Tax Rebate Plan - TurboTax® Customer Care & Support

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in 2009.</p><p>The IRS gave out $95 billion in stimulus payments in 2008, thanks to the Economic Growth Act&nbsp;enacted Feb. 13&nbsp;of that year.&nbsp;&nbsp;The act was designed to stimulate the economy by&nbsp;providing&nbsp;payments of as much as $600 per person,&nbsp;$1,200 per couple and $300 per child&nbsp;to most Americans.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The IRS&nbsp;expects to distribute&nbsp;another $10 billion worth of stimulus payments in 2009 to millions of people who:</p><ul> <li>Are eligible, but didn't get one in 2008</li> <li>Got a partial payment, but are entitled to more based on their 2008 financial situation</li> <li>Weren't eligible last year but are now , due to a change in their circumstances</li></ul><p>What kinds of changes? These could include a decrease or an increase in&nbsp;income, or the birth or adoption of a child in 2008.</p> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">Same rules, but a different payment method</div> <p>If you should qualify, the rules remain generally the same as the prior year, but you would receive your payment in a different way.</p><p>The original tax rebates, or stimulus payments, were sent to recipients in 2008, either by mail or by direct deposit to&nbsp; their bank accounts -- separate and apart from their regular&nbsp;tax refunds.</p><p>With the recovery rebate, however, you wouldn't get a&nbsp;payment separately. If you qualify, it would be applied to your 2008 taxes. So you&nbsp;would either get a larger&nbsp;refund or owe less tax.</p><p><b>TurboTax will do the calculations for you, tell&nbsp;you&nbsp;whether you qualify for a recovery rebate, and let you know how it affects your taxes.</b></p> </div> <!-- section --> <div class="article_block"> <div><img width="478" height="3" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/></div> <div class="tip_block"> <div class="article_block_title">First step for getting a recovery rebate? File your 2008 tax return</div> <img width="55" height="55" style="float:left;" border="0" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/> <p>That's still the bottom line - if you want your share of the economic stimulus payments, &nbsp;<b>you must file a 2008 tax return.</b></p><p>Many people who don't normally need to file an income tax return, such as Social Security recipients and low-income earners, still qualify for a payment, but they MUST file a tax return to receive it.</p> <div class="clear_div"></div> </div> <div><img width="478" height="3" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/></div> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">IMPORTANT: How to file for a recovery rebate -- if you don't normally file a tax return</div> <div><div><div><div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>If you owe no 2008 taxes, but earned at least $3,000 in wages in 2008, or had Social Security, Railroad Retirement or certain veterans' benefits of at least $3,000 for the year, you could qualify for a minimum rebate of $300 per person.</p><p>Service members can use their nontaxable combat pay to qualify for rebates as well.</p><p>TurboTax wants to make it easy for&nbsp; you -- whether you're doing your own return or&nbsp;helping a family member or friend to file.</p><p>Prepare and file a return using the <a title="Free Edition of TurboTax" target="_blank" href=";customerSource=3468337910">Free Edition of TurboTax</a>. There is no charge for Free Edition, which is intended for filers with simple returns. You can&nbsp;prepare a tax return&nbsp;and e-file it , both at&nbsp;no cost.</p></div></div></div></div> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">Below are answers to frequently asked questions about the stimulus payments:</div> <ul> <li><a href="#apply">Do I need to apply to get my rebate?</a></li> <li><a href="#much">How much will I get?</a></li> <li><a href="#people">Are there people who don't qualify?</a></li> <li><a href="#social">Can I use a number different than my Social Security number to qualify?</a></li> <li><a href="#income">What counts as qualifying income?</a></li> <li><a href="#reduce">Will a rebate reduce my Social Security payments?</a></li> <li><a href="#2007">Will this affect my 2008 return?</a></li> <li><a href="#know">How will I know if I'm getting a rebate?</a></li></ul> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">Do I need to apply to get my rebate?