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There are a few things to note with the below list:<br><br>- After each song, I have also indicated when its Top 10 run occurred, as well as its peak position.<br>- ^^ means the song is currently in the Top 10, ie. its run is still going.<br>- ** means the song had non-consecutive runs in the Top 10<br>- For runs that transcended calendar years, I have included the Xmas/NY weeks that the charts were not published, as it would be safe to assume that the songs would have remained Top 10 during that period.<br>- I have started the base level at 16 weeks, as this is where the chart runs really start to become significant IMO (also it becomes more work to maintain if I go any lower!).<br><br>This is an ongoing project, so if you spot any errors or come across any songs that you believe should be in this list, send me a message and I can check it out for you. Enjoy!<br><br><br>88 Weeks:<br>** HEAT WAVES - Glass Animals (2021/2, #1)<br><br><br>53 Weeks:<br>** STAY - The Kid Laroi & Justin Bieber (2021/2, #1)<br><br><br>51 Weeks:<br>^^ BEAUTIFUL THINGS - Benson Boone (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>45 Weeks:<br>** BAD HABITS - Ed Sheeran (2021/2, #1)<br><br><br>44 Weeks:<br>** AS IT WAS - Harry Styles (2022/3, #1)<br><br><br>42 Weeks:<br>** CRUEL SUMMER - Taylor Swift (2023/4, #1)<br><br><br>41 Weeks:<br>** DANCE MONKEY - Tones & I (2019/2020, #1)<br><br><br>40 Weeks:<br>** BLINDING LIGHTS - The Weeknd (2019/2020/1, #1)<br>** A BAR SONG (TIPSY) - Shaboozey (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>39 Weeks:<br>COLD HEART (PNAU REMIX) - Elton John & Dua Lipa (2021/2, #1)<br>^^ BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Billie Eilish (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>37 Weeks:<br>** LAST NIGHT - Morgan Wallen (2023, #1)<br><br><br>35 Weeks:<br>** ESPRESSO - Sabrina Carpenter (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>34 Weeks:<br>** SHIVERS - Ed Sheeran (2021/2, #2)<br><br><br>33 Weeks:<br>** I HAD SOME HELP - Post Malone feat. Morgan Wallen (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>32 Weeks:<br>** ANTI-HERO - Taylor Swift (2022/3/4, #1)<br><br><br>31 Weeks:<br>** SUNFLOWER - Post Malone & Swae Lee (2018/9, #1)<br>** LEVITATING - Dua Lipa (2020/1, #4)<br>** INDUSTRY BABY - Lil Nas X (2021/2, #4)<br>** GREEDY - Tate McRae (2023/4, #2)<br><br><br>29 Weeks:<br>DON&#8217;T START NOW - Dua Lipa (2019/2020, #2)<br>** WITHOUT YOU - The Kid Laroi (2020/1, #1)<br><br><br>28 Weeks:<br>CIRCLES - Post Malone (2019/2020, #2)<br>MOOD - 24kGoldn feat. Ian Dior (2020/1, #1)<br>** KILL BILL - SZA (2022/3, #1)<br>** ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU - Mariah Carey (1994, 2018/9/20/1/2/3/4/5, #1)<br><br><br>27 Weeks:<br>OLD TOWN ROAD - Lil Nas X (2019, #1)<br>** I AIN&#8217;T WORRIED - OneRepublic (2022/3, #2)<br>FLOWERS - Miley Cyrus (2023, #1)<br><br><br>26 Weeks<br>** ROSES - SAINt JHN (2020, #1)<br>** HEAD & HEART - Joel Corry & MNEK (2020/1, #2)<br>** LAST CHRISTMAS - Wham (1984/5, 2019/20/1/2/3/4/5, #2)<br>^^ DIE WITH A SMILE - Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars (2024/5, #2)<br><br><br>25 Weeks:<br>** PERFECT - Ed Sheeran (2017/8, #1)<br>** BAD GUY - Billie Eilish (2019/2020, #1)<br>** PAINT THE TOWN RED - Doja Cat (2023/4, #1)<br><br><br>24 Weeks:<br>FERNANDO - ABBA (1976, #1)<br>NOVEMBER RAIN - Guns'n'Roses (1992/3, #5)<br>BREATHE - The Prodigy (1996/7, #2)<br>SHAPE OF YOU - Ed Sheeran (2017, #1)<br>** EASTSIDE - Benny Blanco, Halsey & Khalid (2018/9, #2) <br>FAST CAR - Luke Combs (2023, #2)<br><br><br>23 Weeks:<br>CLOSER - Chainsmokers feat. Halsey (2016/17, #1)<br>SHOTGUN - George Ezra (2018/9, #1)<br><br><br>22 Weeks:<br>HEY JUDE - The Beatles (1968/9, #1)<br>FLAUNT IT - TV Rock feat. Seany B (2006, #1)<br>** SHALLOW - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (2018/9, #1)<br>** GOOD 4 U - Olivia Rodrigo (2021/2, #1)<br>** UNHOLY - Sam Smith & Kim Petras (2022/3, #1)<br>** PRADA - Casso, Raye & D-Block Europe (2023/4, #3)<br><br><br>21 Weeks:<br>** BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY - Queen (1976, 1992 #1)<br>GHOSTBUSTERS - Ray Parker Jr (1984/5, #2)<br>NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP - Rick Astley (1987/8, #1)<br>I WISH I WAS A PUNK ROCKER - Sandi Thom (2006/7, #1)<br>** I GOTTA FEELING - Black Eyed Peas (2009/10, #1)<br>ROAR - Katy Perry (2013/4, #1)<br>UPTOWN FUNK - Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars (2014/5, #1)<br>BE ALRIGHT - Dean Lewis (2018, #1)<br>ROCKSTAR - Dababy feat. Roddy Ricch (2020, #1)<br>ABCDEFU - Gayle (2021/2, #2)<br><br><br>20 Weeks:<br>YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I WANT - John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John (1978, #1)<br>TOMORROW - Silverchair (1994/5, #1)<br>PARTY ROCK ANTHEM - LMFAO (2011, #1)<br>HAPPY - Pharrell Williams (2013/4, #1)<br>SHAKE IT OFF - Taylor Swift (2014/5, #1)<br>YOUNGBLOOD - 5 Seconds Of Summer (2018, #1)<br>WITHOUT ME - Halsey (2018/9, #2)<br>** SOMEONE YOU LOVED - Lewis Capaldi (2019, #4)<br>KISS ME MORE - Doja Cat feat. SZA (2021, #2)<br>** TASTE - Sabrina Carpenter (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>19 Weeks:<br>THE PUSHBIKE SONG - The Mixtures (1971, #1)<br>EAGLE ROCK - Daddy Cool (1971, #1)<br>ISLANDS IN THE STREAM - Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton (1983/4, #1)<br>WHERE IS THE LOVE - Black Eyed Peas feat. Justin Timberlake (2003, #1)<br>LOW - Flo Rida feat. T-Pain (2008, #1)<br>** ROLLING IN THE DEEP - Adele (2011, #3)<br>MOVES LIKE JAGGER - Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera (2011, #2)<br>WHAT DO YOU MEAN? - Justin Bieber (2015/6, #1)<br>ROCKSTAR - Post Malone feat. 21 Savage (2017/8, #1)<br>I FALL APART - Post Malone (2017/8, #2)<br>BREAKING ME - Topic feat. A7S (2020, #4)<br>SAVAGE LOVE - Jawsh 685 & Jason Derulo (2020, #1)<br>BOY&#8217;S A LIAR - PinkPantheress (2023, #2)<br>LOVIN ON ME - Jack Harlow (2023/4, #1)<br>** GOOD LUCK, BABE! - Chappell Roan (2024/5, #4)<br>PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - Sabrina Carpenter (2024, #1)<br><br><br>18 Weeks:<br>TIE A YELLOW RIBBON ROUND THE OLE OAK TREE - Dawn feat. Tony Orlando (1973, #1)<br>MAMA MIA - ABBA (1975/6, #1)<br>IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME - Cher (1989/90, #1)<br>** I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU - Whitney Houston (1992/3, 2012, #1)<br>LOVE IS ALL AROUND - Wet Wet Wet (1994, #1)<br>IRIS - Goo Goo Dolls (1998, #1)<br>** FROM THIS MOMENT ON - Shania Twain (1998/9, #2)<br>TEENAGE DIRTBAG - Wheatus (2000/1, #1)<br>I DON'T FEEL LIKE DANCIN' - Scissor Sisters (2006/7, #1)<br>THE WAY I ARE - Timbaland feat. Keri Hilson (2007/8, #1)<br>STARBOY - The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk (2016/7, #2)<br>DESPACITO - Luis Fonsi feat. Daddy Yankee (2017, #1)<br>WOW. - Post Malone (2019, #2)<br>** SAVE YOUR TEARS - The Weeknd (2021, #3)<br>** I&#8217;M GOOD (BLUE) - David Guetta & Bebe Rexha (2022/3, #1)<br>** DIE FOR YOU - The Weeknd (2023, #3)<br>^^ APT. - Rose feat. Bruno Mars (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>17 Weeks:<br>NEVER NEVER NEVER - Shirley Bassey (1973, #1)<br>LET&#8217;S STICK TOGETHER - Bryan Ferry (1976/7, #1)<br>IF YOU LEAVE ME NOW - Chicago (1976/7, #1)<br>WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN - The Bangles (1986/7, #1)<br>** LA BAMBA - Los Lobos (1987/8, #1)<br>LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX - Salt'n'Pepa (1991/2, #1)<br>ACHY BREAKY HEART - Billy Ray Cyrus (1992/3, #1)<br>STAYIN' ALIVE - N-Trance (1995/6, #1)<br>** GANGSTA'S PARADISE - Coolio (1995/6, #1)<br>BECAUSE YOU LOVED ME - Celine Dion (1996, #1)<br>TRULY MADLY DEEPLY - Savage Garden (1997, #1)<br>HIGH - Lighthouse Family (1998, #1)<br>REDUNDANT/TIME OF YOUR LIFE - Green Day (1998/9, #2)<br>BABY ONE MORE TIME - Britney Spears (1999, #1)<br>LAST KISS - Pearl Jam (1999, #1)<br>THE KETCHUP SONG - Las Ketchup (2002/3, #1)<br>** BRING ME TO LIFE - Evanescence (2003, #1)<br>GIRLFRIEND - Avril Lavigne (2007, #1)<br>CANDYMAN - Christina Aguilera (2007, #2)<br>APOLOGIZE - Timbaland feat. OneRepublic (2007/8, #1)<br>** BLEEDING LOVE - Leona Lewis (2007/8, #1)<br>SEX ON FIRE - Kings Of Leon (2008/9, #1)<br>LOVE STORY - Taylor Swift (2009, #1)<br>THINKING OUT LOUD - Ed Sheeran (2014/5, #1)<br>ONE DANCE - Drake feat. Wizkid & Kyla (2016, #1)<br>HAVANA - Camila Cabello feat. Young Thug (2017/8, #1)<br>GIRLS LIKE YOU - Maroon 5 feat. Cardi B (2018, #2)<br>SENORITA - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (2019, #1)<br>** WATERMELON SUGAR - Harry Styles (2020, #5)<br>ASTRONAUT IN THE OCEAN - Masked Wolf (2021, #4)<br>** WHERE ARE YOU NOW - Lost Frequencies & Calum Scott (2022, #5)<br>ABOUT DAMN TIME - Lizzo (2022, #3)<br>** RUNNING UP THAT HILL - Kate Bush (1985, 2022, #1)<br>** BAD HABIT - Steve Lacy (2022, #3)<br>SPRINTER - Dave & Central Cee (2023, #1)<br>** STICK SEASON - Noah Kayan (2024, #1)<br>^^ THAT&#8217;S SO TRUE - Gracie Abrams (2024/5, #1)<br><br><br>16 Weeks:<br>I THINK I LOVE YOU - The Partridge Family (1970/1, #1)<br>MY SWEET LORD - George Harrison (1971, #1)<br>PUPPY LOVE - Donny Osmond (1972, #1)<br>POPCORN - Hot Butter (1972/3, #1)<br>BEN - Michael Jackson (1972/3, #1)<br>MY COO CA CHOO - Alvin Stardust (1974, #1)<br>EVIE - Stevie Wright (1974, #1)<br>FOX ON THE RUN - The Sweet (1975, #1)<br>DANCING QUEEN - ABBA (1976, #1)<br>MULL OF KINTYRE - Wings (1977/8, #1)<br>I WAS MADE FOR LOVIN&#8217; YOU - KISS (1979, #2)<br>I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU - Stevie Wonder (1984/5, #1)<br>LOCOMOTION - Kylie Minogue (1987, #1)<br>END OF THE ROAD - Boyz II Men (1992/3, #1)<br>YOU DON'T TREAT ME NO GOOD - Sonia Dada (1992/3, #1)<br>ALWAYS - Bon Jovi (1994/5, #2)<br>ZOMBIE - The Cranberries (1994/5, #1)<br>WANNABE - Spice Girls (1996/7, #1)<br>TUBTHUMPING - Chumbawumba (1997/8, #1)<br>** MY HEART WILL GO ON - Celine Dion (1998, #1)<br>I DON'T WANT TO MISS A THING - Aerosmith (1998, #1)<br>** NO MATTER WHAT - Boyzone (1999, #5)<br>BLUE - Eiffel 65 (1999/2000, #1)<br>WHENEVER WHEREVER - Shakira (2002, #1)<br>** MURDER ON THE DANCEFLOOR - Sophie Ellis-Bextor (2002, 2024, #3)<br>IN DA CLUB - 50 Cent (2003, #1)<br>GOODBYE MY LOVER - James Blunt (2005/6, #3)<br>** SO WHAT - Pink (2008, #1)<br>** POKER FACE - Lady Gaga (2008/9, #1)<br>** BOOM BOOM POW - Black Eyed Peas (2009, #1)<br>SEXY BITCH - David Guetta feat. Akon (2009, #1)<br>TIK TOK - Kesha (2009/10, #1)<br>CALIFORNIA GURLS - Katy Perry (2010, #1)<br>** SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW - Gotye feat. Kimbra (2011, #1)<br>CALL ME MAYBE - Carly Rae Jepsen (2012, #1)<br>** GANGNAM STYLE - Psy (2012/3, #1)<br>** TAKE ME TO CHURCH - Hozier (2014/5, #2)<br>THIS IS WHAT YOU CAME FOR - Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna (2016, #1)<br>MEANT TO BE - Bebe Rexha feat. Florida Georgia Line (2017/8, #2)<br>** GOD'S PLAN - Drake (2018, #1)<br>SWEET BUT PSYCHO - Ava Max (2018/9, #2)<br>MEMORIES - Maroon 5 (2019/2020, #2)<br>** DRIVERS LICENSE - Olivia Rodrigo (2021, #1)<br>FIRST CLASS - Jack Harlow (2022, #1)<br>** ESCAPISM - Raye feat. 070 Shake (2023, #3)<br>** I REMEMBER EVERYTHING - Zach Bryan eat. Kacey Musgraves (2023/4, #6)<br>** LOSE CONTROL - Teddy Swims (2024, #4)<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2025, 1, 23, 19, 41, 50);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/02/2025 20:42</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251243"><a name="2"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 4, 48, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 06:48</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I'll leave it to someone else to spot any errors (if there are any), but would like to say I love seeing these sorts of chart records here <IMG SRC="/images/cheesy.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251244"><a name="3"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 4, 57, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 06:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Glad you like it, Hijinx! <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"> Happy to hear any feedback you might have, or any songs not listed above that you may want me to doublecheck. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251245"><a name="4"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 5, 10, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 07:10</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=antonnalan">antonnalan</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Dayum Rick Astley. Uptown Funk and Roar sucks <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251249"><a name="5"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 6, 11, 51);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 08:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">LOL antonnalan! And to think that Uptown Funk's run may not be over just yet...<br><br>Seriously though, the one that surprised me when I first came across it in my research was in fact Ghostbusters! It had originally entered the Top 10 in early September 1984, and at its peak in late 1984, it was essentially deadlocked for a number of weeks in the Top 3 with I Just Called To Say I Love You and Careless Whisper, and looked like it would exit the Top 10 at the beginning of December. Imagine everyone's surprise when it continued to hang on right up to the last week of January 1985!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251330"><a name="6"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 7, 43, 25);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 09:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=album+guru+joe">album guru joe</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I lived through that period...wasn't that surprising at all... Ghostbusters, the movie and everything that came with it was HUGE!!!!... <br><br>I remember just about everyone had a Ghostbusters T-shirt, nearly every kid in the school yard had a jar of slime (kids toy/merchandise item at the time)....hahahaha I had one... The song was on the radio all the time, movie posters where everywhere....the whole Ghostbusters thing was a huge pop culture phenomenon..... and it was fun.. <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251378"><a name="7"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 13, 7, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 15:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I see your point there Joe! It was a very popular movie at the time <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"><br><br>Another one from the list that surprised me as well was Islands In The Stream. It had entered the Top 10 in mid-November 1983 and reached #1 4 weeks later for one week only. Somehow it then proceeded to spend another 14 weeks in the Top 10 until mid-March 1984. Not a song that people would immediately pick for a long Top 10 chart runner!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251379"><a name="8"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 13, 11, 44);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 15:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It does seem like there was a time in the mid '80s where some things were taking an unusual amount of time to vacate. Case in point, Last Christmas & Do They Know It's Christmas sticking around in the top 10 until the end of February <IMG SRC="/images/grin.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251380"><a name="9"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 13, 29, 43);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 15:29</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=DaveNT">DaveNT</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Could 'Uptown Funk' just have 1 week left in the Top 10, keeping 'Flaunt It' as the 21st century leader? We will see.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251385"><a name="10"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 13, 14, 23, 42);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2015 16:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=TravD">TravD</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Some interesting stats here. <br><br>I also check this wikipedia website sometimes, though some parts haven't been updated <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"><br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251416"><a name="11"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 1, 49, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 03:49</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hijinx - it's interesting with those two actually... they both entered the Top 10 right on Christmas 1984 (DTKIC was #2 first week in the chart, and Last Christmas had bolted up 26 spots to come in at #3 - Like a Virgin was still #1 at the time and had just narrowly held on that week). There was a 2-week chart hiatus following, after which DTKIC finally made #1.<br><br>Both songs had relatively *really* short Top 10 runs though - DTKIC lasted 9 weeks, Last Christmas managed 8. In fact, with the latter, it actually did a big last-gasp rebound after it started its initial descent, due to the fact that Wham were touring Australia at the time, but couldn't hang on longer.<br><br>Dave - It's gonna be REALLY close with Uptown Funk - iTunes has it just outside the Top 10 at the moment, but most likely will manage one more week but no more than that.<br><br>Keep the feedback and comments coming guys... this is awesome <IMG SRC="/images/cheesy.gif"><br><br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251417"><a name="12"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 2, 11, 31);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 04:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Another intriguing observation, and one that has always left me scratching my head - 2 of the 3 longest running Top 10 hits are songs that did not ever hit #1.<br><br>What would it have been about Breathe and November Rain that kept them going and going??</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251418"><a name="13"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 2, 35, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 04:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Just added some more onto the list plus amended a couple as well (Rick Astley only had 21 as opposed to 23). Thank you DaveNT for your awesome feedback with the extra songs! <IMG SRC="/images/cheesy.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251423"><a name="14"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 4, 4, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 06:04</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I think the answer to the longevity is right in the scenario OzFrog. Hitting #1 means selling a lot in a single week, which gives less potential sales in the future. For instance The Prodigy only really snuck into the EOY top 10, despite most of their top 10 run being in one year.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251429"><a name="15"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 6, 53, 37);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 08:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=VicTinny">VicTinny</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@OzFrog. November Rain hung around and actually moved up the charts again when Guns 'n' Roses toured Aust in Feb 1993. By that time the song was pretty much exhausted, but that is what helped to maintain its longevity. Apart from that, it's damn fine song. Re : &quot;breathe&quot; - not too sure. Perhaps someone else can explain. ...and yes, this is an awesome post. Next time a song starts to hit 18+ weeks in the Top10 we'll all be checking this post again. Good call setting it up.<br>Also, UpFunk has just left the iTunes Top 10 (after 5 & a half months). Cheers.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251430"><a name="16"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 7, 19, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 09:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Just realised actually, Hozier just hit 16 weeks in the top 10 this week, so should be on the post.<br><br>And Thinking Out Loud got 17 weeks.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 7, 20, 55);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 09:21</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251434"><a name="17"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 9, 15, 45);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 11:15</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thanks Hijinx - I've now added both <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251435"><a name="18"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 9, 23, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 11:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Also now I just remembered, Bohemian Rhapsody had an additional 4 weeks in the top 10 in 1992. Oversight or different case?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251436"><a name="19"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 14, 9, 41, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2015 11:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">OMG yes of course! Freddie Mercury's death in 1991 prompted the re-release! I did it for Whitney so only fair I do it for Queen as well.<br><br>Amended accordingly, and it now means that Bohemian Rhapsody in fact spent 21 weeks in total in the Top 10 if we combine the two runs.<br><br>Really loving your work, guys! Much appreciated <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251594"><a name="20"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 7, 16, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 09:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=album+guru+joe">album guru joe</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Bohemian Rhapsody wasn't re-released due to Freddie Mercury's death in 1991... it was re-released as part of the movie soundtrack for Wayne's World in 1992... you know the car scene... <IMG SRC="/images/wink.gif"><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 8, 24, 56);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 10:25</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251599"><a name="21"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 8, 11, 41);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 10:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">That's funny, Joe! Both events actually happened at the same time (the release of Wayne's World and Freddie's death)... Very bizarre and surreal coincidence for that to occur!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251601"><a name="22"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 8, 28, 39);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 10:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=album+guru+joe">album guru joe</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Very close indeed (3 months), maybe Mike Myers chose the song as a tribute to the late singer? Who knows?.... Anyways for me it's by far the best scene in the movie...hahahaha... <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 8, 42, 33);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 10:42</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251615"><a name="23"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 10, 9, 1);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 12:09</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">LOL yes I actually skipped school a few times as a kid just to watch Wayne's World... a very funny movie at the time! And yes that scene is totally worth it!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251628"><a name="24"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 12, 4, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 14:05</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=GavinScott">GavinScott</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Interesting point about Wham!'s Australian tour lengthening the stay of Last Christmas in the top 10. I hadn't thought of that - and that obviously would have played a part in people still buying it long after the festive season.<br><br>I think the presence of Everything She Wants on the single also had an impact (and obviously led to that song getting a separate release) - and gave people a reason to buy the song in January without them feeling like they were just a bit late buying a festive single.<br><br>It's interesting that the 80s is under-represented in this list. With notable exceptions like Ghostbusters and Rick Astley, songs did tend to drop down the chart pretty quickly once they'd reached their peak and not linger. It seems that once an act had a hit, record companies moved on to follow-up singles reasonably quickly as well, which would have hastened the decline of a prior hit.<br><br><br><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 15, 12, 6, 54);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2015 14:07</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251668"><a name="25"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 16, 1, 57, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/04/2015 03:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Gavin - and Wham were so popular at the time that when Everything She Wants got released on its own, it went Top 10 in its own right!<br><br>Chart runs through the 80s and 90s (and early 2000s to a lesser extent) did have relatively quick spans, and I think when downloads started to be counted, it had a very profound effect on the availability of a song to be bought, thus increasing its chances of a longer chart run (like we have seen in the last few years especially).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251677"><a name="26"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 16, 4, 57, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/04/2015 06:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=GavinScott">GavinScott</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">There are a lot more 90s songs in the list above. Perhaps record companies didn't delete singles as quickly then.<br><br>Another possibility is that in the 90s, Australia wasn't quite as behind as we were in the 80s. In the 80s, by the time labels got around to releasing a single locally it was sometimes 6 months after it came out overseas. They then had to then play a quick game of catch up with the follow-up singles or they'd still be on single number three by the time the artist had released a new album. So subsequent singles came out while the first hit was still in the top 50 - and either the first hit was quickly deleted or people stopped buying it, thus songs plummeting out of the chart.<br><br>Yep, I mentioned the Wham releases recently:<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251772"><a name="27"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 17, 3, 4, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/04/2015 05:04</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=rob1972">rob1972</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Just a not about Breathe, I think part of the reason for the longevity in the chart was the exposure the song got. I remember quite clearly that the song was used ALOT during the footy, both comps as it was the during the time lead up to the 1997 season. Super League and ARL.<br><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 17, 3, 6, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/04/2015 05:06</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251861"><a name="28"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 17, 7, 27, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/04/2015 09:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=album+guru+joe">album guru joe</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I think the Prodigy's &quot;Breathe&quot; was just one of those songs in a moment in time that just clicked with everyone... no particular reason why, it just did... It's happened heaps over the course of contemporary music. <br><br>I think sometimes we try to dig to deep for reasons or explanation as to why something is....rather than just excepting it and letting it be.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251865"><a name="29"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 17, 7, 45, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/04/2015 09:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=GavinScott">GavinScott</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Breathe definitely clicked with a lot of people - just not all at once. <br><br>You had the dance fans buying it straight away, and then gradually people who'd probably never heard of The Prodigy got into it since it was already a big hit, which in turn kept it in the chart. <br><br>I remember working at Brashs when that was out and it being a solid seller for months and months as it crossed over to a wider and wider audience. The people who bought it later on were quite different to people who bought it at first.<br><br><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 17, 7, 45, 37);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/04/2015 09:45</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1251950"><a name="30"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 3, 28, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 05:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Some extra's for you:<br><br>She Loves You - The Beatles (20 weeks) (HP-3) (1963/64)<br>I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles (19 weeks) (HP-1x7) (1964)<br>I Saw Her Standing There / Love Me Do - The Beatles (16 weeks) (HP-1x7) (1964)<br><br>It's Now or Never - Elvis Presley (16 weeks) (HP-1x7) 1960<br><br>Love is a Many Splendoured Thing - Nat King Cole / Four Aces (20 weeks) (HP-3x3) (1955/56)<br>Pretend - Nat King Cole (18 weeks) (HP-1x7) (1954)<br>Mona Lisa - Nat King Cole (19 weeks) (HP-1x5) (1950)<br><br>My Foolish Heart - Billy Eckstine / Joe Loss & Orch. (20 weeks) (HP-1x4) (1950)<br><br>Some Enchanted Evening - Bing Crosby / Gordon MacRae / Ezio Pinza(21 weeks) (HP-1x3) (1952)<br><br>I Told Them All About You - Donald Peers (22 weeks) (HP-1x2) (1950)<br>The Harry Lime Theme - Donald Peers /Roberto Inglez & His Orch. / Guy Lombardo (30 weeks) (HP-3) (1950)<br><br>Quicksilver - Bing Crosby & Andrews Sisters (22 weeks) (HP-1x8) (1950)<br><br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252056"><a name="31"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 9, 47, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 11:48</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thanks bulion for those ones! I'm in two minds about adding anything earlier than the 1960s onto the list, but I'll leave it up to you guys about whether I should include them or not...