Slight Adjustments: February 2022

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wer`,`Transfer`,`Transform`,`Transmute`,`Transport`,`Trap`,`Travel`,`Tree`,`Triangle`,`Trust`,`Truth`,`Tumble`,`Tusk`,`Ugly`,`Unclaimed`,`Undead`,`Under`,`Unhinged`,`Unique`,`Unseen`,`Uranium`,`Use`,`Useful`,`Uttermost`,`Vacuum`,`Vague`,`Vampire`,`Vanish`,`Vanity`,`Vegetable`,`Vein`,`Vengeful`,`Vice`,`Victory`,`Vigour`,`Vile`,`Villain`,`Vine`,`Violent`,`Violet`,`Virtue`,`Vision`,`Vodka`,`Voice`,`Void`,`Vomit`,`Vortex`,`Vulgarity`,`Vulture`,`Wail`,`Walk`,`Wall`,`War`,`Ward`,`Warp`,`Wasp`,`Waste`,`Water`,`Waterfall`,`Wave`,`Waver`,`Wax`,`Weak`,`Weapon`,`Weary`,`Weather`,`Web`,`Weird`,`Whale`,`Whiny`,`Whisker`,`Whisper`,`White`,`Wholesome`,`Wiggle`,`Wight`,`Win`,`Wind`,`Wine`,`Wing`,`Wisdom`,`Wise`,`Wish`,`Wither`,`Wizard`,`Wolf`,`Wood`,`Word`,`Worm`,`Worship`,`Wound`,`Wrack`,`Wrath`,`Wriggle`,`Wrist`,`Write`,`Writhe`,`Year`, 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or luck (high dice rolls). Each combatant takes turns bidding things they are willing to sacrifice to help them achieve victory. Combat ends when one side surrenders, or when they risk their life in pursuit of victory, and fail.<br> <br> <ol> <li>Whoever says "I attack!" first, goes first.</li> <li>They bid what resources they are staking on their victory. They can bid innate <b>qualities</b> or training, relevant <b>equipment</b>, situational <b>advantages</b>, and things they are willing to <b>sacrifice</b>. The initial bid can't be changed after this step.</li> <li>Their opponent must <i>meet or exceed</i> that bid with their own resources (qualities, equipment, advantages, sacrifices). If they don't, can't, or won't, they automatically lose the fight and are at the mercy of their foe. If they vastly exceed the original bid, nothing additional happens.</li> <li>Flip a coin to determine who triumphs right now. <b>Everything the loser bid is now forfeit</b>. Qualities no longer apply in this battle, equipment is damaged or dropped, advantages have been used up, and anything they were willing to sacrifice is in the hands of their opponent. Whatever the case, anything forfeit can no longer be bid in this battle.</li> <li>If a combatant wishes to flee the fight, go to Not Combat.</li> <li>Continue from 2, alternate who bids first each round.</li> </ol> <br> Bids<br> <ul> <li>If you are defending and respond with <i>"I'm willing to die"</i> that will always match whatever bid was thrown at you. If you bid <i>"I'm willing to die"</i> while attacking, it is serious bid, but does not automatically win.</li> <li>You can only bid <i>"I'm willing to cheat"</i> if there are rules of honour in play. Afterwards, you <i>have</i> cheated and kicked sand in their eyes (or whatever), and you can not bid it again.</li> <li>If you have a matching innate quality, it can make a minor situational advantage into a much stronger bid. This doesn't risk the quality</li> <li>If you bid a single piece of armour, or a mild injury, or another tiny scrap, it won't give any benefit at all.</li> <li>If you have a strong reason for wanting to fight, like <i>vengeance</i> or <i>righteousness</i>, good for you. It won't help you on it's own. Are you willing to die in order to accomplish it? Bid that instead</li> <li>If you bid <i>"My blade is poisoned"</i> then you are showing your opponent to scare them, force them into a bad position. Whether you have bid it or not, if you cut them, they are poisoned.</li> <li>Whether the bid is met should be adjudicated by the whole table, figuring out what each resource and advantage is "worth" in that moment. Resolve any confusing wording, and work out what is actually at stake. Once an assessment is made, stick to it for future rounds and battles.</li> </ul> <br> Forfeits<br> <ul> <li>If you forfeit <i>"I've got a sword made of fire"</i> it means you have dropped the sword, at the very least. However, you don't always have to bid the sword in order to use special powers.</li> <li>If you forfeit <i>"I've got a bunch of hirelings surrounding a single opponent"</i> then they are scattered and divided (for now).</li> <li>If you forfeit <i>"I'm fighting a one-armed opponent"</i>, that injury no longer applies for this battle</li> <li>If you forfeit <i>"I'm willing to be injured"</i> you suffer the injury. Your opponent can bid <i>"My opponent is injured"</i> next round, it's usually worth more than your original sacrifice</li> <li>If you forfeit <i>"I'm willing to die"</i> it means your opponent can choose to just chop your head off right now.</li> <li>If you forfeit <i>"I'm a master swordsman"</i> it means your training has been overcome, for this battle at least.</li> <li>If you forfeit <i>"I'm willing to sacrifice my status as a master swordsman"</i>, ouch...</li> </ul> <br> <b>Combat Example</b><br> Fargus and his hirelings, Bargus, Kargus, and Jim, are hidden in the dark by the side of a road. They leap out at a passing traveller, an old man wearing a cloak. They attack! Fargus bids: <i>surprise ambush at night, outnumbered four to one, using the ability of my magic sword to flash confusing beams of light</i>. A very solid bid indeed, the traveller will have to put up quite a lot to match it.<br> <br> The passing traveller flips back his cloak, revealing a jet-black sword, and answers that bid with: <i>"I'm a master swordsman"</i>. Oh shit.<br> <br> The coin is flipped.<br> <br> Heads (Fargus succeeds): The traveller can no longer use his <i>master swordsman</i> trait for the rest of combat, he has been outmanoeuvred. Fargus can't use the <i>ambush</i> advantage, since the attack is no longer a surprise<br> <br> Tails (Fargus fails): The hirelings are scattered, for now, he can no longer bid the magic light beams.<br> <br> <br> <b>Not Combat</b><br> If someone is trying to do something, and someone else wishes to prevent them, bid and flip the same as combat. The Doer bids first. If they win the flip, they achieve it.<br> <br> For everything else, just discuss the situation politely amongst yourselves. Flip a coin if you really need to break a tie. Lots of things that are nearly impossible without tools, training and/or assistance are really easy once you've got them.<br> <br> If you want to personify the mountain being climbed as an opponent, and start bidding back and forth using the combat routine, be my guest. You don't have to though.<br> <br> <br> <b>Character Creation</b><br> Start with a Three Word Sword, two random things, one nice thing of your choice, and no food. <br> You are Very Fast/Strong/Wise/Weird (or other), and are not a master swordsman (yet).<br> <br> <br> <b>Swords</b><br> To wield two blades at once is to court madness and calamity. That said, it's really easy to swap between swords mid-combat. It's notoriously easy to carry multiple swords, ten is barely a burden. People have remarked upon this. It's just a thing.