WWE RAW RESULTS (12/2): Keller’s report on New Day’s 10th Anniversary Celebration, CM Punk’s show-opening promo, Kai vs. Chance vs. Baszler in Women’s IC Title Tournament match

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</script> </div> </div></div> <div class="entry-content clearfix"> <figure class="entry-thumbnail"> <img src="" alt="Full analysis and results of this week&#039;s episode of WWE Raw" title="RawLogo2019(red)_3x2_600" /> </figure> <div class="pwtor-before-content" id="pwtor-1993678223"><hr /><b>SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)... </b> <iframe src="" width="100%" height="140px" frameborder="0"></iframe> <hr /></div><h3>WWE RAW REPORT<br /> DECEMBER 2, 2024<br /> EVERETT, WASH. AT <a href="">ANGEL OF THE WINDS ARENA</a><br /> AIRED ON USA NETWORK</h3> <p><em>Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett</em></p> <p><em>Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia</em></p> <p><em>Attendance: <a href="">WrestleTix</a> reported today that 7,991 tickets had been distributed heading into showtime. The arena has a capacity of 10,000 spectators when configured for concerts and was configured for 8,105 for Raw.<br /> </em></p> <hr /> <p><a href="">CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO OUR POST-SHOW PODCAST</a></p> <p><iframe src=";theme=light&amp;playlist=false&amp;playlist-continuous=false&amp;chapters-image=true&amp;episode_image_position=right&amp;hide-logo=false&amp;hide-likes=false&amp;hide-comments=false&amp;hide-sharing=false&amp;hide-download=true" width="100%" height="200px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h3><strong>JOIN US LIVE ON YOUTUBE TONIGHT FOR THE VIDEO-FORMAT OF OUR LIVE POST-SHOWS…</strong></h3> <p>PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Darrin Lilly to review WWE Raw LIVE tonight right after the show ends. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Raw during the show.</p> <h3>Email our post-show at <a href=""></a> with your comments and questions about Raw. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.</h3> <p>If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen or stream later on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.</p> <h2>LIVE ON YOUTUBE RIGHT AFTER WWE RAW TONIGHT: LIVE ON YOUTUBE RIGHT AFTER WWE RAW TONIGHT: <a href="">CLICK HERE TO WATCH</a></h2> <p><iframe title="Wade Keller Post-show - WWE Raw w/cohost Darrin Lilly" width="678" height="381" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <hr /> <h3>[HOUR ONE]</h3> <p>-Joe Tessitore introduced the show as they showed an aerial view of Seattle, Wash. and then fans outside the arena. Then a video package of highlights from Survivor Series aired. It included Michael Cole&#8217;s comment about how Paul Heyman still owes C.M. Punk a favor.</p> <p>-They showed Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods arriving separately. Then C.M. Punk walking backstage and greeting an enthusiastic Jey Uso and then shaking hands with Sami Zayn who showed less enthusiasm but smiled nonetheless.</p> <p>-Punk made his entrance. Tessitore said everyone is awaiting what Punk sets out to do next. A clip aired of Roman Reigns stopping Punk from exiting the small cage to enter WarGames and instead letting Sami Zayn leave. A graphic noted it has over 104 million viewers, making it WWE&#8217;s most viewed Instagram reel of 2024.</p> <p>Punk absorbed cheers from fans. Wade Barrett said a huge question is hanging over WWE, which is what favor is hanging around Heyman&#8217;s neck. A loud, &#8220;C.M. Punk!&#8221; chant broke out. &#8220;Is it great to be alive on a Monday Night in Everett, Washington or what?!&#8221; He said the arena is sold out. He said the last time they saw him, he stood on the ramp fresh from a possible career-ending Hell in a Cell match and he said he wasn&#8217;t sure what the future held for him. He said he had a lot to consider. He said now there he stood fresh off a potential career-ending WarGames match and he knows what&#8217;s next. He said he&#8217;s a lot less beat up than he was after HIAC.</p> <p>Punk said he handled his business with Drew McIntyre and then he came back to take care of personal business for his friend Paul Heyman. An &#8220;ECW!&#8221; chant broke out with some fans. Punk stood on the second turnbuckle and said he knows what the future holds. He pointed to the upper deck. He said he can see it, but his entire career everybody told him it wasn&#8217;t there. &#8220;They couldn&#8217;t see the vision,&#8221; he said. He said the sign isn&#8217;t physically hanging there, but there are multiple roads you can take to get there and ways you can finish your story. He said that with extra inference and emphasis. He said the Royal Rumble might be the road he takes, or else Elimination Chamber might be a fork he chooses. He said the good news is he has a favor or two in his back pocket to go where he needs to go. &#8220;I invite all of you to go on this journey with me,&#8221; he said. Seth Rollins&#8217;s music interrupted.