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people_tab_title_image" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/main_after.jpg"/> <img class="m_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people.png"/> <div class="title"> <p class="big_title">People</p> </div> </div> <div class="content-sustainability content-sustainability-people"> <div class="title container"> <p class="big_title">Commitment to Respect Human Rights</p> <p class="small_title">Based on the management philosophy of ‘Putting people first,’ Samsung Medison respects value of human right, diversity, and embracement and implements practices to reflect these values. We are making improvements for a safe working environment, and providing generous supports for individual growth in order to create a great workplace culture.</p> </div> <section class="opposite_wrapper"> <div class="title"> <p class="big_title m_only">Samsung Medison Human Rights Principles</p> </div> <div class="right tl-left"> <img class="image-small" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/f1.png"/> <div class="inner-title"> <p class="big_title pc_only">Samsung Medison<br> Human Rights Principles</p> <p class="big_title tab_only">Samsung Medison<br> Human Rights Principles</p> <p class="small_title mt68">To fulfill responsibility for respecting and supporting human right standard which is internationally recognized, Samsung Medison has established and implemented human right policies which contain the will of top management to respect human right. These policies specify the implementation of commitment for respecting human right, and this human right principle will be applied also to stakeholders such as employee, partner company, business partner, etc.</p> <p class="middle_title">Discrimination and harassment prevention policy</p> <p class="small_title">Samsung Medison established and disclosed the guideline to prevent harassment, and developed it to discrimination and harassment prevention policy by incorporating contents related to discrimination prevention. This policy contains our commitment to respect everyone’s right to work in harassment-free environment and represents our will to create working environment for employees to work with respect and demonstrate one’s capability enjoying equal opportunity. We remove dangerous factors in workplace by applying scientific prevention and control system, create safe working environment through ergonomic process improvement, and implement business continuity and zero-incident workplace through various healthcare programs for employees to maintain healthy life.<br class="pc_only"/><br class="tab_only"/> We remove dangerous factors in workplace by applying scientific prevention and control system, create safe working environment through ergonomic process improvement, and implement business continuity and zero-incident workplace through various healthcare programs for employees to maintain healthy life.</p> <p class="middle_title">Samsung Medison Code of Conduct</p> <p class="small_title">Samsung Medison’s code of conduct is standard for employee behavior and value judgement enacted based on Samsung Business Principle to comply with laws and ethics and fulfil fundamental role and social responsibility of the company. Samsung Medison certainly respects the three rights of workers, the right to know, the right to participate and the right to refuse unsafe work, to maintain and develop the labor-management relations with win-win cooperation based on mutual trust and integrity.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="opposite_small_wrapper mt100"> <div class="title"> <p class="big_title">Health and Safety</p> <p class="small_title">Samsung Medison selects safety and health management as a core strategy for legal compliance, strengthens the capability of employees through educational<br class="pc_only tab_only"> training, and protects health and safety of all stakeholders through operation of risk management system.</p> </div> <div class="left"> <img class="image-big" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/f2.png"/> <div class="desc"> <p class="middle-title">Build a healthy<br> and safe workplace</p> <p class="small-title">We are operating with a preventive management system to scientifically eliminate risk factors in the workplace and to improve the work process from an ergonomics perspective to create a healthy and safe working environment. In order to secure business continuity and foster an accident-free workplace, we have expanded various health-enhancing activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for all our employees.</p> </div> </div> <div class="right"> <img class="image-big" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/f3.png"/> <div class="desc"> <p class="middle-title">Pre-approval System<br>for Green Management</p> <p class="small-title">We review and evaluate environmental and safety precautions in advance when establishing, relocating, or modifying any dangerous machinery and equipment to prevent industrial accidents and create a pleasant and eco-friendly working environment.</p> </div> </div> <div class="left"> <img class="image-big" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/f4.png"/> <div class="desc"> <p class="middle-title">Business with<br>risk assessment</p> <p class="small-title">We look for the causes and effects of existing risk factors for each workplace, evaluate the results of possible accidents caused by those risk factors, and reduce, remove, and minimize the risks to preemptively ensure the safety of the workplace.</p> </div> </div> <div class="right"> <img class="image-big" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/f5.png"/> <div class="desc"> <p class="middle-title">Emergency<br>response drills</p> <p class="small-title">We conduct emergency response drills every year with possible emergency scenarios to prevent emergencies that may occur and to efficiently and systematically respond with human and material resources available in the event of an accident.