Access Library Resource — UW–Madison Libraries
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3.08h6.582v-7.49h-2.383c-1.677 0-2.38-.28-2.94-1.33l-4.06-7.699c-1.257-2.31-2.52-2.8-2.52-2.8v-.14s1.123-.56 2.663-2.8l9.026-13.439h-9.866l-7.28 11.269c-.77 1.12-2.24 1.33-3.36 1.33h-2.663V55.239c0-3.29-1.467-4.06-4.757-4.06h-8.469v7.559h2.8c.977 0 1.537.49 1.537 1.54l.001 40.598zm48.606-9.589c0 7 6.09 10.429 11.969 10.429 8.819 0 11.759-7.629 11.689-7.629h.14s-.07 1.05-.07 2.59c0 2.87 1.19 4.2 4.2 4.2h4.83v-4.13h-2.94c-.98 0-1.54-.49-1.54-1.54V78.338c0-7.559-2.66-13.509-13.789-13.509-3.08 0-11.479 1.05-11.479 5.95v3.36h4.55v-2.24c0-2.59 5.11-3.08 6.86-3.08 6.44 0 9.099 2.59 9.099 9.939v.42h-1.96c-6.09-.001-21.559.419-21.559 12.109zm4.899-.28c0-7.909 11.059-8.049 16.589-8.049h2.03v1.61c0 6.09-4.06 13.089-10.779 13.089-5.25-.001-7.84-3.361-7.84-6.65zm52.287 5.599c0 3.01 1.26 4.27 4.27 4.27h20.369c3.01 0 4.27-1.26 4.27-4.27v-4.9h-4.62v3.29c0 1.05-.56 1.54-1.54 1.54h-16.31c-.98 0-1.54-.49-1.54-1.54V55.939c0-3.01-1.26-4.27-4.27-4.27h-5.18v4.34h3.01c.98 0 1.54.49 1.54 1.54l.001 39.057zm35.928-38.917h4.62v-6.02h-4.62v6.02zm.14 38.917c0 3.01 1.26 4.27 4.27 4.27h4.97v-4.13h-2.94c-.98 0-1.54-.49-1.54-1.54V69.938c0-3.01-1.26-4.27-4.27-4.27h-4.97v4.13h2.94c.98 0 1.54.56 1.54 1.54v25.268zm17.006 4.27h4.62v-3.08c0-1.68-.14-2.87-.14-2.87h.14s3.15 6.79 11.549 6.79c9.239 0 15.889-7.28 15.889-18.409 0-10.919-5.88-18.479-15.329-18.479-9.029 0-11.969 6.72-11.969 6.72h-.14s.14-1.26.14-2.87V55.939c0-3.01-1.26-4.27-4.27-4.27h-4.97v4.13h2.94c.98 0 1.54.56 1.54 1.54v43.537zm4.619-17.499c0-10.009 5.53-14.209 11.409-14.209 6.51 0 11.129 5.53 11.129 14.139 0 8.959-5.11 14.209-11.339 14.209-7.559 0-11.198-7.069-11.199-14.139zm36.468 17.499h4.76V86.037c0-2.24.28-4.62.98-6.86 1.54-5.18 5.25-9.099 10.219-9.099.91 0 1.75.14 1.75.14v-4.69s-.91-.21-1.89-.21c-5.53 0-9.449 4.06-11.129 9.379h-.14s.14-1.19.14-2.66v-2.38c0-2.8-1.33-3.99-4.27-3.99h-4.9v4.13h2.94c.98 0 1.54.56 1.54 1.54v29.539zm19.745-9.589c0 7 6.09 10.429 11.969 10.429 8.819 0 11.759-7.629 11.689-7.629h.14s-.07 1.05-.07 