</p> <p>Barrett noted that Seth refused to be part of Roman Reigns&#8217;s team at WarGames. He said the issues between Seth and Punk &#8220;are refusing to go away.&#8221; Fans sang Seth&#8217;s song. Seth entered the ring and struck a pose and stared at Punk. Punk stared back, rubbing his beard. Fans applauded the tension. A loud &#8220;C.M. Punk!&#8221; chant broke out. Seth shot Punk an icy stare, then said he should have knocked his ass out the same day he came back to WWE. Some cheering. Seth said for the past year, every day he has regretted not doing that. He said over that year, a lot has gotten in the way. He said Punk got hurt and he had titles to defend and a Bloodline to take down. He said the last time he saw Punk, he was close to taking his shot, but he had pity for him because he had just come out of HIAC against Drew. He said it was a mistake. He said after Saturday, seeing him stand there triumphant next to Reigns, it became clear to him, the time had come to rectify for his mistakes.</p> <p>Seth took off his jacket and said as they stand there right now, there is nothing in his way and nothing in Punk&#8217;s way. He said the only thing between them is air and hatred. He said he had a feeling in his gut that tonight is the night he knocks Punk on his ass. Seth stared at Punk.</p> <p>Punk took a deep breath and said: &#8220;You talk too much and you don&#8217;t listen enough.&#8221; He said he just came out there to say he put the personal stuff aside and he&#8217;s long past running races with people he didn&#8217;t even know he was racing. He said Seth was a champ six months ago and so he had something he wanted. He said now Seth has nothing. &#8220;I know where I&#8217;m going, I know what&#8217;s in my future, and kid, you ain&#8217;t it,&#8221; Punk said. Fans &#8220;oohh&#8217;d.&#8221; Punk said while Seth was thinking about him, he hasn&#8217;t been thinking about Seth. He said he has things to do in this business, &#8220;so stay out of my business.&#8221; He stepped up to Seth&#8217;s face as he said it.</p> <p>Seth said Punk talks too much and he doesn&#8217;t listen enough. &#8220;This is my business,&#8221; he said. He shoved Punk down. Punk got up and swung. They brawled. Jey and Sami ran into the ring instantly and pulled them apart within five seconds. Seth and Punk kept yelling at each other. Punk&#8217;s nose was red and had a cut. Adam Pearce and agents came out to assure Punk left. Punk lunged back toward the ring. Seth stomped on him. Seth told Jey to go back to Roman. Sami stepped in front of Seth and said he gets that he&#8217;s angry, but he doesn&#8217;t get to talk about Jey that way. Seth said he&#8217;s right. &#8220;My bad,&#8221; he said. &#8220;I shouldn&#8217;t have gone there. I&#8217;m a little pissed off. Jey&#8217;s family. What&#8217;s your excuse?&#8221; Sami stared at Seth. Fans chanted, &#8220;Sami Uso!&#8221;</p> <p>Seth said he loves Sami Uso. He told Sami that they&#8217;re closer than he is with Jey or Roman. He said they came up in the business together and have been at it up and down the roads for over 20 years. He said they&#8217;re family and he stabbed him in the back when he teamed with Punk. Sami said he didn&#8217;t ask to team with Punk. &#8220;Do you think I wanted him as my tag team partner at WarGames?&#8221; he said. &#8220;I didn&#8217;t. He was willing to help. We were down a man.&#8221; He said he wanted Seth, not Punk. He said he asked him twice and he said no both times. He said they wouldn&#8217;t have to team with Punk if he agreed to team with them, but he&#8217;s too damn stubborn.</p> <p>Seth asked if he&#8217;s losing his mind. &#8220;What did you want me to team with you to do?&#8221; Seth asked. &#8220;Oh, that&#8217;s right, to help Roman Reigns, to help that monster regain his power.&#8221; Sami told Seth that he created that monster when he put a chair to his back ten years ago. &#8220;So don&#8217;t act like your hands are totally clean.&#8221; Seth said he understands the sins he&#8217;s done, and he has apologized and atoned for that. He said he needs to look in the mirror, though, because he did the exact same thing. He said Roman treated him and Jey like crap, so he doesn&#8217;t blame them. He said he understands why they sacrificed like they did to take down the Bloodline. He said Roman hasn&#8217;t shown even a little shred of remorse. He said he hasn&#8217;t change, nor has &#8220;that snake&#8221; Punk. &#8220;So stubbornness isn&#8217;t the issue,&#8221; he said. He said Sami was gullible and naive and being stupid.</p> <p>Sami said Punk has a lot of frustration built up, so he suggested they wrestle each other and he can try to let out that frustration. Seth said that&#8217;s fine by him. He then left the ring.</p> <p><em>(Keller&#8217;s Analysis: Each wrestler in this mix has a complicated history with each other and in relation to Reigns, and they&#8217;re all playing on that well. I wonder how Seth feels about stronger crowd support for Punk than him. Sami is really good in these situations. Everyone was good, actually.)