NPGallery NTS Archive Search Results
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$image_row.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'SearchResults/albumid/' + asset.AssetID); $; } else if (asset.AssetBaseType === 'Exhibit') { $video_row.hide(); $audio_row.hide(); $link_row.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'Exhibition/' + asset.AssetID).text('View Exhibition'); $link_row2.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'AssetDetail/' + asset.AssetID).text('Exhibition Information'); $; $image_row.find('img').attr('src', routing_prefix + 'GetAsset/' + asset.AssetID + '/popupimage'); $image_row.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'Exhibition/' + asset.AssetID); $; } else if (asset.PrimaryType === "video") { $audio_row.hide(); $image_row.hide(); $link_row2.hide(); $link_row.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'AssetDetail/' + asset.AssetID).text('Video Information and Downloads'); $; $video_row.html('<iframe src="/AssetViewer/video/' + asset.AssetID + '/proxylores" allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" width="100%" frameBorder="0"></iframe>'); var $iframe = $video_row.children('iframe'); iframetimeoutcount = 0; iframeVideoLoading(); } else if (asset.PrimaryType === "audio") { $video_row.hide(); $image_row.hide(); $link_row2.hide(); $link_row.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'AssetDetail/' + asset.AssetID).text('Audio Information and Downloads'); if (asset.SubType === "mp3") { $("#really-cool-audio-src").prop("src", routing_prefix + "GetAsset/" + asset.AssetID + "/Original.mp3"); } else { $("#really-cool-audio-src").prop("src", routing_prefix + "GetAsset/" + asset.AssetID + "/Compressed.mp3"); } $("#really-cool-audio")[0].load(); $audio_row.css("display", "table"); $; } else { $audio_row.hide(); $image_row.hide(); $link_row2.hide(); var assetDetailDescription = 'Asset'; if (asset.PrimaryType === "image") { assetDetailDescription = 'Image'; } else if (asset.PrimaryType === "application" && typeof asset.ResourceType === 'string' && asset.ResourceType.length > 0) { assetDetailDescription = asset.ResourceType; } $link_row.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'AssetDetail/' + asset.AssetID).text(assetDetailDescription + " Information and Downloads"); if (asset.AltText) { $image_row.find('img').attr('alt', asset.AltText); } else { $image_row.find('img').attr('alt', asset.Title); } // get thumb for some types like indd, indt - jgoodmann // popupimage version should always return something safe for a img tag src attribute $image_row.find('img').attr('src', routing_prefix + 'GetAsset/' + asset.AssetID + '/popupimage'); $image_row.find('a').attr('href', routing_prefix + 'AssetDetail/' + asset.AssetID); $; } $("#copyrightLink").click(function () { copyrightModalDisplay(asset.Copyright); }); if (search.Page === 1 && i_index === 0) { $navigation_row.find('button[name="btn-previous"]').hide(); } else { $navigation_row.find('button[name="btn-previous"]').show(); } if (search.Page === search.PageCount && i_index === search.Results.length - 1) { $navigation_row.find('button[name="btn-next"]').hide(); } else { $navigation_row.find('button[name="btn-next"]').show(); } $modal_image.modal(); } function setResultsAreaGallery() { var $internal = $('<div name="gallery" class="gallery clearfix" style="background-color:#f9f9f9;"> \ <div class="detail-wrapper"><div name="detail" class="detail" style="height:600px;overflow-y:auto"> \ </div></div> \ <div name="thumbs" class="thumbs" style="height:600px;overflow-y:auto"> \ </div> \ </div>'); $results_area.append($internal); var $small_imgs_div = $internal.children('div[name="thumbs"]'); for (var i = 0; i < search.Results.length; i++) { var asset = search.Results[i].Asset; var altText = asset.AltText; if (altText === undefined || altText === null || altText === '') { altText = asset.Title; } var str_thumb_img = null; if (asset.PrimaryType === "audio") { str_thumb_img = '<span class="fa fa-file-audio-o fa-4x" aria-hidden="true"></span>'; } else { str_thumb_img = '<img src="' + routing_prefix + 'GetAsset/' + asset.AssetID + '/thumb/medium" alt="' + altText + '" style="overflow:hidden" />'; } var str_thumb = '<div title="' + asset.Title + '" style="height:100px;width:100px;overflow:hidden;margin:5px;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer" onclick="changeLargeGalleryArea(' + i.toString() + ');">' + str_thumb_img + '</div>'; $small_imgs_div.append(str_thumb); } changeLargeGalleryArea(0); } function changeLargeGalleryArea(i_index) { var $detail_area = $results_area.children('div[name="gallery"]').children('div.detail-wrapper').children('div[name="detail"]'); var asset = search.Results[i_index].Asset; var altText = asset.AltText; if (altText === undefined || altText === null || altText === '') { altText = asset.Title; } var str_thumb_img = null; if (asset.PrimaryType === "audio") { str_thumb_img = '<span class="fa fa-file-audio-o" style="font-size:15em;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;" aria-hidden="true"></span>'; } else { str_thumb_img = '<img src="' + routing_prefix + 'GetAsset/' + asset.AssetID + '/proxylores" alt="' + altText + '" style="width:100%" />'; } var $internal = $('<div title="' + asset.Title + '" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> \ <a href="' + routing_prefix + 'AssetDetail/' + asset.AssetID + '" target="new">' + str_thumb_img + '</a> \ </div>'); $detail_area.html($internal); var str_detail = '<b>' + asset.Title + '</b></br>'; if (typeof asset.Comment === 'string' && asset.Comment.length > 0) { str_detail += '<p>' + asset.Comment + '</p>'; } if (typeof asset.Description === 'string' && asset.Description.length > 0) { str_detail += '<p>' + asset.Description + '</p>'; } if ($.isArray(asset.NPSUnits) && asset.NPSUnits.