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0-.525-.038-1.012-.126-1.413h-7.587v-.012zm56.638 1.75c-.438-1.188-1.788-3.387-4.55-3.387-2.738 0-5.013 2.15-5.013 5.312 0 2.975 2.25 5.313 5.275 5.313 2.438 0 3.85-1.488 4.425-2.35l-1.813-1.213c-.6.888-1.424 1.475-2.612 1.475-1.188 0-2.038-.55-2.575-1.613l7.112-2.937-.25-.6zm-7.25 1.775c-.063-2.05 1.587-3.1 2.775-3.1.925 0 1.712.462 1.975 1.125l-4.75 1.975zm-5.776 5.15h2.338V21.875h-2.338V37.5zm-3.825-9.125h-.087c-.525-.625-1.525-1.188-2.8-1.188-2.663 0-5.1 2.338-5.1 5.338 0 2.975 2.438 5.3 5.1 5.3 1.263 0 2.275-.563 2.8-1.213h.075v.763c0 2.038-1.088 3.125-2.838 3.125-1.424 0-2.312-1.025-2.674-1.888l-2.038.85c.587 1.413 2.137 3.138 4.712 3.138 2.738 0 5.05-1.613 5.05-5.538v-9.55H99.45v.863h.013zm-2.687 7.35c-1.613 0-2.963-1.35-2.963-3.2 0-1.875 1.35-3.237 2.963-3.237 1.587 0 2.837 1.375 2.837 3.237.013 1.85-1.237 3.2-2.837 3.2zm30.487-13.85h-5.587V37.5h2.338v-5.925h3.262c2.588 0 5.125-1.875 5.125-4.85 0-2.975-2.563-4.85-5.138-4.85zm.05 7.525H124v-5.362h3.313c1.75 0 2.737 1.45 2.737 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Our providers are here to help you 24/7 with convenient, online visits.", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "url": "", "price": "Free", "priceCurrency": "USD" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.7", "ratingCount": "1400" }, "author": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Baptist Health South Florida", "url": "" }, "softwareVersion": "1.0", "datePublished": "2024-10-09", "applicationSubCategory": "Telehealth" } </script></div> <main id="main"> <section class="section simple-cta-image bg-white "> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/LP/Pineapp/CTA/pineapp-give-health-a-hand-spa-cta-595x446.jpg" alt="Donde y cuando lo necesites"> <button class="js-modal-btn simple-cta-image__video" data-video-id="807714025" data-video-channel="vimeo" type="button" name="Watch Video" title="Watch Video">Play Video</button> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Donde y cuando lo necesites</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>Con PineApp puedes llevar un control de tus citas en Baptist Health, tener una consulta de urgencias en línea, acceder a tu historia clínica, registrar tus síntomas, ver tus medicamentos, configurar recordatorios y mucho más.</p> <a class="button button--primary" href="">Crear una cuenta</a> <p><a class="button button--secondary" href="">Iniciar sesi&oacute;n</a></p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image section--deep-blue simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/LP/CTA/pineapp-two-women-on-couch-hugging-cta-595x446.jpg" alt=""> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3"></h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Nueva funcionalidad</span></h5> <h3 style="text-align: center;">Gestione fácilmente la salud de su familia</h3> <p style="text-align: center;">Con PineApp, puede estar al tanto de las citas, los medicamentos y los resultados de los exámenes de toda la familia, en un solo lugar. Alterne con facilidad entre su cuenta personal y las de sus seres queridos para poder hacer un seguimiento de las necesidades médicas de todos.</p> </div> <footer class="simple-cta-image__footer simple-cta-secondary-image__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section simple-cta-image bg-white simple-cta-image--image-right"> <div class="container grid--2col "> <div class="l-2up--1 simple-cta-image__image"> <img src="/-/media/Images/LP/Pineapp/CTA/PineApp-Illustration-v3.png" alt="Acceso a atenci&#243;n de urgencias en l&#237;nea, disponible las 24 horas, todos los d&#237;as"> </div> <div class="l-2up--2 simple-cta-image__content"> <h2 class="simple-cta-image__heading heading--h3">Acceso a atenci&#243;n de urgencias en l&#237;nea, disponible las 24 horas, todos los d&#237;as</h2> <div class="simple-cta-image__desc typeset"> <p>Con PineApp, los médicos están a tu alcance en pocos minutos, desde la comodidad y seguridad de tu hogar o en cualquier otro lugar, cuando más los necesitas, en caso de enfermedades y lesiones menores. Si se requieren medicamentos para tu tratamiento, también tenemos una solución: los médicos enviarán la receta a la farmacia más cercana para que puedas recogerlos.</p> <div class="app-promo__downloads"> <a class="app-promo__download" href=" " target="'_blank'" data-uw-rm-brl="exc"> <span class="element-invisible">Download on the App Store</span> <svg width="168" height="50" viewbox="0 0 168 50" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M10.788 49.997c-.434 0-.858-.005-1.289-.014a19.662 19.662 0 0 1-2.663-.213 8.917 8.917 0 0 1-2.36-.716 7.71 7.71 0 0 1-1.99-1.329 7.056 7.056 0 0 1-2.228-3.992c-.146-.81-.226-1.629-.237-2.45C.01 41.007 0 40.089 0 40.089V9.894s.013-.904.02-1.17c.012-.82.09-1.637.237-2.446a7.097 7.097 0 0 1 2.22-4A7.937 7.937 0 0 1 4.475.94a8.827 8.827 0 0 1 2.356-.71A19.505 19.505 0 0 1 9.503.015L10.788 0h146.417l1.3.017c.888.01 1.773.08 2.648.212.828.13 1.63.37 2.38.716 1.48.7 2.683 1.805 3.441 3.163.372.68.629 1.406.763 1.64.248 2.467. 