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"30" : ""; } }, country: () => { let country = window?.pageObj?.__extrasettings__?.country || "US"; return country.toUpperCase(); }, description: "", educationLevel: payload => payload.positionType === "perm" ? null : "", email: "", employmentType: (payload) => payload.employmentType || payload.positionType || "perm", experienceDurationMax: "", experienceDurationMin: "", experiencePeriod: "", firstName: "", formName: "NA_US_CA_RH_Staffing_Request", formPage: "hiring_need", formType: "Job Order", formUrl: () => window.location.href, formUrlEncoded: window.encodeURI(window.location.href), gclid: "", googleAnalyticsId: () => { return window.clientId || "" }, httpReferrerUrl: document.referrer || "", httpUserAgentBrowser: window.navigator?.userAgent || "", industry: "", joCnt12Mo: "", joCnt24Mo: "", joCntActive: "", joCntOpen: "", joCntTotal: "", joCntVolume: "", language: window.pageObj?.__extrasettings__?.language || "en", languageLocale: (payload) => {return `${}-${payload.language}`.toLowerCase()}, lastName: "", leadConsoleLob: "", leadId: () => `rhwebsite_${crypto.randomUUID()}`, leadLatLongDetermined: "", leadLatitude: "", leadLongitude: "", leadSourceCampaign: "", lob: "", location: "", mktAutomationId: (payload) => payload.formName, newsClient: "false", payPeriod: "", payRateCurrency: "", payRateMax: null, payRateMin: null, peopleNumber: (_payload, isLoggedIn) => { if (isLoggedIn) { return getUPO()?.peopleNumber || "" } }, phoneNumber: "", phoneType: "", positionTitle: "", positionType: (payload) => payload.positionType || payload.employmentType || "perm", postalCode: "", reCaptchaAssessmentId: "", reCaptchaScore: "", remoteAddrIp: "", remoteEligible: "No", requiredFieldsValidation: "", rhAnalyticsAddInfo: "", rhInternalTrackingType: (_payload, isLoggedIn) => isLoggedIn ? "LUX" : "RH Website Visitor", rhInternalTrackingValue: (payload) => { if (payload.employmentType) { switch (payload.employmentType) { case "exec": return "executive search"; case "managed services": return "consulting solutions"; case "perm": case "temp": default: return undefined; } } else { return undefined; } }, rhdSourceId: null, routingEmail: "", salutation: "", selfService: "true", servicePreference: "self", sfAccountId: "", sfContactId: (_payload, isLoggedIn) => { if (isLoggedIn) { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; return searchParams.get("sfContactId") || window["remoteUser"]?.peoplenumber || window.getUPO()?.contactSfID } }, sfJoNumber: null, skillId: null, skillsRequested: null, startDate: (payload) => { if (!payload.startDate) { return undefined; } else { switch (payload.startDate) { case "now": { let date = new Date(); // For temp, set startDate to tomorrow (today's date + 1) date.setTime(date.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); return date.toISOString().split("T")[0]; } case "month": { let date = new Date(); // For temp, set startDate to tomorrow (today's date + 31) date.setTime(date.getTime() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); return date.toISOString().split("T")[0]; } case "max": default: { let date = new Date(); // For temp, set startDate to tomorrow (today's date + 500001) date.setTime(date.getTime() + 500000 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); return date.toISOString().split("T")[0]; } } } }, stateProvince: "", strategicAccount: "", subjectLine: "Multistep Job Order", submissionDateTime: () => new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace("T", " "), tealiumId: () => window.tealiumId || "not set", tou: "", utm_campaign: null, utm_source: null, worksite: (payload) => payload.location !== undefined ? payload.location : "", }; const rhclInputNodes = [ "RHCL-TEXT-FIELD", "RHCL-TEXTAREA", "RHCL-DATEPICKER", "RHCL-TYPEAHEAD", "RHCL-CHECKBOX", "RHCL-CHECKBOX-GROUP", "RHCL-RADIO-GROUP", "RHCL-DROPDOWN", "RHCL-SWITCH", ]; /** * Adds the account check email info to the payload * @param {object} payload submission payload. * @param {string} email user's email * @param {boolean} isLoggedIn from upo * @param {Node} frame frame element */ const addAccountCheckData = async (payload, email, isLoggedIn, frame) => { async function accountEmailCheck(email) { return fetch( window.aemSettings.rh_common.accountCheckEndpoint + email ) .then((res) => res.json().then((data) => { /** * { * "isCandidate": true, #true if SFCC response "emailType" is "candidate" * "isClient": false, #true if SFCC response "emailType" is "client" * "accountCheck": "hasWebAccount", # SFCC response "accountCheck" String value * "hasUser": true # SFCC response "hasUser" boolean value, * "needNewResume": true # if SFCC response "lastResumeDate" is older than 6 month or "lastResumeDate" is null * } **/ return data; }) ) .catch((err) => console.error(err)); } const response = await accountEmailCheck(email); if (response) { const isExistingAccount = response?.hasUser; if (isLoggedIn || isExistingAccount) { payload.actionRequestedOfLp = "create_jo"; } else { payload.actionRequestedOfLp = "create_acc_jo"; } if (frame && isExistingAccount) { const signInDomain = "https://" + window.samlIdpReferrer const language = pageObj?.__extrasettings__?.language?.toLowerCase() ?? "en"; const country = pageObj? ?? "US"; const locale = language + "_" + country; // existing user flows (authenticated and unauth both) frame.dataset.existingUserRedirectLocation = signInDomain + `/s/jo-details?jobid=[token:jobId]&language=${locale}&a=RH&c=${country}&d=${locale}`; frame.dataset.existingUserRedirect = true; } function parseQuery(queryString) { var query = {}; var pairs = ( queryString[0] === "?" ? queryString.substr(1) : queryString ).split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split("="); query[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || ""); } return query; } const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; if (searchParams.fd) { const fdParams = parseQuery(atob(searchParams.fd)); if (fdParams || searchParams) { ["rhdSourceId", "utm_source", "utm_campaign"].forEach((key) => { // set payload value from query params const value = fdPrefill[key] || searchParams.get(key); if (value) { payload[key] = value; } }); } } if (!payload.rhInternalTrackingType) { if (isLoggedIn) { payload.rhInternalTrackingType = "LUX"; } else if (isExistingAccount) { payload.rhInternalTrackingType = "rh website visitor"; } else if ( payload.utm_source === "rh_promo" && payload.utm_medium === "Email" ) { payload.rhInternalTrackingType = "email campaign"; } else if ( payload.utm_source === "google" && payload.utm_medium === "ppc" ) { payload.rhInternalTrackingType = "ad campaign"; } } } }; const payloadFields = Object.keys(payloadDefaults); const getProgressiveFrameData = (frameElement) => { const payload = {}; if (!frameElement) { console.error("No progressive frame found"); } else { const steps = frameElement.querySelectorAll( 'rhcl-progressive-frame-step:not([page-type="confirmation"])' ); const currentStep = frameElement.currentStepIndex //get step inputs steps.forEach((step, index) => { if (index > currentStep) { // only use form data up to the current frame return } const stepContent = [...step.querySelectorAll("[slot='content'] *")]; // remove all non input or rhcl elements let inputElements = stepContent.filter( (element) => rhclInputNodes.includes(element.nodeName) || element.nodeName === "INPUT" ); // add input element fields into payload inputElements.forEach((el) => { let field; if (el.nodeName === "RHCL-CHECKBOX") { field = { name:, value: el.selected ? true : false }; } else { field = { name:, value: el.value }; } if (field) { if (! || payload[] !== undefined) { console.error( "Input had invalid name or name was already used:", ); } else { if ( === "payRateMin" || === "payRateMax") { payload[] = field.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""); } else if ( === "phoneNumber"){ // Remove plus signs, parenthesis, dashes spaces and dots payload[] = field.value?.replace(/\D/g,''); } else { payload[] = field.value; } } } }); }); } return payload; }; const addHiddenFieldData = (payload) => { // get hidden fields from page const hiddenFields = document.querySelectorAll(".rhformhiddenfield input"); // add hidden fields to payload if there is matching name in payload hiddenFields.forEach((el) => { if ( el.value !== undefined && payloadFields.includes( && payload[] === undefined ) { payload[] = el.value; } }); }; const addUpoData = (payload) => { // check upo for values to be included in payload const upo = window.getUPO(); Object.keys(upo).forEach((upoKey) => { if (upoKey === "email") { // skip email prefill into payload // it's causing issues with stale email on the first submission return; } const upoValue = upo[upoKey]; if ( upoValue !== undefined && payloadFields.includes(upoKey) && payload[upoKey] === undefined ) { payload[upoKey] = upoValue; } }); }; const getIp = async () => { return await fetch("", { mode: "cors" }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => data.ip) .catch(err => { console.error("Problem getting ip:", err.message) }) }; const setPayloadDefaults = (payload, isLoggedIn) => { // add in defaults for fields that aren't in payload already payloadFields.forEach((field) => { if ( payload[field] === undefined || typeof payloadDefaults[field] === "function" ) { // if a field is not set, use values from defaults if (typeof payloadDefaults[field] === "function") { // if the default is a function it should take the current payload // and use that to determine the value for that specific field payload[field] = payloadDefaults[field](payload, isLoggedIn); } else if (payloadDefaults[field] !== undefined) { // if there is any value in the defaults it should be used directly // when there is no value for that field payload[field] = payloadDefaults[field]; } } }); }; const isValidEmailDomain = (email, invalidDomains) => { const emailDomain = email.split("@")[1] return !invalidDomains.split(",").find(domain => domain === emailDomain) } const createPayload = async (frame, isFinalSubmission) => { // console.log("create payload:", frame); const payload = getProgressiveFrameData(frame); const upo = getUPO(); const isLoggedIn = upo?.isLoggedIn || false; let email =; const currentFrame = frame.children[frame.currentStepIndex] // if the current step has an email input, validate the domain if (currentFrame && currentFrame.querySelector("[name='email']") && !isValidEmailDomain(email, frame.dataset.invalidDomains)) { throw new Error("20_validationFailed_email") } else if (email && frame.dataset.invalidDomains && !isValidEmailDomain(email, frame.dataset.invalidDomains)) { // bad email in upo if (upo) { = "" window.setUPO(upo) } = "" email = ""; } if (email) { await addAccountCheckData(payload, email, isLoggedIn, frame); } const skillsEl = frame.querySelector("[name='skills']"); if (skillsEl) { addSkills(skillsEl, payload); } // console.log("payload with frame", { ...payload }); addHiddenFieldData(payload); // console.log("payload with hidden fields", { ...payload }); addUpoData(payload); // console.log("payload with upo", { ...payload }); const ip = await getIp(); if (ip) { payload.remoteAddrIp = ip; } if (!isFinalSubmission) { payload.actionRequestedOfLp = "hold"; } // set job function code on payload const jobTitleField = frame.querySelector('[name="positionTitle"]'); if (jobTitleField?.selectedItemExtra) { payload.jobFunctionCode = jobTitleField.selectedItemExtra } setPayloadDefaults(payload, isLoggedIn); // if there was a leadId set on the frame include it in the payload if (frame.dataset.leadId) { payload.leadId = frame.dataset.leadId; } else { // otherwise use the newly created Id and set it on the frame frame.dataset.leadId = payload.leadId; } return payload; }; const addSkills = (skillsEl, payload) => { // loop through each skill selected const chipEls = skillsEl.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("rhcl-chip"); [...chipEls].forEach((chipEl) => { // add skill to skillId array if (!payload.skillId || payload.skillId.length === 0) { payload.skillId = []; } payload.skillId.push(chipEl.value); // add skill to skillsRequested if (!payload.skillsRequested) { payload.skillsRequested = [{ name: chipEl.label, Id: chipEl.value }]; } else { payload.skillsRequested.push({ name: chipEl.label, Id: chipEl.value }); } }); // skillId should be formatted as a comma separated string if (payload.skillId && payload.skillId.length) { payload.skillId = payload.skillId.join(","); } }; { window.ready(() => { const resendStatusCodes = [ 500, 502, 503, 504, "50_internalServerError", "53_internalServerError", "51_internalServerError", "52_internalServerError", ]; const dataValidationErrorCodes = [ "20_validationFailed_positionTitle", "20_validationFailed_postalCode", "20_validationFailed_email", ]; /** * Methods for making api calls. */ const sendToResumeFeed = async (data, status) => { let retries = 3; while (retries) { try { const leadsProcessingEndpoint = window.aemSettings?.rh_multistep_job_order ?.leadsProcessingEndpoint || ""; const response = await, data, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); console.log( `Attempt ${4 - retries}: Response status: ${response.status}` ); if (response?.data?.request_status === "SUCCESS") { let responseCodes = response?.data?.request_message_Key; if (responseCodes) { // successful submission if (responseCodes === "20_success") { // successful form submission event for adobe target (BOBA-5836) const submissionEvent = new Event("formSubmittedSuccessfully"); document.dispatchEvent(submissionEvent); return; } else { // Handle validation errors generated on LP side let errors = []; // This prop should be an array for errors, but just in case if (typeof responseCodes === "string") { responseCodes = [responseCodes]; } responseCodes.forEach((code) => { if (dataValidationErrorCodes.includes(code)) { errors.push(code); } }); if (errors.length > 0) { return { isValidLP: false, errors: errors, }; } } } // return the data anyways return; } else if (resendStatusCodes.includes(response.status)) { retries -= 1; if (retries) { console.log(`Retrying... (attempts remaining: ${retries})`); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); continue; } } break; } catch (error) { console.log( `Attempt ${4 - retries}: Response status: ${error.response.status}` ); if (resendStatusCodes.includes(error.response.status)) { retries -= 1; if (retries) { console.log(`Retrying... (attempts remaining: ${retries})`); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); continue; } } if (status) { throw; } break; } } throw new Error("Failed to send data to resume feed."); }; /* handles updating the UPO with new client information after successful submission @param clientPayload - payload used in MSJO submission */ const updateUpoValues = (clientPayload) => { let upo = window.getUPO(); for (const key in clientPayload) { if (key in upo) { if (key === "email") { upo["emailAddress"] = clientPayload[key]; upo["clientEmail"] = clientPayload[key]; } if (key === "phoneNumber") { upo["clientPhoneNumber"] = clientPayload[key]; } if (key === "jobTitle") { upo["customerTitle"] = clientPayload[key]; upo["clientBusinessTitle"] = clientPayload[key]; } if (key === "postalCode") { upo["clientPostalCode"] = clientPayload[key]; } upo[key] = clientPayload[key]; } } window.setUPO(upo); }; const handleSubmissionRedirect = (submissionResponse, frameStep, frame) => { let newLocation = null; if (frame.dataset.existingUserRedirect) { // logged in create jo flow // "request_message": "joId - a1GDR000002XWUj2AO, joNumber - 31000-0012583669" let jobId = submissionResponse?.request_message?.split(",")[0]?.split("-")[1]?.replace(/\s/g, ''); newLocation = frame.dataset.existingUserRedirectLocation.replace("[token:jobId]", jobId || ""); } else if (frameStep?.dataset?.redirectLocation) { // new user flow newLocation = frameStep.dataset.redirectLocation; } else { // no redirect location console.error("No redirect location set"); } if (newLocation) { window.setTimeout(() => { // add timeout so that browser has chance to display response in console window.location = newLocation; }, 50) } } const handleApiError = (frame) => { if (frame?.dataset?.redirectApiError) { window.setTimeout(() => { // add timeout so that browser has chance to display response in console window.location = frame?.dataset?.redirectApiError; }, 50) } } // hide loading spinner function removeLoader() { const backdropStyle = document.querySelector( ".progressive-frame-backdrop#backdrop" ).style; if (backdropStyle) { backdropStyle.display = "none"; } } // display loading spinner function addLoader() { const backdropStyle = document.querySelector( ".progressive-frame-backdrop#backdrop" ).style; if (backdropStyle) { backdropStyle.display = "block"; } } window.progressiveFrameLoaderVisible = isVisible => { isVisible ? addLoader() : removeLoader() } const makeApiCall = async (event) => { const frame = event.detail.frame; const isFinalSubmission = event.detail.isFinalSubmission; const frameStep = event.detail.step; addLoader() if (frame) { try { // only handle submit leads event on progressive frame pages const payload = await createPayload(frame, isFinalSubmission); const response = await sendToResumeFeed(payload); if (response.isValidLP === false) { const errorEvent = new CustomEvent( "rh-progressive-frame-submission-error", { detail: {errors: response.errors, frame} } ); frame.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); return; } updateUpoValues(payload); const responseEvent = new CustomEvent( "rh-progressive-frame-submission-response", { detail: response } ); document.addEventListener("rhcl-progressive-frame-step-submit-clicked", function () { msjoTealiumEvent("contact_info_submit", "contact_info", payload); }); if (!isFinalSubmission) { msjoTealiumEvent("details_submit", "position_details", payload); } if (isFinalSubmission && (response.request_message_Key === '20_success')) { msjoTealiumEvent("job_order_submit", "job_order", payload); }; frame.dispatchEvent(responseEvent); if (isFinalSubmission) { handleSubmissionRedirect(response, frameStep, frame) } } catch (error) { const errorEvent = new CustomEvent( "rh-progressive-frame-submission-error", { detail: {errors: [error.message], frame} } ); frame.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); handleApiError(frame); } finally { removeLoader(); } } }; window.addEventListener("rh-progressive-frame-submission", makeApiCall); // setup typeahead skills suggestion listener const frame = document.querySelector("rhcl-progressive-frame"); if (frame) { const jobTitleField = frame.querySelector('[name="positionTitle"]'); const skillsField = frame.querySelector('[name="skills"]'); if (jobTitleField && skillsField) { // add listener for job title field blur jobTitleField.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", () => { const jobTitle = jobTitleField.value; let jobFunctionCode = undefined; if (jobTitleField?.selectedItemExtra !== undefined) { jobFunctionCode = jobTitleField.selectedItemExtra; } if (jobTitle) { // store original api location if (!skillsField.dataset.originalSuggestionApi) { skillsField.dataset.originalSuggestionApi = skillsField.typeaheadSuggestionEndpoint; } // replace position token on original suggestion endpoint with job title skillsField.typeaheadSuggestionEndpoint = skillsField.dataset.originalSuggestionApi.replace( ":value", jobTitle ); if (jobFunctionCode !== undefined) { skillsField.typeaheadSuggestionEndpoint = skillsField.typeaheadSuggestionEndpoint.replace( ":code", jobFunctionCode ); } const country = window?.pageObj?.__extrasettings__?.country || "us"; const language = window.pageObj?.