</em></p> <p>-They went to Tessitore and Barrett at ringside. They reacted briefly to the opening segment, then showed a clip of Damien Priest attacking Finn Balor backstage after Survivor Series ended, followed by Carlito and J.D. McDonagh helping Balor and Balor hitting Priest with a chair.</p> <p>-The Judgment Day were shown backstage. Balor was gloating about what he did. Liv asked Balor about his agreement to stay out of it. He said it was Dom&#8217;s job to handle things, but since Dom couldn&#8217;t, he decided to handle it himself. He said now Priest is walking around with his hand in a sling. He told Liv if she listened to him, she wouldn&#8217;t have lost WarGames. She told Balor she hopes he knows what he&#8217;s doing. Balor said when everyone listens to him, The Judgment Day win. Raquel Rodriguez asked what he meant by that. Liv said she didn&#8217;t know. Liv told Dom to go check on Balor.</p> <p><strong>(1) LIV MORGAN &amp; RAQUEL RODRIGUEZ vs. IYO SKY &amp; KAIRI SANE</strong></p> <p>Damage CTRL&#8217;s Sky &amp; Sane made their ring entrance first. Then Liv &amp; Rodriguez made their entrance. The bell rang 29 minutes into the hour. Tessitore and Barrett noted Liv looked beaten up from WarGames. Iyo had a weird exchange with Raquel on the ring apron. When Iyo slipped and fell to the mat with a thud, Barrett said he wasn&#8217;t sure what she was going for there. Kairi hit an Insane Elbow on Raquel, but Liv broke up the cover. A minute later Raquel finished Kairi with a big boot and a Tahana Bomb for the win.</p> <p>WINNERS: Rodriguez &amp; Morgan in 5:00.</p> <p>-Raquel and Liv attacked Sky afterward. Rhea Ripley ran out for the save. Liv fled. Raquel held her ground. Ripley headbutted Raquel and then set up a Rip Tide. Raquel broke free. They fought to the floor where Ripley rammed Raquel&#8217;s head into the announce desk. Liv jumped on Ripley, but Ripley shoved her into the ringpost. Raquel shoved Rhea face-first into the corner of the announce desk. Ripley grabbed her eye as Tessitore said she had a broken orbital bone. Liv laughed as officials checked on Ripley. They had to hold Ripley back.</p> <p>-Cathy Kelley interviewed Gunther backstage. Balor and Dom interrupted right away. Balor told Gunther he owes him a title match because he&#8217;s faced Priest twice and walked out with the belt because of him. He said therefore he owes him a title match. Gunther said he didn&#8217;t ask for his help and didn&#8217;t need it and doesn&#8217;t owe him. He said he had a terrible time leading up to Survivor Series, and he needed to win on his own and he took that from him. He pointed out that unlike Balor, Dom has scored a win over Priest. Gunther said he is feeling he deserves something, so he was going to go have a chat with Pearce.</p> <p><strong>(2) DAKOTA KAI vs. SHAYNA BASZLER vs. KATANA CHANCE &#8211; Women&#8217;s Intercontinental Title tournament match</strong></p> <p>Dakota Kai made her entrance first. Then Baszler. And finally Chance. The bell rang 39 minutes into the hour. They cut to an early double-box break. [c/db]</p> <p>Kai scored a two count on Baszler after the break. Chance tried to powerbomb Baszler out of the corner as Basler was setting up a superplex on Kai. Baszler resisted, but Kai shoved Baszler to the mat. Chance then sent Kai to the mat onto Baszler with a huracanrana. Chance scored a two count on Baszler and then a quick two count on Kai.</p> <p>Baszler caught a flying Chance. Chance slipped free and rolled up Baszler. Kai broke that up. Baszler then kneed Kai and scored a two count. Fans applauded. Baszler kicked Chance out of the ring.  Kai rolled up Baszler for a two count. Baszler ducked a Kai move and applied a sleeper. She dropped onto her back. Kai broke free and then Chance landed a 450 splash on Baszler. Kai immediately gave Chance a fireman&#8217;s carry drop into an upkick for the win.</p> <p>WINNER: Kai in 8:00.</p> <p>-They showed the IC Tournament brackets. Tessitore touted the depth of the Raw Women&#8217;s Division. They went to Tessitore who discussed the New Day&#8217;s 10th Anniversary. He said it has been an unexpected ride.</p> <p>-A video package aired of New Day highlights.</p> <p>-They showed a split screen of Kofi and Xavier. [c]</p> <p>-Tessitore plugged the Raw debut on Netflix as they showed an aerial view of the Intuit Dome. He then confirmed Seth vs. Sami had become official for the main event.</p> <p>-Pearce stood mid-ring and said they are there in celebration and commemoration of the most decorated tag team in WWE history. He introduced Kofi and Xavier. Barrett said there was a decade of devotion, but many think it could end in divorce tonight given how poorly things have been going lately with a heated argument last week. They greeted Pearce with smiles. Barrett asked if this would smooth things over or were they just papering over the cracks. He said things could change rapidly.