I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?
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What can I do?" /> <meta property="dcterms:issued" title="W3CDTF" content="2012-11-07" /> <meta property="dcterms:modified" title="W3CDTF" content="2024-06-10" /> <meta property="dcterms:subject" title="scheme" content="Immigration; Visitor Visas; Foreign Workers; Work Permits; Family Sponsorship; Foreign Students; Study Permits; Permanent Residence; Citizenship; International Adoption; Refugees; Refugee Protection;" /> <meta property="dcterms:language" title="ISO639-2" content="eng" /> <meta property="dcterms:service" content="IRCC" /> <meta property="dcterms:accessRights" content="2" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="/francais/centre-aide/reponse.asp?qnum=1160&top=23"> <link href="/wet-v4/dist/GCWeb/assets/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-50oBUHEmvpQ+1lW4y57PTFmhCaXp0ML5d60M1M7uH2+nqUivzIebhndOJK28anvf" crossorigin="anonymous"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/wet-v4/dist/GCWeb/css/theme.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/wet-v4/dist/GCWeb/meli-melo/2024-09-kejimkujik.min.css"> <noscript> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/wet-v4/dist/wet-boew/css/noscript.min.css" /> </noscript> <!-- Google Tag Manager DO NOT REMOVE OR MODIFY - NE PAS SUPPRIMER OU MODIFIER --> <script>dataLayer1 = [];</script> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <!-- Custom scripts/CSS begin / Début des scripts/CSS personnalisés --> <!-- Google Analytics --> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); 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MSCA", "fr": "Posez une question! MSCA" }, "message": { "en": "<p>For help with general questions about Passport.</p><p><a href=\"/en/employment-social-development/corporate/portfolio/service-canada/improving-services/scc-tou.html\">Terms of Use and Information Statement</a></p>", "fr": "<p>Pour d’aide avec des demandes de renseignements généraux sur les passeports. </p><p><a href=\"/fr/emploi-developpement-social/ministere/portefeuille/service-canada/ameliorer-services/csc-mdu.html\">Modalités d’utilisation et Avis d’information</a></p>" } }; if (chatBtn) { = "none"; chatBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { if (hasClass(chatBtn, "scc-chat-btn-add")) { chatBtn.classList.remove("scc-chat-btn-add"); chatBtn.innerHTML = chatText.btndel[lang]; = "block"; messager.sendShow(); } else { = "none"; chatBtn.classList.add("scc-chat-btn-add"); chatBtn.innerHTML = chatText.btnadd[lang]; } }); } else { = "block"; } } function getUrl(url, onStateChange, finalCallback) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url); xhr.send(); 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What do I do?" value="I don’t know what dates to put in the history section on my immigration form. What do I do?"></option><option label="I need more space on the form to explain everything. What should I do?" value="I need more space on the form to explain everything. What should I do?"></option><option label="What if some of the questions on the application form don’t apply to me?" value="What if some of the questions on the application form don’t apply to me?"></option><option label="What language should my supporting documents be in?" value="What language should my supporting documents be in?"></option><option label="If I am not using a representative, do I need to send a blank Use of a Representative form?" value="If I am not using a representative, do I need to send a blank Use of a Representative form?"></option><option label="What should I do if I want my spouse, family member or friend to check on my application for me?" value="What should I do if I want my spouse, family member or friend to check on my application for me?"></option><option label="How can I get my immigration application processed faster?" value="How can I get my immigration application processed faster?"></option><option label="What happens after I send in my application?" value="What happens after I send in my application?"></option><option label="If my immigration application is refused, do I have to wait before I apply again?" value="If my immigration application is refused, do I have to wait before I apply again?"></option><option label="Can I get my citizenship application processed urgently?" value="Can I get my citizenship application processed urgently?"></option><option label="How do I submit my application?" value="How do I submit my application?"></option><option label="How can I check if my application has been received?" value="How can I check if my application has been received?"></option><option label="How can I check the status of my application?" value="How can I check the status of my application?"></option><option label="Why can’t I see my application status in the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?" value="Why can’t I see my application status in the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my application?" value="How long will it take to process my application?"></option><option label="Why do some application processing times change and others do not?" value="Why do some application processing times change and others do not?"></option><option label="How can I find a doctor to do my immigration medical exam?" value="How can I find a doctor to do my immigration medical exam?"></option><option label="What if I can't get a police certificate for my immigration application?" value="What if I can't get a police certificate for my immigration application?"></option><option label="Do I need to get a police certificate for my time in Canada?" value="Do I need to get a police certificate for my time in Canada?"></option><option label="Are there any countries where I should get police certificates from before applying for immigration?" value="Are there any countries where I should get police certificates from before applying for immigration?"></option><option label="My police certificate is not in English or French. Do I need to send a translation?" value="My police certificate is not in English or French. Do I need to send a translation?"></option><option label="What is an affidavit for a translation?" value="What is an affidavit for a translation?"></option><option label="How do I correct an error on my immigration document?" value="How do I correct an error on my immigration document?"></option><option label="How do I avoid problems in correcting a record of landing or confirmation of permanent residence?" value="How do I avoid problems in correcting a record of landing or confirmation of permanent residence?"></option><option label="How can I change my address or contact information for my immigration or citizenship application?" value="How can I change my address or contact information for my immigration or citizenship application?"></option><option label="What immigration documents can I have replaced if they are lost, stolen or destroyed?" value="What immigration documents can I have replaced if they are lost, stolen or destroyed?"></option><option label="How do I replace an immigration document that has been lost, stolen or destroyed?" value="How do I replace an immigration document that has been lost, stolen or destroyed?"></option><option label="What should I do if my PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed?" value="What should I do if my PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed?"></option><option label="I’ve lost my citizenship card/certificate. How do I replace it?" value="I’ve lost my citizenship card/certificate. How do I replace it?"></option><option label="Where are IRCC’s visa offices?" value="Where are IRCC’s visa offices?"></option><option label="How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?" value="How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?"></option><option label="I am a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?" value="I am a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?" value="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?" value="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How do I renew my permanent resident card?" value="How do I renew my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my PR card?" value="How long will it take to process my PR card?"></option><option label="How much does a permanent resident card cost?" value="How much does a permanent resident card cost?"></option><option label="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?" value="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?" value="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?"></option><option label="Should I submit photos with my PR card application?" value="Should I submit photos with my PR card application?"></option><option label="Can I get my permanent resident card processed urgently?" value="Can I get my permanent resident card processed urgently?"></option><option label="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later return to Canada without a PR card?" value="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later return to Canada without a PR card?"></option><option label="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?" value="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?"></option><option label="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?" value="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?" value="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How are processing times calculated?" value="How are processing times calculated?"></option><option label="Why are there differences in processing times among regions and offices?" value="Why are there differences in processing times among regions and offices?"></option><option label="What is a complete application package?" value="What is a complete application package?"></option><option label="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my application?" value="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my application?"></option><option label="Who is eligible for sponsorship under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?" value="Who is eligible for sponsorship under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?"></option><option label="Who decides if a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?" value="Who decides if a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?"></option><option label="How does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada decide whether a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?" value="How does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada decide whether a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?"></option><option label="Who cannot be sponsored under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?" value="Who cannot be sponsored under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?"></option><option label="Who can sponsor a refugee?" value="Who can sponsor a refugee?"></option><option label="What are the responsibilities of a sponsoring group?" value="What are the responsibilities of a sponsoring group?"></option><option label="Who identifies refugees for sponsorship?" value="Who identifies refugees for sponsorship?"></option><option label="What is the Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Program?" value="What is the Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Program?"></option><option label="Which visa office processes applications for permanent residence for privately sponsored refugees?" value="Which visa office processes applications for permanent residence for privately sponsored refugees?"></option><option label="How long does it take before a privately sponsored refugee gets to Canada?" value="How long does it take before a privately sponsored refugee gets to Canada?"></option><option label="The refugee our group wanted to sponsor was refused after an interview. Can we appeal?" value="The refugee our group wanted to sponsor was refused after an interview. Can we appeal?"></option><option label="Where can I find more information about applying to sponsor a refugee?" value="Where can I find more information about applying to sponsor a refugee?"></option><option label="I know someone who claimed refugee status here in Canada and was refused. Can we sponsor him or her?" value="I know someone who claimed refugee status here in Canada and was refused. Can we sponsor him or her?"></option><option label="The UNHCR accepted my relatives as refugees. Does that mean they will be resettled in Canada?" value="The UNHCR accepted my relatives as refugees. Does that mean they will be resettled in Canada?"></option><option label="Are there any fees for applying to sponsor a refugee?" value="Are there any fees for applying to sponsor a refugee?"></option><option label="Will the refugee have to pay any costs?" value="Will the refugee have to pay any costs?"></option><option label="Are sponsored refugee families with children eligible for a child tax benefit when they arrive?" value="Are sponsored refugee families with children eligible for a child tax benefit when they arrive?"></option><option label="Are resettled refugees allowed to go to university?" value="Are resettled refugees allowed to go to university?"></option><option label="Can resettled refugees apply for student loans?" value="Can resettled refugees apply for student loans?"></option><option label="Are there different rules if I want to sponsor a refugee from Turkey?" value="Are there different rules if I want to sponsor a refugee from Turkey?"></option><option label="What kinds of help do privately sponsored refugees get?" value="What kinds of help do privately sponsored refugees get?"></option><option label="What is a government-assisted refugee?" value="What is a government-assisted refugee?"></option><option label="Why does Canada resettle refugees?" value="Why does Canada resettle refugees?"></option><option label="What kind of support do government-assisted refugees get?" value="What kind of support do government-assisted refugees get?"></option><option label="Do refugees get the same support across Canada?" value="Do refugees get the same support across Canada?"></option><option label="Do large and small families get the same amount of money?" value="Do large and small families get the same amount of money?"></option><option label="What special allowances may refugees get?" value="What special allowances may refugees get?"></option><option label="How long does the support for government-assisted refugees last?" value="How long does the support for government-assisted refugees last?"></option><option label="Does government provide all the support to government-assisted refugees?" value="Does government provide all the support to government-assisted refugees?"></option><option label="Do in-Canada refugee claimants get resettlement assistance?" value="Do in-Canada refugee claimants get resettlement assistance?"></option><option label="Do government-assisted refugees get more income support and benefits than Canadian pensioners do?" value="Do government-assisted refugees get more income support and benefits than Canadian pensioners do?"></option><option label="How can I view a PDF form?" value="How can I view a PDF form?"></option><option label="How do I download and open a PDF form from IRCC’s website?" value="How do I download and open a PDF form from IRCC’s website?"></option><option label="What does criminally inadmissible mean?" value="What does criminally inadmissible mean?"></option><option label="Can I enter Canada if I am criminally inadmissible?" value="Can I enter Canada if I am criminally inadmissible?"></option><option label="What is the temporary resident permit fee waiver for criminal inadmissibility?" value="What is the temporary resident permit fee waiver for criminal inadmissibility?"></option><option label="As an inadmissible person, can I enter Canada more than once without paying the fee?" value="As an inadmissible person, can I enter Canada more than once without paying the fee?"></option><option label="I was only convicted of a misdemeanour. Why can’t I enter Canada?" value="I was only convicted of a misdemeanour. Why can’t I enter Canada?"></option><option label="How can I find out whether an offence outside Canada is considered a criminal offence in Canada?" value="How can I find out whether an offence outside Canada is considered a criminal offence in Canada?"></option><option label="I was charged with a crime in another country and found not guilty. Can I enter Canada?" value="I was charged with a crime in another country and found not guilty. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I received a pardon for my crime. Can I enter Canada?" value="I received a pardon for my crime. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I was convicted of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Can I enter Canada?" value="I was convicted of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I have been charged with a crime outside of Canada and my trial is still underway. Can I enter Canada?" value="I have been charged with a crime outside of Canada and my trial is still underway. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I am currently on parole. Can I enter Canada?" value="I am currently on parole. Can I enter Canada?"></option><option label="What does it mean to be rehabilitated in respect to entering Canada?" value="What does it mean to be rehabilitated in respect to entering Canada?"></option><option label="How long will it take to get a decision on my individual rehabilitation application?" value="How long will it take to get a decision on my individual rehabilitation application?"></option><option label="What is the processing fee for an individual rehabilitation application?" value="What is the processing fee for an individual rehabilitation application?"></option><option label="If my individual rehabilitation application is refused, will I get my processing fee back?" value="If my individual rehabilitation application is refused, will I get my processing fee back?"></option><option label="When can I apply for individual rehabilitation?" value="When can I apply for individual rehabilitation?"></option><option label="What can I do if I want to come to Canada but do not qualify for rehabilitation?" value="What can I do if I want to come to Canada but do not qualify for rehabilitation?"></option><option label="What do I need to work in Canada?" value="What do I need to work in Canada?"></option><option label="How can I find out about jobs in Canada?" value="How can I find out about jobs in Canada?"></option><option label="What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="I have received a Canadian job offer. What documents do I need from my future employer?" value="I have received a Canadian job offer. What documents do I need from my future employer?"></option><option label="Does my work permit allow me to work for any employer in Canada?" value="Does my work permit allow me to work for any employer in Canada?"></option><option label="Where do I find out if the employer who offered me a job is an eligible employer?" value="Where do I find out if the employer who offered me a job is an eligible employer?"></option><option label="What happens if I want to work for an ineligible employer?" value="What happens if I want to work for an ineligible employer?"></option><option label="Are there any conditions on my work permit?" value="Are there any conditions on my work permit?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my work permit application?" value="How long will it take to process my work permit application?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a work permit when I enter Canada?" value="Can I apply for a work permit when I enter Canada?"></option><option label="I want to apply for a work permit by mail. How can I avoid my application being delayed or refused?" value="I want to apply for a work permit by mail. How can I avoid my application being delayed or refused?"></option><option label="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed work permit?" value="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed work permit?"></option><option label="What is an open work permit?" value="What is an open work permit?"></option><option label="Who can apply for an open work permit?" value="Who can apply for an open work permit?"></option><option label="Are there different application forms for employer-specific and open work permits?" value="Are there different application forms for employer-specific and open work permits?"></option><option label="I got a new passport after coming to Canada. Will that affect my application for a work permit?" value="I got a new passport after coming to Canada. Will that affect my application for a work permit?"></option><option label="Can I appeal a decision on a work permit application?" value="Can I appeal a decision on a work permit application?"></option><option label="Can I extend my International Experience Canada work permit?" value="Can I extend my International Experience Canada work permit?"></option><option label="Can I apply to extend my Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program work permit?" value="Can I apply to extend my Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program work permit?"></option><option label="Do I need a medical exam to get a work permit?" value="Do I need a medical exam to get a work permit?"></option><option label="How can I find a doctor who can provide the medical exam I need to come to Canada?" value="How can I find a doctor who can provide the medical exam I need to come to Canada?"></option><option label="Can I apply to extend a work permit from inside Canada?" value="Can I apply to extend a work permit from inside Canada?"></option><option label="My work permit has expired. Can I apply for another one?" value="My work permit has expired. Can I apply for another one?"></option><option label="I work in Quebec. How can I extend my work permit?" value="I work in Quebec. How can I extend my work permit?"></option><option label="I applied for a new work permit. Can I stay in Canada if my work permit expires?" value="I applied for a new work permit. Can I stay in Canada if my work permit expires?"></option><option label="Can I keep working if my permit expires? How do I prove this to my employer?" value="Can I keep working if my permit expires? How do I prove this to my employer?"></option><option label="I have applied to extend my work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?" value="I have applied to extend my work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?"></option><option label="I’ve maintained my status, but my health insurance card, driver’s licence and other government ID documents have expired. How can I renew my ID documents?" value="I’ve maintained my status, but my health insurance card, driver’s licence and other government ID documents have expired. How can I renew my ID documents?"></option><option label="My work permit expired and I did not apply to extend it. Can I stay and keep working in Canada?" value="My work permit expired and I did not apply to extend it. Can I stay and keep working in Canada?"></option><option label="Who needs a Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="Who needs a Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="Why do I need another Labour Market Impact Assessment if I just got one a year ago?" value="Why do I need another Labour Market Impact Assessment if I just got one a year ago?"></option><option label="Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children come with me to Canada?" value="Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children come with me to Canada?"></option><option label="Does each person applying for a work permit from outside Canada have to fill out a separate application?" value="Does each person applying for a work permit from outside Canada have to fill out a separate application?"></option><option label="If other family members are coming with me, what documents should I send with the application?" value="If other family members are coming with me, what documents should I send with the application?"></option><option label="Can my spouse or common-law partner work in Canada?" value="Can my spouse or common-law partner work in Canada?"></option><option label="Can my dependent children work in Canada?" value="Can my dependent children work in Canada?"></option><option label="As a foreign worker, do I need an eTA or a visa to work in Canada?" value="As a foreign worker, do I need an eTA or a visa to work in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I pay for the temporary resident visa in my country’s money?" value="Can I pay for the temporary resident visa in my country’s money?"></option><option label="How do I apply for a temporary resident visa?" value="How do I apply for a temporary resident visa?"></option><option label="Should I apply for an eTA or a visa when I apply for a work permit?" value="Should I apply for an eTA or a visa when I apply for a work permit?"></option><option label="How can I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?" value="How can I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?"></option><option label="I have a visitor visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?" value="I have a visitor visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?"></option><option label="How do I know when my temporary resident status expires?" value="How do I know when my temporary resident status expires?"></option><option label="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker?" value="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker?"></option><option label="As an employer, what are my obligations to temporary foreign workers?" value="As an employer, what are my obligations to temporary foreign workers?"></option><option label="Can I lay off or fire a foreign worker?" value="Can I lay off or fire a foreign worker?"></option><option label="What if a foreign worker becomes sick, has an accident, is hospitalized or needs home recovery?" value="What if a foreign worker becomes sick, has an accident, is hospitalized or needs home recovery?"></option><option label="How do I find out if I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to hire a temporary worker?" value="How do I find out if I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to hire a temporary worker?"></option><option label="What is an employment contract for a live-in caregiver?" value="What is an employment contract for a live-in caregiver?"></option><option label="What rights do I have as a live-in caregiver under labour or employment laws?" value="What rights do I have as a live-in caregiver under labour or employment laws?"></option><option label="I am a live-in caregiver. What happens if I lose my job?" value="I am a live-in caregiver. What happens if I lose my job?"></option><option label="My employer is moving to another province or territory. Do I need a new work permit or Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="My employer is moving to another province or territory. Do I need a new work permit or Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="Can I work for more than one employer at a time under the Live-in Caregiver Program?" value="Can I work for more than one employer at a time under the Live-in Caregiver Program?"></option><option label="Can I change employers under the Live-in Caregiver Program?" value="Can I change employers under the Live-in Caregiver Program?"></option><option label="As a temporary worker, what can I do if my employer is treating me unfairly?" value="As a temporary worker, what can I do if my employer is treating me unfairly?"></option><option label="Can my family come to Canada with me if I am a live-in caregiver?" value="Can my family come to Canada with me if I am a live-in caregiver?"></option><option label="What is abuse?" value="What is abuse?"></option><option label="Can my employer deport me?" value="Can my employer deport me?"></option><option label="I’m a live-in caregiver and I’m ready to apply for permanent residence. Can I apply for an open work permit?" value="I’m a live-in caregiver and I’m ready to apply for permanent residence. Can I apply for an open work permit?"></option><option label="May I send my open work permit application and permanent residence applications separately?" value="May I send my open work permit application and permanent residence applications separately?"></option><option label="Do I need to extend my work permit while my permanent residence application is being processed?" value="Do I need to extend my work permit while my permanent residence application is being processed?"></option><option label="I applied for an open work permit and permanent residence. What if my current work permit expires?" value="I applied for an open work permit and permanent residence. What if my current work permit expires?"></option><option label="Will the time I worked under any work permit help me get permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program?" value="Will the time I worked under any work permit help me get permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program?"></option><option label="Who should I include on my permanent residence application?" value="Who should I include on my permanent residence application?"></option><option label="How many hours of work experience do I need as a Live-in Caregiver to apply for permanent residence?" value="How many hours of work experience do I need as a Live-in Caregiver to apply for permanent residence?"></option><option label="How can I qualify to immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person?" value="How can I qualify to immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person?"></option><option label="How do I immigrate to Canada to become a self-employed person?" value="How do I immigrate to Canada to become a self-employed person?"></option><option label="What is the relevant experience requirement to immigrate as self-employed persons?" value="What is the relevant experience requirement to immigrate as self-employed persons?"></option><option label="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what does cultural activities mean?" value="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what does cultural activities mean?"></option><option label="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what is meant by a significant contribution?" value="Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what is meant by a significant contribution?"></option><option label="Is there a net worth requirement for the self-employed program?" value="Is there a net worth requirement for the self-employed program?"></option><option label="What types of applications can I follow through Client Application Status (CAS)?" value="What types of applications can I follow through Client Application Status (CAS)?"></option><option label="I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application online. Why?" value="I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application online. Why?"></option><option label="Can I see my application status on CAS if I have appealed a decision on my sponsorship application?" value="Can I see my application status on CAS if I have appealed a decision on my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="My family and I applied for permanent residence. Why can’t I see the application status?" value="My family and I applied for permanent residence. Why can’t I see the application status?"></option><option label="I am sponsoring a member of my family and cannot see the status of my application. Why?" value="I am sponsoring a member of my family and cannot see the status of my application. Why?"></option><option label="Why can I no longer use CAS to see the status of my application to sponsor a family member?" value="Why can I no longer use CAS to see the status of my application to sponsor a family member?"></option><option label="I paid for a family member’s citizenship application even though I was not applying. I got a letter, so can I use CAS?" value="I paid for a family member’s citizenship application even though I was not applying. I got a letter, so can I use CAS?"></option><option label="What do I enter in CAS if I have more than one surname or family name?" value="What do I enter in CAS if I have more than one surname or family name?"></option><option label="I have changed my surname or family name recently. What name should I use to access CAS?" value="I have changed my surname or family name recently. What name should I use to access CAS?"></option><option label="If the name of my place of birth has changed, what place of birth should I enter in CAS?" value="If the name of my place of birth has changed, what place of birth should I enter in CAS?"></option><option label="What does the CAS case status in process mean?" value="What does the CAS case status in process mean?"></option><option label="Why has the status of my immigration application on CAS not changed, even though I sent it a long time ago?" value="Why has the status of my immigration application on CAS not changed, even though I sent it a long time ago?"></option><option label="How often is the information on the Client Application Status (CAS) service updated?" value="How often is the information on the Client Application Status (CAS) service updated?"></option><option label="What if I do not want my immigration application status information to be available in CAS?" value="What if I do not want my immigration application status information to be available in CAS?"></option><option label="I have removed my application status from CAS by mistake. How can I put it back on?" value="I have removed my application status from CAS by mistake. How can I put it back on?"></option><option label="If I applied to immigrate to Quebec, can I see my application status on CAS?" value="If I applied to immigrate to Quebec, can I see my application status on CAS?"></option><option label="Is the information on CAS my official confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada?" value="Is the information on CAS my official confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada?"></option><option label="I have followed all these instructions and I still can’t see my immigration application status in CAS. What can I do?" value="I have followed all these instructions and I still can’t see my immigration application status in CAS. What can I do?"></option><option label="What does it mean when my CAS session times out?" value="What does it mean when my CAS session times out?"></option><option label="Which browsers can I use with the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?" value="Which browsers can I use with the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?"></option><option label="Why do I need to clear my browser cache?" value="Why do I need to clear my browser cache?"></option><option label="How do I upgrade my browser?" value="How do I upgrade my browser?"></option><option label="What does encryption mean and is it safe to use Client Application Status (CAS)?" value="What does encryption mean and is it safe to use Client Application Status (CAS)?"></option><option label="What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?" value="What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?"></option><option label="How do I log out of Client Application Status (CAS)?" value="How do I log out of Client Application Status (CAS)?"></option><option label="Can I send a new document after I apply online?" value="Can I send a new document after I apply online?"></option><option label="How long do I have to complete and submit my online application?" value="How long do I have to complete and submit my online application?"></option><option label="Which family members can come with me to Canada when I immigrate?" value="Which family members can come with me to Canada when I immigrate?"></option><option label="How do I sponsor my spouse, partner or dependent child to become a permanent resident of Canada?" value="How do I sponsor my spouse, partner or dependent child to become a permanent resident of Canada?"></option><option label="For my spousal sponsorship application, what is a common-law partner?" value="For my spousal sponsorship application, what is a common-law partner?"></option><option label="How can my common-law partner and I prove we have been together for 12 months?" value="How can my common-law partner and I prove we have been together for 12 months?"></option><option label="To sponsor my family members, do I need to fill out other documents if I live in Quebec?" value="To sponsor my family members, do I need to fill out other documents if I live in Quebec?"></option><option label="Will I get a letter confirming that IRCC got my application?" value="Will I get a letter confirming that IRCC got my application?"></option><option label="How can I check the status of my sponsorship application?" value="How can I check the status of my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="How do I make sure that my application is not delayed or returned?" value="How do I make sure that my application is not delayed or returned?"></option><option label="Will I get a refund if I withdraw my sponsorship application?" value="Will I get a refund if I withdraw my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="What are the requirements for becoming a Canadian citizen?" value="What are the requirements for becoming a Canadian citizen?"></option><option label="What is dual citizenship?" value="What is dual citizenship?"></option><option label="Do I become a Canadian citizen when I marry a Canadian?" value="Do I become a Canadian citizen when I marry a Canadian?"></option><option label="How much does it cost to apply for Canadian citizenship?" value="How much does it cost to apply for Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="I am a citizen of another country. Will I lose that citizenship if I become a Canadian?" value="I am a citizen of another country. Will I lose that citizenship if I become a Canadian?"></option><option label="What happens if I fail the citizenship test?" value="What happens if I fail the citizenship test?"></option><option label="Is the citizenship test difficult?" value="Is the citizenship test difficult?"></option><option label="How long will I wait between my citizenship test and the ceremony?" value="How long will I wait between my citizenship test and the ceremony?"></option><option label="After I apply for citizenship, how long will it be before I can take the test?" value="After I apply for citizenship, how long will it be before I can take the test?"></option><option label="I’m Canadian, but my child was born outside Canada. Are they Canadian?" value="I’m Canadian, but my child was born outside Canada. Are they Canadian?"></option><option label="What happens at the hearing with a citizenship officer?" value="What happens at the hearing with a citizenship officer?"></option><option label="Does the study guide have sample questions to help me prepare for the citizenship test?" value="Does the study guide have sample questions to help me prepare for the citizenship test?"></option><option label="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?" value="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?"></option><option label="Where can I find out the status of my citizenship application and the processing time?" value="Where can I find out the status of my citizenship application and the processing time?"></option><option label="Can I count any time I’ve spent outside of Canada toward the physical presence requirement when applying for citizenship?" value="Can I count any time I’ve spent outside of Canada toward the physical presence requirement when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="What documents should I send with my application for a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship)?" value="What documents should I send with my application for a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship)?"></option><option label="What photos do I need to include with my citizenship application?" value="What photos do I need to include with my citizenship application?"></option><option label="Who has to take the citizenship test?" value="Who has to take the citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I apply under the Canadian Experience Class if I am currently living in Quebec and I plan to live elsewhere in Canada?" value="Can I apply under the Canadian Experience Class if I am currently living in Quebec and I plan to live elsewhere in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I count experience I got in Canada while waiting for a decision on my refugee application?" value="Can I count experience I got in Canada while waiting for a decision on my refugee application?"></option><option label="Can I still be eligible for Canadian Experience Class if I have returned to my country?" value="Can I still be eligible for Canadian Experience Class if I have returned to my country?"></option><option label="Can I count student work experience toward the Express Entry work requirement?" value="Can I count student work experience toward the Express Entry work requirement?"></option><option label="How do I adopt a child from another country?" value="How do I adopt a child from another country?"></option><option label="I’m a temporary resident, can I apply to adopt a child from another country?" value="I’m a temporary resident, can I apply to adopt a child from another country?"></option><option label="My adoption is complete. What do I need now to bring my adopted child to Canada?" value="My adoption is complete. What do I need now to bring my adopted child to Canada?"></option><option label="Does an adopted child need a travel document, like a visa, to come to Canada?" value="Does an adopted child need a travel document, like a visa, to come to Canada?"></option><option label="How long will the adoption process take?" value="How long will the adoption process take?"></option><option label="I’ve done the necessary paperwork, I’m a citizen or permanent resident of good standing, and I went through a reputable adoption agency. Why is my adoption taking so long?" value="I’ve done the necessary paperwork, I’m a citizen or permanent resident of good standing, and I went through a reputable adoption agency. Why is my adoption taking so long?"></option><option label="Do the criteria for permanent residence and for a grant of citizenship differ for adopted children?" value="Do the criteria for permanent residence and for a grant of citizenship differ for adopted children?"></option><option label="Are the fees the same for an adopted child for the permanent residence and citizenship processes?" value="Are the fees the same for an adopted child for the permanent residence and citizenship processes?"></option><option label="Are there countries from which I cannot adopt?" value="Are there countries from which I cannot adopt?"></option><option label="I have applied for permanent residence for my adopted child. Is it too late to apply for citizenship instead?" value="I have applied for permanent residence for my adopted child. Is it too late to apply for citizenship instead?"></option><option label="My adopted child has permanent residence. How can I apply for their citizenship?" value="My adopted child has permanent residence. How can I apply for their citizenship?"></option><option label="How does adoption affect my child’s relationship with their biological parents?" value="How does adoption affect my child’s relationship with their biological parents?"></option><option label="If my adopted child’s application is refused, what can I do?" value="If my adopted child’s application is refused, what can I do?"></option><option label="Will my child automatically have the right to a Canadian passport once they get citizenship?" value="Will my child automatically have the right to a Canadian passport once they get citizenship?"></option><option label="I live in Quebec. Must a Quebec court recognize the adoption before my child can get citizenship?" value="I live in Quebec. Must a Quebec court recognize the adoption before my child can get citizenship?"></option><option label="Should I apply for permanent residence for my adopted child, rather than Canadian citizenship?" value="Should I apply for permanent residence for my adopted child, rather than Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="Do I need a visa to visit Canada?" value="Do I need a visa to visit Canada?"></option><option label="What is the difference between a single-entry and a multiple-entry visa?" value="What is the difference between a single-entry and a multiple-entry visa?"></option><option label="I have an eTA or a visa. What can I expect when I arrive in Canada?" value="I have an eTA or a visa. What can I expect when I arrive in Canada?"></option><option label="I am in Canada on a temporary resident visa. I plan to take a cruise. Do I need a new visa to come back to Canada?" value="I am in Canada on a temporary resident visa. I plan to take a cruise. Do I need a new visa to come back to Canada?"></option><option label="Do I need a visa if I’m just travelling through Canada on my way to another country?" value="Do I need a visa if I’m just travelling through Canada on my way to another country?"></option><option label="How do I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?" value="How do I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?"></option><option label="How do I get help if my visa application is refused?" value="How do I get help if my visa application is refused?"></option><option label="Who can I hire to help me with my application for a temporary resident visa?" value="Who can I hire to help me with my application for a temporary resident visa?"></option><option label="If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment?" value="If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment?"></option><option label="Can I fill out one visa application for my whole family if we are travelling together?" value="Can I fill out one visa application for my whole family if we are travelling together?"></option><option label="How does the parent and grandparent super visa differ from a multiple entry visitor visa?" value="How does the parent and grandparent super visa differ from a multiple entry visitor visa?"></option><option label="Is the parent and grandparent super visa a multi-entry visa?" value="Is the parent and grandparent super visa a multi-entry visa?"></option><option label="What’s the difference between the parent and grandparent super visa and a visitor visa?" value="What’s the difference between the parent and grandparent super visa and a visitor visa?"></option><option label="Who’s eligible for a parent and grandparent super visa?" value="Who’s eligible for a parent and grandparent super visa?"></option><option label="I need to calculate family size when applying for the parent and grandparent super visa. Who should I include?" value="I need to calculate family size when applying for the parent and grandparent super visa. Who should I include?"></option><option label="Can I cancel my sponsorship application and apply for a super visa instead?" value="Can I cancel my sponsorship application and apply for a super visa instead?"></option><option label="What is a business visitor?" value="What is a business visitor?"></option><option label="Does a business visitor need a special visa to enter Canada?" value="Does a business visitor need a special visa to enter Canada?"></option><option label="If I am a business visitor, do I need a work permit to work in Canada?" value="If I am a business visitor, do I need a work permit to work in Canada?"></option><option label="I am a business visitor and I do not need a visa. What documents should I bring, if any?" value="I am a business visitor and I do not need a visa. What documents should I bring, if any?"></option><option label="Do I have to submit my passport with my application for a temporary resident visa?" value="Do I have to submit my passport with my application for a temporary resident visa?"></option><option label="I need a visa to visit Canada. I want to study or work in Canada while I am there. Do I need to apply for anything else?" value="I need a visa to visit Canada. I want to study or work in Canada while I am there. Do I need to apply for anything else?"></option><option label="Do I need a medical exam to get a visa?" value="Do I need a medical exam to get a visa?"></option><option label="Must I leave Canada by the valid until date on my visitor visa?" value="Must I leave Canada by the valid until date on my visitor visa?"></option><option label="Do I need a representative to help me apply?" value="Do I need a representative to help me apply?"></option><option label="Will my case be processed more quickly if I hire a representative?" value="Will my case be processed more quickly if I hire a representative?"></option><option label="What services will the representative provide and what are the fees for these services?" value="What services will the representative provide and what are the fees for these services?"></option><option label="What could happen if I do not tell Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) I paid an immigration representative?" value="What could happen if I do not tell Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) I paid an immigration representative?"></option><option label="Is it legal to provide false information on my immigration or citizenship application, if a representative advises me to do so?" value="Is it legal to provide false information on my immigration or citizenship application, if a representative advises me to do so?"></option><option label="If I apply through a provincial program, do these representative regulations apply?" value="If I apply through a provincial program, do these representative regulations apply?"></option><option label="If I change my representative, do I have to tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?" value="If I change my representative, do I have to tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?"></option><option label="What should I do if Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) returns my application, saying my representative is not authorized?" value="What should I do if Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) returns my application, saying my representative is not authorized?"></option><option label="What should I do if my immigration representative and I have a disagreement?" value="What should I do if my immigration representative and I have a disagreement?"></option><option label="Do I need to use an immigration representative for my citizenship application?" value="Do I need to use an immigration representative for my citizenship application?"></option><option label="Do I need to pay someone to represent me on my citizenship application?" value="Do I need to pay someone to represent me on my citizenship application?"></option><option label="I got a multiple-entry temporary resident visa to visit a relative in Canada last year. Can I use it to travel to Canada on a business trip?" value="I got a multiple-entry temporary resident visa to visit a relative in Canada last year. Can I use it to travel to Canada on a business trip?"></option><option label="I used a temporary resident visa for a recent business visit to Canada. Can I use it for a holiday in Canada?" value="I used a temporary resident visa for a recent business visit to Canada. Can I use it for a holiday in Canada?"></option><option label="What information is available under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act?" value="What information is available under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act?"></option><option label="Who can make a request under the Access to Information Act?" value="Who can make a request under the Access to Information Act?"></option><option label="Who can make a request under the Privacy Act?" value="Who can make a request under the Privacy Act?"></option><option label="Will my access to information or privacy request be processed faster if my representative sends it?" value="Will my access to information or privacy request be processed faster if my representative sends it?"></option><option label="What is the fee for an Access request?" value="What is the fee for an Access request?"></option><option label="What is the fee for a Privacy request?" value="What is the fee for a Privacy request?"></option><option label="How and where do I submit an Access to Information or Privacy request?" value="How and where do I submit an Access to Information or Privacy request?"></option><option label="How long does the Department have to respond?" value="How long does the Department have to respond?"></option><option label="Can I get personal information about someone else?" value="Can I get personal information about someone else?"