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margin-left:8px;"> <div style="height:35px;"></div> <div style="height:850px; border-left:1px #888888 solid;"></div><!--改中间竖分割线--> </div> <div style="float:right; width:740px; background-color:#FFFFFF;"> <div style="width:100%; height:35px; border-bottom:#888888 1px solid; background-image:url(images/barbottom.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:9px -9px;"> <p class="bartitle"> Home </p> </div> <div style="width:100%; "> <p class="rightcontent"> <strong>&emsp;The 18th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering, and Informatics (CISP-BMEI 2025) will take place from October 25 to 27, 2025, in Qingdao, China. </strong> </p> <p class="rightcontent"> &emsp;Qingdao, a vibrant coastal city situated on the southern edge of the Shandong Peninsula by the Yellow Sea, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. Visitors can explore iconic landmarks such as May Fourth Square, Golden Sands Beach, First Seaside Bathing Beach, and the Olympic Sailing Center. </p> <p class="rightcontent"> <strong>CISP</strong> <br>&emsp;The Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP) serves as a premier international platform for scientists and researchers to showcase the latest advancements in image and signal processing. Key topics include: <br>&emsp;Image Restoration <br>&emsp;Pattern Recognition <br>&emsp;Remote Sensing <br>&emsp;Signal Filters <br>&emsp;Signal Modeling, Identification & Prediction </p> <p class="rightcontent"> <strong>BMEI</strong> <br>&emsp;The Congress on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI) is an esteemed global forum dedicated to the forefront of biomedical engineering and informatics. Key topics include: <br>&emsp;Biomedical Imaging and Visualization <br>&emsp;Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis <br>&emsp;Biomedical Instrumentation, Devices, and Sensors <br>&emsp;Artificial Organs and Nanotechnologies <br>&emsp;Rehabilitation Engineering <br>&emsp;Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics </p> <p class="rightcontent" style="color:#CC0000"> <strong>Publication and Indexing</strong> <br>&emsp;All accepted papers from CISP-BMEI 2025 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and major indexing databases such as: <br>&emsp;EI Compendex <br>&emsp;SCOPUS <br>&emsp;CPCI (ISTP) <br>&emsp;Notably, all CISP-BMEI papers from 2008 to 2023 have already been indexed. <!-- Substantially extended versions of best papers will be considered for publication in a ClSP-BMEl <a href=""target="_blank">special issue </a> of a SCl-indexed journal. --> <br>&emsp;All CISP-BMEI 2024 papers have already been indexed by EI Compendex and included in IEEE Xplore. </p> <!-- <div style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle"><p class="rightcontent" style="color:#CC0000"><img src="images/color-notice.png" width="3%" height="3%"/>[2021.12.14] <a href="">news: Proceedings of 2021 have been included in IEEE Xplore.</a></p></div>--> <!-- <div style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle"><p class="rightcontent" style="color:#CC0000"><img src="images/color-notice.png" width="3%" height="3%"/>[2022. 2.12] news: Proceedings of 2021 have been included in Ei Village (EI) (Conference code: 175320).</p></div>--> <!-- <div style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle"><p class="rightcontent" style="color:#CC0000"><img src="images/color-notice.png" width="3%" height="3%"/>[2022. 4.22] <a href="">news: The CISP-BMEI 2022 has been added to the IEEE conference list for retrieval.</a></p></div>--> <!-- <p class="rightcontent">Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China, the country’s center for politics, culture, international exchanges and technological innovation. It is home to numerous historical sites and cultural landmarks, including the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, the Ming Tombs, all of which have been listed as UNESCO World Heritages. Traditional local art performances and crafts, such as Peking Opera and Cloisonné, are also renowned throughout the world.</p>--> <p class="rightcontent"> <strong>Conference History</strong> <br>&emsp;From 2008 to 2015, CISP and BMEI were held as two separate but co-located conferences. Since 2016, the two events have officially merged into a single integrated conference, enhancing collaboration and cross-disciplinary innovation. <br>&emsp;Join us in Qingdao for CISP-BMEI 2025 to exchange ideas, foster collaborations, and contribute to the advancement of image and signal processing and biomedical engineering and informatics. <!