<br><br>In the meantime, Uptown Funk falls to #10 nationally this week, which means it celebrates 21 weeks in the Top 10. Can it maintain another week though?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252060"><a name="32"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 10, 11, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 12:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">What's perhaps ironic is that Uptown Funk is one of the biggest streaming hits ever...but streaming has shortened its top 10 run by keeping it at #11 when it debuted. Unless of course it kept it ahead of Sam Smith this week. Can't tell with the digital chart.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252061"><a name="33"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 10, 34, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 12:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Paul%2772">Paul'72</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Uptown Funk has had a long run and I think it has had it's last week in the Top10. re: Breathe above - I remember the song and it just hung around for no particular reason. Sort of grew on people. November Rain is a different story because of the GnR concert in early 1993 - that is without doubt what kept it in the charts for a long time although just checking the aria charts I notice it didn't get higher than No.5 during it's run. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252067"><a name="34"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 11, 25, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 13:26</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Paul%2772">Paul'72</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sorry, Uptown Funk again (but this is the song which triggered this post) . I just chkd the US Billboard charts and it has just pulled in 14 weeks consecutive at No.1 there. Righteo.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252090"><a name="35"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 14, 54, 42);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 16:54</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Nugs">Nugs</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I think 'Breathe's longevity might have been helped by there not being an album released containing it until about 7 or 8 months after it debuted. So if people wanted to own the track, they *had* to buy the single.<br><br>I remember thinking it rather odd at the time that, when the album came out, there was no new single release to accompany it, and the next single wasn't released for about another 5 months after the album debuted. It was a weird release strategy. That, plus the first single coming out over a year before the album release.<br><br>Maybe The Prodigy also performed at the Big Day Out in January 1997?<br><br><br>'November Rain' is an odd one, due to its initial, separate chart run months before the (proper) video was released (I remember rage aired a live performance for its initial chart run), and its sudden climb to the top 10 after re-entering the chart. Furthermore, the album(s) had been available for around a year by the time it entered the top 10, and the b-side was 'Sweet Child O'Mine' (+ 'Patience' on the CD single) - hardly an incentive for a GNR fan who surely already owned the albums to purchase it. That being said, looking at, there were 2 separate 'limited' poster editions of the cassingle release in Australia, and also a limited 2-CD single set with a bonus 7-track 'promo' CD containing a combination of studio and live tracks in Australia. These bonus items no doubt helped the single to sell over time.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 15, 2, 22);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 17:02</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252092"><a name="36"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 18, 15, 22, 58);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2015 17:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Nugs">Nugs</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">'November Rain' is also one of those rare singles that ended up with a higher placing on the year-end chart (#2) that its peak position. The only other example that springs to mind for me is Bruce Springsteen's 'Dancing In the Dark', which was the #1 single on the 1984 year chart, but only peaked at #5. However, another chart fiend I'm in contact with contacted David Kent not too long ago and asked him about the Kent Report/AMR year-end charts, and he said they were based on chart runs rather than actual sales... so 'Dancing In the Dark' may not have been the actual best-seller of 1984.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252183"><a name="37"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 19, 11, 17, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/04/2015 13:17</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">That 1984 EOY chart will always serve as the biggest ever WTF moment of the Kent era... Like Nugs mentioned, the song only peaked at #5 nationally, and furthermore only spent 11 weeks in the Top 10 itself. <br><br>However, its overall chart run in the Top 100 was absolutely incredible at the time (64 weeks in total during 1984 and 1985), and was a run that would not be rivalled for at least the next decade (the first song that comes to mind after this is Prisoner Of Society by Living End). If we were to hazard a guess as to the actual biggest seller of 1984, I would say &quot;I Just Called To Say I Love You&quot; - 8-week stretch at #1 as well as a 16-week Top 10 run.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252193"><a name="38"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 19, 12, 30, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/04/2015 14:31</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Nugs">Nugs</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Marilyn Manson's 'The Beautiful People' spent over a year in the top 100 - 56 weeks from memory (I should check, but can't be bothered atm). Even more bizarre is that it peaked at just #42. However, it spent over 30 weeks hovering between #51 and #60.<br><br>'Prisoner of Society' was the next single after it to spend more than a year in the top 100.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252219"><a name="39"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 20, 4, 22, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2015 06:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=GavinScott">GavinScott</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I was the &quot;fiend&quot; Nugs was referring to who emailed David Kent recently since I wanted to double check how he compiled his EOY charts. <br><br>I was tempted to ask him if he kept track of the actual best-selling singles for each year - but then I thought that info might already be known among the members here?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252226"><a name="40"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 20, 6, 5, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2015 08:05</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=album+guru+joe">album guru joe</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">In regards to bulion's post, I can't see any reason why those singles shouldn't be added to that list.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 20, 9, 28, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2015 11:28</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252233"><a name="41"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 20, 9, 17, 10);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2015 11:17</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Nugs">Nugs</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Ah, so it was you, Gavin <IMG SRC="/images/grin.gif"> I thought it was another chart 'fiend' who has been in contact with David Kent a few times; but couldn't find evidence of the Kent era EOY charts being based on chart runs rather than sales when searching though his emails... was nearly starting to wonder whether I'd made the whole thing up.<br><br>I wish someone would resolve once and for all what the biggest-selling single of the 80s was then in Australia. Without checking, I think 'Never Gonna Give You Up' was listed as such in David Kent's top 20 charts book (though that, too, was presumably based on chart runs then?); though several people (and indeed the liner notes of her 'Greatest Hits', from memory) are under the impression it was 'Locomotion'.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 20, 9, 18, 33);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2015 11:18</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252254"><a name="42"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 20, 12, 13, 50);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2015 14:14</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Locomotion was the biggest-selling single of the 80s by an Australian artist, but I'm not sure about overall biggest of the 80s. Would love to know the answer to that one though as well.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252255"><a name="43"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 20, 12, 33, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2015 14:33</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=NateBoi">NateBoi</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">When Angels Brought Me Here became the biggest selling song in 2003 it was stated it replaced Austen tayshus as the biggest selling australian single of all time so that counts locomotion out</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252291"><a name="44"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 21, 1, 28, 54);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/04/2015 03:29</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Did Australiana really sell *that* many copies though?? Granted, it was the longest running #1 for 1983 (8 weeks), and it spent 15 weeks in the Top 10.<br><br>On the flip side, Locomotion spent 7 weeks at #1 in 1987 (equal longest for the year alongside La Bamba), and had 16 weeks in the Top 10. Without the raw sales data, it is hard to tell who has the more accurate information in terms of sales figures.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252294"><a name="45"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 21, 2, 7, 53);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/04/2015 04:08</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=VicTinny">VicTinny</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Biggest of the 80's. I reckon either Bette Davis Eyes or Eye of the Tiger</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252296"><a name="46"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 21, 2, 35, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/04/2015 04:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=GavinScott">GavinScott</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I might try Mr Kent again and see if he will/can reveal any info!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252505"><a name="47"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 22, 9, 59, 10);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/04/2015 11:59</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@VicTinny:<br><br>Bette Davis Eyes was definitely a big hit in 1981, but Antmusic would have easily outsold it during that year (its popularity was too big to ignore at the time). Eye Of The Tiger could possibly rank up there, but would have had some contenders that year (1982) including What About Me and Centrefold.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252511"><a name="48"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 22, 10, 37, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/04/2015 12:37</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Jesse77">Jesse77</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I don't know if this question is right for this thread but how many weeks once and for all did fernando spend at #1. I was always under the impression for many years it was 16,but i keep seeing mentions online that it was only 14. which is correct? is there an definitive answer?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252517"><a name="49"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 22, 10, 57, 55);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/04/2015 12:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Fernando: 75-14-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-6-7-8-9-11-16-21-29-34-39-50-48-58-58-70-86-88-93, so 14 weeks!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252521"><a name="50"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 22, 11, 27, 37);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/04/2015 13:27</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Jesse77">Jesse77</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">75 to 14 crikey! Thanks Hijinx. Love seeing full chart runs like this.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252766"><a name="51"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 25, 3, 46, 41);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2015 05:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The AMR (David Kent) did a 'Biggest Hits of the 80's' chart, and the winner was...<br><br>'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley. If I can find the original report I will post the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252767"><a name="52"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 25, 4, 16, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2015 06:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=chri8topher">chri8topher</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Had the AMR list posted from the old Fun Countdown thread.<br><br>100. LIVE IT UP Mental As Anything (1985, #2)<br>99. I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY Whitney Houston (1987, #1)<br>98. DEV-O LIVE EP Devo (1981, #1)<br>97. THE FINAL COUNTDOWN Europe (1987, #2)<br>96. I SHOULD BE SO LUCKY Kylie Minogue (1988, #1)<br>95. MONEY FOR NOTHING Dire Straits (1985, #4)<br>94. PERFECT Fairground Attraction (1988, #1)<br>93. CAN'T STOP THE MUSIC Village People (1980, #1)<br>92. TAKE MY BREATH AWAY Berlin (1986, #2)<br>91. TO BE A LOVER Billy Idol (1986, #3)<br>90. YOU GOT IT (THE RIGHT STUFF) New Kids On The Block (1989, #1)<br>89. HOLD ME NOW Johnny Logan (1987, #4)<br>88. THE LIVING YEARS Mike & the Mechanics (1989, #1)<br>87. MORE THAN I CAN SAY Leo Sayer (1980, #1)<br>86. JEALOUS GUY Roxy Music (1981, #1)<br>85. I WANNA WAKE UP WITH YOU Boris Gardiner (1986, #1)<br>84. ENDLESS LOVE Diana Ross & Lionel Richie (1981, #1)<br>83. PASS THE DUTCHIE Musical Youth (1982, #1)<br>82. BEDROOM EYES Kate Ceberano (1989, #2)<br>81. BOOM BOOM (LET'S GO BACK TO MY ROOM) Paul Lekakis (1987, #1)<br>80. YOU CAN CALL ME AL Paul Simon (1986, #2)<br>79. CRAZY FOR YOU Madonna (1985, #1)<br>78. ANTMUSIC Adam & the Ants (1981, #1)<br>77. A GOOD HEART Feargal Sharkey (1985, #1)<br>76. WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO Wham! (1984, #1)<br>75. STARS ON 45 Stars On 45 (1981, #1)<br>74. WHAT ABOUT ME Moving Pictures (1982, #1)<br>73. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART Bonnie Tyler (1983, #1)<br>72. BRASS IN POCKET Pretenders (1980, #2)<br>71. GOT MY MIND SET ON YOU George Harrison (1987, #1)<br>70. ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL Pink Floyd (1980, #2)<br>69. WOMAN IN LOVE Barbra Streisand (1980, #1)<br>68. COUNTING THE BEAT The Swingers (1981, #1)<br>67. CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE Queen (1980, #1)<br>66. WE BUILT THIS CITY Starship (1985, #1)<br>65. UP WHERE WE BELONG Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes (1982, #1)<br>64. IF I COULD TURN BACK TIME Cher (1989, #1)<br>63. BILLIE JEAN Michael Jackson (1983, #1)<br>62. WIND BENEATH MY WINGS Bette Midler (1989, #1)<br>61. RESPECTABLE Mel & Kim (1987, #1)<br>60. ALL NIGHT LONG (ALL NIGHT) Lionel Richie (1983, #1)<br>59. PHYSICAL Olivia Newton-John (1981, #1)<br>58. GET OUTTA MY DREAMS, GET INTO MY CAR Billy Ocean (1988, #1)<br>57. THE FLAME Cheap Trick (1988, #1)<br>56. DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY Bobby McFerrin (1989, #1)<br>55. SHE DRIVES ME CRAZY Fine Young Cannibals (1989, #1)<br>54. TURNING JAPANESE The Vapors (1980, #1)<br>53. TAINTED LOVE Soft Cell (1981, #1)<br>52. SEMANTICS EP (featuring &quot;Reckless&quot;) Australian Crawl (1983, #1)<br>51. SLICE OF HEAVEN Dave Dobbyn with Herbs (1987, #1)<br>50. TOUCH ME (I WANT YOUR BODY) Samantha Fox (1986, #1)<br>49. THE LOOK Roxette (1989, #1)<br>48. LIKE A PRAYER Madonna (1989, #1)<br>47. A GROOVY KIND OF LOVE Phil Collins (1988, #1)<br>46. WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH Billy Ocean (1985, #1)<br>45. KARMA CHAMELEON Culture Club (1983, #1)<br>44. LIKE A VIRGIN Madonna (1984, #1)<br>43. CHAIN REACTION Diana Ross (1986, #1)<br>42. LADY IN RED Chris De Burgh (1986, #2)<br>41. CARELESS WHISPER George Michael (1984, #1)<br>40. IF I COULD 1927 (1988, #2)<br>39. I'M GONNA BE (500 MILES) The Proclaimers (1988, #1)<br>38. COME ON EILEEN Dexy's Midnight Runners (1982, #1)<br>37. WIRED FOR SOUND Cliff Richard (1981, #2)<br>36. FUNKYTOWN Pseudo Echo (1986, #1)<br>35. (JUST LIKE) STARTING OVER John Lennon (1980, #1)<br>34. EYE OF THE TIGER Survivor (1982, #1)<br>33. IT'S JUST NOT CRICKET The 12th Man (1984, #1)<br>32. THE TIME WARP The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1980, #3)<br>31. ANGEL / INTO THE GROOVE Madonna (1985, #1)<br>30. ETERNAL FLAME Bangles (1989, #1)<br>29. START ME UP The Rolling Stones (1981, #1)<br>28. THE POWER OF LOVE Jennifer Rush (1985, #1)<br>27. YOU KEEP ME HANGIN' ON Kim Wilde (1986, #1)<br>26. I GOT YOU Split Enz (1980, #1)<br>25. FAITH George Michael (1987, #1)<br>24. TEARDROPS Womack & Womack (1988, #1)<br>23. VENUS Bananarama (1986, #1)<br>22. ELECTRIC BLUE Icehouse (1987, #1)<br>21. WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN Bangles (1986, #1)<br>20. THE ONLY WAY IS UP Yazz & the Plastic Population (1988, #2)<br>19. GLORIA Laura Branigan (1982, #1)<br>18. SHADDUP YOU FACE Joe Dolce Music Theatre (1980, 31)<br>17. KOKOMO The Beach Boys (1988, #1)<br>16. WE ARE THE WORLD USA For Africa (1985, #1)<br>15. (I'VE HAD) TIME OF MY LIFE Bill Medley/Jennifer Warnes (1987, #1)<br>14. YOU'RE THE VOICE John Farnham (1986, #1)<br>13. OLD TIME ROCK AND ROLL Bob Seger (1984/87, #3)<br>12. FLASHDANCE...WHAT A FEELING Irene Cara (1983, #1)<br>11. RUN TO PARADISE Choirboys (1987, #3)<br>10. DOWN UNDER Men At Work (1981/83, #1)<br>&#8230;9. LOCOMOTION Kylie Minogue (1987, #1)<br>&#8230;8. LA BAMBA Los Lobos (1987, #1)<br>&#8230;7. ISLANDS IN THE STREAM Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers (1983, #1)<br>&#8230;6. GHOSTBUSTERS Ray Parker, Jr. (1984, #2)<br>&#8230;5. I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU Stevie Wonder (1984, #1)<br>&#8230;4. SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE Robert Palmer (1988, #1)<br>&#8230;3. AUSTRALIANA Austen Tayshus (1983, #1)<br>&#8230;2. DANCING IN THE DARK Bruce Springsteen (1984, #5)<br>&#8230;1. NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP Rick Astley (1987, #1)<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252770"><a name="53"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 25, 5, 13, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2015 07:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Jesse77">Jesse77</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I know Roxy Music's 'jealous guy' is a cover of the John Lennon track,but is johnny logan's hold me now a cover of the thompson twins song or totally different? Can't say i've ever heard of johnny logan.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252899"><a name="54"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 25, 9, 26, 5);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2015 11:26</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Uptown Funk falls out of the Top 10 finally after 21 weeks. The table has now been updated accordingly!<br><br>@Chri8topher: Was that chart based on chart runs or number of singles sold? I think that is the burning question right now!<br><br>@jesse77: Johnny Logan is Irish-Australian. His version of Hold Me Now was a different song entirely that he wrote and performed for 1987 Eurovision (representing Ireland). The song ended up winning Eurovision that year.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252900"><a name="55"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 25, 9, 37, 31);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2015 11:37</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=GavinScott">GavinScott</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Heard from David Kent - he said about my request for EOY charts based on sales:<br><br>&quot;Sorry, I don't have the data based on record company sales. I do have something which may be of interest.&quot;<br><br>He is going to post it out to me - but I assume it's probably the list above, which to me still looks like it's based on chart runs, given Dancing In The Dark's position.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 25, 9, 43, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2015 11:43</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1252912"><a name="56"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 25, 10, 32, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2015 12:32</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Jesse77">Jesse77</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thanks ozfrog! i learn something new every day</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1253061"><a name="57"><script>tDate = new Date(2015, 3, 26, 8, 49, 59);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/04/2015 10:50</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Nugs">Nugs</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">That's a shame that David Kent can't provide an EOY chart based on sales for those years. I would've thought it would be possible by just tallying the weekly sales (if he still has those figures) for likely contenders to see which one comes out on top (at least for the #1 single for the year).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1281887"><a name="58"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 2, 10, 1, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/01/2016 11:02</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The post has been updated with Justin Bieber's What Do You Mean, currently sitting at 18 consecutive weeks in the Top 10!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1281896"><a name="59"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 2, 10, 25, 24);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/01/2016 11:25</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Very narrowly dodged Macklemore getting added to this list <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1281909"><a name="60"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 2, 11, 17, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/01/2016 12:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=NateBoi">NateBoi</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext"> <IMG SRC="/images/rolleyes.gif"><br><br>Even though Downtown has many more unique listeners / purchases...<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1281915"><a name="61"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 2, 11, 35, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/01/2016 12:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The other way to look at it is if your song is a laborious 5 minutes, people are going to wear out of it sooner. Same reason Can't Hold Us is listened to far more than Same Love (and Thrift Shop actually) nowadays.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282772"><a name="62"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 9, 14, 0, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/01/2016 15:00</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">What Do You Mean now increases to 19 weeks...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282810"><a name="63"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 10, 1, 30, 15);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/01/2016 02:30</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=NateBoi">NateBoi</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">What do you mean continues remain top 10 as the same people are listening to the song again & again. This is supported by the ridiculousness that a single artist continues to have 3 songs in the top 10 over and over again. It's low in the radio plays now. What about each stream for the hardcore sales Adele made on iTunes? Are we saying they purchased it once that's it... Applaurable... We will have to hear how Bieber has broken record after record without looking at how he got them. <br><br>Please someone tell me in the last 10 weeks what number the song would have been without's becoming very close to my mind switching off. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282812"><a name="64"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 10, 1, 45, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/01/2016 02:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Zacco333">Zacco333</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Will be interesting to see how many weeks What Do You Mean? ends up with . My guess is that 19 or 20 will be it. Also will be interesting to see if Love Yourself ends up outdoing that, my guess is that it'll probably end up on this list but just fall short of What Do You Mean?'s total. I am ready for What Do You Mean? to leave the top 10 though, but it could definitely be worse. At least Downtown isn't having What Do You Mean's top 10 longevity <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282813"><a name="65"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 10, 1, 45, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/01/2016 02:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Jesse77">Jesse77</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It is mind boggling how a song that's over 3 months old can continue to remain in the top ten for so long. Not to worry nate-o,i think in the next week or two you'll see WDYM slide out of the top ten as newer music begins to get played and released,but i think the streams are no different to someone repeatedly playing a song on youtube except that one is counted in terms of sales and the other isn't.If streams weren't included record co's would still find a way to spin that their clients/artists are breaking sales records everywhere where in actual fact it would be much further from the truth. As usual i'm blathering and making no sense,only this time it's not late at night lol</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282814"><a name="66"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 10, 1, 46, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/01/2016 02:47</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">What Do You Mean? just dropped out of Digital Tracks top 10 this week. For what it's worth though, on (where Spotify largely dictates the listeners nowadays), the track is only running on a mean of 4 listens per listener, which is about 2% of a sale equivalent per user, so it is A LOT of people listening. He'll likely leave the top 10 for good this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282818"><a name="67"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 10, 2, 18, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/01/2016 03:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=antonnalan">antonnalan</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">If WDYM has been a top 10 seller all this time then I don't quite see your point Nate <IMG SRC="/images/huh.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282819"><a name="68"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 10, 2, 19, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/01/2016 03:20</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It wasn't this week anton</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1282852"><a name="69"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 10, 5, 49, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/01/2016 06:49</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=LIFTER500">LIFTER500</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I'm more shocked at how Bieber has managed to have 3 tracks in the Top 10 for sooo long now rather then WDYMs longevity myself. It's starting to get ridiculous, no wait it already is. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1283863"><a name="70"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 17, 8, 29, 53);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/01/2016 09:30</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">WDYM has now finished its current Top 10 run at 19 weeks!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1283868"><a name="71"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 17, 8, 45, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/01/2016 09:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tennis">Tennis</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hey OzFrog, in the list you've got Take Me To Church listed as still in the top 10. <IMG SRC="/images/wink.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1283939"><a name="72"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 0, 18, 0, 53, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/01/2016 01:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Updated! Thanks Tennis <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1320894"><a name="73"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 7, 6, 10, 43, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/08/2016 12:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Been a while since this list was last updated, but now with Drake's One Dance achieving 16 weeks in the Top 10 this week, it can now be added to the above list.<br><br>Any bets on whether it will last longer?