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="background_wrapper background_wrapper-big mt0 pt200 pb0"> <div class="title tc-black"> <div class="big_title"> Corporate Culture </div> <div class="small_title"> Samsung Medison, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics, strives to create an organizational culture <br>where members can engage and grow based on diversity and inclusion. </div> </div> <div class="list"> <div class="box"> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/icon_01.png"/> <p class="title">Working smart to achieve work-life balance</p> <div class="desc"> <p>Our work smart culture aims to encourage employees to work flexibly and efficiently while strengthening their autonomy and responsibility.</p> </div> <a class="btn" onclick="javascript:showPopup(1);">Learn more</a> </div> <div class="box"> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/icon_02.png"/> <p class="title">Thinking hard to boost work satisfaction</p> <div class="desc"> Every year, we conduct a job satisfaction survey and actively collect the opinions of our employees to create a better working environment. </div> <a class="btn" onclick="javascript:showPopup(2);">Learn more</a> </div> </div> <div class="list mobileSwiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="box"> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/icon_01.png"/> <p class="title">Working smart to achieve work-life balance</p> <div class="desc"> <p>Our work smart culture aims to encourage employees to work flexibly and efficiently while strengthening their autonomy and responsibility.</p> </div> <a class="btn" onclick="javascript:showPopup(1);">Learn more</a> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="box"> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/icon_02.png"/> <p class="title">Thinking hard to boost work satisfaction</p> <div class="desc"> Every year, we conduct a job satisfaction survey and actively collect the opinions of our employees to create a better working environment. </div> <a class="btn" onclick="javascript:showPopup(2);">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-pagination"></div> </div> </section> <section class="banner_wrapper mt100"> <div class="banner"> <img class="pc_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner1.png"/> <img class="tab_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner1.png"/> <img class="m_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner1_mo.png"/> <div class="box left"> <div class="big_title">Personal Information<br>Protection/ Security</div> <div class="small_title"> Samsung Medison collects and uses personal information transparently,<br class="pc_only tab_only"> uses it safely, and respects users' options. In addition, to protect<br class="pc_only tab_only"> personal information, we prepare for risk factors one step ahead and use<br class="pc_only tab_only"> strong security technology. </div> <a class="btn" onclick="javascript:showPopup(3);">Learn more</a> </div> </div> <div class="banner"> <img class="pc_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner2.png"/> <img class="tab_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner2.png"/> <img class="m_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner2_mo.png"/> <div class="box left"> <div class="big_title">AI ethics</div> <div class="small_title"> Samsung Medison collects personal information transparently, uses it<br class="pc_only tab_only"> safely, and respects users' choices. In addition, to protect personal<br class="pc_only tab_only"> information, we prepare for risk factors one step ahead and use strong<br class="pc_only tab_only"> security technology. </div> <a class="btn" onclick="javascript:showPopup(4);">Learn more</a> </div> </div> <div class="banner"> <img class="pc_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner3.png"/> <img class="tab_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner3.png"/> <img class="m_only" src="/resources/images/sustainability/people/banner3_mo.png"/> <div class="box left"> <div class="big_title">Mutual growth/<br class="m_only">sharing<br class="pc_only tab_only">management</div> <div class="small_title"> Samsung Medison is striving to manage risks and opportunities in the<br class="pc_only tab_only"> supply chain and grow together in consideration of sustainability at all<br class="pc_only tab_only"> stages, including the selection, operation, and evaluation of its partners.<br class="pc_only tab_only"> Samsung Medison practices true sharing management through<br class="pc_only tab_only"> employee volunteer work and creates a corporate culture that fulfills<br class="pc_only tab_only"> social responsibilities and obligations. </div> <a class="btn" onclick="javascript:showPopup(5);">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </section> <div id="popup1" class="popup_wrapper"> <div class="popup"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title">Working smart to achieve work-life balance</div> <div class="desc"> We continuously expand and introduce flexible and efficient working system by considering characteristics of different job roles.<br> Working hours can be flexibly operated depending on individual’s situation through flexible working hour system and annual vacation plan establishment, and the autonomy and responsibility of employees associated with this system are strengthened to settle work smart culture.<br> Also, by introducing the monthly holiday system, family day, and remote work system, executives and employees are using it as a time for self-development and recharging. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Through various welfare systems, we are inducing employees to improve quality of life, improve work satisfaction, boost morale, and concentrate on their work. We promote stability in old age life by operating career consulting centers and personal pension support, and help stabilize the lives of employees' families by providing education and medical expenses. In addition, we provide health checkups and group insurance for the safety and health of executives and employees in consideration of the characteristics of workplaces where various tasks coexist, and we also operate an optional welfare system that allows them to benefit from individual lifestyles. </div> </div> </div> <div id="popup2" class="popup_wrapper"> <div class="popup"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title">Thinking hard to boost work satisfaction</div> <div class="desc"> Through the Samsung Culture Index (SCI), we conducted organizational health diagnosis that focuses on discovering and improving the strengths and weaknesses of organizational culture, moving away from the existing work satisfaction centered diagnosis.<br> Professional consultant participates in organizational culture consulting as needed, and department heads and members work together to come up with and implement organizational culture improvement plans for organizational culture problems discovered through surveys and employee interviews. After consulting, we will continue to support the improvement of the department's organizational culture by identifying improvements and providing feedback through an interim satisfaction survey. </div> </div> </div> <div id="popup3" class="popup_wrapper"> <div class="popup"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title">Personal information protection management</div> <div class="desc"> Samsung Medison has established and implemented a global personal information protection policy to protect personal information. We operate policies suitable for regional situations by reflecting major laws and systems that vary from country to country. In addition, we provide personal information protection-related guidelines such as 'Personal Information Protection Employee Guidelines' and 'Personal Information Processing Consignment Guides' to executives and employees and provide education to enhance understanding." </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Trend monitoring <br> Monitoring trends in personal information protection at home and abroad by analyzing the current status of revisions and revisions of laws related to personal information protection, joining associations, etc. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Establishment and education of policies<br> Establishing policies, such as personal information protection policies, personal information processing consignment guides, and responding to personal information leakage, and training executives and employees </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Program operation<br> Operation of personal information protection programs by business division and region </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Inspection and improvement<br> Conduct inspections on the application and operation of personal information protection policies, and take measures to improve findings; </div> <!-- <div class="desc little-gap"> As soon as Samsung Medison is aware of the leakage of personal information, it operates the following personal information leakage response process that identifies the current situation and establishes and executes countermeasures. In addition, under the Personal Information Protection Act, users and related authorities are notified and reported of the leak without delay, and items of personal information leaked to users affected by the leak, timing and circumstances of the leak, methods of minimizing damage caused by the leak, countermeasures taken by us, and contact information of the department in charge of damage counseling are guided by e-mail and notice on the website. Samsung Medison will do its best to prevent leakage of users' personal information and minimize damage to users in the event of leakage. </div> --> <div class="title">Personal information protection organization</div> <div class="desc"> We are striving to reduce various risks through the operation of the in-house system and to prioritize the protection of customers' personal information through education. <span>Corporate personal information protection chief / People Team Leader (CPO)</span> Chief executive officer of enterprise and external personal information protection<br class="pc_only tab_only"> Overall management of company-wide policy decisions, implementation, and regular inspections   <span class="big-gap">Department personal information protection manager / department group leader / department head</span> Management and supervision of collection, utilization, destruction, etc. of personal information of the department <span class="big-gap">Information security officer</span> Assists the person in charge of personal information protection of the company and performs a liaison<br class="pc_only tab_only"> role related to personal information protection of the company<br> Responses to the formation of the 「Personal Information Leakage Accident Response Council」in the<br class="pc_only tab_only"> event of a personal information leakage accident<br> Personal information management/inspection, issue response of company employees/guests/partners <span class="big-gap">Legal affairs system</span> As a system to comply with personal information-related laws and regulations, it is linked to product R&D and life management systems to prevent risks by checking personal information-related matters step by step from planning, developing, operating, and discontinuing products and services. In addition, we provide personal information protection news and data so that employees can understand the latest trends. </div> <div class="title">Personal information protection system</div> <div class="desc"> All domestic employees, including top executives, must complete personal information protection training every year. Employees who handle personal information at work complete personal information training every year. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> As soon as Samsung Medison is aware of the leakage of personal information, it operates the following personal information leakage response process that identifies the current situation and establishes and executes countermeasures. In addition, under the Personal Information Protection Act, users and related authorities are notified and reported of the leak without delay, and items of personal information leaked to users affected by the leak, timing and circumstances of the leak, methods of minimizing damage caused by the leak, countermeasures taken by us, and contact information of the department in charge of damage counseling are guided by e-mail and notice on the website. Samsung Medison will do its best to prevent leakage of users' personal information and minimize damage to users in the event of leakage. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Samsung Medison apply strict personal information protection policies to advertisements executed<br class="pc_only tab_only"> directly through mobile devices and smart hub devices. </div> <div class="title"> Security </div> <div class="desc"> Samsung Medison is striving to build more complete security in many ways amid increasingly advanced security threats. In addition, we will strengthen the security ecosystem with various stakeholders so that users can enjoy the digital environment with greater reassurance. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> 1. Preventing & Hardening, security system implementation with strict standard <br>2. Detection, capturing all moments without missing <br>3. Response, fast and accurate <br>4. Prediction, future prepared by one step ahead <span class="big-gap">Activities to protect important assets and prevent accidents</span> For the security of our information assets and core technologies, Samsung Medison improves security<br class="pc_only tab_only"> vulnerabilities through regular IT system inspections and operates security systems such as<br class="pc_only tab_only"> monitoring and data encryption for abnormal symptoms from external hacking. <span>Operation of the information protection reporting system</span> Samsung Medison is operating a regular security issue council for CPO (People Team Leader)<br> managers to make decisions on major information protection policies, discuss security improvement measures, respond to security accidents/issues, and act as a control tower. <span class="big-gap">Employee security training</span> Samsung Medison provides various training to raise employees' awareness of cybersecurity and<br class="pc_only tab_only"> information protection. We provide 'Employee Information Protection Training' online, which<br class="pc_only tab_only"> contains information related to cybersecurity and information leakage prevention throughout the<br class="pc_only tab_only"> company. In addition, each division provides practical security training for related business managers<br class="pc_only tab_only"> such as engineers, such as security coding and engineering, security software development process,<br class="pc_only tab_only"> and vulnerability management. <span class="big-gap">Information security management system</span> Samsung Medison conducts regular audits every year to prevent security systems and product security accidents. We are expanding our security management area not only for our company but also for our partners. <span class="big-gap">Enhance customer information management</span> We have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with our customers, limiting access to customer information only for some limited personnel. In addition, CPGS (mail filtering service) is applied to <br class="pc_only tab_only">prevent the person in charge from arbitrarily sharing customer information to block mail transmission including customer information. <span class="big-gap">Strengthening information security organizations and field-centered information security<br class="pc_only tab_only"> activities</span> Samsung Medison operates an information protection organization to protect core technologies<br class="pc_only tab_only"> from rapid changes in IT and industrial structure and internal and external security threats, and has<br class="pc_only tab_only"> appointed an executive-level chief information protection officer to establish a specialized and<br class="pc_only tab_only"> systematic information protection system.<br> In order to establish a field-centered autonomous security culture and protect core technologies<br class="pc_only tab_only"> and assets in the department, we operate a site security agent system. Security Agent is taking the<br class="pc_only tab_only"> lead in establishing a sense of security among executives and employees in the department by<br class="pc_only tab_only"> conducting security education, inspection, and finding security vulnerabilities suitable for the<br class="pc_only tab_only"> characteristics of each department. </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div id="popup3" class="popup_wrapper"> <div class="popup"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title">Personal information protection management</div> <div class="desc"> Samsung Medison has established and implemented a global personal information protection policy to protect personal information. We operate polices suitable for regional situations by reflecting major laws and systems that vary from country to country. In addition, we provide personal information protection-related guidelines such as 'Personal Information Protection Employee Guidelines' and 'Personal Information Processing Consignment Guides' to executives and employees and provide education to enhance understanding." </div> <div class="title">Personal information protection organization</div> <div class="desc"> We are striving to reduce various risks through the operation of the in-house system and to prioritize the protection of customers' personal information through education. <span>Corporate personal information protection chief / People Team Leader (CPO)</span> Chief executive officer of enterprise and external personal information protection<br> Overall management of company-wide policy decisions, implementation, and regular inspections   <span class="big-gap">Department personal information protection manager / department group leader / department