</div> <p>No, most&nbsp;people who are&nbsp;eligible for the recovery rebates need only file their 2008 income tax returns to get theirs. TurboTax will tell you if you qualify when you file your tax return.</p> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">How much could I get?</div> <p>It depends on whether you got a full or partial payment in 2008 -- and your 2008 income, how many children you have: and the&nbsp;2008 federal taxes you're required to pay.</p><ul> <li>If you&rsquo;re single and owe, or have paid,&nbsp;$600 or more in 2008 taxes, the maximum&nbsp;is $600.</li> <li>If you are married and have&nbsp;2008 taxes&nbsp;of $1,200 or more, the maximum is&nbsp;$1,200.</li> <li>If you&rsquo;re single and have taxes&nbsp;of more than $300, but less than $600, you will get a&nbsp;payment equal <font color="#000000">to your tax liability.&nbsp;So if you paid or will pay $400 in 2008 taxes, you could get a $400 rebate.</font></li> <li><font color="#000000">If you're married, and have taxes of more than $600, but less than $1,200, again, you could&nbsp;get a rebate equal to&nbsp;your taxes.&nbsp;</font></li> <li><font color="#000000">Also, if you owe no 2008 taxes,</font> but earned at least $3,000 in wages in 2008 or had Social Security, Railroad Retirement or certain veterans' benefits of at least $3,000 for the year, you&nbsp;could get a minimum rebate of $300 per person.</li> <li>If you or your spouse had nontaxable combat pay of more than $3,000, you could get at least $300 per person, or $600 per couple, plus $300 per child.</li> <li>In addition, a rebate of&nbsp;$300 per child&nbsp;could be given, with no limit on the number of children. To qualify, a child must be age 16 or younger as of Dec. 31, 2008. Older children who can be claimed as dependents, such as&nbsp;college students, do NOT qualify.</li></ul><p><a href="#Top">Top</a></p><p><a name="people"></a></p> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">Are there people who can't qualify?</div> <p>Yes.</p><ul> <li>Anyone who can be claimed as a dependent on someone else&rsquo;s return. This would include a <strong>child, age 17 or above claimed as a dependent on a parent's return</strong>, for example, a college student. It would also include <strong>an adult dependent, such as an elderly parent</strong>.</li> <li>Non-resident aliens.</li> <li>Anyone who pays no income tax and whose qualifying income (see definition below) is less than $3,000 for 2008.</li> <li>Anyone without a Social Security number, with one exception, for spouses of military service members&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Some higher-income earners</strong>. <b>See below.</b></li> <li>Anyone who doesn't file a 2008 tax return.</li></ul><p>What about people who&nbsp;died in 2008? Can their survivors get a rebate?</p><p>Assuming&nbsp;an individual was otherwise qualified in 2008, the IRS&nbsp;could issue a rebate in that person's name or to the account designated&nbsp;by that person on&nbsp;a 2008 tax return.&nbsp;This applies&nbsp;whether the&nbsp;person died after filing, or the final income tax return was filed by a surviving spouse or personal representative.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;<a href="#Top">Top</a></p><p><a name="social"></a></p> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">What are the income cutoffs for higher income taxpayers?</div> <p>Higher-income taxpayers get partial&nbsp;stimulus payments&nbsp;or none at all.</p><p>This is determined by a taxpayer's adjusted gross income, or AGI. That's total income minus certain adjustments, like IRA contributions.</p><p>Stimulus payments&nbsp;are reduced starting at $75,000 AGI for single persons, and $150,000 AGI for married couples. A&nbsp;payment is decreased by 5 percent of AGI income over the limit.</p><p><b>However, if the taxpayers have children, the calculations get a bit tricky. </b></p><p><b>The good news is that they might qualify for more money than the income cutoffs would seem to allow. And TurboTax figures it out for you.</b></p><p>Here's how it works:</p><ul> <li>A single woman with no children, who pays more than $600 in taxes, could in theory qualify for a $600 rebate. If her AGI is $80,000, and therefore above the $75,000 limit, her rebate is reduced by $250 (that's 5 percent of the $5,000 over the limit) for a payment of&nbsp;$350.&nbsp;However, if the same woman&nbsp;has two children, her stimulus payment is $950. That's&nbsp;$600 for herself plus $300 for each child, or $1,200, minus $250 (the 5 percent over the limit).