<br> <br> Any sword with an apostrophe or other punctuation in it's name is cursed. Also just a thing. "Curses" aren't usually straight maledictions, just odd restrictions and risky potentials. They can even have incredibly strong powers, seemingly without any drawback... be very careful of these ones.<br> <br> All swords have secret powers, hidden capabilities, strange agendas and bizarre histories. All of them, especially the cursed ones.<br> <br> <b>How did you get your first sword?</b><br> <ol> <li>Stumbled upon in a field</li> <li>Family heirloom</li> <li>Bought at great cost</li> <li>Stole</li> <li>Looted from corpse</li> <li>Stabbed with it and left to die</li> <li>Gifted by liege</li> <li>Gambling</li> <li>In a dream</li> <li>Fell from the sky</li> <li>Awarded for bravery</li> <li>Showed up when you needed it</li> </ol> <br> <button onclick='selectRandom_sword("sword")'>Sword</button> <button onclick='selectRandom_sword("cursed sword")'>Cursed Sword</button> <button onclick='showTables_sword("sword", lists_sword)'>Show tables</button><br /><br> <br> <div id='outputText_sword'></div><br> <br> <br> <b>A few swords</b><br> <ol> <li>WHAT SHARP TEETH - Hydra Blade, every time a blade is shattered, two more grow in it's place</li> <li>QUEEN OF HARMS - Longsword of Attacking Twice in a Round</li> <li>WING LINE REVERIE - Can slash beyond the tip of the sword. Slashes reach further when the bearer is sturdily stood, hearty, breathing evenly and supremely focused. No maximum known distance, shortbow range has been reliably hit by masters</li> <li>OF NATURAL CAUSES - Constantly burns like a carefully stoked oven. If the bearer is angry, it flares up</li> <li>GLASS SICKLE FIELD - Absorbs spells, wounding a mage causes their magic to be sucked out rapidly</li> <li>WANDER EVER MORE - Any lightning bolts that strike from here to the horizon is redirected through the blade. Frightening to use, but safe for the bearer so long as they keep a very firm grip. Strongly magnetises any metal struck</li> <li>WE WILL SEE - Can be swallowed without harm and regurgitated with great force</li> <li>PARALLAX SOUL MANTLE - Ages things instead of cutting, 10 years per wound</li> <li>ONE THREE TEN - Can be trained to do tricks with the same ability as a loyal dog</li> <li>SNAPPED ANCHOR CHAIN - Wounds inflicted by this sword cannot be healed, whether naturally or through divine magic, until the blade has been broken</li> <li>OUT OF SORTS - Can be flown like a broom</li> <li>RESIDE IN PIECES - Any living flesh cut remains alive, and can be reattached without too much hassle</li> <li>STRENGTH TEN MEN - When swung, leaves a solid afterimage of itself behind for a moment, which then slashes forward as well to catch up to the original</li> <li>APOLOGIES FOR INCONVENIENCE - Absorbs ambient light. When struck, it releases all absorbed light in a bright flash</li> <li>VAST TRIGRAM QUILL - Has a random effect each time it draws blood</li> <li>CLEAN CANDLE FLAME - Can change in size from a dagger to a massive claymore that flexes under it's own weight</li> <li>WATER WILLOW WAND - Cannot be dirtied or tarnished in any way</li> <li>CORPSE TO QUEST - Points towards the last being it injured</li> <li>SURGING IRON HEART - While the bearer is shouting their defiance, renders them violently immune to one magical effect (is gravity a magical effect?)</li> <li>NINE TON MALLET - Weight of blade and force of blows is multiplied by the number of rings slotted onto blade</li> <li>POX HOUSES BLEED - Melts through non-magical blades</li> <li>DEEP HOUND SONGS - When the pommel is twisted, the blade breaks into a cloud of spinning particles. The particles have no chance against armour, but shred bare flesh like acid. When the pommel is twisted back, the blade reforms, so long as all the particles can reach the hilt</li> <li>MURDER MOST FOUL - The first time each day it injures a foe causes an explosion of twisted flesh, enough to permanently mutilate if not kill outright. Resets at midnight</li> <li>RELIC OF JUPITER - Wounded foes bleed great gouts of multi-coloured, slightly toxic smoke. You are immune, and anyone that breaths in the smoke glows to your eyes</li> <li>HER STOLEN SMILE - When you take a firm fighting stance, you create an illusion of yourself in that position. You also turn invisible for 4 seconds, -1 for each limb moved</li> <li>RED IN DEED - Any time you wound an opponent, you can have them bleed an object of your choice made of blood. Must fit through the wound without making the injury worse</li> <li>DEAF AND BLIND - Any object you touch with the blade, that isn't being firmly held by someone else, teleports into your pockets or backpack</li> <li>DEAD SHALL RUN - You can push and pull anything dead like a giant with a broom is sweeping them</li> <li>DAWNING HORROR VISION - You can mark an opponent for death. The sword vanishes, reappearing hanging over their head. Any time they are at risk of dying, the sword falls</li> <li>YON LATELY LIE - Any fluid poured into the pommel flows onto the edges of the blade. <i>Any</i> fluid</li> <li>RUSTY OLD THEURGE - The round after touching the blade to a religious or culturally significant artefact, the artefact smokes for a bit, then explodes like a bomb. Does the same thing to religious or culturally significant people, like the pope, or a king</li> <li>MOON DAY HASTE - Exists only in the mind of the bearer. Appears only when they focus on its existence, popping into reality to parry a blow or stab a foe, then vanishing again</li> <li>GRIM MOUNTAIN CARVE - Can be set loose to attack foes. Difficult to re-capture unless it has killed at least once</li> <li>CRIMSON VERTEBRATE TIDE - If this blade cannot overcome the defence of a foe, it will twist and mutate in order to do so</li> <li>BLOOM CLOUD FATE - Each time the blade strikes it also absorbs a random disease, curse, or sin from the target. Looks gradually more menacing over time. Should it be broken, all the malice stored within will be released</li> <li>FLOATING ACOLYTE WHIP - Allows the bearer to double jump, run on walls and backflip at any moment</li> <li>I SEE YOU - Vibrates with unwholesome frequencies and nauseating tones. If a weapon is used to parry a blow from this blade, the target feels like their funny bone has been whacked, and any metal armour it hits makes the flesh underneath feel like it is squirming painlessly apart</li> <li>CROOKED CRYPT GATHERING - When a target is attacked using this blade, if there is literally any other way they could have been injured or hurt, they will attribute it to that instead</li> <li>SHADOW WATER FAR - Able to slice through sounds, preventing speech or the noise of footsteps. Most kinds of spell-casting are majorly impeded</li> <li>CROSS GOLDEN FIELDS - Fluids slashed will remain parted for a while, like cutting through a forest using a machete</li> <li>CLOUDS OF TWILIGHT - Always gleams as though sunlight falls upon it. It's real sunlight, plants grow, vampires burn</li> <li>LONG LOST MORALS - Looks to be about the size of a large dagger, but surrounded by a much larger, invisible sword</li> <li>BELOVED OF WINE - When pointed at a creature you intend to