-- The past conference proceedings from 2008 to 2015 appeared as 2 separate (but co-located) conferences, i.e., CISP and BMEI. CISP-BMEI has been officially merged as a single conference since 2016.</p> --> <p class="rightcontent"> <br>&emsp; <!-- <strong>CISP-BMEI 2025 has entered the IEEE conference list. Relevant link:</strong> --> <!-- <br><a href=""target="_blank"></a><br/> --> </p> <!-- <p class="rightcontent"> <strong><a href="">Please visit to participate in other conference opportunities.</a></strong> </p> <p class="rightcontent" style="color:#CC0000"> <br>The link of proceedings are as followed:<br> <br><strong><a href=""></a></strong><br> <br><strong><a href=""></a></strong><br> <br><strong><a href=""> (Password:rz9v)</a></strong><br> </p> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end content--> <div style="width:100%; height:200px;"> <div style=" margin:auto; width: 500px; text-align:center;"> <!--改width大小改居中--> <table border="0"> <tr> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/IEEElogo.gif" height="90" border="0"/></td> --> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/emb.gif" height="90" border="0"/></td> --> <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/shanda.jpg" height="90" border="0"></td> <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/MILOGO.gif" height="90" border="0"/></td> <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/cee.png" height="90" border="0"/></td> <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/ssit.jpg" height="90" border="0"/></td> <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/NAIS.jpg" height="90" border="0"/></td> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/ssit.jpg" height="90" border="0"/></td> --> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/sensor.png" height="90" border="0"></td> --> </tr> </table> </div> <div style=" margin:auto; width: 500px; text-align:center;"> <!--改width大小改居中--> <table border="0"> <tr> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/ssit.jpg" height="90" border="0"/></td> --> <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/jishu.png" height="90" border="0"></td> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/JIG.jpg" height="90" border="0"/></td> --> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/NAIS.jpg" height="90" border="0"/></td> --> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center"><img src="images/SVS.PNG" height="90" border="0"/></td> --> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <!--<div style="width:100%; height:100px;">--> <!-- <div style=" margin:auto; width: 50%; text-align:center;"> &lt;!&ndash;改width大小改居中&ndash;&gt;--> <!-- <table border="0">--> <!-- <tr>--> <!-- <td width="12%" align="center">--> <!-- <img src="images/JIG.jpg" height="90" border="0"/>--> <!-- </td>--> <!-- </tr>--> <!-- </table>--> <!-- </div>--> <!--</div>--> <footer> <div class="copyright" style="border-bottom-color:#666"> <div style=" margin:auto; width: 960px; text-align:center;"> <p style=" padding-top:15px; font-size:14px; color:#000000;">Copyright CISP-BMEI 2025, Designed by School of Communication & Electronic Engineering, East China Normal University, China</p> <a style=" padding-top:15px; font-size:14px; color:#000000;" href='' target='_blank'>沪ICP备2025114600号-2</a><br/> <!-- <a style="background:url(images/greybeian.png) no-repeat; padding-left:22px; font-size:14px; color:#000000;" href='' target='_blank'>苏公网安备 32058302002030号</a> --> <!-- <a style=" padding-top:15px; font-size:14px; color:#000000;" href='' target="_blank"><img alt="cisp-bmei" src="images/graybeian.png" width="15" height="15">苏公网安备 32058302002030号</a> --> </div> </div> </footer> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var forEach = function(array, callback, thisObject){ if(array.forEach){ array.forEach(callback, thisObject); }else{ for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {, array[i], i, array); } } } var st = new SlideTrans("idContainer2", "idSlider2", 5, { Vertical: false }); var nums = []; for(var i = 0, n = st._count - 1; i <= n;){ (nums[i] = $("idNum").appendChild(document.createElement("li"))).innerHTML = ++i; } forEach(nums, function(o, i){ o.onmouseover = function(){ o.className = "on"; st.Auto = false; st.Run(i); } o.onmouseout = function(){ o.className = ""; st.Auto = true; st.Run(); } }) st.onStart = function(){ forEach(nums, function(o, i){ o.className = st.Index == i ? 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