></option><option label="Can I get personal information about someone who is deceased?" value="Can I get personal information about someone who is deceased?"></option><option label="How can I get information on an individual who arrived in Canada before 1936?" value="How can I get information on an individual who arrived in Canada before 1936?"></option><option label="What information should I provide to get a naturalization record?" value="What information should I provide to get a naturalization record?"></option><option label="Can non-residents of Canada who are conducting genealogical research access family records held by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada?" value="Can non-residents of Canada who are conducting genealogical research access family records held by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada?"></option><option label="I sponsored a family member who resides outside of Canada, and they applied for permanent residence at a visa office overseas. Can I obtain information on that file?" value="I sponsored a family member who resides outside of Canada, and they applied for permanent residence at a visa office overseas. Can I obtain information on that file?"></option><option label="When should I submit a police certificate?" value="When should I submit a police certificate?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay as a visitor?" value="How can I extend my stay as a visitor?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay as a worker?" value="How can I extend my stay as a worker?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay as a student?" value="How can I extend my stay as a student?"></option><option label="How do I find out about schools for international students in Canada?" value="How do I find out about schools for international students in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I study in Quebec as an international student?" value="How do I study in Quebec as an international student?"></option><option label="Do I need a permit to study in Canada?" value="Do I need a permit to study in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I apply for a study permit?" value="How do I apply for a study permit?"></option><option label="When should I apply for my study permit?" value="When should I apply for my study permit?"></option><option label="How do I pay for a study permit?" value="How do I pay for a study permit?"></option><option label="Will I get my money back if CIC turns down my study permit application?" value="Will I get my money back if CIC turns down my study permit application?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a study permit if I’m already in Canada?" value="Can I apply for a study permit if I’m already in Canada?"></option><option label="I want to study in Canada for less than 6 months. Do I need a study permit?" value="I want to study in Canada for less than 6 months. Do I need a study permit?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my study permit application?" value="How long will it take to process my study permit application?"></option><option label="Do I need a medical exam to study in Canada?" value="Do I need a medical exam to study in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I renew my study permit while I am in Canada?" value="How do I renew my study permit while I am in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed study permit?" value="How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed study permit?"></option><option label="Can I stay in Canada after my study permit expires if I applied for a new permit?" value="Can I stay in Canada after my study permit expires if I applied for a new permit?"></option><option label="As a foreign student, can I return home or travel outside Canada while studying?" value="As a foreign student, can I return home or travel outside Canada while studying?"></option><option label="I’m an international student in Canada. Can I work while studying?" value="I’m an international student in Canada. Can I work while studying?"></option><option label="As an international student, can I work in Canada without a work permit?" value="As an international student, can I work in Canada without a work permit?"></option><option label="As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?" value="As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?"></option><option label="Can I continue to work during scheduled school breaks?" value="Can I continue to work during scheduled school breaks?"></option><option label="How much does an off-campus work permit cost?" value="How much does an off-campus work permit cost?"></option><option label="Can I work in any type of job if I am eligible to work off campus?" value="Can I work in any type of job if I am eligible to work off campus?"></option><option label="Can I work as many hours as I want if I’m eligible to work off campus?" value="Can I work as many hours as I want if I’m eligible to work off campus?"></option><option label="What is a post-graduation work permit?" value="What is a post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="How do I apply for a post-graduation work permit?" value="How do I apply for a post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="How long is a post-graduation work permit valid?" value="How long is a post-graduation work permit valid?"></option><option label="How much does a post-graduation work permit cost?" value="How much does a post-graduation work permit cost?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a job before I get my post-graduation work permit?" value="Can I apply for a job before I get my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="Can I work anywhere, in any type of job, under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program?" value="Can I work anywhere, in any type of job, under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program?"></option><option label="How do I qualify for a post-graduation work permit?" value="How do I qualify for a post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="I am an international student in Canada. How can I apply to become a permanent resident?" value="I am an international student in Canada. How can I apply to become a permanent resident?"></option><option label="What does it mean to have legal status in Canada?" value="What does it mean to have legal status in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I know how long I can stay in Canada as an international student?" value="How do I know how long I can stay in Canada as an international student?"></option><option label="How long can I stay in Canada while waiting for permanent residence?" value="How long can I stay in Canada while waiting for permanent residence?"></option><option label="How can I extend my stay in Canada or change my immigration status?" value="How can I extend my stay in Canada or change my immigration status?"></option><option label="I recently graduated as an international student in Canada. Can I apply for permanent residence?" value="I recently graduated as an international student in Canada. Can I apply for permanent residence?"></option><option label="Do I need an eTA or visa to study in Canada?" value="Do I need an eTA or visa to study in Canada?"></option><option label="Should I apply for a study permit when I get an eTA or a visa?" value="Should I apply for a study permit when I get an eTA or a visa?"></option><option label="Can I pay for an eTA or a visa using my country’s currency/money?" value="Can I pay for an eTA or a visa using my country’s currency/money?"></option><option label="I have a temporary resident visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?" value="I have a temporary resident visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?"></option><option label="Where can I find the service declaration?" value="Where can I find the service declaration?"></option><option label="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce service standards?" value="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce service standards?"></option><option label="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce standards for these specific services and activities?" value="Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce standards for these specific services and activities?"></option><option label="What are processing times?" value="What are processing times?"></option><option label="What is the difference between processing times and service standards?" value="What is the difference between processing times and service standards?"></option><option label="Does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) report whether it meets its service standards?" value="Does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) report whether it meets its service standards?"></option><option label="What happens if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) doesn’t meet its specified standards?" value="What happens if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) doesn’t meet its specified standards?"></option><option label="Do the service standards apply to applications received before the standards came into effect?" value="Do the service standards apply to applications received before the standards came into effect?"></option><option label="How does Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) use the feedback from the e-consultation tool?" value="How does Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) use the feedback from the e-consultation tool?"></option><option label="Why has Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) switched from business days to calendar days to communicate its service standards?" value="Why has Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) switched from business days to calendar days to communicate its service standards?"></option><option label="How can I get a permanent resident card (PRC)?" value="How can I get a permanent resident card (PRC)?"></option><option label="I’m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?" value="I’m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?" value="Who can apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?" value="When should I apply for a permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How do I renew my permanent resident card?" value="How do I renew my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my permanent resident card?" value="How long will it take to process my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="How much does a permanent resident card cost?" value="How much does a permanent resident card cost?"></option><option label="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?" value="How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?" value="Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?"></option><option label="Should I submit passport photos with my permanent resident card application?" value="Should I submit passport photos with my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="Is there a way to get my permanent resident card quickly?" value="Is there a way to get my permanent resident card quickly?"></option><option label="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later re-enter Canada?" value="I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later re-enter Canada?"></option><option label="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?" value="What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?"></option><option label="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?" value="How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?" value="If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?"></option><option label="What should I do if my new permanent resident card has a mistake or something is missing?" value="What should I do if my new permanent resident card has a mistake or something is missing?"></option><option label="What is a Verification of Status document?" value="What is a Verification of Status document?"></option><option label="What if I already submitted the old Verification of Entry form, do I have to resubmit a new form?" value="What if I already submitted the old Verification of Entry form, do I have to resubmit a new form?"></option><option label="Will I still get a certified true copy of my immigration document?" value="Will I still get a certified true copy of my immigration document?"></option><option label="What does “adequate knowledge” of English or French mean when applying for citizenship?" value="What does “adequate knowledge” of English or French mean when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="How do you measure how well I can speak English or French when applying for citizenship?" value="How do you measure how well I can speak English or French when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="What language level do I need when I apply for citizenship?" value="What language level do I need when I apply for citizenship?"></option><option label="What documents can I use to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="What documents can I use to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="What third-party language tests will you accept as proof I have adequate knowledge of English or French when I apply for citizenship?" value="What third-party language tests will you accept as proof I have adequate knowledge of English or French when I apply for citizenship?"></option><option label="I graduated from an English-or French-language high school/college/university. What can I use to show that I can communicate in one of the official languages when I apply for citizenship?" value="I graduated from an English-or French-language high school/college/university. What can I use to show that I can communicate in one of the official languages when I apply for citizenship?"></option><option label="Can I use the government-funded language program I took to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Can I use the government-funded language program I took to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="I’ve lost my certificate or transcript showing I meet the citizenship language requirement. What can I do?" value="I’ve lost my certificate or transcript showing I meet the citizenship language requirement. What can I do?"></option><option label="What is Sign-In Partner?" value="What is Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="What are electronic credentials?" value="What are electronic credentials?"></option><option label="What do you mean by authentication?" value="What do you mean by authentication?"></option><option label="Why is the Government of Canada offering users the option to use banking credentials?" value="Why is the Government of Canada offering users the option to use banking credentials?"></option><option label="What are the advantages of using my online banking credentials?" value="What are the advantages of using my online banking credentials?"></option><option label="Is the banking credential (Sign-In Partner) as secure as the government credential (GCKey)?" value="Is the banking credential (Sign-In Partner) as secure as the government credential (GCKey)?"></option><option label="Will any of my banking information be shared if I use Sign-In Partner?" value="Will any of my banking information be shared if I use Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="I had to switch my electronic log-in credentials not that long ago. Why are you changing it again?" value="I had to switch my electronic log-in credentials not that long ago. Why are you changing it again?"></option><option label="Can I still use my Access Key?" value="Can I still use my Access Key?"></option><option label="What services do I need Sign-In Partner or GCKey for?" value="What services do I need Sign-In Partner or GCKey for?"></option><option label="Which banks are participating in Sign-In Partner?" value="Which banks are participating in Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="I don’t bank with any of the financial institutions listed. What alternative do I have when I want to access government services online?" value="I don’t bank with any of the financial institutions listed. What alternative do I have when I want to access government services online?"></option><option label="My bank is on your list, but I don’t have online banking. How do I access the IRCC secure account using Sign-In Partner?" value="My bank is on your list, but I don’t have online banking. How do I access the IRCC secure account using Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="I would rather not use Sign-In Partner to access the IRCC secure account. What are my options?" value="I would rather not use Sign-In Partner to access the IRCC secure account. What are my options?"></option><option label="Will the bank charge me for using my banking credential to access government services?" value="Will the bank charge me for using my banking credential to access government services?"></option><option label="Will I still be able to use GCKey even if I decided to use my online banking credentials once?" value="Will I still be able to use GCKey even if I decided to use my online banking credentials once?"></option><option label="Who can I contact if I have questions about GCKey or Sign-In Partner?" value="Who can I contact if I have questions about GCKey or Sign-In Partner?"></option><option label="Can I provide my LINC/CLIC placement test as a proof that I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Can I provide my LINC/CLIC placement test as a proof that I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="Can I submit the results from a third-party language test that I took when I first applied to immigrate to Canada as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Can I submit the results from a third-party language test that I took when I first applied to immigrate to Canada as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="Do you accept certificates from private language schools as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?" value="Do you accept certificates from private language schools as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?"></option><option label="When do I know if I passed the citizenship test?" value="When do I know if I passed the citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I replace my citizenship certificate or card if there’s a mistake on it?" value="Can I replace my citizenship certificate or card if there’s a mistake on it?"></option><option label="I am outside Canada and do not have a PR card. How can I return to Canada?" value="I am outside Canada and do not have a PR card. How can I return to Canada?"></option><option label="How do I make a refugee claim in Canada?" value="How do I make a refugee claim in Canada?"></option><option label="I already made a refugee claim. What happens now that we submit claims through the IRCC Portal?" value="I already made a refugee claim. What happens now that we submit claims through the IRCC Portal?"></option><option label="Can my refugee claim be rejected based on what I write in the Basis of Claim form?" value="Can my refugee claim be rejected based on what I write in the Basis of Claim form?"></option><option label="I am a refugee and I need to travel outside Canada. What documents do I need to travel?" value="I am a refugee and I need to travel outside Canada. What documents do I need to travel?"></option><option label="What can I use to prove my status in Canada as a refugee or protected person?" value="What can I use to prove my status in Canada as a refugee or protected person?"></option><option label="My application was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="My application was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="If I withdraw my application, will I get a refund?" value="If I withdraw my application, will I get a refund?"></option><option label="I submitted an application but want to change programs. Can I apply the fees I already paid to my new application?" value="I submitted an application but want to change programs. Can I apply the fees I already paid to my new application?"></option><option label="I paid my fees online but decided not to submit an application. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid my fees online but decided not to submit an application. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I didn’t pay enough for my application. What can I do?" value="I didn’t pay enough for my application. What can I do?"></option><option label="I paid too much for my application. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid too much for my application. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I paid online for the wrong fee but the amount is correct. What should I do?" value="I paid online for the wrong fee but the amount is correct. What should I do?"></option><option label="How do I ask for a refund if I paid my fees online or at a bank in Canada?" value="How do I ask for a refund if I paid my fees online or at a bank in Canada?"></option><option label="What is the difference between the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?" value="What is the difference between the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?"></option><option label="Who can use the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?" value="Who can use the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?"></option><option label="Who cannot use the Change of Address online service?" value="Who cannot use the Change of Address online service?"></option><option label="Can I email my new address to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?" value="Can I email my new address to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?"></option><option label="How long does it take for a new or updated address to appear online?" value="How long does it take for a new or updated address to appear online?"></option><option label="Why does it take 5 business days for address changes to appear online?" value="Why does it take 5 business days for address changes to appear online?"></option><option label="I am in Canada temporarily, as a worker, visitor or student. Why can’t I change my address online?" value="I am in Canada temporarily, as a worker, visitor or student. Why can’t I change my address online?"></option><option label="When should I tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that I am moving?" value="When should I tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that I am moving?"></option><option label="How can I check that my address has been updated?" value="How can I check that my address has been updated?"></option><option label="I have changed my address online but I can’t see the changes. What should I do?" value="I have changed my address online but I can’t see the changes. What should I do?"></option><option label="How can I change the address of other people who were included in my immigration or citizenship application?" value="How can I change the address of other people who were included in my immigration or citizenship application?"></option><option label="Do I have to enter a change of address for each dependant?" value="Do I have to enter a change of address for each dependant?"></option><option label="Do I have to enter an address notification for each dependant?" value="Do I have to enter an address notification for each dependant?"></option><option label="Which applicants can access the Change of Address or the Address Notification online service?" value="Which applicants can access the Change of Address or the Address Notification online service?"></option><option label="I live outside Canada. Can I update my mailing or home address online?" value="I live outside Canada. Can I update my mailing or home address online?"></option><option label="I changed my address in CAS. Do I need to change it in Change of Address or Address Notification, too?" value="I changed my address in CAS. Do I need to change it in Change of Address or Address Notification, too?"></option><option label="If I remove my application status from the Internet on CAS, can I still use Change of Address or Address Notification?" value="If I remove my application status from the Internet on CAS, can I still use Change of Address or Address Notification?"></option><option label="I can’t access Change of Address or Address Notification. What should I do?" value="I can’t access Change of Address or Address Notification. What should I do?"></option><option label="Do I need a language test to immigrate to Canada?" value="Do I need a language test to immigrate to Canada?"></option><option label="What are the language requirements to immigrate under the program for self-employed people?" value="What are the language requirements to immigrate under the program for self-employed people?"></option><option label="How can I qualify for the Start-up Visa Program?" value="How can I qualify for the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="How can I get support from a designated organization?" value="How can I get support from a designated organization?"></option><option label="What level of language proficiency do I need for a start-up visa?" value="What level of language proficiency do I need for a start-up visa?"></option><option label="How much money do I need to cover living expenses when I get to Canada through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="How much money do I need to cover living expenses when I get to Canada through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What is an essential person under the Start-up Visa Program?" value="What is an essential person under the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="Can an entrepreneurial team immigrate to Canada together through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="Can an entrepreneurial team immigrate to Canada together through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What is the minimum investment that I need to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="What is the minimum investment that I need to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="Why is there a different minimum investment from a venture capital fund and an angel investor group?" value="Why is there a different minimum investment from a venture capital fund and an angel investor group?"></option><option label="Do I have to invest my own money if I want to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?" value="Do I have to invest my own money if I want to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What happens if I receive investment support from more than one designated organization?" value="What happens if I receive investment support from more than one designated organization?"></option><option label="If I immigrate through the Start-up Visa Program, what happens if my business fails?" value="If I immigrate through the Start-up Visa Program, what happens if my business fails?"></option><option label="I can’t open my application form in PDF format. What can I do?" value="I can’t open my application form in PDF format. What can I do?"></option><option label="While working under a post-graduate work permit to get experience to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class, can I switch employers?" value="While working under a post-graduate work permit to get experience to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class, can I switch employers?"></option><option label="I graduated a while ago, then earned one-year of work experience and now I am back in school. Can I apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class?" value="I graduated a while ago, then earned one-year of work experience and now I am back in school. Can I apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class?"></option><option label="Can I complete an Express Entry profile before I have a year of work experience?" value="Can I complete an Express Entry profile before I have a year of work experience?"></option><option label="Can I renew my post-graduation work permit?" value="Can I renew my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="I’m a Canadian citizen and my spouse is not. Can my spouse and dependent children work in Canada?" value="I’m a Canadian citizen and my spouse is not. Can my spouse and dependent children work in Canada?"></option><option label="Does an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) mean that I can be licensed in a regulated profession?" value="Does an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) mean that I can be licensed in a regulated profession?"></option><option label="The employer I work for temporarily in Canada wants to offer me a full-time job. Will I need a new LMIA for Express Entry?" value="The employer I work for temporarily in Canada wants to offer me a full-time job. Will I need a new LMIA for Express Entry?"></option><option label="I am working in Canada on a post-graduation work permit. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment?" value="I am working in Canada on a post-graduation work permit. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment?"></option><option label="I want to extend my expiring work permit, but I don’t have a new LMIA or CAQ yet. What should I do?" value="I want to extend my expiring work permit, but I don’t have a new LMIA or CAQ yet. What should I do?"></option><option label="Is legal assistance available to asylum claimants?" value="Is legal assistance available to asylum claimants?"></option><option label="Why do I have to give my biometrics (fingerprints and photo) when I apply?" value="Why do I have to give my biometrics (fingerprints and photo) when I apply?"></option><option label="How often will I need to go in person to give my fingerprints and photo?" value="How often will I need to go in person to give my fingerprints and photo?"></option><option label="I need to give biometrics. What if there’s no visa application centre (VAC) in the country or territory I’m applying from?" value="I need to give biometrics. What if there’s no visa application centre (VAC) in the country or territory I’m applying from?"></option><option label="If I get my photo taken for biometrics, do I still need to submit a paper photograph as part of my application?" value="If I get my photo taken for biometrics, do I still need to submit a paper photograph as part of my application?"></option><option label="I cover my head or face for religious or cultural reasons. What will happen when I go to have my photo taken for biometrics?" value="I cover my head or face for religious or cultural reasons. What will happen when I go to have my photo taken for biometrics?"></option><option label="What will happen to my fingerprints and photo after they are collected for biometrics?" value="What will happen to my fingerprints and photo after they are collected for biometrics?"></option><option label="How long will you keep my fingerprints and photo (biometrics)?" value="How long will you keep my fingerprints and photo (biometrics)?"></option><option label="What if I have a Canadian visa that has not yet expired when you start taking biometrics from citizens of my country or territory?" value="What if I have a Canadian visa that has not yet expired when you start taking biometrics from citizens of my country or territory?"></option><option label="Do I need to give my biometrics to visit Canada if I’m in the United States and I’ve already given my biometrics when I entered the U.S.?" value="Do I need to give my biometrics to visit Canada if I’m in the United States and I’ve already given my biometrics when I entered the U.S.?"></option><option label="If I’m in Canada, do I have to give my biometrics?" value="If I’m in Canada, do I have to give my biometrics?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my permanent resident card application?" value="How do I withdraw my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="I was told that my permanent resident card was sent to me but I did not get it yet. What should I do?" value="I was told that my permanent resident card was sent to me but I did not get it yet. What should I do?"></option><option label="I legally changed my name. How do I update my PR card?" value="I legally changed my name. How do I update my PR card?"></option><option label="I got married. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?" value="I got married. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?"></option><option label="I got divorced. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?" value="I got divorced. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?"></option><option label="I adopted a child. What do I have to do to change the name on their PR card?" value="I adopted a child. What do I have to do to change the name on their PR card?"></option><option label="I got a court order to change my name. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?" value="I got a court order to change my name. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?"></option><option label="How long must I stay in Canada to keep my permanent resident status?" value="How long must I stay in Canada to keep my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="How long can I stay outside Canada and keep my permanent resident status?" value="How long can I stay outside Canada and keep my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="What are my residency obligations if I am a permanent resident?" value="What are my residency obligations if I am a permanent resident?"></option><option label="Will I get my processing fees back if I cancel my sponsorship application?" value="Will I get my processing fees back if I cancel my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?" value="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?" value="How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?"></option><option label="How do I unlink or separate family or group citizenship applications?" value="How do I unlink or separate family or group citizenship applications?"></option><option label="How do I apply to immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee?" value="How do I apply to immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee?"></option><option label="How can I be nominated by a province?" value="How can I be nominated by a province?"></option><option label="I was nominated by the province to immigrate to Canada, what should I do?" value="I was nominated by the province to immigrate to Canada, what should I do?"></option><option label="I got my Provincial Nominee Certificate - what should I do?" value="I got my Provincial Nominee Certificate - what should I do?"></option><option label="How do I sign my online application?" value="How do I sign my online application?"></option><option label="How do I cancel an application I submitted online?" value="How do I cancel an application I submitted online?"></option><option label="How long can I work in Canada as a temporary worker?" value="How long can I work in Canada as a temporary worker?"></option><option label="How can I qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program if the province or territory where I plan to live and work does not give Certificates of Qualification in my trade?" value="How can I qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program if the province or territory where I plan to live and work does not give Certificates of Qualification in my trade?"></option><option label="If I come to Canada under the Federal Skilled Trades Program, will I be qualified to work in any province or territory?" value="If I come to Canada under the Federal Skilled Trades Program, will I be qualified to work in any province or territory?"></option><option label="I’m a Canadian citizen living outside Canada. I mailed an application to the Sydney, Nova Scotia office. Who can I contact if I have a question?" value="I’m a Canadian citizen living outside Canada. I mailed an application to the Sydney, Nova Scotia office. Who can I contact if I have a question?"></option><option label="Do I need a transit visa?" value="Do I need a transit visa?"></option><option label="How do I get a transit visa?" value="How do I get a transit visa?"></option><option label="Can I apply for a post-graduation work permit before I get my diploma?" value="Can I apply for a post-graduation work permit before I get my diploma?"></option><option label="I get a Bad Encrypt Dictionary error opening a PDF. What does this mean?" value="I get a Bad Encrypt Dictionary error opening a PDF. What does this mean?"></option><option label="After I click the Validate button on my application form, nothing happens and I don’t see the barcodes. Why?" value="After I click the Validate button on my application form, nothing happens and I don’t see the barcodes. Why?"></option><option label="The calendar is displayed in my local language and I can’t fill in the date fields correctly. What do I do?" value="The calendar is displayed in my local language and I can’t fill in the date fields correctly. What do I do?"></option><option label="How does the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program work?" value="How does the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program work?"></option><option label="How is the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program different from the regular Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?" value="How is the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program different from the regular Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?"></option><option label="Can refugees be referred to the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program by sponsoring groups?" value="Can refugees be referred to the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program by sponsoring groups?"></option><option label="Where can I find my client ID/UCI?" value="Where can I find my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="How do I find my client ID/UCI?" value="How do I find my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="I do not know my client ID/UCI. Where can I get it?" value="I do not know my client ID/UCI. Where can I get it?"></option><option label="I forgot my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?" value="I forgot my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?"></option><option label="I lost my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?" value="I lost my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?"></option><option label="When will I get my client ID/UCI?" value="When will I get my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="When do I get my client ID/UCI?" value="When do I get my client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="How can I get a client ID/UCI?" value="How can I get a client ID/UCI?"></option><option label="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?" value="What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?"></option><option label="What if I cannot attend my hearing with a citizenship officer or a citizenship judge? Can I reschedule it?" value="What if I cannot attend my hearing with a citizenship officer or a citizenship judge? Can I reschedule it?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw a citizenship application for me, my minor child or adopted child?" value="How do I withdraw a citizenship application for me, my minor child or adopted child?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application for proof of citizenship (citizenship certificate)?" value="How do I withdraw my application for proof of citizenship (citizenship certificate)?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application to search citizenship records?" value="How do I withdraw my application to search citizenship records?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application to renounce Canadian citizenship?" value="How do I withdraw my application to renounce Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my application to resume Canadian citizenship?" value="How do I withdraw my application to resume Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="Who has access to the information I submit when I register for a GCKey?" value="Who has access to the information I submit when I register for a GCKey?"></option><option label="What is GCKey?" value="What is GCKey?"></option><option label="Why has the Government of Canada introduced GCKey?" value="Why has the Government of Canada introduced GCKey?"></option><option label="How do I get a GCKey credential?" value="How do I get a GCKey credential?"></option><option label="What does the immigration category on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence document mean?" value="What does the immigration category on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence document mean?"></option><option label="What do I do if I have technical problems when applying online?" value="What do I do if I have technical problems when applying online?"></option><option label="What is the application process for the Start-up Visa Program?" value="What is the application process for the Start-up Visa Program?"></option><option label="What is the difference between support from venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators?" value="What is the difference between support from venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators?"></option><option label="Who will review my Start-up Visa Program application?" value="Who will review my Start-up Visa Program application?"></option><option label="Is there an application form to get a letter of support from a designated organization?" value="Is there an application form to get a letter of support from a designated organization?"></option><option label="What do I do if I lost my GCKey username or password?" value="What do I do if I lost my GCKey username or password?"></option><option label="What do I do if an online application is down?" value="What do I do if an online application is down?"></option><option label="What browser should I use to apply online?" value="What browser should I use to apply online?"></option><option label="How many applications to sponsor parents and grandparents do you accept each intake?" value="How many applications to sponsor parents and grandparents do you accept each intake?"></option><option label="How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?" value="How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?"></option><option label="Can I hand-deliver my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?" value="Can I hand-deliver my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?"></option><option label="How can I show proof of income to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="How can I show proof of income to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Do I need to ask the Canada Border Services Agency for a history of entries when applying for citizenship?" value="Do I need to ask the Canada Border Services Agency for a history of entries when applying for citizenship?"></option><option label="What happens if I check “Yes” on Question 14B (“Consent to the CBSA and IRCC”) on the application for citizenship?" value="What happens if I check “Yes” on Question 14B (“Consent to the CBSA and IRCC”) on the application for citizenship?"></option><option label="What is a personal document checklist?" value="What is a personal document checklist?"></option><option label="What is a personal reference code?" value="What is a personal reference code?"></option><option label="Why was I issued a single entry visa instead of a multiple entry visa?" value="Why was I issued a single entry visa instead of a multiple entry visa?"></option><option label="How do I prove that I need urgent processing for my permanent resident card application?" value="How do I prove that I need urgent processing for my permanent resident card application?"></option><option label="Do I have to apply online for my International Experience Canada work permit or can I apply by mail or in person?" value="Do I have to apply online for my International Experience Canada work permit or can I apply by mail or in person?"></option><option label="I have a question about a document I am asked to submit in my online account. Who can I ask?" value="I have a question about a document I am asked to submit in my online account. Who can I ask?"></option><option label="Will my spouse or common-law partner get a work permit under International Experience Canada to come with me?" value="Will my spouse or common-law partner get a work permit under International Experience Canada to come with me?"></option><option label="Why do I need to get a police certificate?" value="Why do I need to get a police certificate?"></option><option label="Why do I need a medical examination?" value="Why do I need a medical examination?"></option><option label="I want to work in a job that requires a medical exam, but I already have my work permit or authorization. What do I do?" value="I want to work in a job that requires a medical exam, but I already have my work permit or authorization. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is a port of entry (POE) letter?" value="What is a port of entry (POE) letter?"></option><option label="How long is my POE Letter valid?" value="How long is my POE Letter valid?"></option><option label="My International Experience Canada application was refused because I didn't provide a document. What should I do?" value="My International Experience Canada application was refused because I didn't provide a document. What should I do?"></option><option label="Can I get a refund if I cancel my International Experience Canada work permit application?" value="Can I get a refund if I cancel my International Experience Canada work permit application?"></option><option label="I recently reset my IRCC secure account, but I don’t see my application. How can I get it back?" value="I recently reset my IRCC secure account, but I don’t see my application. How can I get it back?"></option><option label="How do I view the messages in my account?" value="How do I view the messages in my account?"></option><option label="I can't get a bank statement before I come to Canada. What do I do?" value="I can't get a bank statement before I come to Canada. What do I do?"></option><option label="How can I get help with my immigration or citizenship application?" value="How can I get help with my immigration or citizenship application?"></option><option label="I have lost, deleted or damaged my POE Letter. What should I do?" value="I have lost, deleted or damaged my POE Letter. What should I do?"></option><option label="How do I give my fingerprints and get an RCMP criminal record check from inside or outside Canada?" value="How do I give my fingerprints and get an RCMP criminal record check from inside or outside Canada?"></option><option label="How much does it cost to participate in International Experience Canada?" value="How much does it cost to participate in International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="What do I do if I get a new passport after I apply for International Experience Canada?" value="What do I do if I get a new passport after I apply for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="There is a mistake in my name on my work permit, can you fix it?" value="There is a mistake in my name on my work permit, can you fix it?"></option><option label="Can I have more than one Express Entry profile?" value="Can I have more than one Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="Can I re-use my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to submit my Express Entry profile?" value="Can I re-use my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to submit my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="Is there a different application form for CAN+?" value="Is there a different application form for CAN+?"></option><option label="How do I know that my application can be processed under CAN+? What supporting documents should I submit?" value="How do I know that my application can be processed under CAN+? What supporting documents should I submit?"></option><option label="How long will the Temporary Foreign Worker Program moratorium on food service jobs last?" value="How long will the Temporary Foreign Worker Program moratorium on food service jobs last?"></option><option label="Who is eligible to take government-funded language classes?" value="Who is eligible to take government-funded language classes?"></option><option label="How can I enrol in a government-funded language class at no cost to myself?" value="How can I enrol in a government-funded language class at no cost to myself?"></option><option label="Can my spouse take language classes with me?" value="Can my spouse take language classes with me?"></option><option label="How long can I take language classes for?" value="How long can I take language classes for?"></option><option label="I started taking language classes but I’m moving. Can I keep taking classes in a new city?" value="I started taking language classes but I’m moving. Can I keep taking classes in a new city?"></option><option label="I'm working or studying in Canada temporarily. Can I take Government of Canada funded language classes?" value="I'm working or studying in Canada temporarily. Can I take Government of Canada funded language classes?"></option><option label="What are the language training programs funded by the Government of Canada?" value="What are the language training programs funded by the Government of Canada?"></option><option label="What are the language training programs funded by the provincial or territorial governments?" value="What are the language training programs funded by the provincial or territorial governments?"></option><option label="Does the change in age of dependants affect sponsorship undertakings for dependent children?" value="Does the change in age of dependants affect sponsorship undertakings for dependent children?"></option><option label="What can I do if my citizenship application is refused?" value="What can I do if my citizenship application is refused?"></option><option label="How do I get a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship) for someone under 18 years old?" value="How do I get a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship) for someone under 18 years old?"></option><option label="I legally changed my name. How do I change the name on my citizenship certificate or card?" value="I legally changed my name. How do I change the name on my citizenship certificate or card?"></option><option label="How can I find out if my application is affected by the change in the age of dependants?" value="How can I find out if my application is affected by the change in the age of dependants?"></option><option label="What should I do if I missed my citizenship test?" value="What should I do if I missed my citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I leave Canada after I mail my citizenship application?" value="Can I leave Canada after I mail my citizenship application?"></option><option label="Can I apply to extend my work permit under the caregiver pilots?" value="Can I apply to extend my work permit under the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="What’s an occupation-restricted open work permit?" value="What’s an occupation-restricted open work permit?"></option><option label="Who can participate in International Experience Canada?" value="Who can participate in International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="What kinds of jobs can I have with an International Experience Canada work permit?" value="What kinds of jobs can I have with an International Experience Canada work permit?"></option><option label="Do I need a job offer to submit my International Experience Canada profile?" value="Do I need a job offer to submit my International Experience Canada profile?"></option><option label="Can I participate in International Experience Canada more than once?" value="Can I participate in International Experience Canada more than once?"></option><option label="I’m almost too old for International Experience Canada. Can I still apply?" value="I’m almost too old for International Experience Canada. Can I still apply?"></option><option label="Can I immigrate to Canada through International Experience Canada?" value="Can I immigrate to Canada through International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="Is it possible to study in Canada while participating in IEC?" value="Is it possible to study in Canada while participating in IEC?"></option><option label="Can I have both a study permit and a work permit under International Experience Canada?" value="Can I have both a study permit and a work permit under International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="What’s the difference between an International Experience Canada work permit and other work permits?" value="What’s the difference between an International Experience Canada work permit and other work permits?"