F1 Paddock Club | F1 Experiences
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img, .redesign-wrapper .about-us-header h1 { margin: 0 auto; display: block; max-width: 100%; } .redesign-wrapper .background-fade h1, .redesign-wrapper .background-fade img { height: 60% !important; } #breadcrumb { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="about-us-header about-us-header-small image-outer center"> <div class="background-fade background-fade-small-fade"> <img src=""> <h1 class="hidden">Paddock Club </h1> </div> </div> <div class="content-outer-wrapper margin-top-50 margin-bottom-50"> <div class="max-width-container"> <h2 class="center ">F1 Paddock Club™ Hospitality</h2> <p class="center ">Occupying a privileged position to watch the action and offering world-class cuisine and free-flowing beverages, the F1 Paddock Club™ is the pinnacle of F1® hospitality. Secure an F1 Paddock Club™ Hospitality Package from F1® Experiences or further enhance your weekend with a Team or Legend Ticket Package for a premium experience you can't get anywhere else.</p> <p class="center"> <a href="#events" class="btn btn-secondary margin-top-10">View Grands Prix™</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="package-inclusions-wrapper"> <div class="max-width-container"> <h2 class="center ">Packages Include</h2> <div class="package-inclusions margin-bottom-30"> <div class="package-inclusion"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h4 class="center ">F1 Paddock Club™ Access</h4> <span class=" center"> <p>Perfectly situated at each F1® circuit, the F1 Paddock Club™ puts you in the heart of the action with a front-row seat to watch all the key action throughout the Grand Prix™ weekend such as the pre-race preparations, post-race celebrations and key strategies unfold.</p> </span> </div> </div> <div class="package-inclusion"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h4 class="center ">F1 Paddock Club™ Hospitality</h4> <span class=" center"> <p>Savour the world-class hospitality, indulge in carefully curated food menus prepared by highly-trained chefs and enjoy premium open bars serving free-flowing beverages including sparkling wine, beer, wine and soft drinks are served throughout each day.</p> </span> </div> </div> <div class="package-inclusion"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" class="image-top-20"> </div> <div class="content"> <h4 class="center ">Daily Aramco F1® Pit Lane Walks</h4> <span class=" center"> <p>Enjoy roaming access to the Aramco F1® Pit Lane each day of the Grand Prix™ weekend, where you'll have a close-up view of the F1® Team Garages to watch the mechanics prepare the cars for the upcoming track session.</p> </span> </div> </div> <div class="package-inclusion"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" class="image-top-20"> </div> <div class="content"> <h4 class="center ">F1® Insider Appearance</h4> <span class=" center"> <p>Hear from some of your favourite F1® personnel such as current or legendary F1® drivers, F1® media personalities or F1® team executives as they take the microphone in the F1 Paddock Club™ and speak about what it's like to be a part of the world of Formula 1® and what to expect on track.</p> </span> </div> </div> <div class="package-inclusion"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" class="image-top-0"> </div> <div class="content"> <h4 class="center ">Access to the F1® Paddock</h4> <span class=" center"> <p>Go behind the scenes of Formula 1® with a VIP access pass to the F1® Paddock! See each team's Grand Prix™ weekend home base, see the hustle and bustle of the exclusive 'backstage' area of F1®, and get the chance to take a selfie with your favourite F1® drivers.</p> </span> </div> </div> <div class="package-inclusion"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h4 class="center ">F1® Podium Celebration Access</h4> <span class=" center"> <p>Finish your weekend on a high with priority access to the post-race F1® Podium Celebration, one of the most exclusive activities of any Grand Prix™ weekend. Get an up-close view of the top three drivers receiving their trophies, as confetti and sparkling wine are sprayed down from above.</p> </span> <p class="text-center"><em class="small">*This experience is included with Legend Ticket Packages only.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> <p class="text-center"><em class="small">*Programming and Experiences are subject to change. These are sample inclusions and can change depending on the Grand Prix™ or package you select.</em></p> </div> </div> <div id="events"></div> <div class="content-outer-wrapper margin-top-80 margin-bottom-50"> <div class="max-width-container"> <h2>Get F1 Paddock Club™ Access</h2> <hr class="thick-hr"> <p>F1 Paddock Club™ hospitality access is still available at the following Grands Prix™.</p> <div class="calendar-outer-wrapper no-padding extra-gap"> <div class="calendar"> <!--Do Nothing--> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 calendar-wrapper"> <a class="calendar-link" href="/2025-chinese-grand-prix?package-group=paddock-club"> <div class="event-image"> <img src=""> <div class="event-date"> 20-23 Mar </div> </div> <div class="event-content"> <div class="event-flag"> <img src=""> </div> <header> <div class="event-title"> <h3 class="event-name ">FORMULA 1 HEINEKEN CHINESE GRAND PRIX 2025</h3> <p class="country">Shanghai, China</p> </div> <div class="button btn btn-primary">Buy Now</div> 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0px; background: #15151E; padding: 20px; position: relative; border: none; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .modal-outer .modal-wrapper .modal-header h4, .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .modal-outer .modal-wrapper .modal-header .h4 { color: #FFF; font-family: Formula1; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 24px; text-transform: capitalize; margin-bottom: 5px; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .modal-outer .modal-wrapper .modal-header p { color: #A5A5A5; font-family: Titillium Web; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; line-height: 15px; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 0; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .modal-outer .modal-wrapper .modal-header .close-btn { position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 20px; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper 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margin-left: 0; color: #FFF; margin-right: auto; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .modal-outer .modal-wrapper .modal-footer .number-of-rooms { color: #FFF; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .price-action-wrapper { display: flex; align-items: center; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .item-wrapper { margin-right: auto; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item h3, .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .h3 { width:100%; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .group .group-package .product-item .modal-outer .modal-wrapper { width: 90vw; } .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-table, .redesign-wrapper .ticket-hotel-seating-wrapper .rightsidemap { flex: 1 0 100%; } 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