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2.365-7.476 3.317-7.476 3.317s7.542 1.322 7.542 3.391c0 2.69-7.157 3.465-7.157 3.465s7.371 1.123 7.371 3.232c0 2.479-7.949 3.619-7.949 3.619s8.142 1.345 8.142 3.157c0 2.285-7.646 3.596-7.646 3.596s7.75.627 7.75 3.1zm16.416 8.001H39.184l-4.434 9.934h.737l1.21-2.758h5.628l1.21 2.758h.77l-4.433-9.934zm-.347.798l2.503 5.711h-5.022l2.52-5.71zm5.287-.73h-.787l3.45 9.94h.577l2.789-8.571 2.789 8.571h.572l3.455-9.94h-.738l-2.992 8.783-2.784-8.81h-.55l-2.789 8.805-2.992-8.777zm17.675-.068h-.683l-4.434 9.934h.738l1.21-2.758h5.622l1.21 2.758h.77l-4.434-9.934zm-.353.798l2.503 5.711h-5.022l2.52-5.71zm10.194-.73h-4v9.866h.705v-4.086h3.119l3.03 4.092h.897l-3.14-4.218c1.606-.227 2.789-1.168 2.789-2.82v-.03a2.654 2.654 0 0 0-.721-1.834c-.572-.587-1.513-.97-2.68-.97zm2.69 2.862c0 1.425-1.177 2.257-2.773 2.257h-3.207v-4.44h3.246c1.727 0 2.734.826 2.734 2.154v.029zm5.98-2.861h-3.175v9.865h3.175c2.992 0 5.06-2.154 5.06-4.935v-.029c0-2.775-2.068-4.901-5.06-4.901zm4.323 4.964c0 2.348-1.672 4.229-4.323 4.229v-.006h-2.465v-8.509h2.465c2.651 0 4.323 1.915 4.323 4.257v.029zm2.52 2.912l-.462.553c1.144 1.06 2.31 1.579 3.84 1.579 1.831 0 3.152-1.095 3.152-2.69v-.029c0-1.442-.925-2.257-3.125-2.724-2.261-.479-2.778-1.111-2.778-2.154v-.029c0-1.031.924-1.863 2.327-1.863 1.051-.02 2.07.38 2.844 1.117l.446-.582c-.963-.798-1.876-1.197-3.263-1.197-1.771 0-3.064 1.129-3.064 2.593v.029c0 1.493.924 2.297 3.213 2.776 2.162.45 2.695 1.06 2.695 2.103v.028c0 1.128-.984 1.96-2.415 1.96-1.397 0-2.365-.467-3.41-1.47zM37.187 8.897h-3.322v-.678h7.349v.678H37.89v9.193h-.704V8.897zm5.562-.678h.71v4.57h6.094V8.22h.71v9.87h-.71v-4.627h-6.095v4.628h-.71V8.219zm10.006 0h6.772v.678h-6.068v3.875h5.457v.678H53.46v3.962h6.14v.678h-6.844V8.219zm-8.73 14.8v.006h-2.426l-.902 3.516-.003.01c-.57 2.248-.68 2.684-1.086 4.937-.325-2.468-.451-3.06-1.634-8.463H35.24l2.783 11.381h2.828l1.056-3.835c.382-1.21.694-2.44.935-3.688.3 1.45.355 1.644.803 3.234l.149.528c.216.755.42 1.515.625 1.486h2.827l2.784-11.387H47.71l-.715 3.471c-.496 2.314-.573 2.702-.903 4.958-.326-2.107-.44-2.523-.978-4.47l-.078-.283c-.352-1.225-.682-2.45-1.012-3.676zm16.443 9.94c.544-.525.907-1.066 1.276-1.636l-2.35-1.237c-.384.775-.967 1.927-2.673 1.927-1.677 0-2.426-1.357-2.41-2.725h7.554c-.044-1.236-.127-3.374-1.502-4.907-1.353-1.51-3.174-1.573-3.801-1.573-4.17 0-5.424 3.397-5.424 6.042 0 3.584 2.206 5.659 5.341 5.659a5.694 5.694 0 0 0 3.989-1.55zm-2.41-7.233c.355.436.562.98.589 1.55h-4.313l.003-.012c.098-.459.204-.955.624-1.435a2.162 2.162 0 0 1 1.528-.714c.58-.02 1.145.2 1.57.611zM68.07 23.02h-4.247v11.382h4.638c1.26 0 2.145-.052 2.97-.422.53-.224.985-.604 1.308-1.093.322-.49.499-1.067.507-1.66 0-.65-.214-1.276-.605-1.71-.597-.703-1.468-.85-2.136-.964l-.025-.005c.594-.125 1.65-.353 2.145-1.515.05-.109.203-.48.203-1.095a2.744 2.744 0 0 0-.51-1.66 2.585 2.585 0 0 0-1.388-.984c-.665-.223-1.705-.274-2.86-.274zm-1.634 4.497V25.15h2.256c.528 0 1.446.045 1.446 1.14 0 1.18-1.012 1.208-1.633 1.225h-2.069zm0 4.822v-2.759h2.396c.566.018 1.631.05 1.631 1.402 0 1.305-1.194 1.34-2.112 1.356h-1.915zm13.302-9.319H75.49v11.382h4.637c1.26 0 2.146-.052 2.97-.422a3.036 3.036 0 0 0 1.816-2.753c0-.65-.22-1.276-.605-1.71-.597-.703-1.468-.85-2.136-.964l-.026-.005c.594-.125 1.65-.353 2.146-1.515.05-.109.203-.48.203-1.095a2.744 2.744 0 0 0-.51-1.66 2.585 2.585 0 0 0-1.388-.984c-.67-.223-1.71-.274-2.86-.274zm-1.634 4.497V25.15h2.255c.528 0 1.447.045 1.447 1.14 0 1.18-1.012 1.208-1.634 1.225h-2.068zm0 4.822v-2.759H80.5c.566.018 1.63.05 1.63 1.402 0 1.305-1.198 1.34-2.112 1.356h-1.914zm9.907-9.319h-3.163l4.126 6.081v5.3h2.706v-5.385l4.154-5.996h-3.125l-1.881 3.05c-.286.467-.314.53-.451.854L88.01 23.02z" fill="#0C0D0E"/></svg> <p class="mb0 fs-body2">We recently won a Webby Award, which honors “the best of the Internet”.