Jewish Identities and… | Office of Diversity and Inclusion
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id="main"> <nav aria-label="Breadcrumbs"> <crumb data-crumb="home"> <a href=""> <span class="sr-only">Return to,</span> <span>Home</span> </a> </crumb> <crumb data-crumb="ancestor"> <a href="/resources"> <span class="sr-only">Return to,</span> <span>Resource Library</span> </a> </crumb> <crumb data-crumb="current"> <p> <span>Jewish Identities and Antisemitism Programming Series</span> </p> </crumb> </nav> <resource-header> <a data-resource="type" class="small-san-serif" href=""> Training Series </a> <h1 class="large-san-serif" data-page="title"> Jewish Identities and Antisemitism Programming Series </h1> <ul data-resource="details"> <li data-resource-detail="updated" class="extra-small-san-serif"> <span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="clock"> <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px"> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.47 10 9.99 10C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12S17.52 2 11.99 2zM12 20c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8zm.5-13H11v6l5.25 3.15.75-1.23-4.5-2.67z" /> </svg> </span> <span data-detail="label">Updated:</span> <time datetime="2022-05-03T00:00:00-07:00"> May 03, 2022 </time> </li> </ul> </resource-header> <resource-featured> <div class="rich-text" data-resource="description"> <p dir="ltr">This series of four events started in October 2021 with a program featuring individuals with a diversity of intersecting Jewish and other identities talking about their lived experiences. In the three sessions during spring semester 2022, we grounded our investigation of Jewish identity and experience of antisemitism in an exploration of history, identity, and opportunities for solidarity. <br /></p> <p dir="ltr">We hope that this series will validate and affirm Jewish members of the UMD family and give all UMD community members greater understanding and more tools to recognize and counter antisemitism when we see it.<br /></p> <p dir="ltr">Antisemitism, like other forms of oppression, traffics in stereotypes, generalities, and assumptions. These tropes are all around us—in literature and popular culture and in everyday conversations on the street or on our campus. When left unexamined and unchallenged, anti-Jewish tropes can in extreme cases lead to violence and in more everyday circumstances cause microaggressions and other tensions that degrade the vibrant and inclusive climate we want UMD to be. <br /></p> <p dir="ltr">What’s more, as this programming series explored, anti-Jewish bias and antisemitism work hand in hand with other forms of oppression, including anti-Black racism, anti-immigrant bias, and homophobia, to name just a few. Addressing all forms of oppression are integral to ODI's work of helping the university achieve its diversity, equity and inclusion goals, and this programming will play an important role.<br /></p> <p dir="ltr">We hope you will watch the recordings below.</p> </div> </resource-featured> <section id="section-297360"> <resouce-feed> <resource-card> <figure> <img src="" alt="Event flyer for Understanding the Multiplicity of Jewish Identities with portraits of the speakers" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> </figure> <div data-card="content"> <div data-card="header"> <h2 data-card-heading="text" class="small-san-serif"> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">Understanding the Multiplicity of Jewish Identities</span> </a> </h2> <p data-card-detail="category" class="extra-small-san-serif"> <span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="building"> <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px"> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M21.41 11.58l-9-9C12.05 2.22 11.55 2 11 2H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v7c0 .55.22 1.05.59 1.42l9 9c. 0 1.05-.22 1.41-.59l7-7c.37-.36.59-.86.59-1.41 0-.55-.23-1.06-.59-1.42zM5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7z" /> </svg> </span> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">Video</span> </a> </p> </div> <p data-card="summary"> This panel sought to understand the multifaceted nature of Jewish identity and the range of experiences and identities among Jews. Panelists: Ari Israel, MA, Executive Director of the UMD HillelNilaya Knafo, Senior Program Assistant, United States... </p> <p data-card="topics"> <span data-topics="title" class="extra-small-san-serif">Topics:</span> <a href="">Identity</a> <a href="">Hate & bias</a> <a