 years, 70 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">First Scots Presbyterian Churchyard</a>, Charleston, S.C. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Henry Geddes and Elizabeth Geddes; married to Harriet Chalmers; married <a href="">1805</a> to Anne Chalmers.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=" Geddes (politician)">Wikipedia article</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="014.97.28">Geddes, John</a> (c.1801-1889)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ann Arbor, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich. Born about 1801. <a href="">Supervisor of Ann Arbor Township, Michigan</a>, 1839-41, 1844-45, 1846-47, 1863-65; member of <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Washtenaw County, 1841. Died in <a href="">1889</a> (age <a href="">about 88 years</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="724.91.39">Geddes, Norman</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Adrian, <a href="">Lenawee County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Mayor of Adrian, Mich.</a>, 1869-70. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="880.69.78">Geddes, Paul E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Roseburg, <a href="">Douglas County</a>, Ore. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Oregon</a> 4th District, 1958; delegate to Republican National Convention from Oregon, <a href="">1960</a> (member, <a href="">Credentials Committee</a>). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="081.17.86">Geddes, Robert</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ann Arbor, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Supervisor of Ann Arbor Township, Michigan</a>, 1829-31. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="276.14.87">Geddes, Robert</a> (born c.1956)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Soda Springs, <a href="">Caribou County</a>, Idaho. Born about 1956. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Idaho, <a href="">2004</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="743.90.37">Geddes, Samuel R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Napa, <a href="">Napa County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1952</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="129.39.14">Geddes, Thomas</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Hancock County</a>, Ill. <a href="">Delegate to Illinois state constitutional convention</a> from Hancock County, 1847. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="936.38.77">Geddes, William T.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Windber, <a href="">Somerset County</a>, Pa. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Windber, Pa.</a>, 1898-1904. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDDIE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDDIE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G300</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHEDDIE</a>, <a href="">EDDIE</a>, <a href="">GADDIE</a>, <a href="#GEDDA">GEDDA</a>, <a href="#GEDDES">GEDDES</a>, <a href="#GEDDINGS">GEDDINGS</a>, <a href="#GEDDIS">GEDDIS</a>, <a href="">GIDDEY</a>, <a href="">KEDDIE</a>, <a href="">PEDDIE</a>, <a href="">REDDIE</a>, <a href="">ZEDDIE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="294.98.67">Geddie, E. C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Erwin, <a href="">Harnett County</a>, N.C. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from North Carolina, <a href="">1940</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDDINGS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDDINGS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G352</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DINGSOR</a>, <a href="">EDDINGS</a>, <a href="">EDDINGTON</a>, <a href="">EDDINS</a>, <a href="#GEDDA">GEDDA</a>, <a href="#GEDDES">GEDDES</a>, <a href="#GEDDIE">GEDDIE</a>, <a href="#GEDDIS">GEDDIS</a>, <a href="">GIDDINGS</a>, <a href="">GRIDDINGS</a>, <a href="">HEADINGS</a>, <a href="">HEDDING</a>, <a href="">IDDINGS</a>, <a href="">INGS</a>, <a href="">REDDIN</a>, <a href="">REDDING</a>, <a href="">REDDINGTON</a>, <a href="">RIDINGS</a>, <a href="">TYDINGS</a>, <a href="">WEDDING</a>, <a href="">WEDDINGTON</a>, <a href="">WINDINGSTAD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="938.52.89">Geddings, Harold</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for South Carolina, <a href="">2024</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Claudia De la Cruz</a> and <a href="">Karina A. Garcia</a>). Still living as of 2024. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDDIS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDDIS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G320</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEMEDDIS</a>, <a href="">DIGGES</a>, <a href="">GADDIS</a>, <a href="">GAYDOS</a>, <a href="#GEDDA">GEDDA</a>, <a href="#GEDDES">GEDDES</a>, <a href="#GEDDIE">GEDDIE</a>, <a href="#GEDDINGS">GEDDINGS</a>, <a href="">GODES</a>, <a href="">GODSEY</a>, <a href="">GODSOE</a>, <a href="">GUDIS</a>, <a href="">GUIDICE</a>, <a href="">MEDDIS</a>, <a href="">REDDISH</a>, <a href="">SIDGE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="810.04.59">Geddis, George</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Johnstown, <a href="">Cambria County</a>, Pa. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Johnstown, Pa.</a>, 1870-74. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="962.29.45">Geddis, M. Victoria</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Allegheny County</a>, Pa. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Pennsylvania state house of representatives</a> from Allegheny County 17th District, 1960. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geddis, Victoria</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#962.29.45">M. Victoria Geddis</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDELLE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDELLE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G340</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEDELL</a>, <a href="">BEDELLE</a>, <a href="">BREDELL</a>, <a href="">DEDELL</a>, <a href="">EDELL</a>, <a href="">EGEDE</a>, <a href="">ELEDGE</a>, <a href="">ELLE</a>, <a href="">ELLEDGE</a>, <a href="">GADELL</a>, <a href="#GEDELMAN">GEDELMAN</a>, <a href="#GEDEON">GEDEON</a>, <a href="">GEIDEL</a>, <a href="">GODEL</a>, <a href="">GOIDEL</a>, <a href="">GOODALE</a>, <a href="">GOODALL</a>, <a href="">GOODELL</a>, <a href="">GOODELLE</a>, <a href="">GUDAHL</a>, <a href="">IREDELL</a>, <a href="">RIEDELL</a>, <a href="">TRUEDELL</a>, <a href="">TWEDELL</a>, <a href="">TWEEDELL</a>, <a href="">WEDELL</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEDELLE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">GeDelle Young</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDELMAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDELMAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G345</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ADELMAN</a>, <a href="">ADELMANN</a>, <a href="">BEIDELMAN</a>, <a href="">BIDELMAN</a>, <a href="">BUDELMAN</a>, <a href="">DELMAN</a>, <a href="">DELMANZANO</a>, <a href="">EDELMAN</a>, <a href="">EDELMANN</a>, <a href="">EDELMIRO</a>, <a href="">EDELMUTH</a>, <a href="">EGEDE</a>, <a href="">ELMAN</a>, <a href="#GEDELLE">GEDELLE</a>, <a href="#GEDEON">GEDEON</a>, <a href="">GENDELMAN</a>, <a href="">HANDELMAN</a>, <a href="">NADELMAN</a>, <a href="">NUDELMAN</a>, <a href="">SEDELMEYER</a>, <a href="">STADELMAN</a>, <a href="">STADELMANN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="741.61.17">Gedelman, Edward</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Socialist. Socialist candidate for Presidential Elector for Illinois, <a href="">1908</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDEON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDEON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G350</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AMEDEO</a>, <a href="">DEON</a>, <a href="">EGEDE</a>, <a href="#GEDELLE">GEDELLE</a>, <a href="#GEDELMAN">GEDELMAN</a>, <a href="">GIDDEN</a>, <a href="">GIDEON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEDEON:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Gedeon P. Proulx</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Gedeon A. Turcotte</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDLING"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDLING</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G345</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EDLIN</a>, <a href="">EDLINGER</a>, <a href="">FRIEDLINE</a>, <a href="">GOODLING</a>, <a href="">LAEDLIN</a>, <a href="">LING</a>, <a href="">MEDLIN</a>, <a href="">REDLIN</a>, <a href="">REDLINGER</a>, <a href="">RIEDLINGER</a>, <a href="">SEDLIN</a>, <a href="">SWEDLING</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="932.67.85">Gedling, Margaret</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Hardinsburg, <a href="">Breckinridge County</a>, Ky. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky, <a href="">1952</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDNEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDNEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G350</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EDNESS</a>, <a href="">EDNEY</a>, <a href="">FRIEDNER</a>, <a href="">GIDNEY</a>, <a href="">NIEDNER</a>, <a href="">WEDNER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEDNEY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Thomas Cornell</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Floy Davis Hopkins</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Thomas Gedney Patten</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="414.45.22">Gedney, Henry B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Mamaroneck, <a href="">Westchester County</a>, N.Y. Republican. <a href="">Mayor of Mamaroneck, N.Y.</a>; elected 1931. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="170.29.89">Gedney, Kenneth H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Hastings, <a href="">Adams County</a>, Neb. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Nebraska, <a href="">1940</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="548.09.68">Gedney, Walter S.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Nyack, <a href="">Rockland County</a>, N.Y. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Rockland County, 1924-29. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="427.93.01">Gedney, William H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from New York County 9th District, 1875; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, <a href="">1892</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEDRIM"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEDRIM</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G365</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BINDRIM</a>, <a href="">DRIMMON</a>, <a href="">GOODERHAM</a>, <a href="">GOODRUM</a>, <a href="">GUADERRAMA</a>, <a href="">MELDRIM</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="289.36.27">Gedrim, Sophia</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of East Windsor, <a href="">Hartford County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from East Windsor; elected 1954; defeated, 1956; elected 1960; defeated, 1962. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G000</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EGE</a>, <a href="">GEO</a>, <a href="">GEY</a>, <a href="">GHEE</a>, <a href="">GHIO</a>, <a href="">GOE</a>, <a href="">GUE</a>, <a href="">KEE</a>, <a href="">SEE</a>, <a href="">YEE</a>, <a href="">ZEE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">James Gee Hanink</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">David Gee Hooker</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Francis Eddy Lambert</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Emma Wong Mar</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="143.50.39">Gee, C. D.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Alternate delegate to Gold Democrat National Convention from Arkansas, 1896. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="569.06.22">Gee, Charles</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Disputanta, <a href="">Prince George County</a>, Va. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Virginia, <a href="">1896</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="808.87.46">Gee, Delevan W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Delta, <a href="">Delta County</a>, Colo. Elected (Wet) <a href="">delegate to Colorado convention to ratify 21st amendment</a> 1933, but did not serve. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="773.89.92">Gee, Jeanne A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Shenandoah, <a href="">Page County</a>, Iowa. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, <a href="">1956</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1956. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="730.66.08">Gee, John P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Orleans, <a href="">Orleans Parish</a>, La. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Louisiana, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="235.82.25">Gee, Margaret</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Berkeley, <a href="">Alameda County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1988</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1988. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="261.45.70">Gee, May T.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Pacifica, <a href="">San Mateo County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1996</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="868.80.48">Gee, Sylvester J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lawrenceville, <a href="">Lawrence County</a>, Ill. Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Illinois, <a href="">1901</a>; <a href="">delegate to Illinois state constitutional convention</a> 48th District, 1920-22. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="898.81.56">Gee, Thomas Gibbs</a> (c.1925-1994)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Houston, <a href="">Harris County</a>, Tex. Born in Jacksonville, <a href="">Duval County</a>, Fla., about 1925. <a href="">Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit</a>, 1973-91. Died, from <a href="">amyotrophic lateral sclerosis</a> (<a href="">Lou Gehrig's disease</a>), at Methodist <a href="">Hospital</a>, Houston, <a href="">Harris County</a>, Tex., <a href="">October 25, 1994</a> (age <a href="">about 69 years</a>). Interment at <a href="">Texas State Cemetery</a>, Austin, Tex. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEEDING"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEEDING</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G352</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BREEDIN</a>, <a href="">BREEDING</a>, <a href="">DING</a>, <a href="">FREEDING</a>, <a href="">GODING</a>, <a href="">GOODDING</a>, <a href="">GOODING</a>, <a href="">NEEDING</a>, <a href="">WEEDIN</a>, <a href="">WEEDING</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEEDING:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Leonard Geeding Dawson</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEEHON"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEEHON</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEHON</a>, <a href="">FREEHOFF</a>, <a href="">GAGHEN</a>, <a href="">GAHAN</a>, <a href="">GAUGHEN</a>, <a href="">GEHAN</a>, <a href="">GEHON</a>, <a href="">GOHEEN</a>, <a href="">GOHEN</a>, <a href="">GUHEEN</a>, <a href="">GUHIN</a>, <a href="">HOGEN</a>, <a href="">HOOGEN</a>, <a href="">MCGEEHAN</a>, <a href="">MCGEEHON</a>, <a href="">SEEHORN</a>, <a href="">SEHON</a>, <a href="">SHEEHORN</a>, <a href="">STEEHOLM</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="463.19.02">Geehon, J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Canton, <a href="">Lincoln County</a>, Dakota Territory (now S.Dak.). <a href="">Member Dakota territorial council</a>, 1872-73. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEEKER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEEKER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G260</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEEKER</a>, <a href="">BLEEKER</a>, <a href="">GAUCHER</a>, <a href="">GERKE</a>, <a href="">GICKER</a>, <a href="">MEEKER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="250.05.54">Geeker, Nicholas P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida</a>, 1976-82. Still living as of 1982. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEELAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEELAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G450</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ANGEL</a>, <a href="">ANGELL</a>, <a href="">ANGLE</a>, <a href="">ELGAN</a>, <a href="">GAELAN</a>, <a href="">GALEN</a>, <a href="">GALLEN</a>, <a href="#GEELBROECK">GEELBROECK</a>, <a href="#GEELE">GEELE</a>, <a href="">GILLAN</a>, <a href="">GLEAN</a>, <a href="">GLENA</a>, <a href="">GLENNA</a>, <a href="">KEELAN</a>, <a href="">LANGE</a>, <a href="">NAGEL</a>, <a href="">NAGLE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="671.31.24">Geelan, Agnes</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Enderlin, <a href="">Ransom County</a>, N.Dak. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Dakota, <a href="">1960</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="825.41.49">Geelan, James Patrick</a> (1901-1982)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>James P. Geelan</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Haven, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Born in New Haven, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn., <a href="">August 11, 1901</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Retail manager</a>; <a href="">Vice-president</a>, New Haven Central Labor Council; <a href="">insurance broker</a>; member of <a href="">Connecticut state senate</a> 8th District, 1939-44; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Connecticut</a> 3rd District, 1945-47; defeated, 1946; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, <a href="">1948</a>, <a href="">1956</a>; <a href="">delegate to Connecticut state constitutional convention</a> 3rd District, 1965. Member, <a href="">American Arbitration Association</a>; <a href="">Knights of Columbus</a>; <a href="">Eagles</a>. Died in New Haven, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn., <a href="">August 10, 1982</a> (age <a href="">80 years, 364 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">St. Lawrence Cemetery</a>, West Haven, Conn. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Thomas Edward Geelan and Mary Agnes (McDonnell) Geelan; married, <a href="">October 9, 1933</a>, to Elizabeth Marie Doll.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=" P. Geelan">Wikipedia article</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEELBROECK"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEELBROECK</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G416</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BROECKELMAN</a>, <a href="">BROECKER</a>, <a href="#GEELAN">GEELAN</a>, <a href="#GEELE">GEELE</a>, <a href="">HESSELBROCK</a>, <a href="">PELBROUGH</a>, <a href="">ROECKEL</a>, <a href="">SEELBACH</a>, <a href="">STROECKER</a>, <a href="">TENBROECK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="025.06.72">Geelbroeck, Peter</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Haven, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from New Haven, 1902. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEELE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEELE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G400</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EGEL</a>, <a href="#GEELAN">GEELAN</a>, <a href="#GEELBROECK">GEELBROECK</a>, <a href="">GEIL</a>, <a href="">GELE</a>, <a href="">GELL</a>, <a href="">GIL</a>, <a href="">GILE</a>, <a href="">GILL</a>, <a href="">GILLE</a>, <a href="">GYLE</a>, <a href="">KEELE</a>, <a href="">LEGE</a>, <a href="">LEGGE</a>, <a href="">PEELE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="016.70.21">Geele, Frank</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin, <a href="">1892</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G600</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EGER</a>, <a href="#GEAR">GEAR</a>, <a href="#GEERKEN">GEERKEN</a>, <a href="#GEERLING">GEERLING</a>, <a href="#GEERLINGS">GEERLINGS</a>, <a href="#GEERS">GEERS</a>, <a href="#GEERY">GEERY</a>, <a href="">GEHR</a>, <a href="">GEIER</a>, <a href="">GERE</a>, <a href="">GEYER</a>, <a href="">GIERE</a>, <a href="">GIRE</a>, <a href="">GREER</a>, <a href="">PEER</a>, <a href="">REEG</a>, <a href="">SEER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Lodowick Bill</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">James Alexander Bill</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Myron Geer Blalock</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Henry Vance Clymer</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Spencer Miller Jr.</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="075.83.67">Geer, Asahel C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Troy, <a href="">Rensselaer County</a>, N.Y. Born in New York. Republican. <a href="">U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at Troy, New York</a>, 1867. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geer, Cary</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#431.53.91">J. Cary Geer</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="642.79.48">Geer, E. Hart</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lyme, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Lyme, 1897-98. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="422.35.52">Geer, Frank H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Toledo, <a href="">Lucas County</a>, Ohio. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1920</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="555.91.39">Geer, Garrow T., Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 18th District, 1942. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="331.17.27">Geer, Gerry</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of North Huntingdon, <a href="">Westmoreland County</a>, Pa. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="919.54.64">Geer, Harrison</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lapeer, <a href="">Lapeer County</a>, Mich.; Port Huron, <a href="">St. Clair County</a>, Mich. Born in Michigan. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1888</a>; <a href="">U.S. Collector of Customs at Port Huron, Mich., Michigan</a>, 1891. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geer, Hart</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#642.79.48">E. Hart Geer</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="642.84.52">Geer, Isaac G.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ledyard, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Republican. <a href="">First selectman of Ledyard, Connecticut</a>, 1908; member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Ledyard, 1913-14. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="431.53.91">Geer, J. Cary</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Boise, <a href="">Ada County</a>, Idaho. Republican. <a href="">U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at Boise, Idaho</a>, 1867. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="048.30.01">Geer, Joan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fanwood, <a href="">Union County</a>, N.J. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1972</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="050.48.38">Geer, P. Z.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Colquitt, <a href="">Miller County</a>, Ga. Member of <a href="">Georgia state board of education</a> 2nd District, 1948-49. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="832.78.08">Geer, Peter Zack, Jr.</a> (1928-1997)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Georgia. Born in Colquitt, <a href="">Miller County</a>, Ga., <a href="">August 24, 1928</a>. <a href="">Lieutenant Governor of Georgia</a>, 1963-67. Died of <a href="">cancer</a>, <a href="">January 5, 1997</a> (age <a href="">68 years, 134 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">City Cemetery</a>, Colquitt, Ga. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="225.43.47">Geer, Philip</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Massachusetts. Prohibition candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Massachusetts</a> 11th District, 1946. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="861.63.56">Geer, Rodney</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Texas</a> 11th District, 2000. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="695.63.82">Geer, Roy M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of St. Clair Shores, <a href="">Macomb County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Mayor of St. Clair Shores, Mich.</a>, 1965-69. Still living as of 1969. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="182.94.99">Geer, Samuel</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Kansas City, <a href="">Jackson County</a>, Mo. Whig. Postmaster at <a href="">Kansas City, Mo.