__extrasettings__?.language || "EN"; const skillsLocale = country.toLowerCase() + "-" + language.toUpperCase(); skillsField.typeaheadSuggestionEndpoint = skillsField.typeaheadSuggestionEndpoint.replace( ":locale", skillsLocale ); } else if (skillsField.dataset.originalSuggestionApi) { // if there is no job title, use the original suggestion endpoint skillsField.typeaheadSuggestionEndpoint = skillsField.dataset.originalSuggestionApi; } }); } } }); } { const upoData = window.getUPO(); // Default values for all tracking events const baseTrackingObject = (eventName, stepName) => ({ datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: "next", event_version: "public", page_name: "", page_section: "", user_focus: "", user_id_sfc: upoData.contactSfID || "", user_state: upoData.isLoggedIn ? "auth" : "unauth", tealium_event: eventName, form_type: "Job Order", step_name: stepName, }); const getEventKeys = (eventName) => { const eventKeys = { details_submit: ["availability", "job_title", "job_type", "location", "salary_max", "salary_min", "skills",], contact_info_submit: ["form_email", "job_type"], job_order_submit: [ "availability", "event_attr_01", "form_email", "job_title", "job_type", "location", "salary_max", "salary_min", "service_type", "skills",], }; if (eventName === "impression") { return []; } return eventKeys[eventName]; }; const keyMap = { availability: "startDate", job_title: "positionTitle", job_type: "positionType", location: "postalCode", salary_max: "payRateMax", salary_min: "payRateMin", skills: (payload) => payload.skillsRequested?.map((obj) =>", "), form_email: (payload) => || payload.candidateEmail, event_attr_01: () => { const url = new URL(window.location.href); const fromAccountCreate = url.searchParams.get("source") === "direct"; return fromAccountCreate ? "direct" : "blank"; }, service_type: () => "hybrid", //hardcoded }; const msjoTealiumEvent = (eventName, stepName, payload) => { const trackingObject = baseTrackingObject(eventName, stepName); if (eventName === "impression") { rh_datalayer_add(trackingObject, "event"); console.log("tracking event", trackingObject); return; } const eventKeys = getEventKeys(eventName); eventKeys.forEach((key) => { const mapping = keyMap[key]; if (typeof mapping === "function") { // when mapping is a function it may take the payload as an argument trackingObject[key] = mapping(payload); } else { // when mapping is a string it is the key name from the payload trackingObject[key] = payload[mapping]; } }); rh_datalayer_add(trackingObject, "event"); console.log("tracking event", trackingObject); }; window.msjoTealiumEvent = msjoTealiumEvent; window.ready(function () { document.addEventListener( "rhcl-progressive-frame-step-next-clicked", function () { msjoTealiumEvent("impression", "contact_info", {}); } ); const frame = document.querySelector("rhcl-progressive-frame"); 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"0" : "") + dt.getMinutes(); var strDate = dt.getFullYear() + "-" + (dt.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + dt.getDate(); var currentTime = h > 12 ? h - 12 + ":" + m + " PM" : h + ":" + m + " AM"; var currDate = "'" + strDate + "'"; var currentTimeStamp = Date.parse(currDate + currentTime); return currentTimeStamp; } function getSourceId() { var rhdSourceId = getURLParameter("rhdSourceId"); if (rhdSourceId != undefined) { var currentTimeStamp = getTimeStamp(); var rhdSourceIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#rhdSourceId")]; rhdSourceIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = rhdSourceId + "-" + currentTimeStamp; }); } else { var formContainer = document.querySelector(".form-container"); var id = formContainer ? : ""; var rhdSourceIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#rhdSourceId")]; rhdSourceIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = id + "-" + currentTimeStamp; }); } } function getUtmSource() { var utmsource = getURLParameter("utm_source"); utmsource = utmsource != undefined ? utmsource : ""; var utmSourceArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#utmSource")]; utmSourceArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = utmsource; }); } function getUtmCampaign() { var campaign = getURLParameter("utm_campaign"); campaign = campaign != undefined ? campaign : ""; var utmCampaignArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#utmCampaign")]; utmCampaignArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = campaign; }); } function getSfJoNumber() { var sfJoNumber = getURLParameter("sfJoNumber"); sfJoNumber = sfJoNumber != undefined ? sfJoNumber : ""; var sfJoNumberArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#sfJoNumber")]; sfJoNumberArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = sfJoNumber; }); } function getTealiumId() { var tealiumIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#tealiumId")]; tealiumIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = window?.tealiumId; }); } function getGclid() { var searchParams = parseQuery(; var gclidVal = searchParams?.gclid ? searchParams.gclid : "not defined"; var gclidArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#gclid")]; gclidArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = gclidVal; }); } function getSfContactId() { var sfContactId = getURLParameter("sfContactId"); sfContactId = sfContactId != undefined ? sfContactId : ""; var sfContactIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#sfContactId")]; sfContactIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = sfContactId; }); } function getURLParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL = new URL(window.location); sPageURL =; var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split("="); if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) { return sParameterName[1]; } } } function updatePageHeading() { var replaceFields = [ { replace: "{positionTitle}", queryParam: "positionTitle" }, { replace: "{city}", queryParam: "city" }, { replace: "{country}", queryParam: "country" }, { replace: "{location}", queryParam: "location" }, { replace: "{jobtitle}", queryParam: "jobtitle" }, ]; const queryParams = parseQuery(; replaceFields.forEach((replacement) => { const value = queryParams[replacement.queryParam] || null; const hfbHeadlineElement = document.querySelector( "rhcl-block-hero-form" ); const hfbHeadline = hfbHeadlineElement ? encodeURIComponent(hfbHeadlineElement.getAttribute("headline")) : ""; if (value !== null && hfbHeadline.indexOf(replacement.replace) > -1) { hfbHeadline.replace(replacement.replace, value); document .querySelector("rhcl-block-hero-form") .setAttribute("headline", sentence.replaceAll("%20", " ")); } }); } getCountryName(); getLanguageName(); getLob(); getFormUrl(); getMiddleInitial(); getIpAddress(); getGoogleAnalyticsId(); getSourceId(); getUtmSource(); getUtmCampaign(); getSfJoNumber(); getTealiumId(); getGclid(); getSfContactId(); } if (document.querySelectorAll("rhcl-block-hero-form").length > 0) { updatePageHeading(); } // use fd prefill after to give precedence to fd querystrings setRhInternalTracking(); }); window.addEventListener("rhcl-initialized", () => { queryParamPrefill(); }); queryParamPrefill(); (function() { var test = document.querySelectorAll("#recaptcha").length; var recaptchaFlag = 0; const firstRhclButton = document.querySelector("rhcl-button"); const recaptchaFailMessage = firstRhclButton && firstRhclButton?.getAttribute("data-recaptcha-message"); const recaptchaEndpoint = aemSettings?.rh_common?.recaptchaEndpoint; const bypassToken = document.getElementById("bypassToken"); let formActionUrlIterable = new Map(); let bypassPerimeter = ""; if (bypassToken != null) { bypassPerimeter = bypassToken.getAttribute("value"); } //Request types and associated fields let requestData; var candidateWorkHistory = { recaptchaEnabled: "", invisibleRecaptchaToken: "", subscriberKey: "", }; let jobAlertRequestObject = { candidateEmailAddress: "", locale: "", keywords: "", keywordsNoSpaces: "", subscriptionSource: "rhWebsite", countryCode: "", searchResultsUrl: "", subscriptionSourceUrl: "", postedWithin: "", jobType: "", empType: "", cityId: "", cityTxt: "", jobAlertsSubscriptionId: "", lobName: "", location: "", locationNoSpaces: "", googleAnalyticsClientId: "", emailFrequency: "W", jobOrderRecommendationsCount: "5", insrtDttmHist: "", subscriptionType: "Manual", status: "A", }; var leadApiRequestObject = { recaptchaEnabled: "", invisibleRecaptchaToken: "", servicePreference: "", startDate: "", languageLocale: "", rhAnalyticsAddInfo: "", routingEmail: "", candidateReference1: "", candidateFunctionalRole1: "", candidateReference2: "", candidateFunctionalRole2: "", candidateReference3: "", candidateFunctionalRole3: "", candidateReference4: "", candidateFunctionalRole4: "", candidateReference5: "", candidateFunctionalRole5: "", additionalAttribute1: "", additionalAttribute2: "", additionalAttribute3: "", additionalAttribute4: "", additionalAttribute5: "", skillsRequested: "", experienceDurationMin: "", experienceDurationMax: "", experiencePeriod: "", educationLevel: "", payRateMin: "", payRateMax: "", payPeriod: "", payRateCurrency: "", additionalInfo: "", actionRequestedOfLp: "SUBMIT", rhInternalTrackingType: "", }; var newsApiObject = { recaptchaEnabled: "", invisibleRecaptchaToken: "", }; function scrollToTopOfForm() { const formContainer = document.querySelector(".form-container"); if (formContainer) { const topEl = formContainer .closest("rhcl-block-hero-form") ?.shadowRoot?.querySelector(".rhcl-block-hero-form__form"); const topOfForm = topEl?.getBoundingClientRect()?.top; const defaultHeaderHeight = 78; const headerHeight = parseInt( getComputedStyle(formContainer).getPropertyValue( "--rhcl-main-navigation-height" ), 10 ) || defaultHeaderHeight; if (top !== undefined) { setTimeout(() => { window.scrollTo({ top: topOfForm + window.scrollY - headerHeight, behavior: "smooth", }); }, 500); } } } function getURLParameters() { const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(; const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries()); return params; } function getByPassStatus(params) { var arrayLength = params.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { if (params[i] === bypassPerimeter) { return 0; } } return 1; } function setKeyValueInUPO(key, unifiedProfileObject, value) { //set a particular key value in UPO unifiedProfileObject[key] = value; return unifiedProfileObject; } function saveGatingPropertyInUPO() { if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { var unifiedProfileObject = window.getUPO(); const gatingProperties = document.querySelector(".gating-properties"); if (gatingProperties != null) { var gatingProperty = gatingProperties.getAttribute("gatingproperty") != undefined ? gatingProperties.getAttribute("gatingproperty") : "sgGatingFormSubmitted"; unifiedProfileObject = setKeyValueInUPO( gatingProperty, unifiedProfileObject, window.salaryGuideGatingProperties.key ); window.setUPO(unifiedProfileObject); } } window.localStorage.setItem( "salaryGuideGatingKey", window.salaryGuideGatingProperties.key ); } var businessUnit = { us: "na", ca: "na", au: "iz_apac_sam", br: "iz_apac_sam", cl: "iz_apac_sam", cn: "iz_apac_sam", hk: "iz_apac_sam", jp: "iz_apac_sam", nz: "iz_apac_sam", sg: "iz_apac_sam", be: "iz_eu", ch: "iz_eu", de: "iz_eu", fr: "iz_eu", nl: "iz_eu", uk: "iz_eu", }; const removeTags = (str) => { if (str === null || str === "") { return false; } else { str = str.toString(); } // Regular expression to identify HTML tags in the input string. Replacing the identified HTML tag with a null string. str = str.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ""); // Regular expression to identify enter in the input string. Replacing the identified enter with a null string. return (str = str.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, "")); }; //Success handling for form submit redirect function handleShowRedirectStatusSuccess(form, thisInstance) { = "none"; let thankYouPage = thisInstance .getAttribute("destination") .replace("/content/roberthalf", "") .replace(".html", ""); const redirectionUrl = window.localStorage.getItem("redirectionUrl"); if ( thankYouPage !== undefined && thankYouPage !== "" && thankYouPage != null ) { if (redirectionUrl) { if (thankYouPage.includes("html")) { thankYouPage = thankYouPage.split(".")[0]; thankYouPage += redirectionUrl + ".html"; } else { thankYouPage += redirectionUrl; } localStorage.removeItem("redirectionUrl"); } const timeout = thisInstance.getAttribute("data-redirect-delay") || 0; const target = thisInstance.getAttribute("data-redirect-target") || "_self"; if (target === "_self") { setTimeout(()=> { window.location.replace(thankYouPage); }, timeout); } else {, "_blank"); } } } //Success handling for email modal function handleEmailModalSuccess(form) { = "none"; document.querySelector("#email-model").removeAttribute("show-modal"); if (document.querySelector("#thankyou-modal") !== null) { document .querySelector("#thankyou-modal") .setAttribute("show-modal", ""); let thankUName, thankUEmail; if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { thankUName = window.getUPO().firstName; thankUEmail = window.getUPO().emailAddress ? window.getUPO().emailAddress : window.getUPO().email; } let thankYouHeading = document.querySelector( "#thankyou-modal rhcl-heading" ); let thankYouEmail = document.querySelector( "#thankyou-modal rhcl-typography" ); if (thankYouHeading != null) { let thankYouName = document .querySelector("#thankyou-modal rhcl-heading") .getAttribute("data-attribute-heading"); thankYouName = thankYouName.replace("<>", thankUName); document.querySelector( "#thankyou-modal rhcl-heading" ).textContent = thankYouName; } if (thankYouEmail != null) { let thankYouEmail = document .querySelector("#thankyou-modal rhcl-typography") .getAttribute("data-attribute-disclaimer"); thankYouEmail = thankYouEmail.replace("<>", thankUEmail); document.querySelector( "#thankyou-modal rhcl-typography" ).textContent = thankYouEmail; } } } //Success handling for form submit popup message function handlePopupStatusSuccess(form, response){ = "none"; const alertEl = document.querySelector( ".form-container rhcl-alert" ); const formContainer = document.querySelector(".form-container"); const formContentEls = document.querySelectorAll( '[slot="form-content"]' ); if (alertEl) { = "none"; } if (formContainer) { = "none"; } formContentEls.forEach((el) => { = "flex"; = "center"; = "wrap"; }); let successMsg = response.hasOwnProperty("request_message") ? response.request_message : "The action was processed successfully."; successMsg = (document.querySelector("#showPopupStatus") && document.querySelector("#showPopupStatus").getAttribute("data-copy")) ? document .querySelector("#showPopupStatus") .getAttribute("data-copy") : successMsg; successMsg = (document.querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus") && document.querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus").getAttribute("data-copy")) ? document .querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus") .getAttribute("data-copy") : successMsg; successMsg = removeTags(successMsg); document .querySelectorAll('[slot="form-content"]') .forEach(function (element) { element.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", `<rhcl-typography tag='p' variant='body1'>${successMsg}</rhcl-typography>` ); }); scrollToTopOfForm(); } function ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form) { let successRedirectStatus = false; let successPopupStatus = false; let successEmailModalStatus = false; const handleDataValidationFailed = (messageKey, message, form) => { if ( messageKey === "20_validationFailed_invisibleRecaptchaToken" || messageKey === "20_validationFailed_invisibleRecaptchaScore" ) { = "none"; showInteractiveReCaptcha(); } else if ( messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interactiveRecaptchaToken" || messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interativeRecaptchaToken" ) { = "none"; displayCustomAlert(message); } else if ( messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interactiveRecaptchaToken" || messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interativeRecaptchaToken" ) { = "none"; displayCustomAlert(message); } else { cleanUpRecaptcha(); } }; const handleFormTypeAnalytics = () => { const formTypeVal = document.querySelector( ".rhformhiddenfield input[name=formType]" ); const projectTypeVal = document.querySelector( ".rhformhiddenfield input[name=projectType]" ); if (formTypeVal && requestData?.formType && formTypeVal.value !== requestData.formType) { formTypeVal.value = requestData.formType; } let analyticObj; //Single step job order form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "job-order") { var industry = document.querySelector( "form rhcl-text-field[name=industry]" )?.value; analyticObj = { tealium_event: "job_order_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, indicator_remote: !!document .querySelector("rhcl-checkbox") ?.hasAttribute("selected"), industry: industry ? industry : "", job_id: document.querySelector("#sfJoNumber") ? document.querySelector("#sfJoNumber").getAttribute("value") : "", job_type: window.getUPO().employmentType, job_title: window.getUPO().positionTitle, lob: document.querySelector("#lob") ? document.querySelector("#lob").getAttribute("value") : "", location: window.getUPO().postalCode, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //Executive Search form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "executive-search") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "job_order_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), event_version: "executive search", form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, job_title: window.getUPO().positionTitle, location: window.getUPO().postalCode, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //Newsletter subscription form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "newsletter-subscription") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "newsletter_subscription_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //Salary guide form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "salary-guide") { let userType = ""; let checkBoxVal = document.querySelector("form rhcl-radio-group") ? document.querySelector("form rhcl-radio-group").value : ""; if (checkBoxVal === "yes") { userType = "client"; } else if (checkBoxVal === "no") { userType = "candidate"; } analyticObj = { tealium_event: "salary_guide_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, user_type: userType, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //webmaster feedback form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "webmaster-feedback") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "feedback_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); console.log(analyticObj, "event"); } //client visit form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "client-visit") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "client_visit_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), event_version: projectTypeVal.value, form_type: formTypeVal.value, form_name:, form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, page_name: "", page_section: "", user_focus: "", user_state: window.getUPO().isLoggedIn ? "auth" : "unauth", }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //gated form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "gated") { let visitorTypeValue = requestData.visitorType || document.querySelector( "form rhcl-radio-group[name='visitorType']" )?.value || ""; if ( visitorTypeValue === "" && document.getElementsByName("visitorType").length ) { visitorTypeValue = document.getElementsByName("visitorType")[0]?.value; } analyticObj = { tealium_event: "gated_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_attr_01: visitorTypeValue, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), event_version: projectTypeVal.value, form_type: formTypeVal.value, form_name:, form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, page_name: "", page_section: "", user_focus: "", user_state: window.getUPO().isLoggedIn ? "auth" : "unauth", }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); console.log(analyticObj, "event"); } //job order forms if ( formTypeVal && (formTypeVal.value === "job-order-no-rhd" || formTypeVal.value === "job-order-one-click") ) { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "job_order_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; const hasEmail = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-text-field") ).filter((ele) => { return ele.type === "email"; }); if (hasEmail.length) analyticObj["form_email"] = hasEmail[0].value; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } if ( formTypeVal && (formTypeVal.value === "candidate-referral" || formTypeVal.value === "email-us" || formTypeVal.value === "job-order-no-rhd" || formTypeVal.value === "job-order-one-click" || formTypeVal.value === "mobile-app-download" || formTypeVal.value === "candidate-work-history" || formTypeVal.value === "contact-us-aws" || formTypeVal.value === "contact-us") ) { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "form_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; const hasEmail = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-text-field") ).filter((ele) => { return ele.type === "email"; }); if (hasEmail.length) analyticObj["form_email"] = hasEmail[0].value; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } if (document.querySelector(".salary-guide") !