</p> <p>Pearce said he would like to let them know, with help from the fans, how much they all think New Day Rocks. Fans chanted, &#8220;New&#8230; Day Rocks!&#8221;</p> <h3>[HOUR TWO]</h3> <p>Xavier said being a successful part of WWE for ten years is more than they could ever dreamed when they started this. He thanked the fans for their support. Kofi said it&#8217;s been one hell of a ride. He said he never dreamed they&#8217;d have so much fun while achieving their dreams. He said they couldn&#8217;t have done it all without each other and also the fans. Fans chanted &#8220;Big E!&#8221; He said they love him too.</p> <p>Xavier said what they&#8217;re about to tell them is not their fault. He said they have nothing but love for each of them. Kofi said he and Xavier have talked. He said they both feel when it comes to the New Day going forward&#8230; at which point Big E interrupted. Tessitore said the timing couldn&#8217;t be better. Big E walked out in a nice suit. Barrett said he&#8217;s been on WWE PLE Kickoff shows, but they haven&#8217;t seen him on Raw or Smackdown in nearly four years. He said Kofi and Xavier haven&#8217;t felt like New Day without Big E by their side.</p> <p>Big E thanked the fans. He said he wished he was there under different circumstances because watching Kofi and Xavier argue and bicker and say hurtful things to each other, &#8220;that troubled my soul something deep.&#8221; He said ten years ago, all they had were each other. He said Kofi was mulling over retirement because he had his passion for this beaten out of him. He told Xavier they were nearly fired. He said in the scariest moment of his career, they were at his hospital bedside making sure he was good. He said he was in a neckbrace a few months after Kofi&#8217;s daughter was born and he held her. He said after Xavier won King of the Ring, he was the first to greet him as he spilled tears on his shoulder.</p> <p>Big E said until he is medically cleared to return to the ring, he is going to remind them exactly who they are. He said he will be there every week to cheer them and uplift them and serve as their manager. Fans chanted, &#8220;New&#8230; Day Rocks!&#8221;</p> <p>Xavier said, &#8220;Now?&#8221; He asked why he waited after watching what they&#8217;ve been going through. &#8220;E, you left us,&#8221; he said. Big E said he broke his neck. Kofi chimed in, &#8220;You left us, E!&#8221; Kofi said, &#8220;Yeah, you broke your neck. So what?&#8221; He said Steve Austin broke his neck and he came back. He said Kurt Angle broke his neck and came back. Same with Edge. Xavier said they left the light on for him. Big E looked shaken.</p> <p>Kofi asked if as big and as strong as he is, despite never having surgery, could he really not have returned to the ring. Big E said he&#8217;s met with doctors and had scans. Xavier said he tore his Achilles tendon off the bone and had to have surgery &#8220;and I was back in nine months for you.&#8221; Kofi said if he really, truly cared about them, he&#8217;d have been back a long time ago, clapping by their side, galvanizing them. He said he chose his new life, his new projects, new new girlfriend, and his new desk job over them.</p> <p>Xavier said, &#8220;Do you even realize the burden you&#8217;ve become?&#8221; He said everyone talks about how much they miss E. He said they miss him, too, but obviously he doesn&#8217;t miss them. Kofi said their philosophy was the brotherhood above everything else. He said E, broken neck or not, chose himself over them. Xavier said they should stop teasing everyone and tell the truth. &#8220;You are never going to be medically cleared,&#8221; he said. &#8220;And since that&#8217;s the case, why don&#8217;t you get the hell out of this ring and get back to your desk where you belong.&#8221; Xavier said they&#8217;d call him if they need him.</p> <p>Big E said he wouldn&#8217;t let it end that way after a decade of that. He said they can fix it. He offered a hug. Kofi put his hand up to Big E to block him. Xavier turned away. &#8220;Like that, it&#8217;s over?&#8221; Big E asked. Fans chanted, &#8220;Big&#8230; E Rocks.&#8221; Big E left the ring. Kofi turned to Xavier. Xavier said it&#8217;s just them now.</p> <p><em>(Keller&#8217;s Analysis: The execution here was good, but it just feels like a late audible since everything had been pointing toward Kofi and Xavier breaking up. What was Kofi about to say if Big E didn&#8217;t interrupt? If this was the masterplan all along, it explains why Kofi sometimes came across as too harsh and unsympathetic, but ultimately there&#8217;s no logic in Kofi and Xavier arguing and saying awful things to each other if they were on the path toward being a united team that turned heel on Big E. This had the feel of reading a mystery novel and the climax is out of nowhere and the lead-up didn&#8217;t lay the groundwork for it. That said, I am not against seeing New Day as a heel act. I&#8217;m curious how much Big E is involved going from here.) </em>[c]</p> <p>-Karrion Kross said in his career, he&#8217;s done some awful things to people that he&#8217;s not apologetic for, so he has forgiveness for those who do things to him. He said that doesn&#8217;t apply to his wife, Scarlett. A clip aired of last week&#8217;s angle with Nikki and then Scarlett freaking out when Kross came to her. Kross said words won&#8217;t get him what he wants, which is each of the Wyatt Sicks in the arena next week. He said they started the fire and now he&#8217;ll make sure they burn in it. &#8220;Tick tock,&#8221; he closed with.