— Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software
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You can use it to tailor programs that work for you, combine things as you wish, and share these building blocks with others. This is why the FSF has published and promoted free software licenses since 1985, sponsors the GNU System, and tirelessly campaigns for free software adoption. </p> <p> Powered by member dues and donations, the FSF can only continue to be the cornerstone of a more just digital society with your support. Build a better world with us by matching the average donation of USD $46.22. </p> <p><span id="fsf-modal-window-text-link"><a href="">Donate</a> | <a href="">Read more</a></span></p> </div> </div> <div id="fsf-modal-window-elem-right-column"> <!-- Keep these styles inline because they are copied to the appeal page. --> <div id="fsf-modal-window-elem-buttons" style="border-radius: 20px;box-shadow: 5px 0 5px -6px #0c2b2b, -5px 0 5px -6px #0c2b2b;"> <div class="join" style="background-color:#3498DB; border-top-right-radius: 20px; border-top-left-radius: 20px;"> <a style="color:#fdd538;text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #2670a1;" href="" onclick="//fsfModalWindowElemFollowedLink();"> <i class="fa fa-check-circle"> </i>Join </a> </div> <div class="renew" style="background-color:#2ecc71;"> <a style="color: #FFF;text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #219452;" href="" onclick="//fsfModalWindowElemFollowedLink();"> <i class="fa fa-refresh"> </i>Renew </a> </div> <div class="donate" style="background-color:#1abc9c; border-bottom-right-radius: 20px; border-bottom-left-radius: 20px; margin-bottom: 2px"> <a style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #138c74;" href="" onclick="//fsfModalWindowElemFollowedLink();"> <i class="fa fa-money"> </i>Donate </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> // @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1f739d935676111cfff4b4693e3816e664797050&dn=gpl-3.0.txt GPL-3.0 // Licensed GPL-3.0-or-later by Andrew Engelbrecht. var startTime, endTime, switchTextTime; startTime = new Date('2024-06-08T04:00:00Z'); switchTextTime = new Date('2024-07-30T04:00:00Z'); // Turning this off for now. // endTime is unused. // endTime = new Date('2024-07-29T04:00:00Z'); // Possibly switch the text that is displayed in the modal window, depending // upon the current date. function fsfModalWindowElemMaybeSwitchText () { var now; now = new Date(); if (now.getTime() < switchTextTime.getTime()) { return; // Do not switch the text. } // Switch text document.getElementById("fsf-modal-window-elem-text").innerHTML =' \ \ <p>Please take thirty seconds to read this: free software makes up the building blocks to anything. You can use it to tailor programs that work for you, combine things as you wish, and share these building blocks with others. This is why the FSF has published and promoted free software licenses since 1985, sponsors the GNU System, and tirelessly campaigns for free software adoption.<\/p> \ \ <p>Powered by member dues and donations, the FSF can only continue to be the cornerstone of a more just digital society with your support. Build a better world with us by matching the average donation of USD \$46.22.<\/p> \ \ <p><span id="fsf-modal-window-text-link"><a href="">Donate<\/a> | <a href="">Read more<\/a><\/span><\/p>'; } // Show fsf-modal-window-elem if it has not been previously closed by the user, // nor recently hit "maybe later", and the campaign is still happening. function fsfModalWindowElemMaybeShow () { var pattern, noShowFsfModalWindowElementP, now; // See if cookie says not to show element pattern = /showFsf202406FundraiserModalWindowElementP\s*=\s*false/; noShowFsfModalWindowElementP = pattern.test(document.cookie); // Uncomment here to enable modal window hiding if (!noShowFsfModalWindowElementP) { setTimeout(function () { // display the element document.getElementById("fsf-modal-window-elem-container").style.display="block"; }, 0); } } // Call this first to set the proper text. fsfModalWindowElemMaybeSwitchText(); // Check if appeal is the url. if (window.location.href.indexOf("appeal") == -1) { // Call this right away to avoid flicker. fsfModalWindowElemMaybeShow(); 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You can use the links below to help you find what you are looking for. </p> <p> If you are certain you have the correct web address but are encountering an error, please contact the <span> <a href="">Site Administration</a></span>. </p> <p> Thank you. </p> <!