== null) { = "none"; saveGatingPropertyInUPO(); } } const displayCustomAlert = (message) => { const alertElement = document.querySelector(".form-container rhcl-alert:first"); alertElement.setAttribute("copy", message); = "block"; setTimeout(() => { const formContainer = document.querySelector(".form-container"); window.scrollTo({ top: formContainer.getBoundingClientRect() + formContainer.ownerDocument.defaultView.scrollY, behavior: "smooth", }); }, 500); }; const displayErrorMessage = (status, form) => { = "none"; const alertEl = document.querySelector( ".form-container rhcl-alert[data-status='" + status + "']" ); if (alertEl) { = "block"; } scrollToTopOfForm(); } const displayDynamicErrorMessage = (fieldName) => { const fieldEl = document.querySelector(`.form-container *[name='${fieldName}']`); let errorMessage = fieldEl?.getAttribute("error-message-lp"); if (errorMessage && errorMessage.includes(fieldName)) { errorMessage = errorMessage.replace( `{${fieldName}}`, leadApiRequestObject[fieldName] ); } if (errorMessage && fieldEl) { fieldEl.customErrorMessage = errorMessage; fieldEl.customInvalid = true; } } const handleSuccessResponse = (response) => { // successful form submission event for adobe target (BOBA-5836) if (response?.requestMessageKey === "20_success" && !response?.request_message?.endsWith("#")) { const submissionEvent = new Event("formSubmittedSuccessfully"); document.dispatchEvent(submissionEvent); } if (successPopupStatus) handlePopupStatusSuccess(form, response); if (successEmailModalStatus) handleEmailModalSuccess(form); if (successRedirectStatus) handleShowRedirectStatusSuccess(form, thisInstance); } const handleErrorResponse = (response) => { const { status, request_message_Key } = response; if ([500, 502, 503, 504, "error"].includes(status)) { displayErrorMessage(status, form); return; } if (request_message_Key) { = "none"; if (request_message_Key.length > 0) { if (request_message_Key.includes("20_validationFailed_postalCode")) { displayDynamicErrorMessage("postalCode"); } if (request_message_Key.includes("20_validationFailed_positionTitle")) { displayDynamicErrorMessage("positionTitle"); } scrollToTopOfForm(); } } handleDataValidationFailed(response, request_message_Key, form); } const cleanUpRecaptcha = () => { const recaptchaContainer = document.getElementById("grecaptcha-interactive"); if (recaptchaContainer) recaptchaContainer.remove(); recaptchaFlag = 0; delete leadApiRequestObject?.interactiveRecaptchaToken; delete candidateWorkHistory?.interactiveRecaptchaToken; delete newsApiObject?.interactiveRecaptchaToken; }; //Run POST fetch for all form requests const handleAllFetches = () => { const fetchWithRetry = (url, requestData, type, retries = 3) => { return fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(requestData), }) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json().then((data) => ({response, status: response.status, data, type})); } else if (retries > 0) { return fetchWithRetry(url, requestData, type, retries - 1); } else { console.log(`Max retries for the following submission endpoint: ${url}`); return { status: "error", data: null, error: "Max retries reached" }; } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(`Fetch error for ${url}:`, error); return { status: "error", data: null, error }; }); }; //Create each fetch request with specific payload for each request type (leads, nonleads,jobalerts) const fetchRequests =[type, url]) => { requestData = createRequestPayload(input, thisInstance, type); return fetchWithRetry(url, requestData, type); }); //Collect responses and handle responses for the POST request(s). Promise.all(fetchRequests) .then((responses) => { let fetchFailList = []; let fetchSuccessList = []; responses.forEach(({ response, status, data , type}) => { const requestMessageKey = data.request_message_key || data.request_message_Key; const requestMessage = data.request_message; if ((status === 200 || status === 202) && requestMessageKey === "20_success") { // Handle success paths if (document.querySelector("#showRedirectStatus")) { successRedirectStatus = true; } if (document.querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus")) { successRedirectStatus = true; successPopupStatus = true; } if (document.querySelector("#showPopupStatus")) { successPopupStatus = true; } if (document.querySelector("#email-model")) { successEmailModalStatus = true; } fetchSuccessList.push( { "type": type, "response": data } ) } else { fetchFailList.push( { "type": type, "response": data } ) handleDataValidationFailed( requestMessageKey, requestMessage, form); } }); if (fetchFailList.length > 0) { const hasFailMarketing = fetchFailList.some(item => item.type === "nonLeads"); const hasSuccessLeads = fetchSuccessList.some(item => item.type === "leads"); //In scenario where leads AND nonleads are called we set success if leads is the only successful call if (hasFailMarketing && hasSuccessLeads) { if (typeof fetchSuccessList[0].response.request_message_Key !== "string" && fetchSuccessList[0].response.request_message_Key !== "20_success" ) { return; } handleSuccessResponse(fetchSuccessList[0].response); } else { handleErrorResponse(fetchFailList[0].response, form); } } else { // Handle each success scenarios after all responses are processed handleSuccessResponse(fetchSuccessList[0].response); } handleFormTypeAnalytics(); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error handling fetch requests:", error); displayErrorMessage("error", form); }); }; handleAllFetches(); } window.ready(function () { document .querySelectorAll(".form-submit-btn rhcl-button") .forEach(function (el) { el.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); recaptchaStatus(); getLeadId(); setTimeout(getSubmissionDate, 2000); let thisInstance = this; let form = this.closest("form"); if (!form.closest(".salary-guide")) { localStorage.removeItem("redirectionUrl"); } var inputElements = form.querySelectorAll("[rhcl-input]"); var dateElements = form.querySelectorAll("rhcl-datepicker"); let validateFieldArray = [...inputElements, ...dateElements]; setFormActionUrls(); validateForm(validateFieldArray, thisInstance, form); if (document.querySelectorAll(".salary-guide").length > 0) { updateHiddenFields(); } }); }); document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn rhcl-button").forEach(function (el) { el.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const thisInstance = this; var form = document.querySelector(".form-btn") ? document.querySelector(".form-btn").closest("form") : null; var inputElements = form ? form.querySelectorAll("[rhcl-input]") : []; let validateFieldArray = Array.from(inputElements); setFormActionUrls(); validateForm(validateFieldArray, thisInstance, form); recaptchaStatus(); }); }); }); function getPostalCodeInForm() { return document.querySelector("rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']"); } function setFormActionUrls() { const formActionUrls = document.querySelector(".form-btn") ? document.querySelector(".form-btn").closest("form").getAttribute("data-attribute-endpoints") : document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn") .closest("form") .getAttribute("data-attribute-endpoints"); const formActionUrlMap = JSON.parse(formActionUrls); formActionUrlIterable = Object.entries(formActionUrlMap); } function isCountryUS() { var country = document.getElementById("country"); return country && country.hasAttribute("value") && country.value === "US"; } function isPostalCodeInvalidForUS(value) { return ( value.match(/^(82[0-9]{3}|83[0-3][0-9]{2}|8341[0-4])$/) || value.match( /^(995[0-9]{2}|996[0-9]{2}|997[0-9]{2}|998[0-9]{2}|999[0-4][0-9]|99950)$/ ) || value.match( /^(24[7-9][0-9]{2}|25[0-9]{3}|26[0-7][0-9]{2}|268[0-7][0-9]|2688[0-6])$/ ) ); } function getPostalCodeErrorValidity() { var postalCodeField = getPostalCodeInForm(); var value = postalCodeField.value; if (!postalCode || !isCountryUS()) { return false; } const isInvalid = isPostalCodeInvalidForUS(value); var initialMessage = postalCodeField.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); if (isInvalid) { initialMessage = `Robert Half cannot support staffing needs in ${value} at this time.`; postalCodeField.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); postalCodeField.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); } else { postalCodeField.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); postalCodeField.removeAttribute("custom-error-message"); } return isInvalid; } var postalCode = getPostalCodeInForm(); if (postalCode) { postalCode.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", function (e) { if (isCountryUS()) { let isValid = true; const promises = []; postalCode.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); postalCode.customInvalid = null; promises.push(postalCode.validate()); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { getPostalCodeErrorValidity(); } }); } }); if ( getURLParameter("postalCode") != "" || getURLParameter("postalCode") != null || getURLParameter("postalCode") != undefined ) { var postalCodecount = 0; document .querySelector(".form-container rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']") .addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function (e) { var patternId = document.querySelector("#rhFormTextField"); var pattern = ""; var patternMessage = ""; if (patternId) { pattern = patternId.hasAttribute("data-pattern") ? patternId.getAttribute("data-pattern") : ""; patternMessage = patternId.hasAttribute("data-errorMessage") ? patternId.getAttribute("data-errorMessage") : ""; } let isValid = true; const promises = []; document .querySelector("rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']") .removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.querySelector( "rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']" ).customInvalid = null; promises.push( document .querySelector("rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']") .validate() ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { postalCodecount += 1; if (postalCodecount < 2 && this.value) { const value = this.value; if (pattern && value.match(pattern) === null) { this.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else { this.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } this.setAttribute("custom-error-message", patternMessage); } } }); }); } } function getEmailField() { return document.querySelector('[id^="rhcl-text-field"][type="email"]'); } if ( document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']") && document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") ) { document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .addEventListener("rhcl-calendar-change", (e) => { let isValid = true; const promises = []; document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").customInvalid = null; document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); promises.push( document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").validate() ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { const formName = document.querySelector( "input[name='formName']" ).value; if (formName && formName.includes("candidate_work_history")) { const startDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']" ); const endDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ); const errorMsg = endDate.hasAttribute("data-custom-error-message") ? endDate.getAttribute("data-custom-error-message") : ""; var initialMessage = endDate.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); var flag = 0; if (new Date(startDate.value) >= new Date(endDate.value)) { flag = 1; if (errorMsg) { initialMessage = errorMsg; } else { initialMessage = "Start Date can not be greater than End Date"; } } if (flag === 1) { endDate.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); endDate.labelRef.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else { endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } endDate.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); } } }); }); document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']") .addEventListener("rhcl-calendar-change", (e) => { let isValid = true; const promises = []; if (document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").value) { document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ).customInvalid = null; document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); promises.push( document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").validate() ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { var startDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']" ); var endDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ); const errorMsg = endDate.hasAttribute("data-custom-error-message") ? endDate.getAttribute("data-custom-error-message") : ""; var initialMessage = endDate.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); endDate.removeAttribute("custome-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); var flag = 0; if ( endDate.value && new Date(startDate.value) > new Date(endDate.value) ) { flag = 1; if (errorMsg) { initialMessage = errorMsg; } else { initialMessage = "Start Date can not be greater than End Date"; } } if (flag === 1) { endDate.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); endDate.labelRef.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else { endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } endDate.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); } }); } }); } if (document.querySelector("rhcl-checkbox[name='currentEmployer']")) { document .querySelector("rhcl-checkbox[name='currentEmployer']") .addEventListener("rhcl-checkbox-changed", () => { const formName = document.querySelector("input[name='formName']").value; if (formName && formName.includes("candidate_work_history")) { const currEmp = document.querySelector( "rhcl-checkbox[name='currentEmployer']" ).selected; const endDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ); if (currEmp && endDate) { endDate.setAttribute("disabled", ""); endDate.setAttribute("date", ""); = "none"; = 0.6; endDate.hasAttribute("custom-invalid") ? endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid") : ""; } else { endDate.removeAttribute("disabled"); = "unset"; = 1; } } }); } function updateHiddenFields() { var pagePath = new URL(window.location); pagePath = pagePath.pathname.replace("/content/roberthalf", ""); var country = pagePath.split("/")[1]; var language = pagePath.split("/")[2]; if ( businessUnit.hasOwnProperty(country) && country != undefined && language != undefined ) { var formName = "form_" + businessUnit[country] + "_" + country + "_" + language + "_salary_guide_gating"; if (document.querySelector("input[name='formName']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='formName']").value = formName; } if (document.querySelector("input[name='language']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='language']").value = language.toUpperCase(); } if (document.querySelector("input[name='countryCode']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='countryCode']").value = country.toUpperCase(); } if (document.querySelector("input[name='salaryGuideYear']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='salaryGuideYear']").value = new Date().getFullYear(); } } } function createRequestPayload(input, thisInstance, endpointType) { let unifiedProfileObject; var hiddenInput = thisInstance .closest("form") .querySelectorAll("input[type=hidden]"); var dates = document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-datepicker"); if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { unifiedProfileObject = window.getUPO(); } const inputArray = [...input, ...hiddenInput, ...dates]; if ( endpointType === "jobAlerts" ) { let inputValues = { searchTerms: "", emailAddress: "", location: "", country: "", language: "", }; for (const element in inputArray) { inputValues = retrieveJobAlertsInputFields( inputArray[element], inputValues ); } updateJobAlertDetails(inputValues); return jobAlertRequestObject; } else { for (const element in inputArray) { if ( inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() != "rhcl-checkbox" && inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() != "rhcl-radio" && inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() != "rhcl-datepicker" ) { if (inputArray[element].value != undefined) { var noStringsInput = inputArray[element].value.replace(/["']/g, ""); leadApiRequestObject[inputArray[element].name] = noStringsInput; if ( document.querySelector("[data-attribute-iz]") != null && inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === "rhcl-radio-group" ) { if (inputArray[element].value.toLocaleLowerCase() === "client") { newsApiObject["newsClient"] = "True"; newsApiObject["newsCandidate"] = "False"; } else if ( inputArray[element].value.toLocaleLowerCase() === "candidate" ) { newsApiObject["newsClient"] = "False"; newsApiObject["newsCandidate"] = "True"; } } else { newsApiObject[inputArray[element].name] = inputArray[element].value; candidateWorkHistory[inputArray[element].name] = inputArray[element].value; } if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { if (inputArray[element].name in unifiedProfileObject) { if (inputArray[element].name === "email") { unifiedProfileObject["emailAddress"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "emailAddress") { unifiedProfileObject["email"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "fullName") { unifiedProfileObject["fullName"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "officeInfo") { unifiedProfileObject["officeInfo"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "businessPhone") { unifiedProfileObject["businessPhone"] = inputArray[element].value; } unifiedProfileObject[inputArray[element].name] = inputArray[element].value; if ( unifiedProfileObject.peopleNumber != "" && endpointType === "leads" ) { leadApiRequestObject["peopleNumber"] = unifiedProfileObject.peopleNumber; } if (unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID != "") { newsApiObject["sfContactID"] = unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID; } } if (unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID != "") { candidateWorkHistory["subscriberKey"] = unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID; } } if ( !leadApiRequestObject.rhInternalTrackingType || leadApiRequestObject.rhInternalTrackingType === "Not found" ) { // if the tracking type isn't already set by an ad campaign url leadApiRequestObject["rhInternalTrackingType"] = unifiedProfileObject.isLoggedIn ? "LUX" : "RH Website Visitor"; } } } if ( inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === "rhcl-datepicker" ) { if (inputArray[element].value === "") { candidateWorkHistory[inputArray[element].name] = ""; } else { candidateWorkHistory[inputArray[element].name] = changeDateFormat( inputArray[element].value ); } } } var radioValue = document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-radio:checked"); if (radioValue != null) { radioValue.forEach(function (element) { leadApiRequestObject[] = element.value; newsApiObject[] = element.value; candidateWorkHistory[] = element.value; if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { if ( in unifiedProfileObject) { unifiedProfileObject[] = element.value; } } }); } if ( document.querySelectorAll("[data-attribute-iz]").length > 0 && "radioButton" in newsApiObject ) { delete newsApiObject.radioButton; } if ( document.querySelectorAll("[data-attribute-iz]").length > 0 && "radioButtons" in newsApiObject ) { delete newsApiObject.radioButtons; } if ("formType" in newsApiObject) { delete newsApiObject.formType; } var checkboxValue = document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-checkbox"); if (checkboxValue.length > 0) { checkboxValue.forEach(function (element) { if (element.selected === true) { if ( != null) { leadApiRequestObject[] = element.value || "true"; newsApiObject[] = element.value || "true"; candidateWorkHistory[] = element.value || "true"; if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { if ( in unifiedProfileObject) { unifiedProfileObject[] = element.value || "true"; } } } } else { if (leadApiRequestObject.hasOwnProperty( { delete leadApiRequestObject[]; } leadApiRequestObject[] = "false"; newsApiObject[] = element.value || "false"; candidateWorkHistory[] = element.value || "false"; } }); } if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { window.setUPO(unifiedProfileObject); } if (document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn").length > 0) { return newsApiObject; } if ( document.querySelectorAll("input[name='formName']").length > 0 && document.querySelectorAll("input[name='formName']").value === "form_na_candidate_work_history" ) { return candidateWorkHistory; } return leadApiRequestObject; } function changeDateFormat(inputDate) { if (inputDate) { var splitDate = inputDate.split("-"); if (splitDate.count === 0) { return null; } var year = splitDate[0]; var month = splitDate[1]; var day = splitDate[2]; return month + "-" + day + "-" + year; } else { return ""; } } function retrieveJobAlertsInputFields(inputElement, inputValues) { if ( === null) { return inputValues; } if ( === "searchterms") { inputValues.searchTerms = inputElement.value || ""; } if ( === "email") { inputValues.emailAddress = inputElement.value || ""; } if ( === "location") { inputValues.location = inputElement.value || ""; } return inputValues; } function updateJobAlertDetails(inputValues) { let pagePath = new URL(window.location); pagePath = pagePath.pathname.replace("/content/roberthalf", ""); if (pagePath) { = pagePath.split("/")[1]; inputValues.language = pagePath.split("/")[2]; } jobAlertRequestObject.candidateEmailAddress = inputValues.emailAddress; jobAlertRequestObject.keywords = inputValues.searchTerms; jobAlertRequestObject.keywordsNoSpaces = inputValues.searchTerms.replace( /\s+/g, "" ); jobAlertRequestObject.location = inputValues.location; jobAlertRequestObject.locationNoSpaces = inputValues.location.replace( /\s+/g, "" ); jobAlertRequestObject.locale = inputValues.language.toLowerCase() + "_" +; jobAlertRequestObject.countryCode =; jobAlertRequestObject.insrtDttmHist = new Date().toISOString(); jobAlertRequestObject.subscriptionSourceUrl = window.location.href; jobAlertRequestObject.searchResultsUrl = window.location.origin + "/" + + "/" + inputValues.language.toLowerCase() + "/jobs/" + inputValues.location.replace(/ /g, "-") + "/" + encodeURIComponent(inputValues.searchTerms); const randomString = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 12); const timestamp =; jobAlertRequestObject.jobAlertsSubscriptionId = `${randomString}_${timestamp}`; } } window.verifyCallback = function verifyCallback(response) { recaptchaFlag = 1; leadApiRequestObject["interactiveRecaptchaToken"] = response; candidateWorkHistory["interactiveRecaptchaToken"] = response; newsApiObject["interactiveRecaptchaToken"] = response; if (leadApiRequestObject.hasOwnProperty("invisibleRecaptchaToken")) { delete leadApiRequestObject.invisibleRecaptchaToken; } if (candidateWorkHistory.hasOwnProperty("invisibleRecaptchaToken")) { delete candidateWorkHistory.invisibleRecaptchaToken; } if (newsApiObject.hasOwnProperty("invisibleRecaptchaToken")) { delete newsApiObject.invisibleRecaptchaToken; } }; function showInteractiveReCaptcha() { recaptchaFlag = 1; var key = document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn").length > 0 ? document .querySelector(".form-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("interactive-key") : document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("interactive-key"); // Create the interactive reCAPTCHA HTML var recaptchaContainer = document.createElement("span"); = "grecaptcha-interactive"; recaptchaContainer.className = "g-recaptcha"; recaptchaContainer.setAttribute("data-sitekey", key); recaptchaContainer.setAttribute("data-callback", "verifyCallback"); recaptchaContainer.setAttribute("theme", "light"); var formGeneral = document.querySelector(".form-submit-btn"); var formNews = document.querySelector(".form-btn"); if (formGeneral != null) { document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn") .insertBefore( recaptchaContainer, document.querySelector(".form-submit-btn").firstChild ); } if (formNews != null) { document .querySelector(".form-btn") .insertBefore( recaptchaContainer, document.querySelector(".form-btn").firstChild ); } // Render the interactive reCAPTCHA grecaptcha.render(recaptchaContainer, { sitekey: key, }); //ajax call in which we will get the score //passes } function validateRecaptcha(input, thisInstance, form) { var key = document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn").length > 0 ? document .querySelector(".form-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("invisible-key") : document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("invisible-key"); grecaptcha.enterprise.ready(function () { grecaptcha.enterprise .execute(key, { action: "click", }) .then(function (token) { leadApiRequestObject["invisibleRecaptchaToken"] = token; candidateWorkHistory["invisibleRecaptchaToken"] = token; newsApiObject["invisibleRecaptchaToken"] = token; ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); }); }); } async function validateForm(input, thisInstance, form) { let isValid = true; const fieldsToValidate = input; const promises = []; var flag = 1; fieldsToValidate.forEach((elem) => { if ( typeof elem.validate === "function" && !elem.getAttribute("form-submission-hidden") ) { promises.push(elem.validate()); } }); // wait for all promises to be finished await Promise.allSettled(promises).then(async (results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); const parameters = getURLParameters(); var params = Object.keys(parameters); flag = getByPassStatus(params); var postalCode = getPostalCodeInForm(); if (isValid && postalCode && isCountryUS()) { const isPostalCodeInvalid = getPostalCodeErrorValidity(); if (isPostalCodeInvalid) { isValid = false; } } // getEmailField and email valid functions are written in emailValidation.html file. var emailField = getEmailField(); if ( isValid && emailField ) { //If leads Submission we want to force validation on email field let isLeadsSubmission = false; //check if form is set to submit with leads endpoint formActionUrlIterable.forEach(([key]) => { if (key === "leads") { isLeadsSubmission = true; } }); //here we will make the call to validate email field if the field is // authored for validation or the submission is to leads if ( window.shouldCheckEmailValidation && typeof window.shouldCheckEmailValidation === "function" && shouldCheckEmailValidation(emailField.value, isLeadsSubmission) ) { emailField.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); emailField.customInvalid = null; const isEmailCustomValid = checkEmailValidityForCustomDomains( emailField.value ); if (!isEmailCustomValid) { isValid = false; } setEmailCustomErrorMessage(isLeadsSubmission); if (isValid) { // check email for candidate restricted emails document.querySelector("#backdrop").style.display = "block"; await window.ssjoCandidateEmailCheck(isLeadsSubmission); document.querySelector("#backdrop").style.display = "none"; if (emailField.customInvalid) { isValid = false; } } } } if (isValid) { = "block"; if (test && flag) { if (recaptchaFlag === 0) { validateRecaptcha(input, thisInstance, form); } else ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } if (!test && !flag) { ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } if (test && !flag) { ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } if (!test && flag) { ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } } }); } function recaptchaStatus() { var flag = 1; const parameters = getURLParameters(); var params = Object.keys(parameters); flag = getByPassStatus(params); if (test) { leadApiRequestObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "true"; newsApiObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "true"; candidateWorkHistory["recaptchaEnabled"] = "true"; } else { leadApiRequestObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; newsApiObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; candidateWorkHistory["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; } if (!flag) { leadApiRequestObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; leadApiRequestObject[bypassPerimeter] = parameters[bypassPerimeter]; newsApiObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; newsApiObject[bypassPerimeter] = parameters[bypassPerimeter]; candidateWorkHistory["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; candidateWorkHistory[bypassPerimeter] = parameters[bypassPerimeter]; } } function getLeadId() { if (document.querySelector("#leadId") != null) { var leadId = crypto.randomUUID(); var leadIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#leadId")]; leadIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = "rhwebsite_" + leadId; }); } } /*************************** Salary Guide Gating Logic*********************************************/ window.ready(function () { if (document.querySelector(".salary-guide") != null) { var currentUrl = new URL(window.location); if (currentUrl.pathname.includes(".html")) { var urlString = currentUrl.pathname.split("."); currentUrl = urlString[0]; } else { currentUrl = currentUrl.pathname; } if ( currentUrl.endsWith("salary-guide") || currentUrl.endsWith("guide-salarial") || currentUrl.endsWith("gehaltsuebersicht") || currentUrl.endsWith("salarisgids") || currentUrl.endsWith("guide-des-salaires") || currentUrl.endsWith("guia-salarial") ) { if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { var upo = window.getUPO(); var cookie = getCookie("wcmmode"); const gatingPropertyEl = document.querySelector(".gating-properties"); if (gatingPropertyEl != null && cookie != "edit") { var gatingproperty = gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatingproperty") !== undefined ? gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatingproperty") : "sgGatingFormSubmitted"; if (upo.hasOwnProperty(gatingproperty)) { var redirecturl = gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatedredirect") != undefined ? gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatedredirect") : ""; if (redirecturl != "") { window.location.replace(redirecturl); } } } } } } }); function checkQueryString(field) { var url = window.location.href; if (url.indexOf("?" + field + "=") != -1) { return true; } else if (url.indexOf("&" + field + "=") != -1) { return true; } return false; } function getURLParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL = new URL(window.location); sPageURL =; var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split("="); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1]; } } } //current date and time in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS function currentDateTime() { var d = new Date(); d = d.getFullYear() + "-" + (d.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1) : d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + (d.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + d.getDate() : d.getDate()) + " " + (d.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + d.getHours() : d.getHours()) + ":" + (d.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + d.getMinutes() : d.getMinutes()) + ":" + (d.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + d.getSeconds() : d.getSeconds()); return d; } function getSubmissionDate() { if (document.querySelector("#submissionDateTime") != null) { document.querySelector("#submissionDateTime").value = currentDateTime(); } if (document.querySelector("#submissionDate") != null) { document.querySelector("#submissionDate").value = currentDateTime(); } } window.ready(function () { /***************************on focus analytics*********************************************/ var refreshCount = 0; document.querySelector(".form-container [rhcl-input][required]") && document .querySelector(".form-container [rhcl-input][required]") .addEventListener("focus", () => { refreshCount += 1; var formTypeVal = document.querySelector( ".rhformhiddenfield input[name=formType]" ); var analyticObj = { tealium_event: "focus_click", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "focus", event_text: document .querySelector(".form-container [rhcl-input][required]") .getAttribute("name"), form_type: formTypeVal?.value ? formTypeVal?.value : "", }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } if (refreshCount < 2) { rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } }); }); }()) </script> <!-- Conditional form routing data --> <form action="" class="form-container" data-attribute-ssjo="leads"> <span type="hidden" id="bypassToken" name="bypassToken" value="bypassToken"></span> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="500" copy="Our system temporarily timed out. Please try again in a few minutes or contact us if the issue persists." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="502" copy="Our system temporarily timed out. Please try again in a few minutes or contact us if the issue persists." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="503" copy="Our system temporarily timed out. Please try again in a few minutes or contact us if the issue persists." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="504" copy="Our system temporarily timed out. Please try again in a few minutes or contact us if the issue persists." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="error" headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="positionTitleError" copy="Sorry, we don’t staff the role of {positionTitle} at this time." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="postalCodeError" copy="Robert Half cannot support staffing needs in {postalCode} at this time." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container"> <div class="form-field-set row"> <div class="field-set-header"> <rhcl-heading modifier="" tag="h2" theme="" variant="display5"></rhcl-heading> </div> <div class="field-element-row col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-typeahead label="Job Title" max-results="30" name="positionTitle" size="small" theme="concrete" required max-length="60" min-length="2" min-length-message="Job title must have at least 2 characters" max-length-message="Do not enter more than 60 characters for Job Title" error-message="Please enter a valid job title" endpoint="" error-message-lp="Please enter a valid job title"> </rhcl-typeahead> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-typeahead-changed", e => { const typeahead = typeahead.customInvalid = null; typeahead.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div hidden id="rhFormTextField" data-pattern="^[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?$" data-errorMessage="Please enter a valid zip code"></div> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field-1990100796" label="Zip Code" type="text" required pattern="^[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?$" error-message="Please enter a valid zip code" format-message="Please enter a valid zip code" size="small" theme="concrete" name="postalCode" error-message-lp="Robert Half cannot support staffing needs in [token:value]"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field-1990100796"); element.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function(){this.value=this.value.trim();}); </script> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", e => { const textField = textField.customInvalid = null; textField.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <a id="employmentType" hidden></a> <rhcl-dropdown label="Position Type" required error-message="Please select a position type" size="small" theme="concrete" value="Please Select" name="positionType"> <rhcl-dropdown-item slot="item" value="perm"> Permanent Placement </rhcl-dropdown-item> <rhcl-dropdown-item slot="item" value="temp"> Contract Talent </rhcl-dropdown-item> </rhcl-dropdown> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-dropdown label="Estimated Start Date" required error-message="Please select an estimated start date" size="small" theme="concrete" value="startDate" name="startDate"> <rhcl-dropdown-item slot="item" value="now"> As soon as possible </rhcl-dropdown-item> <rhcl-dropdown-item slot="item" value="month"> Within a month </rhcl-dropdown-item> <rhcl-dropdown-item slot="item" value="max"> Not sure, still planning </rhcl-dropdown-item> </rhcl-dropdown> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="conditionalfields aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <script type="text/javascript"> let ranSetup = false; const setup = () => { const isEditMode = !!window.Granite && if (ranSetup) return; ranSetup = true; if (!window.common?.getElementByJumpLinkId) { window.common = { ...window.common, getElementByJumpLinkId: (id) => { let el = document.getElementById(id) if (!el) return; const allowedNodeNames = [ 'RHCL-TEXT-FIELD', 'RHCL-TEXTAREA', 'RHCL-DATEPICKER', 'RHCL-TYPEAHEAD', 'RHCL-CHECKBOX', 'RHCL-CHECKBOX-GROUP', 'RHCL-RADIO-GROUP', 'RHCL-DROPDOWN', 'RHCL-SWITCH' ]; while (el && el.nextElementSibling && !allowedNodeNames.includes(el.nodeName)) { el = el.nextElementSibling; } if (el && !allowedNodeNames.includes(el.nodeName)) { // there was no sibling to the element with that id that is a valid input console.error('Could not find a valid input element with this id:', id); // return undefined instead of last found node return; } return el; } } } const allowedNodeNames = [ 'RHCL-TEXT-FIELD', 'RHCL-TEXTAREA', 'RHCL-DATEPICKER', 'RHCL-TYPEAHEAD', 'RHCL-CHECKBOX', 'RHCL-CHECKBOX-GROUP', 'RHCL-RADIO-GROUP', 'RHCL-DROPDOWN', 'RHCL-SWITCH' ]; const hideElement = (el) => { // hide the element = 'none'; // look at all child elements and mark them to not be sent in the form // set original-name and original-value to element name and value // and remove element name and value so it is not included in form data const replaceNames = (el) => { if (allowedNodeNames.includes(el.nodeName) || el.nodeName === 'INPUT') { if (el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute('name')) { el.setAttribute('form-submission-hidden', 'true'); el.setAttribute('original-name', el.getAttribute('name')); el.removeAttribute('name'); if (el.getAttribute('value')) { el.setAttribute('original-value', el.getAttribute('value')); el.removeAttribute('value'); } } } Array.from(el.children).forEach(replaceNames); }; Array.from(el.children).forEach(replaceNames); } const showElement = (el) => { = 'block'; const replaceNames = (el) => { if (allowedNodeNames.includes(el.nodeName) || el.nodeName === 'INPUT') { if (el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute('original-name')) { el.removeAttribute('form-submission-hidden'); el.setAttribute('name', el.getAttribute('original-name')); el.removeAttribute('original-name'); if (el.getAttribute('original-value')) { el.setAttribute('value', el.getAttribute('original-value')); el.removeAttribute('original-value'); } } } Array.from(el.children).forEach(replaceNames) } Array.from(el.children).forEach(replaceNames) } const conditionalGroups = document.querySelectorAll('.conditional-group'); Array.from(conditionalGroups).forEach(group => { const controlContainer = group.querySelector('.conditional-field') const displayContainer = group.querySelector('.conditional-fields') const isIndependentConditional = !controlContainer; const independentControlId = isIndependentConditional && group.getAttribute('data-independent-control-id'); const independentControl = window.common.getElementByJumpLinkId(independentControlId); if (isIndependentConditional && !independentControl) { // group is not setup correctly console.error('Conditional group has no determining field'); return; } const controlElement = independentControl || controlContainer.querySelector('rhcl-switch'); const config = JSON.parse(displayContainer.getAttribute('data-config')); const requiredDisplayValues = || []; const isControlActive = () => { if (controlElement.nodeName === 'RHCL-CHECKBOX') { return controlElement.selected; } return requiredDisplayValues.includes(controlElement.value) && controlElement.value !