Roman Space Telescope at IPAC

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Through --> <!-- his intelligence, integrity, humanity and tireless effort, he provided leadership and scientific --> <!-- direction for WFIRST since its early days. He will be dearly missed. --> <!-- --> <!-- Neil had an extraordinary career at NASA, making significant contributions to the study of gamma ray --> <!-- bursts, high energy astrophysics and space instrument development. He was the Principal Investigator --> <!-- of NASA's Swift Explorer mission and Project Scientist for the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. Neil was honored as --> <!-- = link_to "a Caltech Distinguished Alumnus in 2016.", "" --> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_purple'> <div class='panel_header'> <h0> The <a href="">NASA ROSES Call for Proposals</a>, ROMAN24, has been issued. We provide supplemental detailed Coronagraph Instrument information to support CPP proposals <a href="SSC_Supplemental_info_for_Roses_call.html">here</a>. </h0> </div> </div> </div> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_purple'> <div class='panel_header'> <h0> The Roman Coronagraph Instrument Community Participation Program (CPP) is requesting community feedback and input via a <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Community Interest Survey</a> available now through March 1. </h0> </div> </div> </div> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_purple'> <div class='panel_header'> <h0> Learn more about Roman Space Telescope science, engineering, and technology through our <a href="/Lectures.html">monthly virtual lectures</a> for the astronomy research community. </h0> </div> </div> </div> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_header'> The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (formerly known as WFIRST, Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope) was the top priority large-scale space initiative resulting from the <a href="">Astro2010 Decadal Survey 'New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics.'</a> The mission was named after Nancy Grace Roman in May 2020. Learn more about the historic occasion <a href="">here.</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='span6'> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_header_emph'> <h1> Recent Site Updates </h1> </div> <div class='panel_purple'> <table class='link_grid'> <tr> <td width='33%'> <ul> <li> Dec. 2, 2024 </li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> Added <a href="SSC_Supplemental_info_for_Roses_call.html">Supplemental Info for ROSES Call</a> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width='33%'> <ul> <li> Nov. 12, 2024 </li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> Added <a href="sims/Coronagraph_inst_cad_models.html">Coronagraph Instrument CAD models.</a> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width='35%'> <ul> <a href="/PreviousUpdates.html">Previous Updates</a> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel'> <div class='flexslider'> <ul class='slides'> <!-- = partial "partials/news_slides" --> <li> <a href="/sims/IPAC-STScI_Goddard_Grism_sim.html"><div class='image plot'> <img src="/images/direct7.1_crop.jpeg" /> </div> <div class='details'> <div class='title'> <div class='tr'> <div class='td'> Simulated direct Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope F160W image, 7.5 x 3.75 arc-minutes on a side. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='caption_popup'> Simulated image of a sky scene at 1.6 microns (WFC3 F160W band) taking into account the observed H&alpha; and stellar luminosity functions, the H&alpha; equivalent width distribution, a model of stellar density in the Galaxy and background galaxy number counts. </div> <div class='clear'></div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/sims/IPAC-STScI_Goddard_Grism_sim.html"><div class='image plot'> <img src="/images/slitless7.1_crop.jpeg" /> </div> <div class='details'> <div class='title'> <div class='tr'> <div class='td'> Simulated Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope near-IR grism image that matches the direct image with nominal dispersion. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='caption_popup'> Simulated grism image of the previous direct image field with nominal (10.8&Aring;/pixel) dispersion, covering 1 to 1.9 microns. </div> <div class='clear'></div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/images/wfirst/SDT2015-FOV-2.png"><!-- title: "Fig. 1-1 in the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope-AFTA Science Definition Team and Study Office Final Report, 2015" do --> <div class='image plot'> <img src="/images/wfirst/SDT2015-FOV-2.png" /> </div> <div class='details'> <div class='title'> <div class='tr'> <div class='td'> Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope WFI Field of View<br> compared to HST and JWST. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='caption_popup'> Field of view comparison, to scale, of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope wide field instrument with wide field instruments on the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes. Each square is a 4k x 4k HgCdTe sensor array. The field of view is 0.28 degrees<sup>2</sup>. 2015 SDT Report. </div> <div class='clear'></div> </a> </li> <li> <!-- = link_to "/sims/Coronagraph_Image_sim.html" do --> <a href="/images/wfirst/SDT2015-Coron_science.png"><div class='image plot'> <img src="/images/wfirst/SDT2015-Coron_science.png" /> </div> <div class='details'> <div class='title'> <div class='tr'> <div class='td'> Simulated Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope coronagraph image of 47 Ursae Majoris, showing two detected planets. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='caption_popup'> Simulated Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope coronagraph image of the star 47 Ursae Majoris, showing two directly detected planets. Simulation parameters: 10 hr exposure time, 525-580 nm, Hybrid Lyot Coronagraph. Field of view of 1.36&quot;. 