head</span> Management and supervision of collection, utilization, destruction, etc. of personal information of the department <span class="big-gap">Information security officer</span> Assists the person in charge of personal information protection of the company and performs a liaison role related to personal information protection of the company<br> Responses to the formation of the 「Personal Information Leakage Accident Response Council」in the event of a personal information leakage accident<br> Personal information management/<span class="m_only"> </span>inspection, issue response of company employees/guests/partners <span class="big-gap">Legal affairs system</span> As a system to comply with personal information-related laws and regulations, it is linked to product R&D and life management systems to prevent risks by checking personal information-related matters step by step from planning, developing, operating, and discontinuing products and services. In addition, we provide personal information protection news and data so that employees can understand the latest trends. </div> <div class="title">Personal information protection system</div> <div class="desc"> All domestic employees, including top executives, must complete personal information protection training every year. Employees who handle personal information at work complete personal information training every year. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> As soon as Samsung Medison is aware of the leakage of personal information, it operates the following personal information leakage response process that identifies the current situation and establishes and executes countermeasures. In addition, under the Personal Information Protection Act, users and related authorities are notified and reported of the leak without delay, and items of personal information leaked to users affected by the leak, timing and circumstances of the leak, methods of minimizing damage caused by the leak, countermeasures taken by us, and contact information of the department in charge of damage counseling are guided by e-mail and notice on the website. Samsung Medison will do its best to prevent leakage of users' personal information and minimize damage to users in the event of leakage. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Samsung Medison apply strict personal information protection policies to advertisements executed directly through mobile devices and smart hub devices. </div> <div class="title"> Security </div> <div class="desc"> Samsung Medison is striving to build more complete security in many ways amid increasingly advanced security threats. In addition, we will strengthen the security ecosystem with various stakeholders so that users can enjoy the digital environment with greater reassurance. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> 1. Preventing & Hardening, security system implementation with strict standard <br>2. Detection, capturing all moments without missing <br>3. Response, fast and accurate <br>4. Prediction, future prepared by one step ahead <span class="big-gap">Activities to protect important assets and prevent accidents</span> For the security of our information assets and core technologies, Samsung Medison improves security vulnerabilities through regular IT system inspections and operates security systems such as monitoring and data encryption for abnormal symptoms from external hacking. <span>Operation of the information protection reporting system</span> Samsung Medison is operating a regular security issue council for CPO (People Team Leader) managers to make decisions on major information protection policies, discuss security improvement measures, respond to security accidents/issues, and act as a control tower. <span class="big-gap">Employee security training</span> Samsung Medison provides various training to raise employees' awareness of cybersecurity and information protection. We provide 'Employee Information Protection Training' online, which contains information related to cybersecurity and information leakage prevention throughout the company. In addition, each division provides practical security training for related business managers such as engineers, such as security coding and engineering, security software development process, and vulnerability management. <span class="big-gap">Information security management system</span> Samsung Medison conducts regular audits every year to prevent security systems and product security accidents. We are expanding our security management area not only for our company but also for our partners. <span class="big-gap">Enhance customer information management</span> We have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with our customers, limiting access to customer information only for some limited personnel. In addition, CPGS (mail filtering service) is applied to prevent the person in charge from arbitrarily sharing customer information to block mail transmission including customer information. <span class="big-gap">Strengthening information security organizations and field-centered information security activities</span> Samsung Medison operates an information protection organization to protect core technologies from rapid changes in IT and industrial structure and internal and external security threats, and has appointed an executive-level chief information protection officer to establish a specialized and systematic information protection system.<br> In order to establish a field-centered autonomous security culture and protect core technologies and assets in the department, we operate a site security agent system. Security Agent is taking the lead in establishing a sense of security among executives and employees in the department by conducting security education, inspection, and finding security vulnerabilities suitable for the characteristics of each department. </div> </div> </div> --> <div id="popup4" class="popup_wrapper"> <div class="popup"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title tl-center">AI ethics</div> <div class="desc"> Samsung Medison has set AI ethics principles of 'fairness', 'transparency', and 'responsibility' to comply<br class="pc_only tab_only"> with related laws and regulations in providing AI products and services and further fulfill social and ethical responsibilities, and is striving to comply with them when developing and operating products and services. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Fairness<br> It respects human rights at all levels of the AI system and pursues fairness and diversity.<br> We try not to encourage or strengthen unfair prejudice due to AI.<br> We try to create AI that anyone can easily access. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Transparency<br> It allows users to recognize that they interact with AI.<br> We try to pursue AI that can be explained to the extent that it is technically possible.<br> Transparently discloses the processing process of personal information collected and utilized by AI services. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> <span>Accountability</span> At all stages of the AI system, we first consider social and ethical responsibilities and try not to violate human rights.<br> Try to ensure that the AI system is managed safely, and strengthen the security process so that there is no vulnerability to attacks such as hacking.<br> We try to make social contribution through AI a corporate culture. </div> <div class="title big-gap"> Education </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> AI Ethics Education for Employees<br> Distributing AI Ethics Guidelines<br> Induce employees to implement AI Ethics Principles by recommending executives and employees to<br class="pc_only tab_only"> comply with guidelines in the process of designing, developing, distributing, implementing, and operating products and services using AI technology </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> AI model and data card form provision<br> Securing transparency in the development process and establishing responsible processes by providing forms for AI model and service development and evaluation processes and data-related information<br> In order to enhance AI ethics online education executives and employees' understanding of AI ethics and raise awareness of its importance, education will be conducted, including trends in global AI ethics regulations and introduction of AI ethics guides for developers. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> <span>Partnership for AI ethics</span> Samsung Medison is working with various stakeholders to enhance understanding of the social impact of AI and to utilize AI technology in a responsible way. In Korea, we participate in the “Industrial Artificial Intelligence Standardization Forum” organized by the government and communicate with experts from academia, research institutes, and industries to establish the right policies. The forum promotes standardization to establish evaluation standards and ethical guidelines for AI reliability, accumulate high-quality data, and secure interoperability by AI-applied industry. Samsung Medison is also participating in the "Artificial Intelligence Ethics Standardization Forum" and is participating in efforts to ultimately create a good AI ecosystem by identifying trends in advanced AI countries and international standardization and developing and distributing AI ethics guidelines suitable for domestic conditions. </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div id="popup4" class="popup_wrapper"> <div class="popup"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title tl-center">AI ethics</div> <div class="desc">Samsung Medison has set AI ethics principles of 'fairness', 'transparency', and 'responsibility' to comply with related laws and regulations in providing AI products and services and further fulfill social and ethical responsibilities, and is striving to comply with them when developing and operating products and services.</div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Fairness<br> It respects human rights at all levels of the AI system and pursues fairness and diversity.<br> We try not to encourage or strengthen unfair prejudice due to AI.<br> We try to create AI that anyone can easily access. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> Transparency<br> It allows users to recognize that they interact with AI.<br> We try to pursue AI that can be explained to the extent that it is technically possible.<br> Transparently discloses the processing process of personal information collected and utilized by AI services. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> <span>Accountability</span> At all stages of the AI system, we first consider social and ethical responsibilities and try not to violate human rights.<br> Try to ensure that the AI system is managed safely, and strengthen the security process so that there is no vulnerability to attacks such as hacking.<br> We try to make social contribution through AI a corporate culture. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> AI Ethics Education for Employees<br> Distributing AI Ethics Guidelines<br> Induce employees to implement AI Ethics Principles by recommending executives and employees to comply with guidelines in the process of designing, developing, distributing, implementing, and operating products and services using AI technology </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> AI model and data card form provision<br> Securing transparency in the development process and establishing responsible processes by providing forms for AI model and service development and evaluation processes and data-related information<br> In order to enhance AI ethics online education executives and employees' understanding of AI ethics and raise awareness of its importance, education will be conducted, including trends in global AI ethics regulations and introduction of AI ethics guides for developers. </div> <div class="desc little-gap"> <span>Partnership for AI ethics</span> Samsung Medison is working with various stakeholders to enhance understanding of the