<br class="sm:d-none"><span class="p-ff-source-bold">May 2021</span></p> </a> <a href="" class="grid--cell wmx2 wmn2 fc-black-500 h:fc-black-800" rel="external"> <svg class="svg-icon mb16 native" width="44" height="46" fill="none"><path d="M21.795 46l21.569-12.025V.57H0v33.181L21.795 46z" fill="#F74222"/><path d="M24.52 10.479c-.909-.223-1.817-.223-2.725-.223H20.66c-7.265.223-12.714 6.236-12.487 13.362.227 7.126 6.357 12.47 13.622 12.247 2.952 0 5.676-.89 7.946-2.45l-2.95-4.898a8.029 8.029 0 0 1-4.996 1.781h-.908c-4.087-.222-7.265-3.785-7.038-7.794.227-4.008 3.86-7.126 7.946-6.903l2.725-5.122z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M34.51 26.735l-3.406-5.567h-6.357l-3.406 5.567h6.584l3.179 5.345 3.405-5.345zm-8.174-10.02c-.454.667-.681 1.558-.681 2.449l6.13.223v-1.56h-4.087c.227-.667.681-.89 1.362-1.335l.681-.446c1.363-.445 2.044-1.336 2.044-2.45 0-.667-.454-1.335-.908-1.78-.454-.446-1.363-.669-2.044-.669-.68 0-1.362 0-2.043.445-.454.446-.908.891-1.135 1.336l1.135 1.114c.454-.89 1.135-1.336 2.043-1.336.455 0 1.136.445 1.136.89 0 .446-.228.669-1.136 1.114l-.454.223c-.68.445-1.589 1.113-2.043 1.781z" fill="#fff"/></svg> <p class="mb0 fs-body2"><span class="p-ff-source-bold">We’re a seasoned winner in the G2 awards</span><br class="sm:d-none">Spring 2019 to Spring 2021</p> </a> <a href="" class="grid--cell wmn2 fc-black-500 h:fc-black-800" rel="external"> <img src="" class="mb16" alt="Stratus Award 2020" width="80"> <p class="mb0 fs-body2">Stack Overflow for Teams won the <br class="sm:d-none"><span class="p-ff-source-bold">2020 Stratus Award for Cloud Collaboration</span></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid--cell6 md:pb64 fs-subheading p-lh-md fc-black-600 pr32 md:pr0"> <p>Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow’s public platform is used by nearly everyone who codes to learn, share their knowledge, collaborate, and build their careers.</p> <p>Our products and tools help developers and technologists in life and at work. These products include <a href="/web/20210621233052/">Stack Overflow for Teams</a>, <a href="/web/20210621233052/">Stack Overflow Advertising</a>, and Stack Overflow for <a href="/web/20210621233052/">Talent</a> and <a href="/web/20210621233052/">Jobs</a>.</p> <p>Stack Overflow for Teams, our core SaaS collaboration product, is helping thousands of companies around the world as the transition to remote work, address business continuity challenges, and undergo digital transformation.</p> <p>Whether it’s on Stack Overflow or within Stack Overflow for Teams, community is at the center of all that we do.</p> </div> </div> <div class="p-wrapper p-bs-wrapper bg-white d:p-bg-dark-tint bar-lg mx-auto pt96 pb64 mb64"> <div class="wmx10 mx-auto overflow-hidden"> <h2 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fc-black-750 ta-center fs-title mb32 ps-relative"> <span class="bg-white d:p-bg-dark-tint ps-relative z-active px32">Our products</span> <span class="w100 d-block bt bc-black-050 ps-absolute t50"></span> </h2> <div class="grid grid__allcells6 ff-row-wrap ai-stretch sm:ai-start jc-center md:fd-column mb32"> <div class="grid--cell pb32"> <a href="/web/20210621233052/" class="bg-blue-050 h:bg-blue-100 fc-black-700 h100 d-flex ai-center sm:fd-column bar-lg m16 md:mb0 md:mt0"> <div class="p32"> <h3 class="fs-subheading p-ff-roboto-slab-bold"> Our Public Platform </h3> <p class="mb24 fs-subheading">Where developers and technologists go to gain and share knowledge.</p> <div class="s-btn fs-body2 px32 bar-md bg-blue-500 fc-white d:fc-black-900 p-ff-source-bold mt-auto">Participate</div> </div> <img src="" width="155" alt="" class="sm:d-none"> </a> </div> <div class="grid--cell pb32"> <a href="/web/20210621233052/" class="bg-blue-050 h:bg-blue-100 fc-black-700 h100 d-flex ai-center sm:fd-column bar-lg m16 md:mb0 md:mt0"> <div class="p32"> <h3><svg aria-hidden="true" class="native svg-icon iconLogoTeamsAlt" width="143" height="30" viewbox="0 0 143 30"><path d="M21 27v-8h3v11H0V19h3v8h18z" fill="#BCBBBB"/><path d="m5.4 19.1 13.56 1.96.17-2.38-13.26-2.55-.47 2.97zm1.8-6.8 12 5.6 1.1-2.4-12-5.6-1.1 2.4zm3.4-5.9 10.2 8.5 1.7-2-10.2-8.5-1.7 2zM17.1.2 15 1.8l7.9 10.6 2.1-1.6L17.1.2zM5 25h14v-3H5v3z" fill="#F48024"/><path d="M59.14 11h-7.77c-.24 0-.4.16-.4.4v12.18c0 . 0 .4-.16.4-.39v-4.75h4.66c.23 0 .38-.16.38-.39v-1.67c0-.24-.15-.4-.38-.4h-4.67v-2.91h5.56c.23 0 .39-.16.39-.4V11.4c-.04-.2-.23-.39-.43-.39zm10.29 2.73a3.9 3.9 0 00-.9-1.4 4.8 4.8 0 0 0-3.49-1.4 4.72 4.72 0 0 0-4.2 2.41 5.54 5.54 0 0 0-.54 2.38c-.04.42-.04 1.05-.04 1.79 0 .97.04 1.7.08 2.25s.15 1.06.35 1.56c. 2.09 1.4 3.45 1.4a4.51 4.51 0 004.7-4.4c.04-.5.04-1.28.04-2.25 0-.98 0-1.72-.04-2.26a4 4 0 00-.3-1.48zM63.02 15c.08-.42.23-.77.47-1.05.15-.2.38-.35.66-.46.27-.12.58-.16.85-.16.31 0 . 