</p> <p><strong>(3) GUNTHER vs. DOMINIK MYSTERIO<br /> </strong></p> <p>Dom came out first. As Gunther came out, Barrett said he admires Dom wanting to do this on his own, but it might be suicide in this situation. Tessitore talked about how Gunther admitted his confidence was off track, and he wanted a signature win. The bell rang 21 minutes into the hour. Dom shoved Gunther as the bell rang. Gunther lifted him to the ring apron. Gunther set up a powerbomb at ringside, but Dom slipped free and head scissored Gunther into the ringpost. He then dove onto Gunther at ringside. They cut to an early double-box break. [c/db]</p> <p>Gunther had Dom in a Boston Crab mid-ring after the break. Dom reached the bottom rope to force a break. Gunther put Dom in a sleeper, but Dom mule-kicked to escape and then hit a 619. He dropkicked Gunther in the back and landed another 619. He followed with a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Fans chanted, &#8220;Dirty Dom!&#8221; Gunther made a comeback with a hard chop and a big boot followed by a powerbomb for the clean win.</p> <p>WINNER: Gunther in 7:00.</p> <p>-As Gunther celebrated, Balor attacked him and delivered a Coup de Grace. Balor looked over at Dom sitting in the corner and said, &#8220;Watch and learn, kid.&#8221; He landed the Coup de Grace two more times, the last one on Gunther&#8217;s side. A &#8220;One more time!&#8221; chant rang out.)</p> <p><em>(Keller&#8217;s Analysis: Not sure how to take the &#8220;Dirty Dom&#8221; chants, as it sure seemed like he was supposed to be the heel given the mule kick. Same with the &#8220;One more time!&#8221; chant for Balor. Has Gunther been that effective of an arrogant heel?)</em></p> <p>-Cathy Kelley interviewed Pete Dunne backstage. She asked who he thinks R-Truth is expecting to wrestle, Pete Dunne or&#8230; at which point Dunne told her not to say that name. He looked at the camera and said R-Truth would be facing Pete Dunne. In the background, Jey Uso had been attacked. [c]</p> <p><strong>(4) PETE DUNNE vs. R-TRUTH</strong></p> <p>As fans were yelling &#8220;Butch,&#8221; Dunne got distracted. R-Truth rolled up Dunne for the win. Tessitore said that&#8217;s the same thing he did to The Miz. Barrett said Truth is a master manipulator hiding in plain site.</p> <p>WINNER: R-Truth in 2:00.</p> <p>-Kelley interviewed Bron Breakker backstage. She asked about him retaining his IC Title and asked if it was his biggest challenge to date. He said it was a big challenge. Ludwig Kaiser interrupted and said he nearly won. He said now that Sheamus has a cracked ribs, there&#8217;s nothing in the way of him winning the IC Title. Breakker said he&#8217;ll talk to Pearce about a chance to beat him again. He said he can&#8217;t wait to see the look on his face after he realizes he&#8217;ll never win that title. Breakker said Gunther&#8217;s stock is going down, so he should get out of his shadow.</p> <p>-Barrett plugged Ripley vs. Rodriguez. Tessitore plugged Lyra Valkyria vs. Zelina Vega vs. Ivy Nile. Also, The Wyatt Sicks vs. Final Testament &amp; The Miz.</p> <p>-Sami asked Pearce what happened to Jey. Pearce said they&#8217;re trying to figure it out. Sami asked who. Pearce asked who he thinks did it. Sami said he thinks it was the man he&#8217;s about to beat up in the ring. [c]</p> <p>-Pearce was shown on his phone backstage telling someone to make it official because they&#8217;re on the same page. Balor walked up and asked where his title match is. Balor said he keeps letting Gunter duck him. Pearce said Gunther wants the match as badly as he does. He said it&#8217;ll happen at Saturday Night&#8217;s Main Event. He said next week, they&#8217;ll talk about his other title match.</p> <p><strong>(5) SETH ROLLINS vs. SAMI ZAYN</strong></p> <p>Seth made his ring entrance first. Then Sami. The bell rang 48 minutes into the hour. They cut to a double-box break almost instantly after the bell rang. [c/db]</p> <p>As Sami and Seth battled back and forth, including at ringside, Barrett said Seth&#8217;s beef isn&#8217;t with Jey, it&#8217;s with Seth and Punk. Tessitore said that&#8217;s the big mystery right now. Sami picked up a chair and accused Seth of attacking Jey. Seth told him to use his head and that it could&#8217;ve been Punk. Sami threw the chair to the floor. Seth rolled up Sami for a leverage three count.</p> <p>WINNER: Seth in 10:00.</p> <p>-Seth kneeled and told Sami that he has to start using his head. &#8220;I didn&#8217;t hit Jey!&#8221; he said. Drew McIntyre entered the ring and gave Sami a Claymore Kick.