kill, it pulses with the creature's heartbeat. Works through stone, but not lead</li> <li>YES VILE THOUGHT - Comes with a matching winged gremlin-imp. Mostly obedient, especially if asked to do fun things. If the gremlin is killed, a new one will form soon</li> <li>IRON LIFE FOREST - Can extract unique abilities and martial prowess from slain foes</li> <li>MARBLE GRIT VALE - Within 7 seconds of killing something, you can plunge in the sword and pull out the soul. Can fire the soul in a screaming bolt, but other uses for souls can likely be found</li> <li>GRATUITOUS EXPENSE ACCOUNT - Wounds it strikes are difficult to staunch and never fully heal</li> </ol> <br> <b>A few cursed swords</b><br> <ol> <li>BLUE FLESH'S WEAK - Regrows severed limbs with lizard flesh and lizard thoughts</li> <li>INFINITY'S LEGENDARY COST - Doubles in length every time it kills something</li> <li>REALLY WASN'T INVOLVED - Enhances the bearers speed while they are a running away</li> <li>DON'T EVEN TRY- Anything killed is stricken from existence over the next minute</li> <li>THOU'ST ALSO FORSAKEN - Anything you kill goes to Hell or Heaven, your choice. Choose wisely</li> <li>IT'S A SHIELD - Improbably wide and blunt, great at parrying and not much else</li> <li>LUCK O' DRAW - Eats other swords, if they are magical it mirrors the ability. Can only contain one ability at a time. Can only eat swords in combat if they are broken. Will gradually devour any swords it is left in storage with</li> <li>USE MARTYR'S BLADE - Anything that kills you dies horribly</li> <li>CUT GORD'S KNOT - Always slices through any ropes nearby</li> <li>ISN'T AIN'T WORST'ST - Incredibly cursed. Anything touching it, even through armour or bundled in fabric, contracts a random curse. Only inflicts one curse per person</li> <li>DREAM BEAST'S MARK - Falls through sheaths, and any other material, unless it is wet with fresh blood. Will fall through the earth if you drop it dry</li> <li>NE'ER DO WRONG - Becomes increasingly vicious and deadly day by day as the bearer starves. Resets if its wielder eats anything</li> <li>FINAL O'CLOCK TASTE - Drains the blood of its victims, healing the bearer. Anyone carrying it can't heal any other way</li> <li>'TWIXT FAIR ROADS - Incapable of harming the innocent, underserving, or unaware</li> <li>FOUL WHICH'LL BREW - Cuts through armour like a cold knife through cold butter, can't harm flesh</li> <li>BOLDLY CAP'N SPEAKS - The bearer will never reach any place they are actively searching for</li> <li>HUNDREDS'TH CUT FALL - After dealing 999 wounds, the 1000th is instantly lethal</li> <li>SOFT SOMBER'S TONE - If the bearer is attacked while asleep, they will fight very effectively without waking. Otherwise, sharp and nimble as a club</li> <li>A'NOTHER GO AT - Skill with this blade increases with drunkenness. Sober fighters will be in danger of hurting themselves</li> <li>HEART'S PERFECT VIEW - Gains a magical power when it touches the beating heart of the current bearer</li> <li>SLAUGHTER/SLAY/SMITE - Contains a demon. Capable of granting martial prowess in exchange for souls or control over the bearer. If the sword is broken, the demon is freed</li> <li>HOLY HOLY HOLY! - Transmutes the bearers blood into burning light and blasts it towards struck foes</li> <li>GOT A KNIFE? - Any enemy slain rises a few minutes later as a ravenous spectre</li> <li>PURE HONEY-LOST - Traps the soul of slain foes permanently, dragging the ghosts along behind the bearer</li> <li>"TRUE THE LAST" - Binds the bearers soul into the pommel, rendering their body immune to many spells and magical effects</li> <li>PERISH NOT, FOREVER - Anything the blade would kill suffers a Fate Worse Then Death instead</li> <li>FIGHTER'S GONNA FIGHT - Constantly leaks filth, small insects, assorted miasma and mysterious fluids</li> <li>UPROOT MOUNTAIN'S BONES - Shockingly effective at sneak attacks and backstabs, while the bearers hand can be seen it seems to stop existing</li> <li>WATCH CLOSELY M'BOY - Marks the bearer as a just and goodly knight, incapable of dishonour or dishonesty</li> <li>CLOUD SWEEPS O'ER - Bearer is incapable of losing duels. Also incapable of ending duels in any way other than absolute victory</li> <li>DISTANT STAR'S LIGHT - Logarithmic beam attack, gets stronger the longer it is held still (1 round = 1 stab, 10 rounds = 2 stabs, 100 rounds = 3 stabs). Fires whenever moved</li> <li>BEHOLD BLACK'EST HAND - Grants an instant of martial expertise in exchange for rotting the flesh and soul a bit more, staining the hand of the bearer</li> <li>JUST AS PLANNED... - Instead of wounding a foe, they must take an action of your choosing</li> <li>FEED MORE [GORE] - While drawn, any wound taken nearby to this blade is unnaturally severe. Includes the bearer and allies in the effect</li> <li>I /NEED/ IT - Anyone who sees the blade drawn desperately wishes to possess it</li> <li>RILED MONSTER WITH'IN - Any organic material touching the hilt rapidly turns to stone</li> <li>REDEMPTION'S ALWAYS CHEAP - Bends reality to make sure it always wounds the target. Often puts the bearer in dangerous situations to do so</li> <li>NIGHT'S STILL YOUNG - Can be used to draw down falling stars. The result varies wildly, from a tiny pebble up to a devastating impact</li> <li>FOLLY OF "YOUTH" - While held in a two-handed grip, each blow that lands ages the bearer 1 year and brings down the crushing weight of time</li> <li>HOLD'S ME CLOSER - Every injury dealt is twice as severe, and every injury received by the bearer twice as severe. A certain ritual performed upon this blade can make all injuries up to four times as brutal</li> <li>THAT'S ALL, FOLKS - Anyone that would be killed by this, is instead whisked away under mysterious circumstances. They may return at a later date, changed in bizarre ways, or apparently not changed at all...</li> </ol> <br> <b>A few very rare swords</b><br> <ol> <li>THE FIRST SWORD - Anything it cuts, stays cut</li> <li>NOT A SWORD - A paradox. Looking at it or thinking about it causes madness and hastens the apocalypse</li> <li>GRIM REAPER'S SCYTHE - Kills everything it touches, even the hilt</li> <li>SIX SIX SIX - ???</li> <li>ARISE; DARKLING STAR - If used to kill an angel, a demon, and a man, over the next eight days all oceans and lakes visible to the sun are boiled away</li> </ol> <br> <br> <b>They say...</b><br> <ul> <li>They say The First Swordsman killed God.</li> <li>They say The First Swordsman did no such thing, just snuck into God's Lair and stole It's Heart.</li> <li>They say The First Swordsman snuck into God's Lair and stole all the gold and gems in the firmament.</li> <li>They say the First Swordsman snuck into God's Lair and stole It's Heart, It's Lungs, Hair, Teeth, Eyes, Eyebrows, Eyelashes, broke It's Bones and stole those too, all the Weird Organs and Pulsing Meats. Stole it all. God didn't even wake up.</li> <li>They say The First Swordsman made One Million Swords out of it all.