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For a list of material that has been digitized and posted on the ETHW, please see the main page for the <a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="Archives:Archival Collections">IEEE Archives</a>. If you would like to access any of the material which has not been digitized, please <a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="Special:Contact">contact the IEEE archivist.</a> </p> <table class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 85%;"> <tbody><tr> <th>Series </th> <th>Subseries </th> <th>Object ID </th> <th>Old collection ID </th> <th>Title </th> <th>Description </th> <th>Date </th> <th>Location </th></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td>DVD </td> <td>AR-1369 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Gold Around the World </td> <td>Video demonstrating how IEEE GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) members around the world celebrated IEEE's 125th anniversary </td> <td>2009 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1297 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>125th Anniversary files on Flash Drive </td> <td>"Flash drive containing 12 GB of files on IEEE 125th Anniversary celebrations. Includes event programs, photos, videos, from centennial events and Sections Congress, video congratulations from various people, and videos of the ""IEEE Engineering the Worl" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-154 </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1298 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 125th Anniversary Celebrations </td> <td>"DVDs of IEEE 125th Anniversary Celebrations: 1)Bangalore, 2) London, 3) Media Event New York: Embracing New Technologies.) 4) 125th Anniversary Slide Show--IEEE Santa Clara Section." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-154 </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1299 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 125th Anniversary Invitiations </td> <td>"Invitiations (with brief programs) for IEEE 125th Anniversary Events: Munich, Austin, Boston, Beijing, San Jose, Tokyo (3 copies of each). Detailed program for Bangalore and Santa Clara Section (San Jose) Events." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1300 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE: Inspiration, Insight and Innovation; Celebrate IEEE (2 brochures)" </td> <td>2 brochures on 125th anniversary </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-154 </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3003 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 125th Anniversary Highlights September 2008 - November 2009 </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster shows a sample of media coverage." </p> </td> <td>2008 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3004 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Austin, Texas. Goodwill Center, 30 April 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3005 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Bangalore, India, The Grand Ashook, 29 August 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3006 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"San Jose, California USA, The Computer History Musuem, 16 September 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3007 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Beijing, China, The Presidential Beijing, 22 September 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3008 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Boston, Massachusetts, USA. IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security 11 May 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3009 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"New York, New York, USA. IEEE Engineering the Future Media Roundtable, 10 March 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3010 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Tokyo, Japan Level XXI 23 October 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3011 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"London, United Kingdom. The Royal Institution of Great Britain 6 October 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>125TH ANNIV </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3012 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Munich, Germany. Technische Universität München 27 April 2009" </td> <td>"One of a series of 10 posters put together by IEEE Corporate Communications to present the highlights of IEEE's 125th Anniversary Celebrations. <p>This poster has a selection of photos from this event." </p> </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td><b>"Materials filed elsewhere:</b> <p>- 125th anniversary DVD - Awards honors ceremonies - Centennial tapes - Feerst debate - HKN films - Oral History"<b></b> </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV </td> <td>NOT DIGITIZED </td> <td>AR-300 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Alan Douglas Tape </td> <td>"8 mm video tape of Alan Douglas showing radio artifacts from his personal collection. Taped on June 8, 1994 <p>audio/video/computer" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#300 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV </td> <td>NOT DIGITIZED </td> <td>AR-301 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Merriam Tape </td> <td>"8 mm video tape of Robert Merriam displaying material from the New England Museum of Wireless and Steam concerning transatlantic communication. Taped April 20, 1994 <p>audio/video/computer" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#301 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV </td> <td>NOT DIGITIZED </td> <td>AR-302 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Archival tape of New England Museum of Wireless & Steam </td> <td>"Robert Merriam displaying artifacts from the New England Museum of Wireless and Steam for archival purposes. Two tapes (8 mm video) tape one recorded 20 April 1994 tape two recorded June 7, 1994 <p>audio/video/computer" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#302 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV </td> <td>NOT DIGITIZED </td> <td>AR-3153 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IBM/IEEE Awards. ""Innovation--Kuehler Interview."" Reel #3" </td> <td>Betacam Dolby NR dub. </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV </td> <td>NOT DIGITIZED </td> <td>AR-3397 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Opportunities in Energy </td> <td>"Opportunities in Energy <p>By Alton W. Whitejouse, Jr. President, the Standard Oil Company of Ohio </p><p>Seventh Annual Edison Lecture, April 23rd, 1974 </p><p>Cleveland Section of the IEEE </p><p>1 1/2"" open reel to reel video tape" </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV </td> <td>NOT DIGITIZED </td> <td>AR-343 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Video Tape: Signal Corps Museum at Ft. Monmouth </td> <td>"8 mm videotape of Signal Corps Museum at Ft. Monmouth shot 1994 (?) by Andy Goldstein and Loren Butler <p>audio/video/computer" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#343 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/2" VIDEO REEL (CV SKIP) </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3432 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"What are you Going to do for me in the 1970s, IEEE?" </td> <td>"What are you Going to do for me in the 1970s, IEEE? <p>Panel discussion sponsored by IEEE Cleveland Section, 2/19/1970 including: </p><p>Harold Armond (?), exec sec of Assoc of Scientists and Prof. Engineering Personnell Milton Lunch - gen council and direc" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-177 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1249 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>IEEE Conference Audio Tapes and Slides 1968-1977 </td> <td>"18 7"" Reel-to-reel audio tapes: Conference 05/08/1969 <p>3 7""Reel-to-reel audio tapes: WESCON, Session 22 ""Intellegence in Instrumentation"" 09/13/1973 7"" Reel-to-reel audio tape: Special Armistice Day Program, 03/15/1974 2 7"" Reel-to-reel audio tapes: Go" </p> </td> <td>1969 </td> <td>MB-140:#1249 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1328 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE: Fuels for Electric Power for the Next Ten Years. </td> <td>"6 open reel audio tapes. <p>Participants include Joseph Brennan, Gerald Gunning, Milton Searl, John W. Landis, </p><p><br/> " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-322 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Audio tapes on technical subjects-recataloged individually as AR-3240-3282. </td> <td>"provenance uncertain...found in banker's box (Jan '96) marked EAB SOUNDINGS <p>Note: All of the audio cassettes listed below have been recataloged with individual entries, AR-3240-3282, and have also been rehoused in boxes FB-56, 57, and 58. 1/4"" o" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>MB-083:#322 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3383 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Credibility and the Public Trust </td> <td>"Credibility and the Public Trust - Summer Power Meeting, 7/16/1974 7 PM Evening Session, Disneyland Hotel, panel: Frank Jenkins (mod), James Foy, Tom Harris, Bill Hayes, Ed Meyers, Larry Pryor <p>Five 1/4"" open reel (reel-to-reel) audio tapes. </p><p>Digiti" </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3384 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 1969 International Convention and Exhibition </td> <td>"IEEE 69, International Convention and Exhibition <p>18 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tapes. Four reels missing - invoice for recording located in Reel #22. Reels 12-14 likely an evening session and reel #16 likely the end of ""Comments on Corporate Financi" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3387 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Microelectronics Comes of Age - Systems of the Future </td> <td>"Microelectronics Comes of Age - Systems of the Future <p>Talk by Wolfgang W. Gaertner </p><p>Catalog number 67-M-20 </p><p>1 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tape </p><p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3388 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Government Marketing - An Engineering Application? </td> <td>"Government Marketing - An Engineering Application? <p>Goldsmith Room </p><p>Tapes 2 and 3 - reel 1 appears to be missing </p><p>2 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tapes </p><p>Digitized 5/13" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3389 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>New Career Opportunities for Engineers </td> <td>"New Career Opportunities for Engineers <p>Room 216, LA (at WESCON?) </p><p>Reel #2, 11 AM - 11:45 AM - reel 1 appears to be missing </p><p>1 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tape </p><p>Digitized 5/13" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3390 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Intelligence in Instrumentation </td> <td>"Intelligence in Instrumentation <p>September 13th, 1973, 10 AM </p><p>WESCON, Session 22 </p><p>panel: </p><p>France Rode Richard Blackwell, Jr. Bruce Hamilton Leo Chamberlain Rudolf Panholzer, chairman </p><p>3 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tapes </p><p>Digitized and p" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3391 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Panel Discussion on Employer-Employee Relations </td> <td>"Panel Discussion on Employer-Employee Relations <p>November 16th 1970, 8:00 PM </p><p>Panel: </p><p>Jim Mulligan, exec. secretary, NAE Eric Ward, Federal Council of Science and Technology Harold J. Ammond, exec. sec, Association of Scientists and Professional" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3392 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Data, Devices, Designs" </td> <td>"Data, Devices, Designs <p>RCA Special Productions </p><p>A pilot program of a proposed monthly service to all members of IEEE with highlights from various conferences and interviews. This particular program has its material taken from the IEEE 1969 Internati" </p> </td> <td>1969 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3394 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Our Environment - Options on the Way and to the Future </td> <td>"[1972?] Power conference <p>Philip Sporn, keynote talk ""Our Environment - Options on the Way and to the Future"", followed by Panel of: </p><p>William R. Gould, R. Phillip Hammond, J.P. [Vicassin?] Jr., Frederick H. Warren, James E. Watson </p><p>Program on both" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3395 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Communication Trends and Problems </td> <td>"Communication Trends and Problems <p>Technical symposium on communications, Communication Trends and Problems, presented by Rob Eldridge </p><p>1 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tape </p><p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3396 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Batch-Processed Alphanumeric Displays </td> <td>"Batch-Processed Alphanumeric Displays <p>R.I. Klein </p><p>1 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tape </p><p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13" </p> </td> <td>1968 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3936 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Cable TV - What's Happening </td> <td>"1972 INTERCON - CATV - What's Happening: <p>Panel on state of cable television </p><p>speakers: </p><p>- Al Stern, metro cable, study on Akron, OH - Paul Lester Klein, the next visual medium - Wilbur Pritchard, ""The art of the Satellite"" - Hub Schlafly, Telep" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-210 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3937 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Modern Concept of Modulation / Predicting and Optimizing Satellite Communication Performance Under Unfavorable Geographic and Atmospheric Conditions </td> <td>"IEEE EUROCON 1971, October 1971 <p>One 1/4"" open reel, two talks, one on each side </p><p>A Modern Concept of Modulation: </p><p>- F. Kühne, Siemens </p><p>Predicting and Optimizing Satellite Communication Performance Under Unfavorable Geographic and Atmospheric Con" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3938 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Survey of Photosensitive Materials and Devices </td> <td>"A Survey of Photosensitive Materials and Devices <p>- Alfred Seck, Central Lab Semiconductor Operations </p><p>1 1/4"" open reel </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3939 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Survey of MOS Process Technologies </td> <td>"A Survey of MOS Process Technologies <p>- J. Leland Seeley, General Instrument Corporation - four other speakers not on tape </p><p>1 1/4"" reel </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-211 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3940 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Air Pollution Control, Where we are and Where We're Going" </td> <td>"Air Pollution Control, Where we are and Where We're Going: <p>WESCON, August 27th, 1971 </p><p>2 1/4"" reels </p><p>- reel #1: </p><p>Chuck Wells, moderator </p><p>speakers: </p><p>- Randy Bertrand, ""A 5 Year R&D Plan for Air Pollution Instrumentation"" - [Dr.] Falstein, ""Me" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-211 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3941 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Ampacity of Buried Underground Distribution Cables </td> <td>"Ampacity of Buried Underground Distribution Cables <p>programs: </p><p>side 1: </p><p>- Bill [Tuey?], moderator, Florida Power and Light co. </p><p>speakers: </p><p>- Jack [Neer?], consultant, former employee of Philadelphia Electric Company - Les Fink, Philadelphia El" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-211 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3942 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Applications of Electronics to Automobiles of the Future </td> <td>"Applications of Electronics to Automobiles of the Future <p>reel 1: </p><p>- Blair Tyson, GM, ""A Systems Approach to Automotive Control Electronics"" - Mike Bertioli, Lucas Research, ""Development of Electronics for British Automobiles"" - Katano, Ito, Wakama" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-211 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3943 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Air Traffic Control (ATC) Lecture </td> <td>"Air Traffic Control (ATC) Lecture <p>- speaker unknown, rep from ATC committee? - late 1960s? </p><p>1 1/4"" reel </p><p>digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3944 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Next Five Years in Automotive Electronics </td> <td>"""The Next Five Years in Automotive Electronics"" <p>- Vehicular Tech Chapter of Detroit and Southeastern Mich. Section of IEEE </p><p>moderator: Lester Hogan, pres. Fairchild Camera </p><p>speakers: </p><p>reel #1: </p><p>- Earl Meyer, Chrysler - Charles Simmons, Ford " </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-210 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3945 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"But What Are You Going to Do For Me in the 70s, IEEE?" </td> <td>"But What Are You Going to Do For Me in the 70s, IEEE? <p>Panel discussion sponsored by IEEE Cleveland Section, 2/19/1970 including: </p><p>Harold Armond (?), exec sec of Assoc of Scientists and Prof. Engineering Personnell Milton Lunch - gen council and dir" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>HB-210 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3946 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Communications - Tomorrow's Substitute for Transportation </td> <td>"Communications - Tomorrow's Substitute for Transportation <p>speakers: </p><p>reel #1: </p><p>- Jim Alves, NASA - Alex Reed, director Communications Study Group, joint unit for planning research, University College, London - Arthur Williams, Bell Labs - Sid P" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-210 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3947 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Computer Aided Network and Circuit Analysis and Design </td> <td>"Computer Aided Network and Circuit Analysis and Design: <p>3/21/72 </p><p>Side #1: </p><p>speakers: </p><p>- George Szentirmai, Cornell, moderator - Chris Pottle, Cornell - Maier Blostein, McGill </p><p>Side #2: </p><p>- Blostein (cont.) - Allen Wilson (?), Bell Labs -" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3948 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Aerospace Computer Characteritics and Design Trends </td> <td>"DATE - Aerospace Computer Characteritics and Design Trends: <p>Donald O. Baechler, Bellcom </p><p>Article in the Jan/Feb 1971 Issue of The Computer, published by IEEE Computer Society </p><p>Summarizes characteristics of 87 aerospace digitial computers developed" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3949 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Human Information Processing and Reaction Time </td> <td>"DATE 71-1 R.W. Pew: <p>Human Information Processing and Reaction Time, Richard W. Pew </p><p>Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3950 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Review of Tropospheric Scatter Communications </td> <td>"A Review of Tropospheric Scatter Communications <p>- C.C. Bailey, Bell Labs </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3951 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum Management Responsibilities in Electronic System Design </td> <td>"Spectrum Management Responsibilities in Electronic System Design <p>- Herbert M. Sachs, Sachs Freeman associates inc." </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3952 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Dial Access Technical Education (DATE) programs </td> <td>"Dial Access Technical Education, programs: <p>reel 1: </p><p>- Human Factors Design Concepts, Dave Meister, Bunker Ramo Corporation - Distributed Networks, M.S. Ghausi - Infrared: The New Dimension for Electronics and Materials Evaluation, Ricardo Vanzetti" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>HB-210 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3953 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Energy Crisis </td> <td>"Energy Crisis: <p>- The Future Trends in Energy Supply, Lou Hauser - Nuclear Power and Energy Crisis, Philip R. Keep - The Fast Breeder Reactor Development Program, Johnny Elliot </p><p>See AR-3250 for cassette record </p><p>digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3954 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Engineering Management Interface </td> <td>"Engineering Management Interface: <p>reel #1: </p><p>speakers: </p><p>- Dick Thorn (moderator) - Herb Sheldon, Engineering manager of AT&T HQ, NY - Al Siepert, president, former NASA - Jack Bertram, director of engineering programs and technology, IBM Corpora" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3955 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Microprogramming </td> <td>"Microprogramming <p>- Future Trends in Microprogramming, Mike Flynn, CS Dept, John Hopkins - System Implementation Applications of Microprogramming, Bob Rosin </p><p>digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3956 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Review of Tube Type Video Imaging Devices </td> <td>"Review of Tube Type Video Imaging Devices, Gene Gordon, Bell Labs <p>two segments, cut and original talk </p><p>digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3957 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>State of the IEEE and the Role of the IEEE in the 1970's </td> <td>"State of the IEEE and the Role of the IEEE in the 1970's <p>Reel #1: </p><p>speakers: </p><p>- Jim Mulligan (moderator) - Ralph Wyndrum - Harry Larson - Robert Hanson - Q&A </p><p>reel #2: </p><p>- Q&A (cont.) </p><p>digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3958 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>How to do Business with the Department of Transportation </td> <td>"Talk by James C. Elms. Editor: Dr. Richard A. Rikoski. <p>Digitized 10/14 </p><p>see AR-3249 for cassette tape record" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3959 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Awards Luncheon </td> <td>"IEEE Awards Luncheon: <p>- Don Fink moderating - luncheon honoring recipients of nobel prize for development of transistor (25th anniversary), presenting with special commemorative medal by pres. Chestnut </p><p>award given to: </p><p>- John Bardeen - Walter B" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3960 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE INTERCON 1973 Opening Session </td> <td>"Session designed to look forward in program areas that constitute IEEE program for the immediate year ahead and implications for extension in future years <p>speakers: </p><p>- Don Fink (mod.) - Harold Chestnut - John Guerrera - Joseph Dillard - Robert C" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3961 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Innovations with Light-Emitting Diodes / Opto-Hyprid Integrated Circuit Photosensitive Devices </td> <td>"two slide-tape lectures, split for posting <p>- R.A. Hunt, Monsanto Electronics Special Products, ""Innovations With Light-Emitting Diodes"" - Merrill Palmer, Central Labs Semiconductor Operations, ""Opto-Hyprid Integrated Circuit Photosensitive Devices"" " </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3962 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Integrated Circuits, A Revolution in Electronics" </td> <td>"O.W. Menelink, Twente University of Technology, ""Integrated Circuits, A Revolution in Electronics"" <p>paper originally presented at IEEE EUROCON 71, October </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3963 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Introduction of New Products </td> <td>"speakers: <p>reel 1: </p><p>- Al Jones, General Radio Company (moderator) - ""Creating the New Product Opportunity"", Jordan D. Lewis, Battelle Development </p><p>Corporation - ""Marketing Strategy During A New Product Cycle"", Frank McCarty - ""Producibility at" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3964 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Modern Control Logic </td> <td>"reel 1, side 1: <p>- Jim Field, ""Logic Symbology, Manipluation and Simplification"" </p><p>reel 1, side 2 </p><p>- Peter Forshaw, ""IC Families"" - Warren Little, ""Digital Memory Elements"" </p><p>reel 2, side 1 </p><p>- Peter Forshaw, ""Binary Arithmetic: Counters, Adders" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3965 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Planning a Career in Power </td> <td>"side 1: <p>end of talk </p><p>- Q&A </p><p>side 2: </p><p>beginning of talk </p><p>- Gene [Baney?] - Stanley G. [Appleton?], Stevens Institute of Technology - George Moore - Eugene Flanagan, college student" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3966 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Programming Languages for the Layman </td> <td>"INTERCON <p>speakers: </p><p>- Fernando J. Corbató, MIT - Thomas Kurtz, Dartmouth - Adin Falkoff, IBM - Philip Smith, University of Waterloo - Q&A </p><p>digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3967 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Reduncant Coding and its Economical Aspects </td> <td>"Reduncant Coding and its Economical Aspects <p>- H. Ohnsorge, AEG Telefunken </p><p>digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3968 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Reliability of Computer Systems </td> <td>"Reliability of Computer Systems <p>- moderator: Dr. M. Shooman </p><p>reel #1: </p><p>- Maj. John Hesse, ""Quantitive Models or Software Reliability"" - Q&A - Richard [Mullock?], ""Software Reliability Engineering"" </p><p>reel #2: </p><p>- Mullock (cont.) - Q&A - Steve" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3969 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Sales Management Techniques </td> <td>"speakers: <p>- ""Sales Management Planning"", Chuck Bouffiou, Tektronix - ""Sales Management Organization: How to Plot the Course"", Jim Hennessey, Burndy - ""Sales Management Staffing: How to Pick A Winner"", Claudio Serafini, Fairchild Camera - ""Sales Man" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3970 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Self-Scan Photo Sensor Arrays </td> <td>"Self-Scan Photo Sensor Arrays <p>- Rudolph H. Dyck, Fairchild </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3971 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Can Direct Interaction With A Computer Serve You? </td> <td>"Session 27 - INTERCON 1973 <p>- Bob Dunn, Signal Corps, - Rene [Busquet?], Lockheed </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3972 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electro Mechanical vs Solid State </td> <td>"Session 32 - INTERCON 1973 <p>reel 1: </p><p>- ""There Will Always Be A Relay"", Hugh J. Cohen, Struthers-Dunn - ""Power Switching Using Solid-State Relays"", Thomas McNulty, RCA - Q&A </p><p>reel 2: </p><p>- Q&A (cont.) </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3973 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>New Developments in Signal Generators </td> <td>"Session 34 - INTERCON 1973 <p>reel 1: </p><p>- Richard Hall, mod. </p><p>papers: </p><p>- ""A New Approach to Signal Generation"", Roger Huskins, Rockland - Ralph Sandstrom, VP, Logimetrics - Ray Shannon, Hewlett-Packard - introduction of panel </p><p>panel: </p><p>previo" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3974 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Numeric and Alphanumeric Displays for Instruments </td> <td>"Session 43 - INTERCON 1973 <p>Q&A after each paper </p><p>reel 1: </p><p>- Burt Frescura, Hewlett-Packard, chair - Bob Cleary, Optical Coding Laboratories, liquid crystal displays - Bob Steward, Hewlett-Packard, LED displays - John Pitman, Burroughs, Alpha Nu" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3975 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Soundings Narrative Bits </td> <td>"- edited narrative bits used to create final master of program. Not suitable for posting on GHN <p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3976 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electronics in Commercial Aviation </td> <td>Presentations on the air system and its avionic elements by government and industrial leaders in the development of new and better systems for future air transportation. Contributors: The Hon. James M. Beggs; Dr. James Elms; Dr. Harry Davis; Dr. Robert C </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3977 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Systems Engineering: Art, Science and Politics" </td> <td>A discussion on systems engineering by a distinguished panel of experts from military and industrial systems development organizations. Contributors: Harry I. Davis; Robert E. O'Donohue; Harold Chestnut; Eugene Fubini; Jack A. Baird; R[obert].A. Frosch; </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3978 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Telecommunications - An Aid to Solving Urban Problems </td> <td>"1972 INTERCON <p>reel 1: </p><p>- Bill Everitt, chairman of committee on telecommunications of the National Academy of Engineering (mod.) </p><p>speakers: </p><p>papers: </p><p>- Dick Gifford, GE - Dr. Mark - Mr. Henningberg </p><p>- panel discussion - Alan Siegel </p><p>ree" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3979 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Upcoming Decade of Automotive Electronics </td> <td>"VTG Group introducing upcoming decade of automotive electronics. Contributors: J.R. Welty; B. Vonderschmitt; C.C. Winkler; C. Phipps. <p>See AR-3244 for cassette tape record </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>MB-155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3980 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Volkswagen of America interviews </td> <td>"Englewood Cliffs, NJ, June, 19th, 1972 <p>- interviews with Karlheinz Keller and J.C. Zaalberg - used in ""Automotive Electronics"" soundings </p><p>Digitized 10/14" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3981 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Future of Medical Information Systems </td> <td>"Session 10 - WESCON 1971 <p>reel 1: </p><p>- Temple Newman, chairman - Baldwin Gaylord Lamson - Jerry Grossman - Warner Slack - Dr. Gampel </p><p>reel 2: </p><p>- Gampel (cont.) - Q&A" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-211 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3982 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Satellites </td> <td>"IEEE WESCON <p>reel 1: </p><p>- Robert Hockenberger, ""Space Station Communications"" - Bruce Bachofer, ""Earth Resources Technology Satellite System"" </p><p>reel 2: </p><p>- Fordice - Sajjad Durrani" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3983 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Young Engineer in Modern Society </td> <td>"For the young engineer today, the future holds challenges seldom, if ever before, present. Regardless of the direction of his or her future plans or ambition, the young engineering modern society will do well to consider these challenges in all their ram" </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>HB-212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3386 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Larry Dwon's presentation on career planning to college students </td> <td>"Larry Dwon's presentation on career planning to college students, May 1st, 1979 <p>1 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tape </p><p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13" </p> </td> <td>1979 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-3393 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Meet the Engineer - Stanley Zebrowitz </td> <td>"Meet the Engineer - Stanley Zebrowitz <p>Meet the Engineer is sponsored by IEEE Philadelphia Section, and hosted by Harry Rappaport. The guest engineer is Stanley Zebrowitz, who discusses transmission systems. Recorded 04-22-1969 </p><p>1 1/4"" open reel to r" </p> </td> <td>1969 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 1/4" AUDIO REEL </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-3385 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Special Armistice Day Program, featuring Marconi and Sarnoff" </td> <td>"Special Armistice Day Program, featuring Marconi and Sarnoff <p>1 1/4"" open reel to reel audio tape </p><p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13" </p> </td> <td>1936 </td> <td>MB-140 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - 16 MM </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3232 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Miracle Force </td> <td>"Miracle Force, educational video explaining current technologies. Produced sometime in the early 1980s. Narrated by Orson Welles. <p>16 mm Film-- 2 copies. TRT: 0:28:25 </p><p>See AR-3191 for VHS tape copies. Digitized 5/11 from VHS copy." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CD </td> <td>CD </td> <td>AR-3193 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>EMC History through the Decades </td> <td>"CD-ROM of photo archive of prominent EMC people and Powerpoints on the history of the Society. Produced for the East Meet West IEEE EMC Symposium, Honolulu, HI, July 8-13, 2007 <p>CD-ROM backed up on sharedrive" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CD </td> <td>CD </td> <td>AR-3670 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Gordon Moore Plenary at the 2003 ISSCC ""No Exponential is Forever." </td> <td>"Audio and Power Point from Gordon Moore's plenary talk at the 50th anniversary ISSCC (International Solid State Circuits Conference.) ""No Expontential is Forever.""" </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CD </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3194 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Looking Back to the Future </td> <td>"""Looking Back to the Future"", IEEE Computer Networking Conference Call, hosted by Mike Geselowitz, January 26th, 2005, 7:00 PM EST. Details what IEEE History center does and provides for a brief history of IEEE technologies. <p>On Audio CD, converted to" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1250 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>Conference Cassette Audio Tapes </td> <td>"Values of Membership - 2 Cassette tapes and slide show, 10/1981. Both tapes contain the same content - the same presentation on both sides, one with audible beeping cues and the other with inaudible cues. <p>IEEE History Committee - 3 Cassette Tapes, 10/" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-141:#1250 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-270 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>Electro 77 </td> <td>"two cassette audio tapes: Electro 77 #43, Art in Psychic Research <p>Digitized 8/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-272 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>"6th Energy Technology Conference & Exposition, February 26-28 1979" </td> <td>"two cassette audio tapes: 6th Energy Technology Conference & Exposition, February 26-28 1979 <p>Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington DC </p><p>tape 1: IEEE Energy Recommendations (Part 2). Tape has handwritten on it ""Part 2 IEEE Session 2/27 Wolff-McAdam (Cla" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-283 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>Inventor's Environment Symposium </td> <td>"Inventor's Environment Symposium <p>Audio recording of symposium on Inventor's Environment, Sept 21, 1983 check archives for number of copies, exact format, etc. copy kept in library with electronic materials audio/video/computer </p><p>Digitized 7/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-284 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>AFIPS Conference Audiotape </td> <td>"AFIPS Conference Audiotape <p>audio tape of (1980?) AFIPS conference entitled ""Perspectives on the History of Computing"" audio/video/computer </p><p>Digitized 8/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-285 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>Von Neumann talk </td> <td>"Von Neumann talk Audiotape <p>audio cassette of talk given by von Neumann on Dec 2, 1954 audio/video/computer </p><p>Digitized 8/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3212 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The History of the Computer Business </td> <td>"Panel Discussion: <p>The History of the Computer Business 29 June 2004 Bletchley Park, England, UK A session from the 2004 IEEE Conference on the History of Computing held at Bletchley Park from 28 June 2004 through 30 June 2004 </p><p>Chair: Frank, Land," </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3213 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Edison Centennial Symposium on Science, Technology and Human Prospect" </td> <td>"Edison Centennial Symposium on Science, Technology and Human Prospect <p>April, 3rd - 4th, 1979. Tapes include: </p><p>Opening Speeches - Bob Smith, Chauncey Starr, George Casella (2 tapes) </p><p>Dinner Speeches - James Cook, Dr. Gunther (?), George Casella, D" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3218 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Trends in Airborne ECM </td> <td>"Talk by Roger Busch, put on by Aerospace and Electronic Systems Group Chapter of the IEEE. Nutley, NJ 1/16/1973 <p>1 cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3230 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Invention of the transistor. </td> <td>"Audio cassette tape. IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 72-CC-10. The Invention of the Transistor. Participants: William Shockley; John Bardeen; Walter H. Brattain. Ed: Dr. Richard A. Rikoski. Spine: 72-CC-10 <p>Digitized August 2011" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3240 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Workshop on Computer Languages for Process Control </td> <td>"A Complete Record of the IECI Workshop Held During the 1969 IEEE International Convention and Exhibition, no. IPL-69. <p>Panelists: Eric A. Weiss; David R. Frost; David M. Ostfeld; Arthur C. Lumb; Bert C. Roberts; James D. Schoeffler. Audio cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>1969 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3246 </td> <td>: IEEE </td> <td>Engineering Management Interface </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 71-CC-07. <p>Presenters give their views on what makes an engineer's job meaningful. Contributors: Jack Bertram, director of engineering programs and technolgy, IBM Corporate Headquarters; Herb Sheldon, engineering manager o" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3270 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2/6 Energy </td> <td>"Two audio cassette tapes. Nos. 1, 2. <p>1. Pencil writing, ""2/6 Energy #1."" 2. Pencil writing, ""2/6 Energy #2."" Audio cassette tapes digitized September, 2011. </p><p>First tape mostly blank, it sounds like someone accidentally (?) taped over it. Small par" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3271 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Lectures </td> <td>"Two audio cassette tapes. <p>1. ""Lectures 1 and 2."" Writing on Side 1, ""Lecture 1: Materials - Substrates and Screened Compon., 30 min."" Writing on Side 2, ""Lecture 2: Thick Film Screening and Firing, 17 min."" 2. ""Lectures 5 and 6."" Writing on Side 1, ""L" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3272 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Lecture 4: Active Devices </td> <td>"Writing on Side 1, ""Rikoski."" <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. </p><p>tape is blank" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3273 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Signal Processing </td> <td>"Four audio cassette tapes. April 27, 1976. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5. <p>Audio cassette tapes digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3274 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Air Pollution Control </td> <td>"Three audio cassette tapes. Nos. 1, 2, 3. <p>Audio cassette tapes digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3275 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electronic Reliability Monitoring </td> <td>"Two audio cassette tapes. G.A. McAlpine. Nos. 1, 2. <p>1. ""Part 1."" 2. ""Part 2: Applications."" Audio cassette tapes digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3276 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Directors Indoctrination </td> <td>"Writing on Side A, ""Directors Indoctrination: [IT?] Chestnut, Don Fink."" Writing on Side B, ""Directors Indoctrination: Tom Bartlett, John V. Granger."" <p>Audio cassette tapes digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3277 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Unidentified ISRC audio cassette tape </td> <td>"Writing crossed out on Side 1, ""ISRC, 11/30/70, 3."" <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. </p><p>tpae blank" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3279 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"ISRC UN Committee, 9/20/75" </td> <td>"Four audio cassette tapes. September 20, 1975. <p>1. Pencil writing, ""ISRC UN Committee, 9/20/75."" 2. Pencil writing, Sub 1, UN Subcommittee and ISRC, 9/20/75."" 3. Pencil writing, ""ISRC, 9/20/75, 3rd Tape."" 4. Pencil writing, ISRC, 9/20/75, 4th Tape.""" </p> </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3280 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>ACE Project Activities </td> <td>"August 4, 1976. <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3281 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>ACE - 8/7/76: Legislative Issues - Anti-Trust Litigation </td> <td>"August 7, 1976. <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. </p><p>Tape mislabelled as ""Pre-Nerem Seminar, Digital Signal Processing: Opening Remarks - Oppenheim, Representation, Analysis & Design of Recursive Digital Filters - Shafter"" - this program do" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3282 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Anti-Trust Litigation </td> <td>"Two audio cassette tapes. <p>1. Pencil writing on Side A, ""#1 Anti-Trust Litigation."" Pencil writing on Side B, ""#2 Anti-Trust Litigation."" 2. Pencil writing on Side A, ""Side 3 - Anti-Trust."" Pencil writing on Side B, ""Side 4 - Anti-Trust."" Audio cassett" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>FB-58 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3371 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Keynote Luncheon, IEEE International Communications Conference, 6/14/1976" </td> <td>"Keynote Luncheon, IEEE International Communications Conference, 6/14/1976, Philadelphia <p>Benjamin L Hooks, speaking on competition in the carrier industry introduced by Bill Middleton </p><p>1 audio cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3378 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Intercom workshop, 1973" </td> <td>"Intercom workshop, 1973 <p>discussion of IEEE section members in arrears, section meeting attendance, relationships with regional directors, etc </p><p>1 audio cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CS </td> <td>AR-236 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Russell Drew tape </td> <td>"part of gift #94-10 C-90 audio tape approximately 60 min. long Guess: Taped discussion with IEEE Presidential candidate Russell C. Drew, recorded for a profile in the September 1986 issue of the ""The Institute"". Recorded on July 9, 1986" </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CS </td> <td>AR-271 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>Professional Activities of IEEE </td> <td>"cassette audio tape: Address by Arthur P. Stern, IEEE President, to Los Angeles Council of Western Electronics Manufacturers Association, August 12, 1975 ""Professional Activities of IEEE"" <p>audio/video/computer </p><p>Digitzed 8/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CS </td> <td>AR-3221 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Century of Electricals </td> <td>A Century of Electricals. Narration of the history of electrical progress from 1884 to 1984. One cassette tape </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CS </td> <td>AR-3222 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Ed Clark history </td> <td>"In response to a letter from Andy Goldstein, Ed Clark talks about his life and career. One audio cassette tape." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CS </td> <td>AR-3223 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Final Alumni Address </td> <td>"Final Alumni Address, 1955. One cassette audio tape, digitized 7/11" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>CS </td> <td>AR-3224 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Mr. Fink's Acknowledgement of Founders Medal </td> <td>"Mr. Donald Fink's Acknowledgement of Founders Medal <p>1 audio cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-32 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3241 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>ATC: Future of Air Traffic Control Systems </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 70-CC-01. (2 copies) <p>Neil Blake, FAA Air Traffic Control Division, discusses saturation during peak hours at major terminals, the increasing threat of midair collision in mixed airspace, and the increasing cost of the air" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3242 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Integrated Circuits for Consumer Applications </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 70-CC-03. (2 copies) <p>Three talks: </p><p>Carl Wellman, manager of appliance projects at General Electric in Syracuse, ""Integrate for Household Appliances After Careful Value Study"" </p><p>Thomas E. Endris, project director of radi" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3243 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Principles for Programming Process Computers </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 70-CC-04. (2 copies) <p>This colloquium consists of a seminar on programming for industrial process computers held during the 1970 IEEE International Convention and Exhibition in New York City. The material included was selec" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3244 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Upcoming Decade of Automotive Electronics </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 71-CC-05. Contributors: J.R. Welty; B. Vonderschmitt; C.C. Winkler; C. Phipps. (4 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011." </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3245 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Sales Management Techniques </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 71-CC-06. Contributors: C.L. Bouffiou; J.J. Hennessy; C.R. Serafini; C.J. Scott. (2 copies) <p>A discussion attempting to define and discuss excellence in sales management. </p><p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011." </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3247 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Programming Languages for the Layman </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 71-CC-08. Contributors: F.J. Corbato; A.D. Falkoff; T.E. Kurtz; P.H. Smith. (2 empty cassette cases) <p>" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3248 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Engineer as Entrepreneur and Manager: Engineering Management Strategies </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 72-CC-09. Dr. W.R. Beam. Editor: Dr. R.A. Rikoski. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3249 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Engineer as Entrepreneur and Manager: Doing Business with the Department of Transportation </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 72-CC-11. James C. Elms. Editor: Dr. Richard A. Rikoski. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011." </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3250 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Energy Crisis Engineering Solutions </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 72-CC-12. Participants: C.J. Wylie; L.G. Hauser; P.R. Keep; J.L. Elliott. Editor: Dr. Richard A. Rikoski. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3251 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Pensions </td> <td>"IEEE Cassette Colloquia, no. 74-CC-13. Panelists: Bill Keyes; Frank Cummings; Dick Backe; Bill Astrop; Tom Sternau. Editor: Dr. Richard A. Rikoski. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3252 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Systems Engineering: Art, Science and Politics" </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 70-S-01. Contributors: Harry I. Davis; Robert E. O'Donohue; Harold Chestnut; Eugene Fubini; Jack A. Baird; R[obert].A. Frosch; R. Holton; W.A. Douglass; Thomas Kelly. Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. Guest Editor: H.A. Manoogian. (2 copi" </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3253 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electronics in Commercial Aviation </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 70-S-02. Contributors: The Hon. James M. Beggs; Dr. James Elms; Dr. Harry Davis; Dr. Robert Cannon, Jr.; Warren Swanson; Carroll B. Keck. Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. (4 copies) <p>Presentations on the air system and its avionic elem" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-56 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3254 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Environment: Its Engineering Challenges </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 70-S-03. Contributors: Dr. H.H. Heffner; Dr. A. Cywin; Dr. A.R. Siegel; Dr. J.L. Knetsch; Dr. L.H. Blair. Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3255 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Human Voice ... and the Computer </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 70-S-04. Contributors: Dr. J.L. Flanagan; Prof. J. Allen; Dr. F.S. Cooper; Dr. L.R. Rabiner; Dr. W.D. Chapman; Dr. C.H. Coker. Editor: Dr. Walter R. Beam. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3256 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Engineering in the Health Industry </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 71-S-05. Contributors: Dr. M.D. Schwartz; G.I. Hickey, Jr.; Dr. B.G. Lamson; Dr. M.F. Collen; Dr. W.V. Slack; Dr. P.H. Griffith; Dr. J. Apter . Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3257 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Solid State Industry: A Technological and Economic Forecast </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 71-S-06. Contributors: R[ichard].L. Petritz; J.F. Bucy; R[obert].N. Noyce; John Welty. Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. Guest Editor: Dr. R[ichard].R. Rikoski. (2 copies) <p>Excerpts of a technological and economic assessment of the futu" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3258 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Automotive Electronics </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 71-S-08. Contributors: C.L. Hogan; E.W. Meyer, Jr.; C.D. Simmons; T.O. Jones; K.H. Keller; J.C. Zaalberg. Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. (2 copies) <p>This edition of Soundings examines automotive electronics, and the marriage between" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3259 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Minicomputers </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 72-S-01. Contributors: D.S. Diamond; K.H. Olsen; A. Knowles; J.L. Marcus. Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. (2 copies) <p>A visit to the birthplace of the minicomputer, the plant of Digital Equipment Corporation in Maynard, MA. </p><p>Audio" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3260 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>How to Beat Swords into Plowshares ... Technology Utilization </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 72-S-02. Contributors: R.L. McGinley; Dr. Marshall Alper; Clare Farley; Dr. Frank Hersman. Editor: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. (3 copies) <p>A series of talks about engineering and problem solving in the civic sector as opposed to military" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3261 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Women in High Technology Industries </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 72-S-03. Contributors: E.H. Williams; C. Pruett; J. Hitchcock; S. Hawley; A. Malo; C. Morris; A. Gardner; L. Singletary. Editor: Dr. R[ichard].A. Rikoski. (2 copies) <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. " </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3262 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Understanding Automation: An Engineering Management Philosophy </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 72-S-04. Editor: Roger W. Bolz. (2 copies) <p>A talk on the need to take a serious look at the philosophy of management as it relates to automation electronics, regardless of the type of industry, plant or production problem, and how" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3263 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Young Engineer in Modern Society </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 74-S-01. Contributors: David C. Allison; Dr. Myron Tribus. Editor: Roger W. Bolz. (2 copies) <p>For the young engineer today, the future holds challenges seldom, if ever before, present. Regardless of the direction of his or her futur" </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3264 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electronic Reliability Monitoring - Key to Productivity </td> <td>"IEEE Soundings, no. 74-S-02. Author: G.A. McAlpine. Editor: Roger W. Bolz. (2 copies) <p>The capabilities of electronics have spread their influence into nearly every sector of the American economy today. Because of increasing pressures for providing mor" </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3265 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Management Principles for Engineers </td> <td>"IEEE, 1970. <p>The word management is not easily defined. To one person it means the act or manner of managing, handling, directing or controlling. To another person management means a skill in management or a kind if in born executive ability. To a thir" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3266 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Display Devices </td> <td>"IEEE Date Service, no. 72-01. Author: I. Reingold. <p>Audio cassette tape digitized September, 2011. </p><p>tape is blank" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3267 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Your Career in Electrical Engineering </td> <td>"IEEE Career Concepts, no. 72-CD-01. Author: Dr. W[alter].R. Beam. <p>Walter Beam talks about what an electrical engineer does, typical college curriculum, and what to expect when entering the professional world. </p><p>Audio cassette tape digitized Septembe" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3268 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Bio-Medical Engineering Career </td> <td>"IEEE Career Concepts, no. 72-CD-02. <p>This IEEE Career Development tape explores the opportunities for engineers, and particularly for electrical engineers. In the hospitals, increasing automation in instruments used by physicians and surgeons suggest" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-3269 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Accreditation </td> <td>"IEEE Accreditation. Author: Dr. R[obert].M. Saunders. (3 copies) <p>The purpose of this tape is to provide some information about the accreditation of engineering programs in the United States. This tape provides history and background on the accreditati" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>OB-312 </td> <td>Oral History </td> <td>"Lazio Belady Interview, 1986" </td> <td>"From Don Christiansen: Tape No.1 is part of an interview by IEEE Spectrum editor Mark Fischetti of Lazlo Belady. Belady was born in Hungary in 1928 and came to the U.S. in 1966. Trained as an aeronautical engineer, he cofounded, with Tokei Nitta, and ser" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-124:#812 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-3215 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE USAB/USAC Chairmen </td> <td>"Reflections of IEEE USAB Chairmen for their 10th anniversary. Participants include: Harold S. Goldberg (twice), Leo Young, James H. Mulligan, John J. Guarrera, Richard J. Gowen, Edward J. Doyle <p>1 cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-3219 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Interview with Victor Fu </td> <td>"Victor Fu, interviewed by Chuck Harrison, is IEEE member working at Spreckles <p>1 cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3216 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Long Island Section Meeting </td> <td>"Long Island Section Meeting, panel discussion of general type of engineers professional interests and who is to look after them. <p>2 cassette tapes" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3370 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Board of Directors meeting, 2/2/75" </td> <td>"IEEE Board of Directors meeting, 2/2/75 <p>1 cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3372 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Budget Committee meeting, 1975" </td> <td>"IEEE Budget Committee meeting, 1975 <p>presentation on budget crisis in 1975 and plans for 1976 budget, speakers: Burke Schneider, Bud Eldon, followed by Q&A and discussion and voting </p><p>3 audio cassette tapes" </p> </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3373 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Section Workshop, March 22, 1972" </td> <td>"IEEE Section Workshop, March 22, 1972 <p>tape 1 - Mar 22 1972 - Harold Chestnut, Ray Sears, Bruce Barrow speaking on finances on side a; some musings on future of IEEE from 1984 on beginning of side b (clearly recorded over the program originally on tape" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3374 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE and NSPE tapes </td> <td>"5 tapes dealing with relations between IEEE and NSPE <p>5 tapes, Newark - Paul Robbins (not on tape), IEEE and NSPE NSPE 1 NSPE 2 NSPE - Pan Ant NSPE - discussion on education" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3375 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Board of Directors meeting, 1975 or 1976?" </td> <td>"Board of Directors meeting, 1975 or 1976? <p>1 audio cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3376 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Regional Activities Board and Board of Director meetings, 1975" </td> <td>"Regional Activities Board and Board of Director meetings, 1975 <p>side A - RAB 4/6/1975 or (poor responses from region/section volunteer leadership, budget issues) side B - RAB (first 11 minutes), BOD 4/10-11/75 meeting for the rest of tape (publications" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3377 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Region 2 meeting, 1975 or 1976" </td> <td>"Region 2 meeting, 1975 or 1976 <p>Judd Schulke, IEEE general manager, region 2 meeting, speaking to section leadership </p><p>1 audio cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3225 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USAB: An Overview </td> <td>A brief history of IEEE USAB. 1 audio cassette tape </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-3217 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"ASAE's Graphic Evaluation of Spectrum <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Fisher, University of Missouri, Columbia, gives evaluation of the graphic design on the March/April 1974 issue of Spectrum <p>1 cassette tape" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - CS (WITH SLIDES) </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-334 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Energy in Perspective </td> <td>"Slide show (in carousel) with narration on cassette tape. Produced by IEEE-USA. <p>A look at energy from four views: </p><p>Why is there a problem? What existing or new sources are available to us? How can we meet our needs between now and the year 2000? " </p> </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>MB-107 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1301 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE EMC Society: Founders War Stories. </td> <td>"Video of symposium panel of founders of the IEEE EMC held at the EMC's 50th Anniversary Meeting, July 8,-13 2007, Honolulu. Part of ""East Meets West: IEEE EMC Symposium '07. Nore: This DVD has been digitized and posted on the IEEE GHN. <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external free" href="">http://www.ieeeg</a>" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-154 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3555 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Philip Abelson </td> <td>"Interview with Philip Abelson, no date. <p>IEEE #1 Hungarian Digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3556 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Harold Agnew - Part 2 </td> <td>"Interview with Harold Agnew - Part 2, Original Copy <p>IEEE #2 Hungarian Digitized DVD" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3557 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Luis Walter Alvarez </td> <td>"Part 2 Agnew until 20:47 when he gets cut off <p>Alvarez 3/13/84 seems to start mid-interview - see Egeberg DVD IEEE #3 Hungarian Digitized DVD and ripped copy" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3558 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with William Arnold </td> <td>"Interview with William Arnold <p>IEEE#4 Hungarian Digitized DVD" </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3559 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with John V. Atanasoff </td> <td>"Interview with John V. Atanasoff <p>IEEE #5 Hungarian Digitized DVD" </p> </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3560 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Robert Bacher </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Robert Bacher <p>IEEE #6 Hungarian Digitized DVDs." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3561 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Melvin Calvin </td> <td>"Interview with Melvin Calvin <p>IEEE #7 Hungarian Digitized DVD" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3562 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Carl Djerassi </td> <td>"Interview with Carl Djerassi. <p>IEEE #8 Hungarian Digitized DVD" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3563 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Rene Dulbecco </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Rene Dulbecco. <p>IEEE #9. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3564 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interviews with Roger Egeberg and Luis Alvarez </td> <td>"Interviews with Roger Egeberg and Luis Alvarez <p>IEEE #10. Hungarian digitized DVD Egeberg cuts off at 12:12 Alvarez begins at 12:12, ends at 23:55 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3565 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. William Fowler </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. William Fowler. <p>IEEE #11. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3566 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Robert Frase. </td> <td>"Interview with Robert Frase. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3567 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Robert Gaither. </td> <td>"Interview with Robert Gaither. <p>IEEE #12 Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3568 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Martin Kamen </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Martin Kamen. <p>IEEE #13. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3569 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Edwin McMillan </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Edwin McMillan <p>IEEE #14 Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3570 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Mark Oliphant </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Mark Oliphant <p>IEEE #15 Hungarian digitized copy" </p> </td> <td>1988 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3571 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Linus Pauling. </td> <td>"Interview with Linus Pauling. <p>IEEE #16. Hungarian digitized DVDs." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3572 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Rudolph Peierls. </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Rudolph Peierls. <p>IEEE #17. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3573 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Kenneth Rush </td> <td>"Interview with Kenneth Rush. <p>IEEE #18. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3574 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Arthur Schawlow </td> <td>"Interview with Arthur Schawlow. <p>IEEE #19. 2 Hungarian digitized DVDs; one bad copy." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3575 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Glenn T. Seaborg </td> <td>"Intervew with Glenn T. Seaborg. <p>IEEE #20. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3576 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Emelio Segre </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Emelio Segre. <p>IEEE #21. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3577 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Gerald Tape </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Gerald Tape. <p>IEEE #22 Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3578 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Edward Teller </td> <td>"Interview with Edward Teller. <p>IEEE #23. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3579 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dr. Charles Townes </td> <td>"Interview with Dr. Charles Townes. <p>IEEE #24. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3580 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Alvin Weinberg </td> <td>"Interview with Alvin Weinberg. <p>IEEE #25. Hungarian digitized DVD." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3581 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Ted Hoff. </td> <td>"Interview with Ted Hoff. <p>IEEE #26. 2 duplicates One Hungarian Digitized DVD, poor quality Labled Wigner 03/04/1986 Other DVD labeled Flash Encodes Contains two Flash files" </p> </td> <td>1988 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3582 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with John Backus </td> <td>"Interview with John Backus. <p>IEEE #27." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3583 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with William Brobeck </td> <td>"Interview with William Brobeck. <p>IEEE #28." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3584 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Ken Davis. </td> <td>"Interview with Ken Davis. <p>IEEE #29." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3585 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dantas de Brito </td> <td>"Interview with Dantas de Brito. <p>IEEE #30." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3586 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Harold Edgerton </td> <td>"Interview with Harold Edgerton. <p>IEEE #31." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3587 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Robert Frase </td> <td>"Interview with Robert Frase. <p>IEEE #32." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3588 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Keith Glennan </td> <td>"Interview with Keith Glennan. <p>IEEE #33." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3589 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Carl Hammar </td> <td>"Interview with Carl Hammar. <p>IEEE #34." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3590 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Wesley T. Hanson </td> <td>"Interview with Wesley T. Hanson. <p>2 DVDs, IEEE#35A and IEEE#35B" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3591 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Alexander Hollaender </td> <td>"Interview with Alexander Hollaender. <p>IEEE #36" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3592 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Chester E. Holifield. </td> <td>"Interview with Chester E. Holified. <p>2 DVDs, labeled IEEE#37A and #IEEE37B" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3593 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Clarence Larson </td> <td>"Interview with Clarence Larson. <p>IEEE #38A, IEEE #38B" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3594 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Robert Larson </td> <td>"Interview with Robert Larson. <p>IEEE #39A, IEEE #39B." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3595 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Kenneth D. Nichols. </td> <td>"Interview with Kenneth D. Nichols. <p>IEEE #40." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3596 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Arhtur Rupp </td> <td>"Interview with Arthur Rupp. <p>IEEE #41." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3597 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Robert C. Seamans </td> <td>"Interview with Robert C. Seamans. <p>IEEE #42." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3598 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Chauncey Starr </td> <td>"Interview with Chauncey Starr. <p>IEEE #43." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3599 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Kurt Stehling </td> <td>"Interview with Kurt Stehling. <p>IEEE #44" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3600 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Lauriston Taylor </td> <td>"Interview with Lauriston Taylor. <p>IEEE #45" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3601 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with John Totter </td> <td>"Interview with John Totter. <p>IEEE #46" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3602 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Dean Warren. </td> <td>"Interview with Dean Warren. <p>IEEE #47" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3603 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Interview with Herb York. </td> <td>"Interview with Herb York. <p>IEEE #48." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3604 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Videotape Interview with Dr. Bertrand Goldschmidt </td> <td>"Interview with Bertrand Godlschmidt <p>IEEE #49" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3605 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Videotape Interview with Mr. David Packard </td> <td>"Videotape Interview with David Packard <p>IEEE #50" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3606 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Clarence E. Larson: Pioneers in Science and Technology </td> <td>"Clarence E. Larson: Pioneers in Science and Technology <p>Science Stories A" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3607 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Science Stories B </td> <td>"Science Stories B <p>Produced segment which contains interviews with Robert Larson, Glenn Seaborg, Roger Egeberg, and Luis Alvarez" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (LARSON) </td> <td>AR-3608 </td> <td>Larson Collection </td> <td>Science Stories C </td> <td>"Science Stories C <p>""Pioneers"" - Larson Compilation Interviews with Carl Djerassi, Chester Holifield, Bertrand Goldschmidt, Stephen Bechtel, David Packard, and Linus Pauling Both C.1 and C.2 are exact copies of each other" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3545 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>Weizmann Institute </td> <td>"The Computer Pioneers is a video oral history project produced by Richard Jay Solomon, which chronicles the building of the Weizac and Golem computers at the Weizmann Institute. Spanning six DVDs, these interviews are unedited and were conducted over Apr" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3546 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>Interview: Gary Tee on Babbage </td> <td>"The Computer Pioneers was a documentary produced by Richard Solomon in association with MIT in the early 1980s about the history of computers and computer technology. Unfortunately, the documentary was never finished. This segment of the unfinished pro" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3547 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>The TX-0 </td> <td>The Computer Pioneers was originally intended to be a documentary examining the history of the development of computers produced by Richard Solomon in association with MIT. This segment of the unfinished documentary discusses the development of the TX-0 </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB -182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3548 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>Eniac SW #4 </td> <td>"The Computer Pioneers was a video oral history project produced by Richard Solomon in association with MIT in the early 1980s. Originally intended to be a complete documentary film, the project was unfortunately never finished. The footage in this segm" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3549 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>IBM @Pods dub </td> <td>"The Computer Pioneers was intended to be a film documenting the evolution of early computers through the oral histories of the participants themselves. This segment involves an informal discussion group comprised of Jerrier Haddad, Clarence Frizzell, an" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3550 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>Electronics in WW II </td> <td>"Originally intended to be part of a larger project about early developments in computing, these interviews and group discussions include commentary on many of the electronic developments during the World War II era which lead to advancements in computing" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3551 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>An Experiment in Video Oral History Part One: Origins of Electronic Computation During World War II </td> <td>"The Computer Pioneers is a video oral history project dedicated to the early history of computing produced by Richard Jay Solomon in 1983. Intended to be a documentary series, ""The Computer Pioneers: An Experiment in Video Oral History Part One: Origins" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3552 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>The Whirlwind Computer </td> <td>This archival footage of an unfinished documentary produced by Richard Solomon chronicles the development of the Whirlwind computer at MIT in the late 1940s into the early 1950s. The United States Navy approached MIT about building a computer to power a </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3553 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>The Development of the IBM 701 </td> <td>"The Computer Pioneers is a video oral history project produced by Richard Jay Solomon. This segment of the series discusses the development of the IBM 701 model computer, also known as the Defense Calculator, in the early 1950s. These interviews were c" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>INTERVIEW (SOLOMON) </td> <td>AR-3554 </td> <td>Solomon Collection </td> <td>Switched Output: Timsharing at MIT </td> <td>Switched Output is an oral history project produced by Richard Jay Solomon. This segment of the unfinished documentary chronicles the development of time-sharing operating systems at MIT in the 1960s. The discussion was taped on May 14th and 15th in 19 </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-377 </td> <td> </td> <td>Distinguished Control Engineers Video Tapes. Kurfess videotapes (gift 96-17) </td> <td>"Professor Thomas Kurfess gift. <p>27 video tapes: 8 VHS, 10 betacam-sp, and 9 u matic (3/4"") Appears to be videotaped interviews with several Distinguished Control Engineers: Multiple copies of multi-tape interviews in 3/4"", Betacam-SP and VHS format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-102 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - DVD </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-3901 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>"""The Legacy of Gary Kildall"" IEEE Milestone Dedication" </td> <td>"The Legacy of Gary Kildall <p>IEEE Milestone Dedication 4/25/14 Pacific Grove, CA CP/M Microprocessor Operating System Milestone Docket No. 2013-23 </p><p>Pannel Discussion at Pacific Grove, CA City Hall with: Robert Huitt (Pacific Grove City Council) How" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1325 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Power Engineering 1988 Plenary Session </td> <td>"3 3/4 U-Matic Video Tapes <p>IEEE Power Engineering Society. Plenary Session July 25, 1988 </p><p>IEEE PES Plenary Session - Electromagnetic Fields-Perspectives, July 25, 1988, tape 1: </p><p>IEEE Power Engineering Society Plenary Session </p><p>""Electromagnetic Fi" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1335 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Power Engineering 1991 Plenary Session </td> <td>"4 3/4 U-Matic Video Tapes <p>IEEE Power Engineering Society. Plenary Session July 21, 1991 </p><p>IEEE PES Plenary Session - Energy Policy and Air Quality Regulations, tape 1: </p><p>San Diego, CA </p><p>Terry Winter, general chairman for the Summer meeting Al Dav" </p> </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>MB-145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1440 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"Winter Power Meeting, Dallas TX, January 1984" </td> <td>"IEEE PES Winter Power Meeting, January 1984 <p>Power Engineering Society, 1984 Winter Meeting, Jan 29th - Feb 3rd </p><p>Produced tape is ""Mr. Henry C. Anderson, 1984 IEEE Meeting, Dallas"", containing highlights from: Gil Berman, Charles L. Wagner, Robert O." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3152 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>High Tc Superconductivity--IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3155 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Sensors--From Microwave to Electro Optical with Dr. S. A. Hovanessian, Aerospace Corporation. Reel 1 of 2." </td> <td>"Sensors - From Microwave to Electro Optical with Dr. S. A. Hovanessian, Aerospace Corporation. Reel 1 of 2. RT: 60:00 <p>IEEE Educational Activities. </p><p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3158 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE/ICNN Pattern Recognition Review. David Casasent. Part 1 of 2. </td> <td>"IEEE/ICNN Pattern Recognition Review. David Casasent. Part 1 of 2. <p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>1988 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3159 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE--Robot Sensing </td> <td>"The Learning Channel. IEEE--Robot Sensing, Part 4. 57:10 <p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3160 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Sensor-Based Planning and Control in Robotics </td> <td>"Sensor-Based Planning and Control in Robotics. Part 1 58:49 <p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3369 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"International Conference on Communications, 1976, Philadelphia" </td> <td>"International Conference on Communications, 1976, Philadelphia <p>Promotional video for the conference hosted by Bill Middleton, describing the conference, its activities, and concluding with showing historical images of Philadelphia. </p><p>Original tape t" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-3161 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Arno Penzias Interview. </td> <td>"2 3/4"" U-Matic Cassettes. See AR-1313 for VHS copy. <p>Digitized on 1/11, posted on the GHN." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-1448 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>History of Communications IEEE </td> <td>"History of Communications produced by Western Union. Looks like its a recording of a filmstrip, possibly intended for children." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3367 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Section Leadership, 1972" </td> <td>"IEEE Section Leadership, 1972 <p>Narrated by Bill Middleton as ""John Jones"", informational video that details IEEE's organizational structure and the responsibilities expected from volunteer section leadership. </p><p>Video cuts out for a second at the begin" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1401 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>IEEE Perspective: Henry Bachman </td> <td>"1 3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>Segment from Program ""Nation's Business Today,"" from the US Chamber of Commerce. Henry Bachman on Radar, 1987. </p><p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1402 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>IEEE Perspectives: Dr. Bruno Weinschel </td> <td>"1 3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>Segment from Program ""Nation's Business Today,"" from the US Chamber of Commerce. </p><p>No title cards for segments </p><p>Bruno Weinschel on: </p><p>- Japanese vs American workers (taped 6/20/86) - Reversing American competition, increa" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1403 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>IEEE Perspectives: Dr. Bruno Weinschel Revised Edition. </td> <td>"1 3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>Segment from Program ""Nation's Business Today,"" from the US Chamber of Commerce. </p><p>Title cards for each segment </p><p>Bruno Weinschel on: </p><p>- Japanese vs American workers (taped 6/20/86) - Reversing American competition, incre" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1404 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>IEEE Perspective </td> <td>"1 3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>Segments from Program ""Nation's Business Today,"" from the US Chamber of Commerce. </p><p>Title cards for each segment </p><p>Bruno Weinschel on: </p><p>- Japanese vs American workers (taped 6/20/86) - Reversing American competition, incr" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1405 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>"Nation's Business Today, Includes Perspective Feature" </td> <td>"3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>Full episode of ""Nations Business Today"", airing 4/10/1986. Perspectives segment is from R.C. Riley of Independent Insurance Agents </p><p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1407 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>"NAE Presentation, June 11, 1986." </td> <td>"1 3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>National Academy of Engineering Presentation. </p><p>Sent from IEEE Washington Office. </p><p>Programs contain: </p><p>- Excerpts from IEEE Centennial Briefing for the Media: ""The Computerization of Science"", Kenneth Wilson, Newman Lab" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1408 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>"IEEE Perspective, Airdate: 10/14/1986" </td> <td>"1 3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>Segment from Program ""Nation's Business Today,"" from the US Chamber of Commerce. </p><p>Weinschel's Engineering in medical technology segment as it aired on Nation's Business today with segments of the program before and after </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1409 </td> <td>Audio/Video </td> <td>IEEE Perspectives- Nation's Business Today 1987 </td> <td>"1 3/4"" U-matic Cassette <p>Segments from Program ""Nation's Business Today,"" from the US Chamber of Commerce. </p><p>Henry Bachman on: </p><p>- Computers (2/19/1987) - Radar (3/26/1987) - Alternate Energy Systems (5/8/1987) - Various recent advances in techno" </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3154 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Math and Science Education, N.D. . Film Counselers Associates Inc." </td> <td>"Public Service Announcement in Support of Math and Science Education. TRT 0:30. <p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 10/12" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - UMATIC </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3434 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE: THe Future Awaits. </td> <td>"3/4"" U-Matic tape, digitized and placed on the GHN. <p>This 1988 video, part of the collection at the IEEE Archives, was done as a recruitment tool for leadership positions in IEEE student branches on college campuses. It demonstrated the advantage of ac" </p> </td> <td>1988 </td> <td>MB-149 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1060 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Faraday Lecture 2000 </td> <td>"- Time & Place in the communications age - 1 hour, 5 minutes - GPS, Cell Phone, measuring time, <p>Audio/Video/Computer </p><p>Digitized 4/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#1060 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1061 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Faraday Lecture 2001 </td> <td>"- Beyond the Square Window - Digital technology - Television - Communications <p>Audio/Video/Computer </p><p>Digitized 4/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#1061 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1062 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Faraday Lecture 2003 </td> <td>"- Fighting Crimes with Science - Role of science and technology in crime detection and prevention - 14- to 16-year old audience - <p>Audio/Video </p><p>Digitized 4/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#1062 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1283 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"The Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing, Tapes 1-5" </td> <td>"Prepared by IEEE Educational Activities. Sponsored by the IEEE Electron Devices Society. SVHS tapes <p>Tape 1, TRT: 1:19:27 Tape 2, TRT: 1:21:16 Tape 3, TRT: 1:09:18 Tape 4, TRT: 0:44:12 Tape 5, TRT: 1:08:37 </p><p>Digitized 3/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1284 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Robotics and Automation IEEE 1997 Final </td> <td>"1997 ICRA: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. <p>TRT: 1:45:55 </p><p>Digitized 3/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1287 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Robotics and Automation Conference: Video Proceedings 2000 </td> <td>" <p>2000 ICRA: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. </p><p>IEEE Educational Activities </p><p>TRT: 1:16:15 </p><p>Digitized 3/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1288 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Robotics and Automation Conference: Video Proceedings 1999 </td> <td>" <p>1999 ICRA: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. SVHS tape </p><p>IEEE Educational Activities </p><p>TRT: 1:30:00 </p><p>Digitized 3/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1289 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Robotics and Automation Conference: Video Proceedings 1998 </td> <td>" <p>1998 ICRA: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. SVHS tape </p><p>IEEE Educational Activities </p><p>TRT: 1:19:51 </p><p>Digitized 3/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1293 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Power Engineering Society, Plenary Session, January 30, 1995" </td> <td>"Power Engineering Society Conference, New York Hilton & Towers, January 30, 1995" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1294 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Winter Power Conference </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>IEEE Winter Power Conference, 1993. Hyatt Regency - Columbus, Ohio. Subject: Worldwide and national economic outlook and the U.S. National Energy Strategy </p><p>Participants include: </p><p>Robert Dent, John A. Casazza, W.H. Rambousek, C. Imbr" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1295 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Future of Electric Power and Key factors Effecting it. </td> <td>"SVHS Tape, Plenary Speeches <p>IEEE Power Engineering Society Conference. July 13, 1992, Seattle, WA </p><p>Moderator - J. A. Casazza Speakers - Richard Sonstelie - CEO and President Pudget Sound Power and Light Company, Robert Youngs, John Pope - Presiden" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1296 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Deregulation of the Electrical Industry, I EEE Summer Session Mtg, Portland OR." </td> <td>"VHS, IEEE Power Engineering Society Plenary Session. Speakers: John Coughlin and E. Richard Brooks. Topic: Deregulation of the Electrical Industry. Digitized for preservation 8/10" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1303 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The History of the FFT: James W. Cooley and John F. Tukey </td> <td>"Plenary Session Presentation, 1992 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, San Francisco, 25 March 1992. NTSC VHS. Distributed by IEEE Signal Processing Society. History of the Fast Fourier Transfrom (FFT) by its inventor s" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1315 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Let's Control Everything </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>2001 IEEE ACS Conference (American Control Conference), IEEE Control Systems Society. </p><p>Tape 1: ACC Plenary I: Christos G. Cassandras, "" ""Let's Control Everything."" </p><p>TRT: 1:09:54 </p><p>Digitized 3/11 and posted on GHN" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1316 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Enterprise Optimization in Process Industries and Beyond </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>2001 IEEE ACS Conference (American Control Conference), IEEE Control Systems Society. </p><p>Tape 2: ACC Plenary 2: Tariq Samad: ""Enterprise Optimization in Process Industries and Beyond."" </p><p>TRT: 0:58:58 </p><p>Digitized 3/11 and posted on" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1317 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"""Challenges, Theory and Applications in Process Control.""" </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>2001 IEEE ACS Conference (American Control Conference), IEEE Control Systems Society. </p><p>Tape 3: ACC Plenary 3: Richard D. Braatz: ""Challenges, Theory and Applications in Process Control."" </p><p>TRT: 0:58:45 </p><p>Digitized 3/11 and post" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1318 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Special Evening Session: Otto Mayr </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>2001 IEEE ACS Conference (American Control Conference), IEEE Control Systems Society. </p><p>Tape 4: Special Evening Session: Otto Mayr </p><p>Digitized 1/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1320 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electromagnetic Interference: A Global Engineering Challenge. </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>IEEE Educational Activities Department: Electromagnetic Interference: A Global Engineering Challenge. </p><p>No Date. </p><p>TRT: 14:10 </p><p>Digitized 3/11 and posted on GHN" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1321 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Respect the Unstable. </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>Gunter Stein: Respect the Unstable. </p><p>IEEE Control Systems Society, 1989 Henik Bode Prize Lecture, given at the 1989 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Tampa, FL. </p><p>For printed version see: </p><p><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external free" href=""></a>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1322 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Robert Kahn: History and Overview of the Internet. </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society presents Robert E. Kahn, ""History and Overview of the Internet."" </p><p>Location: American Center for Physics, College Park MD. </p><p>October 19, 1999. </p><p>Digitized 8/10 and posted on the GHN" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1323 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>World Economic Development and Effect on USA. </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>IEEE Winter Power Conference, 1993. Hyatt Regency - Columbus, Ohio. Subject: Worldwide and national economic outlook and the U.S. National Energy Strategy </p><p>Participants include: </p><p>Robert Dent, John A. Casazza, W.H. Rambousek, C. Imbr" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1324 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Power Engineering 1995 Plenary Session </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>IEEE Power Engineering Society. Plenary Session January 30, 1995. </p><p>Digitized on 8/10." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1336 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Power Engineering 1994 Plenary Session </td> <td>"2 3/4 VHS Video Tapes <p>IEEE Power Engineering Society. Summer Power Meeting. Plenary Session July 25, 1994 </p><p>Tape 1, TRT 2:00 Tape 2, TRT 1:10 </p><p>Digitized 3/11." </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>MB-145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1442 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE ""Red Lion""" </td> <td>"5 items on tape: <p>Hoband (NSF) Meindl Morton Noyce Tsurumi" </p> </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1447 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE from Pole to Pole & Sea to Sea </td> <td>"Presentation given at IEEE Sections Congress at Toronto, ON, Canada, October 5th, 1990. Written and directed by Jim Watson. <p>Digitized 7/18/11" </p> </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3000 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Plenary Speeches, 7-13-92." </td> <td>"Two VHS tapes. IEEE Power Engineering Society Conference. July 13, 1992, Seattle, WA <p>Moderator - J. A. Casazza Speakers - Richard Sonstelie - CEO and President Pudget Sound Power and Light Company, Robert Youngs, John Pope - President of the Power E" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3002 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>PES Winter Meeting 1994 </td> <td>"2 VHS tapes, ""Changing Technical Conditions in the Electric Power Industry"". New York, NY. <p>Panel: J. Casazza, E. Baum, S. Wolf, M. Kalos, R.E. Hebner Chair: J. Casazza </p><p>Digitized 1/11." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3162 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Land Mobile Radio from the 20s to the 80s. </td> <td>"Joint Meeting of the Radio Club of America and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Dunfey Hotel, San Mateo, California. Stuart Meyer, ex-VP Radio Club of America. <p>Digitized March 2011." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3192 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"1998 CDC, Tample, FL, 3 Dec 1998" </td> <td>"1998 CDC, Tampa, FL, 3, Dec, 1998. Contains two tapes: <p>Tape 1: </p><p>- interviews with Lotfi Zadeh (TRT: 0:38:26) and Mike Athans (TRT: 0:40:49), Gene Franklin interviewing - Fuzzy versus Conventional control debate (camera 1) (TRT: 1:11:01) </p><p>Tape 2: " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3220 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Auritt Communications </td> <td>"1 VHS tape <p>Preview of our technological future offered by leading experts at annual meeting of electrical and electronics engineers. </p><p>Audio is split, Sync Sound is on Channel 1, Natural sound is on Channel 2. The tape contains the narrated newsfeat" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3351 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"1994 PACE Conference and Workshop, MAC Plenary, GAC Plenary, Keynote Speaker" </td> <td>"1994 PACE Conference and Workshop <p>September 2-5, 1994 Phoenix, AZ </p><p>September 4th, 1994: </p><p>""Coping with Defense Downsizing: Lessons for all Engineers"", V. William Souveroff, Executive Director, National Center for Career Change </p><p>""Engineering Skills" </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3352 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1994 PACE Conference - TPC Plenary, CAC Plenary, Luncheon" </td> <td>"1994 PACE Conference and Workshop <p>September 2-5, 1994 Phoenix, AZ </p><p>September 3rd: </p><p>""People, Technology, and Opportunities"" - Jeffrey J. Jacobsen, Vice President, Kopin Corporation introduced by Will Stackhouse, Senior Executive Staff, Strategy and" </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3353 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1994 PACE Conference, Workshop: Professional Skill Development Program" </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1994 PACE Conference, Workshop: Professional Skill Development Program <p>Speakers: </p><p>Charles K. Alexander, Chairman, USAB Jim Watson, Communications Advisor, USAB K. James Phillips, Jr., PACE Precollege Education Program Coordinator, Region" </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3354 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USA 1995 Pace Conference - IEEE Organizational Improvement </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1995 Pace Conference - IEEE Organizational Improvement, September 3rd, 1995 <p>Audio is a bit poor - heavy distortion on original tape, removed and now presence of light to moderate digital </p><p>distortion (""watery"" effect). Background given on ," </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3355 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference - Change and Challenge, An Industry Perspective" </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference - Change and Challenge, An Industry Perspective <p>Kent M. Black, Rockwell International Corporation September 2nd, 1995 </p><p>TRT: 32:06 </p><p>1 VHS tape </p><p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3356 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference - The Engineer's Role in National Technology Policy </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference - The Engineer's Role in National Technology Policy <p>J. Mark Pullen, Co-vice Chair, Technology Policy Council James E. Gover, 1992-1995 IEEE-USA Competitiveness Fellow September 2nd, 1995 </p><p>TRT: 45:07 </p><p>1 VHS tape </p><p>D" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3357 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference <p>September 3rd, 1995 </p><p>""In Pursuit of a Resilient Career"", George F. McClure, Chair, Career Policy Council, Paul J. Kostek, Chair, Career Maintenance and Development Committee </p><p>""Engineering Your Career"", Peggy G. Hutcheso" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3358 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference - Immigration Issues </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1995 PACE Conference - Immigration Issues <p>September 4th, 1995 </p><p>moderated by Charles S. Lessard, Vice Chair, USAB, Chair, PACE Network </p><p>""Foreign-Born Engineers and the U.S. Labor Market"", David S. North, author of ""Soothing the Establishment" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3359 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1996 Technology Policy Council Symposium - ""Is There a Role for the US Government in Technology Development?""" </td> <td>"IEEE-USA 1996 Technology Policy Council Symposium - ""Is There a Role for the US Government in Technology Development?"" <p>June 10th, 1996, Mitretek Systems, McLean, VA </p><p>welcoming remarks, Robert S. Powers, Chair, IEEE-USA Technology Policy Council </p><p>""" </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3366 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Faraday Lecture, ""The Seventh Sense""" </td> <td>"Faraday Lecture, 25 November, 1992, ""The Seventh Sense"" <p>Digitized 12/12 </p><p>1 VHS tape" </p> </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3399 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1997 Faraday Lecture </td> <td>"""But What's the Use of It, Mr. Faraday?"" <p>1997 Faraday Lecture, co-sponsored by IEE and IEEE, presented by the University of Sheffield, from the Barbican Concert Hall, London </p><p>1 VHS tape </p><p>digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13" </p> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3402 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"History of Land, Mobile and Personal Communications from the 1920s to the 1990s" </td> <td>"History of Land, Mobile and Personal Communications from the 1920s to the 1990s, presented by Stuart Meyer at First Virginia Tech Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications, June 1991 <p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13 </p><p>1 VHS tape" </p> </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3403 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2000 American Control Conference Plenary sessions </td> <td>"2000 American Control Conference Plenary sessions. Chicago IL: <p>Bob Narendra, ""Control Systems - Past Present and Future"", June 28th, 2000 </p><p>Andy Teal, ""Perspective and developments on the Anti-Wind Problem"", June 30th, 2000 </p><p>Digitized and posted o" </p> </td> <td>2000 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3753 </td> <td> </td> <td>"IEEE VTS Conference, Fred Link interviews" </td> <td>"VHS tape containing: <p>-awards presentation at the IEEE VTS conference at Dallas in 1986 </p><p>-Fred M. Link interviews Arthur A. Collins (inventor of Aircraft Radio and founder of Collins Radio Corp.) and James O. Weldon, who built super power broadcast stations and low frequency U.S. Navy Radio Systems </p><p>-Fred Link continues reminiscences with James Weldon and others in hopitality suite </p><p>-Samuel R. McConoughey intervies Fred Link about the early days of amateur and mobile radio at the IEEE VTS Conference in Tampa 1987 Given by R. A. Isberg on January 9, 1990 </p><p>Tape has been digitized" </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-389 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Old Tyme Radio Night </td> <td>"Videotape, 3 hours in length; 21 May 1991 Vehicular Technology Conference. Slide Presentations by Al Gross, Stu Meyers, Charlie Higginbottom, Roger Madden and Fred Link. <p>Audio/Video </p><p>Digitized 4/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#389 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1282 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"RF Device Technologies for Communications Systems, Tapes 1-5" </td> <td>"Prepared by IEEE Educational Activities. Sponsored by the IEEE Electron Devices Society. SVHS format <p>Tape 1, TRT: 1:00:00 Tape 2, TRT: 1:30:00 Tape 3, TRT: 1:15:00 Tape 4, TRT: 1:15:00 Tape 5, TRT: 1:15:00 </p><p>Digitized 3/11." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1285 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Careers for Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists </td> <td>"Career Planning. Sloan Career Cornerstone Series, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. <p>IEEE Educational Activities Department. Digitized for preservation 8/10" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1286 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Educational Activities Board presents Meeting the Future: Continuing Education for Electrical Engineers. </td> <td>"VHS <p>IEEE Educational Activities Department </p><p>Digitized 8/10, posted on GHN" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1290 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>P. E. Review: Communications </td> <td>"IEEE Power and Engineering Society, P. E. Review: Communications. <p>Presented by Martin S. Roden. Copyright IEEE Educational Activities, 2000 </p><p>Tape 1, TRT: 0:59:30 Tape 2, TRT: 0:45:00 </p><p>Digitized 3/11." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1291 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Technological Literacy Counts </td> <td>"IEEE Educational Activities Department VHS, 1998 <p>Digitized 3/11 and posted on GHN" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1292 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Professional Vitality Through Lifelong Learning: Is a Cultural Change Needed. </td> <td>"Presented by Kenneth R. Laker, 1995 IEEE Vice President, Educational Activities. <p>IEEE Educational Activities Department </p><p>Digitized 8/10 and posted on GHN" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1304 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>How to Talk to Children About Technical Careers. </td> <td>IEEE United States Activities Committee VHS video tape. Digitized for preservation 8/10 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1305 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Passport to Opportunity: Strategies for Improving Pre-College Education. </td> <td>VHS Video tape. Developed for IEE-USA by Dr. Lawrence Grayson. IEEE_USA Precollege Education Committee. Digitized for preservation 8/10 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1306 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Meeting the Future: Continuing Education Promo </td> <td>"VHS Tape, Educational Activities, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway NJ. <p>Digitized for preservation 8/10." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1312 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Professional Development: Where Do You Stand? A Message from Industry 2000 </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape from IEEE Educational Actviities Department. <p>Participants include: </p><p>Martin Van Duser, Robert W. Lucky, Alfred Moye. Frank Splitt, Mary O'Hara Deveraux, Michael Masten, John Meredith, Kellee Noonan, Robert Krause, Michael Smythe, Step" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td>AR-1314 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Selected Segments, Sloan" </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape. Young members on IEEE. Digitized on 1/11. Not posted on GHN as it appears to start in the middle. Participants include: <p>David Shen - International Marketing Manager Schweitzer Engineering Labs Christy Herig - Engineer, National Renew" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-3350 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1996 IEEE Presidential Candidates Debate </td> <td>"1996 IEEE Presidential Candidates Debate <p>Denver, CO, June 1994 </p><p>Debate between Chuck Alexander (VP Professional Activities), Donald Bolle, (VP Technical Activities), Wallace Read (VP Standards) Moderator - Delores Etter, Denver Section </p><p>TRT: 49:58 " </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-3400 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Region 3 Teleconference </td> <td>"IEEE Region 3 Teleconference, an experiment in conducting official IEEE business meeting over teleconference, 1/23/1993 <p>TRT 3:44:58 </p><p>Digitized 5/13 </p><p>1 VHS tape" </p> </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-3628 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Sections Congress 2002 </td> <td>"IEEE Sections Congress 2002, Washington DC <p>Tape 1: </p><p>10/18/2002 </p><p>Opening remarks </p><p>Cleon Anderson, 2002 VP of Regional Activities Dan Benigni, Chair of sections Congress, 2002 Satish Aggarwal, Local organizing committee chair Michael Haas (mark" </p> </td> <td>2002 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-403 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Video of Brokaw Mansion </td> <td>"10+ minutes tape, taken by Tommy Bartlett, of the interior of the Brokaw Mansion, and of the staff. This was taken in 1963, just before they moved to the UEC. <p>Audio/Video/Computer. </p><p>Tape has been digitized and posted on GHN." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#403 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-1313 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Arno Penzias Interview. </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape. Digitized on 1/11, posted on the GHN." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-1319 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Otto Mayr Interview with Stuart Bennett </td> <td>"VHS Video Tape <p>2001 IEEE ACS Conference (American Control Conference), IEEE Control Systems Society at Crystal Gateway Marriott - Arlington, Virginia, June 26, 2001. </p><p>Tape 5: Otto Mayr Interview with Stuart Bennett </p><p>Digitized on 1/11." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-3122 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Conversations with the Elders: Harold Chestnut </td> <td>"2 VHS Tapes, one edited, and one full interview: <p>""Conversations with the Elders: Harold Chestnut"" - full tape, TRT 1:57:54 ""John Dorsey: Harold Chestnut Tape"" - edited interview, TRT 0:55:02 </p><p>Lead-in text: </p><p>The Control Systems Society in Cooperat" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-102 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-3123 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Conversations with the Elders: Nathaniel B. Nichols </td> <td>"3 VHS tapes, one edited interview, two tapes of the full interview: <p>Full interview: </p><p>Conversations with the Elders: Nathaniel B. Nichols, tape 1, TRT: 1:43:08 Conversations with the Elders: Nathaniel B. Nichols, tape 2, TRT: 0:28:56 </p><p>Edited inter" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-102 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-3401 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Interview with Gene Franklin </td> <td>"Interview with Gene Franklin, Author of “Sampled-Data Control Systems” and recipient of the 2005 Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award. conducted 5/10/2000 by Karl Astrom for the IEEE CSS History Committee <p>I In the first half of the interview, F" </p> </td> <td>2000 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>INTERVIEW </td> <td>AR-358 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Swedish Radio Museum </td> <td>"Rik Nebeker videotaped Erik Karlson at his Radio Museum in Jönköping, Sweden on July 11, 1996 There are copies of the video both in hi-8 format and VHS format <p>audio/video/computer </p><p>TRT: 0:07:28 </p><p>Digitized 3/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#358 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-1058 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Pearl Harbor Commemoration/SCR270 </td> <td>"- 3 December 1991, 50th Anniversary - 49 Minutes in length, taped at the Historical Electronics Museum - Poor quality tape in the beginning - Arv Larson (VP-IEEE*USA), Fred Suffield, Joe Lockd, Jack Slattery <p>Audio/Video </p><p>End of tape contains the last" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#1058 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-390 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Arecibo Observatory Milestone </td> <td>"Videotape of the Landmark Ceremony held on November 3, 2001 <p>Audio/Video/ </p><p>Digitized 4/11 and posted on GHN" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#390 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-406 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Goonhilly 40th Celebration (2002 IEEE Milestone Dedication) </td> <td>"- Video tape of Goonhilly Milestone Dedication Ceremony ( Tapes are in Mary Ann's filing cabinet. - <p>Bolt from what the original radome at Goonhilly, 1962 (In Objects catalog) Audio/Video/Computer </p><p>Digitized and posted on GHN 5/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-887 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>"videotape (VHS format) of ""Dedication of Transcontinental Telegraph IEEE Elect. Engineering milestone, August 5, 1990, Ft. Laramie National Historic Site, Wyoming. 8/10: Viewed and determined to not be suitable for GHN. Recording is jumbled and very shor" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3360 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE SCOOP - Section/Chapter Officer Orientation Program - Module 1, Resources and Services" </td> <td>"IEEE SCOOP - Section/Chapter Officer Orientation Program - Module 1, Resources and Services <p>featuring: </p><p>Robert T.H. Alden, VP, Regional Activities Richard Gowen </p><p>Volunteer advistory group: </p><p>Dennis Bodson William W. Middleton Alan H. Stolpen " </p> </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3362 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Overview - Eric Herz </td> <td>"IEEE Overview - Eric Herz: <p>A General Overview of IEEE Eric Herz, IEEE General Manager & Executive Director </p><p>Produced by IEEE Technical Activities Department, 1987 </p><p>Notes on tape case: </p><p>1. ""Society"" discussion without explanation </p><p>2. Remove ne" </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3363 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USA - Engineering A New Millenium </td> <td>"IEEE-USA - Engineering A New Millenium <p>Gives an overview of IEEE-USA's history and its activities. Not dated, looks mid-late 1990s. </p><p>TRT 8:14 </p><p>1 VHS tape </p><p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3364 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Toward the 21st Century - Your IEEE in 1993 </td> <td>"Toward the 21st Century - Your IEEE in 1993 <p>Produced in 1994 </p><p>A report of the state of IEEE and its plans for the future </p><p>Hosted by: </p><p>Martha Sloan, 1993 President J.T. ""Tom"" Cain, president-elect Troy Nagle, 1994 President </p><p>Featuring: </p><p>J" </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3365 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Your Society and TAB </td> <td>"Your Society and TAB <p>Society Leadership - An Introduction Your Society and TAB </p><p>Dr. Irving Engelson, Staff Director, Technical Activities </p><p>Written by the TAB Training Video Tape Committee, 1990 Scripted by the Communications Group, inc. Produce" </p> </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3368 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Section Leadership, 1972" </td> <td>"IEEE Section Leadership, 1972 <p>Narrated by Bill Middleton as ""John Jones"", informational video that details IEEE's organizational structure and the responsibilities expected from volunteer section leadership. </p><p>Video cuts out for a second at the begin" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3398 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USA: An Overview </td> <td>"Overview of IEEE-USA's activities. Circa early 1990s. Beginning is chopped off. <p>1 VHS tape </p><p>Digitized 5/13" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1077 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The New World of Amateur Radio </td> <td>"American Radio Relay League 14 September 1987 Length: 28:30 Also includes a brochure: Amateur Radio: Hands-On High-Tech funded by the IEEE Life Members Comm. Also includes an article: Morse Decoded, Charles I Harris, reprinted from September 1976 QST <p>Au" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-127:#1077 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1302 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Corporate Video: More Than the Sum </td> <td>"VHS, Digitized for preservation 8/10" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1446 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Perspective: Henry Bachman, pieces" </td> <td>"Biznet IEEE National Perspective messages <p>Digitized 4/11" </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AV - VHS </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3191 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Miracle Force </td> <td>"Miracle Force, educational video explaining current technologies. Produced sometime in the early 1980s. Narrated by Orson Welles. <p>1 VHS tape, 2 copies </p><p>TRT: 0:28:25 </p><p>Digitized 5/11" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>BELL MEDAL </td> <td>AR-726 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Establishment of Bell Medal, 1976" </td> <td>"- 30 April 1976 Agreement between IEEE and AT&T to establish and sponsor the Bell Medal, 30 April 1976 - Original signed and sealed agreement" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-116:#726 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3675 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Medal of Honor </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, The Medal of Honor. <p>Certificate, not filled out marked ""test"" </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>11' x 16""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3676 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Jack A. Morton Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. The Jack A. Morton Award <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>14"" x 11.5""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3677 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The IEEE Medal for Engineering Excellence. </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3678 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Founders Medal </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 Copies </p><p>16"" x 12"" </p><p>2 Copies" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3679 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Richard W. Hamming Medal </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3680 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3681 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Lamme Medal </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3682 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Simon Ramo Medal </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3683 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The IEEE John von Newmann Medal. </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3684 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Alexander Graham Bell Medal </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3685 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Heinrich Hertz Medal </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>16"" x 12""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3686 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Frederik Philips Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>11.5 "" x 14""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3687 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Emmanuel R. Piore Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>11.5 "" x 14""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3688 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The David Sarnoff Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>11.5 "" x 14""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3689 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold and Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p><br/> 11.5 "" x 14""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3690 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Judith A. Resnik Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3691 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Solid-States Circuits Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 Copies </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3692 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The IEEE Award in International Communication </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3693 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Reynolds B. Johnson Information Storage Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3694 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Richard Harold Kaufmann Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3695 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Graduate Teaching Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3696 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Undergraduate Teaching Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3697 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Donald G. Fink Prize Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p><br/> 12"" x 10""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3698 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: W. R. G. Baker Prize Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies. </p><p><br/> 12"" x 10""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3699 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Cleo Brunetti Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p><br/> 11.5"" x 14""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3700 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Control Systems Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p><br/> 11.5"" x 14""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3701 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Harry Diamond Memorial Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies, one marked in pencil ""discontinued"" </p><p><br/> 11.5"" x 14""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3702 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3703 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3704 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The IEEE Award in International Communication </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3705 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3706 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Eli Lilly Award in Medical and Biological Engineering </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>One copy marked ""discontinued"" in pencil </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>2 copies </p><p>14"" x 11""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3707 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank:The Jack A. Morton Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>One copy marked ""replaced by Grove 2001"" in pencil </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>11.5 x14" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3708 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank:The Browder J. Thompson Memorial Prize Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>One copy marked ""replaced by Grove 2001"" in pencil </p><p>Gold Blue Logo with SIlver Ink on Buff Paper. 12 x 10" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3709 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Certificate blank: ""in recognition and appreciations of his valued service and contributions as""" </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>General recognition certificate. Note the use of ""his"" </p><p>Certificate, not filled out. Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper; silver seal. </p><p>12 x 9 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3710 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Certificate blank: ""for services rendered in furthering the objectives of the IEEE.""" </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>General recognition certificate. </p><p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper; silver seal. </p><p>12 x 9 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3711 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Certificate blank: ""by this Certificate commorates the formation of the [blank]" </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc by this Certificate commorates the formation of the [blank] subject to the Constitution, Bylawas, and Standing Rules. . <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Blue Logo and Ink on Bu" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3712 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Certificate blank: Presents to [blank] ""This Award for outstanding leadership and service to the [blank] during the [blank] school year" </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. to honor student branch leaders. <p><br/> Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper; silver seal. </p><p>12 x 9 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3713 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: certifies that [blank] has been awarded [blank] Student Paper Competition for presentation of his paper entitled [blank] </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. to honor student paper prize winners. Not use of ""his"" <p><br/> Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper; silver seal. </p><p>12 x 9 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3714 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank:elevation to Senior Member </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p><br/> Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper; silver seal. </p><p>12 x 9 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3715 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: elected to the grade of Fellow </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p><br/> Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>3 copies </p><p>Blue Logo and blue and gold Ink on Buff Paper; gold seal. </p><p>12 x 9 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3716 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: for being a member of a global IEEE Delegation </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate presented to [blank] in recognition of contribrutions to the furhter understanding of the global nature of science and technology by virtue of representing the" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3717 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate presenting the Morris. E Leeds Award to Norbert K. Kusters </td> <td>"Certificate, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc.older style then the certificates in the entries proceeding.. <p><br/> </p><p>blue and gold Ink on Buff Paper; fancy illuminated manuscript style lettering. </p><p>14 x10 " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3718 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The David Sarnoff Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>Simpler design than AR-3688, used in 1980s. </p><p>12 x 10" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3719 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank:The Browder J. Thompson Memorial Prize Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Simpler design than AR-3708, likely used in 1980s. </p><p>Blue Logo and ink on Buff Paper. 12 x 10" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3720 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank:The Jack A. Morton Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Simpler design than AR-3707 Blue Logo with blue Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>12 x 10" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3721 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Harry Diamond Memorial Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Simpler design than AR-3701. </p><p>Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p><br/> </p><p>12 x 10" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3722 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Emmanuel R. Piore Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Simpler design than AR-3687 </p><p>Blue Ink on Buff Paper. 12 x 9" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3723 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: W. R. G. Baker Prize Award </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Simpler design than AR-3698 </p><p>Gold Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p><br/> 12"" x 10""" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3724 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: The Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Reward. </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Simpler design </p><p>Gold Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p>12"" x 10""" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3725 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate: The Cledo Brunetti Award for 1981 to Donald R. Herriott. </td> <td>"Presented to Donald R. Herriott for contriubutions in the field of miniaturization in the elctronic arts. <p>Gold Blue Logo and Ink on Buff Paper. </p><p><br/> 12"" x 10""" </p> </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-3726 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificate blank: Philadelphia Section </td> <td>"Certificate Blank, Philadelphia Section The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. <p>for contributions made in furthering the objectives of the IEEE and the Section. </p><p>Certificate, not filled out. </p><p>Simpler design than AR-3708, likely" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-450 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Major Awards Certificates </td> <td>"- 1972 IEEE Major Awards Certificates <p>- 1976 IEEE Major Awards Certificates - 1977 IEEE Major Awards Certificates - 1978 IEEE Major Awards Certificates - 1980 IEEE Major Awards Certificates - 1981 IEEE Major Awards Certificates - 1983 IEEE Maj" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>FB-03:#450 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-453 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Certificates: IEEE/AIEE/IRE </td> <td>"- AIEE Section Certificate of Appreciation <p>- AIEE Certificate of Appreciation - AIEE Subsection Chair Certificate of Appreciation - AIEE Student Paper Contest Certificate - AIEE Outstanding Student Branch Certificate - AIEE District Membership" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-03:#453 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-954 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Zworykin Television Prize Certificate </td> <td>"- 23"" X 18.5"" Certificate - Signature of Zworykin on Certificate" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-15:#954 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>EDISON MEDAL </td> <td>AR-524 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>1910 AIEE Edison Medal Program </td> <td>"Professor Elihu Thomson was the recipient. It lists the meal served, program, officers, dinner committee and Edison Medal Committee members. It was held on 24 February 1910 at Hotel Astor." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-085:#524 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>EDISON MEDAL </td> <td>AR-526 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Deed of Gift creating the Edison Medal, 1908" </td> <td>Amendment dated 26 March 1908 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-085:#526 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>EDISON MEDAL </td> <td>AR-527 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Deed of Gift creating the Edison Medal, 1904" </td> <td>Dated: 11 February 1904 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-085:#527 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>EDISON MEDAL </td> <td>AR-76 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>'59 Edison Medal Material </td> <td>Presentation & Acceptance of 1959 Edison medal to James F. Fairman Joyce #s: Acc #81-6 control #52 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-027:#76 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>HONORS CEREMONY </td> <td>AR-1229 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Annual Honors Ceremony tapes, 1997-2005" </td> <td>"Cleveland Ohio, 06/28/1997 <p>Detroit, MI, 1998 London, England, 06/12/1999 Vancouver, Canada, 06/24/2000 Millennium Celebration, Vancouver Canada, 06/23/2000 Jersey City, NJ, 06/23/2001 Nashville, TN, 06/21/2003 Chantilly, VA 2005 </p><p>Includes movies" </p> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>MB-132:#1229 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>HONORS CEREMONY </td> <td>AR-3627 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 1999 Corporate Recognition and IEEE Ernst Weber Leadership Recognition presentation </td> <td>"speakers include: <p>Ken Laker, 1999 IEEE president Bruce Eistenstein, 2000 IEEE president Dick Nichols, chair, Awards board </p><p>Musical performance by Ted Simons </p><p>1 VHS tape, digitized and posted 6/14." </p> </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>MB-147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>HONORS CEREMONY </td> <td>AR-3669 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2005 Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Complete recording dividing into sections of the IEEE 2005 Honors Ceremony and Banquet, held in Chantilly, VA. See AR-1229 for video tape copy" </td> <td>2005 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>HONORS CEREMONY </td> <td>AR-3673 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"""On The Shoulders of Giants" </td> <td>Video shown a the 2005 IEEE Awards Ceremony </td> <td>2005 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>HONORS CEREMONY </td> <td>AR-4010 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2006 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"2006 IEEE Honors Ceremony, held 24 June 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota. <p>2 Mini DV tapes, transferred and posted to Youtube" </p> </td> <td>2006 </td> <td>HB-177 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>HONORS CEREMONY </td> <td>AR-4011 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2007 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"2007 IEEE Honors Ceremony held at Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Pennsylvania, June 16, 2007 <p>2 Mini DVD tapes, 1 DVD. Mini DV tapes corrupted and will not play on HC camera. DVD transferred and posted to Youtube." </p> </td> <td>2007 </td> <td>HB-177 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>HONORS CEREMONY </td> <td>AR-442 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 2011 Honors Ceremony: Power of Persistence </td> <td>2 Copies. Recording of the 2011 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>2011 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>MEDAL OF HONOR </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" class="internal" title="AR-490 - Letter from Goldsmith to Dellinger re IRE Medal of Honor.pdf">AR-490</a> </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE- Letter from Alfred N. Goldsmith to Dr. J.H. Dellinger re: Symbolism of IRE Medal of Honor Design </td> <td>"IRE Medal of Honor design, date 29 July 1938 <p>Photocopy" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#490 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROCESS </td> <td>AR-257 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Awards Guide, 1981" </td> <td>IEEE Booklet giving information about how to nominate someone for an award </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#257 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-102 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Brochures for Edison Medal Presentations </td> <td>"Brochure for presentation of the 1923 Edison Medal to Robert A. Millikan <p>Brochure for presentation of the 1915 Edison Medal to Alexander Graham Bell" </p> </td> <td>1915 </td> <td>MB-020:#102 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1073 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Awards Brochures, 1937 -> 1989" </td> <td>"Awards Brochures: <p>1937 - IRE Silver Anniversary Convention 1961 (AIEE) 1964-1989 (missing 1985) IEEE </p><p>See also AR-694" </p> </td> <td>1937 </td> <td>HB-125:#1073 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1074 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Awards Brochures, 1990 -> 2013, 2015; IEEE Honors Ceremoniy" </td> <td>"Awards Brochures: 1990-2013, 2015 <p>- Overall annual IEEE Awards brochures, including all awards. </p><p>IEEE Honors Ceremonies. Separate IEEE Standards awards booklets for 2002, 2003. and Technical Field Awards for 2006 and Corporate Recognition Program fo" </p> </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>HB-126:#1074 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1251 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2003 IEEE Technical Field Awards Presentations </td> <td>"Set of booklets for the 2003 awards. Two copies of each booklet. There are many booklets, since these awards are presented at a variety of conferences throughout the year." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1252 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2004 IEEE Technical Field Awards Presentations </td> <td>"Set of booklets for the 2004 awards. Two copies of each booklet. There are many booklets, since these awards are presented at a variety of conferences throughout the year." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1253 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2005IEEE Technical Field Awards Presentations </td> <td>"Set of booklets for the 2005 awards. Two copies of each booklet. There are many booklets, since these awards are presented at a variety of conferences throughout the year." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1254 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2006IEEE Technical Field Awards Presentations </td> <td>"Incomplete set of booklets for the 2006 awards. Two copies of each of 2 booklets. In a complete set, there are many booklets, since these awards are presented at a variety of conferences throughout the year." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1356 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1996 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Two different booklets for the 1996 IEEE Awards Ceremony, L'Hotel Westin Mont-Royal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Saturday June 10, 1996. The smaller booklet contains only awards and winners, (this would have been sent as an invitation with a response card" </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1357 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1997 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Small booklet and response card for the 1997 IEEE Awards Ceremony, Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland Ohio. The small booklet contains only awards and winners, (this would have been sent as an invitation with a response card.)" </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1358 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1998 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Small booklet and response card for the 1998 IEEE Awards Ceremony, Westin Hotel, Renaissance Center, Detroit Michigan. The small booklet contains only awards and winners, (this would have been sent as an invitation with a response card.) June 27, 1998" </td> <td>1998 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1359 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1999 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Several booklets for the 1999 IEEE Awards Ceremony, The Banquetting House, London, England, June 12.Small booklet, with response card. contains only awards and winners, (this would have been sent as an invitation. Also, a larger full program with biograp" </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1360 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2000 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>" Small booklet and response card for the 2000 IEEE Awards Ceremony, Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, 24 June.. The small booklet contains only awards and winners, Also Small booklet and response card, and larger full booklet for 2000 IEEE" </td> <td>2000 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1361 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2001 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"2 Different types of Invitation and response card for the 2001 IEEE Awards Ceremony, Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ, 23 June. One type is white, the other buff. The small booklet contains only awards and winners, Also Certificate of Authentici" </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1362 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2003 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Invitation, response card, and program for the 2003 IEEE Honors ceremony. Gaylord Opryland Resort and Conventions Center, Nashville, Tennessee, June 21, 2003. Also, Awards brochure, HKN member recognition award card for Donald Scifres; and information sh" </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1363 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2002 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Invitation, and program for the 2002 IEEE Honors ceremony, Westin Harbor Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 22 June 2002. Also, Awards brochure, and HKN member recognition award card for Richard Gowen; <p><br/> " </p> </td> <td>2002 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1364 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2004 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Invitationand program for the 2004 IEEE Honors ceremony, Kansas City Marriott Downtown, Kansas City Missouri, 19 June 2004. Also, a CD with the powerpoint slides used during the ceremonies. <p>Also, 4 audio cassettes of the ceremonies. which have been" </p> </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1365 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2005 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Invitation and program for the 2005 IEEE Honors ceremony, Westfields Marriott, Chantilly, VA, 18 June 2005. <p>Also, audio tapes of the pre and post dinner ceremonies. </p><p>Also, a booklet, "" Compete for IEEE Awards and Scholarships."" </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>2005 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-1366 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>2006 IEEE Honors Ceremony </td> <td>"Invitation, response card and program for the 2006 IEEE Honors ceremony, Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis MN, 24 June 2006. Also, 2006 HKN Eminent Member Recognition, same date and place. <p>" </p> </td> <td>2006 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-259 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Awards brochures, 1975-82" </td> <td>Awards brochures between the years 1975 and 1982 </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>MB-082:#259 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-266 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Awards brochures, 1964-1974" </td> <td>NOTE: Each brochure contains a biography and photograph of the award recipient. </td> <td>1964 </td> <td>MB-082:#266 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-3729 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Philadelphia Section 2012 Annual Awards and Recognition Dinner. </td> <td>"Program from the dinner with photos and bios of award winners, and lists of past section award winners, and past section chairs." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-3988 </td> <td>2013 Technical Field Award Presentations </td> <td>2013 Technical Field Award Presentations </td> <td>"Booklets from the 2013 Technical Field Award Presentation, including: <p>2013 IEEE Masura Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award 2013 IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits (x3)" </p> </td> <td>2013 </td> <td>HB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-417 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Annual Awards Banquet March 20, 1968." </td> <td>"Program for the Annual Banquet of the IEEE Convention, 1968. Includes presentation of IEEE Major Awards. <p>Record marked deaccessioned and brochure moved into AR-694." </p> </td> <td>1968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-418 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Awards Reception, April 23, 1979" </td> <td>"Program for the annual awards reception, April 23, 1979, Shearton Centre, New York. <p>Record deaccessioned and brochure moved into AR-694" </p> </td> <td>1968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-693 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Winter Power Meeting Awards Luncheon Programs, 1963-1982" </td> <td>"- Awards Brochures, 1963 -> 1982, inclusive, contain biographies <p>See also AR-694, AR-1073, AR-1074" </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>MB-107:#693 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-694 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Awards Brochures </td> <td>"1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 <p>Contains biographies and photographs -1964-1971 </p><p>See also AR-693, AR-1073, AR-1074" </p> </td> <td>1964 </td> <td>MB-107:#694 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>PROGRAMS/BROCHURES </td> <td>AR-78 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Recognition Awards, 1959-1962" </td> <td>"Brochures for AIEE Recognition Awards Education Medal, Habirshaw Award, Leeds Award Joyce #s Acc#82-21 control#96 <p>artifact" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-027:#78 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1385 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Medal of Honor </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/IRE medal of honor winners 1917-1983. </td> <td>1917 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1386 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Edison Medal </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/AIEE Edison Medal winners 1904-1983. </td> <td>1904 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1387 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Zworykin Medal </td> <td>"Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/IRE Vladimir Zworykin Medal winners, 1952-1980" </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1388 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Founders Medal </td> <td>"Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/IRE Founders Medal winners, 1952-1980" </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1389 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Lamme Medal </td> <td>"Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/AIEE Lamme Medal winners, 1928-1982" </td> <td>1928 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1390 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Alexander Graham Bell Medal </td> <td>"Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal winners, 1976-1983" </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1391 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Education Medal </td> <td>"Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/AIEE Education Medal winners, 1956-1983" </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1392 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>William M. Harirshaw Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/AIEE William M. Harirshaw Award winners 1958-1983 </td> <td>1958 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1393 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Frederik Philips Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE Frederik Philips Award winners 1971-1982 </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1394 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Morris E Leeds Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/AIEE Morris E. Leeds Award winners 1958-1983 </td> <td>1958 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1395 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Emanuel R. Priore Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award winners 19761983 </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1396 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Award in International Communication </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE Award in International Comminication winners 1966-1983 </td> <td>1966 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1397 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>David Sarnoff Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/AIEE David Sarnoff Award winners 1959-1982 </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1398 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Jack A. Morton Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE Jack A. Morton Award winners 1976-1981. Award established 1974 </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1399 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Harry Diamond Memorial Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE Harry Diamond Memorial Award 1950-1982. Award established 1949 </td> <td>1950 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-1400 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Morris N. Liebman Award </td> <td>Album with biographical and award information on all IEEE/IRE Morris N. Liebman Award winners 1920-1959. Award established 1919 </td> <td>1920 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-805 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Awards-Mervin J. Kelly </td> <td>"- Description of Award - Bios of award winners, 1960 - 1975 - The Mervin J. Kelly Award was bestowed in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of telecommunication. The final presentation was made in 1975. <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>MB-082:#805 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-806 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Awards -- Brunetti & Tesla </td> <td>"- Biographies and photographs from Awards Brochure - Tesla Award (1976-1980), Brunetti Award (1978-1980) - Both Awards are still active <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>MB-082:#806 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-807 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Awards - Haraden Pratt </td> <td>"- Biographies and Photographs of award winners, 1972 - 1980 - This award is still active <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>MB-082:#807 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>RECIPIENT BIOS </td> <td>AR-808 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Awards - Morris N. Liebmann </td> <td>"- Biographies and Photographs of award winners, 1960 - 1980 - The IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award was established by the Institute of Radio Engineers in 1919 to perpetuate the memory of Colonel Morris N. Liebmann and was continued by the IE" </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>MB-082:#808 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-241 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Transistor Award (1972) </td> <td>"files connected with Spectrum (IEEE's?) celebration of the 25th anniversary of the transistor Schweber was chair of committee to celebrate 3 folders Joyce #s: Acc: 81-5, 81-7 Control #: 256?, no control #?, and 257?/none?" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#241 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-242 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Marconi Award, 1974" </td> <td>"files connected with Marconi celebration chaired by Gioia Braga (daughter of Marconi), and Walter Orr Roberts Includes a paper by George Brown, ""The Impact of Radio on Modern Technology and Industry"" Joyce #s: Acc: 85-1 Control #: 256?, no control #" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#242 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-252 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Hoover award programs (+Fritz) </td> <td>"Programs for award receptions: two copies each Hoover Award: <p>1961 - Kelly 1972 - Kappel 1974 - Packard 1977 - Goldmark 2012 - Murphy </p><p>Fritz medal: </p><p>1965 - Kappel </p><p>joyce #s: Acc#81-30 control#:none? NOTE: Brochure contain extensive biog" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>MB-082:#252 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-253 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award speech </td> <td>"two copies of 16 pp. speech delivered by Thelma Estrin upon receiving Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award, Summer 1981 Joyce #s: acc# 81-29 control#none?/274?" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#253 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3342 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Power Engineering Society 2003 General Meeting Awards Luncheon </td> <td>"July 15, 2003. Sheraton Center Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 14 awards, lists and biographies of winners." </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3506 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Elmer A. Sperry Award for 1998 to Bradford W. Parkinson </td> <td>"Booklet of award granted for ""a distinguished engineerin contribution which through application, proved in actual service, has improved the art of transportation whther by land, sea, or air. <p>Award given by a board consisting of representatives of IEE" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>AWARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3727 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Design Modifications to IEEE Medals </td> <td>"A collection of documents dealing with the design of, and possible modifications to several IEEE Medals." </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>FB-67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ADAMS, EDWARD D." </td> <td>AR-1143 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Adams, Edward D." </td> <td>" Edward Dean Adams 9 April 1846-Deceased: 20 May 1931 Boston, MA <p>AIEE Membership Application, 30 Nov 1917 Resume, Misc. correspondence, Rumson, NJ? New York City? Edison Pioneers Obituary 1909 Letter of Endorsement for admission into AIEE b" </p> </td> <td>1907 </td> <td>HB-104:#1143 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ANGWIN, BRUCE" </td> <td>AR-3886 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>"Bruce S. Angwin November 24, 1919-May 1 2003" </td> <td>"Draft obiturary and biography of Bruce S. Angwin, 1919-2003." </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ANTHONY, WILLIAM A." </td> <td>AR-1144 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Anthony, William A." </td> <td>"William Arnold Anthony 17 November 1835-29 May 1908 <p>Coventry, RI AIEE President, 1890-1891 AIEE Electrical Engineering magazine, May 1934, 1901 biography, copied from the National Encyclopedia of America" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td>HB-104:#1144 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ARNOLD, BION J." </td> <td>AR-1145 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Arnold, Bion J." </td> <td>"Bion J. Arnold 14 April 1861-29 January 1942 Casnovia, Michigan <p>AIEE President: 1903-1904 , Correspondence about Arnold becoming a Life member, and dues being waived, 1933 Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1912 Elected AIEE Honorary Me" </p> </td> <td>1893 </td> <td>HB-104:#1145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BAILEY, GEORGE" </td> <td>AR-48 </td> <td>George Bailey Collection </td> <td>George Bailey Correspondence </td> <td>"- Correspondence <p>- Biographies - Congratulatory letters on his retirement " </p> </td> <td>1954 </td> <td>HB-013:#48 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BARRETTE, CECIL" </td> <td>AR-614 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Autobiographical Material: Cecil E. Barrette </td> <td>"- AIEE Membership Card, 1926 <p>- Short bio written by Barrette, 1984 - Audio tape ""Early Days of Radio"" by Barrette, August 24th, 1984 - Radio Amateur's Handbook, American Radio Relay League, 1926 - Practical Wireless Telegraphy, by Elmer E. Bucher," </p> </td> <td>1918 </td> <td>MB-088:#614 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BELL, ALEXANDER GRAHAM" </td> <td>AR-1146 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Bell, Alexander Graham" </td> <td>"Alexander Graham Bell Born: 3 March 1847, Edinburgh, Scotland Died: 2 August 1922 <p>AIEE President: 1891-1892 AIEE EE Magazine biography (May 1934) AIEE Deceased record Awarded Edison Medal, 1914 Awarded John Fritz Medal, 1907 ""The Invention of" </p> </td> <td>1906 </td> <td>HB-104:#1146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BERRESFORD, ARTHUR W." </td> <td>AR-1147 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Berresford, Arthur W." </td> <td>"Arthur W. Berresford Born: 9 July 1872, Brooklyn, NY Died: 30 May 1941 <p>AIEE President: 1920-1921 New York Times Obituary Several copies of a Press Release from the AIEE announcing his death. New York Times article that Berresford recei" </p> </td> <td>1913 </td> <td>HB-104:#1147 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BRONAUGH, ED" </td> <td>AR-810 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Deed of Gift: Ed Bronaugh Papers. </td> <td>"Deed of gift signed by Bronaugh's wife , Geraldine Bronaugh, for her husband's papers. (Bronaugh was in too poor health to sign>) The papers were acquired for the IEEE EMC Society history committee by Don Sweeney. Sweeney will be processing the papers a" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BROWN, CHARLES E.L." </td> <td>AR-1148 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Brown, Charles E.L." </td> <td>"Born: 1863, Winterthur, Switzerland Died: 2 May 1924 Biography of Brown Misc. <p>- a one-page article, ""Scanning the Past: Charles E.L. Brown and Power Transmission from Lauffen to Frankfurt in 1891"" Charles E.L. Brown Honorary Member: 1912 Corresp" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-104:#1148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BRUSH, CHARLES F." </td> <td>AR-1149 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Brush, Charles F." </td> <td>"Born: 17 March 1849, Euclid, Ohio Died: 15 June 1929 <p>- Charles Brush and the Arc Light, Jeff LaFavre, web page Edison Medal: 1913 Honorary Member: 1929 AIEE Member Record, 1929 AIEE EE Magazine Biography, May 1934 AIEE Obituary, 1929 ""Gravi" </p> </td> <td>1910 </td> <td>HB-104:#1149 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"BUDDE, EMIL A." </td> <td>AR-1150 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Budde, Emil A." </td> <td>"Emil Arnold Budde Born: 28 July 1842, Germany Died: 19 August 1921 <p>AIEE Honorary Member: 1912 President of VDE and IEC 1917 AIEE Address record noting that all mail service with Germany has been discontinued May 1934 AIEE EE biography Post Cards" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-104:#1150 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"CARTY, JOHN JOSEPH" </td> <td>AR-1151 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Carty, John Joseph" </td> <td>"John Joseph Carty Born: 14 April 1861, Cambridge, MA Died: 27 December 1932 <p>- Entry in the National Cyclopaedia of American Biography - 1916 Electrical World article on Carty giving a speech at the annual AIEE Convention - 1916 Electrical World art" </p> </td> <td>1903 </td> <td>HB-104:#1151 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"CLARKE, CHARLES L." </td> <td>AR-1152 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Clarke, Charles L." </td> <td>"Charles Lorenzo Clarke Edison Pioneer Born: 16 April 1853, Portland, ME Died: 9 October 1941 of pneumonia <p>Several obituaries and biographies AIEE Personal Classification Sheet, 1918 Worked with Edison from 1880-1884 in Menlo Park, NJ AIEE Applicati" </p> </td> <td>1905 </td> <td>HB-104:#1152 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"CONRAD, FRANK" </td> <td>AR-1153 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Conrad, Frank" </td> <td>"1930 Born: 4 May 1874, Pittsburgh, PA Died: 11 December 1941, East Pittsburgh, PA <p>- Obituary - Published bibliography of Conrad Frank compiled by David Kraeuter - New York Times Obituary (12 December 1941) Edison Medal: 1902 AIEE Application for" </p> </td> <td>1902 </td> <td>HB-104:#1153 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"CROCKER, FRANCIS B." </td> <td>AR-1154 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Crocker, Francis B." </td> <td>"Francis Bacon Crocker Born: 1861, New York Died: 9 July 1921, New York <p>AIEE President: 1897-1898 AIEE EE Magazine biography, May 1934 Electrical World biography, 10 July 1920 ""The Boundaries and Divisions of Standardization"" by Francis B. Crocker," </p> </td> <td>1908 </td> <td>HB-104:#1154 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"DAVIS, MINOR" </td> <td>AR-3379 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Scrap Book of Minor M. Davis, AIEE Fellow." </td> <td>"Scrapbook of Minor Meek Davis (1858-1934), a member of the first class of AIEE Fellows, 1912, and Traffic Manager and Electrical Engineer (meaning head of department) for the Postal Telegraph Company. The scrapbook proper contains pasted-in letters sent" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-021 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"DOW, ALEX" </td> <td>AR-1155 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Dow, Alex" </td> <td>"Alex Dow Born: 12 April 1862, in Glasgow, Scotland Died: 22 March, 1942 of pneumonia <p>Entry in the Dictionary of American Biography Entry in Obituaries on File Entry in Who's who in America 1936 Edison Medal AIEE Deceased Record ""Alex Dow is Dead""," </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-104:#1155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"DUNCAN, LOUIS" </td> <td>AR-1156 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Duncan, Louis" </td> <td>"Louis Duncan Born: 25 March 1861 in Washington, DC Died: 13 February 1916 <p>AIEE President: 1895-1897 AIEE EE Magazine biography, May 1934 1912 AIEE Transfer to grade of Fellow, including references (fragile) 1887 AIEE Application for Admission" </p> </td> <td>1887 </td> <td>HB-104:#1156 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"DUNN, GANO" </td> <td>AR-1157 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Dunn, Gano" </td> <td>"Gano Dunn Born: 18 October 1870, New York Died: 10 April 1953 <p>- articles and obituaries in the ""Electrical Engineering"" (1933-1953) AIEE President: 1911-12 1937 Edison Medal 1912 AIEE Application for Transfer to the grade of Fellow, includes ref" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-104:#1157 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"EDISON, THOMAS A." </td> <td>AR-1158 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Edison, Thomas A." </td> <td>" Thomas Alva Edison Born: 11 February 1847, Milan, OH Died: 18 October 1931, <p>Honorary Member: 1928 Fritz Medal: 1908 Photograph of Edison with Mr. Charles L. Edgar at the Laboratory, 22 July 1930 To be scanned ""Lighting the Steamship Columbia wi" </p> </td> <td>1908 </td> <td>HB-104:#1158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ELLEBNERGER, WILLIAM" </td> <td>AR-355 </td> <td>Ellenberger Collection </td> <td>William Ellenberger IEEE Binder </td> <td>"- One binder, 8.5 x 11 x 2.375"", of papers connected to your membership in AIEE/IEEE; your service the Washington DC Section, Middle Eastern District, and Engineering Management Society; certificates and awards, and miscellaneous electrical engineering m" </td> <td>1930 </td> <td>HB-010:#355 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"EMANUELI, LUIGI" </td> <td>AR-1159 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Emanueli, Luigi" </td> <td>"Luigi Emanueli Born 1883 Died 02/18/1959 <p>Honorary Member booklet, 11/07/1958 NY Times Obituary 02/18/1959 Sympathy Telegrams, 02/1959 Application to transfer member grade to Fellow 06/08/1956 AIEE Membership Application 12/07/1927 Life membership c" </p> </td> <td>1894 </td> <td>HB-104:#1160 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"EMMET, WILLIAM LEROY" </td> <td>AR-1160 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Emmet, William LeRoy" </td> <td>"William Leroy R Emmet Born: 10 July 1859, Pelham, NY Died: 26 September 1941, Schenectady, NY <p>Edison Medal: 1919 Honorary Member: 1933 AIEE Deceased Record AIEE EE Magazine biography, May 1934 Do we have a photograph of him? AIEE Biography, Journa" </p> </td> <td>1894 </td> <td>HB-104:#1160 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESPENSCHIED, LLOYD" </td> <td>AR-203 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Espenschied letter to Bern Dibner </td> <td>letter to Bern Dibner concerning Dibner's book on Volta from Lloyd Epenschied Joyce #s: Acc #GA-80 control #248 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESTRIN, THELMA" </td> <td>AR-3638 </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Collection </td> <td>Thelma Estrin-Biographical Information </td> <td>"Folder contains narrative biographies of Estrin, a bibliography, and several articles about her and her family." </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESTRIN, THELMA" </td> <td>AR-3639 </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Collection </td> <td>Thelma Estrin--Correspondence </td> <td>"Correspondence to and from Estrin. Topics include professional topics in biomedical computing, advancing the participation of women in the field, and Estrin's own professional career. There are also copies of several talks she gave. Most material is fr" </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESTRIN, THELMA" </td> <td>AR-3640 </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Collection </td> <td>Thelma Estrin--- IEEE Material </td> <td>"Correspondence and other material on Estrin's IEEE activities as IEEE EMBS president, IEEE Board Member as Division VI director and then Exective Vice President. Some material relates to the obstacles she faced in becoming the first woman to hold the" </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESTRIN, THELMA" </td> <td>AR-3641 </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Collection </td> <td>"Thelma Estrin--- NSF Material <p><br/> </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>"Correspondence and other material related to Estrin's 2 year rotational position as Director, Division of Electrical, Computer, and Sytsems Engineering, Directorate for Engineering, National Science Foundation" </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESTRIN, THELMA" </td> <td>AR-3642 </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Collection </td> <td>Thelma Estrin---Publications </td> <td>Bibliography and copies of Estrin's Publications </td> <td>1951 </td> <td>HB-201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESTRIN, THELMA" </td> <td>AR-3643 </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Collection </td> <td>Thelma Estrin---MS and PhD work </td> <td>"Estrin's masters thesis and doctoral dissertation, both from in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison <p>" </p> </td> <td>1949 </td> <td>HB-201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"ESTRIN, THELMA" </td> <td>AR-3644 </td> <td>Thelma Estrin Collection </td> <td>Thelma Estrin---Correspondence with Rik Nebeker </td> <td>"Correspondence between Estrin and Rik Nebeker of the History Center relating to Nebeker's Oral History with Estrin, and an associated article. Estrin's answers to Rik's's queries provides additional information on her life and career. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FACCIOLI, GIUSEPPE" </td> <td>AR-1161 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Faccioli, Giuseppe" </td> <td>"Giuseppe Faccioli Born: 7 April 1877, Milan Italy Died 13 January 1934 <p>Lamme Medal, 1931 1902: Emigrated to the United States Subsequently worked at General Electric Two Obituaries Western Union telegram announcing his death Journal AIEE, January 1" </p> </td> <td>1904 </td> <td>HB-105:#1161 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FARMER, MOSES G." </td> <td>AR-1162 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Farmer, Moses G." </td> <td>" Moses G. Farmer Born: 9 February 1820, Boscawen, NH Died: 25 May 1893, Chicago, IL <p>Opened a telegraph office in South Framingham, NH and devised an electrical fire alarm system. Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 Honorary Member, 1890" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-105:#1162 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FEERST, IRWIN" </td> <td>AR-1260 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>"Henry Bachman/ Irwin Feerst. Exchanges of correspondence between 1987 IEEE President Bachman and gadfly and frequent presidential candidate Irwin Feerst over Feerst's demand that he participate in the Teller's Comittee counting of ballots. Also, associ" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FEERST, IRWIN" </td> <td>AR-3214 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Debate with Irwin Feerst </td> <td>"three cassette tapes <p>Several people engage Irwin Feerst on a number of issues. Participants difficult to identify, one interviewer appears to be Carol Lof. Program starts in middle on all tapes. </p><p>Recorded June 6th, 1979, Cleveland Electronics Conf" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FEERST, IRWIN" </td> <td>AR-3527 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Irwin Feerst file 1987-1989 part 1 </td> <td>"Material related to Irwin Feerst, IEEE gadfly, perpetual petition presidential candidate and self-proclaimed ""voice of the working engineer"" and leader of the ""Committee of Concerned Electrical Engineers"" Most of this file consists of copies of Feerst's" </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FEERST, IRWIN" </td> <td>AR-3528 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Irwin Feerst file 1987-1989 part 2 </td> <td>"Material related to Irwin Feerst, IEEE gadfly, perpetual petition presidential candidate and self-proclaimed ""voice of the working engineer"" and leader of the ""Committee of Concerned Electrical Engineers"" <p>This item contains the following original fol" </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FEERST, IRWIN" </td> <td>AR-3902 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Irwin Feerst correspondence 1974-1976 </td> <td>"Correspondence to and from IEEE by Irwin Feerst, IEEE gadfly, perpetual petition presidential candidate and self-proclaimed ""voice of the working engineer"" and leader of the ""committee of concerned electrical engineers"" to IEEE Executive Director Herbert" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-195 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FEERST, IRWIN" </td> <td>AR-3903 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Irwin Feerst correspondence 1977 </td> <td>"Correspondence to and from IEEE by Irwin Feerst, IEEE gadfly, perpetual petition presidential candidate and self-proclaimed ""voice of the working engineer"" and leader of the ""committee of concerned electrical engineers"" Most are at least antagonistic in" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-195 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FEERST, IRWIN" </td> <td>AR-3904 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Irwin Feerst correspondence 1978 </td> <td>"All Correspondence to an from IEEE by Irwin Feerst, IEEE gadfly, perpetual petition presidential candidate and self-proclaimed ""voice of the working engineer"" and leader of the ""committee of concerned electrical engineers"" Most are at least antagonistic" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-195 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FERGUSON, LOUIS A." </td> <td>AR-1163 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Ferguson, Louis A." </td> <td>" Louis A. Ferguson Born: 19 August 1867, Dorchester, MA Died: 25 August, 1940, Graduate of MIT Employed by Commonwealth Edison Company (CEC), Chicago, IL <p>AIEE President, 1908-1909 2 biographies 2 Obituaries AIEE Application to transfer to grade of" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td>HB-105:#1163 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FERRANTI, SEBASTIAN ZIANI DE" </td> <td>AR-1164 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani de" </td> <td>"Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti Born: 9 April 1864, Liverpool, England Died: 13 January 1930, Zurich, Switzerland Early development of electric power distribution, also in early development of radio <p>Honorary Member 1912 AIEE EE Magazine biography, May 19" </p> </td> <td>1903 </td> <td>HB-105:#1164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FIELD, CYRUS W." </td> <td>AR-1165 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Field, Cyrus W." </td> <td>"Cyrus Field Born: 30 November 1819, Stockbridge, MA Died: 12 July 1892 <p>Honorary member 1892 AIEE EE Magazine Biography, May 1934" </p> </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>HB-105:#1165 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FLEMING, ARTHUR P. M." </td> <td>AR-1166 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Fleming, Arthur P. M." </td> <td>"Arthur Percy Morris Fleming Born: 16 January 1881, Newport, England Died: 14 September, 1960 <p>President, IEE, 1941 Researcher in Radar AIEE Application for Transfer to grade of Fellow, 1933 Employer: Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Manc" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>HB-105:#1166 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"FOCH, FERDINAND" </td> <td>AR-1167 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Foch, Ferdinand" </td> <td>"Ferdinand Foch Born: 2 October 1851, Tarbes, France Died: 20 March 1929 <p>AIEE EE Magazine biography, May 1934 Honorary Member, 1921" </p> </td> <td>1921 </td> <td>HB-105:#1167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"GHERARDI, BANCROFT" </td> <td>AR-1168 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Gherardi, Bancroft" </td> <td>"Bancroft Gherardi Born: 6 April 1873, San Francisco, CA Died: 14 August, 1941, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada of a heart attack while on vacation Worked under J.J. Carty at AT&T Retired VP and Chief Engineer at AT&T <p>AIEE President, 1927-1928 Edison Medal" </p> </td> <td>1895 </td> <td>HB-105:#1168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"GOLDSMITH, ALFRED" </td> <td>AR-196 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Alfred Goldsmith materials </td> <td>"Material on Radio Station WRC, Washington DC <p>WRC: The Voice of the Capital, August 1, 1923 Newspaper clipping, radio announcers Speech by Goldsmith on the opening of WRC, August 1, 1923 Radiogram from Major General James G. Harbord, President of" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"GREEN, NORVIN" </td> <td>AR-1169 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Green, Norvin" </td> <td>"Norvin Green Born: 17 April 1818, New Albany, IN Died: 12 February, Dr. Green was a Physician <p>First President, 1884-1886 1893 AIEE EE Magazine Biography, May 1934 Typed note that corrects the date of birth in the above biography" </p> </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>HB-105:#1169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HAMILTON, GEORGE ANSON" </td> <td>AR-1170 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Hamilton, George Anson" </td> <td>" George Anson Hamilton Born: 30 December 1843, Cleveland, OH Died: 10 January 1935 <p>AIEE First Vice President, 1884-1885 AIEE Charter Member New York Times Obituary, 10 January 1935 AIEE Biography, January 1930 Journal AIEE Biography, December 1" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-105:#1170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HAMMER, WILLIAM J." </td> <td>AR-1171 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Hammer, William J." </td> <td>"William Joseph Hammer Born: 26 February 1858, Cressona, PA Died: 24 March 1934, buried at Arlington National Cemetary Worked for Edison in Menlo Park in 1879 Edison Pioneer, President, 1920 Oversaw the installation of the large generating station using 1" </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>HB-105:#1171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HARRISON, WILLIAM H." </td> <td>AR-1172 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Harrison, William H." </td> <td>"William Henry Harrison Born: 11 June 1892, Brooklyn, NY Died: 21 April 1956 <p>President: AT&T AIEE Deceased Record Letter from his Secretary to AIEE, re: he passes away 22 April 1956 Obituary, Herald Tribune 1 page AIEE biography, 1937 ""Harrison," </p> </td> <td>1920 </td> <td>HB-105:#1172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HAZARD, ROWLAND R." </td> <td>AR-1176 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Hazard, Rowland R." </td> <td>"Rowland P. Hazard AIEE Treasurer, 1884-1886 <p>Very short biography, AIEE EE Magazine, May 1934 Notes in the files stating that no real biographical information could be found on him." </p> </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>HB-105:#1176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HEAVISIDE, OLIVER" </td> <td>AR-1173 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Heaviside, Oliver" </td> <td>" Oliver Heaviside AIEE - Born: 18 May 1850, Camden Town, London, England - Died: 3 February 1925, Devonshire, England, as a result of a fall from a ladder <p>- Honorary Member, - Correspondence on Heaviside - One interesting note that a gentleman paid h" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>HB-105:#1173 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HELLMUND, RUDOLF E." </td> <td>AR-1174 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Hellmund, Rudolf E." </td> <td>"Rudolph Emil Hellmund Born: 2 Feburary 1879, Gotha, Germany Died: 16 May 1942 Immigrated to the US: 1903 Became a US Citizen: 22 February 1920 in Pittsburgh, PA <p>1929 Lamme Medal Resume, September 1938 Chief Engineer of Westinghouse Electric & Mfg." </p> </td> <td>1909 </td> <td>HB-105:#1174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERING, CARL" </td> <td>AR-1175 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Hering, Carl" </td> <td>"Carl Hering - Born: 29 March 1860, Philadelphia, PA - Died: 10 May 1926, Philadelphia, PA <p>- AIEE President: 1900-1901 - AIEE Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1912, with references - AIEE Personal Classification Sheet, 1917 - Member IE" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-105:#1175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-1075 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Letters presented to Eric Herz in 2002 on occasion of his retirement as Executive Director of IEEE </td> <td>"Three Volumes of testimonial and congratulatory letters collected by IEEE for presentation to Eric Herz on occassion of his retirements. Letters writers include past and present IEEE official and staff, executive directors of other Professional Associati" </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-187 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3482 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>24 Certificates of Appreciation and/or Achievement presented to Eric Herz. </td> <td>"Unframed Certificate of Achievement presented to Eric Herz. A few early (1950s and 1960s) from his employer, General Dynamics. several 1960s from the IEEE San Diego Section, but most from IEEE itself, honoring his may roles and achievements over the deca" </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3483 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"Letter, Schulke to Herz, with resume attached." </td> <td>"Resume of Herbert A. Shulke Jr., who had served as Executive Director of IEEE 1975-1976, with cover letter requesting that Herz circulate it to any interested parties." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3484 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"Eric Herz, Miscellaneous Correspondence-- General Dynamics" </td> <td>5 pieces of correspondence from Herz's years at General Dynamics. </td> <td>1964 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3485 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"2 Letters , Thomas Bartlett to Eric Herz, 1993" </td> <td>"Two letters from Thomas Bartlett, long time treasurer of IEEE, to Herz, one (dated August 8, 1993) thanking each member of the IEEE Board for the elaborate dinner that the IEEE Board held for Bartlett on the occasion of his retirement, and one, undated" </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3486 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"Letter, Amos Joel to Eric Herz, 29 August 1993" </td> <td>Letter congratulating Herz on winning the AAES (American Association of Engineering Societies) Roe Award. </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3487 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"Special Issue of IEEE Aerospace and Elctronics Systems Magazine, dedicated to Eric Herz." </td> <td>"Special Issue of IEEE Aerospace and Elctronics Systems Magazine, dedicated to Eric Herz on occasion of his retirement as IEEE Executive Director. Includes signatures from AESS leaders on cover, and several cover letters. Herz was a past president of AES" </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3488 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>IEEE and the History of Electrical Technologies. </td> <td>"Script for a presentation, likely to the IEEE Board of Directors by Emerson Pugh, Chair of the History Committee, and Frederik Nebeker, Historian, IEEE History Center. Gives overview of the audience for, and the history of the IEEE History Center. Appear" </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3489 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"IEEE San Diego Section Bulletin 1963-1967, 1978" </td> <td>"Scattered Issues: April 1963 (IEEE 6th Region Technical Conference), January-April 1966, January 1967, December 1978." </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3490 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>IEEE Short Course: Basic Project Management. </td> <td>"Participants manual. Merrill W. Buckley, instructor. Sponsored by the IEEE Educational Activities Board. Originally designed to accompany a videoconference from Janauary 12, 1982; later avaialble as a videotape. See photcopy of course announcement wit" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3491 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"Blank IEEE Acknowledgement Certificate, 1970s." </td> <td>"Blank printed certificate. ""The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. hereby acknolowledges its debt of gratitude to [blan] for service rendered in furthering the objectives of IEEE" </td> <td>1968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3492 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"Progress in Electricity, 8 cent stamp, first day of issue cover." </td> <td>Stamp showing transistors on a circuit board. one of a series of four stamps </td> <td>1973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3646 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"E. Herz talk, Brooklyn Poly, 1962 with thank you letter." </td> <td>"Letter from Richard Lewis, Program Chairman, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Joint AIEE-IRE Student Branch thanking Eric Herz for his talk and film presentation, ""Electronic Problems in Space Vehicles"" and Herz's handwritten notes for the talk." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3647 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Announement of E. Herz appointment as IEEE General Manager-Memo to Staff. </td> <td>Announement of E. Herz appointment as IEEE General Manager--Memo to Staff from outgoing General Manager R. M. Emberson. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3648 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Press Release on E. Herz appointment as IEEE General Manager </td> <td>Press Release on E. Herz appointment as IEEE General Manager </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3649 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Thank you letter from Techonological Promotion Association (Thai-Japan) of Bangkok </td> <td>"Letter to Eric Herz, and identical letter to IEEE President Jerome Suran thanking them for their visit to the Association" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3650 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Certificate for Eric Herz becoming a life Fellow. </td> <td>Certificate honoring Eric Herz on achieving the rank of life fellow. </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3651 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Letter with accompanying certificate honoring Eric Herz as a fellow of the AAAS. </td> <td>Letter with accompanying certificate honoring Eric Herz as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3652 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Program 1993 AAES Awards Ceremony honoring Eric Herz </td> <td>Program honors Herz as one of 3 award winners at the American Association of Engineering Societies 14th Annual Award Ceremony. He won the Kenneth Andrew Roe Award. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3653 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>Certificate with Cover Letter for Herz service on IEEE Strategic Planning Committee. </td> <td>"Certificate with Cover Letter for Herz service on IEEE Strategic Planning Committee, a committee of the Board of Directors, 1991-1992. Both signed by Merrill Buckley, 1992 IEEE President." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3654 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"Certificate recognizing Eric Herz for service on the EAB, 1996." </td> <td>"Certificate recognizing Eric Herz for service on the IEEE Educational Activities Board, 1996" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3655 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>"List of members of IEEE delegation to China, 1978" </td> <td>PRC (Peoples Repbulic of China) in both English and Chinese. Also letters from Michael Maples, and Joel S. Birnbaum accepting Eric" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HERZ, ERIC" </td> <td>AR-3656 </td> <td>Herz Collection </td> <td>E. Herz General Dynamics Bio 1978 </td> <td>Photocopy of technical biography of Eric Herz issued by General Dynamics shortly before he left that firm to become General Manager of IEEE> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HOUSLEY, JOHN E." </td> <td>AR-1177 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Housley, John E." </td> <td>"John Elmer Housley Born: 9 January 1893, Knoxville, TN Died: 10 January 1962, Fort Lauderdale, FL <p>AIEE President: 1946-1947 Employer: Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa, TN AIEE Deceased Record, 1962 Western Union telegraph to AIEE, re: death A" </p> </td> <td>1918 </td> <td>HB-105:#1177 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HOUSTON, EDWIN J." </td> <td>AR-1178 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Houston, Edwin J." </td> <td>"Edwin J. Houston Born: 9 July 1847, Alexandria, VA Died: 1 March 1914, Philadelphia, PA <p>AIEE President: 1893-1895 With Elihu Thomson invented arc lighting. Biography from the Electrical Review and Western Electrician, January 1911 AIEE EE Magazin" </p> </td> <td>1908 </td> <td>HB-105:#1178 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HULL, BLAKE D." </td> <td>AR-1179 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Hull, Blake D." </td> <td>" Blake D. Hull Born: 12 September 1882, Galesburg, MI Died: 15 February 1952, Dallas, TX <p>AIEE President: 1947-48 Obituary, Daily Times Herald, Dallas Obituary, Dallas Morning News, 17 February, 1952 AIEE Deceased Record AIEE Application for Adm" </p> </td> <td>1915 </td> <td>HB-105:#1179 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"HUTCHINSON, FREDERICK L." </td> <td>AR-1180 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Hutchinson, Frederick L." </td> <td>"Frederick Lane Hutchinson Born: 2 April 1866, Elizabeth, NJ Died: 26 February 1932 <p>AIEE National Secretary: 1911-1932 AIEE Biography, 1932 Biography, 1931 AIEE EE Magazine biography, May 1934 AIEE Correspondence AIEE Application for transfer to" </p> </td> <td>1911 </td> <td>HB-105:#1180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"JOHNSON, JOSEPH ALLEN" </td> <td>AR-1215 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Johnson, Joseph Allen" </td> <td>" - Born: 21 June 1882, Northboro, MA - Died: 4 October 1935 <p>- AIEE Vice President, 1932-1934 - AIEE President, 1934-1935 - Booklet: An Insight into the Workings of the Institute, by J. Allen Johnson, July 1934 - Application for Admission to A" </p> </td> <td>1907 </td> <td>HB-120:#1215 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"KEITH, NATHANIEL SHEPARD" </td> <td>AR-1216 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Keith, Nathaniel Shepard" </td> <td>"- Born: 14 July 1838, Boston, MA - Died: 27 January 1925, <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1941 - AIEE Secretary, 1884-1885 Philadelphia, PA - AIEE Application for Admission, 1894 - 1925 t" </p> </td> <td>1894 </td> <td>HB-120:#1216 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"KENNELLY, ARTHUR EDWIN" </td> <td>AR-1218 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Kennelly, Arthur Edwin" </td> <td>"- Born: 17 December 1861, Died: 18 June 1939 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1941 - AIEE President, 1898-1900 - Edison Medal, 1933 - AIEE Biography, 1929 & 1931 - articles - Applicati" </p> </td> <td>1913 </td> <td>HB-120:#1218 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"LAMME, BENJAMIN B." </td> <td>AR-1219 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Lamme, Benjamin B." </td> <td>"- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 <p>- AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1924 - Edison Medal, 1918 - 1915 Biography - AIEE Biography, 1919 - AIEE Application for Admission as Associate, 1903, including references - Correspon" </p> </td> <td>1903 </td> <td>HB-120:#1219 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"LEE, WILLIAM S." </td> <td>AR-1220 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Lee, William S." </td> <td>"- Born: 28 January 1872, Lancaster, SC - Died: 24 March 1934 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1941 , Charlotte, NC - Specimen of Lee's signature - AIEE Application for transfer to full mem" </p> </td> <td>1904 </td> <td>HB-120:#1220 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"LIEB, JOHN WILLIAM" </td> <td>AR-1221 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Lieb, John William" </td> <td>"- Born: 12 February 1860, Newark, NJ - Died: 1 November 1929, New Rochelle, NY <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1929 - AIEE President, 1904-1905 - Edison Medal, 1923 - 9 November 1929 El" </p> </td> <td>1913 </td> <td>HB-120:#1221 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"MACCUTCHEON, ALEXANDER M." </td> <td>AR-1222 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"MacCutcheon, Alexander M." </td> <td>"- Born: 32 December 1881, Stockport, NY - Died: 4 March 1954, Orlando, FL <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, January 1928 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1954 - AIEE President, 1936-1937 - Lamme Medal, 1947 - AIEE Admission to gra" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-120:#1222 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>PRIEN O." </td> <td>AR-1223 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Mailloux, Cyprien O." </td> <td>"- Born: 1860, Lowell, MA - Died: 4 October 1932, New York City <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1932 - AIEE President, 1913-14 - Obituaries - AIEE list of committees he worked on - AIE" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-120:#1223 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"MARCONI, GUGLIELMO" </td> <td>AR-1224 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Marconi, Guglielmo" </td> <td>"- Born: 25 April 1874, Italy - Died: 20 July 1937, Rome, Italy <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Honorary member, 1917 - Fritz Medal, 1923 - Obituaries 1937 - Telegram from Marconi, 1929 to the AIEE, acknowledges 1902 Dinner -" </p> </td> <td>1923 </td> <td>HB-120:#1224 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"MARTIN, THOMAS COMMERFORD" </td> <td>AR-1225 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Martin, Thomas Commerford" </td> <td>"- Born: 22 July 1856, London, England - Died: 17 May 1924, Pittsfield, MA <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1924 - AIEE President, 1887-88 - AIEE Application for transfer to grade of Member" </p> </td> <td>1909 </td> <td>HB-120:#1225 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"MCFARLAN, RONALD" </td> <td>AR-226 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Ronald McFarlan papers </td> <td>"3 folders Papers from Ronald McFarlan's technical career. contains typescript of his reports/impressions on a number of technical subjects. also contains some published material. McFarlan was the 1960 IRE President. <p>- Microwave Trends, McFarlan, Ro" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>MB-072:#226 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"MCMILLAN, FRED O." </td> <td>AR-1226 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"McMillan, Fred O." </td> <td>"- Born: 12 May 1890, Albia, Iowa - Died: 28 April 1956, Corvallis, OR <p>- Biography, 1930 - AIEE Portland Section nomination of McMillan for President, 1951 - AIEE President, 1951-1952 - Biographical Data for AIEE, 1933 - AIEE Application for Adm" </p> </td> <td>1913 </td> <td>HB-120:#1226 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"METCALFE, GEORGE R." </td> <td>AR-1227 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Metcalfe, George R." </td> <td>"- Born: 4 February 1865, Brooklyn, NY - Died: 2 February, 1938 (from Electrical World, 19 March 1938, page 17) <p>- AIEE Editor, 1910-1933 - AIEE Application for Admission, 1892 -Correspondence relating to his retirement 1932 - 1932 Biography done for" </p> </td> <td>1892 </td> <td>HB-120:#1227 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"MEYER, EDWARD B." </td> <td>AR-1228 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Meyer, Edward B." </td> <td>"- Born: 22 October 1882, Newark, NJ - Died: 13 January 1937, South Orange, NJ <p>- AIEE President, 1935-1936 - Biography from Electrical Engineering, january 1932 - Obituary, 31 January 1937 - Western Union telegrams concerning the funeral - biog" </p> </td> <td>1913 </td> <td>HB-120:#1228 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"OSGOOD, FARLEY" </td> <td>AR-1181 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Osgood, Farley" </td> <td>" - Born in 5 April 1874, died: 7 October 1933 <p>- President of AIEE, 1924-25 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Specimen signature Farley Osgood - 1905 AIEE Membership Application - Short AIEE biography, 1929 - Misc. Obituaries" </p> </td> <td>1905 </td> <td>HB-112:#1181 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"PACINOTTI, ANTONIO" </td> <td>AR-1182 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Pacinotti, Antonio" </td> <td>"- Born: 17 June 1841; Died: 24 March 1912 <p>- Honorary Member, 1912 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Study of Electromagnetism" </p> </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>HB-112:#1182 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"PARKER, JOHN C." </td> <td>AR-1183 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Parker, John C." </td> <td>"- Born: 15 April 1879; Died: 23 March 1953 <p>- AIEE President, 1938-1939 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1953 - Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1912, including reference forms - May 1930 biography from Journal AIEE - AIEE A" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-112:#1183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"PHELPS, GEORGE M." </td> <td>AR-1184 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Phelps, George M." </td> <td>"- Born: 1843; Died: 1895 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Treasurer, 1887-1895" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-112:#1184 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"POPE, FRANKLIN" </td> <td>AR-722 </td> <td>Franklin Pope Papers </td> <td>Papers of Franklin L. Pope </td> <td>"- AIEE - Franklin L. Pope 1884-1892 <p>- Correspondence, 1867-1892 - Letters from Frank L. Pope, found in Pope's Electric Telegraph, 1876 Ed, Eng Societies Library, 1878 - Letters written by Elisha Gray, 1877-1878 - Letters written by Amos E. Dolbear," </p> </td> <td>1865 </td> <td>HB-115:#722 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>PREECE, SIR WILLIAM" </td> <td>AR-1185 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Preece, Sir William" </td> <td>" Born: 15 February 1834; Died: 6 November 1913 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Honorary Member, 1884 (very first)" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-112:#1185 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>PRESCOTT, GEORGE BARTLETT" </td> <td>AR-1186 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Prescott, George Bartlett" </td> <td>- Handwritten letter to Prescott dated 3 December 1884 talking about a new publication </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-112:#1186 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"PUPIN, MICHAEL" </td> <td>AR-1187 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Pupin, Michael" </td> <td>" - Born: 4 October 1858; Died: 12 March 1935 <p>- AIEE President, 1925-26 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1935 - AIEE telegram to daughter expressing sympathy, 1935 - News Release that Pupi" </p> </td> <td>1890 </td> <td>HB-112:#1187 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"QUARLES, DONALD" </td> <td>AR-1188 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Quarles, Donald" </td> <td>" - Born: 30 July 1894; Died: 8 May 1959 <p>- AIEE President, 1952-53 - 1943 Biography - 1952 Bell Labs announcement on Quarles becoming AIEE President - 1955 announcement that Quarles would be Secretary of the Air Force - AIEE Notes for an Obituar" </p> </td> <td>1939 </td> <td>HB-112:#1188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"RICE, CALVIN WINDSOR" </td> <td>AR-1189 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Rice, Calvin Windsor" </td> <td>" - Calvin Winsor Rice: His Work in Professional Society Organization, Karl Compton, Mechanical Engineering, January 1932 <p>- Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1912 - AIEE Personal Classification Sheet, 1917 - 1932 AIEE Dues Invoice - Cal" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-112:#1189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"RICE, EDWIN WILBUR" </td> <td>AR-1190 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Rice, Edwin Wilbur" </td> <td>"- Born: 6 May 1862; Died: 25 November 1935 <p>Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE President, 1917-18 - Edison Medal, 1931 - AIEE Deceased Record - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Application for Admission" </p> </td> <td>1887 </td> <td>HB-112:#1190 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"RYAN, HARRIS J." </td> <td>AR-1191 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Ryan, Harris J." </td> <td>"- Born: 8 January 1866; Died: 3 July 1934 <p>AIEE President, 1923-24 - Edison Medal, 1925 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Application for Admission, 1887 - Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1913, including refer" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-112:#1191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"SCHUCHARDT, RUDOLPH F." </td> <td>AR-1192 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Schuchardt, Rudolph F." </td> <td>"- Born: 14 December 1875; Died: 25 October 1932 <p>- AIEE President, 1928-29 - Specimen Signature - AIEE Application for admission to Associate, 1903 - Application for transfer to grade of Associate to Member, 1909, including references - Applica" </p> </td> <td>1903 </td> <td>HB-112:#1192 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"SCOTT, CHARLES F." </td> <td>AR-1193 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Scott, Charles F." </td> <td>"- Born: 19 September 1864; Died: 17 December 1944 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1944 - AIEE Biography, 1929 - Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1924, including references - C" </p> </td> <td>1911 </td> <td>HB-112:#1194 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"SHELDON, SAMUEL" </td> <td>AR-1195 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Sheldon, Samuel" </td> <td>"- Born: 8 March 1862; Died: 4 September 1920 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1920 - AIEE President, 1906-07 - Application for Admission, 1890 - Application for transfer to grade of Fell" </p> </td> <td>1890 </td> <td>HB-112:#1195 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"SIEMENS, ERNST WERNER VON" </td> <td>AR-1194 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Siemens, Ernst Werner Von" </td> <td>"- Born: 13 December 1816; Died: 6 December 1892 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Honorary Member, 1892" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-112:#1194 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"SMITH, HAROLD B." </td> <td>AR-1196 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Smith, Harold B." </td> <td>"- Born: 23 May 1869; Died: 9 February 1932 <p>- AIEE President: 1929-1930 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Facsimile Signature of Harold B. Smith - The Highest AIEE Office, Journal Worcester Polytechnic Institute, ~1929 - AIEE Bi" </p> </td> <td>1891 </td> <td>HB-112:#1196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"SPERRY, ELMER" </td> <td>AR-1198 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Sperry, Elmer" </td> <td>" - Born: 12 October 1860; Died: 16 June 1930 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - John Fritz Medalist, 1927 - Death Notice, Edison Pioneers, 1930 - AIEE Application for Admission, 1892 - Biography (2-pages) signed by Sperry, 1885" </p> </td> <td>1885 </td> <td>HB-113:#1198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>PRAGUE, FRANK JULIAN" </td> <td>AR-1197 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Sprague, Frank Julian" </td> <td>"- Born: 25 July 1857; Died: 25 October 1934 <p>- AIEE President, 1892-93 - Honorary Member, 1932 - Edison Medal, 1910 - Fritz Medal, 1934 - Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1912, including references - Biography, no date - newspaper" </p> </td> <td>1910 </td> <td>HB-113:#1197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"STANLEY, WILLIAM" </td> <td>AR-1199 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Stanley, William" </td> <td>"- Born 22 November 1858; Died: 14 May, 1916 <p>- Edison Medal, 1912 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Application for transfer from Associate to Full membership, 1898 - Application for Admission, 1887 - Application for transfer to" </p> </td> <td>1887 </td> <td>HB-113:#1199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>PROTEUS" </td> <td>AR-1200 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Steinmetz, Charles Proteus" </td> <td>"- Born: 9 April 1865; Died: 26 October, 1923 <p>- AIEE President, 1901-02 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Application to transfer to grade of Fellow, 1912, including references - AIEE Entry for Catalog: for yearbook, showing how Stei" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>HB-113:#1200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"STEVENS, JOHN FRANKLIN" </td> <td>AR-1201 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Stevens, John Franklin" </td> <td>"- Born: 1 January 1870; Died: 11 December 1933 <p>- Two Obituaries - Application for transfer from Associate to Full Membership, 1900 - Therapuetic application of induced alternating currents, written by W.J. Herdman, 1899 - Correspondence - Lette" </p> </td> <td>1894 </td> <td>HB-113:#1201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"STILLWELL, LEWIS B." </td> <td>AR-1202 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Stillwell, Lewis B." </td> <td>"- Born: 12 March 1863; Died: 19 January 1941 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - President, 1909-10 - Lamme Medal, 1933 - Edison Medal, 1935 - Application for Admission, 1892 - Personal Classification Sheet, 1917 - Application f" </p> </td> <td>1892 </td> <td>HB-113:#1202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"STOTT, HENRY G." </td> <td>AR-1203 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Stott, Henry G." </td> <td>" - Born: 13 May 1866; Died: 15 January 1917 <p>- AIEE President, 1907-08 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - post cards - AIEE membership invoices - Listing of AIEE Committees that Stott served on - Application for Admission, 1895" </p> </td> <td>1895 </td> <td>HB-113:#1203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"SWASEY, AMBROSE" </td> <td>AR-1204 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Swasey, Ambrose" </td> <td>"- Born: 19 December 1846; Died: 15 June 1937 <p>- Honorary member, 1928 - Fritz Medal, 1924 - Engineering Experimental Station News, February 1935 - Ambrose Swasey, 1847-1937, Mechanical Engineering magazine, August 1937 - AIEE Deceased Record -" </p> </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>HB-113:#1204 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"TERMAN, FRED" </td> <td>AR-205 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Frederick E. Terman Materials </td> <td>"- ""Stanford to honor Fred Terman at Engineering Center Oct. 6"" , Stanforf Campus Report, October 5, 1977 (includes biography of Terman) <p>- Wizard of Silicon Gulch, San Francisco Chronicle, 21 Sept 1977 - Misc correspondence between Terman and Reed C" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#205 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"TESLA, NIKOLA" </td> <td>AR-1205 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Tesla, Nikola" </td> <td>"- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 <p>- Edison Medal, 1916 - Application for Admission, 1888 - Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, 1916, includes references, & his business card - 1936 letter to AIEE asking them to plan a birthd" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-113:#1205 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"THOMAS, LEONARD" </td> <td>AR-809 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Deed of Gift: Leonard Thomas Papers. </td> <td>"Deed of gift signed by Thomas's daughter, Ellen Sandel, for her father's papers. The papers were acquired by the IEEE EMC Society history committee (Chair: Dan Hoolihan). Hoolihan will be processing the papers and posting the scanned version on the GHN" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"THOMPSON, SILVANUS P." </td> <td>AR-1206 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Thompson, Silvanus P." </td> <td>"- Born: 19 June 1851; Died: 13 June 1916 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Honorary Member, 1914 - Application for Admission, 1907 - 1907 letter from Thompson to Ralph Pope, re: lapsed membership - 1914 letter to Thompson, re: H" </p> </td> <td>1897 </td> <td>HB-114:#1206 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"THOMSON, ELIHU" </td> <td>AR-1207 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Thomson, Elihu" </td> <td>"-AIEE Application for transfer to grade of Member, New York, April 21st, 1891. <p>-AIEE, Application for transfer to grade of Fellow, New York, March 27th, 1913. -AIEE Personal Classification Sheet, New York, November 24th, 1917. -Member biography of Tho" </p> </td> <td>1891 </td> <td>HB-114:#1207 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"TORCHIO, PHILIP" </td> <td>AR-1208 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Torchio, Philip" </td> <td>"Born: 2 August 1868; Died: 14 January 1942 <p>- Membership Applications - Edison Medal, 1939 - New York Times obituary, 16 January 1942 - 1927 Biography - 1929 AIEE biography - 1938 ConEd Press Release, re: Torchio to retire - AIEE Press Relea" </p> </td> <td>1927 </td> <td>HB-114:#1208 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"TOWNLEY, CALVERT" </td> <td>AR-1209 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Townley, Calvert" </td> <td>"- Born: 18 October 1864; Died: 27 November 1933 <p>- AIEE President, 1919-20 - Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - Membership Applications, including references - AIEE Committees Townley served on - AIEE Deceased Record, 1933 - AIE" </p> </td> <td>1907 </td> <td>HB-114:#1209 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"VARLEY, RICHARD J" </td> <td>AR-1210 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Varley, Richard J" </td> <td>"AIEE Transactions February 1901 <p>Correspondence regarding AIEE membership application" </p> </td> <td>1907 </td> <td>HB-114:#1210 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WARDLAW, GEORGE A." </td> <td>AR-1211 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Wardlaw, George A." </td> <td>"- 1942 correspondence on his work record <p>- Appears that he may have been AIEE Staff, 1902-1910, ""Editorial""" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-114:#1211 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WEBER, ERNST" </td> <td>AR-125 </td> <td>Ernst Weber Collection </td> <td>Weber Collection </td> <td>"- 1924 Diploma from Technical University in Vienna <p>- 1926 Ph.D. Diploma - 1927 D.Sc. Diploma - Pamphlet from the 1986 Dedication of the Weber Research Institute at Polytechnic - 1956 Technical Data sheet from Polytechnic R&D Company - 1947 Broo" </p> </td> <td>1924 </td> <td>HB-116:#125 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WEBER, ERNST" </td> <td>AR-1311 </td> <td>Ernst Weber Collection </td> <td>Weber materials </td> <td>"folders of writings by and materials about Ernst Weber ( formerly in special collections drawer in library, next to subject folders). In 2010, this material was moved to the archives, and reclassified as archives material (it had formerly been listed as" </td> <td>1930 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WEBER, ERNST" </td> <td>AR-3493 </td> <td>Ernst Weber Collection </td> <td>A Brief History of the family of Sonya-Escherich-Eisenmenger-Weber </td> <td>"History of the family of Sonya Weber, wife of Ernst Weber to 1936. 96 pages" </td> <td>1975 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WEBER, ERNST" </td> <td>AR-3898 </td> <td>Ernst Weber Collection </td> <td>Correspondence re establishment of IRE Professional Group on Instrumentation. </td> <td>"Correspondence between Ernst Weber, as Acting Chairman of the IRE Professional Group on Instrumentation and several others, March through June 1910 on establishing and obtaining board of directors approval for the establishment of this group. Includes a" </td> <td>1950 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WESTINGHOUSE, GEORGE" </td> <td>AR-1212 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Westinghouse, George" </td> <td>"- Born: 6 October 1846; Died: 12 March 1914 <p>- Edison Medal, 1911 - Application for Admission as Associate, 1902 - Correspondence - George Westinghouse, Electrical Review & Western Electrician, 20 Aug 1910 - Obituary - AIEE Board Resolution, re" </p> </td> <td>1902 </td> <td>HB-114:#1212 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WHEELER, SCHUYLER SKAATS" </td> <td>AR-1213 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Wheeler, Schuyler Skaats" </td> <td>" - Born: 17 May 1860; Died: 1923 <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1941 - AIEE President, 1905-06 - Listing of Wheeler's AIEE Committee activities - Application for transfer to grade of Fe" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td>HB-114:#1213 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>"WICKENDEN, WILLIAM E." </td> <td>AR-1214 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>"Wickenden, William E." </td> <td>"- Born: 24 December 1882; Died: 1 September 1947 <p>- AIEE Board Resolution, re: In Memoriam, 1947 - AIEE Cleveland Section nomination for President, 1945-46 - Transfer to grade of Fellow, 1939, including references - Application for transfer to gra" </p> </td> <td>1907 </td> <td>HB-114:#1214 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BIOGRAPHY </td> <td>WILLIAM THOMSON (LORD KELVIN) </td> <td>AR-1217 </td> <td>Biography </td> <td>William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) </td> <td>"- Born: 25 June 1824, Belfast, Ireland - Died: 17 December 1907, Glasgow, Scotland <p>- Biography from the AIEE EE Magazine, May, 1934 - AIEE Kelvin Memorial, 1908 (2 copies) - Memorial Service, 12 January 1908, Engineers' Building, NYC" </p> </td> <td>1908 </td> <td>HB-120:#1217 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>"Various minutes catalogged as each meeting as individual <p>record. To avoid this spreadsheet being 2x as long, rows have been truncated and annotated in the record range" </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>"AIEE BOD MINUTES: AR-1599-2002, AR-2060-2090, AR-2967-2975" </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>1- VARIOUS </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Board of Directors Minutes </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1902 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-1099 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Reports of the Board of Directors 1953-1960 </td> <td>"Reports dated 1953-1954; 1954-1955;1955-1956; 1956-1957; 1957-1958; 1958-1959 and 1959-1960. Includes sections (not all appear in each year) on Meetings and technical conferences, committees, technical committees, awards, joint activities, representativ" </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-132:#1099 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-2055 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Miscellaneous Note 1 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>Circa 1893" </p> </td> <td>1893 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-3058 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Subcommittee Letter </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>[scanned]" </p> </td> <td>1900 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-510 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1896-1900" </td> <td>Black binder with hand written minutes of the AIEE </td> <td>1896 </td> <td>HB-083:#083 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-511 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1900-1902" </td> <td>Black binder with hand written minutes of the AIEE </td> <td>1900 </td> <td>HB-083:#511 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-535 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1884-1889" </td> <td>"Hard bound volume of Minutes, hand written" </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>HB-087:#535 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-536 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1889-1893" </td> <td>"Hard bound volume, hand written Minutes" </td> <td>1889 </td> <td>HB-087:#536 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-538 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1893-1896" </td> <td>"Hard bound volume, hand written Minutes" </td> <td>1893 </td> <td>HB-087:#538 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-539 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1904-1905" </td> <td>"Hard bound volume, typed Minutes" </td> <td>1904 </td> <td>HB-087:#539 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-540 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1916-1927" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes of the AIEE" </td> <td>1916 </td> <td>HB-088:#540 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-541 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1905-1912" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes of the AIEE" </td> <td>1905 </td> <td>HB-089:#541 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-542 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1912-1916" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes of the AIEE" </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-089:#542 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-543 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1934-1936" </td> <td>"Hard bound, hand typed Minutes of the AIEE" </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>HB-090:#543 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-544 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1910" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes of the AIEE NOTE: Not Complete It is interesting to note that the meetings had both a business portion and technical papers were presented." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-091:#544 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-545 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1914-1915" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes of the AIEE, January 1914-December 1915" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-091:#545 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-552 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Minutes 1902-1904 </td> <td>"Hard bound volume, hand written minutes" </td> <td>1902 </td> <td>HB-093:#552 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-553 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1940-1942" </td> <td>"Hard bound volume, typed Minutes" </td> <td>1940 </td> <td>HB-093:#553 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-554 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1927-1930" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes" </td> <td>1927 </td> <td>HB-093:#554 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-555 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1930-1933" </td> <td>"hard Bound, typed Minutes" </td> <td>1930 </td> <td>HB-094:#555 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-556 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1936-1939" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes" </td> <td>1936 </td> <td>HB-094:#556 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-557 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Minutes, 1943-1945" </td> <td>"Hard bound, typed Minutes" </td> <td>1943 </td> <td>HB-095:#557 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - BOD </td> <td>AR-77 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE BOD Annual Reports, 1921-1962" </td> <td>"Annual Reports from AIEE Board of Directors, 1921-1962 5 Folders containing the Annual Reports Joyce #s: Acc #GA-80 control #9 <p>Reports missing from 1953-1959" </p> </td> <td>1921 </td> <td>HB-027:#77 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - COUNCIL </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>"AIEE COUNCIL MINUTES: AR-1449-1598, AR-2976-2988" </td> <td>1884 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - COUNCIL </td> <td>1- VARIOUS </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Council Minutes </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1884 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-1439 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Council Minutes--Missing 1896-1902 </td> <td>"AIEE Council Minutes from May 1896-May 1902 are not available on-line. They were not on the microfilm from which the digital copies were made. However, the archives holds the hard copy originals. <p>For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical l" </p> </td> <td>1896 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-2003 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Council Order of Business </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE </td> <td>1 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Executive Committee Minutes </td> <td>"AIEE EXCOM MINUTES: AR-2004-2050, AR-2989-3053" </td> <td>1884 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE </td> <td>1- VARIOUS </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Executive Committee Minutes </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>Executive Committee Meeting" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - FINANCIAL COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-2051 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Finance Committee Minutes </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>AIEE - TAB </td> <td>AR-288 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Technical Activities Board, 1951-1957, 1977 and Professional Devleopment and Recognition Minutes, 1957-1963" </td> <td>"1. Meeting agendae of Operating Committee--Technical Activities Board. Folder contains agendae of the following 1977 meetings: a. July 11, 1977. b. June 24, 1977 c. April 16, 1977 d. February 16, 1977 <p>2. Binder containing material on AIEE and then IEEE Professional Development and Recognition Department. 1957-1963. 3. Binder containing meeting minutes and agendae for AIEE Technical Program Committee/Committee on Technical Operations. 1951-1955. 4. Binder containing meeting minutes and agendae for AIEE Technical Program Committee/Committee on Technical Operations. 1956-1957. mixed" </p> </td> <td>1951 </td> <td>MB-074:#288 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY BOARD </td> <td>AR-1412 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Educational Activity Board (EAB) Minutes 1985-1989 </td> <td>"EAB Meeting Minutes <p>02/1985-11/1989 " </p> </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>HB-225-7 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY BOARD </td> <td>AR-1413 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Educational Activity Board (EAB) Minutes 1990-1993 </td> <td>"EAB Meeting Minutes <p>02/1990-08/1993 " </p> </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>HB-228-30 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY BOARD </td> <td>AR-1414 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Educational Activity Board (EAB) Minutes 1993-1996 </td> <td>"EAB Meeting Minutes <p>11/1993-12/1996 " </p> </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-231-3 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY BOARD </td> <td>AR-1415 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Educational Activity Board (EAB) Minutes 1997-2001 </td> <td>"EAB Meeting Minutes <p>02/1997-02/2001 " </p> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-234-6 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY BOARD </td> <td>AR-1416 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Educational Activity Board (EAB) Minutes 2001-2004 </td> <td>"EAB Meeting Minutes <p>06/2001-06/2004 " </p> </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>HB-237-9 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY BOARD </td> <td>AR-1417 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Educational Activity Board (EAB) Minutes 2004-2007 </td> <td>"EAB Meeting Minutes <p>11/2004-11/2007" </p> </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-240-2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - LIFE MEMBER COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3744 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Life Member Committee minutes, 1966-2016" </td> <td>"Life Member Committee minutes, 1966-2016" </td> <td>1966 </td> <td>HB-247 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - LIFE MEMBER COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3745 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Life member committee agendas, 1971-2005" </td> <td>"Life member committee agendas <p>Includes: </p><p>March 1971 May 15, 1984 October 14, 1985 April 6, 1987 April 8, 1994 November 4, 1994 April 7, 1995 October 30, 1995 April 15, 1996 October 20, 1997 April 20, 1998 October 19, 1998 April 19, 1999 " </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-247 - HB-249 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - LIFE MEMBER COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3746 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Life Members Membership and Committee History Notes </td> <td>"Notes and photocopies used for the research and writing of the book ""A History Of Life Membership And The IEEE Life Members Committee"". Handwritten notes largely by Sheldon Hochheiser" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-249 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - LIFE MEMBER COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3990 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Life Members Committee - Misc. Ephemera </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members' Planner, 2006 - 2007" </td> <td>2007 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES BOARD </td> <td>AR-3993 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Technical Activities Board Directories </td> <td>1995 Technical Activities Board Directory </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE - TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND ASSESSMENT </td> <td>AR-3747 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Technological Forecasting and Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes </td> <td>"Minutes and meeting information for the Technological Forecasting and Assessment Committee of the Technical Activities Board. Files also digitized and posted in: <p>H:\Historical Information and Archive\IEEE History\IEEE committees\Technological Forecasting and Assessment Committee </p><p>Meetings include: </p><p>1972-01-20 1972-01-27 1972-02-17 1972-03-16 1972-03-29 1972-04-06 1972-04-20 1972-05-18 1972-06-15 1972-07-27 1972-08-24 1972-09-20 1972-10-18 1972-11-15 1972-12-20 1973-01-18 1973-02-22 1973-03-29 1973-04-19 1973-05-17 1973-06-21 1973-08-16 1973-09-20 1974-05-28 1975-04-07 1975-06-26 1975-09-10 1975-10-31 1975-12-17 1976-02-24 1976-05-11" </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3100 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 09/11/1973 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3101 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 01/09/1974 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1974 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3102 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 03/27/1974 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1974 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3103 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 12/03/1974 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1974 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3104 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 04/07/1975 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1975 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3105 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 12/03/1975 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1975 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3106 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 04/21/1976 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1976 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3107 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 05/12/1976 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1976 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3108 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 12/02/1976 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1976 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3109 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 07/16/1977 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1977 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3110 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 11/20/1977 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1977 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3111 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 02/20/1978 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1978 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3112 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 05/20/1978 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1978 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3113 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 08/27/1978 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1978 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3114 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 12/09/1978 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1978 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3115 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 02/17/1979 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1979 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3116 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 08/04/1979 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1979 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3117 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 12/08/1979 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1979 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3118 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 02/16/1980 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1980 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3119 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 05/10/1980 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1980 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3120 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 08/23/1980 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1980 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3121 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 12/05/1980 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1980 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IEEE FOUNDATION </td> <td>AR-3124 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes Index 1973-1978 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-1049 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>AIEE/IEEE Minutes Indexes (sic) </td> <td>"- 1956 - 1963 indices <p>- 1976 Index - Listing of AIEE Officers and Staff, including home addresses" </p> </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>HB-124:#1049 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2949 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1963 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2950 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1964 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1964 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2951 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1965 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2952 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1966 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1966 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2953 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1967 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1967 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2954 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1968 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2955 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1969 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1969 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2956 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1970 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2957 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1971 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1971 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2958 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1972 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2959 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1973 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2960 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1974 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2961 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1975 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1975 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2962 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1976 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2963 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1977 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2964 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1978 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1978 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2965 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1979 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1979 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>INDEX </td> <td>AR-2966 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Minutes TOC-Index 1980 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - ANNUAL ASSEMBLY </td> <td>AR-2091 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Annual Assembly </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - ANNUAL ASSEMBLY </td> <td>AR-2092 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Annual Assembly </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - ANNUAL ASSEMBLY </td> <td>AR-2093 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Annual Assembly </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1962 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - BOD </td> <td>1 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Board of Directors Minutes </td> <td>IRE BOD MINUTES: AR-2094 - 2438 </td> <td>1914 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - BOD </td> <td>1- VARIOUS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Board of Directors Minutes </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - BOD </td> <td>AR-2582 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Board of Directors Minutes </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1951 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - BOD </td> <td>AR-473 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Board of Director/Executive Committee Minutes, 1914-62" </td> <td>"In HB-66: <p>Softbound/individual pages of IRE meeting mintues from 1914-1918 and 1927 </p><p>In archives bookshelf: </p><p>Hardbound minutes of BoD/ExComm, 1947-48, 1955-62 </p><p>On sharedrive, H:\Historical Information and Archive\IEEE History\AIEE IRE IEEE Min" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>HB-066:#473 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - COMMITTEE ON BROADCASTING </td> <td>AR-2439 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Committee on Broadcasting </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1929 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - EDITORIAL BOARD </td> <td>AR-37 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Editorial Board Meeting Minutes, 1962" </td> <td>"- Minutes from July 10, September 10 and October 15, 1962" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-010:#37 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE </td> <td>1 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Executive Committee Minutes </td> <td>IRE EXCOM MINUTES: AR-2440 - 2701 </td> <td>1941 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>IRE - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE </td> <td>1- VARIOUS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Executive Committee Minutes </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>Memorandum for Members of the Board of the Institute" </p> </td> <td>1941 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>USAB </td> <td>AR-1105 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE USA Directory 1994 and 1998 </td> <td>"IEEE United States Activities Board. General information: committee chairman and task force leaders and membership, Chairman and PACE chairman by region and division. Alphabetical list and directory of volunteers <p>" </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-134:#1105 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>USAB </td> <td>AR-243 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>USAB 1981 Program Plan </td> <td>50 page booklet 1981 USAB Program Plan </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>USAB </td> <td>AR-244 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"USAB Legislative Reports, '81-82" </td> <td>"Seven USAB Legislative reports: Vol 3, No. 7 (July 16, 1981) Vol 4, No 5-10 (June 24-Nov 29, 1982)" </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>MB-082:#244 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>USAB </td> <td>AR-308 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"USAB Annual Report, 1988" </td> <td>"United States Activities Board, 1988 Report six-side fold out (8.5x11"") on heavy stock" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#308 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td>USAB </td> <td>AR-309 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>" IEEEUnited States Activities Annual Report, 1990" </td> <td>"United States Activities Board, 1990 Report six-side fold out (8.5x11"") on heavy stock" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#309 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1122 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Technological Policy Conference Committee Reports, 1991, 1992 and 1993" </td> <td>"IEEE United States Activities 1991: Competitiveness and Technology Policy 1992: Global Integration 1993: Manufacturing, Quality and Management Proceedings of meetings held in conjunction with American Association of Engineering Societies Government Affa" </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>HB-135:#1122 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1233 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum/Institue Advisory Board (SIAB) </td> <td>"MB-135 <p>Meetings: 09/1985, 09/1986, 12/1986, 12/1987,03/1988, 09/1988, 12/1988, 07/1989, 09/18/1989 </p><p>MB-136 Meetings: 09/18/1989, 11/1989, 12/1989, 03/1990, 07/1990, 09/1990 </p><p>MB-137 Meetings: 09/1990, 12/1990, 03/1991, 09/1991, 12/1991, 03/1992, 04" </p> </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>MB-135:#1233 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1244 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Public Relations Committee Meeting Minutes </td> <td>A detailed public relations plan including a selection of activites in order of priority approved by the public relations committee April 30. 