National Guard contacts food bank in the Rio Grande Valley - Houston Chronicle

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setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6770600" src="" alt="Gov. Rick Perry salutes National Guard troops at Camp Swift in Bastrop, Texas on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014 after talking to them about their upcoming mission along the Texas border. Perry visited some of the 1,000 troops he has ordered to the Texas-Mexico border but says he does not know how long they'll be deployed. (AP Photo/San Antonio Express-News, William Luther) Photo: William Luther, Associated Press / San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By William Luther/Associated Press&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Gov. Rick Perry salutes National Guard troops at Camp Swift in Bastrop, Texas on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014 after talking to them about their upcoming mission along the Texas border. Perry visited some of the 1,000 troops he has ordered to the Texas-Mexico border but says he does not know how long they'll be deployed. (AP Photo/San Antonio Express-News, William Luther) </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index2"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6722938" src="" alt="Gov. Rick Perry shakes hands with National Guard troops training at Camp Swift in Bastrop, Texas on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014. Perry visited some of the 1,000 troops he has ordered to the Texas-Mexico border but says he does not know how long they'll be deployed. (AP Photo/San Antonio Express-News, William Luther) Photo: William Luther, Associated Press / San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By William Luther/Associated Press&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Gov. Rick Perry shakes hands with National Guard troops training at Camp Swift in Bastrop, Texas on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014. Perry visited some of the 1,000 troops he has ordered to the Texas-Mexico border but says he does not know how long they'll be deployed. (AP Photo/San Antonio Express-News, William Luther) </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index3"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530462" src="" alt="Using an inflatable raft, smugglers, carry immigrants across the Rio Grande near the international bridge in Roma. Law officials say higher-risk smuggling operations are moving into Starr County to avoid areas now saturated with officers. Photo: Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Using an inflatable raft, smugglers, carry immigrants across the Rio Grande near the international bridge in Roma. Law officials say higher-risk smuggling operations are moving into Starr County to avoid areas now saturated with officers. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index4"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528937" src="" alt="Young travelers cross the border into Guatemals at Corinto, Honduras, however the one in the red shirt at right, Luis Hernandez, was turned away for being underage. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Young travelers cross the border into Guatemals at Corinto, Honduras, however the one in the red shirt at right, Luis Hernandez, was turned away for being underage. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index5"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528938" src="" alt="Young travelers cross the border into Guatemals at Corinto, Honduras, however the one in the red shirt at right, Luis Hernandez, was turned away for being underage. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Young travelers cross the border into Guatemals at Corinto, Honduras, however the one in the red shirt at right, Luis Hernandez, was turned away for being underage. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index6"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528939" src="" alt="A Mexican bus full of deported Honduran families with children crosses the Guatemalan border at Corinto, Honduras, taking them back to the Family and Children Shelter in San Pedro Sula. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Mexican bus full of deported Honduran families with children crosses the Guatemalan border at Corinto, Honduras, taking them back to the Family and Children Shelter in San Pedro Sula. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index7"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528940" src="" alt="A deported Honduran teenager peers out a Mexican bus as it arrives in Corinto, Honduras, at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. A total of 7 busses returned a total of 254 adults and children that were apprehended in Mexico. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A deported Honduran teenager peers out a Mexican bus as it arrives in Corinto, Honduras, at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. A total of 7 busses returned a total of 254 adults and children that were apprehended in Mexico. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index8"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528941" src="" alt="The man at right collects money as he sells bus tickets to deported Hondurans that were dropped off in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The bus will take them to San Pedro Sula where they live, or will continue their journey to their home town. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> The man at right collects money as he sells bus tickets to deported Hondurans that were dropped off in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The bus will take them to San Pedro Sula where they live, or will continue their journey to their home town. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index9"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528942" src="" alt="Nelsi Selena Bonilla, right, 18, who was separated from her husband after being deported from Mexico, sits dejected next to a man who was also deported, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Bonilla was dropped off at the small border town on Wednesday and has been sleeping outside a Red Cross station waiting for her husband in case he makes it back. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Nelsi Selena Bonilla, right, 18, who was separated from her husband after being deported from Mexico, sits dejected next to a man who was also deported, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Bonilla was dropped off at the small border town on Wednesday and has been sleeping outside a Red Cross station waiting for her husband in case he makes it back. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index10"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528943" src="" alt="Captain Carlos Madrid, right, of the Honduras Military Police prepares to check identification papers of women on a bus traveling to Guatemala, as the men passengers line up to be searched, near the border town of Corinto, Honduras. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Captain Carlos Madrid, right, of the Honduras Military Police prepares to check identification papers of women on a bus traveling to Guatemala, as the men passengers line up to be searched, near the border town of Corinto, Honduras. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index11"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528944" src="" alt="Teenage boys play soccer video games in the back room of a small snack store in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The sparsely populated area is know for human and drug trafficking with many hidden crossing points into Guatemala. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Teenage boys play soccer video games in the back room of a small snack store in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The sparsely populated area is know for human and drug trafficking with many hidden crossing points into Guatemala. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index12"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528945" src="" alt="A small boy chops wood for his family with a machete almost as big as him, at his home in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border, where hidden crossing spots are heavily used by guides or coyotes in human trafficking. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A small boy chops wood for his family with a machete almost as big as him, at his home in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border, where hidden crossing spots are heavily used by guides or coyotes in human trafficking. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index13"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528946" src="" alt="A Military Police officer stands guard as passengers re-board a bus on its' way to Guatemala after being checked for authorized papers near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Military Police officer stands guard as passengers re-board a bus on its' way to Guatemala after being checked for authorized papers near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index14"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528947" src="" alt="Lluis Hernandez, right, 19, who was turned away at the Guatemala border for being a minor, pleads his case to an immigtation officer at the Immigration Office in Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The officer walked him away from the immigration office towards the small town of Corinto, and the young man wasn't seen again. Corinto is known for hidden crossing points going into Guatemala undetected. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Lluis Hernandez, right, 19, who was turned away at the Guatemala border for being a minor, pleads his case to an immigtation officer at the Immigration Office in Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The officer walked him away from the immigration office towards the small town of Corinto, and the young man wasn't seen again. Corinto is known for hidden crossing points going into Guatemala undetected. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index15"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528948" src="" alt="Captain Carlos Madrid of the Honduras Military Police checks the identification papers of a Honduran woman traveling with her two children to Guatemala, near the border town of Corinto, Honduras. One child was born in Honduras and the other was born in Guatemala, and they were allowed to pass. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Captain Carlos Madrid of the Honduras Military Police checks the identification papers of a Honduran woman traveling with her two children to Guatemala, near the border town of Corinto, Honduras. One child was born in Honduras and the other was born in Guatemala, and they were allowed to pass. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index16"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528949" src="" alt="Luis Hernandez, 19, of Honduras, looks back at the Guatemalan border where he was turned away for being a minor, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Luis Hernandez, 19, of Honduras, looks back at the Guatemalan border where he was turned away for being a minor, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index17"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528950" src="" alt="A Honduran woman waits for her paper work to be processed by an immigration worker so she can travel to Guatemala, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Honduran woman waits for her paper work to be processed by an immigration worker so she can travel to Guatemala, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index18"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528953" src="" alt="A bus traveling from Honduras to Guatemala is detained as Honduran Military Police check identification papers of the travelers, near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. The men were searched off the bus while the women had their ID's checked inside. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A bus traveling from Honduras to Guatemala is detained as Honduran Military Police check identification papers of the travelers, near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. The men were searched off the bus while the women had their ID's checked inside. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index19"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528954" src="" alt="A Honduran Military Police stands guard as a truck is inspected at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Honduran Military Police stands guard as a truck is inspected at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index20"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528955" src="" alt="Male bus passengers are searched by Honduran Military Police at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. They were allowed to pass but still had to present papers to immigration at the border. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Male bus passengers are searched by Honduran Military Police at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. They were allowed to pass but still had to present papers to immigration at the border. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index21"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528956" src="" alt="Honduran Military Police guard the highway to Guatemala at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Guides, or &quot;coyotes&quot; are know to escort people around the check point as well as immigration at the border to be undetected. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Honduran Military Police guard the highway to Guatemala at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Guides, or "coyotes" are know to escort people around the check point as well as immigration at the border to be undetected. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index22"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528957" src="" alt="A Honduran Military Police officer checks the papers of passengers in a vehicle traveling to Guatemala, near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Honduran Military Police officer checks the papers of passengers in a vehicle traveling to Guatemala, near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index23"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528958" src="" alt="Evin Salvapena, center, walks away from the check point at the Guatemalan border near Corinto, Honduras, for being underage and traveling without permission from his parents. Friday, June 27, 2014. The man in the white shirt, who claimed to be Salvapena's cousin, argues his point with a Guatemalan border official. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Evin Salvapena, center, walks away from the check point at the Guatemalan border near Corinto, Honduras, for being underage and traveling without permission from his parents. Friday, June 27, 2014. The man in the white shirt, who claimed to be Salvapena's cousin, argues his point with a Guatemalan border official. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index24"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528959" src="" alt="Osmedi Guerra, center, who claims to be a cousin of Evin Salvapena, right, ponders what to do, after Salvapena was turned away from crossing the border into Guatemala because he is underage, in Corinto, Honduras. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Osmedi Guerra, center, who claims to be a cousin of Evin Salvapena, right, ponders what to do, after Salvapena was turned away from crossing the border into Guatemala because he is underage, in Corinto, Honduras. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index25"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530439" src="" alt="A deported Honduran teenager peers out a Mexican bus as it arrives in Corinto, Honduras, at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. A total of 7 busses returned a total of 254 adults and children that were apprehended in Mexico. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A deported Honduran teenager peers out a Mexican bus as it arrives in Corinto, Honduras, at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. A total of 7 busses returned a total of 254 adults and children that were apprehended in Mexico. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index26"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530442" src="" alt="A small boy chops wood for his family with a machete almost as big as him, at his home in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border, where hidden crossing spots are heavily used by guides or coyotes in human trafficking. Friday, June 27, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A small boy chops wood for his family with a machete almost as big as him, at his home in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border, where hidden crossing spots are heavily used by guides or coyotes in human trafficking. Friday, June 27, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index27"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528951" src="" alt="The SWAT team of the Honduras Military Police stand guard in front of one of three luxury homes in the subdivision of El Pedregal in San Pedro Sula. The homes are owned by area drug and human trafficking groups that are rented out to launder money. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> The SWAT team of the Honduras Military Police stand guard in front of one of three luxury homes in the subdivision of El Pedregal in San Pedro Sula. The homes are owned by area drug and human trafficking groups that are rented out to launder money. Thursday, June 26, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index28"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528952" src="" alt="A SWAT team member of the Honduras Military Police stands guard in front of one of three luxury homes in the subdivision of El Pedregal in San Pedro Sula, as an investigator talks to a resident. The homes are owned by area drug and human trafficking groups, that are rented out to launder money. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A SWAT team member of the Honduras Military Police stands guard in front of one of three luxury homes in the subdivision of El Pedregal in San Pedro Sula, as an investigator talks to a resident. The homes are owned by area drug and human trafficking groups, that are rented out to launder money. Thursday, June 26, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index29"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530461" src="" alt="Fany Galeano, 30, and her 12-year-old daughter, Keyla, were making their way north when they were caught in Veracruz, Mexico, and deported. They'll try again to get to Houston, where family members live. Photo: Bob Owen / San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen / San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Fany Galeano, 30, and her 12-year-old daughter, Keyla, were making their way north when they were caught in Veracruz, Mexico, and deported. They'll try again to get to Houston, where family members live. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index30"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528961" src="" alt="Recently, Mexico deported Fany Galeano, 30, calls for her 12 year-old daughter Keyla, who together arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Recently, Mexico deported Fany Galeano, 30, calls for her 12 year-old daughter Keyla, who together arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index31"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528963" src="" alt="Keyla Galeano, right, 12, who was recently deported from Mexico with her 30 year-old mother Fany Galeano, arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. Her mother is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, again where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Jose Alvarado, Keyla's father who is divorced from Galeano, waits for her in the doorway. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Keyla Galeano, right, 12, who was recently deported from Mexico with her 30 year-old mother Fany Galeano, arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. Her mother is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, again where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Jose Alvarado, Keyla's father who is divorced from Galeano, waits for her in the doorway. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index32"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6528964" src="" alt="Elementary school children walk home in Bario Satelite where Fany Galeano and her 12 year-old daughter Keyla live. Recently, Mexico deported Galeano, 30, and her daughter, who arrived back in their home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. Galeano is already planning another attempt to reach Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Elementary school children walk home in Bario Satelite where Fany Galeano and her 12 year-old daughter Keyla live. Recently, Mexico deported Galeano, 30, and her daughter, who arrived back in their home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. Galeano is already planning another attempt to reach Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index33"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6529095" src="" alt="Recently, Mexico deported Fany Galeano, 30, and her 12 year-old daughter Keyla, who arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. She sits texting on her new phone in her favorite chair, a broken down, overstuffed easy chair, where earlier this morning her phone was stolen from her at gun point. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Recently, Mexico deported Fany Galeano, 30, and her 12 year-old daughter Keyla, who arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. She sits texting on her new phone in her favorite chair, a broken down, overstuffed easy chair, where earlier this morning her phone was stolen from her at gun point. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index34"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6529097" src="" alt="Keyla Galeano, 12, right, listens to her 30 year-old mother Fany Galeano, talk about trying again to reach the U.S. Recently, Mexico deported Galeano, and her daughter Keyla, who arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Photo: Bob Owen, San Antonio Express-News / ©2013 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Bob Owen/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Keyla Galeano, 12, right, listens to her 30 year-old mother Fany Galeano, talk about trying again to reach the U.S. Recently, Mexico deported Galeano, and her daughter Keyla, who arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index35"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530467" src="" alt="A Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter hovers over the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Park. The land in the foreground is on the Mexican side of the river. Photo: Photos By Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Photos by Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter hovers over the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Park. The land in the foreground is on the Mexican side of the river. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index36"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530469" src="" alt="One-year-old Belinda Gomez and her mother, Maria Julia Gomez, 20, of Guatemala look at their photo taken by Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza at the Sacred Heart shelter. / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> One-year-old Belinda Gomez and her mother, Maria Julia Gomez, 20, of Guatemala look at their photo taken by Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza at the Sacred Heart shelter. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index37"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530470" src="" alt="Immigrants remove their shoelaces as U.S. Border Patrol agents processed them in the Texas community of Granjeno. / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Immigrants remove their shoelaces as U.S. Border Patrol agents processed them in the Texas community of Granjeno. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index38"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525807" src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 8:49 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical Team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano, left, and Senior Deputy Rene Rivera check out a van near the intersection of FM 490 and U.S. 281. The van was traveling on a known human trafficking road and the driver was given a warning after running a stop sign. The men in the van had Mexican passports and Visas. They were on their way to pick watermelons. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 27, 2014, 8:49 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical Team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano, left, and Senior Deputy Rene Rivera check out a van near the intersection of FM 490 and U.S. 281. The van was traveling on a known human trafficking road and the driver was given a warning after running a stop sign. The men in the van had Mexican passports and Visas. They were on their way to pick watermelons. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index39"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525808" src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 8:49 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical Team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano, right, and Senior Deputy Rene Rivera check out a van near the intersection of FM 490 and U.S. 281. The van was traveling on a known human trafficking road and the driver was given a warning after running a stop sign. The men in the van had Mexican passports and Visas. They were on their way to pick watermelons. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 27, 2014, 8:49 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical Team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano, right, and Senior Deputy Rene Rivera check out a van near the intersection of FM 490 and U.S. 281. The van was traveling on a known human trafficking road and the driver was given a warning after running a stop sign. The men in the van had Mexican passports and Visas. They were on their way to pick watermelons. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index40"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525742" src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index41"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525809" src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index42"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530435" src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index43"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525840" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 7;05 AM, ROMA, TEXAS - The sounds of roosters crowing and dogs barking are heard across the Rio Grande as dawnÕs light bathes Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Mexico. The tranquility of the river belies the popular crossing used by coyotes or smugglers carrying illegal immigrants from Mexico and other nations south of the border. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 7;05 AM, ROMA, TEXAS - The sounds of roosters crowing and dogs barking are heard across the Rio Grande as dawnÕs light bathes Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Mexico. The tranquility of the river belies the popular crossing used by coyotes or smugglers carrying illegal immigrants from Mexico and other nations south of the border. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index44"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525842" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:34 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - After an arduous two-week journey from San Salvador, El Salvador, five-year-old Oswaldo Ramirez, 5, is fascinated by a balloon while waiting with family at the bus station. Ramirez was traveling with his mother and two siblings as they headed to Maryland after being processed by U.S. Immigrations. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 3:34 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - After an arduous two-week journey from San Salvador, El Salvador, five-year-old Oswaldo Ramirez, 5, is fascinated by a balloon while waiting with family at the bus station. Ramirez was traveling with his mother and two siblings as they headed to Maryland after being processed by U.S. Immigrations. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index45"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525845" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 2:29 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza, left, plays with one-year-old Belinda Gomez, held by her mother, Maria Julia, 20, at the Sacred Heart shelter. The Guatemalans were headed to Atlanta. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 2:29 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza, left, plays with one-year-old Belinda Gomez, held by her mother, Maria Julia, 20, at the Sacred Heart shelter. The Guatemalans were headed to Atlanta. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index46"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525847" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:17 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Bus employee Daniel Villicana hands out manila envelopes to newly released immigrants from Central America. U.S. Immigration Services drops off the immigrants from Central America at bus stations after they are processed at the detentions center. They have orders to appear before an immigration judge at their final destination in this country. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 3:17 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Bus employee Daniel Villicana hands out manila envelopes to newly released immigrants from Central America. U.S. Immigration Services drops off the immigrants from Central America at bus stations after they are processed at the detentions center. They have orders to appear before an immigration judge at their final destination in this country. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index47"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525849" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:38 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Five-year-old Oswaldo Ramirez looks at his mother, Olga Ramirez, 23, after being ordered to behave at the bus station. Traveling on a two-week journey from San Salvador, El Salvador, Ramirez also brought his sister, Marilyn, 4, center, and brother, Everson, 18 months. The family entered the country illegally and surrendered to Border Patrol agents. After their release from a detention center, they were headed to Maryland. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 3:38 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Five-year-old Oswaldo Ramirez looks at his mother, Olga Ramirez, 23, after being ordered to behave at the bus station. Traveling on a two-week journey from San Salvador, El Salvador, Ramirez also brought his sister, Marilyn, 4, center, and brother, Everson, 18 months. The family entered the country illegally and surrendered to Border Patrol agents. After their release from a detention center, they were headed to Maryland. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index48"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525805" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:41 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Ana Gaspar, 21, holds her 18-month-old son, Miguel, while waiting to board a bus to Colorado. Gaspar was released by immigration officials pending a hearing before a judge at a later date in Colorado. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 3:41 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Ana Gaspar, 21, holds her 18-month-old son, Miguel, while waiting to board a bus to Colorado. Gaspar was released by immigration officials pending a hearing before a judge at a later date in Colorado. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index49"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525806" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:41 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Ana Gaspar, 21, holds her 18-month-old son, Miguel, while waiting to board a bus to Colorado. Gaspar was released by immigration officials pending a hearing before a judge at a later date in Colorado. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 3:41 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Ana Gaspar, 21, holds her 18-month-old son, Miguel, while waiting to board a bus to Colorado. Gaspar was released by immigration officials pending a hearing before a judge at a later date in Colorado. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index50"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530433" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 7;05 AM, ROMA, TEXAS - The sounds of roosters crowing and dogs barking are heard across the Rio Grande as dawnØs light bathes Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Mexico. The tranquility of the river belies the popular crossing used by coyotes or smugglers carrying illegal immigrants from Mexico and other nations south of the border. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 7;05 AM, ROMA, TEXAS - The sounds of roosters crowing and dogs barking are heard across the Rio Grande as dawnØs light bathes Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Mexico. The tranquility of the river belies the popular crossing used by coyotes or smugglers carrying illegal immigrants from Mexico and other nations south of the border. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index51"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6530459" src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 2:29 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS Ï One-year-old Belinda Gomez and her mother Maria Julia Gomez, 20, looks a their photo taken by Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza, at the Sacred Heart shelter. The Guatemalans were headed to Atlanta. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 26, 2014, 2:29 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS Ï One-year-old Belinda Gomez and her mother Maria Julia Gomez, 20, looks a their photo taken by Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza, at the Sacred Heart shelter. The Guatemalans were headed to Atlanta. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index52"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525698" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 12:24 PM, HIDALGO, COUNTY ‚Äì Cyclists ride by immigrants led out of a field by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on Shuerbach Road near Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 12:24 PM, HIDALGO, COUNTY ‚Äì Cyclists ride by immigrants led out of a field by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on Shuerbach Road near Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index53"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525838" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:05 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS Ð An infant cries as U.S. Border Patrol agents process a group of immigrants in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of ÒEl Rincon del Diablo,Ó the DevilÕs Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 5:05 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS Ð An infant cries as U.S. Border Patrol agents process a group of immigrants in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of ÒEl Rincon del Diablo,Ó the DevilÕs Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index54"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525839" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:04 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – After processed by Border Patrol agents, immigrants board a U.S. Government bus in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 5:04 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – After processed by Border Patrol agents, immigrants board a U.S. Government bus in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index55"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525799" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants wait to board a U.S. Government bus as Border Patrol agents process them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants wait to board a U.S. Government bus as Border Patrol agents process them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index56"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525795" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 12:25 PM, HIDALGO, COUNTY – Immigrants are led out of a field by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on Shuerbach Road near Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 12:25 PM, HIDALGO, COUNTY – Immigrants are led out of a field by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on Shuerbach Road near Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index57"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525803" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:04 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants children wait with parents as Border Patrol agents process them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 5:04 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants children wait with parents as Border Patrol agents process them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index58"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525828" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 1:34 PM, MISSION, TEXAS - A boat from the Texas Department of Public Safety Marine Unit patrols the Rio Grande upriver from Anzalduas Dam, Wednesday, June 25, 2014. A strong presence on land and water by units from the Department of Public Safety is visible in Hidalgo and Starr County in responds to a wave of immigrants from Central America. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 1:34 PM, MISSION, TEXAS - A boat from the Texas Department of Public Safety Marine Unit patrols the Rio Grande upriver from Anzalduas Dam, Wednesday, June 25, 2014. A strong presence on land and water by units from the Department of Public Safety is visible in Hidalgo and Starr County in responds to a wave of immigrants from Central America. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index59"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525829" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – A U.S. Government bus waits to transport immigrants being processed by Border Patrol agents in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – A U.S. Government bus waits to transport immigrants being processed by Border Patrol agents in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index60"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525830" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants put personal belonging into plastic bags provide by Border Patrol agents processing them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants put personal belonging into plastic bags provide by Border Patrol agents processing them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index61"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525832" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 9:28 AM, MISSION, TEXAS – A Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter hovers over the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Park. The park in the foreground is on the Mexican side of the river. The area has seen an increase in illegal crossings by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 9:28 AM, MISSION, TEXAS – A Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter hovers over the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Park. The park in the foreground is on the Mexican side of the river. The area has seen an increase in illegal crossings by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index62"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525837" src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS - Immigrants remove shoelaces as U.S. Border Patrol agents processed them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Agents confiscate the immigrants’ shoelaces to keep them from harming themselves. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS - Immigrants remove shoelaces as U.S. Border Patrol agents processed them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Agents confiscate the immigrants’ shoelaces to keep them from harming themselves. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index63"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525825" src="" alt="JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index64"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525826" src="" alt="JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index65"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525827" src="" alt="JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index66"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6487102" src="" alt="Skyrocketing numbers of immigrants such as these being questioned near McAllen have overburdened U.S. border security. Photo: Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Skyrocketing numbers of immigrants such as these being questioned near McAllen have overburdened U.S. border security. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index67"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6486897" src="" alt="After being questioned, the members of a group of unauthorized immigrants discovered near Anzalduas Park southwest of McAllen are loaded into Border Patrol vehicles. The U.S. now plans to seek more detention facilities for families. Photo: Photos By Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Photos by Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> <p>After being questioned, the members of a group of unauthorized immigrants discovered near Anzalduas Park southwest of McAllen are loaded into Border Patrol vehicles. The U.S. now plans to seek more detention facilities for families.</p> </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index68"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6453083" src="" alt="In a scene increasingly common, Border Patrol agents question adult and minor immigrants southwest of McAllen. Photo: Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> In a scene increasingly common, Border Patrol agents question adult and minor immigrants southwest of McAllen. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index69"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6452796" src="" alt="Some members of a group of immigrants — children in tow — who walked up to U.S. border agents southwest of McAllen are escorted to a transportation van. Photo: Photos By Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Photos by Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Some members of a group of immigrants — children in tow — who walked up to U.S. border agents southwest of McAllen are escorted to a transportation van. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index70"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6452797" src="" alt="Bryan Chavez, 17, who's from El Salvador, checks out the bus ticket he received for Marine County, California, at the terminal in McAllen. Chavez, his father and his sister all trekked to the United States. He and his father were released by authorities, but his sister was detained. / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Bryan Chavez, 17, who's from El Salvador, checks out the bus ticket he received for Marine County, California, at the terminal in McAllen. Chavez, his father and his sister all trekked to the United States. He and his father were released by authorities, but his sister was detained. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index71"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6452799" src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents question the immigrants who approached them. The surge in unauthorized immigration has swamped U.S. officials, who often release the immigrants on their own recognizance with orders to appear in court. / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> U.S. Border Patrol agents question the immigrants who approached them. The surge in unauthorized immigration has swamped U.S. officials, who often release the immigrants on their own recognizance with orders to appear in court. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index72"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6452800" src="" alt="A Texas Department of Public Safety marine unit patrols the Rio Grande southwest of McAllen. / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Texas Department of Public Safety marine unit patrols the Rio Grande southwest of McAllen. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index73"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6486862" src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents prepare to transport a couple of minor female immigrants in Hidalgo, County southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> U.S. Border Patrol agents prepare to transport a couple of minor female immigrants in Hidalgo, County southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index74"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449423" src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents prepare to transport a couple of minor female immigrants in Hidalgo, County southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> U.S. Border Patrol agents prepare to transport a couple of minor female immigrants in Hidalgo, County southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index75"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449415" src="" alt="Immigrant children stand by adults as a U.S. Border Patrol agent questions them near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. Soon after, to avoid media attention, the agents hustled them into a transportation van. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Immigrant children stand by adults as a U.S. Border Patrol agent questions them near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. Soon after, to avoid media attention, the agents hustled them into a transportation van. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index76"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449420" src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> U.S. Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index77"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449421" src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014.A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> U.S. Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014.A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index78"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449422" src="" alt="To avoid media attention, immigrant adults and children are hustled into a transportation van by U.S. Border Patrol agents near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The group of 13 walked up to the agents. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> To avoid media attention, immigrant adults and children are hustled into a transportation van by U.S. Border Patrol agents near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The group of 13 walked up to the agents. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index79"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449425" src="" alt="A Texas Department of Public Safety Marine Unit patrols the Rio Grande by Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> A Texas Department of Public Safety Marine Unit patrols the Rio Grande by Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index80"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449427" src="" alt="Men from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fish the river by Anzalduas Dam, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. According to law enforcement officials onsite, some of them act as lookouts for smuggling rings. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Men from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fish the river by Anzalduas Dam, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. According to law enforcement officials onsite, some of them act as lookouts for smuggling rings. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index81"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449428" src="" alt="People from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fish the river by Anzalduas Dam, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. According to law enforcement officials onsite, some of them act as lookouts for smuggling rings. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed the detention infrastructure. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> People from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fish the river by Anzalduas Dam, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. According to law enforcement officials onsite, some of them act as lookouts for smuggling rings. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed the detention infrastructure. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index82"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449429" src="" alt="Human footprints are seen on the banks of the Rio Grande under Anzalduas Bridge, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The Mexican side is visible beyond the river. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed the detention infrastructure. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Human footprints are seen on the banks of the Rio Grande under Anzalduas Bridge, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The Mexican side is visible beyond the river. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed the detention infrastructure. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index83"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449430" src="" alt="Recently released immigrants from Central American line up to receive bus tickets at the terminal in McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Relatives or friends of the immigrants provide the fund for the purchase of the tickets. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> Recently released immigrants from Central American line up to receive bus tickets at the terminal in McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Relatives or friends of the immigrants provide the fund for the purchase of the tickets. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index84"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6449431" src="" alt="One-year-old Danny Hernandez, Jr. waits with family to board a bus for Long Island, New York at the terminal in McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The family is from Zihualtepec, Honduras. With the child are from left, brother, Patrick, 6, mother, Jamileth Perez, 35 and brother, Leonel Alberto, 14. Relatives in the states purchased their tickets. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Photo: Jerry Lara, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Jerry Lara/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> One-year-old Danny Hernandez, Jr. waits with family to board a bus for Long Island, New York at the terminal in McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The family is from Zihualtepec, Honduras. With the child are from left, brother, Patrick, 6, mother, Jamileth Perez, 35 and brother, Leonel Alberto, 14. Relatives in the states purchased their tickets. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index85"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525851" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 10:54 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteer Mayra Shears points to a chalkboard where messages of gratitude are written by scores of immigrants who were provided aid at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Shears has lived in the country since the late 1980s after she fled Nicaragua and immigrated to the United States. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 10:54 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteer Mayra Shears points to a chalkboard where messages of gratitude are written by scores of immigrants who were provided aid at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Shears has lived in the country since the late 1980s after she fled Nicaragua and immigrated to the United States. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index86"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525853" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:34 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - A vendor hams for the camera while selling his wares to vehicles waiting to cross the international bridge to Brownsville. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 1:34 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - A vendor hams for the camera while selling his wares to vehicles waiting to cross the international bridge to Brownsville. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index87"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525856" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:41 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Vendor Andy (no last name given) sells Mexico soccer jerseys and Mexican flags to people waiting in their vehicles as they cross the international bridge to Brownsville. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 1:41 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Vendor Andy (no last name given) sells Mexico soccer jerseys and Mexican flags to people waiting in their vehicles as they cross the international bridge to Brownsville. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index88"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525857" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:41 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Vendor Andy (no last name given) offers to sell Mexico soccer jerseys and Mexican flags to drivers waiting in their vehicles as they cross the international bridge to Brownsville. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 1:41 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Vendor Andy (no last name given) offers to sell Mexico soccer jerseys and Mexican flags to drivers waiting in their vehicles as they cross the international bridge to Brownsville. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index89"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525859" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:30 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Two young Mexican men leave the Modulo de Atencion a Repatriados - a center to aid Mexicans who were deported from the United States - after getting paperwork from the Mexican government and some food and water. The two men were caught crossing over to Brownsville and were nabbed and sent back to Matamoros within minutes by border patrol according to one of the men who did not want to be identified. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 1:30 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Two young Mexican men leave the Modulo de Atencion a Repatriados - a center to aid Mexicans who were deported from the United States - after getting paperwork from the Mexican government and some food and water. The two men were caught crossing over to Brownsville and were nabbed and sent back to Matamoros within minutes by border patrol according to one of the men who did not want to be identified. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index90"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525860" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:30 p.m., Brownsville - A Catholic Charities volunteer escorts a group of immigrants to the welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid in the form of food, clothing and respite to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 4:30 p.m., Brownsville - A Catholic Charities volunteer escorts a group of immigrants to the welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid in the form of food, clothing and respite to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index91"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525861" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:05p.m., Brownsville - Catholic Charities volunteer Ida Escalante shows a packet that is given to unauthorized immigrants to aid them in travel at a welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 4:05p.m., Brownsville - Catholic Charities volunteer Ida Escalante shows a packet that is given to unauthorized immigrants to aid them in travel at a welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index92"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525862" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:39 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Martina Santos Barrera Garcia (center) with her daughter, Lisbeth, pick out clothing at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities after she was released by Homeland Security. Garcia was released with a group of unauthorized immigrants at the bus station near the church and was walked over by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. According to paperwork for Garcia she was from the Republic of Honduras. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 4:39 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Martina Santos Barrera Garcia (center) with her daughter, Lisbeth, pick out clothing at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities after she was released by Homeland Security. Garcia was released with a group of unauthorized immigrants at the bus station near the church and was walked over by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. According to paperwork for Garcia she was from the Republic of Honduras. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index93"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525863" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 11:13 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteer Ernesto Shears waits for the arrival of immigrants at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 11:13 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteer Ernesto Shears waits for the arrival of immigrants at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index94"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525864" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 11:45 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia walks toward a border fence along the Rio Grande River to check on traffic at the Brownsville Gateway bordering crossing before going over to Matamoros, Mexico. Garcia makes frequent trips to the Mexico city across of Brownsville to shop and see family. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 11:45 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia walks toward a border fence along the Rio Grande River to check on traffic at the Brownsville Gateway bordering crossing before going over to Matamoros, Mexico. Garcia makes frequent trips to the Mexico city across of Brownsville to shop and see family. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index95"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525865" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 11:45 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia walks toward a border fence along the Rio Grande River to check on traffic at the Brownsville Gateway bordering crossing before going over to Matamoros, Mexico. Garcia makes frequent trips to the Mexico city across of Brownsville to shop and see family. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 11:45 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia walks toward a border fence along the Rio Grande River to check on traffic at the Brownsville Gateway bordering crossing before going over to Matamoros, Mexico. Garcia makes frequent trips to the Mexico city across of Brownsville to shop and see family. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index96"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525866" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:01 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - An individual dressed as a caricature for Farmacias Similares, a pharmacy, attempts to entice customers to shop at their store. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 12:01 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - An individual dressed as a caricature for Farmacias Similares, a pharmacy, attempts to entice customers to shop at their store. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index97"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525867" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:14 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia (left) chats with shopkeeper Lourdes Sanchez at a market in Matamoros. Garcia often crosses the border into Mexico to shop and visit family. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 12:14 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia (left) chats with shopkeeper Lourdes Sanchez at a market in Matamoros. Garcia often crosses the border into Mexico to shop and visit family. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index98"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525868" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:17 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - A man walks by stands of fruit in Matamoros. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 12:17 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - A man walks by stands of fruit in Matamoros. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index99"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525869" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:30 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Alejandro Picasso attempts to sell windshield wipers near a market in Matamoros. Picasso claimed he need to sell the wipers to support his beer and marijuana habit. He rides his bicycle approximately 25 kilometers each day into town to work. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 12:30 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Alejandro Picasso attempts to sell windshield wipers near a market in Matamoros. Picasso claimed he need to sell the wipers to support his beer and marijuana habit. He rides his bicycle approximately 25 kilometers each day into town to work. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index100"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525870" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:38 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Nopales vendor Leoncio Aguilar is joined by his grandson, Valetin Lopez Gamez, at his decorative stand selling edible cactus on the streets of Matamoros. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 12:38 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Nopales vendor Leoncio Aguilar is joined by his grandson, Valetin Lopez Gamez, at his decorative stand selling edible cactus on the streets of Matamoros. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index101"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525810" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:46 p.m., Brownsville - Sister Evelyn Morales of Incarnate Word Academy in Brownsville reaches out to help a mother and her child at a welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid in the form of clothing, food and respite to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 4:46 p.m., Brownsville - Sister Evelyn Morales of Incarnate Word Academy in Brownsville reaches out to help a mother and her child at a welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid in the form of clothing, food and respite to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index102"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525812" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:05 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - A sign of Jesus Christ is taped onto a chalkboard at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 5:05 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - A sign of Jesus Christ is taped onto a chalkboard at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index103"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525813" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:51 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - An image of Jesus Christ is taped onto a chalkboard at in immigrant welcoming center Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 4:51 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - An image of Jesus Christ is taped onto a chalkboard at in immigrant welcoming center Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index104"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525814" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:18 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteers from Catholic Charities aid a young boy in a mud-caked wheelchair and his mother at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 5:18 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteers from Catholic Charities aid a young boy in a mud-caked wheelchair and his mother at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index105"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525815" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:20 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteers from Catholic Charities aid a young boy in a mud-caked wheelchair who crossed the border with his mother at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 5:20 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteers from Catholic Charities aid a young boy in a mud-caked wheelchair who crossed the border with his mother at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index106"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525816" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:35 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - A packet held by an unauthorized immigrant shows a bus ticket and paperwork while awaiting help at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released at a bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 5:35 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - A packet held by an unauthorized immigrant shows a bus ticket and paperwork while awaiting help at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released at a bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index107"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525818" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 8:18 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville residents Elizabeth Garcia (left) and Elisa Cortez chat in Cortez's backyard which was shortened due to the placement of a border fence. Cortez lives about a mile from the Rio Grande River which borders Mexico. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 8:18 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville residents Elizabeth Garcia (left) and Elisa Cortez chat in Cortez's backyard which was shortened due to the placement of a border fence. Cortez lives about a mile from the Rio Grande River which borders Mexico. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index108"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525819" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 8:20 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville residents Elizabeth Garcia (left) and Elisa Cortez chat in Cortez's backyard which was shortened due to the placement of a border fence. Cortez lives about a mile from the Rio Grande River which borders Mexico. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 8:20 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville residents Elizabeth Garcia (left) and Elisa Cortez chat in Cortez's backyard which was shortened due to the placement of a border fence. Cortez lives about a mile from the Rio Grande River which borders Mexico. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index109"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525821" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 9:56 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Signage near the intersection of Monsees Road and Milpa Verde in Cameron County just south of Brownsville displays opposition to the existing border fence that was built in the area. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 9:56 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Signage near the intersection of Monsees Road and Milpa Verde in Cameron County just south of Brownsville displays opposition to the existing border fence that was built in the area. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index110"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525822" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 10:05 p.m., Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas - Cameron County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Lopez patrols near George Saenz Lane near a border fence in the county south of Brownsville. With the aid of federal grants, the sheriff's office provides deputies with overtime to patrol the border. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 10:05 p.m., Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas - Cameron County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Lopez patrols near George Saenz Lane near a border fence in the county south of Brownsville. With the aid of federal grants, the sheriff's office provides deputies with overtime to patrol the border. </div> </li> <li class="galleryImageItem " id="hst_galleryitem_index111"> <a href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); return false;"> <img id="chron-photo-6525824" src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 10:13 p.m., Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas - Cameron County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Lopez patrols near FM 1419 or Southmost Blvd. - one of the southern most portions of roadway in the United States that borders Mexico. With the aid of federal grants, the sheriff's office provides deputies with overtime to patrol the border. Photo: Kin Man Hui, San Antonio Express-News / ©2014 San Antonio Express-News" class="tall-image"/> </a> <div class="smImageCredit alt-credit">Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News&nbsp;</div> <div class="smImageCaption"> June 26, 2014, 10:13 p.m., Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas - Cameron County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Lopez patrols near FM 1419 or Southmost Blvd. - one of the southern most portions of roadway in the United States that borders Mexico. With the aid of federal grants, the sheriff's office provides deputies with overtime to patrol the border. </div> </li> </ul> <div class="article_image_overlay art_overlay_prev"><a title="Previous image" class="imagePrevBtn" href="#previous" onclick="hst_galleryitem_index.prev(); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows(); return false;"><span class="off" style="display: block;"></span></a></div> <div class="article_image_overlay art_overlay_next"><a title="Next image" class="imageNextBtn" href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows(); return false;"><span style="display: block;"></span></a></div> <div class="agmSlideCounter"> <span class="smCounterNext"><a title="Next image" class="imageNextBtn" href="#next" onclick="; setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows(); return false;"><span></span></a></span> <div class="lgGalleryOverlayCounter" id="hst_galleryitem_index_showing"></div> <span class="smCounterPrev"><a title="Previous image" class="imagePrevBtn" href="#previous" onclick="hst_galleryitem_index.prev(); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows(); return false;"><span class="off"></span></a></span> </div> </div><!-- /.articleGalleryModuleContent --> <form action="javascript:void();"> <input type="hidden" id="hst_galleryitem_index_idi" value="1"/> <input type="hidden" id="hst_galleryitem_index_pi" value="False"/> </form> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var hrst_liid = 1; var hst_rotation_label = ''; new hstrot(111,1,'hst_galleryitem_index',0,111,1); hst_galleryitem_index.setup(); function hst_KeyCheck(e) { var KeyID = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; switch(KeyID) { case 37: hst_galleryitem_index.prev(); // arrow left setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows(); break; case 39:; // arrow right setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows(); break; } } document.onkeyup = hst_KeyCheck; //]]> </script> <div class="galleryThumbWrap"> <ul class="thumbCarousel"> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index1" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6770600" href="#photo-6770600" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,1); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Gov. Rick Perry salutes National Guard troops at Camp Swift in Bastrop, Texas on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014 after talking to them about their upcoming mission along the Texas border. Perry visited some of the 1,000 troops he has ordered to the Texas-Mexico border but says he does not know how long they'll be deployed. (AP Photo/San Antonio Express-News, William Luther)"/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index2" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6722938" href="#photo-6722938" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,2); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Gov. Rick Perry shakes hands with National Guard troops training at Camp Swift in Bastrop, Texas on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014. Perry visited some of the 1,000 troops he has ordered to the Texas-Mexico border but says he does not know how long they'll be deployed. (AP Photo/San Antonio Express-News, William Luther)"/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index3" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530462" href="#photo-6530462" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,3); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Using an inflatable raft, smugglers, carry immigrants across the Rio Grande near the international bridge in Roma. Law officials say higher-risk smuggling operations are moving into Starr County to avoid areas now saturated with officers."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index4" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528937" href="#photo-6528937" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,4); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Young travelers cross the border into Guatemals at Corinto, Honduras, however the one in the red shirt at right, Luis Hernandez, was turned away for being underage. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index5" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528938" href="#photo-6528938" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,5); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Young travelers cross the border into Guatemals at Corinto, Honduras, however the one in the red shirt at right, Luis Hernandez, was turned away for being underage. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index6" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528939" href="#photo-6528939" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,6); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Mexican bus full of deported Honduran families with children crosses the Guatemalan border at Corinto, Honduras, taking them back to the Family and Children Shelter in San Pedro Sula. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index7" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528940" href="#photo-6528940" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,7); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A deported Honduran teenager peers out a Mexican bus as it arrives in Corinto, Honduras, at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. A total of 7 busses returned a total of 254 adults and children that were apprehended in Mexico."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index8" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528941" href="#photo-6528941" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,8); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="The man at right collects money as he sells bus tickets to deported Hondurans that were dropped off in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The bus will take them to San Pedro Sula where they live, or will continue their journey to their home town."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index9" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528942" href="#photo-6528942" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,9); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Nelsi Selena Bonilla, right, 18, who was separated from her husband after being deported from Mexico, sits dejected next to a man who was also deported, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Bonilla was dropped off at the small border town on Wednesday and has been sleeping outside a Red Cross station waiting for her husband in case he makes it back. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index10" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528943" href="#photo-6528943" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,10); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Captain Carlos Madrid, right, of the Honduras Military Police prepares to check identification papers of women on a bus traveling to Guatemala, as the men passengers line up to be searched, near the border town of Corinto, Honduras. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index11" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528944" href="#photo-6528944" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,11); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Teenage boys play soccer video games in the back room of a small snack store in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The sparsely populated area is know for human and drug trafficking with many hidden crossing points into Guatemala."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index12" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528945" href="#photo-6528945" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,12); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A small boy chops wood for his family with a machete almost as big as him, at his home in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border, where hidden crossing spots are heavily used by guides or coyotes in human trafficking. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index13" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528946" href="#photo-6528946" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,13); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Military Police officer stands guard as passengers re-board a bus on its' way to Guatemala after being checked for authorized papers near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index14" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528947" href="#photo-6528947" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,14); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Lluis Hernandez, right, 19, who was turned away at the Guatemala border for being a minor, pleads his case to an immigtation officer at the Immigration Office in Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. The officer walked him away from the immigration office towards the small town of Corinto, and the young man wasn't seen again. Corinto is known for hidden crossing points going into Guatemala undetected."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index15" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528948" href="#photo-6528948" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,15); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Captain Carlos Madrid of the Honduras Military Police checks the identification papers of a Honduran woman traveling with her two children to Guatemala, near the border town of Corinto, Honduras. One child was born in Honduras and the other was born in Guatemala, and they were allowed to pass. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index16" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528949" href="#photo-6528949" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,16); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Luis Hernandez, 19, of Honduras, looks back at the Guatemalan border where he was turned away for being a minor, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index17" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528950" href="#photo-6528950" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,17); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Honduran woman waits for her paper work to be processed by an immigration worker so she can travel to Guatemala, in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index18" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528953" href="#photo-6528953" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,18); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A bus traveling from Honduras to Guatemala is detained as Honduran Military Police check identification papers of the travelers, near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. The men were searched off the bus while the women had their ID's checked inside. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index19" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528954" href="#photo-6528954" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,19); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Honduran Military Police stands guard as a truck is inspected at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index20" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528955" href="#photo-6528955" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,20); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Male bus passengers are searched by Honduran Military Police at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. They were allowed to pass but still had to present papers to immigration at the border. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index21" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528956" href="#photo-6528956" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,21); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Honduran Military Police guard the highway to Guatemala at a military check point near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Guides, or &quot;coyotes&quot; are know to escort people around the check point as well as immigration at the border to be undetected. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index22" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528957" href="#photo-6528957" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,22); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Honduran Military Police officer checks the papers of passengers in a vehicle traveling to Guatemala, near Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index23" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528958" href="#photo-6528958" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,23); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Evin Salvapena, center, walks away from the check point at the Guatemalan border near Corinto, Honduras, for being underage and traveling without permission from his parents. Friday, June 27, 2014. The man in the white shirt, who claimed to be Salvapena's cousin, argues his point with a Guatemalan border official."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index24" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528959" href="#photo-6528959" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,24); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Osmedi Guerra, center, who claims to be a cousin of Evin Salvapena, right, ponders what to do, after Salvapena was turned away from crossing the border into Guatemala because he is underage, in Corinto, Honduras. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index25" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530439" href="#photo-6530439" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,25); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A deported Honduran teenager peers out a Mexican bus as it arrives in Corinto, Honduras, at the Guatemala border. Friday, June 27, 2014. A total of 7 busses returned a total of 254 adults and children that were apprehended in Mexico."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index26" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530442" href="#photo-6530442" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,26); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A small boy chops wood for his family with a machete almost as big as him, at his home in Corinto, Honduras at the Guatemala border, where hidden crossing spots are heavily used by guides or coyotes in human trafficking. Friday, June 27, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index27" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528951" href="#photo-6528951" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,27); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="The SWAT team of the Honduras Military Police stand guard in front of one of three luxury homes in the subdivision of El Pedregal in San Pedro Sula. The homes are owned by area drug and human trafficking groups that are rented out to launder money. Thursday, June 26, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index28" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528952" href="#photo-6528952" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,28); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A SWAT team member of the Honduras Military Police stands guard in front of one of three luxury homes in the subdivision of El Pedregal in San Pedro Sula, as an investigator talks to a resident. The homes are owned by area drug and human trafficking groups, that are rented out to launder money. Thursday, June 26, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index29" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530461" href="#photo-6530461" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,29); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Fany Galeano, 30, and her 12-year-old daughter, Keyla, were making their way north when they were caught in Veracruz, Mexico, and deported. They'll try again to get to Houston, where family members live."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index30" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528961" href="#photo-6528961" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,30); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Recently, Mexico deported Fany Galeano, 30, calls for her 12 year-old daughter Keyla, who together arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index31" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528963" href="#photo-6528963" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,31); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Keyla Galeano, right, 12, who was recently deported from Mexico with her 30 year-old mother Fany Galeano, arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. Her mother is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, again where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. Jose Alvarado, Keyla's father who is divorced from Galeano, waits for her in the doorway."