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1320899"><a name="74"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 7, 6, 10, 58, 59);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/08/2016 12:59</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Depends on if he puts out a video for it lol. Should have a couple more weeks at least I think.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1321902"><a name="75"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 7, 13, 9, 41, 13);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/08/2016 11:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">One Dance almost fell out of the Top 10 this week, but still manages to notch up 17 consecutive weeks.<br><br>The one I have my eye on now is This Is What You Came For. It too almost dropped out this week, but is currently at 15 weeks in the 10. Can it sustain another week?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1322700"><a name="76"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 7, 20, 17, 19, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/08/2016 19:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">^^ And surely enough it did! As One Dance falls out of the Top 10 this week, TIWYCF has managed to get to 16 weeks!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1332667"><a name="77"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 10, 19, 8, 46, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/11/2016 09:47</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And the latest one to hit 16 weeks is Closer by the Chainsmokers. Still at #5 nationally, which means it will most likely notch up another 1-2 weeks inside the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1332669"><a name="78"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 10, 19, 8, 55, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/11/2016 09:55</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Haha I was just thinking about this thread, thanks for keeping it updated.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1333592"><a name="79"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 10, 26, 10, 33, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/11/2016 11:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">17 weeks now for Closer. The next song currently in the Top 10 with a slim chance of hitting 16 weeks is Dancing On My Own - however that has dropped to #7 this week after 13 weeks and looks likely to fall out of the Top 10 in the next week or two.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1335769"><a name="80"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 13, 2, 18, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/12/2016 03:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Closer notches up its 19th week in a row. Can it break the 20 mark?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1335825"><a name="81"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 13, 13, 10, 44);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/12/2016 14:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Unfortunately yes. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1336661"><a name="82"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 19, 9, 19, 34);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/12/2016 10:20</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And with that, Closer becomes the 18th single since at least 1969 to last at least 20 weeks in the Australian Top 10.<br><br>The most recent song to go 21 weeks was Uptown Funk last year, and for 22 weeks we go back to 2006 with Flaunt It. What type or genre of song would one think we'd expect nowadays to be in with a chance of another ultra-long run of the type of November Rain or Fernando?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1337686"><a name="83"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 7, 26, 42);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 08:27</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I am seriously starting to scratch my head now. 21 weeks in the Top 10 for Closer. One of only 13 songs to have lasted at least this long in the last 45 years or so.<br><br>But yet when you compare it to other 21-weekers like Uptown Funk, I Gotta Feeling, Roar, etc, it simply does not strike me as a song that would be popular enough to sustain such a long Top 10 run.<br><br>EDIT: Another thought just sprung to mind as I posted the above. Incidentally, Starboy notches up week 10 at the #2 spot (albeit non-consecutive runs), but has not gone #1 yet. The last (and so far only other) song to go 10 weeks at #2 without ever hitting #1 was Moves Like Jagger 5 years ago.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 7, 34, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 08:34</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1337688"><a name="84"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 7, 45, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 08:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Zacco333">Zacco333</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Honestly Closer feels like the Roar of 2016. Both were released just past the halfway point in the year, both were an instant smash, both spent 9 weeks at #1 and Closer looks pretty much certain to be EOY #1. I can mostly understand its lengthy presence in the top 10 but it's still a little weird <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"><br><br>Also poor Starboy <IMG SRC="/images/cry.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1337692"><a name="85"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 8, 24, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 09:24</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">You have to keep in mind that Closer is keeping its lofty position thanks to streaming, it's an immovable object in the top 3 on Spotify because it had SUCH a huge lead, and the playlists aren't dumping it yet. It was down to #17 on digital tracks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1337704"><a name="86"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 10, 3, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 11:03</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Zacco good point about Closer being the new Roar. If memory serves me correctly, Roar just narrowly pipped Blurred Lines at the post for EOY #1. It was a crazy time indeed.<br><br>The last song to do more than 10 weeks at #2 was Love Story back in 2009 (11 weeks total), but that also managed to get to #1 during its run. So it'll be fascinating to see what Starboy does in the next couple of weeks.<br><br>@Hijinx also a good point you've raised about streaming. Interestingly enough though, on Aussie iTunes, the track has stormed back into the Top 5 again. So I wonder whether this will mean yet another week or two in the Top 10 (in which case, it will match or even possibly overtake Flaunt It and Hey Jude).<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1337707"><a name="87"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 10, 45, 4);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 11:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=antonnalan">antonnalan</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">How long was Moves Like Jagger? 10 weeks?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1337711"><a name="88"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 11, 26, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 12:26</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Yeah it's kind of a perfect storm of good release timing. Closer inevitably gets an iTunes boost on Christmas because it's generally kids (or thereabouts) who get vouchers for Christmas, and in my experience, they can't get enough of that song <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"> Maybe it'll chart similarly to how Gangnam Style did at this time of the year, the momentum surely has to run out soon!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1337722"><a name="89"><script>tDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25, 13, 8, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/12/2016 14:09</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@antonnalan Moves Like Jagger was indeed 10 consecutive weeks at #2 without making #1 (first 2 weeks behind Someone Like You, and then 8 weeks behind Somebody That I Used To Know for all of its #1 run). And this was the same year that Give Me Everything also had a longish stretch at #2 (6 weeks).<br><br>That period in 2011 at the time was crazy Top 10 wise, because the songs were just so strong in general. At one point, you had Someone Like You, Party Rock Anthem, Rolling In The Deep, Moves Like Jagger and Give Me Everything all in the same weekly Top 10 (and all songs that would eventually make the EOY Top 10). Very rare that you would see that nowadays.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1338502"><a name="90"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 0, 1, 7, 25, 18);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/01/2017 08:25</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So not one, but TWO records get matched this week...<br><br>Closer becomes the first song in over 10 years to notch up 22 consecutive weeks in the Top 10, matching Flaunt It set in 2006 and Hey Jude set in 1969. With its rebound inside the Top 10 back to #4 this week, we might possibly see a couple more weeks yet, meaning some long-standing records could get broken...<br><br>Starboy tentatively breaks the non-#1 most weeks spent at #2 this week, notching up 11 weeks and surpassing the 10 weeks gained by Moves Like Jagger back in 2011. It still remains to be seen, however, if it will eventually reach #1 the way that Taylor Swift did back in 2009 with Love Story...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1339274"><a name="91"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 0, 8, 4, 13, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/01/2017 05:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">23 weeks now for Closer! And in doing so becomes the first song in 20 years to go longer than 22 weeks inside the Top 10. The odds are looking good thus far for the Chainsmokers to hit 24 weeks next week...<br><br>And poor Starboy! It now has the dubious honour of being held at #2 for 6 weeks EACH by two different songs. This also means that the song itself has now amassed the most weeks at #2 ever on the Australian singles chart, regardless of whether or not it does hit #1 (and sadly the odds are drifting more and more every week).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1339297"><a name="92"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 0, 8, 5, 27, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/01/2017 06:27</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I think the new Sheeran tracks have sealed Closer's fate, looks like it could be #12 this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1339934"><a name="93"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 0, 14, 8, 45, 42);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/01/2017 09:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And surely enough @Hijinx, your prediction was close to correct. <br><br>Closer is now out of the Top 10 to #13 after a massive 23-week run, including 9 weeks at #1. Starboy also falls to #6 this week after 12 weeks at #2 (beating both Love Story and Moves Like Jagger).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1341886"><a name="94"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 0, 28, 9, 21, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/01/2017 10:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It's now 18 weeks in the 10 for Starboy!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1348007"><a name="95"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 3, 9, 1, 13, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/04/2017 03:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Nothing really to report in terms of new songs hitting 16+ weeks, but nevertheless worthy to note that Shape Of You has hit 13 weeks at the top spot. This now draws Shape Of You level with Gangsta's Paradise in terms of the #1 run, and puts it in good stead to have a pretty lengthy run in the Top 10.<br><br>The current iTunes charts does NOT look promising for SOY in terms of a 14th week at the top next week (and thus equalling with ABBA's Fernando), but provided he can stay close to the top end, a decent Top 10 run is certainly within sights.<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1351308"><a name="96"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 4, 21, 6, 46, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/05/2017 08:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It's been a few weeks, so apologies for not updating this.<br><br>Obviously the latest song to hit these records is Shape Of You, which notches up 19 weeks this week (including a total of 15 weeks at the top, which draws it level with Hey Jude on the all-time list). I wouldn't be surprised if it gets another week or two inside the 10 after this.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1351594"><a name="97"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 4, 24, 8, 34, 45);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/05/2017 10:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=colin333">colin333</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext"> I'm from the UK, but I like to study the Music Charts of other Countries.<br><br> OzFrog - You say that The Beatles 'Hey Jude' spent 15 Weeks at No.1 in Australia. (1968). However, Wikipedia Lists every Australian No.1 Hit and it gives 'Hey Jude' 13 Australian No.1 Weeks. All 13 Weeks were in 1968.<br><br> LINK:<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br><br>Wikipedia also has a Page about Australian Chart Feats & it too gives 'Hey Jude' 13 Weeks at No.1.<br><br>LINK:<br> <br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br> <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2017, 4, 24, 8, 36, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/05/2017 10:36</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1352434"><a name="98"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 5, 2, 9, 7, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/06/2017 11:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@colin33 hey thank for your message! Basically it comes down to the fact that up until 1997, the Kent/AMR/ARIA charts had a 2-3 week break over Xmas and NY in which no charts were published.<br><br>So because Hey Jude was a crossover between 1968 and 1969, there are essentially 2 &quot;ghost&quot; weeks in that Xmas/NY period, in which it is assumed that Hey Jude still held #1 during those weeks.<br><br>Hope that makes sense!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1353911"><a name="99"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 5, 17, 10, 6, 1);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/06/2017 12:06</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And with Shape Of You hanging in at #8 this week, it now clocks up 23 consecutive weeks in the Top 10 - same as Closer did just 5 months ago! Can it last another week and level off with Fernando, Breathe and November Rain?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1354368"><a name="100"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 5, 24, 10, 30, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/06/2017 12:31</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">This week, Shape Of You becomes only the 4th song in 41 years to go 24 consecutive weeks in the Australian Top 10, and the first in 20 years to do so.<br><br>All eyes will be on this now to see if it breaks this long-standing record next week!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1354915"><a name="101"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 6, 1, 10, 3, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/07/2017 12:03</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And it's over! After 24 weeks, Shape Of You has finally dropped out of the Top 10. It can be proud of the fact that it holds the joint record for both most weeks in the Top 10 AND most weeks at #1.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1359793"><a name="102"><script>tDate = new Date(2017, 7, 22, 11, 34, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/08/2017 13:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Despacito now joins the list of long running Top 10 hits, notching up its 16th week this week where incidentally it has concluded an astonishing 13-week run at #1. With it still at #3, we can expect a few more weeks in the 10 bar a massive plunge out next week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1378876"><a name="103"><script>tDate = new Date(2018, 1, 21, 21, 9, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/02/2018 22:09</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bryc3">bryc3</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Despacito ended up getting 18 weeks,I Fall Apart is currently on 16 weeks, Havana got 17 weeks, Rockstar got 19 weeks and Perfect is currently on 20 weeks</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1398491"><a name="104"><script>tDate = new Date(2018, 8, 16, 4, 7, 46);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/09/2018 06:08</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">You need to add &quot;Youngblood&quot; by 5 Seconds of Summer (19 weeks as of the 17th of September). </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1401594"><a name="105"><script>tDate = new Date(2018, 10, 18, 15, 29, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/11/2018 16:29</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">&quot;Be Alright&quot; needs to be added as it has now spent 19 weeks in the Top 10. &quot;Youngblood&quot; ended up getting 20 weeks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1407270"><a name="106"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 0, 19, 2, 53, 44);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/01/2019 03:54</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Perfect by Ed Sheeran at 25 weeks is now the longest running track.<br><br>Eastside for Benny Blanco feat Halsey & Khalid is now up to 23 weeks (as of 21st of Jan chart). <br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1407288"><a name="107"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 0, 19, 6, 30, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/01/2019 07:30</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=theogsean">theogsean</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I'd be happy to hear that statistic if it wasn't such a poor song <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1407928"><a name="108"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 0, 26, 8, 25, 22);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/01/2019 09:25</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Shotgun and Eastside have now spent 23 and 24 weeks in the Top 10 respectively.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1407987"><a name="109"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 0, 26, 16, 8, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/01/2019 17:09</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hey hey! Sorry to have been a stransger the last year and a bit. Things have been frickin crazy while I've been overseas. But today I FINALLY got a chance to update this. And all I can say is WOW to all the songs that went 20+ weeks during 2018/9.<br><br>From hereon in, now that things are just a little more settled on my end here in the UK, I'll be coming back to this more actively. So knock yourself out at all of the additions to the list!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1408933"><a name="110"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 2, 6, 27, 40);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/02/2019 07:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">With the new chart that&#8217;s just been released, we farewell George Ezra and Benny Blanco & Co this week from the Top 10. 23 and 24 weeks in the Top 10, respectively.<br><br>Which means the longest running song in the Top 10 at the moment is Without Me by Halsey, which incidentally makes the list this week as it notches up its 16th consecutive week in the 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1409889"><a name="111"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 9, 20, 34, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/02/2019 21:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Halsey adds another week to her run this week, and goes up to a total of 17 consecutive!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1410595"><a name="112"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 16, 9, 38, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/02/2019 10:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Halsey now at 18 weeks, and Gaga and Bradley make it on the list this week with their 16th in total!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1411572"><a name="113"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 23, 18, 34, 56);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/02/2019 19:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Latest updates:<br><br>This week, Halsey goes to 19 weeks with Without Me, although whether she will stay in the Top 10 next week is anyone&#8217;s guess. Gaga & Bradley notch up their 17th. And one that I completely overlooked last week - Sunflower also goes to 17 weeks this week for Post Malone and Swae Lee.<br><br>Something to watch: Halsey has been involved in 2 songs that have gone 20+ weeks in the Top 10. If Without Me goes to 20 next week, she will be the only artist with THREE songs to have notched 20+ weeks in the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1411937"><a name="114"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 26, 2, 7, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/02/2019 03:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Bretticus">Bretticus</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">What's a Halsey?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1411951"><a name="115"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 26, 5, 11, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/02/2019 06:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Ashley Nicolette Frangipane (born September 29, 1994), known professionally as Halsey is an American singer and songwriter<br><br>Unless you were being sarcastic about it Bretticus. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1412226"><a name="116"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 28, 2, 59, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/02/2019 04:00</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Bretticus">Bretticus</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">haha I was, I just can't believe she's so &quot;popular&quot; <IMG SRC="/images/wink.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1412294"><a name="117"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 1, 28, 11, 29, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/02/2019 12:29</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=theogsean">theogsean</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Haha @Bretticus, I know what you mean, I'm not a massive fan of her either <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"> <IMG SRC="/images/rolleyes.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1412445"><a name="118"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 2, 6, 52, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/03/2019 07:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Latest updates:<br><br>And she&#8217;s done it! Without Me cracks the 20-week mark, making Halsey the only artist in Australian chart history to have had 20+ weeks in the Australian Top 10 with a solo hit (Without Me), a duet (Closer), AND a multi-collaboration (Eastside).<br><br>And with Shallow having won Best Song at the Oscars, it has rebounded to #1 (?!), thus notching up 18 weeks. And Sunflower also gets to 18 this week.<br><br>It will be a while yet before we would see any new songs come onto the list...<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1413737"><a name="119"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 16, 11, 38, 2);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/03/2019 12:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Shallow and Sunflower have just clicked up 20 weeks in the Top 10.<br><br>Nicolette Frangipane lol <IMG SRC="/images/cheesy.gif"><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 16, 11, 39, 34);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/03/2019 12:40</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1413758"><a name="120"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 16, 18, 34, 10);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/03/2019 19:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hey guys, been trying to update, however it&#8217;s giving me permission errors when I press Submit to commit the changes. Maybe one of the admins could see what&#8217;s going on?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1413759"><a name="121"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 16, 19, 7, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/03/2019 20:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Yeah for some reason there are a lot of seemingly random keyword traps that make this happen. Best solution for the time being is to change to in the thread URL (like so <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> ) and update your post through there.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1413767"><a name="122"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 16, 23, 28, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/03/2019 00:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I tried to isolate the cause (by trial and error) and it seems to be in Carly Rae Jepsen's song title, so as an alternative, if you censor it to &quot;C*LL ME MAYBE&quot; I think it'll work via aus-charts.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1413790"><a name="123"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 17, 8, 46, 56);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/03/2019 09:47</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Finally updated via<br><br>Shallow and Sunflower up to 20 weeks. Halsey&#8217;s run also finished at 20 weeks last week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1414197"><a name="124"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 23, 18, 52, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/03/2019 19:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">21 weeks now for both Shallow and Sunflower. With both songs still holding steady in the Top 5, they may get a couple of weeks extra on that tally.<br><br>I said a few weeks ago it would be a little while before we saw any new entries on the list. However, Ava Max has surprised me this week by hanging on to #10 and thus getting 16 weeks with Sweet But Psycho.<br><br>The next longest sitting in the Top 10 after the aforementioned 3 is Post Malone&#8217;s Wow with 11 weeks. So will be at least 5 weeks away before we see any new entries...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1414723"><a name="125"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 30, 13, 29, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/03/2019 14:30</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sweet But Psycho falls out this week, capping Ava Max&#8217;s run at 16 weeks.<br><br>Shallow and Sunflower both go to 22 weeks (it&#8217;s getting crowded up the top end now). Sunflower especially seems unstoppable at this stage...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1414724"><a name="126"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 30, 13, 46, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/03/2019 14:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It looks like Billie Eilish's album will push Shallow out of the top 10 next week, but not Sunflower.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1414730"><a name="127"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 2, 30, 14, 56, 59);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/03/2019 15:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sunflower will probably overtake Perfect. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1415213"><a name="128"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 6, 10, 38, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/04/2019 12:39</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Shallow has dropped 7 spots to #15 after 22 weeks in the Top 10.<br>Sunflower is down 3 to #6 in its 23rd charting week in the Top 10.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 6, 15, 12, 39);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/04/2019 17:13</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1415223"><a name="129"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 6, 13, 46, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/04/2019 15:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I was thinking Khalid's album could pose a threat to Sunflower but it's looking like a dud on Spotify, only Talk is only barely ahead and thus might not even overtake it since its sales aren't great. Jonas Brothers are also on a slow start so they look out of the question too. Looking pretty safe right now for some more weeks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1415229"><a name="130"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 6, 14, 18, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/04/2019 16:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">^ And Post's tour starts in barely 3 weeks in Australia. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1415750"><a name="131"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 13, 12, 28, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2019 14:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sunflower is down one spot to #7 and notches up a 24th week in the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1415796"><a name="132"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 14, 8, 16, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2019 10:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">All updated now folks! Big question at this point... can Sunflower make it 25 CONSECUTIVE weeks next week? Not even Perfect managed to do this!