1.427v27.356c0 .475 0 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18.464844 23.578125 18.464844 26.585938 L 18.464844 67.976562 C 18.464844 70.992188 20.914062 73.441406 23.929688 73.441406 L 51.074219 73.441406 C 54.082031 73.441406 56.535156 70.992188 56.535156 67.976562 L 56.535156 26.585938 C 56.535156 23.578125 54.082031 21.125 51.074219 21.125 Z M 37.5 18.117188 C 38.175781 18.117188 38.726562 18.667969 38.726562 19.34375 C 38.726562 20.019531 38.175781 20.566406 37.5 20.566406 C 36.824219 20.566406 36.277344 20.019531 36.277344 19.34375 C 36.277344 18.667969 36.824219 18.117188 37.5 18.117188 Z M 54.394531 67.976562 C 54.394531 69.808594 52.902344 71.296875 51.074219 71.296875 L 23.929688 71.296875 C 22.097656 71.296875 20.609375 69.808594 20.609375 67.976562 L 20.609375 26.585938 C 20.609375 24.757812 22.097656 23.265625 23.929688 23.265625 L 28.484375 23.265625 C 28.496094 24 29.097656 24.589844 29.839844 24.589844 L 45.191406 24.589844 C 45.933594 24.589844 46.535156 24 46.554688 23.265625 L 51.074219 23.265625 C 52.902344 23.265625 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31.847656 49.492188 32.269531 49.082031 32.269531 L 35.425781 32.269531 C 35.015625 32.269531 34.679688 31.847656 34.679688 31.335938 C 34.679688 30.820312 35.015625 30.402344 35.425781 30.402344 L 49.082031 30.402344 C 49.492188 30.402344 49.828125 30.820312 49.828125 31.335938 Z M 49.828125 31.335938 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.828125 34.660156 C 49.828125 35.171875 49.492188 35.59375 49.082031 35.59375 L 35.425781 35.59375 C 35.015625 35.59375 34.679688 35.171875 34.679688 34.660156 C 34.679688 34.144531 35.015625 33.726562 35.425781 33.726562 L 49.082031 33.726562 C 49.492188 33.726562 49.828125 34.144531 49.828125 34.660156 Z M 49.828125 34.660156 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 42.996094 37.984375 C 42.996094 38.496094 42.664062 38.917969 42.253906 38.917969 L 35.425781 38.917969 C 35.015625 38.917969 34.679688 38.496094 34.679688 37.984375 C 34.679688 37.46875 35.015625 37.050781 35.425781 37.050781 L 42.253906 37.050781 C 42.664062 37.050781 42.996094 37.46875 42.996094 37.984375 Z M 42.996094 37.984375 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 31.984375 46.746094 C 31.984375 46.9375 31.898438 47.121094 31.757812 47.261719 L 28.171875 50.859375 C 28.03125 51 27.835938 51.074219 27.65625 51.074219 C 27.460938 51.074219 27.28125 51 27.140625 50.859375 L 25.390625 49.109375 C 25.25 48.96875 25.171875 48.785156 25.171875 48.59375 C 25.171875 48.386719 25.25 48.207031 25.390625 48.066406 L 25.667969 47.785156 C 25.957031 47.496094 26.421875 47.496094 26.710938 47.777344 L 27.65625 48.734375 L 30.4375 45.941406 C 30.578125 45.800781 30.757812 45.726562 30.964844 45.726562 C 31.15625 45.726562 31.339844 45.800781 31.480469 45.941406 L 31.757812 46.230469 C 31.898438 46.359375 31.984375 46.550781 31.984375 46.746094 Z M 31.984375 46.746094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.828125 45.074219 C 49.828125 45.585938 49.492188 46.007812 49.082031 46.007812 L 35.425781 46.007812 C 35.015625 46.007812 34.679688 45.585938 34.679688 45.074219 C 34.679688 44.558594 35.015625 44.140625 35.425781 44.140625 L 49.082031 44.140625 C 49.492188 44.140625 49.828125 44.558594 49.828125 45.074219 Z M 49.828125 45.074219 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.828125 48.398438 C 49.828125 48.910156 49.492188 49.332031 49.082031 49.332031 L 35.425781 49.332031 C 35.015625 49.332031 34.679688 48.910156 34.679688 48.398438 C 34.679688 47.882812 35.015625 47.464844 35.425781 47.464844 L 49.082031 47.464844 C 49.492188 47.464844 49.828125 47.882812 49.828125 48.398438 Z M 49.828125 48.398438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 42.996094 51.722656 C 42.996094 52.234375 42.664062 52.660156 42.253906 52.660156 L 35.425781 52.660156 C 35.015625 52.660156 34.679688 52.234375 34.679688 51.722656 C 34.679688 51.207031 35.015625 50.789062 35.425781 50.789062 L 42.253906 50.789062 C 42.664062 50.789062 42.996094 51.207031 42.996094 51.722656 Z M 42.996094 51.722656 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 31.984375 60.484375 C 31.984375 60.675781 31.898438 60.859375 31.757812 61 L 28.171875 64.597656 C 28.03125 64.738281 27.835938 64.8125 27.65625 64.8125 C 27.460938 64.8125 27.28125 64.738281 27.140625 64.597656 L 25.390625 62.847656 C 25.25 62.707031 25.171875 62.523438 25.171875 62.332031 C 25.171875 62.128906 25.25 61.945312 25.390625 61.804688 L 25.667969 61.527344 C 25.957031 61.234375 26.421875 61.234375 26.710938 61.515625 L 27.65625 62.472656 L 30.4375 59.679688 C 30.578125 59.539062 30.757812 59.464844 30.964844 59.464844 C 31.15625 59.464844 31.339844 59.539062 31.480469 59.679688 L 31.757812 59.96875 C 31.898438 60.097656 31.984375 60.289062 31.984375 60.484375 Z M 31.984375 60.484375 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.828125 58.8125 C 49.828125 59.324219 49.492188 59.746094 49.082031 59.746094 L 35.425781 59.746094 C 35.015625 59.746094 34.679688 59.324219 34.679688 58.8125 C 34.679688 58.296875 35.015625 57.878906 35.425781 57.878906 L 49.082031 57.878906 C 49.492188 57.878906 49.828125 58.296875 49.828125 58.8125 Z M 49.828125 58.8125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.828125 62.136719 C 49.828125 62.648438 49.492188 63.070312 49.082031 63.070312 L 35.425781 63.070312 C 35.015625 63.070312 34.679688 62.648438 34.679688 62.136719 C 34.679688 61.621094 35.015625 61.203125 35.425781 61.203125 L 49.082031 61.203125 C 49.492188 61.203125 49.828125 61.621094 49.828125 62.136719 Z M 49.828125 62.136719 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 42.996094 65.464844 C 42.996094 65.972656 42.664062 66.398438 42.253906 66.398438 L 35.425781 66.398438 C 35.015625 66.398438 34.679688 65.972656 34.679688 65.464844 C 34.679688 64.945312 35.015625 64.53125 35.425781 64.53125 L 42.253906 64.53125 C 42.664062 64.53125 42.996094 64.945312 42.996094 65.464844 Z M 42.996094 65.464844 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Ahorra tiempo al iniciar tu consulta de atención de urgencias desde cualquier lugar </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div> <figure role="group" class="align-none"> <div style="margin: 0; padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: 1em;" class="section snippet-cta snippet-cta--with-icons snippet-cta--center-text bg-white scEnabledChrome" sc-part-of="placeholder rendering"> <div class="container "> <h2 class="section-header__heading" 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28.480469 20.097656 L 28.480469 20.59375 L 