</li> <li>A married couple with no children, who pay more than $1,200 in taxes, could in theory get a $1,200 rebate. If&nbsp; their AGI is $180,000, they would get no rebate. That's because 5 percent of the $30,000 over the limit is $1,500, which exceeds the $1,200 rebate.&nbsp; However, if the same couple has three children, they get a stimulus payment of $600. That's $1,200 for the couple, plus $900 for the three&nbsp;children for a total of $2,100, minus $1,500&nbsp;(or 5 percent of the $30,000 over the threshold).</li></ul><p><b>Taxpayers who had high incomes in 2007, but saw their incomes drop in 2008, could qualify for a recovery rebate.</b></p><ul> <li>If the single woman with two children,&nbsp;in the example above, saw her income drop from $75,000 in 2007 to $70,000 in 2008, she could get a recovery rebate of $250, in addition to the $950 based on her 2007 return. The $250 had been&nbsp;subtracted from her $1,200 stimulus payment&nbsp;because she was over the limit the first year.</li></ul> </div> <!-- section --> <div class="article_block"> <div><img width="478" height="3" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/></div> <div class="tip_block"> <div class="article_block_title">Can I use a number different than my Social Security number to qualify?</div> <img width="55" height="55" style="float:left;" border="0" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/> <p><strong>Note:</strong> To get a rebate, you and your dependents must each have a <strong>valid Social Security number. </strong></p><p>Other numbers issued by the IRS, such as a Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) will not be accepted.</p><ul> <li>If a couple files a joint tax return, and one spouse has a Social Security number and one has an ITIN, both will be disqualified (<strong>with one exception for military couples,&nbsp;see below</strong>). The spouse with the Social Security number can try to qualify for a rebate&nbsp;by filing a return separately.</li> <li>Parents who obtain a Social Security number for an adopted child, replacing the temporary ATIN, by the end of 2008, would be eligible for the child stimulus payment on their 2008 tax returns.</li></ul><p>Exception: If you are a member of the military with a Social Security number, married to a foreigner with an ITIN and you file a joint return, you will not be disqualified from receiving a rebate.&nbsp; But your children must have valid Social Security numbers to be eligible as qualifying children.</p><p><a href="#Top">Top</a></p><p><a name="income"></a></p> <div class="clear_div"></div> </div> <div><img width="478" height="3" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/></div> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">What counts as qualifying income?</div> <div><p>Earned income, or wages, self-employment earnings and Social Security, Railroad Retirement and certain veterans' benefits.&nbsp;</p><p>Certain other kinds of income <strong>do not</strong> count toward the $3,000 annual 2008 minimum: dividends, interest, capital gains, distributions from Individual Retirement Accounts, and non-Social Security and non-veterans' pension income.</p><p><strong>Supplemental Security Income (SSI) does not count as qualifying income.</strong></p><p><a href="#Top">Top</a></p><p><a name="reduce"></a></p></div> </div> <!-- section --> <div class="article_block"> <div><img width="478" height="3" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/></div> <div class="tip_block"> <div class="article_block_title">Would a rebate reduce my Social Security payments?</div> <img width="55" height="55" style="float:left;" border="0" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/> <p>The stimulus payments&nbsp;don't count against or reduce any other income-based government benefits, such as Social Security benefits, food stamps and other programs.</p> <div class="clear_div"></div> </div> <div><img width="478" height="3" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/></div> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">Will this affect my 2008 return?</div> <p><b>If you qualify,</b> it would&nbsp;either reduce the taxes you owe, or increase your refund.</p> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">What if I have an outstanding tax bill or owe back child support?</div> <p>Your recovery rebate credit would be applied to pay your back taxes or child support.</p> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">How will I know if I'm getting a rebate?