></option><option label="If I don’t use my letter of introduction for International Experience Canada, will I get a refund?" value="If I don’t use my letter of introduction for International Experience Canada, will I get a refund?"></option><option label="My passport was lost or stolen after I received my Port of Entry (POE) Letter. Will my POE Letter need to be modified?" value="My passport was lost or stolen after I received my Port of Entry (POE) Letter. Will my POE Letter need to be modified?"></option><option label="What type of insurance do I need for International Experience Canada?" value="What type of insurance do I need for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="Can I come to Canada before I receive my POE Letter?" value="Can I come to Canada before I receive my POE Letter?"></option><option label="What should I do if my employer wants me to continue working after my International Experience Canada work permit expires?" value="What should I do if my employer wants me to continue working after my International Experience Canada work permit expires?"></option><option label="Can I stay in Canada as a tourist after my work permit expires?" value="Can I stay in Canada as a tourist after my work permit expires?"></option><option label="Do I need to provide proof that I can pay the salary of the caregiver I’m hiring through the caregiver pilots?" value="Do I need to provide proof that I can pay the salary of the caregiver I’m hiring through the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="Do I have to pay for the caregiver’s travel costs if I’m hiring them through the caregiver pilots?" value="Do I have to pay for the caregiver’s travel costs if I’m hiring them through the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="I want to hire a caregiver with a live-in arrangement. What’s the maximum amount I can charge for room and board?" value="I want to hire a caregiver with a live-in arrangement. What’s the maximum amount I can charge for room and board?"></option><option label="I already took a medical exam when I applied for the caregiver pilots. Why am I being asked to take another one?" value="I already took a medical exam when I applied for the caregiver pilots. Why am I being asked to take another one?"></option><option label="I’m working in Canada as a caregiver but I don’t meet the requirements for the caregiver pilots. Can I apply to extend my work permit?" value="I’m working in Canada as a caregiver but I don’t meet the requirements for the caregiver pilots. Can I apply to extend my work permit?"></option><option label="Can I use work experience from more than 1 employer to apply to the caregiver pilots?" value="Can I use work experience from more than 1 employer to apply to the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="Is there a limit on the number of caregiver applications you accept under the pilots?" value="Is there a limit on the number of caregiver applications you accept under the pilots?"></option><option label="What can I do if the yearly limit on applications for the caregiver pilots has been reached before I apply?" value="What can I do if the yearly limit on applications for the caregiver pilots has been reached before I apply?"></option><option label="I want to work in Canada as a caregiver, but I don’t meet the requirements of the pilots. What are my options?" value="I want to work in Canada as a caregiver, but I don’t meet the requirements of the pilots. What are my options?"></option><option label="When do I need to take a medical exam for the caregiver pilots?" value="When do I need to take a medical exam for the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="I worked in Canada illegally. Can I use that experience to meet the work requirement of the caregiver pilots?" value="I worked in Canada illegally. Can I use that experience to meet the work requirement of the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="An employer in Quebec has offered me a job as a caregiver. What do I apply for?" value="An employer in Quebec has offered me a job as a caregiver. What do I apply for?"></option><option label="I worked in Quebec as a home child care provider or home support worker. Can that work experience count for the caregiver pilots?" value="I worked in Quebec as a home child care provider or home support worker. Can that work experience count for the caregiver pilots?"></option><option label="How is the processing time affected if I need a medical exam?" value="How is the processing time affected if I need a medical exam?"></option><option label="You asked me for additional medical information. How will this affect the processing time?" value="You asked me for additional medical information. How will this affect the processing time?"></option><option label="How can I check the status of my medical exam results?" value="How can I check the status of my medical exam results?"></option><option label="Can I have a medical exam done in advance to speed up my application?" value="Can I have a medical exam done in advance to speed up my application?"></option><option label="I’m pregnant. Can I wait until after I give birth to take the medical exam?" value="I’m pregnant. Can I wait until after I give birth to take the medical exam?"></option><option label="I have applied for permanent residence. My spouse or partner and children are not coming with me. Do they need to get a medical exam?" value="I have applied for permanent residence. My spouse or partner and children are not coming with me. Do they need to get a medical exam?"></option><option label="I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment for both?" value="I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment for both?"></option><option label="The online tool said I was eligible for Express Entry, but my completed profile says I’m not. Which one is right?" value="The online tool said I was eligible for Express Entry, but my completed profile says I’m not. Which one is right?"></option><option label="Can I use my existing Job Bank account to get matched with employers for Express Entry?" value="Can I use my existing Job Bank account to get matched with employers for Express Entry?"></option><option label="My personal reference code is not working. What should I do?" value="My personal reference code is not working. What should I do?"></option><option label="I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test for Express Entry?" value="I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test for Express Entry?"></option><option label="A message in my account says my profile was updated. I didn’t update it today (or don’t see an update). What happened?" value="A message in my account says my profile was updated. I didn’t update it today (or don’t see an update). What happened?"></option><option label="I accidently withdrew my Express Entry profile. How can I fix this?" value="I accidently withdrew my Express Entry profile. How can I fix this?"></option><option label="I was found not eligible for Express Entry and I can’t change my profile. What do I do?" value="I was found not eligible for Express Entry and I can’t change my profile. What do I do?"></option><option label="How do I update my Express Entry profile before submitting it?" value="How do I update my Express Entry profile before submitting it?"></option><option label="Some fields in my Express Entry profile are greyed out and I can’t change them. How do I update them?" value="Some fields in my Express Entry profile are greyed out and I can’t change them. How do I update them?"></option><option label="How do I confirm that my Express Entry profile is complete?" value="How do I confirm that my Express Entry profile is complete?"></option><option label="I already submitted my Express Entry profile. Can I still update it?" value="I already submitted my Express Entry profile. Can I still update it?"></option><option label="Where can I find my Express Entry profile number and/or Job Seeker validation code?" value="Where can I find my Express Entry profile number and/or Job Seeker validation code?"></option><option label="Why didn’t I get points for my job offer in Express Entry?" value="Why didn’t I get points for my job offer in Express Entry?"></option><option label="There is no National Occupation Classification (NOC) code on my work permit. What should I put in my Express Entry profile?" value="There is no National Occupation Classification (NOC) code on my work permit. What should I put in my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="I do not need a visa, but I want to stay in Canada as a visitor for longer than six months. What do I need to do?" value="I do not need a visa, but I want to stay in Canada as a visitor for longer than six months. What do I need to do?"></option><option label="How long can I stay in Canada as a visitor?" value="How long can I stay in Canada as a visitor?"></option><option label="I am currently living in or visiting a country that I am not a citizen of. Can I apply for a visitor visa at the local visa office?" value="I am currently living in or visiting a country that I am not a citizen of. Can I apply for a visitor visa at the local visa office?"></option><option label="My application for a permanent resident visa is currently being processed at the Embassy. Can I go to Canada as a tourist and wait for my visa there?" value="My application for a permanent resident visa is currently being processed at the Embassy. Can I go to Canada as a tourist and wait for my visa there?"></option><option label="I hold a diplomatic or special/service passport. Do I need a visitor visa?" value="I hold a diplomatic or special/service passport. Do I need a visitor visa?"></option><option label="Do I need a Canadian visa if I have a United States visa?" value="Do I need a Canadian visa if I have a United States visa?"></option><option label="My minor child is applying for a visitor visa and will travel alone to Canada. What documents must they present with the application?" value="My minor child is applying for a visitor visa and will travel alone to Canada. What documents must they present with the application?"></option><option label="I am travelling with my minor child without my spouse. What documents must I present?" value="I am travelling with my minor child without my spouse. What documents must I present?"></option><option label="I paid the $100 open work permit holder fee with my open work permit application, but the application was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the $100 open work permit holder fee with my open work permit application, but the application was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the temporary worker’s application for a work permit was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the temporary worker’s application for a work permit was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the worker is not coming to Canada. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the employer compliance fee, but the worker is not coming to Canada. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="What proof do I need to show that my employer paid the compliance fee and submitted the offer of employment?" value="What proof do I need to show that my employer paid the compliance fee and submitted the offer of employment?"></option><option label="After I submit an offer of employment, do I have to wait for it to be approved before the temporary worker can apply for a work permit?" value="After I submit an offer of employment, do I have to wait for it to be approved before the temporary worker can apply for a work permit?"></option><option label="Can an authorized representative submit an offer of employment on behalf of an employer?" value="Can an authorized representative submit an offer of employment on behalf of an employer?"></option><option label="I have a visa or a temporary resident permit to enter Canada. Do I need an eTA too?" value="I have a visa or a temporary resident permit to enter Canada. Do I need an eTA too?"></option><option label="I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country. Do I need an eTA?" value="I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="Are there any age exemptions for eTA?" value="Are there any age exemptions for eTA?"></option><option label="I am visiting the U.S. and I want to come to Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I am visiting the U.S. and I want to come to Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="I have an ESTA and I am visiting the U.S. Can I use my ESTA to enter Canada?" value="I have an ESTA and I am visiting the U.S. Can I use my ESTA to enter Canada?"></option><option label="I have committed an offence and suspect or know that I am inadmissible to Canada. Should I still apply for an eTA?" value="I have committed an offence and suspect or know that I am inadmissible to Canada. Should I still apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I must travel to Canada for exceptional circumstances. Can I get my eTA on an urgent basis?" value="I must travel to Canada for exceptional circumstances. Can I get my eTA on an urgent basis?"></option><option label="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Do I need an eTA if I leave and want to return to Canada by air?" value="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Do I need an eTA if I leave and want to return to Canada by air?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to apply for a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to apply for a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder). Do I need an eTA?" value="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder). Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="How do I apply for an eTA for travel to Canada?" value="How do I apply for an eTA for travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Do I have to apply for an eTA each time I travel to Canada?" value="Do I have to apply for an eTA each time I travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Do I need to apply for an eTA before I book my airline ticket?" value="Do I need to apply for an eTA before I book my airline ticket?"></option><option label="What options are available to pay the eTA application fee?" value="What options are available to pay the eTA application fee?"></option><option label="What if I don’t have a Visa, Mastercard or American Express? Are there other methods to pay for an eTA?" value="What if I don’t have a Visa, Mastercard or American Express? Are there other methods to pay for an eTA?"></option><option label="How long will it take to process my eTA application?" value="How long will it take to process my eTA application?"></option><option label="Will IRCC email me when my eTA is approved?" value="Will IRCC email me when my eTA is approved?"></option><option label="Do I have to print anything to prove that I have an eTA?" value="Do I have to print anything to prove that I have an eTA?"></option><option label="In my online profile or application I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete when they are not. What do I do?" value="In my online profile or application I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete when they are not. What do I do?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw my Express Entry profile?" value="How do I withdraw my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="My citizenship application is being processed. How will the 2017 legislation changes affect my application?" value="My citizenship application is being processed. How will the 2017 legislation changes affect my application?"></option><option label="I hired a representative before June 11, 2015 and my citizenship application is still in process. Can they continue to act as my representative?" value="I hired a representative before June 11, 2015 and my citizenship application is still in process. Can they continue to act as my representative?"></option><option label="Who can represent me on my citizenship application?" value="Who can represent me on my citizenship application?"></option><option label="How old must my spouse or partner be for me to sponsor them to immigrate to Canada?" value="How old must my spouse or partner be for me to sponsor them to immigrate to Canada?"></option><option label="Does IRCC recognize marriages conducted by proxy, telephone, internet and fax?" value="Does IRCC recognize marriages conducted by proxy, telephone, internet and fax?"></option><option label="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I get a refund?" value="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="My application for an eTA was refused. Is there a way I can appeal?" value="My application for an eTA was refused. Is there a way I can appeal?"></option><option label="Why am I not receiving any emails from IRCC about my eTA application?" value="Why am I not receiving any emails from IRCC about my eTA application?"></option><option label="What do I do if my application for an eTA is not approved right away?" value="What do I do if my application for an eTA is not approved right away?"></option><option label="I have been refused entry to Canada in the past. Does this mean that I will be refused an eTA?" value="I have been refused entry to Canada in the past. Does this mean that I will be refused an eTA?"></option><option label="What type of information do I need to complete an eTA application?" value="What type of information do I need to complete an eTA application?"></option><option label="Can I withdraw my eTA application?" value="Can I withdraw my eTA application?"></option><option label="Does having an eTA automatically mean that I am allowed to enter Canada?" value="Does having an eTA automatically mean that I am allowed to enter Canada?"></option><option label="Can more than one person, including dependents, be included in an eTA application?" value="Can more than one person, including dependents, be included in an eTA application?"></option><option label="If my eTA is cancelled after I get one, can I travel?" value="If my eTA is cancelled after I get one, can I travel?"></option><option label="I will transit by air through Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I will transit by air through Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="Can a business or agency organizing charter flights to Canada for tour groups get eTAs for their clients?" value="Can a business or agency organizing charter flights to Canada for tour groups get eTAs for their clients?"></option><option label="Do travellers on chartered aircrafts need an eTA?" value="Do travellers on chartered aircrafts need an eTA?"></option><option label="Will the eTA application information be available in multiple languages?" value="Will the eTA application information be available in multiple languages?"></option><option label="What happens if I get a new passport after I have received an eTA?" value="What happens if I get a new passport after I have received an eTA?"></option><option label="I am a Canadian citizen. Do I need an eTA to enter Canada?" value="I am a Canadian citizen. Do I need an eTA to enter Canada?"></option><option label="If I have an immigration loan, how can I make my payments?" value="If I have an immigration loan, how can I make my payments?"></option><option label="My last payment does not appear on my immigration loan statement. Why is that?" value="My last payment does not appear on my immigration loan statement. Why is that?"></option><option label="I no longer receive immigration loan statements. Why is that?" value="I no longer receive immigration loan statements. Why is that?"></option><option label="Where do I find my PAYEE number on my immigration loan statement?" value="Where do I find my PAYEE number on my immigration loan statement?"></option><option label="What happens if I do not make my loan payments?" value="What happens if I do not make my loan payments?"></option><option label="Can I make a refugee claim from within Syria?" value="Can I make a refugee claim from within Syria?"></option><option label="How can Canadians help in our response to the Syrian crisis?" value="How can Canadians help in our response to the Syrian crisis?"></option><option label="How do I find a refugee to sponsor?" value="How do I find a refugee to sponsor?"></option><option label="How do I find a SAH I can volunteer to work with or otherwise contribute to?" value="How do I find a SAH I can volunteer to work with or otherwise contribute to?"></option><option label="Does this means that Syrians and Iraqi from anywhere in the world can be resettled to Canada as refugees?" value="Does this means that Syrians and Iraqi from anywhere in the world can be resettled to Canada as refugees?"></option><option label="I am a new permanent resident in Canada. Can I live somewhere other than the “city of destination” on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence?" value="I am a new permanent resident in Canada. Can I live somewhere other than the “city of destination” on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence?"></option><option label="I can't submit a new International Experience Canada profile because I already have one. What do I do?" value="I can't submit a new International Experience Canada profile because I already have one. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is a visa-exempt foreign national?" value="What is a visa-exempt foreign national?"></option><option label="I am an American citizen. What do I need to enter Canada?" value="I am an American citizen. What do I need to enter Canada?"></option><option label="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder) and my home country will not issue a passport to me. Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?" value="I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder) and my home country will not issue a passport to me. Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to extend my work or study permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to extend my work or study permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="Do VIPs, Heads of State or diplomats need an eTA to travel to Canada?" value="Do VIPs, Heads of State or diplomats need an eTA to travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Can diplomats who are not accredited in Canada, but accredited elsewhere, travel to Canada without an eTA?" value="Can diplomats who are not accredited in Canada, but accredited elsewhere, travel to Canada without an eTA?"></option><option label="Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?" value="Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?"></option><option label="How do I withdraw or delete my International Experience Canada profile?" value="How do I withdraw or delete my International Experience Canada profile?"></option><option label="Is there a file size limit for documents I upload to my account?" value="Is there a file size limit for documents I upload to my account?"></option><option label="What file formats can I upload to my account?" value="What file formats can I upload to my account?"></option><option label="In an Express Entry profile, should I only include the minimum work experience needed to qualify for one of the programs, or should I include more?" value="In an Express Entry profile, should I only include the minimum work experience needed to qualify for one of the programs, or should I include more?"></option><option label="In an Express Entry profile, what do you mean by the “date the applicant first became qualified to practise this occupation?" value="In an Express Entry profile, what do you mean by the “date the applicant first became qualified to practise this occupation?"></option><option label="How do I fill out my Express Entry profile when I have maintained my status?" value="How do I fill out my Express Entry profile when I have maintained my status?"></option><option label="How do I get education points for Express Entry if I have 2 or more degrees or diplomas?" value="How do I get education points for Express Entry if I have 2 or more degrees or diplomas?"></option><option label="If I am waiting for a new work permit and I have job offer points, do I have to remove the job offer from my Express Entry profile?" value="If I am waiting for a new work permit and I have job offer points, do I have to remove the job offer from my Express Entry profile?"></option><option label="I have been working in Canada for the last 6 months but didn’t get points for work experience. Why not?" value="I have been working in Canada for the last 6 months but didn’t get points for work experience. Why not?"></option><option label="If I’ve maintained my status while in the Express Entry pool, will I still get the job offer points?" value="If I’ve maintained my status while in the Express Entry pool, will I still get the job offer points?"></option><option label="What if I am invited to apply for Express Entry while waiting for a new work permit?" value="What if I am invited to apply for Express Entry while waiting for a new work permit?"></option><option label="I was invited to apply through Express Entry but my work permit expired. What do I do?" value="I was invited to apply through Express Entry but my work permit expired. What do I do?"></option><option label="I didn’t get a Job Seeker Validation Code in the message you sent to my account. Why not?" value="I didn’t get a Job Seeker Validation Code in the message you sent to my account. Why not?"></option><option label="How do I upload more supporting documents after I have already submitted my online application for permanent residence through Express Entry?" value="How do I upload more supporting documents after I have already submitted my online application for permanent residence through Express Entry?"></option><option label="Can I ask to only be considered for one of the programs under Express Entry?" value="Can I ask to only be considered for one of the programs under Express Entry?"></option><option label="In my International Experience Canada profile/application, I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete after completing them. What do I do?" value="In my International Experience Canada profile/application, I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete after completing them. What do I do?"></option><option label="I accidently withdrew my International Experience Canada profile. How can I fix this?" value="I accidently withdrew my International Experience Canada profile. How can I fix this?"></option><option label="I was found not eligible for International Experience Canada (IEC). What do I do?" value="I was found not eligible for International Experience Canada (IEC). What do I do?"></option><option label="I already submitted my International Experience Canada (IEC) profile. Can I update it?" value="I already submitted my International Experience Canada (IEC) profile. Can I update it?"></option><option label="Do I have to answer the eligibility questions before I submit a profile?" value="Do I have to answer the eligibility questions before I submit a profile?"></option><option label="What is a personal reference code and how do I get one for International Experience Canada (IEC)?" value="What is a personal reference code and how do I get one for International Experience Canada (IEC)?"></option><option label="My personal reference code for International Experience Canada (IEC) is not working. What should I do?" value="My personal reference code for International Experience Canada (IEC) is not working. What should I do?"></option><option label="I need to submit documents in a secure IRCC account for my eTA application. How can I do this?" value="I need to submit documents in a secure IRCC account for my eTA application. How can I do this?"></option><option label="I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?" value="I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?"></option><option label="I am a NEXUS or CANPASS member and U.S. green card holder. Do I need an eTA to fly to Canada?" value="I am a NEXUS or CANPASS member and U.S. green card holder. Do I need an eTA to fly to Canada?"></option><option label="I’m sponsoring my spouse or common-law partner. Can they work while their application is being processed?" value="I’m sponsoring my spouse or common-law partner. Can they work while their application is being processed?"></option><option label="If my Express Entry profile expires, will the system keep my information?" value="If my Express Entry profile expires, will the system keep my information?"></option><option label="How long does it take to get an International Experience Canada invitation to apply?" value="How long does it take to get an International Experience Canada invitation to apply?"></option><option label="Candidates in the Working Holiday pool will be randomly selected to apply for a work permit. What does that mean?" value="Candidates in the Working Holiday pool will be randomly selected to apply for a work permit. What does that mean?"></option><option label="I am a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country. Can I fly to Canada with my non-Canadian passport?" value="I am a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country. Can I fly to Canada with my non-Canadian passport?"></option><option label="Why is my application considered complex or non-routine and what does that mean for me?" value="Why is my application considered complex or non-routine and what does that mean for me?"></option><option label="I have to submit documents for my eTA application. How can I find out what documents I need to provide?" value="I have to submit documents for my eTA application. How can I find out what documents I need to provide?"></option><option label="What information will I get by email after I apply for an eTA?" value="What information will I get by email after I apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="Can I apply for an eTA for my child?" value="Can I apply for an eTA for my child?"></option><option label="What happens if I made a mistake (like an email address or passport number) on my eTA application?" value="What happens if I made a mistake (like an email address or passport number) on my eTA application?"></option><option label="Can I start my eTA application and save it?" value="Can I start my eTA application and save it?"></option><option label="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of someone?" value="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of someone?"></option><option label="Can I submit a group application for eTA?" value="Can I submit a group application for eTA?"></option><option label="Can I review my eTA application before I submit it?" value="Can I review my eTA application before I submit it?"></option><option label="Can I help a friend or family member apply for an eTA?" value="Can I help a friend or family member apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="As a Canadian citizen living in Canada, can I apply for an eTA for my non-Canadian relative or friend who lives abroad?" value="As a Canadian citizen living in Canada, can I apply for an eTA for my non-Canadian relative or friend who lives abroad?"></option><option label="Can I apply for an eTA with a Refugee Travel Document?" value="Can I apply for an eTA with a Refugee Travel Document?"></option><option label="Can I work while I am waiting to receive my post-graduation work permit?" value="Can I work while I am waiting to receive my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="What is the Hague Convention?" value="What is the Hague Convention?"></option><option label="I have a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and will travel to Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I have a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and will travel to Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="What is the employer compliance fee? How do I pay it?" value="What is the employer compliance fee? How do I pay it?"></option><option label="Can I change employers if I have an International Experience Canada work permit?" value="Can I change employers if I have an International Experience Canada work permit?"></option><option label="When should my client apply for their eTA?" value="When should my client apply for their eTA?"></option><option label="Can I submit group applications for eTA?" value="Can I submit group applications for eTA?"></option><option label="How do I pay for my client’s eTA?" value="How do I pay for my client’s eTA?"></option><option label="Is there a way for clients to confirm the status of their eTA?" value="Is there a way for clients to confirm the status of their eTA?"></option><option label="Can I review the eTA application before I submit it?" value="Can I review the eTA application before I submit it?"></option><option label="Can I make changes to my client’s eTA after it has been approved?" value="Can I make changes to my client’s eTA after it has been approved?"></option><option label="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of a client?" value="Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of a client?"></option><option label="Is the eTA linked to a client’s passport number?" value="Is the eTA linked to a client’s passport number?"></option><option label="What happens if I entered the wrong passport number on my client’s eTA application form?" value="What happens if I entered the wrong passport number on my client’s eTA application form?"></option><option label="How long can a client stay in Canada with their eTA?" value="How long can a client stay in Canada with their eTA?"></option><option label="I am an entrepreneur. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to work in Canada?" value="I am an entrepreneur. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to work in Canada?"></option><option label="What is a job offer letter?" value="What is a job offer letter?"></option><option label="How do I change employers?" value="How do I change employers?"></option><option label="Can I adopt a child from countries experiencing armed conflict or natural disasters?" value="Can I adopt a child from countries experiencing armed conflict or natural disasters?"></option><option label="I received a call from an immigration officer. Was it a scam?" value="I received a call from an immigration officer. Was it a scam?"></option><option label="I received an email from an immigration officer. Is it a scam?" value="I received an email from an immigration officer. Is it a scam?"></option><option label="How can I tell if an immigration website is a scam?" value="How can I tell if an immigration website is a scam?"></option><option label="How do I report a scam or a fraud?" value="How do I report a scam or a fraud?"></option><option label="My documents are too large to upload. How do I reduce the file size?" value="My documents are too large to upload. How do I reduce the file size?"></option><option label="What happens if I owe IRCC money? Will you call to ask for unpaid fees?" value="What happens if I owe IRCC money? Will you call to ask for unpaid fees?"></option><option label="How do I pay online if I don’t have a credit card or a bank account?" value="How do I pay online if I don’t have a credit card or a bank account?"></option><option label="If I have not paid my fees, will you have me arrested or deported?" value="If I have not paid my fees, will you have me arrested or deported?"></option><option label="Will you ask me for personal information over the phone?" value="Will you ask me for personal information over the phone?"></option><option label="I received threats from someone who says they are from the immigration department. Is it a scam?" value="I received threats from someone who says they are from the immigration department. Is it a scam?"></option><option label="If you return my application, will I get a refund?" value="If you return my application, will I get a refund?"></option><option label="Why are there differences between the status I see in the Check application status tool (CAS) and in my account?" value="Why are there differences between the status I see in the Check application status tool (CAS) and in my account?"></option><option label="Which applications can I link to an IRCC secure account?" value="Which applications can I link to an IRCC secure account?"></option><option label="Why was I locked out of my IRCC secure account when I tried to link an application?" value="Why was I locked out of my IRCC secure account when I tried to link an application?"></option><option label="When trying to link my application to my IRCC secure account, it says there are no matches. What’s going on?" value="When trying to link my application to my IRCC secure account, it says there are no matches. What’s going on?"></option><option label="What happens after I link an application to an IRCC secure account?" value="What happens after I link an application to an IRCC secure account?"></option><option label="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?" value="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of a country other than France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?" value="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of a country other than France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France returning to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air from a country other than Canada. Do I need an eTA?" value="I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France returning to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air from a country other than Canada. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="When I visit Canada, I want to travel to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air. What document(s) do I need to return to Canada?" value="When I visit Canada, I want to travel to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air. What document(s) do I need to return to Canada?"></option><option label="I applied for an eTA on a different website. How do I verify if I have a real eTA?" value="I applied for an eTA on a different website. How do I verify if I have a real eTA?"></option><option label="I have been charged more than CAN$7 my eTA on another website. I think I have been scammed. How can I find out and can I get a refund?" value="I have been charged more than CAN$7 my eTA on another website. I think I have been scammed. How can I find out and can I get a refund?"></option><option label="I see other websites advertising that I can apply for an eTA with them. Is there more than one website to apply for an eTA?" value="I see other websites advertising that I can apply for an eTA with them. Is there more than one website to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I have not been able to submit an eTA application because of technical issues (with the payment or the application form). Can I still fly to Canada?" value="I have not been able to submit an eTA application because of technical issues (with the payment or the application form). Can I still fly to Canada?"></option><option label="I submitted an eTA application, but have not received any emails from IRCC. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I submitted an eTA application, but have not received any emails from IRCC. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="I got an email confirmation from IRCC that my eTA application was received, but nothing since then. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I got an email confirmation from IRCC that my eTA application was received, but nothing since then. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="I cannot submit the additional documents required for my eTA application by the requested deadline. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I cannot submit the additional documents required for my eTA application by the requested deadline. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="My application for an eTA was refused. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="How do I pay online?" value="How do I pay online?"></option><option label="How can I get a copy of my receipt after paying my fees?" value="How can I get a copy of my receipt after paying my fees?"></option><option label="I can’t access my online payment account to get a copy of my receipt. What can I do?" value="I can’t access my online payment account to get a copy of my receipt. What can I do?"></option><option label="Why is my online payment being refused?" value="Why is my online payment being refused?"></option><option label="I tried to pay online but it was incomplete. Why is it showing on my bank statement?" value="I tried to pay online but it was incomplete. Why is it showing on my bank statement?"></option><option label="Can I pay my fees at a bank in Canada?" value="Can I pay my fees at a bank in Canada?"></option><option label="Is my payment receipt form (IMM 5401) still valid?" value="Is my payment receipt form (IMM 5401) still valid?"></option><option label="My IEC work permit application was approved, but I don’t want to work yet. Can I enter Canada as a visitor for now?" value="My IEC work permit application was approved, but I don’t want to work yet. Can I enter Canada as a visitor for now?"></option><option label="I stayed in Canada longer than I was supposed to. How do I restore my status as a visitor?" value="I stayed in Canada longer than I was supposed to. How do I restore my status as a visitor?"></option><option label="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Can I apply for an eTA?" value="I am a permanent resident of Canada. Can I apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="How do I change the sex or gender identifier on my application or document?" value="How do I change the sex or gender identifier on my application or document?"></option><option label="Do I need to notify IRCC of a change of sex or gender identifier?" value="Do I need to notify IRCC of a change of sex or gender identifier?"></option><option label="What can I use as official documents to change the sex on my documents?" value="What can I use as official documents to change the sex on my documents?"></option><option label="Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to change the sex or gender identifier on my document?" value="Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to change the sex or gender identifier on my document?"></option><option label="Will changing the gender identifier on my documents affect the decision on my application?" value="Will changing the gender identifier on my documents affect the decision on my application?"></option><option label="Can I apply to change both my name and gender identifier at the same time on my documents?" value="Can I apply to change both my name and gender identifier at the same time on my documents?"></option><option label="What does current or previous undertaking mean on my sponsorship application?" value="What does current or previous undertaking mean on my sponsorship application?"></option><option label="Can I be invited to apply if I've lost my username or password?" value="Can I be invited to apply if I've lost my username or password?"></option><option label="What do I do if a form in my International Experience Canada application is marked “In progress”?" value="What do I do if a form in my International Experience Canada application is marked “In progress”?"></option><option label="I can log into my account in the Employer Portal, but I can't submit an offer of employment. What is the problem?" value="I can log into my account in the Employer Portal, but I can't submit an offer of employment. What is the problem?"></option><option label="Will I get a receipt for an offer of employment I submit through the Employer Portal?" value="Will I get a receipt for an offer of employment I submit through the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="I can't create an account in the Employer Portal because the information I entered already exists. What do I do?" value="I can't create an account in the Employer Portal because the information I entered already exists. What do I do?"></option><option label="I want to submit an offer of employment. Where can I find the IMM 5802 form?" value="I want to submit an offer of employment. Where can I find the IMM 5802 form?"></option><option label="I already paid the employer compliance fee, but I can't submit my offer of employment without paying it again. What do I do?" value="I already paid the employer compliance fee, but I can't submit my offer of employment without paying it again. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the Employer Portal and where do I find it?" value="What is my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the Employer Portal and where do I find it?"></option><option label="I've completed all the offer of employment forms in the Employer Portal, but I still can’t submit it. What should I do?" value="I've completed all the offer of employment forms in the Employer Portal, but I still can’t submit it. What should I do?"></option><option label="Can I change or fix a mistake in my business information in the Employer Portal?" value="Can I change or fix a mistake in my business information in the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="I need to submit an offer of employment, but I don't have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) number. What do I do?" value="I need to submit an offer of employment, but I don't have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) number. What do I do?"></option><option label="What is the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="What is the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="What coverage do I get through the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="What coverage do I get through the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="Which documents prove I’m eligible for the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="Which documents prove I’m eligible for the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="When does my Interim Federal Health Program coverage start and when does it end?" value="When does my Interim Federal Health Program coverage start and when does it end?"></option><option label="How do I get health-care services or treatment through the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="How do I get health-care services or treatment through the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="I am covered under the Interim Federal Health Program. Why did my health-care provider ask me to sign a form after I was treated?" value="I am covered under the Interim Federal Health Program. Why did my health-care provider ask me to sign a form after I was treated?"></option><option label="Why did I get a letter from Medavie Blue Cross after I had health services that were covered by the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="Why did I get a letter from Medavie Blue Cross after I had health services that were covered by the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="How do I register as a health-care provider with the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="How do I register as a health-care provider with the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="How do I check patient eligibility for the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="How do I check patient eligibility for the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="How long does it take for a patient’s Interim Federal Health Program eligibility to show in the Medavie Blue Cross system?" value="How long does it take for a patient’s Interim Federal Health Program eligibility to show in the Medavie Blue Cross system?"></option><option label="What are the fee rates paid to health-care providers with the Interim Federal Health Program?" value="What are the fee rates paid to health-care providers with the Interim Federal Health Program?"></option><option label="As a health-care provider, can I ask Interim Federal Health Program clients to pay for a service?" value="As a health-care provider, can I ask Interim Federal Health Program clients to pay for a service?"></option><option label="Should I book flights to Canada for refugees I’m sponsoring?" value="Should I book flights to Canada for refugees I’m sponsoring?"></option><option label="Why can’t you fly Syrian refugees to Canada faster?" value="Why can’t you fly Syrian refugees to Canada faster?"></option><option label="How do I reset my password for the online payment system?" value="How do I reset my password for the online payment system?"></option><option label="Can I leave and come back to Canada if I have a work permit?" value="Can I leave and come back to Canada if I have a work permit?"></option><option label="What is considered work?" value="What is considered work?"></option><option label="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to study in Canada for less than six months. Do I need an eTA?" value="I am from a visa-exempt country and want to study in Canada for less than six months. Do I need an eTA?"></option><option label="If I need the documents I mailed in, how will you return them to me if IRCC isn’t using Canada Post mail services?" value="If I need the documents I mailed in, how will you return them to me if IRCC isn’t using Canada Post mail services?"></option><option label="Can I be eligible for more than one program under Express Entry?" value="Can I be eligible for more than one program under Express Entry?"></option><option label="My sponsor asked me to pay money toward the processing of my refugee application. Should I pay?" value="My sponsor asked me to pay money toward the processing of my refugee application. Should I pay?"></option><option label="My sponsor says they will guarantee that the Canadian government will accept my refugee application. Is that true?" value="My sponsor says they will guarantee that the Canadian government will accept my refugee application. Is that true?"></option><option label="I am a privately sponsored refugee. My sponsor has asked me to pay money to support myself in Canada. Should I pay?" value="I am a privately sponsored refugee. My sponsor has asked me to pay money to support myself in Canada. Should I pay?"></option><option label="I am coming to Canada as a privately sponsored refugee, and I am bringing some of my own money with me. Does my sponsor get any of this money?" value="I am coming to Canada as a privately sponsored refugee, and I am bringing some of my own money with me. Does my sponsor get any of this money?"></option><option label="Does the Government of Canada ask private sponsors to collect money from me or my relatives to fund my sponsorship or settlement in Canada?" value="Does the Government of Canada ask private sponsors to collect money from me or my relatives to fund my sponsorship or settlement in Canada?"></option><option label="What should I do if I already paid someone money to cover the cost of my refugee sponsorship?" value="What should I do if I already paid someone money to cover the cost of my refugee sponsorship?"></option><option label="What can I expect from my sponsor after I travel to Canada as a refugee?" value="What can I expect from my sponsor after I travel to Canada as a refugee?"></option><option label="My sponsor isn’t providing me with the support you said I should receive. What should I do?" value="My sponsor isn’t providing me with the support you said I should receive. What should I do?"></option><option label="How many privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?" value="How many privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?"></option><option label="How many applications for privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?" value="How many applications for privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?"></option><option label="I submitted the documents for my eTA application but I haven’t heard anything yet. Can I still travel to Canada?" value="I submitted the documents for my eTA application but I haven’t heard anything yet. Can I still travel to Canada?"></option><option label="Which work permit fees do I have to pay?" value="Which work permit fees do I have to pay?"></option><option label="Does the Interim Federal Health Program offer co-payment arrangements with other insurance plans or programs?" value="Does the Interim Federal Health Program offer co-payment arrangements with other insurance plans or programs?"></option><option label="I've applied to extend my study permit. Can I travel outside Canada and be able to return?" value="I've applied to extend my study permit. Can I travel outside Canada and be able to return?"></option><option label="I’m waiting for my post-graduation work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?" value="I’m waiting for my post-graduation work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?"></option><option label="You asked me for a new document. How do I submit it?" value="You asked me for a new document. How do I submit it?"