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See the <A HREF="port_t.html"> Theodosius Port </A> page <LI>12 June 2011 <A HREF="port_t.html"> Theodosius Port </A> page is added <LI>10 June 2011 First 3D reconstruction of the greek city <A HREF="byzantion.html"> Byzantion </A> is added <LI>30 May 2011 <A HREF="!/Byzantium1200" TARGET="_new">Byzantium 1200 is now on twitter</A> From now on no mail will be sent to anyone about the updates. If you want to learn what is going on with the project, please follow Byzantium1200. <LI>28 May 2011 There is a <A HREF="" TARGET="_new">new short clip at Vimeo </A> from Byzantium 1200. The original is in Full HD format. <LI>30 April 2011 <A HREF="tekfur.html"> Tekfur Palace </A> is updated. (Though it is not a subject of this project, I had to update it for an exhibition). <LI>03 March 2011 <A HREF="aetios.html"> Aetios Cistern </A> is updated. <LI>03 March 2011 <A HREF="tiles.html"> All tile images </A> are updated. <LI>28 December 2010 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Tile 10 </A> is completed. All tiles of the model are now complete. <LI>25 December 2010 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Tile 9 </A> is completed <LI>15 September 2010 <A HREF="seawall.html"> 4 new images of the city walls </A> are added <LI>8 June 2010 <A HREF="forum-c.html"> Constantine's Statue in Forum Constantine </A> is added, see also <A HREF="constantine.html"> Constantine </A> <LI>22 May 2010 <A HREF="hipodrom.html"> Hippodrome images </A> are online <LI>12 May 2009 <A HREF="hagia.html#atrium"> Hagia Sophia Fountain </A> added <LI>3 May 2009 <A HREF="boucoleon.html"> Boukoleon "balcony" </A> updated from the 1850 photolithograph <LI>10 March 2009 <A HREF="hipodrom.html"> Hippodrome statues </A> are being updated <LI>7 March 2009 <A HREF="capitolium.html"> Porphyry statues of Constantine & his father Constantius Chlorus </A>, also new information on the Philadelphion Obelisk are added <LI>28 February 2009 A new rendering of the <A HREF="boxes.html"> quadriga horses </A> is added <LI>31 January 2009 <A HREF=""> New website Arkeo3D</A> is up <LI>9 January 2009 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Tile 7 </A> is completed <LI>8 November 2008 <A HREF="p-aura.html"> Porta Aurea </A> is updated <LI>15 October 2008 The scale model <A HREF="museum.html"> exhibition</A> has ended <LI>10 October 2008 <A HREF="justinia.html"> Equestrian statue of Justinian </A> is completed <LI>27 August 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Seventh tile </A> of the Byzantium 1200 model is completed <LI>25 August 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html">Tile 2 </A> is updated <LI>22 May 2008 <A HREF="tripod.html"> The Delphi Tripod </A> is updated <LI>15 May 2008 2nd edition of <A HREF="book.html">"Walking thru Byzantium"</A> is available <LI>4 May 2008 All monument locations are linked to <B>Google Earth</B> <LI>1 May 2008 <A HREF="studion.html"> Saint John of Stoudios </A> is textured <LI>29 April 2008 <A HREF="palace.html"> Palace near Myrelaion </A> is textured <LI>29 April 2008 <A HREF="atik.html"> Atik Mustafa Paşa Camii </A> is textured <LI>23 April 2008 <A HREF="myrelai.html"> Myrelaion </A> is textured <LI>20 April 2008 <A HREF="gul.html"> Gül Camii </A> is textured <LI>15 April 2008 <A HREF="akataleptos.html"> Akataleptos Monastery </A> is textured <LI>13 April 2008 <A HREF="c-lipsos.html"> Lips Monastery </A> is textured <LI>10 April 2008 <A HREF="chora.html"> 12th century Chora </A> is textured <LI>8 April 2008 <A HREF="chora.html"> 14th century Chora </A> is textured <LI>5 April 2008 <A HREF="sergio.html"> Saints Sergios and Bacchos </A> is now textured <LI>2 April 2008 <A HREF="milion.html"> Milion </A> is updated <LI>20 March 2008 <A HREF="kukulaoglu.html"> Substructure under Kukulaoglu Building </A> page is added <LI>18 March 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Sixth tile </A> of the Byzantium 1200 model is completed <LI>14 March 2008 <A HREF="blachernae.html"> Blachernae Palace </A> page is added <LI>8 March 2008 <A HREF="blach_walls.html"> Blachernae Walls </A> page is added <LI>6 March 2008 Pantepoptes Monastery renamed to <A HREF="akataleptos.html"> Akataleptos Monastery</A> due to new research <LI>14 February 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Fifth tile </A> of the Byzantium 1200 model is completed <LI>12 February 2008 <A HREF="pantes.html"> Hagioi Pantes </A> page is added <LI>9 February 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Fourth tile </A> of the Byzantium 