23.929688 20.59375 C 20.914062 20.59375 18.464844 23.042969 18.464844 26.054688 L 18.464844 67.445312 C 18.464844 70.457031 20.914062 72.910156 23.929688 72.910156 L 51.074219 72.910156 C 54.082031 72.910156 56.535156 70.457031 56.535156 67.445312 L 56.535156 26.054688 C 56.535156 23.042969 54.082031 20.59375 51.074219 20.59375 Z M 37.5 17.585938 C 38.175781 17.585938 38.726562 18.132812 38.726562 18.8125 C 38.726562 19.484375 38.175781 20.035156 37.5 20.035156 C 36.824219 20.035156 36.277344 19.484375 36.277344 18.8125 C 36.277344 18.132812 36.824219 17.585938 37.5 17.585938 Z M 54.394531 67.441406 C 54.394531 69.277344 52.902344 70.765625 51.074219 70.765625 L 23.929688 70.765625 C 22.097656 70.765625 20.609375 69.277344 20.609375 67.441406 L 20.609375 26.054688 C 20.609375 24.222656 22.097656 22.730469 23.929688 22.730469 L 28.484375 22.730469 C 28.496094 23.464844 29.097656 24.058594 29.839844 24.058594 L 45.191406 24.058594 C 45.933594 24.058594 46.535156 23.464844 46.554688 22.730469 L 51.074219 22.730469 C 52.902344 22.730469 54.394531 24.222656 54.394531 26.054688 Z M 54.394531 67.441406 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.054688 60.332031 L 47.949219 60.332031 C 48.636719 60.332031 49.195312 60.890625 49.195312 61.582031 C 49.195312 62.269531 48.636719 62.828125 47.949219 62.828125 L 27.054688 62.828125 C 26.367188 62.828125 25.808594 62.269531 25.808594 61.582031 C 25.808594 60.890625 26.367188 60.332031 27.054688 60.332031 Z M 27.054688 60.332031 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.054688 53.101562 L 47.949219 53.101562 C 48.636719 53.101562 49.195312 53.660156 49.195312 54.347656 C 49.195312 55.039062 48.636719 55.597656 47.949219 55.597656 L 27.054688 55.597656 C 26.367188 55.597656 25.808594 55.039062 25.808594 54.347656 C 25.808594 53.660156 26.367188 53.101562 27.054688 53.101562 Z M 27.054688 53.101562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.054688 45.871094 L 47.949219 45.871094 C 48.636719 45.871094 49.195312 46.429688 49.195312 47.117188 C 49.195312 47.808594 48.636719 48.367188 47.949219 48.367188 L 27.054688 48.367188 C 26.367188 48.367188 25.808594 47.808594 25.808594 47.117188 C 25.808594 46.429688 26.367188 45.871094 27.054688 45.871094 Z M 27.054688 45.871094 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 36.414062 34.523438 L 36.414062 37.421875 C 36.414062 37.730469 36.160156 37.980469 35.851562 37.980469 L 33.121094 37.980469 L 33.121094 40.714844 C 33.121094 41.023438 32.867188 41.277344 32.558594 41.277344 L 29.660156 41.277344 C 29.351562 41.277344 29.097656 41.023438 29.097656 40.714844 L 29.097656 37.980469 L 26.363281 37.980469 C 26.058594 37.980469 25.804688 37.730469 25.804688 37.421875 L 25.804688 34.523438 C 25.804688 34.21875 26.058594 33.960938 26.363281 33.960938 L 29.097656 33.960938 L 29.097656 31.230469 C 29.097656 30.921875 29.351562 30.667969 29.660156 30.667969 L 32.558594 30.667969 C 32.867188 30.667969 33.121094 30.921875 33.121094 31.230469 L 33.121094 33.960938 L 35.851562 33.960938 C 36.160156 33.960938 36.414062 34.21875 36.414062 34.523438 Z M 36.414062 34.523438 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Revisa fácilmente tus análisis e historias clínicas y compártelos </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.199219 58.207031 90 37.5 90 C 16.792969 90 0 73.199219 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.777344 16.792969 0 37.5 0 C 47.859375 0 57.234375 4.183594 64.011719 10.972656 C 70.800781 17.765625 75 27.140625 75 37.5 Z M 75 37.5 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.402344 42.632812 C 42.578125 41.824219 41.496094 41.375 40.359375 41.371094 L 40.34375 41.371094 C 39.191406 41.375 38.109375 41.824219 37.296875 42.636719 L 31.65625 48.28125 C 30.839844 49.09375 30.390625 50.179688 30.390625 51.328125 C 30.390625 52.5 30.839844 53.589844 31.660156 54.390625 C 32.484375 55.203125 33.5625 55.648438 34.703125 55.652344 L 34.714844 55.652344 C 35.867188 55.648438 36.949219 55.199219 37.761719 54.386719 L 43.40625 48.746094 C 44.222656 47.929688 44.671875 46.847656 44.671875 45.699219 C 44.671875 44.523438 44.222656 43.433594 43.402344 42.632812 Z M 42.203125 47.558594 L 40 49.761719 L 36.28125 46.042969 L 38.484375 43.839844 C 38.984375 43.339844 39.644531 43.066406 40.34375 43.066406 C 41.046875 43.066406 41.707031 43.339844 42.203125 43.839844 C 42.699219 44.332031 42.96875 44.992188 42.96875 45.699219 C 42.96875 46.402344 42.699219 47.0625 42.203125 47.558594 Z M 42.203125 47.558594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.265625 48.363281 C 57.265625 37.617188 48.515625 28.878906 37.785156 28.878906 C 27.050781 28.878906 18.300781 37.617188 18.300781 48.363281 C 18.300781 55.378906 22.03125 61.550781 27.621094 64.988281 L 24.902344 67.707031 C 24.179688 68.425781 24.195312 69.621094 24.929688 70.355469 C 25.304688 70.730469 25.804688 70.921875 26.289062 70.921875 C 26.761719 70.921875 27.230469 70.742188 27.589844 70.382812 L 31.253906 66.722656 C 33.304688 67.441406 35.496094 67.84375 37.785156 67.84375 C 39.917969 67.84375 41.972656 67.5 43.882812 66.859375 L 47.40625 70.382812 C 47.765625 70.742188 48.238281 70.921875 48.710938 70.921875 C 49.195312 70.921875 49.695312 70.730469 50.070312 70.355469 C 50.804688 69.621094 50.816406 68.425781 50.097656 67.707031 L 47.585938 65.195312 C 53.371094 61.8125 57.265625 55.53125 57.265625 48.363281 Z M 37.785156 64.335938 C 28.964844 64.335938 21.808594 57.167969 21.808594 48.363281 C 21.808594 39.558594 28.964844 32.386719 37.785156 32.386719 C 46.601562 32.386719 53.757812 39.558594 53.757812 48.363281 C 53.757812 57.167969 46.589844 64.335938 37.785156 64.335938 Z M 37.785156 64.335938 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5625 59.578125 C 37.03125 59.578125 36.621094 60 36.621094 60.53125 L 36.621094 61.59375 C 36.621094 62.121094 