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1415811"><a name="133"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 14, 9, 35, 39);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/04/2019 11:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Early trends are pointing to yes. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416117"><a name="134"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 20, 7, 46, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2019 09:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sunflower remains stable at #7 this week, now spending its 25th week in the Top 10. It's the longest consecutive run in the Top 10 ever and longest Top 10 hit ever, tied with Ed Sheeran's Perfect</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416118"><a name="135"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 20, 7, 56, 40);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2019 09:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The entire time no lower than #7 no less. Not sure it'll even drop next week as none of the new/climbing songs are looking to move up enough, and it might even overtake &quot;Wow.&quot; again at this rate.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416169"><a name="136"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 20, 18, 3, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/04/2019 20:03</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">25 weeks for Sunflower! If it hits 26 next week, it will be exactly half a year (?!). <br><br>Also, Post Malone goes 16 with Wow., so will be interesting to see how many more he gets with this one (he&#8217;s already in the listing 4 times, with Wow, Sunflower, Rockstar and I Fall Apart).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416724"><a name="137"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 27, 8, 33, 39);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>27/04/2019 10:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sunflower moves back up a spot to #6 and clocks up 26 weeks in the Top 10, becoming the longest Top 10 ever in Australia.<br><br>Wow. is down 1 to #7 and has now spent 17 weeks in the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416732"><a name="138"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 27, 10, 30, 41);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>27/04/2019 12:31</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">When Perfect went 25 weeks in the Top 10 last year, it was thought that no one else would match or break that record for a long time (it had, after all, taken 42 years to surpass the 24 week record originally set by ABBA&#8217;s Fernando back in 1976). <br><br>And yet over a year later, the record has been broken again! Sunflower notches up 26 consecutive weeks to claim the record for the longest running Australian Top 10 hit in chart history. It also becomes the first ever song to spend exactly six months in the Top 10.<br><br>And with his Australian tour imminent, Post Malone could still notch up even more weeks yet...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416798"><a name="139"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 28, 8, 56, 10);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/04/2019 10:56</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Incidentally I was doing some research last night and came across this Top 10 from 9 December last year. It is absolutely uncanny the amount of songs in there at the time that would eventually go 20+ weeks in their Top 10 runs:<br><br>2. SHALLOW - 22 weeks<br>3. SHOTGUN - 23 weeks<br>4. WITHOUT ME - 20 weeks<br>6. SUNFLOWER - 26 weeks AND COUNTING<br>7. EASTSIDE - 24 weeks<br>9. BE ALRIGHT - 21 weeks<br><br>Are we slowly seeing a situation where these long runs are becoming the norm rather than the exception?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416809"><a name="140"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 28, 9, 57, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/04/2019 11:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Nugs">Nugs</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Yazz and The Plastic Population's 'The Only Way Is Up' should be added to the 16-week tally above. Although it appeared to only spend 15 weeks in the top 10, going by the printed top 50 charts at the time, ARIA dated their 1988 charts 13 days after the chart survey date (e.g. the top 50 chart dated week ending 11 December 1988 actually matches the chart survey conducted 28 November 1988), in keeping with AMR charts they had used for the first few months of the year.<br><br>There was actually a two-week gap with no chart over Christmas 1988, rather than the one week gap in the top 50 printed charts. The last chart survey of 1988 (19/12/1988) corresponds with the printed top 50 chart dated week ending 8 January 1989, and the first chart survey of 1989 (9/1/1989) corresponds with the printed top 50 chart dated week ending 15 January 1989.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416826"><a name="141"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 28, 12, 41, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/04/2019 14:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@OzFrog: James Blunt's You're Beautiful and Goodbye My Lover spent each 16 straight weeks in the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416832"><a name="142"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 28, 12, 58, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/04/2019 14:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Nugs if I'm understanding correctly, does that mean the 2-week gap is between the charts dated 08/01/1989 and 15/01/1989 on this site?<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br><br>I think I'd seen a mention of that on GavinScott's site, but hadn't read into it further. Even outside of the extra week from moving the dates forward, it's very easy to assume the gap was in the same place as the gap in the dates (i.e. between the 25/12/1988 and 08/01/1989 charts). Does the same apply to the 1989-1996 Christmas breaks too (e.g. the gap actually being between the charts dated 13/01/1991 and 20/01/1991)?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416922"><a name="143"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 29, 21, 41, 7);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/04/2019 23:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Innocent Eyes, I double checked You&#8217;re Beautiful... it only did 14 weeks. But you are correct on Goodbye My Lover - I&#8217;ll add that on for 16 weeks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416923"><a name="144"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 29, 21, 44, 10);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/04/2019 23:44</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Nugs - I&#8217;m going by the chart runs both from here and in my personal collection - they both say 15 weeks. So unless/until the chart run is updated on here, I&#8217;m leaving it as is.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416928"><a name="145"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 30, 5, 13, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/04/2019 07:14</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I'd assumed you had everything, but since Goodbye My Lover was missing I had a look and found 3 more with 16 weeks: 50 Cent - In Da Club, David Guetta feat. Akon - Sexy Bitch and Boyzone - No Matter What <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1416934"><a name="146"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 3, 30, 7, 16, 45);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/04/2019 09:17</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sorry Ozfrog about You're Beautiful. Completely forgot that it spent its first two charting weeks at #11. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1417206"><a name="147"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 4, 8, 7, 24);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/05/2019 10:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sunflower and Wow. remain at #6 and #7 respectively, clocking up a 27th and 18th week in the Top 10 respectively. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1417261"><a name="148"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 5, 1, 52, 43);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/05/2019 03:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Everyone&#8217;s comments and feedback have been noted and listing updated as such. On a related note, I&#8217;m tossing up whether to stop listing the 16-week runs, as we now have 34 songs on that list and it appears to be becoming the norm rather than the exception. Of course if you guys prefer I keep it up, I&#8217;m more than happy to do so.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1417706"><a name="149"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 12, 2, 19, 18);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/05/2019 04:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">28 weeks for Sunflower, and Wow falls out of the 10 this week, capping its run at 18 weeks! <br><br>Next longest in the Top 10 at the moment is Sucker at 10 weeks, followed by 3 Nights at 9 weeks. So it will be a while before any new songs hit the list.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1417895"><a name="150"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 14, 9, 39, 54);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/05/2019 11:40</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=NickSamon">NickSamon</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hmm... Pretty good.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1418216"><a name="151"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 18, 7, 25, 53);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/05/2019 09:26</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">One more week for Sunflower brings it to 29, however the song itself falls to #10 this week. Can it manage one more next week to get the tally to 30?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1418219"><a name="152"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 18, 7, 36, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/05/2019 09:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It's really hard to tell haha. If Halsey pulls good streaming numbers she can get a top 10 debut which would push Sunflower out, but otherwise all the other songs just outside the top 10 are also on the way down so it's hard to see them overtaking it.<br><br>On the other hand, &quot;ME!&quot; is starting to fall fast so that could fall behind Sunflower <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1418253"><a name="153"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 18, 15, 10, 54);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/05/2019 17:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Halsey's new single has entered at #51 on Spotify. Not sure it will enter the Top 10 next week. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1418804"><a name="154"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 4, 25, 13, 8, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/05/2019 15:08</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">One spot back up to #9 for Sunflower and thus makes it 30 consecutive weeks. The song has now spent SEVEN MONTHS in the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1419212"><a name="155"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 5, 1, 11, 42, 44);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/06/2019 13:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">IT&#8217;S OVER! After 30 consecutive weeks, Sunflower has finally dropped out of the Top 10! The record it has set will be one for the ages. Many congratulations to Post Malone and Swae Lee!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1419685"><a name="156"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 5, 8, 18, 23, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/06/2019 20:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And just when we all thought it was over...<br><br>Sunflower re-enters the Top 10 this week to make it 31 weeks. It now holds the record for most weeks, both consecutive and non-consecutive.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1422228"><a name="157"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 6, 20, 15, 44, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/07/2019 17:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Finally a new update after what has been a couple of quiet months...<br><br>Billie Eilish debuts on the list this week as Bad Guy notches up 16 weeks. Lil Nas X will in all certainty debut next week with Old Town Road.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1423050"><a name="158"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 3, 8, 57, 54);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/08/2019 10:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sorry for the late updates, had internet issues all of last week.<br><br>So Bad Guy currently sits at 18 weeks, with the song still sitting in the Top 5. Old Town Road is at 17 weeks as it holds on to #2.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1423467"><a name="159"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 10, 11, 49, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/08/2019 13:49</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">One more week each this week for Bad Guy and Old Town Road!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1423940"><a name="160"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 18, 0, 23, 50);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/08/2019 02:24</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "Darrenbuchanan43"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I think End Of The Road by Boys II Men spent 16 weeks in the top ten.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1423942"><a name="161"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 18, 1, 6, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/08/2019 03:06</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Darren;<br><br>You could of just looked that up in the search section at the top of the page.<br><br>End of the Road - 14 weeks in the T10<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1423949"><a name="162"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 18, 4, 43, 45);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/08/2019 06:44</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">^ I think Darren is right that it's 16 weeks including the Christmas break though!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1423958"><a name="163"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 18, 9, 11, 15);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/08/2019 11:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thank you for spotting End Of The Road! Indeed it did 16 weeks in the Top 10 including the break weeks of Xmas/NY 1992-3. I&#8217;ve added it to the list.<br><br>Meanwhile in current day news, Bad Guy breaks the 20-week mark and Old Town Road gets to 19.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1424434"><a name="164"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 24, 11, 47, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/08/2019 13:48</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Bad Guy hitches up to 21 weeks while Old Town Road strikes 20. Both songs are still in the Top 5, so virtually guaranteed that they&#8217;ll both add more weeks to their tallies.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1424916"><a name="165"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 7, 31, 7, 41, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>31/08/2019 09:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Bad Guy is down to the lower reaches of the Top 10 this week as she goes up to 22 weeks. Will be interesting to see if she gets one more week.<br><br>Old Town Road still holds steady in the Top 5 and gets 21 weeks this week. It should comfortably add at least one more week to the tally.<br><br>Nearest song to making the list is Senorita with 10 weeks and no signs of dropping out of the Top 3 just yet.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1425476"><a name="166"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 7, 15, 42, 56);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/09/2019 17:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Not sure it'll make it, but at the moment, Sunflower is #9 on Apple & Spotify since it's on Post's new album <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1425896"><a name="167"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 13, 23, 43, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/09/2019 01:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for the late update (internet issues)...<br><br>+1 again for Bad Guy and Old Town Road, but with Bad Guy falling to #10 this week, this may be it for Billie Eilish.<br><br>However, Lil NAS X returns to the Top 3 this week, so unless something drastic happens, he will have a couple more weeks yet.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1425943"><a name="168"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 14, 14, 5, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/09/2019 16:05</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So as predicted yesterday, Bad Guy&#8217;s run has capped at 23 weeks. Old Town Road drops to #6 this week, but now also moves up to 23 weeks. If it can hold on for another week, it will become the 5th song within the last 3 years to go 24+ (consider that before this, there had been only 3 songs since 1976 to achieve 24 weeks, and this was the record that stood right up until the first half of last year).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426336"><a name="169"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 22, 23, 48, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/09/2019 01:48</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And surely enough, Old Town Road gets to 24 weeks. Can it hold on for one more?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426460"><a name="170"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 26, 3, 1, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/09/2019 05:01</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Roydges">Roydges</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Lewis Capaldi's &quot;Someone You Loved&quot; is the latest entry to the Longest Singles Chart list - 16 weeks in the top 10 this week, re-entering at #9.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 26, 3, 5, 2);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/09/2019 05:04</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426611"><a name="171"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 28, 14, 49, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/09/2019 16:49</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So two updates this week:<br><br>Old Town Road climbs back up to #7 and gets 25 consecutive weeks. It is only the second song in Australian chart history to achieve this, the first of course being Sunflower which achieved it earlier this year (note that Ed Sheeran&#8217;s 25 weeks with Perfect were non-consecutive). Chances are Lil Nas X will get another week and make it a full six months.<br><br>And one that flew completely under my radar until brought up by Roydges above - Lewis Capaldi is now at 17 total weeks in the Top 10 as he remains at #9 this week. This has been achieved over FOUR non-consecutive runs in the Top 10.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426613"><a name="172"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 28, 15, 5, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/09/2019 17:05</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Feels like new hits just aren't getting to the top 10 lately. In the time that two Ariana songs have come and (almost) gone, 7 songs from the week before that are still in the top 10 now. Highest debut on Spotify today was #108 so it's not changing much soon.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426614"><a name="173"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 28, 17, 34, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/09/2019 19:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Hijinx - it&#8217;s a far cry from the volatile chart period of the late 90s - early 2000s where we used to have #1 debuts almost every couple of weeks. There is a high level of stability about this chart era that I don&#8217;t think we have ever previously seen, at least since the inception of charts in Australia. <br><br>This year alone, we&#8217;ve so far had Old Town Road with 13 weeks at #1, Dance Monkey currently on 9 weeks, and no less than TEN songs go 16 weeks or higher in the Top 10 (I&#8217;m including carry overs from last year in that figure, but it is still significant nevertheless). Chart longevity has certainly become a lot more achievable in recent times due to the addition of streaming figures in the chart calculations.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426616"><a name="174"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 28, 19, 36, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/09/2019 21:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Yeah, I can't tell if it's a prevailing trend or just a weird lining up of hits. Because honestly aside from a certain 2 songs, I felt like the chart was relatively quickly moving for most of this year, but now it even feels like big new albums for Taylor Swift & Post Malone have given plenty of people their current fill for new music, and nothing is really getting much of a push. There's also international influence poking through, &quot;Someone You Loved&quot; & &quot;Truth Hurts&quot; for instance having 2nd (or 3rd or 4th?) wind lining up with their US chart climbs. If the international markets are focusing on stuff that's already run its course here, it doesn't inspire new hits to break through.<br><br>It can't even be pinned just on streaming either, the digital chart doesn't look much different.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426623"><a name="175"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 29, 0, 34, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/09/2019 02:33</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Bretticus">Bretticus</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I wonder if ARIA should look at &quot;retiring&quot; songs from the chart after say 20 weeks if they dip below the top 40, similar to what they (used to?) do in the US? Everything is so stagnant and boring these days, people just listen to the same songs over and over with streaming accounting for 90% of the chart. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426626"><a name="176"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 29, 5, 19, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/09/2019 07:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The thing with that though is that it means above that threshold almost nothing changes, and below it you get the equivalent of a hitseeker chart pretending to be an official chart. New Zealand has one of those which I like, but it doesn't disclose the reality that almost none of the chart's debuts are anywhere close to popular.<br><br>But in general I think it's not a good move to make abrupt reactionary changes to the chart. The OCC in the UK did it 2 years ago and their chart has been a meaningless mess ever since (just this week &quot;Sunflower&quot; re-entered at #27 [highest it's been in 7 months] after dropping out at #58 3 weeks ago even though it's actually less popular than it was in those weeks it disappeared). There are always growing pains with a new format (see 2007 digital chart runs vs. 2013 digital chart runs), but I think the industry behind the scenes has more than enough power to fix it, they just choose not to. Radio needs to play more new music, Spotify curated playlists need to add more than 2 new songs per week (and not rely so heavily on proven hitmakers).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1426627"><a name="177"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 8, 29, 6, 1, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/09/2019 08:01</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=NateBoi">NateBoi</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">There&#8217;s multiple reasons as to why we have a chart that&#8217;s slow paced and lacking in variety.<br>I&#8217;m about to go on a holiday so it won&#8217;t be until I return that I&#8217;ll post my thoughts and opinions. Some of which have changed since my previous posts along with newer information <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1427024"><a name="178"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 9, 5, 12, 58, 31);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/10/2019 14:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">SIX MONTHS IN THE TOP 10 FOR OLD TOWN ROAD!! And no signs of stopping just yet.<br><br>And by some miracle, Lewis Capaldi continues to notch up the weeks, moving up to 18 this weeks.<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1427421"><a name="179"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 9, 13, 17, 16, 56);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/10/2019 19:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Old Town Road could well drop out next week, but meanwhile gets its 27th week. Also, as Someone You Loved exits the Top 10 (again), Senorita hits the list for the first time as it achieves 16 weeks this week (at the expense of ending its looooong run in the Top 3).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1427734"><a name="180"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 9, 19, 18, 11, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/10/2019 20:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Well that&#8217;s it for Old Town Road. As it takes an almighty tumble from the Top 10 this week, it ends its run at 27 weeks. And Senorita looks set to drop out next week, but meanwhile moves up to 17 weeks.<br><br>And unless something really dramatic happens, we should see Dance Monkey hit the list next week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428219"><a name="181"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 9, 27, 23, 40, 13);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/10/2019 00:40</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So three updates this week:<br><br>* Senorita falls out of the Top 10 and caps its run at 18 weeks.<br><br>* Someone You Loved re-enters the top 10 for the *fourth* time (making it 5 separate runs). It moves up to 19 weeks.<br><br>* And Dance Monkey creeps into the list this week as it notches up 13 weeks at #1 and 16 weeks in the Top 10 so far...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428495"><a name="182"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 3, 14, 29, 13);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/11/2019 15:29</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">17 weeks in the Top 10 (and still counting) for Dance Monkey. It has achieved what Ed Sheeran&#8217;s Shape Of You narrowly failed to do in 2017 and go 14 consecutive weeks at the top (yes I know it did 15 weeks in total, but they were non-consecutive runs of 13 and 2 weeks). <br><br>As a result, it becomes the first song since 1976 to get to 14 weeks in a row. The Australian chart record is currently held by the Beatles, whose song Hey Jude did 15 consecutive weeks at #1 between 1968 and 1969. All eyes will now be on the chart next week...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428496"><a name="183"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 3, 15, 10, 56);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/11/2019 16:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Where do you get 15 weeks for Hey Jude? I think it spent 13 weeks at #1? Cream dethroned them on the first week of January by my records<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 3, 15, 11, 51);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/11/2019 16:12</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428516"><a name="184"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 4, 0, 15, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/11/2019 01:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Hijinx it would have been ages ago that I checked it, and my chart book is back in Australia. However, I do remember taking into account the Xmas/NY weeks that the charts weren&#8217;t published, and included them in the total by making the assumption that the #1 would not have changed in those off weeks. That&#8217;s pretty much the assumption I&#8217;ve used on any #1 songs that are in the list.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428521"><a name="185"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 4, 4, 12, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/11/2019 05:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">OzFrog, here are the weeks at No.1 for you...<br><br><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border-bottom:1px solid #888888;border-right:1px solid #888888;"><tr><td class="ft">15</td><td class="ft">Shape of You - ED SHEERAN</td><td class="ft">2017 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">14</td><td class="ft">Fernando - ABBA</td><td class="ft">1976 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">14*</td><td class="ft">Dance Monkey - TONES & I</td><td class="ft">2019 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">Hey Jude / Revolution - The BEATLES</td><td class="ft">1968 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">Gangsta's Paradise - COOLIO feat. L.V.