2015 SDT Report. </div> <div class='clear'></div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/sims/Exoplanet_Albedos.html"><div class='image plot'> <img src="/images/Cahoy2010_albedo_spectrum_2.png" /> </div> <div class='details'> <div class='title'> <div class='tr'> <div class='td'> Simulated albedo spectrum for Neptune analog </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='caption_popup'> A theoretical albedo spectrum using data from the Cahoy et al. 2010 models. Such simulations help assess the detectability of exoplanets in reflected light by the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument, the feasibility of discriminating exoplanets from background stars and galaxies, and exoplanet yields. </div> <div class='clear'></div> </a> </li> <!-- %li --> <!-- = link_to "/sims/Exoplanet_Data_Challenges.html#Microlensing_Challenge_1" do --> <!-- .image.plot --> <!-- = image_tag "/images/microlensing_data_challenge_1_front_page.jpg" --> <!-- .details --> <!-- .title --> <!-- .tr --> <!-- .td --> <!-- Microlensing Data Analysis Challenge #1 now open --> <!-- .caption_popup --> <!-- Schematic diagram of a star (red) and planet (blue) lensing the light of a more distant star (yellow) as seen from the Earth. --> <!-- .clear --> <li> <a href="/sims/Microlensing_Python_Notebook_Tutorial.html"><div class='image plot'> <img src="/images/models.png" /> </div> <div class='details'> <div class='title'> <div class='tr'> <div class='td'> Microlensing light curve models compared to simulated Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope data </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='caption_popup'> Figure shows Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope simulated data in black, and the best fit models generated using the pyLIMA, MuLensModel and muLAn microlensing software packages. This figure is generated at the end of the tutorial python notebook available on this site. </div> <div class='clear'></div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class='panel_header slide_controls'> <!-- %span.title --> <!-- = link_to "News.html" do --> <!-- News: --> <!-- /%i.icon-white.icon-arrow-right --> <!-- = link_to "#", :id => "slide_control_0", :class => "slide_control active" do --> <!-- .active_arrow --> <!-- 1 --> <!-- = link_to "#", :id => "slide_control_1", :class => "slide_control" do --> <!-- .active_arrow --> <!-- 2 --> <!-- %span.spacer --> <!-- &nbsp; --> <span class='title'> Img: <!-- %i.icon-white.icon-arrow-right --> </span> <a id="slide_control_0" class="slide_control active" href="#"><div class='active_arrow'></div> 1 </a> <a id="slide_control_1" class="slide_control" href="#"><div class='active_arrow'></div> 2 </a> <a id="slide_control_2" class="slide_control" href="#"><div class='active_arrow'></div> 3 </a> <a id="slide_control_3" class="slide_control" 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<ul> <li> Mar. 6, 2025 </li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> ROMAN24 Proposals Due </ul> </td> </tr> <!-- <tr> --> <!-- <td width='33%'> --> <!-- <ul> --> <!-- <li> --> <!-- Jul. 9-12, 2024 --> <!-- </li> --> <!-- </ul> --> <!-- </td> --> <!-- <td> --> <!-- <ul> --> <!-- <a href="">Challenging Theory with Roman: From Planet Formation to Cosmology</a> --> <!-- </ul> --> <!-- </td> --> <!-- </tr> --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Feb. 17, 2023 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- CCS science pitch due late spring 2023 CCS white papers due --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jan. 25, 2023 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- CCS Q&A (4PM ET) --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jan. 08-12, 2023 --> <!-- Seattle (Hybrid Meeting) --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- =link_to "241th AAS meeting","mtgs/Roman_AAS_241.html" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- July 17-22, 2022 --> <!-- Montreal, Quebec, Canada --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- =link_to "SPIE Astronomical Conference 2022","mtgs/Roman_SPIE_2022.html" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jun. 12-16, 2022 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- =link_to "240th AAS meeting (Pasadena, CA)","mtgs/Roman_AAS_240.html" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Feb. 8-10, 2022 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "Exploring the Transient Universe with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope", "" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Nov. 15-19, 2021 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- =link_to "Roman Science Team Community Briefing","" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Oct. 26, 28, 2021 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "Roman Coronagraph Instrument Information Sessions", "mtgs/Roman_CGI_workshop.html" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Apr. 30, 2021 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "Results of the 2nd Exoplanet Data Challenge", "sims/Exoplanet_Data_Challenges.html#CGI_Exoplanet_Challenge_2" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jun. 7-9, 2021 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- AAS 238th Meeting --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jan. 10-15, 2021 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "237th AAS Meeting", "mtgs/Roman_AAS_237.html" --> <!-- --> <!-- hosted online at STScI. --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Oct. 05-09, 2020 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "Galaxy Formation in the Era of Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope", "" --> <!-- hosted online at STScI. --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Sep. 14-15, 2020 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- Fifth annual --> <!-- = link_to "ExSoCal 2020", "" --> <!