37.042969 62.546875 37.5625 62.546875 C 38.078125 62.546875 38.503906 62.121094 38.503906 61.59375 L 38.503906 60.53125 C 38.503906 60 38.078125 59.578125 37.5625 59.578125 Z M 37.5625 59.578125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 32.113281 58.117188 C 31.886719 57.984375 31.636719 57.960938 31.398438 58.027344 C 31.160156 58.09375 30.945312 58.25 30.816406 58.476562 L 30.285156 59.40625 C 30.019531 59.855469 30.179688 60.4375 30.628906 60.703125 C 30.773438 60.796875 30.945312 60.835938 31.105469 60.835938 C 31.4375 60.835938 31.742188 60.664062 31.929688 60.359375 L 32.457031 59.429688 C 32.589844 59.207031 32.617188 58.953125 32.550781 58.703125 C 32.484375 58.464844 32.328125 58.25 32.113281 58.132812 Z M 32.113281 58.117188 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.824219 53.785156 L 25.894531 54.3125 C 25.445312 54.578125 25.285156 55.164062 25.550781 55.613281 C 25.722656 55.917969 26.042969 56.089844 26.359375 56.089844 C 26.519531 56.089844 26.691406 56.050781 26.851562 55.957031 L 27.777344 55.425781 C 28.226562 55.160156 28.386719 54.578125 28.121094 54.128906 C 27.855469 53.664062 27.289062 53.519531 26.824219 53.785156 Z M 26.824219 53.785156 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.664062 48.679688 C 26.664062 48.148438 26.242188 47.738281 25.710938 47.738281 L 24.648438 47.738281 C 24.121094 47.738281 23.695312 48.164062 23.695312 48.679688 C 23.695312 49.195312 24.121094 49.621094 24.648438 49.621094 L 25.710938 49.621094 C 26.242188 49.621094 26.664062 49.195312 26.664062 48.679688 Z M 26.664062 48.679688 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 27.765625 41.933594 L 26.835938 41.402344 C 26.386719 41.136719 25.804688 41.296875 25.539062 41.746094 C 25.40625 41.972656 25.378906 42.222656 25.445312 42.460938 C 25.511719 42.703125 25.671875 42.914062 25.894531 43.046875 L 26.824219 43.578125 C 26.96875 43.667969 27.140625 43.710938 27.300781 43.710938 C 27.632812 43.710938 27.949219 43.535156 28.121094 43.230469 C 28.253906 43.007812 28.28125 42.753906 28.214844 42.515625 C 28.148438 42.277344 27.992188 42.066406 27.765625 41.933594 Z M 27.765625 41.933594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 31.914062 37.015625 C 31.648438 36.5625 31.078125 36.402344 30.613281 36.667969 C 30.164062 36.933594 30.003906 37.503906 30.269531 37.96875 L 30.800781 38.894531 C 30.933594 39.121094 31.132812 39.265625 31.382812 39.332031 C 31.464844 39.359375 31.554688 39.371094 31.636719 39.371094 C 31.792969 39.371094 31.953125 39.332031 32.101562 39.253906 C 32.324219 39.121094 32.472656 38.921875 32.539062 38.683594 C 32.601562 38.445312 32.5625 38.179688 32.445312 37.953125 L 31.914062 37.027344 L 31.914062 37.011719 Z M 31.914062 37.015625 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5625 34.800781 C 37.03125 34.800781 36.621094 35.226562 36.621094 35.753906 L 36.621094 36.816406 C 36.621094 37.347656 37.042969 37.769531 37.5625 37.769531 C 38.078125 37.769531 38.503906 37.347656 38.503906 36.816406 L 38.503906 35.753906 C 38.503906 35.226562 38.078125 34.800781 37.5625 34.800781 Z M 37.5625 34.800781 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.261719 39.242188 C 43.40625 39.320312 43.582031 39.375 43.738281 39.375 C 43.820312 39.375 43.898438 39.375 43.976562 39.347656 C 44.214844 39.28125 44.429688 39.121094 44.5625 38.898438 L 45.089844 37.96875 C 45.355469 37.519531 45.195312 36.933594 44.746094 36.671875 C 44.28125 36.40625 43.710938 36.566406 43.449219 37.015625 L 42.917969 37.941406 C 42.785156 38.167969 42.757812 38.421875 42.824219 38.660156 C 42.890625 38.898438 43.050781 39.109375 43.261719 39.230469 Z M 43.261719 39.242188 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.0625 43.695312 C 48.21875 43.695312 48.390625 43.65625 48.539062 43.5625 L 49.464844 43.03125 C 49.917969 42.765625 50.074219 42.183594 49.808594 41.734375 C 49.546875 41.269531 48.976562 41.125 48.511719 41.390625 L 47.582031 41.917969 C 47.132812 42.183594 46.972656 42.765625 47.238281 43.21875 C 47.410156 43.523438 47.730469 43.695312 48.046875 43.695312 Z M 48.0625 43.695312 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 50.726562 47.726562 L 49.664062 47.726562 C 49.132812 47.726562 48.710938 48.148438 48.710938 48.667969 C 48.710938 49.183594 49.132812 49.609375 49.664062 49.609375 L 50.726562 49.609375 C 51.253906 49.609375 51.679688 49.183594 51.679688 48.667969 C 51.679688 48.148438 51.253906 47.726562 50.726562 47.726562 Z M 50.726562 47.726562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.464844 54.3125 L 48.539062 53.785156 C 48.085938 53.519531 47.503906 53.679688 47.238281 54.128906 C 47.105469 54.355469 47.082031 54.605469 47.148438 54.84375 C 47.210938 55.082031 47.371094 55.296875 47.597656 55.429688 L 48.523438 55.957031 C 48.671875 56.050781 48.84375 56.089844 49.003906 56.089844 C 49.332031 56.089844 49.652344 55.917969 49.824219 55.613281 C 49.957031 55.390625 49.984375 55.136719 49.917969 54.898438 C 49.851562 54.660156 49.691406 54.449219 49.464844 54.316406 Z M 49.464844 54.3125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.5625 58.464844 C 44.429688 58.238281 44.230469 58.09375 43.976562 58.027344 C 43.726562 57.960938 43.472656 58 43.261719 58.117188 C 42.796875 58.382812 42.652344 58.953125 42.917969 59.417969 L 43.449219 60.347656 C 43.621094 60.652344 43.953125 60.824219 44.269531 60.824219 C 44.429688 60.824219 44.585938 60.78125 44.734375 60.703125 C 45.183594 60.4375 45.34375 59.867188 45.078125 59.40625 L 44.546875 58.476562 Z M 44.5625 58.464844 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.570312 37.003906 C 57.195312 37.546875 56.40625 37.617188 55.933594 37.144531 L 47.171875 28.394531 C 46.699219 27.921875 46.769531 27.132812 47.308594 26.746094 C 48.003906 26.257812 48.765625 25.898438 49.542969 25.691406 C 48.003906 23.515625 