</li> <li>They say it's wrong to call them The First Swords<b>man</b>. Or First Swordswoman, for that matter. I agree, I call them "The First Sworder". Because that's what they did. Fight with swords. Make swords. Buy and sell swords. Steal swords. Break swords. Swords swords swords. <a href="">Sword of a lot, really</a>.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder can always be found at a pub on the second Friday of every month at sundown. They are always very specific about the time and date, but never about which pub in particular.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder is scrupulously honest. If you swear an oath and end it with "and may The First Sworder strike me down if I lie", and then break that oath, you'll definitely get stabbed.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder is actually what is left of God after they got Their everything stolen.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder is watching you right now, no, don't look! You'll never spot them.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder has never lost their temper, not even once.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder has lost their temper exactly once, which is what happened to Atlantis.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder cut the peak off the tallest mountain in the world. Just for fun.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder can cut a falling strand of hair into four exact pieces. Lengthways.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder has a favourite sword that is so <i>ow</i> so sharp you can <i>ow, that really hurts</i> cut yourself just by thinking about it.</li> <li>They say The First Sworder can end any sentence just</li> </ul> <br> <br> <b>Sources</b><br> <a href="">As They Must - Twenty Three Swords-ish</a><br> <a href="">Whose Measure God Could Not Take - The Name is not The Point</a><br> <a href="">Unlawful Games - d100+ Magic Swords</a><br> <a href="">Sundered Shillings - God's Expected Mercy: Blades</a><br> <a href="">Everything's - Perchance Generator</a><br> <a href="">Technical Grimoire - Tempered Legacy</a><br> <a href="">Cyber Jazz Fusion - Swords of Fine Culture</a><br> <a href="">Goblin Punch - Weird Swords and Not Swords</a><br> <a href="">Mad Queen's Court - False Witch</a><br> <script> function expandString(str, map) { var recur_limit = 20 while (str.match(/\{.*?\}/) && recur_limit > 0){ str = str.replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, (match) => { var input = match.replace(/[\{\}]/g, "").split(' -') var key = input[0] if (!map.hasOwnProperty(key)) return key if (input.includes("u")) { var key_u = key+"_unique" if (!map.hasOwnProperty(key_u) || map[key_u].length == 0) map[key_u] = map[key].slice() return map[key_u].splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * map[key_u].length), 1); } if (input.includes("r")) { var key_r = key+"_repeat" if (!map.hasOwnProperty(key_r)) map[key_r] = map[key][Math.floor(Math.random() * map[key].length)] return map[key_r] } if (input.includes("s")) { var result = map[key][Math.floor(Math.random() * map[key].length)] map["#s"] = result return result } if (key == "#s") { var stored = map["#s"] if (!map.hasOwnProperty(stored)) return stored return map[stored][Math.floor(Math.random() * map[stored].length)] } return map[key][Math.floor(Math.random() * map[key].length)] }) recur_limit -= 1 } return str } function showTables_sword(tag, lists) { var output = "" for (var key in lists){ if (lists.hasOwnProperty(key) && !key.includes("_unique") && !key.includes("_repeat") && key != "#s"){ output += "<br/>" + key + "<ol><li>" + lists[key].join("</li><li>") + "</li></ol>" } } document.getElementById(`outputText_${tag}`).innerHTML = output } function selectRandom_sword(type) { document.getElementById('outputText_sword').innerHTML = expandString(`{${type}}. {description}. {history origin} {history}.`, lists_sword) } var lists_sword = { "sword": [`WHAT SHARP TEETH - Hydra Blade, every time a blade is shattered, two more grow in it's place`, `QUEEN OF HARMS - Longsword of Attacking Twice in a Round`, `WING LINE REVERIE - Can slash beyond the tip of the sword. Slashes reach further when the bearer is sturdily stood, hearty, breathing evenly and supremely focused. No maximum known distance, shortbow range has been reliably hit by masters`, `OF NATURAL CAUSES - Constantly burns like a carefully stoked oven. If the bearer is angry, it flares up`, `GLASS SICKLE FIELD - Absorbs spells, wounding a mage causes their magic to be sucked out rapidly`, `WANDER EVER MORE - Any lightning bolts that strike from here to the horizon is redirected through the blade. Frightening to use, but safe for the bearer so long as they keep a very firm grip. Strongly magnetises any metal struck`, `WE WILL SEE - Can be swallowed without harm and regurgitated with great force`, `PARALLAX SOUL MANTLE - Ages things instead of cutting, 10 years per wound`, `ONE THREE TEN - Can be trained to do tricks with the same ability as a loyal dog`, `SNAPPED ANCHOR CHAIN - Wounds inflicted by this sword cannot be healed, whether naturally or through divine magic, until the blade has been broken`, `OUT OF SORTS - Can be flown like a broom`, `RESIDE IN PIECES - Any living flesh cut remains alive, and can be reattached without too much hassle`, `STRENGTH TEN MEN - When swung, leaves a solid afterimage of itself behind for a moment, which then slashes forward as well to catch up to the original`, `APOLOGIES FOR INCONVENIENCE - Absorbs ambient light. When struck, it releases all absorbed light in a bright flash`, `VAST TRIGRAM QUILL - Has a random effect each time it draws blood`, `CLEAN CANDLE FLAME - Can change in size from a dagger to a massive claymore that flexes under it's own weight`, `WATER WILLOW WAND - Cannot be dirtied or tarnished in any way`, `CORPSE TO QUEST - Points towards the last being it injured`, `SURGING IRON HEART - While the bearer is shouting their defiance, renders them violently immune to one magical effect (is gravity a magical effect?)