1.02a18 18 0 01.12 2.49c0 .78 0 1.4-.04 1.87a3.1 3.1 0 01-.2 1 1.94 1.94 0 0 1-1.9 1.25 2.09 2.09 0 0 1-1.51-.58 1.1 1.1 0 0 1-.31-.47 1.88 1.88 0 0 1-.16-.58l-.12-.97c0-.4-.03-.9-.03-1.52.07-1.13.11-1.99.19-2.46zm15.05 3.44a3.58 3.58 0 002.25-3.47 3.66 3.66 0 0 0-1.98-3.43 4.39 4.39 0 0 0-2.17-.5h-4.75c-.23 0-.38.16-.38.4v12.18c0 . 0 .39-.16.39-.4v-4.74h1.67l2.45 4.9c. 0 .27-.08.35-.2a.35.35 0 000-.39l-2.57-4.98zm-4.4-4.98h2.34c.55 0 .93.11 1.13 0 .47-.15.82-.42 1.1-.32.27-.7.42-1.25.42h-2.33v-3.07zM95.88 11h-8.55c-.24 0-.4.16-.4.4v1.67c0 . . 0 .38-.16.38-.39V13.46h2.96c.23 0 .39-.16.39-.4V11.4c.04-.2-.16-.39-.35-.39zm10.26 0h-7.77c-.24 0-.4.16-.4.4v12.18c0 . 0 .39-.16.39-.39v-1.67c0-.24-.16-.4-.4-.4h-5.55v-2.87h4.67c.23 0 .38-.16.38-.4v-1.63c0-.23-.15-.39-.38-.39h-4.67v-2.76h5.56c.23 0 .39-.16.39-.4V11.4c0-.2-.2-.39-.4-.39zm8.13.28a.37.37 0 00-.35-.28h-1.48a.37.37 0 00-.35.28l-4.47 12.18a.38.38 0 00.04.35c. 0 .3-.12.35-.27l.73-2.18h4.24l.74 2.18c. 0 .23-.08.31-.16a.38.38 0 00.04-.35l-4.43-12.18zm.23 7.9h-2.64l1.36-3.82 1.28 3.82zM131.22 11h-1.86c-.16 0-.27.08-.35.24l-3.11 6.81-3.19-6.81c-.08-.16-.2-.24-.35-.24h-1.86c-.24 0-.4.16-.4.4v12.18c0 . 0 .4-.16.4-.39v-6.42l2.13 4.4c. 0 .27-.08.35-.23l2.06-4.37v6.43c0 . 0 .4-.16.4-.4V11.44c-.05-.23-.2-.43-.44-.43zm10.46 6.35a2.95 2.95 0 00-1.01-.62 5.98 5.98 0 0 0-1.44-.35l-1.4-.2a2.35 2.35 0 01-.7-.2c-.2-.07-.39-.19-.46-.27-.24-.19-.31-.46-.31-.85 0-.31.07-.55.19-.78.16-.23.35-.39.58-.5.28-.12.63-.2 1.01-.2.35 0 . 0l1.2-1.16c.08-.08.12-.2.12-.28a.36.36 0 00-.12-.27c-.54-.5-1.16-.9-1.79-1.13a6.53 6.53 0 00-2.25-.35c-.9 0-1.67.16-2.33.47-.66.31-1.2.82-1.56 1.4a3.98 3.98 0 00-.54 2.07c0 1.09.35 1.98 1.01 1.44.94 2.53 1.1l1.43.19c. 0 .47-.15.82-.5 1.05a2.8 2.8 0 01-1.64.43 4.55 4.55 0 0 1-2.02-.47 3.8 3.8 0 0 1-.81-.62.35.35 0 0 0-.28-.12.36.36 0 0 0-.27.12l-1.24 1.2a.35.35 0 00-.12.28c0 . 5.52 0 002.02 1.33c.74.27 1.6.39 2.56.39a5.7 5.7 0 003.39-1.06 3.63 3.63 0 0 0 1.36-2.92c-.04-1.24-.43-2.18-1.17-2.8z" fill="var(--black-800)"/><path fill="#D6D9DC" d="M38 11h1v13h-1z"/></svg></h3> <p class="mb24 fs-subheading">Where developers and technologists share private knowledge with coworkers.</p> <div class="s-btn fs-body2 px32 bar-md bg-blue-500 fc-white 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0 0 0 .04-.43l-4.43-12.06zm-2.4 7.76 1.24-3.42 1.2 3.42h-2.44zm16.44 2.33h-5.42v-9.93c0-.28-.2-.47-.48-.47h-1.84c-.28 0-.48.2-.48.47v12.06c0 . 0 .48-.2.48-.47v-1.66c0-.23-.2-.47-.48-.47zM90.34 11h-7.82c-.28 0-.48.2-.48.47v12.06c0 . 0 .48-.2.48-.47v-1.66c0-.27-.2-.47-.48-.47h-5.47v-2.68h4.6c.27 0 .47-.2.47-.47v-1.62c0-.27-.2-.47-.48-.47h-4.58v-2.6h5.46c.28 0 .48-.2.48-.47v-1.66c0-.24-.2-.43-.48-.43zm12.25 0h-1.83c-.28 0-.48.2-.48.47v6.9l-4.8-7.18a.5.5 0 00-.4-.2h-1.7c-.29 0-.49.2-.49.48v12.06c0 . 0 .48-.2.48-.47v-6.9l4.79 7.17c. 0 .48-.2.48-.47V11.47c0-.28-.2-.47-.48-.47zm11.71 0h-8.58c-.28 0-.48.2-.48.47v1.66c0 . . 0 .48-.2.48-.47V13.6h2.87c.28 0 .48-.2.48-.47v-1.66c.04-.28-.16-.47-.44-.47z" fill="var(--black-800)"/></svg></h3> <p class="mb24 fs-subheading">Where companies build their employer brand to attract top tech talent.</p> <div class="s-btn fs-body2 px32 bar-md bg-blue-500 fc-white d:fc-black-900 p-ff-source-bold mt-auto">Learn more</div> </div> <img src="" width="155" alt="" 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3.42-1.24.39-.38.7-.85.9-1.4.19-.5.3-1 .38-1.54.04-.5.08-1.09.08-1.75v-1.24a7.27 7.27 0 00-.47-3.14zm-2.17 3.8c0 1-.04 1.82-.12 2.33-.08.46-.2.81-.43 1.08-.43.47-1 .7-1.79.7H65.6v-8.07h1.86c.78 0 1.36.24 1.63zm13.14-6.4H81c-.15 0-.3.12-.39.27l-2.44 7.68-2.41-7.68c-.04-.15-.2-.27-.4-.27h-1.9c-.11 0-.23.08-.3.15-.09.08-.09.24-.05.35l4 12.14c. 0 .31-.11.35-.27l4.04-12.14c.04-.11 0-.23-.04-.35-.11-.07-.23-.15-.35-.15zm10.25 0h-7.77c-.23 0-.39.15-.39.39v12.14c0 . 0 .39-.15.39-.38V21.9a.37.37 0 00-.39-.39h-5.56v-2.87h4.67c.23 0 .39-.15.39-.39v-1.63c0-.23-.16-.38-.4-.38h-4.66v-2.76h5.56c.23 0 .39-.15.39-.39v-1.66a.4.4 0 00-.39-.4zm8.84 7.41a3.56 3.56 0 002.25-3.45 3.66 3.66 0 0 0-1.98-3.41 4.4 4.4 0 0 0-2.18-.51h-4.74c-.23 0-.39.15-.39.39V23.6c0 . 