></option><option label="I don’t see the option to upload documents in my account, even though IRCC has asked for it. What do I do?" value="I don’t see the option to upload documents in my account, even though IRCC has asked for it. What do I do?"></option><option label="I validated my form, but when I try to upload it to my account I get a validation error. What can I do?" value="I validated my form, but when I try to upload it to my account I get a validation error. What can I do?"></option><option label="What is a hearing conducted by videoconference?" value="What is a hearing conducted by videoconference?"></option><option label="How do I get a refund for International Experience Canada?" value="How do I get a refund for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="I don't have a document I need to submit. What should I do?" value="I don't have a document I need to submit. What should I do?"></option><option label="I’m having technical issues. My invitation to apply for a work permit expires soon. What do I do?" value="I’m having technical issues. My invitation to apply for a work permit expires soon. What do I do?"></option><option label="When I try to submit my Express Entry profile or my application, I get an error. What can I do?" value="When I try to submit my Express Entry profile or my application, I get an error. What can I do?"></option><option label="Can I travel with a specific person for International Experience Canada?" value="Can I travel with a specific person for International Experience Canada?"></option><option label="Why do I need an offer of employment number if I’m applying for a Working Holiday work permit?" value="Why do I need an offer of employment number if I’m applying for a Working Holiday work permit?"></option><option label="When should I send in my police certificates for my spousal sponsorship application?" value="When should I send in my police certificates for my spousal sponsorship application?"></option><option label="Can I sponsor more than one person through the Parents and Grandparents Program?" value="Can I sponsor more than one person through the Parents and Grandparents Program?"></option><option label="How does the Parents and Grandparents Program work?" value="How does the Parents and Grandparents Program work?"></option><option label="I need help with my mental health. Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover it?" value="I need help with my mental health. Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover it?"></option><option label="Does the Interim Federal Health Program provide coverage for mental health services?" value="Does the Interim Federal Health Program provide coverage for mental health services?"></option><option label="What is the prior approval criteria for mental health services provided by allied professionals?" value="What is the prior approval criteria for mental health services provided by allied professionals?"></option><option label="How many counselling sessions are clients entitled to once prior approval is received?" value="How many counselling sessions are clients entitled to once prior approval is received?"></option><option label="Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover interpretation services for mental health therapy?" value="Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover interpretation services for mental health therapy?"></option><option label="Can I apply to International Experience Canada and Express Entry at the same time?" value="Can I apply to International Experience Canada and Express Entry at the same time?"></option><option label="If I’m a dual citizen, can I have an International Experience Canada work permit under each citizenship?" value="If I’m a dual citizen, can I have an International Experience Canada work permit under each citizenship?"></option><option label="I am in the Express Entry pool. How do I find out what programs I am eligible for?" value="I am in the Express Entry pool. How do I find out what programs I am eligible for?"></option><option label="Can someone else pay for my fees?" value="Can someone else pay for my fees?"></option><option label="I got a refund but it was not the same amount I paid. Why?" value="I got a refund but it was not the same amount I paid. Why?"></option><option label="The application / profile details in my online account have changed. Why are the details different?" value="The application / profile details in my online account have changed. Why are the details different?"></option><option label="Do I submit an offer of employment even if a foreign company will pay my company’s temporary worker?" value="Do I submit an offer of employment even if a foreign company will pay my company’s temporary worker?"></option><option label="Who submits the offer of employment if a temporary worker will work for two or more Canadian companies?" value="Who submits the offer of employment if a temporary worker will work for two or more Canadian companies?"></option><option label="How do I change an offer of employment, or fix a mistake I made in one?" value="How do I change an offer of employment, or fix a mistake I made in one?"></option><option label="I don’t have a Canada Revenue Agency number. How do I submit an offer of employment?" value="I don’t have a Canada Revenue Agency number. How do I submit an offer of employment?"></option><option label="Do I have to get certain vaccinations before I arrive in Canada?" value="Do I have to get certain vaccinations before I arrive in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I register with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) as a pre-departure medical services health-care provider?" value="Can I register with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) as a pre-departure medical services health-care provider?"></option><option label="How do I check that a patient is eligible for pre-departure medical coverage?" value="How do I check that a patient is eligible for pre-departure medical coverage?"></option><option label="Can I provide pre-departure vaccination services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?" value="Can I provide pre-departure vaccination services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?"></option><option label="What are the fee rates paid to health care providers registered with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) who deliver pre-departure medical services?" value="What are the fee rates paid to health care providers registered with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) who deliver pre-departure medical services?"></option><option label="As a registered pre-departure medical services provider, can I ask eligible clients to pay for services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?" value="As a registered pre-departure medical services provider, can I ask eligible clients to pay for services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?"></option><option label="I was invited to submit an application to sponsor my parents and grandparents. What do I do next?" value="I was invited to submit an application to sponsor my parents and grandparents. What do I do next?"></option><option label="How long am I financially responsible for the family member or relative I sponsor?" value="How long am I financially responsible for the family member or relative I sponsor?"></option><option label="Can I sponsor my in-laws under the Parents and Grandparents Program?" value="Can I sponsor my in-laws under the Parents and Grandparents Program?"></option><option label="An officer asked me to provide a document in my account, but I’m missing information. What do I do?" value="An officer asked me to provide a document in my account, but I’m missing information. What do I do?"></option><option label="I’m in the Express Entry pool. How can I look for a job in Canada?" value="I’m in the Express Entry pool. How can I look for a job in Canada?"></option><option label="How do I apply for an open work permit?" value="How do I apply for an open work permit?"></option><option label="How can I include a dependent child on my application?" value="How can I include a dependent child on my application?"></option><option label="I already became a permanent resident. Can I still add my dependent child to my application?" value="I already became a permanent resident. Can I still add my dependent child to my application?"></option><option label="I paid the overage dependant fee, but now the age limit for dependants has changed. Can I get a refund?" value="I paid the overage dependant fee, but now the age limit for dependants has changed. Can I get a refund?"></option><option label="Will it delay my application if I add a dependent child to my application?" value="Will it delay my application if I add a dependent child to my application?"></option><option label="Can I sponsor a child who is over the age limit for a dependant?" value="Can I sponsor a child who is over the age limit for a dependant?"></option><option label="There’s a strike at my designated learning institution, and I can’t start or continue my studies. What does that mean for my status as a study permit holder?" value="There’s a strike at my designated learning institution, and I can’t start or continue my studies. What does that mean for my status as a study permit holder?"></option><option label="I now need an immigration medical exam (IME) to visit Canada. Does this affect my submitted application?" value="I now need an immigration medical exam (IME) to visit Canada. Does this affect my submitted application?"></option><option label="Which browsers can I use to pay online?" value="Which browsers can I use to pay online?"></option><option label="Can I withdraw an offer of employment?" value="Can I withdraw an offer of employment?"></option><option label="Can a human resource placement agency submit offers of employment on behalf of my company?" value="Can a human resource placement agency submit offers of employment on behalf of my company?"></option><option label="If my company merges with, or is taken over by, another company, what happens to employees who have temporary work permits?" value="If my company merges with, or is taken over by, another company, what happens to employees who have temporary work permits?"></option><option label="What do I need to do if my company name changes?" value="What do I need to do if my company name changes?"></option><option label="Can I attach documents to the offers of employment I submit in the Employer Portal?" value="Can I attach documents to the offers of employment I submit in the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="Can I attach documents about the offer of employment to a foreign worker’s work permit application?" value="Can I attach documents about the offer of employment to a foreign worker’s work permit application?"></option><option label="Do I need to submit a new offer of employment if something in the offer has changed?" value="Do I need to submit a new offer of employment if something in the offer has changed?"></option><option label="What is a complex permanent residence application for the Live-in Caregiver program?" value="What is a complex permanent residence application for the Live-in Caregiver program?"></option><option label="Who is eligible for two-week work permit processing?" value="Who is eligible for two-week work permit processing?"></option><option label="Are all Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit applications processed in two weeks?" value="Are all Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit applications processed in two weeks?"></option><option label="I have a Global Talent Stream (GTS) LMIA, do I have to do anything else to get two-week processing?" value="I have a Global Talent Stream (GTS) LMIA, do I have to do anything else to get two-week processing?"></option><option label="When should I get my medical exam to apply for two-week work permit processing through the GSS?" value="When should I get my medical exam to apply for two-week work permit processing through the GSS?"></option><option label="I’m applying for a work permit under the GSS. Do I need include a police certificate?" value="I’m applying for a work permit under the GSS. Do I need include a police certificate?"></option><option label="I’m eligible for two-week processing under the GSS. Can I bring my family?" value="I’m eligible for two-week processing under the GSS. Can I bring my family?"></option><option label="Can I get two-week processing if I am applying under the International Mobility Program?" value="Can I get two-week processing if I am applying under the International Mobility Program?"></option><option label="I need an LMIA for my work permit application. How do I know if I am part of the Global Talent Stream?" value="I need an LMIA for my work permit application. How do I know if I am part of the Global Talent Stream?"></option><option label="I’m an employer in the International Mobility Program. Do I still need to use the Employer Portal?" value="I’m an employer in the International Mobility Program. Do I still need to use the Employer Portal?"></option><option label="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker using an LMIA issued by ESDC under the Global Talent Stream?" value="How do I hire a temporary foreign worker using an LMIA issued by ESDC under the Global Talent Stream?"></option><option label="How do I update my information after I’ve submitted my interest to sponsor form?" value="How do I update my information after I’ve submitted my interest to sponsor form?"></option><option label="What is the Right of Permanent Residence Fee?" value="What is the Right of Permanent Residence Fee?"></option><option label="I sent a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1) and paid $530. Will I get a refund?" value="I sent a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1) and paid $530. Will I get a refund?"></option><option label="How will you refund the fee for my citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1)?" value="How will you refund the fee for my citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1)?"></option><option label="I paid the $530 fee for a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1), but didn’t send in my application. What do I do?" value="I paid the $530 fee for a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1), but didn’t send in my application. What do I do?"></option><option label="Is there a maximum loan amount?" value="Is there a maximum loan amount?"></option><option label="Is a 19-year old covered under the principal applicant’s loan?" value="Is a 19-year old covered under the principal applicant’s loan?"></option><option label="Can asylum seekers (those who make a refugee claim in Canada) get an immigration loan?" value="Can asylum seekers (those who make a refugee claim in Canada) get an immigration loan?"></option><option label="How long will I have to repay my loan?" value="How long will I have to repay my loan?"></option><option label="Do I have to use the travel journal?" value="Do I have to use the travel journal?"></option><option label="If I’m applying for citizenship, do I still have to submit the physical presence calculation if I submit the travel journal?" value="If I’m applying for citizenship, do I still have to submit the physical presence calculation if I submit the travel journal?"></option><option label="If I’m transferring through different countries at the airport, or by car or train, do I need to record it in my travel journal?" value="If I’m transferring through different countries at the airport, or by car or train, do I need to record it in my travel journal?"></option><option label="How do I get more copies of the travel journal?" value="How do I get more copies of the travel journal?"></option><option label="When will I receive my immigration loan statement?" value="When will I receive my immigration loan statement?"></option><option label="When do I have to make my first immigration loan payment?" value="When do I have to make my first immigration loan payment?"></option><option label="I got a new passport after coming to Canada but I still have a valid work permit in my old one. What should I do?" value="I got a new passport after coming to Canada but I still have a valid work permit in my old one. What should I do?"></option><option label="How do I change my GCKey password?" value="How do I change my GCKey password?"></option><option label="What are the rules for creating a username or password?" value="What are the rules for creating a username or password?"></option><option label="What if I no longer want to use my GCKey?" value="What if I no longer want to use my GCKey?"></option><option label="There’s a specific employment location on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work somewhere else?" value="There’s a specific employment location on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work somewhere else?"></option><option label="There’s a specific occupation on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work in a different field?" value="There’s a specific occupation on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work in a different field?"></option><option label="If my visa or permit application is refused, will I have to give biometrics for my next application?" value="If my visa or permit application is refused, will I have to give biometrics for my next application?"></option><option label="What is a complex family sponsorship application?" value="What is a complex family sponsorship application?"></option><option label="Under the International Mobility Program, can I reuse an offer of employment number if the matched work permit application was refused?" value="Under the International Mobility Program, can I reuse an offer of employment number if the matched work permit application was refused?"></option><option label="Will it take longer to process my application because I have to give biometrics?" value="Will it take longer to process my application because I have to give biometrics?"></option><option label="What is a complex permanent residence application?" value="What is a complex permanent residence application?"></option><option label="If I’m asked to give my biometrics, does that mean my application is approved?" value="If I’m asked to give my biometrics, does that mean my application is approved?"></option><option label="I am from Asia, Asia Pacific or the Americas and have applied for a visa, work or study permit, or for permanent residence before December 31, 2018, but my application is still being processed. Do I have to give my biometrics?" value="I am from Asia, Asia Pacific or the Americas and have applied for a visa, work or study permit, or for permanent residence before December 31, 2018, but my application is still being processed. Do I have to give my biometrics?"></option><option label="How much does it cost to attend the Destination Canada event?" value="How much does it cost to attend the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="Who participates in the Destination Canada event?" value="Who participates in the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="Can I participate in the Destination Canada event even if no job postings match my profile?" value="Can I participate in the Destination Canada event even if no job postings match my profile?"></option><option label="Do I have to attend an information session before attending the Destination Canada event?" value="Do I have to attend an information session before attending the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="How do I get more information about the Destination Canada event?" value="How do I get more information about the Destination Canada event?"></option><option label="How do I hire a candidate through Destination Canada for a temporary or permanent position?" value="How do I hire a candidate through Destination Canada for a temporary or permanent position?"></option><option label="How do I hire a candidate through the Destination Canada event for a permanent position?" value="How do I hire a candidate through the Destination Canada event for a permanent position?"></option><option label="What does the progress bar in my application status mean?" value="What does the progress bar in my application status mean?"></option><option label="Why did the processing time and estimated date change on my progress bar?" value="Why did the processing time and estimated date change on my progress bar?"></option><option label="Why isn’t there a progress bar for my application?" value="Why isn’t there a progress bar for my application?"></option><option label="Why is there a difference between my progress bar and my application progress?" value="Why is there a difference between my progress bar and my application progress?"></option><option label="How much income do I need to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="How much income do I need to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Where is my status in Canada document number?" value="Where is my status in Canada document number?"></option><option label="How do I make an electronic copy of my passport or proof of status in Canada document?" value="How do I make an electronic copy of my passport or proof of status in Canada document?"></option><option label="What does it mean if I’m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?" value="What does it mean if I’m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?"></option><option label="How do immigration officers decide if I’m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?" value="How do immigration officers decide if I’m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?"></option><option label="Does medical inadmissibility based on excessive demand reasons apply to everyone?" value="Does medical inadmissibility based on excessive demand reasons apply to everyone?"></option><option label="Why didn’t I receive an invitation to submit a mitigation plan?" value="Why didn’t I receive an invitation to submit a mitigation plan?"></option><option label="What’s the difference between a visitor visa and a visitor record?" value="What’s the difference between a visitor visa and a visitor record?"></option><option label="Do I need to apply for both a visitor visa and an eTA?" value="Do I need to apply for both a visitor visa and an eTA?"></option><option label="Can I bring my child to the in-person citizenship test?" value="Can I bring my child to the in-person citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I bring my child to the citizenship ceremony?" value="Can I bring my child to the citizenship ceremony?"></option><option label="What happens if my PR card expires?" value="What happens if my PR card expires?"></option><option label="Can I travel outside Canada without my PR card?" value="Can I travel outside Canada without my PR card?"></option><option label="What do I do if my PR card isn’t ready before I travel?" value="What do I do if my PR card isn’t ready before I travel?"></option><option label="When I sponsor a refugee, do I need to include family members who aren’t coming to Canada at the same time on the application?" value="When I sponsor a refugee, do I need to include family members who aren’t coming to Canada at the same time on the application?"></option><option label="How do I calculate my family size to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="How do I calculate my family size to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Who can be my co-signer on my application to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="Who can be my co-signer on my application to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="How do I fill out my application for a citizenship certificate if I don’t know everything about my parents or grandparents?" value="How do I fill out my application for a citizenship certificate if I don’t know everything about my parents or grandparents?"></option><option label="I have a confirmation number. Am I guaranteed to get invited to sponsor my parents and grandparents?" value="I have a confirmation number. Am I guaranteed to get invited to sponsor my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="Can I submit an old version of the application form for Canadian citizenship?" value="Can I submit an old version of the application form for Canadian citizenship?"></option><option label="Can my time abroad count toward my permanent resident status?" value="Can my time abroad count toward my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="Can I lose my permanent resident status?" value="Can I lose my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="Can I give up my permanent resident status?" value="Can I give up my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="Why would I give up my permanent resident status?" value="Why would I give up my permanent resident status?"></option><option label="I’m an international student. Can I work before my study program starts?" value="I’m an international student. Can I work before my study program starts?"></option><option label="I’m an international student. Can I continue to work after I’ve finished my study program?" value="I’m an international student. Can I continue to work after I’ve finished my study program?"></option><option label="My co-op work permit says “not authorized to work for any employer other than stated”. What does it mean?" value="My co-op work permit says “not authorized to work for any employer other than stated”. What does it mean?"></option><option label="When does my processing time start?" value="When does my processing time start?"></option><option label="My IEC work permit is expiring. Can I stay in Canada if I apply to extend my stay?" value="My IEC work permit is expiring. Can I stay in Canada if I apply to extend my stay?"></option><option label="What is a refugee protection claimant document and when will I get one?" value="What is a refugee protection claimant document and when will I get one?"></option><option label="I’ve reached the maximum number of participations for my country or category in IEC. If I get an invitation to apply, can I participate in the program again?" value="I’ve reached the maximum number of participations for my country or category in IEC. If I get an invitation to apply, can I participate in the program again?"></option><option label="My application for a visitor visa was refused. Should I apply again?" value="My application for a visitor visa was refused. Should I apply again?"></option><option label="Who’s eligible for the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?" value="Who’s eligible for the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?"></option><option label="What will happen to an application for a family member I didn’t declare if it’s in process, or was denied?" value="What will happen to an application for a family member I didn’t declare if it’s in process, or was denied?"></option><option label="How do I sponsor my undeclared family member through the pilot project?" value="How do I sponsor my undeclared family member through the pilot project?"></option><option label="I participated in IEC in the past. How do I apply to participate again?" value="I participated in IEC in the past. How do I apply to participate again?"></option><option label="I can’t sign in to my IRCC secure account. What should I do?" value="I can’t sign in to my IRCC secure account. What should I do?"></option><option label="My application was returned because something was missing. What can I do?" value="My application was returned because something was missing. What can I do?"></option><option label="What is the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?" value="What is the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?"></option><option label="When can I check my application status?" value="When can I check my application status?"></option><option label="I think I’m exempt, why are you asking me for a medical exam?" value="I think I’m exempt, why are you asking me for a medical exam?"></option><option label="What do I do if my Sign-In Partner was removed?" value="What do I do if my Sign-In Partner was removed?"></option><option label="What can I do if I can’t find refugees I want to sponsor through the BVOR program?" value="What can I do if I can’t find refugees I want to sponsor through the BVOR program?"></option><option label="You approved my refugee sponsorship more than 12 weeks ago. What should I do if you haven’t contacted me yet?" value="You approved my refugee sponsorship more than 12 weeks ago. What should I do if you haven’t contacted me yet?"></option><option label="How long does it take a refugee to get to Canada after their sponsorship is approved?" value="How long does it take a refugee to get to Canada after their sponsorship is approved?"></option><option label="The refugee I sponsored is arriving next week but I’m not ready for them. What should I do?" value="The refugee I sponsored is arriving next week but I’m not ready for them. What should I do?"></option><option label="I went to the airport but the refugee I sponsored wasn’t there. What should I do?" value="I went to the airport but the refugee I sponsored wasn’t there. What should I do?"></option><option label="Can I communicate with a refugee I sponsor before they arrive in Canada?" value="Can I communicate with a refugee I sponsor before they arrive in Canada?"></option><option label="Can I change my status to visitor if I need more time to extend my study or work permit?" value="Can I change my status to visitor if I need more time to extend my study or work permit?"></option><option label="Why is my study or work permit only valid for part of my study program or job contract?" value="Why is my study or work permit only valid for part of my study program or job contract?"></option><option label="My work permit expired, but I’ve maintained my status. Can I keep working under the same conditions of my initial work permit if my Social Insurance Number (SIN) is expired?" value="My work permit expired, but I’ve maintained my status. Can I keep working under the same conditions of my initial work permit if my Social Insurance Number (SIN) is expired?"></option><option label="Can I go to a port of entry to give biometrics if it’s closer than a Service Canada location?" value="Can I go to a port of entry to give biometrics if it’s closer than a Service Canada location?"></option><option label="How can I show a potential employer I’m allowed to work while I wait for my post-graduation work permit?" value="How can I show a potential employer I’m allowed to work while I wait for my post-graduation work permit?"></option><option label="What’s the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?" value="What’s the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?"></option><option label="Am I eligible to apply to the pilot project for my dependent family members living outside Canada?" value="Am I eligible to apply to the pilot project for my dependent family members living outside Canada?"></option><option label="I applied for permanent residence as a protected person. Does my family abroad qualify for the processing pilot?" value="I applied for permanent residence as a protected person. Does my family abroad qualify for the processing pilot?"></option><option label="What regions are included in the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?" value="What regions are included in the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?"></option><option label="What should I do if I’m eligible for the protected persons family reunification pilot, but I can’t find my dependent family members, or they don’t want to come to Canada?" value="What should I do if I’m eligible for the protected persons family reunification pilot, but I can’t find my dependent family members, or they don’t want to come to Canada?"></option><option label="How can I pay for biometrics after I submitted my application?" value="How can I pay for biometrics after I submitted my application?"></option><option label="How can I prove I’m a resident of a country when applying to International Experience Canada (IEC)?" value="How can I prove I’m a resident of a country when applying to International Experience Canada (IEC)?"></option><option label="My citizenship application was returned to me. Do I have to recalculate my physical presence (time lived in Canada) before I resubmit it?" value="My citizenship application was returned to me. Do I have to recalculate my physical presence (time lived in Canada) before I resubmit it?"></option><option label="What is an application number?" value="What is an application number?"></option><option label="I have an open work permit because my spouse is working/studying in Canada. For how long is my permit valid?" value="I have an open work permit because my spouse is working/studying in Canada. For how long is my permit valid?"></option><option label="How do I fill out and validate IRCC application forms with 2D barcodes?" value="How do I fill out and validate IRCC application forms with 2D barcodes?"></option><option label="What counts as income for sponsoring my parents and grandparents?" value="What counts as income for sponsoring my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="What’s considered social assistance when sponsoring my parents and grandparents?" value="What’s considered social assistance when sponsoring my parents and grandparents?"></option><option label="I applied as a caregiver, but haven’t received a confirmation letter. What should I do?" value="I applied as a caregiver, but haven’t received a confirmation letter. What should I do?"></option><option label="I have a new employer. How do I give you my new job offer form?" value="I have a new employer. How do I give you my new job offer form?"></option><option label="I’m not sure if my Home Child Care Provider Pilot application made it under the cap. Should I reapply?" value="I’m not sure if my Home Child Care Provider Pilot application made it under the cap. Should I reapply?"></option><option label="I applied for a new work permit with my caregiver application. Do I need to renew my current work permit?" value="I applied for a new work permit with my caregiver application. Do I need to renew my current work permit?"></option><option label="Are there other work permit options I can consider while I wait for my permanent resident application to be processed?" value="Are there other work permit options I can consider while I wait for my permanent resident application to be processed?"></option><option label="My status as a worker has expired and I forgot to renew it. What should I do?" value="My status as a worker has expired and I forgot to renew it. What should I do?"></option><option label="What proof do I need for changes to my information after I was invited to apply to sponsor my parents?" value="What proof do I need for changes to my information after I was invited to apply to sponsor my parents?"></option><option label="What if my birth certificate is different from other documents (or I don’t have one)?" value="What if my birth certificate is different from other documents (or I don’t have one)?"></option><option label="Will you refuse my application if I include a parent or grandparent that wasn’t on my interest to sponsor form?" value="Will you refuse my application if I include a parent or grandparent that wasn’t on my interest to sponsor form?"></option><option label="Do I need a marriage certificate for my parents/grandparents sponsorship application?" value="Do I need a marriage certificate for my parents/grandparents sponsorship application?"></option><option label="What if the parent or grandparent I’m sponsoring has a separated spouse?" value="What if the parent or grandparent I’m sponsoring has a separated spouse?"></option><option label="Do I include time on parental leave in my employment history for sponsoring my parents?" value="Do I include time on parental leave in my employment history for sponsoring my parents?"></option><option label="What do I put for the date of birth (or death) of my family member if I don’t know it?" value="What do I put for the date of birth (or death) of my family member if I don’t know it?"></option><option label="How can I quickly get information about my Canadian citizenship to sponsor parents/grandparents?" value="How can I quickly get information about my Canadian citizenship to sponsor parents/grandparents?"></option><option label="I need to submit documents to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Can I use the portal?" value="I need to submit documents to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Can I use the portal?"></option><option label="My application was returned by email. Can I resubmit copies of these documents?" value="My application was returned by email. Can I resubmit copies of these documents?"></option><option label="My application was returned by email. How do I re-submit it?" value="My application was returned by email. How do I re-submit it?"></option><option label="You returned my application by email. Can I get my documents back?" value="You returned my application by email. Can I get my documents back?"></option><option label="Why was my application returned to me by email?" value="Why was my application returned to me by email?"></option><option label="They didn’t take my photo when I gave my biometrics in Canada. Will my application still be processed?" value="They didn’t take my photo when I gave my biometrics in Canada. Will my application still be processed?"></option><option label="I’m having problems making a refugee claim online. What do I do?" value="I’m having problems making a refugee claim online. What do I do?"></option><option label="How do I update my citizenship certificate or card with my reclaimed Indigenous name?" value="How do I update my citizenship certificate or card with my reclaimed Indigenous name?"></option><option label="I have reclaimed my Indigenous name. How do I update my PR card?" value="I have reclaimed my Indigenous name. How do I update my PR card?"></option><option label="How do I complete the web form if I applied for permanent residence under a pilot program?" value="How do I complete the web form if I applied for permanent residence under a pilot program?"></option><option label="How can I apply for a citizenship certificate or search of citizenship records?" value="How can I apply for a citizenship certificate or search of citizenship records?"></option><option label="When and how do I apply urgently for a citizenship certificate?" value="When and how do I apply urgently for a citizenship certificate?"></option><option label="Can I update my application for a citizenship certificate?" value="Can I update my application for a citizenship certificate?"></option><option label="I live abroad and applied online. How will I get my citizenship certificate?" value="I live abroad and applied online. How will I get my citizenship certificate?"></option><option label="For my citizenship certificate application, can I provide documents that aren’t in English or French?" value="For my citizenship certificate application, can I provide documents that aren’t in English or French?"></option><option label="My citizenship certificate was mailed to me, but I never received it. What do I do?" value="My citizenship certificate was mailed to me, but I never received it. What do I do?"></option><option label="I want to replace or update my citizenship certificate. What do I do with my current certificate?" value="I want to replace or update my citizenship certificate. What do I do with my current certificate?"></option><option label="When and how do I apply urgently for a search of citizenship records?" value="When and how do I apply urgently for a search of citizenship records?"></option><option label="When can I take my online citizenship test?" value="When can I take my online citizenship test?"></option><option label="My application status says I’ve been scheduled for an online test. Why haven’t I received an invitation?" value="My application status says I’ve been scheduled for an online test. Why haven’t I received an invitation?"></option><option label="Where can I find my online test invitation?" value="Where can I find my online test invitation?"></option><option label="In my invitation, the time between the online test “start date” and “end date” is not 30 days. What should I do?" value="In my invitation, the time between the online test “start date” and “end date” is not 30 days. What should I do?"></option><option label="What do I do if I missed my online citizenship test?" value="What do I do if I missed my online citizenship test?"></option><option label="Can I take the online test in a public library or with a public computer?" value="Can I take the online test in a public library or with a public computer?"></option><option label="I signed in to the online test, but the page shows a “You can’t take the test right now” message. What should I do?" value="I signed in to the online test, but the page shows a “You can’t take the test right now” message. What should I do?"></option><option label="I submitted a group or family application. How will we access the online test?" value="I submitted a group or family application. How will we access the online test?"></option><option label="What do I do if I get a “403 Error” message when I sign in to the online test?" value="What do I do if I get a “403 Error” message when I sign in to the online test?"></option><option label="When I sign in to the online test, why do I see a blank screen or a message that my browser isn’t supported?" value="When I sign in to the online test, why do I see a blank screen or a message that my browser isn’t supported?"></option><option label="Why do I have to sign in again when I get the online citizenship test link?" value="Why do I have to sign in again when I get the online citizenship test link?"></option><option label="Do I have to start the online test immediately after I take a photo of myself?" value="Do I have to start the online test immediately after I take a photo of myself?"></option><option label="Can I ask someone to help me sign in to the online test?" value="Can I ask someone to help me sign in to the online test?"></option><option label="What if I decline the privacy notice for the online test?" value="What if I decline the privacy notice for the online test?"></option><option label="What if I don’t agree with the terms and conditions of the online test?" value="What if I don’t agree with the terms and conditions of the online test?"></option><option label="Who gets the online test link when I click the “Email me the test link” button?" value="Who gets the online test link when I click the “Email me the test link” button?"></option><option label="I clicked the “Email me the test link” button but don’t get the online test link. What should I do?" value="I clicked the “Email me the test link” button but don’t get the online test link. What should I do?"></option><option label="What do I do if my online test link expires?" value="What do I do if my online test link expires?"></option><option label="Will I get the online test link if I have a representative?" value="Will I get the online test link if I have a representative?"></option><option label="I got disconnected during the online test. Can I use the same test link to return to the test?" value="I got disconnected during the online test. Can I use the same test link to return to the test?"></option><option label="I accidentally clicked the “Resend the test link” button. Do I have to use the new online test link?" value="I accidentally clicked the “Resend the test link” button. Do I have to use the new online test link?"></option><option label="My webcam isn’t working and can’t connect to the online test system. What should I do?" value="My webcam isn’t working and can’t connect to the online test system. What should I do?"></option><option label="My webcam is working, but it can’t connect to the online test system. What should I do?" value="My webcam is working, but it can’t connect to the online test system. What should I do?"></option><option label="During the online test, my webcam shows a black or static image. What should I do?" value="During the online test, my webcam shows a black or static image. What should I do?"></option><option label="What kinds of photos do you need from me for the online test?" value="What kinds of photos do you need from me for the online test?"></option><option label="What should I do if I can’t retake the photos for my online test?" value="What should I do if I can’t retake the photos for my online test?"></option><option label="Can I retake my online test photo (of my ID or myself) after I approve it?" value="Can I retake my online test photo (of my ID or myself) after I approve it?"></option><option label="What should I do if the online test photo of my personal identification (ID) or face is unclear?" value="What should I do if the online test photo of my personal identification (ID) or face is unclear?"></option><option label="I took a picture of my face instead of my personal identification (ID) for the online test. What should I do?" value="I took a picture of my face instead of my personal identification (ID) for the online test. What should I do?"></option><option label="Do I have to download the online test photos that I take of my ID and myself?" value="Do I have to download the online test photos that I take of my ID and myself?"></option><option label="When do I get my official online test result?" value="When do I get my official online test result?"></option><option label="I got disconnected and can’t see my online test result. What should I do?" value="I got disconnected and can’t see my online test result. What should I do?"></option><option label="Do I get a confirmation email after I complete the online test?" value="Do I get a confirmation email after I complete the online test?"></option><option label="I forgot to print or email the online test result to myself. How do I get my test result?" value="I forgot to print or email the online test result to myself. How do I get my test result?"></option><option label="Do I have to report my online test result to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?" value="Do I have to report my online test result to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?"></option><option label="What are my next steps after taking the online test?" value="What are my next steps after taking the online test?"></option><option label="I’ve completed the online test, but my application status is outdated. What should I do?" value="I’ve completed the online test, but my application status is outdated. What should I do?"></option><option label="Why did I get another test invitation after I passed the online test?" value="Why did I get another test invitation after I passed the online test?"></option><option label="I’m taking the online test with Microsoft Teams. Who do I contact if I need help?" value="I’m taking the online test with Microsoft Teams. Who do I contact if I need help?"></option><option label="What do I do if I’m disconnected during the online test?" value="What do I do if I’m disconnected during the online test?"></option><option label="I clicked the “Exit” button or closed the page by mistake during the online test. What do I do?" value="I clicked the “Exit” button or closed the page by mistake during the online test. What do I do?"></option><option label="What personal information do you collect for the online test?" value="What personal information do you collect for the online test?"></option><option label="What does my status mean in the application status tracker?" value="What does my status mean in the application status tracker?"></option><option label="What is a party ID?" value="What is a party ID?"></option><option label="I’m a representative (or designated person). Why can’t I create an account in the application status tracker or citizenship tracker?" value="I’m a representative (or designated person). Why can’t I create an account in the application status tracker or citizenship tracker?"></option><option label="Why can’t I create an account in the application status tracker?" value="Why can’t I create an account in the application status tracker?"></option><option label="I’m a representative/designated person. Why can’t I get my party ID?" value="I’m a representative/designated person. Why can’t I get my party ID?"></option><option label="Why can’t I see some of my client files in the permanent residence or citizenship tracker?" value="Why can’t I see some of my client files in the permanent residence or citizenship tracker?"></option><option label="Can I have a work permit and study permit at the same time?" value="Can I have a work permit and study permit at the same time?"></option><option label="Why have processing times changed for some application types?" value="Why have processing times changed for some application types?"></option><option label="I am a lawful permanent resident of the United States and have a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?" value="I am a lawful permanent resident of the United States and have a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?"></option><option label="I’m already in Canada. How can I stay longer if I’m impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine?" value="I’m already in Canada. How can I stay longer if I’m impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine?"></option><option label="How do I check the status of my Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel application?" value="How do I check the status of my Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel application?"></option><option label="How do I upload documents to my IRCC Portal account after I’ve submitted my application?" value="How do I upload documents to my IRCC Portal account after I’ve submitted my application?"></option><option label="Who qualifies as a family member of a Ukrainian national?" value="Who qualifies as a family member of a Ukrainian national?"></option><option label="What happens if my application in the Permanent Residence Portal expires?" value="What happens if my application in the Permanent Residence Portal expires?"></option><option label="I received an email with a link asking me to provide my banking information. Is it a scam?" value="I received an email with a link asking me to provide my banking information. Is it a scam?"></option><option label="What do I do if the school I’m studying at loses its designated learning institution status?" value="What do I do if the school I’m studying at loses its designated learning institution status?"></option><option label="Will I still get an accelerated work permit if my claim isn’t eligible to be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada?" value="Will I still get an accelerated work permit if my claim isn’t eligible to be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada?"></option><option label="How long will the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants be valid for?" value="How long will the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants be valid for?"></option><option label="What information do you need from me for the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants, and where do I send it?" value="What information do you need from me for the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants, and where do I send it?"></option><option label="Can I also apply for a study permit through this accelerated process?" value="Can I also apply for a study permit through this accelerated process?"></option><option label="My claim is pending at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Can I get a work permit extension through this accelerated process?" value="My claim is pending at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Can I get a work permit extension through this accelerated process?"></option><option label="How long will it take for me to get the work permit under the accelerated process for asylum claimants?" value="How long will it take for me to get the work permit under the accelerated process for asylum claimants?"></option><option label="Once I get my work permit under this accelerated process for refugee claimants in Canada, how do I apply for a Social Insurance Number?" value="Once I get my work permit under this accelerated process for refugee claimants in Canada, how do I apply for a Social Insurance Number?"></option><option label="I’m applying for a work or study permit from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and need to give biometrics, but there is no service available where I live. What do I do?" value="I’m applying for a work or study permit from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and need to give biometrics, but there is no service available where I live. What do I do?"