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index32" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6528964" href="#photo-6528964" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,32); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Elementary school children walk home in Bario Satelite where Fany Galeano and her 12 year-old daughter Keyla live. Recently, Mexico deported Galeano, 30, and her daughter, who arrived back in their home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. Galeano is already planning another attempt to reach Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index33" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6529095" href="#photo-6529095" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,33); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Recently, Mexico deported Fany Galeano, 30, and her 12 year-old daughter Keyla, who arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014. She sits texting on her new phone in her favorite chair, a broken down, overstuffed easy chair, where earlier this morning her phone was stolen from her at gun point."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index34" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6529097" href="#photo-6529097" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,34); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Keyla Galeano, 12, right, listens to her 30 year-old mother Fany Galeano, talk about trying again to reach the U.S. Recently, Mexico deported Galeano, and her daughter Keyla, who arrived back in her home town of San Pedro Sula, Honduras last night, having been apprehended in Veracruz, MX. She is already planning an attempt to go to Houston, TX, where family members live. Thursday, June 26, 2014."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index35" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530467" href="#photo-6530467" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,35); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter hovers over the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Park. The land in the foreground is on the Mexican side of the river."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index36" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530469" href="#photo-6530469" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,36); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="One-year-old Belinda Gomez and her mother, Maria Julia Gomez, 20, of Guatemala look at their photo taken by Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza at the Sacred Heart shelter."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index37" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530470" href="#photo-6530470" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,37); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Immigrants remove their shoelaces as U.S. Border Patrol agents processed them in the Texas community of Granjeno."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index38" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525807" href="#photo-6525807" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,38); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 8:49 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical Team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano, left, and Senior Deputy Rene Rivera check out a van near the intersection of FM 490 and U.S. 281. The van was traveling on a known human trafficking road and the driver was given a warning after running a stop sign. The men in the van had Mexican passports and Visas. They were on their way to pick watermelons."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index39" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525808" href="#photo-6525808" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,39); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 8:49 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical Team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano, right, and Senior Deputy Rene Rivera check out a van near the intersection of FM 490 and U.S. 281. The van was traveling on a known human trafficking road and the driver was given a warning after running a stop sign. The men in the van had Mexican passports and Visas. They were on their way to pick watermelons."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index40" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525742" href="#photo-6525742" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,40); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index41" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525809" href="#photo-6525809" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,41); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index42" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530435" href="#photo-6530435" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,42); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 27, 2014, 9:28 AM, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS - Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department Tactical team Senior Deputy Sheriff Tony Castellano looks over an immigrant campsite near the corner of North Ware Road and West Monte Cristo Road north of McAllen, Texas. The site is a staging area for the immigrants heading farther north into the U.S."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index43" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525840" href="#photo-6525840" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,43); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 7;05 AM, ROMA, TEXAS - The sounds of roosters crowing and dogs barking are heard across the Rio Grande as dawnÕs light bathes Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Mexico. The tranquility of the river belies the popular crossing used by coyotes or smugglers carrying illegal immigrants from Mexico and other nations south of the border."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index44" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525842" href="#photo-6525842" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,44); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:34 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - After an arduous two-week journey from San Salvador, El Salvador, five-year-old Oswaldo Ramirez, 5, is fascinated by a balloon while waiting with family at the bus station. Ramirez was traveling with his mother and two siblings as they headed to Maryland after being processed by U.S. Immigrations."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index45" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525845" href="#photo-6525845" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,45); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 2:29 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza, left, plays with one-year-old Belinda Gomez, held by her mother, Maria Julia, 20, at the Sacred Heart shelter. The Guatemalans were headed to Atlanta."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index46" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525847" href="#photo-6525847" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,46); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:17 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Bus employee Daniel Villicana hands out manila envelopes to newly released immigrants from Central America. U.S. Immigration Services drops off the immigrants from Central America at bus stations after they are processed at the detentions center. They have orders to appear before an immigration judge at their final destination in this country."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index47" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525849" href="#photo-6525849" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,47); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:38 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Five-year-old Oswaldo Ramirez looks at his mother, Olga Ramirez, 23, after being ordered to behave at the bus station. Traveling on a two-week journey from San Salvador, El Salvador, Ramirez also brought his sister, Marilyn, 4, center, and brother, Everson, 18 months. The family entered the country illegally and surrendered to Border Patrol agents. After their release from a detention center, they were headed to Maryland."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index48" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525805" href="#photo-6525805" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,48); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:41 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Ana Gaspar, 21, holds her 18-month-old son, Miguel, while waiting to board a bus to Colorado. Gaspar was released by immigration officials pending a hearing before a judge at a later date in Colorado."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index49" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525806" href="#photo-6525806" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,49); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 3:41 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS - Ana Gaspar, 21, holds her 18-month-old son, Miguel, while waiting to board a bus to Colorado. Gaspar was released by immigration officials pending a hearing before a judge at a later date in Colorado."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index50" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530433" href="#photo-6530433" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,50); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 7;05 AM, ROMA, TEXAS - The sounds of roosters crowing and dogs barking are heard across the Rio Grande as dawnØs light bathes Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Mexico. The tranquility of the river belies the popular crossing used by coyotes or smugglers carrying illegal immigrants from Mexico and other nations south of the border."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index51" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6530459" href="#photo-6530459" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,51); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 26, 2014, 2:29 PM, MCALLEN, TEXAS Ï One-year-old Belinda Gomez and her mother Maria Julia Gomez, 20, looks a their photo taken by Catholic Charities volunteer Carmen Garza, at the Sacred Heart shelter. The Guatemalans were headed to Atlanta."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index52" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525698" href="#photo-6525698" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,52); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 12:24 PM, HIDALGO, COUNTY ‚Äì Cyclists ride by immigrants led out of a field by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on Shuerbach Road near Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index53" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525838" href="#photo-6525838" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,53); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:05 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS Ð An infant cries as U.S. Border Patrol agents process a group of immigrants in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of ÒEl Rincon del Diablo,Ó the DevilÕs Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index54" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525839" href="#photo-6525839" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,54); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:04 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – After processed by Border Patrol agents, immigrants board a U.S. Government bus in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index55" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525799" href="#photo-6525799" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,55); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants wait to board a U.S. Government bus as Border Patrol agents process them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central"/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index56" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525795" href="#photo-6525795" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,56); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 12:25 PM, HIDALGO, COUNTY – Immigrants are led out of a field by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on Shuerbach Road near Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index57" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525803" href="#photo-6525803" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,57); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:04 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants children wait with parents as Border Patrol agents process them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index58" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525828" href="#photo-6525828" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,58); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 1:34 PM, MISSION, TEXAS - A boat from the Texas Department of Public Safety Marine Unit patrols the Rio Grande upriver from Anzalduas Dam, Wednesday, June 25, 2014. A strong presence on land and water by units from the Department of Public Safety is visible in Hidalgo and Starr County in responds to a wave of immigrants from Central America."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index59" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525829" href="#photo-6525829" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,59); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – A U.S. Government bus waits to transport immigrants being processed by Border Patrol agents in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index60" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525830" href="#photo-6525830" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,60); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS – Immigrants put personal belonging into plastic bags provide by Border Patrol agents processing them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index61" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525832" href="#photo-6525832" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,61); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 9:28 AM, MISSION, TEXAS – A Texas Department of Public Safety helicopter hovers over the Rio Grande near Anzalduas Park. The park in the foreground is on the Mexican side of the river. The area has seen an increase in illegal crossings by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index62" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525837" href="#photo-6525837" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,62); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 25, 2014, 5:02 PM, GRANJENO, TEXAS - Immigrants remove shoelaces as U.S. Border Patrol agents processed them in Granjeno, Texas. The city is just north of “El Rincon del Diablo,” the Devil’s Corner, a hotbed of illegal border crossing on the Rio Grande by juvenile and mothers with children immigrants from Central America. Agents confiscate the immigrants’ shoelaces to keep them from harming themselves."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index63" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525825" href="#photo-6525825" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,63); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index64" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525826" href="#photo-6525826" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,64); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index65" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525827" href="#photo-6525827" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,65); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="JUNE 24, 2014, 2:02 PM, ROMA, TEXAS - Using an inflatable raft, coyotes, or smugglers, carry immigrants across by the international bridge on the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas. According to law enforcement officials, higher risk smuggling operations have moved into Starr County in order to avoid the saturated border in Hidalgo, County."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index66" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6487102" href="#photo-6487102" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,66); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Skyrocketing numbers of immigrants such as these being questioned near McAllen have overburdened U.S. border security."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index67" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6486897" href="#photo-6486897" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,67); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="After being questioned, the members of a group of unauthorized immigrants discovered near Anzalduas Park southwest of McAllen are loaded into Border Patrol vehicles. The U.S. now plans to seek more detention facilities for families."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index68" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6453083" href="#photo-6453083" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,68); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="In a scene increasingly common, Border Patrol agents question adult and minor immigrants southwest of McAllen."