0 .39-.15.39-.38v-4.74h1.67l2.44 4.9c. 0 .27-.07.35-.19a.35.35 0 000-.39l-2.56-4.96zm-.35-3.46c0 .47-.16.82-.43 1.1-.31.26-.7.42-1.24.42h-2.34v-3.03H100c.54 0 .93.12 1.08zm12.16-3.95h-8.54c-.24 0-.4.15-.4.39v1.66c0 . . 0 .4-.15.4-.38V13.48h2.95c.23 0 .38-.15.38-.39v-1.66c.04-.2-.15-.4-.35-.4zm4.47 0h-1.87c-.23 0-.39.15-.39.39v12.14c0 . 0 .4-.15.4-.38V11.43a.4.4 0 00-.4-.4zm10.3 6.28a2.96 2.96 0 00-1.01-.62 6 6 0 0 0-1.44-.35l-1.4-.2a2.36 2.36 0 01-.7-.19c-.2-.07-.39-.19-.46-.27-.24-.2-.31-.46-.31-.85 0-.31.07-.54.19-.78.16-.23.35-.38.58-.5.28-.12.63-.2 1.01-.2.35 0 . 0l1.2-1.16c.08-.08.12-.2.12-.28a.36.36 0 00-.12-.27 5.42 5.42 0 0 0-1.79-1.12 6.54 6.54 0 0 0-2.25-.35c-.9 0-1.67.15-2.33.46a3.63 3.63 0 00-2.1 3.46c0 1.08.35 1.97 1.01 1.44.93 2.53 1.08l1.43.2c. 0 .47-.16.82-.5 1.05-.4.27-.94.43-1.64.43a4.56 4.56 0 01-2.02-.47 3.79 3.79 0 0 1-.81-.62.35.35 0 0 0-.28-.12.36.36 0 0 0-.27.12l-1.24 1.2a.35.35 0 00-.12.27c0 . 5.52 0 002.02 1.32c.74.27 1.6.4 2.56.4a5.7 5.7 0 003.39-1.06 3.61 3.61 0 0 0 1.35-2.9 3.72 3.72 0 0 0-1.16-2.8zm5.24-6.28h-1.86c-.23 0-.39.15-.39.39v12.14c0 . 0 .4-.15.4-.38V11.43a.4.4 0 00-.4-.4zm11.69 0h-1.82c-.24 0-.4.15-.4.39v7.25l-4.89-7.45c-.07-.11-.2-.2-.3-.2h-1.72c-.23 0-.39.16-.39.4v12.14c0 . 0 .39-.15.39-.38V16.3l4.9 7.45c. 0 .4-.16.4-.4V11.44c-.05-.2-.24-.4-.44-.4zm11.6 5.58h-4.43c-.23 0-.39.16-.39.4v1.54c0 . .7-.19 1.24-.5 1.67-.43.5-.97.74-1.67.74a2.1 2.1 0 01-1.52-.59 1.37 1.37 0 0 1-.3-.46c-.09-.16-.13-.35-.2-.62l-.12-.97c0-.35-.04-.85-.04-1.51 0-1.17.04-2.02.16-2.49.07-.42.23-.77.5-1.04.2-.2.4-.35.66-.47.28-.12.55-.15.86-.15.39 0 .74.07 1 . 0 .23-.04.3-.16.09-.07.12-.2.09-.3a4.58 4.58 0 00-.82-2.06 4.57 4.57 0 0 0-4-2.02 4.72 4.72 0 0 0-4.2 2.4c-.16.35-.31.74-.39 1.13-.08.39-.11.81-.15 1.24-.04.43-.04 1-.04 1.79 0 .96.04 1.7.08 1.05.34 1.4a5.34 5.34 0 002.18 1.27c. 1.28.16a4.7 4.7 0 003.61-1.52c.43-.46.74-1 .93-1.59.2-.58.28-1.28.28-2.09v-1.86c-.08-.35-.28-.5-.47-.5z" fill="var(--black-800)"/></svg></h3> <p class="mb24 fs-subheading">Where companies reach the world’s largest audience of developers and technologists.</p> <div class="s-btn fs-body2 px32 bar-md bg-blue-500 fc-white d:fc-black-900 p-ff-source-bold mt-auto">Learn more</div> </div> <img src="" width="155" 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ps-relative z-active px32">Our core values</span> <span class="w100 d-block bt bc-black-050 ps-absolute t50"></span> </h2> <div class="grid grid__allcells4 ff-row-wrap sm:fd-column gs64 gsx py48"> <div class="grid--cell"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="fc-orange-500 svg-spot spotHeart" width="48" height="48" viewbox="0 0 48 48"><path opacity=".2" d="M34.93 11a9.33 9.33 0 00-8.78 7.53c0 .32 0 .32 0 0a9.93 9.93 0 00-9.26-7.52 9.6 9.6 0 00-7.43 3.08 9.3 9.3 0 00-2.37 7.59c0 8.96 12.02 17.23 16.73 20.54a3.56 3.56 0 004.45 0C32.6 39.07 45 30.64 45 21.68 45 16.98 43.6 11 34.93 11z"/><path d="M5.92 10.36a9.89 9.89 0 018.17-3.49h.01c3.83.17 7.22 2.29 9.06 5.47a10.43 10.43 0 018.76-5.47c4.6 0 7.48 1.62 9.15 4.07 1.62 2.37 1.97 5.32 1.97 7.74 0 4.97-3.37 9.6-7.01 13.25a76.36 76.36 0 01-10.02 8.2 4.64 4.64 0 01-5.77 0l-.48-.34a75.83 75.83 0 01-9.8-7.91c-3.67-3.64-7-8.23-7-13.2v-.04c.1-3.08 1.08-6.07 2.96-8.28zM22.1 15.7A8.73 8.73 0 0014 9.14a7.6 7.6 0 00-6.35 2.7 11.22 11.22 0 00-2.42 6.86c0 3.99 2.75 8 6.33 11.57a73.7 73.7 0 009.52 7.68l. 2.37 0 003.01-.03l.75-.55c2.28-1.66 5.86-4.26 9.02-7.43 3.58-3.59 6.35-7.65 6.35-11.65 0-2.28-.35-4.66-1.57-6.46-1.17-1.7-3.27-3.07-7.25-3.08a8.13 8.13 0 00-7.64 6.76l-.04.12-.11.2c-.06.06-.21.22-.32.3a2 2 0 01-.7.17 2 2 0 01-.59-.22c-.08-.06-.2-.18-.24-.24a2 2 0 01-.14-.25 2.01 2.01 0 01-.06-.24v-.03l-.01-.01z"/></svg> <h3 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fs-title fc-black-700 mt24 mb12 mnh64">Adopt a customer-first mindset</h3> <p class="fs-body3 mb32">Authentically serve our customers by empowering, listening and collaborating with our fellow Stackers.