href="">Anti-oppression</a> </p> <div data-card="link"> <a href="" class="call-to-action" data-color="red" data-style="underlined"> <span data-link="text" aria-hidden="true">View Resource</span> <span class="sr-only">View Understanding the Multiplicity of Jewish Identities</span> </a> </div> </div> </resource-card> <resource-card> <figure> <img src="" alt="Event flyer for No One Controls the World with portraits of the speakers" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> </figure> <div data-card="content"> <div data-card="header"> <h2 data-card-heading="text" class="small-san-serif"> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">No One Controls the World: The Nefarious Origins and Dangerous Outcomes of Anti-Jewish Tropes</span> </a> </h2> <p data-card-detail="category" class="extra-small-san-serif"> <span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="building"> <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px"> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M21.41 11.58l-9-9C12.05 2.22 11.55 2 11 2H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v7c0 .55.22 1.05.59 1.42l9 9c. 0 1.05-.22 1.41-.59l7-7c.37-.36.59-.86.59-1.41 0-.55-.23-1.06-.59-1.42zM5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7z" /> </svg> </span> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">Video</span> </a> </p> </div> <p data-card="summary"> From speculation about Jewish space lasers to complaints about George Soros’ influence to the Colleyville hostage-taker’s certainty that a New York rabbi could intervene on behalf of a Federal prisoner, the subtext that Jewish people have... </p> <p data-card="topics"> <span data-topics="title" class="extra-small-san-serif">Topics:</span> <a href="">Identity</a> <a href="">Hate & bias</a> <a href="">Anti-oppression</a> </p> <div data-card="link"> <a href="" class="call-to-action" data-color="red" data-style="underlined"> <span data-link="text" aria-hidden="true">View Resource</span> <span class="sr-only">View No One Controls the World: The Nefarious Origins and Dangerous Outcomes of Anti-Jewish Tropes</span> </a> </div> </div> </resource-card> <resource-card> <figure> <img src="" alt="Constructions of Race and Jewishness event flyer with portraits of the speakers" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> </figure> <div data-card="content"> <div data-card="header"> <h2 data-card-heading="text" class="small-san-serif"> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">Constructions of Race and Jewishness: How Antisemitism Shapes and is Shaped by the Racialization of Jewish People</span> </a> </h2> <p data-card-detail="category" class="extra-small-san-serif"> <span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="building"> <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px"> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M21.41 11.58l-9-9C12.05 2.22 11.55 2 11 2H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v7c0 .55.22 1.05.59 1.42l9 9c. 0 1.05-.22 1.41-.59l7-7c.37-.36.59-.86.59-1.41 0-.55-.23-1.06-.59-1.42zM5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7z" /> </svg> </span> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">Video</span> </a> </p> </div> <p data-card="summary"> Recently, Whoopi Goldberg stirred up a great deal of controversy when she said that the Holocaust was “not about race.” In the aftermath, historians and Jewish organizations pointed out that for the Nazis, “Jewish” was a race. But Jewish people of... </p> <p data-card="topics"> <span data-topics="title" class="extra-small-san-serif">Topics:</span> <a href="">Identity</a> <a href="">Hate & bias</a> <a href="">Anti-oppression</a> </p> <div data-card="link"> <a href="" class="call-to-action" data-color="red" data-style="underlined"> <span data-link="text" aria-hidden="true">View Resource</span> <span class="sr-only">View Constructions of Race and Jewishness: How Antisemitism Shapes and is Shaped by the Racialization of Jewish People</span> </a> </div> </div> </resource-card> <resource-card> <figure> <img src="" alt="Divided We Fall event flyer with portraits of the speakers" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> </figure> <div data-card="content"> <div data-card="header"> <h2 data-card-heading="text" class="small-san-serif"> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">Divided We Fall: Why Fighting White Nationalism Requires Confronting Antisemitism, Anti-Black Racism and Anti-Immigrant Bias</span> </a> </h2> <p