NKC/Serials - Holdings
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window.document.referrer.match('item-schedule') ) this.href = ''"> <img src="" border=0 alt="Back to Full View of Record"></a> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table id="record" width=100%> <tr> <td class=td1> Auto 7 : nov媒 automobilov媒 t媒den铆k<br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=td1> Praha : Motor-Presse Bohemia, 2004-2020<br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=td1> 17 svazk暖 ; 29-30 cm<br> </td> </tr> <!-- filename item-global-tail-1 --> </table> <br> <hr width="65%"> <!-- filename: item-global-head-2 --> <!--table border=0 cellspacing=2 width=100%> <tr class=tr1> <th class="text3"> </th> <th class="text3">Description</th> </tr> <!-- filename item-global-tail-2 --> </table> <hr--> <! filename: item-global-dropdown-menus-a --> </table> <!--p class="text9"> The whole library is closed for public. No online requests are allowed at the time. Thank you for your kind understanding. </p--> <p class="text9"> Click on the link <b>Request</b> to make a hold request for an item. </p> <form method=get name=form1 action=""> <input type="hidden" name=func value=item-global> <input type="hidden" name=doc_library value=NKC01> <input type="hidden" name=doc_number value=001315487> <input type="hidden" name=type value=03> <table> <tr> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b1 --> <td class="text3" nowrap>Select year</td> <td> <select name=year> <option value=""> All</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2020>2020</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2019>2019</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2018>2018</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2017 SELECTED>2017</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2016>2016</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2015>2015</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2014>2014</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2013>2013</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2012>2012</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2011>2011</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2010>2010</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2009>2009</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2008>2008</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2007>2007</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2006>2006</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2005>2005</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=2004>2004</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b4 --> </select> </td> <!-- filename: item-global-dropdown-menus-b2 --> <td class="text3" nowrap> volume</td> <td> <select name=volume> <option value=""> All</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='1'>1</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='2'>2</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='3'>3</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='4'>4</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='5'>5</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='6'>6</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='7'>7</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='8'>8</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='9'>9</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='10'>10</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='11'>11</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='12'>12</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='13'>13</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='14'>14</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value='15'>15</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b4 --> </select> </td> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b3 --> <td class="text3" nowrap> sublibrary</td> <td> <select name=sub_library> <option value=""> All</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=211>NATIONAL ARCHIVAL COLLECTION</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=207>PERIODICALS READING ROOM</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=215>STACKS KLEMENTINUM</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b --> <option value=415>STACKS KLEMENTINUM 3</option> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-b4 --> </select> </td> <!-- filename: item-global-dropdown-menus-b5 --> <td class="text3"> <input type="checkbox" name="no_loaned" value= "Y" >Hide loaned items </td> <!-- item-global-dropdown-menus-c --> <td align="right"> <input type="image" src="" border=0 align="absmiddle" alt="Go"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <!-- item-global-prev-next --> <!--table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=2> <tr> <th colspan=7 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class=td1 id=centered>-</td--> <!--Due hour--> <!--td class=td1 id=centered><br></td--> <!--No Requests--> <td class=td1 id=centered><br></td> <!--Description--> <td class=td1>R.2017 Ro膷.14 Leden-pros.</td> <!--Loan status--> <td class=td1>to reading room</td> <!--Sub-library--> <td class=td1>STACKS KLEMENTINUM 3</td> <!--Collection--> <td class=td1>stacks</td> <!--Location-2--> <td class=td1 nowrap><br></td> <!--note-opac--> <td class=td1><br></td> <!--Location--> <!--td class=td1>Nc 064029</td--> <!--Pages--> <!--td class=td1><br></td--> <!--Barcode--> <!--td class=td1>1002002294</td--> <!--SFX--> <!--td class=td1><a href='javascript:open_window("");'><img src= border=0 alt='Use SFX services'></A></td--> <!--Copy Number--> <!--td class=td1> 0</td--> </tr> <!--filename: item-global-body--> <tr> <td class=td1><a href= >Expand</A><BR></td> <!--Due date--> <td class=td1 id=centered>-</td> <!--Due date (special)--> <!--td class=td1 id=centered>-</td--> <!--Due hour--> <!--td class=td1 id=centered><br></td--> <!--No Requests--> <td class=td1 id=centered><br></td> <!--Description--> <td class=td1>R.2017 Ro膷.14 Leden-pros.</td> <!--Loan status--> <td class=td1>archival copy</td> <!--Sub-library--> <td class=td1>NATIONAL ARCHIVAL COLLECTION</td> <!--Collection--> <td class=td1>stacks</td> <!--Location-2--> <td class=td1 nowrap><br></td> <!--note-opac--> <td class=td1><br></td> <!--Location--> <!--td class=td1>P III 075111</td--> <!--Pages--> <!--td class=td1><br></td--> <!--Barcode--> <!--td class=td1>1003845457</td--> <!--SFX--> <!--td class=td1><a href='javascript:open_window("");'><img src= border=0 alt='Use SFX services'></A></td--> <!--Copy Number--> <!--td class=td1> 0</td--> </tr> <!-- item-global-body-tail --> </table> <!-- item-global-prev-next --> <!--table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=2> <tr> <th colspan=7 align="left"><img src= border=0 alt='No Previous Page'></th> <th colspan=7 align="right"><img src= border=0 alt='No Next Page'></th> </tr> </table--> 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