== ''; } const onChanged = () => { if (isControlActive()) { showElement(displayContainer); } else { hideElement(displayContainer); } } // listen for control element value changes // need observer since rhcl components don't fire change events function valChanged(mutationList, observer) { mutationList.forEach(mutation => { if ( mutation.type === 'attributes' && (mutation.attributeName === 'value' || mutation.attributeName === 'selected') ) { onChanged(); } }) } const observer = new MutationObserver(valChanged); observer.observe(controlElement, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['value', 'selected'] }); if (isEditMode) { // on first render for edit mode show element controlElement.value = requiredDisplayValue; } else { onChanged(); } }) } setTimeout(() => { setup(); }, 1000); window.ready(function() { setup(); }); window.setup = setup; </script> <div class="conditional-group" data-independent-control-id="employmentType"> <!-- conditional field controller --> <!-- conditional fields --> <div class="conditional-fields" data-config='{"active": ["perm"]}'> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="form-field-set row"> <div class="field-set-header"> <rhcl-heading modifier="" tag="h2" theme="" variant="display5"></rhcl-heading> </div> <div class="field-element-row col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field--677552827" label="Min. Salary" type="text" required min-length="1" error-message="required" format-message="please enter a valid number" icon-leading="dollar-sign" size="small" theme="concrete" name="payRateMin"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--677552827").addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", customValidations); function customValidations() { let isValid = true; const promises = []; document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--677552827").removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--677552827").customInvalid = null; promises.push(document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--677552827").validate()); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { var customPatternString = "^(0|[1\u002D9][0\u002D9]*)$"; var customErrorMessages = "Please remove any special characters"; var patterns = customPatternString.split(",regex,"); var messages = customErrorMessages.split(",regex,"); var value = this.value; var initialMessage = this.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); var flag = 0; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern; var stringPattern = patterns[i]; var dollar = stringPattern.charAt(stringPattern.length - 1); if (dollar != '$') pattern = stringPattern + '$'; else pattern = stringPattern; var reg = new RegExp(pattern); var result = reg.test(value); if (result == false) { flag = 1; if (initialMessage != null) { if (!initialMessage.includes(messages[i])) initialMessage = initialMessage + " " + messages[i] + " "; } if (initialMessage == null) { initialMessage = messages[i] + " "; } } else if (result == true) { if (initialMessage != null && initialMessage.includes(messages[i])) { initialMessage = initialMessage.replace(messages[i], ''); } } } if (flag == 1) { this.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else this.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); if (initialMessage != null && initialMessage != " " && initialMessage != "") this.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); 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fieldEl.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); fieldEl.customInvalid = null; promises.push(fieldEl.validate()); // check other field validations first Promise.allSettled(promises) .then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); }) .then(() => { if (isValid) { handleRelatedElementValidation(fieldEl); handleNumericValidation(fieldEl); } }); } // validation logic for multiple connected text fields where one must have lower value than the other function handleRelatedElementValidation(fieldEl) { // grab the id from the anchor el added before this field el const fieldId = fieldEl?.previousElementSibling?.id; if (fieldId) { // check if there are elements that require this element to have a greater value const lowerElements = [ ...document.querySelectorAll( "[data-related-max-element-id='" + fieldId + "']" ), ]; if (lowerElements.length) { const greaterElHasLowerValue = lowerElements.some( (lowerElement) => { const lowerValue = parseInt( lowerElement.value?.replace(/[,.]/g, ""), 10 ); if ( lowerValue !== NaN && lowerValue >= fieldEl.value && !lowerElement.customInvalid ) { // the lower value is greater than this max field value return true; } } ); if (greaterElHasLowerValue) { fieldEl.setAttribute( "custom-error-message", fieldEl.dataset.minValueOverMaxErrorMessage ); fieldEl.setAttribute("custom-invalid", true); } else if ( fieldEl.customInvalid && fieldEl.customErrorMessage === fieldEl.dataset.minValueOverMaxErrorMessage ) { // if there were no fields greater than a max field // and the greater field had an error for that case clear it clearError(fieldEl); } } } else if ( Object.keys(fieldEl.dataset).includes("relatedMaxElementId") ) { // check validation on related max elements document .querySelectorAll("#" + fieldEl.dataset.relatedMaxElementId) .forEach((el) => { handleRelatedElementValidation(el.nextElementSibling); }); } } function clearError(el) { el.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); el.removeAttribute("custom-error-message"); } function handleNumericValidation(fieldEl) { if ( fieldEl.customInvalid && fieldEl.customErrorMessage ) { // already has error message set, skip additional validation fieldEl.needsValidation = true; return; } let relatedMaxEl = fieldEl.dataset.relatedMaxElementId && document.getElementById(fieldEl.dataset.relatedMaxElementId); if ( relatedMaxEl && relatedMaxEl.nodeName == "A" && relatedMaxEl.nextElementSibling?.nodeName === "RHCL-TEXT-FIELD" ) { // if ID is set by jump anchor the actual element with the text is the next sibling relatedMaxEl = relatedMaxEl.nextElementSibling; } let errorMessage = null; if ( (parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.minValue, 10) !== NaN && parseInt(fieldEl.value, 10) < parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.minValue, 10)) || (parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.maxValue, 10) !== NaN && parseInt(fieldEl.value, 10) > parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.maxValue, 10)) ) { errorMessage = fieldEl.dataset.invalidRangeErrorMessage; } else if ( relatedMaxEl && parseInt(relatedMaxEl.value, 10) <= parseInt(fieldEl.value, 10) ) { // min field was greater than max field errorMessage = fieldEl.dataset.minValueOverMaxErrorMessage; } if (errorMessage) { fieldEl.setAttribute("custom-error-message", errorMessage); fieldEl.setAttribute("custom-invalid", true); } else { clearError(fieldEl); } } } </script> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--677552827"); element.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function(){this.value=this.value.trim();}); </script> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", e => { const textField = textField.customInvalid = null; textField.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <a id="payRateMax" hidden></a> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field--1728619634" label="Max. Salary" type="text" required error-message="required" icon-leading="dollar-sign" size="small" theme="concrete" name="payRateMax"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--1728619634").addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", customValidations); function customValidations() { let isValid = true; const promises = []; document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--1728619634").removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--1728619634").customInvalid = null; promises.push(document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--1728619634").validate()); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { var customPatternString = "^(0|[1\u002D9][0\u002D9]*)$"; var customErrorMessages = "Please remove any special characters"; var patterns = customPatternString.split(",regex,"); var messages = customErrorMessages.split(",regex,"); var value = this.value; var initialMessage = this.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); var flag = 0; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern; var stringPattern = patterns[i]; var dollar = stringPattern.charAt(stringPattern.length - 1); if (dollar != '$') pattern = stringPattern + '$'; else pattern = stringPattern; var reg = new RegExp(pattern); var result = reg.test(value); if (result == false) { flag = 1; if (initialMessage != null) { if (!initialMessage.includes(messages[i])) initialMessage = initialMessage + " " + messages[i] + " "; } if (initialMessage == null) { initialMessage = messages[i] + " "; } } else if (result == true) { if (initialMessage != null && initialMessage.includes(messages[i])) { initialMessage = initialMessage.replace(messages[i], ''); } } } if (flag == 1) { this.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else this.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); if (initialMessage != null && initialMessage != " " && initialMessage != "") this.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); } }); } </script> <script> { const SELECTOR = "rhcl-text-field--1728619634"; const type = document.getElementById(SELECTOR).getAttribute("type"); { // setup dataset with numeric model configuration const minValue = parseInt( "1", 10 ); const maxValue = parseInt( "", 10 ); const invalidRangeErrorMessage = "Please enter a value greater than $1."; const relatedMaxElId = ""; const minValueOverMaxErrorMessage = "Maximum salary must be greater than minimum salary"; const thisEl = document.getElementById(SELECTOR); thisEl.setAttribute("data-related-max-element-id", relatedMaxElId); thisEl.setAttribute( "data-min-value-over-max-error-message", minValueOverMaxErrorMessage ); thisEl.setAttribute( "data-invalid-range-error-message", invalidRangeErrorMessage ); thisEl.setAttribute("data-min-value", minValue); thisEl.setAttribute("data-max-value", maxValue); document .getElementById(SELECTOR) .addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", numericValidation); } function numericValidation() { let isValid = true; const promises = []; const fieldEl = document.getElementById(SELECTOR); fieldEl.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); fieldEl.customInvalid = null; promises.push(fieldEl.validate()); // check other field validations first Promise.allSettled(promises) .then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); }) .then(() => { if (isValid) { handleRelatedElementValidation(fieldEl); handleNumericValidation(fieldEl); } }); } // validation logic for multiple connected text fields where one must have lower value than the other function handleRelatedElementValidation(fieldEl) { // grab the id from the anchor el added before this field el const fieldId = fieldEl?.previousElementSibling?.id; if (fieldId) { // check if there are elements that require this element to have a greater value const lowerElements = [ ...document.querySelectorAll( "[data-related-max-element-id='" + fieldId + "']" ), ]; if (lowerElements.length) { const greaterElHasLowerValue = lowerElements.some( (lowerElement) => { const lowerValue = parseInt( lowerElement.value?.replace(/[,.]/g, ""), 10 ); if ( lowerValue !== NaN && lowerValue >= fieldEl.value && !lowerElement.customInvalid ) { // the lower value is greater than this max field value return true; } } ); if (greaterElHasLowerValue) { fieldEl.setAttribute( "custom-error-message", fieldEl.dataset.minValueOverMaxErrorMessage ); fieldEl.setAttribute("custom-invalid", true); } else if ( fieldEl.customInvalid && fieldEl.customErrorMessage === fieldEl.dataset.minValueOverMaxErrorMessage ) { // if there were no fields greater than a max field // and the greater field had an error for that case clear it clearError(fieldEl); } } } else if ( Object.keys(fieldEl.dataset).includes("relatedMaxElementId") ) { // check validation on related max elements document .querySelectorAll("#" + fieldEl.dataset.relatedMaxElementId) .forEach((el) => { handleRelatedElementValidation(el.nextElementSibling); }); } } function clearError(el) { el.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); el.removeAttribute("custom-error-message"); } function handleNumericValidation(fieldEl) { if ( fieldEl.customInvalid && fieldEl.customErrorMessage ) { // already has error message set, skip additional validation fieldEl.needsValidation = true; return; } let relatedMaxEl = fieldEl.dataset.relatedMaxElementId && document.getElementById(fieldEl.dataset.relatedMaxElementId); if ( relatedMaxEl && relatedMaxEl.nodeName == "A" && relatedMaxEl.nextElementSibling?.nodeName === "RHCL-TEXT-FIELD" ) { // if ID is set by jump anchor the actual element with the text is the next sibling relatedMaxEl = relatedMaxEl.nextElementSibling; } let errorMessage = null; if ( (parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.minValue, 10) !== NaN && parseInt(fieldEl.value, 10) < parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.minValue, 10)) || (parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.maxValue, 10) !== NaN && parseInt(fieldEl.value, 10) > parseInt(fieldEl.dataset.maxValue, 10)) ) { errorMessage = fieldEl.dataset.invalidRangeErrorMessage; } else if ( relatedMaxEl && parseInt(relatedMaxEl.value, 10) <= parseInt(fieldEl.value, 10) ) { // min field was greater than max field errorMessage = fieldEl.dataset.minValueOverMaxErrorMessage; } if (errorMessage) { fieldEl.setAttribute("custom-error-message", errorMessage); fieldEl.setAttribute("custom-invalid", true); } else { clearError(fieldEl); } } } </script> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--1728619634"); element.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function(){this.value=this.value.trim();}); </script> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", e => { const textField = textField.customInvalid = null; textField.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-chip-typeahead add-headline="Skills you've selected for this role" button-label="+" name="skills" chip-limit-error="You've reached the maximum number of skills" chip-required-error="Please make a selection from the list and click the plus sign to add the skill." required="true" typeahead-label="Skills, Tools, Technologies" typeahead-endpoint="" typeahead-suggestion-endpoint="" typeahead-suggestion-label="Add at least 3 to 5 skills to get matches with the experience you need" typeahead-selection-required="true" max-count="10" variant="condensed" remove-headline="Skills you've selected for this role"></rhcl-chip-typeahead> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-footer row"> <div class="form-submit-btn"> <span id="showRedirectStatus"></span> </div> <div class="form-foot-note col-md-12 px-0"> <span class="rhcl-typography rhcl-typography--variant-legal"> </span> </div> </div> </form> <div id="backdrop" class="d-none"> <div class="loader-div"> <rhcl-loading-spinner label="Please Wait" theme="dark" transparency="partial" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"/> </div> </div> <script src="" async defer> </script> <script> { if (!window.common?.getElementByJumpLinkId) { window.common = { ...window.common, /** * this function is to handle getting the element from the jump link id * */ getElementByJumpLinkId: (id) => { let el = document.getElementById(id) if (!el) return const allowedNodeNames = [ 'RHCL-TEXT-FIELD', 'RHCL-TEXTAREA', 'RHCL-DATEPICKER', 'RHCL-TYPEAHEAD', 'RHCL-CHECKBOX', 'RHCL-CHECKBOX-GROUP', 'RHCL-RADIO-GROUP', 'RHCL-DROPDOWN', 'RHCL-SWITCH' ] while (!!el.nextElementSibling && !allowedNodeNames.includes(el.nodeName)) { el = el.nextElementSibling; } if (!allowedNodeNames.includes(el.nodeName)) { // there was no sibling to the element with that id that is a valid input console.error('Could not find a valid input element with this id:', id) // return undefined instead of last found node return } return el } } } const initialEndpoint = 'https:\/\/prd\\/proxy\u002Dlead\u002Dprocessing\/send'; const initialEndpointType = 'leads'; 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break; } }); return true; } return false; }); formContainer.action = actionEndpoint || formContainer.action; formContainer.dataset.attributeEndpoints = JSON.stringify(endpointList) || formContainer.dataset.attributeEndpoints; }; // initial form endpoint setup updateFormEndpoint(); } </script> </div> </rhcl-progressive-frame-step> </div> <div class="progressiveframestep containernowrapper container responsivegrid" data-aem-wrapper="true" slot="step"> <rhcl-progressive-frame-step disable-back-button="false" label="Contact info" page-type="submit" data-redirect-location="/us/en/hire-talent/email-verification"> <div slot="content"> <style> .form-container{padding:40px 24px} .form-container .form-header{text-align:center;margin-bottom:40px;display:flex;justify-content:center;flex-direction:column;align-items:center} .form-container .form-header .header-text{margin-bottom:26px} .form-container .form-field-set .field-set-header{margin-bottom:24px} .form-container .form-field-set .field-element-row{margin-bottom:8px} .form-container .form-footer{gap:24px;margin-top:28px;justify-content:center} .form-container .form-footer .form-submit-btn{display:flex;justify-content:center;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;gap:24px;#showRedirectStatus{display:none} } .form-container .form-footer .form-submit-btn rhcl-button{width:100%} .form-container .form-footer .form-foot-note{text-align:left} .form-container .form-footer .form-foot-note .rhcl-typography{display:flex;flex-direction:column;gap:16px;padding:0;margin:0 !important;rhcl-typography{text-align:center} } .form-container .form-footer .form-foot-note .rhcl-typography--variant-legal{font-size:12px;letter-spacing:normal;line-height:1.5;font-family:"Noto Sans Regular",OpenSansRegular,"Open Sans Regular","Noto Sans",sans-serif !important} .form-container .form-footer .form-foot-note .rhcl-typography--variant-legal a:hover:after{width:100%;opacity:1} .cmp-experiencefragment .form-container{padding:0} .mobile-app-form .form-foot-note .rhcl-typography p{padding:0;white-space:pre-wrap;margin:0 !important} .mobile-app-form .form-foot-note .rhcl-typography--variant-legal p{font-size:12px;letter-spacing:normal;line-height:1.5;font-family:"Noto Sans Regular",OpenSansRegular,"Open Sans Regular","Noto Sans",sans-serif !important} .mobile-app-form .form-foot-note .rhcl-typography--variant-legal a:hover:after{width:100%;opacity:1} .mobile-app-form .form-div{padding:48px 0 21px 0} #backdrop{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:20;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.05)} .loader-div{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;height:100%} @media screen and (min-width:768px){.form-container{padding:48px 40px} .form-container .form-footer .form-submit-btn rhcl-button{width:unset} .form-container .form-footer .form-foot-note{text-align:center} .cmp-experiencefragment .form-container{padding:0} } .cmp-experiencefragment--salary-guide .form-footer{margin-top:0} .grecaptcha-badge{visibility:hidden !important} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function parseQuery(queryString) { var query = {}; 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"0" : "") + dt.getMinutes(); var strDate = dt.getFullYear() + "-" + (dt.