</div> <p>TurboTax will let you know when you are preparing&nbsp;your 2008 tax return.</p><p><a href="#Top">Top</a></p> </div> <div class="article_block" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top:10px;"> <div class="article_block_title">For even more information . . .</div> <p>Visit the <a target="_blank" href=",,id=177937,00.html">IRS Economic Stimulus Payments Information Center</a>.</p> </div> <!-- FA --> <br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear_div"></div> <div class="bottom_curves" style="margin-left: 186px;"><img width="520" height="7" src="/web/20090228040323im_/" alt=""/></div> </div> <div class="clear_div"></div> </div><!-- end primary --> <div id="secondary"> <!-- googleoff: index --> <!--googleoff: snippet--> <script src="/web/20090228040323js_/" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/web/20090228040323js_/" type="text/javascript"></script> <div id="accordion_wrapper"> <div id="accordion_2"> <script> var accordionMenu2=new Accordion('accordionMenu2','accordion_2', true); 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tot=&quot;442&quot; cv=&quot;1&quot; a=&quot;MostPopular&quot; id=&quot;0&quot; u=&quot;&quot; w=&quot;&quot; q=&quot;&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; gr=&quot;MostPopular&quot;&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;IRS: How to Avoid Delays in Getting Your 2008 Tax Refund&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;turbo tax 2009, tax, 2009, recovery rebate credit, rebate&quot; sm=&quot;When preparing your 2008 tax return, you will be asked to report the exact amount of the tax rebate or stimulus payment, if any, that you received last year. However, the IRS says that many filers are entering the wrong amount. This error could cause the IRS to reject your return or delay your refund. Here&#39;s what you need to know to file your return correctly. &quot; s=&quot;0.1786&quot; rk=&quot;1&quot; pt=&quot;56392&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;6136&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;2008 Property Tax Deduction for Taxpayers Who Don&#39;t Itemize&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;tax, deduction, 2008, property tax deduction, property tax deduction 2008&quot; sm=&quot;A new 2008 income tax break could save property owners several hundred dollars, if they use the standard deduction, rather than itemize their individual deductions. &quot; s=&quot;0.0846&quot; rk=&quot;2&quot; pt=&quot;26702&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;6395&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;Taking the First-Time Homebuyer Credit&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;7500 first time home buyer, home, credit, 7500, tax&quot; sm=&quot;The Feb. 17, 2009 stimulus bill greatly improves the First-Time Homebuyers Credit created in 2008. The credit for 2008 buyers is essentially an interest-free loan of up to $7,500 that must be repaid over 15 years. But in 2009, qualified first-time homebuyers can get a credit of up to $8,000 and don&#39;t have to repay it. &quot; s=&quot;0.074&quot; rk=&quot;3&quot; pt=&quot;23357&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;6360&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;Tax Rebate Plan &quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;tax rebate plan, tax, rebate, stimulus, tax rebate&quot; sm=&quot;If you didn&#39;t get a 2008 tax rebate, or only a partial one, you could still qualify for what&#39;s known as a &amp;quot;recovery rebate credit&amp;quot; in 2009. While the rules for getting a rebate, or &amp;quot;economic stimulus payment,&amp;quot; are basically the same as a year ago, how you receive the money has changed. &quot; s=&quot;0.0675&quot; rk=&quot;4&quot; pt=&quot;21329&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;5462&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;If Your E-filed Return Was Rejected with &amp;quot;Recovery Rebate Credit&amp;quot; Message&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;if your efiled return was rejected with &amp;quot;recovery rebate credit&amp;quot; message, recovery rebate efile error, help article, recovery rebate credit, rejected&quot; sm=&quot;Steps to take if your e-filed tax return was rejected by the IRS, with error reject code 0269, and the message you received refers to the &amp;quot;Recovery Rebate Credit.