1982 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#1244 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-248 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE/AIEE Tech Committee reports </td> <td>"5 reports, all from 1963: ""Survey of Residential Underground Practices"" ""Radiation Effects Handbook"" ""On Line Data Processing"" ""Artificial Intelligence"" ""Fourth Report on Survey of Electric Utility Applications of Digital Computers""" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#248 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-275 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Long Range Planning Committee </td> <td>"Report of 1973-1975 IEEE Long-Range Planning Committee Spiral bound, 66 pp. (This accession was once labled A7. Does that help to figure out how we obtained it?)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-420 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A Blueprint For The Future Governance of the IEEE: Recommendation of the President's Blue Ribbon Committee on IEEE Governance </td> <td>Recommendations of a committee formed to suggest changes to IEEE Governance. The essence of the proposal was to reduce the size of the board of directors by replacing division and regional directors with a smaller number of directors at large. The prop </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-532 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE History Files, 1936-1963" </td> <td>"- Proposed Technical Committee Activities for Sections and Districts, Feb. 1, 1936 <p>- Report: Special Committee on Broadening of Institute Activities, December 22, 1936 - Minutes of Meeting of Special Committee on Institute Activities, Jan. 29, 1937 " </p> </td> <td>1936 </td> <td>HB-086:#532 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-857 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>AIEE/IRE/IEEE Microfilm </td> <td>"- AIEE/IRE/IEEE Minutes of Council/Board of Directors/ExCom, 1884-1980, Reels I-XVII <p>- AIEE/IRE/IEEE Membership Catalogues/Handbooks/Yearbooks/Directories, 1912-1980, Reels II-XXII - AIEE/IRE/IEEE Annual Reports of Council/Board of Directors/Secre" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>MB-110:#110 </td></tr> <tr> <td>BOARDS/COMMITTEES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-99 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Ad hoc Committee on Economic Conditions </td> <td>"-loose leaf copies of minutes of IEEE ad hoc Committee on Economic Conditions in the Electronics, Electrical and Related Industries, 11 October 1971. <p>-Report cover-bound copy of the committees report (authored by W.O. Fleckenstein) Joyce #s: Acc GA" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#99 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-1337 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Richard Gowen (1984 IEEE President) National Press Club Briefing. 1/18/1984 </td> <td>"IEEE Centenneial <p>Jack Kin (MC), Richard Gowen (main speaker) attendees at table: Richard Gowen (president), Eric Herz (executive director/general manager), Leo Fanning (Washington office) </p><p>Washington DC </p><p>Digitized 8/12" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-1338 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial Report </td> <td>"IEEE Centennial Report, 4 copies <p>Two copies labelled as Centennial Wrap Show. One labeled ""Old One'"" and the other labeled ""Edited."" </p><p>IEEE Centennial Report, brief, 12 minute video, giving retrospective of IEEE's many activities and events held in 1" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-1441 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"Presentation of IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) President John to IEEE President Richard Gowen, London, England" </td> <td>2 copies. </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-1443 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison on Progress. </td> <td>"60 second public service announcement. <p>Actor portraying Franklin and Edison </p><p>1 3/4"" U-matic tape" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-1444 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison on Progress. </td> <td>"60 second public service announcement. <p>Actor portraying Franklin and Edison. </p><p>2 copies" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-1445 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Miracles of Tomorrow </td> <td>"60 second public service announcement. <p><br/> 2 copies" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-3156 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Franklin Institute--Reel 1 & 2. </td> <td>"Tape of IEEE Centennial Technical Convocation. <p>""The Second Century Begins"", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Franklin Institute Centennial Technical Convocation, Philadelphia, PA. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-3157 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Franklin Institute--Reel 1 & 2. </td> <td>"Tape of IEEE Centennial Technical Convocation. <p>Copy 2." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-148 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-3190 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Generations of Giants </td> <td>"Highlights from Generations of Giants, IEEE Centennial Convocation, Boston, May 14, 1984. Skit where actors play Benjamin Franklin, Charles Steinmetz, Nikola Tesla, Michael Faraday, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and Johann Von Neumann <p>1 VHS ta" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-146 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-3348 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Ronald Reagan Centennial speech </td> <td>"President Ronald Reagan, September 21st, 1984. Speech on IEEE Centennial. Was shown in its entirety in ""The Second Century Begins"", AR-3156. <p>Digitized 12/12" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-3349 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Posters of Commemorative Stamps </td> <td>"Opens with a countdown of 9 News Denver, briefly shows posters of 20c stamps including Philo Farnsworth, Nikola Tesla, Charles Steinmetz, and Edwin Armstrong. Someone in a Benjamin Franklin costume begins to speak at a podium, but doesnt get a sentence o" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-673 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Media Briefing Tapes </td> <td>"27 Tapes - Letter from Pender McCarter (13 June 1985) explaining the tapes <p>Two smaller tapes, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Congressional Breakfast tapes in MB-118, remainder of Thursday tapes (2-11), Hodel in MB-117 </p><p>Tuesday, tape 1: </p><p>IEEE Cent" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>"MB-118, MB-117:#673" </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-720 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Video Tapes </td> <td>"Centennial Video Tapes, 9 ->13, originals and duplicates. Received from William W. Middleton, Philadelphia Section ""IEEE Centennial Technical Convocation October 9/10, 1984, Franklin Institute"" <p>Audio/Video/Computer" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-121:#720 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-721 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Video Tapes </td> <td>"Centennial Video Tapes, 1-8, originals and duplicates, and 1-13 duplicates. Received from William W. Middleton, Philadelphia Section ""IEEE Centennial Technical Convocation October 9/10, 1984, Franklin Institute"" <p>Tapes 1-8, both originals and duplicat" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>"MB-122, MB-149:#721" </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1047 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Art Contest </td> <td>"File containing correspondence with winners of the contest, letters confirming IEEE would buy the artwork (including $ amount) and slides of the artwork. <p>Catalog slides and photos in Photograph module" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>MB-131:#1047 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1052 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Medal Certificate </td> <td>Presented to Sidney Darlington by Richard Gowen </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-124:#1052 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1067 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Dutch Lines and Waves </td> <td>"- ""Lines and Waves: Faraday and Maxwell and 150 Years of Electromagnetism"" - Posters [or maybe ""prints""] of exhibit panels ... from the electrotechnical study organization Thor (1957-1982). - Printed in 1982" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-106:#1067 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1265 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial Task Force 1981-1982 </td> <td>"IEEE Centennial Task Force, 1981-1982. Francis X. Timmons file on this task force, originally in a 3 ring binder. Timmons was staff support to the task force. Minutes of meetings, correspondence both internal and external, project plan, schedule, prog" </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>MB-104 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1329 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial photoContest </td> <td>" <p>File containing correspondence with entrants and winners of the contests. letters confirming IEEE would buy the artwork (including $ amount) and slides and photos of some of the submissions. (Many photos were returned. </p><p>There were 2 contests--one" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>MB-131 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1330 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Posters correspondence </td> <td>" <p>File containing correspondence concerning the series of posters that IEEE commissioned. prepared and sold during IEEE's centennial. </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>MB-131 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="Archives:Videos">AR-264</a> </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Technical Convocation Transcripts </td> <td>"gift 95-9 two transcripts: <p>•Transcript of the 1983 Symposium on EE history co-sponsored by CHEE and the Smithsonian (66 pp.) •Transcript of IEEE Centennial Technical Convocation at Franklin Institute, October 8-9, 1984 (sessions: ""Opening rema" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-009:#264 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-265 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Midcourse Corrections in Engineering Education </td> <td>"Bound volume of Proceedings of the Centeniial Educational Forum, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Boston, MA, May 15, 1984" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-009 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-307 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Electrifying America Exhibit Booklet </td> <td>Centennial publication </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-009:#307 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3195 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>A Centennial Guide to Electrical Engineering History for the IEEE </td> <td>"Guide for Centennial activities for IEEE organizational Units. Prepared by the Center for the History of Electrical Engineering, Includes historical overview, description of possible projects and bibliography. 2 copies." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3226 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Franklin Institute Centennial Technical Convocation </td> <td>"Audio recording of the IEEE Franklin Institute Centennial Technical Convocation. From 10/8/1984 and 10/9/1984 <p>program is 23 tapes in length, duplicates exist for tapes 8-23" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-32 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3229 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Centennial Report </td> <td>"IEEE Centennial Report, brief, 12 minute video, giving a general report of the IEEE's activities as of 1984, as well as showing various clips from the Franklin Institute Centennial Technical Convocation" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-145 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-326 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Misc Centennial materials </td> <td>"-Centennial Activities Guide 09/01/1983. 2 copies (second 06/13/1983) <p>-Correspondence regarding Centennial Events 1982-1983 -Life Member Directory 1983-1984 -Panel of Technical Editors 08/19/1985 -Annual Report 1983 -Centennial Forum for Young Engin" </p> </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>MB-087:#326 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-330 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial materials </td> <td>"IEEE CENTENNIAL MATERIAL Box contains variety of materials relating to celebration of IEEE Centennial in 1984. Includes materials used in creation of IEEE Awards/Fellows Directory. <p>1. Binder. Report to the Executive Committee concerning the I" </p> </td> <td>1917 </td> <td>MB-090:#330 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3498 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"IEEE Centennial Activities Guide for Societies, Sections, Chapters, and Student Branches." </td> <td>"Originally in a three ring binder, Cover note and set of 6 tabbed sections with suggested centennial activities for IEEE OUs. <p>Sections: </p><p>Introduction, Planned Activities, Suggested Projects, Public Communications, Resources, History Guide. </p><p>Al" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3500 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Generations of Giants: An IEEE Centennial Performance </td> <td>Glossy 36 page heavily illustrated program with script for the centennial play featuring actors playing various major figures in the history of electrical technologies. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3501 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"A Century of Electricals: A brief history of the electrical engineers, 1884-1984." </td> <td>"Glossy 34 page history booklet based on the centennial exhibit of the same name. This was done in several versions: this booklet, an exhbit of large posters, and a slide show with script." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-378 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Planning Materials </td> <td>"Provinance unknown, but sheet inside (in Joyce's handwriting) says ""Joan Izzo's 'Centennial' files. Received 9 June '86. 2 boxes--this is box 2"" [but the ""2"" is crossed out and a ""1"" is written in its place] <p>-Centennial Task force 1979 -Stamp Project" </p> </td> <td>1979 </td> <td>MB-104:#378 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-379 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Task Force Materials </td> <td>"Miscellaneous material, much related to IEEE Centennial, but also a healthy portion that is completely different. Provenance and organization unknown the contents of this box were cataloged by Rebecca Hartman (in 1994?) Materials date to 1986-87 a" </td> <td>1928 </td> <td>MB-105:#379 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-451 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Founders Poster </td> <td>"Centennial Poster with ""Founders""" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-03:#451 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4606 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"A Century of Electrical Progress Poster, 1984" </td> <td>"- Timeline, 1752 -> 1984. One Flat folder poster in this location." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-59 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial </td> <td>"IEEE Centennial: Region 10, this is a history of Region 10 and its Sections in existence in 1984." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-080:#59 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-672 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Brochures </td> <td>"- IEEE Centennial Convocation <p>- EAB-RAB-TAB Centennial Celebration - IEEE RAB Dinner and Presentation - IEEE Annual Awards Presentation - IEEE Franklin Institute Centennial Technical Convocation - IEEE Franklin Institute Centennial Technical Co" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-117:#672 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-817 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial Press Releases </td> <td>"- Announcement of the Centennial Exhibit, play, and movie, ""The Miracle Force"" <p>- Biographies of Gowan, Lucky, Ross, Gordon, Estrin & Taylor - IEEE Fact Sheet - Harris Survey Poll - IEEE Profile - Packard to speak at Centennial Convocation - P" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-122:#817 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-818 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"A Century of Electricals, Slide Show Script" </td> <td>"- Script for Slide Show - Description, Instructions and Slide List <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-122:#818 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-819 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Miscellaneous Centennial Publications </td> <td>"- A Centennial Guide to Electrical Engineering History for the IEEE <p>- Electrifying America, Milestones of the Electrical Age, A Century of Electrical Progress - USAB Impact Newsletter, June 1984 - IEEE Orlando Section Notes Newsletter, October, 198" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-122:#819 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-843 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial for Young Engineers Forum </td> <td>"- Table assignment for luncheon <p>- Tickets to IEEE Centennial Keys to the Future dinner - Hotel registration form - Registration envelopes - Bus schedules - Schedule of events - IEEE Centennial Keys to the Future Program - List of those invol" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-123:#843 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-844 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"IEEE Centennial: Boston, General Information" </td> <td>"- Priority hotel reservation forms <p>- Meeting facilities request forms - Centennial events registration forms - Replies for attendance to Boston Expo '84 - ""Who's representing organization"" in Boston forms - Envelopes addressed to Dr. Richard Gow" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-123:#844 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-845 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial: General Information </td> <td>"- Centennial sticker from IEEE Panama Section <p>- Program from NMAH ""The Inventor's Environment"" forum - Short bios on Steinmetz, Armstrong, Tesla & Farnsworth - Centennial honoring Engineers envelopes - A Century fo Electricals Exhibit owners manu" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-123:#845 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-846 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial Calendar </td> <td>"- Centennial Book Cover <p>- Photograph of Centennial Medal - Sample Calendar - Mock up of Calendar - Original unedited Centennial Calendar - Centennial Calendars " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-123:#846 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-847 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial: Franklin Institute Exhibit </td> <td>"- Exhibit outline <p>- Programs from Centennial technical Convocation, historical perspective - Program from Centennial Technical Convocation - Complete packet from Convocation * Contains: Historical Perspective by John D. Ryder; Program of all eve" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-123:#847 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-848 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Centennial Miscellaneous </td> <td>"- Clipping from January 1984 ""The Institute"", A Guide to the Celebration <p>- Program from 1985 IEEE Panel of Technical Editors - Publications Board presentation of IEEE Centennial Medals - Program from IEEE Centennial Anniversary Celebration, United" </p> </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-123:#848 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-858 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Posters & Centennial Certificates </td> <td>"- April 1973 Spectrum Cover <p>- Tau Beta Pi Poster - Litho cover of Generation of Giants - RCA ""Nipper"" Poster - ASTM Certificate for the Centennial - Commonwealth of Virginia Certificate of Recognition (Centennial) - ERA Certificate (Centennia" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>FB-14:#858 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-861 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Centennial Certificate from Sigma Xi, 1986" </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-14:#861 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-871 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Certificate: United Engineering Trustees </td> <td>"- Certificate from United Engineering Trustees <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-128:#871 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-880 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Organizational Unit Centennial Planning </td> <td>"- Misc. correspondence on the technical societies, regions and sections activities planned for the Centennial" </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>MB-129:#880 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-881 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Letters of Recognition </td> <td>"- Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of WEstern Europe (EUREL) <p>- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-129:#881 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-882 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Organizational Unit Centennial Activities </td> <td>"- Misc. correspondence, post-Centennial, summarizing activities" </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-129:#882 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-885 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"Centennial Plaque: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers" </td> <td>"...Air Conditioning Engineers - Certificate <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-15:#885 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-886 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"Centennial Plaque: Sigma XI, The Scientific Research Society" </td> <td>"- Certificate <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-15:#886 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-891 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Medal & Budget </td> <td>"- Listing of all recipients of the IEEE Centennial Medal <p>- Budget for the Centennial - Flyer for Centennial Art Contest" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-129:#891 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-892 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"Centennial Gift Inventory, 2 copies" </td> <td>"Copy 1 is original handwirtten in binder. <p>Copy 2 - Includes photographs of each object and was prepared for the Centennial Gift Exhibit </p><p>Copy 3 includes a typed list and original black and white photographs of each item." </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-129:#892 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-897 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Certificate: American Mathematical Society </td> <td>"- In a padded blue folder <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-129:#897 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-919 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Certificate: Acoustical Society of America </td> <td>"- 9"" X 11"" <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-123:#919 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-936 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Certificate: Senator Pete Wilson </td> <td>"- Letter of Recognition <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-123:#936 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-943 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>IEEE Archives Project </td> <td>"IEEE Archives Project <p>- Preliminary Report - 6 April 1981 - Inventory of non-current records - Purpose of Archives - Guidelines for Records Acquisition - by Nancy Perlman. 2 copies" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-080 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-945 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"Centennial Exhibit Brochures, 1984" </td> <td>"A Century of Electricals (ACE) Owners Manual (multiple copies) <p>- A Historical Exhibit for the Centennial of the IEEE (multiple copies)" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#945 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-956 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"Centennial Exhibit Posters, 1984" </td> <td>"1. 2. 3. Electricity in the 1880s: Edison, Power generation, Light <p>4. The telegraphers: Norvin Green, Franklin Pope, George Hamilton 5. Makers of a New Age: Thomson, Tesla, Sprague (1 poster) 6. Engineering on Display: Chicago Exposition, 1893, N" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>T-1:#965 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-958 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>A Century of Electrical Progress Poster </td> <td>"- IEEE Presidential Poster series - Artist: Joaquin Ballestero - 1984 - Produced by IEEE Spectrum - On the Flat Box shelves are numerous posters, numbered and signed by the Artist" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-29:#958 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-959 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"IEEE Presidential Poster Series, 1984" </td> <td>"No. 2: Communications <p>No. 3: Computers No. 4: Instrumentation No. 5: Power Engineering No. 6: Solid State 2 of each poster" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>T-2:#959 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-962 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>"A Century of Electrical Progress Poster, 1984" </td> <td>"- Timeline, 1752 -> 1984" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>T-3:#962 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CENTENNIAL </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-964 </td> <td>"Centennial, IEEE" </td> <td>Centennial Painting Distribution </td> <td>List of recipients of the signed and dated Centennial Painting </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-025:#964 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>"Materials elsewhere: <p>- Conference recordings/videos filed under AV - History Center conferences filed under History Center" </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL CONFERENCE </td> <td>AR-1128 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>1953 AIEE Aircraft Technical Conference </td> <td>"Proceedings. Papers presented at conference on Aircraft Electrical Equipment Problems, Seattle, Washington, September 30 and October 1-2 1953. Sponsored by Committee on Air Transportation and Aircraft Subsection of the Seattle Section AIEE." </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-190 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL CONFERENCE </td> <td>AR-1129 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"1953 AIEE Aircraft Technical Conference, Part II Discussions" </td> <td>"Discussion of papers presented at conference on Aircraft Electrical Equipment Problems, Seattle, Washington, September 30 and October 1-2 1953. Sponsored by Committee on Air Transportation and Aircraft Subsection of the Seattle Section AIEE." </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-190 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-1235 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Meeting Paper Presentations </td> <td>"Two notebooks listing Authors and Papers presented at: <p>AIEE Winter General Meeting, 01/30/1950-02/03/1950 Winter, Summer, Fall 1950" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-139:#1235 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-633 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-25" </td> <td>"- Program of the 36th Annual Convention of the AIEE, 1920 <p>- Combined Annual and Pacific Coast Convention of the IEEE, 1921 - 39th Annual Convention Program of the AIEE, 1923 - Annual Convention of the AIEE, 1925 - AIEE Annual Report, 1921 - 38th Ann" </p> </td> <td>1921 </td> <td>HB-107:#633 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1920-46" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46">AR-634</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1926-29" </td> <td>"- 1926 Regional Meeting (North Eastern) of the AIEE, 1926 <p>- 43rd Summer Convention of the AIEE, 1927 - AIEE Regional Meeting, 1928 - 44th Summer Convention of the AIEE, 1928 (Program) - AIEE Summer Convention, 1928 (Announcement) - AIEE Regional" </p> </td> <td>1926 </td> <td>HB-107:#634 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1920-46" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46">AR-635</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1930-32" </td> <td>"- AIEE Winter Convention, 1930 (Announcement) <p>- AIEE Northeastern District Meeting, 1930 - AIEE Summer Convention, 1930 (Announcement) - 46th Summer Convention, 1930 (Program) - AIEE Pacific Coast Convention, 1930 (Announcement) - AIEE Middle E" </p> </td> <td>1930 </td> <td>HB-107:#635 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1920-46" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46">AR-636</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1933-37" </td> <td>"- AIEE Winter Convention, 1933 (Program) <p>- AIEE Winter Convention, 1933 (Announcement) - AIEE Northern District Meeting, 1933 - AIEE Summer Convention Engineers' Week and Worlds Fair, 1933 (Chicago) - AIEE Winter Convention, 1934 - AIEE Winter Co" </p> </td> <td>1933 </td> <td>HB-107:#636 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1920-46" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46">AR-637</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1938-39" </td> <td>"- AIEE Winter Convention, 1938 <p>- AIEE Winter Convention, 1938 (Announcement) - AIEE North Eastern District Meeting, 1938 - AIEE Summer Convention Program, 1938 - AIEE Summer Convention, 1938 (Announcement) - AIEE Pacific Coast Convention, 1938" </p> </td> <td>1938 </td> <td>HB-107:#637 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1920-46" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46">AR-638</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1940-41" </td> <td>"- AIEE Winter Convention, 1940 <p>- AIEE Winter Convention, 1940 (Announcement) - AIEE Summer Convention, 1940 - AIEE Summer Convention, 1940 (Announcement) - AIEE Middle Eastern Meeting, 1940 - AIEE Winter Convention, 1941 (Announcement) - AIE" </p> </td> <td>1940 </td> <td>HB-107:#638 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1920-46" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46">AR-639</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1942-43" </td> <td>"- AIEE Winter Convention, 1942 (Program) <p>- AIEE Winter Convention, 1942 (Announcement) - AIEE North Eastern District Meeting, 1942 - AIEE Summer Convention Program, 1942 - AIEE Summer Convention, 1942 (Announcement) - AIEE Pacific Coast Conventi" </p> </td> <td>1942 </td> <td>HB-107:#639 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1920-46" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1920-46">AR-640</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1944-46" </td> <td>"- AIEE Winter Technical meeting Program, 1944 <p>- AIEE Winter Technical meeting Announcement, 1944 - AIEE North Eastern District Technical Meeting, 1944 - AIEE Summer Technical Meeting, 1944 - AIEE Summer Technical Meeting program, 1944 - AIEE Los" </p> </td> <td>1943 </td> <td>HB-107:#107 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-641</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/27/1947 Northeastern District Meeting 04/23/1947 Summer General Meeting 06/09/1947 Pacific General Meeting 08/26/1947 Middle Eastern District Meeting 09/23/19" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#641 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-642</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1948" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/26/1948 Northeastern District Meeting 04/28/1948 Great Lakes District Meeting 04/01/1948 Summer General Meeting 06/21/1948 Pacific General Meeting 08/24/1948 Mi" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#642 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-643</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1949" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/31/1949 Southwest District Meeting 04/19/1949 Summer General Meeting 06/20/1949 Pacific General Meeting 08/23/1949 Fall General Meeting 10/17/1949 Second Annu" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#643 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-644</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1950" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/30/1950 Northeastern District Meeting 04/26/1950 Great Lakes District Meeting 05/11/1950 Summer and Pacific General Meeting 06/12/1950 Fall General Meeting 10/23/" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#644 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-645</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1951" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/22/1951 Southern District Meeting 04/11/1951 Northeastern District Meeting 05/02/1951 Great Lakes District Meeting 05/17/1951 Summer General Meeting 06/25/1951 Pac" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#645 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-646</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1952" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/25/1952 Southwest District Meeting 04/21/1952 Summer General Meeting 06/23/1952 Pacific General Meeting 08/19/1952 AIEE Participation in the Centennial of Eng" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#646 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-647</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1953" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/19/1953 Southern District Meeting 04/22/1953 Northeastern District Meeting 04/29/1953 Summer General Meeting 06/15/1953 Pacific General Meeting 09/01/1953 Mi" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#647 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-648</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1954" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/18/1954 Northeastern District Meeting 05/05/1954 Summer and Pacific General Meeting 06/21/1954 Middle Eastern District Meeting 10/05/1954 Fall General Meeting" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-108:#648 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-649</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1955" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/31/1955 Summer General Meeting 06/27/1955 Pacific General Meeting 08/15/1955 Middle Eastern District Meeting 05/04/1955 Southern District Meeting 04/13/195" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-109:#649 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-650</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1956" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/30/1956 Northeastern District Meeting 05/02/1956 Summer and Pacific General Meeting 06/25/1956 Fall District Meeting 10/01/1956 Southwest District Meeting 04/02/1956 G" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-109:#650 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-651</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1957" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/21/1957 Northeastern District Meeting 05/01/1957 Summer General Meeting 06/24/1957 Pacific General Meeting 08/28/1957 Middle Eastern District Meeting " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-109:#651 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-652</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1958" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 02/02/1958 Summer General Meeting 06/22/1958 Great Lakes District Meeting 05/05/1958 East Central District Meeting 05/13/1958 Middle Eastern District Meeting 04/2" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-110:#652 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-653</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1959" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 02/01/1959 Summer and Pacific General Meeting 06/21/1959 Fall General Meeting 10/11/1959 East Central District Meeting 04/22/1959 Middle Eastern District Meeting" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-110:#653 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-654</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1960" </td> <td>"- Programs and Announcements for the following Meetings: <p>Winter Meeting 01/31/1960 Summer General Meeting 06/19/1960 Pacific General Meeting 08/08/1960 Fall General Meeting 10/09/1960 Great Lakes District Meeting 04/27/1960 East" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-110:#654 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-655</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, Jan-June, 19" </td> <td>"- AIEE Winter General Meeting, 01/291961 <p>- AIEE American Power Conference 03/21/1961 - AIEE Joint Districts 4 & 13 Meeting 04/15/1961 - Great Lakes District Meeting 04/19/1961 - Northeastern District Meeting 05/17/1961 - AIEE Aummer General meeting" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-111:#655 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-656</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, Jul-Dec 1961" </td> <td>"- Pacific General Meeting 08/23/1961 <p>- 8th Electrical Conference of the Petroleum Industry 09/17/1961 - National Power Conference 09/24/1961 - Textile Industry Electrical Conference 10/05/1961 - Fall General meeting 10/15/1961 - Magnetism and Magnet" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-111:#656 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-657</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, Jan-Apr 1962" </td> <td>"- Winter General Meeting 01/28/1962 <p>- Electrical Engineering Exposition 01/29/1962 - Special Technical Conference on Extra High Voltage, Communications, Control and Relaying 03/14/1962 - American Power Conference 03/27/1962 - South Central District M" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-111:#657 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-658</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, May-Jul 1962" </td> <td>"- Middle Eastern District Meeting 05/07/1962 <p>- Joint 7 and 15 Districts Meeting 04/30/1962 - Conference on Electrical Applications for the Textile Industry 05/03/1962 - Packaging Industry Technical Conference 05/07/1962 - Northeastern District Meetin" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-111:#658 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AIEE ANNUAL CONVENTION </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_Conferences,_Meetings_-_Programs_%26_Announcements,_1947-62" title="Archives:AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, 1947-62">AR-659</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Conventions, Conferences, Meetings - Programs & Announcements, Aug-Dec 1962" </td> <td>"- Pacific Energy Conversion Conference 08/13/1962 <p>- Fall General Meeting 10/07/1962 Electrical Conference of the Petroleum Industry 09/09/1962 - 18th Annual National Electronics Conference 10/08/1962 - Western Technical Conference Space Science Down" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-111:#659 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>CONFERENCE ON US TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY </td> <td>AR-246 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1979 Conference on US Technological Policy </td> <td>"Conference sponsored by USAB and TAB conference proceedings (2 vol.) two copies of executive summary <p>Conference Proceedings" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#246 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>CONFERENCE ON US TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY </td> <td>AR-247 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"1977, 1978 Conf on US Technological Policy" </td> <td>"proccedings of conferences held 1977, 1978 Conference sponsored by USAB and TAB <p>Conference Proceedings" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>MB-082:#247 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>CONFERENCE ON US TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY </td> <td>AR-3462 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 1977 Conference on U.S. Technological Policy Issues. </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>CONFERENCE ON US TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY </td> <td>AR-3463 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the 1978 Conference on U.S. Technological Policy Issues, The Institute of Electrcial and Electronic Engineers." </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>ELECTRO </td> <td>AR-822 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electro materials </td> <td>"Electro 76 Guide - <p>Electro 76 Professional program Electro 76 Newspaper Electro 76 Show Daily Electro 79 Pre-program Keys to Successful Engineering Management, Electro 79 Professional Program Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1968 </td> <td>HB-020:#822 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IEEE GENERAL MEETING </td> <td>AR-258 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"1963 Winter General Meeting, IEEE" </td> <td>program for 1963 winter general meeting of IEEE </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#258 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-1034 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1964 IEEE International Convention List of Registrants </td> <td>"- List of Registrants - IEEE Conference Services informs me that this may have been the last of the large all-in-one IEEE conferences. After this date, the Technical Societies held their own conference. - Held in New York <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-130:#1034 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3469 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"1968 IEEE International Convention Digest <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Synopses of papers presented at the 1968 IEEE International Convention, March 18-21, New York, New York" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-184 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3470 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"1971 IEEE International Convention Digest <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Synopses of papers presented at the 1971 IEEE International Convention, March 22-25 New York, New York" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-184 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-1102 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Guide: 1960 International Convention </td> <td>"280 page guide and program to the convention, held in New York March 21-24, 1960. includes schedule of events, abstracts of papers, index to exhibits, index of participants. Convention held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel and the New York Coliseum. Include" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-134:#1102 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3472 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 2, 1954" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p>Part 2 Circuit Theory Part 3 Electron Devices and Component Parts Part 4 Electronic Computers and Information Theory Part " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3473 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 3, 1955" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p>Part 2 Circuit Theory Part 3 Electron Devices and Component Parts Part 4 Computers, Information Theory, Automatic Control Part " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3474 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 1, 1953" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p>Part 8 Information Theory " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3475 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 4, 1956" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p>Part 2 Circuit Theory Part 3 Electron Devices and Receivers Part 4 Computers, Information Theory, Automatic Control Part " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3476 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 4, 1956" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p>Part 2 Circuit Theory Part 3 Electron Devices and Receivers Part 4 Computers, Information Theory, Automatic Control Part " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3477 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 5, 1957" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p>Part 2 Circuit Theory, Information Theory Part 3 Broadcast & TV Receivers; Electron Devices " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3478 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 6, 1958" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p>Part 2 Circuit Theory, Ultrasonics Engineering Part 3 Electron Devices Part 4 Automatic Contro, Computers, Information Theory Part 8 Communications Systems, Military, RF Interference, Vehicular. Part 9, Communications, Interference. " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3479 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 8, 1960" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p><br/> Part 3 Electron Devices, Microwave Theory and Techniques Part 4 Automatic Control, Information Theory Part 5Communications Systems, Space Electronics and Telemetry. Part 8 , Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics, Military Elect" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-348 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Balter Memorabilia </td> <td>"- Letter from Shackelford to Balter, re: Membership Committee - Program for the 1941 IRE Convention" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-010:#348 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION </td> <td>AR-3480 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Convention Record of the IRE National Convention, Volume 98, 1961" </td> <td>"Partial Set. <p><br/> Part 3 Electron Devices, Microwave Theory and Techniques Part 4 Automatic Control, Circuit Theory, Information Theory Part 8 , Communications Systmes, Radio Frequency Interference, Vehicular Communications </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JOINT AIEE/IRE CONFERENCE </td> <td>AR-177 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Joint AIEE/IRE Conference Proceedings, 1949" </td> <td>"Second Annual Joint AIEE/IRE Conference on Electronic Instrumentation in Nucleonics & Medicine 31 Oct-2 Nov 1949 81/2x11x2 binder Transcript of conference proceedings, without delivered papers Joyce #s: accession: 81-35 control: 81 <p>Conference Pr" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-026:#177 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-291 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>JTAC Proceedings </td> <td>"Box contains annual proceedings of the Joint Technical Advisory Committee from 1 July 1960 through 30 June 1977, volumes 18 through 40 (excluding proceedings published as full-length reports, which are accession #292). Each issue, until vol. 35, include" </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>MB-077:#291 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-292 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>JTAC Proceedings / Reports </td> <td>"Box contains volumes of JTAC Proceedings which took the form of full-length reports. Dates range from September 1948 through September 1970. Box also contains miscellaneous reports and other items related to but not necessarily produced by JTAC, dates" </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>MB-078:#292 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-333 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>JTAC Subcommittee 71.1 </td> <td>"JTAC SUBCOMMITTEE 71.1 Box contains correspondence and draft material relating to JTAC Subcommittee 71.1's preparation of report Man-Made Noise. Dates run from November 1966 to 1976. <p>1. Charge given by JTAC to Committee 71.1. Dated September 2" </p> </td> <td>1966 </td> <td>MB-093:#333 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-3465 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Annual Proceedings of the Joint Technical Advistory Council of the IEEE and the Electronic Industries Association, 2 volumes" </td> <td>"Volume 38, July 1974 to June 1975 <p>Volume 39, July 1975 to June 1976 </p><p>Volume 38 includes a history of this council, also known by the acronym JTAC. It was formed in 1948." </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>HB-184 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-3466 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Radio Spectrum Utilization in Space. <p>" </p> </td> <td>"A Report of the Joint Technical Advistory Council of the IEEE and the EIA (Electronic Industries Association.) September 1970, Volume 33." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-184 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-3467 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>".Future Needs and Uses of the Spectrum <p>" </p> </td> <td>A Report of the Joint Technical Advistory Council of the IEEE and the EIA (Electronic Industries Association.) September 1968 Volume 30. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-184 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-813 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>J-TAC Through the Years </td> <td>"- 1962 to 1975 - Historical overview from its establishment in 1948 to 1975 <p>- J-TAC Annual Proceedings, June 1975" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-121:#813 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-814 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"J-TAC Rosters, 1948-1979" </td> <td>Complete Rosters of the committee composition </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>HB-121:#814 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>JTAC </td> <td>AR-815 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>J-TAC Subcommittee 78.1 </td> <td>Correspondence - Rosters - Reports to the FCC </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-121:#815 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3380 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>"Letter, Eldon to Geselowitz, Dec 7 2011 re Wescon" </td> <td>"Cover note from Bud Eldon, giving brief history of WESCON, the West Coast Electronics Convention held from the 1950s to 2005, and ECI (Electronic Conventions Inc.) the organization set up in 1973 to run WESCON on behalf of the IEEE LA and SF councils." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3381 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>"Mimeograped letter, R.L. Sink, Director Pacific Region IRE, to ""All Los Angeles Section Members"" concerning the regional committee and the Formation of Wescon" </td> <td>Six page letter describing the conflicts and problems related to the creation of WESCON. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3382 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>ECI Background </td> <td>"Documents on the history of ECI (Electronics Conventions Inc,) and its predecessor EEEI, the company formed in 1973 to manage and own WESCON, and came to manage other reqional conventions. These are in a 3 ring binder. <p>Sections: </p><p>1 Articles of Inco" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3464 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>1958 IRE Wescon Convention Record </td> <td>"Parts 2-4 only sponsored by the following professional groups:. <p>Part 2 Circuits Theory, Part 3 Electron Devices, Part 4 Automatic Control, Electronic Computers, Human Factors in Electronics, Information Theory. </p><p>Western Electronic Show and Conven" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3471 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>1957 IRE Wescon Convention Record </td> <td>"Parts 2-3 only sponsored by the following professional groups:. <p>Part 2 Circuits Theory, Information Theory Part 3 Electron Devices, </p><p><br/> Western Electronic Show and Convention, San Francisco, August 20-23, 1957" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3508 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE 1948 West Coast Convention Combined iwth West Coast Electronic Manufacturers Association, Pacific Electronic Exhibit." </td> <td>"Slim Jim brochure <p>4th Annual Pacific Elctronic Exhbit, Hotel Bilmore Embassy Auditorium, Los Angeles. </p><p>Schedule of Events and sessions, list of exhibitors. </p><p>Appears to be a predecessor of WESCON." </p> </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3883 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>Riding the High Tech Boom: The American Electronics Association Story. </td> <td>"70 page history of the American Electronics Association, formerly the West Coast Electronics Manufacturers Association, the original co-owner of WESCON. Written by Chuck Elkind. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3884 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>Proposed Region 8 Bylaw Changes. </td> <td>Collection of documents related to controversial proposed IEEE Region 8 bylaw changes that would have had the effect of moving the ownership of (and profits from) WESCON from the IEEE Los Angeles and San Francisco Councils to IEEE Region 6. The changes </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3885 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>Engineering Conventions Management </td> <td>"2 copies of marketing/publicity brochure for Engineering Conventions Management, identical except one lists the LA and SF IEEE Councils and the Southern and Northern California Chapters of ERA as Sponsors on the cover, and the other does not. <p>Also," </p> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3887 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>Dissolution of ECI </td> <td>"Documents relating to the 3 year process of dissolving ECI. While the MOU in the folder calling for its dissolution was signed by the relevant parties in 2001, the organization was not actually dissolved until late 2004." </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>AR-3905 </td> <td>WESCON </td> <td>Electronic Conventions Inc. </td> <td>"Correspondence and other materials on the relationship between Electonic Conventions Inc. (ECI), an organizations set up originally to run WESCON and IEEE on the operation of ECI and several IEEE sponsored conventions, such as Electro/Intercon, Midcon an" </td> <td>1978 </td> <td>HB-195 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>WINTER POWER CONFERENCE </td> <td>AR-119 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Page on role of power enginers in IEEE </td> <td>"""Building Professional Stature"" about the role of Power Engineers vs. Electronic Engineers in IEEE (in light of the ""new"" giant organization) March 1964 Joyce #s: Acc#GA-80, control #248" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#119 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1046 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Winner Soviet File, 1966-68" </td> <td>"Correspondence concerning Soviet attendees to IEEE Conferences, LEOS <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1966 </td> <td>MB-131:#1046 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1121 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Building A Professional Work Climate: Conference Record </td> <td>"IEEE United States Activities Board, 1980." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-135:#1121 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1127 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Preprints: AIEE Committee on Air Transportation, 1943-1944" </td> <td>"Preprints of 25 papers ""recommended by the AIEE committee on Air Transportation for presentation"" at the following 1944 AIEE Technical Meetings: <p>Winter, New York, January 24-28 North Eastern District, Boston, Aprik 19-20 Summer, St. Louis, June 26-" </p> </td> <td>1943 </td> <td>HB-190 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1236 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Power Engineering Society Conference Papers </td> <td>Notebook listing papers presented for PES meetings 1967-1975 </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>MB-139:#1236 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1237 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems </td> <td>"Listings of papers presented at Power Apparatus and Systems Meetings <p>Records 1965-1977 Master General Folder 1978-1982 Master General Folder, 1983-1984" </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>MB-139:#1237 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1238 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Conference Publications </td> <td>"List of Papers presented at various IEEE/AIEE/IRE Conferences. Purchase orders for specific papers <p>Papers Presented at AIEE Meetings 1939-1944 Papers Presented at AIEE Meetings 1945-1949 Numbers for Conference Publications, 1965-1967 Special Public" </p> </td> <td>1939 </td> <td>MB-139:#1238 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1262 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer Conference </td> <td>"Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer Conferences, which were sponsored jointly by the AIEE, IRE, and ACM, New York, conferences held in 1951, 1952, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1961. 1952 in IEEE exhibit 11/10" </td> <td>1951 </td> <td>HB-149 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1263 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference </td> <td>"Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conferences, which were sponsored jointly by the AIEE, IRE, and ACM, New York, conferences held in 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1961." </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-149 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1275 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Second Symposium on the Engineering Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics </td> <td>"Conference Proceedings.Jointly sponsored by AIEE, IRE, Institute of Radio Engineers, University of Pennsylvania. Held at University of Pennsylvania. 9-10 March 1961" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-152 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1331 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Workshop Report on Electronic Dissemination of Engineering Information. </td> <td>"Organized and Sponsored by IEEE Publications Board, IEEE Technical Activities Board, IEEE Foundation." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1353 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Electical Power Engineering Seminars. </td> <td>Fall 1991 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1367 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Gordon Moore plenary address, 50th anniversary ISSCC" </td> <td>" <p>2 CDs of Gordon Moore's plenary presentation to the 50th anniversary ISSCC conference (International Solid State Circuits Conference.) DVDs contain both audio and powerpoints." </p> </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-178 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Proceedings of Various AIEE & IRE Conferences </td> <td>"Proceedings of various conferences: <p>- 1957 Electronic Components Symposium (2 copies) - 1959 Western Joint Computer Conference - 1961 Materials Handling Conference - 1962 15th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology" </p> </td> <td>1957 </td> <td>HB-026:#178 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-180 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"""Reactive Power Problems"", 1929" </td> <td>"Reprint of ""Reactive Power Problems in the Installations for the Production & Distribution of Electrical Energy"", International Conference on Large Electric Systems, Paris, 1929 <p>Conference Proceedings" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-026:#180 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-24 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Technological competitiveness book </td> <td>"- Conference papers (ring binder) <ul><li>The Centre National D'Etude des Telecommunications and the Competitiveness of French Telephone Industry, 1945-1980s (Griset) * Comments on Technological Competitiveness in Telecommunications with Emphasis on"</li></ul> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-003:#24 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-25 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Technological competitiveness conf./book </td> <td>"Paper submissions and biographical information <p>Needs to be rehoused and described" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-004:#25 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-254 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1981 National Computer Conference Pioneer Day Final Report </td> <td>"Looseleaf binder 1981 National Computer Conference Pioneer Day Final Report approx. 60 pp.: text, invitations, etc Image #1365 taken from binder, March 1 '95 Joyce #s: Acc # 81-26 Control#:none <p>mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#254 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-268 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Technological Literacy Counts. </td> <td>"Proceedings of a workshop, held in Baltimore. "" a Collaboration of Educators and Engineers."" sponsored by the IEEE Educational Activities Board. 83 pages" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-009 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-269 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Proceedings: Industry 2000: Technical Vitality Through Continuing Education. </td> <td>Sponsored by IEEE EAB. 90 pages </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-009 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3468 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the 1959 Electronics Components Conference <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Philadelphia, May 6-8 1959. <p>Jointly sponsored by the American Institute of Electrcial Engineers, the Electronic Industries Association, The Institute of Radio Engineeers adn te Western Electronic Manufacturers Association. " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-184 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3495 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>How to Organize an IEEE Conference </td> <td>"IEEE Conference Manual, IEEE Conference Services, TAB <p>Includes guideline for each committee needed, and excerpts from IEEE Policies and Procedures." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3496 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Guidelines on How to Organize an IEEE Conference </td> <td>"Excerpts from IEEE TAB manual. <p>Includes guideline for each committee needed, and excerpts from IEEE Policies and Procedures." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3497 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE and Jointly Sponsored Meetings. </td> <td>LIst with specifics of all scheduled IEE and jointly sponsored conferences and symposia. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-408 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Progress toward IEEE Objectives in Improving Engineers' Careers. </td> <td>"Speech given by Robert Larson, 1982 IEEE President at IEEE's second annual conference on careers." </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-409 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Development of a More Coherent U.S. Technology Policy through Consensus Building. </td> <td>"Speech given by Robert Larson, 1982 IEEE President at the U.S. Capitol" </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-410 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Reliability Aspects in Data Processing Systems. </td> <td>"Speech given by Robert Larson, 1982 IEEE President." </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-411 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Reliability of Nuclear Powerstations. </td> <td>"Speech given by James B. Owens, 1983 IEEE President. <p>Two versions--one as printed and distributed and one as presented." </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-412 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Reliability of Nuclear Powerstations. </td> <td>"Speech given by James B. Owens, 1983 IEEE President. <p>Two versions--one as printed and distributed and one as presented." </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-413 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Managing the Computer Revolution: What Engineers Can Do to Maximize Benefits. </td> <td>"Speech given by James B. Owens, 1983 IEEE President at MELECON '83 (IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference). <p>Two versions--one as printed and distributed and one as presented." </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-414 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Role of the IEEE Worldwide </td> <td>"Speech given by James B. Owens, 1983 IEEE President at Mexicon, Cuerna Vaca, Mexico. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-415 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>World Energy Sources: A Keynote Lecture </td> <td>"Speech given by James B. Owens, 1983 IEEE President at IEEE AFRICON, Nairobi, Kenya. <p>Two versions--one as printed and distributed and one as presented." </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-416 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Speech: Northeast Seminar on Energy and Economic Development </td> <td>"Speech given by James B. Owens, 1983 IEEE President," </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-481 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>7th Region Conference Program: The Seattle Section IRE Data Link </td> <td>"7th Region Conference Program Issue, May 24, 25, 26, 1962" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-068:#481 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-508 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Washington Meeting Registration, 1914" </td> <td>AIEE List of Registrations </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-082:#508 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-509 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Minutes - First AIEE Pacific Coast Convention, 1910" </td> <td>"Minutes of the first AIEE meeting to be held on the west coast, San Francisco, May 5, 1910" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-082:#509 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-533 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Russian Power Development and Some Implications for the United States </td> <td>"An Address by Charles E. Eble, president of ConEd before the Winter General Meeting, AIEE, February 1, 1960" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-086:#533 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-835 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1967 Conference Room Reservation Book </td> <td>"- Reservation book for the East and West Boardrooms on the 12th floor of the UEC <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-126:#835 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-836 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1968 Conference Room Reservation Book </td> <td>"- Reservation book for the East and West Boardrooms on the 12th floor of the UEC <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-126:#836 </td></tr> <tr> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-961 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Edison Sesquicentennial Posters, 1997" </td> <td>"- Man, Inventor, International Icon <p>- Interpreting Edison Conference - Sound/Results/Light/Sight Posters - Complete set" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-29:#961 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1334 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Educational ActivitiesGuide to Successful Educational Programs </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EDUCATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-267 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The EAB Manifesto: Plans for IEEE Educational Activities in 2006 </td> <td>Author: Moshe Kam. Ambitious plans for EAB and Educational Activities. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-009 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Employee newsletters filed under Newsletter </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>COMPENSATION/BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-1036 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Employee Time Books </td> <td>"- January 1929 to May 1941 - November 1956 to 3 January 1963 <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1929 </td> <td>MB-130:#1036 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>COMPENSATION/BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-1037 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Employee Time Sheets </td> <td>"- Computer Print out - 1969 <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-130:#1037 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>COMPENSATION/BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-3405 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Benefits Program Manual April 1980 </td> <td>"Guide to IEEE Employee Beneifts, prepared by the Personnel Office." </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>COMPENSATION/BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-3406 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Benefits Program Manual April 1982 </td> <td>"Guide to IEEE Employee Beneifts, prepared by the Personnel Office. Update of 1980 edition." </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>COMPENSATION/BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-476 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Salary Book, 1927-1939" </td> <td>Weekly Log of staff salaries </td> <td>1927 </td> <td>HB-067:#476 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>COMPENSATION/BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-484 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Employees' Pension Trust, 1956 (Folder says 1956, should be 1957)" </td> <td>"- Agreement establishing the Employee Pension Trust in 1957, signed by Pratt, Baker and Ryder. - Ledger sheets showing a monetary compensation to employees - 1962 Study of the IRE Pension Plan - 1962 Formal Statement of Costs, IRE Pension Plan" </td> <td>1957 </td> <td>HB-068:#484 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>DIRECTORY </td> <td>AR-1097 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Telephone Directory, United Engineering Center, September 1976" </td> <td>"Telephone directory of the UEC, in New York which housed nine Engineering Societies, including IEEE. Also contains listings for IEEE New Jersey and Washington Offices" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-133:#1097 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>DIRECTORY </td> <td>AR-1098 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"United Engineering Center Telephone Directory, March 1991" </td> <td>"Telephone directory for the UEC, which housed sixteen engineering societies and organizations, including IEEE's New York operations." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-133:#1098 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>DIRECTORY </td> <td>AR-1109 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Telephone Directories and IEEE Glossary of terms, 1988, 1993" </td> <td>"1988 Staff telephone directory booklet <p>1993 Staff telephone directories, in several sections: Alphabetical, Departmental, and Functional. Also a glossary of IEEE acronyms and terms, instructions on using telephone system, organization chart, and list of IEEE offices. Pages removed from original binder." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-134:#1109 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>DIRECTORY </td> <td>AR-23 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Staff Directory </td> <td>"small booklet, circa 1970, w/ names and photos of of IEEE staff" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-005:#23 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>DIRECTORY </td> <td>AR-698 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Headquarters Staff Directory </td> <td>"2 copies, no date <p>The Life Member Fund Newsletter, November 1982" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-107:#698 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>HANDBOOK </td> <td>AR-1096 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Employee Handbook, July 1989 Edition" </td> <td>"Printed handbook, 2 copies. One removed from original binder, and one in binder. Sections: Introducing the IEEE, Employee Policies, Salary Policies, Attendance and Absence, Business/Personal Conduct, Benefits. Also a letter found with the handbooks dat" </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>HB-133:#1096 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>HANDBOOK </td> <td>AR-1271 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Employee Handbook 1997 </td> <td>"Introduction to IEEE for new employees, and guide to IEEE Employement practices and procedures." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-133 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>LOGS </td> <td>AR-3922 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Notes and copies of slides from Dan Senese Management Meetings October-December 1995 </td> <td>Notes and slide printouts from Management Meetings led by IEEE Executive Director Senese. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>LOGS </td> <td>AR-3987 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Richard Emberson Daily Logs </td> <td>"Daily logs of Richard Emberson, containing: <p>Jan 1963 - Dec 1963 Mar 1965 - Dec 1966 Feb 1967 - Dec 1967 Feb 1968 - Dec 1974 " </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>HB-219 - HB-224 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>LOGS </td> <td>AR-4 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Fink Day Files </td> <td>"Employment Benefits Coordination Committee <p>Employment (3 folders) Engineering Index Engineering Joint Coucil Standing Committee Student Branch Committee World Wide Image Committee Correspondence with Ernst Weber Manpower Planning Committee Membe" </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>MB-10:#4 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>LOGS </td> <td>AR-421 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Study of the IEEE Corporate Infrastructure <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Study commissioned by IEEE from BDO Seidman, LLP <p>7101 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 900 Bethesda, MD 20814 </p><p>In June 2002, BDO Seidman, LLP was engaged to perform a study of the efficiency and effectiveness of the IEEE corporate infrastructure. As part of" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>LOGS </td> <td>AR-49 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Emberson day files </td> <td>"- Emberson's day files, 1977. <p>- IEEE Compensation Committee, 1977 - Bio: Arthur P. Stern (no year) - Bio: Joseph K. Dillard (1976) - Bio: Donald G. Fink (1975) - Bio: John J. Guarrera (1974) - Emberson Letter Book #3 (1978) - Emberson Lett" </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>MB-014:#49 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>LOGS </td> <td>AR-50 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Schulke day files </td> <td>"Day files of Herbert Schulke, general manager in 1976 and 1977 <p>Herbert A Schulke Correspondence January-June 1976 Herbert A Schulke Correspondence July-December 1976 - Job descriptions of senior staff - December 1976 Compensation Committee file (co" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>MB-010:#50 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>LOGS </td> <td>AR-837 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Herz Day Files, 1979" </td> <td>"- Correspondence from February 1979 -> August 1979 <p>-Daily correspondence files, August 1980 -> December 1980 -General Correspondence, January 1981 -> July 1981" </p> </td> <td>1979 </td> <td>MB-126:#837 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3630 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Quick Reference Guide to the IEEE </td> <td>"Material provided to new hires to IEEE staff as part of their orientation, with addition providing list of key staff, and TAB key volunteer rosters from 2009, <p>Sections include: </p><p>General Info Telephone System Staff Directory 2009 BoD Roster & Calend" </p> </td> <td>2008 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3930 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Glossary of Terms: Terms, Acronyms" </td> <td>53 Pages. Designed to assist IEEE Staff toward a better understanding of the diverse components that make up the IEEE. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3992 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Corporate Activities: A World of Administrative Services </td> <td>33 page booklet detailing Corporate Activities functions and providing for brief biographies of staff members </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>POLICY </td> <td>AR-3407 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Supervisors' Manual Personel Policies and Procedures. </td> <td>"Mimeographed, from 3 ring binder. Guide to personal matters, evaluations, office procedures, and benefits." </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>RECORDS </td> <td>AR-419 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Records Management Program, revision of 1 November 2011" </td> <td>Official guidelines for retention periods for official IEEE Documents. </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>RETIREMENT </td> <td>AR-256 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Patricia Lech commemorative booklet </td> <td>"25 pp. booklet (photocopy) (w 1 looseleaf page added) commemorating departure of longtime IRE/IEEE employee Patricia Lech June 1980 Joyce #s: Acc: 81-19 Control: 273?/none? <p>artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#256 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>RETIREMENT </td> <td>AR-3659 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE's CFO Retires </td> <td>"Fake copy of IEEE Spectrum issued on the occasion of Richard ""Dick"" Schwartz's retirement as CFO of IEEE. The inside of the 4 page ""issue"" is filled with photos of Schwartz's life." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>RETIREMENT </td> <td>AR-3989 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Staff Retirement Party materials </td> <td>"Fern E. Katronetsky retirement party flyer, 7/1/2015 (x2) <p>Peggy Lefkin retirement party flyer, 6/22/2016 Barbara Mergnet retirement party flyer, 12/21/2015 Mike Roccuzzo retirement party flyer, 08/04/2016 Doug Gorham retirement party flyer, 12/14/201" </p> </td> <td>2015 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>STRATEGIC PLAN </td> <td>AR-4598 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Electronic Data Processing and Computer use study. </td> <td>"Correspondence concerning a study of how IEEE operations utilize electronic data processing and computing, and how that might be improved. IEEE Computer Society formed a committee to do this work at the request of IEEE Technical Activities Board." </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>STRATEGIC PLAN </td> <td>AR-4623 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Envisioned Future </td> <td>"IEEE's strategic vision on an 8.5"" x 11"" laminated poster designed to be hung in offices and cubicles with 3 columns: <p>Core Values, Big Audacious Goal, and 3-5 Year Goals" </p> </td> <td>2007 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>EMPLOYEES </td> <td>TOWN HALL </td> <td>AR-3361 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Town Hall Meeting, 11 December 2012." </td> <td>"IEEE Slides from IEEE Executive Director Jim Prendergast's staff town hall meeting, featuring a review of IEEE's experience dealing with Hurrican Sandy." </td> <td>2012 </td> <td>HB-171 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-134 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>UEC & Brokaw Memorabilia </td> <td>"articles, blueprints, etc relating to the construction of the UEC and destruction of the Brokaw Mansion" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#134 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-3752 </td> <td> </td> <td>UEC Tesla Plaque Guest Book </td> <td>"Guest book from February 3, 1989 from plaque honoring Tesla in the United Engineering Center. See: <p><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external free" href=""></a> </p><p>for more information about the event, including photos of the plaque and the ceremony </p><p>size:19.5x14.5x1 (cm) donated by Eric Herz (via Stella Paone) on 8/19/92 " </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-477 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Articles relating to the Sale of 79th Street Property </td> <td>"A. Daily news, Dec. 10, 1964 ""One Landmark, Now Lot: Wreckers Raze City's Past"". pg. 52 B. NY Times, September 17, 1964 ""Landmark Mansion on 79th St. to be razed"" C. Herald Tribune, Sept. 17, 1964 ""Brokaw Mansion Slated to be Razed"" D. New York Times" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-067:#477 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-478 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Articles relating to the Brokaw Mansion </td> <td>Floor plan of the IRE Brokaw Mansion - IEEE News Release: IEEE Announces Sale of 79th Street property - Chateau de Chenonceau - The Era of Elegance: Brokaw mansion Failed to be Lifetime Symbol - Photographs of the interior of Brokaw Mansion - Vanishing </td> <td>1929 </td> <td>HB-067:#478 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-723 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Correspondence, East 79th Street Property" </td> <td>"Correspondence dealing with a brokerage claim against the Institute concerning the sale of the 79th Street Property, 1965" </td> <td>1964 </td> <td>HB-116:#723 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-724 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"UEC Certificate of Occupancy, 1965" </td> <td>"Borough of Manhattan, City of New York Certificate for IEEE to occupy the 15, 16 and part of the 1 floor of the UET, 345 East 47th Street." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-116:#724 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-725 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Purchase of 984 Fifth Avenue, 1960" </td> <td>"- Misc. document pertaining to the purchase of 984 Fifth Avenue - Application for New York Tax Exempt Status, 1961 - Blueprints for 984 Fifth Avenue" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-116:#725 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-727 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Sale of Brokaw Mansion, 1961-1965" </td> <td>"- Blueprint of Brokaw Mansion, on a leathery material, undated <p>- Deed, Title Search, Map - Correspondence on trying to sell the property - Legal agreements for the sale of the Brokaw Mansion - Agreement to sell property to Maricam Realty, John Ca" </p> </td> <td>1946 </td> <td>HB-116:#727 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>NEW YORK </td> <td>AR-728 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"United Engineering Trust (UET) Documents, 1965-1976" </td> <td>"- 1965 History, Charter, and By-laws of UET <p>- UET Annual Report, 1976 - Draft document relating to IEEE occupation of the UEC Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-116:#728 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>PISCATAWAY </td> <td>AR-30 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Piscataway deed </td> <td>"Original deed to Piscataway property, also land survey received from Tom Bartlett 16 May, 1986" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-006:#30 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>PISCATAWAY </td> <td>AR-31 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Service Center Construction Contract </td> <td>"Contract to build on Piscataway, 1978 received from Tom Bartlett 16 May, 1986" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-006:#31 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>PISCATAWAY </td> <td>AR-3645 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Invitation to the Grand Opening of the IEEE Operations Center, with supporting documents" </td> <td>"2 copies. buff colored, with envelopes. Also, list of attendees and speakers." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>PISCATAWAY </td> <td>AR-3730 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>20 Years of the IEEE Service Center </td> <td>Excerpt from the Fall 1993 Staff Circuit. Article on the IEEE Operations Center in Piscatway on the 20th anniversary of the decision to build at that site. </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FACILITIES </td> <td>PISCATAWAY </td> <td>AR-963 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Piscataway Planning Documents </td> <td>"- Early planning documents, used to move employees from New York to Piscataway - Early floor plan, 1981 <p>- Construction budget, 1973 - Termination and Relocation Benefits - 1986 Space Allocation" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-025:#963 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1000 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1962" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1000 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1001 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1943-1945" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1943 </td> <td>1001 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1002 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1960-1962" </td> <td>"Contains the final closing Journal Entries, December 1962 - Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>1002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1003 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Investment Ledger, 1949-1962" </td> <td>"- Income from Investments <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1949 </td> <td>1003 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1004 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Journal Ledger, 1943-1956" </td> <td>"- Retirement System - Accounting - Financial statements <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1943 </td> <td>1004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1006 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Ledger No. 2 </td> <td>"- Accounting Ledger - 1906 - 1911 - Life Membership Fund - Accounts Receivable & Payable - Investments <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1906 </td> <td>1006 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1007 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Ledger No. 3 </td> <td>"- Accounting Ledger - 1912-1922 - Life Membership Fund - Accounts Receivable & Payable - Investments <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>1007 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1008 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Ledger No. 4 </td> <td>"- Accounting Ledger - 1923-1931 - Life Membership Fund - Accounts Receivable & Payable - Investments <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1923 </td> <td>1008 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1009 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Ledger No. 5 </td> <td>"- Accounting Ledger - 1932-1943 - Life Membership Fund - Accounts Receivable & Payable - Investments - Report on Examination for the Year ended 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944 by Haskins & Sells, CPA <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1932 </td> <td>1009 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1010 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Ledger No. 6 </td> <td>"- Accounting Ledger - 1944-1953 - Life Membership Fund - Accounts Receivable & Payable - Investments - Report on Examination for the Year Ended 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954 Haskins & Sells, Certified Public Accountants <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1944 </td> <td>1010 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1011 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Ledger No. 7 </td> <td>"- Accounting Ledger - 1954 - Life Membership Fund - Accounts Receivable & Payable - Investments <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1012 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Payroll Ledger, 1959-1961" </td> <td>"- Employee salaries, including deductions for Pension - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>1012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1013 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Payroll Journals, 1955-1958" </td> <td>"- Employee Salaries - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>1013 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1014 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Payroll Journals, 1961-1962" </td> <td>"- Employee salaries, including pension - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>1014 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1016 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Refund Account Ledger, 1968-1969" </td> <td>"- Ledger containing refund accounts - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1968 </td> <td>1016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1017 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Dues Receipts, 1935-1940" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1935 </td> <td>1017 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1018 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1924-1928" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1924 </td> <td>1018 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1019 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1946-1951" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1019 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1020 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Cash Receipts Ledger, 1963" </td> <td>"- Large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1020 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1021 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"AIEE/IEEE Subscriptions Ledger, 1960-1963" </td> <td>Large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>1021 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1022 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"AIEE/IEEE Invoice Register, 1961-1963" </td> <td>"- Ledger Book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>1022 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1023 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Accounts Receivable Cash Journal, 1963" </td> <td>"- Ledger - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1023 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1024 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Cash Receipts Journal, 1955-1960" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>1024 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1025 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues Journal, 1929-1933" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1929 </td> <td>1025 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1026 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Cash Disbursement Ledger, 1961-1963" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>1026 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1027 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1952-1957" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>1027 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1028 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1914-1918" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>1028 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1029 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, 1935-1945" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1029 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1030 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1952-1957" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>1030 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1031 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1924-1928" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1924 </td> <td>1031 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1032 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1931-1935" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1931 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1033 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues, 1929-1933" </td> <td>"- Extremely large ledger book - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1929 </td> <td>1033 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1038 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Ledger, 1962" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1038 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1039 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, 1946-1951" </td> <td>"- Large ledger - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1946 </td> <td>1039 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-12 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Accountant Reports, 1915-1930" </td> <td>Bound Volume </td> <td>1915 </td> <td>MB-005:#12 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-13 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Accountant Reports, 1931-1948" </td> <td>Bound Volume </td> <td>1931 </td> <td>MB-005:#13 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-14 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Accountant Reports, 1949-1955" </td> <td>Bound Volume </td> <td>1949 </td> <td>MB-005:#14 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-15 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Accountant Reports,1956-1962" </td> <td>Bound Volume </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>MB-005:#15 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-16 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Accountants Reports, 1934-1962" </td> <td>Large Black Ring Binder </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>MB-005:#16 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-28 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE documents </td> <td>"- IRE New York State Taxes (letters and forms, 1950, 1956 <p>- IRE Federal Tax Exemption letters - IRE Federal Tex Exemption Rulings (for IRE Sections) - IRE Social Security - IRE Miscs. Tax problems - Sections (Boston, Kansas City & Philadelphia)" </p> </td> <td>1931 </td> <td>HB-006:#28 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-32 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>UET documents </td> <td>"contracts between the AIEE and the UET: <p>Founders agreement, 1958 Supplemental agreement, 1958 Library agreement, 1951 ( earlier agreements also) received from Tom Bartlett 16 May, 1986" </p> </td> <td>1904 </td> <td>HB-006:#32 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3657 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Annual Revenue 1963-2013 </td> <td>Statistics as compiled in 2014 by the IEEE CFO office. </td> <td>1963 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3984 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Financial Statements </td> <td>"Price Waterhouse co.: <p>Dec 31, 1963 Dec 31, 1964 (photocopy of one sheet) Dec 31, 1965 Dec 31, 1966 Dec 31, 1967 Dec 31, 1968 Dec 31, 1969 Dec 31, 1970 Dec 31, 1971 Dec 31, 1972 Dec 31, 1974 and 1973 Dec 31, 1975 and 1974 Dec 31, 1976 and 197" </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>"HB-213, HB-214, HB-215" </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3985 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Financial Statements and Supplementary Information on Expenditures of Federal Awards <p>OMB Circular A-133" </p> </td> <td>"Dec 31, 1999 <p>Dec 31, 2000 Dec 31, 2003 and 2002 Dec 31, 2004 and 2003 Dec 31, 2005 and 2004" </p> </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-216 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3986 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Financial Statements </td> <td>"Dec 31, 1990 and 1989 <p>1991 and 1990 1992 and 1991 Dec 31, 1993 and 1992 Dec 31, 1998 and 1997 Dec 31, 1999 and 1998 Dec 31, 2000 and 1999 Dec 31, 2001 and 2000 Dec 31, 2001 and 2000 Dec 31, 2002 and 2001 Dec 31, 2003 and 2002 (x2) Dec 31, 2004" </p> </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>"HB-217, HB-218" </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4604 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Total IEEE Budget, 1976" </td> <td>"Detailed IEEE Budget adopted by the IEEE Board at their January 29, 1976 meeting, with cover note from Richard Emberson, to all members of TAB." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-474 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1938-1940" </td> <td>Accounts Receivable Convention Booth Dues Reprints Bank Accounts Cash Transfer Funiture and Fixtures Expenses Income Inventory Investment Expenses Awards Medal of Honor Petty Cash Profit & Loss Surplus Advertising </td> <td>1938 </td> <td>HB-067:#474 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-475 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1941-1942" </td> <td>Accounts Receivable Convention Booth Dues Reprints Bank Accounts Cash Transfer Funiture and Fixtures Expenses Income Inventory Investment Expenses Awards Medal of Honor Petty Cash Profit & Loss Surplus Advertising </td> <td>1941 </td> <td>HB-067:#475 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-486 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Building Fund </td> <td>"Thin black binder with information concerning the IRE Building Fund, 1945: A - Conclusions and rRecommendations B - Subscriptions C - Expenses D - Misc. Contains complete subject index." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-068:#486 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-668 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Accountant's Reports & Statistics </td> <td>"IRE Accountant's Report, December 31, 1955 <p>IRE Accountant's Report, December 31, 1958 IRE Operating Statistics, December 31, 1958" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-016:#668 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-967 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Membership Dues Ledger, 1919 to 1923, AIEE" </td> <td>"- Guessing it's AIEE by some of the names, i.e. Thomas Edison, No. 1189 <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1919 </td> <td>967 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-969 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1935-1937" </td> <td>"- Financial Records of the IRE, 1935 - 1937 -On the shelves, with all other ledger books <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1935 </td> <td>969 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-971 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Ledger, 1901-1904" </td> <td>"- Financial Records - On the shelving with the other Ledgers <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td>971 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-974 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Ledger, 1908-1913" </td> <td>"- Ledger showing payment of dues - Lying flat on Archives shelving <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1908 </td> <td>974 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-975 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Trust Accounts, 1959" </td> <td>"- Browder J. Thompson Memorial Fund <p>- Harry Diamond Memorial Fund - Vladimir K. Zworykin Fund - W. R. G. Baker Fund - Employees Trust Pension Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>975 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-977 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Earnings Record, 1960-61" </td> <td>"- Employee Salary Records, weekly accounting - Lying flat on Archives shelving <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>977 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-991 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Dues Ledger, 1933-1939" </td> <td>"- Tabs numbered 1 -> 26 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1933 </td> <td>991 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-992 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Financials, 1915-1921" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1915 </td> <td>992 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-993 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1943-1954" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1943 </td> <td>993 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-994 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1955-1956" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>994 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-995 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1957" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>995 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-996 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1958" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>996 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-997 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1959" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>997 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-998 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1960" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>998 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FINANCIALS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-999 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE General Ledger, 1961" </td> <td>"- Financial Statements - Bank Accounts - Accounts Receivable, Dues - Inventory - Building Fund <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1270 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Foundation Honor Roll of Donors. 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013" </td> <td>Booklets listing donors to the IEEE Foundation </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-151 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1379 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation 2010 Focus </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3099 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation Minutes 03/29/1973 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110." </td> <td>1973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3236 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation: education, innovation, preservation </td> <td>"8.5"" x 4"" brochure giving overview of the IEEE Foundation and seeking donations. 2 copies." </td> <td>2011 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3237 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation 2010 Honor Roll of Donors </td> <td>"Annual report of the IEEE Foundation, including discussion of programs and grants and list of donors." </td> <td>2011 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3928 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Foundation, Incorporated" </td> <td>"Brochure. Overview of Foundation and its programs, and appeal for funds. 2 similar printings, but one is 1992 and the other 1995." </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3929 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation: Supporting the Advancement of Technology & Education into the 21st Century. </td> <td>"Large-sized brochure. Overview of Foundation and its programs, and appeal for funds." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3935 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundation: Volunteers in Philanthropy. </td> <td>"Originally in three ring binder. Thick manual for the Volunteers in Philanthropy program, which sought to train volunteers as amateur development officer to solicit and raise funds for the foundation's programs. Includes good overviews of the foundation" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>FOUNDATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4622 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Foundationn </td> <td>"8.5"" x 4"" brochure giving overview of the IEEE Foundation and seeking donations, and giving guidelines on applying for grants." </td> <td>2008 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>ARCHIVES </td> <td>AR-3502 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE Archives Project: Preliminary Report </td> <td>"Preliminary report of historical materials held at IEEE. Prepared by Nancy Perlman, Archivist, who was hired to establish the IEEE Archives." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>ARCHIVES </td> <td>AR-930 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Archives Report 1991 </td> <td>"- Report on the State and Future of the IEEE Archives, Joe Tatarewicz, Sept. 1991" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#930 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-120 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Search for Center's first director </td> <td>Cover letters and résumés for CHEE's Director position. Includes correspondence discussing applicants </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>MB-025:#120 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-1341 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"Correspondence, 1973-1980 Re creation of a history center at IEEE" </td> <td>"Correspondence between various people, mainly IEEE History Committee members and IEEE Staff concerning the possibility that IEEE might establish a history center, and then correspondence concerning the creation of the Center for the History of Electrical" </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-1342 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Preserving IEEE's History and Heritage: A Report to the IEEE History Committee </td> <td>"Report providing history committee with 3 options, including the option chosen--establishment of a professionally-staffed history center." </td> <td>1978 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-1344 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Center for the History of Electrical Engineering </td> <td>"Brochure, with Robert Friedel listed as director, on the Center and its activities. Sized to fit in a standard #10 envelope." </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-1418 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE LIfe Members Newsletter, November 1980, with announcement of opening of Center for the History of Electrical Engineering." </td> <td>Article on establishment of History Center on Page 6. </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-1419 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>AIP Center for the History of Physics Newsletter December 1980 with announcement of opening of Center for the History of Electrical Engineering. </td> <td>Article on establishment of History Center on Page 3. </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-1420 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Draft announcements of the establishment of the IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering. </td> <td>"Two draft announcements, and one possible draft brochure text (the latter credited to Center Director Robert Friedel). It is not clear whether or where any of these was published." </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-3510 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Wolff Report </td> <td>"This report was prepared by Michael F. Wolff in March 1978. This is the beginning of the IEEE History Center. Wolff was a consultant, who also sat on the History Committee for a few years. Second Copy." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-3513 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"Update from the Center for the History of Electrical Engineering, March 1982" </td> <td>"Draft updates prepared for the March 1982 Life Members Newsletter, and 1983 newsletter." </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-3520 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"Correspondence etc. concerning the establishment of the History Center <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Correspondence, notes, and other documents of the process that led to the formation of the Center for the History of Electrical Engineering, and the search for an initial director." </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-436 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Wolff Report </td> <td>"This report was prepared by Michael F. Wolff in March 1978. This is the beginning of the IEEE History Center. Wolff was a consultant, who also sat on the History Committee for a few years." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-022:#436 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-51 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>CHEE files--projects </td> <td>"- ""Survey of Archival and Manuscript Collections Relating to Electrical Science and Technology"" (SAMCREST) files. This was the basis for Sources, Vol. 1 - Project files from the Laser History Project. - Project files from the Joint Committee on Archives" </td> <td>1979 </td> <td>MB-016:#51 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CHEE </td> <td>AR-926 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>1991 CHEE Info </td> <td>"- Overview of Center, Purpose, activities, programs - Silver Brochure - Newsletter" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#926 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1383 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>The 2009 IEEE Conference on the History of Professional Technical Societies </td> <td>"Conference Program. 5-7 August 2009, Philadelphia, PA. <p>Program listing sessions, paper titles, and contributors. This was one of the IEEE History Center's periodic conferences. Held at both the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-1384 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>A Conference and a Banquet in Honor of the 125th Anniversary of the IEEE </td> <td>"5-7 August 2009, Philadelphia. <p>Souvenir program distributed at the banquet held on 6 August 2009 in conjunction with the 2009 IEEE History Conference (see AR-1383.) Includes essay on the history of IEEE and twelve pages of historical photos." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-231 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Historical Speakers Bureau Pamphlets </td> <td>1991 Historical Speakers Bureau Conferences </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>MB-025:#231 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3185 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>"IEEE Singapore Workshop: Promoting the History of EE, 2000" </td> <td>"Documents concerning a workshop held 24-26 January 2000, jointly by IEEE and the History committee of IEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan). A few others attended. Agenda, notes, biographies of attendees." </td> <td>2000 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3518 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE History Center Strategic Workshop 2006 <p>" </p> </td> <td>Folder of material gathered and produced in preparation for the 2006 strategic overview workshop of the IEEE History Center. </td> <td>2005 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3661 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>2004 IEEE Conference on the History of Electronics: Conference Proceedings. </td> <td>"Proceedings of the Conference held at Bletchley Park, England, 2 copies." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3662 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>2007 IEEE Conference on the History of Electrical Power: Conference Proceedings. </td> <td>"Proceedings of the Conference held at Newark, NJ, 2 copies." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3732 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Symposium: Revisitng the Athenium Trireme </td> <td>"Flyer for the Symposium, ""Revisiting the Athenian Trireme."", University Seminar Series, Stevens Institute of Technology, Sponsed by the Office of the Provost, Stevens and the IEEE History Center." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-3921 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Conference on the History of Computing. </td> <td>"Program from the IEEE Conference on the History of Computing, William and Mary College, Williamsburg VA, 1997" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-4617 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>2004 IEEE Conference on the History of Electronics </td> <td>"Organized by the IEEE History Committee and the IEEE History Center. Program with abstracts of papers of the 2004 IEEE History Conference, held at Bletchley Park, England." </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>CONFERENCES </td> <td>AR-4625 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>2007 IEEE Conference on the History of Electric Power </td> <td>"Organized by the IEEE History Committee and the IEEE History Center. Program with abstracts of papers of the 2004 IEEE History Conference held at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark NJ." </td> <td>2007 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>FRIENDS </td> <td>AR-127 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Friends (of the History Committee) Committee files </td> <td>"- Friends Committee, Procedures (1991) <p>- Friends, Membership Lists (1987-1988) - Emerson Pugh History Presentations to TAB (1992) - Friends, Proposed Projects - Friends Fundraising Schedule, 1992 - Friends, Information Requests, 1989 - Friend" </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>MB-021:#127 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>FRIENDS </td> <td>AR-928 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Friends Founding Documents </td> <td>"Correspondence about Friends of the IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering <p>History of Friends" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>MB-025:#928 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>FRIENDS </td> <td>AR-931 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Friends Activities </td> <td>"- Friends Statistics <p>Rosters - Procedures - Excerpts of Minutes from the History Committee" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>MB-025:#931 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-128 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"History Committee files, 1965-1996" </td> <td>" files concerning the History Committee pulled from CHEE office files 10/94 <p>-History Committee General 1965-1971 -Wolff Report #436 -History Committee Meeting -History Committee General 1974 -History Committee General 1975 -History Committee Affil" </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>MB-022:#128 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-1343 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"Activities of the History Committee and the Center for the History of Electrical Engineering, 1981-1988" </td> <td>"Brief annual summaries of the work of the IEEE History Committee and the IEEE History Center, apparently prepared for use in the IEEE Annual reports." </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3163 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1971-1979 </td> <td>"Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1971-1979. Includes meeting minutes, membership roster, hand written notes, project reports and correspondence." </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3164 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1981 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1981. Includes board roster only. </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3165 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1982 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1982. </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3166 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1983 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1983. </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3167 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1984 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1984. </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3168 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1985 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1985. </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3169 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1986 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1986. </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3170 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1987 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1987. </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3171 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1988 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1988. </td> <td>1988 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3172 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1989 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1989. </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3173 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1990 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1990. </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3174 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1991 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1991. </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3175 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1992 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1992. </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3176 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1993 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1993. </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3177 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1994 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1994. </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3178 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1995 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1995. </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3179 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1996 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1996. </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3180 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Records 1997 </td> <td>Bernard Finn's records of the IEEE History Committee 1997. </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-011 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3186 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IRE Board minute excerpts on History Committee. </td> <td>Photocopies of excerpts from minutes of IRE Executive Committee and Board dealing with the establishment of a history committee. Such a committee was established in 1953. </td> <td>1949 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3509 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Correspondence 1971-1973 </td> <td>"Topics include authorization for the History Committee to to dispose of historical material offered to it to libraries and museums, and proposals to set up a joint center for electrical engineering history with an external organization." </td> <td>1971 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3511 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>History of the History Committee </td> <td>"3 page letter from Jim Brittain to Thomas Aprille, giving the history of the history committee going back to its origins in 1956 at the IRE. Brittain notes that the committee accomplished little prior to Frederick Termin becoming committee chair in 1973" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3512 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"History Committee Membership lists, with addresses." </td> <td> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3519 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE History Committee Minutes <p>" </p> </td> <td>Minutes of meetings 1985-1990 </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3521 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE History Committee members correspondence <p>" </p> </td> <td>Correspondence from several members of the history committee on the committee's work and IEEE's history efforts. </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3522 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE History Committee Presentation to ExCom May 1998 <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Presentation by History Committee Chair Emerson Pugh to the IEEE Executive Committee, with supporting documentation, including approval by Board." </td> <td>1998 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3523 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE History Committee Minutes 1997-2004 <p>" </p> </td> <td>Minutes of meetings for these years. </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3524 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"Minutes of the Trustees of the IEEE History Center 1998-2005 <p>" </p> </td> <td>Minutes of meetings for these years. The trustees was a separate committee charged with raising funds and administering the funds raised for operation of the IEEE History Center </td> <td>1998 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-3525 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE History Committee Minutes 1976-1986 <p>" </p> </td> <td>Minutes of meetings for these years. </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>HISTORY COMMITTEE </td> <td>AR-4608 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE History Committee Documents 1974-1977 </td> <td>"Correspondence and reports on expanding and funding IEEE's historical activites. Material starts with a short report and proposal by Frederick Termin in 1974, and 1977 correpsondence on implementing an expansion based on this document. In a sense, this" </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-1346 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Milestone Award Presentation: TIROS I </td> <td>"Program from the 2010 dedication ceremony of the 1960 TIROS I infra-red observation satellite as an IEEE Mileston. Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton NJ." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-1380 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Invention of the First Transistor. Milestone Dedication </td> <td>"Program from the dedication of the IEEE MIlestone, Invention of the Fist Transistor at Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. 1947."" December 8, 2009, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ. IEEE North Jersey Section." </td> <td>2009 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-3183 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE Electrical Engineering Milestone Manual </td> <td>"3 Copies, one with a circa 1990 addendum. A guide to the IEEE Milestone process, designed to explain the process and offer guidance to IEEE Sections proposing milestones." </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-3343 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Telstar Ground Station Milestone Dedication Ceremony Tape. </td> <td>"Video tape of the ""First Transatlantic Transmission of a Television Signal via Satellite, 1962"" Telstar Ground Station <p>Ceremony. Recorded at the time by Elaine Cross (207-824-2783). Never shown or edited." </p> </td> <td>2002 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-3728 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Milestone Dedication Ceremony Bell Labs. </td> <td>"Program from the dedication ceremony for the Bell Labs Milestone, Bell Labs Alcatel-Lucent, IEEE North Jersey Section. Gives programs, names of all speakers, members of relevant committees, and text of all four plaques." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-3748 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>SHAKEY Milestone Dedication ceremony materials </td> <td>"Materials from SHAKEY Milestone, including: <p>- dedication program - question/feedback sheet - miniature replica of plaque" </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-3916 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Addendum to the IEEE Electrical Engineering Milestone Manual </td> <td>"2 page addition to prior manual, and also a blank form used at the time for a section to propose a milestone, with instructions." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-787 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Invitation to IEEE Milestone Dedication: Transcontinental Telegraph. </td> <td>"A special invitiation to IEEE Members. Fort Laramie, Wyoming, August 5, 1990." </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-791 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Dedicating Three New IEEE Milestones: Loran, Whirlwind, Sage." </td> <td>"Program for the joint dedication ceremony for three IEEE Milestones, all to be placed related to MIT. 27 June 2012, Westin Copley Place Hotel, Boston. Milestone plaques were placed at their permanent locations after this joint ceremony." </td> <td>2012 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-794 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Telstar 50 -- July 12 2012. 5oth Anniversary of the world's first television signal </td> <td>"Program for the 50th anniversary celebration of Telstar, held at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Mueseum, and co-sponsored by the Smithsonian and the French Embassy. 2 versions-- a glossy program and a plain white sheet. Among the speakers was M" </td> <td>2012 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>MILESTONES </td> <td>AR-796 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Dedication of an IEEE Milestone in Electrical Engineerig and Computing: Birth of the Barcode, 1948" </td> <td>"Milestone Dedication Program, Drexel University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering." </td> <td>2012 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-1347 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Guide to Historical Activities </td> <td>"Prepared by the Center for the History of Electrical Engineering to provide IEEE Members with factual information about the history of IEEE, to encourage members to make their own investigations into electrical engineering history in general, and IEEE hi" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3197 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Partnership Program </td> <td>"Center for the History of Electrical Engineering Partnershop Program. Knowing the Past, Improving the Future. <p>Fund raising appeal for partners for the Center and its projects." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3206 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE History Center: Applying History to Today's Challenges. </td> <td>"IEEE History Center: Applying History to Today's Challenges. Preserving, Researching, and Promoting the Legacy of Electrical Engineering and Computing. <p>Promotional brochure for the IEEE HIstory Center, seeking in particular financial support." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3207 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE Global History Network </td> <td>"Brochure, designed originally for use at the IEEE 2008 Sections Congress to promote the just introduced Global History Network. 2 copies" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3210 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>The Center for the History of Electrical Engineering </td> <td>"Promotional Brochure for the History Center, from when the center was still in New York. Probably late 1980s." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3227 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"IEEE History Center: Preserving, Researching,and Promoting the History of Electrical Engineering and Computing" </td> <td>Brochure suitable for putting in a standard business envelope describing the activities of the hsitory center. </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-159 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3228 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE Global History Network: IEEE Was here. </td> <td>"Bookmark designed as a give away to promote the IEEE History Network, using tag line ""IEEE was Here"" and pictures on one side of a man riding a vehicle on the moon, and on the other a far northern radar ground antenna with two men in parkas." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3915 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Fundraising for the IEEE History Center </td> <td>Correspondence related to beginning a fund raising campaign to establish a quasi-endowment for the Center for the History of Electrical Engineering/IEEE History Center using the IEEE Foundation </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PR </td> <td>AR-3918 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE-Rutgers Center for the History of Electrical Engineering: Summay of Programs. </td> <td>"2 page list, with descriptions" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-1240 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Report on the Size and Composition of the Engineering Societies Library Collection of Historical Works in Electrical Engineering </td> <td>Report prepared by Andrew Goldstein. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#1240 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-1243 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Apply History to Today's Challenges <p>" </p> </td> <td>IEEE History Center Publication </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#1243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-1348 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Electrical Engineering: A Century of New Horizons </td> <td>"Centennial Publication prepared in conjunction with the Centennial Special Session at the Winter Meeting of the IEEE Power Engineering Society, January 31, 1984. Based on the IEEE Centennial Exhibit, a century of electricals. 2 copies" </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-1421 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"History Center Projects: Biographical Projects: Biographical Project, Archival Project, Historical Library Project." </td> <td>"Proposals, never enacted for three major inititives, all of which would have required major fund raising, to transform the history center into a major research and archival center. An ongoing biographical dictionary, a major archives collecting in IEEE""s" </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-3196 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Lines and Waves </td> <td>"Booklet to accompany Center for the History of Electrical Engineering Exhbit. ""Lines and Waves:Faraday, Maxwell, and 150 Years of Electromagnetism."" See AR-960 and AR-1067 for exhibit posters. 2 copies" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-3917 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"Power and Control: A History of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Technology." </td> <td>"4 page proposal for a one volume history of IEEE Technologies from mid-19th century to the present. <p>While neither this nor the subsequent project for a 3 volume history was ever written, Rik Nebeker's book ""Dawn of the Electronic Age."" had it origin" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-929 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"Center Publications Lists, circa 1989" </td> <td>Flyer listing publications of the Center </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#929 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AR-93 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Computing before Computers Masters </td> <td>"master hard copy of William Aspray's book ""Computing Before Computers"" Two folders" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-022:#93 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>OB-91 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Tracking the History of Radar </td> <td>"Page paste-ups for IEEE, Deutsches Museum book ""Tracking the History of Radar"" (1994) Permission forms to use authors papers Other misc paperwork Photographs added to the Center's collection <p>mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-021 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>STAFF </td> <td>AR-36 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>History Center Personnel Documents </td> <td>"- Notes, Memoranda, letter, minutes, reports on the establishment of the History Center, 1974-1979 <p>- Wolff Report (March 1978) - Archives Procedures - CHEE Personnel: Search for Director, 1987, Curator, general personnel" </p> </td> <td>1974 </td> <td>MB-025:#36 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>UNIVERSITY </td> <td>AR-3514 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Rutgers Contract-1990 </td> <td>"Documents relating the 1990 contract between IEEE and Rutgers University for the IEEE HIstory Center at Rutgers <p>" </p> </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>UNIVERSITY </td> <td>AR-3515 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Rutgers Contract-1995-1998 </td> <td>"Documents relating the 1995 and 1995 contract extension, and the 1998 contract between IEEE and Rutgers University for the IEEE HIstory Center at Rutgers <p>" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>UNIVERSITY </td> <td>AR-3516 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Rutgers Contract-2003 </td> <td>"Documents relating the the 2003 contract between IEEE and Rutgers University for the IEEE HIstory Center at Rutgers <p>" </p> </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>UNIVERSITY </td> <td>AR-3517 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Rutgers Contract-2008 </td> <td>"Documents relating the the 2008 contract between IEEE and Rutgers University for the IEEE HIstory Center at Rutgers <p>" </p> </td> <td>2008 </td> <td>HB-198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>UNIVERSITY </td> <td>AR-3914 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE History Center/Rutgers Relations 1995 </td> <td>Correspondence relating to negotiations to modify and renew contract between the History Center and Rutgers. </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>VIRTUAL MUSEUM </td> <td>AR-3184 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>"IEEE Virtual Museum Workshop, 1999" </td> <td>"Documents concerning a workshop held 21-22 June 1999 at the NMAH, Smithsonian on plans for an IEEE Virtual Museum. Includes preparatory correspondence, agenda, report, notes." </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>VIRTUAL MUSEUM </td> <td>AR-3663 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE Virtual Museum Demo </td> <td>"Demo for the IEEE Virtual Museum, the website established and run by the IEEE History Center from 2002 until 2008 when it was replaced by the IEEE Global History Network. 2 copies." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td>WEB </td> <td>AR-3674 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>History Center old web site 2006 </td> <td>"This is a snapshot of the IEEE History Center Website as of August 2006, along with a set of files from the History Center's service as of the same date. A copy of this information was transferred in December 2014 to the ""Past Projects"" sections of the H" </td> <td>2006 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1340 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>James B. Brittain: Scanning My Past (excerpts) </td> <td>Excerpts from Professors James B. Brittain's manuscript autobiography. These excerpts deal with the pre-history of the Center for the History of Electrical Engineering (now the IEEE History Center) from 1972 when Brittain first advocated that the IEEE </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1370 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Engineeering Societies Library </td> <td>"Brochures, fact sheets and forms about the Engineering Society Library, which was the library in the United Engineering Center in New York, cosponsered by IEEE and the other engineering societies in the building." </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3181 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>"IEEE/Smithsonian Archives Project, 1972-1977" </td> <td>"Joint IEEE/Smithsonian project to document U.S. archival repositories in the history of electrical science and technology. Includes correspondence, and copies of the 2 resulting publications, both issued by the Division of Electricity and Nuclear Energ" </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3182 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>IEEE Slide Shows 1975-1976 </td> <td>"Documents relating to historical slide shows produced at the Smithsonian under IEEE auspices, one titled . ""The Revolution in Electric Lighting and Power 1880-1920""" </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3187 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>Proposed TV Series: Giants of Electrical Engineering </td> <td>"Special Meeting on proposed TV Series, ""Giants of Electrical Engineering."" Attendees from a variety of IEEE departments, not just the History Center and the History Committee. List of Attendees, Agenda, notes, supporting material. Note: No such program" </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3188 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>"IEEE Spectrum and the Institute Editorial Board, 1984" </td> <td>"Finn was a member of this board in 1984. Meeting minutes, history of the editorial board. Brocuhure, ""Spectrum: Meet the Staff."" Booklet: ""Spectrum 20: A Centennial Yearbook.""" </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3919 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Report to the IEEE Technical Activities Board by William Aspray </td> <td>Four page report on the History Center's activities and the assistance it wanted from the Techincal Activities Board. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3920 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"""Using the World Wide Web to document the recent history of electrical engineering and computing.""" </td> <td>"Several reports and othe documents on a grant-funded project from the Sloan Foundation to The IEEE History Center, the Computer History Museum at American University, and the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. Ultimately, the p" </td> <td>1998 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HISTORY CENTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-927 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>"History Center Status Reports, 1989 - 1993" </td> <td>Monthly reports submitted by the William Aspary to Donald Crawley </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>MB-025:#927 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-3435 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Engineering: A Career for Tomorrow (1954) and Engineering: The Challenge of the Future (!968) </td> <td>"Archival-grade DVD transfers of HKN's two 16mm films, both designed to encourage high-school students to consider careers in Engineering. Original films are cataloged as AR-729 and 730 (1954) and AR-732 and 733 (1968)." </td> <td>1954 </td> <td>HB-177 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-4007 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Silver anniversary </td> <td>"1 16mm silent film, 7"" reel, TRT: 11:29 <p>25th anniversary of Eta Kappa Nu engineering honor society, University of Illinois, November 7th - 9th, 1929. </p><p>Digitized August 2016" </p> </td> <td>1929 </td> <td>Films </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-729 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Engineering: A Career for Tomorrow. Copy 1 </td> <td>"16mm Film. In 1953, as a way of commemorating its 50th anniversary, Eta Kappa Nu produced a career guidance film to interest high school students in engineering careers. <p>The 50th anniversary movie committee was formed, with Dean William L. Everitt, Col" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-730 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Engineering: A Career for Tomorrow. Copy 2 </td> <td>"16mm Film. In 1953, as a way of commemorating its 50th anniversary, Eta Kappa Nu produced a career guidance film to interest high school students in engineering careers. <p>The 50th anniversary movie committee was formed, with Dean William L. Everitt, Col" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-732 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Engineering: A Career for the Future. Copy 1 </td> <td>"16 MM Film produced by HKN to encourage high school students to pursue careers as engineers. A career guidance film showing high school students, engineering students, and professional engineers talking about why they chose engineering." </td> <td>1968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AV </td> <td>AR-733 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Engineering: A Career for the Future. Copy 2 </td> <td>"16 MM Film produced by HKN to encourage high school students to pursue careers as engineers. A career guidance film showing high school students, engineering students, and professional engineers talking about why they chose engineering." </td> <td>1968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-1326 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Vladimir Karapetoff Award 2008-2009 </td> <td>"Booklet for 2007 co-winners, Stanley H. Horowitz and Arun G, Phadke, 2008 winner, Leo Beranek, and booklet and press release for 2009 winner, Gerard A. Alphonse. This award is the highest honor given by HKN, for career achievements" </td> <td>2008 </td> <td>HB-154 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-3341 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu 2003 Eminent Member Recognition </td> <td>"1 page 2 sided document HKN 2003 Eminient Member Recognition, Donald R. Scifres. Biography of Scifres on front; List of all previous winners on back. 3 copies." </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-4621 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Eminent Member Recognition 2008 </td> <td>"Three two sided cards each with a bio of one of the three men who received this on September 20, 2008 in Quebec City Canada. <p>H. Vincent Poor Jose F. Valdez C. William A. Wulf" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-701 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Recognition Award Brochures </td> <td>"- 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959 - 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 - 1978 - 1981, 1984, 1985 Contains biographies and photographs <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>MB-119:#701 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-709 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1977 HKN Award Organization Committee Folder </td> <td>"- 1977 Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Nominations correspondence <p>-Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award 1978 -Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer 2004" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>MB-120:#709 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-710 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1966 HKN Award Organization Committee Folder </td> <td>"Correspondence from the 1966 HKN AOC <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-120:#710 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-711 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1973-75 HKN Award Organization Committee </td> <td>"correspondence, includes HKN statistics <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-120:#711 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-712 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1976 HKN Award Organization Committee file </td> <td>"correspondence for the 1976 Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-120:#712 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-713 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1972 HKN Jury Brochure </td> <td>"- Suggestions for the Jury Award <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-120:#713 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-714 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN Record of Achievement (to Nominees) </td> <td>"- Nomination form for Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer, no date (2 copies) <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-120 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-715 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN Regulations </td> <td>"- Regulations for the Eta Kappa Nu of Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer, and Nomination Form, May 1980 (multiple copies) <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>MB-120:#715 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-719 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN Certificates </td> <td>"- Multiple copies of the Eta Kappa Nu Membership Certificates <p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-120:#719 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-745 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Recognition Award Programs 1936-1990 </td> <td>"Programs for the annual awards banquets held by Eta Kappa Nu to recognized outstanding young engineer. Generally, in addition to the award winner there was an additional 2 young engineers recognized with honorable mention. <p>The folder contains generally" </p> </td> <td>1936 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-750 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Induction of Eminent Members 1962 and Luncheon. </td> <td>"One copy contains handwritten notes on the ceremony and luncheon by Roger Wilkenson, Bell Labs." </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-751 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Eminent Member Induction Ceremony, Eta Kappa Nu Association" </td> <td>"New Brunswick NJ, April 18, 1983" </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-752 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Eta Kappa Nu Distinguished Service Award presented to Larry Dwon <p>" </p> </td> <td>"New York, January 25, 1976." </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-753 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Eta Kappa Nu 1965 Award Outstanding Engineering Student <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Wescon, Western Electronics Show and Convention, San Francisco. New award first given in 1965 to Carl Anthony Cooper of USC." </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-760 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"The Outstanding Chapter Activities Award <p>" </p> </td> <td>Undated booklet with description of this award and an application. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-764 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Joint Inititation Banaquet, of Beta-Zeta Chapter New York University and Beta-Beta Chapter, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Program with menu, list of speakers and initiates." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-766 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Book of HKN Eminent Member Initiation sheets 1961-1987 <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Hard covered Volume containing initiation sheets from 1961-1987. Each sheet contains date, place, signature of the new Eminent Member, signatures of the Ceremonial Team, and signatures of others present. Also, loose sheets for 1993." </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-767 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Articles on the HKN Outstanding Young Engineers, 1938-1942 <p>" </p> </td> <td>"A collection of articles from ""The Bridge""" </td> <td>1938 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-768 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Correspondence relating to the 1942 HKN Outstanding Engineering Award. <p>" </p> </td> <td>"The committee decided not to announce any winners, nor hold any ceremonies until after the war, when several years winners would be announced and recognized." </td> <td>1942 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-769 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Outstanding Young Electrical Engineers 1942-1947 </td> <td>"Correspondence concerning the selection and awarding of the first group of Outstanding Young Engineers since the program was suspended during the war. Also, a reprint from The Bridge, March 1948 on the consolidated citation, and a photo of the award jury" </td> <td>1947 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-772 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1954 HKN Award Dinner </td> <td>Correspondence concerning the 1953 awards committee and its selection of the 1954 HKN award winners. </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-775 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN Award Corrrespondence </td> <td>"Correspondence including discussion of possible nominees for the outstanding young engineer award, suggestions for the jury of awards, and the annual award dinners." </td> <td>1957 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>AWARDS </td> <td>AR-776 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN Awards articles. </td> <td>Excerpts from the Bridge on Outstanding Young Engineers Awards 1936-1949 </td> <td>1936 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-734 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Petition to form chapters of HKN at Lamar State College of Technology (1959) </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-735 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Petition to form a chapter of HKN at Wayne State University (1959) </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-736 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Petition to form a chapter of HKN at Mississippi State University (1959) </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-737 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Petition to form a chapter of HKN at Tufts University. </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-738 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Petition to form a chapter of HKN at Rose Polytechnic Insitute. </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-739 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Petition to form a chapter of HKN at Arlington State College. </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1966 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-740 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Petition to form a chapter of HKN at Vanderbilt University. </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1966 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-741 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Petition to form a chapter of HKN at California State University, Los Angeles." </td> <td>" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1966 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>CHAPTERS </td> <td>AR-763 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Intallation Beta-Pi Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu. City College of the College of the City of New York. <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Program with menu, list of speakers and initiates." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-744 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Constitution. </td> <td>"Version dated August 1, 1993." </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-749 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Constitution and Statutes, Eta Kappa Nu Association" </td> <td>6 editions from different years of the HKN constitution and statutes. </td> <td>1937 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>AR-708 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>The Bridge Magazine </td> <td>Various issues of the Bridge from 1977 to 1986 (incomplete) </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>MB-120:#708 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>AR-731 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>The Bridge Magazine: Eta Kappa Nu </td> <td>"This is the magazine of HKN. <p>Various issues 1972-2012; coverage spotty, especially in earlier years of run. </p><p><br/> -See AR-708 for other Various issues of the Bridge from 1977 to 1986 (incomplete)" </p> </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-165 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>AR-798 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Report on Bridge Policy. </td> <td>Study of the editorial and other policies of HKN's The Bridge. </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1068 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Materials </td> <td>"- Eta Kappa Nu history, <p>1976 - 1986 Correspondence, 50th Anniversary of the Award (3 folders) - Misc. histories: Award, Roger I. Wilkinson, HKN - Planning Materials for 50th Anniversary - Mock up of 1986 Awards Brochure - Certification & Citati" </p> </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>MB-100:#1068 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4620 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Electric Pantheon 2005 </td> <td>"From the introduction: As part of its centennial celebration, Eta Kappa Nu undertook the designation of twenty natural philosphers and mathematicians ...important to the eventual establishment of the electrical engineering profession. <p>Short 1 page b" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-703 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Miscellaneous Correspondence, HKN" </td> <td>"correspondence, 1981-1986, concerning Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Young Engineer Award" </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>MB-119:#703 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-704 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"History of Eta Kappa Nu, 1976" </td> <td>"- History of Eta Kappa Nu, as written by Larry Dwon - 240 Pages - Printed by American Electric Power - Two copies, plus one that was loaned an not returned." </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>MB-119:#704 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-705 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Materials </td> <td>"- Blank Nomination Form for Outstanding Young Engineer <p>- Minutes of BoD Semi-Annual Meeting, 1985 - Photographic negative of Eta Kappa Nu Bowl - Misc. photographs - Photograph of 3rd Annual HKN Award Dinner, 1939 (IM-5325) - Photograph of 1937 E" </p> </td> <td>1937 </td> <td>MB-119:#705 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-706 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Photographs. </td> <td>"Folder full of HKN Photographs, most from the 1950s. Previously uncataloged. Those photos for which there are identification are being individually entered in the photo module, see relations tab for list. These will remain in the folder alongside the" </td> <td>1937 </td> <td>MB-119:#705 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-707 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Miscellaneous Eta Kappa Nu Materials </td> <td>"- 1988 listing of contributors to the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award <p>- 1988 In Memoriam Bridge for Paul K. Hudson - 1986 White House letter to Mark G. Adamiak, recognizing him as recipient of the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer" </p> </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>MB-120:#707 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-716 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1981 HKN Recognition Score Sheet </td> <td>"- Multiple copies of the form used by the Jury to select the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-120:#716 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-717 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1980 HKN Correspondence </td> <td>"- correspondence concerning revision of forms, and the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-120:#717 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-718 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>1962-1978 Misc. HKN Correspondence </td> <td>"- Publicity <p>- 1962-1965 Jury - 1966/67 Jury - Jury 1968/69 - 1978 Recognition Award Brochure - Blank Outstanding Young EE Certificate " </p> </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>MB-120:#718 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-742 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Initiation Ritual for Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional Members of Eta Kappa Nu Association." </td> <td>"With cover letter from W.V. T. Rusch, Director, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California expaining that this revision was made to meet dissatisfaction with the old version, which exclusively used ""gentelmen"" and other mascu" </td> <td>1978 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-743 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Script for Eminent Member Induction Ceremony. </td> <td>"For use when this is the only ceremony. Note that this version makes extensive use of ""gentlemen"" and other male exclusive words." </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-746 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Association Directories 1932-1937 </td> <td>"Annual Membership Directories for HKN 1932 and 1934-1937. Alphabetical, with addresses, chapter affiliations, and year of initiation." </td> <td>1932 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-747 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>The Golden Years. 50th Anniversary booklet </td> <td>"Booklet issued on the 50th anniversary of HKN. 4 copies. <p>History of early years; lists and photos of honorees; lists and maps of chapters." </p> </td> <td>1954 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-748 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>A Century of Honoring Excellence in Electrical and Computer Engineering </td> <td>"Booklet issued on the 100th anniversary of HKN. 4 copies. <p>History of early years; lists and photos of honorees; lists and maps of chapters. In many respects, an update of AR-747, the 50th anniversary booklet." </p> </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-754 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"A Worthwhile Goal...for Every Engineering Student <p>" </p> </td> <td>Undated booklet designed to introduce enginerring students to HKN.Likely same date (pre-1963) as AR-755. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-755 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"You Have Been Eta Kappa Nu. <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Undated booklet to be given to students elected to HKN, urging them to accept and explaining the organization. Likely same date (pre 1963) as AR-754." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-756 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Reading List for Junior Engineers <p>" </p> </td> <td>"List of books in a wide range of fields (natural science, philosophy, economics and sociology, psychology, business and industrial management, literature, history, biography, art and travel, and general, for ""the junior engineer who is desirous of broade" </td> <td>1950 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-758 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Engineering: A Career forTomorrow. <p>" </p> </td> <td>Booklet to promote film with this title that HKN produced in 1954 to encourage high school students to undertake careers in engineering. The archives holds copies of this film. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-759 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Engineering: The Challenge of the Future <p>" </p> </td> <td>Booklet to promote film with this title that HKN produced in 1968 to encourage high school students to undertake careers in engineering. The archives holds copies of this film. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-765 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Roger Wilkenson correspondence files; mostly 1950s. <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Collection of correspondence on various topics: <p>On the relationship between the Awards Organization Comittees, which reviews and nominates candidates for the Outstanding Young Engineer Awards. Members of the fhe AOC were upset with the way the Jury ch" </p> </td> <td>1935 </td> <td>HB-168 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-770 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Career Information </td> <td>"Collection of newspaper and magazine clippings, speechs, and other items on this subject. Probably source material for articles in the Bridge." </td> <td>1939 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-773 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN Corrrespondence with NEC and NAB </td> <td>"Correspondence including discussion of establishing an outstanding young engineer award, salary for the HKN Executive Secretary,and situations in several chapters.." </td> <td>1934 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-777 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Eta Kappa Nu National Report, 1965" </td> <td>"Eta Kappa Nu National Report, September 1, 1965 by Paul Hudson, National Exectuve Secretary. <p>Collection of Ditto copied reports on several operations of HKN." </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-778 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN Outstanding young engineer articles. articles. </td> <td>"Excerpts from the Bridge on Outstanding Young Engineers 1950-1959, 1963, 1973, 1974," </td> <td>1950 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-779 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Documents on the Procedures for the HKN outstanding young engineers awards. </td> <td>"Mimeogaphed, printed, and handwritten notes and information on the award, selection of recipient, expenses, and award dinners." </td> <td>1939 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-780 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>HKN National Organization. </td> <td>"Roger Wilkerson's file of documents related to the National Organization of HKN, as well as the New York Chapter." </td> <td>1951 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-797 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Roger I. Wilkerson biographical and other material </td> <td>"Articles and miscillaneous material on Roger I. Wilkerson of Bell Labs, largely from his role as an HKN Volunteer Leader. Wilkerson received a special citation and plaque from HKN in 1954 for his long time role in establishing and nurturing the outstandi" </td> <td>1951 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-799 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"HKN Audit Report for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1964." </td> <td> </td> <td>1964 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-800 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Selected Reading for Young Engineers: Your First Five Years. </td> <td>"Booklet printed by the Engineer's Council for Professional Development. <p>Also, a mimeographed ""Replies by winners of the Eta Kappa Nu Recognition of Outstanding Youn Electrical Engnieers 1936-1954 to the question, ""What Books have you read in the last" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-801 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>Eta Kappa Nu Association Regional Visitation Program </td> <td>"Program, started in 1962 to help chapters relate to each other. Mimeographed." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-802 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>The Newsitron: Supplement to the Bridge of Eta Kappa Nu. </td> <td>"Three issues: April 1941, September 1943, January 1947" </td> <td>1941 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>HKN </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-827 </td> <td>HKN </td> <td>"Porgram for the Fiftiety Anniversary Convention, HKN" </td> <td>"Slim Jim brochure. Program for the 2 day convention held at the University of Illinois, Urbana IL, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Eta Kappa Nu." </td> <td>1954 </td> <td>HB-186 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>AFFILIATE </td> <td>AR-1354 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Affiliate Study Material </td> <td>Material compiled in 1983 for use in a study of the IEEE Affiliate plan (where one could join a society without joining the parent IEEE) with a suggestion that the procedures used by the Computer Society be used by other IEEE societies. Includes excerpts </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-3912 </td> <td> </td> <td>"IEE 1975 U.S. Membership Salary, Fringe Benefits, and Opinion Survey." </td> <td>34 pages plus 2 appendixes. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>BENEFITS </td> <td>AR-4599 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Group Insurance Program </td> <td>"Brochures, Forms, Cover Letters covering IEEE's group insurance plans for U.S. Members." </td> <td>1972 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-1090 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE diploma 1955, Henry R. Butler" </td> <td>"11' x 14 "" diploma awarded on Butler's advancement to the rank of Senior Member of the IRE, January 1, 1955, signed by J. D. Ryder and Haraden Pratt. It notes that Butler had originally been admitted to membership in 1923. Includes official IRE gold seal" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-15:#1090 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-449 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Member Diploma </td> <td>"- Six copies of diploma accepting individual as Member of IRE, 14"" W X 11.5"" H <p>- IRE Certificate for Student Associate Branch - IRE/AIEE Joint Student Associate Branch Certificate - IRE/AIEE Joint Student Branch Certificate - IRE Section Certific" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-02:#449 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>CERTIFICATES </td> <td>AR-75 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Certificates </td> <td>Photocopies only of three different blank AIEE certificates Circa 1960 (Signed by Clarence Linder) Joyce #s: Acc #GA-80 control #2 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-027:#75 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY </td> <td>AR-368 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Directories for IRE/AIEE/IEEE </td> <td>"There is a set of directories on microfilm. See separate entry. As of 2010, these had been digitized and are being processed into individual files to make them readily accessible. <p>In location B-4, there is a complete (1964-2002) set of IEEE director" </p> </td> <td>1926 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-1005 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Index Record, A-K" </td> <td>"- Member Roster - Earliest Year: 1884 (Thomas Edison, No. 1189) - Latest Year: 1912 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact. Note: This is the second ledger in chronological order. Likely started around 1908." </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>1005 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-1015 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Records, 1961" </td> <td>"- Including member number, date of elevation - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1015 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-1042 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Yearbook of the AIEE, 1940" </td> <td>"Membership listing, geographic unit information, meetings, awards, officers, staff, committees, bylaws, certificate of incorporation" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-131:#1042 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-1043 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Yearbook of the AIEE, 1954" </td> <td>"Membership listing, geographic unit information, meetings, awards, officers, staff, committees, bylaws, certificate of incorporation" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-131:#1043 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-1044 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Directory 1957-1958 </td> <td>"Membership listing, both alphabetical and geographical, and list of AIEE officers." </td> <td>1957 </td> <td>MB-131:#1044 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-2052 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Applications </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1887 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-2053 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Applications </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1889 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-2054 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Applications </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1893 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3054 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Applications </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>[scanned]" </p> </td> <td>1896 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3055 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Applications </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>[scanned]" </p> </td> <td>1896 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3056 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Applications </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>[scanned]" </p> </td> <td>1900 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3057 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Applications </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>[scanned]" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3059 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Year Book 1953 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1953 Year Book - Officers of A.I.E.E.; Committees; Fellows & Members; Index; Catalog of Membership; Constitution & Bylaws; Scopes of AIEE Technical Committees" </p> </td> <td>1953 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3060 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Year Book 1954 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1954 Year Book - Officers of A.I.E.E.; Committees; Fellows & Members; Index; Catalog of Membership; Constitution & Bylaws; Scopes of AIEE Technical Committees" </p> </td> <td>1954 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3061 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Year Book 1957 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1957 Year Book - Officers of A.I.E.E.; Committees; Members & Geographical List of Members" </p> </td> <td>1957 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3062 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Year Book 1958 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1958 Year Book - AIEE Officers; Alphabetical List of A.I.E.E. Members; Geographical List of Members" </p> </td> <td>1958 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3063 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Year Book 1959 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1959 Year Book - Alphabetical List of Members; Geographical List of Members" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-3064 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Year Book 1961 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1961 Year Book - AIEE Officers; Alphabetical List of Members; Geographical List of Members" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-382 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE New Member Ledger, 1961" </td> <td>"Ledger in 3 ring binder listing applications for membership in the AIEE, in chronological order from January 25, 1961 through December. The columns are: No. (which is consecutive);date (date apllication received);Name Address and Occupation; Folio No. a" </td> <td>1961 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-502 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Directories and Yearbooks, 1894, 1903-04, 1907, 1909-31, 1934, 1936-54, 1958-62" </td> <td>"On Archives Bookshelf: AIEE Yearbooks: 1907, 1909-31, 1934, 1936-54, 1958-62 <p>In HB-82 (fragile): </p><p>1894 AIEE Member's Pocket yearbook 1903 AIEE Membership Pocket directory 1904 AIEE Membership Pocket directory </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1894 </td> <td>"HB-082:#502, Bookshelf (archives)" </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-503 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Sept 1894 AIEE Member's Pocket Year-Book </td> <td>Photocopy of Yearbook </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-082:#503 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-504 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Year Books </td> <td>"- 1952 AIEE Year Book - 1953 AIEE Year Book - 1954 AIEE Year <p>These are incomplete copies, lacking the membership directory that makes up the bulk of the original volume." </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>HB-082:#504 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-512 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>1959-1960 AIEE Membership Directory </td> <td> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-083:#512 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-513 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>1961-1962 AIEE Membership Directory </td> <td>2 copies of directory </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-083:#513 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-528 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE membership ledger, 1889-1993" </td> <td>"hard bound ledger. Has handwritten alphabetical listing at front, with a number next to each name. the number refers to the page in the ledger on which the member's dues payments were recorded." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-085:#528 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-968 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Record, D-G" </td> <td>"- Membership Records - Earliest Year: 1884 - Latest Year: 1939 - Lying flat on Archives Shelves <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>979 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-970 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Record, H-L" </td> <td>"- Membership Records - Earliest Year: 1884 - Latest Year: 1939 - Lying flat on Archives Shelves <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>979 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-973 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Index Record 1884-1907 </td> <td>"- Original membership record - Lying flat on Archives shelving <p>Artifact. This is the very first membership ledger." </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>973 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-976 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Membership Ledger </td> <td>"- Earliest dates: 1903 - Latest Dates: 1950 - Lists name, Folio #, Associate, Member and Fellow grades, and membership terminated - Lying flat on Archives shelving <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1903 </td> <td>976 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-978 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Ledger Record, L-Z" </td> <td>"- Membership Records Listing - Earliest Year: 1884 - Latest Year: 1912 - Lying flat on Archives shelving <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>978 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-979 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Record, A-C" </td> <td>"- Membership Records - Earliest Year: 1884 - Latest Year: 1939 - Lying flat on Archives Shelves <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>979 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-980 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Roster, S-Z" </td> <td>"- Membership Roster - Earliest Date: 1884 - Latest Date: 1945 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>980 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-981 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Roster, Ce-Cr" </td> <td>"- Ce -> Cr - Earliest Date: 1910 - Latest Date: 1963 <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1910 </td> <td>981 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-982 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Record, Gr-He" </td> <td>"- Grode to Henshaw - Earliest Date: 1906 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1906 </td> <td>982 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-983 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, HE -> Hy" </td> <td>"- Herald to Hyvonen - Earliest Date: 1892 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1892 </td> <td>983 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-984 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, Ka -> Kn" </td> <td>"- Katt to Knotts - Earliest Date: 1901 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td>984 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-985 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, Kn -> La" </td> <td>"- Knowles to Latch - Earliest Date: 1906 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1906 </td> <td>985 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-986 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, La -> Ly" </td> <td>"- Latendresse to Lyzaniwsky - Earliest Date: 1899 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1899 </td> <td>986 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-987 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, Mac -> Mi" </td> <td>"- MacAdam to Millermaster - Earliest Date: 1897 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1897 </td> <td>987 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-988 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, Mi -> Oz" </td> <td>"- Millham to Ozment - Earliest Date: 1901 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying Flat on Archive shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td>988 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-989 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, Pi -> Ro" </td> <td>"- Pivac to Rohwer - Earliest Date: 1887 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1887 </td> <td>989 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - AIEE </td> <td>AR-990 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Ledger, Ro -> Sc" </td> <td>"- Roichel to Schoonover - Earliest Date: 1901 - Latest Date: 1963 - Lying flat on Archives shelf <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1901 </td> <td>990 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-1247 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Membership Directory 1966-2002 </td> <td>"Complete run of IEEE Membership Directories, 69 volumes" </td> <td>1966 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-3086 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Directory 1966 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1966 IEEE Membership Directory" </p> </td> <td>1966 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-3087 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Directory 1968 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1968 IEEE Membership Directory" </p> </td> <td>1968 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-3088 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Directory 1970 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1970 IEEE Membership Directory" </p> </td> <td>1970 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-3089 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Directory 1973 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1973 IEEE Membership Directory" </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-3090 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Directory 1975 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1975 IEEE Membership Directory" </p> </td> <td>1975 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-3091 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Directory 1977 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1977 IEEE Membership Directory" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-3093 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Directory 1979 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1979 IEEE Membership Directory" </p> </td> <td>1979 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IEEE </td> <td>AR-833 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"New Member Listing, 1975" </td> <td>"Listing of new members, by date, starting on 2 January 1975 through to the end of the year. It was in a black binder, but it was removed from the binder and place in a folder." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-125:#833 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-100 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"duplicate of IRE member rolls, c. 1912" </td> <td>"duplicate of IRE member rolls, c. 1912 Members #0001 -> 0140" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#100 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-1071 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Yearbooks 1942,1946" </td> <td>"- IRE 1942 Yearbook (on exhibit) <p>- IRE 1946 Yearbook" </p> </td> <td>1942 </td> <td>MB-131:#1071 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-1072 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Yearbooks 1948, 1949" </td> <td>"- IRE Yearbook 1948 <p>- IRE Yearbook 1949" </p> </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>MB-131:#1072 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-1248 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Membership Directory 1909-37, 1942-63" </td> <td>"IRE Membership Directories, 1909-37, 1942-63" </td> <td>1909 </td> <td>Bookshelf (archives) </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3065 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1956 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1956 Directory - IRE Officers; The IRE; Officers and Directors, 1912-1956; Constitution of the IRE; Bylaws; Membership Lists; Advertising Section" </p> </td> <td>1956 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3066 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1958 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1958 Directory - IRE Officers; The IRE; Officers and Directors, 1912-1957; Constitution and Bylaws; Membership Lists; Directory and Advertising Section" </p> </td> <td>1957 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3067 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1960 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1960 Directory - IRE Officers and Staff; The IRE; Officers and Directors, 1912-1959; Membership Lists; Directory and Advertising Section" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3068 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1962 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1962 Directory - IRE Officers and Staff; The IRE; IRE Constitution and Bylaws; Membership Application Blank; Officers and Directors, 1912-1961; Membership Lists; Purchasin" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3069 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1963 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1963 Directory - IRE Officers and Staff; The IRE; Officers and Directors, 1912-1962; Membership Lists; Purchasing Directory and Advertising Section" </p> </td> <td>1962 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3070 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1914 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1914 Year Book - Officers, Board of Direction and Past Presidents; Standing and Special Committees; General Information; Resolution; Constitution; Treasurer's Report; Cata" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3071 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1916 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1916 Year Book - General Information; Report of the Secretary; Report of the Treasurer; Report of the Editor; Constitution of the Institute; Officers, Board of Direction," </p> </td> <td>1916 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3072 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1926 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1926 Year Book - General Information; Institute History; Publications; Institute Awards; Grades and Conditions of Membership; Institute Badges; Certificates of Membership;" </p> </td> <td>1926 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3073 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1927 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1927 Year Book - Officers and Board of Direction; Past Officers and Managers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; History of the Institut" </p> </td> <td>1927 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3074 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1928 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1928 Year Book - Officers and Board of Direction; Past Officers and Managers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; History of the Institut" </p> </td> <td>1928 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3075 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1929 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1929 Year Book - Officers and Board of Direction; Past Officers and Managers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; History of the Institut" </p> </td> <td>1929 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3076 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1930 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1930 Year Book - Officers and Board of Direction; Past Officers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; Constitution of the Institute; Amend" </p> </td> <td>1930 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3077 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1931 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1931 Year Book - Officers and Board of Direction; Past Officers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; Constitution of the Institute; Amend" </p> </td> <td>1931 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3078 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1932 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1932 Year Book - Officers and Board of Directors; Past Officers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; Constitution of the Institute; Amend" </p> </td> <td>1932 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3079 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1937 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1937 Year Book - Officers and Board of Directors; Past Officers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; Report of the Secretary; Constitutio" </p> </td> <td>1937 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3080 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1942 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1942 Year Book - Officers and Board of Directors; Past Officers; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; General Information; Report of the Secretary; Constitutio" </p> </td> <td>1942 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3081 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1946 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1946 Year Book - Institute Sections and Subsections; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; ""The Institute""; Constitution of the Institut" </p> </td> <td>1946 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3082 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1948 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1948 Year Book - Institute Sections and Subsections; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; ""The Institute""; Constitution of the Institut" </p> </td> <td>1948 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3083 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Year Book 1949 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1949 Year Book - Institute Sections and Subsections; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; ""The Institute""; Constitution of the Institut" </p> </td> <td>1949 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3084 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1950 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1950 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; ""The I" </p> </td> <td>1950 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3085 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1951 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1951 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; The In" </p> </td> <td>1951 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3092 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1952 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1952 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; The In" </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3094 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1953 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1953 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; The In" </p> </td> <td>1953 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3095 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1954 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1954 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; The In" </p> </td> <td>1954 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3096 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1955 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1955 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; The In" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3097 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1959 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1959 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; The In" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-3098 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Directory 1961 </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>1961 Directory - Institute Sections and Subsections; Professional Groups; Student Branches; Officers and Directors; Institute Committees; Institute Representatives; The In" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-560 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Year Books of the IRE, and list of years in which year booiks were published." </td> <td>"- Yearbooks of the IRE: 1914, 1916, 1922, 1927, 1928 (2 copies), 1929, 1930, 1931 (2 copies), 1932, 1937 Officers, Committees, History, Goals, Meetings, Membership Directory, Sections - IRE Report on the Committee on Standardization for 1922 Note" </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>HB-096:#560 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - IRE </td> <td>AR-662 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Yearbook of the IRE, 1914" </td> <td>"- Corrected to March 1, 1914" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-017:#662 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - LIFE MEMBER </td> <td>AR-305 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Life Member Directory, 1985-1986" </td> <td>IEEE Life Member Directory for 1985-1986 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#305 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - MISC </td> <td>AR-1107 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"National Directory of Electrotechnology Consultants, 1996 and 1998 issues" </td> <td>"IEEE USA directories. 1998 directory has slightly longer title: ""Directory of Electrotechnology and Information Technology Consultants. Both have subtitle "" Electronics, Electrical, Software & Management. 1996 is first edition; 1998 labeled ""third ann" </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-134:#1107 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - MISC </td> <td>AR-1117 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 2000 Technical Experts Guide </td> <td>Booklet for journalists to give them access to and contacts for IEEE experts on 500 topics </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-135:#1117 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - MISC </td> <td>AR-1308 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"1997 National Directory of Electrotechnology Consultants, IEEE-USA" </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-156 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - MISC </td> <td>AR-609 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Illuminating Engineering Society Roster </td> <td>Members of the AIEE who are also members of the Illuminating Engineering Society (no date) - Crocker-Wheeler Electric Co. Price List (no date) - Apprenticeship System description at Westinghouse in Pittsburgh Materials donate to the Center by Radclif </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#609 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - SWTE </td> <td>AR-466 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Society of Wireless Telegraph Engineers Roster </td> <td>"3-page roster of SWTE, no date (Copy of material supplied to us by Mr. J.V.L. Hogan)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-066:#466 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - WIE </td> <td>AR-1092 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Women in Engineering Directory: A Networking Tool, 1995 IEEE" </td> <td>"Directory, alphabetical and geographical of Women members of the IEEE" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-132:#1092 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - WIE </td> <td>AR-1126 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Women in Engineering 1999 Membership Directory </td> <td>"Directory, alphabetic with geographic indexes of members of IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIE) and all women members of IEEE, with additional informatnion on WIE." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - WIE </td> <td>AR-1267 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Women in Engineering 2001 Membership Directory </td> <td>"Directory, alphabetic with geographic indexes of members of IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIE) and all women members of IEEE, with additional informatnion on WIE." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>DIRECTORY - WIE </td> <td>AR-1268 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Women in Engineering 1997 Membership Directory </td> <td>"Directory, alphabetic with geographic indexes of members of IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIE) and all women members of IEEE, with additional informatnion on WIE." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>Shelf 2 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>EMBLEMS </td> <td>AR-530 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership Emblems, 1955-1961" </td> <td>"Description of AIEE Membership Badges, order form included" </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-086:#530 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>IEEE-USA </td> <td>AR-3531 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE-USA Legislative Report, June 28, 1999" </td> <td>Volume XXV number 3. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1130 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Membership Desk Handbook: A Guide to Field Services, prepared by the Field Services Department, Revised November 1, 1978." </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Front Section." </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1131 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Sec/Subsec/Chap Start Up Info. </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>First Tab includes the following items: Requirements to Establis" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1132 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: IEEE Telephone Numbers </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>IEEE Board of Directors and" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1133 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Bylaws </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>Constitution and Bylaws of t" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1134 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Policies and Procedures Manual </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>IEEE Policy and Procedures M" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1135 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Organization Roster </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>IEEE Organization Roster Mar" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1136 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Organization Roster </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>IEEE Organization Roster Mar" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-1137 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Conference Schedule </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>Master Conference Schedule," </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-373 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Price Lists </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>Color Brochure, Jewelery and" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-374 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Membership Development Guidelines </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>Membership Development Guide" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-375 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: Desk Procedures </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>Procedures for Accepting Cre" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-376 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: New Fellows </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>IEEE Members Elected to Fell" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-380 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>" Membership Desk Handbook: Report of the Secretary, 1977" </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>Tab includes the following items: </p><p>Report of the Secretary, 197" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-381 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Membership Desk Handbook: IEEE Standards Catalog </td> <td>"Part of Membership Desk Handbook, a thick 3 ring binder containing a variety of booklets and documents of use to an IEEE staff member working the membership desk at an IEEE Conference. <p>IEEE Standards Catalog </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-191 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3925 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Membership Renewal 2001 </td> <td>"Slim Jim Brochure providing information on membership renewal, and various options (society membership, publications, student membership.)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3926 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Society Membership Information and Application, 1996" </td> <td>Slim Jim Brochure providing information on society membership. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-3927 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Introduction to the World of IEEE Membership </td> <td>"Large-sized brochure, with application attached." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>ORIENTATION </td> <td>AR-795 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Guide for Fellow Grade Nominations, 1980." </td> <td>"Guide to the process, also copy of blank confidential fellow reference form, and additional instructions for IEEE Group/Society Evaluating Committee." </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-1057 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Membership Graphs </td> <td>"- Graphics used in Engineers & Electrons (1984) showing AIEE, IRE and IEEE Membership statistics, including members, student members and degrees granted. <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-124:#1057 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-1101 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Member Opinion Survey 1994 </td> <td>"Survey of IEEE members. Topics include membership, electronic publishing and information, continuing education, professional issues in the U. S., and Non-U. S. participation in IEEE. Also contains demographic information" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-134:#1101 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-1108 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Member Opinion Survey 1990 </td> <td>"printed volume, prepared by Westat Inc., Rockville MD for IEEE. It was the first survey of members worldwide." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-134:#1108 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-111 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Certificates--Member, etc." </td> <td>"Certificates (mostly blank, a few incorrectly filled out): Fellow Transfer to the Grade of Senior Member Admission to the Grade of Senior Member Authorization of Student Branch At Student Branch Awards Authorization of Student Associate Branch At" </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>MB-020:#111 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-1110 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE U.S. Member Opinion Survery </td> <td>"Conducted by the United States Activities Board of the IEEE. Prepared by Laura Langbein, Ph.D. Surveys of IEEE U. S. members opinions on professional issues and IEEE activities and services. Also, demographic information on IEEE USA Members. <p>Compend" </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-135:#1110 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-116 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Staff Review of IEEE Membership Survey </td> <td>"1967 member survey of the IEEE to study the IEEE membership attitudes towards IEEE, its publications and other activities. It was only conducted in the US, and excluded Student members. Joyce #: acc# GA-80, control #246" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#116 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-1307 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE U.S. Membership Salary and Fringe Benefit Survey </td> <td>"Statistical studies of IEEE USA members, salary, benefits, and other statistics on their careers and achievements." </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-156 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-1309 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1997 Salary Benchmarks: A Personal Workbook </td> <td>supplement to 1997 IEEE USA Salary and Fringe Benefit Survey </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-156 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3320 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Membership <p>Table I. Record of AIEE Membership as of April 30" </p> </td> <td>"Statistical information regarding AIEE Membership from 1884-1962. Fellows begin to be included in membership numbers in 1913, and Affiliates are included in 1952." </td> <td>1884 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3321 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"A.I.E.E. Membership Statistics <p>Table III. Number of Students Table IV. Membership Totals as of May 1" </p> </td> <td>"Statistical information regarding AIEE Membership in 1961. <p>Table 3 shows the number of student members (student associates and student affiliates) from 1946 to 1962. </p><p>Table 4 shows membership numbers from 1884 to 1962." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3322 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"To: Betty Stillman <p>From: Ronnie Lewis Subject: Membership figures you requested" </p> </td> <td>"An inter-office letter shows membership totals for the AIEE and IRE from 1954 to 1957. <p>The letter also includes student membership numbers for the AIEE. These figures are separate from the AIEE and IRE totals because the AIEE did not traditionally" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3323 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE/IRE/IEEE Membership Statistics </td> <td>"Shows AIEE, IRE, and IEEE membership statistics from 1920 to 1965. <p>The statistics include 3 categories: Higher Grade, Student, and Total. </p><p>AIEE and IRE membership totals end in 1962, and IEEE membership totals begin in 1963 and continue until No" </p> </td> <td>1920 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3324 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE/IRE/IEEE Membership Statistics, 1950-1970" </td> <td>"Letter written in 1971 requests AIEE, IRE, and IEEE membership totals from 1950 to 1970. <p>The typed membership totals include the following categories: Student, Other, and Total. There is also a handwritten ledger, without categories, that details mem" </p> </td> <td>1950 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3326 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Membership Statistics </td> <td>Contains IEEE Membership statistics from 1963 to 1967. </td> <td>1963 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3327 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Membership </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1912 to 1952. <p>Higher Grade and Student membership numbers begin in 1932. </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3328 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE <p>Table 10 - Membership by Grade, 1912-1962 (Breakdown prior to 1931 not available)" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1912 to 1962. <p>Only the total membership numbers are available for the years 1912 through 1930. </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3329 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1952 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1952. <p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3331 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1953 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1953. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3332 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1954 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1954. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3333 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1955 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1955. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3334 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1956 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1956. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3335 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1957 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1957. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3336 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1958 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1958. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3337 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1959 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1959. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3338 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1960 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1960. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3339 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1961 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1961. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3340 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"1962 IRE Membership <p>" </p> </td> <td>"Contains IRE Membership statistics from 1962. <p>Student membership is included in the total. </p><p><br/> </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3404 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Lifelong Education Survey: A Report on Members' Viewpoints. </td> <td>"An IEEE Spectrum/Educational Activities Board Survey: Funded in Part by the National Science Foundation. Prepared by Linda Langbein, American University, Washington D.C." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-372 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Membership Analysis,1961" </td> <td>Lists firms and then the IRE member employed by them </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-010:#372 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3733 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2014" </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2014" </td> <td>2013 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3736 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: <p>Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2012" </p> </td> <td>"This report summarizes research findings from 75 IEEE Strategic <p>Research studies completed in 2012. The IEEE studies examined membership, membership trends, and the differences among membership groups such as current, former, and prospective members; I" </p> </td> <td>2012 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3737 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: <p>Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2011" </p> </td> <td>"This report summarizes research findings from 56 IEEE Strategic Research studies completed in 2011. The IEEE studies examined membership, membership trends, and the differences among membership groups such as current, former, and prospective members; IEE" </td> <td>2011 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3738 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2009" </td> <td>"This report summarizes research findings from 34 IEEE Strategic Research and Planning studies completed in 2009, in order by Business Unit. These research projects examined a range of topics including membership trends, membership administration, and the" </td> <td>2009 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3739 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2010" </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2010" </td> <td>2010 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3740 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Information You Can Use: Annual Summary of IEEE Strategic Research: 2008" </td> <td>"This report summarizes research findings from 34 IEEE Strategic Research and Planning studies and two survey panels completed in 2008. The IEEE studies examined customer and members, membership trends, and the differences among membership groups such as" </td> <td>2008 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-3911 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Membership Information 1977 </td> <td>"Two slim-jim booklets, one briefer than the others, used to solicit IEEE Membership. With cover note from IEEE Marketing." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-4600 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Correspondence on trends in student membership among Haraden Pratt, Donald Fink and John T. Henderson." </td> <td>"Correspondence concerning numbers and trends in student memberships from 1958-1964. Includes separate statistics for AIEE and IRE, showing that IRE had far more student members, but that the total first analyzed for 1963 and 1964 were misleading, since t" </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STATISTICS </td> <td>AR-534 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Members Appraise the AIEE, 1955" </td> <td>"Member Opinion Survey, July 26, 1955" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-086:#534 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STRATEGIC PLAN </td> <td>AR-3533 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Meeting Member Needs in the 21st Century </td> <td>"IEEE Strategies for the Future. Vision, Mission and Goals for IEEE looking forward from 1993. So, this is a strategic plan. Goals include: <p>Career Enhancement Globalization Organizational Improvement Products and Services Public Responsibility" </p> </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STUDENTS </td> <td>AR-3325 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Students AIEE -- 1931-1962 </td> <td>"Lists the number of student AIEE members from 1931 to 1962. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1931 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STUDENTS </td> <td>AR-4611 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Information re first AIEE Student Branches </td> <td>"Memorandum with information on the first AIEE student branches, and the first (1950) joint AIEE-IRE branches, with notes." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MEMBERSHIP </td> <td>STUDENTS </td> <td>AR-563 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>1961-1962 Student Branch Manual </td> <td>Branch Officers Counselors </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-097:#563 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1035 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>"Brokaw Mansion Auction Report, 1965" </td> <td>"- List of all office equipment, furniture and fixtures sold before the IRE sold the Brokaw Mansion <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-130:#1035 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-105 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger Public Relations </td> <td>"IEEE Merger News bulletins, August 1962 Announcements of Weber as President, Fink as General Manager" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#105 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1064 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>IEEE Merger (IRE & AIEE) 1962-1963 </td> <td>"- Certificate of Consolidation - AIEE Special Merger Supplement, April 1962 (photocopy)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-124:#1064 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1065 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Formation of the IEEE </td> <td>"- C. H. Linder - 1964 <p>- correspondence - 1985 Press Release: ""Finding Your Way"" - Instructional Information Electronic Database for IEEE Members" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-124:#1065 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-110 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Ad hoc committee on regional boundaries </td> <td>"Correspondence on new regional boundaries AIEE Districts and IRE Regions as of October 1962, including maps Checklist on AIEE/IRE Section Merger Plans" </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>MB-020:#110 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-223 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger documents (4.16.193) (and more) </td> <td>"- AIEE Town Meeting on AIEE-IRE merger (Jan 31, 1962) - Report on Proposed Consolidation of IRE and AIEE - Copy of letter from M.D. Hooven to Hibshman re AIEE/IRE cooperation - IEEE original Policy manual (1963) and merger Q&A the town meeting and Q" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-072:#223 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-225 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Misc. Biographical-AIEE/IRE VIPs </td> <td>Miscellaneous biographical items on - Stein - Ryder - McFarlan - Linder - Haggerty - Teare </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>MB-072:#225 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-321 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>IEEE Merger Collection </td> <td>"Finding aid in ""Notes"" Tab. It is also at the IEEE Global History Network web site: <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external free" href=""></a> <p>Materials are in HB-069: 1.1.0-2.8.0 HB-070: 2.9.0-4.20.0 HB-071: 4.21.0-8.43.0 HB-072: 8.44" </p> </td> <td>1942 </td> <td>HB-069:#321 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3672 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>How the Students Spoke. </td> <td>"7 Page History of the student activities of AIEE and IRE, and how in the 1950s students came to overwhelmingly prefer IRE. Written by John Ryder." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-432 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger Documents </td> <td>"- Meeting of 14-Man Committee; AIEE-IRE Merger <p>- 14-Man Committee, IRE-AIEE Merger, Minutes of Third Meeting (26-27 July 1962) - 14-Man Committee, AIEE-IRE Merger, Minutes of the Fourth Meeting (10 Sept 1962) - 14-Man Committee, AIEE-IRE Merger, Mi" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>MB-114:#432 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-433 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger Documents </td> <td>"- Merger Committee Minutes #6 <p>- Merger Committee Minutes #7 - Merger Committee Minutes #8 - 1.1 Merger Committee Minutes - Working Copy - Exec. and Board Mins. and Merger documents - 1961-62 AIEE/IRE Affairs *1961-62 AIEE Annual Report *Int" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>MB-115:#433 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4610 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Merger Documents from William Middleton </td> <td>"Collection of official papers collected by William Middleton concerning the AIEE/IRE Merger, Includes documents from both organization. There are likely other copies of most if not all of this material elsewhere in the collection." </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-471 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Whittemore Letter: Merger history </td> <td>One page letter from Laurens Whittemore to Reed Crone concerning a card file he mailed to Reed (5 April 1969) with information Whittemore had collected in preparing an IRE history. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-066:#471 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-497 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>IRE/AIEE Merger Documents </td> <td>"IRE/AIEE Consolidation, General File <p>Committee on Space Allocation Checklists (Organizational Units) AIEE/IRE Duplicate Members Above Student Grade Ballot Mailing - IEEE" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-077:#497 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-498 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger Documents </td> <td>"Symposium on Proposed Merger (26 March 1962) <p>List of AIEE Board of Directors - Mailing of Assemly Announcement to Voting Members Meeting of IRE Mr. Haggerty's Letter to Section Chairmen Mailing to IRE Standing & Technical Committees Mailing of I" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-078:#498 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-499 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger Documents </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE (March and April 1962), part 2. <p>March: Should IRE and AIEE consolidate April: IRE and AIEE Boards of Directors vote yes on Merger. </p><p>Dr. Berkner's Letters regarding the Merger Mr. Haggerty's Letters regarding the Merger" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-079:#499 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-500 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger Documents </td> <td>"Mailing of IEEE Plan of Fiscal Operations - <p>Proxy Mailing Completed Tally Sheets for Proxy Mailing from Weber to Professional Groups and Technical Committee Chairmen " </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-080:#500 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-501 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Merger Documents </td> <td>"IRE/AIEE Merger Comments from Sections, Individuals, etc. <p>IRE Consolidation: Mr. Haggerty's Letters to organizational units" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-081:#501 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-514 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>Teare Speeches </td> <td>AIEE Presidential Addresses from Richard Teare </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>HB-084:#514 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-515 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>Correspondence relating to the formation of the AIEE Technical Groups </td> <td>Correspondence about AIEE Technical Groups </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>HB-084:#515 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-516 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>"Intersociety Relations Committee Minutes, 1956, 1961" </td> <td>Minutes of the Committee of the Whole on Intersociety Relations </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>HB-084:#516 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-517 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>"Results of the merger vote, 1962" </td> <td>Correspondence regarding membership voting at the 1961 AIEE Annual Meeting </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-084:#517 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-518 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>1955 AIEE Member Survey </td> <td>"1955 AIEE Member Survey <p>Merger correspondence" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-084:#518 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-519 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>Post Merger </td> <td>"IEEE Organizational Charts <p>The Impact of IEEE on the Future of Engineers IEEE Reports for 1963" </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>HB-084:#519 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-520 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>Rebates of Transfer Fees by Districts (Dec. 1962) </td> <td>Recapitulation by Districts of Rebats of Entrance and Transfer Fees Paid to Sections in December 1962 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-084:#520 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-521 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>"Reciprocal Membership, 1961" </td> <td>Article from the September 1961 IRE New York Section Monitor newsletter announcing reciprocal membership in IRE and AIEE </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-084:#521 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-522 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>AIEE Special Task Force on Institute Activities & Organization (1958-1959) </td> <td>"Proposal for a Reorganization of the AIEE <p>Special Task for: AIEE Reports" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-084:#522 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-523 </td> <td>Teare Papers </td> <td>"Terman Speech at Annual IEEE Banquet (March 27, 1963)" </td> <td>"Title: IEEE - ""Impossible"" - Except for Electrical Engineers" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-084:#523 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-944 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>IEEE Merger History Index </td> <td>"- Finding Aids List and Index. Conducted by George Carlyle Sell. Autumn, 1978 - This Index is on the web site" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#944 </td></tr> <tr> <td>MERGER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-949 </td> <td>Merger </td> <td>Proceedings of the IRE Supplements </td> <td>"- March 1962: Should IRE and AIEE Consolidate? <p>- April 1962: IRE and AIEE Boards of Directors Vote Yes on Merger" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#949 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-3460 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electrical Engineering </td> <td>"A Managment newsletter on IEEE operations to encourage communications among all operational entities and staff. Issues 39 (February 1972)- 77 (August 1978) <p><br/> 4 Issues--Number 74 (February 1978), thru 77 (August 1978) Received from Janet Showers. Iss" </p> </td> <td>1872 </td> <td>HB-204 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-788 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Engineering Management Newsletter 1995-1996 </td> <td>"5 issues, vol 45 no. 3-4 (1995) and vol 46 (19960 1-3. Newsletter of the IEEE Engineering Management Society. ." </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-803 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Electrical Engineering Newsletters, Issue 1 - Issue 49" </td> <td>"Issue 1: October 1964-Issue 49: October 1973 ""A management newsletter on IEEE: IEEE encourages communication among all organizational entities and the staff""" </td> <td>1964 </td> <td>HB-118:#803 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-804 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Electrical Engineering Newsletter, Issue 50 - Issue 96" </td> <td>"Issue 50: December 1973-Issue 96: February 1982 ""A management newsletter on IEEE encourage communication among all organizational entities and the staff""" </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-119:#804 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>EMPLOYEE </td> <td>AR-3891 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Staff Circuit </td> <td>"IEEE Employee Publication. Assorted issues-- May and November 1991, Summer and Fall 1993, Spring 1994." </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>EMPLOYEE </td> <td>AR-3892 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Staff Circuit </td> <td>IEEE Employee Publication. Spring 1995-Fourth quarter 1998. Complete run. Up to 3 copies per issue. Quaterly publication </td> <td>1195 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>EMPLOYEE </td> <td>AR-3893 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Network News </td> <td>IEEE Employee Publication. First Quarter 1999-Issue Three 2002. Up to 3 copies per issue. Quaterly publication. </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>EMPLOYEE </td> <td>AR-3895 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Felxchoices '95 </td> <td>Employee newsletter on benefits with explanation of medical and dental plans available for 1995. </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>EMPLOYEE </td> <td>AR-4603 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Personnel Cutback Made in IEEE Economy Move </td> <td>Press release announcing that IEEE has laid off 25 of its 288 staff members. With cover letter. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>EMPLOYEE </td> <td>AR-789 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Employee Assistance Frontline Report </td> <td>"4 issues, vol 2 no. 3( May/June 1995) and vol 3 no 1-3(January/February through May/June 1996) and . Newsletter put out by the IEEE-USA Employement Assistance Committee. A Newsletter for PACE and Section leaders. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>EMPLOYEE </td> <td>AR-790 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE The Scoop. </td> <td>"4 issues, February-May 1996. Single page 2 sided newsletter ""published for section chairs by the IEEE Regional Activities Department."" <p>" </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>IEEE PUBLICATIONS BULLETIN </td> <td>AR-1350 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Publications Bulletin </td> <td>"Vol 20, No 3, 1990" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>IEEE PUBLICATIONS BULLETIN </td> <td>AR-3526 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Publicatons Bulletin </td> <td>"""This bulletin is the official announcement vehicle for IEEE Publications, and information and educational services. It covers conference records, special issues of IEEE Transactions and Journals, and other nonperiodic publications. The purpose of thsi B" </td> <td>1970 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>INTERCOM </td> <td>AR-3888 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Intercom </td> <td>"IEEE Employee News Letter. 4 Issues Volume 1 Number 2, Volume 2, Numbers 3 and 4 ( October and December 1965) and One issue of a smaller format ""IEEE Employee Bulletin, also Volume 1 Number 2, June 14, 1965. <p>Apparently ""Intercom"" was discontinued," </p> </td> <td>1964 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>INTERCOM </td> <td>AR-3889 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Intercom </td> <td>"IEEE Employee Publication. ""Composed Edited and Printed by and for Employees of IEEE. Revival of short-lived 1964-1965 publication (see AR-3888 <p>Volume 1 Number 1 July 16, 1976 to Volume 4 number 3 December 1979. Up to 3 copies of each issue. 