</p> <hr /> <p><a href="">CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO OUR POST-SHOW PODCAST</a></p> <p><iframe src=";theme=light&amp;playlist=false&amp;playlist-continuous=false&amp;chapters-image=true&amp;episode_image_position=right&amp;hide-logo=false&amp;hide-likes=false&amp;hide-comments=false&amp;hide-sharing=false&amp;hide-download=true" width="100%" height="200px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h3><strong>JOIN US LIVE ON YOUTUBE TONIGHT FOR THE VIDEO-FORMAT OF OUR LIVE POST-SHOWS…</strong></h3> <p>PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Darrin Lilly to review WWE Raw LIVE tonight right after the show ends. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Raw during the show.</p> <h3>Email our post-show at <a href=""></a> with your comments and questions about Raw. 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(Comment below with any additional key reasons or elaborate on specifics)</strong></div> <input id="answer277252281" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="1" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252281">Dropped cable and lost TBS access</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252282" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="2" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252282">The storylines are less appealing</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252283" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="3" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252283">Too many matches are mismatches with predictacle outcomes</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252284" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="4" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252284">Addition of Collision spread product too thin</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252285" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="5" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252285">Departures and injuiries of key stars I liked</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252286" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="6" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252286">Less interested overall in featured wrestlers</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252287" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="7" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252287">Watching more WWE &amp; NXT instead</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252288" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="8" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252288">The product just feels less cool, more vibe than anything</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252289" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="9" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252289">Other (comment below)</label> <div style="clear: both; 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Andrew discuss two weeks of AEW Dynamite including Jericho vs. Scorpio Sky, future of Omega, Cody, AEW Tag Division, Moxley (147 min.)"><img width="326" height="245" src="" class="attachment-mh-magazine-medium size-mh-magazine-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 326w, 80w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 326px) 100vw, 326px" /> </a> </div> <h3 class="mh-posts-grid-title"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 12/2 – PWTorch Dailycast – Best of PWTorch Livecast: (12-5-2019) Mike &#038; Andrew discuss two weeks of AEW Dynamite including Jericho vs. Scorpio Sky, future of Omega, Cody, AEW Tag Division, Moxley (147 min.)" rel="bookmark"> FREE PODCAST 12/2 – PWTorch Dailycast – Best of PWTorch Livecast: (12-5-2019) Mike &#038; Andrew discuss two weeks of AEW Dynamite including Jericho vs. Scorpio Sky, future of Omega, Cody, AEW Tag Division, Moxley (147 min.) </a> </h3> <div class="mh-meta mh-posts-grid-meta"> <span class="mh-meta-date updated"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>December 2, 2024</span> </div> </article></div> <div class="mh-row clearfix mh-posts-grid-widget mh-posts-grid-widget-more"> <article class="mh-col-1-3 mh-posts-grid-item clearfix post-188949 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-podcasts category-wade-keller-pro-wrestling-podcast"> <div class="mh-posts-grid-thumb"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 12/1 – WKPWP NXT on USA Post-Show – 5 Yrs Ago: (11-28-2019) NXT Takeover fallout, the futures of Baszler-Ripley and Cole-Ciampa-Balor, the Graves-Ranallo issue (88 min.)"