-- occurring online and hosted by University of California, Riverside. --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Oct. 16-17, 2019 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "Exoplanet Data Challenge kick off", "" --> <!-- at Flatiron Institute in New York City. --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Apr. 21, 2019 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- Abstract deadline for --> <!-- = link_to "Science in Our Own Backyard", "" --> <!-- meeting. --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- May 26, 2019 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- Registration deadline for --> <!-- = link_to "Science in Our Own Backyard", "" --> <!-- meeting. --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jun.18-20, 2019 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "Science in Our Own Backyard: Exploring the Galaxy and the Local Group with WFIRST", "" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jun.24-25, 2019 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "CGI Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge Hackathon at IPAC", "" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Winter 2019 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- Announcement of results from --> <!-- = link_to "Microlensing Data Challenge #1.", "/sims/Exoplanet_Data_Challenges.html#Microlensing_Challenge_1" --> <!-- Entries are now being evaluated. --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- August 7-11, 2017 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "Microlensing in the Era of WFIRST", "" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- June 26-28, 2017 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "STScI conference on WFIRST synergies", " " --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Jan. 5, 2017 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "229th AAS meeeting: WFIRST Status and Science Opportunities", "" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- Sept. 26-27th 2016 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- WFI software meeting at Princeton --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- October 5-6th 2016 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- FWSG meeting at the Maritime Institute in Baltimore --> <!-- --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- January 31st 2017 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "1/2 day Microlensing Workshop at Caltech", "" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td{:width=>"33%"} --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- %li --> <!-- February 1st-3rd 2017 --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- = link_to "21st International Microlensing Conference: Ushering in the New Age of Microlensing from Space at the Pasadena Sheraton", --> <!-- "" --> <!-- %tr --> <!-- %td --> <!-- %ul --> <!-- &nbsp --> <!-- %br --> </table> </div> </div> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_header'> <h1> Simulations Quick Links &nbsp; <a href="/sims/Simulations_csv.html">(Overview)</a> </h1> </div> <div class='panel_dark'> <table class='link_grid'> <tr> <td width='66%'> <a href="/sims/Param_db.html"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li style='line-height: normal'> Spacecraft & Instrument Parameters </li> </ul> </a> </td> <td> <a href="/sims/Code.html"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Simulation Code </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/sims/ETC.html"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Exposure Time Calculators </li> </ul> </a> </td> <td> <a href="/sims/Tools.html"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Analysis Tools </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- /%td --> <!-- / = link_to "/sims/Simulations_csv.html" do --> <!-- / %span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <!-- / Simulations: --> <td> <a href="/sims/Simulations_csv.html#instrument"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Simulations by Instrument </li> </ul> </a> </td> <td> <a href="/sims/Simulations_csv.html#topic"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Simulations by Science Topic </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_header'> <h1> Community Engagement &nbsp; <a href="/Community.html">(Overview)</a> </h1> </div> <div class='panel_dark'> <table class='link_grid'> <tr> <td> <a href="/Meetings.html"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Workshops, Meetings and Talks </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/Lectures.html"><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Virtual Lecture Series </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class='panel_border'> <div class='panel_header'> <h1> External Links </h1> </div> <div class='panel_dark'> <table class='link_grid'> <tr> <td> <a href=""><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope at GSFC </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=""><!-- /%span --> <!-- / &bull; --> <ul> <li> Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope at JPL </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=""><ul> <li> Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope at STScI </li> </ul> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='footer_wrapper'> <div class='container'> <div class='row'> <div class='footer'> <div class='span8'> <div class='affiliates right'> <a alt="National Aeronautics and Space Administration" title="National Aeronautics and Space Administration" href=""><img src="/images/icon_nasa.png" /></a> <a alt="Goddard Space Flight Center" title="Goaddard Space Flight Center" href=""><img src="/images/icon_gsfc_transparent.gif" /></a> <a alt="Jet Propulsion Laboratory" title="Jet Propulsion Laboratory" href=""><img src="/images/icon_jpl.png" /></a> <a alt="IPAC" title="IPAC" href=""><img src="/images/icon_ipac.png" /></a> <a alt="Space Telescope Science Institute" title="Space Telescope Science Institute" href=""><img 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