1200 model is completed <LI>31 January 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Third tile </A> of the Byzantium 1200 model is completed <LI>15 January 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html">Tile 1 </A> is updated <LI>11 January 2008 <A HREF="capitolium.html"> Capitolium </A> page is added <LI>9 January 2008 <A HREF="seyhsuleyman.html"> Seyh Süleyman Mescidi </A> page is added <LI>6 January 2008 <A HREF="beyazit.html"> Beyazit Churches </A> and <A HREF="balaban.html"> Balaban Aga Mescidi </A> are added <LI>2 January 2008 <A HREF="tiles.html"> Second tile </A> of the Byzantium 1200 model is completed <LI>19 December 2007 <A HREF="tiles.html"> First tile </A> of the Byzantium 1200 model is completed <LI>19 December 2007 <A HREF="land.html"> A new image </A> of the land model is added <LI>14 December 2007 <A HREF="chippodrome.html"> Covered Hippodrome </A> page is added <LI>13 December 2007 <A HREF="mosaic.html"> Mosaic Peristyle </A> page is added <LI>3 November 2007 <A HREF="justinia.html"> Column of Justinian </A> and <A HREF="augustaion.html"> Augustaion </A> are updated <LI>2 November 2007 <A HREF="purkuyu.html"> Pürkuyu Mescidi </A> page is added <LI>31 October 2007 <A HREF="chalke.html"> Chalke </A> and <A HREF="es.html"> Magnaura porch</A> are updated <LI>30 October 2007 <A HREF="carpos.html"> Saints Karpos and Papylos </A> and <A HREF="prodrom.html">Saint John the Baptist en to Trullo</A> are updated <LI>28 October 2007 <A HREF="senato.html"> Magnaura </A> page is updated <LI>26 October 2007 <A HREF="tokludede.html"> Toklu Dede Mescidi </A> page is added <LI>23 October 2007 <A HREF="sampson.html"> Hospital of Sampson </A> page is added <LI>22 October 2007 <A HREF="eirene.html"> Hagia Eirene </A> is textured <LI>17 October 2007 <A HREF="forum-t.html"> Forum of Theodosios </A> is updated, <A HREF="links.html">links page </A> is updated <LI>16 October 2007 <A HREF="forum-c.html"> Forum Constantine </A> and <A HREF="senate2.html"> Senat House </A> are updated <LI>12 August 2007 Two new images of <A HREF="hipodrom.html"> hippodrome</A> are added <LI>14 July 2007 A new image of <A HREF="chora.html"> Chora Monastery</A> is added <LI>29 June 2007 <A HREF="chrysotriklinos.html"> Chrysotriklinos</A> page is back online, many images updated <LI>17 April 2007 <A HREF="museum.html"> Chora scale model </A> is complete <LI>27 March 2007 <A HREF="museum.html"> Hippodrome scale model </A> is complete <LI>4 January 2007 <A HREF="theodora.html"> Theodora page </A> is added <LI>8 December 2006 Byzantium 1200 has a <A HREF="museum.html">museum</A> now! <LI>27 June 2006 <A HREF="antiochos.html">Antiochos Palace</A> is updated <LI>Two new images of <A HREF="">Great Palace</A> are added <LI>2 November 2005 Images of <A href="hagia.html#atrium">Hagia Sophia Atrium</A> are added <LI>1 November 2005 An aerial view of <A href="zeuxippos.html">Zeuxippos</A> is added, <A href="seawall.html">Sea Walls</A> page is updated with new image <LI>30 October 2005 <A href="apostles.html">Holy Apostles</A> is now textured <LI>23 October 2005 <A href="augustaion.html">Augustaion</A> is now textured <LI>13 September 2005 <A href="landwall.html">Landwalls page</A> is updated with new images <LI>09 August 2005 <A href="aquaduct.html">Aquaeduct</A> model is updated <LI>29 May 2005 <A href="seawall.html">Sea Walls</A> page is added <LI>19 May 2005 <A href="hipodrom.html">Two new images</A> of Hippodrome are added <LI>07 May 2005 <A href="hagia.html">Hagia Sophia</A> is now textured <LI>21 August 2004 the look of the site is updated, most links activated <LI>29 May 2004 <A href="hipodrom.html">Kathisma</A> image is updated <LI>27 April 2004 <A href="greatpalace.html">Great Palace</A> sample images are online <LI>14 September 2003 We are back online after being shut down by hackers. Active links contain new material. All links will be active shortly </UL> <!-- Content Here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="6" STYLE="border-right: 1px solid #666666;"><IMG SRC="images/bottom_logo.jpg"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="6" STYLE="height:5px;background-color:#3B071D;"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="6" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE" STYLE="border-right: 1px solid #666666;color:#666666;font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;background-color:#ffffff;">Copyright © 2009 Byzantium 1200</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="6"><IMG SRC="images/bottom_line.gif"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>