45.453125 22.085938 42.59375 22.085938 L 31.15625 22.085938 C 28.175781 22.085938 25.539062 23.625 24.015625 25.953125 C 25.316406 26.039062 26.578125 26.480469 27.6875 27.257812 C 28.230469 27.648438 28.300781 28.4375 27.828125 28.90625 L 19.0625 37.65625 C 18.59375 38.128906 17.816406 38.058594 17.429688 37.519531 C 15.402344 34.648438 15.667969 30.640625 18.246094 28.074219 C 18.855469 27.464844 19.550781 26.980469 20.296875 26.632812 C 21.933594 22.222656 26.175781 19.078125 31.140625 19.078125 L 42.582031 19.078125 C 47.128906 19.078125 51.066406 21.722656 52.941406 25.550781 L 52.953125 25.550781 C 54.355469 25.816406 55.683594 26.480469 56.765625 27.5625 C 59.332031 30.128906 59.597656 34.136719 57.570312 37.003906 Z M 57.570312 37.003906 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Configura recordatorios de medicamentos para que nunca te saltes una dosis </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div> <figure role="group" class="align-none"> <div style="margin: 0; padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: 1em;" class="section snippet-cta snippet-cta--with-icons snippet-cta--center-text bg-white scEnabledChrome" sc-part-of="placeholder rendering"> <div class="container "> <h2 class="section-header__heading" style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1em;">Información al alcance de la mano</h2> <div class="snippet-cta__items"> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 58.210938 0 75 16.789062 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.210938 58.210938 90 37.5 90 C 16.789062 90 0 73.210938 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.789062 16.789062 0 37.5 0 Z M 37.5 0 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 56.054688 24.605469 L 51.148438 24.605469 L 51.148438 26.464844 L 55.152344 26.464844 C 56.78125 26.464844 58.101562 27.84375 58.101562 29.539062 L 58.101562 37.097656 L 16.898438 37.097656 L 16.898438 29.539062 C 16.898438 27.84375 18.214844 26.464844 19.84375 26.464844 L 23.015625 26.464844 L 23.015625 24.605469 L 18.945312 24.605469 C 16.769531 24.605469 15.007812 26.382812 15.007812 28.578125 L 15.007812 65.777344 C 15.007812 67.96875 16.769531 69.753906 18.945312 69.753906 L 56.054688 69.753906 C 58.230469 69.753906 59.992188 67.96875 59.992188 65.777344 L 59.992188 28.578125 C 59.992188 26.382812 58.230469 24.605469 56.054688 24.605469 Z M 24.125 63.574219 C 22.785156 63.574219 21.695312 62.484375 21.695312 61.144531 C 21.695312 59.800781 22.785156 58.714844 24.125 58.714844 C 25.476562 58.714844 26.5625 59.800781 26.5625 61.144531 C 26.5625 62.484375 25.476562 63.574219 24.125 63.574219 Z M 24.125 55.730469 C 22.785156 55.730469 21.695312 54.640625 21.695312 53.296875 C 21.695312 51.957031 22.785156 50.867188 24.125 50.867188 C 25.476562 50.867188 26.5625 51.957031 26.5625 53.296875 C 26.5625 54.640625 25.476562 55.730469 24.125 55.730469 Z M 33.042969 63.574219 C 31.703125 63.574219 30.605469 62.484375 30.605469 61.144531 C 30.605469 59.800781 31.703125 58.714844 33.042969 58.714844 C 34.386719 58.714844 35.472656 59.800781 35.472656 61.144531 C 35.472656 62.484375 34.386719 63.574219 33.042969 63.574219 Z M 33.042969 55.730469 C 31.703125 55.730469 30.605469 54.640625 30.605469 53.296875 C 30.605469 51.957031 31.703125 50.867188 33.042969 50.867188 C 34.386719 50.867188 35.472656 51.957031 35.472656 53.296875 C 35.472656 54.640625 34.386719 55.730469 33.042969 55.730469 Z M 33.042969 47.890625 C 31.703125 47.890625 30.605469 46.796875 30.605469 45.453125 C 30.605469 44.109375 31.703125 43.023438 33.042969 43.023438 C 34.386719 43.023438 35.472656 44.109375 35.472656 45.453125 C 35.472656 46.796875 34.386719 47.890625 33.042969 47.890625 Z M 41.953125 63.574219 C 40.613281 63.574219 39.523438 62.484375 39.523438 61.144531 C 39.523438 59.800781 40.613281 58.714844 41.953125 58.714844 C 43.296875 58.714844 44.390625 59.800781 44.390625 61.144531 C 44.390625 62.484375 43.296875 63.574219 41.953125 63.574219 Z M 41.953125 55.730469 C 40.613281 55.730469 39.523438 54.640625 39.523438 53.296875 C 39.523438 51.957031 40.613281 50.867188 41.953125 50.867188 C 43.296875 50.867188 44.390625 51.957031 44.390625 53.296875 C 44.390625 54.640625 43.296875 55.730469 41.953125 55.730469 Z M 41.953125 47.890625 C 40.613281 47.890625 39.523438 46.796875 39.523438 45.453125 C 39.523438 44.109375 40.613281 43.023438 41.953125 43.023438 C 43.296875 43.023438 44.390625 44.109375 44.390625 45.453125 C 44.390625 46.796875 43.296875 47.890625 41.953125 47.890625 Z M 50.871094 63.574219 C 49.527344 63.574219 48.433594 62.484375 48.433594 61.144531 C 48.433594 59.800781 49.527344 58.714844 50.871094 58.714844 C 52.214844 58.714844 53.300781 59.800781 53.300781 61.144531 C 53.300781 62.484375 52.214844 63.574219 50.871094 63.574219 Z M 50.871094 55.730469 C 49.527344 55.730469 48.433594 54.640625 48.433594 53.296875 C 48.433594 51.957031 49.527344 50.867188 50.871094 50.867188 C 52.214844 50.867188 53.300781 51.957031 53.300781 53.296875 C 53.300781 54.640625 52.214844 55.730469 50.871094 55.730469 Z M 50.871094 47.890625 C 49.527344 47.890625 48.433594 46.796875 48.433594 45.453125 C 48.433594 44.109375 49.527344 43.023438 50.871094 43.023438 C 52.214844 43.023438 53.300781 44.109375 53.300781 45.453125 C 53.300781 46.796875 52.214844 47.890625 50.871094 47.890625 Z M 50.871094 47.890625 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.5625 61.144531 C 26.5625 62.484375 25.476562 63.574219 24.125 63.574219 C 22.785156 63.574219 21.695312 62.484375 21.695312 61.144531 C 21.695312 59.800781 22.785156 58.714844 24.125 58.714844 C 25.476562 58.714844 26.5625 59.800781 26.5625 61.144531 Z M 26.5625 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.5625 53.296875 C 26.5625 54.640625 25.476562 55.730469 24.125 55.730469 C 22.785156 55.730469 21.695312 54.640625 21.695312 53.296875 C 