></option><option label="My International Experience Canada application was approved, but I didn’t go to Canada. Does that count as a participation?" value="My International Experience Canada application was approved, but I didn’t go to Canada. Does that count as a participation?"></option><option label="What should I do if my visa or permit was issued for a shorter period of time than I expected because of my biometric validity?" value="What should I do if my visa or permit was issued for a shorter period of time than I expected because of my biometric validity?"></option><option label="Should I give my biometrics again if they’re about to expire?" value="Should I give my biometrics again if they’re about to expire?"></option><option label="What’s the difference between a foil-less visa and a physical visa?" value="What’s the difference between a foil-less visa and a physical visa?"></option><option label="Why won’t my application form let me save my information or digitally sign it?" value="Why won’t my application form let me save my information or digitally sign it?"></option><option label="Why did the action button in my GCKey account disappear?" value="Why did the action button in my GCKey account disappear?"></option><option label="How do I remove medical conditions from my work permit?" value="How do I remove medical conditions from my work permit?"></option><option label="Why can’t I find all my documents or forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?" value="Why can’t I find all my documents or forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?"></option><option label="I can’t complete my IMM 0008 form in the Permanent Residence Portal because my national identity card doesn’t have an expiry date. What should I do?" value="I can’t complete my IMM 0008 form in the Permanent Residence Portal because my national identity card doesn’t have an expiry date. What should I do?"></option><option label="I got a new passport but I have a valid visa in my old one. Can I use the visa in my old passport?" value="I got a new passport but I have a valid visa in my old one. Can I use the visa in my old passport?"></option><option label="Can I change the email address for my Permanent Residence Portal account?" value="Can I change the email address for my Permanent Residence Portal account?"></option><option label="Why can’t I save and continue when completing digital forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?" value="Why can’t I save and continue when completing digital forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?"></option><option label="Can I hold 2 valid work permits at the same time?" value="Can I hold 2 valid work permits at the same time?"></option><option label="Can a lone parent apply for a study permit for a minor child?" value="Can a lone parent apply for a study permit for a minor child?"></option><option label="I submitted a crisis web form for the Gaza special measures and haven’t received a response. What should I do?" value="I submitted a crisis web form for the Gaza special measures and haven’t received a response. What should I do?"></option><option label="I submitted a crisis web form and received my unique code. I used this code to complete my application for a TRV under the Gaza special measures and haven’t heard anything. What is the status of my application?" value="I submitted a crisis web form and received my unique code. I used this code to complete my application for a TRV under the Gaza special measures and haven’t heard anything. What is the status of my application?"></option><option label="If I don’t qualify for the special measures for extended family members in Gaza, are there other ways I can come to Canada?" value="If I don’t qualify for the special measures for extended family members in Gaza, are there other ways I can come to Canada?"></option><option label="I have a valid temporary resident visa (TRV) or a super visa. Can you help me leave Gaza?" value="I have a valid temporary resident visa (TRV) or a super visa. Can you help me leave Gaza?"></option><option label="My temporary resident visa (TRV) expired. Can I still come to Canada?" value="My temporary resident visa (TRV) expired. Can I still come to Canada?"></option><option label="How do I get back my seized passport or travel document?" value="How do I get back my seized passport or travel document?"></option><option label="How do I get a temporary resident document with the “MOME2023” keyword on it?" value="How do I get a temporary resident document with the “MOME2023” keyword on it?"></option><option label="I need a certificate for the Interim Federal Heath Program (IFHP). How do I get one?" value="I need a certificate for the Interim Federal Heath Program (IFHP). How do I get one?"></option><option label="I came to Canada under the Gaza special measures. I didn’t get a temporary resident document at the port of entry. How do I get one?" value="I came to Canada under the Gaza special measures. I didn’t get a temporary resident document at the port of entry. How do I get one?"></option> <!--[if lte IE 9]></select><![endif]--> </datalist> <input class="btn btn-primary" id="sch-inp" name="wb-srch-sub" type="submit" value="Search" /> </div> </div> </form> </div> </header> <!-- Content Title ends / Fin du titre du contenu --> <!-- Content begins / Début du contenue --> <section class="container"> <!-- start of microdata --> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <!-- itemscope = creating an item --> <!-- itemtype="" = what type of content is being described, in this case it's a FAQ page --> <div itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <!-- itemprop="mainEntity" = defines what the item is describing --> <!-- itemscope = creating an item --> <!-- itemtype="" = what schema to use for the question --> <h1 id="wb-cont" property="name" itemprop="name">I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?</h1> <!-- itemprop="name" = what the question is --> <div itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <!-- itemscope = creating an item --> <!-- itemprop="acceptedAnswer" = what the acceptAnswer is, this defines the answer --> <!-- itemtype="" = what schema to use for the answer --> <div itemprop="text"> <!-- itemprop="name" = what the answer text is --> <p>You need to combine all your documents into 1 file.</p> <ul> <li>You can only upload 1 file per field. <strong>If you try to upload multiple files in the same field, only 1 (the last one you upload) will be saved</strong>.</li> <li>File size limit varies depending on the online application you use. If your file is too big, <a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1213&top=23">there are ways to reduce its size</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>How to combine documents into 1 file</h2> <h3>Text documents</h3> <ul> <li>Copy the text from all files into a single document.</li> <li>If you’re including photos, use the “Insert picture” function instead of copying and pasting.</li> </ul> <h3>PDF files</h3> <p>You can combine several PDF files into 1 PDF file.</p> <ul> <li>If you have Acrobat DC, follow the <a href="" rel="external">instructions on Adobe’s website</a>.</li> <li>If you don’t have Acrobat DC or similar software, there are websites and apps you can use to combine your PDF files. <ul> <li>Make sure to read their terms of service and privacy policy before using these.</li> <li>We can’t guarantee the security of these third-party tools. Use them at your own risk. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h3>Images</h3> <p>You can combine multiple images of your documents into a text document or a PDF file.</p> <p>When you save a PDF file, select a low resolution (150 DPI or less) or a minimum size setting to keep the document under the file size limit for the online application you use.</p> <ul> <li>For example, when you select “Save as” with Microsoft Word, an “Optimize” menu appears on the panel to the left of the “Save” button. Select “Minimum size” to get the smaller file size.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- START PAGE FEEDBACK WIDGET --> <div class="row row-no-gutters mrgn-tp-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-sm-7 col-lg-6"> <section class="gc-pg-hlpfl provisional"> <div class="well mrgn-bttm-0"> <!--<form id="gc-pg-hlpfl-frm" action="/gc/services/generateemail" method="post" autocomplete="off" class="provisional wb-postback" data-wb-postback="{"success":".gc-pg-hlpfl-thnk","content":"#gc-pg-hlpfl-frm"}"> <input type="hidden" name="institutionopt" value="IRCC"> <input type="hidden" name="themeopt" value="Applying online"> <input type="hidden" name="sectionopt" value="Help centre"> <input type="hidden" name="pageTitle" value="I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. 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How do I reduce the file size?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1124&top=23" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t23b23');">What file formats can I upload to my account?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=851&top=23" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t23b23');">How do I view the messages in my account?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=326&top=23" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t23b23');">Can I send a new document after I apply online?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=794&top=23" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t23b23');">What is GCKey?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=576&top=23" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t23b23');">What is Sign-in partner (SecureKey Concierge)?</a></li> <li><a href="/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1624&top=38" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/aofu_t3b23');">How do I upload documents to my IRCC Portal account after I’ve submitted my application?</a></li> </ul> <section class="row mrgn-tp-xl"> <section class="col-md-3"> <div class="brdr-tp"></div> <h2 class="h3 mrgn-tp-md"><img src="/english/helpcentre/images/help-tool-icon.jpg" alt="" /> Help tool</h2> <div class=""><a href="/english/e-services/account.asp" onClick="javascript:urchinTracker('/linktracker/english/HCAnswers/internal/rightnav_rn49_applyonline');">Create an account or sign in</a></div> </section> <section class="col-md-3"> <div class="brdr-tp"></div> <h2 class="h3 mrgn-tp-md"><img src="/english/helpcentre/images/form-guide-icon.jpg" alt="" /> Form and guide</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/english/information/applications/index.asp" 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}; } function changeAction() { prefix = "/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum="; //Default help centre page that we just append w/ the right number switch($.trim(escapeHtmlEntities($("#sch-inp-ac").val()))) { //A switch based on the value of #sch-inp-ac case "How can I get a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "001&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How can I come to Canada as a visitor, worker or student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "004&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I sponsor my spouse or children?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "005&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I determine whether I can apply for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "006&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out an IRCC application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "007&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I pay my application fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "008&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can my friend or family member handle my immigration or citizenship application for me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "009&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What immigration programs can I apply for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "010&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is my client ID?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "012&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is a UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "013&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What do you mean by surname?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "014&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I don’t know what dates to put in the history section on my immigration form. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "015&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I need more space on the form to explain everything. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "016&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What if some of the questions on the application form don’t apply to me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "017&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What language should my supporting documents be in?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "018&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I am not using a representative, do I need to send a blank Use of a Representative form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "019&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I want my spouse, family member or friend to check on my application for me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "020&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get my immigration application processed faster?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "021&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What happens after I send in my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "022&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If my immigration application is refused, do I have to wait before I apply again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "023&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get my citizenship application processed urgently?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "024&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I submit my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "025&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check if my application has been received?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "028&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check the status of my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "029&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why can’t I see my application status in the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "030&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "031&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why do some application processing times change and others do not?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "032&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find a doctor to do my immigration medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "033&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What if I can't get a police certificate for my immigration application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "035&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to get a police certificate for my time in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "037&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Are there any countries where I should get police certificates from before applying for immigration?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "038&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "My police certificate is not in English or French. Do I need to send a translation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "039&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is an affidavit for a translation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "040&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I correct an error on my immigration document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "041&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "How do I avoid problems in correcting a record of landing or confirmation of permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "042&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "How can I change my address or contact information for my immigration or citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "043&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What immigration documents can I have replaced if they are lost, stolen or destroyed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "044&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "How do I replace an immigration document that has been lost, stolen or destroyed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "045&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "047&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I’ve lost my citizenship card/certificate. How do I replace it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "048&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Where are IRCC’s visa offices?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "051&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How can I update or ask about an IRCC application in progress?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "052&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I am a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "054&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Who can apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "055&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "When should I apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "056&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I renew my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "057&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "058&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How much does a permanent resident card cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "059&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "060&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "061&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Should I submit photos with my PR card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "062&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get my permanent resident card processed urgently?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "063&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later return to Canada without a PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "064&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "065&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "066&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "067&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How are processing times calculated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "068&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why are there differences in processing times among regions and offices?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "069&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is a complete application package?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "072&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "074&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Who is eligible for sponsorship under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "075&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who decides if a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "076&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada decide whether a refugee can be sponsored and resettled?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "077&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who cannot be sponsored under the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "078&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who can sponsor a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "079&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What are the responsibilities of a sponsoring group?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "080&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Who identifies refugees for sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "081&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What is the Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "082&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Which visa office processes applications for permanent residence for privately sponsored refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "083&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take before a privately sponsored refugee gets to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "084&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "The refugee our group wanted to sponsor was refused after an interview. Can we appeal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "085&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find more information about applying to sponsor a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "086&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I know someone who claimed refugee status here in Canada and was refused. Can we sponsor him or her?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "087&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "The UNHCR accepted my relatives as refugees. Does that mean they will be resettled in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "088&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are there any fees for applying to sponsor a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "089&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Will the refugee have to pay any costs?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "090&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are sponsored refugee families with children eligible for a child tax benefit when they arrive?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "091&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are resettled refugees allowed to go to university?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "092&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can resettled refugees apply for student loans?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "093&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Are there different rules if I want to sponsor a refugee from Turkey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "094&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What kinds of help do privately sponsored refugees get?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "095&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What is a government-assisted refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "096&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Why does Canada resettle refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "097&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What kind of support do government-assisted refugees get?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "098&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do refugees get the same support across Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "099&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do large and small families get the same amount of money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "100&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What special allowances may refugees get?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "101&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long does the support for government-assisted refugees last?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "102&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Does government provide all the support to government-assisted refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "103&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do in-Canada refugee claimants get resettlement assistance?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "104&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do government-assisted refugees get more income support and benefits than Canadian pensioners do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "105&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How can I view a PDF form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "138&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "How do I download and open a PDF form from IRCC’s website?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "140&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "What does criminally inadmissible mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "141&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "Can I enter Canada if I am criminally inadmissible?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "142&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What is the temporary resident permit fee waiver for criminal inadmissibility?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "143&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "As an inadmissible person, can I enter Canada more than once without paying the fee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "147&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I was only convicted of a misdemeanour. Why can’t I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "148&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find out whether an offence outside Canada is considered a criminal offence in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "149&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I was charged with a crime in another country and found not guilty. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "150&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I received a pardon for my crime. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "151&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I was convicted of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "152&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I have been charged with a crime outside of Canada and my trial is still underway. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "153&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "I am currently on parole. Can I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "154&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean to be rehabilitated in respect to entering Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "155&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to get a decision on my individual rehabilitation application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "156&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What is the processing fee for an individual rehabilitation application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "157&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "If my individual rehabilitation application is refused, will I get my processing fee back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "158&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "When can I apply for individual rehabilitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "159&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if I want to come to Canada but do not qualify for rehabilitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "160&top=8"; method = "post" break; case "What do I need to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "161&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find out about jobs in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "162&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "163&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have received a Canadian job offer. What documents do I need from my future employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "164&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does my work permit allow me to work for any employer in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "165&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Where do I find out if the employer who offered me a job is an eligible employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "166&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I want to work for an ineligible employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "167&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Are there any conditions on my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "169&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "170&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a work permit when I enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "171&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I want to apply for a work permit by mail. How can I avoid my application being delayed or refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "174&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "175&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "176&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Who can apply for an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "177&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Are there different application forms for employer-specific and open work permits?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "178&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I got a new passport after coming to Canada. Will that affect my application for a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "179&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I appeal a decision on a work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "180&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I extend my International Experience Canada work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "181&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to extend my Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "182&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a medical exam to get a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "183&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find a doctor who can provide the medical exam I need to come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "184&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to extend a work permit from inside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "185&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "My work permit has expired. Can I apply for another one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "186&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I work in Quebec. How can I extend my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "187&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I applied for a new work permit. Can I stay in Canada if my work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "188&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I keep working if my permit expires? How do I prove this to my employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "189&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have applied to extend my work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "190&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I’ve maintained my status, but my health insurance card, driver’s licence and other government ID documents have expired. How can I renew my ID documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "191&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "My work permit expired and I did not apply to extend it. Can I stay and keep working in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "192&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Who needs a Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "193&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need another Labour Market Impact Assessment if I just got one a year ago?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "194&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can my spouse or common-law partner and dependent children come with me to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "196&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does each person applying for a work permit from outside Canada have to fill out a separate application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "197&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "If other family members are coming with me, what documents should I send with the application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "198&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can my spouse or common-law partner work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "199&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can my dependent children work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "201&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "As a foreign worker, do I need an eTA or a visa to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "202&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I pay for the temporary resident visa in my country’s money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "204&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for a temporary resident visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "205&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Should I apply for an eTA or a visa when I apply for a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "206&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "207&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have a visitor visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "208&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I know when my temporary resident status expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "209&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a temporary foreign worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "210&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "As an employer, what are my obligations to temporary foreign workers?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "211&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I lay off or fire a foreign worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "212&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What if a foreign worker becomes sick, has an accident, is hospitalized or needs home recovery?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "213&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find out if I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to hire a temporary worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "214&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is an employment contract for a live-in caregiver?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "221&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "What rights do I have as a live-in caregiver under labour or employment laws?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "223&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I am a live-in caregiver. What happens if I lose my job?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "226&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "My employer is moving to another province or territory. Do I need a new work permit or Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "231&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can I work for more than one employer at a time under the Live-in Caregiver Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "233&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change employers under the Live-in Caregiver Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "234&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "As a temporary worker, what can I do if my employer is treating me unfairly?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "238&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can my family come to Canada with me if I am a live-in caregiver?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "241&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "What is abuse?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "242&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can my employer deport me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "244&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I’m a live-in caregiver and I’m ready to apply for permanent residence. Can I apply for an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "249&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "May I send my open work permit application and permanent residence applications separately?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "252&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to extend my work permit while my permanent residence application is being processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "253&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I applied for an open work permit and permanent residence. What if my current work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "254&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Will the time I worked under any work permit help me get permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "255&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Who should I include on my permanent residence application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "256&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "How many hours of work experience do I need as a Live-in Caregiver to apply for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "258&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "How can I qualify to immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "286&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I immigrate to Canada to become a self-employed person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "287&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is the relevant experience requirement to immigrate as self-employed persons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "288&top="; method = "post" break; case "Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what does cultural activities mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "291&top="; method = "post" break; case "Under the Self-Employed Persons Program, what is meant by a significant contribution?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "292&top="; method = "post" break; case "Is there a net worth requirement for the self-employed program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "294&top="; method = "post" break; case "What types of applications can I follow through Client Application Status (CAS)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "295&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I sent my application a while ago, but there is no record of my application online. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "296&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Can I see my application status on CAS if I have appealed a decision on my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "297&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "My family and I applied for permanent residence. Why can’t I see the application status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "298&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I am sponsoring a member of my family and cannot see the status of my application. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "299&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why can I no longer use CAS to see the status of my application to sponsor a family member?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "300&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I paid for a family member’s citizenship application even though I was not applying. I got a letter, so can I use CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "301&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What do I enter in CAS if I have more than one surname or family name?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "302&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have changed my surname or family name recently. What name should I use to access CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "303&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "If the name of my place of birth has changed, what place of birth should I enter in CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "304&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What does the CAS case status in process mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "305&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why has the status of my immigration application on CAS not changed, even though I sent it a long time ago?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "306&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How often is the information on the Client Application Status (CAS) service updated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "307&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What if I do not want my immigration application status information to be available in CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "308&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have removed my application status from CAS by mistake. How can I put it back on?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "309&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "If I applied to immigrate to Quebec, can I see my application status on CAS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "310&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Is the information on CAS my official confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "311&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have followed all these instructions and I still can’t see my immigration application status in CAS. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "312&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean when my CAS session times out?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "313&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Which browsers can I use with the Client Application Status (CAS) tool?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "314&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need to clear my browser cache?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "315&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How do I upgrade my browser?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "316&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What does encryption mean and is it safe to use Client Application Status (CAS)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "317&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "318&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How do I log out of Client Application Status (CAS)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "319&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Can I send a new document after I apply online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "326&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How long do I have to complete and submit my online application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "331&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Which family members can come with me to Canada when I immigrate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "343&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I sponsor my spouse, partner or dependent child to become a permanent resident of Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "345&top="; method = "post" break; case "For my spousal sponsorship application, what is a common-law partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "346&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can my common-law partner and I prove we have been together for 12 months?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "347&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "To sponsor my family members, do I need to fill out other documents if I live in Quebec?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "348&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get a letter confirming that IRCC got my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "349&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check the status of my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "351&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I make sure that my application is not delayed or returned?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "352&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get a refund if I withdraw my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "353&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What are the requirements for becoming a Canadian citizen?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "355&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is dual citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "356&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I become a Canadian citizen when I marry a Canadian?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "357&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How much does it cost to apply for Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "358&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I am a citizen of another country. Will I lose that citizenship if I become a Canadian?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "359&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I fail the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "361&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Is the citizenship test difficult?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "362&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How long will I wait between my citizenship test and the ceremony?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "363&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "After I apply for citizenship, how long will it be before I can take the test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "364&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I’m Canadian, but my child was born outside Canada. Are they Canadian?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "365&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens at the hearing with a citizenship officer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "366&top="; method = "post" break; case "Does the study guide have sample questions to help me prepare for the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "367&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "368&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find out the status of my citizenship application and the processing time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "369&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Can I count any time I’ve spent outside of Canada toward the physical presence requirement when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "370&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What documents should I send with my application for a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "371&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What photos do I need to include with my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "372&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Who has to take the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "374&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply under the Canadian Experience Class if I am currently living in Quebec and I plan to live elsewhere in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "382&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I count experience I got in Canada while waiting for a decision on my refugee application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "387&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I still be eligible for Canadian Experience Class if I have returned to my country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "389&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I count student work experience toward the Express Entry work requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "394&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I adopt a child from another country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "399&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I’m a temporary resident, can I apply to adopt a child from another country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "400&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "My adoption is complete. What do I need now to bring my adopted child to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "401&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Does an adopted child need a travel document, like a visa, to come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "402&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "How long will the adoption process take?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "403&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I’ve done the necessary paperwork, I’m a citizen or permanent resident of good standing, and I went through a reputable adoption agency. Why is my adoption taking so long?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "404&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Do the criteria for permanent residence and for a grant of citizenship differ for adopted children?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "405&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Are the fees the same for an adopted child for the permanent residence and citizenship processes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "406&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Are there countries from which I cannot adopt?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "407&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I have applied for permanent residence for my adopted child. Is it too late to apply for citizenship instead?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "408&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "My adopted child has permanent residence. How can I apply for their citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "409&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "How does adoption affect my child’s relationship with their biological parents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "410&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "If my adopted child’s application is refused, what can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "411&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Will my child automatically have the right to a Canadian passport once they get citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "412&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I live in Quebec. Must a Quebec court recognize the adoption before my child can get citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "414&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Should I apply for permanent residence for my adopted child, rather than Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "415&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a visa to visit Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "416&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between a single-entry and a multiple-entry visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "417&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have an eTA or a visa. What can I expect when I arrive in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "418&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am in Canada on a temporary resident visa. I plan to take a cruise. Do I need a new visa to come back to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "419&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a visa if I’m just travelling through Canada on my way to another country?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "420&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "421&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get help if my visa application is refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "422&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Who can I hire to help me with my application for a temporary resident visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "423&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "424&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I fill out one visa application for my whole family if we are travelling together?