data-card-detail="category" class="extra-small-san-serif"> <span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="building"> <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px"> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M21.41 11.58l-9-9C12.05 2.22 11.55 2 11 2H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v7c0 .55.22 1.05.59 1.42l9 9c. 0 1.05-.22 1.41-.59l7-7c.37-.36.59-.86.59-1.41 0-.55-.23-1.06-.59-1.42zM5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7z" /> </svg> </span> <a href=""> <span data-link="text">Video</span> </a> </p> </div> <p data-card="summary"> In 2018 a White Nationalist killed 11 worshippers at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh because he believed Jews were working to “replace” white Americans with Black and brown immigrants. That horrible moment is just one recent example in a... </p> <p data-card="topics"> <span data-topics="title" class="extra-small-san-serif">Topics:</span> <a href="">Identity</a> <a href="">Hate & bias</a> <a href="">Anti-oppression</a> </p> <div data-card="link"> <a href="" class="call-to-action" data-color="red" data-style="underlined"> <span data-link="text" aria-hidden="true">View Resource</span> <span class="sr-only">View Divided We Fall: Why Fighting White Nationalism Requires Confronting Antisemitism, Anti-Black Racism and Anti-Immigrant Bias</span> </a> </div> </div> </resource-card> </resouce-feed> </section> <category-list> <div data-category="group"> <p data-category="title"> Topics </p> <ul> <li data-category="item"> <a href="">Identity</a> </li> <li data-category="item"> <a href="">Hate & bias</a> </li> <li data-category="item"> <a href="">Anti-oppression</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div data-category="group"> <p data-category="title"> Type </p> <ul> <li data-category="item"> <a href="">Training Series</a> </li> </ul> </div> </category-list> </umd-page-content> </umd-lock> </main> <footer> <umd-footer-small twitter="" instagram="" facebook="" youtube=""> <div slot="contact"> <address> <a href= data-address="title"> <span data-link="text">Office of Diversity and Inclusion (Main Office)</span> </a> </address> <div data-contact="phone-email"> <p> <a href=""> </a> </p> <p> <a href="tel:3014052838"> <span aria-hidden="true">301.405.2838</span> <span class="sr-only">call: 301-405-2838</span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div slot="links"> <a rel="noopener" target="_blank"> Feedback </a> </div> </umd-footer-small> </footer> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/resources.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources.js"></script> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@graph":[{"@type":"WebSite","author":{"@id":""},"copyrightHolder":{"@id":""},"copyrightYear":"2022","creator":{"@id":""},"dateCreated":"2022-07-19T13:13:08-07:00","dateModified":"2023-02-02T15:50:26-08:00","datePublished":"2022-07-19T13:16:00-07:00","description":"A series from Diversity Training & Education about Jewish identities and antisemitism","headline":"Jewish Identities and Antisemitism Programming Series","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""},"inLanguage":"en-us","mainEntityOfPage":"","name":"Jewish Identities and Antisemitism Programming Series","publisher":{"@id":""},"url":""},{"@id":"","@type":"CollegeOrUniversity","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressCountry":"US","addressLocality":"College Park","addressRegion":"Maryland","postalCode":"20742","streetAddress":"2417 Marie Mount Hall,"},"alternateName":"ODI","description":"The Office of Diversity & Inclusion provides leadership and expertise toward building stronger communities and supports campus units in achieving their diversity and inclusion goals.","email":"","geo":{"@type":"GeoCoordinates","latitude":"38.993080","longitude":"-76.937843"},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","height":"1038","url":"","width":"2970"},"logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","height":"60","url":"","width":"172"},"name":"Office of Diversity and Inclusion, University of Maryland","sameAs":["",""],"telephone":"301-405-2838","url":""},{"@id":"#creator","@type":"Organization"},{"@type":"BreadcrumbList","description":"Breadcrumbs list","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","item":"","name":"Home","position":1},{"@type":"ListItem","item":"","name":"Resource Library Home","position":2},{"@type":"ListItem","item":"","name":"Jewish Identities and Antisemitism Programming Series","position":3}],"name":"Breadcrumbs"}]}</script><script src="/main.js?v=1739820233"></script></body> </html>