{"title":"A Study of Relationship between WBGT and Relative Humidity to Worker Performance","authors":"A.R. Ismail, M. R. A. Rani, Z. K. M. Makhbul, M. J. M. Nor, M. N. A. Rahman","volume":27,"journal":"International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering","pagesStart":257,"pagesEnd":263,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/1810","abstract":"The environmental factors such as temperature and\nrelative humidity are very contribute to the effect of comfort, health,\nperformance and worker productivity. To ensure an ergonomics work\nenvironment, it is possible to require a specific attention especially in\nindustries. The aim of this study is to show the effect of temperature\nand relative humidity on worker productivity in automotive industry\nby taking a workstation in an automotive plant as the location to\nconduct the study. From the analysis of the data, there were\nrelationship between temperature and relative humidity on worker\nproductivity. Mathematical equation to represent the relationship\nbetween temperatures and relative humidity on the production rate is\nmodelled. From the equation model, the production rate for the\nworkstation can be predicted base on the value of temperature and\nrelative humidity.","references":"[1] Attwood, D.A., Deeb, J.M. & Danz-Reece M.E. 2004. Ergonomic\nsolutions for the process industries. Elsevier.\n[2] Hedge, A. Sims Jr, W.R. & Becker, F.D. 1990. Cornell University\nStudy: Lighting the Computerized Office\nhttp:\/\/\/na\/articles_and_paper_knoledgedesign.aspx\n(12 Ogos 2007).\n[3] IFC. 2003. Environmental and social guidelines for occupational and\nsafety.\n[4] Kahya, E. 2007. The effect of job characteristics and working conditions\non job performance. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 37:\n515-523.\n[5] Kim, S.Y. & Kim, J.J. 2006. Influence of light fluctuation on occupant\nvisual perception. Journal of Building and Environment. 42: 2888-2899.\n[6] Lee, S.Y & Brand, J.L. 2005. Effect of control over office workspace on\nperceptions of the work environment and work outcomes. Journal of\nEnvironmental Psychology. 25: 323-333.\n[7] Parsons, K.C. 2000. Environmental ergonomics: a review of principles,\nmethods and models. Journal of Applied Ergonomic. 31: 581-594.\nPhilips Lighting, The Netherlands.\n[8] Van Bommel, W.J.M., Beld, G.J. & Ooyen, M.H.F. 2002. Industrial\nlighting and productivity. August 2002.\n[9] Zeheeruddin & Garima. 2006. A neuro-fuzzy approach for prediction of\nhuman work efficiency in noisy environment. Journal of Applied Soft\nComputing. 6: 283-294.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 27, 2009"}