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + dt.getDate(); var currentTime = h > 12 ? h - 12 + ":" + m + " PM" : h + ":" + m + " AM"; var currDate = "'" + strDate + "'"; var currentTimeStamp = Date.parse(currDate + currentTime); return currentTimeStamp; } function getSourceId() { var rhdSourceId = getURLParameter("rhdSourceId"); if (rhdSourceId != undefined) { var currentTimeStamp = getTimeStamp(); var rhdSourceIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#rhdSourceId")]; rhdSourceIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = rhdSourceId + "-" + currentTimeStamp; }); } else { var formContainer = document.querySelector(".form-container"); var id = formContainer ? : ""; var rhdSourceIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#rhdSourceId")]; rhdSourceIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = id + "-" + currentTimeStamp; }); } } function getUtmSource() { var utmsource = getURLParameter("utm_source"); utmsource = utmsource != undefined ? utmsource : ""; var utmSourceArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#utmSource")]; utmSourceArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = utmsource; }); } function getUtmCampaign() { var campaign = getURLParameter("utm_campaign"); campaign = campaign != undefined ? campaign : ""; var utmCampaignArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#utmCampaign")]; utmCampaignArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = campaign; }); } function getSfJoNumber() { var sfJoNumber = getURLParameter("sfJoNumber"); sfJoNumber = sfJoNumber != undefined ? sfJoNumber : ""; var sfJoNumberArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#sfJoNumber")]; sfJoNumberArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = sfJoNumber; }); } function getTealiumId() { var tealiumIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#tealiumId")]; tealiumIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = window?.tealiumId; }); } function getGclid() { var searchParams = parseQuery(; var gclidVal = searchParams?.gclid ? searchParams.gclid : "not defined"; var gclidArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#gclid")]; gclidArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = gclidVal; }); } function getSfContactId() { var sfContactId = getURLParameter("sfContactId"); sfContactId = sfContactId != undefined ? sfContactId : ""; var sfContactIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#sfContactId")]; sfContactIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = sfContactId; }); } function getURLParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL = new URL(window.location); sPageURL =; var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split("="); if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) { return sParameterName[1]; } } } function updatePageHeading() { var replaceFields = [ { replace: "{positionTitle}", queryParam: "positionTitle" }, { replace: "{city}", queryParam: "city" }, { replace: "{country}", queryParam: "country" }, { replace: "{location}", queryParam: "location" }, { replace: "{jobtitle}", queryParam: "jobtitle" }, ]; const queryParams = parseQuery(; replaceFields.forEach((replacement) => { const value = queryParams[replacement.queryParam] || null; const hfbHeadlineElement = document.querySelector( "rhcl-block-hero-form" ); const hfbHeadline = hfbHeadlineElement ? encodeURIComponent(hfbHeadlineElement.getAttribute("headline")) : ""; if (value !== null && hfbHeadline.indexOf(replacement.replace) > -1) { hfbHeadline.replace(replacement.replace, value); document .querySelector("rhcl-block-hero-form") .setAttribute("headline", sentence.replaceAll("%20", " ")); } }); } getCountryName(); getLanguageName(); getLob(); getFormUrl(); getMiddleInitial(); getIpAddress(); getGoogleAnalyticsId(); getSourceId(); getUtmSource(); getUtmCampaign(); getSfJoNumber(); getTealiumId(); getGclid(); getSfContactId(); } if (document.querySelectorAll("rhcl-block-hero-form").length > 0) { updatePageHeading(); } // use fd prefill after to give precedence to fd querystrings setRhInternalTracking(); }); window.addEventListener("rhcl-initialized", () => { queryParamPrefill(); }); queryParamPrefill(); (function() { var test = document.querySelectorAll("#recaptcha").length; var recaptchaFlag = 0; const firstRhclButton = document.querySelector("rhcl-button"); const recaptchaFailMessage = firstRhclButton && firstRhclButton?.getAttribute("data-recaptcha-message"); const recaptchaEndpoint = aemSettings?.rh_common?.recaptchaEndpoint; const bypassToken = document.getElementById("bypassToken"); let formActionUrlIterable = new Map(); let bypassPerimeter = ""; if (bypassToken != null) { bypassPerimeter = bypassToken.getAttribute("value"); } //Request types and associated fields let requestData; var candidateWorkHistory = { recaptchaEnabled: "", invisibleRecaptchaToken: "", subscriberKey: "", }; let jobAlertRequestObject = { candidateEmailAddress: "", locale: "", keywords: "", keywordsNoSpaces: "", subscriptionSource: "rhWebsite", countryCode: "", searchResultsUrl: "", subscriptionSourceUrl: "", postedWithin: "", jobType: "", empType: "", cityId: "", cityTxt: "", jobAlertsSubscriptionId: "", lobName: "", location: "", locationNoSpaces: "", googleAnalyticsClientId: "", emailFrequency: "W", jobOrderRecommendationsCount: "5", insrtDttmHist: "", subscriptionType: "Manual", status: "A", }; var leadApiRequestObject = { recaptchaEnabled: "", invisibleRecaptchaToken: "", servicePreference: "", startDate: "", languageLocale: "", rhAnalyticsAddInfo: "", routingEmail: "", candidateReference1: "", candidateFunctionalRole1: "", candidateReference2: "", candidateFunctionalRole2: "", candidateReference3: "", candidateFunctionalRole3: "", candidateReference4: "", candidateFunctionalRole4: "", candidateReference5: "", candidateFunctionalRole5: "", additionalAttribute1: "", additionalAttribute2: "", additionalAttribute3: "", additionalAttribute4: "", additionalAttribute5: "", skillsRequested: "", experienceDurationMin: "", experienceDurationMax: "", experiencePeriod: "", educationLevel: "", payRateMin: "", payRateMax: "", payPeriod: "", payRateCurrency: "", additionalInfo: "", actionRequestedOfLp: "SUBMIT", rhInternalTrackingType: "", }; var newsApiObject = { recaptchaEnabled: "", invisibleRecaptchaToken: "", }; function scrollToTopOfForm() { const formContainer = document.querySelector(".form-container"); if (formContainer) { const topEl = formContainer .closest("rhcl-block-hero-form") ?.shadowRoot?.querySelector(".rhcl-block-hero-form__form"); const topOfForm = topEl?.getBoundingClientRect()?.top; const defaultHeaderHeight = 78; const headerHeight = parseInt( getComputedStyle(formContainer).getPropertyValue( "--rhcl-main-navigation-height" ), 10 ) || defaultHeaderHeight; if (top !== undefined) { setTimeout(() => { window.scrollTo({ top: topOfForm + window.scrollY - headerHeight, behavior: "smooth", }); }, 500); } } } function getURLParameters() { const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(; const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries()); return params; } function getByPassStatus(params) { var arrayLength = params.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { if (params[i] === bypassPerimeter) { return 0; } } return 1; } function setKeyValueInUPO(key, unifiedProfileObject, value) { //set a particular key value in UPO unifiedProfileObject[key] = value; return unifiedProfileObject; } function saveGatingPropertyInUPO() { if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { var unifiedProfileObject = window.getUPO(); const gatingProperties = document.querySelector(".gating-properties"); if (gatingProperties != null) { var gatingProperty = gatingProperties.getAttribute("gatingproperty") != undefined ? gatingProperties.getAttribute("gatingproperty") : "sgGatingFormSubmitted"; unifiedProfileObject = setKeyValueInUPO( gatingProperty, unifiedProfileObject, window.salaryGuideGatingProperties.key ); window.setUPO(unifiedProfileObject); } } window.localStorage.setItem( "salaryGuideGatingKey", window.salaryGuideGatingProperties.key ); } var businessUnit = { us: "na", ca: "na", au: "iz_apac_sam", br: "iz_apac_sam", cl: "iz_apac_sam", cn: "iz_apac_sam", hk: "iz_apac_sam", jp: "iz_apac_sam", nz: "iz_apac_sam", sg: "iz_apac_sam", be: "iz_eu", ch: "iz_eu", de: "iz_eu", fr: "iz_eu", nl: "iz_eu", uk: "iz_eu", }; const removeTags = (str) => { if (str === null || str === "") { return false; } else { str = str.toString(); } // Regular expression to identify HTML tags in the input string. Replacing the identified HTML tag with a null string. str = str.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ""); // Regular expression to identify enter in the input string. Replacing the identified enter with a null string. return (str = str.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, "")); }; //Success handling for form submit redirect function handleShowRedirectStatusSuccess(form, thisInstance) { = "none"; let thankYouPage = thisInstance .getAttribute("destination") .replace("/content/roberthalf", "") .replace(".html", ""); const redirectionUrl = window.localStorage.getItem("redirectionUrl"); if ( thankYouPage !== undefined && thankYouPage !== "" && thankYouPage != null ) { if (redirectionUrl) { if (thankYouPage.includes("html")) { thankYouPage = thankYouPage.split(".")[0]; thankYouPage += redirectionUrl + ".html"; } else { thankYouPage += redirectionUrl; } localStorage.removeItem("redirectionUrl"); } const timeout = thisInstance.getAttribute("data-redirect-delay") || 0; const target = thisInstance.getAttribute("data-redirect-target") || "_self"; if (target === "_self") { setTimeout(()=> { window.location.replace(thankYouPage); }, timeout); } else {, "_blank"); } } } //Success handling for email modal function handleEmailModalSuccess(form) { = "none"; document.querySelector("#email-model").removeAttribute("show-modal"); if (document.querySelector("#thankyou-modal") !== null) { document .querySelector("#thankyou-modal") .setAttribute("show-modal", ""); let thankUName, thankUEmail; if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { thankUName = window.getUPO().firstName; thankUEmail = window.getUPO().emailAddress ? 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response.request_message : "The action was processed successfully."; successMsg = (document.querySelector("#showPopupStatus") && document.querySelector("#showPopupStatus").getAttribute("data-copy")) ? document .querySelector("#showPopupStatus") .getAttribute("data-copy") : successMsg; successMsg = (document.querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus") && document.querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus").getAttribute("data-copy")) ? document .querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus") .getAttribute("data-copy") : successMsg; successMsg = removeTags(successMsg); document .querySelectorAll('[slot="form-content"]') .forEach(function (element) { element.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", `<rhcl-typography tag='p' variant='body1'>${successMsg}</rhcl-typography>` ); }); scrollToTopOfForm(); } function ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form) { let successRedirectStatus = false; let successPopupStatus = false; let successEmailModalStatus = false; const handleDataValidationFailed = (messageKey, message, form) => { if ( messageKey === "20_validationFailed_invisibleRecaptchaToken" || messageKey === "20_validationFailed_invisibleRecaptchaScore" ) { = "none"; showInteractiveReCaptcha(); } else if ( messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interactiveRecaptchaToken" || messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interativeRecaptchaToken" ) { = "none"; displayCustomAlert(message); } else if ( messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interactiveRecaptchaToken" || messageKey === "20_validationFailed_interativeRecaptchaToken" ) { = "none"; displayCustomAlert(message); } else { cleanUpRecaptcha(); } }; const handleFormTypeAnalytics = () => { const formTypeVal = document.querySelector( ".rhformhiddenfield input[name=formType]" ); const projectTypeVal = document.querySelector( ".rhformhiddenfield input[name=projectType]" ); if (formTypeVal && requestData?.formType && formTypeVal.value !== requestData.formType) { formTypeVal.value = requestData.formType; } let analyticObj; //Single step job order form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "job-order") { var industry = document.querySelector( "form rhcl-text-field[name=industry]" )?.value; analyticObj = { tealium_event: "job_order_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, indicator_remote: !!document .querySelector("rhcl-checkbox") ?.hasAttribute("selected"), industry: industry ? industry : "", job_id: document.querySelector("#sfJoNumber") ? document.querySelector("#sfJoNumber").getAttribute("value") : "", job_type: window.getUPO().employmentType, job_title: window.getUPO().positionTitle, lob: document.querySelector("#lob") ? document.querySelector("#lob").getAttribute("value") : "", location: window.getUPO().postalCode, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //Executive Search form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "executive-search") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "job_order_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), event_version: "executive search", form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, job_title: window.getUPO().positionTitle, location: window.getUPO().postalCode, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //Newsletter subscription form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "newsletter-subscription") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "newsletter_subscription_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //Salary guide form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "salary-guide") { let userType = ""; let checkBoxVal = document.querySelector("form rhcl-radio-group") ? document.querySelector("form rhcl-radio-group").value : ""; if (checkBoxVal === "yes") { userType = "client"; } else if (checkBoxVal === "no") { userType = "candidate"; } analyticObj = { tealium_event: "salary_guide_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, form_type: formTypeVal.value, user_type: userType, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //webmaster feedback form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "webmaster-feedback") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "feedback_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); console.log(analyticObj, "event"); } //client visit form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "client-visit") { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "client_visit_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), event_version: projectTypeVal.value, form_type: formTypeVal.value, form_name:, form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, page_name: "", page_section: "", user_focus: "", user_state: window.getUPO().isLoggedIn ? "auth" : "unauth", }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } //gated form if (formTypeVal && formTypeVal.value === "gated") { let visitorTypeValue = requestData.visitorType || document.querySelector( "form rhcl-radio-group[name='visitorType']" )?.value || ""; if ( visitorTypeValue === "" && document.getElementsByName("visitorType").length ) { visitorTypeValue = document.getElementsByName("visitorType")[0]?.value; } analyticObj = { tealium_event: "gated_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_attr_01: visitorTypeValue, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), event_version: projectTypeVal.value, form_type: formTypeVal.value, form_name:, form_email: window.getUPO().email ? window.getUPO().email : window.getUPO().candidateEmail, page_name: "", page_section: "", user_focus: "", user_state: window.getUPO().isLoggedIn ? "auth" : "unauth", }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); console.log(analyticObj, "event"); } //job order forms if ( formTypeVal && (formTypeVal.value === "job-order-no-rhd" || formTypeVal.value === "job-order-one-click") ) { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "job_order_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; const hasEmail = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-text-field") ).filter((ele) => { return ele.type === "email"; }); if (hasEmail.length) analyticObj["form_email"] = hasEmail[0].value; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } if ( formTypeVal && (formTypeVal.value === "candidate-referral" || formTypeVal.value === "email-us" || formTypeVal.value === "job-order-no-rhd" || formTypeVal.value === "job-order-one-click" || formTypeVal.value === "mobile-app-download" || formTypeVal.value === "candidate-work-history" || formTypeVal.value === "contact-us-aws" || formTypeVal.value === "contact-us") ) { analyticObj = { tealium_event: "form_submit", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "rhcl-button-clicked", event_text: document .querySelector("form rhcl-button") .getAttribute("component-tracking-label"), form_type: formTypeVal.value, }; const hasEmail = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-text-field") ).filter((ele) => { return ele.type === "email"; }); if (hasEmail.length) analyticObj["form_email"] = hasEmail[0].value; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } if (document.querySelector(".salary-guide") !== null) { = "none"; saveGatingPropertyInUPO(); } } const displayCustomAlert = (message) => { const alertElement = document.querySelector(".form-container rhcl-alert:first"); alertElement.setAttribute("copy", message); = "block"; setTimeout(() => { const formContainer = document.querySelector(".form-container"); window.scrollTo({ top: formContainer.getBoundingClientRect() + formContainer.ownerDocument.defaultView.scrollY, behavior: "smooth", }); }, 500); }; const displayErrorMessage = (status, form) => { = "none"; const alertEl = document.querySelector( ".form-container rhcl-alert[data-status='" + status + "']" ); if (alertEl) { = "block"; } scrollToTopOfForm(); } const displayDynamicErrorMessage = (fieldName) => { const fieldEl = document.querySelector(`.form-container *[name='${fieldName}']`); let errorMessage = fieldEl?.getAttribute("error-message-lp"); if (errorMessage && errorMessage.includes(fieldName)) { errorMessage = errorMessage.replace( `{${fieldName}}`, leadApiRequestObject[fieldName] ); } if (errorMessage && fieldEl) { fieldEl.customErrorMessage = errorMessage; fieldEl.customInvalid = true; } } const handleSuccessResponse = (response) => { // successful form submission event for adobe target (BOBA-5836) if (response?.requestMessageKey === "20_success" && !response?.request_message?.endsWith("#")) { const submissionEvent = new Event("formSubmittedSuccessfully"); document.dispatchEvent(submissionEvent); } if (successPopupStatus) handlePopupStatusSuccess(form, response); if (successEmailModalStatus) handleEmailModalSuccess(form); if (successRedirectStatus) handleShowRedirectStatusSuccess(form, thisInstance); } const handleErrorResponse = (response) => { const { status, request_message_Key } = response; if ([500, 502, 503, 504, "error"].includes(status)) { displayErrorMessage(status, form); return; } if (request_message_Key) { = "none"; if (request_message_Key.length > 0) { if (request_message_Key.includes("20_validationFailed_postalCode")) { displayDynamicErrorMessage("postalCode"); } if (request_message_Key.includes("20_validationFailed_positionTitle")) { displayDynamicErrorMessage("positionTitle"); } scrollToTopOfForm(); } } handleDataValidationFailed(response, request_message_Key, form); } const cleanUpRecaptcha = () => { const recaptchaContainer = document.getElementById("grecaptcha-interactive"); if (recaptchaContainer) recaptchaContainer.remove(); recaptchaFlag = 0; delete leadApiRequestObject?.interactiveRecaptchaToken; delete candidateWorkHistory?.interactiveRecaptchaToken; delete newsApiObject?.interactiveRecaptchaToken; }; //Run POST fetch for all form requests const handleAllFetches = () => { const fetchWithRetry = (url, requestData, type, retries = 3) => { return fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(requestData), }) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json().then((data) => ({response, status: response.status, data, type})); } else if (retries > 0) { return fetchWithRetry(url, requestData, type, retries - 1); } else { console.log(`Max retries for the following submission endpoint: ${url}`); return { status: "error", data: null, error: "Max retries reached" }; } }) .catch((error) => { console.error(`Fetch error for ${url}:`, error); return { status: "error", data: null, error }; }); }; //Create each fetch request with specific payload for each request type (leads, nonleads,jobalerts) const fetchRequests =[type, url]) => { requestData = createRequestPayload(input, thisInstance, type); return fetchWithRetry(url, requestData, type); }); //Collect responses and handle responses for the POST request(s). Promise.all(fetchRequests) .then((responses) => { let fetchFailList = []; let fetchSuccessList = []; responses.forEach(({ response, status, data , type}) => { const requestMessageKey = data.request_message_key || data.request_message_Key; const requestMessage = data.request_message; if ((status === 200 || status === 202) && requestMessageKey === "20_success") { // Handle success paths if (document.querySelector("#showRedirectStatus")) { successRedirectStatus = true; } if (document.querySelector("#showRedirectAndPopupStatus")) { successRedirectStatus = true; successPopupStatus = true; } if (document.querySelector("#showPopupStatus")) { successPopupStatus = true; } if (document.querySelector("#email-model")) { successEmailModalStatus = true; } fetchSuccessList.push( { "type": type, "response": data } ) } else { fetchFailList.push( { "type": type, "response": data } ) handleDataValidationFailed( requestMessageKey, requestMessage, form); } }); if (fetchFailList.length > 0) { const hasFailMarketing = fetchFailList.some(item => item.type === "nonLeads"); const hasSuccessLeads = fetchSuccessList.some(item => item.type === "leads"); //In scenario where leads AND nonleads are called we set success if leads is the only successful call if (hasFailMarketing && hasSuccessLeads) { if (typeof fetchSuccessList[0].response.request_message_Key !