2.59c0 2.87 1.19 4.2 4.2 4.2h4.83v-4.13h-2.94c-.98 0-1.54-.49-1.54-1.54V78.338c0-7.559-2.66-13.509-13.789-13.509-3.08 0-11.479 1.05-11.479 5.95v3.36h4.55v-2.24c0-2.59 5.11-3.08 6.86-3.08 6.44 0 9.099 2.59 9.099 9.939v.42h-1.96c-6.09-.001-21.559.419-21.559 12.109zm4.899-.28c0-7.909 11.059-8.049 16.589-8.049h2.03v1.61c0 6.09-4.06 13.089-10.779 13.089-5.25-.001-7.84-3.361-7.84-6.65zm35.438 9.869h4.76V86.037c0-2.24.28-4.62.98-6.86 1.54-5.18 5.25-9.099 10.219-9.099.91 0 1.75.14 1.75.14v-4.69s-.91-.21-1.89-.21c-5.53 0-9.449 4.06-11.129 9.379h-.14s.14-1.19.14-2.66v-2.38c0-2.8-1.33-3.99-4.27-3.99h-4.9v4.13h2.94c.98 0 1.54.56 1.54 1.54v29.539zm25.572-43.187h4.62v-6.02h-4.62v6.02zm.14 38.917c0 3.01 1.26 4.27 4.27 4.27h4.97v-4.13h-2.94c-.98 0-1.54-.49-1.54-1.54V69.938c0-3.01-1.26-4.27-4.27-4.27h-4.97v4.13h2.94c.98 0 1.54.56 1.54 1.54v25.268zm13.926-5.319c0 7 6.09 10.429 11.969 10.429 8.819 0 11.759-7.629 11.689-7.629h.14s-.07 1.05-.07 2.59c0 2.87 1.19 4.2 4.2 4.2h4.83v-4.13h-2.94c-.98 0-1.54-.49-1.54-1.54V78.338c0-7.559-2.66-13.509-13.789-13.509-3.08 0-11.479 1.05-11.479 5.95v3.36h4.55v-2.24c0-2.59 5.11-3.08 6.86-3.08 6.44 0 9.099 2.59 9.099 9.939v.42h-1.96c-6.09-.001-21.559.419-21.559 12.109zm4.9-.28c0-7.909 11.059-8.049 16.589-8.049h2.03v1.61c0 6.09-4.06 13.089-10.779 13.089-5.25-.001-7.84-3.36-7.84-6.65zm35.438 9.869h4.76V84.007c0-1.68.14-3.29.56-4.76 1.61-5.81 6.79-9.939 12.809-9.939 6.79 0 7.629 4.9 7.629 10.429v16.869c0 3.01 1.26 4.27 4.27 4.27h4.97v-4.13h-2.94c-.98 0-1.54-.49-1.54-1.54V78.478c0-8.679-3.08-13.649-11.829-13.649-8.259 0-12.739 5.67-13.999 8.889h-.14s.14-1.12.14-2.52v-1.61c0-2.66-1.33-3.92-4.27-3.92h-4.9v4.13h2.94c.98 0 1.54.56 1.54 1.54v29.538z"/><linearGradient id="a" x1="110.107" x2="189.634" y1="83.582" y2="70.496" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 105.144)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop offset="0" style="stop-color:#0073ce"/><stop offset="1" style="stop-color:#53adf5"/></linearGradient><path fill="url(#a)" d="M116.29 1.716a2.916 2.916 0 0 0-2.916 2.916v33.426a2.282 2.282 0 0 0 0 .117v14.019l11.217-11.22h47.562a2.916 2.916 0 0 0 2.916-2.916V4.632a2.916 2.916 0 0 0-2.916-2.916H116.29z"/><path fill="url(#a)" d="M130.201 43.78v2.692a2.916 2.916 0 0 0 2.916 2.916h44.855L186.285 55V10.241a2.916 2.916 0 0 0-2.916-2.916h-5.498v33.539a2.916 2.916 0 0 1-2.916 2.916h-44.754z"/><circle cx="132.33" cy="21.458" r="4.375" fill="#fff"/><circle cx="146.224" cy="21.458" r="4.375" fill="#fff"/><circle cx="159.348" cy="21.458" r="4.375" fill="#fff"/></svg> </a> </section> <section> <h1>NetID Information</h1> <p>If you need assistance with your NetID and password, please <a href="">contact the DoIT Helpdesk</a>. <strong>For security reasons, the Help Desk will only handle NetID and password issues over the phone.</strong></p> <p><a href="">NetID Account Utilities</a> – Information on resetting passwords, activating accounts, and modifying accounts.</p> <p><a href="">NetID Eligibility</a> – Eligibility for a UW-Madison NetID and eligibility for remote access to library resources are <em>not</em> equivalent. <strong>Some NetID accounts may not allow access to library resources from off campus.</strong></p> </ul> </section> </aside> </div> </main> <footer> <div id="primary-footer" class="max_width"> <div id="wisc-logo"> <a href="" aria-label="University of Wisconsin-Madison"><svg viewBox="0 0 326 216"><path d="M21.3 195.1c-5.7-4.1-6.2-3.7-8.3-10.1l-7.3-23c-1.1-3.4-2.1-7.5-5.2-9.6v-.2h9.1c-.2 1.4.4 3.3.7 4.5l9.3 28.9 7.3-23.7c1.2-3.8 2.4-7.8-1-9.6v-.2h8.8c-.4 1.6.1 3.5.9 6.3l8.7 27 7-22.8c1.1-3.5 3.2-8.6-1.7-10.3v-.2h9.6l-13.1 42.8c-5.7-3.9-6.2-3.6-8.2-10L31 163.7l-9.7 31.4zM64.5 161.1c0-2.9.4-7.4-2.7-8.6v-.2h11.8v.2c-3.1 1.2-2.7 5.8-2.7 8.6v23.5c0 2.8-.4 7.3 2.7 8.5v.2H61.7v-.2c3.1-1.1 2.7-5.7 2.7-8.5v-23.5zM102.2 159.7c-2.4-2.5-6.3-3.9-9.8-3.9-3.5 0-8 1.4-8 5.7 0 8.5 21.4 8.4 21.4 19.9 0 6.7-7 12.9-16.7 12.9-3.8 0-7.6-.6-11.1-1.9l-1.8-7.8c3.7 3.2 8.8 5.2 13.6 5.2 3.5 0 8.9-2.1 8.9-6.5 0-9.7-21.4-8-21.4-21.2 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2.5-.7 2.5-2 0-1.2-.8-1.9-2.4-1.9H63v3.9zM73.3 211.5c.3 1.4 1.3 2.1 2.9 2.1 1.8 0 2.5-.8 