21.695312 51.957031 22.785156 50.867188 24.125 50.867188 C 25.476562 50.867188 26.5625 51.957031 26.5625 53.296875 Z M 26.5625 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 61.144531 C 35.472656 62.484375 34.386719 63.574219 33.042969 63.574219 C 31.703125 63.574219 30.605469 62.484375 30.605469 61.144531 C 30.605469 59.800781 31.703125 58.714844 33.042969 58.714844 C 34.386719 58.714844 35.472656 59.800781 35.472656 61.144531 Z M 35.472656 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 53.296875 C 35.472656 54.640625 34.386719 55.730469 33.042969 55.730469 C 31.703125 55.730469 30.605469 54.640625 30.605469 53.296875 C 30.605469 51.957031 31.703125 50.867188 33.042969 50.867188 C 34.386719 50.867188 35.472656 51.957031 35.472656 53.296875 Z M 35.472656 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 45.453125 C 35.472656 46.796875 34.386719 47.890625 33.042969 47.890625 C 31.703125 47.890625 30.605469 46.796875 30.605469 45.453125 C 30.605469 44.109375 31.703125 43.023438 33.042969 43.023438 C 34.386719 43.023438 35.472656 44.109375 35.472656 45.453125 Z M 35.472656 45.453125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 61.144531 C 44.390625 62.484375 43.296875 63.574219 41.953125 63.574219 C 40.613281 63.574219 39.523438 62.484375 39.523438 61.144531 C 39.523438 59.800781 40.613281 58.714844 41.953125 58.714844 C 43.296875 58.714844 44.390625 59.800781 44.390625 61.144531 Z M 44.390625 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 53.296875 C 44.390625 54.640625 43.296875 55.730469 41.953125 55.730469 C 40.613281 55.730469 39.523438 54.640625 39.523438 53.296875 C 39.523438 51.957031 40.613281 50.867188 41.953125 50.867188 C 43.296875 50.867188 44.390625 51.957031 44.390625 53.296875 Z M 44.390625 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 45.453125 C 44.390625 46.796875 43.296875 47.890625 41.953125 47.890625 C 40.613281 47.890625 39.523438 46.796875 39.523438 45.453125 C 39.523438 44.109375 40.613281 43.023438 41.953125 43.023438 C 43.296875 43.023438 44.390625 44.109375 44.390625 45.453125 Z M 44.390625 45.453125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.300781 61.144531 C 53.300781 62.484375 52.214844 63.574219 50.871094 63.574219 C 49.53125 63.574219 48.433594 62.484375 48.433594 61.144531 C 48.433594 59.800781 49.53125 58.714844 50.871094 58.714844 C 52.214844 58.714844 53.300781 59.800781 53.300781 61.144531 Z M 53.300781 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.300781 53.296875 C 53.300781 54.640625 52.214844 55.730469 50.871094 55.730469 C 49.53125 55.730469 48.433594 54.640625 48.433594 53.296875 C 48.433594 51.957031 49.53125 50.867188 50.871094 50.867188 C 52.214844 50.867188 53.300781 51.957031 53.300781 53.296875 Z M 53.300781 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.433594 45.453125 C 48.433594 44.109375 49.527344 43.023438 50.871094 43.023438 C 52.214844 43.023438 53.300781 44.109375 53.300781 45.453125 C 53.300781 46.796875 52.214844 47.890625 50.871094 47.890625 C 49.527344 47.890625 48.433594 46.796875 48.433594 45.453125 Z M 48.433594 45.453125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 30.53125 24.605469 L 43.632812 24.605469 L 43.632812 26.464844 L 30.53125 26.464844 Z M 30.53125 24.605469 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 29.464844 23.441406 L 29.464844 28.105469 C 29.464844 29.578125 28.273438 30.769531 26.804688 30.769531 L 26.746094 30.769531 C 25.273438 30.769531 24.082031 29.578125 24.082031 28.105469 L 24.082031 23.441406 C 24.082031 21.980469 25.273438 20.777344 26.804688 20.777344 C 28.273438 20.777344 29.464844 21.980469 29.464844 23.441406 Z M 29.464844 23.441406 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 50.089844 23.441406 L 50.089844 28.105469 C 50.089844 29.578125 48.890625 30.769531 47.429688 30.769531 L 47.363281 30.769531 C 45.890625 30.769531 44.699219 29.578125 44.699219 28.105469 L 44.699219 23.441406 C 44.699219 21.980469 45.890625 20.777344 47.429688 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stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.300781 45.453125 C 53.300781 46.796875 52.214844 47.890625 50.871094 47.890625 C 49.53125 47.890625 48.433594 46.796875 48.433594 45.453125 C 48.433594 44.109375 49.53125 43.023438 50.871094 43.023438 C 52.214844 43.023438 53.300781 44.109375 53.300781 45.453125 Z M 53.300781 45.453125 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.5625 53.296875 C 26.5625 54.640625 25.476562 55.730469 24.125 55.730469 C 22.785156 55.730469 21.695312 54.640625 21.695312 53.296875 C 21.695312 51.957031 22.785156 50.867188 24.125 50.867188 C 25.476562 50.867188 26.5625 51.957031 26.5625 53.296875 Z M 26.5625 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 53.296875 C 35.472656 54.640625 34.386719 55.730469 33.042969 55.730469 C 31.703125 55.730469 30.605469 54.640625 30.605469 53.296875 C 30.605469 51.957031 31.703125 50.867188 33.042969 50.867188 C 34.386719 50.867188 35.472656 51.957031 35.472656 53.296875 Z M 35.472656 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 53.296875 C 44.390625 54.640625 43.296875 55.730469 41.953125 55.730469 C 40.613281 55.730469 39.523438 54.640625 39.523438 53.296875 C 39.523438 51.957031 40.613281 50.867188 41.953125 50.867188 C 43.296875 50.867188 44.390625 51.957031 44.390625 53.296875 Z M 44.390625 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 53.300781 53.296875 C 53.300781 54.640625 52.214844 55.730469 50.871094 55.730469 C 49.53125 55.730469 48.433594 54.640625 48.433594 53.296875 C 48.433594 51.957031 49.53125 50.867188 50.871094 50.867188 C 52.214844 50.867188 53.300781 51.957031 53.300781 53.296875 Z M 53.300781 53.296875 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 26.5625 61.144531 C 26.5625 62.484375 25.476562 63.574219 24.125 63.574219 C 22.785156 63.574219 21.695312 62.484375 