3 issu" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>INTERCOM </td> <td>AR-3890 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Intercom Correspondence </td> <td>"1976 Correspondence concerning reviving the IEEE Company Publication, Intercom. Also 1 letter each from 1979 on the status of Intercom." </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>INTERCOM </td> <td>AR-696 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Employee Bulletin, 1965, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979" </td> <td>"""Intercom"", employee bulletin" </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>MB-107:#696 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3436 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, Winter 1995-1996" </td> <td>"Winter 1995-1996 <p>" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3437 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, Summer 1996" </td> <td> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3445 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2000 2nd Quarter/3rd Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2000 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3446 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2000 4th Quarter/ 2001 1st Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2000 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3447 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2001 2nd and 3rd Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2001 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3448 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2002 1st and 2nd Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2002 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3449 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2002 3rd and 4th Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2002 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3450 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2003 1st and 2nd Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2003 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3451 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2003 3rd and 4th Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2003 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3452 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2004 1st and 2nd Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2004 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3453 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2004 4th Quarter / 2005 1st Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2004 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3454 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 2005 4th Quarter / 2006 1st Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>2005 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3456 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE LIfe Members Newsletter: Incomplete run, hard copy." </td> <td>"Incomplete run of hard copies: <p>Summer 1996 4-1 quarters 1996-1997 2-3 quarters 1997 2-4 quarters 1998 4-1 quarters 1998-1999 2-3 quarters 1999 2-3 quarters 2000 4-1 quarters 2000-2001 2-3 quarters 2001 1-2, 3-4 quarters 2002 1-2, 3-4 quarter" </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3457 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE LIfe Members Fund Newsletter Fall/Winter 1989-1990 </td> <td>"Issues in folder: <p>November 1981 November 1984 Fall/Winter 1989-1990" </p> </td> <td>1981 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3538 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 1996 - 1997 4th Quarter/1st Quarter." </td> <td> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3539 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 1997 2nd Quarter/3rd Quarter." </td> <td> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3540 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 1997 4th Quarter 1998 1st Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3541 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 1998 2nd/3rd Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>1998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3542 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 1998 4th Quarter/ 1999 1st Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>1998 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3543 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 1999 2nd/3rd Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>1999 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3544 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Life Members Newsletter, 1999 4th Quarter / 2000 1st Quarter" </td> <td> </td> <td>1999 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-3743 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Life Member Newsletters, 1980 - 2016" </td> <td>"Life Member Newsletters, 1980-1988, 1995-1996, 2013-2016" </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-247 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SECTION/COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-3507 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Wave Guide Dayton Section IRE </td> <td>IRE Dayton Section Newsletter. </td> <td>0 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SECTION/COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-781 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>RockEEE Overlook </td> <td>"IEEE Denver Section Newsletter, 1987-1999. Number of issues varies from year to year. <p>In addition to the run, there is a single issue for December 1979." </p> </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SECTION/COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-782 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Denver Decibel </td> <td>"IRE Denver Section Newsletter, 1956-1960, incomplete run, 9 issues total." </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SECTION/COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-783 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Pulse of Long Island </td> <td>"IEEE Long Island Section Newsletter, 1993-1999. Number of issues varies from year to year. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SECTION/COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-784 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Scanner. IEEE National Capital Council Newsletter, 1995-1996" </td> <td>"IEEE National Capital Council Newsletter, 1995-1996. Volumes 10 and 11. This is Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia sections. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SECTION/COUNCIL </td> <td>AR-826 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Grid </td> <td>"IEEE Grid, Monthly Magazine of the IEEE Bay Area Council <p>-1984 IEEE Grid (vol. 38, 11) -1985 IEEE Grid (vol. 39, 1) -1985 IEEE Grid (vol. 39, 2)" </p> </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SECTION/COUNCIL </td> <td>OB-827 </td> <td> </td> <td>"Western Engineer, 1984-1985" </td> <td>"IEEE Denver Section <p>Western Engineer -1984 Sept. vol. 68 no. 9 -1984 Oct. vol. 68 no. 10 -1984 Nov. vol. 68 no. 11 -1985 Jun. vol. 69, no.6 -1985 Jul. vol. 69, no.7 -1985 Aug. vol. 69, no.8" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SOCIETY </td> <td>AR-1349 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Keeping TAB </td> <td>"IEEE Technical Activities Newletter, Vol 1 No 1, Fall 1990" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SOCIETY </td> <td>AR-3209 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter. </td> <td>"Includes newsletters going back to 1968, when it was the IEEE Group on Reliability." </td> <td>1968 </td> <td>HB-163 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>SOCIETY </td> <td>AR-3461 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Communications Society </td> <td>"Newsletter of the IEEE Communications Society. <p>Vol 10, 1973, Nos. 1-4 Vol 11, 1974, Nos. 4-6 Vol 12, 1975, Nos. 1-6 Vol 13, 1976, Nos. 2,3,5,6. " </p> </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>STANDARDS BEARER </td> <td>AR-1351 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The IEEE Standards Bearer </td> <td>"Volume 4 No. 3, October 1990" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>STANDARDS BEARER </td> <td>AR-3458 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Standards Bearer, Incomplete run." </td> <td>"IEEE Standards Association Newsletter <p>Vol 3 (1989) No. 3 Vol 5 (1991) No. 3 Vol 6 (1992) No. 4 partial issue Vol 7 (1993) No. 1-4 Vol 8 (1994) No. 1,3,4 Vol 9 (1995) No. 1,3,4 Vol 10 (1996) No. 1-4 Vol 11 (1997) No. 3 Vol 12 (1998) No 2,3 Vo" </p> </td> <td>1989 </td> <td>HB-183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>STANDARDS BEARER </td> <td>AR-3897 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standards Bearer </td> <td>"One issue, volume 8 no. 4, 1994." </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>STUDENT </td> <td>AR-255 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Student Newsletters </td> <td>"IEEE Student Newsletters (15 issues): Vol 2, no 1-Vol 4, No. 2 (October '73-Dec '75) Vol 5, No. 1 (Oct '76) Vol 5, No. 3-Vol 6, No 2 (Feb '77-Dec '77). 1974 Student membership application." </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>MB-082:#255 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>STUDENT </td> <td>AR-485 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IRE Student Quarterly <p>Samples of Proposed Student Publication, 1953 (A) /Student Journals (B)" </p> </td> <td>"(A) - Hand typed on 3"" x 5"" index card: ""produced at Collins Radio, Cedar Rapids under direction of T.A. Hunter. Known as Vol. 0, No.1 of the Student Quarterly, September 1953 the print order was for 80 copies. They were distributed to the IRE B of D by" </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-068:#485 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td>TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES </td> <td>AR-3758 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Technical Activities Newsbriefs </td> <td>*No. 2, Jan/Feb 1979 <ul><li>No.3, Mar/April, 1979</li> <li>No.3, Mar/April, 1979 Supplement</li> <li>No.4, May/June 1979</li></ul> </td> <td>1979 </td> <td>HB-259 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1120 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Access: A Quarterly Communication for IEL Users, 1997-1998" </td> <td>"5 Issues (September 1997-September 1998). Newsletter for users of the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL0. The IEL was delivered to subscribers on a set of 10 computer tapes, with ten years of journals for use on a stand-alone computer, or on an Intranet." </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-135:#1120 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1352 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Education News </td> <td>"Newsletter of the IEEE Educational Activities Board, Volume 3, no. 3, November 1990." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-245 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IMPACT Newsletter </td> <td>"Various issues of IMPACT newsletter, the newsletter of IEEE Professional Activities. February 1977, April/May 1977, July/August 1978; Vol 5, No 3 (June 1981) Vol 5, No 6-Vol 6, No. 3 (December 1981-Jun 82) , Vol. 7, No. 3 (June 1983 + USAB: The First Ten Years booklet) Vol 14, no 8 (December 1990); Vol 15, No. 7 (November 1991); Vol 15 No. 8 (December 1991); Vol 16 No 2 (March 1992); Volume 17 No 2 (March 1993). " </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>MB-082:#245 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3199 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE STAR Program. </td> <td>"IEEE STAR Program, Volume 1 Number 1 (Draft) IEEE Women in Engineering Committee Newsletter. Also, correspondence from the committee concerining the program and newsletter." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3200 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE GEMC PAC Newsletter </td> <td>"IEEE Group--Electromagnetic Compatibility, Pacific Area Committee Newsletter. 2 Issues--April and October 1973; Volum3 3, Numbers 1-2." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3346 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Update 1992-1998 (broken run) </td> <td>"Incomplete run of IEEE Update, 4 page newsletter ""highlighting Activities of Interest to Technology Executives" </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-167 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3459 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Foundation Focus, Incomplete run." </td> <td>"Issue # Date <p>3 Sept 2001 4 Jan 2002 6 Jan 2003 7 Sept 2003 8 Jan 2004 9 Sept 2004 10 Ja" </p> </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>HB-183 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3532 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE-USA News and Views September 2004 </td> <td>The IEEE U.S. Members' digest for Building Careers and Shaping Public Policy. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NEWSLETTER </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3894 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Publications Bulletin </td> <td>"A quaterly newsletter for librarians on IEEE Publications and services. <p>2 issues-- volume 20 number 4 (1990) and volume 22 number 4 (1992)" </p> </td> <td>1190 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-103 </td> <td>AIEE </td> <td>"Register of 1st American Socity of Mechanical Engineers meeting, 1880" </td> <td>" Register of 1st annual ASME meeting, 1880 (in lucite holder) <p>copy" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#103 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1048 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Television Articles, 1930s" </td> <td>"- The 1931 Super Cell, Wireless World, November 1930 <p>- Television in Germany Today, Science and Invention, January 1931 - Picture Analysis and Television, Wireless World, November 1930 - A New Television System, Wireless World, January 1931 - A P" </p> </td> <td>1928 </td> <td>MB-131:#1048 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1050 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"MacGregor Arctic Expedition, 1937" </td> <td>"- October 23, 1937 letter to the Hammerland Manufacturing Co. thanking Lew Winner for his assistance in providing coils and condensers for the expedition." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-124:#1050 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1066 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>Baird Televisor Artifacts </td> <td>"- Materials donated by Frank Bingley <p>- The Radio Eye, Television, September 1930 - The Baird Televisor, price list for components, no date - Baird Television brochure: - origins of televisor - Instructions for operating a home reception se" </p> </td> <td>1923 </td> <td>HB-124:#1066 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-107 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Atlantic Telegraph material </td> <td>"(copy of) 1st 40 pages of 139 p. typescript called ""The Atlantic Telegraph"" (1866 by Cyrus Field), loaned by ITT library Photocopy of 1858(?) letter by Field <p>mixed" </p> </td> <td>1858 </td> <td>MB-020:#107 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-113 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Society for Electrical Development Booklet </td> <td>"32-page booklet covering the achievements, activities and aims of the Society. The Society was formed in 1913 by John Crouse, it was devoted to the electrical cooperation. (See enclosed IEEE Proceedings article on Crouse & SED by Jim Brittain, December" </td> <td>1920 </td> <td>MB-020:#113 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1138 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Time Capsule of 1904 Westinghouse Plants & People. Films, Photos and Texts" </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#1138 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="Archives:Misc. Radio Memorabilia">AR-114</a> </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Radio Memorabilia </td> <td>"•pamphlet ""Radio Station KYW"" (Chicago) (1920s) <p>•Booklet ""Instructions for Operating Grebe Radio Operating Instruments"" (1922) •Vol 1, No. 1 ""Listen In"" (a radio magazine published by Central Radio, Inc.) mixed" </p> </td> <td>1920 </td> <td>MB-020:#114 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-115 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Miscellaneous Radio Memorabilia </td> <td>"•Wallace H. White: A Register of his papers in the Library of Congress (1959) - files from 1925-1948 pertain to radio and communications •Stephen Davis <p>•Pamphlet from Bugess Battery Co. (Dry Batteries) •July '42 issue of RCAs ""Radio Age"" •" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>MB-020:#115 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1231 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Massachutsetts Proclimation Announcing Electronics Week </td> <td>"Proclimation from Governor John A. Volpe of Massachusetts announching November 4-11, 1962 as Electronics Week" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-28:#1231 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1327 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>"""GE Electronic Tubes 1952-1956""" </td> <td>"Presentation given by Eleanor Livingston in 2010 on the vacuum tube collection she donated to IEEE (see Acc. 2009-2). Gives descriptions of the tubes, and how she came to have them." </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>HB-154 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-17 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Westinghouse Switchgear Manuscript </td> <td>"Typescript--""Mid-Century Review and Forecast of Westinghouse Science and Engineering: Switchgear"" 91 typed pages in black binder. 55 photographs (none of which are integrated into Center's collection)" </td> <td>1885 </td> <td>MB-005:#17 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-18 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>RCA Booklet </td> <td>"40 page booklet--""RCA Laboratories, Princeton, NJ"" (dedication program for lab?) Blue felt covers with gold string binding, printed November 15, 1941 Gift #93-1" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-005:#18 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-19 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Telefunken Booklet </td> <td>"""Business report on the business year from 1 April 1955 to 31 March 1956."" 25 page annual for Telefunken, 1955/56. color photos Gift #93-1 Contains excellent black & White and color photographs." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-005:#19 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="Archives:IEEE Archives">AR-195</a> </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Alfred Goldsmith Articles </td> <td>"The Engineering measurements of Radio Telegraphy, Alfred N. Goldsmith, The Wireless Age, January 1914 <p>Radio Telephony, Alfred N. Goldsmith, The Wireless Age, February 1917 Radio Telephony, Part III, Alfred N. Goldsmith, The Wireless Age, March 1" </p> </td> <td>1914 </td> <td>HB-028:#195 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-202 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Henry Francis Parks material </td> <td>annotated correspondence and blueprints highlighting Parks's career Joyce #s: Acc #81-13 control #182 </td> <td>1920 </td> <td>HB-028:#202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-204 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>McCreary material </td> <td>"correspondence & copy of patent #2,013,162 ""television"" Joyce #s: Acc #GA-80 control #248" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#204 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-206 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"""A Supplement to the Early History of Compatible Color Television""" </td> <td>Loughren materials Joyce #s: Acc #GA-80 control #249 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#206 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-224 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>ASCE and the EJC </td> <td>"Published papers from American Society of Civil Engineers Transactions and ""Electrical Engineering"" concerning unity among engineering societies Why save this? One of the papers has a number on it that makes it look like it's included in the IEEE Mer" </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>MB-072:#224 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-232 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Fink Fraternity Magazine </td> <td>"January 1949 issue of ""Triangle of Phi Mu Delta"" (apparently the Fraternity that Donald Fink belonged to) magazine has a biographical article explaining how Fink is the Editor of ""Electronics"" magazine Article written by Halora Adams--this version cond" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-005:#232 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-27 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>Advantages of the Electric Car </td> <td>"Charles Steinmetz signed 1920 Manuscript, 12 pages typed, plus 4 pages of graphs on blueprint paper on the advantages of the electric car. Formerly one of many items collectively given the designation AR-26" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-204 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3208 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>"Radio Pioneers Party, Hotel Commodore, New York City, November 8, 1945" </td> <td>"Program for dinner celebrating 25th anniversary of radio broadcasting. Speech by John V. L. Hogan, one of the founders of the IRE." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3231 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>Introduction to Transmission Networks--Theory and Practice </td> <td>"Mimeographed text for a Bell Labs course. designed for technical assistants in the Transmission Apparatus Department at Bell Labs. Introduction signed by A. R. D'Heedene, transmission engineer. This is telephone transmission." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-327 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"The Anacom, by Dr. Edwin L. Harder" </td> <td>"Binder containing material on the history of ANACOM, including March 1986 letter from Ronald R. Kline, Director, CHEE acknowledging receipt. Binder donated by Dr. Edwin L. Harder. Binder material dated January 1986." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#327 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3345 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>"Letter from Benjamin Franklin to David Hume 19 May 1762, Facsmilie" </td> <td>"Facsimile presented to The IEEE by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, November 2011. The letter itself is 3 pages. there is a 4th page which is the wrapper/envelope. The letter is in a black presentation folder with a printed presentation note. <p>Letter" </p> </td> <td>1762 </td> <td>FB-10 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3609 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>Julius Reitman - Westinghouse Time Capsule Papers </td> <td>" <dl><dd>Papers collected as part of Reitman's research in to the early twentieth century history of the Westinghouse Corporation of Pittsburgh, related to his discovery of, and preservation of 1904 motion pictures of the main Westinghouse plant.</dd></dl> <p>Folders" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-192 and HB-193 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3665 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>Don Heirman: A Professional Life. </td> <td>"Don Heirman's long, monologue about his career, which he intended for use to inspire students. This has been posted on the GHN. Heirman is a past president of the IEEE EMC." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-404 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>K + E Slide Rule Manual </td> <td>"Supplementary Manual Log Log Duplex Vector No. 4083. Keuffel and Esser Co. <p>This is filed as an artifact in the box which contains our collection of slider rules." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-66 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-439 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>A History of Radio Communication at Wavelengths Less Than One Meter </td> <td>"Hand typed manuscript by Warren E. Mathews, May 1944 Department of Electrical Engineering, MIT" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-125:#439 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-443 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Canadian Electrical News </td> <td>" <p>Newspaper published March 31, 1884 in Montreal. Vol. 1 Front page, Issue 1 Vol. 1, No. 1, Vol. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 - American Sparks - European Flashes" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-01:#443 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-444 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>The Practical Mechanics Journal </td> <td>"Volume III, Second Series, April 1858-March 1859 Published in London" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-01:#444 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-445 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Engineering Mechanics </td> <td>"Devoted to Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering January 1892 Published monthly Index" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-01:#445 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-45 </td> <td>IEE History </td> <td>"IEE--Reports, 1978" </td> <td>"Submission to the Committee of Inquiry into the Engineering Profession, January 1978 <p>Qualifying as a Chartered Electrical Engineer May 1978" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-013:#45 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-454 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Ambassador Tuning Coil </td> <td>"- Diagram of tuning coil, 1924 <p>- Instructions for an Ambassador Coil, 1924" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-04:#454 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-47 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Radio Reminiscences (3 folders) </td> <td>typescript of book about radio from 1890 through World War Two (written circa 1947) </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-013:#47 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-506 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Biographical Sketch of Charles F. Dalziel (1971) </td> <td>Biographical Sketch of Charles F. Dalziel (1971) </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-082:#506 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-57 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Morris Lewis Groder Collection </td> <td>"Groder's pocket notebook. <p>Broadcast Pioneers History Project, 07/1968 The Mysteries of Television, 1940 First Annual Conference, Television Broadcasters Association, 1944 </p><p>Related Material moved to Library" </p> </td> <td>1940 </td> <td>MB-088:#57 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-606 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Miscellanoues brochures on Radio </td> <td>"- ""Wireless Goods and Electrical Novelties"" The Brooklyn Wireless and Electrical Co, 1910 <p>- De Forest Type T Tubular Audion Bulb, DeForest Radio Telephone & Telegraph Co. - Introducing origial Blue Prints to assist Citizan Radio, Commonwealth Edison C" </p> </td> <td>1910 </td> <td>HB-102:#606 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-608 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Misc. Pamphlets on Early Radio </td> <td>"- FM Radio Stations, October 1950 <p>- The Radio Engineers' Digest, August 1945 - The Radio Engineers' Digest, December 1944 - The Voice from Way Down East, 1923 (nice photographs of radio stations, inside and out)" </p> </td> <td>1923 </td> <td>MB-088:#608 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-616 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Biography/Memorial: Willis Jackson (1971) </td> <td>"- Pamphlet published by the Royal Society, November 1971, 20 pages - One page biography of Jackson, circa 1960 - Contains photograph of Jackson" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#616 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-617 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Autobiography: Leslie Blanchard (1989) </td> <td>"Hand typed transcript in 3-ring binder <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#617 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-618 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Autobiography: Sen. Allan B. Walsh, 1988" </td> <td>"Smouldering Embers Rekindled, Echos of the Gay Nineties by Senator Allan B. Walsh, 115 page transcript." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#618 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-62 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"KDKA Letter, 1921" </td> <td>"Open letter (Feb 18, 1921) inquiring about reception of radio broadcast from KDKA" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-013:#62 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-632 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Dubilier Condenser Materials </td> <td>"- Continental Wireless Telephone and Telegraph Company, NYC, 1910 (Brochure) <p>- The Wonderful Achievements of Radiotelegraphy in War and Peace, William Dubilier NYC, 1919 (3 copies) - A Record of the Invention, Development and Uses of the Dubilier" </p> </td> <td>1910 </td> <td>HB-106:#632 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-689 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Miscellaneous Correspondence, Peter N. Borsi" </td> <td>"- Misc. pieces of correspondence <p>- Modern Electrics Biography of Samuel F.B. Morse, Feb 1913 - Modern Electrics article on Morse's First Telegraph" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-106:#689 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-699 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Miscellaneous Holdings from History Committee General Files </td> <td>"- Correspondence relating to George F. Card, rise of the electrical industry 1969 <p>- Description of Norden-Hauck receiver 1970 - Short anecdotes about early radio and radio receivers 1970 - Correspondence from Pupin, 1932-33 - Explanations of variou" </p> </td> <td>1927 </td> <td>MB-107:#699 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-700 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Miscellaneous Edison Materials </td> <td>"- Reproduction of 21 December 1879 NY Herald Newspaper article on the Edison Light <p>- Light's Golden Jubilee, 1929 - Supplement to May 25, 1929 Electrical World, honoring Edison - Description of Edison's First Industrial Research Lab, prepared by the" </p> </td> <td>1887 </td> <td>MB-107:#700 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-71 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Purington Reports </td> <td>"2 reports: ""Information on early FM Experiments"" (covering the work of the Hammond Laboratories in Jan 1921) and ""Security Systems for Radio Control"" (summarizing the Hammond Group work) <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>1921 </td> <td>HB-013:#71 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-762 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Instructions for the use of Professor Fuller's Calculating Slide Rules </td> <td>"- Instructions for the use of Professor Fuller's Calculating Slide Rule - W.F. Stanley & Co., Ltd. London - No date" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#762 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-793 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Tesla Hall of Fame Certificate </td> <td>"- National Inventors Hall of Fame Certificate of Induction of Nikola Tesla, 9 February 1975" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-10:#793 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-811 </td> <td>Electrical History </td> <td>"Peter Denning Interview, IEEE Computer Society." </td> <td>"Transcript of a 6500 word interview of Peter Denning, done by Dave Walden, IEEE Computer Society History Committee, via a series of emails over July-August 2012. A shorter version was published in the October-December issue of the Annals for the History" </td> <td>2012 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-821 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Laort History of Radio, 1976" </td> <td>"- A Brief History of Radio Communication, Edmund Laport, 1976 - The Short Wave Radio for Newark Police, New York Herald Tribune, 20 August 1933 <p>Newspaper clippings" </p> </td> <td>1933 </td> <td>HB-020:#821 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-853 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Daoud Antoun Daoud Gift </td> <td>"MATERIALS WERE DONATED TO THE IEEE FOUNDATION <p>- Future perspectives of Africa's Hydro-electric energy, February 1994 - A new concept of a horizontal insulator for EHV and UHV overhead transmission lines, 2002 - Art and technology, 1982 - Daoud Re" </p> </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-001:#853 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-89 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Edison Electric Light Sign/Ad </td> <td>"8"" x 12"" sign on heavy paper reading ""This Room is Equipped with Edison Electric Light"" (and more text) is it authentic?" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-013:#89 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-97 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Submarine Signals </td> <td>"booklet: ""Submarine Signals"" by the Submarine Signal Co. of Boston" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#97 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>OB-121 </td> <td>EE History </td> <td>Schallenberg Battery Reference Collection </td> <td>Reference materials for researching the history of the battery </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-024 </td></tr> <tr> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>OB-311 </td> <td>Ellenberger </td> <td>Wash. DC Metro Blueprints (Ell. Box 3) </td> <td>"Packet of electrical plans (18x11"", approx 30 pgs, 1971) from Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority For train station in Washington DC(?) Came to History Center by William Ellenberger (although the details of the transfer are uninvestigated" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-001 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1081 </td> <td>Oral History </td> <td>Oral History Permission Forms </td> <td>Originals of permission/release forms for all oral histories done by the IEEE History center. Permission forms for new oral histories will be added </td> <td>1968 </td> <td>HB-129:1081 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1082 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Larson Videos: releases. </td> <td>"In 2013, the Center for Oak Ridge Oral History (COROH), in conjunction with the George Mason University Archives and Special Collections department (which holds an incomplete collection) began trying to obtain releases for the Video Oral Histories which" </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-129 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1246 </td> <td>Oral History </td> <td>Arno Penias Interview Transcript </td> <td>"Transcript of Parts 1-3 of an interview with Arno Penzias, done by the Rutgers University Office of Television and Radio for the Thomas A. Edison Papers program. Unedited. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-002:#1246 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-126 </td> <td>Oral History </td> <td>"Freed, Roy" </td> <td>"Power and Control <p>This record is for the videotape of the oral history #235 created by Freed's wife (Acc.# 126) It is filed separately from the audio tape. </p><p>Tape digitized for preservation, 5/2010 </p><p><br/> Roy Freed was born in New Haven, Connecticut" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1368 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>IEEE History Center Japanese Electrical Engineers Oral History Project </td> <td>Correspondence re IEEE History Center's Japanese Electrical Engineers Oral History Project </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3211 </td> <td>IEEE History Center/CHEE </td> <td>Notes on Nebeker's IEEE Career. </td> <td>"Chronology compiled by IEEE History Center Senior Research Historian Frederik ""Rik"" Nebeker his career at IEEE, based on Nebeker's old calendar. He compiled this shortly before leaving in preparation for his oral history (Oral History # 564)" </td> <td>1989 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-63 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Polkinghorn Project </td> <td>"Letters pertaining to oral history taping done by Phil Alger (E.F.W. Alexanderson, C.P. Steinmetz, and I. Langmuir) ""A Dissertaion on Charles P. Steinmetz as taken from a tape by Ernest Caldecott"" (1973?)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-016:#63 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-92 </td> <td>Oral History </td> <td>Rad Lab Oral Histories </td> <td>Three folders: - Master hard copy for printing - Printed version with John Bryant's edits - Related paperwork </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-022:#92 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORAL HISTORY </td> <td> </td> <td>OB-1137 </td> <td>Oral History </td> <td>Weber/ Nebeker discussion May 1993 </td> <td>"Frederik Nebeker tape recorded his conversations with Ernst Weber on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of May 1993 in Weber's home in Tryon, North Carolina. In the preceding months Nebeker, employed at the IEEE History Center in New Brunswick New Jersey, had been" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-1124 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade etc. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-135:#1124 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-1141 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the IEEE Secretary for 1964 </td> <td>Reprint of the Annual Report of the IEEE Secretary for 1964 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#1141 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-1242 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Reports </td> <td>"IEEE Standards Board Annual Report 1991 <p>Regional Activites Board Annual Report 1996 IEEE Annual Report 1999, 2003, 2006 " </p> </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>MB-088:#1242 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-1378 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Today </td> <td>Highlights of the year 1961-1962. This is the annual report of the AIEE. It was the last one issued before the merger (though the merger had already been approved.) </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-21 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Annual Report 1980-1988; 1999-2013 <p>Annual Reports" </p> </td> <td>"1980, 1981, 1983-1986, 1999-2013 <p>Note; No separate Annual Report issued 1988-1998. Not sure if a reporrt was issued in 1987. A short annual report was published in the Institute during years when no stand-alone report was issued. Beginning in 2012 o" </p> </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>MB-005:#21 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3283 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1963 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3284 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1964 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3285 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1965 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3286 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1966 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3287 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1967 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3288 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1968 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3289 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1969 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3290 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1970 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3291 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1971 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3292 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1972 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3293 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1973 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3294 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1974 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3295 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1975 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3296 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1976 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3297 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1977 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3298 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1978 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3299 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1979 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3300 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1980 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3301 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1981 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3302 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1982 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3303 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1983 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3304 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1984 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3305 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1985 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Originally in hard copy format." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3306 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1986 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3307 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1987 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3308 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1988 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3309 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1989 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3310 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1990 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3311 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1991 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3312 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1992 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3313 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1993 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3314 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1994 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3315 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1995 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3316 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1996 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3317 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1997 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3318 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1998 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-164 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3319 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary 1999 </td> <td>"Compendium of membership and related statistics by region, section, society, chapter, grade, etc. <p>Original hard copy is also available." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-3637 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The IEEE Year in Review: 1999 </td> <td>A Confidential Report for IEEE Volunteers and Staff. </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-666 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Report of the Secretary, 1930-1962" </td> <td>"In HB-17: <p>Softbound copies of 1957, 1958 and 1962 copies, marked Confidential, Not for Publication </p><p>On archives bookshelf: </p><p>Hardbound copies, 1930-1962" </p> </td> <td>1930 </td> <td>"HB-017:#666, Bookshelf (archives)" </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-774 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Annual Reports--Secretary, TAB" </td> <td>"2 folders: <p>- 1990 Annual Report of the Secretary - 1991 TAB Annual Report - 1993 Annual Report of the Secretary - 1994 Annual Report of the Secretary - 1995 Annual Report of the Secretary " </p> </td> <td>1983 </td> <td>HB-117:#774 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-825 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Annual Report of the Secretary, 1980-1984" </td> <td>The Annual Reports of the IEEE contain membership statistics as well as information for all organizational units within the IEEE. </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>MB-125:#825 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-830 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Annual Report of the Secretary. 1985-1991 </td> <td>The Annual Reports of the IEEE contain membership statistics as well as information for all organizational units within the IEEE. </td> <td>1985 </td> <td>MB-125:#830 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ANNUAL REPORT </td> <td>AR-951 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Annual Report, 2004" </td> <td>Financials - Membership statistics - Awards - Milestones - Standards </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#951 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>ETHICS </td> <td>OB-73 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE code of ethics poster </td> <td>"IEEE code of ethics (approved February 18, 1979) mounted on cardboard 16x12" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-001 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>EVENTS </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_1902" title="Archives:AIEE Annual Dinner Program/Menu, 1902">AR-293</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Annual Dinner Program/Menu, 1902" </td> <td>"Program/Menu for the AIEE Annual Dinner, January 13, 1902, which honored Guglielmo Marconi. The program is signed by Marconi, Steinmetz, Thomson, Bell, Sprague, Pupin, and Percy Sanderson (the British General Counsel in New York.) The menu includes""pota" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#293 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-117 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Transcript of Special Meeting RE: Prof. Activities for IEEE </td> <td>"Transcript & pertinent memos of special IEEE membership meeting, held Jan 9, 1973, ""For the purpose of considering & Passing upon an amendment to the certificate of consolidation of the Corp. to include professional activities."" joyce #s: acc#GA-80, c" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#117 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-1245 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Annual Election Biographies and Statements </td> <td>Election pamphlets containing brief biographies and statements of the candidates </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>MB-088:#1245 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-1266 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Constitutions </td> <td>"Collection of photocopies of AIEE Constitutions 1884-1962, taken from AIEE Yearbooks and other original sources." </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>HB-151 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-1277 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Constitutions </td> <td>"Collection of photocopies of IRE Constitutions 1912-1962, taken from AIEE Yearbooks and other original sources." </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-151 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-2059 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Rules </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1885 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-467 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"The Society of Wireless Telegraph Engineers Constitution, 1910" </td> <td>Photocopy of the Constitution </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-066:#467 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-468 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Charter Members - The Institute of Radio Engineers </td> <td>Mimeograph copy of the Roster of IRE Charter members from SWTE and WI (no date) </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-066:#468 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-487 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Constitution, 1913" </td> <td>"- Photocopy of the 1913 IRE Constitution, also includes Officers, Committees and list of members." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-068:#487 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-529 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Constitution & Bylaws, 1884" </td> <td>"The ""Rules"" booklets covers the following topics: Objects, Membership, Dues ($5.00), Officers, Elections, Meetings, Papers and Amendments." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-086:#529 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" class="internal" title="AIEE Certificate of Incorporation April 1913.pdf">AR-547</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Certificate of Incorporation of AIEE, 1913" </td> <td>Amendment increased the number of Directors from 21 to 23 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-091:#547 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" class="mw-redirect" title="Archives:Society of Wireless Telegraph Engineers Charter">AR-61</a> </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Society of Wireless Telegraph Engineers Charter </td> <td>"- Charter for SWTE, signed June 12, 1908 by 10 men, including John Stone Stone - Boston, MA" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-010:#61 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-664 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Index to Constitution & Bylaws </td> <td>"- Black binder (1954, approximate) containing: <ul><li>Index of the IRE Constitution & Bylaws</li> <li>Abstracts from New York State Corporate Law</li> <li>Constitution of the IRE</li> <li>IRE Bylaws"</li></ul> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-017:#664 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-667 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Constitution & Bylaws, 1956" </td> <td>"- Proposed Constitution & Bylaws, IRE - IRE Constitution & Bylaws, Proposed Changes" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-017:#667 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-67 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Bylaws, 1965, 1989, 1998; IEEE Bylaws and Constitution 1999" </td> <td>"- IEEE Bylaws, January 1989 (missing) <p>- IEEE Bylaws, January, 1965 IEEE Bylaws, 1998 IEEE Bylaws and Constitution 1999" </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-090:#67 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-74 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Founder Society Agreement, 1916" </td> <td>"Agreement between Founder Societies and United Engineering Society Dated 1916, very fragile Joyce #s: Acc #GA-80 control #32" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-027:#74 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GOVERNANCE </td> <td>AR-792 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Society of Wireless Telegraph Engineers Original Charter, 1908" </td> <td>Original charter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Dated: 17 July 1908 </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-10:#792 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>GUESTBOOK </td> <td>AR-370 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Foreign Guest Register (IRE) </td> <td>"8"" x 10.5"" ledger book with label on front reading ""Foreign Guest Register"" entries on 15 pages, dating from January 1948 to August 1964. 19 December 2005: Per Pat (Lech) Suffield, a former IRE staff member, there was always a Register at the Front Des" </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>HB-010:#370 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>MEETINGS </td> <td>AR-3731 </td> <td>AIEE </td> <td>"Boston Program, AIEE National Meeting, held by Long Distance Telephone, Photocopy" </td> <td>"On May 16, 1916 AIEE held a national meeting simultaneously in San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The sites were connected together via AT&T's long distance telephone. This was one of a series of events that AT&T held to" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-1114 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Organization Roster March 1999 <p>Part 1 Corporate Organization Part 2 Technical Organization. </p><p>March 2000 Part 1 only (Corporate Organization)" </p> </td> <td>"List of IEEE Executive Director and Key Staff; regional maps, lists of members of all standing committees and boards; IEEE representatives to outside organizations. IEEE Society Codes, and index; Society Officials, council members, and committee members." </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-135:#1114 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-1125 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Organization Roster. Part III, Geographical Organization." </td> <td>"10 Directories, one for each IEEE Region. Directories of all volunteers in each region, first regional board members, and then volunteer leaders in each section, subsection, and student branch. Each volume contains an index." </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-190 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-1261 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Organization Manual </td> <td>"Hardbound AIEE Organization Manuals: <p>1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 </p><p>Includes: Bylaws; Conference Schedule; Constitution; District Territories; General Information; Meetings-Schedule; Membership Statistics' Personnel; Scopes-" </p> </td> <td>1958 </td> <td>Bookshelf (archives) </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-1264 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Organization Roster March 1997, 1998, 2000 <p>Part 2 Technical Organization." </p> </td> <td>"List of IEEE Technical Activities Staff; . IEEE Society Codes, and index; Society Officials, council members, and committee members, TAB standing committees and forums, IEEE Board of Directors and executive Committees.." </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-150 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-1278 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Officers, Commitees, and Sections. 1884-1949" </td> <td>"Collection of photocopies of AIEE Officers, Committees and Section Listings 1884-1949, taken from AIEE Yearbooks and other original sources." </td> <td>1884 </td> <td>HB-153 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-1279 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Officers, Commitees, and Sections.1950-1962" </td> <td>"Collection of photocopies of AIEE Officers, Committees and Section Listings 1950-1962, taken from AIEE Yearbooks and other original sources." </td> <td>1950 </td> <td>HB-153 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-1280 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Officers, Commitees, and Sections. 1912-1963" </td> <td>"Collection of photocopies of IRE Officers, Committees and Section Listings 1912-1962, taken from IRE Yearbooks and other original sources." </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-153 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-2056 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Officers and Members of the Council </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1891 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-2057 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Officers and Members of the Council </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1892 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-2058 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Officers and Members of the Council </td> <td>"For original microfilm see object ID AR-857. Physical location A-7, box MB-110. <p>" </p> </td> <td>1896 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-3198 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Organization Roster Part 1, Corporate Organization, March 1992." </td> <td>"lists of committees and boards; representatives to other organizations, regional map," </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-3751 </td> <td> </td> <td>"New Directors' Orientation, 1989" </td> <td>"New Directors' Orientation, 1989 <p>From Joyce Bedi" </p> </td> <td>1989 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-3910 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE New Directors' Orientation January 12-13 1978 </td> <td>"Records of two day new directors orientation. Agenda, and copies of all presentations by staff department heads.. Provides a high level overview of IEEE Activities as of the date. Includes tours of both New York and New Jersey facilities, and all major" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-4605 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Guidelines for Recommending Nominees for Service to the IEEE </td> <td>"Single page of guidelines with cover note from Donald Fink to Emily Surjane noting that Senior Member, and Past President of the Society of Women Engineers Aileen Cavanaugh had brought to Fink's attention that the document referred only to men. Fink aske" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-4612 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE E-Mail Volunteer Directory </td> <td>"Alphabetical directory of IEEE Volunteers with Email Aliases, and major volunteer activity. Notable as use of email throughout IEEE volunteers before the World Wide Web." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-546 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Committee and Representatives, 1953-1954 & 1955-1956" </td> <td>"AIEE Committee and Representatives: Committees, Officers, Scope of Technical Committees, Sections and Subsections, District Executive Committees, Student Branches, Constitution and Bylaws" </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-091:#546 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-548 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Organization Manual </td> <td>Softbound AIEE Organization Manuals 1956-1957/1957-1958/1958-1959/1959-1960/1960-1961/1961-196 2 1962/1963 Bylaws; Conference Schedule; Constitution; District Territories; General Information; Meetings-Schedule; Membership Statistics' Personnel; Scopes-D </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>HB-091:#548 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-669 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Manuals, 1960" </td> <td>"Manual for IRE Regional Directors <p>IRE Professional Group Manual, 01/01/1960" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-016:#669 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-816 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Organization Roster, 1973-1977" </td> <td>Geographical organization rosters </td> <td>1973 </td> <td>HB-121:#816 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-823 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1978 New Directors' Orientation </td> <td>"- Presentations from Field Services (Regional Activities), IEEE Overview, Financial, Educational Activities, Data Processing, Professional Services, Administrative Services, Corporate Services & Administration, & Technical Activities <p>- IEEE Fact Shee" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-125:#823 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td>VOLUNTEERS </td> <td>AR-824 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1979 New Directors' Orientation </td> <td>"- Presentations from Field Services (Regional Activities), IEEE Overview, Financial, Educational Activities, Data Processing, Professional Services, Administrative Services, Corporate Services & Administration, & Technical Activities <p>- IEEE Fact Sheet" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-125:#824 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-106 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Espenschied correspondence </td> <td>"Correspondence from Espenschied to Haradan Pratt, Hibshman, Miessner, Dr. Weber, and Whitmore. ""An Account of the Origin of Broadcasting"" Lloyd Espenschied, 7 May 1963 (1-page summary)" </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>MB-020:#106 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-194 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Alfred Goldsmith Materials </td> <td>"- Letters from Goldsmith to Purington Joyce #s: Acc #GA-80 control #145 - Exchange of letters between Purington and IRE Editors - According to a hand written note from Woody Gannett, Purington was ""lead man"" to John Hays Hammond, Jr." </td> <td>1954 </td> <td>HB-028:#194 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-221 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Data Book </td> <td>"Various AIEE documents--see folder for table of contents (original notebook discarded on Jan 24, '95 and contents placed in three folders. no clues as to provenance) - Hickernell Articles on the Institute * Organization and Duties * Activities and S" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-072:#221 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-222 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Hibshman papers </td> <td>"Notebook (discarded on Jan 24, 1995, contents placed into folders) containing printed material, typescript and manuscript (presumably Hibshman's) notes on IEEE history, past presidents, merger, board of directors Joyce #s: Acc #81-24 control #: non" </td> <td>1930 </td> <td>MB-072:#222 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-332 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Popov Society materials </td> <td>"POPOV SOCIETY MATERIALS Box contains correspondence and delegates’ reports from IEEE/Popov Society meetings, 1966-1967. Also contains correspondence and other materials relating to Russian and Eastern European visitors to 1965 and 1966 IEEE conventio" </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>MB-092:#332 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3658 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Origins of the ""International"" Characteristics of IEEE" </td> <td>"2 page memo by CHEE director Ronald Kline with summary of international activity by AIEE and IRE, and adoption of IRE principles by IEEE with attached list of sections in regions 7-10 as of 1983." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3913 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Robert Saunders Correspondence, 1976-1977" </td> <td>"File of correspondence, incoming and outgoing, of Robert Saunders as 1977 IEEE President. Topics include his nomination and election, deaths of several prominent members, guidelines for professional employment, fellow process, membership statistics, Irw" </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-407 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>American Institute of Electrical Engineers National Meeting. Boston Program </td> <td>This was the first national meeting of the AIEE. It was national in the sense that meetings were held simultaneously by AIEE sections in six cities across the country and the meetings were connected by AT&T's long distance telephone service. The citie </td> <td>1916 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-437 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Papers of the AIEE President 1958-1959 - L. F. Hickernell </td> <td>"Papers from Hickernell's term as AIEE President (1 and 2 of 3 bound volumes, located in the Archives, S-5; see also AR-438) Of Interest: - Nomination - News Items - Interview with Hickernell - Officers of the AIEE, 1958-59 - Institute's 75th Anniversar" </td> <td>1958 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-438 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Activities of the AIEE President 1958-1959 - L. F. Hickernell </td> <td>"Bound volume one of 3 on Hickernell (see AR-437 for the other volumes.) , containing a detailed table of contents (Location: S-5) - Proposal to Induction (May 1957-June 1958) - Induction through Inauguration (June 23-August 1, 1958) - Pacific General Mee" </td> <td>1957 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-455 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Binder </td> <td>"- Misc. correspondence from Ernst Weber, 1961 <p>- AIEE Committee for Action Charter (draft) - Special Committee for Organization and Policy Study, 1961 - TIP information - 1955 AIEE Member Survey - AIEE Committee for Action, 1961 - Climate for" </p> </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>MB-025:#455 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4609 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Correspondence Between Goldsmith and Fink re biomedical engineering </td> <td>"Two exchanges of correspondence (with attachments) between Alfred Goldsmith, emeritus editor of the Proceedings and Donald Fink, IEEE General Manager on IEEE becoming active in Biomedical Engineering. Includes a 1965 report by Vladimir Zworyikin on medic" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-507 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Nelson Hibshman correspondence </td> <td>"- Hibshman correspondence 1968, 1970," </td> <td>1968 </td> <td>HB-082:#507 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-559 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Misc. IRE Correspondence </td> <td>"- 1943 IRE Membership Card <p>- War Correspondence Interesting exchange of letters on Radar, IRE & the US Government - IRE Building Fund - Constitutional Amendment raising dues to $10.00, 1945" </p> </td> <td>1944 </td> <td>HB-096:#559 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-603 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Emblem (Original Sketch by Bernard M. Oliver) </td> <td>Also includes correspondence noting the donation of the sketch to the History Center </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-076:#603 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-663 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>1916 Presidential Letter to AIEE </td> <td>"- Letter from President of the United States Woodrow Wilson dated January 13, 1916 to John J. Carty, President of the AIEE and his reply dated January 19, 1916" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-017:#663 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-691 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"PN Nunn Lecture, Salt Lake City, 1927" </td> <td>"-Reminiscences of Early Electrical Development, an address by P.N. Nunn, with an introduction by Paul P. Ashworth, given at the First Joint Meeting of The Utah Society of Engineers, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and the Electrical Leagu" </td> <td>1927 </td> <td>MB-107:#691 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-953 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>United Engineering Society Founders Certificate </td> <td>"Fragile, Original Certificate <p>The AIEE began a member of the Society in 1920 Artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-15:#953 </td></tr> <tr> <td>ORGANIZATION </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-98 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>1915 invitation to Pan-Am Scientific Congress </td> <td>"1915 letter from Secretary of State Lansing to President of IRE inviting him/them(?) to 2nd Pan-American Scientific Congress (Dec 27 1915-Jan 8 1916) <p>artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#98 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PHOTOGRAPHS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-483 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Luchow Photograph #364, description" </td> <td>Listing of individuals in IRE Luchow's Luncheon photograph - Description/background information from Lloyd Espenschied </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-068:#483 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1088 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE book cover </td> <td>"Protective book cover, designed to be used by students to cover and protect a text book. Light blue with back and white trim, ""Institute of Radio Engineers"" and a wave form on front, IRE logo and ""SQ"" on back" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-132:#1088 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-109 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>PR Files, 1980 & 1982" </td> <td>PR releases: 1980 re cessation of relations with Popov Society 1982 various subjects, Membership growth despite dues increase Joyce numbers: Acc#82-8, control #286" </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>MB-020:#109 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1139 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Careers for Electrical Engineers & Computer Scientists </td> <td> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-046:#1138 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1230 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AIEE Certificate given to the IRE for its 50th anniversary </td> <td>"""Scroll of Honor"" presented by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) to Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) on the occasion of its Golden Anniversary" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-28:#1230 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1274 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Promotional Brochures 2004-2009 </td> <td>"3 IEEE promotions brochures: <p>We are people technology knowledge connected global (n.d. circa 2008) </p><p>IEEE Executive Summary (2004) </p><p>Inspiriation, Insight and Innovation (2009) </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-152 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1371 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Dream </td> <td>"Brochure with images of children seeking $6 million in funds to go with $3 million pledged by the IEEE Board for an ""Engineering Tomorrow"" initiative on technological literacy. N.D. circa 2006. 2 copies." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1373 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Enhancing Engineering Careers. </td> <td>"Enhancing Engineering Careers by Fulfilling Individual and Organizational Goals. Conference Record. Task Force on Career Maintenance and Development, US Activities Board." </td> <td>2003 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1411 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity </td> <td>"Glossy promotional booklet giving high level, broad brush description of IEEE. 2 copies. <p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-276 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"First IEEE Delegation to China, '77" </td> <td>"Report of the First IEEE Delegation to the People's Republic of China under the sponsorship of the Chinese Electronics Society authored by Herbert Sherman, et. al. 135 pp. Includes copy of NSF Grant." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-016:#279 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-29 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Trademarks </td> <td>"Variety of documents relating to IEEE trademarks, including those of Proceedings, Spectrum and the transfer of trademarks from IRE and AIEE to IEEE <p>Industrial Electronics Control Instrumentation and Design Intermag Symbol Internaitonal Convention Reco" </p> </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-006:#29 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3201 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Project Lightning </td> <td>IEEE Branding Project. Summary of Activities to Date. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3203 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Understanding the IEEE Brand </td> <td>Glossy Brochure on proper use and additional use of the IEEE brand. 2 copies. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3235 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Center for Leadership, Become a Better Leader. An IEEE Volunteer & Member Training Portal" </td> <td>Four page color brochure on an IEEE online training portal for volunteers. Distributed at 2011 Sections Congress. </td> <td>2011 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-331 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>ISRC-Popov Society </td> <td>INTERSOCIETY RELATIONS COMMITTEE (ISRC)-- POPOV SOCIETY FILES Materials given by ISRC. Box H contains correspondence and delegates’ reports relating to IEEE/Popov Society meetings from 1968 through 1976. Part of larger US/USSR cultural/scientific e </td> <td>1968 </td> <td>MB-091:#331 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3494 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Calendar 1995 </td> <td>Monthly calendar with each month illustrated with a full page historical photograph provided by IEEE. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3503 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Report of the Industry/Founder Societies Forum on Engineering Manpower </td> <td>"Report of a meeting of 80 people, representing all 5 founder societies (IEEE, AIChE, AIMMPE, ASCE, ASME) on some of the nation's current problems in Engineering Manpower." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3537 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE: The Institute of Electical Engineers Inc. </td> <td>"Brochure, 8.5"" x 4"" providing overview of IEEE and its activities. No date, but likely early 1990s." </td> <td>1990 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3664 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Careers for Electrical Engineers & Computer Scientists </td> <td>"One of the titles in the Sloan Career Cornerstone Series. The Sloan Foundation provided support for eleven professional associations in engineering, physical sciences and mathermatics to produce and distribute CDs to encourage students to consider career" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3906 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Report of the IEEE Computer Society Delegation to the People's Republic of China Under the Sponsorship of the Chinese Electronics Society </td> <td>"Trip by a delegation of IEEE Computer Society Members and their spouses to multiple cities in China, September 29 through October 18, 1978. 136 page report, describing itinierary, discussion by topic (software, production technology, etc.) and then a se" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3907 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Chinese Institute of Electronics Delegation to the United States of America </td> <td>"October - November 1979 <p>Several related documents: </p><p>Booklet with list of delegation members, Itinerary of visit to IEEE, New York, November 15 IEEE Banquet for attendees, November 15, list of all attendees. </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3908 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Press Releases 1977 </td> <td>"Release topics include <p>Resignation of Executive Director Schulke Fellows announcement Candidate nomination announcement Issuance of position paper on engergy. Support of US bill to prevent ""wage busting."" Appointment of Richard Emberson as acti" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3923 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Color Slim Jim Brochure providing overview of IEEE and its activities. </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3924 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE United States Activities: Promoting the Careers and Technology Policy Interests of Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineers." </td> <td>Color Slim Jim Brochure providing overview of IEEE and its United States activities. </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3934 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Providing Solutions for Today's Innovators: Free IEEE Xplore Demo inside </td> <td>Computer CD Rom with mailing sleeve. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3991 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Promotional Brochure </td> <td>"Promotional brochure briefly detailing IEEE and its activities, circa mid 1990s" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4012 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Promotional Brochures </td> <td>"Various promotional brochures, including: <p>- IEEE United States Activities, 1994 - Professional Practices for Engineers, Scientists and their Employers, 1990 - The Global IEEE and Corporate Competitiveness - IEEE Relationships and Interfaces to International Standards Organizations, 1991 - Shaping the 21st Century, 1994" </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4601 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Letter, Press Release, and analysis of possible IEEE Position on Nuclear Power, and a nuclear power initiative on the ballot in California." </td> <td>"Letter, Press Release, and analysis of possible IEEE Position on Nuclear Power, and a nuclear power initiative on the ballot in California. Also, minutes of a PES meeting with resolution urging membership advocacy the construction of nuclear power plans." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4614 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Publicity Guide </td> <td>Produced by IEEE Corporate Strategy and Communications Group for guidance of volunteers and staff. </td> <td>2002 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4615 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Publicity Guide for IEEE Sections, Chapters, and Branches." </td> <td>"Produced by IEEE Corporate Strategy and Communications Group for guidance of volunteers and staff. Undated, but earlier than AR-4614." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4616 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Executive Summary </td> <td>Glossy single fold on card stock. Three page overview of IEEE. </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4618 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 1986 Directors' Slides </td> <td>Set of 26 slides for IEEE Directors to use in general talks on IEEE. Gives overall information and statistics on IEEE. </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4619 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE 1996 Technical Experts Guide. </td> <td>Guide to provide news media with contacts for IEEE experts in each IEEE field. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-660 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Visit of the Chinese Electronics Society of the Peoples Republic of China </td> <td>"5 May - 28 May 1978 (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Boston & New York <p>- CES Invitions to Dinner - Delegation (listing) of the Chinese Electronics Society to the USA - Correspondence - May 1978 Calendar showing their daily activities" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-016:#660 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-661 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Delegation of Chinese Society of Electrical Engineerings to USA </td> <td>"14 July 1978 - 13 August 1978, coordinated by the IEEE Power Engineering Society - Itinerary" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-016:#661 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-757 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>American Engineering Societies European Tour </td> <td>"- Representatives of American Societies of Civil, Mining, and Mechanical Engineers, and Guests <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1889 </td> <td>FB-08:#757 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-785 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Merchandise Program: Display Your Membership Proudly </td> <td>"Color catalog and price list of IEEE Promotional merchandize. No date, but likely mid-1990s from logo version, and from Denver section material it was found with." </td> <td>1990 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-820 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Pamphlets </td> <td>"Accomplishments of the IEEE in the Engineering World, 1943 (missing) <p>The Electrical Engineer: Some Facts concerning Electrical Engineering as a Career, 1949 (Issued to high school students and their advisors) Climate for AIEE, Fall General Meeting" </p> </td> <td>1943 </td> <td>HB-020:#820 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-96 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Invitation to Sarnoff dinner </td> <td>"Invitation to dinner honoring David Sarnoff on his 60th Anniversary (September 1966) in communications (multiple copies) Hosted by IEEE, Electronics Industry Association and National Association of Broadcasters Joyce #'s: Acc#82-7, control# 284" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#96 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PR </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-960 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Lines and Waves Poster </td> <td>"- Exhibit poster - Produced by CHEE, 1981" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-29:#960 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>History Center publications filed under History Center </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>AIEE STUDENT EE DIGEST </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="Archives:AIEE Student EE Digest">AR-446</a> </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Student EE Digest </td> <td>"- Vol. 1, No. 1, September 1959 <p>- Vol. II, No. 5, May 1961 - Vol. 3, No. 1, September 1961 - Vol. 3, No. 2, November 1961 - Vol. 3, No. 3, January 1962 - Vol. 3, No. 4, March 1962 - Vol. 3, No. 5, May 1962" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>FB-02:#446 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1076 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Misc. IEEE Publications </td> <td>"- 1990 IEEE Publications Catalog. <p>- 1994 Volunteer Leaders and Staff of the IEEE Computer Society - 1997 IEEE Catalog (publications) - 2000 IEEE Catalog (publications) - 2001 IEEE Products & Publications Bulletin - 2001 IEEE Subscription Price" </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-127:#1076 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1085 </td> <td>AIEE </td> <td>"AIEE Brochure, 1961announcing 3 new journals from Russia" </td> <td>Brochure announcing and soliciting subscriptions for 3 USSR Journals which the AIEE will be publishing in translation: Radio Engineering and Electron Physics; Telecommunications; and Radio Engineering. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-001:#1085 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1094 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Publications Catalogs 1991-1996 </td> <td>"Annual Catalogs of IEEE print publications, including periodicals, books, conference publications, videos, self-study courses, microforms and membership directories, with order forms and indexes" </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>HB-133:#1094 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1095 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Catalogs 1997-2001 </td> <td>"Printed catalogs listing Books, Conference Proceedings, Electronic Products, Periodicals/Microforms, Self Study Courses, standards, Mixed Media, Subscription Plans, and ordering information" </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-133:#1095 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1111 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Catalogs 1998-2001 </td> <td>"Annual catalogs of IEEE products, including membership (with application), books, conference proceedings, electronic products/CD-Rom, Mixed media. periodicals, self study courses, standards, subscription plans etc. <p>Artifact" </p> </td> <td>1998 </td> <td>HB-135:#1111 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1113 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Computer Society Publications Catalogs 1998, 2000" </td> <td>"IEEE Computer Society Publications Catalogs 1998, 2000 Catalog of books published, with authors, titles and descriptions." </td> <td>1998 </td> <td>HB-135:#1113 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1115 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Subscription Price List, 2001 and 2002" </td> <td>"Subscription Rates for all IEEE Journals, Transactions, Magazines, Conference Proceedings, and Electronic Packages" </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>HB-135:#1115 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1118 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Education Catalog ca.1999 </td> <td>"Catalog of IEEE Education programs in the following media: book, CD-Rom, Self-Study Course, Video, Video-on-demand. Video-on-Demand are web-based courses." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-135:#1118 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-1123 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>1999 IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package </td> <td>"Brochure gives prices for packages of IEEE periodicals, as well as for individual periodicals" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-135:#1123 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>CATALOGS </td> <td>AR-610 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Coupon Book </td> <td>"For purchasing preprints of technical papers, Value $9.00 (30 coupons), some coupons are missing." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#610 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-549 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Articles for EE 1940-1957 </td> <td>Listing of Article titles for the AIEE Electrical Engineering publication </td> <td>1940 </td> <td>HB-092 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-550 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Electrical Engineering Fiftieth Anniversary AIEE 1884-1934 </td> <td>"Commemorative Issue of AIEE's Electrical Engineering, May 1934 NOTE: Multiple copies, including one hard bound <p>1 Copy on exhibit" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-092:#550 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-551 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Electrical Engineering AIEE May 1959 75th Anniversary </td> <td>Hard and soft bound issue of AIEE's Electrical Engineering magazine </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-092:#551 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-605 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Electrical Engineering Magazine, May 1940" </td> <td>Single Issue. Main article on Lighting the new York World's Fair (1939) </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-102:#605 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-612 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Reprint: Electrical Engineering: Color, Light, and Structure" </td> <td>"at Golden Gate Exposition, (June 1939)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#612 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING </td> <td>AR-613 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Reprint: Electrical Engineering: Lighting the NY World's Fair, May 1940" </td> <td>Contains some wonderful color photographs </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#613 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>IEEE COMPUTER MAGAZINE </td> <td>AR-3535 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Computer Magazine, Chinese Language edition, May 2014" </td> <td>Example of Chinese language IEEE Publication. </td> <td>2014 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>IEEE ELECTRONIC LIBRARY </td> <td>AR-1234 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE/IEE Electronic Library User Guide </td> <td>Manual for using IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL). Includes 4 CD-ROMs featuring IEL publications. Items removed from binder and placed in folder </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-139:#1234 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-441 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"""IRE Presidents Book""" </td> <td>"Bound Volume of Proceedings of the IRE, Vol. 1, No. 1 signed by each IRE President, January 1913 <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-126:#441 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/,_1937" title="Archives:History of the IRE, 1937">AR-469</a> </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>History of the IRE by R.H. Marriott (1937) </td> <td>"Typed history of the IRE (carbon copy paper) In a cover memo from Alfred N. Goldsmith he notes that it should be kept in the Institute files, although it is not ""sufficiently complete or uniformly accurate"" There are 7 parts to this history." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-066:#469 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-470 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>The IRE: From Acorn to Oak </td> <td>"Alfred N. Goldsmith and John V.L. Hogan This was a ""conversation"" between Goldsmith and Hogan, recorded on 22 February 1952 in preparation of the Annual Meeting of the IRE on 3 March 1952. A cover letter from Haradan Pratt (27 January 1968) corrects som" </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>HB-066:#470 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-505 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"A Brief History of the Origin and Growth of IEEE, J.D. Tebo (1973)" </td> <td>"- A Brief History of the Origin and Growth of IEEE, J.D. Tebo (1973)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-082:#505 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-531 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE History File, 1887-1973" </td> <td>"- One page sheet showing location of AIEE offices from 1884 to 1907 - One page sheet showing Meetings and Awards dates <p>- International Engineering Congresses - History: A Union Home for Engineering Societies, 1934 - Business Proceedings of the IEEE" </p> </td> <td>1887 </td> <td>HB-086:#531 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>AR-665 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"The IRE: From Acorn to Oak, 1952" </td> <td>"- Tape recording and transcription of talk by Goldsmith and Hogan at the IRE Annual Meeting during 1952 National Convention, <p>2 copies of tape 5 copies of transcription Audio/Video/Computer </p><p>Digitized and posted on GHN, 5/13" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-017:#665 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>OB-286 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Whittemore IRE History Index </td> <td>"Whittemore IRE History Index <p>4x6 index card file on IRE history, compiled by Laurens E. Whittemore. Subject headings include ""constitution and by-laws"", ""Foreign Membership"", ""Standardization"", ""Conventions"", ""JTAC"", ""Finances"" & many more work done" </p> </td> <td>1912 </td> <td>HB-194 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY </td> <td>OB-65 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Making of a Profession </td> <td>"Documents pertaining to the writing and production of A. Michael McMahon's ""The Making of a Profession"", including copyright form, etc. many comments from Jack Ryder, Jim Brittain and Reed Crone" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-016 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>LIFE MEMBERS </td> <td>AR-619 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Legacies Project: Autobiographicxal Project, 1988" </td> <td>"background: The Field Services Department (now Regional Activities/2008: now Member and Geographic Activities) started a project with the Life Members Committee that resulted in a compilation of stories from LM. The Book is Legacies, edited by Mary Camp" </td> <td>1988 </td> <td>MB-088:#619 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>AR-192 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>DeForest: The Audion </td> <td>"Hand written ""E.J. recently came across this fragment of my 1906 preliminary paper, outlining the Audion Tube, which I finally presented, in condensed form, to the AIEE, you will find these interesting reading"" Portion of MS of ""The audion"", AIEE Transac" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#192 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>AR-193 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Robert H. Marriot Autobiography, 1952" </td> <td>"""Radio Ancestors"", Marriot's autobiography hand typed transcript, presented to the IRE by Mrs. Blanche B. Marriott, January 1952" </td> <td>1937 </td> <td>HB-028:#193 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>AR-197 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Haraden Pratt materials </td> <td>"two copies of the typescript ""Sixty Years of Wireless and Radio Reminisences"" Joyce #s: Acc #81-13 control #166" </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>HB-028:#197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>AR-198 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Haraden Pratt materials </td> <td>"Photocopy of the typescript ""autobiographical notes"" , April 30, 1967 (Pratt died in 1969), 17 pages" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#198 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>AR-200 </td> <td>Spectrum Collection </td> <td>Marriot materials </td> <td>"Published version of ""Radio Ancestors: An Autobiography by Robert H. Marriott"", condensed by Haraden Pratt Joyce #s: Acc #81-13 control #172" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>AR-201 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Ivan Coggeshall materials </td> <td>"7 page autobiography, in outline form Joyce #s: Acc #81-13 control #181" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-028:#201 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td><a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="First-Hand:A Brief History of the Moorehead Laboratories of San Francisco and its Successor the A-P Radio Laboratories">AR-249</a> </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Moorehead typescript </td> <td>"Typescript of ""A Brief History of the Moorehead Laboratories of San Francisco and its successor the A-P Radio Laboratories"" by Frank A. Polkinghorn Joyce #s: Acc # 81-15A Control #: no control #(?)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#249 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>AR-615 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Biography: Amos Emerson Dolbear (1963) </td> <td>"Typed biography in black binder, by Inza Dolbear. 218 pages <p>Mixed" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#615 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>MANUSCRIPTS </td> <td>PW-3603 </td> <td> </td> <td>A History of Radio Communication at Wavelengths Less Than One Meter </td> <td>"Hand typed transcript Department of Electrical Engineering, MIT, May 1944" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-1053 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Hagelin Cryptographers </td> <td>"- An Analysis, by Lewis Winner - 1942 - Marked Confidential - Deals with the machines" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-124:#1053 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-219 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Pope's ""Electrical Magazine""" </td> <td>"The Electrial Magazine, vol. III, no.1 (Jan. 31, 1905), Issue bound in red leather paperboard (covers are off, but present), embossed w/name Ralph W. Pope on front and The Circular Tour--Feilden 1904, on spine. issue has extended report on IEE members'" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-072:#219 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-566 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>The Phonofilm </td> <td>"Booklet, authored by Lee DeForest, Reprinted from Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (not dated)" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-097:#566 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-611 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"The Independent, March 29, 1924" </td> <td>"A fortnighly journal <p>Article on taxing Energy, Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-088:#611 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-761 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Bell Laboratories Record, 1948" </td> <td>"- August 1948 - Announcing the invention of the transistor - Shockley, Brattain and Bardeen on front cover" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#761 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>NON-IEEE </td> <td>AR-952 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Suffield Newspaper Article 1962 </td> <td>1 May 1962 Omaha World Herald article on IEEE LF Suffield and the ruby laser </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-025:#952 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC AIEE </td> <td>AR-558 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Proceedings of the AIEE, 1916, 1917" </td> <td>"- Proceedings of the AIEE, September 1916 <p>- Proceedings of the AIEE, July 1917 (in exhibit)" </p> </td> <td>1916 </td> <td>HB-095:#558 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IEEE </td> <td>AR-3238 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Proceedings of the IEEE: Join us in our 100 Year Celebration. </td> <td>"4 page brochure publicizing the special issues and articles planned for 2012 as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Proceedings, and soliciting subscriptions." </td> <td>2011 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-1080 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>May 1962 Proceedings of the IRE </td> <td>"50th Anniversary Issue, located on Shelf 1 B-7. One copy on exhibit 11/10" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>1080 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-3455 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, Unbound copies 1959-1962" </td> <td>"These unbound copies of the Proceedings of the IRE are important because they contain news of the IRE and advertising that were published in separately numbered ""a"" pages, and therefore omitted from bound volumes.. <p>Missing issues: </p><p>1959 No. 9, Septe" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-457 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, 1914" </td> <td>"Bound edition of the Proceedings, four issues, including Index: - March - June - September - December" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#457 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-458 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, 1913" </td> <td>"Bound edition of the Proceedings of the IRE, 1913: - January - April - July - December" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#458 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-459 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Index of the Proceedings of the IRE, 1909-1926, Inclusive" </td> <td>Index of the Proceedings </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#459 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-460 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, August 1919" </td> <td>"Three copies of the Proceedings of the IRE, August 1919, Vol. 7, No. 4" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#460 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-461 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, August 1922" </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, August 1922, Vol. 10, No. 4" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#461 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-4613 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Standards on Radio Receivers, 1947" </td> <td>Methods of testing frequency-modulated Broadcast Receivers. FM. 15 pages. </td> <td>1947 </td> <td>HB-169 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-462 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, October 1926" </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, October 1926, Vol. 14, No. 5" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#462 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-463 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, May 1937" </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, May 1937, Vol. 25, No. 5 NOTE: Silver Anniversary" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#463 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-464 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, May 1952" </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, May 1952, Vol. 40, No. 5 Note: 40th Anniversary issue" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-062:#464 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-465 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Rebuttal to the Critique Master Copy </td> <td>"Written by the IRE History Committee, it's a rebuttal to a paper published in the Proceedings of the IRE by Lloyd Espenschied, ""Critique of the Hammond-Purington Paper Entitled ""A History of Some Foundations of Mondern Radio-Electronic Tecfhnology"", Sept" </td> <td>1958 </td> <td>HB-062:#465 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-472 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Electronics and the IRE-1967 </td> <td>"Photocopy of an article by Donald G. Fink, Proceedings of the IRE, Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1957 It is a look forward by Fink, of the IRE in the next ten years." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-066:#472 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-482 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Radio Progress During 1937 </td> <td>"Reprinted from the Proceedings of the IRE, March, 1938, Volume 26, Number 3" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-068:#482 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-561 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, 1925-1929" </td> <td>"Soft bound issues: <p>- Proceedings of the IRE, August 1925 - Proceedings of the IRE, August 1927 - Proceedings of the IRE, February 1929 -Proceedings of the IRE May 1929 " </p> </td> <td>1922 </td> <td>HB-096:#561 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-607 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Proceedings of the IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE Volume 16, Number 4, April 1928 <p>Proceedings of the IRE Volume 16, Number 1, January 1928" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-102:#607 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-680 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, 1913, V. 1, Parts 1 & 4" </td> <td>Edited by alfred N. Goldsmith </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-097:#680 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>PROC IRE </td> <td>AR-681 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Proceedings of the IRE, 1914, V. 2, No. 2, 3, 4" </td> <td>Edited by Alfred N. Goldsmith </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-097:#681 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-166 </td> <td>Spectrum Collection </td> <td>Spectrum(?) records-reaccessioned </td> <td>"Bankers box delivered anonymously (from Spectrum?) to archives room. Discovered there 12/2/94. gift #94-10 Preliminary processing, Feb '95--this Acc record superceeded by Acc #s 165, 209, 210, 211, 234, 236, 237 <p>mixed </p><p>Centennial Materials" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-026:#166 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3189 </td> <td>Finn Collection </td> <td>Electrotechnology and the Engineer </td> <td>Electrotechnology and the Engineer: A Survey of Attitudes among IEEE Members. An IEEE Spectrum--Louis Harris survey. 93 pages plus appendix. </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-012 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3408 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum Redbook </td> <td>"Originally in red 3-ring binder. Multipart guide to procedures and standards for staff at IEEE Spectrum magazine. Most parts are mimeographed, with various dates from 1976 and 1982. <p>Tabbed section headings: </p><p>I. IEEE Policies and Procedures. </p><p>I" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3409 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum Editorial Manual </td> <td>"Originally in 3-ring binder. Multipart guide to procedures and standards for staff at IEEE Spectrum magazine. <p>Tabbed section headings: </p><p>I. IEEE Policies and Procedures. </p><p>II. SPECTRUM Policy and Procedures </p><p>III. SPECTRUM staff. </p><p>IV. Editor" </p> </td> <td>1976 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3410 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum report to the Executive Committee </td> <td>"Report on Spectrum for the IEEE Executive Committee. Prepared by Donald Christiansen, Editor and Publisher IEEE Spectrum. 8 pagef report largely on budgetary projections, and additional supporting and background material. Spectrum was in poor financial" </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3411 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Spectrum/Institute Advisory Board minutes of September 16, 1991" </td> <td>"Meeting minutes sent to members of the IEEE Executive Committee and the IEEE Publications Board on October 18, 1991" </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3412 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Spectrum/Institute Advisory Board meeting of September 16, 1991: material prepared in advance in the meeting." </td> <td>Planning documents and correspondence in advance of this meeting. </td> <td>1991 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3413 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Spectrum/Institute Advisory Board meeting of December 14, 1987, minutes and : material prepared in advance in the meeting, correspondence" </td> <td>"Meeting minutes, Planning documents and correspondence in advance of this meeting." </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3414 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Spectrum/Institute Advisory Board meeting of December 13, 1998, minutes and : material prepared in advance in the meeting, correspondence" </td> <td>"Meeting minutes, Planning documents and correspondence in advance of this meeting." </td> <td>1988 </td> <td>HB-175 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3419 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The Gay Engineer </td> <td>"IEEE Spectrum article, February 2005, ""The Gay Engineer"" and samples of the correspondence received by Spectrum in response. <p>According to Jean Kumagai, Spectrum, ""This article generated a lot of reader outrage. IEEE President Cleon Anderson was among" </p> </td> <td>2005 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3420 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Will U.S. sacntions have Chilling Effect on Scholarly Publishing., Spectrum November 2013" </td> <td>"Story on effects of U.S. trade sanctions. restrictions on dealings with Iran, plus much background information, internal correspondence, and correspondence received after publication. <p>According to Jean Kumagai, Spectrum writing in 2013, "" We ran this" </p> </td> <td>2003 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3421 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum Website Redesign 2005 </td> <td>"Printout of Spectrum website design, 2005." </td> <td>2005 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3422 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Agendas for Spectrum Editorial Board and Editorial Advisory Board. </td> <td>"Agendas, with occasional supporting documents for <p>various meeting over the years." </p> </td> <td>2000 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3423 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Spectrum 2000: Mapping a Course in a Changing Environment. </td> <td>"Several drafts, marked confidential, as well as a set of power point slides. <p>Plans to keep IEEE Spectrum competitive and financially viable in a changing environment by a redesign and relaunch for 2001. Done with Susan Hassler, newly named editor o" </p> </td> <td>2000 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3424 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum Stylebook. </td> <td>Useage guide for Spectum authors and editors. </td> <td>1987 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3425 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Spectrum Stylebook, revised 2002." </td> <td>Useage guide for Spectum authors and editors. </td> <td>2002 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3426 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Spectrum Guide to Authors, revised 5/94" </td> <td>Guide for Spectum authors on how to write an article for Spectrum. </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3427 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Spectrum Radio Program </td> <td>"Several documents relationg to the start of IEEE Spectrum radio programming in 2004. <p>Jean Kumagai, Spectrum, noted in 2013: "" The Spectrum Staff began doing radio reporting in 2004. The original plan was to do a 1 hour ""magazine"" style show. More r" </p> </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3428 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Spectrum Standard Freelancer's contract, 2001" </td> <td>Sample contract used with freelance authors for Spectrum </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3429 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Editorial Guidance Study conducted for IEEE Spectrum March 13, 2002" </td> <td>"Conducted by Harvey Research in November 2001 to learn more about the professional interests and activities of IEEE Spectrum readers. <p>Sixteen page executive summary only; 120 page full report not included." </p> </td> <td>2002 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3430 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum 20: A Centennial Yearbook. </td> <td>"Summary of the evolutuion and achievements of Spectrum over its first 20 years, 1964-1983. Published in 1984 as part of IEEE's centennial." </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3431 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Spectrum November 2004: 40th Anniversary Special Issue. </td> <td>"Special Issue including look at predictions made in past issues of Spectrum, Forty technology leaders looking at the past and pondering the future; special features on Electrcial Engineering's identity crisis and 10 tech companies for the next 10 years." </td> <td>2004 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3534 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Sprectrum, Chinese Language edition, June 2014" </td> <td>Example of Chinese language IEEE Publication. </td> <td>2014 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>SPECTRUM </td> <td>AR-3749 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE After A Decade </td> <td>"Materials related to IEEE After a Decade anniversary issue of IEEE Spectrum, February 1973, primarily letters with reflections on the IEEE a decade after the merger, solicited (by Harold Chestnut and Robert Tanner) for an article that appeared in Spectrum February 1973. <p>Letters are from Roland McFarlan, Ralph Bennett (?), Gordon Brown, E Finley Carter, C C Cutler, William Gould Dow, W Crawford Dunlap, Bob Elliott, Jay Forrester, Eugene Fubini, D Gabor, R P Gifford, Pat Haggerty, Hubert Heffner, Lynn C. Holmes, M D Hooven, E C Jordan, Y H Ku, Winthrop Leeds, B M Oliver, Harry Olson, R H Park, John R. Pierce, Jack Ryder, Mark Shepherd, William Shepherd, John Simpson, H H Skilling, Philip Sporn, Frederick E. Terman, John G. Truxal, Ernst Weber, Harold Wheeler, J R Whinnery, Robert William </p><p>Sent by Esmi L Bidstrup of IEEE Spectrum on 12/27/1990 " </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES GUIDE </td> <td>AR-1091 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"TAG: A New Guide to Technical Horizons, 1992-1999" </td> <td>"Several issues of TAG: A New Guide to Technical Horizons. <p>The IEEE Technical Activities Guide. Conference Services. Vol 13, no. 4, December 1992 Vol 14, no 2, Fall 1994 Vol 17 no. 1 Summer 1996 Vol 19 no. 2, December 1999 (final print issue in US and C" </p> </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-132:#1091 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>THE INSTITUTE </td> <td>AR-1142 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE The Institute </td> <td>"The Institute: News Supplement to IEEE Spectrum <p>Issues of IEEE The Institute from August 1977-March 2008 Missing Issues: 09/1977, 10/1977, 01/1978, 02/1978, 03/1978, 02/1985, 04/1985, 05/1985, 11/1987 </p><p>Issues in HB-136, HB-137, HB-138, HB-139 </p><p>Al" </p> </td> <td>1977 </td> <td>HB-136: HB-137: HB-138: HB-139 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td>TODAY'S ENGINEER </td> <td>AR-3530 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Today's Engineer 1998 </td> <td>Published by IEEE USA. Volume 1 number 1 (Winter 1998) and Volume 1 number 3 (Summer 1998). Magazine devoted to the professional and career interests of IEEE members in the United States. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1089 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Electrical Tables and Memoranda, 1896" </td> <td>"Tiny vest pocket book (2"" x 3"") in protective cover. Published London, 1896. Authors, Sylvanus Thompson and Eustace Thomas." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-132:#1089 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1112 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Electrical Systems for Commercial Buildings, 1964" </td> <td>A technical advisory document of recommended practices for designing electrical systems for commercial buildings prepared by the IEEE Subcommittee on Electrical Systems for Commercial Buildings of the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Committee. I </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-135:#1112 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1372 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Downed Power LInes: Why They Can't Always Be Detected </td> <td>A publication of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-218 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Steinmetz lecture </td> <td>"Steinmetz, ""Electric Conductors"" Hard-binder autographed copy of Steinmetz lecture at Schenectady Section AIEE, 1915. Good condition, but fragile Appears to have been property of one William A. Hughes delivered to the Center by Edward R. Hughes, Aug" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-072:#218 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3202 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Publications Board. Review Guidelines for IEEE Editors. </td> <td>" IEEE Publications Board.December 1983, Latest updated: July 1995" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3233 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Space Satellite May Relay TV Across Ocean </td> <td>"Press Release, E.K. Gannett, IRE, New York. <p>Subtitled ""Radio Engineers Discuss Feasibility of Space Stations."" </p><p>Report of address by Dr. John R. Pierce of Bell Labs at opening session of IRE National Convention." </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3239 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Ask IEEE: The New Document Delivery Service from IEEE. </td> <td>"Brochure announcing a document delivery service from IEEE, that provides photocopies of technical articles from IEE or other publishers. Documents can be ordered by mail, fax, or email. No date, but likely early to mid 1990s." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3529 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Understanding IEEE's Transition to Electronic Publishing: Fact and Figures for IEEE Volunteers and Staff </td> <td>Overview of IEEE publishing activities and how they will be effected by the coming of electronic publishing. </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-199 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3660 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Pathways: Women and Computing </td> <td>"A joint project of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and the IEEE Computer Society. The disk contains a collection of reprints on the subject from the IEEE Annals for the History of Computing, Commnunications of the ACM, and Inroads: the SIGCSE" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3741 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Industry Applications Magazine: A Celebration of 50 Years </td> <td>"Special Issue of the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, on the fiftieth Anniversary of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. List of important society leaders by position and year; overall history of the society, and history of each of the society's" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-204 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-480 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"The Wireless Institute, New York: Proceedings" </td> <td>"15 November 2005: Jim Calder has custody of this book. Proceedings of the Wireless Institute, Vol. 1, Nos. 2, 3, & 4 These are negative photo stats" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#480 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-525 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Paper: IEEE's Endowment in Electronics from AIEE, Ivan Coggeshall, Jan. 1963" </td> <td>Reprint. Summary: The richness of the electronic dowry brought to the IEEE by AIEE may come as a surprise to some readers. The extent of AIEE's participation in the electronics field is indicated by means of a brief historical summary of electrical com </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-085:#525 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-562 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Rossiter W. Raymond Commemorative Book, 1910" </td> <td>"Book commemorating Raymond's birthday, given by the AIEE in 1910" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-097:#562 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-604 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"GE Review: Society Histories, 1952-1954" </td> <td>"- American Society of Civil Engineers, September 1952 <p>- American Institute of Electrical Engineers, November 1952 - Institute of Radio Engineers, March 1953 - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, May 1953 - American Institute of Mining & Metal" </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>HB-102:#604 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PUBLICATIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-697 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>William Ellenberger AIEE Publications </td> <td>"-Correspondence <p>- Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants, October 1956 - Interior Wiring Design for Commercial Buildings, October 1949 - Grounding of Industrial Power Systems, October 1956 " </p> </td> <td>1949 </td> <td>MB-107:#697 </td></tr> <tr> <td>REGIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-786 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Region 5 meetings </td> <td>"Program for meeting held in Lafayette, LA, March 26-28, 1993 <p>Program for meeting held at the Hyatt Regency, Denver, April 11-13 1997" </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-170 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td>1 </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td>Section newsletters filed in Newsletter section </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-101 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"AIEE Spokane Section History, 1913-63" </td> <td>"Spiral bound report, The Spokane Section: The Story of its Conception and Progress 1913-January 1, 1963 <p>A 50th anniversary of the Spokane Section </p><p>Leather bound report, The Spokane Section: The Story of its Conception and Progress 1913-January 1, 19" </p> </td> <td>1913 </td> <td>MB-020:#101 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1086 </td> <td>AIEE </td> <td>AIEE New York Section Secretary' s File 1945-1959 </td> <td>"Minutes, correspondence, pamphlets, election results and other material collected by the secretary of the New York chapter." </td> <td>1945 </td> <td>HB-001:#1086 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1119 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. </td> <td>"Booklet giving overview of the IEEE and its various operations as of December 31, 1987. Includes a chart of member dues 1967-1987." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-135:#1119 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-112 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Columbus Section Inventory and Deed of Gift </td> <td>"minutes of meetings of the executive committee, correspondence, ballots, etc. Joyce numbers: Acc# GA 80-C, contol #225, 226, 228 <p>Deeds of gift and inventory of Columbus Section Material" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#112 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1232 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE New York Section </td> <td>"MB-133 <p>By-Laws 1952-1994 (4 Folders) Meetings 1992-1993 Meetings 1993-1994 (2 folders Meetings 1994-1995 Meetings 1995-1996 Awards Ad-Hoc Committee 1989-1990 History 1987-1988 (2 folders) History 1988-1989 (2 folders) History 1989-1990 (2 folde" </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>MB-133:#1232 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1255 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td> </td> <td>Dates of establishments of IRE Sections. Several lists. </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1256 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td> </td> <td>"Operations Manual of the Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1960 Issue, copy No. 42" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1257 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td> </td> <td>"Program: Joint meeting of the Washington And Maryland sections of the AIEE, November 14, 1939" </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1258 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td> </td> <td>"Program: Ladies' Night and Annual Meeting, Washington Section, AIEE, May 14, 1940." </td> <td>0 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1259 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td> </td> <td>"Set of 29 Microfiche cards labeled "" IEEE East Tennessee Section Archives, 1936-1985." </td> <td>1936 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1269 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Sections Congress 2008 </td> <td>"General Program for the 2008 IEEE Sections Congress, Quebec City, Canada, 19-22 September 2008" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-151 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1332 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Regional Activities Department. Program Resources Guide 1994-1995 Edition </td> <td>"A Source book for IEEE Section and Chapter Leaders. Membership Development, Member Benefits, Electronic Communications, Outreach Programs, Meeting Suggestions, Long-term Projects." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1333 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Regional Activities Department. Program Resources Guide 1997-1998 Edition </td> <td>"A Source book for IEEE Section and Chapter Leadership. Membership Development, Member Benefits, Electronic Communications, Outreach Programs, Meeting Suggestions, Long-term Projects." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1345 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Final Report: Sections Congress '93 Empowering Sections to Serve Members </td> <td>Final report of the the 1993 IEEE Sections Congress. </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1381 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Orlando Section Notes, October 1984" </td> <td>"Special issue ""100 years."" for IEEE Centennial. Contains section history" </td> <td>1984 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3204 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Section Membership and Transfers Manual </td> <td>"Mimeographed guide, 20 Pages, to recuiting new members by IEEE sections, and the transfer of existing members to higher grades. This guide is aimed at section volunteers. It includes a list of U.S. accredited curricula leading to first degrees in eng" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3205 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Sections: Geographical Listing, January 1966" </td> <td>"List of IEEE Section, in region order. For each section, there is a description of the territory it encompasses." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3234 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"Program, IEEE Sections Congress, 2011, San Francisco CA, 19-22 August." </td> <td>"Title on cover: Empowering Members to Create The Future. Color Booklet with program for the sections congress. 5.5"" x 11"". 28 pages, including cover." </td> <td>2011 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3330 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Once in a Life Time. 100th Anniversary IEEE Southeastern Michigan </td> <td>"Program for the centennial celebration of the IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section. Held at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn Michigan, October 11 2011. Featured speaker, IEEE History Center Director, Mike Geselowitz. Among the other activities was an IEEE s" </td> <td>2011 </td> <td>HB-158 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3536 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Sections Congress 2002: Creating a Global Community </td> <td>"Brochure giving overview of 2002 Sections Congress, plus ""Sections Congress Bingo Card"" for attendees to complete by having each square stamped at exhbitor boothes." </td> <td>2002 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3629 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Radio Pioneers 1945 </td> <td>"Booklet commemorating the Radio Pioneers Dinner, Hotel Commodore, New York. New York Section IRE. <p>Much of the 64 page books consists of a series of illustrated articles and chronologies, covering the development of radio to 1926, including histo" </p> </td> <td>1945 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3896 </td> <td>lIEEE </td> <td>IEEE Sections Congress 1999 </td> <td>"Small brochure encouraging members to attend the 1999 sections congress in Minneapolis. Summary of tracks and sessions, information about Minneapolis, contact information for IEEE preferred travel vendor. Sections Congress '99 Final Report." </td> <td>1999 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3931 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>AIEE Central Illinois Section 1955-1956 </td> <td>"Various documents from this section: Summary of Activities 1955-1956; corresponse, leadership list, committee description, newsletter." </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3994 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Section financing correspondence </td> <td>"Correspondence regarding various matters of financing IEEE sections, including reports from the ad-hoc committee on section rebates" </td> <td>1965 </td> <td>HB-253 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3995 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Active and Discontinued AIEE Sections </td> <td>"Sheets detailing the active and discontinued sections of the AIEE as of the 1950s, including foundation dates, geographic territory and any former names of the section" </td> <td>1950 </td> <td>HB-253 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3996 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Denver Section documents </td> <td>"Correspondence and documents pertaining to Denver section meetings, late 1980s <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1986 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3997 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Hampton Roads section documents </td> <td>"Correspondence and documents pertaining to the formation of the AIEE Hampton Roads section in 1961 <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3998 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Hudson Valley Section documents </td> <td>"Documents and correspondence pertaining to formation of AIEE Hudson Valley Section in 1960 <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3999 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Huntsville Section documents </td> <td>"Correspondence pertaining to petition to form AIEE Huntsville section, not dated, likely from 1959 or later <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4000 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Middle Tennessee Section documents </td> <td>"Correspondence and documents pertaining to the formation of the AIEE Middle Tennessee section in 1959 <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4001 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Palm Beach Section documents </td> <td>"Documents and correspondence pertaining to the formation of the AIEE Palm Beach section in 1961 <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1961 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4002 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Philadelphia Section documents </td> <td>"Correspondence and documents pertaining to the Princeton-Trenton subsection of the Philadelphia section <p>Documents pertaining to Philadelphia Section executive committee </p><p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4003 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Pittsburgh Section documents </td> <td>"Documents and correspondence pertaining to transfer of territory to Pittsburgh section <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4004 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Southern Arizona Section documents </td> <td>"Correspondence and documents pertaining to formation of AIEE Southern Arizona section in 1959 <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4005 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Southern New Jersey section documents </td> <td>"Documents and correspondence pertaining to formation of AIEE Southern New Jersey section in 1962 <p><br/> Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1962 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4006 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Vermont Section documents </td> <td>"Documents and correspondence pertaining to formation of AIEE Vermont section in 1960 <p>Moved to AR-4009" </p> </td> <td>1960 </td> <td>HB-243 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4008 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference papers </td> <td>"Papers and correspondence from the IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1967-1996" </td> <td>1967 </td> <td>HB-244 - 246 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4009 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Section, Subsection and Region file" </td> <td>"Records, petitions, correspondence and newsletters received from MGA pertaining to sections, subsections and regions <p>Region 1: </p><p>Berkshire Section First 100 Years Booklet Berkshire Section Newsletters Merrimack Valley Subsection (Boston) Northshor" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-250 - 253 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4607 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>W. Middleton papers on AIEE Sections Committee </td> <td>"Papers collected by William W. Middleton in his role of Vice Chairman of the AIEE Sections Committee. Documents the activities of the Section Committee, AIEE Sections and Districts, and the Activities of this part of AIEE in conjunction with the Merger w" </td> <td>1959 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SECTIONS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-834 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Section Officers, 1963-1979" </td> <td>"- A listing of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer for each organizational unit. <p>- Some of the Sections are through to 1981, but this is not complete. - It was in a binder, but removed and placed in an acid free folder" </p> </td> <td>1963 </td> <td>MB-125:#834 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1103 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Industry Applications Society 1998 Organization Manual & Membership Directo </td> <td>"IEEE Industry Applications Society 1998 Organization Manual & Membership Directory. Contains organization chart, society executive board, society council, departments and committees, awards, lists of presidents and meetings, constitutions, bylaws, staff" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-134 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1104 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Power Engineering Society Organization and Committee Directory 1995, 1996" </td> <td>"Organization and Committee directory, Constitution, staff, technical council, membership directory by region and chapter, constitution and bylaws" </td> <td>1995 </td> <td>HB-134:#1104 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1106 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society 1996 Yearbook and Directory </td> <td>"Meetings, committees, society history, constitution, membership directory." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-134:#1106 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1116 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Computer Society, ca. 1999" </td> <td>"Double printed folder with multiple documents, each explaining a either a IEEE Computer Society publication or providing background information on these publications, such a a readership survey" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-135:#1116 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-118 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"EMC 10th Anniversary dinner booklet, IEEE New Jersey" </td> <td>"Souvenir memory booklet, tenth anniversary dinner of the New Jersey Coast electromagnetic compatibility chapter Joyce #s: acc#GA 80, control #243 <p>artifact" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-020:#118 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-122 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"G-EMB Brochure, 1975" </td> <td>"Original source: unknown. Found in box with unrelated materials <p>mixed </p><p>Membership information for IEEE" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-020:#122 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1241 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Industrial Applications Society (IAS) </td> <td>"IAS Manual and Membership Directory 1993 <p>IAS Manual and Membership Directory 1995 A History Update of the IEEE IAS 10/1995" </p> </td> <td>1993 </td> <td>MB-088:#1241 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1272 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Signal Processing Society Directoriy: Volunteer Leaders and Staff," </td> <td>"IEEE Signal Processing Society Directoriy: Volunteer Leaders and Staff, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 2011" </td> <td>2001 </td> <td>HB-152 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1273 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>ComSoc Community 2006 </td> <td>"IEEE Communications Society Volunteer leaders and staff directory, 2006" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-152 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1276 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Professional Group Manual </td> <td>"IRE Guide for Professional Groups. Includes directions for forming, petitioning for recognition, promoting and operating a professional group." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-151 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1355 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>CHMT Staff Project Final Report </td> <td>"IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society. Final report by John H. Powers. An assessment of and proposals for the Society's needs for staff report. Commissioned by the society's AdCom." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-002 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3347 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Society History key dates. </td> <td>"This document, from Technical Activities gives the key dates in the history of each IEEE Society and Council. This edition was compiled in 2010" </td> <td>1948 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3481 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Minutes of the AdCom of the IEEE EMC Society 1980-1981 </td> <td>Minutes of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE EMC Society for these two years. </td> <td>1980 </td> <td>HB-185 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3499 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Fifty Years of Signal Processing </td> <td>"Subtitle: The IEEE Signal Processing Society and its Technologies 1948-1998. <p>Fiftieth Anniversary history booklet, 54 pages, with decade by decade coverage" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3631 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Incoming Correspondence: IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers. </td> <td>"Correspondence relating to various matters of the Professional Group on Electronic Computers to group officials, including R. C. Matlack, Secetary-Treasurer, J.H Felker (Chairman) (both Bell Labs), N. E. Meagher (Editor Transactions on Electronic Compute" </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3632 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Willis Ware Correspondence re the IRE Electronic Computers Committee </td> <td>"Correspondence relating to Ware's service as a member of the IRE Electronic Computers Committee <p>This file shows the workings of the predecessor of the IEEE Computer Society." </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3634 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Incoming Correspondence: IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers. </td> <td>"Correspondence relating to various matters of the Professional Group on Electronic Computers to group officials, including R. C. Matlack, Secetary-Treasurer, J.H Felker (Chairman) (both Bell Labs), N. E. Meagher (Editor Transactions on Electronic Compute" </td> <td>1954 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3635 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Correspondence re the Los Angeles Chapter of the IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers. </td> <td>"Correspondence relating to Willis Ware's service as chair of the Los Angeles Section of the IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers. <p>This file shows the workings of the predecessor of the IEEE Computer Society." </p> </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3636 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Correspondence re thw IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers Student Relations Committee. </td> <td>"Correspondence relating to Willis Ware's service as chair of the Student Relations Committee of the IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers. <p>This file shows the workings of the predecessor of the IEEE Computer Society." </p> </td> <td>1956 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3666 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Chartering the Milestone of Biomedical Engineering </td> <td>"IEEE EMBS Celebrates 50 years of Shaping the Field of Biomedical Engineering. <p>This is the CD version of a booklet put out on the 50th anniversary of EMBS. Much of it is the result of a project with Rik Nebeker at the IEEE History Center, and include" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3667 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Electron Devices Society EDS Archival Collection. </td> <td>Contains runs of EDS journals and Conferences. These sort of discs were widely used by societies before Xplore became ubiquitus. </td> <td>1954 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3668 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE EMC Society Symposia Records 1955-1995 </td> <td>4 CD Set. Proceedings of EMC annual symposia. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society. </td> <td>1955 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3671 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>MIcrowave Digital Archive 1953-2000 </td> <td>"23 CD set of publications of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques society, in three ring binder. This is how retrospective collections of technical publications were distributed in the days before widespread use of online sources such as IEEE Xplore" </td> <td>1953 </td> <td>HB-203 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3742 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"50 Years of Electromagnetic Compatibility: The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society and its Technologies, 1957-2007" </td> <td>"Booklet put out on the 50th anniversary of IEEE EMCS. Timeline; society history, EMC history, 28 pages." </td> <td>1957 </td> <td>HB-204 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3750 </td> <td> </td> <td>MTT-S 1990-1991 Calendar </td> <td>"MTT-S 1990-1991 Calendar <p>Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the MIT Radiation Laboratory </p><p>Provided by the Steering Committee of the 1991 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium June 9-14, 1991, Boston, MA </p><p>Sent by Ted Saad on November 9, 1990" </p> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td>AR-3899 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Technical Activities Board Distinguished Lecturers Handbooks 1992-1995 </td> <td>"List of programs and speakers offered by various IEEE Societies and Technical Councils <p>IEEE Technical Activities Board Distinguished Lecturers Handbook October 1992 </p><p>IEEE Technical Activities Board Distinguished Lecturers Handbook 1994-1995" </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3900 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Technical Activities Board Distinguished Lecturers Handbook 1998-1999 </td> <td>List of programs and speakers offered by various IEEE Societies and Technical Counsils </td> <td>1998 </td> <td>HB-174 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-496 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Professional Groups Manual </td> <td>"2 Manuals: <p>April 1, 1957 February 15, 1952" </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>HB-076:#496 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-692 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IRE Professional Group on Automatic Control </td> <td>"Binder containing early correspondence on the formation of the Society, 1954 <p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-107:#692 </td></tr> <tr> <td>SOCIETIES </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-771 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"A Guide to IEEE Technical Activities, 1979" </td> <td>"- Small booklet with an overview of Techinical Activies Board (TAB) & Techinical Activites Department (TAD) - Staff photos and bios, two copies" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-117 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR- 3615 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) 6_DRFT12 10 July 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3610 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) Index to Drafts </td> <td>"Index to the 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi) Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </td> <td>1994 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3611 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) 6_DRFT12 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3612 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) Draft 80211D1 1 December 1994 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1994 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3613 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) Draft 80211D11 10 May 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3614 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) DRAFT11 10 May 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3615 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) 6_DRFT12 10 July 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3616 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) 6DRAFT13 28 July 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3617 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) 6DRAFT20 28 July 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3618 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) DREFT136 28 July 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3619 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) DREFT206 28 July 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3620 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) 6DRAFT21 4 December 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3621 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) DREFT216 4 December 1995 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1995 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3622 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) draft3.03 25 January 1996 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3623 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) DREFT306 25 January 1996 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3624 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) draft 4.04 1996 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3625 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) DREFT407 20 May 1996 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>802.11 </td> <td>AR-3626 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard 802.11: (Wifi) Draft 802.11 revD2 D2 January 1998 </td> <td>"One of 15 drafts of IEEE Standard 802.11 (Wifi), 1994-1996 <p>Each draft is in the data base as a separate item consecutively numbered AR-3610 to AR-3625. </p> </td> <td>1996 </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AR-1310 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>IRE Standards 1948 </td> <td>"Booklets containing IRE standards from1948 on <p>1) Television--Definition of Terms 2) Television--Methods of Testing Television Receivers. 3) Antennas--Methods of Testing 4) Antennas, Modulation Systems, Transmitters--Definitions of Terms 5) Abbreviat" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-68 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AR-3633 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Correspondence concerning IRE 8.5 Definitions Committee </td> <td>"Correspondence and other documents concerning the development of definitions of terms in the area of elctronic computers <p>This file shows the workings of the predecessor of the IEEE Computer Society, and the predecessor of IEEE Standards. ." </p> </td> <td>1952 </td> <td>HB-200 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AR-494 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Electronics Definitions, Standards Committee, 1936" </td> <td>"IRE Report on: Electronics Definitions <p>Report to: Standards Committee Report From: Technical Committee on Electronics Date: March 30, 1936" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-076:#494 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AR-495 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Standards on Electronics, 1938 (IRE)" </td> <td>"Standards on Electronics, Definition of Terms, Symbols, 1938 (Reprinted, 1943) IRE" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-096:#495 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AR-564 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>1926 IRE Publications </td> <td>1926 IRE Report of the Committee on Standardization Definition of terms Standard Graphical Symbols Used in Radio Engineering - April 1926 IRE Proceedings </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-097:#564 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AR-565 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>1948 IRE Standards Publication </td> <td>"Standards on Abbreviations, Graphical Symbols, Letter Symbols, and Mathematical Signs, 1948 <p>Standards on Antennas, Modulation Systems, Transmitters, 1948 </p><p>Standards on Radio Wave Propagation, Definitions of Terms, 1942" </p> </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>HB-097:#565 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>AR-679 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"IRE Reports of the Committee on Standardization, 1915, 1922" </td> <td>"Reports of the Committee on Standardization for 1915, 1922: Definitions of Terms, Tests and Rating, Standardt Graphical Symbols, Definitions of Trade Names" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-097:#679 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>MEASUREMENT </td> <td>AR-310 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>American National Standard Metric Practice </td> <td>"ANSI/IEEE Std. 266-1982. <p>Adopted by the Department of Defense. </p><p>Joint standard of ANSI and IEEE. Recognized American Metric system standards. Provided by Bruce Barrow, who was long time head of the IEEE Standards committee on this topic. </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-172 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>MEASUREMENT </td> <td>AR-3415 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>American National Standard Metric Practice. </td> <td>"ANSI/IEEE Standard 268-1982. <p>Approved for use by the U.S. Department of Defense. </p><p>Bruce Barrow, Chairman Standards Coordinating Committee 14." </p> </td> <td>1982 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>MEASUREMENT </td> <td>AR-3416 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>American National Standard for Metric Practice. </td> <td>"ANSI/IEEE Standard 268-1992. <p>Revision of ANSI/IEEE Stanadard 268-1982. </p><p>Approved for use by the U.S. Department of Defense. </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1992 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>MEASUREMENT </td> <td>AR-3417 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System </td> <td>"IEEE/ASTM 10-1997 <p>Revision and Redesignation of ANSI/IEEE Standard 268-1992. </p><p>Bruce Barrow, Chairman IEEE SCC14 </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1997 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>MEASUREMENT </td> <td>AR-3418 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Units for Measurements </td> <td>"ANSI/IEEE Std. 260-1978. Reaffirmed 1985. <p>Revision and Redesignation of EEE Standard 260-1977. </p><p>SI UNits, Customary Inch-Pound Units and Certain Other Units. </p><p>Bruce Barrow, Chairman IEEE SCC14 </p><p>" </p> </td> <td>1978 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td>MEASUREMENT </td> <td>AR-4602 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Correspondence on National Metric Conversion Board. </td> <td>A few pieces of correspondence concerning IEEE support for project and suggestions for individuals to serve. </td> <td>1975 </td> <td>HB-188 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1374 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Standards on Radio Propogation: Definition of Terms </td> <td>"8 pages of radio wave propagation standards, including index." </td> <td>1942 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1375 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>Standards on Television </td> <td>" Standards on Television: Methods of Testing Television Receivers (monochrome service, 6-megacycle channel)" </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1376 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Standards on Abbreviations, Graphical Symbols, Letter Symbols, and Mathematical Signs." </td> <td>21 pages. List of standards publications in the back. </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-1377 </td> <td>IRE </td> <td>"Standards on Antennas, Modulation Systems, Transmitters. Definitions of Terms." </td> <td>"21 pages, plus index. List of standards publications in the back." </td> <td>1948 </td> <td>HB-004 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-251 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>"""The IEEE and Standards"", 1969" </td> <td>"18 pp typescript apparently written by W.T. Wintringham and delivered December 5, 1969 Joyce #s: acc#82-15 control #:none?/292?" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>MB-082:#251 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3433 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standard for Automatic Generation Control Symbology 1969-1979 </td> <td>"Papers, Correspondence, draft documents, and published documents re the IEEE Standard Definitions for Automatic Generation Control of Electric Power Systems. IEEE No. 94. This material comes from the file of Nathan Cohn, who was a member and chair of th" </td> <td>1969 </td> <td>HB-176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3504 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standards Activities--1975 </td> <td>"IEEE Standards Office, New York. 8 pages total in several sections, describes IEEE standards activities and provides list of approved standards and projects." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3505 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standards A Report onf 1973 Activitities </td> <td>"IEEE Standards Office, New York. Describes IEEE standards activities and provides list of approved standards and projects. Also notes that 1973 was the 75th Anniversary of IEEE Standaradization, and give brief history." </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-197 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-3909 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>IEEE Standards 1976 Catalog </td> <td>"List, both alphabeticall and subject of all then current IEEE standards, with prices" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-196 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-447 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Electrical Standardization and AIEE (Reprint) </td> <td>"August 1947, Electrical Engineering" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>FB-02:#447 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-4624 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>The IEEE and Standards </td> <td>"18 Page White Paper by W. T. Wintrimham. First gives overview of standards and standards setting both globally and in the U.S. Then give a full description of the IEEE Standards Procedures, the relationship between the IEEE Professional Technical Groups" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-189 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-488 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>"Standards Activities of the Institute, 1939" </td> <td>"24 November 1939 letter from R.E. Hellmund, Chairman of the Standards Committee AIEE to F.M. Farmer, President, AIEE, discussing the activites of the Committee, working with other Standards organizations (ASA, now ANSI), and the need for AIEE to be proa" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#488 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>AR-489 </td> <td>AIEE Collection </td> <td>Some Observations on Organization of the AIEE Standards Committee </td> <td>"History of the AIEE Standards Committee, how members are appointed. From 1922 to 1950. Written by E. B. Paxton, 15 September 1950" </td> <td>0 </td> <td>HB-074:#489 </td></tr> <tr> <td>STANDARDS </td> <td> </td> <td>OB-6 </td> <td>IEEE </td> <td>Standards </td> <td>"added minutes of Dec 13, 1994 Standards Board Meeting on Jan 12, 1995 Added Minutes of March 16, 1995 Standards Board Meeting on April 26, 1995" </td> <td>1994 </td> <td>HB-003 </td></tr></tbody></table> <!-- NewPP limit report Cached time: 20200103182305 Cache expiry: 86400 Dynamic content: false [SMW] In‐text annotation parser time: 0.004 seconds CPU time usage: 1.720 seconds Real time usage: 1.720 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 1/1000000 Preprocessor generated node count: 4/1000000 Post‐expand include size: 0/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 0/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 1/40 Expensive parser function count: 0/100 Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20 Unstrip post‐expand size: 0/5000000 bytes --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 0.000 1 -total --> </div> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key ethw_new:pcache:idhash:49164-0!canonical and timestamp 20200103182303 and revision id 177544 --> </div><div class="printfooter"> Retrieved from "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>"</div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> <!-- end content --> <div class="visualClear"></div> </div><div class="row"><div class="hidden-sm col-md-3"> </div> </div> </article> </div><!--/content-container--> </div> <footer id="main-footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="container"> <div id="f-poweredbyico"> <a href="//" target="_blank"><img src="/web/20200103182303im_/" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" srcset="/web/20200103182303im_/ 1.5x, /web/20200103182303im_/ 2x" width="88" height="31"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/web/20200103182303im_/" alt="Powered by Semantic MediaWiki" width="88" height="31"/></a> </div> <ul id="f-links"> <li id="lastmod"> This page was last edited on 30 October 2019, at 17:13.</li> <li id="about"><a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="ETHW:About">About ETHW</a></li> <li id="disclaimer"><a href="/web/20200103182303/" title="ETHW:Policies">Policies and disclaimers</a></li> </ul> </div> </footer><script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgPageParseReport":{"smw":{"limitreport-intext-parsertime":0.004},"limitreport":{"cputime":"1.720","walltime":"1.720","ppvisitednodes":{"value":1,"limit":1000000},"ppgeneratednodes":{"value":4,"limit":1000000},"postexpandincludesize":{"value":0,"limit":2097152},"templateargumentsize":{"value":0,"limit":2097152},"expansiondepth":{"value":1,"limit":40},"expensivefunctioncount":{"value":0,"limit":100},"unstrip-depth":{"value":0,"limit":20},"unstrip-size":{"value":0,"limit":5000000},"timingprofile":["100.00% 0.000 1 -total"]},"cachereport":{"timestamp":"20200103182305","ttl":86400,"transientcontent":false}}});});</script><script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-22814006-1', 'auto'); ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgBackendResponseTime":2140});});</script></div><!--/#page--> </body></html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:23:03 Jan 03, 2020 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 02:56:13 Feb 26, 2025. 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