</p> </div> <div class="grid--cell"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="fc-orange-500 svg-spot spotWave" width="48" height="48" viewbox="0 0 48 48"><path d="M37.96 1.57c.67-.34 1.5-.07 1.84.6l5.42 10.75a1.37 1.37 0 11-2.46 1.23L37.35 3.41c-.34-.67-.07-1.5.6-1.84zm-3.21 5.9c.69-.31 1.5 0 1.81.69l2.32 5.15a1.37 1.37 0 01-2.5 1.13L34.06 9.3c-.31-.7 0-1.5.69-1.82zM6.87 35.3a1.37 1.37 0 011.94-.06l4.64 4.39a1.37 1.37 0 11-1.89 2l-4.64-4.39a1.37 1.37 0 01-.05-1.94zm-5.21 2.38a1.37 1.37 0 011.94-.06l8.34 7.82a1.37 1.37 0 11-1.88 2l-8.34-7.81a1.37 1.37 0 01-.06-1.95zm14.72-.75c3.22 4.1 7.62 9.71 13.93 9.71 1.84 0 3.74-.5 5.65-1.47 5.71-2.92 6.97-6.96 8.55-12.07l.28-.9c1.46-4.67 2.44-8.4 2.7-9.44.56-1.8-.53-3.64-2.43-4.16a3.8 3.8 0 00-2.7.27 3.33 3.33 0 00-1.7 1.97l-1.82 6.27a.28.28 0 01-.25.2c-.13-.04-.23-.07-.27-.17L28.18 4.31c-.9-1.52-2.62-2.05-4.05-1.32-1.52.78-1.85 2.05-1 3.9.87 1.87 5.02 13.3 5.71 0 .28-.12.35-.18.07-.3 0-.37-.1L17.9 5.56a2.9 2.9 0 00-3.83-1.08c-.67.34-1.13.9-1.32 1.56a2.6 2.6 0 00.3 2.02l9.7 16.55c. 0-.95.12-1.42.35-.59.3-.97.76-1.1 1.33-.18.71.06 1.55.64 2.3.81 1.06 8.66 11.99 10.22 14.17l.05.06c. 0 01-.36.01l-9.66-7.57a4.05 4.05 0 00-2.4-.94c-.43 0-.84.1-1.23.3-.35.17-.62.58-.73 1.08-.11.54-.02 1.09.25 2.47 2.68 4.49 4.49 2.24 2 4.78 4.28 6.61 1.34 1.67z" opacity=".2"/><path d="M11.76 34.62l.49.58 2.06 5.47 7.93 7.85 12.87 7.85 2 0 4.05-.53 6.1-1.58 4.66-2.38 6.58-5.1 8.47-10.81l.58-1.86.43-1.4c1.05-3.4 1.86-6.22 2.57-8.98a4.3 4.3 0 00-3.14-5.37l-.21-.06a4.6 4.6 0 00-5.41 2.96l-1.27 4.39L26.58 2.6l-.05-.1C25.36.55 23.08-.18 21.16.8c-1.97 1-2.48 2.79-1.55 4.99l.15.32c.4.9 1.56 3.97 2.75 7.18l.53 1.44-6.81-11C15.18 1.97 13 1.5 11.2 2.38l-.18.08c-1.77.95-2.48 2.92-1.36 4.83l4.89 8.33-3.91-4.8A4.46 4.46 0 007.2 9.04c-3.07 0-4.47 3.05-2.78 5.45l1.7 2.33 3.51 4.86 2.14 2.97-5.63-4.41a4.9 4.9 0 00-3.02-1.16 2.91 2.91 0 00-2.57 4.44l.11.18c.5.77 1.38 1.66 3.25 3.37l3.5 45.66 0 013.64 3.74zm4.1 1.88l-1.89-2.35-.68-.82a35.6 35.6 0 00-1.92-2.1l-.59-.57c-.5-.5-1.04-1.01-1.64-1.57l-1.89-1.7-1.74-1.58c-1.99-1.8-2.87-2.7-3.22-3.3-.41-.7.01-1.43.84-1.43.58 0 1.2.28 1.78.73l9.67 7.57c.55.44 1.31.35 1.75-.17.37-.46.4-1.13.02-1.62L7.1 14.72l-.96-1.3c-.88-1.15-.34-2.38 1.08-2.38.68 0 1.33.39 1.89 1.05L19 24.24c.43.51 1.12.58 1.96-.23 2.45.61L25 21.68c.8 1.3 2.77.33 2.28-1.1l-.57-1.64a378.22 378.22 0 00-5.17-13.76c-.64-1.39-.47-2.08.54-2.6l.15-.06c.87-.36 1.87-.04 2.5.86l.06.1L34.9 26.26c.47 1.06 2.07.97 2.4-.16l1.81-6.27c.38-1.2 1.84-1.92 3.18-1.55 1.37.37 2.13 1.66 1.74 2.9l-.29 1.1c-.58 2.23-1.24 4.53-2.05 7.17l-.96 3.1-.25.76C38.74 38.58 37.1 40.9 33 43a11.4 11.4 0 01-5.2 1.36c-4.35 0-7.41-2.29-11.93-7.85z"/></svg> <h3 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fs-title fc-black-700 mt24 mb12 mnh64">Be flexible and inclusive</h3> <p class="fs-body3 mb32">We do our best work when a diverse group of people collaborate in an environment of respect and trust. Create space for different voices to be heard, and allow flexibility in how people work.</p> </div> <div class="grid--cell"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="fc-orange-500 svg-spot spotCompass" width="48" height="48" viewbox="0 0 48 48"><path opacity=".2" d="M21 26.5V38l10-7V19.5l-10 7z"/><path d="M23 15.12a1 1 0 102 0v-3a1 1 0 10-2 0v3zM12.97 28a1 1 0 100-2H9.98a1 1 0 100 2h3zM38 28a1 1 0 100-2h-2.99a1 1 0 000 2H38zM23.94 43a1 1 0 01-1-1v-3a1 1 0 112 0v3a1 1 0 01-1 1zm9.3-6.35a1 1 0 001.41-1.41l-.7-.7a1 1 0 10-1.42 1.4l.71.71zM15.3 19.7l-.71-.7A1 1 0 0116 17.59l.7.7a1 1 0 01-1.4 1.42zm-1.95 16.54a1 1 0 001.41 1.41l.7-.7a1 1 0 10-1.4-1.42l-.71.71zM32.3 19.41a1 1 0 010-1.41l.7-.7a1 1 0 111.41 1.4l-.7.71a1 1 0 01-1.42 0zM24 29a2 2 0 100-4 2 2 0 000 4zm6-11a1 1 0 00-1.6-.8l-10 7.5a1 1 0 00-.4.8V36a1 1 0 001.55.84l10-6.5a1 1 0 00.45-.84V18zM20 34.16V26l8-6v8.96l-8 5.2zm6.48-26.12A3.96 3.96 0 0024 1a3.95 3.95 0 00-2.48 7.04A19.05 19.05 0 005 26.94C5 37.47 13.5 46 24 46s19-8.53 19-19.06c0-9.69-7.2-17.68-16.52-18.9zm-.53-3.08a1.95 1.95 0 11-3.9 0 1.95 1.95 0 113.9 0zM24 44c-9.38 0-17-7.63-17-17.06S14.62 9.87 24 9.87c9.38 0 17 7.64 17 17.07S33.38 44 24 44z"/></svg> <h3 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fs-title fc-black-700 mt24 mb12 mnh64">Be transparent</h3> <p class="fs-body3 mb32">Communicate openly and honestly, both inside and outside the company. Encourage transparency from others by being empathetic, reliable, and acting with integrity.