`, `NINE TON MALLET - Weight of blade and force of blows is multiplied by the number of rings slotted onto blade`, `POX HOUSES BLEED - Melts through non-magical blades`, `DEEP HOUND SONGS - When the pommel is twisted, the blade breaks into a cloud of spinning particles. The particles have no chance against armour, but shred bare flesh like acid. When the pommel is twisted back, the blade reforms, so long as all the particles can reach the hilt`, `MURDER MOST FOUL - The first time each day it injures a foe causes an explosion of twisted flesh, enough to permanently mutilate if not kill outright. Resets at midnight`, `RELIC OF JUPITER - Wounded foes bleed great gouts of multi-coloured, slightly toxic smoke. You are immune, and anyone that breaths in the smoke glows to your eyes`, `HER STOLEN SMILE - When you take a firm fighting stance, you create an illusion of yourself in that position. You also turn invisible for 4 seconds, -1 for each limb moved`, `RED IN DEED - Any time you wound an opponent, you can have them bleed an object of your choice made of blood. Must fit through the wound without making the injury worse`, `DEAF AND BLIND - Any object you touch with the blade, that isn't being firmly held by someone else, teleports into your pockets or backpack`, `DEAD SHALL RUN - You can push and pull anything dead like a giant with a broom is sweeping them`, `DAWNING HORROR VISION - You can mark an opponent for death. The sword vanishes, reappearing hanging over their head. Any time they are at risk of dying, the sword falls`, `YON LATELY LIE - Any fluid poured into the pommel flows onto the edges of the blade. <i>Any</i> fluid`, `RUSTY OLD THEURGE - The round after touching the blade to a religious or culturally significant artefact, the artefact smokes for a bit, then explodes like a bomb. Does the same thing to religious or culturally significant people, like the pope, or a king`, `MOON DAY HASTE - Exists only in the mind of the bearer. Appears only when they focus on its existence, popping into reality to parry a blow or stab a foe, then vanishing again`, `GRIM MOUNTAIN CARVE - Can be set loose to attack foes. Difficult to re-capture unless it has killed at least once`, `CRIMSON VERTEBRATE TIDE - If this blade cannot overcome the defence of a foe, it will twist and mutate in order to do so`, `BLOOM CLOUD FATE - Each time the blade strikes it also absorbs a random disease, curse, or sin from the target. Looks gradually more menacing over time. Should it be broken, all the malice stored within will be released`, `FLOATING ACOLYTE WHIP - Allows the bearer to double jump, run on walls and backflip at any moment`, `I SEE YOU - Vibrates with unwholesome frequencies and nauseating tones. If a weapon is used to parry a blow from this blade, the target feels like their funny bone has been whacked, and any metal armour it hits makes the flesh underneath feel like it is squirming painlessly apart`, `CROOKED CRYPT GATHERING - When a target is attacked using this blade, if there is literally any other way they could have been injured or hurt, they will attribute it to that instead`, `SHADOW WATER FAR - Able to slice through sounds, preventing speech or the noise of footsteps. Most kinds of spell-casting are majorly impeded`, `CROSS GOLDEN FIELDS - Fluids slashed will remain parted for a while, like cutting through a forest using a machete`, `CLOUDS OF TWILIGHT - Always gleams as though sunlight falls upon it. It's real sunlight, plants grow, vampires burn`, `LONG LOST MORALS - Looks to be about the size of a large dagger, but surrounded by a much larger, invisible sword`, `BELOVED OF WINE - When pointed at a creature you intend to kill, it pulses with the creature's heartbeat. Works through stone, but not lead`, `YES VILE THOUGHT - Comes with a matching winged gremlin-imp. Mostly obedient, especially if asked to do fun things. If the gremlin is killed, a new one will form soon`, `IRON LIFE FOREST - Can extract unique abilities and martial prowess from slain foes`, `MARBLE GRIT VALE - Within 7 seconds of killing something, you can plunge in the sword and pull out the soul. Can fire the soul in a screaming bolt, but other uses for souls can likely be found`, `GRATUITOUS EXPENSE ACCOUNT - Wounds it strikes are difficult to staunch and never fully heal`, `SIGNS IN BIRDS - Can "capture" a single item reflected in its blade, must be able to fit through a hole with the same dimensions as the blade. Captured items can be seen as if reflections on the blade's surface`, `CROWNED BY LILIES - If someone surrenders to you after you defeat them with the sword, they aren't capable of reneging the terms of that surrender`, `CORN SPITTLE BOON - Those touched by it have their pains eased, whether mental or physical. If any wounds were dealt by this sword, those can be healed`, `RETURN WITHERS TRIUMPH - At the beginning of a fight its wielder can send out a mirror image of themselves while they become invisible, both effects lasting for a single round`, `HAVING SEVEN EYES - Its bearer can transform into a large animal, randomly selected per bearer. If they lose hold of the sword they can't turn back until they touch it again`, `CALLED YOUR NAME - While in combat, a sword-bearing figure appears by your side to. They will not leave you or do anything but fight alongside you. Any harm visited upon the figure is inflicted on the blade instead`, `WARM WET USURPATION - Those killed by it are not lost to the hereafter, but broken apart and returned piecemeal to the living. Their killer becomes fated to encounter them again, overwriting another form`, `METE DULL INTOXICATION - Anything cut completely through by this sword is cut exactly in half, regardless of whether that makes sense for where it was cut. If a mixture is poured over the sword's edge then its wielder can cause one component of the mixture to flow over one side and another component over the other, perfectly separated`, `HOWLING BROTHERS REUNION - While bearing the sword, people and creatures instinctively react to you as if you were an apex predator. Domesticated animals spook and flee, wild animals keep their distance or challenge you for territory, people back away without realising precisely why. Wounds appear the same as wolf bites`, `AS WE JUDGED - Those killed by it can be willed to explode by the bearer. If you tell a lie while wielding it you vomit sparks and smoke, suffering an internal injury. If you break an oath or promise while wielding it you explode`, `EMPTY THRONE MILLENNIUM - Anything killed has a miserable reincarnation, existentially terrifying`, `STOCHASTIC UNIVERSAL DESCRIPTION - When the swordfighting skill of a nearby enemy fails them drastically, your next attack against them automatically hits. If you do the same it laughs at you`, `PRAGMA OMP PARALLEL - If the bearer is wounded they can teleport to a spot they could have strolled to in about three seconds (~15 feet on level terrain)`, `VOID STAR RETURN - Any major wounds are twice as severe, and it destroys magical locks with a touch`, `THIS ALWAYS WORKS - If thrown, flies a distance and then rapidly returns to the hand. If thrown after promising to retrieve her, she flies twice as far and fast`, `YET DARK WITHIN - The shadows of those it kills are bound to the blade, and can be commanded by its wielder`, `LATE CRISIS WORD - Anyone so much as scratched has a portion of their blood transmuted into a mild acid, which causes exhaustion, cramping, vomiting and permanent liver damage`, `LONG CANDLE SNUFFER - Any bleeding wound inflicted causes the surrounding flesh to steadily disintegrate, a curiously painless process`, `SPHERE EQUATION TENDENCY - Shatters wood like glass`, `I WOULD OBEY - Bestows knowledge of anatomy and positioning on the bearer, any wound inflicted can be lessened exactly as desired`, `SUDDEN LIAR ARRIVAL - Allows the bearer to "throw" their gaze directly upwards, looking straight down. Safely up to 100ft, any higher causes nausea and dizziness`, `FIFTH OF FIVE - Its touch is agonisingly cold and can absorb an arbitrary amount of heat`, `PIECE OF HEAVEN - Resembles a splinter torn from Yggdrasil the World-Tree. Inflicts lethal and debilitating wounds to supernatural opponents`, `MAKE SOMETHING NEW - Carves through non-living material like paper`, `SOLVE PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY - Completely immovable when impaled in a solid object, unless grasped by the handle and pulled out by an intelligent being`, `HEAVY ON SHOULDER - You can spend two rounds whirling it about your head to strike for double damage, three rounds for triple. One minute should be enough to shatter a castle wall, ten to topple a small hill, but past a certain point you will likely not survive the explosion`, `QUERY VELVET HOPES - When the flat of the blade is placed against someone&#8217;s bare skin, they cannot withhold information or lie`, `INFINITE GORE FOUNTAIN - If the bearer kills something, they can immediately make another attack against a new target. Eating bits of slain foes appeases the sword`, `CUP OF FLESH - Can merge with a dying foe to form a blade homunculus. The homunculus cannot speak. The homunculus cannot stop smiling. The homunculus cannot disobey an order given to it by the bearer. Falls apart after a few weeks, or when the blade is grabbed back out`, `TAKEN AND LOST - Grants bearer echolocation when speaking the name`, `SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED - Those slain grant haruspecious insight through examination of their entrails`, `GALLOW AMONG BOUGHS - If someone it's wounded has broken a law of the land they're in, the sword will shriek their crimes as it tastes their flesh. Blood spilling from that wound will write a detailed description of the events`, `THIS HIDEOUS MIGHT - Fuses to the hand that wields it, can then only be removed by amputation. You can learn to retract the sword into your arm with focus, and then that arm will just look oversized and misshapen, but if you get angry or scared it'll spring out. When you kill someone with it slowly, you can absorb yourself into them and pilot them around like a pseudo-living zombie for a few minutes`, `MILK DROWNED KITTEN - While you wield it you lose all skill at swordfighting, and can't use any special techniques. The same happens to your enemies`, `WHO LIVES DIES - So long as you do nothing but dance, execute drills, or whirl it around your hand, you cannot be hit by anyone other than a master swordsman, and even then only just`, `LAW BLASPHEME PROFUSELY - Instead of fighting, if you spend time pondering a demon or supernatural foe, has a chance of revealing their true name`, `CONFLICTS OF INTEREST - Constantly points out opportunities, however farfetched, for advantage, and knows the rough market value of anything his blade touches`, `DISREGARD COMMON SENSE - If used to sever a rope, chain or other long object, both cut ends will immediately knot themselves`, `SERIOUSLY DOUBT POSSIBILITY - Those cut by him and still bleeding can see the invisible and touch the intangible`, `ROYAL LESSON RHETORIC - Can parry any projectile the bearer can see coming, including ballista bolts and cannonballs`, `SET AGAINST SEA - While drawn, all fire within 10ft of the sword is extinguished. This extinguishing extends out to 30ft along the arc of a swing`, `SEVERED SCALES SUMP - When laid between two objects it will turn to point towards the more valuable of the two. When used for a duel, its wielder can wager any prize on the victory, so long as what each duelist wagers is agreed to be equal in value. This agreement doesn't need to be made at the outset of the duel, or even made with the knowledge that there will be a duel`, `LONELY NARROW LIGHT - If something is blocking your path, then striking it with the sword will at least chip or scratch it, even if it's a solid block of adamantine. Once, and only once, the sword can be used to cut a path through anything, even up to slicing a new pass through a mountain range. After being used like this the sword dissolves into a cloud of dry autumn leaves, never to be seen again for a generation or more`, `SEVEN STARS SHINE - Inflicts wounds directly on the soul, can harm angels, demons, spells`, `CONSULT LICENSE AGREEMENT - Can find loopholes in any contract, or lies in any message, by cutting a bit of the paper it&#8217;s written on`], "cursed sword": [`BLUE FLESH'S WEAK - Regrows severed limbs with lizard flesh and lizard thoughts`, `INFINITY'S LEGENDARY COST - Doubles in length every time it kills something`, `REALLY WASN'T INVOLVED - Enhances the bearers speed while they are a running away`, `DON'T EVEN TRY- Anything killed is stricken from existence over the next minute`, `THOU'ST ALSO FORSAKEN - Anything you kill goes to Hell or Heaven, your choice. Choose wisely`, `IT'S A SHIELD - Improbably wide and blunt, great at parrying and not much else`, `LUCK O' DRAW - Eats other swords, if they are magical it mirrors the ability. Can only contain one ability at a time. Can only eat swords in combat if they are broken. Will gradually devour any swords it is left in storage with`, `USE MARTYR'S BLADE - Anything that kills you dies horribly`, `CUT GORD'S KNOT - Always slices through any ropes nearby`, `ISN'T AIN'T WORST'ST - Incredibly cursed. Anything touching it, even through armour or bundled in fabric, contracts a random curse. Only inflicts one curse per person`, `DREAM BEAST'S MARK - Falls through sheaths, and any other material, unless it is wet with fresh blood. Will fall through the earth if you drop it dry`, `NE'ER DO WRONG - Becomes increasingly vicious and deadly day by day as the bearer starves. Resets if its wielder eats anything`, `FINAL O'CLOCK TASTE - Drains the blood of its victims, healing the bearer. Anyone carrying it can't heal any other way`, `'TWIXT FAIR ROADS - Incapable of harming the innocent, underserving, or unaware`, `FOUL WHICH'LL BREW - Cuts through armour like a cold knife through cold butter, can't harm flesh`, `BOLDLY CAP'N SPEAKS - The bearer will never reach any place they are actively searching for`, `HUNDREDS'TH CUT FALL - After dealing 999 wounds, the 1000th is instantly lethal`, `SOFT SOMBER'S TONE - If the bearer is attacked while asleep, they will fight very effectively without waking. Otherwise, sharp and nimble as a club`, `A'NOTHER GO AT - Skill with this blade increases with drunkenness. Sober fighters will be in danger of hurting themselves`, `HEART'S PERFECT VIEW - Gains a magical power when it touches the beating heart of the current bearer`, `SLAUGHTER/SLAY/SMITE - Contains a demon. Capable of granting martial prowess in exchange for souls or control over the bearer. If the sword is broken, the demon is freed`, `HOLY HOLY HOLY! - Transmutes the bearers blood into burning light and blasts it towards struck foes`, `GOT A KNIFE? - Any enemy slain rises a few minutes later as a ravenous spectre`, `PURE HONEY-LOST - Traps the soul of slain foes permanently, dragging the ghosts along behind the bearer`, `"TRUE THE LAST" - Binds the bearers soul into the pommel, rendering their body immune to many spells and magical