Carrollton, GA - Pay Traffic Tickets

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Center St<br> Carrollton GA 30117<br> <br> <u><b>Court Clerk</b></u><br> Angie Rogers<br> <b>770-834-4451</b><br> <br> <u>To process a payment:</u><br> <b>877-575-7233</b><br> or <a href=", GA payment issue" title="">Send Email</a><br> <br> <sup class="redStar">*</sup> = Required<br> <br> <img src="" aria-label="Comodo secure logo" alt="Comodo secure logo"><br> <img src="" aria-label="Credit Card Logos" alt="Credit Card Logos"><br> <br> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function(e){ $.getScript(""); $.getScript("/resources/js/ubold/web/captcha.js?mt=1699323033"); }; </script> </div> <!-- container --> </div> <!-- content --> <!-- footer-web class is only used for web except all payer account page --> <!-- Floating top button --> <!-- <div class="floating-button-section w-100 flex justify-content-center text-center mt-2"> <div class="floating-top-button"> <button class="primary-color drop-shadow hidden"> Go to top </button> </div> <div> </div> </div> --> <!-- END floating top button --> <div class="padding-bottom"></div> <!-- Footer --> <footer class="animate-in "> <div class="text-center "> <p>Customer Service: <a href="tel:1-877-575-7233 ">1-877-575-7233</a> | <a href="./terms.html ">Terms & Conditions漏</a> <br> <a href="">Government Window, LLC</a>. 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