</a>, 1851-53. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="598.82.20">Geer, Seth</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Whig. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of New York City, N.Y.</a>, 1836. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Geer, T. T.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#719.14.80">Theodore Thurston Geer</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="719.14.80">Geer, Theodore Thurston</a> (1851-1924)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Theodore T. Geer</b>; <b>T. T. Geer</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Oregon. Born in <a href="">Marion County</a>, Ore., <a href="">March 12, 1851</a>. Republican. <a href="">Farmer</a>; member of <a href="">Oregon state house of representatives</a>, 1881-82, 1889-94; <a href="">Speaker of the Oregon State House of Representatives</a>, 1891; Republican Presidential Elector for Oregon, <a href="">1897</a>; <a href="">Governor of Oregon</a>, 1899-1903. Died <a href="">February 21, 1924</a> (age <a href="">72 years, 346 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Rose City Cemetery</a>, Portland, Ore. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="430.96.93">Geer, Walter, Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Warren County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Warren County, 1837. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="925.77.90">Geer, Walter I.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Colquitt, <a href="">Miller County</a>, Ga. Circuit judge in Georgia Pataula Circuit, 1953. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="544.23.59">Geer, William H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lebanon, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Republican. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Lebanon, 1905-06. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEERKEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEERKEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G625</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ELDERKEN</a>, <a href="">ERKENBRECHER</a>, <a href="#GEER">GEER</a>, <a href="#GEERLING">GEERLING</a>, <a href="#GEERLINGS">GEERLINGS</a>, <a href="#GEERS">GEERS</a>, <a href="#GEERY">GEERY</a>, <a href="">GERKEN</a>, <a href="">GORICAN</a>, <a href="">GRAICHEN</a>, <a href="">GRENKE</a>, <a href="">GUIRKIN</a>, <a href="">GURKIN</a>, <a href="">HEIDGERKEN</a>, <a href="">HERKENHOENER</a>, <a href="">MEERKATZ</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="424.22.49">Geerken, Forrest Kermit</a> (b. 1908)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Forrest K. Geerken</b>&nbsp;&mdash; Born in Ida Grove, <a href="">Ida County</a>, Iowa, <a href="">May 8, 1908</a>. U.S. Vice Consul in <a href=" ">Adelaide</a>, 1931-33; U.S. Consul General in <a href=" ">Belfast</a>, 1965-66. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEERLING"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEERLING</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G645</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ERLING</a>, <a href="">GARLING</a>, <a href="#GEER">GEER</a>, <a href="#GEERKEN">GEERKEN</a>, <a href="#GEERLINGS">GEERLINGS</a>, <a href="#GEERS">GEERS</a>, <a href="#GEERY">GEERY</a>, <a href="">GERLING</a>, <a href="">GIRLING</a>, <a href="">LING</a>, <a href="">PEERLESS</a>, <a href="">SEERLEY</a>, <a href="">VANDEERLIN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="907.82.47">Geerling, Susan M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Florissant, <a href="">St. Louis County</a>, Mo. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of Florissant, Mo.</a>, 2011. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2011. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEERLINGS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEERLINGS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G645</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GEER">GEER</a>, <a href="#GEERKEN">GEERKEN</a>, <a href="#GEERLING">GEERLING</a>, <a href="#GEERS">GEERS</a>, <a href="#GEERY">GEERY</a>, <a href="">GEIRLINGS</a>, <a href="">PEERLESS</a>, <a href="">SEERLEY</a>, <a href="">VANDEERLIN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="433.85.55">Geerlings, Clyde H.</a> (1904-1978)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Holland, <a href="">Ottawa County</a>, Mich. Born in Holland, <a href="">Ottawa County</a>, Mich., <a href="">December 12, 1904</a>. Republican. <a href="">School teacher</a>; director of Alumni and Public Relations, Hope College; member of <a href="">Michigan state senate</a> 23rd District, 1951-64. <a href="">Christian Reformed</a>. Member, <a href="">Rotary</a>. Died in <a href="">1978</a> (age <a href="">about 73 years</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Married, <a href="">August 21, 1928</a>, to Ardean Van Arendonk.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="540.99.61">Geerlings, Edgar A.