</td><td class="ft">1995 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">Despacito - LUIS FONSI & DADDY YANKEE feat JUSTIN BIEBER</td><td class="ft">2017 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">Old Town Road - LIL' NAS X feat. BILLY RAY CYRUS</td><td class="ft">2019 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">12</td><td class="ft">Buttons and Bows - DINAH SHORE / GENE AUTRY</td><td class="ft">1949 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">12</td><td class="ft">Lose Yourself - EMINEM</td><td class="ft">2002 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">12</td><td class="ft">Happy - PHARRELL WILLIAMS</td><td class="ft">2014 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">11</td><td class="ft">(Everything I Do) I Do it for You - BRYAN ADAMS</td><td class="ft">1991 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">11</td><td class="ft">Wannabe - SPICE GIRLS</td><td class="ft">1996 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">11</td><td class="ft">Mull of Kintyre / Girl's School - WINGS</td><td class="ft">1978 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">11</td><td class="ft">God's Plan - DRAKE</td><td class="ft">2018 </td></tr></table> </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428522"><a name="186"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 4, 4, 13, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/11/2019 05:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The two extra weeks over the Xmas/NYE period were added into the above total weeks at No.1. <IMG SRC="/images/wink.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428708"><a name="187"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 9, 8, 58, 44);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/11/2019 09:59</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@bulion - before I concede the point, I&#8217;d be keen to see the week-by-week rundown, if it still exists somewhere.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1428709"><a name="188"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 9, 9, 3, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/11/2019 10:04</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Meanwhile, in latest news...<br><br>Dance Monkey has officially broken ABBA&#8217;s 43-year-old consecutive week record at #1, striking up 15 weeks in a row at the top spot this week. It also means 18 weeks in the top 10 thus far. It needs just one more week as the top-selling single to clear Ed Sheeran&#8217;s total week record at #1...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429058"><a name="189"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 16, 17, 44, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/11/2019 18:44</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">SHE&#8217;S DONE IT!!!<br><br>By going to 16 consecutive weeks at #1 this week, Tones & I with Dance Monkey has officially smashed all records pertaining to #1 in Australian chart history:<br><br>* Most total weeks at #1<br>* Most consecutive weeks at #1<br>* Most weeks at #1 by an Australian artist<br><br>Massive congratulations are in order. This means the song notches 19 weeks in the Top 10. It now remains to be seen if more weeks at the top will come, and also if Dance Monkey can make its way towards Sunflower&#8217;s Top 10 record...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429113"><a name="190"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 18, 1, 30, 46);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/11/2019 02:31</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Other than Perfect by Ed Sheeran, has any other song spent a full calendar year in the top 50?<br><br>5 weeks left until Sunflower cracks this awesome stat also.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429114"><a name="191"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 18, 3, 37, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/11/2019 04:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I thought Uptown Funk might have done it but it seems not, so it would be just Perfect. Sunflower has a big obstacle though because aus-charts' dates are 6 days ahead, so there are actually 6 weeks left, and that 6th and final week will be the week that the chart may become flooded with Christmas songs. Sunflower's survival may hinge on how heavily Apple/Spotify are promoting their End Of Year lists at the time.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429115"><a name="192"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 18, 3, 55, 46);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/11/2019 04:56</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Yeah true. It is definitely going to be tough</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429411"><a name="193"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 24, 12, 35, 5);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/11/2019 13:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Another week at #1 and another week in the Top 10 for Dance Monkey. It now extends its #1 run to 17 weeks and notches up 20 weeks in the ten. It would honestly be hilarious if it ended up breaking Sunflower&#8217;s record as well...<br><br>Serious questions: how many more weeks do you reckon Dance Monkey will stay at #1? And will that record be broken by another song anytime within the next 5 years?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429415"><a name="194"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 24, 15, 35, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/11/2019 16:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I think she's got at least another 2 weeks in her. She's going to be performing at the ARIA Awards this week and even is rebounding on Spotify right now <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429432"><a name="195"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 10, 25, 6, 23, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/11/2019 07:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=brosa0">brosa0</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It would be highly amusing if the song to stop her run is Mariah &quot;All I Want For Christmas Is You&quot; <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429665"><a name="196"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 11, 1, 16, 31, 15);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/12/2019 17:31</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Dance Monkey increases its #1 and Top 10 run to 18 and 21 weeks, respectively. However, with Arizona Zervas moving up to #2 this week, could this be the last week at #1 for Tones & I?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1429669"><a name="197"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 11, 1, 17, 31, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/12/2019 18:31</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Haha I didn't see your message until now brosa, I was actually considering that a very real possibility recently <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"> Her streaming is going up (and most of the opposition is going down) again so there might be enough momentum to carry for week 19 & week 20.<br><br>Will be amusing that I'm getting my 3rd ever birthday #1 next week, and of those 3 #1's we have one that was at #1 through to late February, and another that hit #1 in early August, quite a spread <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1430201"><a name="198"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 11, 14, 9, 30, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/12/2019 10:30</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I missed updating last week due to some other things happening, but what a week to come back to...<br><br>20 WEEKS AT #1 FOR DANCE MONKEY (?!). This is gonna be a record that I think will take many years to break - and she still hasn&#8217;t even ended her #1 run yet. Of course this takes her Top 10 run to 23 weeks. She&#8217;s now fended off Arizona Zervas, and has a new challenger at #2 in the form of Dua Lipa.<br><br>Also, Lewis Capaldi has re-entered the Top 10 AGAIN. Now a total of 20 weeks in the ten with his *SIXTH* appearance. Have we ever had a Top 10 song that has re-entered that many times in its run??<br><br>And @Hijinx, you may be onto something - Mariah Carey is at #11 this week. This will be one to watch.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1430597"><a name="199"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 11, 21, 16, 41, 24);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/12/2019 17:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Latest updates!<br><br>If anyone would have said back in August when Dance Monkey hit #1 that it would still be there at Xmas, most people would have gone &#8220;yeah right&#8221;. But surely enough, that is what&#8217;s happened this week...<br><br>Depending on what one&#8217;s definition of the Xmas chart week is, it could be considered that Dance Monkey is indeed officially the Christmas #1 for 2019, as it goes 21 weeks at the top and 24 weeks in the ten. It has also finished an 11-week run at #1 in the UK and has hit the US Top 10 this week.<br><br>However Mariah Carey has re-entered the Top 10 down here this week and could be a challenger in the next couple of weeks. It is also not inconceivable at this point that Dance Monkey has Sunflower firmly in its sights...<br><br>Lewis Capaldi drops out again, capping off a brief 6th run in the ten this week. But we finally have a new entry on the list...<br><br>Post Malone scores his fifth entry on the Top 10 long running list as Circles finally hits 16 weeks in the ten this week. As far as I can see, he&#8217;s the one with the most on that list.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1430965"><a name="200"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 11, 28, 10, 54, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/12/2019 11:55</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">After 21 consecutive weeks, Dance Monkey&#8217;s run at #1 has ended (for now). However, it still notches up 25 weeks running in the ten, and only needs 6 more consecutive to break Sunflower&#8217;s run. Wherever it goes from here, Dance Monkey can rest assured that its record at #1 will be one that will stand for a long time to come...<br><br>And for the second year in a row, Mariah Carey goes to #1 in exactly the same week of the year with exactly the same song - is this something we should be expecting as a tradition for coming years? <IMG SRC="/images/grin.gif"><br><br>Apart from that, Circles grabs another week to move up to 17. And if it hadn&#8217;t been for the Xmas entries, the Top 5 would have been quite stable this week. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1430966"><a name="201"><script>tDate = new Date(2019, 11, 28, 11, 25, 25);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/12/2019 12:25</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Unless the numbers keep getting bigger and the competition keeps getting worse, I can't see Mariah getting to #1 in 2020 or 2021, as Christmas Day will fall on a Friday & then Saturday, which is not at all optimal for a week at #1.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1431414"><a name="202"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 4, 16, 47, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/01/2020 17:47</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And as the Xmas songs completely disappear from the Top 50, Dance Monkey is now back at #1, making it 22 weeks total at the top and 26 weeks in the ten. It is now worth noting that three songs within the last year have broken the six-month mark, and with Dance Monkey showing no signs of slowing down yet, it needs just 5 more consecutive weeks in the ten to break Sunflower&#8217;s consecutive record of 30 weeks.<br><br>The Top 5 is back as it was 2 weeks ago, and Circles climbs back up to #5 for Post Malone, and notches up its 18th week in the ten in the process. Maroon 5 are just outside the list this week as Memories goes to 15 weeks, so unless it takes a massive tumble next week, it will show up in the next update.<br><br>The next month will be fascinating to watch...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1431922"><a name="203"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 11, 15, 24, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>11/01/2020 16:24</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Key numbers for Dance Monkey this week - 23 weeks at #1, 27 weeks in the Top 10. It now comes level with Old Town Road on the latter statistic, and should move ahead next week.<br><br>Circles moves up to 19 weeks for Post Malone and incidentally draws level with Rockstar and I Fall Apart. Again, still in the Top 5, so should move ahead next week as well.<br><br>I made a mistake last week with Memories - it&#8217;s still only on 14 weeks this week. So another two weeks before it hits the list!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432146"><a name="204"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 15, 6, 48, 37);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/01/2020 07:49</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Can you please check 'Puppy Love' By Donny Osmond. I think it was 16 weeks in the top ten in 1972.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432147"><a name="205"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 15, 7, 5, 15);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/01/2020 08:05</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I also just checked and can confirm this is correct.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432151"><a name="206"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 15, 8, 5, 44);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/01/2020 09:06</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thanks</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432414"><a name="207"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 18, 22, 9, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/01/2020 23:09</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Not much to report apart from what it seems are the usual suspects this week. Dance Monkey scores 24 weeks at #1 and moves ahead of Old Town Road to 28 weeks in the ten this week. Circles also cracks 20 weeks in the ten, making it Post Malone&#8217;s second single to achieve this. His first was of course Sunflower which holds the record for most weeks at 31.<br><br>With Memories falling to #8 this week, it&#8217;s anyone&#8217;s guess as to whether it will hold on for another week and make the list next week...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432416"><a name="208"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 18, 22, 10, 41);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/01/2020 23:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Hijinx and @Darren - can you confirm for me whether Puppy Love&#8217;s run was wholly within 1972, or did it cross over into any other years?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432422"><a name="209"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 19, 1, 22, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/01/2020 02:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Puppy Love started it's T10 run on 26-June-1972 and finished on 9-Nov-1972, 16 weeks within the Ten (which you already knew). </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432465"><a name="210"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 19, 22, 34, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/01/2020 23:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thanks @bulion. Listing is now updated accordingly.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432470"><a name="211"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 20, 1, 2, 7);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/01/2020 02:02</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">That &quot;inspired&quot; me to check the spreadsheet to see if there might be any others missing, and I found these:<br><br>Bryan Ferry - Let's Stick Together - 17 weeks (1976-1977)<br>Chicago - If You Leave Me Now - 17 weeks (1976-1977)<br><br>Alvin Stardust - My Coo Ca Choo - 16 weeks (1974)<br>KISS - I Was Made For Lovin' You - 16 weeks (1979)<br>The Partridge Family - I Think I Love You - 16 weeks (1970-1971)<br>Stevie Wright - Evie - 16 weeks (1974)</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432935"><a name="212"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 25, 16, 16, 7);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/01/2020 17:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@392414 - thanks for these. I&#8217;ll update shortly.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1432936"><a name="213"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 25, 16, 23, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/01/2020 17:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So as Dance Monkey gets taken off #1 again, this time by The Weeknd, all eyes now go to the record for most weeks in the ten. Tones & I currently sit on 29 consecutive weeks - one more week next week gets them level with Sunflower. One more after that claims the consecutive record outright, and one more after that claims the most weeks overall outright. So nail biting times ahead...<br><br>Meanwhile, Circles moves to 21 weeks, and Memories enters the list this week at 16 weeks for Maroon 5, making it the third single from them to be on the list. Let&#8217;s see what Dua Lipa can do over the next few weeks...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1433166"><a name="214"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 0, 29, 13, 23, 39);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/01/2020 14:24</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Que Sera Sera (Whatever Will Be) - Normie Rowe And The Playboys 19 Weeks In The Top 10. 1965/1966<br><br>The Last Waltz - Engelbert Humperdinck 18 Weeks In The Top Ten 1967/1968</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1433317"><a name="215"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 1, 16, 22, 41);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/02/2020 17:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So a few surprises in this one this week...<br><br>Dance Monkey is now tied with Sunflower for most consecutive weeks in the Top 10 (30 weeks). And considering it&#8217;s still at #2, it is more likely than not that it is about to break that record.<br><br>Circles remains at #7, and moves to 22 weeks in the ten. Apart from Sunflower, this would no doubt be up there as the biggest hit of Post Malone&#8217;s career based on this performance.<br><br>Memories falls out for Maroon 5 this week, capping its run at 16 weeks. But the biggest surprise of them all is Billie Eilish&#8217;s Bad Guy, which bolts up to #3 on the back of her Grammy victory. It now means Bad Guy has a total of 24 weeks in the Top 10. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1433318"><a name="216"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 1, 16, 37, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/02/2020 17:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I&#8217;ve updated the listings with most of the entries given to me over the last couple of weeks, so thank you for those.<br><br>In saying that, I&#8217;ve also made an executive call to not go any earlier than the time frame we currently have on the listing, ie. Hey Jude by the Beatles (1968/9) is the earliest entry on the list at present. If you do wish to keep your own tracking list of songs prior to this, then that would be awesome. But to keep the list manageable on my part (you can see how big the 16 and 17 week listings are now as an example), let&#8217;s keep the timeframe concise.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1433916"><a name="217"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 9, 17, 46, 12);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/02/2020 18:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And now Dance Monkey holds the outright record for most consecutive weeks in the Top 10 at 31 weeks. Of course, it still shares the overall most weeks record with Sunflower, but this is all likely to change next week...<br><br>Circles also increases its tally and moves up to 23 weeks. Bad Guy&#8217;s new lease on life in the Top 10 continues and also adds one more week to its tally, now at 25 total weeks.<br><br>With Dua Lipa moving back up the Top 10 this week, we should expect to see her make the listing in the next couple of weeks. Watch this space...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1434254"><a name="218"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 15, 16, 8, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/02/2020 17:09</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Dance Monkey now officially holds the following Australian chart records:<br><br>* Most weeks in the Top 10 (32 and still going)<br>* Most consecutive weeks in the Top 10 (32 and still going)<br>* Most weeks at #1 (24)<br>* Most consecutive weeks at #1 (21)<br>* Most weeks in the Top 3 (30 and still going)<br>* Most consecutive weeks in the Top 3 (30 and still going)<br><br>And all the same records as above for Australian and female artist.<br><br>The song is still #3 this week, 31 weeks after it originally entered the national Top 10 last year. It also spent 11 consecutive weeks at #1 in the UK last year, which broke all kinds of records over there. It also went to #1 in at least 11 other European countries, as well as across the ditch in New Zealand. It has hit the US Top 5 this week for the first time.<br><br>There is no doubt in anyone&#8217;s minds now that Dance Monkey is the most successful Australian chart song ever seen in our lifetimes. For that, Tones & I deserve massive congratulations. It will take another extraordinary song to break all the records that Dance Monkey has captured in the almost 8 months that it has been on the charts.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1434255"><a name="219"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 15, 16, 16, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/02/2020 17:17</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">In other updates this week:<br><br>* Bad Guy caps off its second run in the Top 10 for Billie Eilish, and levels off at 25 total weeks alongside Ed Sheeran&#8217;s Perfect.<br><br>* Circles maintains its hold on #7 for Post Malone, and thus moves up to 24 consecutive weeks this week. It is uncanny that out of the 6 songs that are on 24 weeks, only two of them actually reached #1. And incidentally enough, if Circles remains in the Top 10 next week, it will become the sole non-#1 with the most weeks in the ten.<br><br>* Dua Lipa&#8217;s Don&#8217;t Start Now should hit the listing next week. And Tones & I re-enter again with Never Seen The Rain for its fourth separate run, taking it to 14 weeks in total.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1434733"><a name="220"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 23, 23, 47, 42);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/02/2020 00:48</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Another week rolls by, and Dance Monkey extends its run to 33 consecutive weeks in the ten. However, it falls to #5 this week, which marks the first time it has been outside the Top 3 since the end of July last year (and that in itself is phenomenal).<br><br>Circles also notches up another week to make it 25 consecutive in the ten, and thus, as mentioned last week, it becomes the outright non-#1 to have the most weeks in the Top 10. But alas it falls to #10 this week, so this could be its last week...<br><br>Dua Lipa finally makes it onto the list, notching up her 16th week with Don&#8217;t Start Now. The song spends its 7th week in total at #2 this week, so she may still have a little while to go in the ten yet...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1434943"><a name="221"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 29, 9, 4, 51);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/02/2020 10:05</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">For once, my update this week will NOT start with Dance Monkey <IMG SRC="/images/grin.gif"> <br><br>Instead, we need to acknowledge that Circles has become the 4th single in the space of less than one year to have broken SIX months (26 consecutive weeks) in the Top 10. And of those four, Post Malone contributes to two of them (Sunflower having been the first to achieve it in May last year).<br><br>And yes I could write something imaginative about Dance Monkey, but at this point, she is literally just adding runs to the scoreboard, being now 3 weeks clear of Sunflower at 34 weeks.<br><br>Dua Lipa also moves up to 17 weeks with Don&#8217;t Start Now, holding steady at #2. And that&#8217;s pretty much it for this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1434944"><a name="222"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 1, 29, 9, 38, 44);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/02/2020 10:39</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Random tidbit for Dance Monkey this week, 34 weeks in the top 10 surpasses the 33 week tied record on the Billboard Hot 100</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1435525"><a name="223"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 2, 8, 7, 29, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/03/2020 08:29</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Hijinx that is pretty amazing.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1435527"><a name="224"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 2, 8, 7, 34, 18);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/03/2020 08:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">There seems a good chance that Dance Monkey may get to 40 weeks in the Top 10. It moves up to 35 weeks this week.<br><br>Circles manages yet another week as well, now levelling with Old Town Road at 27 weeks. And Don&#8217;t Start Now continues its climb also, making it 18 weeks this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1437504"><a name="225"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 2, 21, 11, 12, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/03/2020 12:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for the lack of update last week. Has been a crazy time here in London recently. Anyway...<br><br>Circles finally drops out this week, thus capping its Top 10 run at 28 weeks. Third overall in terms of weeks in the Top 10, only behind Sunflower and Dance Monkey.<br><br>Speaking of Dance Monkey, it gets to 37 weeks this week, but is edging perilously close to falling out of the Top 10 (something that was unimaginable even a few months ago). Still, it continues to put runs on the board.<br><br>Don&#8217;t Start Now hits 20 weeks for Dua Lipa this week, and still remains in the Top 3. By far her biggest hit here in Australia. <br><br>Blinding Lights by The Weeknd will, at this rate, be the next song to hit the listing. 13 weeks in total in the Top 10 so far, with 9 weeks at #1 already (that actually flew by really quickly).<br><br>In the meantime, please stay safe everyone!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1438265"><a name="226"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 3, 5, 7, 45, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/04/2020 09:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hey kids, another fortnightly update rather than weekly again. Which is fair as nothing really interesting of note happened last week.<br><br>This week, however, a bit of movement. Blinding Lights falls to #2 after 10 weeks at #1 (has it really felt that long, especially after Dance Monkey&#8217;s #1 run before it?). But it still hasn&#8217;t quite cracked the listing yet - it is due to do that next week.<br><br>Speaking of Dance Monkey, it&#8217;s been at #10 the last two weeks, and is now just one week away from cracking 40 weeks in the Top 10. Let&#8217;s see if it hangs on...<br><br>Due Lipa&#8217;s new album got released last week, and as a result, she now has 3 songs in the Top 10, the big one of course being Don&#8217;t Start Now, which goes to 22 weeks this week and hangs on to a Top 3 spot.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1440654"><a name="227"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 3, 11, 9, 36, 13);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>11/04/2020 11:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And she&#8217;s done it again! FORTY CONSECUTIVE WEEKS in the Top 10 for Tones & I and Dance Monkey. In fact it was nine months ago this week that it first entered the Top 10. And this week, it manages to climb back up one spot to #9.<br><br>Dua Lipa slips down one spot to #4 in the ten this week but still moves up to 23 consecutive weeks. And The Weeknd finally hits the listing as Blinding Lights stays at #2 and accumulates 16 weeks this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1442103"><a name="228"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 3, 18, 9, 0, 46);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2020 11:01</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">After what seems like an eternity, Dance Monkey&#8217;s run in the Top 10 is finally at an end after falling out of the ten this week. 40 consecutive (and total) weeks, including 24 weeks at #1. By far the biggest selling and most successful Australian single in chart history.<br><br>Dua Lipa goes 24 weeks in the ten this week, as she stays at #4. The Weeknd moves up to 17 weeks as Blinding Lights reclaims #1 this week. <br><br> </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1443508"><a name="229"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 3, 25, 9, 37, 53);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/04/2020 11:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I must learn to never say never. Dance Monkey re-enters the ten this week to score a 41st week. Ten weeks clear of its nearest competitor.<br><br>Dua Lipa moves level with Ed Sheeran and Billie Eilish at 25 weeks, while The Weekend gains his 18th week with Blinding Lights, making it level with Starboy, his only other song to be in the listing.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1444883"><a name="230"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 4, 2, 8, 0, 13);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/05/2020 10:00</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As Dance Monkey falls back out of the Top 10 this week, Don&#8217;t Start Now moves up into outright 5th position on the all-time list as it hits the six-month mark in the ten. It is quite telling at this point that: <br><br>* The five longest running Top 10 songs lasted six months or more within the ten;<br>* Those same five songs had their runs in the last 18 months; and<br>* Two of those songs did not make #1.<br><br>It could be said that streaming and other technologies have changed the chart landscape quite a lot, to have so many songs with lengthy Top 10 runs. Whether this is a good thing or not is up for debate. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1444885"><a name="231"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 4, 2, 8, 22, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/05/2020 10:23</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Incidentally, I think at least a few of those weeks Tones had in the top 10 were because her strong digital sales made up for her otherwise being #11 or #12 on streams.<br><br>I think in general what we're seeing here is that there's a splintering in the market where instead of everything in the top 50 being all consumed by the same people, you've got some stuff that radio won't touch*, Spotify playlists won't touch, stuff that's strictly relevant to TikTok etc, so when you coalesce all these together, anything that lands square in the middle of the Venn diagram goes absolute gangbusters.<br><br>*An interesting side effect of this is that digital sales are very prompted by airplay, but since radio will more often pass over top 50 hits it doesn't want to touch, they're just keeping the stuff they do like on for longer, so Loud Luxury smashed the airplay longevity record recently. This all just adds to an ecosystem that allows these lengthy runs to happen of course</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1446291"><a name="232"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 4, 9, 8, 35, 56);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/05/2020 10:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Only movements worth noting this week:<br><br>* Don&#8217;t Start Now levels with Old Town Road at 27 weeks, but looks to be on its last legs in the ten as it drops back to #8 this week;<br>* Blinding Lights hits the 20-week mark and maintains its strong position in the Top 3.<br><br>The only other song in the ten this week that has more than 10 weeks is Intentions, but that is on its way out this week. This means we may have to wait about 2 months for any new entries into the listing.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1446816"><a name="233"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 4, 16, 16, 0, 37);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/05/2020 18:01</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">With Don&#8217;t Start Now still hanging on to a spot in the ten, Dua Lipa levels with Post Malone at 28 weeks. Blinding Lights is still strong at #2 and notches up its 21st week in the ten this week for The Weeknd.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1447589"><a name="234"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 4, 30, 11, 6, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/05/2020 13:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for no update last week - there wasn&#8217;t really anything earth shattering to report.<br><br>So this week Dua Lipa finally falls out of the ten, capping Don&#8217;t Start Now&#8217;s run at 29 weeks, and making it the longest running non-#1 top 10 single. The Weeknd continues his run with Blinding Lights notching its 23rd consecutive week in the ten.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1455315"><a name="235"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 6, 4, 9, 14, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/07/2020 11:15</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Been relatively quiet on the listings recently, but two things to note this week...<br><br>* Roses hits the listings for the first time as it adds its 16th week in the Top 10, and<br>* Blinding Lights draws level with Circles to make it 28 weeks so far...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1459566"><a name="236"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 7, 1, 17, 1, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/08/2020 19:01</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So a few noteworthy updates this week:<br><br>* With TayTay&#8217;s new album having been released, five songs from the album have found their way into the Top 10. By doing so, it has pushed out Blinding Lights, which means its run has levelled out at 31 weeks and made it equal second with Sunflower. There is every chance though that it will re-enter the ten next week.<br><br>* Roses continues its run and breaks the 20-week mark this week, despite the deluge of new entries in the ten.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1461846"><a name="237"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 7, 8, 9, 11, 4);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/08/2020 11:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">When Sunflower originally smashed the all-time record in June last year, a number of people, including myself, predicted that it would be a record that would not be broken for a number of years.<br><br>How wrong we were.<br><br>In the space of 14 months since then, that record has now been beaten not once, but *twice*. With Blinding Lights now re-entering the Top 10 for a third time, it moves ahead of Sunflower to claim outright second spot on the all-time list, at 32 weeks (and counting). Obviously though it would take a concerted effort to beat the 41-week run of Dance Monkey which ended in March this year.<br><br>Roses&#8217; run continues unabated in the meantime, moving back up to #4 and climbing to 21 weeks running in the ten. The song nearest to breaking into the list is Rockstar which is currently at 14 weeks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1464407"><a name="238"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 7, 22, 7, 27, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/08/2020 09:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">New entry on the listing for Dababy & Roddy Ricch, with Rockstar notching up 16 weeks in the ten this week. Roses moves to 23 weeks, while Blinding Lights gains another one to reach 34 weeks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1464700"><a name="239"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 7, 29, 15, 43, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/08/2020 17:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">* Blinding Lights falls out of the ten again, and this time it looks to be OUT out, so its run levels off at 34 weeks in total. <br><br>* Roses also looks set to drop out of the ten in the next week or so as it falls to #10 this week, but climbs to 24 consecutive weeks (which four years ago would have still been a record). <br><br>* Rockstar notches up another week to make it 17 weeks and counting.<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1466929"><a name="240"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 8, 5, 12, 50, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/09/2020 14:51</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I always seem to speak too soon when it comes to Blinding Lights. It re-enters the Top 10 for the fourth time this week, making it a total of 35 weeks and counting.<br><br>Roses has fallen out of the Top 10 this week, levelling its run at 24 consecutive weeks. Rockstar climbs back up two spots to get its 18th week thus far.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1469370"><a name="241"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 8, 19, 9, 14, 51);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/09/2020 11:15</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Noteworthy updates this week:<br><br>* Blinding Lights is out (again), levelling at 37 weeks in total.<br>* Roses is back in! This means it climbs to 25 weeks total.<br>* Rockstar hits 20 consecutive weeks.<br><br>The only other song to look out for now is Watermelon Sugar. It&#8217;s at 13 weeks this week and still holding its own within the Top 10. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1470603"><a name="242"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 8, 26, 7, 41, 43);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/09/2020 09:42</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Roses falls out again, capping its run at 25 weeks. Rockstar moves up to 21 weeks. <br><br>And one that flew under the radar and I forgot to report last week - Breaking Me has now made it onto the listing. It&#8217;s still in the ten this week and moves up to 17 weeks.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2020, 8, 26, 7, 44, 40);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/09/2020 09:45</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1472054"><a name="243"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 9, 3, 21, 14, 12);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/10/2020 23:14</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And another weird week... Rockstar is OUT, Roses is back IN. The former caps its run at 21 weeks, the latter increases theirs to 26.<br><br>Breaking Me also goes to 18 weeks, while Watermelon Sugar looks poised to enter the listing next week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1473395"><a name="244"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 9, 10, 7, 48, 12);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/10/2020 09:48</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Not one but TWO new entries in the listing this week, as both Watermelon Sugar and Savage Love notch up their 16th weeks in the Top 10. Roses has fallen out again and gets capped at 26 weeks, while Breaking Me hangs in and get its 19th week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1474683"><a name="245"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 9, 17, 11, 18, 4);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/10/2020 13:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Breaking Me falls out of the Top 10 this week after 19 weeks, while both Savage Love and Watermelon Sugar add one more week to each of their tallies to get to 17.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1475953"><a name="246"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 9, 24, 11, 44, 55);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/10/2020 13:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Watermelon Sugar falls out of the Top 10 again this week, capping its run at 17 weeks, while Savage Love adds another to make it 18 on the run. Nearest challenger is WAP, with 11 weeks thus far.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1485790"><a name="247"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 5, 11, 16, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/12/2020 12:17</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Been quite a while since we had a new song join the listing, and this week Head & Heart notches its 16th week in the ten to enter the list. Mood is on track to also come in next week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1485811"><a name="248"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 5, 12, 16, 22);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/12/2020 13:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Blinding Lights might yet sneak back in again next week <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1487497"><a name="249"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 12, 8, 45, 24);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/12/2020 09:45</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "DarrenBuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Blinding Lights is about to become the only song to last a full calendar year in the top 20.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1487589"><a name="250"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 12, 17, 56, 41);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/12/2020 18:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And surely enough, Hijinx&#8217;s prediction was correct! Blinding Lights didn&#8217;t just sneak back into the ten, it bolted its way back into the Top 5. It now makes 38 total weeks in the ten!<br><br>On top of this, Head & Heart notches up its 17th consecutive week in the Top 10 and gets its 11th week at #3 (from memory, I don&#8217;t believe any other song in Aus chart history has had that many weeks at the #3 spot, but I could be mistaken). <br><br>And the current #1 Mood finally hits the listing this week, as it scores week number 16 in the ten, along with its 9th week in total at #1.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1487617"><a name="251"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 13, 0, 9, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/12/2020 01:09</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "DarrenBuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I think Wham! with Last Christmas was #3 for 9 weeks all up, so yeah, I do believe that Head & Heart has certainly taken the lead in the #3 position.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1487621"><a name="252"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 13, 1, 19, 58);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/12/2020 02:20</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">If I'm not miscounting, I believe Head & Heart is 'only' up to 10 weeks at #3?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1487622"><a name="253"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 13, 1, 40, 25);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/12/2020 02:40</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=DazzaB48">DazzaB48</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I agree</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1487623"><a name="254"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 13, 1, 43, 50);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/12/2020 02:44</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=DazzaB48">DazzaB48</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I thought it was just my bad counting</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1488636"><a name="255"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 13, 9, 12, 58);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/12/2020 10:13</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan41"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">DazzaB48</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I can only see 37 weeks for Blinding Lights. Am I missing a week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1493048"><a name="256"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 19, 11, 6, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/12/2020 12:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hey folks! Correct on both counts, so thank you for pointing that out. <br><br>As it stands with the new chart, 10 weeks at #3 for Head & Heart (although it drops to #4 this week and goes to 18 weeks in the ten) and 38 weeks in the ten for Blinding Lights. I wonder if we&#8217;ll see Dance Monkey make a reappearance in the Top 10 at some point... &#128521;<br><br>Mood falls from #1 again this week and goes up to 17 weeks in the ten. And will we see Mariah Carey do another Xmas appearance at #1 next week?<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1493081"><a name="257"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 19, 16, 18, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/12/2020 17:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Yep. Mariah will be #1 next week. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1493095"><a name="258"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 19, 20, 16, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/12/2020 21:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Honestly I think the whole top 4 will be Christmas music<br><br>(maybe top 5 if Jam Mountain Music pull a crazy week <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif">)</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1498443"><a name="259"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 26, 8, 27, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/12/2020 09:27</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And in what seems to be now a Christmas tradition in Australia, Mariah tops the Christmas singles chart for the third year in a row with All I Want For Christmas Is You. It will most likely fall out of the charts just as quickly next week...<br><br>In other Christmas news, Wham&#8217;s Last Christmas eclipses the 1984/5 chart peak of #3 and bolts up to a new high of #2 this week. The only other Christmas songs in this week&#8217;s Top 10 are from Michael Buble and Ariana Grande.<br><br>Re @Hijinx&#8217;s prediction, Mood and Without You managed to retain spots in the Top 4, thus preventing a Christmas lean sweep. Jam Mountain Music was nowhere to be found on the Top 50.<br><br>Speaking of Mood, it continues to notch up the weeks, making it 18 in a row this week. Head & Heart does the same even though it falls to #7 this week, and makes it a total of 19 weeks. Blinding Lights also falls out of the ten this week, and caps its run at 38 weeks in total.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1498446"><a name="260"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 26, 9, 26, 53);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/12/2020 10:27</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I'm still taking points for my claim because those songs are missing almost a million streams each on the chart <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1498449"><a name="261"><script>tDate = new Date(2020, 11, 26, 10, 2, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/12/2020 11:02</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">^ Yep. The Christmas invasion would've been far bigger if ARIA had included Spotify's Thursday data. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1502037"><a name="262"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 0, 2, 18, 42, 2);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/01/2021 19:42</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So we still have a bit of a Christmas hangover in the ten this week, although Mariah drops to #4 and Wham fall to #9. Mood regains the top spot and gets up to 19 weeks, while Head & Heart makes it 20.<br><br>And Blinding Lights returns to the Top 10 once again, making it the start of its SIXTH distinct run, and taking it to 39 total weeks in the ten - just two weeks off Dance Monkey, which incidentally is also having a little rebound on the charts this week. Also worth noting here (and please someone correct me if I am wrong) that Blinding Lights is so far the only non-Christmas song to have appeared in a weekly Top 10 at least once in 3 consecutive years (2019, 2020 and now 2021).<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1506017"><a name="263"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 0, 16, 10, 53, 12);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/01/2021 11:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for lack of update last week. But just a little bit to report on this week...<br><br>* Blinding Lights falls out of the Top 10 once again, capping its total run at 40 weeks (just one week off Dance Monkey).<br>* Head & Heart goes to 22 weeks, while Mood climbs to 21 weeks.<br><br>It will be a little while at least before any new appearances on the listing!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1508600"><a name="264"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 8, 3, 11, 58);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/02/2021 04:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Bretticus">Bretticus</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Can we safely assume Blinding Lights will get at least 1 more week in the top 10 following the Super Bowl? </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1508605"><a name="265"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 8, 9, 35, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/02/2021 10:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Chris+A">Chris A</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I hope 2 to surpass Dance Monkey </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1508611"><a name="266"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 8, 10, 53, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/02/2021 11:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The timing of the Superbowl won't play in Blinding Lights' favour. Well, hopefully...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1508621"><a name="267"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 8, 16, 52, 37);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/02/2021 17:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Couple of updates:<br><br>* Head & Heart falls out of the Top 10 this week, levelling its run at 24 consecutive weeks.<br>* Mood maintains Top 5 positioning, and also notches up to 24 weeks on the trot.<br><br>Levitating is currently at 13 weeks, so still a little while before it reaches the listing (if it gets there). So Done is at 12 weeks...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1508674"><a name="268"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 9, 19, 40, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/02/2021 20:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">if The Weeknd does sneak in there it won't be by much, not an overly impressive climb on Spotify tonight</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1508930"><a name="269"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 13, 11, 20, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/02/2021 12:20</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">So The Weeknd does make the Top 10 again this week, but NOT with Blinding Lights. Alas its run stays at 40 weeks.<br><br>Head & Heart is back in the ten, which means it goes to 25 weeks total. Mood is also at 25 weeks.<br><br>With So Done falling out of the ten this week, Levitating is the only other song closest to making the listing (14 weeks currently).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1509473"><a name="270"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 21, 23, 15, 54);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/02/2021 00:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As Head & Heart falls out of the ten again this week, Mood overtakes it on the listing as it moves up to 26 consecutive weeks (ie. six months). Levitating is also one week off from entering the list, however it falls to #8 this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1509753"><a name="271"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 1, 27, 12, 57, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>27/02/2021 13:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Mood is up to 27 consecutive weeks (now level with Old Town Road), while Head & Heart enters the Top 10 for the third distinct time, notching up to 26 weeks in total. But most importantly this week, Levitating cracks the listing for Dua Lipa, as it hits 16 consecutive weeks...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1510038"><a name="272"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 2, 6, 9, 31, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/03/2021 10:31</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Only changes this week:<br><br>* Head & Heart now out of the ten again, this time with a massive drop. So now stays level at 26 weeks in total.<br>* Mood continues to notch up the weeks, moving up to 28 on the trot this week.<br>* Levitating also holds steady, and goes up to 17 weeks.<br><br>Nearest challenger for the listing at the moment is Without You at 13 weeks currently.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1510301"><a name="273"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 2, 13, 13, 38, 31);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/03/2021 14:39</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Mood is OUT after 28 consecutive weeks! Levitating somehow manages to hold on, and moves up to 18 weeks on the run.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1510585"><a name="274"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 2, 20, 10, 1, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/03/2021 11:02</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Levitating is now also OUT, capping its run at 18 weeks. Meanwhile, Without You remains firmly lodged in the Top 3 and is on track to hit the listing next week...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1510921"><a name="275"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 2, 27, 11, 6, 4);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>27/03/2021 12:06</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Without You enters the listing this week as The Kid Laroi notches up his 16th week and remains steady in the Top 3, so most likely a few more weeks in the ten to go. Next longest run in the ten at the moment is Drivers License, but that is slowly moving down, so remains to be seen...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1511216"><a name="276"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 3, 3, 9, 17, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/04/2021 11:17</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Another week in the ten for Without You, which increases its run to 17 weeks, and Levitating re-enters the Top 10, giving it another week up on the listing to 19 weeks in total. It remains to be seen if the current #1 Heat Waves (10 weeks) and former #1 Drivers License (12 weeks) can gain more weeks...</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1511805"><a name="277"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 3, 18, 11, 40, 40);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/04/2021 13:41</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for no update last week. As such though, there wasn&#8217;t that much to report anyway.<br><br>Without You is on its way down slowly, but still notches up week 19 in the ten. Levitating fell out again last week, levelling its run also at 19 weeks.<br><br>With Heat Waves now moving down as well, time is running out - it&#8217;s currently at 12 weeks. Drivers Licence has 14 weeks, and is perilously close to dropping out.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1512621"><a name="278"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 4, 8, 9, 13, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/05/2021 11:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It&#8217;s been a busy few weeks for me, so apologies for lack of updates. And what an update it is...<br><br>I&#8217;m still scratching my head trying to figure out how Without You has managed to suddenly hit #1 after seeming on the verge of leaving the Top 10 last week. In any case, it means Kid Laroi moves up to 22 weeks on the run in the ten, with a new peak position to boot. It also means his overall run may be something to start watching out for...<br><br>And because of the dramatic reshuffle in the ten this week, Heat Waves is down to #5, and gets to 15 weeks - in all probability, it should hit the listing next week.<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1512624"><a name="279"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 4, 8, 9, 15, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/05/2021 11:15</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">A remix of Without You with Miley Cyrus was released last week, hence the climb to #1.<br><br>Thank you for the constant updates by the way. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1512886"><a name="280"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 4, 15, 8, 5, 55);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/05/2021 10:06</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">More changes in the Top 10 this week, with Kid Laroi dropping back from #1 after his brief resurgence last week - nevertheless Without You goes to 23 weeks on the trot. <br><br>Heat Waves hits the listing at long last, as it holds steady in the Top 5, and notches up its 16th consecutive week.<br><br>And Levitating makes another re-entry into the ten, which means it brings up its 20th total week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1513214"><a name="281"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 4, 22, 9, 32, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/05/2021 11:32</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">One more week on the listing this week for Without You (24 weeks), Heat Waves (17 weeks) and Levitating (21 weeks).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1513904"><a name="282"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 5, 6, 22, 39, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/06/2021 00:39</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">A few little updates:<br><br>* Without You finally falls out of the ten this week, capping its run at 25 weeks on the trot.<br>* Heat Waves hangs in there and moves up to 19 weeks<br>* Levitating returns to the ten *again* and heads to 22 weeks in total<br>* And last but by no means least, Olivia Rodrigo&#8217;s album invasion has resulted in Drivers Licence finally entering the listing this week at 16 total weeks!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1514152"><a name="283"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 5, 12, 10, 7, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/06/2021 12:08</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Updates this week:<br><br>*Without You re-enters the ten and moves up to 26 weeks in total<br>* Levitating is moving up again, and goes to 23 weeks<br>* Heat Waves has also moved back up and cracks the 20-week mark<br>* Drivers Licence is out again - run gets capped at 16 weeks</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1515003"><a name="284"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 6, 3, 10, 57, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/07/2021 12:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for lack of update - busy few weeks for me. But anyway, updates galore:<br><br>* Astronaut In The Ocean hits the listing as Masked Wolf gains his 16th week in the ten<br>* Heat Waves continues its run and climbs to 23 weeks on the trot this week<br>* Levitating now hits 26 total weeks in the Top 10, and makes Dua Lipa only the second artist after Post Malone to have two singles with runs of 6 months plus<br>* And finally, The Weeknd is also set to hit the listing next week as Save Your Tears notches up week number 15&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1515291"><a name="285"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 6, 9, 21, 26, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/07/2021 23:26</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As expected, Save Your Tears makes it song #2 in the listing for The Weeknd, as it brings ups week 16 in the ten this week. Also, Masked Wolf, Glass Animals and Dua Lipa add one more to their respective totals&#8230;<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1515555"><a name="286"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 6, 16, 14, 59, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/07/2021 17:00</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Quite a bit of action on the listings this week - Without You enters the Top 10 for the third time, which sends it (along with Levitating) up to 28 weeks total. Heat Waves goes to 25 weeks, Save Your Tears is up to 17, and Astronaut In The Ocean drops out of the ten this week, capping its run at 17 weeks also.