effects`, `PERISH NOT, FOREVER - Anything the blade would kill suffers a Fate Worse Then Death instead`, `FIGHTER'S GONNA FIGHT - Constantly leaks filth, small insects, assorted miasma and mysterious fluids`, `UPROOT MOUNTAIN'S BONES - Shockingly effective at sneak attacks and backstabs, while the bearers hand can be seen it seems to stop existing`, `WATCH CLOSELY M'BOY - Marks the bearer as a just and goodly knight, incapable of dishonour or dishonesty`, `CLOUD SWEEPS O'ER - Bearer is incapable of losing duels. Also incapable of ending duels in any way other than absolute victory`, `DISTANT STAR'S LIGHT - Logarithmic beam attack, gets stronger the longer it is held still (1 round = 1 stab, 10 rounds = 2 stabs, 100 rounds = 3 stabs). Fires whenever moved`, `BE BLACK'EST HAND - Grants an instant of martial expertise in exchange for rotting the flesh and soul a bit more, staining the hand of the bearer`, `JUST AS PLANNED... - Instead of wounding a foe, they must take an action of your choosing`, `FEED MORE [GORE] - While drawn, any wound taken nearby to this blade is unnaturally severe. Includes the bearer and allies in the effect`, `I /NEED/ IT - Anyone who sees the blade drawn desperately wishes to possess it`, `RILED MONSTER WITH'IN - Any organic material touching the hilt rapidly turns to stone`, `REDEMPTION'S ALWAYS CHEAP - Bends reality to make sure it always wounds the target. Often puts the bearer in dangerous situations to do so`, `NIGHT'S STILL YOUNG - Can be used to draw down falling stars. The result varies wildly, from a tiny pebble up to a devastating impact`, `FOLLY OF "YOUTH" - While held in a two-handed grip, each blow that lands ages the bearer 1 year and brings down the crushing weight of time`, `HOLD'S ME CLOSER - Every injury dealt is twice as severe, and every injury received by the bearer twice as severe. A certain ritual performed upon this blade can make all injuries up to four times as brutal`, `THAT'S ALL, FOLKS - Anyone that would be killed by this, is instead whisked away under mysterious circumstances. They may return at a later date, changed in bizarre ways, or apparently not changed at all...`, `PLEASE DON'T BLINK - Impaling yourself allows your ghost to astral project. When the sword is pulled out, you spring back to life. Don't go too far from your body, something else might make itself at home`, `HOPE'S FURTHEST TINE - Name the deepest desire of someone you can see to lunge at them, no matter how far, and pierce through their chest. Naming a desire falsely causes the sword to unravel and bind the arm that held it permanently`, `YNN'S WATERING CAN - Thorns slide out of the hilt every time the blade lands a solid hit which implant small rose seeds into the bearers hands. When embedded in a corpse, fills it with sprouting vines and creates a floral zombie`, `DEAD RECKONING G_D - Screams its name and Smites whatever it is in contact with every 60 seconds, accompanied by a rumble of thunder`, `VIOLENCE MIS-WROUGHT HEAVEN - Bearer can use a wound as a portal to any other wound they've dealt recently, on a living or dead body, assuming they can fit through both. Portals work for lots of other things`, `I WOULDN'T NOT - When the sword wounds an opponent, the bearer heals any similar wound they have. If the bearer cuts themselves, an enemy suffers the same wound. Works line-of-sight, or at any range if you know their name`, `NIGHT'S BLACK CATHEDRAL - As soon as someone utters any word in combat, the blade folds in half. Any liquid it's stirred in becomes unholy water`, `2 FACED HANG - Refuses to be drawn against anyone with better kung fu than yours`, `PROBLEMS YET UNSOLV'D - Those slain by the blade will trade faces permanently with the wielder`, `SHAME 'N DEFEAT - Breaking the sword will cause a natural disaster`, `BEHOLD, BESTOW, BEHAVE - If you are entirely unharmed and unblemished while wielding the sword, you become surrounded by an aura of majesty. Those with hostile intent can hardly bare to meet your eyes. Royalty will treat with you as an equal. If you are hurt or dirtied while wielding the sword this effect inverts. This curse lasts until you wash the sword with an expensive bottle of wine`, `ROLL'N THE DICE - The bearer will never succeed at any kind of acrobatic stunt, but also will never suffer harm in the attempt`, `LET'S GO AGAIN - Soft and useless until used to parry a blow, after that it has the sharpness, magical properties and strength of the other sword. Lasts until the fight ends`, `AIN'T I PRETTY - While blood touches the blade, it is heavy as a boulder`], "description": [`{material layout} {style}, {accessory}{has minor power}`, `{style} of {material layout}, {accessory}{has minor power}`], "material layout": [`{material -u}`, `{material -u} and {material -u}`, `{texture -u} {material -u}`, `{texture -u} and {texture -u} {material -u}`, `{texture -u} {material -u} and {texture -u} {material -u}`, `{material -u}, {material -u} and {texture -u} {material -u}`, `{combo layout}`], "combo layout": [`{material -u}-plated {material -u}`, `{material -u}-edged {material -u}`, `{material -u}-tipped {material -u}`], "style": [`Rapier`, `Shortsword`, `Longsword`, `Greatsword`, `Broadsword`, `Cutlass`, `Machete`, `Sabre`, `Scimitar`, `Backsword`, `Claymore`, `Messer`, `Falchion`, `Gladius`, `{rare style}`, `{small style}`], "rare style": [`Glaive`, `Swordstaff`, `Ringsword`, `Hook-sword`, `Canesword`, `Whipsword`, `Twinblade`, `Kopesh`, `Tulwar`, `Spatha`, `Jian`, `Katana`, `Macuahuitl`], "small style": [`Dagger`, `Knife`, `Cleaver`, `Stiletto`, `Dirk`, `Kukri`, `Shank`, `Katar`], "material": [`{ferrous}`, `{common}`, `{metal}`, `{nonmetal}`], "ferrous": [`Iron`, `Steel`], "common": [`Bronze`, `Aluminium`, `Titanium`, `Tungsten`, `Ceramic`, `Obsidian`, `Bone`], "metal": [`Copper`, `Tin`, `Lead`, `Nickel`, `Silver`, `Gold`, `Platinum`, `Bismuth`, `Cobalt`, `Electrum`, `Brass`, `Pewter`, `Magnetite`, `Starmetal`, `Mithril`, `Adamant`, `Orichalcum`], "nonmetal": [`Jade`, `Wood`, `Quartz`, `Ivory`, `Stone`, `Flint`, `Glass`, `{other}`], "other": [`Ice`, `Sulphur`, `Phosphor`, `Mercury`, `Fire`, `Ash`, `Electricity`, `{light}`, `{dark}`, `{weird}`], "light": [`Sunlight`, `Moonlight`, `Starlight`, `Voidlight`, `Firelight`, `Lightning`], "dark": [`Darkness`, `Shadow`, `Twilight`], "weird": [`Uranium`, `Blood`, `Flesh`, `Wax`, `Ectoplasm`, `Venom`, `Poetry`, `Dreams`], "texture": [`Gleaming`, `Dull`, `Polished`, `Rough`, `Burnished`, `Patterned`, `Wavy`, `Glimmering`, `Iridescent`, `Coruscating`, `Jagged`, `Serrated`, `Wrought`, `Reinforced`, `Flanged`, `Mottled`, `Tarnished`, `Etched`, `Engraved`, `Mirrored`, `Painted`, `Inscribed`, `Living`, `Grim`, `Crystalline`, `Opalescent`, `Spiralling`, `Iridian`, `Zephyrean`, `Anathema`, `Sublime`, `Banded`, `Red`, `Rose`, `Blood`, `Crimson`, `Green`, `Viridian`, `Blue`, `Cobalt`, `Black`, `Dusky`, `White`, `Ghostly`], "accessory": [`{name revealed}`, `{hilt}`, `{guard}`, `{pommel}`, `{blade}`, `{scabbard}`], "name revealed": [`runes down the fuller revealing the name`, `the