><img width="326" height="245" src="" class="attachment-mh-magazine-medium size-mh-magazine-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 326w, 80w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 326px) 100vw, 326px" /> </a> </div> <h3 class="mh-posts-grid-title"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 12/1 – WKPWP NXT on USA Post-Show – 5 Yrs Ago: (11-28-2019) NXT Takeover fallout, the futures of Baszler-Ripley and Cole-Ciampa-Balor, the Graves-Ranallo issue (88 min.)" rel="bookmark"> FREE PODCAST 12/1 – WKPWP NXT on USA Post-Show – 5 Yrs Ago: (11-28-2019) NXT Takeover fallout, the futures of Baszler-Ripley and Cole-Ciampa-Balor, the Graves-Ranallo issue (88 min.) </a> </h3> <div class="mh-meta mh-posts-grid-meta"> <span class="mh-meta-date updated"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>December 2, 2024</span> </div> </article><article class="mh-col-1-3 mh-posts-grid-item clearfix post-188945 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-podcasts category-podcasts_pwtorchlivecast"> <div class="mh-posts-grid-thumb"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 12/1 &#8211; PWTorch Dailycast &#8211; Wrestling Night in America &#8211; WWE Survivor Series post-show: LeClair, Radican, Lansdell discuss WarGames matches, Gunther-Priest, Knight vs. Nakamura, more (128 min.)"><img width="326" height="245" src="" class="attachment-mh-magazine-medium size-mh-magazine-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 326w, 80w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 326px) 100vw, 326px" /> </a> </div> <h3 class="mh-posts-grid-title"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 12/1 &#8211; PWTorch Dailycast &#8211; Wrestling Night in America &#8211; WWE Survivor Series post-show: LeClair, Radican, Lansdell discuss WarGames matches, Gunther-Priest, Knight vs. Nakamura, more (128 min.)" rel="bookmark"> FREE PODCAST 12/1 &#8211; PWTorch Dailycast &#8211; Wrestling Night in America &#8211; WWE Survivor Series post-show: LeClair, Radican, Lansdell discuss WarGames matches, Gunther-Priest, Knight vs. Nakamura, more (128 min.) </a> </h3> <div class="mh-meta mh-posts-grid-meta"> <span class="mh-meta-date updated"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>December 2, 2024</span> </div> </article><article class="mh-col-1-3 mh-posts-grid-item clearfix post-188941 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-podcasts category-wade-keller-pro-wrestling-podcast"> <div class="mh-posts-grid-thumb"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 12/1 – WKPWP Flagship from 10 Yrs Ago: Keller &#038; Powell discuss with callers Vince McMahon’s live interview with Steve Austin, C.M. Punk Podcast fallout including what he might regret, last night’s Raw (150 min.)"><img width="326" height="245" src="" class="attachment-mh-magazine-medium size-mh-magazine-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 326w, 80w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 326px) 100vw, 326px" /> </a> </div> <h3 class="mh-posts-grid-title"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 12/1 – WKPWP Flagship from 10 Yrs Ago: Keller &#038; Powell discuss with callers Vince McMahon’s live interview with Steve Austin, C.M. Punk Podcast fallout including what he might regret, last night’s Raw (150 min.)" rel="bookmark"> FREE PODCAST 12/1 – WKPWP Flagship from 10 Yrs Ago: Keller &#038; Powell discuss with callers Vince McMahon’s live interview with Steve Austin, C.M. 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Barnett discuss Cody&#8217;s promo, Sky vs. Jericho, Omega vs. Pac, live callers, on-site correspondent, mailbag (156 min.)" rel="bookmark"> FREE PODCAST 11/30 – WKPWP AEW Dynamite Post-Show – 5 Yrs Ago: (11-27-2019) Keller &#038; Barnett discuss Cody&#8217;s promo, Sky vs. Jericho, Omega vs. Pac, live callers, on-site correspondent, mailbag (156 min.) </a> </h3> <div class="mh-meta mh-posts-grid-meta"> <span class="mh-meta-date updated"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>November 30, 2024</span> </div> </article><article class="mh-col-1-3 mh-posts-grid-item clearfix post-188918 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-podcasts category-podcasts_pwtorchlivecast"> <div class="mh-posts-grid-thumb"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 11/30 – PWTorch Dailycast – PWTorch ‘90s Pastcast: Moynahan &#038; McDonald discuss PWTorch Newsletter #308 (11-19-94) including Savage joining WCW, more from Cactus Jack, Survivor Series preview, Charlie Norris lawsuit, more (129 min.)"><img width="326" height="245" src="" class="attachment-mh-magazine-medium size-mh-magazine-medium wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 326w, 80w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 326px) 100vw, 326px" /> </a> </div> <h3 class="mh-posts-grid-title"> <a href="" title="FREE PODCAST 11/30 – PWTorch Dailycast – PWTorch ‘90s Pastcast: Moynahan &#038; 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height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer579113892" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="2" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer579113892">Too over-the-top and unrealistic for a pro wrestling feud</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer579113893" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="3" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer579113893">No strong opinion either way</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <div style="padding: 3px;" align="center"><input type="submit" value=" Vote " /> <input name="view" type="submit" value=" View " /></div> <div style="font-size: 10px;" align="right"> <a href="">free polls</a></div> </div> </form><strong>QUICK HITS</strong> <br> <form action="" method="post"> <div style="background-color: #ffffff; padding: 2px; font-family: Arial; font-size: small; color: #000000;"> <div style="padding: 2px 0px 4px 2px;"><strong>Who are you most eager to see Bryan Danielson defend his AEW World Title against?