2.5-1.9 0-1.2-.6-1.8-2.9-2.4-2.7-.7-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.2 0-1.7 1.3-3.1 3.8-3.1 2.8 0 3.9 1.6 4.1 3.1h-1.6c-.2-1-.8-1.9-2.5-1.9-1.4 0-2.2.6-2.2 1.7s.6 1.5 2.7 2c3.3.8 3.9 2.1 3.9 3.6 0 1.9-1.4 3.3-4.2 3.3-2.9 0-4.2-1.6-4.4-3.4h1.6zM84.5 203.2v11.6H83v-11.6h1.5zM90.4 204.5h-3.7v-1.3h9v1.3H92v10.3h-1.5v-10.3zM101.2 214.8v-4.2c0-.1 0-.2-.1-.3l-4.1-7h1.8c1 1.9 2.7 4.9 3.3 5.9.5-1 2.2-4 3.3-5.9h1.6l-4.2 7c0 .1-.1.1-.1.3v4.2h-1.5zM123.5 208.9c0 3.2-1.8 6-5.4 6-3.4 0-5.3-2.6-5.3-5.9 0-3.3 1.9-5.9 5.4-5.9 3.3-.1 5.3 2.4 5.3 5.8zm-9.1 0c0 2.5 1.3 4.7 3.8 4.7 2.7 0 3.8-2.2 3.8-4.7s-1.2-4.6-3.8-4.6c-2.7 0-3.8 2.2-3.8 4.6zM126.3 203.2h7.4v1.3h-5.9v3.8h5.5v1.3h-5.5v5.2h-1.5v-11.6zM142.5 214.8l-3.1-11.6h1.6c.9 3.8 2.1 8.6 2.4 9.9.3-1.5 1.9-6.9 2.6-9.9h1.5c.7 2.6 2.3 8.5 2.5 9.8.4-2 2-7.5 2.6-9.8h1.5l-3.4 11.6h-1.6c-.7-2.7-2.2-8.2-2.5-9.6-.3 1.7-1.8 6.9-2.6 9.6h-1.5zM158 203.2v11.6h-1.5v-11.6h1.5zM162.2 211.5c.3 1.4 1.3 2.1 2.9 2.1 1.8 0 2.5-.8 2.5-1.9 0-1.2-.6-1.8-2.9-2.4-2.7-.7-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.2 0-1.7 1.3-3.1 3.8-3.1 2.8 0 3.9 1.6 4.1 3.1h-1.6c-.2-1-.8-1.9-2.5-1.9-1.4 0-2.2.6-2.2 1.7s.6 1.5 2.7 2c3.3.8 3.9 2.1 3.9 3.6 0 1.9-1.4 3.3-4.2 3.3-2.9 0-4.2-1.6-4.4-3.4h1.6zM181.1 211.5c-.5 2-2 3.4-4.6 3.4-3.5 0-5.2-2.6-5.2-5.9 0-3.1 1.7-6 5.3-6 2.7 0 4.2 1.6 4.6 3.5h-1.5c-.4-1.3-1.2-2.2-3.1-2.2-2.6 0-3.6 2.3-3.6 4.7 0 2.3 1 4.7 3.7 4.7 1.8 0 2.6-1 3-2.1h1.4zM193.9 208.9c0 3.2-1.8 6-5.4 6-3.4 0-5.3-2.6-5.3-5.9 0-3.3 1.9-5.9 5.4-5.9 3.2-.1 5.3 2.4 5.3 5.8zm-9.2 0c0 2.5 1.3 4.7 3.8 4.7 2.7 0 3.8-2.2 3.8-4.7s-1.2-4.6-3.8-4.6c-2.6 0-3.8 2.2-3.8 4.6zM196.6 214.8v-11.6h2c1.7 2.7 5.3 8.5 5.9 9.7-.1-1.5-.1-3.3-.1-5.2v-4.5h1.4v11.6H204c-1.5-2.5-5.3-8.7-6-10 .1 1.3.1 3.3.1 5.4v4.6h-1.5zM210.1 211.5c.3 1.4 1.3 2.1 2.9 2.1 1.8 0 2.5-.8 2.5-1.9 0-1.2-.6-1.8-2.9-2.4-2.7-.7-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.2 0-1.7 1.3-3.1 3.8-3.1 2.8 0 3.9 1.6 4.1 3.1h-1.6c-.2-1-.8-1.9-2.5-1.9-1.4 0-2.2.6-2.2 1.7s.6 1.5 2.7 2c3.3.8 3.9 2.1 3.9 3.6 0 1.9-1.4 3.3-4.2 3.3-2.9 0-4.2-1.6-4.4-3.4h1.6zM221.3 