name echoes in the mind of the beholder`, `the name written the length of the hilt`, `whispers the name when held to the ear`, `spills blood in the shape of its name`, `name revealed to those touching the hilt`, `stamped with its name`, `name in runes ringing the pommel`, `sings name when drawn`], "hilt": [`hilt of {texture -u} {material -u}`, `{leather} hilt`, `{object} in the hilt`, `hilt set with {gem}`, `gauntlet-locked hilt`, `extendable hilt of {material -u}`, `{carve style} carved hilt`], "guard": [`{guard type} of {texture -u} {material -u}`, `{carve style} carved {guard type}`, `{object} attached to {guard type}`, `detachable {guard type} of {material -u}`], "guard type": [`guard`, `crossguard`, `basket hilt`, `knuckle-guard`], "carve style": [`ornately`, `fearsomely`, `simply`, `crudely`, `heavily`, `beautifully`, `superbly`], "pommel": [`pommel set with {texture -u} {material -u}`, `pommel inlaid with {texture -u} {material -u}`, `{object} in the pommel`, `pommel set with {gem}`, `{animal}shead pommel`], "blade": [`square-tipped`, `absurdly curved blade`, `multiple spikes along length`, `blade etched with {symbols}`, `{symbols} spiralling around the blade`, `blade embedded with {gem}`], "scabbard": [`{leather} scabbard`, `{leather} scabbard tattooed with {symbols}`, `{wood} scabbard`, `{wood} scabbard carved with {symbols}`, `{material -u} scabbard`, `{stone} scabbard`], "leather": [`fancy {animal}skin`, `smooth {animal}skin`, `rough {animal}hide`, `tanned {animal}hide`], "object": [`vial of {fluid}`, `hourglass`, `orb`, `{material -u} chain`, `{material -u} bell`, `bright tassel`, `extra tool`, `hidden compartment`, `empty setting`, `open socket`, `secret spike`, `loadstone`, `poison needle`], "symbols": [`constellations`, `alchemical diagrams`, `prayers and dreams`, `a map`, `the names of all its wielder's ancestors`, `exquisite calligraphy`, `geometric patterns`, `ancient curses`, `unknown symbols`, `terrible jokes`, `a {emotion} {animal} face`, `magical runes`, `words in a forgotten tongue`], "animal": [`sheep`, `ox`, `deer`, `panther`, `tiger`, `snake`, `wolf`, `bear`, `hound`, `shark`, `bird`, `monster`, `dragon`, `chimera`, `human`], "emotion": [`terrifying`, `fearsome`, `friendly`, `delighted`, `dying`, `grotesque`, `beatific`, `beautiful`, `fierce`, `proud`], "wood": [`oak`, `teak`, `pine`, `walnut`, `jarrah`, `mahogany`, `bamboo`, `willow`, `chicory`, `yew`, `ironwood`], "stone": [`granite`, `basalt`, `slate`, `marble`, `quartzite`], "gem": [`emerald`, `ruby`, `sapphire`, `amethyst`, `diamond`, `tourmaline`, `citrine`, `quartz`, `pearl`, `opal`, `lapis lazuli`, `cinnibar`], "has minor power": [``, `. {minor power}`], "minor power": [`Sings {circumstance}`, `Recites verses of scriptures {circumstance}`, `Screams like the damned {circumstance}`, `A chorus cries out in joy {circumstance}`, `Holds grudges`, `Veins can be glimpsed within`, `Sharpens in running water`, `Lit from the inside`, `Constantly drips {fluid}`, `Always coated with {fluid}`, `Strangely delicious`, `Slowly undulates`, `Sprouts blooms if left for long`, `Glows {colour} when {circumstance}`, `Wounds inflicted bleed {colour} blood`, `Always return to its wielder through mundane means`, `Gently crackles with electricity`, `Required for a Noble Quest`, `Far {weight} than it should be`, `Can talk, but only about specific topics`, `Can talk, not intelligent`, `Can talk, but chooses not to`, `Has a mysterious power locked by a quest`], "circumstance": [`when it slays an enemy`, `while a particular enemy is nearby`, `when it is drawn`, `when swung`, `when it is held still`, `while cutting`, `every so often`, `in the dark`], "colour": [`white`, `black`, `grey`, `red`, `blue`, `yellow`, `purple`, `green`, `orange`], "fluid": [`oil`, `blood`, `acid`, `tears`, `ink`, `milk`, `smoke`, `grave dirt`], "weight": [`lighter`, `heavier`], "history origin": [`It was once`, `Was once`, `Was`, `It was rumoured to have been`, `I heard it was`, `Once upon a time it was`, `Legend has it, it was`, `Apparently it was`, `I heard a rumour it was once`, `Rumours abound that it was once`], "history": [`buried {location}`, `hidden in a treasure chest {location}`, `stabbed through a {monster} {location}`, `owned by a {person} who {sword usage}`, `wielded by a {person} who {sword usage}`, `sought by a {person}`, `the {attitude} possession of a {person}`, `stored safely {location}`, `lost years ago {location}`, `abandoned {location} after a great disaster`, `worshipped by {personality} cultists`, `hunted by {personality} cultists`, `an object of faith for a {personality} religion`, `fought over by {person} and {person}`, `hidden by {person} to await a prophecy`, `guarded by a gigantic and {emotion} {animal}`, `clutched by the statue of a {person}`], "location": [`in a church`, `in a bar`, `in a library`, `in a prison`, `in a ditch`, `at the top of a tower`, `in a bank vault`, `in a crypt`, `behind a secret door`, `deep underground`, `in a forest`, `at the top of a tree`, `under the ocean`, `on a boat`, `at the bottom of a well`, `at the site of a great battle`, `under a pile of bodies`, `in a swamp`, `in a sewer`, `in a distant outpost`, `in a bustling village`, `in a famous city`], "person": [`{personality} {profession}`], "personality": [`brave`, `cowardly`, `hopeful`, `depressed`, `wise`, `foolish`, `beautiful`, `ugly`, `careless`, `fastidious`, `corrupt`, `virtuous`, `cursed`, `blessed`, `dull`, `insightful`, `broken`, `charitable`, `vile`, `fanatical`, `peaceful`, `hollow`, `illustrious`, `pale`, `iron-willed`, `master`, `failed`, `former`, `novice`, `unlawful`, `complex`, `corrupted`, `ominous`, `mystic`, `mighty`, `legendary`, `tragic`, `doomed`, `ageing`, `cruel`, `idle`], "profession": [`warrior`, `explorer`, `wanderer`, `champion`, `paladin`, `hero`, `villain`, `tyrant`, `thief`, `bandit`, `scoundrel`, `brigand`, `guard`, `baron`, `noble`, `peasant`, `farmer`, `beekeeper`, `shepherd`, `thatcher`, `hunter`, `builder`, `doctor`, `merchant`, `fisherman`, `lumberjack`, `miner`, `mason`, `carpenter`, `blacksmith`, `musician`, `painter`, `poet`, `librarian`, `clerk`, `barber`, `cultist`, `priest`, `wizard`, `witch`, `magician`, `collector`], "sword usage": [`kept it under their bed`, `went on adventures with it`, `was constantly trying to sell it`, `kept it on their mantelpiece`, `sold it for a tuppence`, `was killed with it`, `was murdered for it`, `lost it in a bet`, `went mad`, `died badly`, `was dreadfully cursed`, `abandoned it`], "attitude": [`prized`, `hated`, `beloved`, `despair-inducing`, `hope-bringing`, `worthless`, `useless`, `vital`], "monster": [`devil`, `demon`, `dragon`, `giant`, `hydra`, `chimera`, `angel`, `spirit`, `lesser god`, `monstrous creation`], } </script> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2022-02-19T10:43:00+08:00'>February 19, 2022</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 4 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1931237421'> <a href='' title='Edit 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