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1515776"><a name="287"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 6, 23, 20, 55, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/07/2021 22:56</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Both Levitating and Without You move up to 29 total weeks in the ten this week. For Dua Lipa, this means she now has *two* songs with runs of 29+ weeks, and it is highly likely that Levitating will go one step further next week.<br><br>Heat Waves hits the 6-month mark for Glass Animals, as they go 26 weeks on the trot. Save Your Tears also adds another week to go to 18 this week, and we expect Kiss Me More to enter the listing next week&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1516099"><a name="288"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 6, 31, 12, 10, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>31/07/2021 14:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">With Levitating hanging on for dear life in the ten, it now hits the 30 week mark for Dua Lipa, and goes past her previous big hit of Don&#8217;t Start Now. It also becomes the only song with the most total weeks in the Top 10 to have *not* hit #1 - a record also previously held by Don&#8217;t Start Now.<br><br>Without You falls out of the ten again this week, levelling Kid Laroi&#8217;s run at 29 weeks. Save Your Tears has also exited the ten this week and caps its total run at 18 weeks.<br><br>Heat Waves continues to gain on its run, moving level with Old Town Road at 27 weeks. And last not but least, it&#8217;s now 16 consecutive weeks in the ten for Kiss Me More, meaning that Doja Cat and SZA enter the listing for the first time.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2021, 7, 7, 20, 19, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/08/2021 22:19</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1516506"><a name="289"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 7, 14, 21, 21, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/08/2021 23:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">A few little updates this week:<br><br>* Levitating finally falls out of the ten again after a 10-week stretch (in addition to the 18-week duration of its initial run, as well as other little re-entries), meaning that its total run is now capped at 31 weeks, making it level with Sunflower.<br>* Heat Waves gains another notch this week to level with Don&#8217;t Start Now and Without You at 29 weeks on the run.<br>* And finally, Kiss Me More continues its good run for Doja Cat, getting to 18 consecutive weeks in the ten.<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1516708"><a name="290"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 7, 21, 20, 42, 41);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/08/2021 22:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Probably the most significant achievement in the listing for a long while. In getting to 30 weeks on the trot in the ten this week, Heat Waves has drawn level with both Sunflower and Blinding Lights for the second longest run of *consecutive* weeks in the Australian Top 10 (the latter two&#8217;s additional weeks were on separate runs). If Glass Animals manage to hold on for another week next week, they will take the outright second spot on the consecutive listing - of course the overall leader here on this measure remains Dance Monkey, which had an astounding 40-week consecutive run that ended just under 18 months ago.<br><br>Either way, Heat Waves is now the fifth song in Australian chart history to go 30+ weeks. How many more it can get, we can only wait and see&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1516711"><a name="291"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 7, 21, 22, 18, 53);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/08/2021 00:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">My guess is that Ed Sheeran kicks it out of the top 10 next week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1516997"><a name="292"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 7, 28, 13, 22, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/08/2021 15:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And the run is finally over for Heat Waves this week as it exits the ten after 30 consecutive weeks. Kiss Me More gets to 20 weeks on the trot this week, and Good 4 U is also expected to hit the listing next week as it moves up to 15 in a row this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1517570"><a name="293"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 8, 11, 14, 53, 25);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>11/09/2021 16:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for the lack of update last week, but in a way it makes this week&#8217;s update a little more interesting:<br><br>* Heat Waves actually re-entered the Top 10 last week, and has miraculously managed to stay in there despite the Drake deluge this week. This means it has moved up to 32 total weeks in the ten, and in the process surpasses both Sunflower and Levitating to take outright third spot on the listing behind Dance Monkey and Blinding Lights. As a side note - had it not been for Drake, Heat Waves would have found itself back in the Top 5! So I suspect we may still see Glass Animals in the ten for a few more weeks yet&#8230;<br>* Kiss Me More dropped out last week, capping its run at 20 weeks.<br>* Good 4 U dropped out this week due to the Drake downpour, levelling out at 16 weeks (it had entered the listing last week).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1517795"><a name="294"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 8, 17, 21, 59, 40);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/09/2021</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As the Drake songs take their inevitable fall down the charts, Heat Waves has bolted back up to #4 this week, making it 33 total weeks in the ten. It will be interesting to see now if it manages to catch Blinding Lights and Dance Monkey in the coming weeks.<br><br>Good 4 U has also re-entered the ten this week for Olivia Rodrigo, increasing its count to 17 weeks and surpassing Drivers Licence in the process.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1518067"><a name="295"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 8, 25, 11, 49, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/09/2021 13:49</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">34 weeks now for Heat Waves, and it stays comfortably in the Top 5 this week. Good 4 U also notches up its total to 18 weeks.<br><br>I have also changed the symbols slightly - now for songs that are still on their Top 10 run, I&#8217;ve replaced the &#8216;*&#8217; with a &#8216;^^&#8217; to better and more clearly indicate that it is a run in progress.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1518280"><a name="296"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 9, 1, 16, 18, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/10/2021 18:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">With Heat Waves moving up the Top 5 this week, serious consideration now needs to be given to the ever-growing probability that it will catch Blinding Lights in the next 5 weeks (and possibly even Dance Monkey not long after). 35 weeks and counting&#8230;<br><br>Good 4 U is also nudging its way up - 19 weeks so far&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1518481"><a name="297"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 9, 8, 22, 59, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/10/2021 00:59</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Olivia Rodrigo hits the 20-week mark with Good 4 U this week, and Ed Sheeran looks set to hit the listing next week as Bad Habits goes to 15 weeks this week (it will be his 4th song on the list if it happens).<br><br>But everyone&#8217;s eyes right now continue to be on Glass Animals - Heat Waves stays firmly in the Top 5 (with no sign of slowing down just yet), moves to 36 weeks, and has Blinding Lights in its sights. What are the odds at this point that Heat Waves will reach 40 weeks?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1518653"><a name="298"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 9, 15, 13, 48, 55);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/10/2021 15:49</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Heat Waves edges ever so closer&#8230;<br><br>Good 4 U hits 21 weeks, while Bad Habits makes its entry into the listing with its 16th week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1518902"><a name="299"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 9, 23, 9, 52, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/10/2021 11:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Two weeks away from Heat Waves levelling with Blinding Lights&#8230; can Glass Animals do it??<br><br>Bad Habits is up to 17 weeks this week. And Stay should without a doubt hit the listing next week, even though its long run at #1 has come to an end! </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1519153"><a name="300"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 9, 29, 21, 10, 18);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/10/2021 23:10</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Heat Waves remains at #6 this week, and is just one week away from levelling with Blinding Lights (and two weeks from equaling Dance Monkey). What&#8217;s going to happen???<br><br>Stay hits the listing as it remains at #3, and Bad Habits adds another notch to move up to 18 weeks&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1519439"><a name="301"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 10, 5, 14, 56, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/11/2021 15:56</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">And Glass Animals have done it! Heat Waves gets to 40 weeks and ties with Blinding Lights. As the song remains at #6, it remains highly likely that it will match Dance Monkey next week. And one feat that Heat Waves holds over the other two: all of its first 40 weeks in the ten have been within the same calendar year (Blinding Lights narrowly missed out at the beginning of its run).<br><br>In other news, Stay moves up to 17 weeks and Bad Habits to 19.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1519843"><a name="302"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 10, 12, 23, 6, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/11/2021 00:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Heat Waves and Dance Monkey are now level. And in all probability, Glass Animals will officially take the crown from Tones & I next week for most weeks in the Top 10 in Australian chart history - something we thought was unimaginable after Tones & I completed their run last year.<br><br>Meanwhile, 18 weeks now for Stay, and 20 for Bad Habits. Industry Baby may also possibly enter the listing next week&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1520191"><a name="303"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 10, 19, 15, 40, 4);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/11/2021 16:40</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It&#8217;s now official - we have a new record holder for the most number of weeks in the Australian Top 10. When Glass Animals topped the JJJ Hottest 100 with Heat Waves at the beginning of this year, no one could have imagined what would happen next&#8230;<br><br>Heat Waves became the first song ever to go to #1 on the back of taking top spot on the Hottest 100, holding the #1 position for six weeks. It had a long spell of 30 consecutive weeks in the Top 10, and was knocked out for one week thanks to a Drake deluge. Then against all odds, it made its way back into the Top 10, and started racking up more weeks, until last week when it drew level with Tones & I&#8217;s Dance Monkey.<br><br>And finally this week, dropping one spot to #7 on the Top 10, Heat Waves moves up to 42 weeks in total and takes the crown from Dance Monkey. Congratulations to Glass Animals on breaking the record!<br><br>In other news:<br><br>* Bad Habits is up to 21 weeks in a row<br>* Stay moves up to 19 weeks on the trot<br>* And finally Industry baby enters the listing for Lil Nas X this week as it goes to 16 weeks total in the ten.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1520259"><a name="304"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 10, 21, 1, 58, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/11/2021 02:59</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Bigteeth2021">Bigteeth2021</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">This morning, I listened to Glass Animals Heat Waves during my cannabis hour. I was glad that the police didn't find out about my cannabis.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2021, 10, 21, 1, 59, 53);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/11/2021 03:00</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1520586"><a name="305"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 10, 26, 16, 26, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/11/2021 17:26</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Heat Waves continues its record-breaking run, despite this week&#8217;s Adele-uge (see what I did there <IMG SRC="/images/wink.gif">) - it heads up to 43 total weeks in the Top 10. Stay cracks 20 weeks this week, while Bad Habits climbs to 22 weeks and Industry Baby up to 17. Cold Heart is due to hit the listing next week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1520629"><a name="306"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 10, 27, 10, 37, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>27/11/2021 11:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=chezmoi">chezmoi</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Love this thread! <br>Don't forget to put the date when the &quot;record&quot; is broken. <br>Easy at the moment as Heat Wave is in the top 50.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1521125"><a name="307"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 4, 13, 53, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/12/2021 14:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It seems almost like Heat Waves is just hanging on for dear life - 44 weeks and counting. Bad Habits is now at 23 weeks, Stay at 21, Industry Baby at 18, and now this week Cold Heart joins the listing with 16 weeks.<br><br>With five songs in this week&#8217;s Top 10 having runs of 16+ weeks in the Top 10, this does seem like the most stability we&#8217;ve had in the top end of the charts in recent years&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1521127"><a name="308"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 4, 14, 25, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/12/2021 15:25</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=timothy444">timothy444</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Checked the Australian Spotify daily chart and noticed that Heat Waves has actually climbed up to #2 today which is absolutely insane (and it's probably going to stay in the top 10 for quite some time during the summer).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1521129"><a name="309"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 4, 16, 31, 34);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/12/2021 17:32</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Innocent%5FEyes">Innocent_Eyes</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I won't even be surprised if Heat Waves notch up a year in the Top 10 at this point. <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 4, 18, 12, 46);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/12/2021 19:13</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1521143"><a name="310"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 4, 21, 43, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/12/2021 22:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I agree with Innocent Eyes at this stage&#8230; Heat Waves&#8217; success has confounded everyone&#8217;s expectations, and the fact that it has *exceeded* Dance Monkey&#8217;s run and continues to score highly on the various streaming platforms bodes very well for its chances of attaining the magic 52 weeks of Top 10 appearances. To think that if Drake hadn&#8217;t released his album when he did, we would be looking at a mind-boggling consecutive week appearance for Heat Waves.<br><br>In saying that, even just the fact that Heat Waves has had two runs of 30 and 14 weeks so far is still incredible for any song in this day and age - and like I said a couple of weeks ago, no one could have even imagined the subsequent level of success at the beginning of this year, especially for a Triple J Hottest 100 winner!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1521695"><a name="311"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 11, 18, 16, 43);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>11/12/2021 19:17</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It&#8217;s almost predictable at this stage - Heat Waves just keeps notching up those weeks, with now 45 and continuing to climb towards the magic 52. Stay and Bad Habits also continue to push ahead with their impressive runs (22 and 24, respectively). It also means Ed Sheeran now has *three* songs with 24+ weeks.<br><br>Industry Baby makes it to 19 weeks, while Cold Heart edges up to 17. And no, despite its multiple Top 10 appearances, All I Want For Christmas Is You is not even close to getting on the listing yet (only 12 weeks in total so far across 27 years).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1522153"><a name="312"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 18, 12, 8, 24);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/12/2021 13:08</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">* As Heat Waves stays solid in the Top 5, it goes to 46 weeks - getting more likely it will get to the 52 mark. <br>* Ed Sheeran now has *two* songs at 25 weeks, with both Bad Habits and Perfect. <br>* Industry Baby becomes the second song for Lil Nas X to break the 20-week mark, following in the footsteps of Old Town Road from two years ago. <br>* Stay continues its run for Kid Laroi and Justin Bieber, with 23 weeks and counting, while remaining in the Top 3.<br>* And finally, Cold Heart incredibly finishes the year as the Xmas #1, 18 weeks after it initially debuted in the Top 10!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1522598"><a name="313"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 26, 17, 20, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/12/2021 18:20</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It&#8217;s hard to believe this thread has been running for close to 7 years now, so I appreciate everyone who has checked it out, made suggestions, pointed out corrections, etc. I hope you&#8217;ve all had a good Christmas and some much needed rest and respite.<br><br>Meanwhile, listing-wise:<br><br>* As far as this website is concerned, we are now into the 2022 charts, so songs in the listing that are still in the Top 10 include 2022 in their runs.<br>* Heat Waves continues to do its thing - 47 weeks and counting.<br>* Bad Habits goes to six months on the trot as it hits 26 weeks.<br>* Stay is not far behind with 23 consecutive weeks.<br>* Cold Heart moves up to 19 weeks in the Top 10 as it holds the top spot again (keeping off Mariah Carey in the process) and thus is 2022&#8217;s first #1 chart wise.<br>* Industry Baby gets pushed out due to the Christmas influx, and levels off at 20 total weeks in the ten.<br><br>Will we see more records get broken in the new year? </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1522600"><a name="314"><script>tDate = new Date(2021, 11, 26, 17, 23, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/12/2021 18:24</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">don't forget to add Mariah to this list next week <IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1522950"><a name="315"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 0, 1, 7, 58, 18);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/01/2022 08:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Happy New Year everybody! And it seems the Christmas deluge has struck more damage than we originally thought, with just 4 non-Christmas songs in this week&#8217;s Top 10&#8230;<br><br>* Mariah hits #1 for the 4th time in as many years with All I Want For Christmas Is You, and in the process strikes her 16th week in the ten and gets added to the listing (your wish came true Hijinx)!<br>* BUT we have another Christmas surprise - Wham&#8217;s Last Christmas also makes the listing this week! But how is that, you ask? Its original run in in the ten between December 1984 and February 1985 amounted to 10 weeks, and since its subsequent re-entries in recent years has slowly amassed enough to also get its 16th this week!<br><br>In non-Christmas song developments:<br><br>* Cold Heart would have still been #1 this week had it not been for the season in question, and it scores its 20th consecutive week regardless.<br>* Stay has also managed to hang on, as it now hits 25 weeks on the trot.<br>* Heat Waves also incredibly scraped in, and is now at 48 weeks total (and 18th consecutive week in this run alone)!<br>* Sadly though, Bad Habits was pushed out by the Christmas wave, and its consecutive run ends at 26 weeks exactly.<br>* Shivers would have also made the listing this week, but it alas was pushed out as well.<br><br>Let&#8217;s see what happens next week&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1522953"><a name="316"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 0, 1, 10, 30, 1);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/01/2022 11:30</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Ooh, now does Mariah count for 1995 since she was on the theoretical frozen 1/1/95 chart &#129300;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1523409"><a name="317"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 0, 8, 0, 7, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/01/2022 01:07</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@Hijinx - I&#8217;ve had a long think about it this week. Because no charts were officially published in those holiday weeks back then, it is hard to say for sure whether a song would have been in the Top 10 or not. The only exception I would think of is if a song was #1 before the chart break and stayed #1 upon resumption - we would safely assume with some certainty that that song was #1 throughout the holiday period. I wouldn&#8217;t be able to predict chart positions below with that same level, especially if a song fell out of the Top 10 when the charts resumed, as happened with Mariah. As such, I won&#8217;t include 1995 for Mariah&#8217;s chart run at this point.<br><br>Meanwhile, the Christmas wave has gone for another year, and no less than 26 songs have re-entered the Top 50. It has also meant a number of songs that were pushed out of the ten last week have also gone back in.<br><br>* Heat Waves will almost certainly hit 50 weeks next week, which on its own is still phenomenal.<br>* Cold Heart shoots back to #1 and in the process gets to 21 consecutive weeks in the ten.<br>* Industry Baby has re-entered after a couple of weeks out, and also makes it 21 weeks.<br>* Stay is now at 6 months (26 weeks) in a row.<br>* Bad Habits is also back in the ten and makes it 27 weeks.<br>* And finally, Shivers makes the listing as it re-enters the ten and makes it to 16 weeks as a result (and is now Ed Sheeran&#8217;s fifth song in the listing).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1523417"><a name="318"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 0, 8, 6, 36, 24);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/01/2022 07:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Ah I get you. I suppose it's a question of isolated logic vs. forming a standard. I always just default to pretending there is just a hypothetical chart on those missing weeks which is what I use for these historic records, knowing full well that the reality of these charts is probably a bit more chaotic (as we've seen in all eras, Christmas introduces unique buying/listening habits!). I think given that the song was just outside the top 10 the week after, it wouldn't be a stretch to suggest that it would've been top 10 in that missing week, but of course we can't be certain of exactly where (although I've seen it posited before that perhaps Mariah should have been able to hit #1 on that week, back when it was a going concern).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1523793"><a name="319"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 0, 15, 10, 23, 47);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/01/2022 11:24</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">DING DING DING! Heat Waves hits 50 weeks in the Top 10, as well as being confirmed as 2021&#8217;s biggest selling single in Australia. Congratulations Glass Animals!<br><br>In other news:<br><br>* Cold Heart continues its reign at #1 as it hits 22 consecutive weeks. <br>* Bad Habits is up to 28 weeks, with Shivers also climbing to 17 weeks.<br>* Stay is back in the Top 2 as it goes to 27 on the trot.<br>* Industry Baby has fallen out again, levelling its run at 21 weeks.<br><br>It&#8217;ll be fascinating to see which song hits the 30-week mark next. Will that song go on to 40+ weeks and beyond?<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1524197"><a name="320"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 0, 21, 16, 21, 18);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/01/2022 17:21</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">A fairly steady update this week, with all the usual suspects from last week gaining again. Bad Habits looks set next week to become the sixth song in the last 2.5 years to achieve 30 total weeks in the Top 10, with Stay expected to do the same the week thereafter.<br><br>Cold Heart spends its 8th total week at #1 (I hadn&#8217;t realised it was already that many until I counted just now) as it continues its march towards the six-month mark, going to23 weeks this week.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1524772"><a name="321"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 0, 29, 18, 54, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/01/2022 19:55</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Another heap of changes for the listing this week:<br><br>* Heat Waves officially goes up to a year&#8217;s worth of weeks in the Top 10, as it attains the magic 52 number this week. Congrats again Glass Animals! Incidentally, in what is believed to be a first, we have Heat Waves, last year&#8217;s Hottest 100 winner, sharing a Top 10 with this year&#8217;s Hottest 100 winner, Elephant by The Wiggles.<br>* Cold Heart makes 24 weeks as it falls from #1 this week. Taking its place at the top is Stay, which goes to 29 weeks, and equals the run of Kid Laroi&#8217;s other long-running hit, Without You.<br>* Industry Baby bolts back into the Top 10, as does Good 4 U (on the back of their Hottest 100 appearances), and they both climb to 22 weeks.<br>* One more week for each of Ed Sheeran&#8217;s songs, with Bad Habits hitting the 30 mark, and Shivers moving up to 19 weeks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1525251"><a name="322"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 1, 11, 17, 44, 45);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>11/02/2022 18:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for lack of update last week. Not much to report this week, with the usual suspects gaining on their totals, and no drop outs or new entries to the listing.<br><br>In saying that, this week does mark a couple of special records for Stay - it now hits 31 *consecutive* weeks in the Top 10, moving ahead of the 30-week straight runs set by Blinding Lights, Heat Waves and Sunflower to take outright second spot (Dance Monkey still holds the consecutive record at 40 weeks). It has also marked its 17th total week at #1, which means it has sailed clear of Shape Of You on that front (and again Dance Monkey holds the all-time record at 25 weeks).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1525573"><a name="323"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 1, 19, 1, 37, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/02/2022 02:37</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">With Cold Heart regaining #1 (again), it now marks its 9th week in the top spot, along with its 27th consecutive week in the ten. Stay manages to hang onto a Top 2 spot as it moves to 32 weeks on the trot within the Top 10. And by some miracle, Heat Waves has climbed back into the Top 3 (making it week 55 in the ten).<br><br>Shivers and Bad Habits both gain another notch this week for Ed Sheeran, although the latter song looks like it may finally drop out over the next couple of weeks. Question is, how much longer can it hang on to its spot in the Top 10?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1526421"><a name="324"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 2, 11, 22, 18, 55);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>11/03/2022 23:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Been a few weeks since I last provided an update, and a few strange things have happened in the meantime&#8230;<br><br>* Heat Waves has now been back at #1 for a couple of weeks, exactly one year since it was previously #1. Just two weeks off an amazing total of *60* weeks in the Top 10.<br>* By some miracle, Ed Sheeran&#8217;s two songs in the Top 10 have continued to hang on, with Bad Habits at 36 weeks, and Shivers at 25.