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "425&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How does the parent and grandparent super visa differ from a multiple entry visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "426&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Is the parent and grandparent super visa a multi-entry visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "427&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What’s the difference between the parent and grandparent super visa and a visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "428&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who’s eligible for a parent and grandparent super visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "429&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I need to calculate family size when applying for the parent and grandparent super visa. Who should I include?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "431&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I cancel my sponsorship application and apply for a super visa instead?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "432&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What is a business visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "434&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Does a business visitor need a special visa to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "435&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "If I am a business visitor, do I need a work permit to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "436&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a business visitor and I do not need a visa. What documents should I bring, if any?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "437&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to submit my passport with my application for a temporary resident visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "439&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I need a visa to visit Canada. I want to study or work in Canada while I am there. Do I need to apply for anything else?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "440&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a medical exam to get a visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "441&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Must I leave Canada by the valid until date on my visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "442&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a representative to help me apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "444&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Will my case be processed more quickly if I hire a representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "445&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What services will the representative provide and what are the fees for these services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "446&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What could happen if I do not tell Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) I paid an immigration representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "447&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Is it legal to provide false information on my immigration or citizenship application, if a representative advises me to do so?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "448&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "If I apply through a provincial program, do these representative regulations apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "449&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "If I change my representative, do I have to tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "450&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if Immigration, Refugee and Canada Citizenship (IRCC) returns my application, saying my representative is not authorized?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "451&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my immigration representative and I have a disagreement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "452&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to use an immigration representative for my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "453&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to pay someone to represent me on my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "454&top=7"; method = "post" break; case "I got a multiple-entry temporary resident visa to visit a relative in Canada last year. Can I use it to travel to Canada on a business trip?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "455&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I used a temporary resident visa for a recent business visit to Canada. Can I use it for a holiday in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "456&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What information is available under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "457&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Who can make a request under the Access to Information Act?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "458&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Who can make a request under the Privacy Act?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "459&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Will my access to information or privacy request be processed faster if my representative sends it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "460&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "What is the fee for an Access request?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "461&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "What is the fee for a Privacy request?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "462&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "How and where do I submit an Access to Information or Privacy request?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "463&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "How long does the Department have to respond?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "464&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get personal information about someone else?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "465&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get personal information about someone who is deceased?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "466&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get information on an individual who arrived in Canada before 1936?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "467&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "What information should I provide to get a naturalization record?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "468&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "Can non-residents of Canada who are conducting genealogical research access family records held by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "469&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "I sponsored a family member who resides outside of Canada, and they applied for permanent residence at a visa office overseas. Can I obtain information on that file?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "470&top=1"; method = "post" break; case "When should I submit a police certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "472&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay as a visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "473&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay as a worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "474&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay as a student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "475&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find out about schools for international students in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "476&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I study in Quebec as an international student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "477&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a permit to study in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "478&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for a study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "479&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "When should I apply for my study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "480&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay for a study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "481&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my money back if CIC turns down my study permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "482&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a study permit if I’m already in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "483&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I want to study in Canada for less than 6 months. Do I need a study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "484&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my study permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "486&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a medical exam to study in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "489&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I renew my study permit while I am in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "490&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a copy of a lost, stolen or destroyed study permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "491&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I stay in Canada after my study permit expires if I applied for a new permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "492&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "As a foreign student, can I return home or travel outside Canada while studying?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "494&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I’m an international student in Canada. Can I work while studying?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "495&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "As an international student, can I work in Canada without a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "496&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "497&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I continue to work during scheduled school breaks?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "499&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How much does an off-campus work permit cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "500&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I work in any type of job if I am eligible to work off campus?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "502&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I work as many hours as I want if I’m eligible to work off campus?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "503&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What is a post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "507&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for a post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "508&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long is a post-graduation work permit valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "509&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How much does a post-graduation work permit cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "510&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a job before I get my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "511&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I work anywhere, in any type of job, under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "512&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I qualify for a post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "513&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I am an international student in Canada. How can I apply to become a permanent resident?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "514&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean to have legal status in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "515&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How do I know how long I can stay in Canada as an international student?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "516&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I stay in Canada while waiting for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "517&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How can I extend my stay in Canada or change my immigration status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "518&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I recently graduated as an international student in Canada. Can I apply for permanent residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "519&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need an eTA or visa to study in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "523&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Should I apply for a study permit when I get an eTA or a visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "524&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I pay for an eTA or a visa using my country’s currency/money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "526&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I have a temporary resident visa. Can I leave Canada and come back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "527&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find the service declaration?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "530&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "532&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "Why did Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduce standards for these specific services and activities?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "533&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "What are processing times?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "534&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between processing times and service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "535&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Does Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) report whether it meets its service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "536&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) doesn’t meet its specified standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "537&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "Do the service standards apply to applications received before the standards came into effect?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "538&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "How does Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) use the feedback from the e-consultation tool?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "539&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why has Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) switched from business days to calendar days to communicate its service standards?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "540&top=13"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get a permanent resident card (PRC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "548&top="; method = "post" break; case "I’m a new permanent resident of Canada. Do I need to apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "549&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who can apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "550&top="; method = "post" break; case "When should I apply for a permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "551&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I renew my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "552&top="; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "553&top="; method = "post" break; case "How much does a permanent resident card cost?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "554&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay the fee for my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "555&top="; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my permanent resident card by mail?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "556&top="; method = "post" break; case "Should I submit passport photos with my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "557&top="; method = "post" break; case "Is there a way to get my permanent resident card quickly?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "558&top="; method = "post" break; case "I need to leave Canada and I do not have a permanent resident card. Can I later re-enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "559&top="; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my permanent resident card expires while I am outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "560&top="; method = "post" break; case "How can I avoid delays or refusals in processing my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "561&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I am granted citizenship, what happens to my permanent resident card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "562&top="; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my new permanent resident card has a mistake or something is missing?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "563&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What is a Verification of Status document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "564&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "What if I already submitted the old Verification of Entry form, do I have to resubmit a new form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "565&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "Will I still get a certified true copy of my immigration document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "566&top=12"; method = "post" break; case "What does “adequate knowledge” of English or French mean when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "567&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do you measure how well I can speak English or French when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "568&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What language level do I need when I apply for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "569&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What documents can I use to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "571&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What third-party language tests will you accept as proof I have adequate knowledge of English or French when I apply for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "572&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I graduated from an English-or French-language high school/college/university. What can I use to show that I can communicate in one of the official languages when I apply for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "573&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use the government-funded language program I took to prove that I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "574&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I’ve lost my certificate or transcript showing I meet the citizenship language requirement. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "575&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "576&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What are electronic credentials?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "577&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What do you mean by authentication?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "578&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why is the Government of Canada offering users the option to use banking credentials?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "579&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What are the advantages of using my online banking credentials?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "580&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Is the banking credential (Sign-In Partner) as secure as the government credential (GCKey)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "581&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will any of my banking information be shared if I use Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "582&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I had to switch my electronic log-in credentials not that long ago. Why are you changing it again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "583&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Can I still use my Access Key?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "584&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What services do I need Sign-In Partner or GCKey for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "585&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Which banks are participating in Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "586&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I don’t bank with any of the financial institutions listed. What alternative do I have when I want to access government services online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "587&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "My bank is on your list, but I don’t have online banking. How do I access the IRCC secure account using Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "588&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I would rather not use Sign-In Partner to access the IRCC secure account. What are my options?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "589&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will the bank charge me for using my banking credential to access government services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "590&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will I still be able to use GCKey even if I decided to use my online banking credentials once?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "591&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Who can I contact if I have questions about GCKey or Sign-In Partner?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "592&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Can I provide my LINC/CLIC placement test as a proof that I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "594&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit the results from a third-party language test that I took when I first applied to immigrate to Canada as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "595&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do you accept certificates from private language schools as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "596&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When do I know if I passed the citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "597&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I replace my citizenship certificate or card if there’s a mistake on it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "598&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I am outside Canada and do not have a PR card. How can I return to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "605&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I make a refugee claim in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "606&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I already made a refugee claim. What happens now that we submit claims through the IRCC Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "607&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can my refugee claim be rejected based on what I write in the Basis of Claim form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "608&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am a refugee and I need to travel outside Canada. What documents do I need to travel?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "610&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What can I use to prove my status in Canada as a refugee or protected person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "611&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My application was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "612&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I withdraw my application, will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "613&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted an application but want to change programs. Can I apply the fees I already paid to my new application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "614&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I paid my fees online but decided not to submit an application. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "615&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I didn’t pay enough for my application. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "616&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I paid too much for my application. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "617&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I paid online for the wrong fee but the amount is correct. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "618&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I ask for a refund if I paid my fees online or at a bank in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "619&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "620&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Who can use the Change of Address and the Address Notification online services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "621&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Who cannot use the Change of Address online service?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "622&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I email my new address to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "623&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take for a new or updated address to appear online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "624&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why does it take 5 business days for address changes to appear online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "625&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I am in Canada temporarily, as a worker, visitor or student. Why can’t I change my address online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "626&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "When should I tell Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that I am moving?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "627&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check that my address has been updated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "628&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have changed my address online but I can’t see the changes. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "629&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I change the address of other people who were included in my immigration or citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "630&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to enter a change of address for each dependant?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "631&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to enter an address notification for each dependant?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "632&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Which applicants can access the Change of Address or the Address Notification online service?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "633&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I live outside Canada. Can I update my mailing or home address online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "634&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I changed my address in CAS. Do I need to change it in Change of Address or Address Notification, too?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "635&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I remove my application status from the Internet on CAS, can I still use Change of Address or Address Notification?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "636&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I can’t access Change of Address or Address Notification. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "637&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a language test to immigrate to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "638&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What are the language requirements to immigrate under the program for self-employed people?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "642&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How can I qualify for the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "645&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get support from a designated organization?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "646&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What level of language proficiency do I need for a start-up visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "648&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How much money do I need to cover living expenses when I get to Canada through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "650&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What is an essential person under the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "651&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Can an entrepreneurial team immigrate to Canada together through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "652&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What is the minimum investment that I need to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "653&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Why is there a different minimum investment from a venture capital fund and an angel investor group?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "654&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to invest my own money if I want to apply through the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "655&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I receive investment support from more than one designated organization?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "656&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "If I immigrate through the Start-up Visa Program, what happens if my business fails?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "657&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "I can’t open my application form in PDF format. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "660&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "While working under a post-graduate work permit to get experience to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class, can I switch employers?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "663&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I graduated a while ago, then earned one-year of work experience and now I am back in school. Can I apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "667&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I complete an Express Entry profile before I have a year of work experience?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "675&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I renew my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "676&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I’m a Canadian citizen and my spouse is not. Can my spouse and dependent children work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "679&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) mean that I can be licensed in a regulated profession?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "683&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "The employer I work for temporarily in Canada wants to offer me a full-time job. Will I need a new LMIA for Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "696&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I am working in Canada on a post-graduation work permit. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "698&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I want to extend my expiring work permit, but I don’t have a new LMIA or CAQ yet. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "701&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Is legal assistance available to asylum claimants?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "702&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I have to give my biometrics (fingerprints and photo) when I apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "703&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How often will I need to go in person to give my fingerprints and photo?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "704&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "I need to give biometrics. What if there’s no visa application centre (VAC) in the country or territory I’m applying from?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "706&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I get my photo taken for biometrics, do I still need to submit a paper photograph as part of my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "708&top="; method = "post" break; case "I cover my head or face for religious or cultural reasons. What will happen when I go to have my photo taken for biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "710&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What will happen to my fingerprints and photo after they are collected for biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "711&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How long will you keep my fingerprints and photo (biometrics)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "714&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What if I have a Canadian visa that has not yet expired when you start taking biometrics from citizens of my country or territory?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "715&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to give my biometrics to visit Canada if I’m in the United States and I’ve already given my biometrics when I entered the U.S.?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "716&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "If I’m in Canada, do I have to give my biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "717&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "719&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I was told that my permanent resident card was sent to me but I did not get it yet. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "720&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I legally changed my name. How do I update my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "721&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I got married. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "722&top="; method = "post" break; case "I got divorced. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "723&top="; method = "post" break; case "I adopted a child. What do I have to do to change the name on their PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "724&top="; method = "post" break; case "I got a court order to change my name. What do I have to do to change the name on my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "725&top="; method = "post" break; case "How long must I stay in Canada to keep my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "727&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I stay outside Canada and keep my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "728&top="; method = "post" break; case "What are my residency obligations if I am a permanent resident?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "729&top="; method = "post" break; case "Will I get my processing fees back if I cancel my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "731&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "732&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application for family sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "733&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I unlink or separate family or group citizenship applications?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "734&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply to immigrate to Canada as a provincial nominee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "736&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "How can I be nominated by a province?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "737&top="; method = "post" break; case "I was nominated by the province to immigrate to Canada, what should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "738&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "I got my Provincial Nominee Certificate - what should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "739&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I sign my online application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "740&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I cancel an application I submitted online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "741&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I work in Canada as a temporary worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "742&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How can I qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program if the province or territory where I plan to live and work does not give Certificates of Qualification in my trade?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "745&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "If I come to Canada under the Federal Skilled Trades Program, will I be qualified to work in any province or territory?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "747&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I’m a Canadian citizen living outside Canada. I mailed an application to the Sydney, Nova Scotia office. Who can I contact if I have a question?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "752&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a transit visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "753&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a transit visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "754&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for a post-graduation work permit before I get my diploma?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "755&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I get a Bad Encrypt Dictionary error opening a PDF. What does this mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "766&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "After I click the Validate button on my application form, nothing happens and I don’t see the barcodes. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "767&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "The calendar is displayed in my local language and I can’t fill in the date fields correctly. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "768&top=18"; method = "post" break; case "How does the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program work?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "769&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How is the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program different from the regular Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "770&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can refugees be referred to the Blended Visa Office-Referred Program by sponsoring groups?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "771&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "772&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "773&top="; method = "post" break; case "I do not know my client ID/UCI. Where can I get it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "774&top="; method = "post" break; case "I forgot my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "775&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I lost my client ID/UCI. How can I get it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "776&top="; method = "post" break; case "When will I get my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "777&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "When do I get my client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "778&top="; method = "post" break; case "How can I get a client ID/UCI?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "779&top="; method = "post" break; case "What if I cannot attend my citizenship appointment with IRCC? Can I reschedule it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "786&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I cannot attend my hearing with a citizenship officer or a citizenship judge? Can I reschedule it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "787&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw a citizenship application for me, my minor child or adopted child?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "788&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application for proof of citizenship (citizenship certificate)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "789&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application to search citizenship records?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "790&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application to renounce Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "791&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my application to resume Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "792&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who has access to the information I submit when I register for a GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "793&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "794&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why has the Government of Canada introduced GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "795&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a GCKey credential?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "796&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What does the immigration category on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence document mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "797&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I have technical problems when applying online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "799&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is the application process for the Start-up Visa Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "800&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What is the difference between support from venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "801&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Who will review my Start-up Visa Program application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "802&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "Is there an application form to get a letter of support from a designated organization?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "804&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I lost my GCKey username or password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "815&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if an online application is down?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "816&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What browser should I use to apply online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "817&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How many applications to sponsor parents and grandparents do you accept each intake?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "820&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay for my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "822&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I hand-deliver my application to sponsor a parent or grandparent?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "823&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I show proof of income to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "825&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to ask the Canada Border Services Agency for a history of entries when applying for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "827&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I check “Yes” on Question 14B (“Consent to the CBSA and IRCC”) on the application for citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "828&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is a personal document checklist?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "829&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is a personal reference code?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "830&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why was I issued a single entry visa instead of a multiple entry visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "831&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I prove that I need urgent processing for my permanent resident card application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "835&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to apply online for my International Experience Canada work permit or can I apply by mail or in person?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "837&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I have a question about a document I am asked to submit in my online account. Who can I ask?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "840&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Will my spouse or common-law partner get a work permit under International Experience Canada to come with me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "841&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need to get a police certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "842&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need a medical examination?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "843&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I want to work in a job that requires a medical exam, but I already have my work permit or authorization. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "844&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is a port of entry (POE) letter?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "845&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "How long is my POE Letter valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "846&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "My International Experience Canada application was refused because I didn't provide a document. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "848&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get a refund if I cancel my International Experience Canada work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "849&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I recently reset my IRCC secure account, but I don’t see my application. How can I get it back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "850&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I view the messages in my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "851&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I can't get a bank statement before I come to Canada. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "853&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get help with my immigration or citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "854&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have lost, deleted or damaged my POE Letter. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "856&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "How do I give my fingerprints and get an RCMP criminal record check from inside or outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "857&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How much does it cost to participate in International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "858&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I get a new passport after I apply for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "861&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "There is a mistake in my name on my work permit, can you fix it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "862&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I have more than one Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "864&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I re-use my Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report to submit my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "867&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a different application form for CAN+?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "875&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I know that my application can be processed under CAN+? What supporting documents should I submit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "877&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long will the Temporary Foreign Worker Program moratorium on food service jobs last?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "886&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who is eligible to take government-funded language classes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "894&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "How can I enrol in a government-funded language class at no cost to myself?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "895&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "Can my spouse take language classes with me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "896&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I take language classes for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "897&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "I started taking language classes but I’m moving. Can I keep taking classes in a new city?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "898&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "I'm working or studying in Canada temporarily. Can I take Government of Canada funded language classes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "899&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "What are the language training programs funded by the Government of Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "900&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "What are the language training programs funded by the provincial or territorial governments?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "901&top=27"; method = "post" break; case "Does the change in age of dependants affect sponsorship undertakings for dependent children?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "904&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if my citizenship application is refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "905&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship) for someone under 18 years old?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "906&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I legally changed my name. How do I change the name on my citizenship certificate or card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "907&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How can I find out if my application is affected by the change in the age of dependants?