== "string" && fetchSuccessList[0].response.request_message_Key !== "20_success" ) { return; } handleSuccessResponse(fetchSuccessList[0].response); } else { handleErrorResponse(fetchFailList[0].response, form); } } else { // Handle each success scenarios after all responses are processed handleSuccessResponse(fetchSuccessList[0].response); } handleFormTypeAnalytics(); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error handling fetch requests:", error); displayErrorMessage("error", form); }); }; handleAllFetches(); } window.ready(function () { document .querySelectorAll(".form-submit-btn rhcl-button") .forEach(function (el) { el.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); recaptchaStatus(); getLeadId(); setTimeout(getSubmissionDate, 2000); let thisInstance = this; let form = this.closest("form"); if (!form.closest(".salary-guide")) { localStorage.removeItem("redirectionUrl"); } var inputElements = form.querySelectorAll("[rhcl-input]"); var dateElements = form.querySelectorAll("rhcl-datepicker"); let validateFieldArray = [...inputElements, ...dateElements]; setFormActionUrls(); validateForm(validateFieldArray, thisInstance, form); if (document.querySelectorAll(".salary-guide").length > 0) { updateHiddenFields(); } }); }); document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn rhcl-button").forEach(function (el) { el.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const thisInstance = this; var form = document.querySelector(".form-btn") ? document.querySelector(".form-btn").closest("form") : null; var inputElements = form ? form.querySelectorAll("[rhcl-input]") : []; let validateFieldArray = Array.from(inputElements); setFormActionUrls(); validateForm(validateFieldArray, thisInstance, form); recaptchaStatus(); }); }); }); function getPostalCodeInForm() { return document.querySelector("rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']"); } function setFormActionUrls() { const formActionUrls = document.querySelector(".form-btn") ? document.querySelector(".form-btn").closest("form").getAttribute("data-attribute-endpoints") : document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn") .closest("form") .getAttribute("data-attribute-endpoints"); const formActionUrlMap = JSON.parse(formActionUrls); formActionUrlIterable = Object.entries(formActionUrlMap); } function isCountryUS() { var country = document.getElementById("country"); return country && country.hasAttribute("value") && country.value === "US"; } function isPostalCodeInvalidForUS(value) { return ( value.match(/^(82[0-9]{3}|83[0-3][0-9]{2}|8341[0-4])$/) || value.match( /^(995[0-9]{2}|996[0-9]{2}|997[0-9]{2}|998[0-9]{2}|999[0-4][0-9]|99950)$/ ) || value.match( /^(24[7-9][0-9]{2}|25[0-9]{3}|26[0-7][0-9]{2}|268[0-7][0-9]|2688[0-6])$/ ) ); } function getPostalCodeErrorValidity() { var postalCodeField = getPostalCodeInForm(); var value = postalCodeField.value; if (!postalCode || !isCountryUS()) { return false; } const isInvalid = isPostalCodeInvalidForUS(value); var initialMessage = postalCodeField.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); if (isInvalid) { initialMessage = `Robert Half cannot support staffing needs in ${value} at this time.`; postalCodeField.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); postalCodeField.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); } else { postalCodeField.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); postalCodeField.removeAttribute("custom-error-message"); } return isInvalid; } var postalCode = getPostalCodeInForm(); if (postalCode) { postalCode.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", function (e) { if (isCountryUS()) { let isValid = true; const promises = []; postalCode.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); postalCode.customInvalid = null; promises.push(postalCode.validate()); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { getPostalCodeErrorValidity(); } }); } }); if ( getURLParameter("postalCode") != "" || getURLParameter("postalCode") != null || getURLParameter("postalCode") != undefined ) { var postalCodecount = 0; document .querySelector(".form-container rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']") .addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function (e) { var patternId = document.querySelector("#rhFormTextField"); var pattern = ""; var patternMessage = ""; if (patternId) { pattern = patternId.hasAttribute("data-pattern") ? patternId.getAttribute("data-pattern") : ""; patternMessage = patternId.hasAttribute("data-errorMessage") ? patternId.getAttribute("data-errorMessage") : ""; } let isValid = true; const promises = []; document .querySelector("rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']") .removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.querySelector( "rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']" ).customInvalid = null; promises.push( document .querySelector("rhcl-text-field[name='postalCode']") .validate() ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { postalCodecount += 1; if (postalCodecount < 2 && this.value) { const value = this.value; if (pattern && value.match(pattern) === null) { this.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else { this.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } this.setAttribute("custom-error-message", patternMessage); } } }); }); } } function getEmailField() { return document.querySelector('[id^="rhcl-text-field"][type="email"]'); } if ( document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']") && document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") ) { document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .addEventListener("rhcl-calendar-change", (e) => { let isValid = true; const promises = []; document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").customInvalid = null; document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); promises.push( document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").validate() ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { const formName = document.querySelector( "input[name='formName']" ).value; if (formName && formName.includes("candidate_work_history")) { const startDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']" ); const endDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ); const errorMsg = endDate.hasAttribute("data-custom-error-message") ? endDate.getAttribute("data-custom-error-message") : ""; var initialMessage = endDate.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); var flag = 0; if (new Date(startDate.value) >= new Date(endDate.value)) { flag = 1; if (errorMsg) { initialMessage = errorMsg; } else { initialMessage = "Start Date can not be greater than End Date"; } } if (flag === 1) { endDate.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); endDate.labelRef.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else { endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } endDate.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); } } }); }); document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']") .addEventListener("rhcl-calendar-change", (e) => { let isValid = true; const promises = []; if (document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").value) { document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ).customInvalid = null; document .querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']") .labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); promises.push( document.querySelector("rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']").validate() ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { var startDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='startDate']" ); var endDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ); const errorMsg = endDate.hasAttribute("data-custom-error-message") ? endDate.getAttribute("data-custom-error-message") : ""; var initialMessage = endDate.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); endDate.removeAttribute("custome-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); var flag = 0; if ( endDate.value && new Date(startDate.value) > new Date(endDate.value) ) { flag = 1; if (errorMsg) { initialMessage = errorMsg; } else { initialMessage = "Start Date can not be greater than End Date"; } } if (flag === 1) { endDate.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); endDate.labelRef.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); } else { endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); endDate.labelRef.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } endDate.setAttribute("custom-error-message", initialMessage); } }); } }); } if (document.querySelector("rhcl-checkbox[name='currentEmployer']")) { document .querySelector("rhcl-checkbox[name='currentEmployer']") .addEventListener("rhcl-checkbox-changed", () => { const formName = document.querySelector("input[name='formName']").value; if (formName && formName.includes("candidate_work_history")) { const currEmp = document.querySelector( "rhcl-checkbox[name='currentEmployer']" ).selected; const endDate = document.querySelector( "rhcl-datepicker[name='endDate']" ); if (currEmp && endDate) { endDate.setAttribute("disabled", ""); endDate.setAttribute("date", ""); = "none"; = 0.6; endDate.hasAttribute("custom-invalid") ? endDate.removeAttribute("custom-invalid") : ""; } else { endDate.removeAttribute("disabled"); = "unset"; = 1; } } }); } function updateHiddenFields() { var pagePath = new URL(window.location); pagePath = pagePath.pathname.replace("/content/roberthalf", ""); var country = pagePath.split("/")[1]; var language = pagePath.split("/")[2]; if ( businessUnit.hasOwnProperty(country) && country != undefined && language != undefined ) { var formName = "form_" + businessUnit[country] + "_" + country + "_" + language + "_salary_guide_gating"; if (document.querySelector("input[name='formName']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='formName']").value = formName; } if (document.querySelector("input[name='language']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='language']").value = language.toUpperCase(); } if (document.querySelector("input[name='countryCode']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='countryCode']").value = country.toUpperCase(); } if (document.querySelector("input[name='salaryGuideYear']") != null) { document.querySelector("input[name='salaryGuideYear']").value = new Date().getFullYear(); } } } function createRequestPayload(input, thisInstance, endpointType) { let unifiedProfileObject; var hiddenInput = thisInstance .closest("form") .querySelectorAll("input[type=hidden]"); var dates = document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-datepicker"); if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { unifiedProfileObject = window.getUPO(); } const inputArray = [...input, ...hiddenInput, ...dates]; if ( endpointType === "jobAlerts" ) { let inputValues = { searchTerms: "", emailAddress: "", location: "", country: "", language: "", }; for (const element in inputArray) { inputValues = retrieveJobAlertsInputFields( inputArray[element], inputValues ); } updateJobAlertDetails(inputValues); return jobAlertRequestObject; } else { for (const element in inputArray) { if ( inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() != "rhcl-checkbox" && inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() != "rhcl-radio" && inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() != "rhcl-datepicker" ) { if (inputArray[element].value != undefined) { var noStringsInput = inputArray[element].value.replace(/["']/g, ""); leadApiRequestObject[inputArray[element].name] = noStringsInput; if ( document.querySelector("[data-attribute-iz]") != null && inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === "rhcl-radio-group" ) { if (inputArray[element].value.toLocaleLowerCase() === "client") { newsApiObject["newsClient"] = "True"; newsApiObject["newsCandidate"] = "False"; } else if ( inputArray[element].value.toLocaleLowerCase() === "candidate" ) { newsApiObject["newsClient"] = "False"; newsApiObject["newsCandidate"] = "True"; } } else { newsApiObject[inputArray[element].name] = inputArray[element].value; candidateWorkHistory[inputArray[element].name] = inputArray[element].value; } if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { if (inputArray[element].name in unifiedProfileObject) { if (inputArray[element].name === "email") { unifiedProfileObject["emailAddress"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "emailAddress") { unifiedProfileObject["email"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "fullName") { unifiedProfileObject["fullName"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "officeInfo") { unifiedProfileObject["officeInfo"] = inputArray[element].value; } else if (inputArray[element].name === "businessPhone") { unifiedProfileObject["businessPhone"] = inputArray[element].value; } unifiedProfileObject[inputArray[element].name] = inputArray[element].value; if ( unifiedProfileObject.peopleNumber != "" && endpointType === "leads" ) { leadApiRequestObject["peopleNumber"] = unifiedProfileObject.peopleNumber; } if (unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID != "") { newsApiObject["sfContactID"] = unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID; } } if (unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID != "") { candidateWorkHistory["subscriberKey"] = unifiedProfileObject.contactSfID; } } if ( !leadApiRequestObject.rhInternalTrackingType || leadApiRequestObject.rhInternalTrackingType === "Not found" ) { // if the tracking type isn't already set by an ad campaign url leadApiRequestObject["rhInternalTrackingType"] = unifiedProfileObject.isLoggedIn ? "LUX" : "RH Website Visitor"; } } } if ( inputArray[element].tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === "rhcl-datepicker" ) { if (inputArray[element].value === "") { candidateWorkHistory[inputArray[element].name] = ""; } else { candidateWorkHistory[inputArray[element].name] = changeDateFormat( inputArray[element].value ); } } } var radioValue = document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-radio:checked"); if (radioValue != null) { radioValue.forEach(function (element) { leadApiRequestObject[] = element.value; newsApiObject[] = element.value; candidateWorkHistory[] = element.value; if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { if ( in unifiedProfileObject) { unifiedProfileObject[] = element.value; } } }); } if ( document.querySelectorAll("[data-attribute-iz]").length > 0 && "radioButton" in newsApiObject ) { delete newsApiObject.radioButton; } if ( document.querySelectorAll("[data-attribute-iz]").length > 0 && "radioButtons" in newsApiObject ) { delete newsApiObject.radioButtons; } if ("formType" in newsApiObject) { delete newsApiObject.formType; } var checkboxValue = document.querySelectorAll("form rhcl-checkbox"); if (checkboxValue.length > 0) { checkboxValue.forEach(function (element) { if (element.selected === true) { if ( != null) { leadApiRequestObject[] = element.value || "true"; newsApiObject[] = element.value || "true"; candidateWorkHistory[] = element.value || "true"; if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { if ( in unifiedProfileObject) { unifiedProfileObject[] = element.value || "true"; } } } } else { if (leadApiRequestObject.hasOwnProperty( { delete leadApiRequestObject[]; } leadApiRequestObject[] = "false"; newsApiObject[] = element.value || "false"; candidateWorkHistory[] = element.value || "false"; } }); } if (unifiedProfileObject != null) { window.setUPO(unifiedProfileObject); } if (document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn").length > 0) { return newsApiObject; } if ( document.querySelectorAll("input[name='formName']").length > 0 && document.querySelectorAll("input[name='formName']").value === "form_na_candidate_work_history" ) { return candidateWorkHistory; } return leadApiRequestObject; } function changeDateFormat(inputDate) { if (inputDate) { var splitDate = inputDate.split("-"); if (splitDate.count === 0) { return null; } var year = splitDate[0]; var month = splitDate[1]; var day = splitDate[2]; return month + "-" + day + "-" + year; } else { return ""; } } function retrieveJobAlertsInputFields(inputElement, inputValues) { if ( === null) { return inputValues; } if ( === "searchterms") { inputValues.searchTerms = inputElement.value || ""; } if ( === "email") { inputValues.emailAddress = inputElement.value || ""; } if ( === "location") { inputValues.location = inputElement.value || ""; } return inputValues; } function updateJobAlertDetails(inputValues) { let pagePath = new URL(window.location); pagePath = pagePath.pathname.replace("/content/roberthalf", ""); if (pagePath) { = pagePath.split("/")[1]; inputValues.language = pagePath.split("/")[2]; } jobAlertRequestObject.candidateEmailAddress = inputValues.emailAddress; jobAlertRequestObject.keywords = inputValues.searchTerms; jobAlertRequestObject.keywordsNoSpaces = inputValues.searchTerms.replace( /\s+/g, "" ); jobAlertRequestObject.location = inputValues.location; jobAlertRequestObject.locationNoSpaces = inputValues.location.replace( /\s+/g, "" ); jobAlertRequestObject.locale = inputValues.language.toLowerCase() + "_" +; jobAlertRequestObject.countryCode =; jobAlertRequestObject.insrtDttmHist = new Date().toISOString(); jobAlertRequestObject.subscriptionSourceUrl = window.location.href; jobAlertRequestObject.searchResultsUrl = window.location.origin + "/" + + "/" + inputValues.language.toLowerCase() + "/jobs/" + inputValues.location.replace(/ /g, "-") + "/" + encodeURIComponent(inputValues.searchTerms); const randomString = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 12); const timestamp =; jobAlertRequestObject.jobAlertsSubscriptionId = `${randomString}_${timestamp}`; } } window.verifyCallback = function verifyCallback(response) { recaptchaFlag = 