<br>* Cold Heart is also continuing its amazing run, and means that Dua Lipa now has three songs that have achieved 29+ weeks in the ten (even better than Ed Sheeran).<br>* Lil Nas X now has two songs with 27 weeks in the ten, as Industry Baby notches up another one and draws level with his breakthrough hit, Old Town Road.<br><br>Let&#8217;s see what happens next week&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1526978"><a name="325"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 2, 25, 22, 10, 51);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/03/2022 23:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">A delayed update of a couple of weeks, which is probably a good thing considering some of the milestones occurring this week&#8230;<br><br>* Firstly, congrats to Glass Animals who notch up their *60th* week in the Top 10 with Heat Waves (and scores its 10th week at #1 at the same time). What&#8217;s more, it&#8217;s been achieved with two separate runs of 30 weeks each - again, something that no other song has ever achieved.<br>* In terms of consecutive weeks in the Top 10, Stay continues its incredible run, going to 37 weeks - it&#8217;s now just 3 weeks away from equaling Dance Monkey&#8217;s 40-week consecutive run in 2019/20. And Cold Heart now has outright third on that measure, moving to 32 weeks on the trot.<br><br>On a separate note, all of the Top 5 songs this week are those with *at least* six months spent in the Top 10 so far, and four of them over seven months. When will we start seeing some fresh blood within the ten again?</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1527447"><a name="326"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 3, 8, 15, 25, 25);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/04/2022 17:25</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">What an update this week&#8230;<br><br>* Bad Habits now becomes the 4th song in Australian chart history to go 40 weeks in the Top 10. Stay should reach that mark next week&#8230;<br>* As we get a fresh #1, Heat Waves drops to #2 but still goes to 62 weeks. Its current run of 32 consecutive weeks is now officially the fourth longest behind Dance Monkey (40 weeks), Stay (39 weeks *and counting*), and Cold Heart (34 weeks *and counting*)&#8230;<br>* Both Industry Baby and Shivers go to 29 total weeks, levelling with Don&#8217;t Start Now and Without You. Can those two reach 30 each next week??</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1527656"><a name="327"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 3, 15, 8, 28, 43);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/04/2022 10:29</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As predicted last week, Stay has now also attained 40 weeks. In facts, it is only the *second* song to do it in a consecutive run, as it matches the same run achieved by Dance Monkey in 2020 - indeed it looks like it will surpass the record next week.<br><br>Speaking of Dance Monkey, it now has company again at 41 total weeks, as Bad Habits moves up further in its run. To think back in 2020 it would be a record that would stand for a long time - it&#8217;s now been broken twice in the last six months!<br><br>And indeed both Industry Baby and Shivers made it to 30 weeks each this week. It now means the ten songs with the largest number of weeks in the Australian Top 10 have 30+ weeks to their name.<br><br>Another interesting statistic on the back of that - of those ten songs, six of them are *still in the Top 10*! And speaking of this week&#8217;s Top 10, *seven* of the songs are on runs of 20+ weeks.<br><br>Anyone&#8217;s guess as to what the coming months will bring&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1527911"><a name="328"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 3, 22, 14, 17, 33);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/04/2022 16:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Just a couple of big updates this week&#8230;<br><br>Dance Monkey has been surpassed this week on two counts. Firstly, Bad Habits becomes the second song to move ahead of Dance Monkey on total number of weeks in the Top 10, and secondly, Stay now officially takes the record from Dance Monkey of longest *consecutive* run in the ten, reaching 41 weeks on the trot this week. Heat Waves continues to rack up the numbers, now at 64 weeks.<br><br>Apart from that, pretty much business as usual, as the Top 10 is unchanged from last week.<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1528470"><a name="329"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 4, 6, 15, 28, 22);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/05/2022 17:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It&#8217;s actually much better doing these updates less frequently, as there&#8217;s more to report that way! The usual songs are notching up their weeks in the ten, although it does appear that we are finally seeing most of those songs starting to fall down. Cold Heart and Shivers look like they will be exiting within the next couple of weeks, and Bad Habits may not be far behind.<br><br>Heat Waves and Stay continue to entrench themselves in the Top 5, and will likely have a little while to go yet. And Where Are You Now makes its debut on the listing for Lost Frequencies and Calum Scott.<br><br>See you in a couple of weeks!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1528983"><a name="330"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 4, 20, 14, 22, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/05/2022 16:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thanks to a little help from Kendrick Lamar this week, the clearing of the old guard from the Top 10 continues. We said goodbye to Shivers last week, and this week we do the same for Bad Habits.<br><br>Also leaving the Top 10 this week after 39 consecutive weeks is Cold Heart, while Where Are You Now caps its run at 17 total weeks. Miraculously, both Heat Waves and Stay remain in the ten - but for how much longer is anyone&#8217;s guess&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1529239"><a name="331"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 4, 28, 10, 6, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/05/2022 12:06</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">First it was Kendrick Lamar last week, now it&#8217;s Harry Styles this week doing a mass clear out of the Top 10. He now occupies 8 out of the ten spots, and this has resulted in the abrupt end of a couple of astonishing runs in the ten.<br><br>After 68 weeks in the ten, Heat Waves has been pushed out for Glass Animals, along with Kid Laroi and JB having their 45-week consecutive run stopped with Stay. It will be interesting to see if either of these artists return to the ten next week.<br><br>In the meantime though, for the first time in many many months, we have NO active songs on the listing!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1529414"><a name="332"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 5, 3, 9, 7, 31);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/06/2022 11:08</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">With the Harry Styles deluge now past, we have both Heat Waves and Stay returning to the ten this week, and thus their runs have resumed. For now though, they are the only two active songs on the listing&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1529633"><a name="333"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 5, 10, 14, 15, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/06/2022 16:16</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Heat Waves has now cracked the 70 week mark (!!!), while Stay moves to 47 weeks. Nothing else apart from the curious phenomenon of Kate Bush returning to #1 in Australia for the first time since 1978!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1530348"><a name="334"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 6, 2, 10, 5, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/07/2022 12:06</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Been a quiet period for updates - Heat Waves is somehow still hanging in there, as is Stay. The latter cracks 50 weeks in total in the Top 10 this week!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1530723"><a name="335"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 6, 15, 14, 35, 7);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/07/2022 16:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Another quick one this week - Heat Waves makes it 75 weeks, and Stay celebrates a year&#8217;s worth of weeks in the ten. Harry Styles should be entering the listing next week&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1531190"><a name="336"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 6, 29, 14, 38, 31);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/07/2022 16:39</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">A few updates this week!<br><br>* Stay falls out of the Top 10 again, capping its run at 53 weeks.<br>* Heat Waves on the other hand continues to go from strength to strength, firming its position in the Top 5. Next week will mark *18 months* worth of weeks in the ten, putting the song in a class of its very own. It would be hard to predict if any future song could replicate the sheer success that Heat Waves has had!<br>* As It Was moves its way up the listing to 17 weeks, and First Class enters the listing this week!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1532045"><a name="337"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 7, 21, 13, 35, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/08/2022 15:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Again it&#8217;s been a while, but a few updates worth noting:<br><br>* Heat Waves achieves its *80th* week in the Top 10 this week for Glass Animals. It has a lead of *27* weeks over its nearest rival (Stay by Kid Laroi & Justin Bieber). It&#8217;s also really astounding to digest that in the time since it originally entered the Top 10 in February last year, it has subsequently only been outside the ten twice.<br><br>* Harry Styles has regained #1 with As It Was in its 20th week in the ten. The last time it was at the top was back in mid-June.<br><br>* Provided things hold steady, we should see Lizzo enter the listing next week, and Kate Bush the week following.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1532867"><a name="338"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 8, 23, 14, 11, 50);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/09/2022 16:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Been a slow few weeks, with just Heat Waves and As It Was still maintaining their long runs in the ten. The former is fast approaching *90* weeks, while the latter is expected to hit the six-month mark next week.<br><br>One observation to make - it definitely seems the days of multiple songs of 30+ weeks simultaneously in the Top 10 are behind us for the time being&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1533539"><a name="339"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 9, 16, 12, 19, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/10/2022 14:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">It looks like both Heat Waves and As It Was are on their last legs&#8230; the former looks set to fall out of the Top 10 next week, while the latter slips down further itself. The only other entry even close to to hitting the listing at this stage is I Ain&#8217;t Worried, which this week hits 14 weeks.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1534065"><a name="340"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 10, 5, 23, 5, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/11/2022 00:05</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">You don&#8217;t post an update for three weeks, and look what happens! Sooo&#8230;<br><br>* Taylor Swift&#8217;s deluge of songs into the Top 10 last week severely disrupted a lot of runs, not the least As It Was, which got unceremoniously pushed out after 29 consecutive weeks in the ten. And with six of TayTay&#8217;s songs still in the ten this week, Harry Styles continues to be left out. <br>* The run of Heat Waves looks to be *finally* over, having dropped out two weeks ago after a record of 88 total weeks in the Top 10 - one which I suspect will not be broken for a VERY long time!<br>* OneRepublic would have been on 17 consecutive weeks in the ten this week with I Ain&#8217;t Worried, had it not been for TayTay. Alas, they&#8217;ve still made it into the listing this week, and now have the longest running song in the Top 10!<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1534733"><a name="341"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 10, 26, 16, 34, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/11/2022 17:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Just a quick one this week&#8230; Harry&#8217;s back in, and OneRepublic continue to notch up the weeks. Nothing in sight to be added to the listing for the next little while&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1534737"><a name="342"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 10, 26, 17, 37, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/11/2022 18:37</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Steve Lacy just hit 16 weeks!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1535011"><a name="343"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 11, 4, 21, 33, 2);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/12/2022 22:33</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">@HiJinx I know, I realised that as I was revising the listing just now - I was like, &#8220;s*** that flew under the radar!&#8221;<br><br>In fact, this week, it&#8217;s now 17 weeks for Steve Lacy! OneRepublic hit 20 weeks, and Harry&#8217;s up to 32.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1535161"><a name="344"><script>tDate = new Date(2022, 11, 9, 15, 17, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/12/2022 16:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As the annual Xmas song invasions starts anew, Mariah adds another week on as AIWFCIY re-enters the ten this week (no doubt getting to #1 next week). OneRepublic and Harry maintain their runs, and Steve Lacy drops out.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1536896"><a name="345"><script>tDate = new Date(2023, 0, 8, 22, 37, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/01/2023 23:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Happy new year everyone! Almost hard to believe this listing has been going for coming up to eight years now! <br><br>So now that the Xmas deluge is over for another season, a few returnees to the ten this week. I also had to do quick recalculations on Last Christmas and AIWFCIY as I thought I was going crazy, but everything looks to be right as of this moment (as always though, do shout if there are any issues you spot).<br><br>Harry is back in with As It Was, and goes up to 34 weeks, with OneRepublic moving to 23 with I Ain&#8217;t Worried. Still a few weeks to go yet for Unholy and I&#8217;m Good before they hit the listing&#8230;</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1540192"><a name="346"><script>tDate = new Date(2023, 3, 7, 13, 28, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/04/2023 15:28</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Apologies for the radio silence over the last few months - real life has been in the way. But now I&#8217;ve had a chance to do an update of the listing&#8230;<br><br>Harry Styles, against all odds, continues to gain the weeks in the ten and moves up to 42 total! And Anti-Hero officially becomes Taylor Swift&#8217;s longest running song in the Australian Top 10, as it surpasses Shake it Off to move up to 21 total weeks. Lastly, Kill Bill has also entered the listing this week for SZA.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1540193"><a name="347"><script>tDate = new Date(2023, 3, 7, 13, 35, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/04/2023 15:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Hijinx">Hijinx</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">btw Shivers got an extra week recently which I think puts it up at 34.<br><br>(Not to mention a very rare non-Christmas song to do so in 3 calendar years)<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2023, 3, 7, 13, 35, 55);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/04/2023 15:36</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1543956"><a name="348"><script>tDate = new Date(2023, 6, 30, 13, 21, 43);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/07/2023 15:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Hey all, apologies for the radio silence - life has been busy once again. Have done a full update to reflect latest charts - do give me a shout if I&#8217;ve missed anything!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1543995"><a name="349"><script>tDate = new Date(2023, 6, 31, 13, 37, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>31/07/2023 15:37</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">A small correction: I believe &quot;Boy's a liar&quot; should be on 19 weeks not 18 <IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif"></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1544044"><a name="350"><script>tDate = new Date(2023, 7, 1, 16, 29, 43);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/08/2023 18:30</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Corrected! Thanks so much @392414!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551779"><a name="351"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 21, 9, 23, 22);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/02/2024 10:23</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan50"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As of 21 February 2024.<br>37 Weeks Last Night - Morgan Wallen<br>30 Weeks Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift<br>24 Weeks Paint the Town Red - Doja Cat<br>24 Weeks Fast Car - Luke Combs<br>24 Weeks All I Want for Christmas - Mariah Carey (Up from 19)<br>23 Weeks Last Christmas - Wham! (Up from 19)<br>19 Weeks December 1963 (Oh What a Night) - Four Seasons (8 weeks in 1976 and 11 in 1993) Needs to be confirmed as the same version.<br>18 Weeks Die for You - Weeknd<br>18 Weeks Greedy - Tate McRae<br>17 Weeks Sprinter - Dave & Central C<br>17 Weeks Prada - Cass&#246; / Raye / D-Block Europe<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551780"><a name="352"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 21, 12, 10, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/02/2024 13:10</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Jesse%2777">Jesse'77</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">The 1993 version of 'December 1963 (Oh What A Night) ought to be considered a remix. The wiki page for the song itself says that the remix was released in 1988 and then in 1993 it was picked up by Curb Records who released the original version and then re-released the remix to the U.S Market</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551798"><a name="353"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 21, 21, 59, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/02/2024 23:00</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan50"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I am not sure that it was the remix version that was released in Australia in 1992. I have listened to it a few times and am not sure I remember this from 1992.<br>I have decided that both the 1976 and 1992 version are the same.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551799"><a name="354"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 21, 22, 3, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/02/2024 23:03</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan50"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I did some further research, and now I think it was the remix version, so therefore this song can be taken off the list.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551804"><a name="355"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 22, 2, 57, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/02/2024 03:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As of this week's chart dated Feb 19th 2024 these are the correct totals for your above list Darren..<br><br>Last Night - 37 weeks (correct)<br>Cruel Summer - 33 weeks<br>Sunflower - 31 weeks<br>Levitating - 31 weeks<br>Anti-Hero - 30 weeks (wrong Taylor track above)<br>Kill Bill - 28 weeks<br>Flowers - 27 weeks<br>I Ain't Worried - 27 weeks<br>Paint the Town Red - 25 weeks<br>Fast Car (Luke Combs) - 23 weeks<br>greedy - 21 weeks<br>Prada - 20 weeks<br>Someone You Loved - 20 weeks<br>I'm Good (Blue) - 18 weeks<br>Save Your Tears - 18 weeks<br>Die for You - 17 weeks<br>Sprinter - 17 weeks<br>I Remember Everything - 16 weeks<br><br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551841"><a name="356"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 23, 4, 42, 5);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/02/2024 05:42</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "darrenbuchanan50"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Somebody needs to update it. It has been over 6 months now.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1552477"><a name="357"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 9, 16, 35, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/03/2024 17:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Ask and you shall receive! List is finally updated!<br><br>And touching to know that lots of people missed me in my absence, for which I can only apologise. Now I&#8217;ve tried to be as meticulous as I can with any new songs that have come out in the last seven months as well as the existing ones.<br><br>As always though, do shout if I have missed anything!</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1552596"><a name="358"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 13, 10, 2, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/03/2024 11:02</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "Darrenbuchanan50"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Darren Buchanan</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Thanks OzFrog</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557280"><a name="359"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 29, 2, 52, 45);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/08/2024 04:53</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Titles needing their WI10 updating as of September 2nd, 2024<br><br>30 wks - Beautiful Things - Benson Boone<br>19 wks - Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter<br>18 wks - A Bar Song (Tipsy) - Shaboozey<br>16 wks - Lose Control - Teddy Swims<br>16 wks - I Had Some Help - Post Malone & Morgan Wallen<br><br><br>greedy by Tate McRae needs to be amended to 29 weeks not 31 weeks. <br><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 31, 4, 20, 58);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>31/08/2024 06:21</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557303"><a name="360"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 30, 1, 50, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/08/2024 03:50</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=392414">392414</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Murder On The Dancefloor also has 16 weeks (12 in 2002 + 4 in 2024).</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557360"><a name="361"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 31, 4, 21, 31);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>31/08/2024 06:22</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I updated the post from a few days ago to reflect this week's info. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1560582"><a name="362"><script>tDate = new Date(2025, 0, 4, 5, 20, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/01/2025 06:20</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=bulion">bulion</a></b><br>Staff AU</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">As of January 6th, 2025: <br><br>47 weeks - Beautiful Things - Benson Boone<br>35 weeks - A Bar Song (Tipsy) - Shaboozey<br>33 weeks - Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter<br>32 weeks - BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Billie Eilish<br>29 weeks - I Had Some Help - Post Malone & Morgan Wallen<br>27 weeks - All I Want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey<br>26 weeks - Last Christmas - Wham! (ARIA info, another 10 during AMR).<br>19 weeks - Die with a Smile - Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars<br>17 weeks - Taste - Sabrina Carpenter<br></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1562727"><a name="363"><script>tDate = new Date(2025, 1, 23, 19, 39, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/02/2025 20:39</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=OzFrog">OzFrog</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">After a longer-than-predicted break from here (profuse apologies), everything should now be up to date. To quote Sabrina Carpenter, please please please do shout if I have missed anything here!</div></div></td></tr><tr class="notmobile"><td style="padding:0px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"><img src="/images/trans.gif" height=1 width=120></td><td style="padding:0px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"><img src="/images/trans.gif" height=1 width=530></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF";></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"></td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><br><br><b>Add a message</b> (*=mandatory field)</td></tr><form action="forum.asp" method=post name=textform><input type=hidden name=id value=44483><input type=hidden name=todo value=add><input type=hidden name=pages value=><input type=hidden name=subforum value=48><script>num1 = 8222208146;num2 = 20250227;num3 = num1-num2;document.write('<input type=hidden name=guestkey value=' + num3 + '>');</script><tr><td align=right style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">Name*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><input type=text value="" name=name maxlength=50></td></tr><tr><td align=right style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">E-Mail&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><input type=text value="" name=email maxlength=50></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"></td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">Add Smilies: <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function adds(text) { add(" "+text); } function add(text) { if (document.textform.text.createTextRange && document.textform.text.caretPos) { var caretPos = document.textform.text.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; } else { document.textform.text.value += text; } document.textform.text.focus(caretPos) } if((navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= 4) || (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= 4) || (navigator.appName == "Opera" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= 4)) { document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":)")><IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Smiley"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(";)")><IMG SRC="/images/wink.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Wink"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":D")><IMG SRC="/images/cheesy.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Cheesy"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(";D")><IMG SRC="/images/grin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Grin"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds("&gt;:(")><IMG SRC="/images/angry.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Angry"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":(")><IMG SRC="/images/sad.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Sad"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":o")><IMG SRC="/images/shocked.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Shocked"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds("8-)")><IMG SRC="/images/cool.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Cool"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds("???")><IMG SRC="/images/huh.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Huh"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds("::)")><IMG SRC="/images/rolleyes.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Roll Eyes"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":P")><IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Tongue"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-[")><IMG SRC="/images/embarassed.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="embarassed"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-X")><IMG SRC="/images/lipsrsealed.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="lips sealed"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-/")><IMG SRC="/images/undecided.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="undecided"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-*")><IMG SRC="/images/kiss.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="kiss"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":\'(")><IMG SRC="/images/cry.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="cry"></a> '); } else { document.write("<font size='1'>Your browser is not compatible with our extra feature buttons.</font>"); } //--> </script> <noscript> <font size="1">Your browser is not compatible with our extra feature buttons.</font> </noscript> </td></tr><tr><td align=right style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">Text*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><textarea name=text rows=10 cols=60 class="formtextarea"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"></td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><input type=submit value="Submit"><input type=submit value="Cancel" onclick="location.href='forum.asp?todo=subforum&id=48&pages=';return false;"></td></tr></form></table></form><br></td></tr></table> <br> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><img src="/images/trans.gif" width=1 height=1"><br><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 height=18 width=999><tr><td align=center bgcolor="#000000" style="color:#FFFFFF;vertical-align:middle;">Copyright &copy; 2025 Hung Medien. 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