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index69" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6452796" href="#photo-6452796" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,69); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Some members of a group of immigrants — children in tow — who walked up to U.S. border agents southwest of McAllen are escorted to a transportation van."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index70" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6452797" href="#photo-6452797" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,70); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Bryan Chavez, 17, who's from El Salvador, checks out the bus ticket he received for Marine County, California, at the terminal in McAllen. Chavez, his father and his sister all trekked to the United States. He and his father were released by authorities, but his sister was detained."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index71" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6452799" href="#photo-6452799" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,71); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents question the immigrants who approached them. The surge in unauthorized immigration has swamped U.S. officials, who often release the immigrants on their own recognizance with orders to appear in court."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index72" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6452800" href="#photo-6452800" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,72); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Texas Department of Public Safety marine unit patrols the Rio Grande southwest of McAllen."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index73" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6486862" href="#photo-6486862" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,73); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents prepare to transport a couple of minor female immigrants in Hidalgo, County southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index74" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449423" href="#photo-6449423" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,74); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents prepare to transport a couple of minor female immigrants in Hidalgo, County southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index75" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449415" href="#photo-6449415" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,75); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Immigrant children stand by adults as a U.S. Border Patrol agent questions them near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. Soon after, to avoid media attention, the agents hustled them into a transportation van. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index76" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449420" href="#photo-6449420" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,76); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index77" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449421" href="#photo-6449421" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,77); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="U.S. Border Patrol agents question a group of adult and minor immigrants near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014.A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index78" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449422" href="#photo-6449422" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,78); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="To avoid media attention, immigrant adults and children are hustled into a transportation van by U.S. Border Patrol agents near Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The group of 13 walked up to the agents. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index79" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449425" href="#photo-6449425" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,79); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="A Texas Department of Public Safety Marine Unit patrols the Rio Grande by Anzalduas Park, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index80" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449427" href="#photo-6449427" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,80); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Men from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fish the river by Anzalduas Dam, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. According to law enforcement officials onsite, some of them act as lookouts for smuggling rings. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index81" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449428" href="#photo-6449428" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,81); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="People from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fish the river by Anzalduas Dam, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. According to law enforcement officials onsite, some of them act as lookouts for smuggling rings. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed the detention infrastructure. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index82" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449429" href="#photo-6449429" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,82); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Human footprints are seen on the banks of the Rio Grande under Anzalduas Bridge, southwest of McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The Mexican side is visible beyond the river. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed the detention infrastructure. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index83" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449430" href="#photo-6449430" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,83); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="Recently released immigrants from Central American line up to receive bus tickets at the terminal in McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing. Relatives or friends of the immigrants provide the fund for the purchase of the tickets."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index84" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6449431" href="#photo-6449431" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,84); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="One-year-old Danny Hernandez, Jr. waits with family to board a bus for Long Island, New York at the terminal in McAllen, Texas, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. The family is from Zihualtepec, Honduras. With the child are from left, brother, Patrick, 6, mother, Jamileth Perez, 35 and brother, Leonel Alberto, 14. Relatives in the states purchased their tickets. A wave of Central American adults with children and unaccompanied minors has overwhelmed U.S. Immigration and Customs detention centers. Immigration officials release some of them on their own recognizance after undergoing processing."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index85" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525851" href="#photo-6525851" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,85); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 10:54 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteer Mayra Shears points to a chalkboard where messages of gratitude are written by scores of immigrants who were provided aid at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Shears has lived in the country since the late 1980s after she fled Nicaragua and immigrated to the United States."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index86" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525853" href="#photo-6525853" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,86); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:34 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - A vendor hams for the camera while selling his wares to vehicles waiting to cross the international bridge to Brownsville."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index87" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525856" href="#photo-6525856" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,87); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:41 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Vendor Andy (no last name given) sells Mexico soccer jerseys and Mexican flags to people waiting in their vehicles as they cross the international bridge to Brownsville."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index88" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525857" href="#photo-6525857" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,88); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:41 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Vendor Andy (no last name given) offers to sell Mexico soccer jerseys and Mexican flags to drivers waiting in their vehicles as they cross the international bridge to Brownsville."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index89" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525859" href="#photo-6525859" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,89); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 1:30 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Two young Mexican men leave the Modulo de Atencion a Repatriados - a center to aid Mexicans who were deported from the United States - after getting paperwork from the Mexican government and some food and water. The two men were caught crossing over to Brownsville and were nabbed and sent back to Matamoros within minutes by border patrol according to one of the men who did not want to be identified."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index90" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525860" href="#photo-6525860" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,90); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:30 p.m., Brownsville - A Catholic Charities volunteer escorts a group of immigrants to the welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid in the form of food, clothing and respite to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index91" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525861" href="#photo-6525861" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,91); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:05p.m., Brownsville - Catholic Charities volunteer Ida Escalante shows a packet that is given to unauthorized immigrants to aid them in travel at a welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index92" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525862" href="#photo-6525862" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,92); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:39 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Martina Santos Barrera Garcia (center) with her daughter, Lisbeth, pick out clothing at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities after she was released by Homeland Security. Garcia was released with a group of unauthorized immigrants at the bus station near the church and was walked over by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite. According to paperwork for Garcia she was from the Republic of Honduras."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index93" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525863" href="#photo-6525863" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,93); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 11:13 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteer Ernesto Shears waits for the arrival of immigrants at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index94" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525864" href="#photo-6525864" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,94); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 11:45 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia walks toward a border fence along the Rio Grande River to check on traffic at the Brownsville Gateway bordering crossing before going over to Matamoros, Mexico. Garcia makes frequent trips to the Mexico city across of Brownsville to shop and see family."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index95" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525865" href="#photo-6525865" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,95); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 11:45 a.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia walks toward a border fence along the Rio Grande River to check on traffic at the Brownsville Gateway bordering crossing before going over to Matamoros, Mexico. Garcia makes frequent trips to the Mexico city across of Brownsville to shop and see family."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index96" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525866" href="#photo-6525866" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,96); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:01 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - An individual dressed as a caricature for Farmacias Similares, a pharmacy, attempts to entice customers to shop at their store."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index97" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525867" href="#photo-6525867" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,97); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:14 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Brownsville resident Elizabeth Garcia (left) chats with shopkeeper Lourdes Sanchez at a market in Matamoros. Garcia often crosses the border into Mexico to shop and visit family."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index98" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525868" href="#photo-6525868" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,98); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:17 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - A man walks by stands of fruit in Matamoros."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index99" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525869" href="#photo-6525869" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,99); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:30 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Alejandro Picasso attempts to sell windshield wipers near a market in Matamoros. Picasso claimed he need to sell the wipers to support his beer and marijuana habit. He rides his bicycle approximately 25 kilometers each day into town to work."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index100" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525870" href="#photo-6525870" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,100); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 12:38 p.m., Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico - Nopales vendor Leoncio Aguilar is joined by his grandson, Valetin Lopez Gamez, at his decorative stand selling edible cactus on the streets of Matamoros."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index101" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525810" href="#photo-6525810" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,101); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:46 p.m., Brownsville - Sister Evelyn Morales of Incarnate Word Academy in Brownsville reaches out to help a mother and her child at a welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. The center was opened to provide aid in the form of clothing, food and respite to the recent influx of immigrants crossing over the border."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index102" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525812" href="#photo-6525812" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,102); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:05 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - A sign of Jesus Christ is taped onto a chalkboard at an immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index103" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525813" href="#photo-6525813" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,103); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 4:51 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - An image of Jesus Christ is taped onto a chalkboard at in immigrant welcoming center Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index104" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525814" href="#photo-6525814" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,104); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:18 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteers from Catholic Charities aid a young boy in a mud-caked wheelchair and his mother at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index105" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525815" href="#photo-6525815" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,105); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:20 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Volunteers from Catholic Charities aid a young boy in a mud-caked wheelchair who crossed the border with his mother at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released by Homeland Security at the bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index106" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525816" href="#photo-6525816" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,106); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 5:35 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - A packet held by an unauthorized immigrant shows a bus ticket and paperwork while awaiting help at the immigrant welcoming center at Immaculate Conception Church run by Catholic Charities. Groups of unauthorized immigrants were released at a bus station near the church and were escorted by Catholic Charities volunteers to the center to receive aid in the form of clothing, food and respite."