</a> (b. 1937)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Muskegon, <a href="">Muskegon County</a>, Mich. Born in Zeeland, <a href="">Ottawa County</a>, Mich., <a href="">April 24, 1937</a>. Republican. <a href="">School teacher</a>; member of <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> 97th District, 1967-86; defeated, 1964 (97th District), 1992 (91st District). <a href="">Christian Reformed</a>. Member, <a href="">National Education Association</a>; <a href="">Delta Sigma Phi</a>; <a href="">Fraternal Order of Police</a>. Still living as of 1992. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="746.44.24">Geerlings, Henry</a> (b. 1868)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Holland, <a href="">Ottawa County</a>, Mich. Born in Holland, <a href="">Ottawa County</a>, Mich., <a href="">February 29, 1868</a>. Republican. <a href="">Mayor of Holland, Mich.</a>, 1937; member of <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Ottawa County, 1945-50. <a href="">Christian Reformed</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>; <a href="">Elks</a>; <a href="">Rotary</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEERS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEERS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G620</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GEER">GEER</a>, <a href="#GEERKEN">GEERKEN</a>, <a href="#GEERLING">GEERLING</a>, <a href="#GEERLINGS">GEERLINGS</a>, <a href="#GEERY">GEERY</a>, <a href="#GEES">GEES</a>, <a href="">GEHRS</a>, <a href="">GEVERS</a>, <a href="">GIERSZ</a>, <a href="">GRESS</a>, <a href="">PEERS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEERS:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Robert Geers Loftis</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Richard Yates</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="952.37.01">Geers, C. W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, <a href="">1872</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="723.92.34">Geers, W. C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Tishomingo, <a href="">Johnston County</a>, Okla. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Oklahoma, <a href="">1924</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEERY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEERY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G600</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GEAREY">GEAREY</a>, <a href="#GEARY">GEARY</a>, <a href="#GEER">GEER</a>, <a href="#GEERKEN">GEERKEN</a>, <a href="#GEERLING">GEERLING</a>, <a href="#GEERLINGS">GEERLINGS</a>, <a href="#GEERS">GEERS</a>, <a href="">GEREAU</a>, <a href="">GERRIE</a>, <a href="">GERRY</a>, <a href="">GERY</a>, <a href="">GREY</a>, <a href="">GYORY</a>, <a href="">KEERY</a>, <a href="">PEERY</a>, <a href="">SEERY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="295.05.74">Geery, Daniel</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Justice candidate for Presidential Elector for Utah, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Ross C. Anderson</a> and <a href="">Luis J. Rodriguez</a>). Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEES"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEES</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G200</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GEERS">GEERS</a>, <a href="">GEIS</a>, <a href="">GEISE</a>, <a href="">GEISS</a>, <a href="">GEISSE</a>, <a href="">GEISZ</a>, <a href="">GESS</a>, <a href="">GHIZ</a>, <a href="">GIES</a>, <a href="">GIESE</a>, <a href="">KEES</a>, <a href="">SEES</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="178.69.70">Gees, Herman L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Mulberry, <a href="">Crawford County</a>, Kan. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kansas, <a href="">1920</a> (alternate), <a href="">1928</a>; candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Kansas</a> 3rd District, 1944. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEEVES"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEEVES</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G120</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EVES</a>, <a href="">MCGEEVER</a>, <a href="">REEVES</a>, <a href="">STEEVES</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEEVES:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">John Richard Barnes</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEFFEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEFFEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G150</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEFFENBAUGH</a>, <a href="">DEFFENDERFER</a>, <a href="">DIEFFENBACH</a>, <a href="">EFFENBERGER</a>, <a href="">EFFENUS</a>, <a href="">GAFFNEY</a>, <a href="">GAFNEY</a>, <a href="#GEFFNER">GEFFNER</a>, <a href="#GEFFS">GEFFS</a>, <a href="">GIFFEN</a>, <a href="">GIFFIN</a>, <a href="">GIFFONI</a>, <a href="">GOFFIN</a>, <a href="">GUFFIN</a>, <a href="">STEFFEN</a>, <a href="">STEFFENS</a>, <a href="">STEFFENSON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEFFEN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Henry