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<span class="post-filed"><a href="" title="View all posts in Tips and Hacks" rel="category tag">Tips and Hacks</a>, <a href="" title="View all posts in [GAS]" rel="category tag">[GAS]</a></span> </p> <div class="postentry"> <p><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-1414166886985587"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; google_ad_format = "300x250_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel = ""; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script></p> <p><img align="right" src="" hspace="15" alt="Scratched DVD" title="Scratched DVD"/>This simple guide will probably be a lifesaver for a lot of you out there, especially to those of you who have kids roaming their home. We all know it: if something is dear to your heart, no matter how careful you are, your kids will eventually break it.</p> <p>What brought me to write this article is that my wonderful son, while being at home last week, climbed on a chair and got his hand on my precious Star Wars DVD collection.</p> <p>Naturally, he did it silently so my wife—though only 20 feet from him, didn&#8217;t hear anything. After picking up the box set, he proceeded to bring out a few disks from the box and played with them, dragging them across our hardwood floor. I&#8217;m sure you can imagine the effect this operation had on the surface of the DVDs… they were scratched thouroghly, and when played, the movie froze at critical moments.</p> <p>Fortunately, I had already experienced something similar with an audio CD and was able to fix it using a simple technique.</p> <p>First, before trying anything, be sure to thoroughly clean the surface of your media. Sometimes, even if a disk is lightly scratched, it will play anyway if properly cleaned.</p> <p>Do do this, just take a piece of Microfiber cloth and clean your disk using eyeglass cleaner or an easy-to-make <a href="">homemade solution</a> we wrote about in the past. Be sure to wipe the disk starting from inside out and do not touch the reflective surface with your fingers while doing it. Do not attempt to clean the disk using circular motions! Doing so may worsen the condition of your media if you accidentally scratch it. (It&#8217;s always better to have a simple scratch going across one location on several tracks than one affecting the entire length of a single track.)</p> <p>If after trying this, your disk still doesn&#8217;t work, you&#8217;ll need to employ a more drastic approach to the situation.</p> <p><img align="left" src="" hspace="15"/>The only things you&#8217;ll need to do that is a soft cotton swab and a little bit of mild abrasive, such as Brasso (metal polish). Be careful, Brasso emits fumes and can be very irritating. Perform the following steps in a well-ventilated area:</p> <ol> <li>Imbue your cotton swab with a little dab of Brasso.</li> <li>Gently polish the damaged area of your disc using a small circular motion until the scratch disappears or at least subdues.</li> <li>Rinse the media.</li> </ol> <p>That&#8217;s it! Now stick your disc back inside your player, and attempt to play it again. Does it work? If yes, then great! If no, then repeat the above procedure. I also heard that white toothpaste and car-rubbing compound could be effective, but I have not tried them.</p> <p><img align="right" src="" hspace="15"/>And yes, I was able to get my Star Wars DVDs back in working condition with this technique, but please note that if you do this, you do it at your own risk. Putting up too much pressure on your disc will probably worsen its condition instead of improving it, so don&#8217;t forget to be gentle!</p> <p>Does anyone have additional tips on how to repair scratched CDs/DVDs? Let us know in the comment area of this post!</p> <div class="sociable"> <span class="sociable_tagline"> <strong>Share and Enjoy:</strong> <span>These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages.</span> </span> <ul> <li><a href=";title=How+to+remove+scratches+from+CDs+and+DVDs" title=""><img src="" title="" alt="" class="sociable-hovers"/></a></li> <li><a href=";;title=How+to+remove+scratches+from+CDs+and+DVDs" title="Digg" onfocus="sociable_description_link(this, 'bodytext')"><img src="" title="Digg" alt="Digg" class="sociable-hovers"/></a></li> <li><a href=";title=How+to+remove+scratches+from+CDs+and+DVDs" title="SphereIt"><img src="" title="SphereIt" alt="SphereIt" class="sociable-hovers"/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="StumbleUpon"><img src="" title="StumbleUpon" alt="StumbleUpon" class="sociable-hovers"/></a></li> <li><a href=";new_comment=How+to+remove+scratches+from+CDs+and+DVDs&amp;;linktype=Misc" title="Fark"><img src="" title="Fark" alt="Fark" class="sociable-hovers"/></a></li> <li><a href=";T=How+to+remove+scratches+from+CDs+and+DVDs" title="Netscape"><img src="" title="Netscape" alt="Netscape" class="sociable-hovers"/></a></li> <li><a href=";=How+to+remove+scratches+from+CDs+and+DVDs" title="YahooMyWeb"><img src="" title="YahooMyWeb" alt="YahooMyWeb" class="sociable-hovers"/></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> </div> <div class="post"> <!-- You can start editing here. --> <p><a href=""><abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> feed</a> | <a href="">Trackback <acronym title="\&quot;Uniform" resource identifier\">URI</acronym></a> </p> <h2 id="comments">10 Comments <a href="#postcomment" title="Leave a comment">&raquo;</a> </h2> <div class="#commentlist"> <div id="div-comment-6670" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6670" id="comment-6670"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6670&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by Jen<a href="#comment-6670"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-11 20:14:47 </div> <div class="content"> <p>I used to work at a jewelry store and the jewelers used to fix their CD collections using a special attachment &amp; polishing compound on the metal polisher.