SFGovTV2 LIVE (Osprey)
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line-height: normal; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 1vw; padding: 0.5vw; } @media only screen and (max-device-width: 1023px) { #fullscreenCaptionsSpan { font-size: 4vw; } @media only screen and (orientation: landscape) { #fullscreenCaptionsSpan { font-size: 3vw; } } } </style> <script> window.captionsArray = ['','','']; window.pubnubCaptions = []; window.fullscreenCaptions = ['','','']; function ProcessPubNubSubscription() { getCurrentTime(); window.pubnub = new PubNub({ subscribeKey: "sub-c2d442a8-bc92-11e1-965d-73676a41e701", origin: '', ssl: true }); window.pnTimetoken = undefined; window.pubnub.addListener({ message: function(event) { if (event.message.type === "CONTROL") { if (window.lastStartOrStopEvent) { //added the if statement below to ensure "STOPEVENT" triggers processEvent //because there were inconsistencies in the previous logic triggering that event //there is also logic handling these events in gmp.js if (event.message.text === "STOPEVENT") { processEvent(event); } } else { window.lastStartOrStopEvent = event; setTimeout(function() { window.lastStartOrStopEvent = null; }, 60 * 1000); processEvent(event); } } else { processEvent(event); } }, status: function(status) { // pubnub and its inconsistent/weird times window.pnTimetoken = status.currentTimetoken; if (status.category === "PNNetworkDownCategory" || status.category === "PNNetworkIssuesCategory" || status.category === "PNTimeoutCategory" || status.category === "PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory" || status.category === "PNTLSConnectionFailedCategory" || status.category === "PNUnknownCategory") { window.pubnub.reconnect() $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/api/metrics/frontEndLogger", data: {"message": "PubNub Disconnect: " + status.category + ""}, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }); 聽聽聽聽聽聽 }; } }); window.pubnubSubscriptionOffset = "" ? 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characterCode = parseInt(matches[1], 16); var actualCharacter = String.fromCharCode(characterCode); caption = caption.replace(matches[0], actualCharacter); } } caption = caption.replace(/(",|%26quot%3b)/g, ' ,'); return caption; } var captionsAvailable = function() { return window.pubnubCaptions && window.pubnubCaptions.length > 0; }; var flowTimeMicroseconds = function() { return flowplayer().video.time * 10000000; }; var firstCaptionTime = function() { return window.pubnubCaptions[0].timetoken; }; function pushCaption(caption) { for(var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { window.fullscreenCaptions[i-1] = window.fullscreenCaptions[i]; window.captionsArray[i-1] = window.captionsArray[i]; } window.fullscreenCaptions[2] = "<p>" + caption + "</p><br/>"; window.captionsArray[2] = caption; } var pushAndRenderCaption = function() { pushCaption(window.pubnubCaptions[0].message.text); window.pubnubCaptions.shift(); if (flowplayer().isFullscreen || embedded) { renderFullscreenCaptions(window.captionsArray); } else { renderCaptionsArray(window.captionsArray); } }; var renderCaptionsArray = function(captions) { for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { $('div#captions-line-'+i).html(captions[i-1]); } } var renderFullscreenCaptions = function(captions) { var captionsString = "" for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { captionsString = captionsString + "<span id='fullscreenCaptionsSpan'>" + captions[i-1] + "</span>"; } $(".fp-captions").html(captionsString); } function checkForSubString(target, searchString) { return target.indexOf(searchString) >= 0; } function includesEither(target, first, second) { var usersAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (checkForSubString(usersAgent, '.NET')) { return checkForSubString(target, first) || checkForSubString(target, second); } else { return target.includes(first) || target.includes(second); } } function recoverHlsStream(event) { window.startOrStopEventTime = event.message.time; window.pubnub.unsubscribeAll(); window.pubnubCaptions = []; window.captionOffset = undefined; window.videoHasBeenRecovered = true; flowplayer().engine.hlsjs.recoverMediaError(); hideCaptions(); } var processEvent = function(event) { switch (event.message.type) { case 'caption': event.message.text = formatCaption(event.message.text); window.pubnubCaptions.push(event); break; case 'METAJSON': var data = JSON.parse(unescape(event.message.text).replace(/"/g, '"')); if (data.type == "Granicus.MeetingDocument.AgendaItem") { document.getElementById('current-agenda-item').title = data.displayName; document.getElementById('current-agenda-item').textContent = data.displayName; } break; case 'CONTROL': var stopEvent = event.message.text === "STOPEVENT"; var startOrStopEvent = ((event.message.text === "STARTEVENT") || stopEvent); var eventPubRegEx = /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/; var windowLocation = parent.window.location.href; var publishPoint = windowLocation.indexOf("publish") > -1; if(publishPoint){ var isEvent = eventPubRegEx.test(windowLocation); } if (stopEvent && ((windowLocation.indexOf("event") > -1) || isEvent)) { if ((flowplayer != null) && (flowplayer.instances != null) && (flowplayer.instances[0] != null)) { flowplayer.instances[0].on('error', function(e) { console.log(e); }) } else { flowplayer().on("error", function(e){ console.log(e); }) } setTimeout(function(){"/panes/endofevent.php"); }, 35000); } else if (startOrStopEvent && includesEither(windowLocation, "publish", "camera")) { setTimeout(function() { recoverHlsStream(event); }, 3000); } break; default: console.log('Uncaught event type:'); console.log(event.message); } } var embedded = isEmbedded(); window.captionOffset = undefined; </script> </section> <label id="index-section-label" style="display: none;">Video Indices</label> <section id="index" aria-labelledby="index-section-label" class="index-content index-content-visible"> <div class="current-item flex-col-center"> <span class="current-item-label">Current Item</span> 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