social impact of AI and to utilize AI technology in a responsible way. In Korea, we participate in the “Industrial Artificial Intelligence Standardization Forum” organized by the government and communicate with experts from academia, research institutes, and industries to establish the right policies. The forum promotes standardization to establish evaluation standards and ethical guidelines for AI reliability, accumulate high-quality data, and secure interoperability by AI-applied industry. Samsung Medison is also participating in the "Artificial Intelligence Ethics Standardization Forum" and is participating in efforts to ultimately create a good AI ecosystem by identifying trends in advanced AI countries and international standardization and developing and distributing AI ethics guidelines suitable for domestic conditions. </div> </div> </div> --> <div id="popup5" class="popup_wrapper"> <div class="popup"> <div class="close"></div> <div class="title tl-center gap-title">Win-Win Cooperation - Our practices<br>for fair selection/<br class="m_only">registration of our partners</div> <div class="desc tl-center"> Samsung Medison considers sustainability at all stages, including selection, operation, and evaluation of partner companies to manage risks and opportunities in the supply chain and succeed together. </div> <div class="details"> <div> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/icon_1.png"> <div class="desc"> <strong>01</strong> Samsung Medison focuses on purchasing, quality, eco-partner, and financial status to select a new partner. Our in-house specialists from each division visit the partner company to conduct on-site inspections for accurate evaluation and we utilize external professionals to evaluate the partner's financial status (credit rating). </div> </div> <div> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/icon_2.png"> <div class="desc"> <strong>02</strong> Samsung Medison utilizes the integrated purchasing system established with our purchase behavior code and requires that partner companies follow our shared code for partner companies. </div> </div> <div> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/icon_3.png"> <div class="desc"> <strong>03</strong> Samsung Medison conducts a comprehensive evaluation on partner companies every year to establish a sustainable supply chain. We reflect the results of the evaluation in next year's purchase policy to have our partner companies improve their capabilities. </div> </div> </div> <div class="title tl-center"> Business with sharing - contribute to development<br>of local communities with social contribution activities </div> <div class="desc tl-center"> Samsung Medison's employees participate in volunteer work to share with the society<br> and we foster a corporate culture that carries out our duties and responsibilities as a member of society. </div> <div class="details details-small"> <div> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/image_1.png"> <div class="desc"> <strong>01 Sponsor sharing kiosk</strong> We cultivate a culture of care to support children with rare/orphan diseases or underprivileged children in the locals (Gangdong, Hongcheon, and Gumi branch). Employees of Samsung Medison can choose to tag their staff ID card to donate 1,000 won per tag. (3 million won per child supported </div> </div> <div class="no_line"> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/image_2.png"> <div class="desc"> <strong>02 Sponsor Hope Didimdol/Blue<br class="m_only"> Elephant Fund</strong> <span>Hope Didimdol (support for independence)</span> Since 2015, Samsung Electronics and Community Chest of Korea have established a Hope Didimdol Center in 10 local governments to provide one-room residence for protected minor children to help them experience life and grow up properly in a safe environment. Samsung Medison is also participating in a one-to-one personalized self-reliance integrated management campaign. </div> </div> <div class="have_line"> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/image_3.png"> <div class="desc"> <span> Blue Elephant (school violence prevention) </span> This is a cyber violence prevention project for adolescents jointly organized by the Blue Tree Foundation, Ministry of Education, Community of Chest, and Samsung. This campaign is scheduled for 10 years (from 2020 to 2029) to improve pro-social capabilities for youths, and Samsung Medison has also been participating in the project since 2022. </div> </div> <div> <img src="/resources/images/sustainability/image_4_re.png"> <div class="desc"> <strong>03 Local community contributions</strong> <span> Housing maintenance support project in Hongcheon-gun </span> As a way of community contribution by sharing, Samsung Medison has offered winter heating support (briquettes and boilers) and volunteered to renovate housing conditions for the poor and vulnerable people in Nam-myeon, Hongcheon-gun. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- top 버튼 --> <div class="btn-go-top"><a href="#"><img src="/resources/images/sub/btn_go-top.png" alt="go Top"></a></div> <!-- // top 버튼 --> </div> <!-- //content-wrap --> <!-- footer --> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="footer-body"> <ul class="footer-menu"> <li><a href="btm_privacy_policy">Privacy</a></li> <li><a href="btm_ethics_report">Business Ethics</a></li> <li><a href="btm_business_guide">Business Guideline</a></li> <li><a href="company_ask">Contact us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="logo"><img src="/resources/images/common/footer_logo.png" alt="SAMSUNG MEDISON"></div> <div class="select-wrap fm-wrap"> <a href="#" class="fm-btn">Family Site</a> <ul class="fm-list"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Samsung</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Samsung Healthcare</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Samsung Healthcare Vet</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="copyright">Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Medison Co., Ltd. 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