</p> </div> <div class="grid--cell"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="fc-orange-500 svg-spot spotNetwork" width="48" height="48" viewbox="0 0 48 48"><path d="M26 11a3 3 0 100-6 3 3 0 000 6zm0 36a3 3 0 100-6 3 3 0 000 6zm19-12a3 3 0 11-6 0 3 3 0 016 0zm-3-15a3 3 0 100-6 3 3 0 000 6zm-29-3a3 3 0 11-6 0 3 3 0 016 0zm-3 21a3 3 0 100-6 3 3 0 000 6zm19-12a3 3 0 11-6 0 3 3 0 016 0z" opacity=".2"/><path d="M10.98 35.67l9.23 5.04a4 4 0 107.4-.45l9.11-4.97A4 4 0 1041 29.13V18.87a4 4 0 10-3.22-7.2l-9.82-6.24a4 4 0 00-7.92 0l-9.82 6.24A4 4 0 107 18.87v10.26a4 4 0 103.98 6.54zM24 4a2 2 0 110 4 2 2 0 010-4zm-3.24 17.66l-3.92-2.5 5.4-9.56c. 4 0 00-2.24 1.53zm-5.61-3.57l-3.28-2.08a4 4 0 00-.3-2.82l8.77-5.58a4 4 0 00.36.65l-5.55 9.83zm-.99 1.74L9 28.97v-10.1a4 4 0 001.9-1.11l3.26 2.07zM10.7 30.04l5.16-9.13 4.17 2.65a4.05 4.05 0 000 .88l-9.12 5.8a4 4 0 00-.2-.2zm16.2-8.8a4 4 0 00-1.9-1.11v-10.1l5.16 9.14-3.26 2.07zm.98 1.75l3.28-2.08 5.45 9.65-8.73-5.55a4 4 0 000-2.02zm4.97-3.16l3.92-2.49A4 4 0 0039 18.87v10.26c-.26.06-.51.16-.75.27l-5.41-9.57zM26.69 8.96c.41-.38.75-.84.97-1.35l8.77 5.58a3.98 3.98 0 00-.4 2.25l-4.18 2.65-5.16-9.13zM25 27.87a4 4 0 001.9-1.11L35.14 32H25v-4.13zM23 32H11.87l8.89-5.66A4 4 0 0023 27.87V32zm-10.91 2H23v4.13a4 4 0 00-1.68.9L12.09 34zM10 33a2 2 0 11-4 0 2 2 0 014 0zm15 1h9.91l-8.63 4.71a3.98 3.98 0 00-1.28-.58V34zm1-10a2 2 0 11-4 0 2 2 0 014 0zm-16-9a2 2 0 11-4 0 2 2 0 014 0zm30 2a2 2 0 110-4 2 2 0 010 4zM22 42a2 2 0 114 0 2 2 0 01-4 0zm18-11a2 2 0 110 4 2 2 0 010-4z"/></svg> <h3 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fs-title fc-black-700 mt24 mb12 mnh64 mrn24 wmx3">Empower people to deliver outstanding results</h3> <p class="fs-body3 mb32">Give people space to get their job done, support them when they need it, and practice blameless accountability.</p> </div> <div class="grid--cell"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="fc-orange-500 svg-spot spotPeople" width="48" height="48" viewbox="0 0 48 48"><path d="M13.5 28a4.5 4.5 0 100-9 4.5 4.5 0 000 9zM7 30a1 1 0 011-1h11a1 1 0 011 1v5h11v-5a1 1 0 011-1h12a1 1 0 011 1v10a2 2 0 01-2 2H33v5a1 1 0 01-1 1H20a1 1 0 01-1-1v-5H8a1 1 0 01-1-1V30zm25-6.5a4.5 4.5 0 109 0 4.5 4.5 0 00-9 0zM24.5 34a4.5 4.5 0 100-9 4.5 4.5 0 000 9z" opacity=".2"/><path d="M16.4 26.08A6 6 0 107.53 26C5.64 26.06 4 27.52 4 29.45V40a1 1 0 001 1h9a1 1 0 100-2h-4v-7a1 1 0 10-2 0v7H6v-9.55c0-.73.67-1.45 1.64-1.45H16a1 1 0 00.4-1.92zM12 18a4 4 0 110 8 4 4 0 010-8zm16.47 14a6 6 0 10-8.94 0A3.6 3.6 0 0016 35.5V46a1 1 0 001 1h14a1 1 0 001-1V35.5c0-1.94-1.64-3.42-3.53-3.5zM20 28a4 4 0 118 0 4 4 0 01-8 0zm-.3 6h8.6c1 0 1.7.75 1.7 1.5V45h-2v-7a1 1 0 10-2 0v7h-4v-7a1 1 0 10-2 0v7h-2v-9.5c0-.75.7-1.5 1.7-1.5zM42 22c0 1.54-.58 2.94-1.53 4A3.5 3.5 0 0144 29.45V40a1 1 0 01-1 1h-9a1 1 0 110-2h4v-7a1 1 0 112 0v7h2v-9.55A1.5 1.5 0 0040.48 28H32a1 1 0 01-.4-1.92A6 6 0 1142 22zm-2 0a4 4 0 10-8 0 4 4 0 008 0z"/><path d="M17 10a1 1 0 011-1h12a1 1 0 110 2H18a1 1 0 01-1-1zm1-5a1 1 0 100 2h12a1 1 0 100-2H18zm-4-4a1 1 0 00-1 1v12a1 1 0 001 1h5.09l4.2 4.2a1 1 0 001.46-.04l3.7-4.16H34a1 1 0 001-1V2a1 1 0 00-1-1H14zm1 12V3h18v10h-5a1 1 0 00-.75.34l-3.3 3.7-3.74-3.75a1 1 0 00-.71-.29H15z" opacity=".35"/></svg> <h3 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fs-title fc-black-700 mt24 mb12 mnh64">Keep community at our center</h3> <p class="fs-body3 mb32">Community is at the heart of everything we do. Nurture healthy communities where everyone is encouraged to learn and give back.</p> </div> <div class="grid--cell"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="fc-orange-500 svg-spot spotMetrics" width="48" height="48" viewbox="0 0 48 48"><path d="M43.5 11a3.5 3.5 0 100-7 3.5 3.5 0 000 7zm-28 13a3.5 3.5 0 100-7 3.5 3.5 0 000 7zm-8 22a3.5 3.5 0 100-7 3.5 3.5 0 000 7zM36 28.5a3.5 3.5 0 11-7 0 3.5 3.5 0 017 0z" opacity=".2"/><path d="M37.2 5.5a4.3 4.3 0 113.36 4.2l-6.44 13.38a4.3 4.3 0 11-6.93 3.33l-.02-.02-9.98-5.67a4.3 4.3 0 01-4.1 2.07l-5.2 14.13a4.3 4.3 0 11-1.49-.63l5.13-13.96a4.3 4.3 0 116.22-3.15l9.81 5.58a4.3 4.3 0 015.12-2.4l6.4-13.3a4.3 4.3 0 01-1.89-3.56zm4.3-2.7a2.7 2.7 0 100 5.4 2.7 2.7 0 000-5.4zm-28 13a2.7 2.7 0 100 5.4 2.7 2.7 0 000-5.4zm-8 22a2.7 2.7 0 100 5.4 2.7 2.7 0 000-5.4zm23.3-11.3a2.7 2.7 0 105.4 0 2.7 2.7 0 00-5.4 0z"/></svg> <h3 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fs-title fc-black-700 mt24 mb12 mnh64">Learn, share, grow</h3> <p class="fs-body3 mb32">Adopt a Growth Mindset. Be curious and eager to learn. Aim for ethical, sustainable, long-term growth, both personally and in the company.