Research: Nickname statistics and analytics.
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height:300px;"></div> <p>Three quarters of nicknames (77%) are registered by men, and 23% are registered by women.</p> <h2>Use of nicknames</h2> <div id="in_use" style="width:100%; height:300px;"></div> <p><strong>The frequency of nickname use in different fields:</strong></p> <ul> <li>38% of users use nicknames in games</li> <li>26% - on the Internet for social media, services, and websites</li> <li>20% - in creative activities, hobbies, and other interests</li> <li>16% - in real-life social networks, work, study, and professional activity</li> </ul> <h2>Composition of nickname characters</h2> <div id="nickname_123" style="width:100%; height:300px;"></div> <p>Half of all nicknames consist entirely of Latin alphabet characters (without numbers and special characters). 17% of nicknames contain numbers, 8% of nicknames consist entirely of Cyrillic characters, and 25% of nicknames are a mix of Latin and Cyrillic characters, numbers, and special characters.</p> <h2>Letter case</h2> <div id="nickname_registry" style="width:100%; height:300px;"></div> <p><strong>Nickname distribution by letter case:*</strong></p> <ul> <li>36% of nicknames start with an uppercase letter that is followed by lowercase letters, for example: Nickname.</li> <li>35% of users write their nicknames with mixed-case letters, for example: NickName.</li> <li>22% of nicknames are composed entirely of lowercase letters, for example: nickname.</li> <li>7% of nicknames are composed entirely of uppercase letters, for example: NICKNAME.</li> </ul> <p><em>* Excluding spaces and special characters.</em></p> <h2>Number of words in a nickname</h2> <div id="words_quantity" style="width:100%; height:300px;"></div> <p>The vast majority of nicknames (71%) consist of one word. 24% of nicknames consist of two words, and only 4% of users have nicknames consisting of three words. No more than 1% of users choose nicknames consisting of four or more words.</p> <h2>Nicknames beginning with a Latin letter</h2> <div id="first_letter_latin" style="width:100%; height:600px;"></div> <p><strong>S</strong> is the letter most often used to start nicknames composed of Latin alphabet characters. The next most-common are the letters D, M, A, and K.</p> <h2>Nicknames beginning with a Cyrillic letter</h2> <div id="first_letter_cyrillic" style="width:100%; height:700px;"></div> <p>The most popular beginning letter for nicknames composed of Cyrillic characters turns out to be the letter <strong>К</strong>. Then follow the letters М, С, А, and Д.</p> <h2>Types of certificates</h2> <div id="cert_types" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div> <p>Distribution by <a href="/examples">certificate types</a>: Wooden – 66%, Silver – 25%, Gold – 6.4%, Platinum – 1.0%, and Diamond – less than 0.1%.</p> <br /> <p><em>In the future, we plan to expand the group statistics. If you have any ideas regarding other nickname statistics and metrics, you can suggest we add them to the study by contacting us at <a href=""></a>.</em></p> <p><em>* The research data is based on 1,425,557 nicknames registered in our project DB as of November 18, 2020.</em></p> <strong>Share:</strong> <script src=""></script> <div class="ya-share2" data-curtain data-size="l" data-lang="en" data-limit="6" data-services="facebook,twitter,blogger,reddit,tumblr,linkedin,skype,telegram,viber,whatsapp,vkontakte,moimir,lj,odnoklassniki"></div> <br /><br /> <script> $(function () { $('#m_f_chart').highcharts({// Распределение по полу credits: {enabled: false}, tooltip: {enabled: false}, chart: { backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)", type: 'pie' }, title: { text: '' }, plotOptions: { pie: { borderWidth: 0, cursor: 'pointer', allowPointSelect: true, dataLabels: { enabled: true, distance: -50, color: "#ffffff", x: -10, style: { textShadow: false, fontSize: '13px' }, format: '{}: {point.percentage}%' } } }, series: [{ data: [{ name: "Males", y: 77, color: "#00b0f0" }, { name: "Females", y: 23, color: "#ff3399" }] }] }); 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