-- Offer search results for suggestions --> <h3>You might have been looking for…</h3> <dl> <dt class="contenttype-news-item"> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="News Item" /> <a href="" class="state-published">Thank you SGI, for freeing the GNU/Linux 3D desktop!</a> <span class="discreet"> by mattl, Sep 19, 2008 11:56 AM </span> </dt> <dd>In January of 2008, software code at the heart of GNU/Linux 3D applications was discovered to be non-free—a potential disaster for free software advocates ...</dd> <dt class="contenttype-blog-entry"> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="Blog Entry D source code" /> <a href="" class="state-published">"FRAND" is a FRAUD</a> <span class="discreet"> by rms, Apr 26, 2012 05:02 PM </span> </dt> <dd>The UK government is holding a consultation about what sort of patent licenses an "open" standard should require. Anyone that develops free software (free as ...</dd> <dt class="contenttype-document"> <a href="" class="state-published">FSF comment on proposed U.S. Federal Source Code Policy</a> <span class="discreet"> by johns, Apr 15, 2016 12:37 PM </span> </dt> <dd></dd> <dt class="contenttype-blog-entry"> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="Blog Entry" /> <a href="" class="state-published">FSF Opposes More Copyright Enforcement in Joint Strategic Plan</a> <span class="discreet"> by brett, Apr 12, 2010 03:15 PM </span> </dt> <dd>The United States' newly-created "Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator" asked for public comments on a Joint Strategic Plan to make copyright ...</dd> </dl> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div id="viewlet-below-content"> </div> </div> </div></div></div> <div id="fsf-sidebar" class="yui-b visualNoPrint"> <aside> <span style="display: none;">1PC9aZC4hNX2rmmrt7uHTfYAS3hRbph4UN</span> <div id="search"> <form id="sidesearch" name="searchform" action="/search"> <p><input name="SearchableText" tabindex="1" type="text" size="30" title="Search Site" /></p> <p><input class="searchButton" type="submit" value="Search" /></p> </form> </div> <div class="visualPadding"> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a737570706f72746572" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a737570706f72746572"><div class="portletStaticText portlet-static-supporter"><div style="text-align: center;"> <h5>Sign up</h5> <form action="" method="post"> <p>Enter your email address to receive our monthly newsletter, the<br /><a href="">Free Software Supporter</a></p> <p><input id="frmEmail" type="text" name="email-Primary" size="18" maxlength="80"></p> <p><input type="submit" name="_qf_Edit_next" value="Subscribe me"></p> <div><input name="postURL" type="hidden" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="group[25]" value="1"> <input name="cancelURL" type="hidden" value=""> <input name="_qf_default" type="hidden" value="Edit:cancel"> </div> </form></div></div> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d6e6577732d727373" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d6e6577732d727373"><div class="portletStaticText portlet-static-fsf-news-rss"><p style="float: right;"><a href="/static/fsforg/rss/news.xml" title="Subscribe to an RSS feed of FSF news"><img src="/static/fsforg/css/img/rss.gif" alt="RSS feed" /></a></p></div> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6e657773" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6e657773"><dl class="portlet portletNews" xmlns=""> <dt class="portletHeader"> <span class="portletTopLeft"></span> <a href="" class="tile">News</a> <span class="portletTopRight"></span> </dt> <dd class="portletItem odd"> <a href="" class="tile" title="BOSTON (October 22, 2024) -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced today that it is working on a statement of criteria for free machine learning applications, which will require the software, as well as the raw training data and associated scripts, to grant users the four freedoms."> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="News Item" /> FSF is working on freedom in machine learning applications <span class="portletItemDetails">Oct 22, 2024</span> </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem even"> <a href="" class="tile" title=""> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="News Item" /> FSF associate members to assist in review of current board members <span class="portletItemDetails">Oct 21, 2024</span> </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem odd"> <a href="" class="tile" title=" BOSTON (October 8, 2024) -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced that it is taking part in the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)'s consortium on the safety of (so-called) artificial intelligence, particularly with reference to "generative" AI systems. The FSF will ensure the free software perspective is adequately represented in these discussions. "> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="News Item chemical/x-isostar" /> Free Software Foundation to serve on "artificial intelligence" safety consortium <span class="portletItemDetails">Oct 09, 2024</span> </a> </dd> <dd class="portletFooter"> <span class="portletBottomLeft"></span> <a href=""> More news… </a> <span class="portletBottomRight"></span> </dd> </dl></div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d626c6f67732d727373" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d626c6f67732d727373"><div class="portletStaticText portlet-static-fsf-blogs-rss"><p style="float: right;"><a href="/static/fsforg/rss/blogs.xml" title="Subscribe to an RSS feed of FSF blogs"><img src="/static/fsforg/css/img/rss.gif" alt="RSS feed" /></a></p></div> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a726563656e742d626c6f6773" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a726563656e742d626c6f6773"><dl class="portlet portletCollection portlet-collection-recent-blogs"> <dt class="portletHeader"> <span class="portletTopLeft"></span> <a href=""> <span>Recent blogs</span> </a> <span class="portletTopRight"></span> </dt> <dd class="portletItem odd"> <a href="" class="tile contenttype-blog-entry" title="Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation's (FSF) monthly news digest and action update -- being read by you and 231,349 other activists. "> Free Software Supporter -- Issue 200, December 2024 </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem even"> <a href="" class="tile contenttype-blog-entry" title=" Eleven new GNU releases in the last month (as of November 29, 2024): "> November GNU spotlight with Amin Bandali </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem odd"> <a href="" class="tile contenttype-blog-entry" title="Check out the important work our volunteers accomplished at today's Free Software Directory (FSD) IRC meeting."> FSD meeting recap 2024-11-29 </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem even"> <a href="" class="tile contenttype-blog-entry" title="An Austrian petitioner succeeded in realizing what the US government failed to see: that free software is vital for the infrastructure of a free society."> Free software is vital for the public and state-run infrastructure of a free society </a> </dd> <dd class="portletFooter"> <span class="portletBottomLeft"></span> <span> <a href=""> <span class="hiddenStructure">Recent blogs - </span> <span>More…</span> </a> </span> <span class="portletBottomRight"></span> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d6576656e74732d727373" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d6576656e74732d727373"><div class="portletStaticText portlet-static-fsf-events-rss"><p style="float: right;"><a href="/static/fsforg/rss/events.xml" title="Subscribe to an RSS feed of FSF events"><img src="/static/fsforg/css/img/rss.gif" alt="RSS feed" /></a></p></div> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6576656e7473" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6576656e7473"> <dl class="portlet portletEvents"> <dt class="portletHeader"> <span class="portletTopLeft"></span> <a href="" class="tile"> Upcoming Events </a> <span class="portletTopRight"></span> </dt> <dd class="portletItem odd"> <a href="" class="tile" title="Join the FSF and friends on Friday, December 6 from 12:00 to 15:00 EST (17:00 to 20:00 UTC) to help improve the Free Software Directory. "> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="Event C source code" /> Free Software Directory meeting on IRC: Friday, December 6, starting at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC) </a> <span class="portletItemDetails"> <span>Dec 06, 2024 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM</span> <span> — #fsf on </span> </span> </dd> <dd class="portletFooter"> <a href="" class="tile"> <span> Previous events… </span> </a> </dd> <dd class="portletFooter"> <a href="" class="tile"> Upcoming events… </a> <span class="portletBottomLeft"></span> <span class="portletBottomRight"></span> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </aside> </div> </div></div> <div class="visualNoPrint" id="mission-statement"> <p class="c">The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom — <a href="/about/">learn about our history and work.</a></p> </div> <div id="ft" class="visualNoPrint"> <footer> <div id="ft-inner" class="custom-doc"> <div id="copyright"> <p class="c">Copyright © 2004-2024 <a href="/about/contact.html" title="Find out how to contact 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