21.695312 61.144531 C 21.695312 59.800781 22.785156 58.714844 24.125 58.714844 C 25.476562 58.714844 26.5625 59.800781 26.5625 61.144531 Z M 26.5625 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.472656 61.144531 C 35.472656 62.484375 34.386719 63.574219 33.042969 63.574219 C 31.703125 63.574219 30.605469 62.484375 30.605469 61.144531 C 30.605469 59.800781 31.703125 58.714844 33.042969 58.714844 C 34.386719 58.714844 35.472656 59.800781 35.472656 61.144531 Z M 35.472656 61.144531 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.390625 61.144531 C 44.390625 62.484375 43.296875 63.574219 41.953125 63.574219 C 40.613281 63.574219 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37.839844 22.824219 Z M 37.84375 62.308594 C 27.746094 62.308594 19.53125 54.101562 19.53125 43.996094 C 19.53125 33.894531 27.746094 25.683594 37.84375 25.683594 C 47.9375 25.683594 56.164062 33.902344 56.164062 43.996094 C 56.164062 54.09375 47.945312 62.308594 37.84375 62.308594 Z M 37.84375 62.308594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.921875 35.964844 L 43.921875 38.085938 C 43.921875 39.683594 43.285156 41.136719 42.261719 42.214844 C 41.167969 43.359375 39.632812 44.078125 37.929688 44.078125 C 36.222656 44.078125 34.691406 43.359375 33.597656 42.214844 C 32.574219 41.136719 31.9375 39.683594 31.9375 38.085938 L 31.9375 35.964844 C 31.9375 32.660156 34.625 29.976562 37.929688 29.976562 C 41.234375 29.976562 43.921875 32.660156 43.921875 35.964844 Z M 43.921875 35.964844 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 50.390625 48.851562 C 48.503906 47.070312 46.199219 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C 45.589844 51.195312 45.898438 51.503906 45.898438 51.882812 L 45.898438 53.191406 L 47.203125 53.191406 C 47.585938 53.191406 47.894531 53.5 47.894531 53.886719 C 47.894531 54.269531 47.585938 54.578125 47.203125 54.578125 Z M 47.203125 54.578125 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Busca médicos y centros de atención y añádelos a tu lista de favoritos </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div> <figure role="group" class="align-none"> <div style="margin: 0; padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: 1em;" class="section snippet-cta snippet-cta--with-icons snippet-cta--center-text bg-white scEnabledChrome" sc-part-of="placeholder rendering"> <div class="container "> <h2 class="section-header__heading" style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1em;">Evítate el papeleo</h2> <div class="snippet-cta__items"> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <svg 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61.183594 43.546875 Z M 46.09375 57.550781 C 46.09375 58.277344 45.5 58.878906 44.765625 58.878906 L 35.347656 58.878906 C 34.613281 58.878906 34.019531 58.277344 34.019531 57.550781 L 34.019531 54.160156 C 34.019531 53.433594 34.613281 52.832031 35.347656 52.832031 L 44.765625 52.832031 C 45.5 52.832031 46.09375 53.433594 46.09375 54.160156 Z M 56.160156 57.835938 C 56.160156 58.414062 55.695312 58.878906 55.117188 58.878906 L 49.8125 58.878906 C 49.246094 58.878906 48.777344 58.414062 48.777344 57.835938 L 48.777344 53.875 C 48.777344 53.296875 49.246094 52.832031 49.8125 52.832031 L 55.117188 52.832031 C 55.695312 52.832031 56.160156 53.296875 56.160156 53.875 Z M 56.160156 57.835938 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Consulta tus facturas y efectúa fácilmente los pagos en línea </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> <div class="snippet-cta__item"> <div class="snippet-cta__icon"> <svg xmlns="" 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22.78125 52.171875 C 22.566406 52.171875 22.390625 52 22.390625 51.792969 L 22.390625 47.667969 L 18.265625 47.667969 C 18.058594 47.667969 17.882812 47.492188 17.882812 47.285156 L 17.882812 42.722656 C 17.882812 42.507812 18.058594 42.332031 18.265625 42.332031 L 22.390625 42.332031 L 22.390625 38.207031 C 22.390625 38 22.566406 37.828125 22.78125 37.828125 L 27.335938 37.828125 C 27.550781 37.828125 27.722656 38 27.722656 38.207031 L 27.722656 42.332031 L 31.847656 42.332031 C 32.058594 42.332031 32.230469 42.507812 32.230469 42.722656 Z M 37.496094 37.625 L 55.78125 37.625 C 56.457031 37.625 57.011719 38.171875 57.011719 38.855469 C 57.011719 39.535156 56.457031 40.082031 55.78125 40.082031 L 37.496094 40.082031 C 36.820312 40.082031 36.265625 39.535156 36.265625 38.855469 C 36.265625 38.171875 36.820312 37.625 37.496094 37.625 Z M 47.148438 52.375 L 37.667969 52.375 C 36.988281 52.375 36.441406 51.828125 36.441406 51.144531 C 36.441406 50.472656 36.988281 49.917969 37.667969 49.917969 L 47.148438 49.917969 C 47.832031 49.917969 48.378906 50.472656 48.378906 51.144531 C 48.378906 51.828125 47.832031 52.375 47.148438 52.375 Z M 55.945312 46.234375 L 37.667969 46.234375 C 36.988281 46.234375 36.441406 45.679688 36.441406 45.003906 C 36.441406 44.320312 36.988281 43.765625 37.667969 43.765625 L 55.945312 43.765625 C 56.628906 43.765625 57.183594 44.320312 57.183594 45.003906 C 57.183594 45.679688 56.628906 46.234375 55.945312 46.234375 Z M 55.945312 46.234375 "/> </g> </svg> </div> <h3 class="snippet-cta__heading"></h3> <div class="snippet-cta__desc"> Carga tus tarjetas de seguro para acceder a ellas fácilmente </div> <footer class="snippet-cta__footer"> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "¿Qué es PineApp de Baptist Health?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Con PineApp de Baptist Health puedes gestionar todo lo relacionado con tu salud en un solo lugar y desde cualquier sitio. Enfocada en brindar comodidad, PineApp ofrece funciones específicas para facilitar y hacer más accesible la atención médica.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "¿En qué se diferencia PineApp de otras aplicaciones de Baptist Health?