</p> </div> </div> </div> <h2 class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold fc-black-750 ta-center fs-title mb32 ps-relative wmx10 mx-auto mt32"> <span class="bg-white d:p-bg-dark-tint ps-relative z-active px32">Investors</span> <span class="w100 d-block bt bc-black-050 ps-absolute t50"></span> </h2> <div class="grid jc-center ai-center ff-row-wrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class="mx32 py16"> <svg fill="none" height="41" viewbox="0 0 180 41" width="180"><g fill="var(--black-600)"><path d="m162.702 28.3653v7.4051c0 1.9663 1.296 1.9663 3.848 1.8408v2.9704c-5.145.6275-7.153-.7949-7.153-4.8112v-7.4051h-2.845v-3.2215h2.845v-3.3469l3.346-1.0041v4.3092h3.849v3.2214h-3.89z"/><path d="m179.977 37.4857h-7.655l7.613-9.1622v-3.1378h-11.754v3.1378h7.613l-7.613 9.1622v3.0959h11.796z"/><path d="m50.3461 0-3.3882 1.00408v6.23367c-1.3386-.96224-3.0118-1.54795-4.7687-1.54795-.2928 0-.5856 0-.8784.04183-.0837 0-.1673.04184-.2928.04184-.1673.04184-.3765.04184-.5438.08367-.1255.04184-.2091.04184-.3346.08368-.1674.04183-.3347.08367-.502.12551-.1255.04183-.2091.08367-.3346.12551-.1674.04183-.2928.12551-.4602.16734-.1255.04184-.2091.08368-.3346.16735s-.2928.12551-.4183.20918c-.1255.04184-.2092.12551-.2928.20919-.1255.08367-.251.16734-.3765.25102-.0836.08367-.2091.12551-.2928.20918-.1255.08367-.251.16735-.3346.29286-.0837.08367-.1674.16735-.251.25102-.1255.08367-.2092.20918-.3347.33469-.0836.08368-.1673.16735-.2509.25102-.0837.12551-.2092.20919-.2928.3347-.0837.08367-.1674.20918-.2092.29285-.0837.12551-.1673.25102-.251.37653-.0836.08368-.1255.20919-.2091.29286-.0837.12551-.1255.25107-.2092.41837-.0418.1255-.1255.2092-.1673.3347-.0837.1255-.1255.2928-.1673.4602-.0418.1255-.0837.2092-.1255.3347-.0418.1673-.0837.3347-.1255.502-.0418.1255-.0418.2092-.0837.3347-.0418.1674-.0836.3766-.0836.5439 0 .0837-.0418.1673-.0418.2929-.0419.251-.0419.5438-.0419.7949v.0418c0 .2929 0 .5857.0419.9204.4183 3.7653 3.5137 6.8612 7.2784 7.2378 2.0915.2091 4.0575-.3766 5.6052-1.5062v1.1715h3.3882v-21.7133zm-3.3882 13.8898c-.0419 2.9704-2.719 5.2714-5.8144 4.6439-1.7987-.3766-3.2628-1.8408-3.6392-3.6398-.0837-.3766-.1255-.7531-.1255-1.0878 0-.0837 0-.1255 0-.2092 0-.1255 0-.2091.0418-.3347 0-.0836 0-.1255.0418-.2091 0-.0837.0419-.2092.0419-.2929s.0418-.1255.0418-.2092c.0418-.0837.0418-.2092.0837-.2928.0418-.0837.0418-.1255.0836-.2092.0419-.0837.0837-.1674.1255-.2929.0418-.0418.0418-.1255.0837-.1673.0418-.0837.1255-.2092.1673-.2929.0418-.0418.0418-.0837.0837-.1255.0836-.1255.1673-.251.2509-.3347l.0419-.0418c.0836-.1255.2091-.251.3346-.3766.0418-.0418.0837-.0836.1255-.0836.0837-.0837.1673-.1674.251-.2092.0418-.0418.0836-.0837.1673-.12552.0837-.04184.1673-.12551.251-.16735.0418-.04184.1255-.08367.1673-.08367.0837-.04184.1673-.08368.251-.12551.0418-.04184.1255-.04184.1673-.08368.0837-.04183.1673-.08367.2928-.12551.0837-.04183.1255-.04183.2092-.08367.0836-.04184.2091-.04184.2928-.08367.0836 0 .1255-.04184.2091-.04184.1255-.04184.2092-.04184.3347-.04184.0418 0 .1254 0 .1673-.04183.1673 0 .3346-.04184.5019-.04184 2.6353 0 4.7687 2.13363 4.7687 4.72753z"/><path d="m13.9541 6.15001v1.04591c-1.3386-.96224-3.0118-1.54796-4.76863-1.54796-4.85228.04184-8.700636 4.18368-8.15685 9.12044.4183 3.7653 3.51372 6.8612 7.27842 7.2377 2.09146.2092 4.05746-.3765 5.60526-1.5061v1.1714h3.3882c0-2.4265 0-4.853 0-7.2377 0-.1674 0-.3766 0-.5439 0-2.552 0-5.10408 0-7.69796h-3.3464zm0 7.73979c-.0418 2.9704-2.719 5.2714-5.81438 4.6439-1.79869-.3766-3.26274-1.8408-3.63921-3.6398-.62745-3.0959 1.71503-5.81532 4.68496-5.81532 2.63533 0 4.76863 2.13362 4.76863 4.72752z"/><path d="m86.9473 32.8837c0-4.6021 3.6392-8.1164 8.1568-8.1164 4.5595 0 8.1569 3.5143 8.1569 8.1164 0 4.5602-3.5974 8.1163-8.1569 8.1163-4.5176 