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "908&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I missed my citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "910&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I leave Canada after I mail my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "911&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to extend my work permit under the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "913&top="; method = "post" break; case "What’s an occupation-restricted open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "915&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who can participate in International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "923&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What kinds of jobs can I have with an International Experience Canada work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "924&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a job offer to submit my International Experience Canada profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "925&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I participate in International Experience Canada more than once?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "926&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I’m almost too old for International Experience Canada. Can I still apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "928&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I immigrate to Canada through International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "929&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Is it possible to study in Canada while participating in IEC?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "931&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I have both a study permit and a work permit under International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "934&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What’s the difference between an International Experience Canada work permit and other work permits?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "935&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "If I don’t use my letter of introduction for International Experience Canada, will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "937&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My passport was lost or stolen after I received my Port of Entry (POE) Letter. Will my POE Letter need to be modified?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "938&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What type of insurance do I need for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "939&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I come to Canada before I receive my POE Letter?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "941&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my employer wants me to continue working after my International Experience Canada work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "942&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Can I stay in Canada as a tourist after my work permit expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "943&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to provide proof that I can pay the salary of the caregiver I’m hiring through the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "950&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to pay for the caregiver’s travel costs if I’m hiring them through the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "951&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I want to hire a caregiver with a live-in arrangement. What’s the maximum amount I can charge for room and board?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "952&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I already took a medical exam when I applied for the caregiver pilots. Why am I being asked to take another one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "958&top="; method = "post" break; case "I’m working in Canada as a caregiver but I don’t meet the requirements for the caregiver pilots. Can I apply to extend my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "959&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use work experience from more than 1 employer to apply to the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "960&top="; method = "post" break; case "Is there a limit on the number of caregiver applications you accept under the pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "961&top="; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if the yearly limit on applications for the caregiver pilots has been reached before I apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "962&top="; method = "post" break; case "I want to work in Canada as a caregiver, but I don’t meet the requirements of the pilots. What are my options?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "963&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "When do I need to take a medical exam for the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "964&top="; method = "post" break; case "I worked in Canada illegally. Can I use that experience to meet the work requirement of the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "965&top="; method = "post" break; case "An employer in Quebec has offered me a job as a caregiver. What do I apply for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "966&top=28"; method = "post" break; case "I worked in Quebec as a home child care provider or home support worker. Can that work experience count for the caregiver pilots?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "967&top="; method = "post" break; case "How is the processing time affected if I need a medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "983&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "You asked me for additional medical information. How will this affect the processing time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "984&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I check the status of my medical exam results?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "985&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I have a medical exam done in advance to speed up my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "986&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I’m pregnant. Can I wait until after I give birth to take the medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "987&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have applied for permanent residence. My spouse or partner and children are not coming with me. Do they need to get a medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "988&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have two degrees from outside Canada. Do I need an Educational Credential Assessment for both?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "991&top="; method = "post" break; case "The online tool said I was eligible for Express Entry, but my completed profile says I’m not. Which one is right?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "992&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use my existing Job Bank account to get matched with employers for Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "993&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "My personal reference code is not working. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "995&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I am a native English or French speaker. Why do I need to take a language test for Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "997&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "A message in my account says my profile was updated. I didn’t update it today (or don’t see an update). What happened?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "999&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I accidently withdrew my Express Entry profile. How can I fix this?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1000&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I was found not eligible for Express Entry and I can’t change my profile. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1001&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I update my Express Entry profile before submitting it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1002&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Some fields in my Express Entry profile are greyed out and I can’t change them. How do I update them?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1003&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I confirm that my Express Entry profile is complete?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1004&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I already submitted my Express Entry profile. Can I still update it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1005&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find my Express Entry profile number and/or Job Seeker validation code?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1006&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Why didn’t I get points for my job offer in Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1009&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "There is no National Occupation Classification (NOC) code on my work permit. What should I put in my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1012&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I do not need a visa, but I want to stay in Canada as a visitor for longer than six months. What do I need to do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1015&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long can I stay in Canada as a visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1016&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am currently living in or visiting a country that I am not a citizen of. Can I apply for a visitor visa at the local visa office?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1017&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My application for a permanent resident visa is currently being processed at the Embassy. Can I go to Canada as a tourist and wait for my visa there?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1018&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I hold a diplomatic or special/service passport. Do I need a visitor visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1019&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a Canadian visa if I have a United States visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1020&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My minor child is applying for a visitor visa and will travel alone to Canada. What documents must they present with the application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1021&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am travelling with my minor child without my spouse. What documents must I present?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1022&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the $100 open work permit holder fee with my open work permit application, but the application was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1030&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the employer compliance fee, but the temporary worker’s application for a work permit was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1031&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the employer compliance fee, but the worker is not coming to Canada. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1032&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What proof do I need to show that my employer paid the compliance fee and submitted the offer of employment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1033&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "After I submit an offer of employment, do I have to wait for it to be approved before the temporary worker can apply for a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1034&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can an authorized representative submit an offer of employment on behalf of an employer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1035&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have a visa or a temporary resident permit to enter Canada. Do I need an eTA too?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1040&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and another country. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1042&top="; method = "post" break; case "Are there any age exemptions for eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1043&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am visiting the U.S. and I want to come to Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1044&top="; method = "post" break; case "I have an ESTA and I am visiting the U.S. Can I use my ESTA to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1045&top="; method = "post" break; case "I have committed an offence and suspect or know that I am inadmissible to Canada. Should I still apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1048&top="; method = "post" break; case "I must travel to Canada for exceptional circumstances. Can I get my eTA on an urgent basis?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1049&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a permanent resident of Canada. Do I need an eTA if I leave and want to return to Canada by air?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1050&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and want to apply for a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1051&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1052&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder). Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1053&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for an eTA for travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1056&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to apply for an eTA each time I travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1058&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to apply for an eTA before I book my airline ticket?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1059&top="; method = "post" break; case "What options are available to pay the eTA application fee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1060&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What if I don’t have a Visa, Mastercard or American Express? Are there other methods to pay for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1061&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take to process my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1063&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Will IRCC email me when my eTA is approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1065&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to print anything to prove that I have an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1066&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "In my online profile or application I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete when they are not. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1067&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1076&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "My citizenship application is being processed. How will the 2017 legislation changes affect my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1077&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I hired a representative before June 11, 2015 and my citizenship application is still in process. Can they continue to act as my representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1078&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Who can represent me on my citizenship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1079&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How old must my spouse or partner be for me to sponsor them to immigrate to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1080&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Does IRCC recognize marriages conducted by proxy, telephone, internet and fax?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1081&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "My application for an eTA was refused. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1082&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My application for an eTA was refused. Is there a way I can appeal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1083&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Why am I not receiving any emails from IRCC about my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1084&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my application for an eTA is not approved right away?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1085&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have been refused entry to Canada in the past. Does this mean that I will be refused an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1086&top="; method = "post" break; case "What type of information do I need to complete an eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1087&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I withdraw my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1088&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Does having an eTA automatically mean that I am allowed to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1089&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can more than one person, including dependents, be included in an eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1090&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "If my eTA is cancelled after I get one, can I travel?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1091&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I will transit by air through Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1092&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can a business or agency organizing charter flights to Canada for tour groups get eTAs for their clients?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1093&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do travellers on chartered aircrafts need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1094&top="; method = "post" break; case "Will the eTA application information be available in multiple languages?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1095&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I get a new passport after I have received an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1096&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a Canadian citizen. Do I need an eTA to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1100&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I have an immigration loan, how can I make my payments?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1102&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My last payment does not appear on my immigration loan statement. Why is that?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1103&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I no longer receive immigration loan statements. Why is that?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1104&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Where do I find my PAYEE number on my immigration loan statement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1105&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I do not make my loan payments?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1106&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can I make a refugee claim from within Syria?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1108&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How can Canadians help in our response to the Syrian crisis?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1109&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find a refugee to sponsor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1110&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I find a SAH I can volunteer to work with or otherwise contribute to?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1111&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Does this means that Syrians and Iraqi from anywhere in the world can be resettled to Canada as refugees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1112&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am a new permanent resident in Canada. Can I live somewhere other than the “city of destination” on my Confirmation of Permanent Residence?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1113&top=6"; method = "post" break; case "I can't submit a new International Experience Canada profile because I already have one. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1114&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What is a visa-exempt foreign national?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1115&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am an American citizen. What do I need to enter Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1116&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. (green card holder) and my home country will not issue a passport to me. Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1117&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and want to extend my work or study permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1118&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do VIPs, Heads of State or diplomats need an eTA to travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1119&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can diplomats who are not accredited in Canada, but accredited elsewhere, travel to Canada without an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1120&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for an eTA using a document other than a passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1121&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I withdraw or delete my International Experience Canada profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1122&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a file size limit for documents I upload to my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1123&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What file formats can I upload to my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1124&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "In an Express Entry profile, should I only include the minimum work experience needed to qualify for one of the programs, or should I include more?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1125&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "In an Express Entry profile, what do you mean by the “date the applicant first became qualified to practise this occupation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1127&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out my Express Entry profile when I have maintained my status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1128&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get education points for Express Entry if I have 2 or more degrees or diplomas?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1129&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "If I am waiting for a new work permit and I have job offer points, do I have to remove the job offer from my Express Entry profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1130&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I have been working in Canada for the last 6 months but didn’t get points for work experience. Why not?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1132&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "If I’ve maintained my status while in the Express Entry pool, will I still get the job offer points?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1133&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "What if I am invited to apply for Express Entry while waiting for a new work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1134&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I was invited to apply through Express Entry but my work permit expired. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1135&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "I didn’t get a Job Seeker Validation Code in the message you sent to my account. Why not?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1136&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I upload more supporting documents after I have already submitted my online application for permanent residence through Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1137&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I ask to only be considered for one of the programs under Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1140&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "In my International Experience Canada profile/application, I am getting validation errors or it tells me that fields are incomplete after completing them. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1146&top="; method = "post" break; case "I accidently withdrew my International Experience Canada profile. How can I fix this?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1147&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I was found not eligible for International Experience Canada (IEC). What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1148&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I already submitted my International Experience Canada (IEC) profile. Can I update it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1149&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to answer the eligibility questions before I submit a profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1152&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What is a personal reference code and how do I get one for International Experience Canada (IEC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1153&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My personal reference code for International Experience Canada (IEC) is not working. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1154&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I need to submit documents in a secure IRCC account for my eTA application. How can I do this?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1159&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I need to add multiple files to my online application, but there is only one field to upload documents. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1160&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I am a NEXUS or CANPASS member and U.S. green card holder. Do I need an eTA to fly to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1162&top="; method = "post" break; case "I’m sponsoring my spouse or common-law partner. Can they work while their application is being processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1163&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "If my Express Entry profile expires, will the system keep my information?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1164&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take to get an International Experience Canada invitation to apply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1165&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Candidates in the Working Holiday pool will be randomly selected to apply for a work permit. What does that mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1166&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I am a Canadian citizen and a citizen of another country. Can I fly to Canada with my non-Canadian passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1167&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why is my application considered complex or non-routine and what does that mean for me?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1169&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I have to submit documents for my eTA application. How can I find out what documents I need to provide?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1170&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What information will I get by email after I apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1171&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for an eTA for my child?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1172&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I made a mistake (like an email address or passport number) on my eTA application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1173&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I start my eTA application and save it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1174&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of someone?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1175&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit a group application for eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1176&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I review my eTA application before I submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1177&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I help a friend or family member apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1178&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "As a Canadian citizen living in Canada, can I apply for an eTA for my non-Canadian relative or friend who lives abroad?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1179&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply for an eTA with a Refugee Travel Document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1180&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I work while I am waiting to receive my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1181&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What is the Hague Convention?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1183&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I have a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and will travel to Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1184&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is the employer compliance fee? How do I pay it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1186&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change employers if I have an International Experience Canada work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1187&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "When should my client apply for their eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1188&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit group applications for eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1190&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay for my client’s eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1191&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a way for clients to confirm the status of their eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1192&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I review the eTA application before I submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1193&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I make changes to my client’s eTA after it has been approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1194&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I use my email address when I apply for an eTA on behalf of a client?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1195&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Is the eTA linked to a client’s passport number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1196&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I entered the wrong passport number on my client’s eTA application form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1197&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How long can a client stay in Canada with their eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1198&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am an entrepreneur. Do I need a Labour Market Impact Assessment to work in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1199&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is a job offer letter?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1200&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I change employers?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1201&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I adopt a child from countries experiencing armed conflict or natural disasters?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1202&top=2"; method = "post" break; case "I received a call from an immigration officer. Was it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1203&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "I received an email from an immigration officer. Is it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1205&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "How can I tell if an immigration website is a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1206&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "How do I report a scam or a fraud?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1207&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "My documents are too large to upload. How do I reduce the file size?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1213&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if I owe IRCC money? Will you call to ask for unpaid fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1214&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay online if I don’t have a credit card or a bank account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1215&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "If I have not paid my fees, will you have me arrested or deported?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1216&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "Will you ask me for personal information over the phone?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1217&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "I received threats from someone who says they are from the immigration department. Is it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1218&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "If you return my application, will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1220&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why are there differences between the status I see in the Check application status tool (CAS) and in my account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1221&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Which applications can I link to an IRCC secure account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1222&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why was I locked out of my IRCC secure account when I tried to link an application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1225&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "When trying to link my application to my IRCC secure account, it says there are no matches. What’s going on?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1226&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What happens after I link an application to an IRCC secure account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1227&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1228&top="; method = "post" break; case "I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of a country other than France. I want to travel to Canada by air. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1229&top="; method = "post" break; case "I live in St. Pierre and Miquelon and am a citizen of France returning to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air from a country other than Canada. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1230&top="; method = "post" break; case "When I visit Canada, I want to travel to St. Pierre and Miquelon by air. What document(s) do I need to return to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1231&top="; method = "post" break; case "I applied for an eTA on a different website. How do I verify if I have a real eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1232&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have been charged more than CAN$7 my eTA on another website. I think I have been scammed. How can I find out and can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1233&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I see other websites advertising that I can apply for an eTA with them. Is there more than one website to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1234&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I have not been able to submit an eTA application because of technical issues (with the payment or the application form). Can I still fly to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1236&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted an eTA application, but have not received any emails from IRCC. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1237&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I got an email confirmation from IRCC that my eTA application was received, but nothing since then. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1238&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I cannot submit the additional documents required for my eTA application by the requested deadline. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1239&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "My application for an eTA was refused. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1240&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "How do I pay online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1241&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I get a copy of my receipt after paying my fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1242&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I can’t access my online payment account to get a copy of my receipt. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1243&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why is my online payment being refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1244&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I tried to pay online but it was incomplete. Why is it showing on my bank statement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1245&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I pay my fees at a bank in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1246&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Is my payment receipt form (IMM 5401) still valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1248&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "My IEC work permit application was approved, but I don’t want to work yet. Can I enter Canada as a visitor for now?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1249&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I stayed in Canada longer than I was supposed to. How do I restore my status as a visitor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1250&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "I am a permanent resident of Canada. Can I apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1252&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do I change the sex or gender identifier on my application or document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1253&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to notify IRCC of a change of sex or gender identifier?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1254&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "What can I use as official documents to change the sex on my documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1255&top="; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to change the sex or gender identifier on my document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1256&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "Will changing the gender identifier on my documents affect the decision on my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1257&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to change both my name and gender identifier at the same time on my documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1258&top=32"; method = "post" break; case "What does current or previous undertaking mean on my sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1259&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I be invited to apply if I've lost my username or password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1260&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if a form in my International Experience Canada application is marked “In progress”?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1262&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I can log into my account in the Employer Portal, but I can't submit an offer of employment. What is the problem?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1263&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get a receipt for an offer of employment I submit through the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1264&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I can't create an account in the Employer Portal because the information I entered already exists. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1265&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I want to submit an offer of employment. Where can I find the IMM 5802 form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1266&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I already paid the employer compliance fee, but I can't submit my offer of employment without paying it again. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1267&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the Employer Portal and where do I find it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1268&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I've completed all the offer of employment forms in the Employer Portal, but I still can’t submit it. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1269&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change or fix a mistake in my business information in the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1270&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I need to submit an offer of employment, but I don't have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) number. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1271&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1272&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What coverage do I get through the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1273&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Which documents prove I’m eligible for the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1274&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "When does my Interim Federal Health Program coverage start and when does it end?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1275&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get health-care services or treatment through the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1276&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "I am covered under the Interim Federal Health Program. Why did my health-care provider ask me to sign a form after I was treated?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1277&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Why did I get a letter from Medavie Blue Cross after I had health services that were covered by the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1278&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I register as a health-care provider with the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1279&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I check patient eligibility for the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1280&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take for a patient’s Interim Federal Health Program eligibility to show in the Medavie Blue Cross system?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1281&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What are the fee rates paid to health-care providers with the Interim Federal Health Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1282&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "As a health-care provider, can I ask Interim Federal Health Program clients to pay for a service?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1283&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Should I book flights to Canada for refugees I’m sponsoring?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1284&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Why can’t you fly Syrian refugees to Canada faster?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1285&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I reset my password for the online payment system?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1286&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I leave and come back to Canada if I have a work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1287&top=22"; method = "post" break; case "What is considered work?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1288&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I am from a visa-exempt country and want to study in Canada for less than six months. Do I need an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1289&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I need the documents I mailed in, how will you return them to me if IRCC isn’t using Canada Post mail services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1291&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I be eligible for more than one program under Express Entry?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1294&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "My sponsor asked me to pay money toward the processing of my refugee application. Should I pay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1295&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My sponsor says they will guarantee that the Canadian government will accept my refugee application. Is that true?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1296&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am a privately sponsored refugee. My sponsor has asked me to pay money to support myself in Canada. Should I pay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1297&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I am coming to Canada as a privately sponsored refugee, and I am bringing some of my own money with me. Does my sponsor get any of this money?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1298&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Government of Canada ask private sponsors to collect money from me or my relatives to fund my sponsorship or settlement in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1299&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I already paid someone money to cover the cost of my refugee sponsorship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1300&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "What can I expect from my sponsor after I travel to Canada as a refugee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1301&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My sponsor isn’t providing me with the support you said I should receive. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1302&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How many privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1303&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How many applications for privately sponsored refugees does Canada accept each year?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1304&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted the documents for my eTA application but I haven’t heard anything yet. Can I still travel to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1305&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Which work permit fees do I have to pay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1306&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Interim Federal Health Program offer co-payment arrangements with other insurance plans or programs?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1307&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "I've applied to extend my study permit. Can I travel outside Canada and be able to return?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1308&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I’m waiting for my post-graduation work permit. Can I travel outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1309&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "You asked me for a new document. How do I submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1310&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I don’t see the option to upload documents in my account, even though IRCC has asked for it. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1311&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I validated my form, but when I try to upload it to my account I get a validation error. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1312&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What is a hearing conducted by videoconference?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1315&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a refund for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1319&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I don't have a document I need to submit. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1323&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I’m having technical issues. My invitation to apply for a work permit expires soon. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1324&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "When I try to submit my Express Entry profile or my application, I get an error. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1325&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can I travel with a specific person for International Experience Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1326&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I need an offer of employment number if I’m applying for a Working Holiday work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1327&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "When should I send in my police certificates for my spousal sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1328&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I sponsor more than one person through the Parents and Grandparents Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1329&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How does the Parents and Grandparents Program work?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1330&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I need help with my mental health. Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1331&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Interim Federal Health Program provide coverage for mental health services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1332&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What is the prior approval criteria for mental health services provided by allied professionals?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1333&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How many counselling sessions are clients entitled to once prior approval is received?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1334&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Does the Interim Federal Health Program cover interpretation services for mental health therapy?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1335&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Can I apply to International Experience Canada and Express Entry at the same time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1336&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "If I’m a dual citizen, can I have an International Experience Canada work permit under each citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1337&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I am in the Express Entry pool. How do I find out what programs I am eligible for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1338&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "Can someone else pay for my fees?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1339&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I got a refund but it was not the same amount I paid. Why?