</p> <p>So if you have any friends who are jewelers, this could work out for you.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6670&quot;, 6670, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="div-comment-6694" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6694" id="comment-6694"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6694&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">BrianBoyko</a><a href="#comment-6694"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-12 06:46:42 </div> <div class="content"> <p>I prefer the &#8220;make backup of your DVDs, play the backup.&#8221; method, but that&#8217;s illegal, despite the fact that this is EXACTLY the reasons that we need backups!</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6694&quot;, 6694, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> <div id="div-comment-6855" class="comment odd"> <a name="comment-6855" id="comment-6855"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6855&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by JM<a href="#comment-6855"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-14 18:15:30 </div> <div class="content"> <p>You are allowed to make copies of media as long as they are for personal use; i.e a backup copy. In Canada, the Copyright Act explicitly states that a consumer of a legaly purchased licenced media has the right to make a copy of said media.</p> <p>Cheers,<br/> JM</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6855&quot;, 6855, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="div-comment-6703" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6703" id="comment-6703"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6703&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">ilker -=- The Thinking Blog</a><a href="#comment-6703"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-12 08:59:23 </div> <div class="content"> <p>Simply hair gel works too.. all you need to do is apply and let dry!</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6703&quot;, 6703, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="div-comment-6726" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6726" id="comment-6726"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6726&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">Rob</a><a href="#comment-6726"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-12 15:39:34 </div> <div class="content"> <p>I use toothpaste and a soft cotton cloth (damp) - a circular buffing -don&#8217;t press down too hard- is enough to rescue all but the worst damage. Tell ya what tho, those hand cranked DVD scratch removers are death to most disks.</p> <p>Rob</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6726&quot;, 6726, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="div-comment-6730" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6730" id="comment-6730"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6730&quot;)"/> <cite>Pingback by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">Chipping the web - heavy -- Chip&#8217;s Quips</a><a href="#comment-6730"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-12 16:57:23 </div> <div class="content"> <p>[&#8230;] of spinning disasters, here&#8217;s how to remove scratches from DVDs and CDs.&nbsp; Man, I could have used that a few times in the past &#8212; instead of cursing, throwing [&#8230;]</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6730&quot;, 6730, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="div-comment-6749" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6749" id="comment-6749"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6749&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">Ashley</a><a href="#comment-6749"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-13 07:26:39 </div> <div class="content"> <p>do you know How many dics I have binned because of scratches, many thanks for you have just saved me tonnes.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6749&quot;, 6749, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="div-comment-6923" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6923" id="comment-6923"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6923&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">karenlim</a><a href="#comment-6923"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-15 16:53:14 </div> <div class="content"> <p>Wow, I didn&#8217;t know Brasso could do that! Thanks <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/></p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6923&quot;, 6923, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="div-comment-6938" class="comment"> <a name="comment-6938" id="comment-6938"></a> <div class="title"> <img class="collapseicon" src="" onclick="collapseThread(&quot;div-comment-6938&quot;)"/> <cite>Comment by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">mroblivious1bmf</a><a href="#comment-6938"></a></cite> </div> <div class="body"> <div class="meta"> 2007-06-15 21:47:15 </div> <div class="content"> <p>just dont scratch it in the first place!</p> <p>backup too!</p> </div> <div class="reply"> <a href="#" onclick="moveAddCommentBelow(&quot;div-comment-6938&quot;, 6938, true); return false;">Reply to this comment</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- This has to be here because of Internet Explorers plethora of layout bugs --> <div style="height: 1px; 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