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index107" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525818" href="#photo-6525818" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,107); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 8:18 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville residents Elizabeth Garcia (left) and Elisa Cortez chat in Cortez's backyard which was shortened due to the placement of a border fence. Cortez lives about a mile from the Rio Grande River which borders Mexico."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index108" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525819" href="#photo-6525819" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,108); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 8:20 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Brownsville residents Elizabeth Garcia (left) and Elisa Cortez chat in Cortez's backyard which was shortened due to the placement of a border fence. Cortez lives about a mile from the Rio Grande River which borders Mexico."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index109" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525821" href="#photo-6525821" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,109); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 9:56 p.m., Brownsville, Texas - Signage near the intersection of Monsees Road and Milpa Verde in Cameron County just south of Brownsville displays opposition to the existing border fence that was built in the area."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index110" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525822" href="#photo-6525822" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,110); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 10:05 p.m., Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas - Cameron County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Lopez patrols near George Saenz Lane near a border fence in the county south of Brownsville. With the aid of federal grants, the sheriff's office provides deputies with overtime to patrol the border."/> </a> </li> <li id="hst_gallerynav_index111" class="galleryThumbItem"> <a class="hdnce-e hdnce-photo-6525824" href="#photo-6525824" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.showitem(hst_galleryitem_index,111); setHashToSelectedItem(); agmDealWithMainArrows();"> <img src="" alt="June 26, 2014, 10:13 p.m., Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas - Cameron County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Lopez patrols near FM 1419 or Southmost Blvd. - one of the southern most portions of roadway in the United States that borders Mexico. With the aid of federal grants, the sheriff's office provides deputies with overtime to patrol the border."/> </a> </li> </ul> </div><!-- /.galleryThumbWrap --> <a class="thumbListPrev thumbListPrevGray" href="#previous" onclick="hst_gallerynav_index.prev(); agmDealWithThumbArrows(); return false;"></a> <a class="thumbListNext" href="#next" onclick="; agmDealWithThumbArrows(); return false;"></a> <form action="javascript:void();"> <input type="hidden" id="hst_gallerynav_index_idi" value="1"/> <input type="hidden" id="hst_gallerynav_index_pi" value="False"/> </form> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ document.getElementById('hst_gallerynav_index_idi').value = hrst_liid; var hst_rotation_label = ''; new hstrot(111,7,'hst_gallerynav_index',0,111,1); hst_gallerynav_index.setup(); $('.hst-galleryitem').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $('.hst-gallerynav').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); //]]> </script> </div><!-- /.articleGalleryModuleContainer --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- e templates/design/gallery/main_r1_legacy.tpl --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/web/20140903133914js_/"></script> <iframe style="display:none;" id="galleryrefresher" name="galleryrefresher" src="/web/20140903133914if_/"></iframe> <iframe style="display:none;" id="gallery_pos_refresher" name="gallery_pos_refresher" src="/web/20140903133914if_/"></iframe> <script>HDN.doRefresh = 1;</script> <div class="inline-zone"> <div class="hst-freeform hdnce-e hdnce-item-19519"><!-- mid:freeform.19519 --> <!-- perfect pixel A --> <div class="ndn_embed" id="ndn-video-player-1" data-config-distributor-id="90000"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> try { (function(){ // Required - We need the div ID var ndnId = "ndn-video-player-1"; possiblyHideInlineZone(ndnId); })(); }catch(err){} </script> </div> </div> <!-- src/business/templates/hearst/article/relatedStories.tpl --> <div class="hst-relatedlist"> <div class="header clearfix"><h2>Related Stories</h2></div> <div class="list"> <ul> <li> <a class="hdn-analytics" href="/web/20140903133914/"> National Guard now at Texas border <span class="hdn-analytics-data">related_link|article-5713052|article-5721181|1</span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="hdn-analytics" href="/web/20140903133914/"> Leaked photos show immigrant children packed in crowded Texas border facilities <span class="hdn-analytics-data">related_link|article-5531953|article-5721181|2</span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="hdn-analytics" href="/web/20140903133914/"> Photos show border militias moving across Texas <span class="hdn-analytics-data">related_link|article-5647487|article-5721181|3</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div><!--/.hst-relatedlist--> <!-- src/business/templates/hearst/article/relatedStories.tpl --> <div class="article-body clearfix"> <p>SAN ANTONIO -- The Texas National Guard contacted a Rio Grande Valley food bank Thursday to ask whether the charity had food and gas resources for about 50 soldiers who are in need of assistance because they have not received a paycheck.</p> <p>It is unclear how many soldiers have utilized the Food Bank RGV in Hidalgo County so far because clients are not asked to detail their employment, said Omar Rodriguez, manager of communications and advocacy for the charity organization.</p> <p>Texas Army National Guard Brigadier General Patrick Hamilton told the San Antonio Express-News requesting services from local charities is an "anomaly" and outside the Guard's protocol, and that no troops visited the food bank to his knowledge.</p> <p>"We identified 50 soldiers who came on at the very end of the first pay period who would see a three week lag in income," Hamilton said, adding that the support service officer who called the food bank was "trying to help" but did so outside a chain of command.</p> <p>An internal program, which was not utilized by Guardsmen in the area, allows troops who identify a need for assistance to contract with local restaurants and payment to be deferred until their paycheck, Hamilton said. The Guard<span style="font-size: 13px;">&nbsp;provides $36 per diem for food and a meal per day when on duty, he said.</span></p> <p>Gov. Rick Perry used executive power to tap $38 million in emergency funds to pay for his&nbsp;deployment of 1,000 Guard troops in July after&nbsp;national attention focused on tens of thousands of Central American children and families entering the country illegally.</p> <p>"Governor Perry is confident the Guard stands ready to assist any soldier who may need it, regardless of deployment or duty status so they can meet the needs of their family, or the mission they are performing," said Rich Parsons, a spokesman for the governor.</p> <p>State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, who is running to replace Perry, called the lack of resources "disgraceful" and said she will personally deliver food to the Valley for the National Guardsmen on Saturday.</p> <p>"Whether you agree that we need the National Guard or the additional deputy sheriffs that I have previously called for to secure the border, it is shameful that our troops would be sent to keep us safe without basic supplies like food," Davis said.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 13px;">State Rep. Rene Oliveira, D-Brownsville said troops resorting to using a f</span><span style="font-size: 13px;">ood bank is "disrespectful" and blamed poor planning.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 13px;">"My complaint here is that troops in the field shouldn't have to be relying on their credit cards to eat," Oliveria said. "Even if it was a good faith mistake we should not be referring guardsmen to a food bank."<br/></span></p> <p>Lt. Col. Joanne MacGregor, a spokesperson for the Guard, said two troops are being provided assistance by the Guard. Some troops see a window of up to a month between pay from their civilian job and Guard duties. Others were unemployed prior to being deployed, she said.</p> <p>"For some reason (the troops) don't have the funding in their pocket to buy food, and we obviously don't want them to go hungry," Terri Drefke, executive director for the Food Bank RGV told KGBT.</p> <p>MacGregor, the Texas Guard spokeswoman, <a href=";t=94e8307e61eb16c911" target="_blank">told</a> the Express-News earlier this week that the troops do not have the authority to question or detain anyone.</p> <p>"The soldiers will be armed for self-defense purposes while on duty," she said. "... Their mission will be to provide aviation support, long-range observation and logistical support."</p> <p><em>Rio Grande Valley bureau reporter Aaron Nelsen contributed to this report.</em></p> <p><em></em></p> <p><em>Twitter: <a href="" target="_blank">@KoltenParker</a></em></p> </div><!--/.hst-articletext--> </div><!--/nlg wrapper--> <div class="hst-articlefooter"> <!-- src/business/templates/hearst/article/contribute.tpl --> <!-- e src/business/templates/hearst/article/contribute.tpl --> <div class="socialBar"> <style type="text/css"> .socialBar { height:auto; } .social_wrapper_article { padding: 4px 0 4px 0; } .social_wrapper_article li { float:left; margin-right: 5px; outline: 0px solid red; } .social_wrapper_article li.fb2 { margin-left: 45px; } .social_wrapper_article li.fb2, .social_wrapper_article li.tw2, .social_wrapper_article li.gp2, .social_wrapper_article li.pn2 { padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; } .social_wrapper_article li.email2, .social_wrapper_article li.print2 { margin-left: 0; 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The streets of an eastern Spanish town are awash with red pulp as thousands of people pelt each other with tomatoes in the annual &quot;Tomatina&quot; battle that has become a major tourist attraction. At the annual fiesta in Bunol on Wednesday, trucks dumped 125 tons of ripe tomatoes for some 22,000 participants, many from abroad to throw during the hour-long morning festivities. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)"/></a> <div class="sc-gradient-bar news"></div> <h5 class="section-name">News&nbsp;</h5> <h4 class="gp2-headline"><a href="/web/20140903133914/">Tomatoes hurled at revellers<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h4> </li> </ul><!-- .page --> <ul class="ms-page page-off"> <li class="item first news"> <a href="/web/20140903133914/"><img src="" alt="Canine officers and their handlers from around the state stopped at the casket of K-9 Kye following funeral services for the dog in Oklahoma City, Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014. K-9 Kye died Aug. 25 after being stabbed by a burglary suspect on Aug. 24. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)"/></a> <div class="sc-gradient-bar news"></div> <h5 class="section-name">News&nbsp;</h5> <h4 class="gp2-headline"><a href="/web/20140903133914/">Funeral held for fallen K-9 partner<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h4> </li> <li class="item homes"> <a href="/web/20140903133914/"><img src="" alt="9110 Wickford : This 2009 home in Houston has 7 bedrooms, 6 full and 2 half bathrooms, 10,211 square feet, and is listed for $5,190,000."/></a> <div class="sc-gradient-bar homes"></div> <h5 class="section-name">Homes&nbsp;</h5> <h4 class="gp2-headline"><a href="/web/20140903133914/">Houston homes with great pools<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h4> </li> <li class="item news"> <a href="/web/20140903133914/"><img src="" alt="The West University Little League team tosses candy in a parade celebrating their Senior's world championship win, August 28, 2014 in Houston."/></a> <div class="sc-gradient-bar news"></div> <h5 class="section-name">News&nbsp;</h5> <h4 class="gp2-headline"><a href="/web/20140903133914/">West U welcomes Senior World Series winners<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h4> </li> <li class="item life"> <a href="/web/20140903133914/"><img src="" alt="Calin Pineda, 4, waits to meet her teacher, during a meet the teacher event at Fort Bend ISD's Ridgemont Early Childhood Center Thursday, Aug. 21, 2014, in Houston."/></a> <div class="sc-gradient-bar life"></div> <h5 class="section-name">Lifestyle&nbsp;</h5> <h4 class="gp2-headline"><a href="/web/20140903133914/">Back to School<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h4> </li> </ul><!-- .page --> <ul class="ms-page page-off"> <li class="item first life"> <a href="/web/20140903133914/"><img src="" alt="Houseboats may be unusual to the common vacationer, but these boats far surpass any hotel's cool factor."/></a> <div class="sc-gradient-bar life"></div> <h5 class="section-name">Lifestyle&nbsp;</h5> <h4 class="gp2-headline"><a href="/web/20140903133914/">Texas on list of cool houseboat rentals<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h4> </li> <li class="item entertainment"> <a href="/web/20140903133914/"><img src="" alt="A sculpture by Italian artist Guiseppe Penone is shown during the installation of the recently acquired sculpture on the south lawn of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014, in Houston. Standing more than 36 feet tall and weighing more than 2.5 tons, &quot;Alberto folgorato (Lightning Tree)&quot; is bronze but was cast from an actual tree that was destroyed by lightning in Belgium."/></a> <div class="sc-gradient-bar entertainment"></div> <h5 class="section-name">Entertainment&nbsp;</h5> <h4 class="gp2-headline"><a href="/web/20140903133914/">Lightning Tree<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h4> </li> </ul><!-- .page --> <div class="pg-nav-item next-page"><span></span></div> <!-- e /collections/section_gallery_body.tpl --> <!-- e templates/design/collection/section_gallery/single_zone.tpl --> </div><!-- #gpwide1 --> <!-- e hearst/collections/section_gallery.tpl --> </div> <!-- e src/business/widgets/hearst/collection/widget.tpl --> <!-- hearst/item/standalone.tpl --> <!-- mid:freeform.8669 --> <div> <a href=";pid=339" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> </div> <!-- <a style="float:left;margin:12px;" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Subscribe to the Houston 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They have worked in tandem for West Columbia for a number of years."/></a> <h3><a target="_hc_link" href="">It didn't last long, but West Columbia was the first capital of Texas</a></h3> <p>Home in 1836 to 3,000 "intelligent and moral people," according to David...</p> </div> <div class="promo-2-item promo-2-item-2"> <a target="_hc_link" href=""><img src="" alt="Twins Julianna, left, and Olivia Jasek can't help smiling over the fried chicken and Praha stew they're about to share at the Praha Picnic. The 7-year-olds' father, Cliff Jasek of Bulverde, brought them to Praha to &quot;honor our heritage."/></a> <h3><a target="_hc_link" href="">Holley: Looking for polka and fried chicken? You'll find it in Praha.</a></h3> <p>PRAHA - It was hot last week, in case you hadn't noticed, but for the...</p> </div> <div class="promo-2-item promo-2-item-3"> <a target="_hc_link" href=""><img src="" alt="Frederick Law Olmsted (1822 - 1903), born in Hartford, Conn., was an American landscape architect, journalist and social critic."/></a> <h3><a target="_hc_link" href="">Frederick Olmsted chronicled 'toilworn' settlers of Texas</a></h3> <p><p>According to family lore, my great-grandmother, Nancy Salyer, a widow with...</p> </div> <ul class="promo-2-list"> <li><h4> <a target="_hc_link" href="">Frederick Olmsted chronicled 'toilworn' settlers of Texas</a></h4></li> <li><h4> <a target="_hc_link" href="">'Boyhood' kindles memories of a Bigfoot childhood</a></h4></li> <li><h4> <a target="_hc_link" href="">Know Juanita Slusher? No? 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(''Saved by the Bell,'' 1989)."/></a> <h2><a href="/web/20140903133914/">'Saved By The Bell,' then and now<span class="sc-caret-right"></span></a></h2> </li> <li class=" hl-item sc-gradient-bar odd entertainment"> <a href="/web/20140903133914/"><img src="" alt="For its fortieth anniversary the Texas Renaissance Festival released a handful of photos from its earliest days on the grounds. 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