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1340&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "The application / profile details in my online account have changed. Why are the details different?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1341&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Do I submit an offer of employment even if a foreign company will pay my company’s temporary worker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1342&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Who submits the offer of employment if a temporary worker will work for two or more Canadian companies?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1343&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I change an offer of employment, or fix a mistake I made in one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1344&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I don’t have a Canada Revenue Agency number. How do I submit an offer of employment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1345&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to get certain vaccinations before I arrive in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1346&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Can I register with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) as a pre-departure medical services health-care provider?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1347&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "How do I check that a patient is eligible for pre-departure medical coverage?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1348&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "Can I provide pre-departure vaccination services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1349&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "What are the fee rates paid to health care providers registered with the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) who deliver pre-departure medical services?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1350&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "As a registered pre-departure medical services provider, can I ask eligible clients to pay for services covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1351&top=33"; method = "post" break; case "I was invited to submit an application to sponsor my parents and grandparents. What do I do next?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1352&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How long am I financially responsible for the family member or relative I sponsor?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1355&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I sponsor my in-laws under the Parents and Grandparents Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1356&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "An officer asked me to provide a document in my account, but I’m missing information. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1358&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I’m in the Express Entry pool. How can I look for a job in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1359&top=29"; method = "post" break; case "How do I apply for an open work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1361&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I include a dependent child on my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1362&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I already became a permanent resident. Can I still add my dependent child to my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1363&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the overage dependant fee, but now the age limit for dependants has changed. Can I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1364&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will it delay my application if I add a dependent child to my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1365&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I sponsor a child who is over the age limit for a dependant?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1366&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "There’s a strike at my designated learning institution, and I can’t start or continue my studies. What does that mean for my status as a study permit holder?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1367&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I now need an immigration medical exam (IME) to visit Canada. Does this affect my submitted application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1368&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Which browsers can I use to pay online?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1370&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Can I withdraw an offer of employment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1371&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can a human resource placement agency submit offers of employment on behalf of my company?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1372&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "If my company merges with, or is taken over by, another company, what happens to employees who have temporary work permits?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1374&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What do I need to do if my company name changes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1375&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I attach documents to the offers of employment I submit in the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1376&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I attach documents about the offer of employment to a foreign worker’s work permit application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1377&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to submit a new offer of employment if something in the offer has changed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1378&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "What is a complex permanent residence application for the Live-in Caregiver program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1379&top="; method = "post" break; case "Who is eligible for two-week work permit processing?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1380&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Are all Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit applications processed in two weeks?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1381&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I have a Global Talent Stream (GTS) LMIA, do I have to do anything else to get two-week processing?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1382&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "When should I get my medical exam to apply for two-week work permit processing through the GSS?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1383&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I’m applying for a work permit under the GSS. Do I need include a police certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1384&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I’m eligible for two-week processing under the GSS. Can I bring my family?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1385&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I get two-week processing if I am applying under the International Mobility Program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1386&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I need an LMIA for my work permit application. How do I know if I am part of the Global Talent Stream?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1387&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "I’m an employer in the International Mobility Program. Do I still need to use the Employer Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1388&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a temporary foreign worker using an LMIA issued by ESDC under the Global Talent Stream?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1389&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I update my information after I’ve submitted my interest to sponsor form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1395&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What is the Right of Permanent Residence Fee?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1396&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I sent a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1) and paid $530. Will I get a refund?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1397&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How will you refund the fee for my citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1398&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I paid the $530 fee for a citizenship application for a minor under subsection 5(1), but didn’t send in my application. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1399&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Is there a maximum loan amount?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1400&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Is a 19-year old covered under the principal applicant’s loan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1401&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can asylum seekers (those who make a refugee claim in Canada) get an immigration loan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1402&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long will I have to repay my loan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1403&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to use the travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1404&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "If I’m applying for citizenship, do I still have to submit the physical presence calculation if I submit the travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1405&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "If I’m transferring through different countries at the airport, or by car or train, do I need to record it in my travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1406&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get more copies of the travel journal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1407&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When will I receive my immigration loan statement?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1408&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "When do I have to make my first immigration loan payment?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1409&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I got a new passport after coming to Canada but I still have a valid work permit in my old one. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1410&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I change my GCKey password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1411&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What are the rules for creating a username or password?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1412&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What if I no longer want to use my GCKey?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1413&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "There’s a specific employment location on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work somewhere else?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1414&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "There’s a specific occupation on my co-op or post-graduation work permit. Can I work in a different field?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1415&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "If my visa or permit application is refused, will I have to give biometrics for my next application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1416&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What is a complex family sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1417&top="; method = "post" break; case "Under the International Mobility Program, can I reuse an offer of employment number if the matched work permit application was refused?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1419&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Will it take longer to process my application because I have to give biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1420&top="; method = "post" break; case "What is a complex permanent residence application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1422&top="; method = "post" break; case "If I’m asked to give my biometrics, does that mean my application is approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1423&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "I am from Asia, Asia Pacific or the Americas and have applied for a visa, work or study permit, or for permanent residence before December 31, 2018, but my application is still being processed. Do I have to give my biometrics?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1424&top="; method = "post" break; case "How much does it cost to attend the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1433&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "Who participates in the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1434&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "Can I participate in the Destination Canada event even if no job postings match my profile?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1435&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to attend an information session before attending the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1436&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get more information about the Destination Canada event?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1438&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a candidate through Destination Canada for a temporary or permanent position?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1439&top=35"; method = "post" break; case "How do I hire a candidate through the Destination Canada event for a permanent position?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1440&top="; method = "post" break; case "What does the progress bar in my application status mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1441&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why did the processing time and estimated date change on my progress bar?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1442&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why isn’t there a progress bar for my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1443&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "Why is there a difference between my progress bar and my application progress?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1444&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "How much income do I need to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1445&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Where is my status in Canada document number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1446&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I make an electronic copy of my passport or proof of status in Canada document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1447&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What does it mean if I’m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1448&top="; method = "post" break; case "How do immigration officers decide if I’m medically inadmissible for excessive demand reasons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1449&top="; method = "post" break; case "Does medical inadmissibility based on excessive demand reasons apply to everyone?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1450&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why didn’t I receive an invitation to submit a mitigation plan?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1451&top="; method = "post" break; case "What’s the difference between a visitor visa and a visitor record?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1452&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need to apply for both a visitor visa and an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1453&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Can I bring my child to the in-person citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1454&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I bring my child to the citizenship ceremony?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1455&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my PR card expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1456&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I travel outside Canada without my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1457&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my PR card isn’t ready before I travel?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1458&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "When I sponsor a refugee, do I need to include family members who aren’t coming to Canada at the same time on the application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1459&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I calculate my family size to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1460&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Who can be my co-signer on my application to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1461&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out my application for a citizenship certificate if I don’t know everything about my parents or grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1462&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have a confirmation number. Am I guaranteed to get invited to sponsor my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1463&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Can I submit an old version of the application form for Canadian citizenship?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1464&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can my time abroad count toward my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1466&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I lose my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1468&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Can I give up my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1469&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Why would I give up my permanent resident status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1470&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I’m an international student. Can I work before my study program starts?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1471&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I’m an international student. Can I continue to work after I’ve finished my study program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1472&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "My co-op work permit says “not authorized to work for any employer other than stated”. What does it mean?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1473&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "When does my processing time start?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1474&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "My IEC work permit is expiring. Can I stay in Canada if I apply to extend my stay?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1476&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What is a refugee protection claimant document and when will I get one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1477&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I’ve reached the maximum number of participations for my country or category in IEC. If I get an invitation to apply, can I participate in the program again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1484&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My application for a visitor visa was refused. Should I apply again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1485&top=16"; method = "post" break; case "Who’s eligible for the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1487&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What will happen to an application for a family member I didn’t declare if it’s in process, or was denied?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1488&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How do I sponsor my undeclared family member through the pilot project?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1489&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I participated in IEC in the past. How do I apply to participate again?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1490&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "I can’t sign in to my IRCC secure account. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1491&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "My application was returned because something was missing. What can I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1492&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What is the pilot project to sponsor undeclared family members?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1493&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "When can I check my application status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1494&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I think I’m exempt, why are you asking me for a medical exam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1495&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my Sign-In Partner was removed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1496&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "What can I do if I can’t find refugees I want to sponsor through the BVOR program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1497&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "You approved my refugee sponsorship more than 12 weeks ago. What should I do if you haven’t contacted me yet?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1498&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How long does it take a refugee to get to Canada after their sponsorship is approved?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1499&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "The refugee I sponsored is arriving next week but I’m not ready for them. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1500&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "I went to the airport but the refugee I sponsored wasn’t there. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1501&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can I communicate with a refugee I sponsor before they arrive in Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1502&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change my status to visitor if I need more time to extend my study or work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1503&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Why is my study or work permit only valid for part of my study program or job contract?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1504&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "My work permit expired, but I’ve maintained my status. Can I keep working under the same conditions of my initial work permit if my Social Insurance Number (SIN) is expired?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1505&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can I go to a port of entry to give biometrics if it’s closer than a Service Canada location?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1506&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How can I show a potential employer I’m allowed to work while I wait for my post-graduation work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1507&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "What’s the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1508&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "Am I eligible to apply to the pilot project for my dependent family members living outside Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1509&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "I applied for permanent residence as a protected person. Does my family abroad qualify for the processing pilot?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1510&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What regions are included in the pilot project to improve the family reunification process for protected persons?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1511&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I’m eligible for the protected persons family reunification pilot, but I can’t find my dependent family members, or they don’t want to come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1512&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How can I pay for biometrics after I submitted my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1513&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "How can I prove I’m a resident of a country when applying to International Experience Canada (IEC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1516&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "My citizenship application was returned to me. Do I have to recalculate my physical presence (time lived in Canada) before I resubmit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1520&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What is an application number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1521&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "I have an open work permit because my spouse is working/studying in Canada. For how long is my permit valid?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1522&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "How do I fill out and validate IRCC application forms with 2D barcodes?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1523&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "What counts as income for sponsoring my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1525&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What’s considered social assistance when sponsoring my parents and grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1526&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I applied as a caregiver, but haven’t received a confirmation letter. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1529&top="; method = "post" break; case "I have a new employer. How do I give you my new job offer form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1530&top="; method = "post" break; case "I’m not sure if my Home Child Care Provider Pilot application made it under the cap. Should I reapply?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1531&top="; method = "post" break; case "I applied for a new work permit with my caregiver application. Do I need to renew my current work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1532&top="; method = "post" break; case "Are there other work permit options I can consider while I wait for my permanent resident application to be processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1533&top="; method = "post" break; case "My status as a worker has expired and I forgot to renew it. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1534&top="; method = "post" break; case "What proof do I need for changes to my information after I was invited to apply to sponsor my parents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1535&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What if my birth certificate is different from other documents (or I don’t have one)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1536&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Will you refuse my application if I include a parent or grandparent that wasn’t on my interest to sponsor form?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1539&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Do I need a marriage certificate for my parents/grandparents sponsorship application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1540&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What if the parent or grandparent I’m sponsoring has a separated spouse?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1541&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "Do I include time on parental leave in my employment history for sponsoring my parents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1542&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "What do I put for the date of birth (or death) of my family member if I don’t know it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1543&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "How can I quickly get information about my Canadian citizenship to sponsor parents/grandparents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1544&top=14"; method = "post" break; case "I need to submit documents to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Can I use the portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1545&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "My application was returned by email. Can I resubmit copies of these documents?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1546&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "My application was returned by email. How do I re-submit it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1547&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "You returned my application by email. Can I get my documents back?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1548&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why was my application returned to me by email?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1549&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "They didn’t take my photo when I gave my biometrics in Canada. Will my application still be processed?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1550&top="; method = "post" break; case "I’m having problems making a refugee claim online. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1551&top=11"; method = "post" break; case "How do I update my citizenship certificate or card with my reclaimed Indigenous name?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1552&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I have reclaimed my Indigenous name. How do I update my PR card?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1553&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I complete the web form if I applied for permanent residence under a pilot program?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1555&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "How can I apply for a citizenship certificate or search of citizenship records?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1557&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When and how do I apply urgently for a citizenship certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1558&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I update my application for a citizenship certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1559&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I live abroad and applied online. How will I get my citizenship certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1560&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "For my citizenship certificate application, can I provide documents that aren’t in English or French?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1561&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My citizenship certificate was mailed to me, but I never received it. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1562&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I want to replace or update my citizenship certificate. What do I do with my current certificate?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1563&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When and how do I apply urgently for a search of citizenship records?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1564&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When can I take my online citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1565&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My application status says I’ve been scheduled for an online test. Why haven’t I received an invitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1566&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Where can I find my online test invitation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1567&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "In my invitation, the time between the online test “start date” and “end date” is not 30 days. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1568&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I missed my online citizenship test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1570&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I take the online test in a public library or with a public computer?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1572&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I signed in to the online test, but the page shows a “You can’t take the test right now” message. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1574&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted a group or family application. How will we access the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1575&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I get a “403 Error” message when I sign in to the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1576&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When I sign in to the online test, why do I see a blank screen or a message that my browser isn’t supported?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1577&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Why do I have to sign in again when I get the online citizenship test link?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1578&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to start the online test immediately after I take a photo of myself?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1579&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I ask someone to help me sign in to the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1580&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I decline the privacy notice for the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1581&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What if I don’t agree with the terms and conditions of the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1582&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Who gets the online test link when I click the “Email me the test link” button?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1583&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I clicked the “Email me the test link” button but don’t get the online test link. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1584&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if my online test link expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1585&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Will I get the online test link if I have a representative?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1586&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I got disconnected during the online test. Can I use the same test link to return to the test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1587&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I accidentally clicked the “Resend the test link” button. Do I have to use the new online test link?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1588&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My webcam isn’t working and can’t connect to the online test system. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1589&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "My webcam is working, but it can’t connect to the online test system. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1590&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "During the online test, my webcam shows a black or static image. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1591&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What kinds of photos do you need from me for the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1592&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if I can’t retake the photos for my online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1593&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Can I retake my online test photo (of my ID or myself) after I approve it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1594&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if the online test photo of my personal identification (ID) or face is unclear?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1595&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I took a picture of my face instead of my personal identification (ID) for the online test. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1596&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to download the online test photos that I take of my ID and myself?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1597&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "When do I get my official online test result?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1598&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I got disconnected and can’t see my online test result. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1599&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I get a confirmation email after I complete the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1600&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I forgot to print or email the online test result to myself. How do I get my test result?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1601&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Do I have to report my online test result to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1602&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What are my next steps after taking the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1603&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I’ve completed the online test, but my application status is outdated. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1604&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "Why did I get another test invitation after I passed the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1605&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I’m taking the online test with Microsoft Teams. Who do I contact if I need help?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1606&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if I’m disconnected during the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1607&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "I clicked the “Exit” button or closed the page by mistake during the online test. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1608&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What personal information do you collect for the online test?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1609&top=5"; method = "post" break; case "What does my status mean in the application status tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1611&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "What is a party ID?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1612&top="; method = "post" break; case "I’m a representative (or designated person). Why can’t I create an account in the application status tracker or citizenship tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1613&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why can’t I create an account in the application status tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1614&top=3"; method = "post" break; case "I’m a representative/designated person. Why can’t I get my party ID?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1616&top="; method = "post" break; case "Why can’t I see some of my client files in the permanent residence or citizenship tracker?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1617&top="; method = "post" break; case "Can I have a work permit and study permit at the same time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1618&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Why have processing times changed for some application types?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1619&top="; method = "post" break; case "I am a lawful permanent resident of the United States and have a study or work permit. Do I need to apply for an eTA?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1621&top="; method = "post" break; case "I’m already in Canada. How can I stay longer if I’m impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1622&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "How do I check the status of my Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1623&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "How do I upload documents to my IRCC Portal account after I’ve submitted my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1624&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "Who qualifies as a family member of a Ukrainian national?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1625&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "What happens if my application in the Permanent Residence Portal expires?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1628&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I received an email with a link asking me to provide my banking information. Is it a scam?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1629&top=31"; method = "post" break; case "What do I do if the school I’m studying at loses its designated learning institution status?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1632&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Will I still get an accelerated work permit if my claim isn’t eligible to be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1633&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "How long will the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants be valid for?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1634&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "What information do you need from me for the accelerated work permit for asylum claimants, and where do I send it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1635&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "Can I also apply for a study permit through this accelerated process?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1636&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "My claim is pending at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Can I get a work permit extension through this accelerated process?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1637&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "How long will it take for me to get the work permit under the accelerated process for asylum claimants?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1638&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "Once I get my work permit under this accelerated process for refugee claimants in Canada, how do I apply for a Social Insurance Number?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1639&top=20"; method = "post" break; case "I’m applying for a work or study permit from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and need to give biometrics, but there is no service available where I live. What do I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1640&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "My International Experience Canada application was approved, but I didn’t go to Canada. Does that count as a participation?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1641&top=25"; method = "post" break; case "What should I do if my visa or permit was issued for a shorter period of time than I expected because of my biometric validity?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1642&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "Should I give my biometrics again if they’re about to expire?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1643&top=19"; method = "post" break; case "What’s the difference between a foil-less visa and a physical visa?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1644&top=38"; method = "post" break; case "Why won’t my application form let me save my information or digitally sign it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1645&top=4"; method = "post" break; case "Why did the action button in my GCKey account disappear?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1646&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "How do I remove medical conditions from my work permit?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1647&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Why can’t I find all my documents or forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1648&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I can’t complete my IMM 0008 form in the Permanent Residence Portal because my national identity card doesn’t have an expiry date. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1649&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "I got a new passport but I have a valid visa in my old one. Can I use the visa in my old passport?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1650&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "Can I change the email address for my Permanent Residence Portal account?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1651&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Why can’t I save and continue when completing digital forms in the Permanent Residence Portal?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1652&top=23"; method = "post" break; case "Can I hold 2 valid work permits at the same time?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1653&top=17"; method = "post" break; case "Can a lone parent apply for a study permit for a minor child?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1654&top=15"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted a crisis web form for the Gaza special measures and haven’t received a response. What should I do?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1655&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I submitted a crisis web form and received my unique code. I used this code to complete my application for a TRV under the Gaza special measures and haven’t heard anything. What is the status of my application?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1656&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "If I don’t qualify for the special measures for extended family members in Gaza, are there other ways I can come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1657&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I have a valid temporary resident visa (TRV) or a super visa. Can you help me leave Gaza?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1658&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "My temporary resident visa (TRV) expired. Can I still come to Canada?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1659&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get back my seized passport or travel document?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1663&top=10"; method = "post" break; case "How do I get a temporary resident document with the “MOME2023” keyword on it?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1664&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I need a certificate for the Interim Federal Heath Program (IFHP). How do I get one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1665&top=39"; method = "post" break; case "I came to Canada under the Gaza special measures. I didn’t get a temporary resident document at the port of entry. How do I get one?": whereToSubmit = prefix + "1666&top=39"; method = "post" break; default: whereToSubmit = searchurl; // Was //You didn't use something from the auto-complete? That's okay! We send you to the search engine. method = "get" } $("#searchForm").attr("method", method); $("#searchForm").attr("action", whereToSubmit); //Change form action to a new page so that somebody never has to go to the search page //alert("In the form: "+$("#sch-inp-ac").val()+" Where I'm submitting: "+whereToSubmit); } $("#searchForm").submit(function() { urchinTracker('/linkTracker/english/helpcentre/internal/searchBox/'+$("#sch-inp-ac").val()); changeAction(); }); $(window).on('unload', function() { }); </script> <script src="/js/wb-fieldflow.min.js"></script> <script src="/js/tools/popup.js"></script> <script id="i18Script"> // IMPORTANT: When deploy to ccR Widget General: // Make sure the var statement is "var resources = {" instead of "var resourcesCustom = {" // Otherwise the user defined resources might not being able to overwrite server default ones. var resourcesCustom = { "en": { "translation": { "ChatNow": "Chat now with Virtual assistant", "chatTitle": "Virtual assistant", "ccrChatToolbarRegion": "Chat Modal Toolbar", "goToInput": "Go to input", "MinChat": "Minimize chat", "MaxChat": "Maximize chat", "RestoreChat": "Restore chat to default size", "CloseChat": "Close chat", "confirmationEnd": "End", "confirmationEndTitle": "End conversation", "confirmationMinimize": "Minimize", "confirmationMinimizeTitle": "Minimize chat", "confirmationCancel": "Back", "confirmationCancelTitle": "Cancel and return to chat", "NoPersonalInfo": "No personal information", "TermsOfUse": "Terms of use", "modalTitle": "Chat with Expert", "noticeMsg": "You have questions about our new website? 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Please specify so we can improve the answer:</label><br><small><em>Please <strong>do not</strong> enter personal or case information.</em></small><textarea id='id_KpvzA6qqyP' rows='6' name='KpvzA6qqyP' class='full-width' maxlength='300' onKeyUp='textCounter(this,300)'></textarea><br><small id='char_limit'>Character limit: 300</small>"; } else{ questionnaire2.innerHTML = "<div class='feedback-ty'><p>If your question was not in the Help Centre, we will try to add it so that it can help you and others with the same concern.</p><p>Please note that <strong>we cannot answer questions about your specific case file</strong> and <strong>we will not reply to your question</strong>.</p></div><label for='id_XkqmaLSyqo'>Which topic is your question about?</label><br /><select id='id_XkqmaLSyqo' name='XkqmaLSyqo'><option value='-1'>---</option><option value='0'>Access to information</option><option value='1'>Adoption</option><option value='2'>Application status</option><option value='3'>Applying - general</option><option value='4'>Applying – online</option><option value='5'>Asylum claims</option><option value='6'>Biometrics</option><option value='7'>Citizenship</option><option value='8'>Downloading files</option><option value='9'>Immigrating</option><option value='10'>Immigration representatives</option><option value='11'>Inadmissibility</option><option value='24'>International Experience Canada</option><option value='25'>Introduction Letter</option><option value='12'>Leaving/Returning to Canada</option><option value='13'>Multiculturalism</option><option value='14'>Passport</option><option value='15'>Permanent resident card</option><option value='16'>Refugees</option><option value='17'>Replacing documents</option><option value='18'>Service standards</option><option value='19'>Sponsoring your family</option><option value='20'>Studying</option><option value='21'>Visiting</option><option value='22'>Work permits</option><option value='23'>Other, please specify...</option></select><br><label for='id_uOLVkX2ALB' class='h3 mrgn-tp-md'>Enter your question <em class='small'>(please be as specific as possible)</em>:</label><br><small><em>Please <strong>do not</strong> enter personal or case information.</em></small><input id='id_uOLVkX2ALB' name='uOLVkX2ALB' class='width-90' title='Enter your question (please be as specific as possible):' type='text' value='' maxlength='300' onKeyUp='textCounter(this,300)' /> <small id='char_limit'>Character limit: 300</small>"; 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