1; leadApiRequestObject["interactiveRecaptchaToken"] = response; candidateWorkHistory["interactiveRecaptchaToken"] = response; newsApiObject["interactiveRecaptchaToken"] = response; if (leadApiRequestObject.hasOwnProperty("invisibleRecaptchaToken")) { delete leadApiRequestObject.invisibleRecaptchaToken; } if (candidateWorkHistory.hasOwnProperty("invisibleRecaptchaToken")) { delete candidateWorkHistory.invisibleRecaptchaToken; } if (newsApiObject.hasOwnProperty("invisibleRecaptchaToken")) { delete newsApiObject.invisibleRecaptchaToken; } }; function showInteractiveReCaptcha() { recaptchaFlag = 1; var key = document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn").length > 0 ? document .querySelector(".form-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("interactive-key") : document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("interactive-key"); // Create the interactive reCAPTCHA HTML var recaptchaContainer = document.createElement("span"); = "grecaptcha-interactive"; recaptchaContainer.className = "g-recaptcha"; recaptchaContainer.setAttribute("data-sitekey", key); recaptchaContainer.setAttribute("data-callback", "verifyCallback"); recaptchaContainer.setAttribute("theme", "light"); var formGeneral = document.querySelector(".form-submit-btn"); var formNews = document.querySelector(".form-btn"); if (formGeneral != null) { document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn") .insertBefore( recaptchaContainer, document.querySelector(".form-submit-btn").firstChild ); } if (formNews != null) { document .querySelector(".form-btn") .insertBefore( recaptchaContainer, document.querySelector(".form-btn").firstChild ); } // Render the interactive reCAPTCHA grecaptcha.render(recaptchaContainer, { sitekey: key, }); //ajax call in which we will get the score //passes } function validateRecaptcha(input, thisInstance, form) { var key = document.querySelectorAll(".form-btn").length > 0 ? document .querySelector(".form-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("invisible-key") : document .querySelector(".form-submit-btn rhcl-button") .getAttribute("invisible-key"); grecaptcha.enterprise.ready(function () { grecaptcha.enterprise .execute(key, { action: "click", }) .then(function (token) { leadApiRequestObject["invisibleRecaptchaToken"] = token; candidateWorkHistory["invisibleRecaptchaToken"] = token; newsApiObject["invisibleRecaptchaToken"] = token; ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); }); }); } async function validateForm(input, thisInstance, form) { let isValid = true; const fieldsToValidate = input; const promises = []; var flag = 1; fieldsToValidate.forEach((elem) => { if ( typeof elem.validate === "function" && !elem.getAttribute("form-submission-hidden") ) { promises.push(elem.validate()); } }); // wait for all promises to be finished await Promise.allSettled(promises).then(async (results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); const parameters = getURLParameters(); var params = Object.keys(parameters); flag = getByPassStatus(params); var postalCode = getPostalCodeInForm(); if (isValid && postalCode && isCountryUS()) { const isPostalCodeInvalid = getPostalCodeErrorValidity(); if (isPostalCodeInvalid) { isValid = false; } } // getEmailField and email valid functions are written in emailValidation.html file. var emailField = getEmailField(); if ( isValid && emailField ) { //If leads Submission we want to force validation on email field let isLeadsSubmission = false; //check if form is set to submit with leads endpoint formActionUrlIterable.forEach(([key]) => { if (key === "leads") { isLeadsSubmission = true; } }); //here we will make the call to validate email field if the field is // authored for validation or the submission is to leads if ( window.shouldCheckEmailValidation && typeof window.shouldCheckEmailValidation === "function" && shouldCheckEmailValidation(emailField.value, isLeadsSubmission) ) { emailField.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); emailField.customInvalid = null; const isEmailCustomValid = checkEmailValidityForCustomDomains( emailField.value ); if (!isEmailCustomValid) { isValid = false; } setEmailCustomErrorMessage(isLeadsSubmission); if (isValid) { // check email for candidate restricted emails document.querySelector("#backdrop").style.display = "block"; await window.ssjoCandidateEmailCheck(isLeadsSubmission); document.querySelector("#backdrop").style.display = "none"; if (emailField.customInvalid) { isValid = false; } } } } if (isValid) { = "block"; if (test && flag) { if (recaptchaFlag === 0) { validateRecaptcha(input, thisInstance, form); } else ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } if (!test && !flag) { ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } if (test && !flag) { ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } if (!test && flag) { ajaxCall(input, thisInstance, form); } } }); } function recaptchaStatus() { var flag = 1; const parameters = getURLParameters(); var params = Object.keys(parameters); flag = getByPassStatus(params); if (test) { leadApiRequestObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "true"; newsApiObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "true"; candidateWorkHistory["recaptchaEnabled"] = "true"; } else { leadApiRequestObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; newsApiObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; candidateWorkHistory["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; } if (!flag) { leadApiRequestObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; leadApiRequestObject[bypassPerimeter] = parameters[bypassPerimeter]; newsApiObject["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; newsApiObject[bypassPerimeter] = parameters[bypassPerimeter]; candidateWorkHistory["recaptchaEnabled"] = "false"; candidateWorkHistory[bypassPerimeter] = parameters[bypassPerimeter]; } } function getLeadId() { if (document.querySelector("#leadId") != null) { var leadId = crypto.randomUUID(); var leadIdArray = [...document.querySelectorAll("#leadId")]; leadIdArray.forEach(function (ele) { ele.value = "rhwebsite_" + leadId; }); } } /*************************** Salary Guide Gating Logic*********************************************/ window.ready(function () { if (document.querySelector(".salary-guide") != null) { var currentUrl = new URL(window.location); if (currentUrl.pathname.includes(".html")) { var urlString = currentUrl.pathname.split("."); currentUrl = urlString[0]; } else { currentUrl = currentUrl.pathname; } if ( currentUrl.endsWith("salary-guide") || currentUrl.endsWith("guide-salarial") || currentUrl.endsWith("gehaltsuebersicht") || currentUrl.endsWith("salarisgids") || currentUrl.endsWith("guide-des-salaires") || currentUrl.endsWith("guia-salarial") ) { if (localStorage.getItem("unifiedProfileObject") != null) { var upo = window.getUPO(); var cookie = getCookie("wcmmode"); const gatingPropertyEl = document.querySelector(".gating-properties"); if (gatingPropertyEl != null && cookie != "edit") { var gatingproperty = gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatingproperty") !== undefined ? gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatingproperty") : "sgGatingFormSubmitted"; if (upo.hasOwnProperty(gatingproperty)) { var redirecturl = gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatedredirect") != undefined ? gatingPropertyEl.getAttribute("gatedredirect") : ""; if (redirecturl != "") { window.location.replace(redirecturl); } } } } } } }); function checkQueryString(field) { var url = window.location.href; if (url.indexOf("?" + field + "=") != -1) { return true; } else if (url.indexOf("&" + field + "=") != -1) { return true; } return false; } function getURLParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL = new URL(window.location); sPageURL =; var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split("="); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1]; } } } //current date and time in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS function currentDateTime() { var d = new Date(); d = d.getFullYear() + "-" + (d.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1) : d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + (d.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + d.getDate() : d.getDate()) + " " + (d.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + d.getHours() : d.getHours()) + ":" + (d.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + d.getMinutes() : d.getMinutes()) + ":" + (d.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + d.getSeconds() : d.getSeconds()); return d; } function getSubmissionDate() { if (document.querySelector("#submissionDateTime") != null) { document.querySelector("#submissionDateTime").value = currentDateTime(); } if (document.querySelector("#submissionDate") != null) { document.querySelector("#submissionDate").value = currentDateTime(); } } window.ready(function () { /***************************on focus analytics*********************************************/ var refreshCount = 0; document.querySelector(".form-container [rhcl-input][required]") && document .querySelector(".form-container [rhcl-input][required]") .addEventListener("focus", () => { refreshCount += 1; var formTypeVal = document.querySelector( ".rhformhiddenfield input[name=formType]" ); var analyticObj = { tealium_event: "focus_click", datalayer_version: 2, event_action: "focus", event_text: document .querySelector(".form-container [rhcl-input][required]") .getAttribute("name"), form_type: formTypeVal?.value ? formTypeVal?.value : "", }; if (window.getUPO().isLoggedIn) { analyticObj["user_id_sfc"] = window.getUPO().contactSfID ? window.getUPO().contactSfID : ""; } if (refreshCount < 2) { rh_datalayer_add(analyticObj, "event"); } }); }); }()) </script> <!-- Conditional form routing data --> <form class="form-container"> <span type="hidden" id="bypassToken" name="bypassToken" value="bypassToken"></span> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="500" copy="Our system temporarily timed out. 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Please try again in a few minutes or contact us if the issue persists." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="error" headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="positionTitleError" copy="Sorry, we don’t staff the role of {positionTitle} at this time." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <rhcl-alert hidden data-status="postalCodeError" copy="Robert Half cannot support staffing needs in {postalCode} at this time." headline="Error!"></rhcl-alert> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container"> <div class="form-field-set row"> <div class="field-set-header"> <rhcl-heading modifier="" tag="h2" theme="" variant="display5"></rhcl-heading> </div> <div class="field-element-row col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field-1385148703" label="First Name" type="text" required max-length="25" min-length="2" min-length-message="First name must have at least 2 characters" max-length-message="First name cannot be longer than 25 characters" pattern="[a-zA-Z]+(?:(?:\. |[\-' ])[a-zA-Z]+)*" error-message="First name is required" format-message="Please enter a valid First Name" size="small" theme="concrete" name="firstName"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field-1385148703"); element.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function(){this.value=this.value.trim();}); </script> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", e => { const textField = textField.customInvalid = null; textField.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field-2085585652" label="Last Name" type="text" required max-length="40" min-length="2" min-length-message="Last name must have at least 2 characters" max-length-message="Last name cannot be longer than 40 characters" pattern="[a-zA-Z]+(?:(?:\. |[\-' ])[a-zA-Z]+)*" error-message="Last name is required" format-message="Please enter a valid Last Name" size="small" theme="concrete" name="lastName"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field-2085585652"); element.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function(){this.value=this.value.trim();}); </script> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", e => { const textField = textField.customInvalid = null; textField.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field-1514231422" label="Business Phone" type="text" required max-length="14" min-length="10" min-length-message="Please enter a 10-digit Business Phone number" max-length-message="Please enter a 10-digit Business Phone number" pattern="^[\-\.\(\)\s]*[2-9]{1}[\-\.\(\)\s]*[0-9]{2}[\-\.\(\)\s]*[2-9]{1}(\d[\-\.\(\)\s]*){6}$" error-message="Business Phone is required" format-message="Please enter a 10-digit Business Phone number" size="small" theme="concrete" name="phoneNumber"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field-1514231422"); element.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function(){this.value=this.value.trim();}); </script> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", e => { const textField = textField.customInvalid = null; textField.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field--2080298925" label="Work Email" type="email" required max-length="80" min-length="2" min-length-message="Email addresses must be in the following format:" max-length-message="Email addresses must be in the following format:" pattern="(?!.*\.\.)[\-\w.]+@[\w\-.]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}(?:,[\-\w.]+@[\w\-.]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}){0,4}" error-message="Please enter a valid Work Email" format-message="Email addresses must be in the following format:" size="small" theme="concrete" name="email" error-message-lp="This domain is restricted" error-message-candidate="Please use your work email address"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> const type = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--2080298925").getAttribute("type"); if (type === "email") document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--2080298925").addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", emailValidation); function shouldCheckEmailValidation(value, forceValidation) { const personalEmailFlag = ""; if (!personalEmailFlag && !forceValidation) return; const domainArray = value.split("@"); return !(domainArray.length !== 2 || !value.includes(".")); } function checkEmailValidityForCustomDomains(value) { var allDomains = ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hotmail.roor,,,,,"; var domains = allDomains.split(","); const domainArray = value.split("@"); var domain = domainArray[domainArray.length - 1]; var flag = 0; for (var i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { if (domain === domains[i]) { flag = 1; break; } } return flag !== 1; } function setEmailCustomErrorMessage(forceValidation) { let emailField = getEmailField(); var message = ""; var value = emailField.value; if (shouldCheckEmailValidation(value, forceValidation)) { var isEmailValid = checkEmailValidityForCustomDomains(value, forceValidation); if (!isEmailValid) { emailField.setAttribute("custom-invalid", ""); var initialMessage = emailField.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); if (initialMessage != null && initialMessage !== "") { if (!initialMessage.includes(message)) { var customMessage = initialMessage + " " + message + " "; emailField.setAttribute("custom-error-message", customMessage); } } else if (initialMessage == null || initialMessage === "") { emailField.setAttribute("custom-error-message", message); } } else if (isEmailValid) { if (emailField.hasAttribute("custom-invalid")) { emailField.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } if (emailField.hasAttribute("custom-error-message")) { var initialMessage = emailField.getAttribute("custom-error-message"); if (initialMessage == null || initialMessage === "") emailField.removeAttribute("custom-error-message"); else if (initialMessage != null && initialMessage !== "") { if (initialMessage.includes(message)) { var x = initialMessage.replace(message, ""); emailField.setAttribute("custom-error-message", x); } } } } } else { if (emailField.hasAttribute("custom-invalid")) { emailField.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); } if ( emailField.hasAttribute("custom-error-message") && emailField.getAttribute("custom-error-message") === "" ) { emailField.removeAttribute("custom-error-message"); } } } function getEmailField() { return document.getElementById( "rhcl-text-field--2080298925" ); } function emailValidation() { let isValid = true; const promises = []; document .getElementById( "rhcl-text-field--2080298925" ) .removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); document.getElementById( "rhcl-text-field--2080298925" ).customInvalid = null; promises.push( document .getElementById( "rhcl-text-field--2080298925" ) .validate() ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { setEmailCustomErrorMessage(); } }); } </script> <script> { const emailTextField = document.getElementById( "rhcl-text-field--2080298925" ); const emailCheckCandidate = async (forceValidation) => { let candidateEmailRestricted = "true"; forceValidation = typeof forceValidation === 'boolean' ? forceValidation : false; candidateEmailRestricted = candidateEmailRestricted === 'true'; if (!candidateEmailRestricted && !forceValidation) { return; } const promises = []; let isValid = true; emailTextField.removeAttribute("custom-invalid"); emailTextField.customInvalid = null; const email = emailTextField.value; // check for email validity before doing email check promises.push(emailTextField.validate()); await Promise.allSettled(promises).then(async (results) => { results.forEach((result) => { if (result.status === "fulfilled") { if (!result.value) { isValid = false; } } }); if (isValid) { async function accountEmailCheck(email) { return fetch( window.aemSettings.rh_common.accountCheckEndpoint + email ) .then((res) => res.json().then((data) => { /** * { * "isCandidate": true, #true if SFCC response "emailType" is "candidate" * "isClient": false, #true if SFCC response "emailType" is "client" * "accountCheck": "hasWebAccount", # SFCC response "accountCheck" String value * "hasUser": true # SFCC response "hasUser" boolean value, * "needNewResume": true # if SFCC response "lastResumeDate" is older than 6 month or "lastResumeDate" is null * } **/ return data; }) ) .catch((err) => console.error(err)); } await accountEmailCheck(email).then((response) => { if (response?.isCandidate === true) { // candidate email used where it's restricted, show error const restrictedErrorMessage = "Please use your work email address"; emailTextField.customInvalid = true; emailTextField.customErrorMessage = restrictedErrorMessage; } }); } }); }; emailTextField.addEventListener( "rhcl-text-field-blur", emailCheckCandidate ); window.progressiveFrameCandidateEmailCheck = emailCheckCandidate; window.ssjoCandidateEmailCheck = emailCheckCandidate; } </script> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field--2080298925"); element.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-changed", function(){this.value=this.value.trim();}); </script> <script> window.ready(() => { window.addEventListener("rhcl-text-field-blur", e => { const textField = textField.customInvalid = null; textField.customErrorMessage = null; }) }) </script></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 field-element-col"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="rhformtext text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-text-field id="rhcl-text-field-1643314141" label="Company Name" type="text" required max-length="40" min-length="2" min-length-message="Company name must have at least 2 characters" max-length-message="Company name cannot be longer than 40 characters" error-message="Please enter a valid Company Name" format-message="Please enter a valid Company Name" size="small" theme="concrete" name="companyName"> </rhcl-text-field> <script> var element = document.getElementById("rhcl-text-field-1643314141"); 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