Salant</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEFFNER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEFFNER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G156</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEFFNER</a>, <a href="">FERGEN</a>, <a href="">GAFFNER</a>, <a href="#GEFFEN">GEFFEN</a>, <a href="#GEFFS">GEFFS</a>, <a href="">HEFFNER</a>, <a href="">HUEFFNER</a>, <a href="">KIEFFNER</a>, <a href="">KUEFFNER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>GEFFNER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Seymour Boyers</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEFFS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEFFS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G120</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#GEFFEN">GEFFEN</a>, <a href="#GEFFNER">GEFFNER</a>, <a href="">SHIRREFFS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="080.13.33">Geffs, Mary L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Colorado. Socialist. Delegate to Socialist National Convention from Colorado, 1912. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEFKE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEFKE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G120</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">SIEFKEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="046.67.12">Gefke, Carolyn</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Racine, <a href="">Racine County</a>, Wis. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Wisconsin, <a href="">1964</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEFROH"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEFROH</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G160</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEFRONZO</a>, <a href="">FROHLICH</a>, <a href="">FROHLINGER</a>, <a href="">FROHMAN</a>, <a href="">FROHME</a>, <a href="">FROHMILLER</a>, <a href="">FROHNMAYER</a>, <a href="">FROHOCK</a>, <a href="">GAFUR</a>, <a href="">GAYFER</a>, <a href="">GHAFARI</a>, <a href="">GHAFFAR</a>, <a href="">GIEFER</a>, <a href="">GODEFROY</a>, <a href="">GOPHER</a>, <a href="">HEFRON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="985.87.69">Gefroh, Susan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Minot, <a href="">Ward County</a>, N.Dak. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Dakota, <a href="">1980</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1980. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="GEGAX"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>GEGAX</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex G220</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GAXIOLA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="216.37.02">Gegax, Henry F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">Governor of Nevada</a>, 1910. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="center"> </td></tr></table> <hr> <table width=100%> <tr><td align="center"><span style="font-size:20pt;"> <span style="font-family:garamond,serif"> <i>"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."</i></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:8pt;">Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872</span></td> <td><a href=""> <img src="" width=450 height=71 align="right" border=0 alt="The Political Graveyard"></a></td></tr></table> <br clear="all"> <table width=100% cellpadding=2> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b><a href="">The Political Graveyard</a></b> is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The listings are <b>incomplete</b>; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Information on this page &mdash; and on all other pages of this site &mdash; is believed to be accurate, but is <b>not</b> guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The official URL for this page is: <a href=""></a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the <a href="">alphabetical index of politicians</a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Copyright notices:</b> (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see <a href="">Feist v. Rural Telephone</a>. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute <b>fair use</b> under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are &copy;&nbsp;1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a <a href="">Creative Commons License</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>What is a "political graveyard"?</b> See <a href="">Political Dictionary</a>; <a href="">Urban Dictionary</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Site information:</b> The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by <b>Lawrence Kestenbaum</b>, who is solely responsible for its structure and content.&nbsp;&mdash; The mailing address is <b>The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106.</b>&nbsp;&mdash; This site is hosted by <b><a href=""></a></b>.&nbsp;&mdash; The Political Graveyard opened on <b>July 1, 1996</b>; the last full revision was done on <b>February 17, 2025</b>. </span></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>

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