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < asset.NPSUnits.length; i++) { str_detail += '<p>' + asset.NPSUnits[i].Name + '</p > '; } } $detail_area.append(str_detail); } function setResultsAreaList() { var $internal = $('<div name="list" class="clearfix" style="background-color:#f9f9f9;"> \ <div name="header" class="row"> \ <div class="col-md-2 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span></span></div> \ <div class="col-md-3 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>Title</span></div> \ <div class="col-md-2 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>NPS Unit(s)</span></div> \ <div class="col-md-5 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>Description</span></div> \ </div > \ </div>'); $results_area.append($internal); for (var i = 0; i < search.Results.length; i++) { var asset = search.Results[i].Asset; var altText = asset.AltText; if (altText === undefined || altText === null || altText === '') { altText = asset.Title; } var str_thumb_img = null; if (asset.PrimaryType === "audio") { str_thumb_img = '<span class="fa fa-file-audio-o fa-4x" aria-hidden="true"></span>'; } else { str_thumb_img = '<img src="' + routing_prefix + 'GetAsset/' + asset.AssetID + '/thumb/large" alt="' + altText + '" style="overflow:hidden" />'; } var str_units = ''; if (asset.NPSUnits !== undefined && $.isArray(asset.NPSUnits)) { for (var j = 0; j < asset.NPSUnits.length; j++) { if (str_units.length > 0) { str_units += '</br>'; } str_units += asset.NPSUnits[j].Name; } } var $row = $('<div class="row" style="margin-bottom:5px;padding:10px;"> \ <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-12" title="' + asset.Title + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="showModalPopup(' + i.toString() + ');">' + str_thumb_img + '</div > \ <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-12">' + asset.Title + '</div> \ <div class="col-md-2 hidden-xs hidden-sm">' + str_units + '</div> \ <div class="col-md-5 hidden-xs hidden-sm">' + asset.Description + '</div> \ </div>'); $internal.append($row); } } function setResultsAreaNRHPList() { var $internal = $('<div name="list" class="clearfix" style="background-color:#f9f9f9;"> \ <div name="header" class="row"> \ <div class="col-md-2 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>Photos</span></div> \ <div class="col-md-2 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>Text</span></div> \ <div class="col-md-4 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>Name</span></div> \ <div class="col-md-4 hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>Location</span></div> \ </div > \ </div>'); $results_area.append($internal); for (var i = 0; i < search.Results.length; i++) { var asset = search.Results[i].Asset; if (asset.AssetType !== 'National Register File') { continue; } var str_photo_asset_id = asset.PhotoAssetID || null var str_text_asset_id = asset.TextAssetID || null; var str_title = asset.Title; var altText = asset.AltText; if (altText === undefined || altText === null || altText === '') { altText = str_title; } var str_photo_thumb_img = ''; if (str_photo_asset_id !== null) { str_photo_thumb_img = '<img src="' + routing_prefix + 'GetAsset/' + str_photo_asset_id + '/thumbxlarge" alt="' + altText + '" style="overflow:hidden" />'; } var str_text_thumb_img = ''; if (str_text_asset_id !== null) { str_text_thumb_img = '<img src="' + routing_prefix + 'GetAsset/' + str_text_asset_id + '/thumbxlarge" alt="' + altText + '" style="overflow:hidden" />'; } var str_location = ''; if ($.isArray(asset.Locations) && asset.Locations.length > 0) { var loc = asset.Locations[0]; if (typeof loc.SpecificLocation === 'string' && loc.SpecificLocation.length > 0) { str_location = loc.SpecificLocation.replace(/;.*/,''); } if (typeof loc.StateName === 'string' && loc.StateName.length > 0) { if (str_location.length > 0) { str_location += " - "; } str_location += loc.StateName; } } var $row = $('<div class="row" style="margin-bottom:5px;padding:10px;"> \ <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-12" title="' + str_title + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="showModalPopup(' + i.toString() + ');">' + str_photo_thumb_img + '</div > \ <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-12" title="' + str_title + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="showModalPopup(' + i.toString() + ');">' + str_text_thumb_img + '</div > \ <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12">' + str_title + '</div> \ <div class="col-md-4 hidden-xs hidden-sm">' + str_location + '</div> \ </div>'); $internal.append($row); } } function navigateImageButtonEvent(button, direction) { if (direction === "next") { if (i_modal_index === search.Results.length - 1) { alterQueryStringParameter('page', (search.Page + 1).toString()); alterQueryStringParameterAndRefresh('modalimage', 'first'); } else { showModalPopup(i_modal_index + 1); 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