Oops wrong link | Walink

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0.36,1.64 0.7592,3.08032 1.1992,4.32032 l 21.7793,65.58007 h 10.4414 l 26.8184,-85.98046 h -9.0586 c -1,0 -1.8601,0.27984 -2.5801,0.83984 -0.68,0.56 -1.1203,1.19992 -1.3203,1.91992 l -17.8203,59.75977 c -0.32,1.04 -0.5793,2.16133 -0.7793,3.36132 -0.2,1.20001 -0.4202,2.4593 -0.6602,3.7793 -0.56,-2.68 -1.1999,-5.06062 -1.9199,-7.14062 l -20.0996,-59.75977 c -0.28,-0.8 -0.7614,-1.46047 -1.4414,-1.98047 -0.64,-0.52 -1.4795,-0.77929 -2.5195,-0.77929 h -3.3594 c -1,0 -1.8601,0.30039 -2.5801,0.90039 -0.68,0.56 -1.1409,1.17937 -1.3809,1.85937 l -20.2187,59.75977 c -0.36,1.04 -0.681,2.20047 -0.961,3.48047 -0.28,1.24 -0.5598,2.54039 -0.8398,3.90039 -0.24,-1.36 -0.4993,-2.66039 -0.7793,-3.90039 -0.24,-1.24 -0.5198,-2.40047 -0.8398,-3.48047 l -17.7618,-59.75977 c -0.24,-0.8 -0.6989,-1.46047 -1.3789,-1.98047 -0.68,-0.52 -1.54,-0.77929 -2.58,-0.77929 z m 150.8594,0 -34.3809,85.98046 h 9 c 1,0 1.8396,-0.27984 2.5196,-0.83984 0.68,-0.56 1.1614,-1.19992 1.4414,-1.91992 l 8.039,-20.75977 h 38.5801 l 8.041,20.75977 c 0.32,0.8 0.7995,1.46047 1.4395,1.98047 0.64,0.52 1.4795,0.77929 2.5195,0.77929 h 9 l -34.3809,-85.98046 z m 5.8789,10.98046 c 0.84,3.24 1.7001,5.93961 2.5801,8.09961 l 13.5,34.98047 h -32.0996 l 13.5,-34.91992 c 0.4,-1.04 0.7992,-2.23961 1.1992,-3.59961 0.44,-1.4 0.8803,-2.92055 1.3203,-4.56055 z" id="path4794" /> </g> <g id="g4819" transform="translate(-985.0847,2250.0619)" /> </svg> </div> <div class="descriptionContainer"> <h1 id="title">Oops... wrong link 馃樀</h1> <p id="p-broken"> Looks like the WhatsApp link you are trying to reach is broken or disabled. </p> <p id="p-fix"> Please contact the owner of the link and advise to fix it. Or if you want your own WhatsApp link click on: </p> <a id="goto-wa" class="button greenGradient" href="" > Create WhatsApp Link</a > </div> </div> </div> </main> <script> var lang = window.navigator.language.slice(0, 2) if (lang === 'es' || lang === 'ES') { var title = document.getElementById('title') var pBroken = document.getElementById('p-broken') var pFix = document.getElementById('p-fix') var gotoWa = document.getElementById('goto-wa') title.innerText = 'Ups... Link incorrecto 馃樀' pBroken.innerText = 'Parece que el link de WhatsApp al que est谩s intentando acceder es incorrecto o est谩 deshabilitado.' pFix.innerText = 'Contacta al due帽o del link para que lo corrija. Si quieres tener tu propio link de WhatsApp haz clic en:' gotoWa.innerText = 'Crear link de WhatsApp' gotoWa.href = '' } console.log(window.navigator.language.slice(0, 2)) </script> </body> </html>

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