</strong></div> <input id="answer955295481" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="1" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295481">Darby Allin</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295482" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="2" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295482">Christian Cage</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295483" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="3" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295483">Nigel McGuinness</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295484" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="4" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295484">Jon Moxley</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295485" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="5" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295485">Swerve Strickland</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295486" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="6" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295486">Kazuchika Okada</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295487" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="7" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295487">MJF</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295488" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="8" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295488">Will Ospreay</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer955295489" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="9" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer955295489">Other (comment below)</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <div style="padding: 3px;" align="center"><input type="submit" value=" Vote " /> <input name="view" type="submit" value=" View " /></div> <div style="font-size: 10px;" align="right"> <a href="">free polls</a></div> </div> </form> <form action="" method="post"> <div style="background-color: #ffffff; padding: 2px; font-family: Arial; font-size: medium; color: #000000;"> <div style="padding: 2px 0px 4px 2px;"><strong>If you have stopped watching AEW Dynamite (or watch less often than a year or two ago), which of the following reasons most closely matches your reason? (Comment below with any additional key reasons or elaborate on specifics)</strong></div> <input id="answer277252281" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="1" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252281">Dropped cable and lost TBS access</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252282" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="2" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252282">The storylines are less appealing</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252283" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="3" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252283">Too many matches are mismatches with predictacle outcomes</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252284" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="4" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252284">Addition of Collision spread product too thin</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252285" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="5" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252285">Departures and injuiries of key stars I liked</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252286" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="6" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252286">Less interested overall in featured wrestlers</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252287" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="7" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252287">Watching more WWE &amp; NXT instead</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252288" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="8" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252288">The product just feels less cool, more vibe than anything</label> <div style="clear: both; height: 2px;"></div> <input id="answer277252289" style="float: left;" name="answer" type="radio" value="9" /><label style="float: left;" for="answer277252289">Other (comment below)</label> <div style="clear: both; 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