203.2v11.6h-1.5v-11.6h1.5zM224.8 214.8v-11.6h2c1.7 2.7 5.3 8.5 5.9 9.7-.1-1.5-.1-3.3-.1-5.2v-4.5h1.4v11.6h-1.9c-1.5-2.5-5.3-8.7-6-10 .1 1.3.1 3.3.1 5.4v4.6h-1.4zM243.4 209.8v1.3h-6.6v-1.3h6.6zM256.1 209.8c0-2.2 0-4.3.1-5.6h-.1c-.5 1.9-2.4 6.8-3.7 10.5H251c-1-3-2.9-8.5-3.5-10.5.1 1.3.1 3.9.1 5.9v4.6h-1.4v-11.6h2.3c1.3 3.6 2.9 8.2 3.3 9.7.3-1.1 2.2-6.2 3.5-9.7h2.2v11.6H256v-4.9zM262.6 211.3l-1.2 3.5h-1.5l4.1-11.6h1.9l4.3 11.6h-1.6l-1.3-3.5h-4.7zm4.2-1.3c-1.1-3-1.7-4.7-2-5.5-.3 1-1 2.9-1.8 5.5h3.8zM272.3 203.2h4.1c3.3 0 5.5 2.2 5.5 5.7 0 3.4-2.1 5.9-5.5 5.9h-4.1v-11.6zm1.5 10.3h2.4c2.7 0 4-2 4-4.6 0-2.3-1.2-4.4-4-4.4h-2.4v9zM286.2 203.2v11.6h-1.5v-11.6h1.5zM290.3 211.5c.3 1.4 1.3 2.1 2.9 2.1 1.8 0 2.5-.8 2.5-1.9 0-1.2-.6-1.8-2.9-2.4-2.7-.7-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.2 0-1.7 1.3-3.1 3.8-3.1 2.8 0 3.9 1.6 4.1 3.1h-1.6c-.2-1-.8-1.9-2.5-1.9-1.4 0-2.2.6-2.2 1.7s.6 1.5 2.7 2c3.3.8 3.9 2.1 3.9 3.6 0 1.9-1.4 3.3-4.2 3.3-2.9 0-4.2-1.6-4.4-3.4h1.6zM310.1 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11.9 12.6 10 13.2 10 1.8 0 3.1-2.8 3.1-6.5s-1.4-6.5-3.1-6.5c-1.1 0-2.9.8-3.1 4.1-.1 2.3 1 5.4 2.5 1.5-1.2 1.7-2.6.2-1.2.1-3-1-3.3-.3-.1-.7.1-.8.5-. 2.2 0 2-2.1 1-1.8-2.2.2-2.9 1.7-2.7 1.8-2.7.8 0 2.1 1.7 2.1 4.9 0 2.8-1.4 5.9-4 4.3-2.2-1.6-3.1-5.3-2.5-8.2.3-1.3 1.4-4.9 5.1-4.9 5.3 0 10.2 2.8 14.2 8-.4 1.4-3.2 6.7-11.8 11.7-.2.1-.5.3-.5.2-2.6-1.1-5.1-1.8-8-1.6-2.6.1-5.1.6-7.5 1.2-.5.1-1 .2-1.5.2s-1-.1-1.5-.2c-2.5-.6-5-1.1-7.5-1.2-2.9-.2-5.4.5-8 1.6 0 0-.3-.2-.5-.2-8.7-5.1-11.4-10.3-11.8-11.7 3.9-5.2 8.9-8 14.2-8 3.7 0 4.8 3.6 5.1 4.9.6 2.9-.3 6.6-2.5 8.2-2.6 1.6-4-1.5-4-4.3 0-3.2 1.2-4.9 2.1-4.9.1 0 1.5-.2 1.8 2.7.3 3.2-1.8 4.2-1.8 2.2 0-1.4.7-1.9.6-2.2-.1-.3-.4-.5-.8-.5-1.1.3-1.2 2.1-1 3.3.2 1.4.9 2.7 1.7 2.6 1.5-.2 2.6-3.3 2.5-5.6-.2-3.3-2-4.1-3.1-4.1-1.7 0-3.1 2.8-3.1 6.5s1.3 6.5 3.1 6.5c.7.1 14.3 1.9 13.2-10-.4-4.3-2.5-7.7-4.9-9.9-1.1-1-2.3-1.6-3.9-2.1-1.1-.3-1.8-.5-2.7-.7 1.7-3.4 6-5 9.8-2.6zm-25.6 49c-4.4-.4-7.8-1.9-9.4-2.7.7-11.9 3.7-21.2 8.1-27.4.8 2 4.2 7.1 12 11.7-6.7 3.9-9.7 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