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>PineApp integra las funciones de varias aplicaciones de Baptist Health para convertirla en la única fuente de recursos para tu atención médica.</p> <p>Mediante PineApp de Baptist Health puedes:</p> <ul> <li>Reservar citas cómodamente.</li> <li>Ver, cancelar o reprogramar tus próximas citas.</li> <li>Hacer búsquedas en todos los centros de Baptist Health.</li> <li>Recibir notificaciones y ver los resultados de tus análisis.</li> <li>Cargar y almacenar la información del seguro.</li> <li>Programar recordatorios de medicamentos.</li> <li>Llevar control de tus síntomas a lo largo del tiempo con el diario de salud.</li> <li>Tener acceso a la atención de urgencias en línea las 24 horas, todos los días.</li> <li>Iniciar tu consulta de atención de urgencias.</li> <li>Pagar una factura.</li> </ul> <p>Y más funciones que se añaden periódicamente.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "¿Cómo puedo descargar PineApp?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Visita la tienda de aplicaciones de tu dispositivo móvil y busca “PineApp”.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp desde la App Store, haz clic <a href=''>aquí</a>.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp en Google Play, haz clic <a href=''>aquí</a>.</p>" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "¿PineApp es gratuita?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Sí, es gratuita. Se puede descargar de la App Store y Google Play.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp desde la App Store, haz clic <a href=''>aquí</a>.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp en Google Play, haz clic <a href=''>aquí</a>.</p> " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "¿Cómo puedo obtener asistencia con mi cuenta en Baptist Health?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Si tienes preguntas sobre tu cuenta de Baptist Health, <a href='/es/patient-resources/my-baptist-health-account/baptist-health-account-help'>haz clic aquí</a>.</p>" } } ] } </script> <section class="section accordion-section "> <div class="container "> <div class="container--inner"> <header class="section-header "> <h2 class="section-header__heading">Preguntas más frecuentes</h2> </header> <div class="accordion"> <ul class="accordion__items"> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--0"> <button aria-controls="accordion--0" class="accordion__button ">¿Qué es PineApp de Baptist Health?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--0" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Con PineApp de Baptist Health puedes gestionar todo lo relacionado con tu salud en un solo lugar y desde cualquier sitio. Enfocada en brindar comodidad, PineApp ofrece funciones específicas para facilitar y hacer más accesible la atención médica.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--1"> <button aria-controls="accordion--1" class="accordion__button ">¿En qué se diferencia PineApp de otras aplicaciones de Baptist Health?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--1" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>PineApp integra las funciones de varias aplicaciones de Baptist Health para convertirla en la única fuente de recursos para tu atención médica.</p> <p>Mediante PineApp de Baptist Health puedes:</p> <ul> <li>Reservar citas cómodamente.</li> <li>Ver, cancelar o reprogramar tus próximas citas.</li> <li>Hacer búsquedas en todos los centros de Baptist Health.</li> <li>Recibir notificaciones y ver los resultados de tus análisis.</li> <li>Cargar y almacenar la información del seguro.</li> <li>Programar recordatorios de medicamentos.</li> <li>Llevar control de tus síntomas a lo largo del tiempo con el diario de salud.</li> <li>Tener acceso a la atención de urgencias en línea las 24 horas, todos los días.</li> <li>Iniciar tu consulta de atención de urgencias.</li> <li>Pagar una factura.</li> </ul> <p>Y más funciones que se añaden periódicamente.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--2"> <button aria-controls="accordion--2" class="accordion__button ">¿Cómo puedo descargar PineApp?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--2" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Visita la tienda de aplicaciones de tu dispositivo móvil y busca “PineApp”.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp desde la App Store, haz clic <a href="">aquí</a>.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp en Google Play, haz clic <a href="">aquí</a>.</p></p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--3"> <button aria-controls="accordion--3" class="accordion__button ">¿PineApp es gratuita?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--3" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Sí, es gratuita. Se puede descargar de la App Store y Google Play.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp desde la App Store, haz clic <a href="">aquí</a>.</p> <p>Para descargar PineApp en Google Play, haz clic <a href="">aquí</a>.</p> </p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion__item"> <h3 class="accordion__title heading--h6" id="accordionTitle--4"> <button aria-controls="accordion--4" class="accordion__button ">¿Cómo puedo obtener asistencia con mi cuenta en Baptist Health?</button> </h3> <div id="#accordion--4" class="accordion__content typeset"> <p><p>Si tienes preguntas sobre tu cuenta de Baptist Health, <a href="/es/patient-resources/my-baptist-health-account/baptist-health-account-help">haz clic aquí</a>.</p></p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script src="/content/assets/js/accordioncomponent.js?v=20241120044044"></script> <div><div class="mobile"> <section class="page-header page-header--image-full page-header--no-site-header "> <div class="page-header__image-full"> <img 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