0-8.1568-3.5561-8.1568-8.1163zm12.9673 0c0-2.8031-2.0915-4.8949-4.8105-4.8949-2.7189 0-4.8104 2.05-4.8104 4.8949 0 2.803 2.0915 4.8949 4.8104 4.8949 2.719 0 4.8105-2.0919 4.8105-4.8949z"/><path d="m112.631 24.8929v3.5979c-2.176-.1673-4.769.8786-4.769 4.3092v7.7816h-3.346v-15.4377h3.346v2.5939c.92-2.0919 2.803-2.8449 4.769-2.8449z"/><path d="m112.547 32.8837c0-4.6021 3.64-8.1164 8.157-8.1164 4.56 0 8.157 3.5143 8.157 8.1164 0 4.5602-3.597 8.1163-8.157 8.1163-4.517 0-8.157-3.5561-8.157-8.1163zm12.968 0c0-2.8031-2.092-4.8949-4.811-4.8949s-4.81 2.05-4.81 4.8949c0 2.803 2.091 4.8949 4.81 4.8949s4.811-2.0919 4.811-4.8949z"/><path d="m150.78 25.1439-4.852 15.4377h-3.263l-3.221-10.3755-3.221 10.3755h-3.263l-4.852-15.4377h3.514l3.012 10.6683 3.262-10.6683h3.179l3.221 10.6683 3.012-10.6683z"/><path d="m151.909 25.1439h3.347v15.4377h-3.347z"/><path d="m59.7578 5.89899v3.59796c-2.1751-.16735-4.7686.87855-4.7686 4.30915v7.7817h-3.3464v-15.39596h3.3464v2.59388c.9203-2.09184 2.8026-2.88673 4.7686-2.88673z"/><path d="m79.7945 24.7674c-2.0915 0-3.7647.753-4.7686 2.3847v-8.451-.0419l-2.7189-1.5898c-.1674.251-.3765.4602-.5856.6694-.7948.7112-1.9661 1.2133-3.3883 1.2133-2.4679 0-4.434-1.2551-4.9359-3.6398h12.298c.0418-.4184.1255-.9204.1255-1.3806 0-4.43473-3.1373-8.1582-7.7386-8.1582-4.8522 0-8.1568 3.55612-8.1568 8.1163 0 4.6439 3.3046 8.1164 8.4078 8.1164 1.2549 0 2.4262-.2511 3.4301-.6694v19.2449h3.3464v-8.2837c0-3.1378 1.715-4.4347 3.932-4.4347 2.0915 0 3.4719 1.2551 3.4719 3.598v9.1204h3.3464v-9.4551c-.1255-4.0164-2.5935-6.3592-6.0654-6.3592zm-11.796-15.93982c2.0078 0 3.9738 1.12959 4.434 3.80712h-9.119c.4602-2.3428 2.1752-3.80712 4.685-3.80712z"/><path d="m84.8977 18.9939c1.8405 0 3.2627-.8367 3.9738-1.9245l2.7608 1.5898c-1.4222 2.0918-3.7229 3.3469-6.7765 3.3469-5.1032 0-8.4078-3.4724-8.4078-8.1163 0-4.56018 3.3046-8.1163 8.1568-8.1163 4.6013 0 7.7386 3.72347 7.7386 8.1582 0 .4602-.0418.9622-.1255 1.3806h-12.298c.5856 2.4265 2.5098 3.6816 4.9778 3.6816zm4.1411-6.3592c-.4601-2.67753-2.4261-3.80712-4.434-3.80712-2.5098 0-4.183 1.46432-4.6431 3.80712z"/><path d="m127.062 18.9939c1.841 0 3.263-.8367 3.974-1.9245l2.761 1.5898c-1.422 2.0918-3.723 3.3469-6.777 3.3469-5.103 0-8.407-3.4724-8.407-8.1163 0-4.56018 3.304-8.1163 8.156-8.1163 4.602 0 7.739 3.72347 7.739 8.1582 0 .4602-.042.9622-.126 1.3806h-12.298c.586 2.4265 2.51 3.6816 4.978 3.6816zm4.1-6.3592c-.461-2.67753-2.427-3.80712-4.434-3.80712-2.51 0-4.183 1.46432-4.644 3.80712z"/><path d="m155.256 18.6592h-3.347v3.0123h3.347z"/><path d="m26.7959 5.7735c-2.0915 0-3.7647.75306-4.7686 2.38469v-1.75714-.25102h-3.3464v1.29694 14.22453h3.3464v-8.3256c0-3.1377 1.715-4.43465 3.932-4.43465 2.0915 0 3.4719 1.25515 3.4719 3.59795v9.1204h3.3464v-9.4969c-.0418-3.97451-2.5098-6.3592-5.9817-6.3592z"/><path d="m136.223 21.6296h3.347v-8.2837c0-3.1377 1.715-4.43465 3.932-4.43465 2.091 0 3.471 1.25515 3.471 3.59795v9.1204h3.347v-9.4969c0-4.01634-2.468-6.3592-5.94-6.3592-2.092 0-3.765.75306-4.769 2.38469v-2.00816h-3.346z"/><path d="m96.7354 10.4592c0-1.12958 1.0458-1.63162 2.2588-1.63162 1.1708 0 2.2168.50204 2.8028 1.54792l2.886-1.42241c-1.087-2.00816-3.179-3.17959-5.6888-3.17959-3.1372 0-5.647 1.84081-5.647 4.7275 0 5.5225 8.3238 3.9745 8.3238 6.7358 0 1.2551-1.129 1.7153-2.635 1.7153-1.5058 0-2.6352-.6276-3.2209-1.7153l-2.9699 1.4642c1.0458 2.05 3.2209 3.347 6.149 3.347 3.3468 0 6.0238-1.6735 6.0238-4.7694.042-5.6898-8.2826-4.0163-8.2826-6.8194z"/><path d="m109.619 10.4592c0-1.12958 1.046-1.63162 2.259-1.63162 1.171 0 2.217.50204 2.803 1.54792l2.886-1.42241c-1.087-2.00816-3.179-3.17959-5.689-3.17959-3.137 0-5.647 1.84081-5.647 4.7275 0 5.5225 8.324 3.9745 8.324 6.7358 0 1.2551-1.129 1.7153-2.635 1.7153s-2.635-.6276-3.221-1.7153l-2.97 1.4642c1.046 2.05 3.221 3.347 6.149 3.347 3.347 0 6.024-1.6735 6.024-4.7694.042-5.6898-8.283-4.0163-8.283-6.8194z"/></g></svg> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class="mx32 py16"> <svg width="112" height="42" fill="none"><path d="M94.2 22l1-.8a10.2 10.2 0 008 3.7c6 0 7.4-3.3 7.4-5.7 0-4-3.8-5.2-7.6-6.2-4-1.1-8-2.2-8-6.6 0-4 3.9-6.4 8.1-6.4 3.8 0 6.5 1.4 8.3 3.6l-1 .8a8.9 8.9 0 00-7.3-3.3c-3.7 0-6.7 2.2-6.7 5.3 0 3.4 3.4 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