&amp;quot; &quot; s=&quot;0.0672&quot; rk=&quot;5&quot; pt=&quot;21210&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;7170&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;Emergency Economic Bailout Bill Extends Tax Breaks for Individuals &quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;tax, 2008, 2008 tax breaks, tax breaks, tax breaks for 2008&quot; sm=&quot;The landmark Bailout Bill enacted Oct. 3, 2008 to help rescue the U.S. economy contained a bundle of income tax breaks for individuals. The biggest ones are known as &amp;quot;extenders&amp;quot; --popular income tax breaks that might seem permanent to most taxpayers, but must be renewed every year or two. The bill patches the AMT for 2008 and includes income tax breaks for classroom teachers and college students. &quot; s=&quot;0.0496&quot; rk=&quot;6&quot; pt=&quot;15671&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;6457&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;How Federal Tax Law Changes Will Affect Your 2008 Tax Return&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;tax, head of household, personal taxes, deduction, turbotax live community&quot; sm=&quot;Taxpayers could benefit from several new tax laws when they file their 2008 tax returns. Learn about the first-time homebuyer&#39;s credit and a new deduction for some homeowners. &quot; s=&quot;0.0459&quot; rk=&quot;7&quot; pt=&quot;14491&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;6689&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;Where&#39;s My Tax Rebate?&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;stimulus, tax, stimulus payment schedule, where&#39;s my tax rebate?, where&#39;s my stimulus payment?&quot; sm=&quot;Most people eligible for a tax rebate, also known as a stimulus payment, received theirs in 2008. However, some people who didn&#39;t get a 2008 tax rebate, or only a partial one, could under certain circumstances qualify for what&#39;s known as a &amp;quot;recovery rebate credit&amp;quot; in 2009. That payment would either increase their refunds, or lower their tax bills -- but it won&#39;t be sent out by separate check or deposit. &quot; s=&quot;0.0218&quot; rk=&quot;8&quot; pt=&quot;6886&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;5961&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;The Dirty Dozen: 12 Tricky Tax Dependent Dilemmas&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;dependent, tax, dependant, child, can i claim my wife as a dependent&quot; sm=&quot;Knowing when someone qualifies as a tax dependent can be trickier than it seems. These 12 examples help clear the confusion about who you can and can&#39;t claim as a dependent on your taxes. &quot; s=&quot;0.0206&quot; rk=&quot;9&quot; pt=&quot;6495&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;5894&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;r u=&quot;; t=&quot;Is a Free Tax Return Right for You?&quot; g=&quot;MostPopular&quot; tm=&quot;free, turbotax free edition, tax, answer a few simple questions, more about free efile&quot; sm=&quot;TurboTax offers a free tax return using TurboTax Free Edition. Americans can easily prepare a totally free tax return online and eFile for free to receive a tax refund within 8-15 days. Find out whether a free tax return is the right choice for you. &quot; s=&quot;0.0179&quot; rk=&quot;10&quot; pt=&quot;5642&quot; at=&quot;0&quot; pr=&quot;0&quot; ar=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;DC.rights&quot; v=&quot;user&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a n=&quot;content-id&quot; v=&quot;6033&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/r&gt;&lt;/guides&gt; </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/web/20090228040323js_/"></script> </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> // Omniture Tracking - track every link in every right nav module $("#module_id_5878 a").each(function() { var title='Most Viewed Answers'; title=title.replace(/<[^>]*>/ig, ""); title=title.replace(/'/ig, "\\'"); title=title.replace(/"/ig, ""); var text=$(this).text(); text=text.replace(/'/ig, "\\'"); text=text.replace(/"/ig, ""); $(this).attr('onclick', "trackPageClick(getPageSection() + ' " + title + "', '" + text + "')"); }); var moduleTitle='Most Viewed Answers'; moduleTitle=moduleTitle.replace (/<.*?>/ig,""); // remove tags // global object name, html container div id, link title [, icon, true||false (opened/closed)] var module_id_5878=new AccordionFold('module_id_5878','module_id_5878',moduleTitle, '', false); 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